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Boys' Wash Suits Boys' Linen Tams
Stylish Clothes.
Here's Two Clothing Leadersit will be well
for you to see
$4.95 Bargain 16 Men's Striped Tweed 2-
g Piece Summer Suits, patch
pockets, well cut and made, fit for any man to wear,
regular price from $0.50 to $8.50.
$7.50 Bargain 22 only 's TweeSns
in lighMen
t and d dark colors, it
right up-to-date, sizes 35 to 44, regular price $10.00.
Men's Unlined Coats.
Mon's Tweed and Flannel
unlined odd Coats, sizes 34
to 44, regular $3—Bargain..$2.25
Boys' Unlined Suits,
4 only, Boys' two-piece un-
lined Flannel Suits, sizes 30
to 32, reg. $4 50—Bargain.,$2.75
Bargains in Boys' Suits.
15 only, two and three-piece
Tweed Suit Norfolk, No folk, Rus-
sian Blouse, etc., sizes 22 to
28, reg. prices $2.75 to $5.50
.Men's Unlined Suits.
3 only, Men's Navy Blue
Serge, unlined two-piece
Suits, sizes 40 and 42 only,
regular $4.50—Bargain...,$2.95
Colored Shirts.
36 only, Men's Colored Shirts,
sizes 14 to 18, regular price
50c and 75c—Bargain 390
Boys' Wash Coats.
Boys' Wash Coats in Linen
and black and white Drill,
sizes 24 to 34, regular 75o
and 850—Bargain 600
$1.00 Men's Colored Shirts 75c.
6 Doz. Men's Colored Shirts, new patterns, regular price $1.00
and $1.25, sizes 14 to 18i2—Bargain 750
Boys' Cotton Stockings.
5 Doz. Pairs Cotton Stockings, heavy ribbed, double knees, sizes
6 to 91, regular prices 20c and 25c—Bargain on Saturday
2 pairs for 25o
Bargains in
Men's Shoes all August.
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Something over hail a million dol-
lars will be received in liquor license
fees bythe Provincial Government;this year. Thie is about $200,000 more
than last year, under the old, Act, and
over $40,000 1110).* than was estimated
by the Provincial secretary, ,Tion. W.
J. Hanna, when he introduced the
new Liquor License Act at the recent
session of the Legislature, Notwith-
standing this great increase in rev°.
nue the number of licenses held in On-
tario this year is considerably less
than in former years. The irnmici-
pptilities affected all share with the
Government the increased revenue
resultant upon the higher fees. The
half million is only the Government's
share. It would, appear that the rais-
ing of the license fee has been justi-
fied. Not a licensee failed to aiply
for a renewal on the ground ofin-
crease, and reports from the various
local License Boards show that there
were scores more applicants than
there were licenses granted. In plac-
es, too, where an effort was made to
increase the price on beverages to
make up the difference, the result has
been invariably unsatisfactory and
followed by an early restnnption of
the old scale.
The Happiness Of home.
Very huge depends on the mother's
disposition ; if she is animated and
bright, everyone is happy ; but if she
nervous, irritable and cross—every-
thing goes wrong. Bright cheery
women nsually use Ferrozone, the
greatest health• maker known. By
acting through the blood Ferrozone' is
able to reach all the organs that need
assistance ; it establishes regular and
healthy action of all functions, builds
up the general health, fortifies the
system with a reserve of energy that
defies disease. Don't put off—Ferro-
zone costs only 50c at any drug Store ;
get it to -day.
The Old Boys' Carnival, which is to
be held in connection with the Re-
union of Stratford and Perth County
Old Boys at Stratford from August
4th to llth next, will be something
that is worth coming hundreds of
miles to see. The management of the
Re -union made an exceedingly careful
search for a suitable man before they
placed the contract for the Carnival,
and were fortunate in securing the
services of Messrs. Bishop and
Schwartz, experienced carnival pro-
moters from New York City. These
genlemen recently closed a most suc-
cessful Carnival at New York City in
aid of one of the Hospitals, the affair
being voted by all who saw it as one
of the very best things of the kind
ever put on. At Stratford there will
be five acres of the highest class of
tont shows, every one of which will be
opened from August 4th to llth, and
which will provide a veritable feast of
fun and frolic for those who visit the
Classic City during the Re -union. The
Carnival, which is quite separate from
the several amusements put on by the
Old Boys' Association,willinclude a
one -ring circus that is guaranteed to
take the oldest visitor back to the
days when he was a bare-footed
youngster, a vaudeville show, a min-
strel show, an illusion show and a
high-class moving picture show, to-
gether with a Ferris wheel, merry-go-
round and other splendid attractions.
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AUGUST ,...�....
Stratford and Perth County
Old Boys'
Re -Union
--- AT
Saturday, August 4th—Opening Day
Arrival of Speoial Trains—Band Concerts Afternoon and Eve'g,
Sunday, August 5th—Old Boys' Sunday.
Old Boy Preachers in City Pulpits — Sacred Band Concerts.
Monday, August 6th—Reception Day.
Arrival of Speoial Trains, Baseball Games, Paindes, Performance
at Park, Fireworks.
Tuesday, August 7th—Athletic Day.
Aquatic and Land Sports — Trotting and Pacing Race — 10 Mile
Road Race—Baseball Games—Social and At -Homes.
Wednesday' August 8th --Military Day.
Manoeuvres by 21st and 28th Regiments — Sports — Band Concerts,
Thur., Friday, Saturday—Aug. 9, I0, II.
the Great Old Boys' Carnival — 8 Days of Fan and Frolic.
Don't fail to see the Electrical Illuminatious.
Greatest put on in the West.
Fireworks—Most Dazzling Display. Parades—Thousands of Old Boys. Bands -
48th Highlanders, Channer's (Detroit), and Many Others. Sports—Open to All
with Big Prizes. Balloons—Thrilling Day and Night Ascensions. Spectacles—
Nelson's Great Victory at Copenhagen, depicted in Moving Fire Tableau. 21st
Essex Regt. in Manoeuvres. Hardy—World's Greatest Wire Artiste. Carnival
—5 Acres of Fine Tent Shows. Clowns—A Score of the Funniest.
Something Doing Every Hour A11 Week. Something to Please Old and Young.
SINGLE FARE—Railway Rates on Certificate Plan.
W. J. Ferguson J. D. McCrimmon Frank A. Copus
(Mayor), Pres. Vice -President Secretrry
—John James Boyd, a well-known
resident of the 4th con., Culross, pass-
ed away on July 20th. His death was
not unexpected, as it was preceded by
several months of lingering illness
from anemia, a disease that has prov-
ed peculiarly fatalto the family,
eral of his sisters having died at a
comparatively early age of that mala-
dy. Deceased was aged 47 years and
5 months, was born and had always
lived on the farm where he died, one
and a quarter miles south of Tees-
waer. He was an only son and the
last to survive of a family of six.
—Fordwich can boast of the best
kept station lawn from Teeswater to
Orangeville. The flower beds are cer-
tainly beautiful and Station Agent
Bradley receives many compliments
on the neat appearance of his whole
surroundings.-Fordwich Record.
Scrub y.:irself daily, you're not
clean inside. Clean insides means
clean stomach, bowels, blood, liver,
clean, healthy tissue in every organ.
Moral : Take Hollister's Rocky Moun-
tain Tea. 35c, Tea, or Tablets. Ask
your druggist.
r4-7-00” •
Furniture Bargains
For 30 Days.
Special Clearing Sale
New and Up-to-date
S. Gracey's Furniture Store
In all lines of Bedroom • Suites,
Sideboards, Parlor Suites, Couches,
Parlor Chairs, Iron Beds, &c.
If you want Big Values for your
money, this is a special chance.
A Specialty in Picture Framing
In this particular line we
profess to be second to none.
Having had over 27 years'
experience, we feel confident of giving entire satisfaction to anyone
needing our services. Calls attended any hour (day or night.) Our
prices are reasonable.
� S. Gracey
Furniture Dealer and Practical Undertakerj
—Mr. Malcolm McLean, Walkerton's
venerable postmaster, celebrated his
birthdayue d
out sof
last week. He was born at Mull, Ar-
gyleshire, Scotland, and came to Can-
ada when a young man. He is Walk-
erton's first postmaster, and has ad-
ministered the duties of the position
continuously for sixty years, and is
yet good for several more years of
—Since the passing of the Act last
year by the Provincial Government
givingveterans of '66 and ' 0 and the
South African War their choice of 160
acres of land in New Ontario or $50
in cash, the number of applicants
proving their claims and asking for
the money has now totalled the
amount of the claims to over $10,000.
More veterans are anxious for the cold
cash than they are for the land.
Isard's Big Clean .Sweep Ten DaysSale
Coinmencing Saturday, Aug&st 4th, and Positively Ending August 15th,
A Sale That Beats Them -A11.—$20,000 Stock to be Slaughtered.—Great Reductions in Every Department.—Never Mind How Much We
Lose ; it will be your Gain.—Please Come in the Morning, if Possible.—Greatest Bargains Ever Offered in Huron County.
Grocery Department.
Great Money Saving Chances For Ten Days Only.
One pound tins Art Baking Powder with granite -ware premium, worth
from 50c to 750 each -10 days' Sale Price, only 390
2 cans best Salmon for 25c
Japan and Ceylon tea, good value
for 25c lb.—Sale Price 20c
25c Heavy Brooms 20c
Laundry Starch per lb 50
Yeast Cakes per box
10c bottle Extracts only 8c
4 lb. cleaned Currants for 25c
Fresh Tapioca, reg, price 1Oc for61c
13c cans Tomatoes on sale 10c
12 bars good Laundry Soap for 25c
150 bottle Pickles Sale Price100
Pot Barley, per lb 3c
Everything in this department on sale at reduced price.
Big Savings on Clothing,
Two Thousand Dollars' Worth of the Best Clothing to be
Sold at a Glaeat Sacrifice.
18 Men's plain and fancy Tweed Suits worth from $6,50 to $7.00—yorir
choice for•
Men's flake pattern Tweed Suits, good value for $8—our Sale Price 6.00
23 Pine Tweed Suits, sizes 38 to 44, new patterns, regular value $10-10
days' Sale Price '7.95
Boys' two-piece Suits, regular $2.00 and $2.50 lines—your choice 1.50
Boys' 3 -piece Suits, pretty patterns, well made with strong linings, good 9 50
value at $4,50—Sale Price
Youths' strong Tweed Suits, worth $5 and $6—to clear
Men's strong Tweed Pants, regular value $`L—Sale Price
15 pairs Pants, well -made, regular price $2,50 --on Sale
Men's strong Overalls in blue or black Denim, only
10 Men's Waterproof Coats, worth $4.50 and $5—on Sale for
A lot of Men's Rain Coats to clear out at
Special in Nightgowns.
Ladies' White Cambric Nightgowns, good width, worth $1, for 60c
Special Nightgowns, nicely trimmed, worth $1,25 ---Sale. Price 08e
FLANNELETTE,—Heavy striped Flannelette, one yard wide, worth 10c 8c
per yard, for
Ladies' Wrappers, ,Etc.
Nicely made Wrappers, fast colors, lined in the waist, good valve e t
$1.25-10 days' bale Price 99c
Ladies' Linen Waists, nicely made, worth front $1 to $1.50—on Sale at75c
Ladies' seamless Cashmere Hose, fast black, regular value 35c, for 25c
Ladies' White Lawn Waists — Latest Styles at
Big Reductions.
90c value for 69c I $1.00 Waists for.... 75c I $1.25 Waists for 95c
$1.50 Waists for... $1,15 I $2.00 Waists for.. , $1.50 I $2.50 Waists for.... $1.95
SILK WAISTS.—Pretty Cream Silk Waists, good wash silk, latest
style, worth from $3.50 to $4.00—your choice $2.50
PRINTS.—Crum's best English Prints, new patterns, worth 121c, for.... 10c
KID GLOVES.—Ladies' Kicl Gloves, black or colors, GUARANTEED good
valne at $1.25—Our Sale Price 90c
CORSET COVERS, -5 doz. 25c Corset Covers, nicely made, to clear at15c
Our Very Large Stock
of Ribbons must be
20c Fancy Ribbons on sale for.... 15e
20c wide Plain Ribbon for 150
25c fine wide Plain Ribbon for20c
15c plain, all colors for 121
121c plain, all colors, for 10c
Gents' Furnishings.
10 doz. Four-in-hand and Hook -on Ties, regular 25c lines --your choice.. 19c
Fine thread Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers—our Sale Price per suit.... 70c
Summer Undershirts and Drawers, special to clear, only. 250
Fancy soft and hard front Regatta Shirts, worth 75c to $1—your choice.. 49c
Cotton Sox, 2 pair for 15c
Dress Goods.
Fancy Silk Voile, very wide, regular price $L25 ---Sale Price 90e
Silk and Wool Crepe de Chene, worth 75c for SOc
Colored All -wool Voiles, regular 50c for '39e
Cashmeres, Lnstres and Merges, regular 60c per yd. ---Sale Price 45c
Tweed Suiting, 51 -inch wide, worth $1.25, our price to clear iSe
All other lines of Dress Goods at greatly reduced prices.
No Goods charged at Sale Prices. No Goods sent on approbation.
Bargains in Wash Goods.
10c and 121c Ginghams and Mus- 115c Striped Linen for 10c
lips, on sale at 71e 150 Striped Chambray for 10c
20c Linen Voile for 15c
Ladies' white Cambric Drawers, nicely made, worth 50c, for 39c
A lot of good Corsets to clear, regular 50c and 75c lines for 39c
Examine These Silk Values.
10 pieces 27 -inch Japan Taffeta Silk, regular 50c quality for 42c
50 yards black, soft Taffeta, good value at 65c—Sale Price 49c
Lace Curtains.
25 pairs Curtains 31 yards long, dollar value—On Sale 75c
14) pairs wide Curtains, worth $1.2S ---Sale Price 98c
20 pairs fine Lace Curtains, good value at $2.00—Sale Price $1.50
Big Sale of Carpets.
Brussels Carpet worth $1 a yd. for 75c 35c Union for 25c
Extra heavy Tapestry, good value 160c Union for 48e
at 83c Sale Price 65c 3 -ply All -wool Carpet worth $1 for 80c
60c Tapestry for 48c 25c Japan Matting for 20c
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Table Linen.
60c extra wide, bleached Linen, clover leaf pattern—Sale Price 45c
3 patterns Table Linen, heavy, worth 50c—Sale 40e
New patterns bleached Linen, very wide, worth 75e --On Sale 59c
Extra fine quality Linen, 2 yards wide, worth $1.25 --Sale Price $1,00
Fine dollar quality Linen for 80c
Table Napkins.
6 doz. Table Napkins, good value at $1.00 --Our Sale Price 75e
Large, fine Linen Napkins, nice patterns, worth $1.50, for $1.25
Extra fine, large size, Irish Linen Table Napkins, worth $2.50. --.Male1.95
Special size Irish Linen Table Napkins, worth $3.00, for 2,25
10 doz. Linen Towels, good value at 25e pair—Sale Price 20c
Extra large size, pure Linen Towels, regular price 35e, for 2;1c
5 doz. Linen Huck Tow els, good value at 25c each, for l0c
Cash or Produce in exchange for goods. No Coupons Given or Sales punched on Tickets during the Big Sale.