HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1906-08-02, Page 34+4 zi-erei tee-e-Rsetetra 0.4e4e+4444 -04. 04 44 ++ 444.04,0++ 4-0 44. 444-40144+104. 1 IQueer Traits of the Crow Easily Shot When Once Their Lender is Killed, 44+ #,+####+###.# #4.+4+4«###### 044 •-• *0444 4.4-444, No lerd is better knewn to the farmer than the intuition Amerlean crow, no fend le se detested, but en the other nand ZIOne is 4110re imountly tented. Jut om farmer out netir Chatham, N. J., who bas hunted crows for more than forty snare, deseribee them se remark. able mixtures of intolligenge and etapen ity. "Feel' Coen of crows has its king or eeeder, whom the rest obey implicitly, ana without wboin they beeerme untterly demoralized, iind mem unable to act tor themselves," he eine. "II you went to destroy a whole flock of crows the first thine to aim at is to kill the king. "nen:miner when I was a Smart b0,y an uncle of mine planted a large Bele of corn, whine a Cock of crows instentln selected as a fee:ling emend. For a tong time they set at date= ell .efforts to disperee them. The Jing crow at upon a tall tree, from which he surveyed!: the eountry for great distanan s soon as my uncle nr his. men tame in sight in would. sound the signal of Alarm, and he and en his followere would take night; but no .sooner weee the mien too tar itway to ehoot than the king would make the feet known, and the enitre flock would return. After westing•a dentatity of ammunition and tie greater part of a morning without sliooting even One of the trawled, my unele hunted me un. "'Steve,' he said, 'you're pretty good svithe gun. New, tell you whet --1711 give you a stellar •for every crow you kill out lc that field of mine. "I suppose he thought thee, on the chance of earning a dollnr, I woeld spend the next dey 4.n. two chasing crows ofS his corm Well, I didn't say anything, I took my gun and started off that Mee ternoon. There were tee crows at work in the field and the king on the tell tree. "He cauget sight of me as 1 seem over the top of the hill, and gave the stigvuti. I went on down the road, hid an sosue buthee just across from the field, and waited for mere than an hour; but the crows seemed to have gone for the nay. I decided to give it up till the next morning, and started back up the road. Just as I disappeared over the top of the hill I heard a loud caw, and, turning, beheld those crows comine, in a swarm. to settle on the field , Several times. I tried to steal up the road on them but it was • no use. Then I resorted to Arat- "I event up the hill and quite a piece -down the other side. Then, when 1 heard the king crow give the signet to return, I stepped behin,d the bushes by the roue eine and succeeded In creeping all the way back without his catelang sight of me. I picked him off easily, and as they did not hear nim give the signal of alarm the other crows event on feeding until I Lead shot several of them. 'MEI their Wan intelded to Aftlein Rowq. 4+++++++++++4++++++++44444 I40 they do itt Birds are weetherwiee beyond other ereat•uree. Sweat and other enter birds sew* to bave isome sixth nertee witiere tells them when wet seeeen is coming Before 6U0}1 time they build their 'tests Otigher then usuel above the water enis, so that if flood comes the nest and as will not be washea way. The petaceck on MY head or shoulder. He seemed to • knOWS1 Oremitrlit what the weether will know when Sunday catne and would !be. Ills MIN% scream before he goes to bother me more then than on any other noost is a certain sign ot rain before day. lie wanted to keep Inc busy. As soon as he saw that had. nothing to .do, he would get hold of my trousers and try to pull me along with his for a tt•airip. "(lackey was never quiet for a moment except when asleep, and that was wily be the middle of the night. He was find num up aell last man to bed. "A. crow, as far as my observation erally in narroome, or the benefit of goes, is a natural born thief. Jeteltey people who have overinclulgea in drink would steal anything he could get•hold has been mule by the Massachusette nr, Garry it Of ana wee it. Ho was State board of health. Ars reported, in especially fond of anything bright, Beene its inonthey bulletin, they were found to as sewing materials, severe, climb/en contain such. benzoic or salicylic acid, us - needles, papers of pew, silver spoons and ed as a preservative, and the report adds jervelry of all sorts. that "one may reasonably doubt whether "Our barn was burned byelightning I irritant substances like salicylic and ben. lots zoic acids will tend to soothe the delicate that year, and thie gave *lackey lining of the stomach wIten that organ, business. He would work all day long 1. in common with the rest of the system, pieking nails out of the ashes and carry - Inds ..bey abused by overindulgence in Ing them off to the woods close by where stack thein in piles and cover them with aienn°1* Several eases ere given in detail thew- anorning.---Anewers. PERIL LURKS IN "BRACERS." Headache Cures Likewise Full of Poi- sons,Health Board Asserts, A study of some new "nervers," °ton- ers" and, "bracers" recently offered, gen- /eaves. ing poisoning from mete:mind, much used "One day while walking through the 1 in the composition of "headache. pow - woods en went without knowing it to the • pow- ders," an done case quoted in ' oromo spot where emu: of these nails were hid- seltzer," . The symptoms ere of steadily den. Just as I was about to tread an one • " lowereenvitality as the patient couttnued of his precious stores, Jackey hopped us.n 1 g them, together with a marked blu- down at my feet and began to picle up _ ish color of the skin. The cases turned mile SA fest as he could, carrying them i i ., • 1. up n ene out-patient departments of i. away to a place of safety. pitals and wore all cured by abandoning "Had Jacked. lived I think I could have : the use of the "powders.' taught him many tricks, for he was very! The report adds: intelligent. Unfortunately my pet came ; 1 The lesson is that drugs of this clan- ve an untimely . end just as he began to • gerous character should not be dispensed be most interesting. He hen been fightiug except on a physician's prescription and -with the hens one day and. they pulled their sale should be as strictly guarded out all the feathers in one of his wings. as is that of strychnia or aconite. The Later in the day he • attempted to fly across a creek, fell in and was drowned," , responsibility use of a danger label would throw the of an overdose wholly on — ; the patient. Tlie Gernian Government NOTHING WOULD HINDIICE JOHN. limits the character of the ingredients — i which may enter a headache powder, sold to the public, to harmless Not Even the Alluring Offer of "Mr: Bar- openly , substances like bicarbonate of soda and num of America." I caffein, and it seems that the time has The following letter, which the editor arrived when this country should do like - of the Grand Magazine printed verbatim wise. would seem to describe the record among i No class of remedies is subject to more heavyweights; I abuse than the so-called "headache cures," and in no class is the caution The letter was written in 1850, and is more needed, siuce the thief ingredient interesting also because of the details of is almost always acetanilid. It is of in - the munificent offer tuade by "Mr. Bar- ra= of North America." terest in this connection thin, a lady re- eleven y twO canny brought to the office of the board ally given. Practical! all th business a credit of three or four months IS USU., first place, this airship's built on a wrong Sin—Mr. Flint, of Sheffield, called Sheffield. had found on the doorstep, samples be- Consequently .the experienced. rine ex - in it. Do you follow m? Here is the letter: e Finns, 0. I've gene into the matter 'n distributed like han i • pert life savers are the only ones who _s Syria • . Y a package of tablets which ber children on is in the hands of commission pretty closely. There's not merchants. enough biefdy1 to door. The preparation was found to very short time. Experiments on doge are successful in their efforts', la a .the exact amount f ableinTurkey, is is impossiblet •:tlp o the candle impede- . o state i . something like a hansom cab, but upon my husband, John Middleton, and 1 g db Ils nom door Complete submersion ends :ire Inasmuch as statistics are not avail- were building an airship Ishould ' snake told him thatt you alad soome Other gen- be is known, however, that the without the 'wheels. Your propellers tlemen wish to show ins in a show. I ' be composed of camphor, caffeine and • thave shown that after four minutes r. the . consumption is very large. Candles are would be attached to the shafts and Om John to Make a show of imself is father I TEMPERED GOLD AND SILVER, . limit used is imposaible. With the en- . ley are used hut ituhecitiouusueds bind: Quite eimple. I can't think why Wish to say that nothing will hinduee , acetanilid. used in every home and h ' • steering apparatus. would bang out be - tions• it who his a local preether as a grate Ob- 1 man subject two minutes is the outside e wealthy natives as well as in the ow, tied it to that of a laege hawk "Them I took the body of the king jextion to anythinn of a hexebition had , John thought of showing , himself he Surgical Instruments of Gold Superior sons popular belief that ⌣ per. T"uri :yes. - They .. .si are furnished to the hotels end . Inge van_ the idea hasn't stunk someone else. But, as a matter of fact, an airship isn't the thing for the pole." country. 11 which I bed shot on any way there and tossed them into the middle of the 'field. when Mr. Barnum of North • America .A might have done soo soomtime since process of tempering gold, silver and to Those of Steel. tnothneicrte.d. time before death has no basis in see s" ns must always r:se to the eurf tee a T.shoetmaajtoerwitypluienrageetidelarIelyeutlyrozntlil! , tt''Ihteie cool= Hon of f all religions are an inesortant fee" said, eneouragingly. "You've got a plan of tents of the nomad tribes L • The crow is the moet curious lintel on wrote to him to offer him 2 guineas a day . marriages the guests "Worked. the whole thing out on rim - yew. own?" 1 earth. The .welsole flock came swooping and all expenses Mr. Barnum said he copper has been discovered by Mr. Z. F. ' bottom and in their confutsion and dee- en Vaughn of Los Angeles, Cal. By hold long lighted candles, which they per," said Mr. Fish, quietly. "I'd under- doev to solve the mystery of a. crow ' should have 14 punds of meet a day and thod, says the Scientific Amerieen, It is ' p anything — seaweeds, turn 0 ceremonies. During !carry away to their homes when they take to reach the pole in six months. and hawk lying there together. I shot a peck land a harf of onions as well as claimed that the ductile metals are not his MS' peration a•s ! depart. Persons desirous of bringing It's e.• question of expense." and shot into their midst, but ehey never 2 peeks of potatoes he also said he would only hardened but a cutting edge is ob• s and. the like—within their reach. '; good fortune to relatives and friends, or 6117* "Very costly business," I ventured to seemed to learn. • c grass to .risetagain.quTiehke troestLate.r knows to draw the blessings of heaven went over to riled unelePs end asked him for supper with 4 stones of bread tt day fineness and smoothness imparted to it. "When ell my shot was ex/mated I day and a stitton cheese every night that of 'steel, because of the microscopic ' eieny an, easy inatCer when he is stun - find him in drink 10 gallons of beer a ' tabled, keener and more durable than ; Saving a drownine person is compare- , this en,. IS always one to five candles constantly b • y urning , le •• anything ' Morning Post about it. But you know "Quite so, I wrote e letter to the ty-seven crows. went quickly enough, and counted nin n- more to heat and drink as well as a ed chiefly to the manufacture of surgical John would not take these terms so you ; The enventoes expeeiments wale devot- 1 1 ned ani inseneible. llie dilferenee in i hoping weight between the body and water is dans also use them, in their places of ing!" pi In Oats really interest - "Alter up.on themselves, frequently keep from to go see how much he owed me. Ile upon the church altars. The Mehemnae. whet these editors are. They refuse to home with an awfully sober face. "After • ' a wbsle he came back to the need ont apply unless you tan .offer him : instruments of gold, his first produe- 1 1 d M B 1 A being hypodermic needle. of aolid - larger sum per ay r. Barnum o mer- tion : that a naked body under water eepre- very 1 t. 01111 411 la I ' ctu S 0 nties eetimate ., "enlist was the principle on which you 1 proposed to work?" "'Steve,' he said 'I ) guess I'll have to ice, wanted to show John along with , tempered gold. 1 sods an extra four pounds. This ex. • "I proposed, sir to ley down a •Iight e eels yeu to 1st me of a. patt of that bar- General t thumb in Austria and ; For surgical purposes, the :inventor tomos : 1 plants why a paesive floating body can worship. hey the sultan wanted to see John claims that inetruments of tempered ; bt ellNetter, and the mere support of the finger lender the e so easily ow under ts , in Drowning Accidents 4++ ++++44+++44+++++4+0 (New York Herald.) Now that the emend of Fourth of July aecidente bee been uneae tlsose drown- ing are taking their turn. . From the fool that roens the boat to tbe convene -I amateur who nlwaye knows how to AM: oge the craft there is a wide range ol dangerous ventures, In the numerous upsets there is SeAreq- ly one without a death. Often the entire boatload, le lost and no One is left to tell the tale. If we could enly know in some one is always to blame. Filly eighty per eent, of suet acci- dents could be thus ,acounted for. 'With inexperienced potions there is a twine - thin in the sport that banishem the fear of danger. They tempt fate la every possible direction and defiantly violate al rules of safety. Youngsters are pro- verbially careless fuel foolhardy. There Hi generally one among the numner who is a daredevil spirit who will go to any lengths to try toolisit trieks. Theu, at the least alarm, all aboard lees their heads and there is a desperate straggle to clutch and drown one an- other. Each one must look after lam - self, when he is not only virtually help- less to do so, bat has an extra chance of beteg dragged under by his nearest e15 - rade. The moral is that no trust enould be placed in the oral:eery dwouldnre oars- man or the presempthously.domineering seilingsmaster. Bet who is willing to listen to suck oftrepeated adviee? The easne injunction's apply with equal force to bathers. Everyone, it is true, should learn to swim., but in the preper way. Some experienced person should. always be near in case of mishap. A sudden end unexpected fell into the water is always the most dangerous to the victim. who cannot care for himself. He is overcome by fright, unnerved by the shock of the plunge, often faints under water and in. his instinctive and reflex struggle against suffocation is sure to swallow quantities of water or, worse still, to inspire it aunt choke, his breathing. The •diffemitees of reseume, become multiplied. in proportion to tee umber and variety of these esenplice, tions, In such state he is a dannwous person to handle. No one can expset a drowning men to be passive and obnlient to ten directions of his life saver. rle invalfebly seises his helper, and n•ot. In. d• • t d of one In by their kretitette this h Oen f as eneahly that bins thien out. Neither ' wouel p" it be eligible fur nteineer- sidle uni se as a disciplinary nieetsure. "The e:ule Ls based upon tbe sound esyelsological principle of not doing ten- t:mestere- thinze nor calling the brain -ells into play by unneconnry thought. In panel:led everyday life this principle iS exemplified iri the establieliment of retreats .anionst tertnin of the religions creeds to whicli members may repair for eioditation anel rest, and medical eke it is shown in another form in the go -called rest *urn If one white* to enter into a study of a mild form of his perticular principle let hitn consider the amount of 'wasted energy, physical ene nientan that the average person each lay expends. in neealess talk and. need- less' action; it will be found to be pro- diglous. "Ail rules of luminance converge to tIte concentration ,of force and, the elim- ination of waste energy. In buinan: af- fairs nearly every individual endeavora to expend as much energy as lie on in the simpleiit, as in the greatest, of his endeavors, emitting to think that the mere force he puts into an act, II thought or a speenh, the better it is. Constant repetition of this waset force leads to enfei•bled bodie.s and wrecked meptalities; the let of empen'sation operates in the inevitable reaction atni consequent letting down of the forces. This s shown in another interesting example in everyday life in the familiar afternoon receptions, where eath of our deer sisters tries her best te.telk more and to esty nes than her neigthbor, and. she usually suceeeds, though she pays for at with a headache, which is merely a physical protest on the part of the over- taxed brain cells containing the power of speech. The effect upon the nervous system is very trying, arid it is to be ex - petted by these who know that the mem- bens of the dub in question find, them, selves so much better in this respect." qp• • THE LIGHT OF SYRIA. Rich and Poor Make Use of These Illuminents. 4 intir44-04-4+4444-+4444+441n4.444-40444414-Aninf4++ 13ETWEEN STATIONS 4iie4-441++444444-4444-44•444++++++44444-ir+4444-44,4444 (From Black and Whiten "Roca; for onei" inquired Mr. risk, when the trairs pulled up at Forest -Gate. lie etepped in and nodded. genially to the •burly stockleroker in the ,00rner, "Good. morning, sir. We're Hein to .114V4A some rain." The etockbroker glared, at bine. "Weae ther report says Tine,'" lie napped. "The weather report's wrong/' fetid Mr. Fish, with a gentle firmness, "Ile alma Iteve a smart ehower before mglit. The wind'e in the northeest," There wasp, elergeenan in the earriage who was not itequainted with Mr. Fish's beaven-sent gift of being better informed than eseeryoue, and he .diess into the con- versation. "I think you'll find that when tito wind's in the northeaet we are in for a dry spell," be said, blandly. Ain Feet beamed upon, bine "A pope - lar fallacy, sir. We shall Ilene rain with - be twelve hours." At that moment the train started with a jerk, and Mr. Fide who liad paus- ed to deliver bis opinion, sat down in my lap. nSo sorry," he said., pleasantly. "liut it really wasn't my fault. The engine - drivers on this line don't start the trains properly." die removed his straw bat witrt-the colored riebon and placed it on the reek with his bag beside, it, Then be wedged himself in between the clergyman and a bank clerk, and apologized to the latter for standing on bits foot. "That's eel riglie; said the bank clerk, grumpily. first-class smoker doesn't seem to be large enough for some peopleer feet," said: a man on the opposite seat, "They ought to travel Pullman." But Mr, Fish is one of those fortunate people who never understand a earcastrt levelled et themselves. "I don't approve of Pullman ears" he 'remarked. "In.y • wife and I once went down to Brighton Vice ,Consul -General William C. Mag- in one and I sat in 4 draughe I never elsson writes from Beirut that the can- had such a face in my life. Thought dies used in Syria are both manufactured ie wee maims, coming nun, locally and imported. • • 1 The stockbeoker looked up from Ins ose o omes pio uction are -hand-made and of poor finish. The ma- paper and. growled something that sounded like "Pity it wasn't," but Me. Weals used in making them are paraffin Fisk didn't hear. and stearin (imitation bees' wax), and "Do you see about this (fellow who's in SOIDO instances real wax is used. going to try to get to the North Pole Most of the foreign candles consumed in in an airship?" he said, turning to me. Syria are of 'French make. They are "Shocking mistake, isn't it?" Imported through commission houses I "You don't think 'he'll succeed?" and are sold to Syrian wholesale dealers; ; "No chance," said Mr. Fish. "In the • CHILDHOOD DANGERS. ht r t th elbow good with a gun you are: "'Well, tel you, uncle," sold. 'I've had a lot of sport this Afternoon, and if you'll glee me beak the dollar I spent on the shot to kill those crows I guess it will ha all right.' "I've neevr seen a (Lollar come out of a fames pocket as quiok thta one did. "Often since I've used the body of a dead. hawk to bring a crowd of crows within shooting dietance, and I've never knew int to fail. Somehow it le an ob- ject which Aeons to Menne peculior fae- eineution for them, driving, thesnelear out of their senses with curiosity les o e ovexedetne. "Some fanners exterminate svhole at Lincoln is now nearly 70 stones but eftes. 'J ay was a tte e n ler flocks of crows at once b tiekine he will not show himself as he is very The inventor states that tempered I "Pening used in tempering. uenst of all fatal acie,dents. .But, worst themselves to the most Ire- rhoett and severe vomiting. I at once At this point the stockbroker's- rare railen,ye he said, impressively. b d h said he must be the bine • ehin is ma:Mc/lent to give confidence in gold are superior to those of steel, be- 1 gain we made. I didn't caeoulate exnehly • more libreries, sir. There are tea eniiiin books alretedyn" "But surely otsetfling—"" "Reading is meetly wente time, What the world wauts is Welkin *tuba "Thinking clubs! You mon thetnen "1 mean that *onto of is talk too mon and. think too little," mid Mr. Inieh, 'belt- ing Ids head, sadly. 11 I were a lionaire, I should surprise eonie of then* fellows. I should build thinking dubs all over the countrye where no atm wete alloNved to speak." "I think that an Admirable sUggestiot" said the clergyman, and Itis eyes twinien ed pleasantly behind hie spectacles. "We'd all join," said the stock bre- kir, Mr. Fish beamed vntli pleasure. "We all need more time for medita- tion," he said. "Many peeple when once they start talking don't imam to know when to stop. They won't let their neighbors get a word in edgeways. lint there.--" At this moment the train relict luta Liverpool street ancl there was 4 SCUM.. ble for hats, sticks and bags. "If ever you join a thinkieg club, sir, 1'11 pay your eubscription," said. the stock brieker, by way of a parting throat. And he strode away svitli the air of a man who is seeking trouble. Mr. Fish wished rae good morning bur- riedly. He had decided to call on the traffic superintendent and give hint 4 few hints on the better management of the line. PURE WATER IS SKY BLUE. Scientific Men at I,ast Agreed as to its Color. After long hesitation, scientific men agree to -day in admitting that water' physically pure, seen M mass, is lacy blue. This color is that taken by the white light of the sun wlien absorbed. by the water in consequence of a phenomenon the explanation of which would be a lit- tle long. It is not due to the chemical purity of the water, since the sea, which is the bluest water, is also that which contains the most salt. Nevertheless, according the Forel's experiments, the matter in solution should be the predominant cause of the modification of color, upon which act, besides the matter in suspen- sion, the color of the bottom and the re- flection of the sky and the banks. Con- sequently blue water is pretty rare in nature; a good many seas and lakes that give us the impression of this tint are green. The water at present acknowledged to be the bluest is that of the Sargasso sea, between the Cape Verdi islands and the Antilles. The water of the Mediter- ranean off the French coast and around Capri is bluer thannhat of Lake Leman, much less blue itself than that of the lakes of Kandeinteg and Arolia, in Swit- zerland. Pure water containing a mil- lionth of ferric hydrate appears brown under a thickness of six metered; a ten - millionth is sufficient for it to be green and in order that it may remain bine is needed less than a twenty-millionth.— Illustration. Jap Juggling. Japan is the land of jugglers, end faahienable Japanese always have them at any large entertainment they give. One very clever old man goes around in a single cotton gown with two baskets / full of "properties' over his shoulders, and, putting them down anywhere, per. forms his tricks with the expectant midis i enee encircling him. A batful of coppera rewards him sufficiently and he °ea pole,"gasped.. en to eat fire, disgorge eggs, needles, an. I, cause of their non -corrosiveness .and.the I the first awimming lessons. . Diarrhoea. dysentery, cholera infant= " Cherk of London called to see John a •ease w . . • the world doctor iir Games e y zee lee on elerators. Simple no A B 0 . All ; place. At a recent Japanese dinner a gest man in with which they inay be stenhzeti. 1 This buoyancy of the body IS metnin and stomach trouble% are alarmingly f . • Why not? I !should carry it oner the terns and smoking pipes at the next The antitoxin needle is about MO due to the air in the lungs ervi gene: in (silent during the hot enather months • • week ago he said he was inormous he thought he would reach 120 stones poor . 1 'Itches long and the needle for spinal eue, • 1 under the water are quite a d ese 1 roit: es ecome acute, ing. I dropped 4 note to Rothschild • tieal illusions about wha.t the jugglers it •Nea,nte is a certain amount of organiz- 1 foreign guest determined to have no op• t t• e Persons who close Om •Toe often th t bl b . * * * "nom is n Latmesthesia ' is about three inches long 1 ""e' ineen !nen' only a few hours' illness. During the from kis secretary." John I am a o clo sin consequently it is. mouths win. e u , na precious itt e life is lost after about it. Had an alvfully civil letter did. He never allowed his glances to be bim as he can afraid it will go hard with hardly Is -seethe La g;The nestles are . John will not let any more people so you need no easy. of Introduction, the largest size th • h the t* ore readily . be tb ' pi -st i recollect thie when the aocident occurs. 1 But what needs to remen °red 0 sure to corae to the surface for another 'should keep a box of Baby's Own Tab- i "Ife said his lordship tihaohugphatutahade planFlayedlets in the house to cheek these ills if most .original." ;Mr. F' guard. Noticing this, the old juggler Floaree'elclaintor laiaime entirely.waab Lo Ub.0 wire. . MI who cannot s. t win:. ehould distracted, and was not once off his se him ; mt. neeessft.rYbreath. . 'hot weather season every wise mother "What did be say?" glad if you would subscribe a trifle to- t come over he will be ! passing loug e issue m than the `smallest steel needle. ; a au is that everyone who loves the they come suddenly. Better still, an smiled with conscious prid. e. "Rut be porcelain middle of the room,gand the juggler, ht iAnuanimdtaseetueini respectfully, Mn,-,, • leaves no mark. All wearing surfaces are luli dadi ill est OYnu.0 r I domino' to swim. wards his grate appetite. I 7 occasional es° o this medicine will keep regretted he couldn't see his way to fin- crawling in, let himself town into it els the needle is entirely aseptio it 1 wailer should be on its friendly side by d f.`11 the stomach and bowels .clean, and pre- anc.e it," he sield.ed, dreamily."Ile doubt- slowly. The skeptic sat for hal fan you named would subscribe a trifle 1 i medical gentleman t any degree of alloy. The secret of the P. S.—Peraps the solid gold and may be either 24 karat or i 1.4. ts 'strange indeea that so many for s dangerous aliments coining. ed if the traffic would justify its exist- h • ye rom e y vent those out without taking bis e f th would be very acceptable Johns brot ter process appears it be in the solution the want of this simple and moat easii uired accomplishment are constantly Mrs. John Lancaster, North Portal, Sask., ence, and thought there were practical vase, which, re NVILS eonvineed, was sound . . . a 3clasao stuffed owl up in a tree near Nvhere they well off. John was weighedY Q congregate, All crows, you know. level he broke 5 sets of scales at last they to tease an owl. If crows are success- managed to weigh him and he was just fully decoyed by a stuffed owl practi- SO stones. Yours respectfully, lfar Middleton. *ally he whole flock may be wiped out before they will abandon their fun. They will return again and again to tease the bird, in spite of the fact that some of their number are shot each time." Samuel W. Quick, a farmer of Rynexs Corners, N. Y., bas learned to have a an& cheerfulness. friendly feeling for all crows, because of To form no frienelohips that can bring a devoted pet in one of the tribe. I him into degrading associations. "I do not think crows are so fond of 1 To rrryPerloethmeornipaenhopolixten colivietiote. corn as some folks imagine," he told I To live a olefin life in thieved. and , thong bb writer. "The old birds feed their ' word. as well as in then, young on worms, bugs end insulin. IV,: That true enanliness always commands Is such food they are after when .they ' mimes& go into the freshly tilled fields. In hunt- 1 That the' !beet things in life are not Ing for these they naturelly damage the those than ean be bought with money. oorn to a eertain extent. My pet w0u1d I That to cornena,nd lee muet first leant not touch grain of any kind. I think he ; to obeer. Would have starved before eating corne 1 That thc•re• ean be ne compromise be. "1 shed teats when I lost that bird. I tween, honesty and dithonesty. called him Jockey. I got him by climbing; That the virtue . of punctuality a rd to the top of a tall pine tree and carry- , polibeness are exoellent things to (mill- ing him down in my arms. I put him in I Vaie• a box about two feet square with a 1 That a, gentleman is just what the sieve across the front. After' keeping ; word implies—a man who is geetle in him there about one week I let hint out 1 dAS dettliiage with the opinions, feelines, for a walk. Very soon he was so tame ; 'mid w(mtkiles°°8 °f other people.--Aloth- er's Magazine. t Mary , Teach the Boy. To be true to his word and week. To face all difficulties with courage that I gave lune entire freedom. Ite slept in the trees in summer and in the ebleken louse with the lens in winter. "When hungry he would come into the 4 • 1 MUSCULAR POWER OF BIRDS. Birds are possessed of enarreoue Ines - copper is not au h•eet to t to. or s lidation through vibration which fimits , the life of steel; that springs of temper - 1 ed copper have not only as great elas- tieity and strength as steel springs but that owing to the extreme slowness of the process of crystallization they will retain the spring temper for a praatical- ly indefinite period. It is expected that a utost extensive uae of tempered copper will be made for journal bearings. Owing to the greet density of the metal, it takes a perfect polish with use and makes an almost frictionlese bearing, free frone da.nger of overheating and outlasting either Babbitt metal or brass for the purpose. Lender a microscope a razor manufact- uerd by Mr. Vaughn showed a much smoother edge than a steel razor anda test proved that it held its edge long- er. Won't Become Citizens. A fdature of the case which. is Of spe- cial interest to the United States is thnt a considerable number of these Hunger- . . . b' usn immigrants aeem ; come citizens or to beeome in any way permanently identified with this country. They retain their allegiance to the King, -they send back their savings to the old country, and after A time they them. selves return thither—precisely .as the Chinese have so often been denouneed for doing. In connection with that cir- cumstance it is pertinent to recall that Baron de Levity, in the utterance which We have cited, declared that the nun- garzan gm ernment had officially proven el means for the sae transmission home of emigrants' ternittenees of savings, and for the repatriation of those who needed to return bonne. If to this we add the offieial statement recen'ty attributed to Dr. 'SVekerle, the Ilungariett Prime Mitn4' ter *that the efforts of the Hungarian govettiment to induce its emigrantto Amer ea to retain their Hungarian cid- zonal ip are %fleeting with much Bement, We may parties% arrive at an explana- tion el the phennionea we have telluric - ed npcn. It. that ease the eireutnettnices mint be regarded as decidedly unsatisfactuty ten'. its einidinsizing the need of a string. met reeasting of tut immigration laws. It is not desirable to have myriests of aliens flookieg bitherwitb en thee -ht es. becoming Americanized, but Meaning to reemin aliens, to get all the Antertcan motley they ean and then to return to thr oldeihoutes.--Is,ent York Tribune. . ''- 1 '". I Too Duey to Whistle. Minton Herald.) It is geld the AA of wise:nine wilt wit be ' toutted amnia the leet unto** there Is a revival et the cheery, spirit that iseturte tO ' to _forsaking men: 1.%:.etedt. whistles., as he 1 rurelf: .11 thrletlifv;-'1;zig.billieur110: whittle. NOr deet lie hum ot hint in him* 4.611) for thatitnetter. ife Is If hot 'doomed ttitieMier:sioSotteraertnitort 11"34* holm, gee hold of my wife's skirt and miler power far exceeding, in some eases, pull and yell fled flap his wings until that of ally other worm -blooded eren- she fed hide. We gave him everything three There is an instente on 1ee)11 we bad on our own table excepting the of an eagle, weighittg no more than four. grains. He was a great lever of meet of teen pounds., lifting and carrying off a any kind. When he got a phoebe would Posing Pig wbich weighed no lees than grab it as savagely as a dog, fly up in forty-two poundes How, many men. essuld a small tree in the yard, hold the meat even stagger along the ground carrying in one 'of his claws and tear off pieces three times their owit weight in their with his bill, all the time malting noise kilrids? enough to waken the dead. Ile was also T‘he kick of an ostrich its afearsome very fond of grasshoppers, and would thing. It wil 'break a maims' thigh or apend hours soine days gathering them even the leg of a horse. The ostrich, , and storing theme up for hard times, too, in for n 'bort .distance, the swat - "When he get more food than he Muhl est runner of min mantra The top net at one time ho wouid take the sur- aimed of a horse IS about thirty-five plus out in the yard and hide it tinder ' utileti " h°111.' An ostrich, it is estimat- sot" loaves; aria woe the dog or cat ed, can rue, for the first balf mile at that would try to get whet he had de. *snout forty-seven miles ait hour. potted, The speed of birds in ehe air is a , wileatie which man rarely Mime t he He would never Mae oriYidog 'with° trouble to corteider. A aevallow 'which any otte was evatchiug hint If e•ou would had 0, nett in the gable Of the railwey turn your bitek, Or pretend not to look station at Antseeedp was taken theece for a Moment he would drop whatever ho ' aid -sent to Compolgue no Prance. a dis- had, quickly *put a covering Over intend tante of 140 1-2 nines ;ma then teleased, then run off About twenty feet where It WAS hem again within one hour Ana , you could see him and commetice to dig eight minute'. IM epeca was, there - and scratch to make you believe that he ,, /or% 128 1-2 iniles an hour. VAN hiding it there.s I Moro than equally marvellous is the "If I started to no 'Where lie badetild. , way he which mileatiog shirdo of au tell anything Jacky walla trf iA everkinds, field the:v wee in eons:eine end *ray in his power to lead yOu in. the • darkness tbroguls unenatited miles of tne bppolito direction. Jtigh estmottliere, arriving year ey year "lie was it great bey for taking walks, " With; most elaborate neclraey at their $ro would follow me through the fields tioistant tiestInatims, % own eilekooe ike 4101111 Ka a dog, or inalitetiraell pooh hairsVIA' viand shit thoiL olrentot of all, *what ean be said for the non- swimmer eteho nether than take ie sense - bass "dame" wfll delflantly dive to cer- tain death, in the presenee of les tor - QUEER PARIS CLUB. Organization Which Rivals the Monks of La Trap. Tt is not surprising that the first year of the Silence Club of Paris ben closed with such gratifniuge resulte that the club may be bald to have achieved &ac- mes in its decidedly unique sphere of treefulne;ss," remarked a psychologist to a Washington Star reporter. book for similar clubs to be estab- lished in this country among the cult, as their foundation and purpose is anything but it joke or of it freakish nature. The idea is new in this country, however, though the success of the Paris institu- tion will give it an impetue among the advanced thinkers ainong we and those who have made the interesting problem of mentea philosophy a critical or 0 time study. "The rules of the society do not call for absolute ,silene,e, but the members , are enthused not to talk useless they have something to inky. Chatter is ab- solutely tabooed. Each member pledges hieneelf to avoid noniy places and par. ticipation in public dentoristratiores. At a recent meeting the members dechred . that since they had pined the club their nervous systems were in 'much better condition than before they became mem- bers. • "Of course, Mich a club could not be contpostd of the fair sex, even though they were all devout Innovate; in and followers of psychologienl teaehinge, A congregation coinposed of silent women would be impossible of conceptions and while our fair sisters may experience cnagrin that they are to be Eliut out of partielpation in any form of Oils life emote themselves that ie siso in:tinged gave Baby's Own Tablets and next day cous vole° burst into th•e conversation in she was as well as ever. I find the a way that made Mr. Fish—who is really Tablets are the only medicine a little one the gentlest of creatures—to start. needs." Sold by all medicine dealers or 1 ".A. railway to the pole wouldn't be by mail at 25 cents it box from The Dr, , half had," he said with a grin. "And Williams, Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. I'll tell you how it could be made to -— An Inspction Tout. saw them kill a beef or two. It was a pain- ful sight. The man who killed them was so rude and not at alt polite. He did not bow or serape at all, which seemed to mo so tamer, Before he picked the hammer up and slugged if I could be sure they'd. never come the handsome steer. bacnlic." Mr. Fish looked vaguely grieved, but saw them take the lives of pigs, Least they the itockbroker, who was in his meet The man who used the knife appeared to truculent humor, suddenly fixed with his were so rough. me to be a tough. Oyes a little old man with mutton -chop Ile was not dressed in latest styte; he was pay. Mr. Fish leaned forward eagerly. "Don't issue return tickets." Mr. Fish looked perplexed. "Why not, sir?" "Because there are several people whom 1 for one would like to send there, whiskers and clean-shaven upper lip, who no college ;nen, was reading. And everything he did, you know, was on an " uncouth plan. Pd. begin with e present government," he said, pointedly. "Pd send every roan! 1 saw some blood upon the noor; It was a jack of them to the pole and chain 'em gruesome sightl to it." Tho squealing swine I must confess put me In. elate a fright. The little old man took up the chid - 1 did not like the smell 1 found in fertilizing lenge cheerfully. TOOMB "It grieves Inc to hear you speak like And in the windowsills there was no boxes that...emir," he sake bristling with indigna- filled wit S blooms. tion. "Oh," And the stockbroker snorted rather like a motor car might be expect.* ed. to do when it sees a policeman with a. watch inehis hand. "I say it grieves me to hear anyene talk like that," repeated the old mate firmly. "The present government is a bee of honorable Englishmen—" There were no emote on the floors nor pic- tures on the walls, Aid lots of men I saw that day were wear- ing overalls, And Borne were spattered up with blood and some with salty brine, And not one fellow in the lot posseseed a decoiat shine. There *We no parlors for the men to rest- Which you should overyotto admit would be "I though tteey were Scotch," inter - them in at tome There were not rocking ohaire for girls, mi rupted tho stockbroker. a precious boon. footstools for the men. This brought up a retnitrk from it long - 1 also looked in valet to find a cosy -corner den. I SAN no tenet soap and Buell, and powder Ieged individual in the corner. He leaned forward, "And I'd have you to know they're none the worse for be- ing Scotch," be said, looking as if lie WOuld like to fight the entire stoek No mirrors on the Walls where they might change 011 the subject. go and flx their curls. must declare. . The stockbroker was some- er retired to bis paper, looking annoyed because t It Was a barren place, Indeed; quite crude a h whaet. nr9017113 blood got spate one in the world as pugnaeiona as him- ! n'eateirrfledoinntemdvh ey and self, anti Mr. Fish, of Forest Gate, pick - ms teems were chillothers very wane. es could be ed up the thread ofehis diacourse exatt- ly where he had dropped it, Such things tie this It seems to me aro ripe "The filet is,I don't suppose Rothschild rt college men wore put to work as bosses ignite understood iny plan," he said, mild - for much reform. ThcaoltaaMekisnuerebOusee soon woeld be all spick hese rich men have no brain, you 'rimed oblereform tbe Mere, you know, en • n a and span and pure, lYtti. ONV7 cetreeide the sheep, ' I "No, you're wrong, Tou'll ivaris..b1y I "I always thought—" T1 COliSge filen were et the helm, I solenntlY . aim:Alt. nut them all to sleep. in that wealthy people lack intent - repeat, of a snail who knows -what he is talking eked with the autitotity Anti Just before they killed the eigs they'd 'Mee," he rem They'd have good surgeons in the hone to Yolt give me the tiame of a nu "IVs a law of the universe. Can —Chinese Chroitiele. who is doing any good in the world." 4 'Iliorittire cut up an tue auo. . 0 ' - "I contider that—" 1 begail. Getting Ioto the Swint. Ilut Mr. Vielt cheeken me with upraised , hand. "I know nvhitt, you're going ,to (nadtees' Pleld.) say before yon open emir mouth, Ott re anetmed nub. tt numeton in one of the nine , et ennetnly think Oust Mr. Carneg1e-9 fashionable *est endseustrees, a Place in' "Carnegie never m % adebigger mistake the country', tive motor eon i several horses his ..n . n ie than when he began opening sisia. and amities, three tiaras and a vary tbiek , libraries. The world doesn't want any anti firm, mad stood on no trap door. After this prolonged watch the rest of the company assailed him with laughter and jeers, and pointed to his side, where the old juggler was seated, fanning him. self and had been seated for Some min- utes.—Dundee Advertiser. Hoofed Mammals. Think of them. There's the elk. There's the dainty deeh. There's the gentle sheep. There's the Alaskan moose. There's the homely hoppopotataus. There's the milk -giving cow. There's the camel, the ship of tin desert. There's the tapir, an ancient -looking South American, There's the American on, or, properly, bison. There's the goat, of which there ate many species. There's the over beautiful and useful horse family. There's the llama, a little camel, with. out it hueep. There's the pig, that isn't dirty because it likes mud baths. There's the chamois, well beloved and fitted with wonderful climbing and leap, ing ability. There's the rhinoceros, which Is little more fortunate in looks than the hippo- potamus. Not to mention the peccarn, wart -hog Inuntjae, giriffe, gazelle, ory; hilgtil and other Iesser-known aniniale. Ate Pie Eaters Hypocrites? (Phovidence Journal.) Why do people who eat.ple in secret end in the open, people who when they order pie cast about them furtive giteees, and Deo - Ole who do not care who etes them engaged an p10, one and all talk and bailees as it the consUmption of pie constiteted in mn.. pardonable sin whenever the eubject Ii broached? 'Why in polite circlecomposed of those whose ancestors were brought tris on p10, Oen pie for breakfest, Is pie hailed with mirthful tittering? Wilson's FLY, PADS Three natulred thessbet ter than stickypeper. NO DEAD FLIES LYING ABOUT Sold by all bruggieto ana Gement Seen. and by. Meth FEN Cans PER PACKer 'Atom ARCHDALE WILSON, HAMILTON) ONt,