The Wingham Advance, 1906-07-19, Page 88
We give below the names of the
Miss Crone Davis is visiting relatives `'neeessful candidates that wrote on
in Mitchell, the recent Entrance examination in
Rev. W. A. Kerr of Clutton was in East Huron, In order to pass,. a earr-
tt►wn on Monday. tlidate must stake 40 per cent. of the
marks on each subject and 60 per cent.
� ueselay morning. Watson Button left for the West on on the total. To obtain honors, 7G per
Miss Hazel Johnston is visiting cent, of the total number of narks
friends hi Oshawa, must be made, The papers were a
Miss Fanny Green is visiting her little more diflicnit than usual, but a
brother in Bohcaygeon. fair test for promotion into a High
few weeks. School or Collegiate Institute, or into
ar'a n for Carr is home frond a fifth class in a Public School.
John Pattison of Port Elgin spent T3RLT:3SEl:,S.
Satnday at his home in town. Honors --T. Armstrong, J. Leckie,
Miss Ethel Hall is home from (`hat- - II, Moore, B. Bateman, J. McDonald,
ham Hospital, on her vacation. W. Scott, M. Birt, IC. McLeod, E.
Mr. and Mrs. Keeler art' spending a • Milton.
couple of weeks at Grand Bend. Pass -M, Archibald, T. Dundas, E.
George Mutton of Stratford spent M. Hemsworth, O. Armstrong, R. En -
Sunday with his brother Hector. filer, J. Huffman, S. Ament, E. Ewan,
Robt, Galbraith of Chatham is holi-
G. Jordan, W. Barr, F. Ferguson, R.
laying with his parents in town. Love, F. Bell, A. Forrest, H, McCall,
Charlie Ross of Chicago is, visiting T. Dickson, M. L. Frain, I. McCall, J.
his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Alex, Ross. R. Dickson, A. Gardiner, S. McIntosh,
Mrs. R. Clegg returned on Monday E. Dunbar, 3. Hayden, W. McKee, A.
from a visit with friends in Ingersoll. McKelvey, G. McQnarrie, J. Wren, C.
Miss H. 0. R. McCracken is spend- Schnock, L. Thuell, F. Whitfield, J.
ing a few weeks with friends in Lon- Wilbee, H. Wilbee, D. L. Wilson, S.
'ion. J. Wilton,
Miss Millie Stiles of London is the
guest of her grandmother, Mrs. S.
Kent. Honors - R. C. Edmeston, T. M.
Miss Margaret E. Olivant of Petrolea Pfeffer.
is visiting Miss L. Wilson for a few Pass -B. Asquith, I. E. Bryant, W.
weeks. A. D. Campbell, G. Clark, Clara Copp,
Mrs. Jerry Madigan and children of D. 0. Colclough, R. F. Denholm, W.
Toronto have been visiting relatives R, Ferguson, R. G, Good, P. A. Gib -
in town.
Miss Verda McCracken of London is
spending the vacation with relatives
in town.
Lillian Moffat is visiting her grand-
parents and friends in Hamilton and
Miss Margaret McGee of London is
visiting relatives 'in Wingham and
Mr. Thos. Gregory returned on
Tuesday from an enjoyable trip to
R. i1r. Cooper was called to Montreal
this week to attend the death -bed, of
his mother.
Mr. J. Taylor, Principal of Wing -
ham High School, arrived in town on
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Brewer left on
Tuesday on a visit to their son in
Miss Kathleen Lowe of London is
visiting her former schoolmates and
friends in town.
Miss Eileen Madigan of Toronto is
visiting her uncle' Mr. J J Cunning -
son, A. E. Bunking, L H. Jackson, I.
G. Jackson, D. Kirkeonneil, W. J. G.
McDonald, M. Morris, L. Mains, F.
Plummer, I. W. Potter, M. A. Roger,
G. Stewart, A. F. Tamblyn, H. Hall,
P. L. Whitley, L. Woodman.
Honors --W. J. Adams, Barbara
Butchart, M. P. Husser, M. Mont-
gomery. Last Saturday Wm. Bryans had
Pass -N. Armstrong, M. A. Catta- two steers killed and two more stun-
nach, M. B. Hainstock, A. Halliday, ned by lightning on the McAllister
C. Johnston, A. Martin, C. Patterson, fiirm, lot 6, eon. 3. The cattle were
P. Schaefer, M. Schaefer, C. Spinks, I. seeking shelter under an elfin tree.
Winter. There were 24 head of cattle in the
WROXETER. bunch.
Honor -Frank Morfoot. i'
Pass -O. Gallaway, V. Hastie, W. Jamestown.
McGrath, S. McKercher, E. McLean, Miss Elsie Strachan is holidaying
C. Rutherford, T. F. Sanderson, E.
Stutt, N. Underwood, I. Wood, I. M. with friends in Lucknow this week.
Wright. Mr. Robt. Cat of Goderich was
sVINGHAM. visiting friends in this locality this
Barn raisings are the order of the
clay in this locality.
The new iron bridge on the 2nd,
known as McFarl se's bridge, is fin-
ished and open for travel,
Jos. E. Coarnbes left on Tnesday for
Edmonton, where he will join his son
Joe, who has been seriously ill,
The heavy storm that passed over
here last Saturday took about fifteen
feet of the Flour mill smoke stack at
Mrs. Bert. Tuck and Miss Cora of
Clifford spent a few days last weeks
with the former'mother, Mrs. F.
The regular service at Roe's church
will be withdrawn next Sunday inorn-
ing, owing to the re -opening services
at Ethel.
The trustees of S. S. No. 1, known
as Shine's school, have engaged the
services of Ralph Langdon,. of East-
wood, Oxford 0o., as teacher, at tt
salar of $475.
The lawn social held at Jno. Bryan's
last Tuesday evening was a decided
success ; the proceeds, amounting to
over $25, will be applied to church im-
Rev. Rob. Pearson and sister, Miss
Belle, of Banff, returned home ,last
Monday. Their many friends gave
them a hearty hand -shake after their
two years of absence.
Mrs. John Jackson. of Toronto is
holidaying with friends on the 6th.
Her health has not been as her many
friends would like and we hope the
change will be beneficial.
Wednesday morning W. E, Sanders
lost a good milch cow. She had got
at. some Paris green in a field where
she was pastured. This is the second
cow Mr. Sanders has lost, the two be-
ing worth $100.
Honor -H,1,. Barrett, C. Blackhall,
harp of Minnie St,H. E. Brown, E. Gannett, L. Green, Mrs. Alex. Bryans visited in Moore -
Mr. Spence, electrician, is seriously
ill at his holile here.
Blyth fair this year will be held on
September 18th and 19th,
Miss May Tanner of Sarnia is a visi-
tor at the home of her uncle, Alex.
Work has been started for the lay-
ing of new sidewalks in various parts
of the town,
Mrs, Curtis has returned from bee
extended visit to Winnipeg and other
points in Manitoba.
Rev. 0, 0. Keine of Courtwright
will preach, morning and evening, in
the Methodist church on Sunday.
Bert, Rainton is able to be around
again, after being confined to his
home for several weeks with rheuma-
Mr. Jno. Heffron, who was injured
at a barn raising in Morris two weeks
ago, is recovering nicely and was re-
moved to his home last week.
Our village
was a.nt
est deserted on
Thursday ; a large crowd went to Sea,
forth, others to Dungannon. Our L.
0. L. captured second prize for the
best dressed company at Seaforth,
Mr, John Hartley, principal of
Blyth public school, was among the
list of successful candidates at the
Ontario Normal school examinations.
He now has a first-class public school
and interim high school certificate.
Rev. T. G. Barlow, a member of the
Toronto Conference, who has been ap-
pointed to missionary work in the
British Columbia Conference as the
successor of Rev. Mr. Stone, will visit
the Methodist churches of the Gode-
rich District during the month of
July, commencing his work next Sab-
bath at Benmiller. Mr. Barlow will
visit all the Churches in the district to
get acquainted with the young people
of the different societies, who will sup-
port him in his work, and whom be
will represent on the mission field.
Mr. Barlow will address the young
people in the Methodist church, Thurs-
day evening, July 19th.
Mrs, Jno. Forster of Sweet Springs, R. M. Henry, C. Isbister, G. Kennedy, field with her friend, Mrs. Innes for a
Miss., has been visiting her sister,E. Mann, E. Patterson, M. Sheik, W.
few days last week.
Mrs, Wm. Diamond, Simmons, G. Stewart, F. VanStone. Miss Jessie Strachan returned last
Miss Winnie Holmes has returned Pass -F. I. Aitcheson, T. Aitcheson, week from her visit to Galt where she
to Brantford, after spending several
weeks at her home in town. M. R. Aitken, J. Anderson, Elam Ar- spent an excellent time.
mour, E. Armour, A. Brock, C. Brock, The sixth anniversary of Victoria
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Dloorehouse of
Providence, R. I., are visiting Mrs, M's W. Brydges, G. Bush, H. Dore, H. Hall is to be held on Thursday even -
parents, Mr. and Dirs. Wade. Dore, P. Duncan, B. Elliott, D. Guest, ing, Aug. 2nd, Dont forget the
Mrs. Wes. Watcher of AIgoma is 0. James, E. Jermyn, M. King, L. date.
visiting her parents in Lower Wing- Knox, M. McDonald, 0. Masters, R.
ham, Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Welts.
Mrs. E. Manuel and three children
of Kearney, Parry Sound district, are
visiting at her brother's, Mr. W. J.
J. Vanstone of Niagara Falls, for-
, merly in the office of the Union fac-
tory here, is renewing acquaintances
in town.
Miss L. Ball, also Mr. and Mrs. Tait
of Brussels, left on Wednesday morn-
ing for a visit to friends in British
Mr. and Mrs. Dunbar of Mitchell
were guests of Coun. Bell over Sun-
day. 1\1r. Dunbar is principal of Mit-
cheIl Public School.
J. J. Cunningham, of the Western
Foundry Co., leaves this morning
(Thursday) for Winnipeg exhibition,
and other places farther west.
George McLean, a former employee
of the Advance office, but now fore-
man on the Virden (Man.) Advance,
spent a few days in town last week on
his way home to Bracebridge for a,
Mr. and Mrs. A. Kingsbury of Chel-
sea Green (near London) but formerly
of Wingham, have been visiting rela-
tives in Goderich for a couple of
weeks. They were in town on Mon-
day shaking hands with their many
Miss Lou, Lloyd left on Saturday
morning for Oakland, California.
She went by C. P, R. boat from Owen
Sound to Port Arthur, then by rail
to Vancouver, and from there by
steamer to Oakland. This city is just
across the bay from the recently
wrecked city of San Francisco. Miss
Lloyd will stop off at Banff, and be-
fore she returns may go south to Los
Angeles and Pasadena. Her Wing -
ham friends wish her a pleasant trip,
safe arrival, and equally safe return.
at Cost
We have afew A. ?L
Lacrosse Sticks and
Balls (Glasgow niake),
Baseballs -and Mitts,
with our entire stock
of Sporting Gods for
sale at Cost to clear.
K. Mt Fisher
Maxwell, K. McBurney, A. McCallum,
A. G. McGue, M, McGue, G. Moffat,
S. Orr, M. Patterson, W. Pocock, F.
Powell, C. RintouI, G. Rintoul, U.
Robertson, K. E. Shieli; M. Smeltzer,
G. Troy, M. Vannorman, E. Wood.
SHOES THAT TALK. -TO those who
know Shoe quality we want only a
chance to show our new lines. They
speak for themselves. -R. Johnston's
Boot and Shoe store.
The following is the program of the
Summer School, Wingham District,
to he held at Wingham, Aug. 6th to
12th inclusive :-
8 p. m. Consecration service, led by
the President, Jno. Kerr.
Morning session, 9 o'clock -Devo-
tional, T. Hall, Wingham ; 9.30 -Ad-
dress, Rev. J. H. Osterhout, B. .A., B.
D., Wroxeter ; 10.40 - Bible study,
"The Psalms," Rev. E. W. Edwards,
13. A., 13. D., Thedford. Afternoon
session, 2.00 -Heart talk, Rev. M. J.
Wilson, B. A., Teeswater; 2.30 -Pow-
er for service, C, 13. Keenleyside, Lon-
don. Evening session, 8.00 -Song ser-
vice ; 8.15 - Christian Stewardship,
Rev. Dr. Woodsworth, Toronto; 9.00
-Power for service, 0. B. Keenley-
side, London,
Morning session, 0.00 -Devotional,
Rev. W. A. Findlay, Whitechurch;
9.30 --Address, Rev. Dr. Woodworth,
Toronto ; 10.40 - Bible study, "The
Psalms," Rev. E. W. Edwards, B. A..,
13. D., Thedford. Afternoon session,
200 -Heart talk, Rev. Geo, Baker,
Bluevale ; 2,30 -Power for service, C.
B. Keenleyside, London. Evening
session, 8.00-Songservice ; 8.15 -Ad-
dress, Rev. Dr. oodsworth ; 9.00 --
Address, Rev. R. Millyard, Lucknow.
Morning session, 9.00 -Devotional,
Rev. G. W. Rivers, B. A., B. D., Bel-
aoston, MissOCarrie Wellwood,ion a
rk in
ham; 10.40 -Bible study, "The Acts,"
Rev. 0. P. Wells, B. A., 13. D., Gorrie.
Afternoon session, 2.00 -Heart talk,
1.V. H. Kerr, Brussels ; 2.30 --Address,
Rev, D. Norman, B. A„ of Japan.
FRIDAY, anonsT 101.11.
Morning session, 0.00- Devotional,
Rev. S. V R, Pentland, Salem ; 0.30 -
Address, Rev. D. Norman, B. A.; 10.40
Bible study, "The Ads," Rev. C. P.
Wells, Corrie. Afternoon session,
2.00 -Heart talk, Mrs, (Rev.) Husser,
Fordwich ; 2.30 --- Address, Rev, II,
Locke, Kincardine. Friday evening
A grand concert will be given in the
Methodist church, A. splendid pro-
gram is being prepared. The best
talent ,available will be seeured by the
committee who have charge of the
Mr. and Mrs. Alpine Taylor of
Michigan are visiting the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Caldbick at
It was with deepest regret that we
learned of the sad death of Miss Aggie
Smillie, in Binbrook near Hamilton,
on July 12th. Deceased had been
teaching school in Binbrook, where
her brother Dr. Smillie has located,
and about eight weeks ago was seized
with an attack of appendicitis. An
operation was at once performed,
which seemed quite successful, but
other troubles set in and all that
medical aid and kind friends could do
proved to be of no avail, and she pass-
ed peacefully away to her reward.
Deceased had made many life-long
friends in this locality and was well
and favorably known where ever she
went. The funeral took place on Sat-
urday to Bluevale cemetery and was
largely attended. The bereaved fatni-
Iy have the sincerest sympathy of this
entire community in these their dark
and lonely hours.
1 •
I,nln Hemphill is visiting in Walls-
Miss Clara Rutherford is visiting iu
Miss Dorothy Dickson is holidaying
Miss Lewis is visiting her brother,
L, W, Lewis,
Cassie Harris is enjoying a few holi-
days in Hensall,
Reeve and Mrs, Harris are enjoying
ay trip to Toronto.
N. B. Truth, St. Paul, June 31, '08. -
I've lived so long, I remember well
when the Mississippi was a brook.
My good health and long life cane by
taking Hollister's Rocky Mountain
Tea. 35 cents. Ask your druggist.
Mr. and Miss Forgie, Turnberry,
spent Sunday at the home of Mr. R.
Mrs. Seaman, of Listowel is spend-
ing a few weeks with her mother,
Mrs. Richardson.
Miss Jessie Barton has returned
home, after visiting a few weeks with
friends at Fordwich.
Airs. J. G. Holmes is away on a visit
to her friends at Branfford.
Mrs. W. Kirkpatrick of Brantford
is the guest of Mrs. E. Winfield.
Mrs. Joseph Scott and daughters of
Toronto are the guests of Mrs, J. T.
Miss Addie McClenaghan is away on
a visit to her sister, Mrs. E. Pelton, of
San Jose, California.
We are sorry to learn that Mr. J.
Craig, son., is somewhat under the
weather, but hope he will soon re-
Mrs. G. Tumoth is away to spend a
few months with her children, who
- are located in Winnipeg and other
parts of the Northwest.
Morning session, 0.00 -Devotional,
Rev, Ezra Powell, Brussels ; 2.80 -Ad.
dress, Miss Markland. Toronto, for
- inerly of Girls' Home,1Citamaat 13.0.;
10,40-131111e study, "The Acts,;' Rev.
0. P. Wells,
,Services in the church : 11 4. m. -
Rev. W. G.1 -Towson, Wine hath; 8 .
tn.---Riev. W. A. Smith, B.1)., and
I J, rawcett ; 7 p. m,• --Rev. W. G. How.
son, WInsitatta,
.i: -.
J. W. Shoebottom is having a self -
feeder put on his threshing machine Mr. and Mrs. J. Hartley and John
this season. - Weir, jr., spent a few days Iast week
Mr. and Mrs. 3, Rountree and chit- - in Blyth,
Dr. and Mrs, W, M. B. Swale are
visiting in Chicago.
R. 3. Downey of Fordwich is
ployed at the Star office.
Mrs, T. G. IJemphill spent a
days in London this week.
T, G. Hemphill is on a trip to the
Lehigh Valley coal twines.
Reeve Barris gave a party to a num-
ber of his friends last Friday night,
Mrs. C. F. McLean has returned
from a visit in Bowrnanville and To-
Mrs, Rasmussen and children, of
New York, are visiting at Alexander
A coat of paint has very materially
added to- the appearance of the wool-
len mill.
('has. and Daisy Morrison of Orange -
vine are visiting at the home of 3,
The big 12th of July celebration in
Gorrie attracted a largo number of our
citizens to that burg last Thursday.
Agnes Fleming left for her home in
Toronto after spending a three weeks'
stay with her sister, Mrs. W. R. Carr.
Short services were the order of our
Churches last Sunday night, on ac-
count of the hot weather, Rev. Perrin's
being especially short.
Rev. Osterhout gave a special talk
to "The Boys" last Sunday night,
which was appreciated by the boys
present as well as others.
The funeral of Mrs. A. Longley of
Howick took place here on Wednes-
day afternoon, 11th inst. The remains
were taken to the Episcopal church,
where Rev. Farr preached the funeral
sermon. Interment took place in the
Wroxeter cemetery.
On Wednesday last, July llth, there
passed away at his home here, VVm.
Douglas, in his 88rd year. Mr. Doug-
las has been a sufferer for some years,
and the end came peacefully. The
funeral service was conducted at the
house on Friday afternoon by Rev. L.
The annual financial report of the
Churches in the Wroxeter circuit was
issued this week, and shows the finan-
ces of the circuit' in good condition.
Nearly $1,200 was raised for all pur-
poses clueing the year. The circuit has
had two years of good success under
the pastorate of Rev. Osterhout, and
pastor and people are looking forward
to the third year as the most success-
ful of the term.
em -
Crops are flourishing in this locali-
ty. and farmers will be cutting fall
wheat in a few days.
Miss B. Lowry of Orillia, is spend-
ing a few weeks with her grandmoth-
er, Mrs. Lowry of this place.
Mr. Edwards, sr., has been laid off
work for some time, having contract-
ed a severe cold. and being otherwise
We are glad to Learn that Percy
Coupland is recovering from his re-
cent accident, though suffering in-
tensely from its effects.
The Ladies' Aid. of the Methodist
church met on Tuesday of this week
at the home of Mrs. Peterman and
spent a very pleasant afternoon.
We are pleased to learn that Play -
ton Lowry is meeting with success
in his new position which he holds in
the Merchants Bank, Portage la
Prairie, Mau.
Mr. and Mrs. Powell of the village,
spent a couple of days with the lat-
ter's parents, Mrs. Powell remaining a
week longer to visit relatives. Miss
Etna Edwards assisted in the store
and post -office during their absence.
Our village has now a valuable con-
nection link with the outside world
in the form of a telephone, which was
installed last Saturday. Several pri-
vate parties in the village and country
are also having the telephone connect-
ing with their homes, which will add
much to the convenience and comfort
of all interested.
it has caused more laughs and dried
more tears, wiped away diseases and
driven away more fears than any other
medicine in the world. liollister's
Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 emits, Tea
or Tablets. Ask your druggist.
Berry picking is the order of the
Miss Ada Goodfellow is at present
visiting friends in this part.
Mr, and Mrs. R. McMichael spent
Sunday with friends at Gorrie.
dren of London are visiting at Geo. The Epworth League Will meet at
Daley's and J. A. Brandon's. the usual hour on Thursday evening
of this week.
Mrs, (Rev.) Osterhout attended the
services at Beimore and Salem on
We, the undersigned lawyers, agree - Sunday last,
to close our offices during the months - Mr, Norman Gauld of London re.
of July+ and August as follows:*On - turned on Saturday, to stay with Mr.
Saturdays at 2 p.m. and
nd on other days
at 4 p.m, (Signed) W Mines for an extended visit.
Dickinson & Iiolnlear Mr. and Mrs. D. Pocock from the
J. A. Morton B line of Turnberry spent Sunday last
Holmes, Clarke & ldobmes with Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Bentham.
il. Vanstone
Miss "Vlna Johnston of the Soo is
Notice of Closing. spending her holidays with Mr. and
g Mrs, Will, Mines and other friends.
Notice of Closing.
The Dental Offices in Wingham Mrs. Goodfellow returned to her
will be Olosed every Wednesalai after• home in Toronto on Monday last, ac -
noon during Stine, duly and August.. companired by her mother, Mrs. J.
Patrons kindly take note of this. Gallaher, who intends t� visit friends
bit. A. 3. m'CI'DT in the *sty and other plows for Noble
.t 'llr 3, PRIOXI tilts*
Below are the results of the promo-
tion examinations in S. S. No. 10.
Nunes stand in order of merit. Fifth
class reports will appear later. Pro-
moted to Entrance class -Mary For-
rest, Lizzie Breckenridge. To Sr. IV
-Arthtnn Shaw, Fern Eckmier, AIice
Thornton, Agnes Miller. To Jr. IV-
Altna King. To Sr. III -M. Mason,
Annie Breckenridge. To Jr, III --S.
Coomhes, John Hodge.
On 7th inst., a storm passed over
this township, and the speed lightn-
ing can destroy property was exempli-
fied in a small way in Morris town-
ship, the destructive work, fortunate-
ly, not being very serious. At Chas.
Forrest's, lot 26, 2nd line, the chimney
was destroyed, pipes knocked down
and lids off the stove and the end of
the house will need repairs. Mrs.
Forrest was stunned by the shock and
Mr. Forrest felt a bang in one of his
ears. It was certainly a close call.
Geo. Johnston, 1st Iine, had a heifer
killed and Mrs. Smillie, 5th line, lost
two steers that were under a tree.
Win. Bryans lost two steers that were
pasturing in Grey. At T. Russell's,
Oth line, the chimney was in the way
of the lightning and it was speedily
moved. Other damage was also done
and members of the family were quite
Well assured that they were not far
retnoved from a danger spot. Joseph
Curtis' house, north boundary, bad
the chimney shaken up. In the
majority of cases the losses will be
provided for by the Howick Mutual
Insurance Co. Fortunately there
were no lives lost nor buildings
East Wawanosh.
Miss Nettie Wightrnan is visiting
Blyth this week.
We are sorry to hear that Mrs.
Snell, sen„ 6th line, who has been so
seriously ill, is very low at present.
Miss Vera McDowell of Westfield,
who has been spending a week with
friends in Goderich, retetrned home
on Sunday.
3no. Pickett of Westfield returned
home from Manitoba last week. Mr.
Piekett has taken up land there and
intends removing his family there in
the spring.
Mrs. T. heli of Westfield died very
suddenly in the evening Of :fitly 12th,
while visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wil•
son of Blyth. Deceased, who was an
aged lady, appeared to be in her usual
health, and death is attributed to
heart failure. Much sympathy is felt
for the bereaved relatives.
economical buyers
Find that it Pays to
Male Their Purchases
at the " Bee Hive."
Always Bargain Days at This Store. Investigate
Prices This Week.
Shirt Waists. of Beauty.
We've made a special purchase
of high•class Shirtwaists, long or
short sleeves, every Waist is a
model of beauty, made of fine
white lawn with fronts of em-
also with insertions s of
embroidery and trimmings of
Mace. Money -saving prices will
clear the lot quick. See values
we offer at $1.00, $1.26, $1.50,
$1.75, $2 00, $2.25. Also excep-
tional value in Black Sateen
Waists at 75c and $1.00.
Haviug made a heavy pur-
chase of the best make of the
most stylish (Nothing for Men
and Boys, we aro prepared to
offer our customers wonderful
values in Tweed and Worsted
Suits, odd Pants, and white and
colored Summer Vests. This line
of Clothing equals ordered tailor
made goods, with a tremendous
saving of price to the buyer.
R. member. our guarantee goes
with aatry garni.nt we sell.
New lines this week -Ladies' Fancy Collars, Parasols,
Gloves, Belts, Hosiery. Men's Furnishing department filled
with the latest novelties for men and boys,
For Sale at Bargain. Prices.
One good Refrigerator, one tea "and spice Scale, one
computing Scale, and one coal or wood range.
We Pay Highest Prices for Butter and Eggs.
The -Bee Hive Dry Goods Co.
.....4......4........4.••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
John Padfield raised his barn on
Wednesday last. The framing was
done by Mr. W. Gekckie ; so well was
it performed that the parts fitted per-
fectly and the building went up in
good time.
Mr. Manning, photographer of
Wroxeter, has been along the line.
Among the pictures taken was one of
S. S. No. 11, showing the fine new
school house together with the teach-
er, Miss E. Musgrove and all the pupils
who had attended school since she
came to the school and also the pre-
sent board of trustees.
We are very sorry to learn of the
demise of Mrs. Milton Leonard, whose
maiden name was Alines Aldrich, she
being a daughter of Mr. M. Aldrich,
2nd con. of Howick. She passed
away on Saturday, June 80th, at the
home of her husband in her 26th year.
She was a fine young woman, whose
demise will be greatly regretted. She
had been married only about a year
and a half; The funeral took place on
Monday, July 2nd, to Fordwich ceme-
tery. Revs. T. H. Farr and Jas. Hus-
ser had charge of the funeral service.
It was one of the largest funerals ever
seen in these parts. The public deep-
ly sympathize with the young hus-
band and his motherless babe in their
sore bereavement.
At Gorrie on Wednesday the Judge
allowed Mr. Ruttan his salary for
teaching our school eight days. Not
satisfied with that, the two trustees
who were opposed to granting Mr,
Ruttan his salary, entered an action
against the third for non-attendance
at the meetings, Everything was
ready for the trial one evening be-
fore Justices Dixon and Ferguson, but
the latter persauded plaintiffs to drop
the natter ; hence the case was called
off, Shaking hands was indulged in
by the participants afterwards, and as
an evidence of good faith and sinceri-
ty tears were almost shed. So the
hatchet is buried for the time being
and peace reigned where afew hours
ago chaos and hatred prevailed.
H. Brown, Rag and Metal Co., buy-
ing all kinds of bides, wool and pick-
ings, rubber, copper, and feathers of
all kinds. Highest price in cash ; if
brought to house, five cents a hundred
W. J. PRICE, L.D:S., D.D.S.
(Successor to Dr. Holloway)
Will continue the practice in the offee
lately occupied by Dr. Holloway, in
in the Beaver Block, Wingham,
Strayed from the premises of R,
Cronin, lot 12, con. 2, Culross, on or
about June 23rd, six Sheep and seven
Lambs. Any person giving informa-
tion leading to their recovery, will be
suitably rewarded.
A little love, a little wealth,
A little home for you and the ;
It`s all .Y.- ask except good health,
WhiGh cornea with Rooky Mountain
Us, .t,ak your druggist,
$32.00 to $32.50
To points in Manitoba, Alberta and
Saskatchewan. Via North Bay -July 3rd,
17th. Via Sarnia and N. N. Co. -July 4th,
z 18th.
ldeturning within a10 days.
The season is here. Get away*
for a few days and visit the High.
lands of Ontario, Tourist tickets
on bale daily.
For stnSRd>, oatt on
.HAOLDTowwn information,
Dletrlob Pewee it r .eenb. Toronto.
+•I--1-•i-•I-1-1-i••I••£•-I••I.fill! l-•f�i°•I••!'
- The Best Materials
- The Best Workmanship
The Best Bread and Cakes
Wingham Real
Estate Office
My business is to bring buyers and
sellers together. Investors kindly look
over the following, which is but a. few
of the many properties on my lists: -
$6500 150 acres, 21 miles from Wingham
and half mire from school. A brick
house and now bank barn.
58 acros adjoining Bluevale. Pos-
session at once, including crop.
59 acros, 11 tulles from Wingham.
Briok house; bank barn.
100 acres, 21 miles from Wingham.
100 acres, 2 miles from Blyth, half
mile from school.
$300 Franco Cottage,1 acro of land.
$650 lI story frame house. Good stable.
Half acre of garden and 10 fruit trees.
$525 ii story frame house, Edward St.
$650 lTerracrrame Cottage, good cellar. Carling
$750 Two story frame house, stable, etc.
Rents for $7 per mouth. Charles St.
2500, Two ststreory et. brick cottage. Corner Iot,
Agent for Western lands. Call and get
maps and full particulars.
J. H. Chisholm
Vanstone Block --- Wingham
Northern Navigation Co
Steamer cc BRITANNIC "
Leaves Itiueardine 4.80 p, m., Oodoriel, 7.45
p. m., Sunday, Wednesday and Friday.
Returning leaves Detroit 4.00 p. m, 'Tuesday
Thursday and Saturday.
Continuous Xlound Trip Tickets, $2.75.
Steamers leave Sarnia for Seo, Port
Arthur and Duluth Monday. Wcdnesda and
Friday, (Friday sailing through to Duluth.)
Soundffo malt ports, Tuesdaay, Thursdayd and
Information and tickets from all Grand
Trunk Monte.
Wm, Lies XI. T. Treaties'
Tkt, Agt,, (Ioderloh Tkt. Agt,, Rineardiue
H. ff. Oitdersteava C. 11, Nlohokon
Mt',, Ooilialtw'aod Traits Mgr., 2a1'51a