The Wingham Advance, 1906-07-12, Page 2;god; illell We elm to eseek."---centinue to
Stutday 84001. Ittr*:4:4Zil'(',:tioth41.04dIrlt:ItItiditibUCifitll
6,earnestuesA and in eineerity. "Mame e
:three war& iaciods eleit idea* et want
iNtliktillAnOttaki, saltsagon no, wetana lom. We sae deittate of sit seteit-
eltiliali Slee 1900. leal good, an1 have lost. God, and are ni
udanger vt loaimg etereal life; be et
test' be importtotatc; iee; with eeeta •
4.14"4 TILe14144 U°"'" 10 .PnY'--14uu 11: i'l• den'ee ana lentete; eeek with care anal '
Cestemsetary.-1. Christ teaching Iles appiteatien: *Peck tem% anti
Dieekples to prey tee, 1.4a I. was ineeyt I 10. Iteerroee....reeeiittli, eta. Christ
ag. It wee the Imbit of Cbrtst to piam..,.iretaltiees tO bear and amswere
e mart rray in vain. that pravs as tied has
limay inataneem an. mimed, to in tta, lireettel. But enr aekitg rilast be in ham
meseesla boom:ea the fmaenet ettatmemet inom'ony with •teed's will, ant in faith. •
7. If talmist reellea to pear, ig,..3WA-43
hAT,W laud% mere d we. we een it ea .ase• dem-From that which the friena
„ e • . e (ham twin ito, the diemearse of the Savior rues
--Perhaps Ile wale ;treeing such a mover- :twee. to that wheal elle COUld •expret of
fel premer as. to amuse the feeneg that:a 'lather": anl fretu that 'Oda an an -
they knew not bow to puty. an A teeeetta erafeet earthly father emee even te tbat
'to he titught.-Veleedate Teaca in to wheel the perfect Father la heaven lee-
pray -Time knew that orayer nom im-
pottaistt end thev bad a •dmire fer tram 11 Being evit-Sinful people are ready
bility to linty emelt, "'We west 'town " nret anl'i°ns ttf gke g."11 gifts to
to de teen the wee things if we %meta eleitaree. Front Lateral aftection they
do •thent in the best way." As eneeeatee, are reaey to provele eVenItbing ames•
tought-Eaeh new diepensatien may not, sar:ret° thtlr !"7:7-3)tt nend emill.nrte,11c4w
only ear, eat new aufteneen„.„ of trete,. ;tame moriameetow mum mere 'Mut one
rateee natere le love and who is intem
but its new revelations may epee evw
mode& of acmes, REA Itt'W 5,Or!".!A Of pray- itekY l'ItIlY anl g°(141 give .'"li thiEgs 1°
et. alai mode, el. weretite A different : those that ash earn. The word erten
f r bread, serpents for fish
Praaer was offered ia the edesale rite:510v' IttInt's f -1 -
and mosaimas for eage, but tiod never
up A new seope of .prayer; and this 'new:a:es' 11°13- 'S1411111-21The i's';enee " n112
from the patriarchal fomat. &ten tmeaed
oa a gifts -attach the Father .in neaven
despentation release ef Jesus to set the h" -'
raoge of prayer ira amerelamee with tete le4n bow on Ms Pfaalng aura -Lange.
,,... ,The Holy Spirit es a divine Person, and
new rauge of truth. ana tte prayer pa. I truly god. Ile intereedee for believers
tie211- etSaYtn-alaThweIrthteett;altdtralirfacirLne 0 the. ithIeingtgsliteasesobmeea.u,To"the3emksAbAnd1
tessone in the Lerirs prayer arise fvona. asking must be hearty, sincere, carne(,
1. The tene ef holy confidenee-! it tea:em-
u, ea epproaeh tatd as our Father atom -fervent ana in faith.
vibe 13t, in love as well as holy fear. '`' PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS.
Its ahatteate eelfielatiess-it is offered. for The pra,yer ef our lemon, though given
all tbe brotherhood. ef man. 3. Its eratire before the mom-, and before the dement
mentualay-ef Os seven pentloas, tele -of the Spirit. eentains many heleful Meta
onao is for an earthly bona, and that to us whose heart-er,y conga:n:11y is,
"Lord tee la ue to pr" tr. la
I. As subjeetseelur Father whiab art
in heaven thy kingatem teeme" (r.
''). This le alto a missionar,y prayer;
1, Teat Christ may reegn in •each indi-
vidual least in patieuee and pewer, in
gram and olorte (Jon xviii. 30; Rev.
i. 91. S. That all Bible prophecies and
typos may be fulfillel tleekte mei!. 39;
Dan. iv. 33; vi. 26e. 3. That the ememet
may be carried to beathen tanafe. 4.
That the kineelom of .Satan no be de-
troyed and Jesus soon tome.
IL As sinners. "Forgive usa our sins:
fer we also forgive every one that is in-
aebted to ns" iv. 41. In sinning. man
dishonors God, injures hia neighbor and
endangers bis atml. Sins are .tichts,
)Mat. ei, 121. Man bas nothing to pay.
If his sins be net feraiven they mud
matte forever agaiest :in. An unforgiv-
Ewa ‘smirit wherever found hintleas Gt-xi's
tr:O.TS; in the heart. We mannot have faith
to Geed natiets we have fergivenesa for
tem Mark xi. 2:2-26). Imre meires-
eattfa. Ek. z.leere :severe te-
tt-earl ealeses slows that he deem met be-
-awe ha itewee.. Ht varemat weite tz.e.. beets
a rementeal sent. Ween :se take teer
tettee ". the eleameatettes tieepee ft. 3; iL 6)
--e meta Zemere mreta as." Gol teeth fer-
mom. astHea.h. ir. 32). We fereive be-
amem "we ham" been *IrafeentE14-
M. As memptimate. "Ask -meet -4m. -
latodiee „M. E44. 'Sy kriayer ane wepplie
=teen with tatankszeiveng," reqweste are
to be made knew oPhile iv. Z. 7t. aka
Belk feeegifts.„ men "seek aim" tPeee =iv.
5; .XXV21. eti rizeili. li Deb. xi. 61; men
knoe'k when they feel themsetree sent
eat goer. x. '9. We are to, L Ask in
payer, bean -Leg t Matt. ss:4. 224. -2,
.tsk la faith, nething waver:Ina ararces.
18. 3. Ask amerainte to isw52 et.
Jaen v. 14. lee. 4. Aek atelirea in him
.1Jeten ma. 7i. 3. A5k in obedienee to las
werd il. John iii. 22t. 6. Ask net that
vont may e.tensume it capon peer pee:same
.;eltentee he 3. R. V. 7- Ask tent Gd
may be gteeitted tt CCM x. M.; 44.1Z -m seii,
2..V1 For Stteh P.Aimg: tee:roils no denial.
IV. As reetavere. -Every no that
aeketh receireth" -Or. 10.4. God's prornis:.s
slow that diffiteetttee are neeent m
e-reeme faith, not to 42ISZV.Inly 44.F. ii.'49d
ramme prayer to be answeeei Failure
is atways with us, newer with him.
9Iow areal more steall yo-ar Leaven -iv
Father vire the Feely Spirit to them
that as1=-: laim" 4y. 13 . 173e Hely Spirit
was "the prontim" of tem Father .{letake
xxim 49. The Hely Sanrit letereettes
in am tin earta 4}1era. Neb. 26. 21M ; ChrIst
interetedee for us in ?moven Mete. vii.
251. And whets:neer we ask ere re-
eeive. A. C. M.
enty for the simple -et. 4. Its twenty and of an vain repetitions tymet v.
2.t 5. Its simple:item whiea requires no
kerning, but mete kolir.ess and sent
fer its universal comprelaeusion. Here are
two grand Ideas :1. That tender and re-
spectful lore wbieh we should feel for
their fathers. 2. That strong confidence
in God's tore to ns, sua as fathers have
for their .ehittiren. This relation dictates
to us reverenee for his persen, real for
his lamer, obeaienee to his will, submis-
sion to his .dispensetions and ebnetise-
meats, and resenabtattee to his nature.
--Clarke. Whita art in heaver. ---In the
farmer clause we exprms his nearness to
us. in this his distance frem us. In this
matrast him wite the fathers we
have here belear, ami s rase ear ante
to that easaveaa whom be titres, tied
that matemy at eery wetelt. am there,
21.5 In thsir rt,,psr eeme.--3.. F. ea D.
This phrase in tete Stiremares See= -..S r.Ses1
40 exwess, i.lets coreemesseme latems
rite, 27.t2.ELS mmeesty acme ammetteetea
Chrome am Me 3. Bits ?tearer and
=Eget tPwz mem eta 41. Ets ameatmetwere
tPes. xxxia. e;34.3.,) Ees tamemente enema
arzi qrsa, Ili.'
1:x7Pela be thyrea.mee-The 'mane manes
for tbe re -an reetal-lets releamemer. ?es
ability, his nasses2t;:zs, a1 e has a -22I
Se ex :name ef God stanes fez an GNI Es.
"To baltow Gaits atone Zs to give hem
Mel: Exeter and veneratien area rerttler his
ammo sacred; te eet him hettemse in war
thoughts: to ilave arta tweet la hts came;
to gire tem beater one praise in all tent
we do for hinve-Watstm. Tby kir.melsm
totne--eTtee kinzaom a his pewee`, els
gespea. his graee and his glory."' The
thigdom here intended is the elementen af
his grace -that previsien ef his infinite
tnertm bv wheh he is to stieclue eur sin -
hg race into cheerful obedience and sem
mee tmto hinnelf.-Vainiame. Thy win be
don. -Th e will cd God is infinitely gaol
wise and holy. As in heaven -Br the
angels and an the hosts of heaven.' se
in earth -Be- mortals.
Give us -The good things of this,
Inc are the gifts of God. Tbis teaches
us our dependence upon him, and is a
lesson of contentment, fragalitv and
patient labor, moderation, benevolence
and faitb.-Norton. Day by day -In the
order in whicb our needs are felt Oar
uIy bread -Life's most common neces-
sity. Strength to gain it, skill to earn
it, power to eat it-mi}testrewerrein Goa.
Front hina the soil. elm seed, the sun, the
barvest." 'Mats ineludes a prayer for
the instruction of God's werd, whielt is
often compared to food tercet xxiii. 12.
1. Tim. im 6). and for the assistaree and
support of bis gram. for streegth to de
bis will, kr that Broad whieh enduretb
into ererlasting
4. Forgiveness of our sins -Sin is .lere
retatmentea as a debt. elan hes noth-
ing to pay, if his debts are not for-
given they mast stand eliarged measliest
Lin forever.-Carke. in is an
debt, a hist debta greet nee gratrinte
debt.-Herate. We also forgive -Else
haw could -we entreat thee for pareone
Not into temptatitea-As the payer far
daily bread raisea as above care for te-
day, time tee prayer fer tee forgiveness.
of sees is meant to quiet nscer.nrniree
the past. so is the prayer against temp;
lateen a woven for :be uneertain enture.
that we might not fan again uneer thee
rreeht afevil-Leng„e. Deliver us frere
mit-Frere alt the wilea freeteemeimes.
and mismare reetatte of seem from its
blindness Ani them its un-
epirituality awe rebovn, fran itsLiTa-
tress and its wentament; fawn at that
diettemers Gad arel ruins the wet, Irma
its guilt. its pewer, its ebtarte, an. it4t-
c100113.-IleyredS. `17114%.St cleicers fee=
tea.: 1. By fore:aver:mem 2. By filling
the heart with !eve. Z. By to telft ef,
the Hely Spirit. 4. By settirm us te
or himm-Peletibet.
IL Tee parabte of the impart:nate
berrawere arm 3-S. 5. Tee sete-Al-
thaugh alte repetitiees in rawer On,
fKitideleV. ',yet periastemey and imp-stet:am-
ity in prarere wresttitto nit% Gal ate3.
rat !attire.;binge meal ae has reseee
ASS. are Imre distindly eatteett. Seh
1-S.-Fatrar, elieltemat-In teem
bet countriee it is emetrean, w&re it C.A4)
be clone safely. te travel in the neafat..
-Smite Lead ram -It is camel wile the
Jews to beireew betted af one ameteem
and certain tees ars Zan wizen
and arse What omelltiers this is te be
Friend-, .is etrine-Eirtietcd,
label awl shu has li'YSt la7:s way. A strszg
smsen why he thrmn ha t:TY/Tr;t5, IICIEL
-Clarke. '7. Tre.,t1r.e ro, ret tram-
lele matte him inetnsiete bete af tee rer-
*en ey of the cam an the etaitets c,f
triendahip. 1tbed--We learn fram tra-
vellers that it is ustal in tle Yost fLr a
"thole family to gerp in t_?Lt same ranm.
earls hying bis mattress on tee feet*.
cement -Wittatut tesettiom valet meg
moat to. `I will neat? 8. Hit • -
tunity-Literaity,lis temmteestetree, that
is his uttleue_hieg merieelttesemearrar.
pertreteatee in asking smi atattag
iris can t5 sny & frond. Aa
asary-Ilis relteetelette eat* areeeteetatf:3 omerettap aattlieg en a melt !mike. lir
the dim e of ftieeelehie! teal ttateaeta*. tfiet teemed to tem tatel died in
M. 'The disciples rarr.3 t pttOitteney
de waver SIL131. I' nay lento *eon
irearletil Cane Deraited.
bete N frost t'briers owls recutk.:,
'who kitows Ms Father's mini. and in fl -91111a* -11- S„-Fk-mrtitm
*11 TA-ophime..qt are on3 srest,,Itht CATS 10.4,1,e the ram
A , _mem. „ememememie term" 3,4-ilel 14.rtilOi St Illerlitiet eetel-e•
lithe* very. hi;iortsat direction& PC- tO0I-hirg. Nobody *as hull'. Pert tte
meg, tec 1,fs:ter awl amptIpatikaa., wit "SAS %try great, etery tar be,
ate to mai rememits kis** WOO ing ;watt.
Market Reports
The Week.
gsaeltiI:leetn7Y;e t ztiti'lltIrlacedtei°:re4traendi Ai: I:: M NEN' PO RED OUT
surromulime country is moderately brief:
althomtit allele...ale tratie kae etill a
_ atirlitlee ttutige0114:. Receipts of country proluce
Ottawa:4'411ter., is. a tally VA illtWe.
Walt to Lie ti trade here, while the move- wei
trent in alwaletate dry gads is moderate. ta"
Tie samara for hardware is active.
imadieg Wheat Matkete.
July. Sett. co.D
Nev yea; *84 644 644 VOS Se &l.'s Gisi
Lola el 40 44 46 44 44 Sj a $;7:4.:*
Wterie F:33* s9 -
DM= t.34; tri:4
Toronto rfuit Market.
peremts et mean fruits were .s.mala teetay.
ettela artteez trzyneperatril.Vtnxf.irmreasr.op'mawbere14
Kis err qtiFt. .Cherrtes. 7.3e to Anesr'
anl to to ter matt easeets. tetesthemact;
at. to al eer ,batett.
New mnatees, .V.53 to 4"0.75 eer ebt-
=mem, 4-bk. crate, •;I. to 42.2.3; da tl-bk.
crate. V.0.3 g",DD: Waterruciers, to
enicns.. saek.. .
Toronto. lave Stock.
Receipts of live stock at the city .cattle
market were large, 107 carloads, corn -
of 1,440 cattle, 1,317 hogs, 1,602
.sheep and Iambs, and 300 kalvcs, as re-
ported by the railways.
Trade was much the same as on Tues-
day, awl prices fully as good, when qual-
ity is considered.
The promeets are for a further decline
in expert cattle unless foreign markets
amid improve.
Exporters.-Sbipping cattle sold at
$1.70 to fe3 per met, one load bringing
0.03 per ewt. Bulls sold at $3.30 to
$4.23 per ewt. There was a light supply
of eeport cattle, amt. it was well that it
was so, as few were wanted.
Butcherse-Prime butchers' matte were
searee, and picked lots sold at about
$4.S0; in faet, one load brought that
price. Loads of good butchers' sold at
ta4.30 to $4.60; medium at $4.33 to
et4.43; common mixed toads at $4 to
$425; et -ail -fed mute, finiehed on grass,
Ad at $3.73 to $4; canners and grass
cows, at $2.50 to ettleei per ewt.
Feeders and Stokers,- Mr. 3furby
bereeht 230 this week, as follows: Steers,
900 to 1.030 lbs.. eel.S0 to $4; eteers,
SOO to 900, at $3.70 to a3.90; best stock-
ers, 300 to 700 Mee at $$:23 to $3.60;
eommen eteakers. •e2.50 to -$3 per met.
Mitch Cow. -Between 40 and 39 tows
were offered on Wednesday and Thurs-
day, and as a few cows were wanted by
a Montreal dealer. trade was a little
more aetive, but priees did not advanee
very much. Prices ranged from $30 to
$4S each for the bulk.
Veal 309 real calves
were on sale. Prices, as usual, were good,
considering the quality of the bulk.
Prices ranged from ee4 to ti16.50 per ewt.
Sheep and Lambs. -Export slieep sold
at it4 $4.13; bueks $$.50; sitearling
lambs er light butehenee sheep 9.4 per
ewt.; lambs seed at eel.50 to $.7.30; the
beak seal at about $7 •per cwt.
Het -ea -There was a fair delivery, and
Frites were quotee 10 per tient higher.
Mr. Harris queted seleets at $7.60 ana
Itahts mad fats at $7.33 per ewt.
Maniteba Wheat..
At fhe WMaipeg oTtion. market to -ay the
follawing were the emeine weeat mettations:
Zuly, sena; mum. ar. hid; Oct., 172.4c.
British :Cattle Markets
Foemettly a Toronto Man -Was Siful
Working Cheered in Employ of
Henry K. Wampole 1k Ca, of Perth,
Oat. -AU Trace of Hire Lott
Terente. ehaly 0.----Beitatate of atettlaa-
times etaid amment to between $4Mteee
and Sa9.091e front Zits ermatoyerm Heney
X. Weremele Co., of Per, tentaele.
Harry W. MiCk, kl the same t01411, an.:1
formerly of Toranto, as asap:ammo,
Meek was a wanking: thentlet ay aro-
emeten ert3 mat ene of tem eel-eke:I ma -
pewees or the firm. she are marefeetear-
oteleemei.ets. On attntneeny mornina, dune
eta he Peetta aiteont telliaer any
perste el his its. lie was in
Torante teat aetertmen. Sentelay are
:met ,Te Mmetlay„ feina. seen by felenes
ane wetztatretaneee in tele (-het. eteree
them alt 'Irma. of ben aae beau lest.
Hate: W. teak telt Temente last wan-
. -'etten the inetery ef the etermotalet
,:',."1:13TIM went to Peelle Warm heee
lima at L:257 Hang -street west. Ile wee
mantee atm of the beet nom in hie eel: -
tree in teetattam having' spent r.earty
taiatv lames in tee ettemattree empete in
Plead'eZettete. Ilamese al is skit' as
tleerett:a zenerel Matt:nese etillity be
tS,15 tsi.eZIF ety teis erepleyers.
Since taketa rete tt tet Perla tee
teek aetiee intemet emileie nifaire.
aml. hes netarany ere-
attal a se-atteta fm teat town.
Syrattuse Spittle& Beeper Tata noia
a Lire 'Wire.
- T., 8.-1,/.2•.:mard
tv.i.mty :teats af age, a epee-
-owe he-. wei.? at
mote !mite etteterlatte Ile Taal teattemel
rea,.I•ed both heeds te
away at Coeirie liglat litre tem
etreettne week em telapliane Watts,. ani
:remit ter emavy samet. A liternen
-tateteer tre Esis hateie Etre ate
-the unteat meet at, marl drotiel his
art felt to the F. iced B. fcw
i The
Wife to Make
scovery That He Threatened
Her Denounce White.
maseetems tome toenail mimes of n, York. July 0. --Harry Kendall '
tl. Dun & Co. tneatea in the Dominion of 'Thaw, elayer of Stanford White, gave
Canada tell of a well tdstained volume i his first- newspaper interview to•day in
ef trade for the season and general can- the Tomes.
Remote regartibm the future. Slee man-
nfaeturers at tettabee are busy and trade He expressed both hope and coatinlitis are fairly satiefaetory, white deuce of his regaining his freedom; be
feedsturte are steady. W hotesale trade spoke of happier times be chatted re -
has te'ea eltdet ihadelt the just week at aarding Mende, but declined to dim
Torouto, but gm feeling m bopefull ae
cues the events that led up to his killing
of the erchited.
The impreselon that the millionaire -
slayer is in full possession of bie mental
powers began after tbe first greeting;
fifteen minutes' eouversation gave no
indieation of any unusual vagaries i
Thaw's ordinary action%
Tbe lawyers for Harry Thaw bare
hired praeticany every impertant alienist
in this country to assist in Thaw's de -
reuse. What is more, they have cornered
the market in insane experts, and
oareien-Catite are quoted at Pnic to
Per Zb.• refrigerate.r beef. Se to Plize per lb.; ,
'hem,. 'dressed, rem to me per lb.
Torontn Farmers Market.
The Toronto grain market continues very
cautet, with an easter feeling in wheat, et-
temzeh offerings are light. One load et white
at .sold at tor bushel, one load ei
goase at Tree, and one load of barmy at em.
supplies of farmers* prodnee were mod-
erate, and prizes generally steady. ,Dalry
hatter srld ilSe to 22c per lb., awarding to
qmallity. and eggs at ea te 25: ler dorm.
merhaa thickens, 34: 15e per lb. alive; uad
ducks, 17 to 13e!
Hex la limited emeta, vitt ma amerm
pric: 3.2 loads said at SD ta 13 a Vaa
ter thilt,,thy. and Mt $!-.4 if.0 for mixed.
Ilzussel bans zrz-Iln-,,--td, with light
,utaded nt Va.:0th V...03, and bear: at 410.41
-mote, metal e 30., 03
• red. bustel ... 0 03 866
e,rrinf.,,.• buthel 33 CS
0 OD
10 55
_ 02)
0 12
1 36
311 SO
Da.„ ganee, ....
4)..tts, tesem •-• -tate
Barley, hush 051
Peas „brash. 072
Rye, bush. .. S3
Hay, timothr. ten - •-•• 11 03
Da. -else& tom 30
Straw, per tea 10 9)
50 ,•40
Es.dozen .. 0 21)
Enter. daiTy -- 0 le
Dm creamer? 0 ti2
Clickers, spring 1S
Turkeys, per lb. 0 33
Potatoes. ster bag aa
Zee% bbadatiarters S OD
ma. foregnurters 5'00
• cli-aitte. carmse .-. 7 50
Da., medium, carense
Metten. per cwt. 59
Veal, per cwt. ... S
per cwt. ............5506
Wool. Va'ekitS.
Lor.'dar..-T3-e frurth series of the 1930 -rxml
attak-m s31vs ts ,-'74,(1:1;10T1 OpEn tretwease
ZzuSna 4t -E, Stmt week 83.493 bales will be
cniTea. *The arrivals f 0,251 ar 2e iflhztiszergiezot
'folsres^-zeia.g•et.:t 1 -•-*e imporfs
this week were! New Selaib Wales ED queens- -
land b10 Cape el Good Slope eh:IN:Mal 4.D74
witar wiatte tes, New 'fork 407„ various 2,051.
Bradstreet's Trade Iteview,
alentreal: me. actual rata-emu:a mf
weelesale teem Item continues a little -
matt. in meet lines althowah the warm
weather has alven a area better tone
te Mae raettement of retail trade
teramemet the tenntme. Lioht dry
eoele are =mina wen and there is a
eeetel lettemes5 in all dep.artments of the
fele tbie. eammetien tee mu -
:Woke le very hopeful, awl the Eseelleet
etealitiers of the mars thecae:Meta aa
rams ef excatta are sr ran mor-
atenels atepQrSe for a goal
it b tree teat 'tee games of eata
renter Qua the matane nem Mow Dn.
=In int.', mama te Mee nimeameteable at -m-
ean, iestalts lave rt "..).?.Fra ETS-
eNingt tin LIT a ettetteea-
tietely few emael hattetettos mettaal
man.letierte teremehma
so pram -tone feet emeteamettee 'Same
great ce-eiseette ael tame fer tate teettatto
ef the ,;,07::17.
renteteateatemile trade 2.:47 -IP. tatew-
ing ;ere! meretteent 1. a elle tteme ef tem
ary .37? .1T-_,T-
itt;:: bettem eel tee -feel teeee
tu :LA? ane oe the tecavimet mama. Me
th on esemainety eleasen- aememna Mame
elietan fer tietat Cams ateitenge. tett:me
%eters are WO:27.2ms Len etoe firm wen
-sleeks La c3lie tines tiget. feetweree are
fairy attive. Sats nee VIM in
atse muted gemete feteeks of mme.
earn eel tomatoes am legal,. a.tatmen
. firm ane game -eine s'eareze Tee deteen1
oe teeteriats ani gemtral Late -
le is as edam as ever. tountey teade
is et tatinet fairy game tenet
Wxu: Thrre is a gaxl tote ta
trade all dopartmtnts. Wcutiler con-
ditions 4--uing- the
past week haw
atereatly fat teed tla =awing eteme, ate
the utteat lualetet etill petelaime ta lae
remol. Stemma eley geale aro active
and tlere hos &VII a bin tneeeest it fell
ertertat Geeteriee are treteing Wen an,
:genital har,lwate rnertntsg win a
= movertitnt. Country trade At all paints
i: 5 -St l49tiiltlPt tte.
'4'./in;•-anver and VietteMa: Theo eitene
talltfeetecte attl me:tellers ate
. Han -Altera an lame of tra,lo c3nljnx,
ti 072, "Itie dereaml fee tom m-
e a 'S.0 sa t5153s A, 4.1%
and Ile out:a:* 1. -Ir 1a:2 tae is 1EI'y
mop prespeets are cm-num:ging. Hand-
wano and metals are cspecinly aetive.
tleiwy Clews' Idea.
The outlook for the next few weeks is for
fair trading market, It is still tea ED37,1 t0
entice -ate any general upward Movement. Tha
reareet may be entitled to a fair rally atter
Wm rem= fall, but that is all that ran be
expected at this time; In fact, ehe market
Is mere likely to decline *hail advance. At
the Dower level the market is a much safer
ene on widch to ofcrate than at any previ-
ous time this Fear. Liquidation has impastA
a severe test, but failed to reveal any weak
spacs of Importance. In case of any furth:v
stringency in mane) lower prices of securities
are -retty sure to fellow. Clifortunatelv,
there Is no large sbort interest in the market
on whicia to depend for support. Stosks
have been goiag. into stronger bands the
last few daysapparently for -the purpose of
checking too rapid declines.
t -
The Cars Broke Loose While on A Heavy
Grade and Rushing Back Crashed
Into an Auxiliary Engine Coming
on Behind -The =led Were Stand-
ing on Platform.
F. Mills, propably of Detroit.
C. L. Potter, Yarmouth.
C. S. Stearns, Nev Liskeard.
Percy W. Jordan, Carleton Place.
should the mutt decide to appoint a
commission of its own t� examine Thaw
it was said yesterday tbat it would be
pramically impossible for them to find
any alienists of sufficient reputation
who coule serve, as they are already re-
tained by the •defenee.
About the only alienists of any reputa-
tion bereabouts who are not retained by
the defence, so it was said yesterday,
are Drs. Austin Flint Carlos Macdon-
ald and William 3fabon, The Thaw
side couldn't very well get them, because
they et -ere retained by the District At-
torney tbe morning after the inurder,
when the prosecution saw tbat the de -
fare would be insanity of some kind.
All the physicians retained by the
prosecution who have seen Thaw insist
that be is perfectly sane.
lender the law there is but one justifi-
eation for murder, self-defence, and in
the Thaw ease there was so possibility*
of putting forth this defence.
31r. garvan bad two witnesees before
New Liskear despatcb: The first seri-
ous aecident on the Temiskoming
Northern took place last night shortly
before 6„e'e1ock at Swansea's Cut on
Shat part of the road still under con.
struttion by A. R. Mee:knell. Swanson
Cut is about 33 miles north of New
Liskeard. There is a Imary grade on
the line and an auxiliary engine. is em-
ployed to push trains over the grade.
appears that a train under Engineer
O'Connor was climbing the grade, and
the auxiliary engine, in aarge of En-
gineer Brown, was coming eking some
distance behind to lend ite help when
Suddenly a eouplin,a on the irain broke
and the two rear coaches came rushing
beck down the grade. Brown reversed
when he saw what had happened, but hes
had. juat succeeded in stopping his migine
when the runaway ears dashed into it.
The passenger coach which struck the
engine was strong enough to resist tbe
shock, but the baggage car of lighter con-
struction. was telscoped into thc passen-
ger nen It was on the platform 'between
the passenger and babbage ears that the
four victims of the aceident were stand -
:hem Three of them, Mills, Potter and
Jordan, were instantly crushed to death.
while Stearns bad his legs erusbed and
received internal injuries from which he
subsequently died here. Had the men
remaiued ineide the eatr, they would hate
been safe, for, though the passengers in
the coaeles were thrown about by the
farce of the collision, none of them were
s.erionsier injured,.
Mr. Geo. S. Stearns was transportm
tien offieer of the Grand. Trunk Pacific.
His widow lives in .New Liskeard. Percy
W. Jordan was a. took .*oing north to
work on the Grand Trunk Pacifie. Ile
bad a letter in his poseession from his
wife ha Catietelet Place. 31111s, aged about
45, and Potter, 53, were prosper...tors, and
tittle is. known of .eitber of them, even
Mills' address being a matter of doubt.
A leiter from a relative was postmarked
Detroit,. Potter's wife lives in Yam
mouth, N. S.
hint yesterday. One of Mein WIM
Mazie Follette, a elionts girl, who was
a friend of White and of the Thaws.
She is understood to have told Mr. !
Oarvan of some of the dinners White
gave at which elle was present. She also
gave the name of ROM men who were
at these dinners. Miss Follette defended
White. In an interview yesterday she
said that these parties were not im-
The other witness was a Mies Mink,
who 18 the mother of Edna McClure, au-
otlwr aetress. Mr. (tureen refused to sa.y
what part she played in thc caw. 15*1
said that they went to the Distriet
Attorney's office to 41eny a story about
another allege affidavit.
It has been positively ascertained 511155
Evelyn Nesbit did not order the insti-
tution of a Ma for breach of promise
against Harry K. Thaw. her present,
husband, but that she did swear to all
affidavit in wheel she charged Me. Thaw
with having pointed a pistol at Jar head
and threatened to shoot her if she did
not immediately swear to a *burg e ac-
cusing Stanford White of accomplishing
her ruin.
'This affidavit bas been destroyed, but
a pbotograph of the document is itt eta
istenee, and its contents are of suet a
nature as to preclude its publication.
Among other assertions contained in
the paper is one to the effect that Thaw
conceived a bitted hatred of Stanford
, White several years ago, which be
numea up to the time of the making of
• the affidavit. This hatred was not
based upon the fact that Evelyn Nes-
bit bad made a statement concerning
him, for it had its inception long be
fore the document was drawn up, and
was founded upon insane jealousy of his
Life inturance policies amounting, to
9449.010 were paid to the attorneye tor
Stanford White'e eetate on eaturday,
and other redeem amounting to 95009
more were held pending a determination
el claims by the Equitable Society.
Mae Thomas Gets Five Years for Swallowing a
Paris, July 9.-Cottet Boni de Sastel-
laue faces the .gravest eriels of Mel
stormy career, now teat the tbamber
of Deputies bas invelatted hie elect itn.
It is exceedingly doubtful if he earl win
at the s -mond election, wilia is now
necessary. It is even doubtful %% hellos
he will bare enough mom e to make this
emeond fight For eterally be ie without
a sou, uniem to save kis fortunes from
abS01414e rain, the Countess will pay his
e2eetion expenses agaip.
Count Boni is zaaiag -tg,ainet his poet
tkal eneiniete egaleet the whole peti-
t:eat syetean, against Ids wik anti men
life itself.
He bas two duels en liis hands. He
teamed one politieal enzinfe fate and
told another to 13nsiler ninieelf stem -
pea. lie swears he will yet make his
A Punitive Expedition -Relief of Garri-
son -Tribesmen's Village Captured
After a Sharp Fight.
Cairo, July 9.-Tbe punitive expedi-
tion under Major O'Connell, which left
El Obeid on June 6 to relieve the gar-
rison of Talodi, drove out the Soudan-
ese tribe after a sbarp fight, in which
t-130 natives were killed and. 100 cap-
The force, which -consisted of 350
eamelry, 200 Soutinnese Light Infantry
and several British officers, inarehed
through torrential rains and seam of
npati, and frequently crossed torrents
waist deep. They reached Talodi on
FOR BRITISH HOUSE OF LORDS, the 14th and relieved the garrison.
The force then marched to Gebel
Ilia where the inhabitants had shel-
Greatest Beneficent Measure Ever Con- g
tered the Talodi Arabs, On the 15th a
eneral attaek was delivered on their
ceived Will Have Passed by Timettmetition, and fighting tasted until sunset,
That Parliament is Prorogned-Mr.
remitting in the eaptere of the village.
'Churchill's Speed].
Ltdon, July B.- David layod
George, ?reel:lent ef the Board of Trade,
speakiima at Shelley Spa, Durham. to -
nod referring to what be called
eamen-out parliamentary inaehiterma
deziarea that •the House of Lords ought
to be placed on the scrap heap. He
The force, Which sustained no easualhee,
is mow returning to El Obeid.
The Width °Hirers reported 'Mitt the
nuamer ha whia the punitive force
attained its obeet, in spits of great dif-
fieulties, deserves tl5e bigheet comma -
dation. It is believed that the outbreak
was due to the resentment
of the tribesmen of a :Govermuent post
in their midst.
1414trer that the greatewilst lwrieficeut NO RECORDS BROKEN
=Z1Srare ever cenceivol will hare been
,asted by the time Parliament is
tweramant and 1.'-iat probably Ibis woula
etreer im Dammam. The English Amateur Championship
Matches in London.
Witatten Clement, Leader Secretary s
tee tem tallemees, speaking to -night at
Alletetteam, (teeter. sate the Govern-
memt, hal atm -retried te mere out its London. Eng., July 9. -In the Aim-
" te-ms ranee -ea tete re:hale-ea of land tour Athletut Assoeiation champions lip
:=rmmmmetrt=ae=t_e;niar.d=r2atlleye Illemeltseeveltatline, 45.atr. ylootrtoSnt,a41,11.tifeorthlow.irogeollei amttx,t115eittilylt:
t03 aii tlisi.l,sdw7eeeneefytt.ier;s10ytrtsaiinesome of 10
l yl2:seeu.
sper tree tee retestity of
J. 1'. Hagerman of Toe Angeles, Cot,
ff.21.:*17122g meetirtatrea Meek eonetamtee eves espeetea to compete in this tapas
Gememenent 115 emu, em the pot- but did not reaelt the grounds in time.
me -ay of trelisten trite '"an unsound He participated, howeNer, In the loug
;atti tremeeettotate eteemeemy met, iota jump, and earried off e the second prize.
..2..rses1511,;_t.ewneemialotetnelabi,,,e-etezzet te7Itteeeptaterissatnn nbtiisttlatenbto,arsa:fletiet,t,l'-sOlt-2`oviinilieoirlmot.lie holder.
trommen of a parlitdlar fa:4km." 4 The bolder. C. 11. dttpp„ London AO-
Iletie club, mon tio, ate) oolt .11111. Time,
23 3.5 seeeilds. C. II. Itaeon of the Irish -
SEA SERPENT SEEN. American Atleetie 1 t ,
firet heat of tbe half mile run.
1111) *Wei thirti itt the
Englishmen Tell Zoological Society Most of the pmformaneve Were wieder.
of Animal's Appe..aranee. ate ana ao moos were broke%
leaneen, aely ft -An interesting tale
of a tom eateent was 16n:a t) a crowded
nr45.;?:)1.tinf42.s; Westrnin4ter 7.mynalliP Woman De" 43
Whil; in a ;1cllt. off tbe Ilramitair Result of Itenawity.
eamet ta 5h3 teeet'll el Para they saw
ai"rirtlilk 3l.rImationIt40Iy 0- 1. s. lid It.N.tne h, AoVal 3fIitageao:0rodudnAtreTownsipliehe,
iisS ciiewe the water. ..S. Zar,ge heal dng into tho city watmemy tome,
areZ eheet eta eee feet of a week Of the non, *OS thrown from her rig end ses, •
tehlteeta ef 0 triatf5 then rote abate tame remit, mhe hetet. toms
tee otriam, tesernbled nal fliat paiik.,Ankg: ;Another ti g and Lyn
ef 3 totem sell the curious creature actA:ke, fwerturning the Aeidoh,
in rsrie tn.:enter. Its fel 435011. Mrs. llsoyt v,os muo‘ihi flo.
toms Iftemital, where elm elea
Wee: 1i51*1ki thst 41 ooked anerning. She leases a family of five
a sattaatise below Ike alltIStt. childrea,
enemies lick the time before him. Ile it
very brave -with his mouth.
Very Costly Grub..
Omaha, July 9. -Mae Thomas, 51 e earl
who stole and mellowed a $350 diemond
here it mmah ago. was ea:tem:ea to five
years in the penitentiary. When sen-
tence was pronounced Mies Thomas
broke down and cried.
"The way of the transgressor le hard."
said the Judge, "but becaatee the jury
aeked lenieney for you I will sentence
you to five years' imprisonment." The
limit is seven yeare,.
eeith good behaviour Miss Thomas will
get out in three years. In tourt, Miss
Thomas said:
"I did not steal the diamond nor do I
know what has beeome of it. lf I ewal-
lowed it I don't know it."
The diamond bas not been recovered.
Me. Ea hoped*.
Office ;-11pstairs In the Iffecdooalg
Night calla summed 46 4066114
j • fgeraborglolliaBrutstr Magog
Ovoidal atteationnrift;toreDzils,eams et Imam
(Wixom Honact1 ;asp^
EA. P.. (E23
Physichn and Surgeon.
40filee with Dr. Chisholm)
D.D.S., DMA.
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Fen-
' neylvania College and Licentiate of
IDentaiSurgery of Ontario.
Moe over Post ofece-wzRriTrAw
Money zo loan at lowestrates. Office
7-05. WINGHAM.
Canadian Brand That Sells at Twenty-
five Cents is Favorite Line -Com-
modity on Free List at Present.
Buffalo, July 9. -Buffalo merchants
are up in arms, it is said, because hun-
dreds of their customers cross on the
ferryboat to Fort Erie, Ont., to take
advantage of the big Friday bargains in
tea and other articles offered by the
Canadian merchants. The grocers here
say they are big losers as a result of
the praetiee. Canadian tea is especially
popular here bemuse, it is said, the
'brand sold at 23 cents a pelted at Fort
Erie is even better than the 50 -cent tea
sold hi Buffalo.
Tea. is on the free list at present.
The government allows a person to
bring in five pounds at a time. It ie
reported that an effort will be made to
have a duty phleed On this minniodity.
Ifailway Times Says Overspeed Caused
the Disaster at Salisbury.
New 'York. July S. -A eable to the
Sun from Lenten elms; 'rhe Hatittee
Times deduets a mintifie Imuse for the
railway tteeident at Sdlislitley. 11 &lye;
that the eurve where the train left the
track had a radius of only e00 feet an.I
t•liat the outer rail was elnated only
"It 49 15 foot eam of seientifie &mem
;awake mew the lames, 'teat speed
of thirty InileA is the Ittla0aI that
safety allows, unaer gime eontlitione.
Sleet: in feet WAS the hieliest speed the
regulations permitted at this point. The
engine twest haat its tontre ofgravita
higher than that of the old type, It
woe mimeo that moth an ,,ngine would
moron% in paming that teem "on n5
e speed of forty miles. luasnoteh as
the opeed was inneh higher .5150 ilieaster
wee stentifetee). ineyitable.o
Chatham, Ont.. d'uly 0. -It is on-
rmuneed Upon good Authority that the
wrets.tApping which „.nused
oss i
ln the llool.rooltts ill NeW
("ottani' anal Chimp on the Whither
horse -rating aits alone within a few
miles of Chatham Two evinig nem
anis eil Imre a etalplo iddays hefote
the eoup Ives pulled off mut put up at
the Itankiii House. They bought aei
eleetrie hatteelea front Frew It. llriseo
tied on the tlay on r‘ Wit The tapping
waa done ilEtwe out into the eonetry,
m here, presumably, they dm the repet
lielltraillg to the eity they
sold thO hatterieS Ana 11050 Wit been
110.0 Of Sillee,
Moutreal Qtte. duly 7.. - The Mame in
ammo of the operation tlt the ranutli:In
tvoivifir t4ajhsa, briug gut :portion ef
hate eta' limn teoperee to emote the
aleatli of a einele Immo%
to n twin. It ie *Wallin!: if Ilea eau le,
4.11,1 et any eimiler weetion of -win* in
tho morld,
Barristers, Solicitors, etc.
Office:, Meyer Block Wingham,
E. L. Dickinson Dtulley Helmer
Office :-Morton Block, Winghsta
Established 11110.
Head Office GUELPH, ONT.
Risks taken on all ols.sses of Insurable pre
party on the oash or premium note systems.
TAY= Gomm, CHAS. Ds.vrneon,
President. Beoretary.
Anyouesending a sketeb and deseVeinit alaY
quieerpacertaba our opinion free w e r u
a roa.
v ion probably nentabt u)
roond HMO oripatents
see,st a cy for semring 0*10353.
Patents takOli th,angh Alunn & Co. receive
special nottoe,. about awe, in tho
scientific American.
bazioomor mostratta weekle. %test ell,
031)15166 of any adlentide Tratit
tn. ' s, f3 a
rear; four mornUfs, Al. Sold byail new,' itaters.
MUNN & CO .3 6 I Br"41"Y' New York
Branch Mice, G25 PSL Washington, D. C.
Write for our interesting books "Invent-
or's Help" an 1 "How you are minded."
Send us a rough sketch cr model of your in-
vention or improvement sad we win ten pm
free our opinion as to whether ii is probably,
patentable. Relected applications haveoften
-en snecewfilly prosecuted hv_,.. us. We
conduct fully equipped °feces ill MnA5feSI
and Washington; tins qualifies u.s to ...p -f.
ly dispatch work and quickly secure Patent s
as band as the iureatien. limb est rererences
Patents prorrard through Marion & Ma-
rion receive special notice -without charge in
over too newspapers distributed throughout
1 the 0 minion.
Specialte:-Patert business of Manufac-
turers and Bngineers.
Patent Experts and Solicitors,
i mikes , c New York Life ll'id.g, Tiontreol
' 1 Atlantic Bidg,Washington.D.C4
...- ...................-. ....
The Call at Neville Cut Out -Hon.
Rodolphe Lemieux Makes Agreement
With Allan and C. P. R. Steamship
re ilelittle,nt
ferellee on Satattlly 1C.:tre,“ nit -
(1508 the Mt le R. atal Mae Al: au
tatiNivu teta!,l
t:t•tltIks 11: te wts
militia of mail toteetemes 4es 5 4 11*10
..;15*1 I.
Will h OA Lim:road en Frill:. Me, r-
etteantete. Centime this tom Mae Inaile
The elmiae wee he alroteml,
one the Itiela teens: Memel ett teed at
Liateteeal 55i4i3 6Ye11:15.1 1 rhty ..1515
1: I A;
ina in thee tete.n nelltine tee eyes'
altItizemettsrze le .s 1514%
.,,e1, cn to
To farther elemaala ef
mails tee theetteme re a lel team a tea-
tetLl,luae,tri 4 4, 54434.4514
*11 reetnee elm am tete 15155ii.8?.
Five Itundsel tSonststoinitIps.anl het
\tisbte 45'.0314,1.
MS1‘11..‘ 1:5 tr: VaZ
ably die.