The Wingham Advance, 1906-07-05, Page 8PPIROPPIMPr
UM, AT KINQSBRIOWi . Whitechurch. Jamestown. Wroxeter. East Wawanosh,
Miss Edna enyler and "r. G. Rode- Mr. Ceo. t:ckntier eLnrl Ferns visited The King Edward hotel was re. The Council Met in the ("mitten
Stolt are house from their respective at rile ltotnc of lir. Innes, MOoretleltl, shingled last week. room,. June 22nd, pursuant to adjourn -
An unfortunate affair happened at
,. .
1 �, to wed-
Wednesday, tl
$s tr a c n �Z"e eln 1 � ,
ding tiac of John C. 1►;tltou and hiss
$i'A.ttres Moss, of that plow, and in
the evening there- were festivities at
the couple's new home. About tnid
night a eltarivarl party put in an ap- .
peueranee, and Joseph Bussey, a young
matt of twenty-five or thirty years,
who was in the house with the wed -
cling party. went outside to quiet the
disturbance. Whether through gees- -
dent or carelessness, :t shotgun in the
lt:Lncds of nue of the eliarivari party
went off and several of the shot struck
Hussey, shine in the side of the heard
and some in his side. Doctors were
summoned from Ii;intail, and Dr.
Whitely went up from Goderich. In
response to a message from Kintail,
Provincial Constable Phelan left about
1() o'clock Thursday morning for the
scene.--[(ioderich Signal.
(loderieh, June 29, --The Kingsbridge
shooting affair of 'Wednesday night is
assuming a more serious aspect than
appeared at first. Joseph Hussey, the
man who was shot, is not expected to
recover. Twenty-seven shots, size B,
lodged in his body, neck and head.
Doctors Whitely of Goderich and
Simpson of Kintail have extracted a
large number but others cannot be
Early this morning, as the result of
a visit to the scene last: night by
Crown Attorney Seeger, Detective
Phelan and Constable McCreath, three
young men, Matthew Meereight,
Thos. Fairish and Chas. Taylor, were
lodged in the county jail here. Fur-
ther arrests are expected. Crown At-
torney Seeger is working actively in
the matter, and left again this even-
ing for Kingsbridge. Detective Mur-
ray of Sarnia, who arrived to -day, and
Detective Phelan are also on the
It appears that there was some ill -
feeling on the part of a considerable
number of people around Kingsbridge
because they had not been invited to
the Dalton -Moss wedding on Wednes-
day, which was quite a large affair,
When the crowd gathered around the
Dalton house at midnight two or
three of thelia had guns. Hussey
came out of the honse and fired a gun
with the object of scaring the intru-
ders away, and as he turned to re-en-
ter the house someone fired on hint
with terrible effect. Hussey belongs
to a well-known family of Ashfield
Rev. Father Hussey of Ridgetown
is bis brother, and he has arrived and
is attending him. It is reported that
one of the men under arrest has con-
fessed to the shooting, but this cannot
be verified.
= 1:
Lower Wingham School Report.
schools for the holidays. last Monday. meet, as a Const of Revision and ,rip+
with Mrs, has been laid u
Art. Moorup.A. D. McOosti and sou RobbieA new cornea walk has been laid peal for 1000. Members all present.
the measles ; for several days Ins con- is spencliug her bolidatys under the
to the town hall from the sidewalk. Minutes of last meeting read and
tlltion was quite eritieaI, but we are parental roof, Mrs, W. S. McKereber left on Tues. Passed*
pleased to he :ibis, to report that he is 1
day last for a two mouths' visit in the The following appeals against assess -
plea improving. Ili, rellTillan s family Miss Mittal IUs elvie spent a1 few t b nt 1 1 d
i da of last veek in Holliston riston withos
meats were broil n�pp mid
c u pose
of as follows :•--'.1'ttos, tl. Taylor, sen„
are. also the victims of the measles. her brother, Lorne. x Mrs, IR(esberry of Bright visited complained that the buildings on his.
A select picnic was held on the _over Sunday and Monday in our property, lot 37, con. 4, were too high
>Donald Innes Of Moorefield is ie villa e. assessed; reduced $200, Nathaniel
banks of the Maitlandat Zetland on hewing aegnaintances in this vicinity if Johnston thought he was too high as -
Monday, the 2nd. The Misses E. and this week , he is a welcome visitor. Miss henry. our assistant teacher, ,
sessed for S 1 of 28, con. 4; reduced
W. (`fifty, Mrs. C, Henderson, Miss has gene to her. Marne hi Whitechurch
Pardon, Mr. and Mrs. T. Kew, Dr. Dougald Strachan and Miss Lizzie to spend her vacation. $200, Alfred 11, (lair coor S-iasa'ofPardon,Thomson, Mr. Walton, Mr. Eggle- attended the wedding of their friend, being ton high assessed far 1l I lot
ston, Mr. T. Henderson and others Miss Lurch in Palmerston last Wed- Manau :m—On'Wednesday, June 27, 31, con, 6 ; reduced $100. Mathew
made up the party and a very pleasant nesday, by Rev. L. Perrin, 13. A., at James- Lockhart complained of being too high
Report for June of S. S. No. 11,
Turnherry. Names in order of merit.
Jr. 4th.—Ethel Ransom, Mary Currie,
Roy Netterfield, Lizzie Lockridge. Sr.
3rd—Maggie Reid, Eva Linklater, An-
na McDonald, Eddie Lockridge. Jr.
3rd—Ruby Forsyth, Carrie Weeks,
Grace Sherriff, Harry Ashby, Casburn
Austin. Sr. 2nd—Frank Lockridge,
Alfred Lockridge, John Rogers, Will.
Srigley, Wilbert Mowbray, Dan. Mow-
bray. Jr. 2nd—Susan Welsh, Minnie
Saunders, Alvin Groves, Susie Sher -
riff, Beatrice Johnston. Sr. Pt. 2nd --
Grace Mowbray, Ralph Weeks, Nelson
Rush. Jr. Pt. 2nd—Gordon Ransom,
Jessie Cnrrie, Sammy Styles, Ross
Forsyth. Sr. Pt. lst—Myrtle Lock -
ridge, Ella Rogers, Alvin Reid, Aggie
Gray, Milton Groves, Daisy Ashby.
Frank Lockridge obtained the highest
standing for the month, M. D. Fish-
er, teacher.
town, Charles W. Ecket to Adeline- assessed for of 29, con. 2 ; reduced
tithe was spent. 1t a are pleased. to bear that 1t;. E. Mnil
Our old friend, Mr. E. Everitt, is in Bryans has successfully passed his g
very good humor these days. It seems final year in medicine its Winnipeg. Rev. E. G. Powell, Editor Kerr and
Mr. B. is one of the veterans of the Congratulations Ed. Messrs, Gerry end Fawcett of Brussels
Fenian raid, who received a grant of Mr. B, F. Carr of Wroxeter preach- took in the Dominion vans celebration
land in New Ontario from the Govern- ell in -Victoria Hall Inst Sabbath even- on Monday last.
ment, atul he hasjust learned that tug. Rev, lir. West of Bluevttle is Miss J. J. Allan, optieian, of Elora,
silver has been discovered near hisexpected for next Sunday evenings was in onr village on Wednesday Inst.
holding. We hope Mr, E. may be She did business at the Lofton House ;
fortunate in this respect. Miss M, Strachan, who has spent eyes were tested free.
Oh say, we think that the farmers the past years as pianist in Hamilton
of those townships lying around
SVhiteehurch have found a better
remedy for the automobile evil than
Whitney's legislation. You ought to
see the stuff some of thein are putting
on the roads, in lieu of gravel—quick
sand and rocks, or clay and sand, al-
most anything in fact except gravel.
Wm. Pardon's large barn was suc-
cessfully raised last Friday; no ono
was injured, Jas. Martin, ,jr., and
Frank Coulter were the captains ; the
race was a very close one. Coulter s
side carne out ahead, but an end raft-
er fell after being placed and before it
could be replaced, Martin's men were
through. Now the question is, who
won P
Rev. S. C. Edmonds left for his new
charge last Wednesday. His car of
effects included among other things
a couple of cows. His son, Gordon,
went in charge of these, and when
that very accommodating institution
known as the G. T. R., took his car in Owing to the very wet weather
band, the first they did was to nearly which. prevailed last Saturday after -
kill the cows. It seems that when noon, the S. S. picnic was badly spotl-
train was first backed up to the car ed. However some seemed determin-
the automatic coupler failed to work. ed to go, so quite a crowd gathered
They then hauled off and backed up and spent a short time in the bush,
again with such force that the Cows which was very damp. Of course
were thrown against the plank which every one must have their share of Among the ont-of-town visitors over
confined them, with such force as to disappointments. So we must just Sunday and Monday were—the Misses
break it. Then the train arrived in take what comes and hope for Higgins, Belgrave ; Crosby Leckie,
1.Vinghamjast 10 minutes too late to better. Wingham; Mr. and Mrs. Campbell,
connect with the London freight and London ; Jessie Barton, Belmore ; Mr.
the car had to remain in Wingham Another of those happy events and Mrs. Cook, Hensall ; Mr. and Mrs.
24 hours ; so much for our railway which make two hearts beat as one Fleming, Toronto ; Miss Wallace, Har -
accommodation. took place last Wednesday, when Miss Aston • J. Brawn, Tavistock ; Mr. G.
asylum, hats resigned her position, and
returned Boole last Saturday even-
Mrs, Joe Shaw, of 6th con. of Grey,
is at present staying with McDonald
Bios. in the absence of ber husband,
who has gone on a visit to friends in
Wisconsin, U. S. He was accoinpaLni-
ed by his little daughter, Isabelle.
Mr. Gordon McDonald of St. Helens
has taken a position in McDonald
Bros, store here, Rob. Simpson who
formerly occupied the position was
forced to give up on account of ill -
health. We hope he may soon be
The marriage of Mr. Frank Wright
to Miss Dora Simpson (both of James-
town) took place at the manse,
Wroxeter, on Wednesday of last
week, by Rev. Mr. Perrin, They are
at present living at the home of the
groom's father, Wm. Wright, gravel
road ; we extend congratulations.
MARRIEn.—In Turnherry, on Wed-
nesday evening. June 27th, by Rev. J.
H, Osterhout, B. A. B. D., Melissa
McKersie to Robert Baker.
Mr. Geo Howe was elected by accla-
mation as a member of the Trustee
Board, to fill the vacancy caused by
the death of Wm. Wilson.
A garden party will be held by the
congregation of the Presbyterian
Church on Friday evening next, July
Oth, on the lawn of Lawrence Lovell.
W. P, Dobson, Principal of our
Public school, presided over the En-
trance examinations in Fordwich last
week. He is holidaying now in that
H. Halliday and Miss Ritchie of the
McIntosh Presbyterian Church were
hero last week, and purchased the old
organ belonging to the Methodist
Church here, for use in the basement
of McIntosh church.
Rev. Osterhout preached a rousing
patriotic sermon in the Methodist
church last Sunday night. Flags and
flowers decorated the church, and pa-
triotic hymns were sung. The rev,
gentleman is a thorough believer in
the future of our great country.
Addie Mulligan became the bride of Spotton, Wingha°ni; Miss Kennedy,
- - =-J: " ' Mr. Chas. Eaket of Grey, Miss Mag- Toronto ; R. Miller and Miss M. Miller,
Belmore. gie Mulligan, sister of the bride, acted Toronto; Mrs. Curtain, Chicago.
as bridesmaid, while Chas. Forrest,
Herb. Copeland spent his holidays cousin to the groom, did the duties of Dominion Day has passed and the
at his home here, • g'roomsman. The ceremony was per- celebration of the day in our town last
formed by Rev. L. Perrin of Wroxe- Monday has gone with history as pro -
Mrs. W. E. Lucas and daughter ter in the presence of a goodly num- bably the best celebration that Wrox-
spent the 1st at her home in Ethe, ber relatives and friends. The even- eter ever held. The citizens took spe-
Mr. and Mrs. George Edwards and ing was spent in music and games cial interest in seeing that all their
family. of Teeswater, spent Sunday in after which all returned to their lawns, etc., were in the best of shape.
town. homes wishing Bir. and Mrs. Eaket The bridge was almost completely
many years of happiness and pros- covered with evergreens, and a large
We a are sorry to hear of the illness Brit evergreen arch spanned Main street.
of Eldon Peterntan, and hope he will p y' Everywhere flags were seen in profu-
soon be himself again. 1 sion. The big attraction was the cele -
Miss Florence Bremner, who has N, B, Truth, St. Paul, June 31, '08.— brated 48th Highlanders' band of To -
been teaching near North Bay, has re- I've lived so long, I remember well all �vho heard wtit certainlys Ithforenoon ed a
turned home for her vacation. when the Mississippi was a brook, fast game of football was played he -
The village was almost deserted on My good health and long life came by tween Wroxeter Juniors and Brussels.
July 1st; the attractions were about taking Hollister's Rocky Mountain The score was 1-0 in favor of Brussels.
equalized between Wroxeter and Tees- Tea, 85 cents. Ask your druggist. In the afternoon the foot races proved
water. T
Miss Nellie Murray, who has been
spending a few weeks with her sister,• vale; score, 1-0. Perhaps the most
Mrs. J, Mulvey, returned to her home lir. Will. Lawson of Goderich spent exciting game of the day was the base -
this week. the holidays at Hector McQua rrie, ball match between the Unions of
Mr. Collins, our village teacher, left Mr.e Robt, McAllister and sister, Gorrie & Wroxeter and Harriston. A
going, e dixriSaturday
i,g h savaeatiou,ast. Hto Miss Mary, are holidaying at d for nine
innings, game
ll was g n a victory yfor Har-
. Toronto University. Fergus. riston ; score, 6-7. The concert in the
Henry Lawrence has taken the con- Miss Lizzie Bryans returned home town hall in the evenilig, given by the
BIRTHS. tract of carrying the mail between from Ingersoll last Friday accompani- 48th Highlanders, assisted by H. 13.
Cruikshank—In Wingham, Mrs. Robt. Belmore and "Wroxeter: and carries ed by Miss V. Edgar. Lloyd of Toronto, and others, was n
with him our best wishes for his great success. The expenses were very
Cruikshank, a son. The new iron bridge on the 2nd con., Heavy. but the proceeds as near as can
success. very is almost completed and will be open be judged so far will exceed the ex -
BT. In Wingham, June 28, Mrs, Rev. J. H. Osterbout gave a for traffic this week. The 2nd cer- eniliture,
J. Belden, of Winnipeg, a son. fine sermon on Sunday last, in the fainly is the line for improvements. p
McCormick—In Culross,on June 26th, Methodist church here, on Loyalty 1. .
Y Y We are pleased to see Mr. Jas. Pear -
the wife of Mr. Andrew McCormick, and Patriotism; we are pleased to son home again from Belleville college Dn. OVENS,M. D., London, Eye and
a daughter. know he is returning for another year. lso congratulate
u a the him
in recent Ear Surgeonwill be at licKibbon's
Deacon—In East Wawanosh, on June Miss Hannah, youngest daughter of successfuldrug store the first Tuesday in each
20th, the wife of Mr. Samuel Den- Mr. Henry Lawrence, was married a tion. month ; hours, 2 to 9 p. m. Cataract,
con, a son. week ago to Mr. David Adams of W. E. Bryans of Toronto Medical squint, failing eyesight, nasal catarrh,
-G'( ightman,—In Moosomin, June 27th, town, The young couple are taking College, spent the lst under the deafness, head noises treated and glas-
to Mr. and Airs. H. H. Wightman, 11p residence in the house owned by parental roof. Will. has been sue- ses properly fitted. Next visit is on
formerly of Wingham, a daughter. lir. James Hall. cessful in his examinations, and now Tuesday, August 7th.
- ,h _ : very interesting. Blnevalo and , ames-
town played a good game of football,
lire which resulted in a victory for Blue -
We are pleased to learn that Master has M. D. to his name.
Murray Mulvey, who is travelling Last Sabbath the Communion was •
Notice of Closing. through Dakota and Minnesota with disonse i ' d n e tit Presbyterian church
his grandmother, Mrs. Mulvey of aatt Ethel, the pastor officiating in the
We, the undersigned lawyers, agree trip ad enjoying better is much his
Bluev leit. Bev. Mr.
West, preparatory a.&., of NIr. Jno. Ferguson has moved from
to close onr offices during the monthsh. p p y Lakelet to Clifford where he will
of July and August as follows:—On - 3; - . - 3 service. wend the declining years of his life.
Saturdays at 2 p.m. and on other days A little love, a little wealth, Grey township Voters' List for 1006 He is one of the most agreeable and
at 4 p.m. (Signed)
A littlehas been issued and was first posted 'popular men in the community and
homeand me ;
Dickinson & Holmes It's all1Iask except goodyou health, up on Wednesday of this week. he certainly will be missed in the inn
3. A. Morton Which canes with Rocky Mountain There are 918 names its Part I ; 95 in mediate neighborhood he left,
Holmes, Clarke & Holmes Tea. Ask your druggist. Part II ; and 80 in Part 111-1043 in Mr. Geo. McKnight of the 6th con.
R. Vanstone all. No, of Jurors 601. of Wallace, had a successful barn rais-
1' A good share of the road work is ing on Friday last, five hundreder-
St. Helens. done. It is of three varieties, good, sons being present at the raising of his
Miss Johnston of Stanley visited bad and indifferent, the latter holds immense new barn, which measures,
around here the past week. the winning card. It is about time the main part 60x75, attached to this
Statute- labor as at present in vogue is a pig Caen 45x50, straw shed 80x50,
The Methodist choir of Bethel held was a thing of the past and a better and driving house 80x80.
their picnic at the lake last week, system inaugurated. A very sad. accident occurred to Mr.
Miss Maggie Buchanan visited her On Tuesday evenin , July 10th, a A. Montgomery and his daughter,
Tt. •wa,na
$400. R. C. McGowan thought his
property, Si lot 38, con, 3, was too
high assessed ; reduced $200. Robert
Shiell complained that his property,
W4 lot 82, con. 11, was too high as-
sessed. ; reduced $100. Jtto. Jamieson,
Si lot 28, con, 10, said his buildings
were fax. :too high assessed ; reduced
$200, Robert Buchanan complained
that his property, Ni lot 39, con. 4,
was too high assessed; reduced $500.
ES lot 30, con. 2, transferred from non-
resident to resident roll, Thomas Hill
to be assessed for. hotel stables' and
barn at l3elgrave, in place of 3, 13,
Stretton. Thos. Hutton to be assessed
for part Ni lot 42, eon. 14, in place of
Robt, Stein, Mrs. Geo, Garton, N -W
part lot 28, coo. 14, iia place of George
Garton, deceased. Mrs, J. Allan Chap-
man, Si Ni lot 31, con. 11, in place of
J. Allan Chapman, deceased.
Wilson—Beecroft—That the assess-
ment roll as now revised and corrected
be accepted, but this Council, while
still considering the assessment of the
township as far too high (on account
of error in general appeal), had no
power to act further in the matter
The Court was then closed for the
current year.
Council resumed and ordinary busi-
ness proceeded with.
A communication From Messrs.
Proudfoot, Hays and Blair of Gode-
rich re matter of a claim presented by
Jonathan Bentley on account of Mrs.
Bentley having been hurt by being
thrown out of a cutter on the 8th of
January last, on sideline 83 and 34,
coo. 1, received and filed.
The Treasurer reported cash on
hand at crate, $501.50. Debentures
were passed and signed fox• payment
of the following accounts :—Estate of
the late Mrs. E. Reid, rent of road al-
lowance south end. lot 3t, con. 9, to
January 21, 1907, $2; F. Diveraux, 45
yards of gravel roads div. No. 77,
$3,15; Chas. Campbell, 114 yards of
gravel div. No. '73, $7.98 ; John Tervit
for posts and building guard at creek
on Northern boundary, $8.25 ; Sawyer
Massey & Co., Hamilton, bolts and
nuts for road grader, OOe; John Hall-
han, repairing culvert sideline 89 and
40, con. 5, $1; W. Taylor, drawing
cement tile for culvert at lot 87, con.
8, $4 ; John Bruce, drawing tile and
buildingculvert sideline 80 and 31,
con. 8, 5 ; Jas. Sutherland, repairing
hill at river, cons. 12 and 13, $4 ; Gib-
son Gillespie, part payment for opera-
ting road grader in 1900, $50 ; Richard
Leishman, part payment repairing
bridge on river, cons. 8 and 0, $75 ;
Mark Mason, cleaning and stumping
on road allowance Ei lot 35, con. 4,
$5; Peter W. Scott, extra work done
by Messrs, Dunbar and Walsh, road
div. No. 32, con. 6 and 7, $10.
Council then adjourned till Thurs-
day, July 26 next, to meet at 1 o'clock
as a Court of Revision, over project-
ed Municipal drains in East Wawa -
nosh and Morris, and also for other
general business.
Notice of Closing.
The Dental Offices in Wingham
will be closed every Wednesday after-
noon during June, July and August,
Patrons kindly take note of this.
DA. A. 3. IRWIN sister, Mrs. R. Webster of Ashfield, lawn social will be he d at the home Mrs. McKennrt on Monday.
DR. W. J. PRICK last week. of John Bryans, 3rd con. The several they were on then' way to visit Mrs.
committees are at work and a plea- Pike, when a team belonging to Ed-
lIrs. R. K. Miller and daughter, sant time is expected should the ward Galbraith ran away while draw -
Miss Chxissy, left for Toronto last weather prove favorable. The pro- ing gravel, and coming in contact
week on a visit to friends. seeds to go to church improvements with Mr. Montgomery's buggy mak.
Just put in, a stock of
Silver's Surface Oak
Fibre e 'Veneer
Now being extensively used for
following purposes :--Badoes or
borders around a carpet or rug.
Being laid upon the floor with
flour paste, then given a coat of
varnish, makes something very
beautiful and durable, resetnbl.
ing a solid oak floor. It is al-
so used for wainscotting, halls
and bedroom floors. Call and
investigate, at the
;° Big Book" Store,
K. M. Fisher
Thos. McRoberts, of the 9th con., at Roe's, ing it a total wreck. Mr. Montgom-
had completed for him an artesian •1:
well, They bored about 170 ft. in the
first one and had to go 219 ft in the Blyth
ery was driving south to Mr. Thos.
'the flying
Shearer's s and did
u on
horses until they were alniostp
second, before they got water. Mr. them. Mr. Montgomery then at -
McRoberts will now have sufficient' Borth.—In Blyth, on July 1st, to tempted to pull off the road, but too
water for stock and all purposes. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bloor, a daughter. late, With a wild spring the furious
Rev. C. Saunders reached a ve»' Mr. Jos. Carter has been appointed animals reared and crashed down on
pp Ypp the buggy and its occupants. Mrs,
acceptable sermon last Sabbath in inspector of new granolithic side- McKennit was able to free herself
Christ Church, to the Orangemen of wa]ks. from the wreck, but Mr. Montgomery
this district. Belfast lodge met at Mrs. C. 11, Ritchie of Toronto' is was more unfortunate: The nigh
the hall in St Helens, and accom ani- visnting her sister, bins, T. W. Scott, horse fell on his side, his feet toward
ed byvisitingbrethren front Luck- this week. the Wrecked buggy and pinned Me.
now and Zion, marched to church.
Montgomery to t e earth, his head
Mr. and Mrs. Weir of Wingham
spent Sunday at D. Sproat's.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bryant of Eel-
lett,Sundayed at Wm. Wray's.
'Site. (1.13. Wilkinson has returned
aftn spending aendin a moot r!
h with friends
at the Soo and Echo Bay.
Mrs. and Miss McNay. Mrs. Lawrie
and Mrs. Patton of Seaforth are visi-
tors at D. Sprout's this week,
Miss Addie Lawrence and Miss Elva
('oultes of Buffalo aro spending n, few
days with their sister, Airs. J. Clegg.
A few of our young gentlemen, ac.
Companied by young ladies, drove
over to (�loderkoh on Saturday and re-
port a pleasant time.
Mr. and Mrs'W
. Win. ray left on
Tuesday for Winnipeg, Virden, Cal•
pry and Edmonton, accompanied by
Mr, and Mrs. J. Wilford of Blyth.
They will visit at different paha*
Rev. Mfr. Hartley will address the and shoulders Hader the shoulders of
Orangemen in Trinity church on Sun• the massive Clydesdale. The tighten-
ed, evening at 7 o'clock, ed, tangled harness and . one hoof
the re k i'endei
in the
1FTr. A. H. Musgrove of Wingham is caught in h w c g
the presiding examiner at the High animal practically helpless—prevented
School examinations held here this him from kicking the imprisoned
week, man to death with his steel shod
Miss Hammond of Detroit arrived hoofs. Only the prompt speedy
in town on MondayHammond
evening, and will tion of the assistance which arrived
g almost at the moment of the accident
spend several weeks visiting ohs saved Mr. Montgomery from a quack,
friends, cruel death, As it was he was severe -
Miss Alice Watson, Mr. and Mrs. ly injured, his right collar bones
John 'Wilford and son Albert left was broken close to the shoulder
Here Tuesday morning for Manitoba • which was partially dislocated along
The t Vaot�th Lettgee stud Ladies' him confined to the 'house for some
p tints. Mrs, Mcltennit's right collar
Aid Societies of the Methodist church bone was also broken which along
the arson -
will hold a lawn satins on p with at general shaking upand the
age grounds -on PridaY evening, Aug, fright she received will rener her in-
8rd, capable of mach exertion for some
t.._.... ' ...•.....,..., days. Strange to relate little Jack
Young escaped . unhurt. Not for a
POR SAM—Lot 18, con. 'T, Turn- moment in all the wild race did the
berry, one hundred acres, nearly all little chaip lose his presence of mind
cleared ; in grass many years; good and AS the wagon stopped in the shit
soli and well watered. Terms suit nherjnirapped off and ran back oall
pllt'Ithaset',�'•U. DAVIS, WiiT r 14'd1
they purpose being away two months. with a few minor injuries will keep
7: -
40. ... •••••••♦..4.4 44+••••••♦•••+,,•,,
The well known druggist, A. L.
Hamilton, has been appointed special
agent for the sale of Dr. Agnew's
Heart Cure, Catarrhal Powder, Oint-
ment and Pills as well as South Aineri-
can Nervine, Kidney Cure and Rheu-
matic Cure. 29-2
West Wawanosh.
T. E. Durnin, one of our local cat-
tle dealers, has some 200 head of cat-
tle bought this season, and over 600
acres of grass rented.
J. G. Ward, of Dungannon, we are
sorry to report, has had a relapse, and
is again confined to the house. We
think and trust he will recover
C. Atly. Tebbutt presided last week at
the Entrance examination at St.
Helens. 38 candidates wrote at Dun-
gannon in charge of Geo. Woods and
Mr. Brownlee.
The directors of the Ashfield and W.
Wawanosh Agricultural Society met
in Elliott's Hall on Friday evening
and completed their arrangements
for the fall exhibition, to be held this
year on the 4th and 5th of October.
A larger and better exhibit than ever
is expected.
Hugh Stewart, by way of exercise,
walked from beyond Amberley to his
home in Dungannon, something over
20 miles, last Saturday night. Not a
small feat after a week's solid work
building cement ; and yet some think
the stalwarts all died with the last
The fine barn belonging to Samuel
McMath, ou the 4th concession of
of Goderich township, was totally de-
stroyed by fire on Friday of last week,
together with all the contents, includ-
ing a quantity ot'•grain and farm iin-
The fire]?p
is supposed to
have resulted tod from spontaneous neous cbin-
u l lenients.
bustion. The flameswerefirst seen
from is stack of straw on the south
side of the building and quickly
spread to adjoining buildings.
Council met on June 20th ; members
all present, Reeve Bailie in the chair.
Minutes of last meeting confirmed.
The financial statement showing
balance on hand of $250.07 was filed.
Wm. Webb asked to have road gra-
veiled in front of his. farm; left to
road commissioners to act.
The following cheques were issued
Jas, irya_n, part printing account,
$25; O. Windmill, culvert, coir. 1, $2;
D. Sproule, shovelling gravel, $2,50 ;
McDonald Pros., eulverts, ete., $8.50;
R. McGuire, culvert, con. 10, $1.15; T.
Agnew, hauling tile, $1,50 ; Jos.
nor, opening
gravel pit,
$61t, s
utllla shovelling gravel, $2.50; S.
Phillips, culvert, con, $3 ; Jos.
gan, gravel, $17.37 ; Wni. Andrews,
7 loads of stone, $1.26 ; W. S. Mc('7ros-
tie, gravel, $25 ; Chas. Robinson, gra-
vel, $11.50 ; Wni. Cameron, rep, fence
at hall, $1.25 ; J. Wilson, drain, con,
9, $1.25:
Council adjourned to meet on Satin..
day, July 21st, at 2 o'clock.
W. S. McCrostle, Clerk.
11 has caneed more laughs and dried
more tears, wiped away diseases and
driven away more fears than any other
medicine in the world. Hollister's
Rocky Mountain Tea„ 86 cents, Tea
or Taloa. Ask your druggist.
A Steady Gain
witioMVMfoMArorMM44itsesso Pet4" h
Every week shows a steady gain in the lists of New
Customers at "The Bee Hive." This is very encouraging,
and yet it its only what we had looked for. Iligh Quality
Goods and Best Money Values are at work for big business
for This Store. If you have not already visited ns, we'll
be glad to welcome you this week.
Summer Corsets of Beauty
and. Perfection.
It's impossible to produce perfect fitting
Costumes, no matter how good the maker,
unless a lady wears correctly -shaped Cor-
sets. In C. B. 0, Trufits, you get the acme
of perfection. Every pair sold on merit,
and satisfaction guaranteed. The Bee Hive
has sole control of this line of Corsets for
We've anticipated your everyday needs and are pre-
pared for the rnsh in all departments—Dry Goods, Men's
Furnishings, Groceries.
One good delivery Wagon, One computing Scale.
One wood and coal Range, with reservoir.
We Pay Highest Prices for Butter and Eggs.
The Bee Hive Dry Goods Co.
•••••••♦N♦.♦NN.N•NH ♦•f••••••••i•••♦Na♦f/•••••
H. Brown, Rag and Metal Co., buy-
ing all kinds of hides, wool and pick-
ings, rubber, copper, and feathers of
all kinds. Highest price in cash ; if
brought to honse, five cents a hundred.
Strayed from the premises of R.
Cronin, lot 12, con. 2, Culross, on or
about June 28rd, six Sheep and seven
Lambs. Any person giving informa- (Successor to Dr. Holloway)
tion leading to their recovery, will be•Will continue the practice in the office
suitably rewarded. lately occupied by Dr. Holloway, in
the Beaver Brock, Wiugbam.
Wingham Business College
is a High-grade Commeroial School.
Three Courses :
Commercial - Stenography • Telegraphy
Write 050. SPOTTON, Principal
W. J. PRICE, L.D.S., D.D.S.
Valuable Town Town Properties.
The undersigned has received instructions
to offer for sale by Public Auction at lot
28, Edward street., Wingham, on
at 2 o'clock p. m.. the following valuable
properties in the Town of Wingham, viz.—
(1). Lot 28, Edward street east, On this
property is situate a good 11 story frame
(2). Parts of lots 70 and 71 on west side
of Francis street. on whtph is situate a
comfortable frame cottage.
(3). Lots 153 and 151 on east side Cath-
erine street, on which are situate a good
frame cottage and frame stable.
At same time and place will be offered
for sale a quantity of household furniture.
Terms and conditions will be made known
on day of sale, or may bo had on applica-
tion to the Vendor.
JOHN PURVIS, Auctioneer.
:-him 1 1 1 1 1 13- !! 1 1 1 1 1 1
The Best Materials
The Best Workmanship �.
•• - MAKE ...
The Best Bread and Cakes
Wingham Real
Estate Office
My business is to • bring buyers and
sellers together. Investors kindly look
over the following, whioh is but a few
of the many properties on my Ifstst— •
$6500 160 acres, 21 miles from Wingham
and half mile trent wheel. A brink
house and now bank barn.
30 acres adjoining Dluevaie. Pos•
session at once, including crop,
69 acres, 11 Miles front Wingham.
Brick house; bank barn.
100 acres, 21 miles from Wingham.
100 acres, 2 miles from Myth, halt
mile front school.
$300 Frame Cottage, etre of land,
$650 1 story frame house. Good stable.
all acro of garden and 10 fruit trees.
$525 11 store frame house, ltdwaral St,
$650 Fralno Cottage, good cellar. Carling
$750wo story frame hoose, stable, etc,
Rents for $7 per month. Charles 9t.
$2500 Two story brick cottage. Corner lot,
Jolie street.
Agent tor Western lands, Call and get
neaps and full particulars.
J. H Chisholitt
ItnAt, p`6TATh, IstsU1tAFO1n
Alda LOAN Aoxwr
•Vansiiona Mock -•-- Wingham
9 ' ti 1.1.1"
$32.00 to $32.50
To points in Manitoba, Alberta and
Saskatchewan. Via North Bay --July 3rd,
17th. Via Sarnia and N. N. Co.—July 4th,
Returning within 60 days.
The season is here. Get away
for a few days and visit the High-
lands of Ontario. Tourist tiokets
on sale daily.
•For tickets and full information call on
L. HAROLD, Town Agent.
Distriot Passenger Agent, Toronto,
Northern Navigation Co
—F OR—
Steamer et BRITANNIC"
Leaves Kincardine 4.30 p. m., Ooder[ch 7.46
p. m., Sunday, Wednesday and Friday.
Returning leaves Detroit 4.00 p. tn. Tuesday
Thursday and Saturday.
Continuous Round Trip Tickets, $2.76.
Steamors leave Sarnia for Soo, Port
Arthur and Duluth Monday, Wednesday and
Friday, (Friday sailing through to Duluth.)
Steamors leave Collingwood and Owen
Sound for all ports, Tuesday, Thursday and
Information and tickets from all Grand
Trunk Agents.
Wit, Lan I;. T. IitIRnox
Tkt. Agt,, Goderioh Tkt. Agt., Kincardine
H. H. Gildersleeve C. H. Nicholiod
Mgr., Collingwood Traf)le Mgr., Sarnia
1 i1 ,A,CIr1C:.
Manitoba, Alberta and
Saskatchewan Points
FOR ��
Tickets good to return within
Sixty days. Liberal stop -overs.
Excursions Leave Toronto
Tuesdays, July 3 and 17
tl'ree berths in Colonist Oars.
Berths in comfortable Tourist
Bleepers at moderato rates.
Ask nearest C. P. 11. Agent for booklet,
rates and full information, or write C. B.
FOSTER, Ii,i',A., Toronto.