HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1906-07-05, Page 44 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE .---, THURSDAY, ux.Y 5, 1906 Specials For Friday and Saturday, LreIles' White Lawn Shirt Waists, regular $1.00, for $ .75 14 .t 44 11 tt " $1.6n11, tr 1.00 .4 14 It .I .t 14 $3.o0, trlr alio ' Kinionas, fn White Lawn, " $1.25, " .95 x Specials in Groceries ane :%raitdUttt'Yday Cheese, per pound 13e A. regular 40e Tea, black or green, per pound 23e Cowen% Cocoa, regular 16o tin for 12 The best grade of Coffee, regular 40o per pound, for 35o Specials in lien's Fear and Saturday 0 doz. Gents' Colored Shirts, laundried front, reg. $1.00, for $ .65 Sateen Shirts, regular 75c, for .49 Best quality Balbriggan Underwear, per Suit .95 Men's $8.00 Suits for $4.60. Men's $6.60 Suits for 3.60 JUST RECEIVED. -A bale of Factory Cotton, which we will run off, at per yard 50 FRE $1.00 worth of the best Granulated Sugar tree to everyone buying $15.00 worth at goods at our store. Not necessary to buy them all at once -good until ,Aug. 1st. Cash sales only count. Save your cheeks and bring then When they amount to $15.00. Carey Dry Goods Co. All kinds of Trade taken WINGHAM Phone 70 4 THE CENTRAL HARDWARE BINDER TWINE. -Get our prices on Binder Twine. CLEVELAND WIRE. -Another car of Cleveland Wire just arrived. Come and see it. SCYTHES, SNAITHS, SCREEN DOORS. -See our stock. PAINTS. -Call at the Central Hardware for your Paints. White Lead and Oil, the best that can be procured. Mixed Paints, pure and fresh. BISHOP & BREWER Fishleigh's Old Stand THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000. Reserve Fund, $4,500,000 HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO B. E. WALKER, General Manager ALEX. LAIRD, Asst. Gen'l Manager BANK MONEY ORDERS ISSUED AT THE FOLLOWING RATES: $5 and under 3 cents Over $5 and not exceeding $10 6 cents . " $10 " " 530 10 cents " $30_ " " 550 15 cents These Orders are Payable at Par at any office in Canada of a Chartered Bank (Yukon excepted), and at the principal banking points in the United States. NEGOTIABLE AT A FIXED EATS AT THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE, LONDON, ENG. They form an excellent method of remitting small sums of money with safety and at small cost. Wingham, Ont., Branch :-A. E. Smith, Manager. • You may as well have it the best envelopes,. let- terheads, billheads, etc., and if they are printed at the ADVANCE OFFICE you have the assurance of the best procurable in . material and workmanship. ��tlf life?t�ttllt�l�lltlliliil�tlltllitlt�lt�ttt11�141it1ltt14l1tt�tlt�lll� Summer Sale Of all Summer Goods. See our Bargains in These Lines. PRINTS -A good variety of English and Canadian Prints, also American Prints, fast colors, at 7c. Pretty CHAMBRAYS, in perfectly fast colors, for dresses, dainty Colors. MERCILDAS.-The newest Dress Goods for summer, guaranteed to retain its silky gloss and color after washing. AMERICAN ati;SLINS,--Fast colors, at 5c and 6e. LADIES' WHITE SHIRT WAISTS.-Beantifally trimmed, just a few odd sizes left, will be sold at cost. Also a few em- broidered Waist ends, fine Swiss, a beautiful thing for very Iittle money. LADIES' VESTS. -A11 kinds, and very cheap. EMI3ROIDERIEs.--very apeeiel value,- in Embroideries, regular 150 for 10c, regular 10c for Go, &c., &:c. HOSIERY. -Cotton hosiery, Black and Tali, at all prices. UNDERWEA11.-White Underwear to be cleared out at once. Black Sateen Underskirts at cost. CURTAMS. ETC. -Lace Curtains to be sold at greatly reduced prices. Cnrtein Net, Dotted Mullins, and Colored Curtain Mullins. Counterpanes, Towels (A nice pair for 25c), Plan- nelettes, Ladies' Oxford Shoes, and many other things to be cleared out during this month. Ours the Sacrifice, Yours the Gain. ..""-. 4..▪ 4111 vot▪ aqi .... *440 w,. 4.4411 NAM orMIIP eaJNI ...r w1. T. A. MILLS ! '�} C' UUn I3it11t Abbaue Theo, Hall - Proprietor, ttrnscnur'Ticx PaivE.--31.00 per annum in advance, $1.50 if not so paid. ADV7812TisI\t# RATss.-Legal and other cas- ual advertisements lee per nonpariel line for first insertion, 30 per lino for each subsequent insertion. Advertisements in the local columns aro charged 100 per lino for first insertinn, and 5c per lino for each subsequent insertion, Advertisements of Strayed. Farms for Salo or to Rent, and similar, $1.00 for first three weeks, and 25 cents for each subsequent in- sert ion. CONTRACT RATES. ---Tho following are our rates for the insertion of advertisements for specified periods: -- SPACE 1 Yr. (IMO. 3 Mo, 1 Mo. Ono Column $70.0(1 $10.00 $22.50 $8.00 Halt Column 40.00 25.00 15.00 6.00 Quarter Column20.00 12.50 7.50 3.00 Ono Inch .... 5.00 3.00 2,00 1.25 Advertisements without specific directions will be inserted till forbid and charged ac- cordingly, Transient advertisements must bo paid for in advance. w....www tbitoriai -Tire manufacturing industry was busier during May than at any previ- ous time in Canada, and the amount of building during 1900 protuises to exceed that of any preceding year. * * -In high mountains there is no State to compare with Colorado. She can claim 407 peaks of an altitude of more than 10,000 feet, 395 of more than 11,000 feet, 233 of more than 12,000, 149 of more than 13,000, and 33 of more than 14,000. * * -Forty-three old-line companies are writing new business in Canada, and twenty of them are Canadian. Some of these twenty are having a strenu- ous time in trying to earn dividends for shareholders and profits for policy- holders. Indeed, amovement is on foot to roll three or four of the smal- ler of them into one, to lessen compe- tition, and to save expense. * - It has been announced by the president of the Great Northern Rail- way Company that the company would' commence the construction of a line from Winnipeg to the Pacific Coast as soon as the Grand Trunk Pacific and the Canadian Pacific Rail- way Companies were in .a position to compete for the carrying of supplies and construction material, this freight to be ready for the first Grand Trunk Pacific trains. The line, it was stated. would be completed from the Pacific Coast through the Rocky Mountains to the prairies by the autumn of 1907. - The people of Canada are asked to provide over seventy-two and a half million dollars to carry on the affairs of this country for nine months - about $70 per family. What do the men who have to provide the money think of it ? Hon. W. S. Fielding in his budget speech said he expected the supplementary estimates to run "something over $2,000,000." Now that these are down they amount to $4,667,910, more than double the Fi- nance Minister's estimate of a month ago. Could there be better justifica- tion of the popular belief that the brakes are off at Ottawa and that the car of State has got beyond control ?- [Weekly Sun. * * -Philip Wagner, of Alberta, an in- terpreter for the Interior Department, was sent to jail for stealing money from iinmigrants for whom he was acting as interpreter. He took an active part on the Liberal side in the recent Alberta elections. On his re- lease from jail he was reappointed to the Government service at $25 a month as immigration commissioner, and $755 a month as interpreter. He is still employed by the Government. Mr. Fowler, in the House, moved that he be dismissed. This angered Hon. Frank Oliver, who referred to the mo- tion as "gutter -snipe politics." Al- though Wagner has been five times in the Criminal Court, and has served two terms with hard labor, he is re- tained in office -another case showing how the present Government takes care of its unsavory followers and puts a premium on wrong -doing. , * * -There will be general approval of the Ontario Government's decision to make a direct offer to the public of the new Provincial 21. per cent. bond issue of $3,000,000. By offering the bonds to the public at first hand the Government aims to save under- writers' and brokers' commissions, and to provide an excellent new rest- ing place for trust and estate funds of all classes. This country has now grown rich enough in accumulated wealth to justify such an experiment in Provincial financing, and We trust that the reception of the loan by the investing public will be satisfactory. The credit of the wealthiest Province of the Dominion is behind it, and the bonds aro exempt from succession duties, and all imposts whatsoever. Moreover, for, the convenience of small investors the issue is broken up into popular blocks of $200, $500 and $1,000. See advt. elsewhere. * ---_The Canadian trade agent in Birmingham speaks in *recent report to the Department of Trade and Com- merce at Ottawa, very encouragingly of the increase in Great Britain's im- ports of Canadian bacon. He gives the official figures of the importations of that article from Canada and other countries for the last two years, whieh show a net beret** of 44,640 cwt. In the ,past /'oat's itripods of bacon, mores than sinned up of Canadian selections alone. That this was not, merely a temporary or fitful expansion ill the consigmnents hither of Canadian ba- con is clearly proved by the fact that Great Britain's imports for the first three months of this year were on the same enlarged scale, the increase from Canada being 01,320 cwt., and front the United States 23,068 cwt., Den- mark showing a decrease of 25,908 cwt., and other countries 7,003 cwt. And it must be remembered that the Canadian bacon trade is young, as compared with that of Denmark or of the United States. ,I. HIDING BEHIND THE DEAD. Last week, in the Commons Air. Brodeur made a statement that re- flected on the leader of the Opposi- tion, Hon. R. L. Borden, who retort- ed -"That is a deliberate falsehood." In commenting on this, The Toronto News says :-"Mr. Borden, in his re- port upon Mr. Brodeur, that the Minister was guilty of deliberate false- hood, said exactly what the circum- stances demanded. It seems clear that the Department of Marine has been a nest of rottenness. Whether Mr. Prefontaine was or was not re- sponsible for the general looseness and corruption which prevailed in his Department, need not now be deter- mined. There was looseness, corrup- tion and rottenness, and it is sheer weakness and cowardice for Mr. Bro- deur to hold up the body of the dead Minister as a shield for the Govern- ment which has gone to extraordinary lengths to prevent investigation into the methods of the Department and to defend the rascally practice which have distinguished its administration. Sir Wilfrid Laurier made Mr. Prefon- taine Minister of Marine. He knew what was his record in municipal poli- tics. He could not expect that other methods would be practiced in his conduct of a national department. The whole action of Ministerialists in the Arctic Committee and in the House has been designed to conceal the truth and to prevent identifica- tion of the rascals who have plunder- ed the country. Practically the Ministers have assumed responsibility„ for the methods and policy of the Marine Department, and to that re- sponsibility they should be held be- fore Parliament and the people." YOUNG MAN, DON'T DRINK. Under the above heading the follow- ing, by Rev. John F. Hill, D. D., ap- pears in the editorial columns of the Kansas City World : The young man who drinks strong liquor is like the commander of a for- tified city who deliberately admits a known enemy within its walls. Drink is more hostile and more deadly than any army. It has sent more men, to destruction and, death than have all the armies of the world. There is nothing in it. You cannot gain by it; you may lose everything, health, position, reputation, self-re- spect, manhood, soul. The first drink admits a dernon that every success drink strengthens until some day it may be strong enough to dominate and glut its ravenous appe- tite with our brain and blood. Don't deceive yourself about your strength. You know nothing about that until the test comes, and then it often is too late. You may never be sure you have the strength to resist until you have asserted that strength by resistance. To resist once or twice, or a dozen times, does not prove a strength to resist always. It can be proved only by constant and unfailing resistance. Any man can resist sometimes. The only man who can have absolute con- fidence in his power to resist is he who never drinks at all. If you have the strength use it. Assert it now. One drink more may be too much. Be strong right now, It is your best chance. Strong young man 1 If you can to- day mock at the assertion that one drink is too much, some day you may think the same of ten drinks, and later of twenty. And when that day comes the strength that could not resist one drink, before appetite was formed, will be as a straw in a whirlwind. If you have not the strength and sense to stop drinking right now, when will you have it? Will con- tinued yielding give you added strength or better sense ? When the raveled nerves of a dis- ordered stomach, and the flaccid tis- sues of a softening brain demand whiskey, will you, who could not re- sist when strength and sense were whole and craving was unknown- will yon be better able to resist then P It is not an abstruse question of piety, or ethics, or morality ; it is a simple question of common-sense and health. One does not need to become a drunkard in the gutter to be injured by whiskey. It is poison even in small quantities. Throw Medicines To The Dogs At best they are unpleasant, often useless. You have some disease of the nose throat or lunge. Doctors would call it bronchitis asthma or catarrh. The common root of these diseases is germ or microbio irritation,-Catar- rhozone not only destroys disease germs, it does more, it heals diseased and inflamed tissue. The disease is not only cured. but its return is for- ever prevented by using Catarrho- zone whieh is splendid also for colds, Boughs and irritable throat. Remem- ber you inhale Catarrhozone-Na- ture's own lire ---use no other but Ca- tarrhosona--wit's the best catarrh cute tn&dM. PROVINCIAL LOAN OF $3,000,000. TILit7 GOVERNMENT OF TII10 PRo- VINCE OF ONTAIIIO. under the authority of Chapter 4, of the Statutes of Ontario, 1900, invites subscriptions front the public for a loan of $3,000,000 on bonds et the Province of Ontario, dated lit July, 1906, and payable $1,500,000 on the 1st July. 1926, $1,500,000 on the 1st July, 1036, with coupons attached for interest at the rate of 31 per cent. per annual payable half - yearly on the 1st January and the 1st July in each year at the office of the Provincial Treasurer, Toronto. Bonds will be of the deuotulnations of 3200, 3500, and $1,000, and will be payable to bearer, but on request will be registered In the office of the Pro- v1ncial Treasurer and endorsed as payable only to the order of certain persons or corporations, and on request of holders may be exchanged for Ontario Government Stook hearing the same rate of interest. The issue price during the month of July. 1900, will be par, and after the 31st July. 1900, the issue price will bo par and accrued interest. ALL BONDS AND INSCRIBED STOOK ISSUED UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE SAID ACT ARE FRED: FROM ALL ONTARIO PROVINCIAL TAXES, CHAR- GES, SUCCESSION DUTY AND IMPOSI- TIONS WRATSOEVER. Purchasers of amounts up to 31,000 will bo required to send certified cheque with the application. For amounts over 31,000 payment for subscription may be. made in instalments 10 per cent. on application. 10 per cent. 1,1 August, 10 per cent. 1st Sep- tember, 10 per cent. ist Ootobor, 10 per cont. 1st November, and 50 per cent. 1st December. 1906, with privilege of paying at an earlier date, the interest on instalment subscriptions being adjusted on let January, 1007. Iq the event of any subscriber for bonds payable by instalments failing to make payment of subsequent instalments, the bonds may bo sold and any loss incurred will bo charged to the purchaser in de- fault. Forms of subscription (when payable by instalments) ntay be obtained on applica- tion to the Treasury Department. This loan is raised upon the credit of the Consolidated Revenue Fund of Ontario and is chargeable thereupon. All cheques should be made payable to the order of "Tho Provincial Treasurer of Ontario,' and subscribers should state the denominations and terms (20 or 30 years) of bonds desired. A. J, MATHESON, Provincial Treasurer. Treasury Department, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, 27th Juno, 1906. Newspapers inserting this advertisement without authority from the Department will not bo paid for it. t A Great School ELLIOTT / TORONTO, ONT. Students from British Columbia, Sask- atchewan and Manitoba on the west to New Brunswick on the east aro in attend- ance this year. Distance is no hindrance , to those who wish to got the best. Our graduates are always successful. Our facilities are unsurpassed. Comingea Now. No vacations. College open entire year. Magnificent catalogue free. W. I. ELLIOTT, Principal (Cor. Yonge and Alexander Sts.) ....a OUR SPECIAL SUMMER TERM Should interest every teacher and every scholar who is anxious to succeed, and who does not want to waste 10 or 12 weeks in a holiday. Write us for particulars. TORONTO. W. H. SHAW - PRINCIPAL STtiATFORD, ONT. Oar classes are much larger than they were a year ago. The public have Iearned that this is the best place in the Province to obtain a Commercial Education or Short- hand training. Students aro enter- ing each week. All graduates get good positions. Write now for a Catalogue. ELLIOTT SG MCLAUCHLAN, Prhicipals BANK of HAMILTON WINGHAM. CAPITAL PAID 17P $ 2,445,000.00 RESERVE FUND 2,445,000.00 TOTAL ASSETS......... ,29,000,000.00 HON. WM. GIBSON - President J. TURNBULL, Vice -Pres. & Gen. Manager H. M. Watson, Asst. Genf. Manager. B. Willson, Inspector. BOARD OP DIRECTORS. Jno, Proctor C. C. Dalton Hon. J. S. $endrin Geo. Rutherford C. A. Dirge Deposits of $1. and upwards received. Int - west allowed and computed on 30th November and 31st May each year, and added to principal rat tt Spec al Deposits also received at ourrent of O. P. SMITH, Agent Dickinson. dG Bolt/tea, Solicitors DOMINIO BANK. Capital (paid up) Reserve (and tindivld- ed profits) ✓ $3,000,000 ■ $3,750,000 Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Can- ada, the United States and }yurope. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards, and added to principal 30th Juno and 3lst December each yens. D. t UiiPBUlnIL, Manager It. ''a14stoai, $011oibor stege" AmmiNava.. Jno. 4 Jas. It Kerr You'll- Always Find More Money Saving Opportunities Isere than elsewhere. Money saving is a surety at this store. Wo are continually offering great bargains, and this week is no exception to the rule. See our bar- gains in BLACK ALL-OVER LACE this week, as follows :--- Black All-over Lace, regular 20c yard, reduced to 13e 14 14 cc 25c <c cc 190 u cc 55Oc cc cc 37e I <c 60c cc cc 39c it c< 75c cc ct 58c cc cc " $1,25 cc <c 98c .t cc tt House Furnishings Bargain List, A newly -married man is happy in the thought that he has secured the very best woman in the world. Be as particular in buying the House Furnishings for your home as you were in choosing a wife. Get the best. You'll find the best value in House Furnishings at ,.the " Big Store." Chenille Curtains and Table Covers. Damask Curtains and Table Covers. Fine Lace Curtains and Curtain Nett. Roller Window Shades. Fine White Bed Spreads. Curtain Poles, complete. Brussels, Tapestry and Wool Carpets, Rugs, Mats, &c. Linoleum and Floor Oilcloth. Stair Carpet and Stair Oilcloth, We want large quantities of Just as a reminder, we again quote you some of our Bargains 51.25 Leather Hand Bags890 Men's Print Shirts, each 25o Men's Braces, reg. 35c, for190 Force Breakfast Food, 2 pkgs for 250 Gold' Dust Washing Powder, 8 pkgs. for 250 " Morse's Best" Soap, 7 bars for 25c Judd's Soap, 12 bars for 250 Fruit flavored Blanc Mange, 3 pkgs. for 25o Fruit flavored Jelly Powder, 3 pkgs. for 25c 2-1b. tins Tomato Catsup, 2 for 160 Veriquick Tapioca, 3 pkgs250 Good Baking Powder, lb 10e Diamond Dye Sc, or 4 for 25o Large Bottle Pickles, each10c 25e pkg. Gold Dust for 16c 25c pkg. Silver Dust for 16e June Butter and Fresh Eggs JUST ARRIVED A Complete Stock of SUITiNGS ■ OVERCOATINGS TROUSERINGS AND VESTINGS. These are all of the latest de- signs and materials and at prices that are reasonable. We have a special line of Blue and Black Worsteds you should see. Call and have a look through our stock and see the Fashions for Fall and Winter. All you have to do is -tell us how you want your garment made and we make it that way. Our trimmings are of the best. Robt. Maxwell High Art Tailor - INinghani +1111 ! d [ • C L ! r ,yi - We are sole agents for .a - the celebrated Scranton Coal, .y which has no equal. Owl - Also the best grades of ▪ Smithing, Cannel and Do= .. .: meati° Coal and Wood of all kinds, always on hand. • • Wo carry a full stock of - Lumber (dressed or undres- .`. sed), Shingles, Lath, Cedar Posts, Barrels, etc. ▪ •• x Righest Price Paid for all «. kinds of Logs. "' Residence ?hone, No, 55 Office " No, 61 b Mill " No. 44 J. A. MoLean= Tailor Made Clothes $15.00 We'll make your Suit to your exact measures, to your order, for fifteen dol- lars, correctly shaped and faultlessly fitted, superbly tailored from sotne pure, all -wool fabric, staunchly . guaranteed. For Seventeen, Eigh- teen or Twenty dollars, we would use a fabric of still higher quality. We make them with care and skill, and can guarantee you entire satis- faction. Trousers made to your order at $3.5o, $3.75, $4, $5 and $6. A complete line of Gents' Furnishings always in stock. IVI, 5. L, iornutil Tailor and Gents' Furnisher Two Doors from Post Office