HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1906-06-14, Page 6•'ll The Wisest Thing 18 TO DISCARD THE AD411.TER' ATED JAPAN TEA AND USE CEYLON CREEN TEA An Absolutely Pure Tea of the Highest Possible Quality. Load Packets only. 40c, 50c, O0o, Per L.b. At All Gropers. HiGHE5T AWARD ST. LOUIS, 1904. .01 Won at Last "Life and health are worth more than ter dressed, and less good-looking. He gold," said Mine. Debrisay, cheerfully, was tall and gaunt, but Evelyn was eve "Nee doot, nee dont! Let life and dently satisfied with him. health may be poverty struck, and not In a few minutes Mona felt quite at worth much" home. "Any way, life is given to us, and we "And you are the naughty girl wile must do the best we can with it," quoth riled every one by rejecting your unfor- Mme. Debrisay, who was privately won- tunate financee," said Lord Finistoun, dering what had become of Mona, as as he helped her to some cold grouse. "It her usualhour for returning was over- was too bad. really. You deserved to be abut up and fed on bread and water." past. "That's what few of us do," quoth "How very �ill-bred of you, Finistoun, Uncle Sandy, turning to lies nephew. i to no mention distr tion, cried Ms notwife. h"YMona ou have "I'd like to have a. talk with ye the next ,, teased:" time you come up here; there are one' "I d. pardon if I have offended; but or two matters I should wish you to I am surMiss Joscelyu will forgive no. consider." ." The poor fellow bas gone under. The "My dear sir, ifyou wish to speak race -curse and the clubs know him no getterlllfAcatister, 1 will leave you to more, You have a great deal to answer "Not jthe day, not the day," said Uncle fO,© ought to be much obliged to me," Sandy. "I have no the si'rength to in returned Mona, as lightly as she could. slat on anything" " "Perhaps; but then people seldom "Z am wondering what peeps Ilfona, know what is good for them." said Mme. Debrisay; "sire ought to be "A most ungallant speech. Pray re - here by this time," member that Mona has chased her It was a Saturday afternoon, when name. She has taken her uncle's." Kenneth always got alt'ay from the city `lamte right, if he going is to leave yon early his fortune. By what name, then, shall "There is her ring!" she exclaimed the I remember you in my prayers?" nest moment, "I'll go and see what' moi father's name was Craig, but my alarmed at the omrnoua beginning. Zam-Buk is especially good for cuts, , "' 'ylvcrae y th" he resumed "How 1 runnin>1 af sterilization the bone -forming quali- Craig -s, dreadful, rich, Iiedie,etl old rlrf5.1 eA BRANITORO MAN'S I;XP[RIENCE. THECHINAMA 'S CLOTHES. What the Yellow jacket Xe-- Six "Oh, no, by no means," returned Mona, HAD SEW DISEASE FOR TWO Changes of Attire. laughing. "It is very fusions that you YEARS: Al!iD WAS CONFlI!iEA should know anything about him. Still, Muth so musement byas caused in I':ng: I fain not believe. in Ilia wealth; and he 7`O EEO• land some years ago the news that lar is certainly not a miser.' ZAM-BUK HAS COMPLETELY CURED Iitung Cliang had been deprived of his ".kids ie a delightful discovery. Finis - wander yellow riding jacket for presuming to tonin moil be quite pleased; and then we wander in the Empress of L`hina's ltri- shall see you ilr the autumn. We always Exeeptional interest has been aroused vete garden. lint in reality, says the go, or will go, to btralthairlie." in Brantford over an incident broughtGardauthor of "Round About ltiy. Poking "But, perhaps, my uncle will not re- ` to light by the Expositor, relating brought article ri,' 'a yellow tiding jacket is not art turn there." i the experience of Mr. Chas. nut, of 14 garter it ldir iend;trandt alt honor, insignia "tlh, yes, re will. Do eat be so cot'. Main street, Brantford. i g ° tradictor•y. My deer love, you will bet Mr. Hill had been suffering for sonic of rank, lil:o the necklace peacock's feather,athe ate a wealthy heiress yet. Ch•aigd:wreck is considerable time with a skin disease. button, the to tie t and the hr's pleas - quite a lovely place. Arid there is a farm Ile is a moulder in the llfalleeble Iron aro ten •ed to at the sovereign n plcos- a cod large farm ,and fishing rights fioi Indeed the whale of a Chinese of- --0, g R g a I'Corks, aud his malady became eo bad fiend a salary is so often withdrawn eur- attat'hed to it, etc., ate.." i thee it mons found necessary for,him to ing the year for offenses, real or imag- 7.'alk flowed freely, till Mona, obsery leave off wntk eoinptetely, and be can• inar3, that to pave trouble many oft'i- in the hour, insisted on taking leave. •. fined to his bed for days nt a flint. ciala never draw their salary till the It is pouring with rain. Do let oro Recently as a result of reports in the steer is ended, when they get wirer is send you home in a cab."local papers, he obtained a supply of left. "No, dear Evelyn, you shall not sand lam -Bok, the great herbal Baler, and All through China dress is changed as oro in a cab. I will take one myself, after using a few boxes a complete euro by order. There are six ei enges of at. for I do not wish to spoil my best gown.", g "What a rebellious subject you are, , was effected. Iiia ease was well known, tire which every self-respecting man I protest I feel a load taken off my and so speedy and complete was his roust make according to the season-- mind when I think you have a rich unit recovery that considerable comuuent was Ile �yffugs in tits depot of winter, ttron e then wadded arments thea in the toils. Keep fast hold of hon." 1aroused, A Brantford ioExpositor rear 1 lined clothes t g Cliell'Tl;lt :ill. 1 sentative investigated the cireunistaliees they call sunnnier clothes, made out laf Mme. Debrisay's words respecting and reports as follows: t Chino. grass. It is made in white and Mona's sacrifiecs for her uncle had sunk "For nearly two years I had been auf- blst, and its one drawback for the Eng - Months into his soul. • faring from a skin disease on my legs, fish market is that it never wears out. ifs was generally a taciturn individual which became so irritable at times that Tltero aro daps made of plaited bam- but at tines communicative fits would I was confined to my bed and unable to hoe, lightly covered with silk outside. seize him, of which when they were apply bandages of any kind or evert eto d In the height of the summer novo but peat, he seemed half ashamed. let anything touch my lens. I had tried , officials wear caps and there are fur- seize absence on the Sunday aitQr- nearly every ointment that ryas sever- ' trimmed bats and fur caps. noon when she had Iunclled with Lady tised and had taken many medicines in• On the sane day, all through the vast Finistoun, was a stumbling block and ternally, but without any good result. ; empire, stretching over neatly as many rock of offence. Recently, in response to an advertise - one degrees of latitude as Europe, men "Leddy Finistoun, indeed," he mutter ment, I sent for a sample box of ?.am- , eltitnge from one cap to another from ed, not addressing any one in particular. Buk and with the first application I got one style of clothes to telethon. Before "She and her people would. have left the immediate relief of the irritation. I the day for changing, all the tailors may girlie to starve and she must run back have not quite used two boxes, and my be seen hard at work, cutting out aud to eat of her bread. That's not the right cure he's h^en complete, the sores having pasting the edges of the new suits. spirit." 1 emit., '•'•appeared !froth my eim'bs.1 The Chinest cut for jackets may be "But, unele," said Mona, who was look- Since t i have been able to go about 1 considered perfect, so far as convenience ing for the city article in the Times, my wore with perfect comfort, some- goes, and ninny persons think that they "Evelyn was always fond of me. She is __pie did.' thing I have not done for nearly two , are also peculiarly elegant. Buk has certainly worked i er l'O don't mind my raying so, do ( - yon.' iti responsible .�. .,•,••� • • people `• ears. Zane- "Eh. They aro all birds of the same y feather. I'd have nowt to do we them:' wonders for me, and I have no Iiesita-' DON'T STERILIZE THE BABY'S MILE. "Lady Finistoun sought roe, uncle, tion in giving it my recommendation, Nothing alas been found that 'will quite It would Neve been ungracious to reject 7.am-Buk is made from vegetable take the place of another's milk. There- has advances." • essenees and contains no trace of any fere a mother should nurse her baby, if "Oh, gang yer ain gait. Tho young al- animal fat or any mineral coloring mat- ;possible. When it is not possible, the ways know better than the old and ex- ter. It is healing, cooling and antiseptic,best substitute is pure cow's milk raw, perienced." at the same time. It is easy to apply,! eater it has been duly modified in accord, - Mona did not reply and there was a is always cleanly, never stains or dyes, I ante with the age of the child. Hew pause. . She found the article she had and in all trays is an ideal healer. All 1 milk, however, is unsafe for baby during been looking for, and had just begun to druggists sell it at 60 cents a box, or , wrung weather, on account af the gems read when Uncle Sandy stopped her, ex- you may obtain it direct from the Zaneare sure to develop in it. Pasteur. claiming- „ • Buk Co., Colborne street, Toronto, upon iaztion, therefore, must be resorted to "Bide a bit. I want to speak to you. receipt of price. While of general ser- summer, But don't sterilize the milk. She laid down the newspaper a little vice for all skin injuries and diseases, Sterilized inilk is nosy under a ban. It has been discovered that in ti kept her." poor grandmother always chose to call a mo ru burns, bruises, eczema, pimp es, It was a wet, chill afternoon, with me by my second Christian name." are you paid for your singing leseone ? sores, spreading scabs, scaly diseases, wild gusts of wind. "And why does this rich old uncle "Oh, mine are merely preparatory. lee - "W es poisoned wounds, festering sores, piles, "Whexo have you been, my darIin'?" cboase to live in such a remote region as ; sons! so I do not get much: ulcers, bad logs, abscesses, bond, ring. cried Mme. Debrisay, going into the bed- Si'estbourne Villas?" 1 `_Ay, but how much ? scrofula, psoriasis, raom, where she heard Mona moving +"I do not think he is tvorma rich, and he is , "Three shillings a lesson, or thirty for barbers erysipelas, rahinsect stings, stiffness, tiers in the mill; are destroyed along with the germs, and that infants fed. upon it for any length of time are likely, not only to have soft bones, but rickets, scurvy and the most distrowssing diseawee ' of the joints. 'file difference between sterilized and ,pasteurized milk is simply in the degree 'of heat to iv'high they aro submitted and the length of time the treat is applied. Pasteurization consists of heating the milk to 160 or 160 degrees Fahrenheit for thirty (minutes. Milk is sterilized by heat es it to 212 degrees for one beer or an hoar and a half. - Frank Barkley Copley in Give the Baby a Chance, in the Outing Magazine for June. a , , "'Oh, nonsense! He must be rich. � "Hum! bout. only in London for a short time' twelve.' ` rheumatism,and all injured or inflamed "A very pleasant and unlock for re- ha! well!" -pulling out 11is J contra," returned Melia, who was taking Make him take a house near us some- i purse -"there are three sovereigns for conditions of skin or tissue. off her damp out -door garments. "e where. Every one will be pleased to see • you. Madame told me you put off some . i when a lady w o had lust driven p unless they can afford expensive 1 me, and 1 forgetIt is doubtful if the average annual in- to the door suddenly called me by my leg„ t rf any one b co e f , including ll b was coming away from :firs. Churchill's you again. 'Men do not adopt nieces pupils that ye might give your time to h ve u s ensive luxur- The Cro'wd et the Bottom. can nae it. 1 doubt ever did so much for me e- m of law ers n members name. `Don't you remember me, Mona?' "He is very unambitious; and has been i fore. Now I don't want you to suffer of the profession -good, bad and indiffer- It was Evelyn. She seemed so pleased seriously ill." loss through me, There, tak' the gowd, ant -exceeds $2,000. While a few are to see me! She had only come up to "You are sure you have not been ad- • ye re welcome. Bofors that is gone, yell able to command large fees and pilo up town fpr a few days, and was going to ministering slow poison in homeopathic may be find other pupils." 1 comfortable fortunes, the majority are write t>Y me to come and see her, ns she globules?" asked Lord Finistoun. "You j ""But, Uncle Sandy, 1 would rather not' far less fortunate. And the lower strata was very hurried. Oh, she was looking look a very resolute young woman, Miss i take it! Indeed, I would rather not! II of the profession contains an immense so well and happy! She asked me to craw am aero I shall soon find other guoils, l number who live from hand to mouth et. and he if it ligbt talki , is at the little moremoney of ri o She Ali tl , little are undesedv n f luncheon tomorrow. g and -and I have a y and many whom g. any town house in Hyde Park Gardens, and them, after a kindly expressed hope of :own -more than a hundred and twenty sort of a living in that profession, al- wente to have a long talk, She is just seeing Mona soon again. „ 1 pounds. 1 was quite ready to give up though they might be worthy of respect the same as ever, only nicer -et least, "I am not at home to any one, said the lessons that 1 might be with you. in engaged in an occupation for which Elsa seemed so. What a different world Lady Finistoun, as soon as the servant' You were not fit to be left alone. I will theywere fitted bynature and attain - she moves In from ours, dear Deb!" came back front opening the door. `not take the money' mets. In all profssions "there is al - let "that fretlyfrayedear. do but you don't onlvotmu fete e to my Sroe;•'cnil',�MtiB ee go back. Lack- 1 "Nor will 1 take it back." ways room on top," and by the same you,y a , , t "You must, indeed," she persisted. token there is always a crowd at or "No, I don't fret. Yet I art: ashamed; to Cato.;•.:lee.' en Tuesday, New we ' young younear the bottom. -Washington ton Post. to think how I regret that brilliant.', c1.ail bete a deli htfui talk. Isn't Finis- 1 "Root, toot! a oun creature like r g easy, abounding existence. where every -1 toun nice? Be i s such a good fellow. l needn't hesitate to take it from her ting is fair and smooth, and manor i I thought him so duli and quiet when he nearest of kin. Here, pit it in yer Doe• roughness nor care come to irritate or - came to the Cease --just after you made let. " all that hr bbab, dear! 1 debit care 1 "Let ne make a bargain, uncle!" cried oppress:' og y y, y "Ab! my darling there are plenty of . at: gat marrying hire =rob, ore?' be seem- : Mona, a I "1 do not want the mono meting hearts under the smoothness. and ed so mc:' -1.' is :eve with me -which nn- note, but when I do I It ask for it." poor human nature groans and yearns bedy ever ei:l hefo_re'-•e-rd nsw I think `:ay, but I misdoubt me if you tri!!; for what it can't get, all tllo same whe- f nim the Least: c':.ne:mi ; 'r'i'm: arson. Isn't you have too much pride. Not but that then it's in a poor twenty-five shilling a S he height and p"ea`sant=°" 1I like your independent spirit -that wtzek lodging or a marble palate.' u l , "`lie el ;rated! 1 suppose you crake comes from the Craigs. I'll jilt pit up "If that is your opinion, Dab, why; 4ped, as m so p'.a its do in sunshine." dpvel the !readyonhene ey in a bityon spent it er, and it will be -Were on so an with me for break- ing with Mr. Waxing?" 1t "Fos are just the tame as ever, Moja, • "Thank you, uncle. I will ask for it, "Weil, dear, you see people must livP,3 tvfth your aider funny air of -wisdom. 1 if I want it; but I hope I shall not. Do and, as hearts ache, no matter tvli t" wish you rad rearmed Mr. Waring. It you know that Lord and Lady Finistoun covers them -sackcloth or satin-yout is rr�.ly very nice to be married to a i are your neighbors at Craigdarroch 7 mi let as well satin, aad a mash's 1 kind, generous husband." I ".,4y, I knew the name; but I did not lah1 And so on about her own happiness and ;.ire them a tlioclmt. I remember now, "That la nota sufficient reason. I %affairs for nearly an hear, then she ex- , the Laird. o' Strathairlie used to be down claimed, suddenly: lin the shooting -time, with a wild, feek- 1tup�losi: that wbatever your abstzar. - eon- "Buts tell me about yourself! What an less lot -loons that just consume the yietron may be, you grasp grandeur and wealth whenever you have a• chance. 1 fear I am no wiser, dear, for all my ro- rn+tntic talk, only I am greedier than you are, Deb -1 wanted love as well as luxury." "Alf, then, didn't poor Waring give you lashing's of love?" "Perhaps; but if he could not create it in me, what good did his love flo me?" AI am ashamed of your hard-hearted- ness, Mona. I expected better things of You." "That is because you always overrated m "Never mind. dust go up to your uncle; that wild Highlander has bad Min all to himself nearly the whole evening." * * * Mona Ent out to keep her appoiinternent with Lady Finistonr with =teed fee-iir: e of pleasure, and a. little irresistible reer- tifica.tion. At tweety, pbikjsophy had not bad time to strike its roots very deeply into the eau]. Trion was proud but her pride La"i awful life you must lead with poor Mine. , fruits of the airth,and never add a baw- Debriaayl though ebe is a dear old thing. ' bee to the nation's wealth." Do you never go to a dance or -but of 1 "Still, I suppose they do some good, course not; you could not know the peo- . by giving employment and spending ple about you." •money" � "1 assure you 1 am not dull. First, , "I'm no that sure. They create a fauso because I am so busy; thea •because 1 demand, and a useless class -men that whaeve aovenfteagreeableto ecconeprtsmon setae, Then • just minister to other men's pleasure are times g to theatres -and even now never good for anything; there'a some - and then to soirees, where, if there thing degrading in it. If ye come down is not much elegance, you some- : and eec me in my bit Hi land home, t times hear exceedingly I clever talk; but . hope these fine folk won't come haver - we -that is Madattte Debrisay, gen• l• in' after you. 1 canna be fashed we sue m eraily refuses. It costs too uch in hire kittle cattle." dress and cab hire." I don't suppose they would trouble "Is it possible. I thought cabswere , me much, only Evelyn, who is really fond the most eeonomiwal mode of getting 1 of me, 1 believe; and 1 should greatly about. Dearest Mona, I am to sorry foe ;enjoy teratful, frch. The Highlands musts yau,,,Awl how wonderfully well you i Ise,Ay;ghe canfta k grand. e iom Kenneth's s braw 1`. ;';r' I am well and happy.„ s laddie. You are good friends, you twa?" I "Very good. Kenneth interests me, "m.T don es, dear, 1 tell you what, you 1 he is sq fresh and original." must t coconic and stay with us.t „ erre chat they bay at home, and I will, Ile is too self-opininated; but he le - , ou EGrn nice drQsseS e a an honest lad, and his mother, my hale to tinge of meanness. Of poverty the . g ,1,179 rn, J;velyr.. I have• left youel rietir, Ias laved your father e nea.rest to ne of flll he was not the least retlasn1Fd, t o lona s tie a forever, I nm not ungrateful to " , , she was indebted try herself alone Y t.t • ' ' went an married like a fide! 1 must ;1;,`-"' `-"' lt'o'1 £re a . inn reneroua e4>iXl; bee: , in Old and highly artifital Frr.�ietiex lil-r; � .•o thrown in my �" t with the e'sork a lgok after Kenneth and provide for •rim, ours poveaxty i4 ptrbably the ams t G1 ere d I tan t etc e f ahron and mum 1 for Ler sake. Her heart was hound up grstdfn;; condition into w1 ieh man c r .",• ' ` „ - 3 in hini; and for a' his bone and mueele, nen. I Meath earn any bread ,, g„ mon man fall; but tee, sting to M" na he's ro that ntranb. lay in 1 er tonseieoua, ccs that the "li , , it views qui tt awful. I sham par- ,: robation and ne'i1e•ct Gf 1;.er fru' 3 e cele yea eo carie to me Yee, De tell! "Yes, eeeele Pandy, you ought to take ass fn some degree deserved, she eel j me vi>..'; the undo is Drize.,, • tare sof hide lie is indeed your natural 1w4 acted loyally to Warire. etc c ee ail be is an u,+Iy, lithe old roan, t her, 1" t y "Natural beer indeed quoth - ncle lege-gt not to lute brpken faith t etyt fedi tor, fllcarar t; in t'30.41Cr, and in eery 11;andy wrathfully. "Nobody is my heir when the immr gi, tr rag P set ,. t iia rifererit jir:alt,i, Iia, ta:,.a like the pee i r x hei..,, beyond what T choose, 1 van y. , ,• ,• � Dave sit i peeress to an na u on or forced her to acre t him vete Tenioved. a pie in bir ''Titer ' r' tt'e revels, trel he • s y S tit ti And he, too must t eapsse her! q tUcs to tr,nvOrt .v q tri J'resl yttariaintssn.'? an hospital o•rrir,rrowv,, However, all that was il'rvv"rseable news i Whatr ittirfs l comi,ination. IIe must t net eourec you eonld/' raid Morixi, in. Yet she Impel earntbly teat Eveien a kayo menee` d,r ,.e w -i' u,d re^.er 1/1.('/3"//w''' piffs•renti•, i At the Yarmouth Y. M. C. A. Boys' Camp, held at Tusket Falls in August, 1 found MINARD'S LINIMENT most beneficial for sunburn, an immediate re- lief for colic and toothache. ALFRED STOKES, General Secretary', would be alone.. She di3 not weer tip to leo grj rI e reear,le* gleet any of her former frie'?s or lath. ' I tee r e) Fi;+n , i' it in lois nolle of one J ripe"ase; 1 f'"Ihen tet me bear nae mair of helm er at uafntancee, to be retire sand f3 •-a1, life er Lie Neat: e,f expenditure." "'they vise!,- 1 tiall I revel no,; ?" tioned, however *milliing turd Med the ,i jl'w is 1t ;yeti Past Len Isere Y' IA. ,,,1y, and diems fro too fare." mask they alight put on. lis,s moat; a i. t.I.c-'P," , TIt the; legit ria "lid not seem to g ivr ' contemptible vie*knees, dile rr:.nfes,ril ^*,1 "lie rrc?.ms to lave tnruwin himself - ntisfacti",n urn xhc ram,' ti, th0 ''i'riee herself, tut elle found riot rice Lert::lf' .aeon an••, weer, every tents else, r::'ipt t Filart;' when. z"Ji ,o r,f tbn, oxio1atlrine above it. Her ladyship bad jaat gene to Ricci.' . ems thee 3 gr fs Lel 1u f".t311 ",f mi., b kg -1n 1r,e, in' -rr:t in b'.r e„ey„e, ion, said the elegant ger,r eman deo' r6 Brf level; l; Eel that. I;v;41::,.. Lk. 38 rtejii- . "Ay," l c r e),..ti'r'd, ' :la8nisir fr)nr opstlted the deer. Would rhe walk int e 1 ep e a e er else.., in rare, 3 feel Lie i3uil tit:+s, forty t -,'.'L4 see a sliarsee„,!x 4,r1- Mona wan shown into a library t.t la , c 1i rr:r, as t, >!2<'i , tack 1 tit' Louse, h YP 1' Evelyn ,#+ i 1 " " r „ i elen'3, 'f%:�t's ;r,,", j t time ty se,1!, fisimi Don't Forget in Summer, To give pure cold water to the baby two or three times a day. To prevent sore mouth by rinsthg with a little cold water and borax. To shade the baby's eyes from strong light, especially from full sunlight. To avoid saffron tea for bleaching the baby, for it has a tendency to produce scrofulous sores. To apply hot clothe to the little feet and stomach for colic, and leave the pep- permint in its bottle. To use good common sense continu- ally and in large doses; and the baby will be a joy and comfort to the household, no matter how .trying the weather. BETTER THAN SPANKING Spanking does not pure children of bed-wetting. There is a constitutional cause for thia trouble. Mrs. S. r7, teem - mere, Box 8, Windsor, Ont., will send free to any mother her successful home treatment, with full instructions. Send no money, but write her today if your children trouble you in this way. Don't blame the child; the chances are it can't help it, This treatment also ewes adults and aged people troubled with urine difficulties by night or day. peon, d'car 31" P,, l.r. s ti.r",r,n me ',ff ec c ,MC,1 to er(Juse a Isenn tied pleaeu t• o t nK e y ,- ;II # V hx 1c, !:.•l I", fete Y)i11, i "r;a",n J'ai ifs•, ?:srsc^ f", rt.,:s "'uivt>`. haat tete•a•tt*te with lair hur,lband• l .Joan ga'.s tr.r, i.,.t,>ry ",s tri.;i' soei. n-;1 "J, V l:err• is ife'gr t1J7'101v/flit alta l,lt:;nt ":4c flied to 6'ee yf>it, df ar! i i* ist". 311 t n Ce`i1:,l, ! e •.;G' r , ,i 1'f5 '11..'}'':i J ;$,AI ,." i5 obliged to f'o (art, or tie silo:ea i'.{ar 1 . a , "a, e., t„ 9 i1r�,tr S Q.3 J bf, Cr u,l 1,1 J'S'U iP e� yj'r {,,,iJ �2,t`6'.I Pl is""„1` f", reeve 'i1>;".11 waited for You, and 1Yh013 w. t9 h.A.f3 ;�.e,t 1 tees (nee% ' to 4' "0c 8 $.t t',"a,:,1 f e' i ." 1,ne msec esee r esa' s."1, slsr'1 woe V, rid of him, we 811311 has finch a r.:iec i ,,: t 1 ,r rxy 3 -0?f.l'IS s3:P 511'il i;;,,, V 1 I ' ! t .buff:' i i<i , = LX' x :l." , '; . �, lonk chat." „ t P",11a O(2? f Ciel", ;y 1'1"1 w1? :?'? -,', Ii's' tl'll"?'j:s £24'.:1' '!, 'en i:!? i$ '.+Ni1J 1'4' "Very complimentary to nit, t;:u1 , yen' 1,:;1:,t,..e i ',1,•!J4 int ,,ft^• l , Lord lriniatourt, bowing and ensiling geed- - „e, r i ; fe?u i,..,, ea r. aril s, a Half;, 1.1 y hnrriaredly. "ilnl,pjr to renew nay a'- eii Les•see ate) ee lit(; t",a.ot1 ,e is ear': t" J,, 23 ',ra,' r 11' is rtray, •'" t t ,• s iss 1 ;�- at s„Pee, f a, w 1s a.,,. ,f, thong. s, the l.ft tluafntanre with you, tlwugi; I ale afraid „I KM n',t eery'ewe. Ile Lan a r.,t ) ei , lei r' , ,. you do not remember Intl. ,it s ! a i tome 1'rs ,till vis n terse in the t!v'r'e.'tsee 3f' ''stele 1.ay"_e', t +';n oyes, 1 remember yell noir a f Pi'ek �+. i 44;J, ore i d f.",1!i,' Ir." Is r+',t, the 9aniA blush passing aver her fate. r l eratnaliiree ll." 11 .s else ,,f t4.+! t,s,l•it-r." lime did wan re'mombrr him. At the "1°rca„dairselee feeeatel exely lira: '.f,.ff, eve, 'Ale 1(l. VAC)). ill Ifarnii, s10 ars NM where. Blit hest flet met. T,i*1e, she (min, in garllt Pl-IrPt o'• "%II, lha+; i9 It., ,l;,t "lata" had Been }aim ttimitir Leo to Tim; vitt. ' eloee to s;trutlaairlie. I ire, seism leer- ` ey;; wean yell es doze tr X 14fmt" iatnun, and fant•b'd then were epenking ing tI:at tt t.':lt jure rn.1 tlfaet'ursrboukltt ''' dors *sty ;et ten to raerrow morn - of herself. Ire Mord Finirtorinl waft very It. Yr•, I knew till about, it VAT, dear- 1arg," ItIrs'Kenneth 3fecali*ts'r, os*ty Obiter, tier eat Moan; be snot be the *lune bin. (To 1x3 o ontinlied,) 3i•se- Not a Student of Shakespeare, "What is your favorite play?" asked the girl who quotes Shakespeare, answered the youth with long hair, "I believe 1 like to see a man steal t>econd as well as anything.' -Washing - St GINSENG ISSUE NO. 44, 1906 • MIS4k t.LANF OUS. ri ANT1r;D, Ibx11tSAIATk1I.'Y, TW0 t1IR.i q r< Y about 25 yeas 01 ate for poxtt1S* es cook and housemaid 1n a private Wilily; writing wagesd hiro e. Geo. lo. girls. It 'Womb street oast, Ilanllttou. (\ AKVILL12 rut= LAMP30 AURIC iota, excellent for fruit, gardening or poultry; close to elcrtrio card; big money is fruit. Write quint; to 41. S. For3tet', 0;11004t. Out. Souvenir Post Dards 1.2 for 10o; 80 for We; 100, #1; 200, SJr; 800, 55; all dltloront. Largest an:1 finest stook 10 Canada; 600 mixed, its; amines, 111 prises. W. R. Adams. Toronto. Ont. Mrs. WtnsloW'a Soothing Syrup sbe;;0a al- ways be used for children teething. It eoothoe the child, soothes the gums, curse Ivied cote) and la the best remedy for Wars riloeft. >S5,000 ItrwFi1W wttl r bo 1,aid to any Scroon who proves that unlight Soap contains any injurtoua rhemical. or any form of ndultcratiow Stmlight. oa nl' is better than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. Sunlight Soap contains no injurious ,chemicals. Sunlight Soap is pure soap, scientifically made. Every step in its manu- facture is watched by an expert chemist. Sunlight Soap saves labor, and the wear of rubbing which common soaps require in washing fabrics. Your money refunded by the dealer from whom you buy Sunlight Soap if you fund any cause for complaint. Lever Brothers Leaned. Toronto tsf 1 owin . Imperial C J? An imperial decree, according to Pekin Times, announces that the Emperor will It can be cultivated and the profits sacrifice to the God of Agriculture an i the second day of the thud noon. He are enormous. If interested write will .personally plough n. portion of the ne for information. ' ground in front, of the altar, as n proof T. 11!. YORK & CO., Waterford, Ont, that the profesulon of agriculture is an _-.._. --_ .-_... _.._ -- _ .. - .__...-�._ honorable 'one. Perseverance Not Everything, If Washington had been persevering, de Everyone Run Down Ire might have carried a surveyor's chain! tesPe, icci -with lusdaches, for of er coo tipa- all his life. tion, boils, tumours, scrofula or other results of If Lincoln had been persevering, he' impure blood -can find speedy rclid in Mira P g Blood Tonle. might have been splitting rails or work- It draws oat the poison from the blood and ing on a flat -haat yet. tones up Stomach, liver, kidneys end bowels. If Garfield had been persevering, he Pure, safe, palatable-contans the medicinal might have ended his days an a mule- virtues of estrative herbs which act in a natural driver, an obscure college 'professor or a manner on the specie. Nee, $1 a -bottle -6 for more obscure preacher., $5. At drug -Stores -or from The Chemists Co. And if Mr. Rockefeller had been parse- of Canada, Limited, Hamilton --Toronto. vering and had continued to clerk in an .Oesuretogetshegenuine-tuftfor oil store, as he once desired to do, be .? r r might still be getting $11 a week and giving 6 cents thereof each Sunday to his Sunday school. THEY KNOW IT. Thousands of people know that tate or- dinary remedies for piles -ointments, suppositories and appliances -will not cure. The best of them only bring passing relief. Dr. Leonhardt's tient-Roid is a tab- let taken internally that removes the cause of Piles, hence the cure is perman- ent. Every package sold carries a guar- antee with it. It is perfectly harmless, $1. All deal- ers, or The Wilson-I+yle Co., Limited, Ni- agara Falls, Ont. Kind -Hearted Chinese. (Woodstock Scntinol-lteview.) It is the frequent testimony of those 'who have dealings with 'C!iinamen of even the "evaehee-washee" class to be found in this reentry, that no .people are snore faithful or more honest, er more prompt to elbow gratitude for acts or kindness. There are tricky Chinamen, of course, and BOMB of them nre said >S ti" -"cm DR, ll,g�t�R�OY'S !a FIM Al.,i PILLS , Auk., e a Ili rotate monthly i ns* taint N 'Mose Kra 4itvy teen wool 1n reins* forever Aft' Fevre, and :mond itntuab10 for ti,e purpose d.elgned. alt aro guaron, need 11' the n,al.ora. a4eloie ntntnp ter Scaled olroular. Vika pt W Det• Lux or easeetes yr Y Ah,�n, aerurely gciIud, 0o ref" pt of prier, 510 ROY P11,L 00., IPox 42, I4arullton, Canada, Where Will You Go This Summer? if you dostre rest and, recreation, rby not try "The River St, Lawrence Trip?" Folders descriptive of tho Thousand Iolanda, Rapids, Montreal, Quebec, Murray Bay, To - domino, the far famed Saguenay River, oto.. 011 appllcution to any railroad or steamboat ticket axHat. Bor Sllustrata guide, "NIAGARA TO TIM SLA," Bond six cents In postage stamps is H. Foster Chaffee, Western Passenger Meat, oronto. Jubilee of the Victoria Cross, The coveted little bit of bronze known as the Victoria Cross --worth intrinsi- cally 4ed-this yule attains tete jubilee of its institution. It was cl•e.atcd in 1850 and abundant opportruliticn for winning it came with the outbt'eak of the Indian Mutiny. In the course of that fearful struggle no fewer than 182 heroes were decorated. During the fifty years of its' existence the cross has been awarded to 622 officers and then, the recent South African War acounting for 78 of these awards. Originally the erose carried with it a special pension of £10 a year to all non-commissioned winners, and in re- cent years this has been increased to :260 in caro of those who are laid Aside from work by advancing years and fail- ing health. Of 'regiments whose mon home gained the trophy, •i'ho S pith 'W 1e* Borderers occupy place of boner with sixteen V. C.'s. At the head of the list of Scottish regiments the Gorden High" laiden come first with thirton, follow- ed by the Seaforths with eleven, and the Catneron's and Black Watch oaoh with ten. $9.00 to New York and Return Lehigh Valley Railroad from Suspen- sion Bridge, Friday, Juno 15th. Ticktes good 15 days. ' Tickets good on regular express trains leaving at 3.50 and 7.15 a, m., 7.16 and 8.43 p. m For tickets, Pullmans and 'particulars, call on or ad- dress Robt. S. Lewis, Passenger Agent, 10 King street east, Toronto, Ont. The People's University. There aro three essentials to the profit- able exploitation of honest ruerobandise at honest prices. The advertiser must get in touch with the greatest possible number of prospective 'purchasers; he must reduce the interval of time betnvoen the writing of this "ads." and their pub- lication to minimum, in order to give his announcements 4a news value, and he must follow up his first assault on,papula.r in- difference n difference by a rapid succession of a.tten- tioncompelling appearr3 . 'llictre Is but ono medium' that fulfills all these ro- qunrementa. :Tames Parton, the bto- �} grapher, said of it: "T••he newspaper 'press read - reser. MART( AEI:rrTEACO. is the people's university, Half the read- ers of Christendom read. little else." Aci- The Twist of a Bullet. vertise in the T.'imra. Sunlight Gong is better than other soaps, It is impressive to know that the gyro- but is best when need in the Sunlight way. tory motion imparted to a rifle bullet Buy Sunlight Soap and follow directions. by the twist In the barrel may give it - f 1 a peripheries velocity sufficient to test Drouthy Days Coming for Men, its cohesive strength. Attending to the Years ago, it is recalled, Parton pre. Iron Age, with the United States 0.50 dieted that the coming man would net - calibre rifle 'the rifting gives one rove- then smoke gar drink. Tho coming man lution of the bullet about its axis in 70 would neither smoke nor drink. The inches. At the service niuczlo veioc- coming man has not yet arrived, but ity of the bullet, 2300 feet per setons, if the coating man will neither smoke nor this means 2700 terns per second, as- think, the indications are that it will be sunning that the bullet docs not strip because the coining woman will leave in the rifling. Tho eireumferenco of the him nothing to smoke or drink: -Louis - bullet is 0,114'2 Web, which gives a peri' villa Courier -Journal. pheral. velocity of 21;00 inches per see- .-e,---• - ond, or 12,000 feet per minute. Minard's Liniment used by Physicians. !Keep Minard's Liniment i tI house n to Countess Opens a flat Shop. -r 131obbs--Cloeefist 11105 nodi _ a clinging A '9lat shop" was opened in London by nature, Slobbs--Clinging? Blobbs- the Countess Febricotti last week. IAv- Sure. Haven't you noticed the way lie cried footmen handed ermine tea and }colds on to a dollar bill? cakes. • r ri i rim to the fond of gambling and of hitting the vont pteotoua remedy. is a pasture Curb far an seines 4!'muescs, writs toe dee sertuttrer pipe, but why eliomld we not ,jnrlge these etreutar and tree attmirte. R. 1P. IlictllLL, fimeoe, Ont. by their best•qualities as we judge the people of our own race? fn.rwae ►tw..,r, .,„r. „rws.ar Aak for Minard's and take no other. Don't Show Off the Baby. Too great emphasis cannot be laid on blfnard's Liniment Lumberhsan'e Ji`rienn., this matter of shielding the baby from 1 excitement. Undoubtedly the tempta• Seeking After a New Toy, tion to show him off is very great --be (Phil reletphia Preece i is such a cunning little Clear, and he has "Willie Brown! ke,^,p out 0 'that teat• i such pretty tricks. But decide now. Is 1 er," s'rie'i old "ere F decry, "first thing it your desire to gratify your pride or oyu linrw yolr'li�eateltcdd.' i ' otv . prarnotr, your baby's welfare ? It is e z , "1 don't carr, replied Willie Bl' n gleet ntistel/. to handle an infant any >ARE I'rIcI.�` ,,,,co, says next time I trot a cold I kin 11101'g titan needesar slot onlyon the • }crave 4, bxitt'k:xrhief all to mt elf."b' 1 score of his nerves, but on that of his Farmers and Dairymen Whin you iOQutxo a Tui, r�aii, Wash Basin or Milk Fail Ask ;roar grocer �. . �.....� E D. EDDY'S ''"" t bones. Ilaby's bones, sou know, ere, ' � wnrill find thby girt) you sati>5w W. 1 , soft; tiles eonRtant handling• tends to Ali/ .SO , r ' destroy the ahapetindnn of 11i55 lx4y. Tlie d greater part of his early life should ba FLY PADS ONY, P,A.Cl3 n UAt3 ilCt ttL'11 1C1Li.110 A BITSNflL OP FLIES fsold bt in Druggists -and (1331.rst Stone ]etre by null. TEN was PER PACKET i'ROM ARCHDALE WILSON„ spend on the bed. vViten he f;stn tired of lying in one position, gently roil hhn over without piektng hint 4114, When it • is strictly necessary to lift him, there is only one way to do to without r!uh• jetting any part of Itis burly to pre118nre 1 or strain that may sent -ewer it &linen I organ: With your right band grasp his clothing just below 1111 feet, anal thorn spread out your left Itanet and extend it Meng his b.Pr1f until yf4r palmnis P• g 1 porting hie back and your three 111 fingers 111s neck end heart. 111 this way 1 taby'6 cic>thir5 i* made to farm at 1,4110.• meek in which he rbntfnrtalalyr lies_--, , yrank llarkley Copley in Uive the Itaby a Chance, in the Outing Magazin* for 470111, " ladle faaotlon ovary time. THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE Insist on Poing supplied with EDDY'S every time. 0011601Y C(MEN1' BUILDING BLOCK MACHINE 'rite. mains la supple, handy and easily oar. steal. `VVltyr pay' fanQy Dinette fora Illoek• dhlrls Then you can buy 43115 maah}ile and outfit r<.t s nt6ttetatet oestT Send for booklet biro, Award“ lllplordi ttt Canadianat • TchIbitioti, 1005. it°. DOUGHTY, P,etantee, Waterford not. . 4