HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1906-06-14, Page 2unday .chool. 3 utak, „hilt tteeeetottline and ' lad levet • fititte la deem*. Janie itdittlrett Met tillth and 00/*Mended ItiVe *bpi% the Jews. His I faith Weet Unwed anti the rack slave was immetlietely reetorea. Joint is no 111190044t-TIONM44411/01SNO. MU* respeeter of Demons, but he dive 24itiatete ve- Reeteweellead Naha. 1 IVspect faith, Wherever lie finds- it. W. Mole. for the lo & lot. Noue need - Anent , spair. t'hrist loves MI. The sinner who flummery. --Lesson L Topie: COunaela / mine* in humility and faith Will be nav- la ebezmeter building. Place: the Homo, ed. Christ will silence the feult-finders. of Hiettiu, near the centre of the west 1. V. entistne first parable. In order to I have a good ltarvest there must be (I) toast Of the Sea Of Galilee. Thia lesson . a sowed itie good seed, (d) good soil, (4) ilt Si PIA of Vilest's sermon on the i good tare. Chriat, his disciplesall Mount. Men Am known by their :mite; ' Christian wornere, were the sowers. The good free* bring forth good fruit; tor' I word of tneI--gospel truth—is the seed. profession of godliness la not sufficient; a ' There are three kinda of unfrnitful itoil: rapt trees bring forth corrupt fruit; I the wayeide. the stem: groluid, the -Monty those who do what Christ eontmande are ground. Many thgs indestroy the Rea: like the man -who built his house on a ; birdee -the wicked one; the sun eeorcheth rock—when the storms eatue the house 0d -tribulation ond persecution; thorns 44 204 Wit those 'MAO do 014 obey 1 ehokeeethe cares, riches and pleasures of Christ's words are like the man who , this life and the lust of other things. Vie built on the saud—when the storms came ;must not Wow any of these things to de the house fell. 1 stroy our faith. The good soil is the U. Topic: The Lord's Day. Place; In geed heart that brings forth fruit with I and near Copernaum, While Jesus and patience.. His disciples were walking through a VI. The parable of the Tares. A sow - field of grain 04 the 'Oeibbath day, the er —the Sim of man; went into his field disciples plucked the grain anti to it —the world; to sow good seed — the to satisfy their heaver; the pharisees truths of the gospel, winch operate in found fault; Jesus justified their course the heart and produce true children of by referring to David's act in eating the the kingdom: Ids enemy—the devil; ehew-breed, and to the priests who were • dune while men slept—while Christians obliged to work on the Sabbath; he • wee asideP sidritually; anti sowed alive beidea a man with a mithered Itand; 1—the .elaldren of tile wienuel one. atm Un - they would hit a sheep out of a pit on duel separation could not be made un - tit the harvest, the Sabbath day, and. a man is better VII. at the end of the world. . VII. Chrtst's right to destroy the than a sheep. HI. Topic: A great faith anti a ,great swine. 1. onlyeChrist"s part in the matter helper. Places i Capernaum, Nein. This was 'dpermissive — the demons wrought the ruin. e. It was prob- !Wrote was performed soon after the ably a Judgment on the Jews, 3. while sermon on the mount. A sick stave; the swine were lost, the man was save.l. the elders sent; the centurion's good 4. Christ, as owner absolute of all deeds urged; friends are sent, and the things, may destroy what lie pleases. centurion goes bluiself, to meet Jesus; er, It may have been a great mercy to he says, I ant not Worthy, trouble not the Gadarenes—at tenet a needed warn. yourself, speak the word only; Jesus tug. 6. It is pictured forth the violent says this is great faith, not found in and debasing nature of the demons, 7. Israel; the cure wrought at once. At It was plain proof that the demons had left the man for they are seen in the swine. VIIL As to conscience seetral thins 4.10.4w40.111 Nein be met a funeral procession; young man raised from the dead; fear fell on the people. neva to be remembered: 1. It is mighty It. Topic: Jesus the -sinner's friceul. to detect mut uncover sin, but powerless to remove or control it. e.. It is the voice of God in the soul: but Satan, by his tricks, sometimes makes it the voice of the devil. 3. It is the Christian preaeber's true point of attack, 4. Cor- reeti., by Christ, mid guided by his word it beemues true and safe. lid. "Give ye them to eat." As the disciples began to obey, the supply be- gan to increase. The Master's touch of power was on it, and so it was equal to the great need. Has a emantana been given? Then Goa stands ready to sup- ple -the strength, talht, ensdom, neces- sary to obey it. God'n commands are the wings of the stml. X. Faith tested and rewarded. Christ perfects our faith by testing it. True faith will meet and overcome every hindrance. It knows no defeat; it knows no -dieeouragements. As the hind- rances increase faith increases. It turns enseouragements into victory. Christ always rewards a personal faith in him - XI. Divine authority given. In or- der to erganize and establish the Christ- ian church Christ gave his apnstIe.e great power and authority represented by the keys, "Every Christian has, in his &- gm\ the keys of the kingdom of heaven. By doing his duty in praying. giving, working, souls will be brought- in. By neglectthey will he left out." XII. We should not quit the world to build tabernacles in the mount, but come from out the celestial brightness to shed light in the -world. Place: In some town of Galilee, perhaps in Capernaum. Simon, a Pharisee, in - vita Jesus to dine; a woman—a sinner. came in aul washed, wiped, kissed and anointed his feet. Simon bad failed to perform the eommou acts of hospitality, and Jesus now calls his attention to his coldness and lack of love; reproves him for being displeased with the woman; a parable; a question; a woman for- fiven. V. Topic: How to hear the word. Plaee;'Near Cape -enamel, on the shore of the Sen of Galilee. Jesus left Peter's house, and the multitudes followed Him: spoke nanny things in parables; this was His firs; one; four kinds of ground rep- resent four classes of people; Many things CAUSed =fruitfulness. We can, by -Gods help, cause the soil of our hearts to be Changed front bad to good ground. We can overcome hindrances and bring, fortla good fruit. VI. Topic: Problems of god and evil in the world. Place; Copenaturt on the shore of the Sea a Galilee. Jesus speaks another parable. Geed seed is sown. but an enemy sowed tares. Both must grow together until the harvest. Jesus ex- plainthe peralge in vs. 37-313. At the end of the world those who "do iniquity" will be east into a furnace of fire, but the righteous -Mil shine forth as the son in the kingdom of their Father." VII. Topic; Great facts respecting sal- vation. Place; On the eastern shore of the Sem of Galilee. After Jesus had eon - eluded "the parables by the sea." Ile crossed over the :tea of Galilee to the eastern shore. A Hem demoniac- xnet Ilia: „Whect to erttw stems be ran and worshipped Him; Jesus mum -ended the =dean spirit to come rant of the man; the demons entered into a herd of swine; IMPERIAL LIFE RECEIVED GIFT OF the swine perished in the sea; the people besought Jetets to depart out of their tod000. coasts. VIII. Topic: Lessons from the death of John the -Baptist. Inaceolbo.fortrese Maeherue. The death of ‘1.311 esecurrol about the three the Twelve Teter/rel. Herod ..entimes was ruler of Galnee and Pelee. When he heard of the mighty works of Christ be said John is risen. ..Ton had rebuked sin in high places. This is neeeesary, far,; allowed zo ito mire - baked, the sin ie made pepotar and the moral sense of the totentrunity is dead- ened. Hemet, coarse brought disaster to himsetf. Tooke The great gospel feast. Phsee; Near Beths.anta. tied ear/ stapply breed whore it Is least likely to be found. Five thoustni are fed. bessittee 'women and elk:vent twelve baskets of fatte- meets gathered. After pet -farming teds wewadeadial neirebie the people were about to make -lieves akin;. but He weilid net per:Olt it He had no ambitieti for vearistly nteny. That night Ile peated xear:v all night en thereetnetain attee coed between three and six otelocreii went to Ms dbeipke.walline. ea the waves. X. Tor: :ngin Tthe unsaved to ettest. Ga the tontere of raze- e2b. s:7•=er.s on tine breed ci hie and pc:Lettere test delivered; the pezetle peet, agninet HE: Jeans and His natteptes go to the benders ef Meet:Etna; a Gene wetzlea testettefatee Him to east the newel out ef her ellacehteer. Jesus reelles that it is net orepor to give the -term" ttren's bead to sterns; she seas for the eratetotz esevere tests do not eltsentrage her: she adeetto that she deserve tordeingesed cp. pees to His tnerete; &K: tortmeretts nee faith; her reenteset is granted and her tistreghter is healed. XI. Tope: itlanitetesttnet entitle Fere: Near Cee -•=ea Pk:tett,- Jests atl,21 Has ditetiettes who men sail tie was: serne said Jeln the Baptist. and ethers ketaite Jeteeitioh,„orete of the ereeliett. Wee cloday I awe Pete" seye. t etett. tletan hleseot ittter- Watt hstr- tttt Lite reeestee contest teat vim - voided ft. hot the ha -be" hate tt.t.NF•t* the feentelettz.n reek; catee ot netts ' shrill not prevail a.eatteet 'His then:tee t tee keys el the kireetione of iteatt-n etvon: chest tells c! lLs death: Fetor tees:teen Itmt Get thee behind me, Setae: eat:net :7 stet tesitne the Zee.: to plena to gata the :PLAN OF REPATRIATION PROVED arliee. steed and -the sanl NIL Tatin I*Kwia of the trettakeere- A TOTAL FAILURE. fie*. roc?: Mr,nnt. Herman. &macsnddeln 'rg-a with des-„zs into the , mons!: to pay. As Oker..ts reeye He is teasaftermrstl; M.,:"seo end I:tab er,,7,:ar; teruieree regaalnz /Es deprtezto troll the weed; the &solo:es. feelo atv*c. see Jesus and the two non their glory; crater into a cds.:.1: hoer a Jesus tz.ntrocn.W..-, *az* with 1r:olden Teatt Nevi.tr react Sytake lIke this roan .(do)inviii. 4C. Le 'ace I. Ilcarir..1 *la clilttit. Many °bele* but fear *do? Th'ese who do Are os the szkli.: these who hear cnly ati? the aatkl. The steams tame epat all alike. The h..,:-.--cltar,tzler,--en the GAVE F'RESENTS. Donors Then Borrowed Loan Made to A. E. Ames Ended as Purchase—Mr. 3. W. novae Borrowed Large Sum and Paid It in Time to Prevent Loan • Appearing in Annual Statement. Toronto despatch; The proceedings of dee Dominion ittearanee Cominniesiost yet- terletty were devoted to an inquiry into the atfains of the lamerail Life insurance Ceetetarty, which was /owned by Hon. „Gee. A. vex so that his son. Frederick oti. Cox. would be the gen-rel manager of a company. Some interesting tree:et:- tie:as were revealed in the course of the examine:len of Mr. Thomas Brenshatte actuary. and owner of Qau.414erat:e stock in the company. He aware that in six years Meseette J. IV. Flavelle, Hem Geo. A. Cox and A. E. Ames presents -ti the . ytteng ettetteration with SiftlAtten our to insure it a seant footing. There was no recent Li itt.,,? annmel et:ate:rem: ea the receipt of the matey or its die -arae - meat 'Sy the eompany, the gift beine ased to dee:tele,: the eceenot items of exeetidirere atereseary- to a new cam' pony. Leen in the idetety el ttee cam - any Flaeelte eterered a lean of ettnettett fren the eetteany. winch Lean wes remit at the end of the year when the renter: fee the Geverement was hen uee prepared. and remade in the early days of the nem year. Antethee 7.o.an ofiedieelni4.S was made to ddrA..Ames when ne was a direc- tor off the cemeare. anti when be was imentrial difriterf.aioset The seem-ity eitren wee Ineettetter. Ceat. and Trate laity ettan I t'L.E" grzammtet4 by Whoa the I'.77an 1,7".15 not • dee ezeicke were seiel at a loofa ed tette Ste Az tte men:lee etteran of the eeettette- -e'en a tee'i beer nos dr -voted to the - este:mate esetentainte Lettere of COOLIE I4I30R. F.se Will Mt Retain Pram SOIttli Meta—British Gnver.nment Will Hand Ores Vexed (luegiar: to Ifew VatiStlial Parliament. :11=e 111.—In tLe Ccnmzns- to -day Winston tnetedialh trideredeereiaey for the Ofedenive. in de. ter:Zito; the treeerritteetelde pc.:Ezr in Aftlta. re -fur -ed to admit that the plan ti Kntri.a;;;;L:n of the Chinesela'-.zrets hod tei:e3 testante snlr twelve had estted to to sent temek to ettiree.. 11 *and fell. The fall wss Itttatt &AMON, nasit'.41...s.?2:e to ir,'-'4141 t12.:? tbett, was no enaidt for reeevery. LI Ire said the! there vote tit ttettetire tent.he was net, *nit the deo was toreven .-.tte• Chinese to tetatts to Otiree. het *it'. U. The debbatit secant he kept tele. was no ateramett for contineiteg the use taaleteith Incitaa test, and th:s all- is to e•5 Chinese ILItk-t. As E'ins:,.g he a day of wet. It should be kept. I. :an:m.1g Le ). tbi,V, Led teen As it Ate of test from iterlity leatueesa. -dut• to tim pion:ear t tarele cede el t. zoo • Ao a 4day to be apeet is Is. "r sts1-r 61 -ideas a mean wotaliips God at, stated_0:11!"..e to ray I stattItit,z, (3.7.t t%an times, he is not Ittely to weraV.p hire at Ca o.,Int12•.1 remrier. at' The tliti,!tiert khureli bar, alwaya lie renented Vsei elpierre.f the irit,t ttat. ct the Week Se tie.% to :ascs, the Itlittleb the fliliJl smJg,etst a a freely awl Li:N-.-(1.ksoel MI. Oriel faith. The meet:. * vu Tral“‘Alki "Who Witt as=14, Market Report s ISPIRIT Of UNION I IS IN THE AIR The Week, 'Toronto ratutete Market. The grain receipts to -day were small, amounting to only 200 bushels. Wheat unchanged, 100.bushels of fall selling at 84 to 85e. °ate firmer, WO bushels sell- ing at 41 to 4ee per bushel. I Almost a Quarter of There was a fair supply of dairy pro- duce, with butter easy at 18 to 22o per Be, the latter for choice. Eggs brought la to Ole per dozen, Spring chickens, 20 to 25e per lb Hay in limited supply, anti prices air =viewed; 10 loads sold at $13 to $13 a ton for timothy and at $0 for mixed. Straw is nominal. Dressed Logi are unchanged, with light quoted at $10.33 to $10.50, and heavy at $1.0. Wheat, white, bush. • 0 Si $0 55 Do., red, bush......0 84 0 83 Do., spring, hush0 80 0 51 Do., goose, bush .. 0 75 0 00 Oats, bush 0 41ee 42 Parley, bush .. .. 0 51 0 52 Peas, bush .. 0 77 0 00 Ity'e, bush .. 0 63 0 00 Hay, timothy, ton . 13 On• Do.. mixed, ton .. -00 1 0 05 0 00 Straw, per ton . .... 11 00 0 00 Dressed hogs.......10 00 10 50 Apples, per ..... 3 00 4 00 Egs, new laid, dozen .. 0 19 0 24 Butter, dairy ...... 0 18 0 °° Do., creamery .. ... 0 23 0 20 Chickens. spring .. 0 20 0 25 Fowl, per lb.. .. 0 10 0 12 Turkeys, per lb.. 0 14 0 17 Potatoes, per bag .... 0 85 1 00 Onions, per bag 1 00 0 00 Celery, per dozen 0 40 0 45 25 Beef, hindquarters 8 00 9 Do., forequarters 5 00 6 25 Do., medium, carcass 600 • 0 50 Do., choice, carcass 7 50 8 00 Mutton, per ewt 9 00 1100 0000 Vseal, per ewt 59 leant), per ewt 12 00 /3 00 Manitoba Wheat. The following are the closing prices of wheat options at the Winnipeg market tsitl-te: June 8.3e bid, July 84ene, Sept. HIM COURT Of JUSTICE. • Autumn Sittings rer191066aU4 Winter Assize for97,s Weighty Words That Passed at the General Assembly. Toronto Live Stock. Rec..ipts of stock since Tuestay, as reported be the railways, were 97 ear loads, composed of 1,552 cattle, 1;294 hoes, 017 sheep and lambs and 479 calves. Besides the above there were 13 ear loads of hogs, bought in the country. .Trade was good ,espezially for but - timers• ' cattle. " Exporters—Prices for exporters were about the same as on Tuesday, ranging from $4.110 to $113, the bulk selling at $5 to $5.10, a few picked lots, but no leads brought .$5.25 per ewt. Export tees sold at $3.00 to $4.23 per ewt. Duteliers—Cheiee picked lots of but - ewes' tattle mimed from 5.1 to $5.15 per en -S.; loads of good at $4.73 to 54.90; mediam at e4.40 to $4.00; dement at $4.15 to $4.30; cows at $3.30 to $4.25 per ewt. Feeder; and Stoekeres — Mr. Iturby bought about 1e0 heal this week at foe toeing prize::: Snort -keeps, 1.104 to law lbs.. at $4.50 to $4.75; good steers, niel to 1.010 !be., at $4 to 51.25: good steers, Sod to edo Its,. at $3.40 to $4.10; light stock- ers, $3.25 to $3.00; medium stocker;, to $3.25; common stockers, $175 to $3.00. Alitelt Cows—There was a go -oil deenatel for good to prime cows, Prices rangol an the way from $30 up to $07 each. There %%we some ouitide buyers wha wanted some ebolee cows. V.al Calves—There was a good de - :nand for veal calves cm. e3.50 to e3.59 per mt., anti $7 per ewt. for choice new mak- fea calves-. Sheep and Landes—Export ewes said Iran 8445 to $4.75; yearling lauthe sold at $3.75 to $0.25 per cwt.; spring lambs, zt $3.30 to -$5.50 each. Hogs—Deliveries of hogs were fair. Mr. Harris reports prices unehearezeit at $7.40 foe selosete and $7.15 for lights and fate; eowe cit $4 to $5 per cwt.; stags at $2.50 so $3.30 per cent British Cattle Markets. London cable: Cattle are quoted ate 10 34 to lee per lb.; refrigerator beef, Sia -S so 83-4e per the sheep. dressed, 14 to 15 1-2e pr lamte. 10 1-2e. dressed weight. Leading Wheat Markets. -Inlet. Sept. Dee. STOW reek ... Mince-ape:et—. &eh Stat Stlta: Detroit ... ..... Sift S4tt, St. Louis SDe Dearth ..... Sn'ti 55 Si Bradstreet's on Trade. tistertotl: TLe quiet tone to who:en:de trade toted a week ego is still a feature Off otentit:o.ns here. The deneta.1 for whet:at-de dry geeds of &latest all Bk.; is tt,,,z,t as all eetive. and retell trade thatoteettent the eaurtty has seemed to have been etettlee the arrival of het cat -ether. But it is certain: dealers find they still Lave stocks stf winter ant emmg goods reeen their hands. The eerdwere :rade is net an natteh affected. and the movement is trisk. Groceries are tredtratete active. There is a itrien .ntatel tat ait paints for heavy metals and the etettette is fee a large seettsreant- than of steel rail's durinet the eetantne year. Ttrente: There is SeLl a conlet teen to :nee: tine, ofwhtreteate ttatie Lere.Otacese dry etete:e.. heettees Lave leen eteek tate era.ant thee- ropers a sety satisfactory teaten's teetteses. resee is a geted move - neat to bees of iteett.-,atet and the :tette in ere:ea:se is steady. Ceenty teat:- fe need tetettfee ant, stet.E.:1:',2 t Varttea citeottecte att etl tetatue terey, frieze. Winintee: Itterotte.e weethee hes ateeen n rather teieltat tone to the ~eh: tesee'Le dry gettte trade. f :7:entree a tone: re tett deetent fee sereeter ltztes. "Atte ontletk for the fall tatede is hetelt, tteoettetee are tAng txe:11 ah tim hen:le:zee trade retteetea very aeliwe tIreeret far ad Pay,=5.:..1.a are genera:2y eattehae- tare-. 1.7e.r.tr-nrzt sati t:!? ;least trade is esee,e1.-t...:f.y :the in riot& Ste doonand fee g-zoy.2,17.s am.1 Llt.114.11Ie is said te be greater than Las ocentsreni in the titteetty et tee et:en- tre. This is letheviret the tnoot tee:fee:1y in the Larttee net mitiret centres, Ifatelitcn: "itnette tereetttent ate ttener- aty totetlaoterte. Rend Stade Lea teen cathee nttee aottteeheitrie the latter erel of t1'2.111..'.1..1:1[:z2-::,2'S ltt• c ditq:.J0C.2.keardinues a:72:2t, 12= itl. teehnire eree reemeeete nett. tetla tents are tonI a: -mot,nesclrertoti tune tee too.: .0'-1 tht"e tweet, t net hot tee cote tee': choesettene teleht. lreitea- tete for fed tlaa? L'15 1"2:12:',F • antO ice"1. tatet t a • Vis Et. kr, c net:tee a .-• La. tn- C1.....2 2 ZI!...2 tt..,i.elf.t.al of vas.. a Million of Communicants. Report on Statistics Shows Steady Growth of Presbyterianism. A. London, Ont., despatch: Representing the national Church of England, said the Bishop of Huron to -day to the corn- missionos of the General Assembly, he took great pleasure in welcoming them to Loudon as representatives of the national Church of Scotland. The inci- dent was marked with power and dig- nity. The hearts of all were thrilled, Principal Gordon said, in speaking of the Bishop's speech. They did not cease to thrill when the principal himself spoke. Both addresses indicated most eloquently the sentiment of the cul- ture and piety of the two Churches in the cause of union. The remarks of Dr. Sedgwick and Dr. McMullen were very happy, and the Moderator most gracefully conveyed the resolution, which was passed. The movement for the further endowment of Queen's was enthusiastically endorsed, and the sum of $237,000 was announced as already assured. The foreign mission meeting in trte evening was unusually interest- ing, and the addresses were admirably brier, While Bev. W. Martin was speaking a violent storm raged, and the electric light went out, Mr. Martin continued speaking in the darkness, which lasted some minutes, and no one stirred. The Knox Church hearing was postponed till next week, some of the gentlemen interested being unable to attend to -day. The business to be done - is chiefly routine. The Sunday services will be taken by Bev. Prof. ?Magill, Ph. D., Halifax, in the morning, and Rev. J. W. MacMillan, Winnipeg, in the even- ing. The Knox Aluntiii supper was a great success. about 100 being entertain- ed. The addresses *ere or the most Animated nature. The Cell for Men. Principal Patrick's address, in pre- senting the report on Manitoba College, Winnipeg, was the first matter of he. portance at the sederunt of the General Assembly after the opening devotional exercises, and the transaetiou of routine bueiness. The board and the senate, be said, recorded a year of honorable and successful work. The mission was given him several years ago to raise $50.0110 to commemorate his honored and beloved predeeeesor. After making all allow - awes they had added over $52,000 to their capital. This bad nearly all been contributed by the west, few or no ap- peals baring been made in the east. The old question of the paucity of students was urgent in the west. which MO rover in its history given anything like its true proportion. The causes usually aetigned he did not think ap- plied. Skepticism did not tell in the least tieeree in the west, nor was the absence of students due to religious indifference. The west compared favorably even with Scotland in its religious life, and the worldly spirit did not affect the matter. The causes, he (nougat, were three: First, the most obvious was the exceed- - law attractiveness of other pursuits. Minister". received less income than artitans. and in sante instances less than laborers: Especially in the west attteysItto:ntsde.net have lees thau 54.04)0000 anti a n Rev. Dr. Milligan. in a briniant ad- drees, whieh was received with mingled ayplause and laughter, moved the adop- tion of the report. The resolution ex- pressed gratification at the completion of the Eine memorial fund. Dr. Miltigan felt strongly with the 'Moderator with regard to the Church sacraments, and eetleitete life in the borne. He 'appreyed of Principal Patrie.k's suggestion of bringing a pasta:al before the wade Chuntit en the sublet of the shortage of students. Rev. F. B. Duval. D. D.. of Winnipeg. setemeleti the resolution. Rev. Kenneth McLennan. Ph. D.. at- tributed Ilts shortage te the feet that parents.: would not permit their sees to attend the cotleg.eis on ateettet of the Bible teacake. &rem. Ileo. Wm. dve.'n.,. D. D. took the same view. The prig:tors. lt,. sac I. slid not believe in the naye„ tenete the B-ek of Dentereestaty. TF.,*- did net believe that Cheat ri-V.:7‘ tnfalitele. This was the real caote, and ministers tilt net bellere the cloant eltietriares which • taught. Tn.* Senate of the College reported number of eta:tents still iteemeiree the att tn./ante this year being again the highest he the history of the e.ttleze. mretionid ettrententtene from 0=tarta ant Qaettee. whiela beet year tfitenedan tee:tome: decrease, Lave risen o their former level. A legacy of $2,000 wee vete:need from the estate of the late Mrs. Hunter, of ElantE'tott. and another cf Kele. to found a et:Le:tenet:3p, from the estate of tire tete Mee jeret Anderson. of Milton. The teatarete In the e-ltrarec-nt fund at credit March 21. Otte. nae $12.3.5'1235. in .1"-* ordinate fent $11ta.011. in the ettotersttite feet teteltato 53n97.3.57.. in tteeet...tetra:9p fund trevencet StOtetete cal in tIri? c?:.7::.•2;97'il.:nt cue rant 54.47.teeet. Rev. Dr. Amide eat. inked:reed the - Cf the Presbyterian Ladies' t.7:21, Z,:',•• ••?. Ottawa. -A teleerate sees rola from Sir iteeete ',teener thet old due tIm vi cdi be t11 -e mete en .SePthette ()listen:ante. (Met* Easiestetent. At the affeenten setteant rev. ltottert haled rresantai the teepreet of the <tense:A Itinnetement Fund teeententee, eti atteh latette led t -en sterte until tittete Mr. Intre" Wes ntettelnted Innen. text agent test Netteatt. Lest tkene std,I90.03 had teen et, efteet. end the tote: anx.rtt now asf:.2s40, imbadinc atel cunt Is' teetentt, was Citintitio, met the eitteettlealetit Len rte The 0e:tett:seen- n V := rence." ef the etteereettoon llottot .. 1t .:ost'oott tteeerttl. .c-ee e, c....ren anti • o tett as act. to, et otetti 'meet tot ooze- - tronlateene as -vat:et:Leg toteenete e! - the metvete ci ttit=412:tatatS turd meat aetoott tc. rapatigien Mt Aleut the At.r the tetentotes. Ste- Ceti:A was pree!atal Ealert 33()(D, I, Toronto, non-kry (second week), Monday, 24th September; 2, Sandwleh, jury, Tuesday, 2nd October; 3, Sarnia, jury, Tuesday, 16th October; 4, Berlin, jury, Tuesday, 23rd October; 5, Toronto, non -jury, 07th week), Monday, 29th Oc- tober; 6, Oraugevilte, jury and non -jure, Tuesday, 13th November; 7, Hamilton, non -jury, Monday, 10th November; 8, Kingston, non -jury, Wednesday, 28th No- vember; 0, Brantford, non -jury, ttus- day-, 18th November. MEREDITH, C. j. -- 1, Barrie, jury, Monday, 24th Septem- ber; 2, Hamilton, jury, Monday, 8th Oc- tober; 3, Toronto, non -jury (6th week), Monday, 22nd October; 4, Bracebridge, jury and non -jury, Tuesday, 6th Noreen' her; 5, Peterborough, non -jury, Wedues- ay, 21st November; 6, North. Bay, non' jury, Monday. 10th December; 7, London Winter Assizes, Monday, 7th January, 1907; 8, Toronto Winter Assizes (3rd week), Monday. 21st January, 1007, PALCONBRIDGE, C. J. 1, L'Original, jury and non -jury, Mon- day, 17th September; 2. Toronto, civil, jury (3rd, week), Monday, 8th October; 3. Pieton, jury and non -jury. Monday. 13th October; 4. SO Catharines, jure, Monday, 29th October; 5, Napanee, non - jury, Monday, 12th November; 0, Sim- eoe, jury, Monday, 3rd December; 7, Brockville, non -jury, Thursday, 6th De- cember; fe Cornwall Winter Assizes, Monday, 7th January, 1907. MULOCIC, C J. 1,, Owen Sound, jury, Monday, %th September; 2, Simcoe, non -jury, Monday, 8th October; 3, Brantford, jury, Mon. day, end October; 4, Cayuga, jury and non -jury, Tuesday, 30th October; 5. Toronto, nondury (8th week); Mon- day, 5th November; 6, Welland, nay and non -jury, Monday, 10th November; 7. Sarnia, non -jury, Monday, 3rd Decem- ber; 8, Brampton, jury and non -jury, Tuesday, 18th December, MACMAHON, 3. 1, Toronto, non -jury (1st, week-), Mon- day, 170-h September; 2, Cornwall jury. Monday, 24th September; 3, Chatham, jury, Monday, 8th October; 4, Kingston, jury, Monday, 15th October; 5, St. Mamas, jury, Monday, 2nd October; re Perth, jury and non -jury, Monday, 5th November; 7, Toronto, non -jury (9th week), Monday, 12th November; 8, St. Catharines, non -jury, Monday, 3rd De- cember; 9, Sandwich, non -jury, Monday, 17th December; 10, Ottawa Winter As- sizes, Monday, 7th January, 1907, • STREET, 7, 1. Toronto, civil, jury (end week), Monday. 1st October; e, Toronto, civil. jury (4th week), Monday, 13th October; 3, Toronto, Criminal. (let week), Mon- day. 5th November; 4. Whitby, non -jury, Motley, 12th 'November; 5, Toronto, non -jury (11th week), Monday, 28th eoi- reedier; 6. Toronto. non -jury (19th week), Monday, 3rd December. BRITTON} 3. 1, Broekville, jury, Tuesday, 18th Sep- tember; 2, tio.lerieh, jury, Tuesday, ined October; 3, Peterbore, jury, Monday, 8th October' 4, Toronto, non -jury (ielt week), Monday, 1511e October; 5, Bulle- tin -Le jury, Tuesday, 30th October; 0, Guelph, non -jury, Tuesday, 0th Novem- ber; Z„ St Thomas, non -jury, Monday, 26th November; .8, Lindsey, non -jury, Monday, 3rd Deeeniner; 9, Toronto Win- ter Assizes (1st week), 7th .lanuary, 1907. TEETZEL, I, Toronto, non -jury (4th week), Mon- day, 8th October; 2_, Sault Ste. Mane, jury and non -jury, nronday, 15th Mite bet-; 3, North Bay, jury, Monday, .22m1 October; 4. Pembroke, jury and non -jury, Monday, 20th October; 5, OtOewa, non - jury, Monday, 5th November; 0, Toron- to, Criminal (2nd week), Monday, 12th November; 7, Milton, jury and non -jury, Tuesday, 20th November; 8, Chatham, non -jury, Monday, 3rd December; 9, To- ronto. non -jury (13th week). Monday, 10th December; 10, Stratford, non -jury, Monday, 18th December. ANGLIN, 5, 1, Ottawa, jury, Monday, 24th Septem- ber; 2, Stratford, jury, Tuesdaye 9th Oc- tober; 3, Walkerton, jury, Tuesday, 30 October; 4 Goderieh, non -jury, T.:Way, 6th November; 5, Toronto, non -jury (tenth week), Monday, 19th November; 0, Belleville. non -jury, Tuesday, 27th No- vember; 7. Cobourg, non -jury, Monday, 3rd December; 8, Toronto, non -jury four- teenth week, Monday 17th December; 9, Hamilton Winter Assizee, Monday, 7th January, 1906. MAGEE, I. I, .Whitby, jury, Monday, 17th Septecm- her; e, Toronto. Civil, jury (first week), Monday, 24th September; 3, Guelphieury, Monday. 24th September; 3, Guelph, jury, Tuesday, 2nd October; 4, Toronto, Civil Jury (fifth week), Monday, 22nd Oetofier; 5, Parry Sound, jury and non - jury, Tuesday, 13th November; 6, Bar- rie, non -jury, Monday, 1901 November; 7, Berlin, non -jury, Tuesday, 18th De- cember; 8, Toronto Whiter Assizes (se- cond. week), Monday, 14t1: January, 1907. r CLUTE, J. 1, Toronto, non -jury (third week): Monday, 1st October; 2, Woodstock, jury. Monday, 8th October; 3, Owen Sound, non -jury, Monday, 5th Novem- ber; 4, London, non -jury, Monday, 10th November; 5, Cornwall, non -jury, Mon- day, 26th November; 6, Walkerton, non - jury, Monday, 3rd December; 7, Toron- to Winter Assizes (fourth week), Mon- day, 28th January, 1897. MABEE, 1, London, jury, Monday, 17th Septem- ber; it, Lindsay, jury, Tuesday, 25th September; 3, Napanee, jury, Monday, 1st- October; 4, Cobourg, jury, Monday, 22nd October; 5, Toronto, Civil, jury (sixth week), Monday, 29th October. 6. Kenora, jury and non -jury, Monday, October; November; 7, Port Arthur jury and non -jury, Monday, 19th November; 8, Woodstock, non -jury, Monday, 17th De- cember; 9 Toronto, Winter Assizes (fifth week), Monday, 4th February, 1907. Torrance, D. D. It was the most eatis- faetory, be said, in the history -of the Church. The organization of three new Presley- terisse Yorkton, Areolaa, and Bettleford, raiting time rember itt tlee Dominion to 00, was the Bret ?rent mentioned in the report. Taking the stunmation of the totals -if Se-wale:al statistics, the fallowing in- creases appear in the Items specefied: Sittingein el:lurches,. 18,070; in manses 30. and rented houses 2; in families 4.$10. and in- single persons front outside quarters 2.S71; there was an increase of 1,870 in the numbers entering the Chtarcia on their own profession, and of $90 on eertifleate, but there was also an cafe. with it decrease of 243 in removals by death or otherwise. There is a re- paretd Mere:tee of S.777 in- eommuni- eants, of lel infants and of 200adult baptieme, and the number of ruling old- er. witiets gives a total of 8,226. For att pnrposce the payment; were $3.0S0.173. esti& gives each family an average of $23.52, an increase of 31.43. and $12.75. a tiers -ease of SO. cents per eel:imam:cant. London. Out., June I0.—Another fra- ternal visit was paid at 11 oldock yester- day morning to the General Assembly, During the reeeption of the Bishop of Manna on Fallay the pastern of the local Mere/diet nrei Barritt eiturelles were present among the commissioners. On Saturday mere ceremonious bat hearty expression was given to the sentiments thus tacitly signified. Rev, .L L. Ross. Talbot $treet Dep- ts.?, nittartde spoke for the Reprtetet and Rev. Jantes Livinestorte, Wellington Street Chureit, Choir:nen 04 the Depute - :lien; Bee-. Dr, Daniels. Colteerne Street Church. oat' Mr. C*. E. German, Daradae Centre Church, were spokesmen fin- the Methodist deeettairmatfen. The addressee esenteered the cot -dial feeling of the two etturettee toward the sister body. cad the etreetange were suitably and warmly acknowledged. As a committee to cut. soy greetings of the Assembly- to the Csengregetiorat Union. now in sea -lien at Entino. Per, Dr. Etteestriek, Dr. Dtekson and Dr. Itenray were selected, Sabbath Schad Publications, On tire resumption of business the eiptat of the Cs.stemiatte or Sabbath Sthe el Publication; ware pteseretel. 'I be inreaketterat of ovine; by the p.t5I-..a- tti*,, 4,.4 e:-.,st ant neet has Wee overotene and a eatta balance at slate of $1.2.3itit Ines netted. This, however, consisted of tedeteriptieneeseit of widelt the publish- eeptentoeci the rest of the year Lave to be defrayed. The eniettoktnet woe considered very satiefeetemy. The repeat was adapted Z9.7 motion of Res-. Be-. itat:say, Ottav.a. It J. Wnteort, Varteenteer. *tura Union Report. 0-0 motion the report tm! the Commit- tee e% rtIL,ta will be taken on at 3 eettek. In title. cent:teeth= Preitetat Pattlek cave netier of the fall -mine recetien: nithat the Aseetztnte reeetve flit' re -pa -rt. est?reas their gratte:atien at the tettee tunas -use of unity. etpeelatly in the mart-. -r of dottetne, been fez:riff It 4 s -al,: txteetece the tante.nattece of the nettetattee tettetece, ant instruct the tate:tele..? tantitnee lee tatters zed to trans -mit the tentett *A its teateretentes. -op to ,tetewtelt any tetplt"LtIttMA that etty mete:ray. as well as a copy of this a.. to Pat--slItori.:.s„ s&Q$9. COd c eneeedeitzeue ,r tht ICinft rmatieri. Fotttert. they tottetettie Iteteative of he f -tat se:tent:Wee on titb to fatr.:,!A t_r* --liort". .f the 1,11,7,:•_,!*.lratA<As of Vie due- 1 asteeetie ef the of rt4.-0/ e atet ta tte teem et of fi-4,..toC3' La Lake part in :het aeptiatkeis for *Woe." Bev. Robert Magill, Ph. D., Halifax, preaehea in the First Preebyten Clurceh this morning, as eppointed by the General Assembly, Prof. Magill a young Irisdnion, -almost btosita in appearance, but ha is rep, rded as one whose mental and spiritual force will be a factor in the coming days. Pre% Magill selected no his text time words, - "We preach Christ crucified," I. Con 1. 22. ' The evening sermon was preached by Rey. J. W. McMillan, of Winnipeg. POINTS TO MURDER. JURORS IN PO/SON CASE BRING IN AN OPEN VERDICT. The Wingbain Advance the. He Proprietor. DR. AGM" 4•1 PHYSICIAN, SUNMAN ACCOUCHEUR. 1 Off1ce:-117p5taira in*the IlEitakeeell NW* calla *cowered ettice, Bloc, They Claim, However, That Testimony Indicates Malice by Someone—Case May Be Dropped Until New Evidence Celli Be Secured. Brockville, Ont., despatch: The inquest - on the alleged Allan poisoning case at Lansdowne was not concluded until 2.30 this morning:. it 'was not until after nye hours' deliberation that the follow- ing verdict was agreed upon: "That theescia Henry Allan conic to Lie death at Lansdowne 1.1P the 13th day of December, 1905, through poison - heti whether taken as food or admin. leteted by parties with mallee afore - thought we are unable to determine from the evidence presented to us time far, believing it points more strongly to the latter." brougham Lansdowne and vicinity the verdiet- meets with general el, - Km -bet ion. The jurors are reticent and refuse to divulge what. points of difference kept them so long in deliberation after the evidence had been submitted. In view of the open verdict of the cor- oner's jury it is quite likely that Mr. Unown will restommend that proceedings Kr- dropped tudests some new evidence is fortheomiutt, whit+ is quite unlikely. .6 -Ai-- CO-RESPONDENT MIMED. Morakello, N, V., June 11.-31re. Sher - mean Ramsey. committed mid& at her InOSti• at White Lake on Sunday eide- r:dere by- cutting her throat with her atearaters razor. Mrs. Ramsay nail been earned as;a etoreepondent in the Ide- Neeley snit for separation now in pro - curl it is believed that the chargee in thee ease may have caused her to tette her life. • 1 •• t • Celia 'Filthy; Man Dies, Winnipeg. -Time 10.—The coroner's jury erepeieelled to inquire into the death of IVila.itu Fannul, who WaS found dead in a. police station yesterday morning, otter baring hem leaked up for drunk- enness. rendeled a verdict eharging his death to the Me and utisimitary eon - (21'g °j'far7 laid the onus on the Clay Council. *4164.4........ SMITH WAS DISCHARGED. St. ('atitartnee, Jane 10.—Arthur Smith. ef Reaettviliet who NtArt ll1Nsfea at .I.VoLatstult: last, Satur.lay morning on • - • tette tri,:tf,EXV;. On an information pre- Cmallal"" to IR' httltlattta tani her t -ler" P. 4; • (Metener of the British Math* P KENNEDY) tux, 044,P.140 Amoulauco) COLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE. Speolal ottootion paid to Disposes ef /row* aucl olxildroo. „ onion Homo t-1 to it p.m.; f tem MN DR. RoBT. C. REDMOND m. R. O. S. .11440 14, R. O. P„ Itano4 Physician and Surgeon. (Office with Dr. ottirbolloj ARTHUR J. IRWIN • D.D.S..141)* Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen. naylvania College and licentiate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. Moe over Poet amoo—wiaromuot R VANSTONE 4A-* BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to loan at Iowestratea, Oflica BEAVER BLOCK, 7-90. WINGELAM. DICKINSON 47; HOLMES Barristers, Solicitors, etc., Office: Meyer Block Wingharn. LoBlektnamt Dada Holmes J. A. MORTON BARRISTER AND SOUCITOR.. MONEY TO LOA.N, Mice ;—Morton Block, Wingliam WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO. Established 1840. Read 001es GUELPH, ON?. Risks tattoo on all classes of bum:able pro may= lime cash or premium nate system. faatEs GOLDIY, Cat/. DavIDOOK, President. Secretary. JOHN R- MCKIE, AGENT, WINGIL&X ONT SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Any quick [even lions TRADE MARKS DESIGNS CopyRial4Ts &c. se.cetee a elzeteb and deceztptiou may sttl pur opinfon free Whether an probably pat tame. _Oomrourdec. cent dentist ANDBOur. on Patema aunt Pittente est agency r securmtents. vac° I •••• receive *eclat =Use, without c .arrce3Mthe scientific Rtnericatt• weeldr. L.ftrecst Ors. Pev ; tour tuoibX,K-gaingi r,',')'werir. MUNN Ca 36 !Broadway, Naw York Branch nice, etos F Virea re.171, D.C. IPROMPTLY SECUREO Write for our interesting books "Invent. bend Help" and "How you are swindled." Send us a rough sketch or model of your In- vention or improvement and wewili tell on free our opinion as to whether it is pro patentable. Rejected applications -hare° 4..0 been successfully prosecuted by us. We conduct fully equipped offices in Morilre01- land Washington; this qualifies us to aroultit: fly dispatch work and_quicklysecnre Patents Ins bratd as the invention. tembestrefereneest furnished. Patents procured through Marion & Ma- rion receive 11Pealli ISOM.* Witheat Chia, over too newspapers distributed throughout the Dominion. Specialty t ---Patent business td Manufac- turers and Engineers. NMARION St MARION Patent Experts and Solicitors. ,cluices, Hew York Life B'ld'g, tiontseal Atlantic fildg,WashInsitett D A MAGNIFICENT SCHEME. The C. P. 12, Terminals in Montreal to Be Extended. dtontrac, June ii.—brhe, CZ P. dt. Windsor street station, head offices and terminals in this city, which are easily among the finest in the D6Utill;011, will be enlarged to about four times their present capacity, ;wonting to an an- nouncement by Sir Thomas Shaughnessy. President of the company. To provide for these enlargements it win be neces- sary to expropriato whole block and close a street. "With the rapid growth of our toe - fie," said the Presidett to -night. "wean-, continually more and more feeling the necessity of extending our terminate, Ana with the immense growth that. must come in the near fixture with Canada's present rapid expansion, tho present time seems opportune to pre- pare for our present end future needs. On the new land eve shall erect splendid office buildings around a terminus.° THE LARGEST LINER. CUNARD TURBINE LUSITANIA LAUNCHED TO -DAY. Gasoow, Awe IL—The new Cunard turbine steanser kositania, time world's largest liner. WaS SUNessitilly launolnd at the Clede bank to-slaytand was rued by Dowager Lady Ineetellyttee Hun' tired; of visitote front all torte of the couutry. betides thoutamte ef the keel ptpnietion, wituessed the 1,Hriln,411V tee charge of obtaining limey netted The Tatitania lete first Ma elent ttroa tmr. F. 0„ hail & itoure. maNtty, - the Mauritania, still Mita ter int 11:0 - tnee, of this eity, earn* up before Mmtgls. Lent e• 1Lk1 1:4"Itts1" 7t14:1 ii Crate totesittrt Fitt". sktetritten fot IVPt Lag. tor 4,,i•mida.5.1..m.,nt 1:4 .tif ttm " 'Omel t -re - , ter eeattett e evidence Itt the * luleettri tar me ek ''" 4 t„.. theragotrate antattat salad. vial ante her threnett the water at a eitetainea keel v,if ft,.itt itla :hi had;, Aft* Durk —\That are these IA cabin u teedati. ate e. :1'41 chicken* fighting shout? Mr. lltake— tie*? 0.144. :At coal -Owe of there railed the other it stAtt of thill! k lace i.m------i :As the w * /1101110VA al Vi ill :1 ::: sr at..tit -41