HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1906-06-07, Page 7ASSASSIN SUICIDES lehoulaere and made the foltowing
LEVE sista-
. N !LIED;
rant stateent, showing hoist be views EK
the future: "Yee, for„8
tunately it ei
unsuccessful, but it will conic again.
AFTER HIS ARREST row, perhaps within a mouth, Mae
ay be any time --perhaps tem e
within a year -hut it will come."
it A Trying Scene.
Kingston, Out., June 40 -(Special) -
"When a church fails to be a church I
see no more difference in the structure
• than in any other building."' "To attach
any importance to a piece of a building,
• uae11 its a aura, but abandoned, is noth-
But First Shot and Killed the Policeman Who Cap
tured Him in a Village Near Madrid,
The courtiers witnessed. a tryi
eerie hurried within the castle after t
et attempt was made to assassinate th
For a, moment Alionso'e nerves We
completely unstrung, and turning
Queen Victoria, her dress spattered svi
blood, he exclaimed: "Why did I bin
you to this country? you never should luwe gn ohere,"wls'ng
Then the Queen mother and one
the infautas calmed the overwroug
nerves of the King and the brid
couple. repaired sadly to the nu&
Father of the Assassin.
' Barcelona, June 3. - Senor Moral
father of the Auarehist who attempt
to kill King Alfonso and Queen Vi
toria, and who committed suicide
Torrejon do Ardos Saturday night, w
seen at Barcelona, to -day, Ife is tl
proprietor of a prosperous factory Om
afe has a strong individuality and
highly respected.
Answering the questions of an inepec
tor of police concerning his son, I
said: "I wish to know nothing of th
infamous creature formerly bearing 141
ng Car Jumped from Rails at foot of
scene 09 King Alfonso anti Queen Vie- Grade.
Villagers Suspected Him From His Fatigue and
Appearance and Ardent Nervous Manner•
He Was an Educated Man and the Disowned Son
of a Prominent Spanish Manufacturer.
af.adrid, June 3, --The wretch who bee his companions evidently grew sue.
ruthlessly slaughterea a score of fel- Pielaue of him, his polished manners, love
of music and literature, and general -dine-
aew-beinge in Calle Mayor on Thursday tanlasm, not being to their taste They
an a vain attempt to murder the King began to regard him as a braggart, and
:and Queen of Spain is dead by his own eventually demanded proof of his dove-
ihand, after adding another cowardly tam to the "cause," The bomb in the
Trim to the list before he died, Ho feeittl,le Mayor was the answer to this chal-
asilled himself in the • Village of Torre- .g%an believed to. have been. Menace'
jon de Ardoz, about 15 miles from Mad- accomplice dias been arreeted by the
rid, on the road to Saragossa. On Sat- police some distance beyond Torrejon,
urdey afternoon a stranger, wearing a (hmilitr, the. mut, to Serapes:a. Was
Mm -
mechanic's blue blouse, ill fitting tents- eel fglitteurese ifrrierefit pair of ism:1'1(111f eel; 1:eienta.
era, and sandals in place of shoes, at- ed to arrive on a night train. Wheil the
tractor]. the attention of the villagers prisoner's papers were examined they
by his travel -worn and fatigued ap-
were found to .be forged.
pearance and by his evident nervous- How Morals Died.
mess and manners, which did not emu- Villagers of Torrejon de Antos give
port with his workmane's clothes. Ile a graphic description of the capture
event to the railway station and asked and death of Morales. They say be
appeared to be greatly fatigued, and fell
at what time, the next train left for asleep on a bench in the station. On en-
Saragosso. On being told there was no tering the inn he called•
•dinner, bitt
train until the night mail, he entered a scarcely tasted a morsel. The loquacious
poor inn, called the Ventorm de los inaainietorao.f the inn discussed with him
Joraces, near the station and ordered ' me prate -lung topic of throwing the
bomb at Madrid, declaring it was a hein-
a meal. The inn is only used by peas- ous crime. At this the stranger shifted
ants and muleteers, and supplies only nervously, saying: "Everyone has his
such accommodation as these doman.d. own ideas, which should he respected."
After shooting himself Morales fell
Suspicion Aroused. in the road. The- villagers advanced
Some cold meat and half a bottle of toward the spot with the most von -
wine were placed before the strange turesome of them, Francisco Martinez,
customer, wlio paid 15 cents for them. ahead. Through the moonlight Mar-
ie() did not taste the food however, but tinee saw Morales making a desperate
sat restless and ill at ease. His hunted effort to raise himself on his elbow,
forlorn appearance attracted the notice his right band still grasping the revol-
of the other customers as it had that ver. Then the wouniled man fell back -
of the frequenters of 'the village streets, ward, but the villagers waited 15 min -
and almost immediately raised a sus- utes before going closer, fearing that fie
picion that he was a fugitive front jus- might still be able to use the weapon.
tice, although nobody, perhaps, sus- , When they did venture to the spot Mor•
peoted his identity,
ales was dead. The weapon used by lam
Among the guests was a kcal jam -
maker, of the name of Reyes, whose was a seven -shot revolver.
A close examination of the dead man
suspicions were confirmed by the anx- ' showed that, there were three abraeions
ions questions the traveler put con -
on the body besides the death wound -
corning trains to a serving maid.
Reyes conferred with the landlord,;
one on the hand, one under the left eye,
and they communicated with the rural and one on the forehead.
police. Thereupon a gendarme named Interview With Assassin'l Father.
Vega went to the inn, accosted the ;
stranger, and asked aehether he had . Barcelona, June 2. -Senor Morales,
papers of identification. The reply father of the Anarchist who attempted
nig in the negative, the gendarme said, to kill King Alfonso and. Queen Victoria,
"You must conic with mo." ani who committed suicide at Torrejon
"What for?" the man queried. de Ardos on Saturday night, was seen at
"You'll see at the police office," the Barcelona to -day. He is the proprietor
gendarme responded. of a proverous factory there. He has a
strong individpality, and is highly re -
Killed Officer and Himself. spec ted.
The stranger rose and walked to the Answering the questions of an in -
street, closely followed by Vega, the specter of police concerning his son, lie
other occupants of the cabaret follow- said: "I wish to know nothing of this
lug them to the door. Vega and the infamous creature formerly bearing my
other man had only gone a few yards name. I have not considered him my
-when the prisoner made sonic remark son since I drove him from may house
to the gendarme and pointed across on Jan. 1. The reason for his being east
the street. Vega turned to look in the out was purely domestic, and I beg to
direction indicated, whereupon the pr- be excused front disclosing it. I do not
weer drew a revolver from his blouse - know whether lie was connected with
and shot the gendarme through the headthe attempt on the lives of the Kin,
Vega fell dead. Instantly the murdered and Queen, as I have considered him
started to run, but he was so near the dead since he was cast out."
inn that its occupants, who had seen all, ;Morales' brother, Factuulo, gave these
immediately fell upon him. Seeing that details concerning the dead man: At
escape was hopeless, ho turned. the re- an early age he was sent to the mer -
whew upon his own breast, fired and canal° centres of Germany and Fiance,
fell across Veea's body. •where he berame an expert in textile
According to one account, he died.
instantly, while another says he warn-
ed the crowd away as he lay for a
quarter of an hour dying, threatening
to shoot anybody who touched him.
The authorities at Madrid were in-
formed of the circumstance and. some
hours later officials from the Ministry
of the Interior went to Torrojon to in-
Positively Identified.
They returned to Madrid this morn-
ing, bringing the body on the train.
It .was taken to the little hospital at-
tached to the Church of Good Success.
The proprietor of No. 88 Calle Mayor,
where the assassin bed rented a room
for his nefarious purpose, was aunt -
monad. He immediately declared the
body was that of the tenant of the
room front which the bomb was
thrown, and the police identified it as
that of Mateo Moral or Morales.
During the morning the public wee
admitted be see the body, as if it were
in a public morgue. The features are
good, almost refined, but the forehead
is badly shaped. The ears 'are targe,
The lands are clean and delicate, with
the nails carefully trimmed. One band
bad been recently injured. Tke man's
age was about thirty years.
(After a few hours' permission to view
the body wos witflub•awn, as the crowd
which thronged the hospital became dan-
gerous, frequently howling execrations
to• Accident Happened in Sparsely Set.
tit tied Locatity.
of Many Were Employees of the Brit-
ish Hosiery Mill in .Thornton.
al Providence, It, I., Juno 2.- Eleven
persons were killed'and twenty injured
through the overturning of a large trot -
hey car on the Rhode Island CO's. line
e. at Mama Corner, Emit Providence, just
at after 1 o'clock this morning. Tim car,
as which was of the open typo variety, and
bad fifteen seats, was well filed with a
is party of Thornton people who were re-
turning home after a day's outing at
• Crescent Park, a well-known pleasure
is resort on the Providence River, several
y miles below the city.
It was known that the ear came down
the grade at a rapid pace, struck the
g curve, shot from the rails and was over-
t' turned. The ear left the rails with such
great force teat the trucks left the body
✓ and jumped more than twenty feet from
e the track. Time spot whore the steel -
h dent happened is in a sparsely -settled
0 section, and it was some little time after
e the wreck before the news of the disaster
n melted this city.
- Ambulances and physicians were ine-
n mediately despatched to Moore's Corner
from this cit
Anarchists Near Rome.
Rome, June 2. ---The police .suspeetin
Anarchist plots at Ancona, on the Al
Heti; 185 miles northeast of Rome, to
day made a sudden descent upon severe,
hoeses there, They found that a barbe
named Gabbianelli bad several explosiv
mixtures, chiefly of chlorate of potas
and sulphur, and. in his shop were thre
bombs ready to be exploded. They wer
little larger than an orange with a
exterior of dark cement and a fuse at
tachment. The bombs were similar
appearance to that used in the attemp
on King Alfonso and ()twee Victoria
Gabbianelli and twelve other Anarchist
were arrested. The discovery has ca.us
ed the impression to prevail hero tha
a plot was being formed there agains
King Victor Emmanuel, who will visi
Aucona at the end of this month.
• In -the meantime residents of the
s neighborhood were aroused and did
- everything in their power to relieve the
I; sufferings of the injured, all of whom
were taken to the Rhode Island Hospital
t here as soon as the ambulances arriv-
ed. Others of the injured were removed
• to nearby residences,
Many of the victims of the accident
- •vere of English birth, and were employ-
ed in the British Hosiery Company's
mill and other textile factories at Thorn-
The first intimation of an accident
was when the motorman felt the 'car
swing into the curve, Realizing the
peril, he applied the brakes and reversed
the power. The weight of a number of
men on the running .board and the
momentum sufficed to derail the great
car and throw it into the road twenty
feet from the track, where it fell on its
side between a tree and a guide post.
Seven of the passengers were pinioned
between the car and instantly • killed.
The shrieks and groans of the other
passengers gave evidence of the terrible
injuries. Immediately those who es-
caped with little or no injury began the
work of rescue, Within a few moments
I a large joist lying in a nearby barn
yard was utilized as a lever,•a, pile of
stones forming a fulcrum, and the car
, was raised from the ground just enough
, to permit the escape of its impri4oned
passengers. Two persons had sue•med-
ed in escaping when the joist broke 1171-
: der the weight of the car and the heavy
vehicle fell back to the ground, pinioning
two passengers beneath its weight and
killing them instantly.
The rescuers again raised the tar
from the ground, and by building a pile
of heavy stone, kept it in position while
the dead and injured were removed.
Math -hi, June 4. ---The police are on the
track of the accomplices of Manuel Mor
ales, the would-be assassin of King Al-
fonso and Queen 'Victoria, who committed
suicide Saturday at Torrejon de Ardos
after having shot the rural guard who
arrested him. His confederates, it is now
known, assisted Morales in escaping and
gave him shelter on Thursday and Fri-
day nights. It is believed that Morales
used an automobile in escaping from
Madrid and a canvass of all the automo-
biles is going on. The movements of
Morales in his flight have been traced
through the suburbs, where he exchanged
his clothes.
The reward of $5,000 offered for the
apprehension of the would-be regicide
will be distributed among the widow and
five children of the guard who appre-
hended Morales. A popular subscription
will also be raised for the widow.
The personal visits and attentions of
the Grand Duke Vladimir to the officers
wounded by the explosion of Morales'
bomb have caused a committee of offi-
cers of the garrison of Madrid to present
the Grand Duke with an address of
Empty Boat and Two Bodies Found
-Accident Occurred at Cranberry
Head, Near Sydney Mines, on Sun-
day Morning.
North Sydney, N. S., June 3.-A ter-
rible accident accurred to -day at Oran-
productions, but his natural bent was
chemistry, and he returned to his home i
with a library of German and French
works on ehemistry. His morose dis-
position INT to family troubles, which
culminated in his father disowning
Then Morales translated German chem-
ical books for the Ecole Moderare at
Barcelona. lie lived quietly in a
boarding house and had few acquaint-
anceslie left Barcelona recently, say -
big he would be gone for a long time.
Many Foreign - Visitors Leave Spanish
Capital. . , f
Madrid, June 3. -The only change t
made in the official programme of time 6
royal wedding festivities in conseptence
of the attempt on King Alfonso s life.
was the omission of the State ball, which
was to have been given Saturday night.
In its place a reception was held.
Sixteen Prisoners are now held by the
police on suspicion of being implicated
in the bomb outrage. Three of them
were arrested as they were taking a
train for Barcelona.
Robert Hamilton, the Bank of Eng-
lanci clerk, who was detaineml by the
authorities on suspicion, was released
from custody, having conclusively shown
his innocence.
Four of the persons who were injur-
against the dead nem, alarming the s ed. (lied yesterday.
priests in charge of the hospital, who s The Queen bits presented. her wed -
did not know how to act in face of the ding dress and. shoes to the Church of
taws" demonstrations. Allman:1, which is opposite the scene
Vega neglected to search Morales of the bomb outrage. It is the custom
when lie arrested lain, and the emission for the Queen of Spain to present her
cost aim his life. Vega carried a ear- wedding dreee to some elmrch,
bine, but Morales' net was so sudden Madrid is still panics, fearieg fur -
that no arms could have availed, The timer outrages. Many of the foreige
unfortunate Vega, leaves a widow and visitors have left. Two more horses.
of their wounds, by a de
he reward of $5,000 offered. la riage have dithat; were attoched to the royal car-
children, to whom, it is underatood,
uty, who is a friend of the .elinist•er of King Alfonso and Queen Victoria et.
the Interior, for the discovery of the tended it thanksgiving service at the
aseassin, will be given. Church of lawn amen() yesterday e f -
The Assassin's Antecedents. tenon. Afterward they went to the
bullfiglit, where they received a great
A newspaper man Wile saw the body ovation. They left &airily before the
of Morales at the hospital, says lie Wag end of the performance and returned
aeleended at the calm smiling lace, , to the palace. They were cheered bi.
which was that of a thinker a-na refined crowds which hest gathered along the
man. The persons who viewed the body vitae.
evidently expected to see a fiendish face,
but they found one that was almost The. bull -fight itself was a disap•
angelic, pointment to the Spaniards, as some
usual blood -curdling
The "omits of worakep onteeetteets of its od-curdling features
differ, but all concur in stating that he were .omitted, probably' as a emicession
Wits A, wester,: to the Queen, She viewed the gory
although he was well edit- spectaclewit lout the least outward
cated. It is said that he studied in evidence of emotion, One maddened
France, Germany amid Beipane, lie re. bull literally tore a horse to pieces
ideas ripened into anarchical ones. His under the railing of time royal box, from
turnca honed with his previoueaocialistic
father, whO is a manufacturer at Saba- issbilileullialliflet()Irrighlr bItilits w(el(r)(1";aittellil"('1(\t'
ing that lie had tried to make his work- hem by etetaliere mounted on
dell, Vainly argued with lani, and, Bed -
four of t
lam) revolt, ae banished. him from home( horseback, who were .elmeen from the
. hint the • first families of Spain, with the Duke of
givingequivalent of $1,000 to 'Medina Coeli, thD
e uke of Albafalfa, amid
startin life elsewhere. When told of tiael,hlefailrflilliilahorafilii°Zis daesietglau'tZ,n dial not
his sena fate to -day the father said.:
Instead o: devoting , to time ens.
s een deed to me since Jan, 1." ' attend ihe bull. fight, owinghis money to eeetibilities of the British KWh-. against
have joined'this kind a spat
procuring ft, livelibod, Morales seeing to
at -
knowledge imrio , ., • •
r education, including a The Ameriean envoy epoke of the at -
"It Will Come," Eays !tinge
time Aliarchiets at II:nevem.,
Ifis ell ••
edge of chemistry and languages, tempted assassination of the Kilise at the
apparently Intede aim aseleolne at first, palace. King Alfonso Shrugged his
cerry neau, near yunoy
ng in the drowning of six miners. John
Ififefoot, married, two children; Rory
McNeil, married, four children; Michael
McPhee, married, two children and three
unmarried men, Daniel McMullin,
Wisonholmes and Harry Wilsonholmes.
It appears that about midnight four of
the men called at e:clehre'e Imese and
persuaded hint to go eem mm II em lebsters.
Cho five then went to Fifefoot's house
and aroused him.
Then taking a boat, they set out in the
direction of the traps. It was not till
this morning that it was known that
anything was wrong. Some fishermen
found the men's boat upset, and a body
lording on each side of the beach proved
o he those of McPhee and Harry Wile
onholmes. The other _bodies have not
yet been discovered.
Cbina Backs Down on the Customs
London, ,Tune 3. -The Times' corres-
pondent at Pekin says: The customs
question is closed. The Waiwu.pu has
sone a node to the British Legationre-
affirming the customs loan agreemente
of 1806 and 1808. The Imperial edict
conferring on two Chinese official con-
trol of the entire personnel of the cus-
toms service, including Sir Robert Hart
himself, remains in force, however,
though partly shorn of its authority by
this note. The customs revenue for
the first quarter of 1906 was the larg-
est on record, being £190,000 greater
than for the corresponding period, of
Refuses to Go Unless United. States Edi-
tion of Hymnal is Used.
Ottawa, June 13. -Considerable feeling.
has been aroused over an incident in
connection with the forthcomiog Torrey -
Alexander meetings. It is over the
hymn books. The Ottawa committee
bought 000 copies of the British edition
of the revival hymns, but Dr. Torrey
has wired that he would not count to
Ottawa unless the United States edi•
tion of the Torrey -Alexander hymnal
Wag used,
Needless to say, the message had the
effect of a bomb thrown into the evan-
gelistic camp here. Many strong opin-
10114 were expressed. The Ottawa mem-
tiers were indignant at the, eationel
affront. The Pembroke meeting coin-
cided, and there was a strong disposition
to cancel time mission Altogether.
Tble, however, Was overanled by reason
of time expeese already involved in pre-
paration of time visit.
• .5+-
A New Preference Suggested.
'London, June 3.- With the meat
-vandals as an illustration, Imperialist,
Tiling to the Telegraph, advocates a
nrefereutial tariff for colonial means in
the Tallish market rather than on corn.
The Imperial Government would then
have the power to thorouglay inspect
the quality and treatment of meat.
I Camden, N. J., June 4. -Anna Flynn,
aged 30 years, of this city, and a male
I escort, whose name has not been learn -
,1 ivero drowned in Timber Creek,
' about 0 miles below here last night.
They had hired a rowboat and engaged a
man named Callings to row them to the
Vesper Club house, near Westville. Call-
ings says a passing naptha launch caus-
ed the boat to capsize, He made an
effort to rescue Miss Flynn and her es-
cort but was unable to locate them in
the darkness and then swam Ashore.
Chicago, June 4. -Wilbur Glenn Vol-
iva, at Zion City yesterday announced: he
would stay in Zion despite any opposi-
tion John Alexander Dowie might ex-
ert against him through the Federal
Court. Five thousand persons in the Tab-
ernacle by a rising vote, signified their
intention of remainin,,c. there also.
To -day the Zion business council will
take steps to incorporate several indus-
tries which will be startedin the WWII
before winter. Outside capital will be
invited to invest in the enterprises.
Dowie preach to forty of his follow-
ers yesterday in his apartment at the a
Virginia Hotel. Deacon John A. Lewis' -
said the "Apostle's" health Wag good.
• ing but idolatry." "The presence of peo-
• pie consecrates the building", as wen as
Icy the bishop himself, as they met in His
name to promote Christian feeling; real
Christiami are not idolaters to attach
sacredness to a building in itself."
These were some of the strong words
used at an investigation meeting of St,
Luke's Anglican congregation, which had
been ceusured for using part of All
Saints' Cluach anti seling the balance,
which is mused as a barn. The congrega-
tion saved all worth using, and sold the
debris, and it felt it was justified in do-
ing so, It asks an apology from the Dio-
emu Board for its censure,
Death of Former Georgetown Man Due
to Financial Trouble.
Cornwall, June 3.-C. W. Young re-
turned Immo yesterday from attending
the funeral of his brother, ;Joseph le
Youute, Summerland, B. C., whose re -
ermine were interred at the old family
home, Georgetown, Ont.
Tice deceased toole his own life at Du-
luth Minn., on May 28 in a fit of de-
sponilency due to a prolonged ease in
court, causing him to be away from
home to the detriment of his affairs at
a most critical season in the fruit busi-
ness, in which he was interested,
The deceased was a son of the late
James Young formerly manager of the
Toronto Paper Company at Cornwell,
and was born at Georgetown, Ont., 43
years ago.
Chicago, June 4. -"We're in for a
fight. We're going to make the Chicago
saloon keeping aldermen so ashamed of
themselves and their 'business that they
won't dare show themselves in the
streets, and we're going to arouse in the
Christian Church such a white-hot hat-
red against the liquor traffic° that it
will sweep every saloon out of this
With this platform E. Tennyson
Smith, a London temperance evangelist,
inaugurated a Christian Temperance
crusade" last night at the Grace Me-
thodist Church. The crusade will last two
weeks and will be conducted through
daily meetings in various churches.
Odd Condition on Which British Faith
Healer Got Bail,
London, Juno 3. -After a hearing in
the Police Court to -day, Dr. George :
Robert Adcock, the Christian Science !
healer, who is charged with man- j
slaughter in connection with the death
of Major J. N. White, was committed
for trial at the Old Bailey. Dr. Ad-
cock, who reserved his defence, was
admitted to Sail in $1,000, after promis-
ing the magistrate that he would not.
poison himself or otherwise commit
'When Dr. Adcock was searched after
his arrest poisonous tablets were
found on his person.
Charles Procunier, an Ingersoll Boy,
Probably Fatally Hurt,
Ingersoll, June 3. -Charles Procunicr,
thirteen years of age, had his head
terribly crushed. on Saturday afternoon
and practically no hope is held out for
his recovery. The injured lad, along
with another boy, was riding a horse
into the country. Young Proeunier fell
off and from what can be learned the
animal stepped on the side of his head,
crushing it like an eggshell. He was
brought to town on a trolley car and
has been unconscious ever since.
Deyeke Pasha Also Believes His Discov-
ery Will Assure Immunity.
Berlin, June 3. -The Hamburger Nach-
riebten's •Coastantinople correspondent
Lois -graphs that Doyeke Pasha, director
of the Culhene Hospital lit Com:tante
nople, has discovered a near method for
the prevention and cure of leprosy. Ile
says that his method will render people
immune to the disease and cure all Cageg
where the virus has not yet completely
destroyed the system.
He hopes the discovery will render
possible the eradication of the disease
in all districts where it is now preva-
lent, such as those in Norway.
St. Thomas Shooting Gallery Man Has
a Narrow Escape.
St. Thomas, Ont., June 3. -Mr. F. G.
Jennings, who conducts it shooting
gallery in the west end, came very
nearly losing his life on Saturday after-
noon. Alfred Baker, a well-known
farmer, fired three shots, and, thinking
that the weapon was empty, was in the
act of laying in down, when it was dis-
charged, the laall striking Mr. Jennings
about one inch above the left eye and
coming out two inches higher on time
head. He was taken to the hospital, and
the physicians have hopes of his recov-
St. Catharines, Ont., June 4.--(SpeciaD
-The Niagara District Veteran Winn -
teers Association yesterday held their
Innual decoration day exercises at Vic-
toria Lawn Cemetery, The Veterans, lea
by the 10th regiment bugle band, earelo
al to the cemetery where Appropriate ad-
lreses \Vett, •deliverea by Illayor
•Iell (ma Rev. R. Ker, lionorary
inth Ilegiuleut. The glum of
deceiteed veterans were then cleenrated
with Bowers, Tile cemetery was throng -
ea with people.
mid Midland Hotel Keeper Fined $5o for
Selling Liquor on Sunday.
Orillia, June 2.- License Inspector
Fisher had F. R. Howard, of the Howls
Home,. Midland, before Police Magis-
trate Jeffrey, of that town, on Wednes•
day. The charge was selling liquor on
Sunday morniug at 4 o'clock, and How-
ard pleaded guilty. The magistrate
imposed a fine of *50 and costs.
George Stevens, the bartender, -who
sold the liquor, has had' his license can-
Kingston'Ont., June 4. ---(Special) -
Engagements are announced here of aliss
Helen Vera Gardiner, daughter of S. and
Mrs. C, B. Mundell, to Mr, Themes Muir,
manager of Traders Dank, Selkirk, Man.
The marriage will take place early in
Miss Ethel Gertruae Joyner, daughter
of Mr. tames ,Joyner, to Mr. Harcourt
Callaghan, eon of Cal, D, Callaiehan. The
marriage will take place this month.
Mee Margaret Smythe, fourth daugh-
ter of Mr. Archibald Smythe, to Mr.
Robert Marshall, of Clietne, formerly of
Kingston. Tint marriage will take place
tire: mouth.
Mies Helen Geraldine Quin% (brighter
of the late G. IL Quinn, of Boston, to
De, P. ,I. Kingsley, of Doetene but form-
etly of Wolfe asland, Out.
Toronto, Ont., June 4.-(Spetial)---The
nanu• of Thomas Hiram Lloyd, who for -
metes" praetieea law in Newmarket, Was
thiS morning streets •of the solicitors' list
at (ageotle Ball, by ;H11+0,1(111 of Chief
,htmt ice aleveaitie Lleyd was sent to
Central. Prison on a charge of misappro-
priating money.
Five Rioters Killed and Thirteen Injured in Ite.
newed, Rioting at Gananea, Mexico,
Ohio Miners Attack Guards, Wounding Four Per-
sons But Killing None.
Miners Were Secreted Behind Trees and Rocks,
and 500 Shots Were Exchanged.
Los Angeles, Cal., June 4.-A despatch
to the Herald from Douglas, Arizona, me -
poets the execution of eight leaders of
the Calumet riots yesterday by Sol. Kos-
terlitsky. Tire rioters were lined up in
front of a stone wall a few 'blocks over
the hills from Penguin° and killed by
a volley from the rifles of the Rupees
undee the command of Col. Koeterliteky.
The de-spatch further states that the
arrival of Keeterlitzky with -his troops
bad more to do with the quelling of time
riot than the presence of American sol-
diers out the scene, The pecuniary loss
of the Cananea, Consolideted alining Co.
is' estimated at $500,000, and work will
be resumed within a, week.
Five Rioters Killed,
Los Angeles, Cal., June 5,-A despatch
to the Tbnee from El Paso, Texas, says:
Renewed trouble broke out at Canan-ea
last night between the striking Mexicans
of Col, W. C. Geeene's mines and the
Rurales under Col. Kosterlitzky. Five
rioters were killed. and thirteen. injured.
One of the Rurales was shot but not ser-
iously injured.
The trouble -broke out shortly before
the arrival -of 200 Mexican soldiers from
Hermosillo. All of the American women
in the town and many women of the
higher class of Mexicans are quartered
in the home of Col. Greene, which is un -
au guard.
Trouble Wtih Miners Near Steubenville,
Steubenville, 0., June 4. -The armed
guard on duty at the mines of the Unit-
ed. States Coal Co. -were ambushed by
striking miners about 12.30 o'clock this
morning white limning over time bills
front Glenn's, Run to Coal Hollow, About
000 shots (were fired and four persons
were wounded; but as far as known: no
one was killed. Time artinere were all for-
*Shortly after midnight 03 armed
guarae 'started over the bilis from
Glenn% Run for Cool Hollow,
TIme strikers, swho were incensed over
an assault on one of their number, geth-
cred at cc. point about midway 'betweenthe two mines. There were 250 men,
all armed, and they secreted themselves
behind trees and rocks along the hillside.
The guard was in single file, and as the
advance came in view, one of the strikers
fired in the air. This Was the signal,
and following it there was a perfect
fusillade from the concealed men. Many
of the guards broke ranks and ran 4back
to Glenn's Run, but a number stood their
ground and returned the fire.
It is said that at least 500 shots were
The guard was filially -routed and
forced to seek shelter, leaving two
wounded en the field. Two miners were
also injured in the battle, it is said
the miners were officered by former sol-
diers from the Polish and Austrian ar-
The sheriff of Jefferson eounty end
the attorney for the United States Coal
Co. were in consultation this morning,
and it was decided to call upon the Ad-
jistant-General for troops, The situation
is quiet TRW, however, and no more trou-
ble is apprehended.
There was another conflict -between
the striking miners and guards at Plum
Run during time night. About 75 shots
were exchanged and T. E. Young, -man-
ager of the mines, wee slightly wounded.
No one else, it is said, was hurt. All is
now quiet.
By Eating Impure, Poisonous Meat, Declares Gen.
Nelson A. Miles.
Kansas City, June 4. -General Nel-
son A. Miles on his way to Colorado
lest night, said:
"The disclosures about packing house
products new being exploited are no news
to me. I knew it seven years ago. I
told what I knew then .Had the matter
been taken up at that time thousands
of lives would have been eaved.
"I believe that 3,000 United. States
soldiers lost their lives because of adul-
terated, impure, poisonous meat. There
is no way of estimating the number of
soldiers whose health was ruined by rat-
ing impure food.
"I have a batch of testimony on the
subject in the way of affidavits that I
collected when I made my investigation
seven years ago. The investigating com-
mittee closed the case and refused to
hear 2,000 witnesses whom I had :eddy.
At tbat time I could have secured the
testimony of 10,000 men that the can-
Over Fifty Thousand Dollars Paid for
EigIhteen Hualred Shattes-Several
Offers Made for the Stock -Price
Considered a Good One,
Toronto, June 4. -The controlling in-
terest in the Toronto Life insurance
Conejany, represented thy over 1,800
shares, has been purchased through the
National Agency Co. for the Union Life.
This stock will be guaranteed by the
Union Life and reinsured. The Toronto
Life will now cease to exist as an active
The following announcement it -as made
out Saturday by the liquidator -of tee
York Loan & Savings Co.; The Na-
tienul Trust Company, Limited, liquid-
ator of the York County Loan & Sav-
ings Company, has, with the approval of
the court, completed a sale to the Na-
tional Agency Company of its controlling
interest in the Toronto Life Insurance
Conmaey. The purchase price paid was
$50,278.47 cash,
it is understood that a timber of
parties have for some time Wen in ne-
gotiation with the liquidator, but that
the offer received from the National
Agency Company is by far the most sat-
The Meditator is satisfied that a very
good prise eas been realized for the
shareholder:: of the York Comity Loan &
Savings Company, and is also pleased
that an arrangement has been made
which will protect the interests of the
policyholdere in the Toronto Life Insur-
awe Compere%
Kingston, Ont., June 4. - (Speeial)-
The pollee last night made a raid upon
the Chinese laundry of Lee fling, on Prin-
cess levet, where seven Celestiols were
found pleying their national table game.
The seven Chinese were tairen to toe
Pollee station. Lee Hing Charged with
keeping it gambling den and his associ.
a tee with being frequenters. About
e700 Wag out the table when the police
walked in on them.
Killed by Shock,
Quebec, June 2.-A young man named
Dufour, son of Alfred Dolour, residing
at 174 Bridge street, met with a ewift
aua midden death from Ames mthout 8
Ode& last evening while repairing au
'electric light wire at the residence of
Clcophas Grapier, 103 Queen street,
ned beef sold to the army was impure,
adulterated and unwholsome.
"In my investigation of `embalmed'
beef duringthe Spanish-American war
I found poisons were used to preserve
meat. My first intimation of the prac-
tice came to me in reports from com-
manding officers to the effect that time
rations were unwholesome and were mak-
ing the soldiers sick. I ordered an in-
vestigation and learned from the re-
ports brought to me that canned meats
had been sold to the army which had
been for months in the warehouse of the
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad and in the
docks at Liverpool,
"This meat had been relabelled and
sold to the United States for eoldiers'
rations. I turned the reports over to the
War Department and a whitewashing
investigation was instituted. and, suc-
cessfully carried out. The official report
was that a `colossal error had been made
As a matter of fact, it was a colossal
fraud and the persons who perpetrated
it and were interested in it should have
been sent to the penitentiary."
Advertised to Supply Nearly Every
Want at Wholesale Prices- Seed
Potatoes Ordered Were Not Re-
Woodstock despatch: Last night high
County Constable Boyle, of St. Cathar-
ines, and County Conetable Hill, of this
city, arrested Arthur Smith, of Hillcrest
Farm,Beaelmville, upon the charge of ob-
taining money under false pretences with
intent to defraud. The arrest was made
at the instigation of E. G. Hull & Sons,
nurserymen. of St. Catharines, who 'claim
they bave sent money to Smith Bros.,
Bead:vine, for a shipment of seed pota-
toes which were never forwarded. Smith
was taken to St. Catharines this morn-
The arrest discloses a strange story.
The First National 'Co-operative -Society
of Woodstock has spread advertisements
broadcast, advertising everything you
eat, wear or use at wholesale prices. Cir-
culars were issued, and they led directly
to Smith's arrest. The public bit, and
pastal notes and bank drafts bave been
coming to the Post Office bere. There
were no offices of the society here, nor
Was it known, and many of the letters
were sent to the dead letter office. Oth-
ers, how•ever, found their way to Smith.
The mails were used extensively, and
a Post Office official was sent to investi-
gate. The case wee worked up, butt for
some reason the society Wag not prose-
cuted. The dupes of the society were
chiefly 'farm ere.
Among the advertisements was one of
steed potatoese that sold at 1,41,000 a
stone. No arrests were made until last
night, when the county officers- went to
Ilertehville. An examinatiou of the Deena
isem of the prisoner revealed nothing of
the ailvertieed goods except a few strait'.
berry plants.
St. Catharines, June 4,-(Speclo1)---The
lifeless body of John J. Culp, youngest
son of Warner Culp, of Port Dalhousie,
and who ms -as drownea about three days
ago, was found by a fernier neat time
Bight Mile Creek at' :Ionian en Satur-
day, and was interred hi the Presbyter -
Ian 'burying ground at Port Dalhousie