HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1906-06-07, Page 6AS HEALTHFUL
Is not adulterated in any shape or form, and
because pure 13 healthful.
Lend Packets only, 40c, 500 and 600 per lb.
At All Grocers.
Won at Last
lin time to go kith Miele Catneiy ?" = j P THE WATCU •CLI les 1
"I had letters to write, so 1 stayed In )
my I igings; it's a comfort to write • useful ,Hint for Automobitista Making
sometimes," IiOng. Runs.
"No doubt it ice; ane. I do not think
; oat care for your work In the city 17
frequently happens, especially dins-
1 hate it; but I must stick to it ing long tours, that autouiobilists are
now; 1 am too old for anything else. I troubled with accumulation of fine dust
would have liked to be a farmer ---ora and grit that finds its way in some man
"What opposing fancies—a gentle steep- net to the working parts of their watch -
herd or a fiftlitiog man." es. A good way to avoid this annoy -
":shepherds has always been fighting auco says The Avtomobilo, is to open
melt, ilavid licked the Philistines!" Y-
1"7iue• And why then did you choose the front ease of the watch, and, with
a career yon disliked 1" a match, cut chisel -shaped at one end,
'Because I was forced, I am the only apply a thin coat of vaseline all about
son of my mother, and she was a widow. the sent of the case where the lid fits.
I was in haste to deliver her from the When this. is done trent the back lid of
burden, and the quickest way was the case in the same manner, Only a
through Uncle Sandy. He got me a small quantity of vaseline is requieed,
clerkship in a Glasgow house, and then just enough to make an unbroken film
I got recommended on to London; but of it all the way round, and it will make
it is slow work. It will be many a at these points. At the end of a month
long day before I can get a home of my or six weeks open the eases and you will
own, unless my uncle helps me; and he be surprised at the amount of dirt that
is such an ill-tempered Carle, I doubt it has collected at the edges of the case.
he would do much good to any one what' This removed, the treatment as outlined
ever." - above can be repeated.
"He is not unkind," said. Mona, _ _A.
"No; he is not," returned Kenneth, Lived on Bread and Milk!
who was getting over his ill -humor; "and.
he told my mother that I should be his
heir if I would take his name! Now that
is what I dinna like at all."
+/ "Why should you mind ? You could
put Macallister before the Craig, and
"Well, Uncle Sandy," cried Mona, cont• powers of time and work—that to live it would not sound badly."
ing to the rescue, "you must admit that for pleasure was but a poor and partial "May be not; any way, it will be long
all work and no play makes Jack a very existence. Uncle Sandy, however mis before I need to use it."
dull boy." sed her frequent companionship greatly, "Why, Kenneth, you speak as if you
"I am no' sure o' that; I worked hard and did not hesitate to•complain of her wanted poor Uncle Sandy to die."
enough and I never was dull." frequent absence. "No; I want no such thing, God
"And pray, Mr. Maealister, how is "Sure you cannot leave off earning knows; but a bit help just now would be
trade at present?" asked Mine. Debrisay, worth thousands later on when one is
comprehensively, with a view to chang-
ing the subject.
This produced a lengthy and rambling
reply, after which Miele Sandy avowed
his intention of closing his eyes for a
quarter of an hour. lie therefore re -
ascended with his "nayfew's" help to his
room. Mme. Debrisay excused herself,
because she had promised to visit some
professional friends, so Mona was left
alone with her newly discovered cousin.
When he returned, after conveying
Mr. Craig upstairs, he sat down by the
table, resting his elbow on it, and shad-
ing his eyes with his hand, he looked cur-
iously at Mona, who was reading a
French book of travels, which she laid
down politely on his reappearing.
"My uncle seems a good deal tired."
She did not. know what in the world to
talk about to this tall, semi -civilized
young man.
"He is that; but he is an aged person;
be has nearly reached the years allotted
to man."
"I suppose so."
A pause.
"When my uncle wrote to me that he
had found his brother's daughter, I did
not think I should find you such a grand
your bread to dance attenrance on him,'
said Mme. Debrisay, whose tender con-
sideration for Mr. Craig had altered a
good deal since his nephew appeared
too old to enjoy it."
"Why do you not tell him?"
"Tell—tell him? Why, I don't suppose
upon the scene. "He is really growing a he would ever see my face again if I
cantankerous old soul. One would think did."
that the world was made for his use, They talked in a friendly fashion till
You must make him understand that they reached the house, when the ser -
you have your living to get, and if he vent informed them that Mr. Craig had
wants you to act as his daughter, ho been asking for them, and the rest of
should behave as a father." ithe Sabbath was devoted to him,
"Very well, Deb, I will tell him so." Mona's sudden start and 811 lit confu-
"But you need not quarrel with him, slog soon passed from young7liacalister's
though. I think he really is fond of mind. Bt, the encounter ith Waring , such a heavy feeling, and didn't want to hospitals, 9,
you' dwelt long in Ihlona's, She was greatly; do anything but lie down. If death had Improved streets, 100 miles; unim•
` So do I, and rather dependent on me, affected by seeing him look so changed come to me then I should not have mind- proved, 75 miles; total, 265 miles.
which disposes me to give in a good for the worse Ought site to bear the ` ed, and many a time I prayed that I I Sewers, 240 miles; water pipe, 275
No matter of how long standing the l
ailments for which Bileans are applied
those ailments gradually vanish. i
For the greater portion of her life, t
Mrs. Francis Clare, of 40 Warrington`
Road, Widnes, had suffered from rndi- 1
gestion, headache and allied ailments.
Yet long-standing as those ailments 1
were, Bileans have cured. them. Here
Is her story:
"Practically from girlhood I suffered
from indigestioue although et was of
course, worse some times than at l
others. I was subject to racking 1
aches, my head seemed to go round and :
round, I ached all over, and every limb
shook. Every time I ate or drank 1 had
Sunlight Soap is better til..,., is.3 soaps.
but is best when used in the Sun i� 1t way.
To appreciate the simplicity r.n case of
washing with Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight
way you should follow directions.
---,� 1,3 j.,_+ -'J` �'r ,Y "r r rr5��1 {{p��r'I�!�tI/,�'
.After rubbing on the soap, roll up each
// / 7 i--- -- piece, immerse in the water, arta No away.
1K..-rFf`” -i f7 W
will do its work in thirty to sixt'. ?rlutes.
Your clothes will be cleaner and whiter that' ii washed
in the old.'fashioned way with boiler and hard rubbing.
Equally good with hard or soft water. h
Lover protilors Limited, Toronto In •
FACTS ABOUT TORONTO. How to Chew, ; AS�7 LJ E O. `:, a 190
Population, 262,749.
Number of wards, 0.
Area of the city, 1536 miles.
'Tax rate, 1836 mills on the dollar.
Assessment—Land, $05,380,502; build-
ings, $75,745,400; income, $8,638,780;
business, $10,224,028; total, $160,195,310.
Tax revenue, $3,064,914. Total revenue,
Annual post office receipts, $1,050,-
Number of building permits issued
in 1905, 3,753.
Value of buildings erected. in 1905, $10,-
Transfers of property in 1905, 7,-
Average death rate, 17.46 per 1,000.
Police stations, 7; signal boxes, 209;
firemen, 208.
Public libraries, 6; number of books,
635,000; tickets in use, 56,000.
Street gas ]amps, 964; electric are
lights, 1,261.
Theatres, 5; churches, 254; hotels, 147;
deal to him. Do you know, he is a clever blame of this in amp way? No! How might die. I was t tually afraid to eat,
old man in some ways. He says very ever grieved she might be, she could not and often I have lived for days at a . 475 miles.
bright things occasionally, and has read suppose that the loss of herself had time on nothing but bread and milk. i Best annual exhibition in the world;
a great deal; yet how ignorant he is in wrought such mischief. It wee° only his I was treated at �Velb" " Diepen-' area of grounds, 100 acres; length of
some directions," natural downward tendencies that were story, at St. George's Hospital, at grand stand, 700 feet; seating capacity,
"Alt my dear. that is because he has swaying him. And there was so much of St. Mary's Hospital, Paddington, and 12,000.
had only books to instruct him. It's a good in his nature, it was an infinite at Croydon Hospital, but without re- I One of tate finest City Halls on contin-
one-sided sort of knowledge that is not pity that he was thus dragged down° suit. We have spent pounds and ' eat. Cost, $2,500,000; total floor space,
corrected by contact with your fellow- What a horror the man was to whom he pounds on doctors, but 'they never 5.40 sores; tower, 300 feet high; largest
creatures." b fit So Sometimes I got
would have like to remonstrate with relief for day r two,
miles; gas mains, 287 miles; sidewalks,
had been speaking! Poor Waring! she gave me any benefit. . m winding clock on continent; bell weigh -
He politics aro very ftmny. He is a 1' f i o but the pains
tremendous Radical as affects social mat- and save him; but, even had she tits soon returned.
tars and those aove him in rank; but chance of doing so she would have put ! "The doctors didn't seem to know)
just tremendously Conservative as re- herself in a false position by showing •what was the matter with me. One
young lady. You don't seem to belong to garde the rights of property and those the kindly interest she felt. A few days ; said one thing and another said some- '
up, though the Macalisters are an old i who are in an humbler position," after this little adventure, and much! thing else; but in spite of all their 1
stock. "Of course he is. He is not the sot about the time Mrs. Newburgh had died ! medicine I got no better. One day an .
"You see, I was always brought up in of man to see both sides of a questionon a eon gen , the previous year, Uncle Sandy was seiz- insurance agent in Runcorn said that
London and th ti
tthat ; aI i home to
neearly,t alk ut
was eomc one seep m ed by a very sharp attack of bronchitis.
company, and go out with him, when For a few days a was even in danger. should take Bileans, which had cured *and follow directions.
we were_ away. And he gets up so cruel On this occasion Mme. Debrisay dis- him of that complaint. in all, 1,640 acres. Buy SunlightSoap
tinguished herself. She was a capital "I had no faith in proprietary medi- Miles of street railway track, 94.69• The Open Door in Egypt,
nurse, and had had large experience. cines, and, had never taken any, but I Passengers carried in 1905,"67,$81,688;
transfers in 1905, 23,625,752; receipts, While there can be no doubting the in-
orMona stayed with her uncle for two the first to follow his advice. For ,
three days, and did everything for , the first week of taking Bileans I felt $2,747,324; city's share, $366,688. tention of the British Government to
him, under Maiame's direction. She was ! no very great improvement, as my Public schools, 53; pupils, 35,000; henceforth dominate openly the political
really touched by his suffering and his I friend had foretold, but I persevered teachers, 708. Separate schools, 16; pu- control •of Egypt as a part of the Brit -
dependence. It would be dreadful to with them and soon began to feel an pile, 5,297; teachers, 105. One technical ish empire, the proposals of Lord. Crom-
lose the last. relative she had, and the improvement. From that day I never school, 1,200 pupils, 24 teachers. Three er clearly indicate that there is to be
only creature in the world, beside Mme. looked back. Gradually the indiges- high schools, 35 teachers, 1,400 pupils.— equal opportunity for all nationalities
Debrisay, who loved her. tion, headache; dizziness, and other Toronto Telegram., 1 and full respect for acquired and vested
Both were unceasing in their care; but, ailments were overcome. I took in all rights. In other words, modern Egypt
d theyd Ask for Minard's and take no other, is Sc. be governed on the open door prin-
ing 11,648 pounds.
Fine harbor for lake vessels; used dur-
ing 1905 by 3,400 vessels, representing a
tonnage of 1,400,000.
Free zoological gardens, containing 134
animals and birds, including one ele-
phant, five ljons, one camel, three buf-
falo, one polar bear and numerous �epthers.
"Thirty-two chews to each mouthful,"
said Gladstone, "Chew till you can
taste no more, and don't get angry,"
says Fletcher. Perhaps the second dic-
tum in his philosophy explains Fletcher's
amazing career as much as the first
The philosophy is helpful, and his
career, as described iii the American
Magazine for June, holds more inter-
esting adventure than thu•ee ordinary
men amass.
. Keep Minard's Liniment in the house.
On to Boston.
Do not forget to enquire about the
rates to Boston for the opening of the
new Church of Christ, Scientist, Jame
10th to 17th inclusive. New York Cen•
tral Railroad is the direct line, the quick-
est, and most comfortable. Passengers
via New York may use Hudson River
steamers between Albany and New York,
in either or both directions, without ex-
tra charge.
For detailed information write Louis
Drago, Canadian Passenger Agent., New
York Central Lines, 6936 Yonge street,
Toronto. '
Minard's Liniment Lumberman's Friena.
Good to Winner.
Finally, acknowledgment must be
made of the supreme courtesy with
which the Greek people entertained
their guests. Everyone one met with
the most charming treatment, and in the
eyes of those who realized the bitter dis-
appointment inflicted by the defeat of
the native champions in the great Mara- -
thon race, the magnificent reception
given to the victor was a triumph of
cordiality and good sportsmanship.
Sunlight Soap is bettor than other soaps,
Twenty five public parl.s, g but is best when use g y
d in the Sunli ht wa
Here a violent peal of Mr. Craig's bell mean.
summoned them both to their attendance Kenneth continued to speak, but his
on that honored relative, words conveyed no sense to Mona, for
* * * .. * * . her eyes had been attracted by a well -
"Do you know, Deb, I am quite inter- known figure.
cited in that young Highlander; there is This conversation had taken place as the
something uncommon about hit—he is cousins were walking. They had come
the latter was obliged to absent herself ' nine boxes of Bileans an cure ciple so strongly advocated by the Unit-
nearly all day, whereas Mona gave up ! me completely. Bileans are worth eStatessn China and the far east gen-
her pupils that she might watch over $10 a box, and I only wish I had Apaches Never Scalped Victims• evilly, While England will rule, aho
the sufferer. known of them earlier. I am pleased scalpsspokendoes not propose to insist upon any mon-
sThe takingof has been
Mr- Craig seemed deeply touched by to let other people know how I have of so commonly in the press of the Unit- opoly of trade or franchises, but, on the
the thoughtful care or his nurses—espe- benefited by them.
daily byMine. Debrisay's—and the sort Bileans for Biliousness cure head- ed States that it has become a general contrary, extends equal opportunity to
if mistrst with which he regarded her ache, constipation, piles, liver trouble,1 practice when speaking of a man losing all comers.—New Orleans Picayune.
melted away. . indigestion and all digestive disorders, his life among the Indians to say "fie
The short Christmas holidays, there- female ailments, skin eruptions, bil- I lost his scalp." Novelists even to -day,
fore, were anything but a cheerful period iousness, sick headache, bad taste in when locating their stories in Apaclhe-
to the partners; and though Uncle Sandy the mouth, foul breath, dizziness, 1 d 1 est invariabl scalp the victims
' could well buzzingthe h d air a m y
was as fractious as an invalid. fainting, noises in
me en ,
be, his occasional bursts of grateful re- feelings of uncomfortable fulness even of Apache vengeance• As a matter o
cognition obliterated the irritation of his after a light meal, windpains,ane- •fact, one can say that time Apaches never
testiness. I mice, debility, etc. took scalps. Men who have been closely
To Mona, the knowledge that he was ; Obtainable from all druggists and • asociated with them for thirty years or
going to make Kenneth his heir brought stores at 50 cents per box or direct more claim that no full-bioded Apache
' seal ed a man lie killed- On the
f f b ' indirectly it f g contrary, he would not touch a body uf-
n certain liberty of action, which set her from the Bilean Co., Colborne street, ever p
lee from any fear o Bing Toronto, upon, ren
o price.
hampered by fear of her own motives boxesf $250 ter death and would throw away his
al or .
When Mr. Craig Wes able to get up, _0 weapons if stained with human blood.
and stagger with Kenneth's help into his Their own dead the men never help to
sitting -room, he was less disposed than A High Personage. bury. This task is left to the women.—
usual to growl and find fault. For a fortnight, each May, the Genor- Scribner.
"Well, madame," he said, "ye may be p Assemblyf theChurch f Scotland 1
wrang in the matter of doctrine, but
sick. I.1 have been a deid Poon, if yo great halls of Holyrood Palace, under Here is Something That Will Be Wel-
you area right in the treatment of the is in session at Edinburgh, in one of the
hadn't known what to do while they 1 the presidency of a peer of the realm, come News to Many a Discouraged
holding a patent from the King as his
were seeking the doctor."jOne.
`I am ver lad to be of ari use to Lord. High Commissioner. During that
Y g Y fortnight the Lord High Commissonler .
you; but I think, as far as constant at- I g g
tention went,Mona was the best of all. t enjoys altogether viceregal honors. He
She left nealy all her lessons to stay I is received on his arrival in the Scot -
with you. However, I am glad to say 1 tish capital by its municipal dignitar-
she has only lost two or three." lee, headed by the Lord. Provost, and
"Lost! Did you say lost?" by the Lord•Lieutenafit of the country,
"Yes, my dear sir. You see, Tuesdays ' and then, escorted by cavalry, drives iii
d Fridays r 1 •e.s ver bus and state cariages, with postillions, through
she gave up three pupas for those days, ! streetstroops,
"For several years
I halve been troubled
with gas around my
heart, ethortness of
breath, my food did
not digest properly,
It turned sour in any
an ri n} s a e a w y Y y,
stomach, causing me
h '1 limed with to Holyrood great distress;
not to forego her attendanse on you." (Palace, where he is quartered during his . too, I had a;dioften,ree-
That was varra kind—varra. I'll not • two weeks' stay. Like the Viceroy of 1 William H. Reed, alble attacks of belch -
forget it." ! Ireland and the pfinees of the reigning , dn, gas and. heartibu'rn, and severe pesos
He seemed lost in reflection, while ; house, he is addressed as "Sir"; and he 1 across the small of my back.
Mine. Debrisay murmured to herself: I is also accorded the predicate of "Your i "I tried Dr, heanhardt's• Anti -Pill and
"I wish he would remember it soon, or Grace!" Not merely men, but ladies as f,pam the very first found relief. Anti -Pill
his memory won't keep it." l well, are expected to rise front their hasp pndeedcured me•"
"I was just thinking that Mona has seats when he enters a room and to re- This ;s, the voluntary otatemient of
been like a daughter to me,' resumed. 'main standing until he bids them be
w . H. Reed, of 165 Queen street, King -
Mr. Craig. "I begin to think 1'd be lone- i seated. He has a largo staff of lords I ston, Ont.
some without her. Eh! Kenneth, my and gentlemen -in -waiting, while his wife Dealers, or the Wilson' -Tyle Co,,
mon; what do you say?" i has her maids -of -honor. Limited; alers,ra Falls, Ont.
"You would feel very desolate without
Tier, now that you have been accustomed ie.
to her; and so might anyone. My con- ., IT IS ✓f 'MIRACLE. Amazing Maxine Procession,
ori 'nal " through Kensington Gardens, past the i sin Mona is an uncommon clever, bright `. —say Hamilton People The fleets of the world which roam
"I e Memorial and reachingtheroad
know, and I much care, Albert youngoccasionallyup
about his originality, but I do care that turned west, intending to retrn by Pat' ° Eh,lyedthink so, do you? Aweel,the seven seas bunch in
he skouldn't come between you and your ace Gardens. Just in the narrowest part awed]. Ye pit notions in my heid." A Bleeding Piles Cured some prominent port or passageway like
uncle's natural affection. My impression of the High Street, at the opposite side, pause ensued, "An' haana the aneenister —after Years of Suffering. the Suez canal and make an imposing
Is that he is a selfish legacy hunter,"
n v -le n stood bull-necked short,—one wlstout, cam' to see if I were deid or alive? and Mirarle•daya may be part—but the day of showing. But in point of magnitude al -
In short, he is what you wish me to bow-legged, , I a regular attendant for nigh nine
Zit. Oh, Deb, Deb!' iugly tight trousers„ a gaudy neck -tie, months! He was aye sharp enough to saving people from suffering is ever-present. most any of these marine processions
CHAPTER XI. and a most horsey and repellent aspoet. come seeking subscriptions for his char- What w more didtresuisg than Itching, Bleeding fall short of that unending commercial
After this first visit Kenneth Mealis- Ile had his back turned toward Mona as ities, and a Christmas -tree, or such like Piles? Some say the only cure is the knife. We parade which is forever steaming down
ter carne frequently on Sundays, and she came it. The gentleman with whom heathenish custom, but he haana come say, operations are unnecessary. Read this letter: the great lakes and through the canals.
sometimes of a week -day evening.
He he was in deep conversation, and who to speak a word in season." "For tar�lltadPiles, whiehprotrrrdedandbled rd immensity of this traffic is refueet-
would appear between 8 and 9 chock, faced her, was Waring, "Ministers in London are very hard ierlFef y?hc itchbir pain war sometimes shiest ed in the °field figures for April, 1906,
'� , 1 Darin the
tint walked e raig fromthe citysullen; w r o r e 1, fey av un sera en su arc sosevereyr wash th 1079' yea
Liniment asked for at my store and the
only one we keep for sale.
Pleasant Bay, C: B.
Do You Get Duns?
Lots of people regard every request
made to them, either verbal or in writ-
ing, to settle a bill, as a dun. A dun is
supposed to be more or less offensive.
Just why any man should find fault
when some one to whom lie owes money
asks him to pay it is more than wo have
been able to comprehend. If you owe a
man money you ought to pay him if you
can. If you cannot, it is your business
to explain why you cannot. Most people
intend some time or other to pay their
bills, but not many are as prompt as
they should be or as they should like oth-
ers to be. It is a very easy matter when
asked to pay a bill, to explain to the
creditor why you cannot do it and ask
for more time. The debtor will generally
get extra time if he is dealing with a
reasonable man. The exasperating thing
in connection with creditors is to write
letter after letter or send statement af-
ter statement to a debtor, and have him
ignore them apparently with silent con-
tempt. It is under such circumstances
that the creditor gets irritated and
gives the account perhaps to an at-
torney, when exercising a little sense on
the debtor,
the part of
be easily and amicably adjusted. Do
not look on a dun to irritate you. It is
right of a creditor to ask for his money
when he does not get it, and to keep ask-
ing at intervals till he does get it.
�i about 20 years of age for positions
as cook and houeetnAid In a prtvate family;
good wages to reliable girls. Address in
writing to Mrs. Geo, 1'. Glusaco, 'l4 Hannah
street coat, Hamilton.
' lots, excellent for fruit, gaadenias or
poultry; close tr electric cars; big money In
fruit, Write Quick to A. S. Forster, Oakville,
Souvenir Post Cards
32 for 10e; 60 for 50c; 100, $1; 200, $2; 500,
S5; all different. Largest awl finest stook
in Canada; 500 mixed, $3; albums, all prices.
W. R. Adams. Toronto. Ont.
Mrs. WinsIow's Soothing Syrup should 'Al-
ways be used for children teething, It
soothes the child, soothes the gums, cures
wind colic and is the best remedy for Diar-
A cafe, surd and reliable monthly mule.
tor. Those I711s Lave Leen used In Franco
for over fifty )ears, mil, found Invaluable
for the purpose designed, and are gueiae
teed by the makers. Enclose stamp for
sealed ch'cular. Price nee per Lox of
Iipgg12 A;. yr oy mall, securely sealed, on receipt of price
Box 42, Hamilton, Canalis.
Where Will You Go
This Summer?
It you desire rest and. recreation, why not
"The River St, Lawrence Trip?"
Folders descriptive of the Thousand Islands,
Rapids, Montreal, Quebec, Murray Bay, Ta -
doused, the tar famed Saguenay River, etc.,
on application to any railroad or steamboat
ticket agent.
For illustrate guide, "NIAGARA TO THIS
SI A." send saIx cents in postage stamps to
H. Foster Chaffee, Western Passenger Agent,,
$9.00 to New York and Return
Lehigh Valley Railroad from Suspen-
sion Bridge, Friday, June 15th. Ticktes
good 15 days. Tickets good on regular
express trains leaving at 3.50 and 7.18
a. in., 7.15 and 8.43 p. m For tickets,
Pullmans and particulars, call on or ad-
dress Robt. S. Lewis, Passenger Agent,
10 King street east, Toronto, Ont.
Fascinations of the Heresy Hunt.
"After all," soliloquised Mr. Edward
M. Shepard, "when it comes to the fun-
damentals, Dr. Crapsey, in his place, and
Bishop Walker, with his higher and wid-
er official responsibility, are both striv-
ing for the same things, and are in
agreement upon the great fundamentals!'
But as long as there is any chance that
the Bishop, and the rector may or do
agree on the "great fundamentals" there
are zealous priests and laymen who de-
mand that their disagreement on the
"fine points" is 'What the Church is most
interested in. And the more insignifi-
cant the priest or lawman the more earn-
estly does lie try to be prominent in
prosecuting somebody.
Sold by all Druggists and General Stores
and by mail.
fl A MIT .'Prom. ('J1".
Knows When to Quit.
(Brantford Expositor.)
It's a great thing to know when to
stop. Hence we have the declaration
of the hero of Marathon that he will
never run another race.
It can be cultivated and the profits
are enormous. If interested write
us for Information.
Minard's Liniment used by Physicians. I. E. YORK & CO., Waterfowl, Ont.
b ng lk d t lit t Warring was looking dull and
worked," observed Kenneth. "T1 have b bfe OJt t p d 1 "t ext for the Soo canal n one, g Th
after business just to stretch his limbs,= his clothes carelessly put on, and an in. so much to do with the poor, they ,just ioimpossibleioremainondaly. Itwasahardshfpts thirty days of last neon °
he said, after sitting cramped at a desk describable air of self-neglect pervading leave the rich to take care of thee,. walk. I trid many remedies, but with poor success. eels of 2,006,640 tons net icgister and
all day long. his appearance. Mona was so startled selves.""Thiswinler,inNewYork—altheDenchShoty— carrying 2,5]3,207 tons of freight passed
Mr. Craig, though by no means cordial that she almost unconsciously put her "And who says I am rich? If I have Isuffered greatly—was almost compelled toremaix ,through this great highway. Nearly
in his welcome, on the whole encouraged hand through elncalister's arm drawing enough to pit food in my mouth and a inmyroom.I1,iedseveralretneve �ithoua%lid •'one -half or this traffic was iron Yte,
him to come, and seemed pmy , tresed:t. In onlya short t •
m ,
Mona lent him books frons her scanty ed, bent his eyes upon her with a smile a soul to be saved? I daursay your painccascd, tcan now walk wwms'aseatndattend - 000 tons second in prominence and grain
store, or �mlaved to pini, which gave him Waring, who was talking eagerly, an- priests," to Mine. Debrisay, "would not. mydutiesasamemberofthernenntpa,tment, and flour next on the list. --Portland
leased that near to him and he, somewhat surpris- few decent duds on back have I ito' ��• i e alttheirritaewnand with coal to the extent of about G50, -
On my refer.. ome,idira minim was a vue
great delight Indeed the grew quite grily glanced toward them at that mo- leave an old man without the comforts "tstrot& recommend Mira Oinhnent forenyomt Oregonian.
fond of the queer half -developed, irrite.- meat. Their glances met ---Mona blush- of religion because he lceepit out of the s'feria/Pomthis annoylegwerNenl. :
Me, impressionable young mau, who ed vividly. Waring grew white, hesitat- work-house?"
"Hamilton, March "
q, s • -
(Signe) Mark O`Rourkt, r86 Hess M. N. First Church of Christian Scientist.
The New York Central Lines an
ounce a rata of single fare plus twenty -
found such evident pleasure in her so- ed, raised his hand to his hat; but Mona "Oh, certainly not," said madame,
Diet . had passed before he could lift it. laughing; "nor do I think any priest 1 Isn't that the sort of proof you want?
Mrs. Desbrisay, too though distrust- "What was the matter ?" asked leen- ever knew, Catholic or Protestant, is In. Mr. O'Rourke is the well-known breeder of five cents for the round trip to ]los-
ing his influence
o on 'Uncle Saimdy' -- liaed netll. dined to neglect a penitent who has Everyone occasion- of the o em
him in spite of Herself, homely and "I thought I saw a gentleman I used something to leave behind him "+ Miil•tereiesdogs. ry ton, Mass., theP
even uncouth as lie was, he was free to know, and I• -•-I was afraid he might Aye, priests are all alike; but that'e Mrsdintmentbmgs quick, falai talk!, end ing of the new Church 11tof Christ Seten-
from the smallest tinge of vulgarity, and come and speak with 1n('" different front ministers; an', consideringpagentlycutestirctvorstcaaesofi'ila,Erzem., list•, June 10thgoto nti', inclusive.
to 11,iin-
by nature was a true chivalrous gentle- "Yost should not be afraid of any ono my years, it was a varra serious attack Ulcera Sores,Chafing, i3uma and other skin els Will Be goon going
amen. He hied not much of the Business when I am with you, Cousin Mona! i Not that I am what you would call old, ronblei, s heir 0 for X2.50' At dru idls' elusive, goer for retmnr to June 18.
faculty, yet plodded on steadily at his would not let any one trouble Sou, but. then I have had weak health for here Th Charnels , 0.for E50 d ituegid The New York Central Is the most
distasteful work. It deemed to Moira "But there are some things you ruiglit many years, and sine' ear"—or'I t
m e 'o Carat a' unite
beat he ought to have been a soldier, not be able to help. However, it is no "'hell, sir, I am sure you have been 'ti1mi n•-- °ton o,
a herdsman, or an agriculturalist, and matter. No, Kermeth—do not look back, well tended this time." 14 Zook /or the trademark
dist ungenial occupation, or some early please." "I am not denying it! but then it will Il do
iranble, had given a tinge of melancholy "I cannot make out who it was," said cost me a lot of Biller." `
US s mind. Kenneth. I (Ile grew intensely Scotch when irri• , 4'
Pae, her po :ls increased, and "Never mind. Tell me, where did you tated or uneasy.)
to sire the wondrous healing go to church to -day, for you were not (To be continu•i,j
direct as well as the quickest route, Pas-
sengers via New York may use Hudson
River steamers between Albany and New
York, in either or both directions, with-
out extra charge. Write or call on Louis
Drago, Canadian Passenger Agent, New
York Central Lines, 0934 Yonge street,
®►r o iota c m es
at precious ramody, is a positive cure for all female disaaani. Write for dracriptioal
Iraniar and free samplo, It. S. McGILL, Stmcoe, Ont.
rrws/w,wesePer es anus rtoaw.wrowa aeewww+M
Farmers and Dairymen
When you require a
Tub, Pail, Wash Basin or Milit pan
Ask Srourrtmele for
You will find they give you satis-
faction every time.
Insist on being supplied with EDDY'S every time. _
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of i
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T anagTthpittins)hghnor1hDeoiaredo,eethv
of 11
fat -h