HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1906-06-07, Page 2slay Skeohoo there: oreseme, elated them to treneele.
T feared -The* Onions manifeetatien of '
, eusee - grain to Timm Jros., for a thrtoad
tonned mettle Plaintiffs claim they e
it is very Ilkley that the tranttigaratena Altar ket Reportf; deeei pears be tbe telegram, but defen
tile leght, el Chaisile courdenatem, tee
toek plum in the night, ie weiell tate
The Week.
.4011-. g.ivr;riba, %Iltat are valued et i••300. v•-cre 1 GIRL Gots fRff
. . .. • ,..-s,„„„ ,„iiiRed a earload of plumi. ne 1
eel tItcy are Ail} lying. in a eti
' hsweeeseas,
r- ti A
to Mete men, gine how they evade it
The Mime Act forms ne obitacie
Nil; LIIII‘A 0 I A vas explained yeeterday he (Me of them
, 'Meech."
I it 15 in Loudon that we have liar
acenowledged headquartere now," mitt
r • lie . 'The whole of the gorreepondence
with our confreres it conducted from
here. But you need not alarm yourself.
t We are grateful for the hospitality, and
Iler Mot we will not de any harm here, leholet
9.1140NATa leht8t3ON Net XII dazzling briglatneet of Ms gerinentte anl , ,- net met:pled when they reasemil Varieote •
4 tele X 17. 11.40, tho glory 4.4 the dome, would liave a
marked effect, because of the ahseime of
Ctoavenuataree-I. A, tiliote of feeler tr. tlos wear Entered ineeetetee ante ,
met are sail -to to detenorathrin 2
est. es. About on ek,...,ht saes eater_ meat to &semi over them aril envelop i • tet• e" mentezon was aPPamted to Not Guilty of Wilful Murder of
% 5., '
• Taranto Fanners' Market. ; saki velem:cm ia the ease, but it bas not
eit▪ m. e. A i ette-Tbe NO4O.V.ef tod etat"
Matthew *awl Mark eay etx claye. There nm., trt
itatteee. ..eeag .aA yin reported and a:motion for postp•ene
The grain. receipte toeley were fad; meet was utak on bebalf •of defendauts
were *le full days anal the fraeteene: It rykd r„thivMime it iing, with **keel 300 bash*
. emifirans tee ell, for it was the same en that greue.l. Tee tease was roferred
nig eesbout" eight. 'These easereese-Tbe : /° ee w al . . , :bushole eollin t 41 t 41 I 0-
_, • at 77c A bushel for 100:bushel% , ye 0
dee.% at the bee -timing *ea the erei - t 1 eh had been heard at Ilis bap- ::of fall at 84 to Stee. Oats; steady, 50'0 to trial judge. meths the parties aeree
eaeltetes of the /wet lessee. eeleesemia • • tn - • .as eou. saea to • , 11111011, 1110111•41'00S ttl'r0 1/010$0 the etelee fter Lawyer Said She Had Endured
.6uprfr*eit the greut ronfesaion ea:erred - r an e ePest " 'rtt3'eGt t..1- thee
on the, etabbatb, azei the tramsfixtztateee•did not tagese to detain !Idaeses anl Eleah
on the night after the &tenth one treet: = °r'ler to ada to their happineet. is
later. There as, no intimattion as to bow •Is helered Siee-Matthete adds,
they intervening week wkis sppat. reter _ 111190114 I aln tvell phmeed." 'They ba
and John, and James -It was the SW:10 Js with °".4'?./14 was„re,C.fre then
faeome three who, bee goett - 8,4 tee LT,i0StS of /haven woma be
elita. 31= Ifee--lie is supener
into the rowe where ho mietel Tairust “lat
. • t the Pains of Heil.
Offerings of vegetable*, daary pristine% 4
flowers, etc., were largo, and the demand
goad. Butter seld at 18 to 22( per ehe' PREACHER DROWNED Girt Visibly Affected, and Tears in
awl eggs at lee. Sitter's eleektenst
20 to 2Zie per lb.
Ray in zuoderate eupply, with denetr.d
Jurors' Eyes.
it would be obviously rigainet our inter-
ests, would it nott"
"It is difficult to answer you %then
um ask nie where we would go If we
Iwere not allowed to land in England. 1
think it is the only plaee. Were Beg/lane
closed to me I sbOula. go immethately
to one of the republics a south or tem.
Med America,
'Tut if it happened that We were
pereecuted in every country we should
beeorne savage. We ehould make ettr-
S elves felt, and. that in a very deeitive
matinee. We are honeet people, and
Belting for freedom.
"We manage to evade the Aliens' Art
JW describing our Ives ae 'poetise1 iV.
lopes: That usually' suffieee; but the
most of us have realized the advisthie
ity of travelling first-class, and it is
not so very difficult to be provieed with
the ucceteary five pounds."
1 fair; 15 loads eole at $1.3 to $14.50 A ton HAD CHARGE OF A. PRESBYTERIAN New York June 4 -The trial of Jeee-
Io r tnnothy, and at $9 to $10 for mixed.' MISSION AT BANCROFT,
daughter, arat a sew toceites Inter these even 'to Moses. the great law -giver.
amno *jostles witueesed His agony tee Moses tikesetf had mate emelt a. 'state. 'Straw LI 'Inc/ted at Si"° te $11•5° a WM
t er 15 11 • ,• Dressed. hogs aro unebanged, with liglat •
- /11,12 il .11....12,1. „ e is euperiar at
extket. Ile tool: three three ..,14 betatese reel, •
eel tee ,,ete „see e. the ee„ ' qttoted at *IO to. *10.50, stud heave' et D'
Me needed witneeses. to prove the feet ' se, es : e ' - 4 s '" l "b. ""`"" 1 0.75.
when the time eatne to Terra). Ills glory : to Tleent teZr 'P°11-1te • lieer liellt; at" 'Water, aadthe Body RecoveeedSomei elr. Palmieri, ementel fer tire. ylefenee,
H a B E d N th Lt -t need in e verdict of mit "mete.
.. . is °rah an uggy ours . ear e t .-, • • • st 4
Whea.t, weite, husbel -4 084 * 085
to the tweet...and tei for the purpes„f 7 teai to Bee ansarectiont ant obey Ilse ' . Do , red,
enttout•ateras and ettablething them in tee - wnrds• Th. e way 1°r men to 77,19rif7 Unli I Do:, spring, bushel ...„ 0 se
4....41.., Z 13,7, v,z,,,,,,m,,,,,,.. 1,......, teeaetetst is 4t,..zi ba.reete to anti loner the Son teehn . 1
hee'Wept.';'''oroiltroeettettasefil,settett`Vteeta seem, - v. -3). To reject the Sos. is the :greatest • , Do, geese, bushel ... 075
Oats, use ... .. 0 41
it uanown, btlt it, was rreteably eteuet imsult, that cart be offered to Ited. and .
brings the uweet 411,SIstrous re$alts to - Beasley, :busliel ...: - - - . 0 51
Hermon, not far from -1.11aotm.rea Plitlippe Teas, bushee ... ......... -077
'This is the opinion of nearly all neceiern man- ' „Reg, buebet ... .. .... 0 75
andiorit•ies., To pray -1t was the baltit t16. ee'llen the etet"e WWI Paet-Mattehe• • -Hey, tknot1ty, toe .,,,, ... ea oo
of Jesua to go ahem in t•he night to _ tells us tbat when the dizeiples beare I Da, mixed, ton ... ... 900
tite votee they MI on their facee, an4 • ,
Fray. Before Be these the Twelve. and Straw, per ton .. ..... . 10 51)
after feeding the five teonsant, we see - were sore a:frail; them reeeeering from - Dr•eened hogs ..-.. ... 975
Dem praying in the night. 'This time at the ashoek, thee sedifellee garee ail Apples, per Mil, - ,... so°
waa a "preyeerneeting." Ite was doubt- around them and eaw eepersn but E. „a. new laid, doz•en ... 019
Is •prayiate for etrenette to earry on Ilis &ens. 'Thee feare43 as they entered Butter, dairy. en .
IV/ W. 01$
work wed for the enlieretenment of Itte into the clone: but ween they heard tee ' Do. creamery ... .... 023
dieciplee. After the annoureeement of voice ef God, Peo.bably as lend as there citieilenst spring ne ge 0 e0
lite emeiett sefferie.gs and tleath, and al- der isee •lefel ee- :29), aml fell of kheme - Bowl, ... .....- 010
ter telling them that they must ehare ahajeete, meth ae lieortat ears teeth tanae- Turkeys, per Ib. ... .,. 014
a terries instead of a throne, they may teem -neat to Lear, they fell flat to the . Cabbage, per dozen .... 040
lave neelea 01100uragrament. ground on their feces. being -epee afreil; - Caeliflower, per dozen .. 075
11. Jesus tune-Bored(.e2.01„ :me As - an •effeet welsh manifeetathms of this l'otatoes, 085-
no rayiKI-D-arang MISprover. The . kind eonneoney bad on tbe prophets anti Onious, per bag ... ... . 100
teaneBeeuration watt the answer. them- other irele" men to whom tleeee we're 'Celery, per dozen ..
tenant% was alteree-The origiaal word given. -Bens-on. It was so with Abram Beef, hindquarteri .... e SOO
fe elsewhere in the New Testament ren- One er. 121; and Ezekiel tE•mek- 5. eel; D. forequarters . 500
delve ..transfeneete itee Rem. eits et . and Daniel :Man. viii. 17; x. $, 91; atte ' Do, choice .. .
, carcase ... 7•50
11.. teer. iii. 1Se and is used ef 2. epirituei .. &the, Jeer, L 17); and ext•mee neeteays. Da., medium, earease
. 6 00
lnt, Tea:remit-a. the Italian gill ae.
meta of the mureer of her aunt, meted
eteteeee. etattetee. says_ ..etie face eel wheat ender tee direst illumination of :Hutton, per ewe
teem, ete ehe mete eit etette: appear teet tee Spirit. sealed:nee loee their strength Veal, per cwt.... - 850
the light shete net zetaj eml fan tbe yowled- Itt this eaneetien Lamb, per 01t........1200
witeteme hut teat it seeette tee ef Bee tee three tliselpece tay matil Jesus tensh- Tont o Live Seipt.
teem waltz: it wee ene teen ef (lea s.1 them. and raittmd them up,pelling
etie;th celestial eery, it was Heseseg their f0371"..S. Kept it elostelerark says
etereriedet-letete, gent gee ewe ef that Jessue charged them that they
foes hal sheets, bat ns the meen, wee 7 -4'014-1 "ten 11-f! man 'what thinzs they
a ;50170-vved. reeteeted eeett; teat tterege had seen. tia the Son of mem were TIS011
etheme es the eau, :nth an inmate. Mime- from the death" The peetee ceele net
tent aglit-Heary. Itereent bereme
a=a daeseeng ;E. V. --Mark says.
'"Retieeeenglr white as *now." 'leis fare,
gene wet dates Triaii3-, ana a5 Ills 1.Christe glery. Be tea- Peter and
beete WAS se tete:Bated. ler it. that Has ;Ian anl dinr,Cs. and went up into a
cletsbes tereil met ezteeal His glery, ,eutat, terer re. 2,Sel Every good thing
hemene weite and glistetriter es tee very oteeems erith God (Geri. 1. Li As the
tt4:ht. ueee weete eetered Himeee menet:we •Viell' transferee:le the plehe
as ,,si% ,qt. was everything leeks differeetly viewed fent
His inter eetrit eteme threette tee reel * the "heaeenle" Places" tEph. 5. 3.i After
%-re lave heated the Paithemeem hey.
ra.RetTe.t,hy &esp. tee lee:team ant. ewe- .... /eel; from t7ne Up"
lesceae Ana Elias -Mask: tee Greek. term t t:h• 13. 21% eh the whole landscape of
eer Eettlab. Was teas rem a wheeze These .; •efe „teteers 41 gime' we merer Ittew was
ene ele.re seemalle- presemt. aed tee, leteetefe• The ePirit of gleree Peter.
taszlp..es nbsI teem. as is eeteeet • grehteated and SaTIMIT Jesus Christ (Ti-
understate et. arid •even the disiplee-
tliemselees emald net entleastan,3 it, until
after the reel:grey:tin.
hem Beterh erepesitten rem* 33. tree 2. 3.
'Tees glees geed gritene fer belterree Per' '2* -1 The "Goa ef glory"
eleet ettete reeereee cur eritett. ealael:VarD,M. apart to a life of commun-
eteeeeenem_Hneyeet. weateet. e aen erith bin:self Letts TH. 2.) Early
state:tire of the eaw: ee ems tee. feetee. j.teses tneght. eleselples that the "hi-
e, Jeweeh giepeteeeeete weith ter ner eleamber' with the 'abet deer"
e't"nries Led. been Teepee= tte way ter ' wee. tee way of execompense" ettlatt. vi.
Christ.: he was a type el Chriet arel end : ee lee The highast cemmenien. the
foretold His eatelaag, Meat. mei. 15-1te. ' "-Peet an eh praying to tee Father in .ee-
and teretete wee Teed been aesthete:I tee i.e.'s eame, is only knewn those elm
0 85
Time Later -Deceased Was on a"°-1 only one watuess in reeuttal,
0 81Or, Kinglen.1 IL Page, an expert gyn-
000 Fishing Trip.
Peterboroe June, 3.- .li, telephonelee°1"gitt• iiie te'44menT WaS MV
000 '
°52 1 Ileareadt, etating that Rev. W. W. thin that the jury be dire:eel. to bring
10 00 bad been drownee. On Tinirsdayiblit:i that the Feteeat9n had ifailea t° make
14 543
a home and vehiele were found near a het a eaS.
1159 bets. of water witheut any perenn in Jut:Lire Steitt'deni441 the inetion. Mr.
1?1,3 l. 4.31:arge. Inquiry revealea the feet on Pelmital then Imertne mailmn; enit for
eaturday that they beloeged to Rev. the defense. Ile said that be wouel be
Mr. Roger, whose whereetputs was urie et mine te leave the •case to the jury es
• LIThwen-it wie, without tiny address, es he he
latter's brother, Mr. et. M. 'Meer,. Betel that they would ilo justice to Mit
• -
harrieter, Peterboroe went north yes"' •defentiant, .
'- tertlay and tearned that les brother bad "1 think if I had reste71 any ease after
hen drowned while fishing. The re-,,Jeeepoine
:- mains will be brought to Peterborie for leid tole her Moly on the
witness stand, it would not lave taken
interment. The late Bev. 31r. Roger, who ...see Ion, to reach a verdict. She teone
. was sixty-six years old, was the serene e
son of the late Rev. J. M. Roger, tee- etre te'the country of the free a little
flirt, and went to live with her uncle,
• first Presbyterian pastor iii Peterboree. • ."77
wile accomplished her ruin and her moral
t - 7.- , -death mid then dethroned her reason
o 43 MSS_ 11-11S reeked here toelay etenulautelleal. Mr. Palmieri then made
' leterr, who had. charge of a mission oilin
000 a veriest of atemittal, on the growl
the Presbyterian +Church at that ,
- REWARD FOR SCHOLARS .brisv,,i, foul denuneiations after her mar -
1 •-ithe has been through fire and death.
EMBLEMS COMMEMORATIVE OF 'gel. 3Irs eranludr°edistItioe kpil'3111.nlsort°t1114.,eletinfrilorrue.
FENIAN RAID, ETC. her childhood. When elle married Ter -
rantiea she had her Brtt and only
: Receipts -of Eve stock at Ike city mar- A. movement, ureque in its inceptien glimpse of bappinese, and even this
ket ne reported by the railways since . and noble in its object. is being inaugnr- pasted only 22 days. That was all the
Tuesday were 87 ear loads, composed of
9fl1 eattle, 1,733 hogs, 718 sheep,3.92 ated by Col. J. P. MacMillan to instil in thappiness she ever had or ever will hare,
ealvee mad two horses. 'Whether you set her free or not, her
the 34inds of the rising, generation the,. . . .
le 13 ' tend."
The quality of fat cattle was fair. riappineet m 1 is wor • is a an
sacrifices undergone by their ancettoes me girl herself was vitibly affected
Trade WS better than on Tuesday and especially those ef the Canadian volute .as Mr. Palmieri concluded, and there
prices for butebees1 eattie were 10e per
The ea:use of the advance wag that Paonhis in "
teers who gave each -evidence of undying were tears in the eyes •of several of the
tihtte m • defence of the Dominion • urers, Repletinz to the eriticisin of Mr.
ewt, higher.
there were no more cattle on the market ePalmieri, 31r. Ely said:
in the Fenian troubles of 1$66, and later"Theprosecutor is requirea by 111A
than. would :supply the demand, several in eouth Afriea during the meant war oath to present the evidenee of the peo-
outaide buyers being on the market, elle: the poem
ammagst whom was J. H. Dingle, of Hane tem and exelude Rim, 1 evidence."
iltonweo was purchasing cattle for the piIs .
The Colonel proposess to offer the pu- Ile eeclared that there Was proof that
Fowler, Peeling Co. pals cf the different schools of Umn,
.*antb e prisoner's alleged hallucinations
Exporters- ere were few, if any, as a reward to those excelling in regular were shammed and adopted for the pur.
prime, welefinishee shipping cattle. attendance, applicationand comphanee pose of eseaping punishment for the
About three ' or eour loada would repre- with 1be iegulations, generally of the crime she bad eonamitted.
sent the receipts of 'exporters, Prices school deliine an "emblem"' specially
were firm, but not any higher, m
ad rection in commemoration of the
designed under the veteran Colones alit MPRISONMENT
, •
ranged. from $4.75 to $5 per cwt. Ex-
pert bulls sold at $3.60 to $4 per cwt. events in question to be preservedhy the
. Butchers -The demand for butchers winners as a souvenir, enhancing in ap-
ens good and prices were 10c higher for preelative sentiment as the coming years
recede into the dingy and eiterat past.
the general zee of this elite, and prob. ..
ably a little more for thebest elass of Tee article
butchers' COWS, Whia, were in good ee- Emblem" is known as m„mitiave
in the form ef a maple leap,
prominent en the face of which are the
eland owing to the many outside buyers lette„ v. 0. ee, me lathe, ee -veteran
being on tee market. Choice ple.ked lots
of butelers sold at $4.05 to e4.335; loads
seerifiees white CMS:A feleiliel ant aweln he:ters" tereili. 16, MUT- CI good at S11.50 t° S4'03; medium at
vele% expeeteted tetweteet death, whet zee e, wee ablee in the seeret plata •of S425 *4'M; eannzan't at S4 to 42°;
eon's at $3.50 to $4.25 per cwt.
se trenbled the eliseeptee. Elijah was ' Pemateal 'prayer iPsa- tee 1; L Thess.
Feeders and Stockers - Short -keeps,
reoresentntiee of tee 4„eeleette.. ethe.y 7/7. If ee Sl
we 51'40 in the spirit awl walk 1,100 to 1,200 me, at tee, .40 te %got
kJforrtola eltnt.t= „railer. in tpatit g0-00. -steers, 900 to 1,050 lbs. at $3.90 to
kg Cerlst. etad Elijah was the :tette wee SteelL Tne 23).)
was nrepare tee tray ef the Lor3 ' en lent Gee elates instantly end mat- S4te0; geed %Jeers, 800 to '900 lbs., at
. to $4.10; light stockers', et3.25 to
be- his eliareetter and s$3 -it. reeppeareme .
in Jean, the Baptist, tee fz.reranmer "Tfe, fat -hie -1 ef les countenamee was SUM; medium sttlekers4 t°
eomanon stoekers at $2.75 to $3 per ewe
4.34..t.te2 tleiMS was Mena
83. who appeared in etteey_ete ett."-taree hifere thern: etre his faee! die
glary with a..12.s; with g!erifiel bales. shie„e illS,Sra 11. 1".4.11. dam
to ^
May this not be a hint as the are -hear- °:•:n 1-atlaaS g'4▪ 7SeS 3SSaS ;4'1;17.
,rve of mr rezurre,tim bo31esSpakeetiege, saw les ceentenaine the
of His de:mese-Or &marinate or tn3illIS 1. ▪ The glr-17, Of The
from tbe world; intirdieg, ne'doeltt, Ms 74-'42 r`i' t'aliSI is Z'11.7c4:111"1 10 'Ile Fan"
&t13, regareection and asatingan. Which ezoef „ef- Mee- mat Lt We ell
He wits *beet to ameemplishtelte wereeed ft-eel:ate:line as in a wee-
nie eenvereation would. enable the ette. nye she retry of the lard are tranefige
diem t� eet, the entpeet_enee and wt -1 metal Mot 1.1.0 S111110 imaze free.- elery to
shy of that which was to them the 1eFeette *e'en (f 1131LTJ are Easesfig-
greatest regeterge-tee,sneeerieg :tre • teeil Mao the, same itrute item glory to
ete aof their Master. lieeras and Elijah elett( teen :15 ICT1 the Sterit.
keked beyond tee cress arta eteresetteea seeime it is teal eche .e!,^_i"'ei in ear hea-rts
the glory of the fir.ally faithful. give zhe km:meg/lee ef the glory ef
IV. Three discepres behele Bee glery 'tel in the fate 4f "Tettes Christ 411- rem.
eve. 32. 32). 32. Beery a-1th sleep -It 2•St. merghl; fM The 'miner is
was itt the night. and the time wee., tehrist the Urine Were. revealee ie the
written marl. If we whale. refitet ,Cheist
they renally teept. Oar Erettiel testi=
iraplies that they fell es"lep lane were eemeterelir we ems% gaze *rem hhn esete
awakerea tes see His gleree weile thee3142l Izifee Itertnertd senedalme of
viitmelikesepttlItiftSvDtr,, 3121..t; S $-Se 'per ale; eeertp, dressed, 14 to 15e
Were fully awake 7R. Ye- Erma :11-:,s-.* tarnea lee eyes ISOM the royal 1 Per Iln'ahlazzles, • itk• &reseed:weight-
=try been ne..:een eateet, eee eeeent e.e heeeixt hen who oi.-2e.aeletty reeled enale7pe
when fele AVIS " :77) W'he,at.
31ileh Ckees-Pricee were firm, rangeng
.n.n vie way from se•38 np $62 each.
Drovers would area to be careful in buy-
hotteows, as, shoola there be a la.rge ram -
her breiagett forwardt with no ortizide
beyeas present, it :might be that they
would lose some money.
Veal Calres-Prices held fairly firm at
$330 to Ste per cwt. Ertra prime new
milk -fed talves are worth $6.50 to e7 per
oat, bet they are scarce.
Sheep awe Lambs -Export ewes, $4.25
to $5 per :cwt.; harks, $3.50 to :eel per
meta spring lambs, $3 to $5.50 eaoh.
Hoge -Mr. Harri's quotes the market
Tom at $7.30 for seleets and e7.05 for
lights timid fats: esers, $4 to $5 per cwt.;
stags, $2.50 to $3.50 per ewt.
•;Mesh Cattle Markets.
Letteen.-Catth ere guotted at 103-4
Ifte per Re; refrigerator beef, Seel to
-CanathVolunteers. olunteers. A circle is in
tbe ee.ntre reeresenther the belt worn in
VA, and in tine circle Is represented. one
ef Strancona's scouts en duty in South
Maim. To the left is the figure of a
rolunterr the uniform of ltle, and to
the right one is that of South Afriea in:
,Coequhoun Given Twenty-five Years -
Dunn Broke Down Completely Short-
ly After the Sentence Was Pro-
Vancouver, B. 0„ June .-The trial of
the train robbers was concluded at Kam-
loops this afternoon. After half an
hour's consideration the jury brought in
1e00. Abore nnd below the -centre lut- a verdict of guilty. The Judge buyers -
gram is engraved the re.otto: Our Colin- ed the other charge against Dunn. Mr.
trees call we cleerfully obeyed." MeIntyre, eounsel for the prisoners, took
Tbea-nniversary of the Battle ofRiege-, formal exception to the -verdict en the
way. 2nd June, ISett was eommomorated ground set out in his application for a
at the eellool beige of No. 2 Oenehrook., postponement and ebange of venue.
last Saturday le" an address from The prisoners bad nothing to say, and
Coleral J. P. MacMillan, en the tile Judge at once proceeded to sentence
sixteen ef the Fenian troubles ed teat them. Ile said: "You -George Edwards,
machine period. Previous to the address to be confined in the penitentiary for
in eueitien the pretenlation of tbe ere. life; you, William Dunn, for life, and
Ter entleenas ewnedeti by tbe Colonel Ite you .7. Lewis Colmahoun, for twenty-five
the repBe exeellieg ie regular etteni- 'Jeers."
aria, appligainn and general towel- The prisoners all took the sentences
ante eith the school regulations took philosophically. 1
At lmach yestereay Dunn broke down
:completely pleadiug that confinement
The peleintie tate:ton ef the tro-
ply aping well valculatea to instil in would kill him, and his condition became
the mines :of tbe rbing generation The so laysterkal that a :doctor land to be
531( 211221S of the Canadian Volne- summoned to attend to tbis hitherto
tr f'65e7o, 313241 South Afrimin .am- non-chat:tee prisoner. Throughout the
enema lettee its perallar appropriateness afternoon and. evening Dann eat with bis
to the oetesien. head. between bis hands leonine on the
• - rail, completely broken down.
: London Lancet Issues Warning Against
At tbe recant session ef the Lee:este- Practice •of Licking Them.
tnre sPeefai etetes were made 132th-e Me Lenirm. enue 3. -The Laneet atilt at-
fiesto Yet tramsfirmaree iee1.t. aL . 4m,1 In -the ItTanitoba
„nee* teem - teee wrae lung =rake, = :mete game; ;zee th0 1n0P_ it'd the SIM ef terest of horse breeding. The ___inItt_ister: teelien to '1114, very cennnon, dirty peac-
hes eecidee that -$1,000 of the nmne-Y tithe :of liekinat poetage etanipe," ana
Saw idis GierY era the teem men-Tbey, rightereetemee. his teen thee shone with melte shall be set aside to assist spring.points out ite many dangerous eonse-
maw the leteteergy el tea ceatten.: the lireet refieeted kit he gazed iEetee. stallion ehows. ' quenees.
garmeete, It was a reality. It was tot III. Clieletes greateees.eTeas me . t , ties grant must apply not later than% „tientent parcels which require three-
- '-nielnii'y stamps, VAS eirnek wile the brie
Ageortieg. Peter meet halm sten that .• re velem Irma Ilearen erhem i)y Bis pair- Way. July. Sept. should eoetain information rega.rdinee.
they were reedy to leave. 'Peter sahl-s melee. Ceerist 'neaniftstea fertb Ms New York - ,... .. R.7133 sot' rtmee the slimy held previous to 1906, as well y
sa. taaney of the tvellow coloring. An aunne
telehent ton brief a gtimpse ef the hesete Himself 'twee pleased" velem elle tem- Detroit -.. .. .... SD 81% - i be male that the prize list has anieunte ehtematt
Eager ate impteleire as allways. It wee • teem' eeelen ii. 311. Fut Gal :enpressed efinneapelis .. - - elee 79% .7.0% as the show of 1906, A statem.ent must ezet was: math, mat it wait foend that the
/melting mat: t114? ti) a poieonous salt,
etaly glere It is neee eta' ne ten be 1-.. tel d Himeter by ideteefLealeor. with - St. Loeds - ... - ... 7tiee 753,11 791te t al to at teem one bundred dollars t$100.-'
tee e et hoe, in etieb stamp. In a
eeiebt of rather more than half a gram
-Peter spelt th'it. trete. Tee epetele5.- S:711:1MS, 13.111S fulfilling ell rightetteeness I Duluth - .-. .. .. 82ee Sni ' i ("1), =a. that Prizes "given for stalikals: the %penalty of ebromete present was
-emele be stranger and mere trent be- : Matt. iii. 171, rine by His reanneMeiste. Toledo .. .. - - - 82% SI% : harebeen for pure-bred stallions only.h.2..tin
ier cent. Tide IS0. fatel deem (Me-
er:nye ee the elitriee matifestatates. It'. el" tee wee' ef ghee ter the way ef the:
es ntways geoe to tea whet we sec Hist cease. Bradstreet's on Trade. reeorded in a relieble rezerd. Tbe net-
fietlalof a grain woule be contained in 14
:, pileation must be eigned hy the Prost- t
glory. The Levi has prereel to ire- lee Christ's goneness. 'They feaarae efeetrealea Wholesale and retail trade • •cient and e'eteetury ef the -organization, s emPs•
,igams ate 'glary," and the tree chile t Iv, 34.1 'The Lietiplet.„ were -sore afraid las mot been se briek late as earty in- 1 wilder whieb the Manion show is beide -a- t-
ef Gal is taties&eas ef tee taleiletent eft ..ana eres•as came ana teethed tl.,. ara dtcatioes lee rierchents te believe they :, Detailed rules governing the tlistribui
leisi premise :exert it thits world, vs u sate. Arise and be net, afraid" ;Matt. would be. Hardware is moving fairly Ilion of the grant will be sent •upon up- WILL COST ONE MILLION.
feestAste of tlet, gilry lent is in follow.- re. 6. 7 t. If we beer Chtlet's call 1 WM s 3 tails ' 3
Tee freleering are the closing prices of
wheat eptiens at the Winnipeg ntarket
teday: June 79.14 bid, July SOlee
sept. 7801113.
metes, mei the da=e."ret. bele:Mee:4s. of the 2P). 1312., 1
AV select,' tiestemer. Partle1P1Ite The I.aneet, in etentling out stioaxl
" her be•
.1 deerere. ea. As they departed- Were levee San % Bear Him" or. 35)„ There. was Inc lath of June text. Each application!
Leading Wheat Markets.
o e , m me continue it attire de- Pe-seek/1. The greets wen be divided Te Electrify (hie Portion of Temiskant-
It: is goad far res to ia the rreserhe ge "up itte memateitit eel the rieine =and. A featere has been the sheep de- . immediately after Juno 15th.
Goa lira good peep:es Thee tabhrnaeles leg Road.
-Or Imothe, !rem the hz-he sr the
ratestateito :tete as were ma•-ee et the
feast of Tabernmees. Be ....reatly
e1 lo have tee heavenly vieitants remain
with them. Net knotrine what Be sail -
Fetes plats were freezently eppesi-
tice to these of let Leah "Se was ese
*mated steel hewiteeree be, the glery of
the het only routefeettetiens that IP
kntw nr.4 'What le stele' Bow nany
titres do we speak =wisely hemnse ere
a., e not cease us; time in tea pracee, which had been verY
7 r
Taking Great Quantities Front City
Mains and Selling It Back -Said to
Have Tapped the Mains and Divert-
, ed Supply.
New York, June 4. -That the city
Water Supply Conyany, uhich SUpplIAS
certain seetiens of Brooklyn and bong
Wand City, and of which Cord. Meyer,
Merman of the Democratic tetate Com-
mittee, is Preeident, las for years been
stealing large quantities of water 'from
the city mains and selling it hack to the
eity it charged in a statement made pub-
lic toelay by Water Supply Commis-
sioner Ellison. The Water Compaey
supplied the city with 5,000,000 galion,a
of water a day at the rate ef $65 per
temordine to the Commitsioner's state-
ment, be fnund that at one point a city
main in Brooklyn had been tapped and
from I740.000 to 200,000 gallons of water
drawn off daily and sold to the eity itt
the Long Mend section. The Commis-
sioner says numerous similar cases of
tapping the mails exists, and irill be re-
vealed druing the course of his investi-
A Honolulu Native Swam for Seventeen
Hononlulu, June 2. -Through the cap-
sizing of a boat occupied by Edward
Thronchelle• a half white, and throe
native companions, off Maui Nand last
Tuesday, the three natives were drown-
ed. After swimming for eeventeen
hours and covering thirty miles. Deena-
ehelle reached a rock, on wbich he slept
all day Wednesday. On Thursday lie
took -a further swim of two miles and
tended at Molokai. One of the natives
accompanied Davauchelle for sixteen
hom•s, and then sank exhausted.
Rules of Road for Navigation Have Been
Toronto., June 2. -The rules of the
'had for navigation on the great lakes
have been amended- so as to provide that
a steam vessel. over 150 feet register
length, when under way. Abell carry an
additional white light visible all round.
the horizon at a dietauce of at least
three miles. Them two lights shall be
:to placed in line with the keel that one
shall be at least 15 feet higher than Me
other. end in Fuel. a position with refer -
mice to eaelt other that the lower light
ehall be forward of the upper one. The
vertical distance between these lights
shall be less than the horizontal dis-
Taken for a Drive Through City -Recep-
tion at City Hall.
London, Ont., June 3. -Earl. Grey
received a hearty weleome when he,
with Lady Sybil, paid. an unofficial
visit to the 'city yesterday. The train
arrived at 11 o'clock. After a. drive
through the eity lunch was served at,
the Bunt Club. An inspection of the
7th Regiment followed. At 4 o'clock a
public reception was held at the. City
Hall. The party returned to Toronto
at 5 o'clock.
Petereburg, Janie 2. -,Se I strong
teereldighte have been -mounted en the
fortifieations ef Kronstadt cominend
the palate at Peterhof, ana guardelnp
has been stationed hitt off shore. These
precautions indieate the extent et the in-
quietude forehe eafety of the Imperial
Revolutionary agitation among
the zithers at Kronstadt is reported to
:Jew il•aanye.iant, and the fear expreseed
the *tuns on the Emperor's palaee aeroet
that they anay seeure ane train some of
The Wingtam Advance
net Iffa Proprieter.
Mee r-Upstaire in the lifsedowald
ealle answered, at deka,
T LE:EMI/DT; WM: m.c.r.s.o
J 4s.gabor ot the British Ifiedioat
Epeeist attention raid to Diseases et wawa
end children,
Drama Demist -4 to 4 pare; /halo^
314 U. O. S. AEDo
n. 0. P, nioad4
Physician and Surgeon.
10/Roe with 1:h*. Chish0hD)
Doctor of Dental Surgery of tile Ten-
ney-1yard* College and Licentiate of
Dental Surgery of Ontario.
mos over Posit Ofileit-WINGH11.111
Money to loan at lowestraties. Office
745. WINGRAlf.
Barristers, Solicitors, etc,
Office: Meyer Block Winghant.
E. h. Dickinson Dueler Holmes
Officer -Morton Block. Winghant
Head Office GUELPH, ONT.
'Risks taken on v.11 classes et inartrable pro
pelly on the oash or premium note system.
Lb.14R5 GOLDIEr Crux. Davrnsore,
Preeidunt, Secretary.
TRADE Manr.s
An ...* a sketch and derariotton ulny
quiut our ontnUal free whether An
i 'arca 'probably nlitentab!u. .C,t4umnino,
trans geollUdentiza. AANDLIO8K on Patents
lig.,,% lien. , Apart a a e--; e .2. to mmrung.uutents.
rple7ciatr5rsobirriAmf. n, witgbo4r cg21 11''i ,S "cd"
Scientific American
a mamoneete anotteratet weekly. Lsrogrt ,c4r-
cuMI'm.gfolICWkIdtVii -Ir' F'(v.a
5 11 lii
CO 36 1 Broadway, NI on(
ies, 65 V St... Wastft gtt an. D. C.
Write for our interesting bocks " Invent.
or's Help" and •• How you are swindled."
Send us a rough sketch or model of your in-
vention oriulprorement and vet wittteuyou
fret our opirann as to whether it is probably.
patentable. Rejected applications hare often
been succe-ssfune.prosecuttd as. We
conduct hale ea:lapped otreces in Montreal
and Washington; this qnalides us to prompt-
ly dispatch 'work and quickly secure "Ptiteuts
asbrold as the invention. Highest references
Patents procured through Marion & A-
rlon receive special notice without charge in
over see newspapers distributed throughout
the Drmainion.
Specialtyr-patent business of -Manufac-
turers and Gngincers.
c Patent Experts and Solicitors.
LMficcs • 1 Atlantic Bldg Waslunzion D.C.
. New York Lifelrld'g, Gourreal
Explosion Was Tremendous - Glass
Smutted. in All the Principal Build -
Jags -Shoot Felt for Miles -No Per -
Be 4'511 eemfert 'He givete pe,,trer to lig-le Tee gem...thy treile is steady. with 3 Out., June 4. -(Special) -A son Hurt.
Torento, Jan. ie. -elm Onterio Goethe. (hemline June wedding tool: plaee here
the faint; He itereaseth strength age. *fair demand for staple limes. There ; on at has mew before it, it iS 1:11:101`. as highnnorm toelay w lieu Nellie (told. ilracebrelge despaben A terrine expite,
Tell Under Car NiTheels.
xL 23). In be" seteit tee eiew. -wenegte, Ont., June 3.- Itteliard reseepletz, maps. and elans ne twee ae Ile- ['Annie the entitle:Ma daughter of Ihe re slim oseurrea oitein one Inialrel yar-1
'His rah:tient wee While end le:atter- ,eaeas ei,;-nmtry rualt. a carpenter, tagee et9 years, 'bile ef the estimateti rest of the eleetri- Goldsmith, \WS marrial to Lorne le oi the blet,,ets ;a of tbe tem:, tee
leer rniment etanes ff.4. thar- tomteS Ana 'turf, las been mere tees eee, diel at „et wary's Hospital, fkIrti!,n of the Temislenning te Northern thwthorpe, a prominent tesitient ef h '
:meta capericeee, (-see as (eta- bons renewale tl-a'n has beeakeenal lett-ea, test eeteet es tee result ef an leant ario 1:ails:say from Nintla llay, the
ter is rekszetetree as eloteeil with etre-- The beet eel soo teeee thee fee the :ea.-leen./ at Electric Park yesterday ne- starting poilit, to Englehart, on the' Ilitt'lelstielitillusittt.. a itut:•Ie.enlIrt.ranNreolli‘oigl, !onsti.sertrit.)1i,idnte:itia:ii,ft;;Irietlesses.rto..lorf
Thamesville, Ontario, The bride eas ' reolling ohout 7ele teeltelt. .
01 1113 r
• F•11 -Z. 'rsa. eiv• 1. ft' es Sine- a, steel tete. Trate:lea/are out teersotn. ehatinsen with otber earpen- eetene eieei„a. 137; miles. north, f
;Tina voreetv strenzth ;Pea xtili 1
tb tau Las an3 a. g,toi tele, ee„ ter., -wee er.gaged sleeting a cab1e,ane•
lie 10 17. lei lit' C • pecied.
▪ 315 "'13 131' 521113 flttbtOtitt II 1S31. -
et, eetteee tete hes tneer the wheels. Beth legs -were tee,: ieeetnetiees. -Tee
miter, riditig_ en the ear he slipped off anti •eao feel fiat inawio,•• tho w.um
International to spend their honeytnoom bee flew ia oil eireeti:me. nr.1 tli rtrree
The ("net of elie work \taloa ee 0032 32*0>23: took tiro elle 47„.
dei rot t.op cc,rnder one weres. seethed with riebteeettese and. salta- •• Ir. Trily tenexelee. hatl to to ampu- devemeea at a tan knoun the
'Vegas made 21D answer. 'Me everts that ttett /psa. (-mete, e, lei, Tees ea.te pet eemtfeenes beget- woe:maze eematt
esiape of mane eeople frozn
f0I1341Ved were the IMMTP.T. It WKS 1113t tr,ff Iman qcoi, 1)1. 1:.ted ab,_,T43 Imes.
ler "east:eta-ilk times ts a 2-4le .guitt, 'tot
Razzed Chute, on the liontreal River, FELL 1,000 FEET AND LI
gone. te remain there- There was Xelql 17. Chrieth tsetse. "'There telkel with rette'l 1" mt nine mites from Cobalt. nue the teat -eland; 0,, Jane 3,-4a
cf. them *11 in title war2a brzrAvi. 'Work- tvrcr Taia....Nfose5; aa3 getae. wee well. 1,541 Er.;71"..".Str:e5 nrc2. attively.se- /000 , •
development would give SAN)
INDWDER EXPLOSION. mrsons, mem n .T. Beach
ited geeing at Eite glory. All thst was tetture whieh He gime! ne.,,,,omplisb at lie ,a go:D.3 twee mereete en sen etees, rye- settee It., etar.e. t1.-Pkil,turg ,S; 45.0.00, and th0 reet VC0111t1 ait to
ing iCr 3e1n15 Vas better lb= apierap,1 in eel spate ,,„,f gtiged ati -
• aided airship to -da t_71i
VES, miraculous in tbe extreme. As 11 wt.,.
no one Atte liert. title:meet a nmelier eee,'
vieW of a few e,eletS OW,1,3, were thrown to Vie
ey, the ground.
dis- The loss in palterer., felts doe eel
are gnna. There power. Of this the road would require areonant, fought, for his efe h
gained npeti wiener:Ain tee, neaet be = etsteseeeee t r h
• 't -•.; corm rv no 2t* • 2._T 1. atm. n are tat brou p
1 R , •
. _ - 1
taken dawn into Ile sinfa2, enriswing ichris,t-s first Trepetes ee eme gleam licinion.-Trede lett tad ee err. - - P
.1 ee-emien nt the miler The coal bill of the railway alone tor
werld, There the '.'ight ns.nst, shi::e. for i!" nns Jest erfeee emettigeeathe 'reree.aing emartey is sereacteg faer sattelh- atee et 31:_eviale ehout 10 =lot tart year ant ne cky.).tatti.
r eonstmi y. eg to II .1
was sent En c tler to itEnt in the dark hlis
Matt. acre 211: Me next. tnet after 'lit," in *1:11112".
30". 34. W"e 17). The graze cf retest was Ills seene-
et et ;le eeiVreel r-elees a'13"-"r-e-ln tete ntortine sazrilice for team Ote. ,
ile" the' tlIelt.r" 'grant *eme* • emu. that et' * arealyr-it WAS
',Mat'. zee. 27. 191. The law was ',3%-frl MILIVa.-P24,8320.8 21r -it a fafei•
Tbe :;4* leeseet. graze ViTnt b$ Jame tJoian L gob a It/amen zal-AiNc aL'I MY*"
st eta? sreettar to a Neese praettra, ely.51F- se) Tit; tteath 01. 0-es,as was nnitoi
thTec hettre: Theee eartee.el 't-'7•trt"3• r•--1: that of a ea:op:era. /Ye oetterepliefire
vlee-flia4ovrtal tle1=-'-e a liis exozlatt. leo nen loth Ms We.. Ile
eltrighte eleel cetne tromee"
-5 1,.v. teploseen eczured
eller ten eiteroth today.
I** -
The Average London Pit. Anarchists Pied heltor in Britain ljnaer
"I can't go tee earcert. 1 bare uo the Name a Policia ReftlIgeet
-thee to wear." I.ondon. june 1, 1.111042131 is now be -
QUESTION TMA MAY tril'e too h',* f t 1 111
/ -Weer that sea of mine- ehele" peneholly insetted by .Nitarehists
• 1,3e/ix Aaart.1,,st 1,Npencti from the
•-• •ft: -1 It ‹.un ie4ohn x. Death hal Ea , eiV(1.e. se -tit wasznade for Tort Dm' countryIAA be has made him-ielf
botti syrr:5(1 ahmo c• -•:sira &sae one o 1. mit! Itere Sin 1),)/tft t.7m."-PLEtil,l'ibia, Inquirer, 111 sobnosions NI ;wieldy mai,os this his
Ette'eliM"1/131111.'"1 1n/cid' lib' '21; • int": the eitte ef the Void. tbh Fab- ean-e t•P rahrr-Intl,1 Dee' buke and Dttehess id Connaught Canting, Psitri.7.° N‘11"(` th"37 can r"lualu Immo-
119.4 tho. teanif, tett. lie dire the an'arrtg deviA of the P
It ems a that vile an3 eseeteetel ewe elet tee L G,ab,„„,.1 Tteeetet tlete tTeee 4-- 4
SaVil !PI *III 1 0
future home. 11 35 the only country in
1*13 *4:11,1 that took VILtat'Ict:14 stltute fz.1 sinners. their. Nigh Prient, ;Fere the 11;aster an A 1315 . -.meet s fer tee
1411Sttriti:t, eel; done tbet este-Teel eletteett tee ill f teeilen„lete Dakr week $403110 SPVPlity- ft1 t
414'3111 --- Seer tee er r ere neeseet f tee tram of the mese 1,),
a re f tteir 'visit to nan.lists alio mere arrested in Pans
X te .'nnnugar, (411
threele rifle: the naval menoeuvree, will late, month all ca -s,•„.•0 ittrt, on ;,Ig
23 1.1-11 er " ' .1't)441 Isa, lee. 4 8; EV!). V. te Ilene of talliannee. Against
theetteele Ofslii)1.8 453.31. C:iV. in 1. ; ,
\v' 3333 te".
Peter einteelf refete te the elhal tha: ISInegete-ehe meshes th 'Cr't 4 • 1 "
14" eeeirls1 voteele Wet the ,SEM11.1 stf411`10.i. 41111
‘,3 4.4 tile 111• litiata t 11611110 'n App,1 1 011 I
over4tadowed tit the reonnt 1!•.c Duggins--Nee, eve tlink eliela tee 31oil747r r_11S ate, n. It %lac: slat. ° ri•tv rs•it tlatr (110 i'ocirintan *31- 1ZU100 10*1 ILO foil 'eognieanee itb of both the F.al”•
s'exceleat tefor," tit. Pet 173. They ale hal betn starrie4 before. (2 teat Kay, DJ:Was At Co. sont telt,. i_s,ztia of Lattenberg. Ii•tit dna hench
ro.iv -----.1 y .fo u I. teen:lane
1-2)5305 \sewn the framework wall wreneleltnost every business '1101150 in town eel-
• etl, he etimped hie ballast, -drew himself 'fermi tlemieli brohert weri lea ten's )tllee
• hIS seittme lieet».ne encenseloixa.teritith Licht ant Detninion Mott; 1.11
from the esemping tos. Ito fell 1,000 feet:elate glaee ia neerly thery mineme -ems '1'
to the gromitt hi au open field, and seeelistiee. Mt Willie:Ts' eteleletss. in tee
though Outset under tl st wreeked
lellieet opens Csnal. • fl- '110311- of mii1.,..zi the exp.', teen tee; oohs
. ' ilititleltal ti,leztlgY•14.1e-1 leTlet:',fflitl:5,3,4e;Ie",:1211
chino, he escaped ntintrt.
ietteer netere
Berlin, ;tune .5.-41113*roe ekelliaan ty- 1 ..1111l eleelk
''al:•4tth'le1fel't fee:.1'c1:117"114"N , i ''1ow tamat 120031 ssor, it ISAPS In 11Arts 13113 a mt, rvey ''e11l11'Tl'TIil1874ri4Ivin-.t14N‘‘I1TlC51;1';11l''"ii,ililrtle111ptusitTtichrof3l30:1'0;a"r11:14ia
11Or1iii With ill0 80A, VI& 1110 lTn•i01111141. 1111th
n • 113'‘1';I:r'l$P-.Z0 t° r0"11I 111" 31'"Bib t`onal. Tto now osiWnUlartswie thelet eemPee3"oi111141 ?
the eepate of the loealitiet Meets Anti
benefited by it. It eost $10,000,000, lint
ti, 1 `. : : IA PINIS%Pti, by IlIty
tesA tong t Abort 'NI%
. brk4.
T.on•lon, ;tone.
shier of the lissirlan militery Wiesen
, 'flee eeielatist C'?( a 'idevartment. kit rail's t'svott. Lutl,11.
man la no littee lio hiti Ttatvre41 40. lam niatzt. in et 3211:1
N11% a l20111$13 - 'woman would tenliori relelaine. 'Vienna. If Le 31
newer aditlit that she WAS past 40, auteestlal, this a511 be a ritiqn-41 trip.