HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1906-04-26, Page 26 undSch0o 1 ay . . 1, termini tiny.-- Whedon. tiood seoa-Clean wheat tie" the truths of the gospel and also those wig> embrace those truths:. God's children are the eeed. Irlirough -014-- INTKUN4.T1OnleeT“ 7e4ESSON N9. VI i them disciples are to be made and righ- Male 0, 1000, Maumee ts. to be multiplied in the earth. "It is necessary to to good if we Koroa- be allowed to live and work their des. Market R,eports The Week. The Paritele ot tit Tareee-tetatt, 13: 24-30, woold inerease goodness." the tares, ete. ecele. -The wicked are called children of the TOroeto VarMerte Market, been brought about throu ^It his agenol devil beeause their sinful natures have Commentary. -I. The parable tvs. 21' The offerings of grain continue very -a.' ev. 39. The reapers- Thite elm exe- light, as farmers are busy pleughlug eitd 30). 1. The solving. (vs. 24, ;13). et Another parable -a/c -sae, saw that that tette the divine will. seeding. One load of barley sold at 52e4 modo of teat -Mug wile the safeet and 3. The end of the world(vs. 40-43). 40. and a 1041(1 of oats et 41e per bushel. meet impressive metleel for the general Tares -burned -That whieh is worthlees Wry produce ie easier. Butter sold public. A elan -The "man" ropeeeents will be deetroyed. Fire is a COU (fl fie. at 25 to 28c per lb., according to cot:ti- the fion of'elan (v. 37)lie alone is the ttre in the New Testament to ee„riee, ity, and eggs sold at 17 to ltie dozen. elaarce Of all good seed. Good ;wale -- In the retributions of the wieked. The wiek- ' Bay quiet nuit firm, with Wes of 10 the Parade of the aower Jesue said the e4 will be destroyed, but not annihilat- loads at $12 to $15 a ten for timothy, seed Was the word of God, in this he ea. There will be no hope or possibility all4 at $1) to $10 for mixed. Straw is nominal $ said, "The good seed are the children of of a restoration from the region of re. at 11 it ton. the kingdom" (v. 38). Goa sews meth" worse, despair and suffering to wheel : Dressea hogs aro firmer, with light )ng but truth; his children are converted they will be eternity consigned. End of quoted at $19.00 nue heavy at $9.5% taougli the truth. In. kis fiela-The this world -The day of judgment, when Wheat, white, buse, ....$ 070 $0 78 field is the world (v. M. The world. is Clu.ist will come and the probationary 1 1)°" red' busb" "*" 0" 0 78 his field. When Christ, comes to take state will end. • I Do., epring„ bash. .... 0 74 0 70 I Do,, g4 imssession be will come to take pewee- 41. His kingdom -The world is here • oose, bush. a a 0 74 0 TS40 04 1 sleet of that which. is bit owe.' 25. White men slept -In tire night, when evil -dis- posed. persons would hy to injure the property of their neighbors:. "When pro- fesors• were lukewarm and pastors twin - lent." His enemy --"The eneury that soWad them is tne devil" (v, 30). „notice that Jesus refers to lain as "his" enemy. The devil is not only the enemy of t7hrist but of all who foltow Chriet. Sowei- ..e. kind of injury frequently practised in the east, from. malice and revenge.- Lange. Taree-Tele is literally "dernet," the weee that grows among the wheat. It bail a near tee-emblance to the etatke of wheat. "Tares abound ail over the east, and are a great naisauce to the farmer, The taste is bitter and. whean eaten in breod causes dizziness, awl ot- tea Aces as a violent emetic. It must be carefully winnowedand picked out of the wheat, grain by gam, before eriud- him or the flour is not licalthfin."- Tliompson. \Vent his way -Although a friend in appearaece, this enemy is de- ceitful, vigilant, secret. lie comes m evil thoughts, unit.oly desires, flattering words, bad books, and, in fact, in it hun- dred ways, If God's people were fully awake, apiritually, the enemy would not have so good &chance to sow tares in the church of Christ. 2. The tares discovered (vs. 20, 27). 26. Brought forth fruit -Their real dif- ference was seen when the fruit appear- ed. Compare Matt. vii. 16-20. ••There la a great deai of secret.wiekedneee in the hearts of anen, which is long hid un- der a cloak of a professon, but breaks out at last. When the seeds begin to grow it is bard to distinguith m, thebut w hen a trying time comes, when fruitit to be brought forth, then it ee.ey to distinguish between the wheat and the tares." --Henry. 27. The servants - The faithful and vigilant ministers of Christ. -Clarke. Saki into him. -They discovered the devices of the ,devil and came with grief to tell the Lord about it and, inquire into the cause. When God's ministers see the errors and here- sies of Satan spreading among the e. they they should (to all in their power to open the eyes of those who desire to know the truth, and the error should be branded as such at once. Wbence tares -Only good seed was sown, and we may well ask how have these tares come? This is a question item has been asked ever since the dap of Job. What is the origin of evil? Our only answer is, "An enemy habil done this."3. The harvest (vs. 28-30). 25. An en- emy -The teachings of Christ show con- clusaevely that there is an active, intel- ligent, personal devil. 'Those are in er- tor who teach that the devil is only a principle of evil in man. Hata done this -God oracle men, as he did angels, intel- ligent creatures, and consequently free, either to thoose god or evil; but he implanted no evil in the haman soul. .An enemy, with man's concurrence-, hath done this. Darnel in. th.e church is pro- perly hypocrites and wicked persons whieh Satan inbroduc•es into religious so- cieties in order to destroy the work of God and thine further his own designs. - Benson. Wilt thou, eta-liere is an- other question that }Lae agitated the ehuroh for ages -a question as to the riglit of discipline. Let as remember that a rash zeal is as much to be feared Ele lax discipline. 29. He said, Nay-Gode thoughts are not our thottglas; eve ot- tentimes act very une•isely when we do not apply to Christ for direction. Lest ye toot up -The visible church will include in it until the last day many who are not true members. To separate them is not the part of man, but of the Judge. But this coula he meant only in a general sense, for the whole spirit ot the gospel implies the rejection of the openly unworthy, and their reception again on their repentance.-Geikie. 30. Let both grow together -Both Will grow together. and it. is God only who knoweeh the hearts of men and would be able to separate the righteous from bho unrighteous; and yet it is the duty of the ebureb to tey, and to expel, un- worthy membere-those who are openly wicked, and not stiffer them to build upon a false hope by allowing th,em to remain within its pales. Many texts prove this conclusively. "By their fruits nheill know them" (Matt. vit 20). Note from this also that God's chum!). is a, growing church. Until the harvest - "The harvest is the end of the world" (v. 39). The judgment day; the tuee of eumming up the aceouirts of the troth'. A final and cora:led° separation will certainly be made at that time. 1 will eay to the reaperea-The angels are the reapers (v. 39), but they are under the direetion of (lin.ist, into whose. halide all .things have hoen given. In bundlee- Some venters think that there is an in- tanation here that in eternity sinners will be put together "according to their sinful propensibies." To burn them - nu) wicked will be punished as surety as the righteous will be rewarded. Ga- ther the wIreat-The righteous witi be gathered front ell quarters of the earth, from all classes an -d comilitione. Into sny bern-Into heaven. What an assent - bay of saints this will bel IL The interpretation (vs, 36-43). 1. *Testis ftlone with His disciples (vs. 36). 36.. Into the houne-This bad been a very busy day, ond on that same evening Jesus ertiseed the Sen. of Galilee with His disciples; but before they did this they evideritly retired to Him place of abode in Capernaum for rest and re- 11181nm:it When alone they asked Him to explain the parable. 2. An explanation of terms (vs. 37- SD), 37. Son of man -No doubt our Lord elaiined the title on of enan. Which netts already given Him in the Old Testament (Dan vit. 13), inasmuch as it wits Ile who alone realized the idea of men; the second Adam, who, until (bit first, should maintain his position as the head Arid tepresentative of the rttee. - 'Thema'. All good influences in the world ere set in motion by Jesus Christ. All other e can sow only through the power furtilehed by Him. 38. Field is the world This parable. explains the entire struc- ture of the eyetem of probation under the Christian dispensation. It deeeribea the struggle with evil in the world until the judgment day. It is not eo ritueli a perable of the dumb set of the world and, the thureli under the Messiah, While reenetion fasts, wiekednetts is permit- ted to develop ROM Wieked Merl Met ,at; 1 s . • . .. .. . , .. regarded as belouging to Christ -Hurl- Barley., bush, a o a a on line That offend-Thoee who cause Peas ethers to sin, as well as those who are , bush. .... a .. - 0 75 openly wicked, shall be cast into bell. Rye, Mph. .. .. ,. , ... 0 75 : : 129 000, 42. The figures of this verse express . illy);;,,ti.:111,telelY;ttoonn : : the terribleness of the end of a lost soul. Straw, per ton .. .. .... 11 00 They indicate indescribable ruin. "The Dressed hogs .. .. .. . e 9 50 fires of the valley of Hinnom were to Apples, per bble . , .. .. 3 00 the Jews the emblem of future penalty. Eggs, new laid, dozen ,. 0 17 What fire is to the body that the ele- Butter, dairy .. .. .. .. 025 probationary state has ended, and. when Turkeys, lIcsi,epaellibil.e. IrbY. ------0. . 0 2:: molt of hell will doubtless be to the soul and to the immortal resurrection Chickens, per lb. .. .. .. 00 140 body."-Whedon. 43. Then -When the Fowl, per lb. .. .. • • • • 0 18 been removed. Shine forth -A picture Cabbage,Geese, perper dozen. :: :. 0 40 the wicked and every evil thing . have of heaven. The Greek word means Cauliflower, per dozen .. 0 75 "saline out," as though in the body the Potatoes, per bag . , .. . 0 80 Onions, per bag .. .... 0 90 righteous had. been under it cloud, but now the clovas disappear and they glow Celery, per dozen .. r .. 0 40 13°4 hindquarters . 7 50 with heavenly glory. See L Cor. xiii. ... forequarters .. 5 00 12 Dan. xii. 3. Ears to hear -The one Do., .. anise mind ie open to the truth, and Do., choice, carcase .. 7 00 Do., who is ready to obey. All have ears, Mutton,oniepdeiurincl,vcarcase, 6 0 t. .. . : 900, but all do not have ears to hear. 0 00 PRACTICAL APPLICAVONS. , Veal, per cwt. - .. .. Lamb, per ova .. .. .. 12 00 ' I. The king. 'A man" (v, 24). "The i Brttish Cattle Marksts. on of man (v. 37). le lute holding to London Cable says -Cattle aro quoted somr EArili 052 000 000 .1500 100') 000 10 00 400 018 028 03') 0 17 012 0 e0 0 14 000 100 e3 1 00 043 ite 823 6 00 50 101)0 10 50 13 00 TUE CITY HAIM. This magnificent structure, which cost $7,000,000, was damag&I. by the earthquake. The great dome was moved, but did not fall. Some of the smaller towers tumbled and portions of the roof fell. The damage is estimated at over half a million. Christ's divinity there is great strength at 10 1-2 to 11 1-2c per lb; refrigerator 'Lk UAKE EXPERIENCES TOLD and comfort in appreciating his human- itr. Ile came to earth in the likeness of beef, 8 1-2 to 8 3-4e per lb.; sheep, drew.- ed 14 to 15e per lb.; lambs, 1Gc, dressed man. As a man he was faultless, pure, eye' ht 1 , patient, humble, honest, courageous and : long-suffering. As Son of man He died' Toronto Live Stock. 1 Steel Structure Supported Dorne.-Theatre People and rose, and is now on his Father's 1 The quality of fat cattle, with few 1 Rescued -Other Incidents. throne (Rev, iii. 21), exceptions, was only medium. 1 IIThit t a . tea ory s field" light (v. 24). Trade was active, owing to run. "The world" (v. 38). Prices were steady to firm at lest III. The subjects. 1. "The wheat" (v. week's quotations. 25)• "The good seed the children Besides the above mentioned hogs, of the kingdom" (v. 38). Children of there were 11 carloads which came in for (Iod, born of water and of the Spirit . various firms. John iii. 5); childlike, trustful and guile- I Exporters -Few exporters were offer - less (Matt. xviii. 3); humble (Matt. v. ed. One very good load sold at $5.26 3); persecuted (Matt. v, 10), Acts ;the .' per cwt.; prices ranged from $4.00 to 223; the living epistles a Christ (ll . $5 for a few odd lots. Export bulls Oor. iii. 3). ' sold at $3.50 to $4 per cwt. 2. "The tares" (v. 25). "The children , I Butchers -Choice picked lots sold. at of the wicked one" (v. SS). sin was the frist child of the devil (T. John iii. $4.75 to $4,90; loads of good at $4.60rn to $4.85; medium at $4.40 to $4.50; co - C 12); Eiymas, the sorcerer, WAS another mon mixed, at $4 to $4.25; cows at $2 were others (John viii. 44), Which are : Feeders and stockers -Best fe.eders, to 4.25 per ewe (Aets xiii. 10). Those Jesus rebuked 100 to 200 lbe., at $4.60 to $4.75; best you? Wheat or tares? .A child of the feeders, King or a child of the devil? (1. John 1000 to 1100 lbs. at $4.25 to $4.60; best feeders, 900 ti 1000 lbs., at $4 ta Hi. lo). ! $4,25; best feeders, 800 to 900 lbs., at IV. The usurper -Satan is tee usurper, ' $3,85 to $4.10; best stockers, 500 to 70( a temporary despot. God never gave the lbs., at $3.50 to $3.65; common stockere reins of government into his hands. [.400 to 600 lbs., at $3. 1. His personality. "His enemy came Mitch Cows -About a dozen mike and went" (v. 25). Webster de- cows and. springers sold all the way front fines Satan as a "A. subtle, malicious $30 to $50 each. Two choice cows ward person." ; bought for the Cuban market at thi 2. His power. "His enemy came and latter price, sowed" (v. 25). The devil has power' Veal Calves -Receipts of calves evert ; to deceive (Rev. xii. 9, xx. 8). Snare the large, and. prices for the bulk were me unsanctified (Luke xxii. 31, Cor. ii. 11). ler: Prices ranged. all the way front $2 t° $6.50 per cwt. Kid the soul of the sinner (Luke xii. 5). Tiring sickness (Job H. 7, Luke xiii, 0). Sheep and Lambs -Prices for both Mimi men to the beauty of salvation sheep and lambs have declined from 40; (Luke viii. 12, II. Coe iv. 4). Hinder to 75e per cwt. Cod's saints (. Them H. 18). Possess Hogs -Prices for hogs have declined men (John xiii. 27, 30, Acts V. 3, XVI. 10c per cwt. at both the Junction and 10). City markets. Mr. Harris quotes sel- ects at $7.15 and lights and fats at $6.00 3. His malignitv. He "sowed tares" • per cwt. (v. 25). Satan is the great counterfeiter' of Salt Lake, Utah, April 23. -Scores of Salt Lake people were in San Francisco at the time of the earthquake and matey of them returned home yesterday. J. J. Daly, a wealthy 'mine owner, escaped with his wife and four children. He left the Charlemagne Hotel in his automobile but the police made him give it up to carry the wounded. Speaking of his experiences he said: "The policing of the city was perfet under the circumstances, and I want to give unstinted praise to the chief and his brave men. We 'finally got over to Oakland and in a half starved condition, entered a restaurant there. Six of us at a hearty meal and the cheek was only $1.60. We were astonished, but it is the law nmong these people that no more than the actual cost cent be charg- ed any one from San Francisco. Finding our eyes affected by the heat and ashes, we sought an oculist who treated lis with more than ordinary care. When he finiehed I asked for the bill and he sant: "No, sir, we charge nothing to the peo- ple Who come from that awful tilnl over yonder." Another arrival describes a number of quoor freaks of the earthquake. In the midst of ruined four storey buildings stool a house of three stories, which had been tilted on jack serombs and timbers to make room for another storey beneath it. It stood apparently uneaten - all God's good things. Montreal: The condition of trade gen- BURNING TO DEATI-I BRADSTREET'S ON TRADE. 4. His limitations. 'Went his way" . (v. 25). Satan is neither omnipresent evilly continues satisfactory here. Dry - minces-el:me it. they may have worked. nor omnipotent We must not overesti- geode sorting orders are corning in well 11 thie does not satisfy them they can mate eini lest we be "terrified" (lnge and in some lines repeat orders are be. SOLDIER SHOT HIM AT HIS OWN enter suit against the Interior Depart- eeavier retail demand. for I REQUEST. , ment, when the courts will be free to i. 28). We must not underestim t h' a e iln lag received. Warmer weather has re- I lest he overcome us. We nntst not be i 'uited in a Sett le the matter and thug prevent the ignorant of Ins devices , LOS Angeles!, ("ale April 2ee--"Sotdiere (1. 0:),.. ii. 11), i spring and sunnuer lines. Hardware eneeeseors of the preeent lessen tram but "try sph•its" (I. John iv. 1. Fore - continues active, with values steady to ebot living beings to save them the tor- being involved in litigation. , warned is forearmed. firm, and deliveries of oils and paints titre of death in the flames," eraia Mee 5. Iris doom, "A furnace of fire "- (v. Marmara Vnlerhill, who arrived in. this i are latge. There is also a good move- , ment in groceries. Sugar prices durieg ' ' . ! GORKY UNIMPORTANT . tilt k • • 42. Satan's tares shall be burned (v ed by the shock. Not a piece of the un- der pinning was displaced. One of the churches on Van Ness avenue, had a mosque like dome. All the walls fell away, but the steel structure, invisible at a distance, remained supporting the dull gray dome which seemed floating in the air like a balloon. Two theatrical people were in it hotel in Santa. Rosa when the shock came. The room was cm the fourth floor. The roof collapsed. The woman was thrown from the bed and both were eaugat by the deseeeding timbers and pinned' helplessly beneath the debris. After three hours 'rescuers came cut a hole in the roof and both were released uninjured. This narrator tette of hearing a guest berating the pro- prietor of a hotel five minutes after the shoek because he had not been awakened at 5 o'clock aecording to instruetions. :Mies Ira Ce Bothwell, it. student, telt; of incidents at Stanford 'University. A girl was dressing in one of the Sorority houses when the floor gave way. Her emimanion looked up..saw that she was gone, end shrieked, "Where aro you, ant in the parlor," replied the girl calmly as she wriggled out of the heap of plaster and mortar below. One man a•t least according to Miss Bothwell missed what would have been the experience of a life time because he did not wake up. Although the freemen- ty house was almost raised to the ground this num whose name she did not learn, wah still sleeping ween taken from the ruins. go any litigation they will be banded. aver such portious .ol the elebn on them 30. His work shall be destroyed (I. city Iftet night front San Francieco. • ' John iii. 8, I. Cor. iii. 12, 13, xv. 26). mercial paper is also being discounted Miss lenderbill is from Chicago and. ; . 1 in larger volume. Oolleetions ere tm- ; wae the house gueet of friends at Ede 1 GREGORY MAXIME SAYS HE IS AN V. The reward. 1. Radiance. "Then proving throughout the country. IDEALIST. --eY Toronto: The volume of wholesale i' dv"tne(.1asLianrkaintlsre-eisttso.rey frame build- I shall the righteous shine (v. 43.) `1 li who shine now as lights (Phil. 11. 15) trade moving here continnee heavy in jng, The house seemed to swing like ehall shine forth then "as the sun." nearby all lines. Warm weather brie the pendulum of a clock. PI:tette was 2,. Rule. When he comes Jesus is to given impetus to the demand for retail falling about me -and pictures fell from Russian revolutionary fund, and who le "Lord of lords tied King of kinoos." lines of dry goods and sorting orders are the wall as I .sprang from my A. 0. ..\ i. heavier. The hardware trade is 'meeting -.et that moment the brick ic.31Tili.nnev '"'"I'' his first public apertranee last night e weedeclined. 10o per 100 lbs. tom - New York, April 23. -Gregory Man. - hem the recently arrived agent of the rt heavy demand for all seasonable lines. of the Savved Ileart Cgillecm, adjeinme, ' 5 at the Grand. Central Palace, sail later, OFFERFOR JORDAN. Shipmvery ents heavy oafii haeaelvyk goonded rlaiativeire,bigeenht (mashed through the Istill'aing, burying aeeoriling to to -day's World that rates went went into effect. Particularly y bed benea-th the debris. ime Gorky was unimportant. FIFTY ACRES FOR AN EXPERI- Manitoba and the Northwest. The gro- liii.ld me "A second clanntey fell a few feet. be - aa I ruseed down the hall. souse in any way in this country," was - "I do not believe he has harmed the heavy -thipmente are being made to MENTAL FRUIT FARM. eery trade has a quiet tone, although e We stopped to watch the soldiers, the wav he answered a question as to _____ business is heavier than usual at this eremen and. policemen who, with time haraeter of Gorky. time tf the year. Ontario collections bers from tbe. wreckage, were et work Or' e. , , , He ts an idealist ana a romanticiste' Mr. Monteith and Mr. Rittenhouse, west are, in some eases, a, little leo mg. on the front of a burning frame build- ', , f tl tl • .t. .. . tr tc Imo here. He eame at his own free will Negotiations in Progress Between Hon. are reported good, while those from the • ",; seta the youug fighter, 'Nobody sent in p e. There has been considesrable• lee fi•ont o le nee -s m ( y s t - . in hopes that hie great name might in - His Old School Section. improvement in retail trade here during tet,i;lutiirellifibtl,elicileiaotiuk tittialett ructure •was a ., s me the Ruseians in thie eountry to Who Has .Already Mine Much for en. et ee• A il..watch 1 rom Guelph vays that the la.st week. Whdesale trade ie am tuna who pleaded piteously with the i aid. their brethren on the other side." I 11TIne4.hoheNittlirleaciilld titre, and Mr. M. le Rittenhouse, a me ing trade in dress goods and the move- i b1)shroalittersss hinpLrojected arta told to go to New York. He said Maximo said last night that lie was lion. Mr. Monteith Minister of Agrient- tive in, all lines. There is e fair sort- called. by the Revolutionary Committee tive of ,Tordan, Louth townehip, Lincoln efoen,t of hardware is heavY, whilo ro. i from tee wreckage. With bis free- arm that Rime be s. tarted from Rusia be had eminty, who line made a fortune in the • cers report a fairly good trade. Whole- he tried to help the wovkere by imIling . been elven several hundred thousand doe lumbering business in Chicago, met at sale grocers report e.orne slowness in oat- at elle timbene Hie eyes bulged from tars fiCir the revolutionatm fund. al (allege. -oil Sat- leetions, but money seems to he fairly tili,eir soeketa One by (Inc the men were 7 , -:-. - Imlay and di-eussed the proposed aztab- plentiful in the country, where trade ri unveil Niel: by the approaching flames the Ontario Agrienitur Ikliment at ;Ionian of an experimental new moving early wa. seeding opera. mittillia,t 14ast only one, a soldier, remain - PRESSED INTO SERVICE fruit farm. Mr. Ilittenhou,e, who lets Lions are be,ginnin,g with -excellent pros- e.e.:, ,(4.4,),(40....lar.cee,,was blistered by the heat. eiven hie old school seetion it fine selloole Peete, .. . y the soldier shouted as, a Want, with garden lauds; and an excel- 'V totem end . Vaneoaver : There is' Vtletiiite tifligiiii,ige. swept neound the cornet The place wee a roaring lent library. and also an nesembly ball of great activity m all lines of industry . modern design ds offering, to the Gov- [noel the coast, and the .proepetts tor hell. The soldier picked. tip Ids rifle, which waii standing against a, broken (ailment free fifty ;levee of land, to be eil, linen of business continue of the meet as an experimentalbraglitest farm of the na- timber, iina turned to go. From where Ha mentioned, on conditions not ,yet, milton: T.here trade in summer now.it more it . we stood we could see the voey timber 1 ore made public.. eortiag mer lines and reettl:ial that held. the man down emeke, Ills ia For several years the fruit growers; of traill genera:1y is brik s.. Country trade l,l,r1or Goa's sake, sboot me,' Ile beg- a.,int monethelte were Ahmed. the Niagara distriet have been urging ie fairly actav.e and arrivals of, produce thm e Governent to establiomen- eh an en- here are heavier. Collectio.ns are fair to god. His voice T0Se clear above the roar eountry, anti thie year influential delege. a goocl trade in all Mice.. fisnomlatise.r turned anti went back mental fruit form in that part of. the gond. bald the all . tlook continues to favor of " triltt ee thine hitve waited. on Iron. Mr, Monteith London i Retall and wholesale trade is . to within 2S feet of the malt and paid generally opening out %tell, and. ship- , , .,-, 1 4. 4. i 4 son ethieg,. I could not bear what he meats of Amide to country pointe all , c,i 4. said. JAberk ae Salr.e.45. OD Walk: away. heavy. Local mentifttettirers eontinue -"omen: me before von go.' the man busy and the enovenient of retell lin-es is yelled. The soldier tro";ned quickly. Die ties malefactor -1c OtteAve: Trade Ablation here email* ....-........,...---. ' (Tacked mid the blood Spurted front the head of the man rifle was lit bie :shoulder. The rifle "I eovered my .eyee and walked me" ..............-44.40.-. now active. . and Ins eolleagnes with this end :n mote The queetion Wag under c1lnsider:m.)11 when the Rittenhouse proposition Math', Alla taler0 14 reason to 13t41.0ce t Itat the negotiationg 0 hieh liave folIowof will reach it satisfactory conclusion. 1 he deems of the Minister ,of Agrieulteire as • that, whether a farm iS eetabliehett wliolly by the Government or vnlit tee •aseatanee of Mr. Ilittenbouse ney otliors who are earneetly interested 10 the idea, it fdionItl be only on the dis- tinct understanding that its ivettetiness Omani not be confined to a limited. mem but that the wilier Niagara pentintila, and. as far ite poesible, the wbole Pro- einee. should tit it participant in the :Isentfite exiting from the expetimeete carried on and tit coulee fif trainver given theme Suitable linildinge. whoa tieed not neemfsarily cost melt nem ty. would have to by proyideil. 'the stair would, no doubt, be soleetell from Cott of the Amieultnral College or Po grad- uates, BANK LIABLE. Toronto, Ant., April 23.- (Special): - Judgment was this morning rendered by the Com•t of Appeal whieli &elates that the Bank of Menthol is held liabIo to tho Dominion Government for $70,009, the amount of about it dozen elmelte forged on the Militie Department by it man named 1\ fartineen now in jail. The bank trial to get indemnity from ether banks, •tvhieh cashed necks, eller they liptI been honored, by the firet bank. ft, T. Somers ninf Co.'e elevator. Bee. ton. Ont., with 3,000 to 5,000 busliele of grain, Witt burned on ,Sunday morning. IMEON LEAsts CANCELLED, -- The Bronson. & Hay ConcestiOn tneluded in the List. (wawa, April 22. ---The llovernnient lies deehtel to terminate half a dozen hydraidie leiteee on the "Yukon 011 ne- e:mitt -of the et ineesqicalaires failing to early Out the terms of the leitee. Among than is the Bronson & Ray eoneeeame which wee recently die -missed in the Home. Other conmaniee have been in. ferinal that if they do not fulfill their obligatione title ;veer they will also fer- Nt their leases. In VAR, of cilia Iled leaeee, if the trews are willing to tore - COMPELLED MAN TO HELP SAVE' WOMEN AND CHILDREN. Salt Lake City, April 23,--1)r. Ceo, V. Sehramm, a young medical graduate, says: "As 1 was passing down Market street with a new-found friend an auto- mobile came rushing along with two sol- diers( in it. My doctors badge protected me, hub the soldiers invited tny com- panion, it husky six.footer, to get into the automobile. Ile saki: don't want to ride, and have plenty of business to attena to." Once »tore they invited him, and he refused, One of the soldiers pointed n. gun at him and said: 'We need such men AS yOU to save women and Aitken, and to help fight the fire.' The Man Wita 011 the way to :ina his sister, yet he ykhlod to the inevitable. Ile worked all day with the soldiery, and when released to gel hineh lut felt that he could eonseientiouely desert to find his own loved ones." WRIT FOR DAMGES. Toronto, April 23. - (Speeial).- -E. C. leingeuell, of Irctileybuty, has bowel it wtit against A. M. Wiley, and 11. A. Wil- ey, Port Arthur, B. Pardee, Sarnia, John It MeCaul and Annie MeCaul. :Sault SW. Marie, fled MON. iliWnight. of Mintier, bele for 314,970. amount of wagee rine commiesion elaimal for man- agement of mining property known as Wiley Is7uggett Plaint in Niemen town - Ship. TRIED TO KILL 1The Wingliam Advance WHOLE fAMILY,1 Theo. Hall Proprietor, Mother and Two Children Lose Their Lives by Gas. Husband and Two Sons are Awaken. ed and Saved, Philadelphia, April 23. ----Mrs. "Slary lethal and two of her four ehildren, nged 15 years, and Annie, aged 12 yeare. were asphyxiated during the night by illuminating gas. Tho awakening of Kraft robin, the woman's husband, MIS the Means Of saving his own life and tee Rime of their two sons. The tragedy followal a dispute between Mr. and Mrs. FLOM last night., but is said by the police to have been the result of a long nurtured plan 011 the part of the woman, who, they Fay, was demented, to exter- minate the family. She is 3111(1 to have repeatedly threatened to kill herself and het. family, WALES HOME WITH BRIDE. -- Chief of the Cameron Clan Weds Lady Graham. London, April 22.--Loc1(-ief, chieftain of the Comerons, Ime ravened to the /Heenan -as, and taken it bate: name to Aelma carry. '1'h' tom eco ing Vas per- haps the most Wyllie of int kind ever reported. On March 2e Luelliel was married to Lady Hermione Gealuon, daughter of Lime Deice of Montrose, at All Sainte' Church, EnuleMore Gar -amen The number of relations on beth sides Ten- dcrea it impossible for the marriage- to be other than it great public function; moreover, the union joinea the hones of Cameron and Graham. Canon Fleming, in his address after the marriage cemmony, said: "Your union to -day le a romantic one, for in the past history of Scotland, the houses of Cameron and Gralunn fought side bi^ side in battle, and to -day they stand side by eide muter the canopy of peace awl the banner of love." Se when Lochiel arid his ,beide- re- turned to the •ancestral home of the Camerons it might hove been thought tlett the occasion would have been made- one of public rejoicing, but there was no publicity, no advertised junket- Theyoung ,chief first took his bride to the little inn at Tomdmoun, in Glen- garry, and the next day- the two start- ed. forth to walk home, 7 nines, across the mountaine, repelling Loch Arkam, so famous in all the stories of Prince Chailie, where a steam launch WaS waiting to carry Lochiel and his bride to Achmtearry. The piper piped thein a welcome as they walked up to the house, but thn-t 31115 the only eound that greeted them. Never has a piper dna in the red. Loehiel tartan blown it welcome for it handsomer ehief and his britla FOUND DEAD. -- RENFIELD JOHNSTON PROBABLY FELL FROM LADER. Dead Body Found in Hayrack Beside Ladder Leading to Loft -Inquest Ordered -Wesley Stouffer Dies in Jail. Sa1, April 22. -Considerable mys- tery surrounds the death of Renfield Johnston, which occurred about noon to- day. Ho was 23 years of age and had been employed on the paving gang on Christina street. He was at the Hotel Northern yesterday morning and at noon ono of the stablemen found his lifeless body in it hayrack adjoining the ladder to the loft. He evidently had fallen into the hayrack from the loft above but it is not known whether death resulted from the fall or whether deceased. was over -taken by a sodden illness and roll- ed into the opening. An inquest wilt be held to -morrow. Deceased came from Forest, txml was formerly it bartender. Wesley E. Stauffer of 242 Maxwell street, a carpenter, who was on remand at the jail had an attack of heart fail- ure in the cells yesterday and wns taken itiit. oigtihe hospital. He died during the -8:! --- CHINESE ARRESTED. Two Wagon Loads Taken in Toranto Gambling Raid, Toronto, Aptit 23. -Twenty-three Chinamen hem all parte of the city were taken on Saturday night in a. rant- er sepeational raid on the Chinese tea fuel grocery ehop at 101 Queen street wan. There was something like constem- ation when Staff Inspector Arehibald of the Morality Department and half a doze11. police offieers made a descent on the place about 8 o'clock. Cards awl other things believed to be part of a gambling outfit, and opium pipes seen in use, were confischete.d. Three claimed to be keepers of the place. They are Quoeg How, convicted of gambling a few months ago; Ching Geo fled Geo, Hong. One who gave the name of Lem John Sant is believed to be Sing tee, also arresten in a preriOnS rilitL The Chinamen were all released on ball, to appear this mornieg in the Po. lice Court. BURGLARS MILD). ATTEMPTED TO ROB THE C. P. R. SAFE AT DEDFOBD. Bedford, Que., April 23.----(Spe.eitt1).- A daring attempt WAS noulo early this morning to rob the safe at the C, P. R. station, but thanks to ite stroitg re- sisting powers, the robbers; wero The inside door ef the safe withetood the explosion of nitro glycerine. There Was it large amount of mintey itt the side. A number of villagers, including the ellief of pollee, heard tbe oxplosion, bet paid, 110 attention to it, Thel onlv clue loft by the dee/imitate; 1.1711.4 a bottle, marked "Nitro glyeerine." It bore the name of a firm of druggists itt llosten, Mass. Vp to boon today no travel of the men had been felled, *MO BIG TOBACCO EACTORY. 'Nfentreal, April 23. speeis1). - Mang for one of the largeet tobiteeo fee. thrive in Canada me now being peepered for the A Melded!! Tobiteeo tee, and when completed it will tover at least 10,000 squaw feet of land. The tentipany ex. T'"ee( e 1 epend $250,000 00 ite new plaet. The new ptopetty will 4o•upy an entire bloek. DR. AGNEW PHYSICIAN, SURGED* ACCOUCHEUR. Office :-Upstairs in the Macdonald Block. Night calls answered at office. J P. KENNEDY, M.O., M.C,P.S.0 • Member of the British Undleal Association) COLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE. Special ;Mention paid to Diseases of women and children, Onion Hoirits:-1 to I p.m.; 7 teen" DR. ROOT. C. REDMOND A': 8: P: Physician and Surgeon. (Office with Dr, Chisholm) ARTIIUR J. IRWIN D,D.B.,L.D.B. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the ren. nsylvania ()allege and Licentiate of Dental Surgery of Ontario, Office over Post Ofrice-WINGELLH DR, HOLLOWAY DENTIST BEAVER BLOOIC WINOHA 31 VANSTONE • BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to loan at loweetrates. Office BEAVER BLOCK, 7-95. WINGHAM. DICKINSON & HOLMES Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Office: Meyer Block Wingham. E. L. Dickinson Dudley Holmes J. A. MORTON BARRISTER AND SOUCITOR. MONEY' TO LOAN. Office :-Morton Block, Wingluun WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO. Established 1840. Head Office GUELPH, ONT. Risks taken on all classes of insurable pre perty on the cash or premium note system. Teams GOLDIN, CZIAO. DAVIDSON, President. Secretary* &GENT, JOHN RITCHIE, WINGIL&M ONT 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS copyDREIGSHiorNssae. Anzone sending a sketch and description may Autekly ascertain our opinion free wbetbor an wentlon 18 probably patentable. Communica-- ons strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent tree. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice, without charge, Milo cientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Tingest Mr. °elation of any scientific) 1007n5l. %MA , 53 a r: Sour month8, Botd byall newild niers. UNN & Co 361Broadway, New ark Branch Office. G25 h' lit., wit:am:eon, D. C. IPROMPTLY SECURED Write for our interesting books " Inventt. or's Help" and "How you aro swindled." semi us a rough sketch or model of your in- vention or ituyrovement and we will telt you free our opinion 118 to whether Itis probably patentable. Rejected applications have often been successfully prosecuted by wt. We conduct fully equipped offices in luoutrea1 and / Washington • this qualifies us to prompt. ty dispatch work'anclquickty secure Patents as bro id as the invention. Highest references furnisbed. Patentprocured Orono Marion & Ma- rion receive special notice without charge in over boo newspapers distributed throughout the n minion. Specialty :-Patel,t business of Manufac- turers and lingincers. MARION & MARION Patent Exporti and Solicitors. ) f etientic Elleg,witaiington fee. Offices; f New York Life 804'g, ',entreat Two Tragic Deaths. Sarnia, eepril 22. -Carpenter Wesley Stauffer, who was in jittl here, had an kW.]: -01 heart failure yeetnelay, nail died imi the hospital thirino, the night Renford Johneton, 24 SPUN, old, finer:- erly bartender at the Northern 11 one here, was found deed in the stable hayrack theee to-dity. lie probably fell from tee luty-loft. Dr. Bradley will hold an inquest. A Great Trial Trip. London, April 22, --The Empress; of Britain, the Cenanian Pacific Railway Company's new ateameitip, to -day concluded her trial trip around Ireland front Glasgow to Liverpool. She enceun- terea a heavy sea, hut made a splendid performance. The. Empress of Beitain will sail on her maiaen trans-Atlantic voyage on May 5. •4. 40.-* Four Burned to Death. New Yrok, lives were lost early today in a fire wilieh swept away a eteble 11101 0 row of threastorey frame flat holism in West Seeomt street, near Perk Pelee, Coney Island, end near- ly thirty families: ore eenderal homelees. The need are: Donnie McGrath, :vat 75 Years; Voter ,Metliath, his Km 35 years old; Joint Brown, 34; .Iftinee Gar- vin, 98, *10.*** IDENTIEI ED 11ACKETT. Montreal, April 23. (Speeial).- At the inquest into the death of Edith Ahern today jamee Ittaddoek, a new whites% iderdified llaekett ne the tune be saw with the girl about the time of the intw- der. Meveral ether witneeeee also Wen. tined Mtn, some of WI10111 flaW 111111 heal' the fatal woods.