HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1906-04-19, Page 3KCi«tC4Ciri L pj This is the season when troubled by the occurrence of hills ICING *UM 0 women, both court; and middle-aged, are spring eruptions, either on their own faces and bodies or the faces and bodies of their children. Spring heat spots are so many indications that the brood is out of order. In nine cases out of ten a sluggish liver is the root cause of pimples. The liver, when thus disordered, fills the blood with impuri- ties and these impurities have to escape by way of the shin. To cleanse and invigorate the liver is the surest way to purify the blood. Bileans for Biliousness act directly upon the liver. They purify and invigorate it, and thus enable it to cleanse the blood and remove pimples, eruptions, spots, etc. They act gently upon the bowels, thus curing constipation. They tone up the digestive organs and cure bilious loss of tone—an ailment very common in the spring. Bileans contain no trace of the harmful mineral substances and poisons found in most liver and stomach medicines, or NO ALOO IOL, They are purely vegeta- ble, and suitable for even the most delicate constitution. A LONDON LADY'S PRAISE Miss Alice King, of Westeoat Park, London, says :•• "Au eruption broke out all over my body, and the medicine I was given did not remove it. Instead of improving, the rash and pimples got worse and the irritation was almost unbearable. I consulted a doctor but he gave me no more sat:nfaction. I then tried ia'ileans for Biliousness, and almost from the first there was an improvement. Tho irritation began to lesson then the spots grew less and gradually began to disappear. After I had tauten two or throe boxes of L'ileans not a spot or pimple remained. I was also better in general health than I had been for some time." BXLISANS FOR EtLEOU N $S—the great herbal household medicine --caro pimples and taco sores, constipation piles, livor doable indigestion and all digestive disorders, female ailments, headaches, bllioutness sick headache baet rn tho mouth, foul trouble, i, dizziness, fainting, buzzing poises ill tho heal!, feelings of uncomfortable fulness evenaf' tette meal wind pains, anernla. debility, oto, ahoy also act as a general tonic, and by improving the tone of tirwhole toe s; stem onablo it to throw off colds, chills, rheumatism, oto. 'Choy Improv the general circulation, and aro a s, :led girls and weak women. For all purposes to which a housottoid remedy is put Bilenna will bo found of excellent sery service. Blleans arc obtalnublo from all druggists and stores at 50 cents por box, or direct from the Eileen Company, Colborne Street, Toronto, upon receipt at price. 6 boxes for $2.50. •:< :<': i:tK •t 4. '(t -t. •trit, TIF LONELY SUMER HUSBAND: Edith Sessions Tupper Thoughtlessly Gives the Gay Old Boy Away. aiCO�'WA9fi'iYS .P This is the time of year when the para- graphers and those who write heart-to- heart articles for ladies' home magazines begin to sympathize with the poor father and husband, toiling and sweltering in the city, that his wife may display her finery y o n the summer mater resort piazzas and his daughter may dance the Louis Quinnheels off her satin slippers. Ho is pictured as working all day in a hot, stuffy office, eating a dismal meal in a downtown restaurant and going to bis home to spend a dreary evening, all by his lonesome, Alas, poor husband 1 poor father! Iia, ha 1 Oh, fudge! Don't you worry about the old man. He will manage to take pretty good care of himself and sit up and look pleasant while waning the return of his loved ones. Of course, every day or so he writes a really heart-rending letter to his folks, telling them that life is a desert in their absence; that he has been nowhere and has seen no one and counts the days un. til they return. That's all right. He never forgets to inclose a good fat check and tell them to stay a fortnight ; longer or take a run up to the noun-: tains or down to the shore, as the case may be, Wise old fox 1 40..11140 It's a fearful responsibility to bo the head of a family, particularly if that family be all of the female gender. Just think what it means for a man to be ' eternally at the beck and call of four or five women. Think of how many tinges he has to climb into his evening clothes during the winter, Think of the many ' nights he is deprived of sleep by the late tarrying of Gwendolen's beau! Think of his bills 1 Think of the gabble lie is forced to endure! 1 And then think what a rest, what a calm, a sublime pence, must steal over I him when the train aetually glides out of the depot, carrying his load of women;r end leaving him standing on the plat- form waving his handkerchief and earn- estly striving,to look sad. • Consider te quiet of the house when he lets himself in that night. No dressaaessesseso - • se. '). •.7i V, ing for dinner, no beaux, no chatter, no demand for money. Why, I should I think it would seem like heaven avn tohim He can wear his old clothes, smoke pipe, go to bed as early as he pleases and not be wakened e d bygiggling atthe ere ggg g foot of the stairs and a smothered, "oh don't, Harold," and feel that it is h duty as a father to arise and eough the upper hall. He goes to business next morning with a singular feeling of light-beartedness He whistles over his papers and desk He taps his confidential man on the shoulder and the smiles a 3 ri t the stenogra- pher. He realizes that he ought to be shrouded in gloom. But he isn't. During the day he meets four or five friends similarly afflicted. Condolences are exchanged and prclitninaries settled. And that evening the rattle of ivory chips on the library table is heard in the land. .As tbne goes on he comes to know where cooling drinks are served; that there is an oasis in the desert of life and that palnetrees grow on roof gardens.. Then he finds solace in box parties at the latest musical extravaganza and smiles genially et the show girls as they' corse pirouetting and pe teoc .ing over in his neighborhood. Ole don't you worry about papa. being lonely. i.to the ee.aeluore with a very short bath- ing dress and very low evening gowns; when, despite the fact that she is flirting with Jack Tabasco and Billy Cayenne and Dick Curry, she 'writes hubbyback in the hot, stifling city that she is hay- ing an awfully slow time, she ought not ! to expeot that her lord is turning in at 8.30 every night, However, she doubtless would be a tri- fle disturbed could she see him with a wet towel round his head feverishly clutching the ice pitcher early in the • morning. It would not be quite the pic- a turn her fancy painted of her beloved .toiling early and late to pay her board at the &h sl r o e. As for Ananias Up -to -Dake: when he is sits down and writes this birdie that he is in desperately lonely and lift wibhout her is e, dreary waste he says nothing of the little red -treaded widow ere took out to • supper the night before, nor sloes he • mention that tired feeling and the dark brown taste in his mouth. And when he shaves himself with shaking hand, won- dering whether he will cut his throat before he finishes, he murmurs to him- self with a dreamy, far -away look in leis eyes: "Lucky thing for you, old mean, that mountains and seashores were in vented. "•-•.-1Mitlh Sessions Tupper, in Chi- o:tgo Chronicle. 4/4-4-******** w+ t ED VIE .. - li�oIKQTQ>silC WONALRS OF MANY KINGS, K NDS. No plausible explanation has yet be offered regarding the origin of the f inous sone of Ober-Aminergau, whi has a human face of sorrow marked the hand of nature on its surface. The stone was discovered by an Amer can lady on Mont I{opfel, overlooking the village of Ober-Ammer•gau, ftuuo for the "Passion flay." Geological e perts declare that it is natural and th no tool has carved. it. If this is tru Says the inquisitive scientist, then Ito yoke tho stone naturally marked? This is a question that is likely to pu zie mankind for so long a time as ti stone exists. Dr. Garnett, who has exile iced it, connot say more than that " is a great natural euriosity, more cur ous than anything of tbe same natu with which 1 ant acquainted, and, the history of its discovery is more curious still." In the Church of St. John, Piea, the is a stone that puzzles scientists eve mart titan does the atone of Ober -Am wergau. It is curiouslly marked wit! red, blue and yellow, incl the lines repr sent an old man with beard and with bell in. his hand, seated beside a sma stream. The stone fragment is suppose to contain a picture of the Redeemer. Mystery of Hawaiian Well, Stit.hop Doane, of Albany, w nxo s work t)IVaid the ubolition of thaw dir~gree evil is so well known, paused for a moment, in an t...nest ili'cussion of divorce, to narrate a pet anecdote, says tate l'ow York 'It thane. "'rhe motive of these people," he said, en his eye tstinkling, ' is like the motive of. a- a Seet t t.a was found ,weeping one slay ch by lsi: c et/fellable hearth. by `'lih, launders, mon,' said a neighs beta pt .iu in at the open door, ee- l* tracteel l y the souru:tf of woe, 'wind's "ilia' y e us "'Oh riser oh, dear!' lobed Saunders, x- 'Donal.! 'Mackintosh's wife is dead..' at "'Awr i 1,' said the neighbor. 'What o' e, that? she's no relation o' yours, ye ty ken.' "'I know she's nut,' wailer! .Sruuna< -s, z- 'I kaew• Tic's not. But it just sereue its to if ever; 'nidy's getting a revenge blit n- nie,' :' re THE SMALLEST "GATES" IN ME WORLD, ro WON'. ARS oi' ''JIIE HUMAN SKIN. A gate or openig so small that 2;800 i of tlient are inetnded on one square inch! • .Phis is wonderfully small, indeed, yet a such is the minuteness of the openings n or pores in the human skin. These pores d op •n and shut; expel tubstanees and take in other ubstauees, Below is en illus- tration t.r a piece of human skin highly rnagnified to show these pores. A water well bored upon a plantation rr at Kealia, Hawaii, presented a new pro• t_ blew to the world's scientists and they began to ask one another the question, "Does the earth breathe?" The artesian well at Kealia had a tube thirteen feet high surmounting the bore, and in this , Fhb NEW WOMAN That's what any woman is after a hot cup of FRAGRANT ibbon ion. t i �o pa, it chases away that old tired feeling and ti11a her with new life, S4 DEL OIOUS, TOO. -___.r ONLY ONE BEST—BLUE R1 38QN'8_ IT. PERFUMES U 2 EDICINES. earthcnlvuro of groat ltt.rdnetse and &tram Witty, which resists oarroslon by Midi, Physicians Attempt to Treat Diseases by of alteration by atinoepheriv iafltisacr,IN Working on Olfactories. It poor conductor of heat or eleetrielty has a specific gravity of 3.3, and le !It ' vis i white, e, w uc ,mat. DU. odoriferous exhalation.3 can exert a pow- vat'iecl to any desired tint by the >ad¢L, erfal influence on paxtteulariy sascept- tion of metallic oxides, fblo individuals, coon 'p�ioducnig maa•k- toughness,cwhich srermitss*too be bored, ed ract'vvus d#sturnauces, 1t has been cut, planed, or pol s ed- gitrtities tvh#ch. shown that perfume or odors produce generally belong to metros rather than nervous and rer, airsutor u•eflexes as well ceramics --this s'so f its a it ppopularly 1 y + called, by reason . its ingredients and It has long been known that certain eolnr a y ellol 1 1 it which h r as urtrearia and. vertigo. These matinee- peculiarities, "calcium steel," although tations are rarely single, but combined it is in no sense a metal and has no or alternate. Odors will also proctuce a relation whatever to steel. decided impression et times upon the -se digestive apo aiats. Among the syrup' {� touts arising in the latter condition are at 8 o clock in the morning the wate stood at a height of eight feet. Six hours later the water bubbled ove the top of tbe tube ie a steady stream .At 8 o'clock the next morning the wate had fallen five feet in the tube. Thi rising and fulling continued like clock work for so long as the tube was Left i the bore. It certainly was not cause by the tide, for no tide in the world. i 'regular. Scientists know this and the want to fathom the mystery of the re gular rising and falling of undergrouu streams, Why do mountains travel? is a littl puzzle that has stumped many grea minds for many years. Several engineeh went to Bengal some years ago to find out why the Maimana mountain, ne Gohna, had taken it into its head to move. This gigantic mass of earth start ed on its travels in 1893 and in Septem ber of that year had completely darn red the River Ganga. .Although the engineers made every possible effort to discover the reason of its shifting, and to stop the advances they failed, and a deep lake wets formed which rose till the new dam, unable to bear the vast pressure of water, broke suddenly. The flood turned a rich value, fifty miles long into a water -sodden waste and doing damage to the extent of many thousands of pounds. i (Section of piece of human skin magni- ✓ tied to show pores.) r Throngs .tl.es' p res (very healthy men - 4 and wo,i.an expel.; two pounds of impure matter daily. Completely stop up a e , nisees ioi es and he would die. d 1 When you put on to a exit or a sore s :the old-fashioned ointments containing y, animal fat and mineral poisons and eolur- . ing matter, these harmful substances d pass dolls the pores into the blood and ! are carried throughout the body! Zant- 1Buk rue: to a long -felt want in enabling o ' you to do away with your ointments, t :salves and embrocations to which the a above-named serious objections can be taken. S:nm-Buk is purely vegetable and ar is made from the essences and juices of rich medicinal plants. It carries health - ' to the wounded or diseased skin wher- - ! ever applied, Not only is Zam-Bugs - :superior because of its absolute freedom j from mineral poisons and rancid ani- mal fate, but it is sufficiently refined to be absorbed by the pores; and it has , { unsurpassed qualities ai a healer, Booth. er, and antiseptic. 1 What a household necessity Zam•Buk is, a letter from Airs. Foley, of Craignev- Y ine, Piltown, shows. "I must give great praise to Zaml3uk," she writes: "It hes proved efficacious for every use I have put it tn. The first came was an in- jured font tbat was very badly swollen. The nett um a burnt foot and open ware, from which Zam-liuk drew out all inflammation and helped new skin to • form. Other instances of its effeetive i use in cur hcusehold ere too num r u. -o mention. I have also often given some t Zam-Buie to neighbors to apply to face • blotches, and all praise it highly.' Zam-I:uk ie e. powerful remedy for - removing disfiguring s'po'ts,, eneiusta- tions, scabs, obstinate sores, running wounds, inflammation, peeling or seal- ing skin, scurvy, sore backs, for curing Bret legs, diseased tinkles, erysineln;3, ere, eczema, peoriaasis, scale disease, ' barber's rash, abscesses, boils, ringworm, Ichafed skin, nettlerash, freckles, blisters. stiffness, etc, Zam-Buk is the greatest , and meet universally used. balm in all !the countries where it has been introdue- ! ed. Obtainable throughout Canada from alt druggists at 50 cents a box, or post !paid orne£rom street�eToron o,llupoCompany, ree receipt oa- f t price. e Another Moving Mountain, Travers mountain to Switzerland has also stumped men of science. At the present moment it is crossing the valley in which it is situated at the rate of a few inches a day, and no one can dis- cover the reason of its stealthy crawling. Some time ago an immense wall of great thickness was erected around the moun- tain to keep it in place, but it is be- lieved that by and by the huge mass wile push the wall down as easily as if it were built of paper. Three scientists, two from America and the other from Britain, are reported to have spent several months in Corea trying to elucidate the wonders of that strange land. The wonders in question consist of a hot mineral spring which is supposed to heal anything from a cut to a cancer; two springs so arranged that when one is full the other is empty; a cavern in the mountains in which a cold, piercing wind rages perpetually; a large grove of pine trees which will sprout again directly they are cut down; a stone hich floats in space, and last, but not east, a rock which gives forth great heat, however cold the weather !night be The man whose wife leaves him for the summer is usually very fortunate in ono respect. There is always some kind and philanthropic lady to sympathize with diiin and take pity on his desolation. It is amazing how many women of broad sympathy and generous impulse remain in town for the summer, and if by taking at quiet drive or by dining out at a French restaurant they can relieve pa a's rtodiurn by ever so little they aro willing and anxious to console bin;. And ea while daughter is having the time of her life in the ballroom at the springs and ananinta is discreetly flirting on the piazza and telling her escort that really she as not, as old as ono might think with at grown-up daughter, papa is sipping his iced chanrpa.gne in a cool corner near an open window and a pink • frock. It's all right. IIe is having his vaea- tion too,. Ile grows young again, or fin• es e does. You have seen, have you not, an old, over-worked, tir•ed•out, horse turned suddenly and unexpectedly into a field of sweet clover? For a little while the poor creature is too glazed to move. It is too good. to be true. first, .he sniffs at the fragrant pink and white blossoms to sed if they are real. Then he. rolls over and over and springs up and cavorts hiid prances elumirly about, kicking up his stiff legs and making believe be is ri colt. But he isn't. After ell. We only a pror o ld overworked drayhorse out on a va- t itioe. But let him enjoy the doter and fancy himself r. colt stain, It 'will do him good. Whoa Mrs. Sapphire, Up -to -Date goes! - The Hens and the Phonograph. A Stockport poultry farmer has had • great trouble of late because !tis hens were not producing the proper number ef eggs. A nearby neighbor has a fine flock of liana which were working over- time to .proaatce egs}+s, While 'hanging over the back fence listening to the tri- umphan.t cackle of his neighbor's hens an idea struck the luckless owner of hens. He went into the house and brought out his :phonograph, inserted a blank record, and succeeded in getting a fine imitation of the cackling of the laying stens IIe then instaMled t, phonogeeph in this own hendtouse and started it going. The first day the hens were greatly anrazecl, but the second day they got down to business and ground. Iout an egg every time tloe phonograph cackled. The hens have stopped cock. ling themselves, however, and when the , gainer graph stops they atop laying and the originator of the idea has to sit in his coop all day long to keep the phono- graph going. Jail for Reckless Chauffeurs, (Philadelphia Ledger,) Some accidents are unavoidable in this world busy with traffic, People will get under the. wheels of the slowest going vehicle. The dray, as well as the motor ear, has a record. Despite this fact, the truth remains that a person slain by a reckless outornobilist generally is the victim of a worse, a greaser, ri more heartless callousness than is the one who memento; to the impact of tete trolley. The simple and easy way to tut the high- way of the peril that lies in the drunken or brainless direction of the swiftly moo• ing automobile is to treat the guilty elrauffeur as the eriminal .be Is, and to held slim and his accomplices on the ebargo -of manslaughter at least, as well as responsible for all the material dam. 'age, wrought. 74* • Old -Fashioned Simplicity. "Our dards were a lot of two -setbacks. weren't thevt" 'Deed they were. Why, those old chaps used to actually think that the 'Bled Crook' was Ind�eoont." nervous Women Their Sufferings Are Usually Due to Female Disorders Perhaps Unsuspected. A MEDICINE THAT CURES Can too disputa the well - /Lucent t tF �TMgX4 ! fact that Canadian • : women are ner- vous? How often do we hear the expres- sion "I am so ner- vous, it seems as if I should fly ; " or, /Efilr L !'owelt "Don't slpeek to mo, Little things annoy you and make you irritable ; you can't sleep, you aro unable to quietly and calmly perform your daily tasks or care for your children. The relation of the nerves and gen- erative organs in women i9 ao close that nine -tenths of the nervous prostration, nervous debility, the bluest sleeplessness and nervous irritability aria from some derangement of the organism which makes her a wotnahh. Fite of depression or restlessness and irritability. Spirits easily affected, so that one minute she laughs, the next minute weeps. Pain in the abdominal region and between the shoulders; loss of voice ; nervous dys- pepsia; a tendency to cry At the least provocation—all this points to nervous prostration. Nothing will relieve title distressing condition and p�arevent menthe of pros- tration and suffering so surely AO Lydia 1 . 'Inkhorn's Vegetable Compound. Mise Lelah Stowell, of 177 Wellington ICingston, Ont., writes; • Dear Mrs. Pinkham "Your efedicino is indeed a Godsend to suffering women, And I only wish thee they all knew what it can do Srutherm and utero would be no need of their drage¢ingg out miserable lives in agony, I buffeted for years with bearing -down pains, extreme nervousness and excruciating headaches, but a few 'bottles of your ve' eial.lo teen - pound made life look new end promising to ine- I am lixht and balmy end I do not know what sickness is acid I have enjoyed the best of health new for over font years. Lydia E. Pinkham'e Vegetable Compound teas sent sunehine into thousands of ]tomes and hearts." 'iVi11 slot the volumee'of lettere from women made strong by Lydia 11. I'ink- hatn's 'Ve�otable Compound convince all nommen ef virtues? Surely you eann- not wit% to remain ,sleet and weak end discouritged, exhausted each day, when you ma be ate madly cured aws other G DANGER. nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, and ,exees- luny People Weaken Their SyMteru sitrve stalivation. Nausea Is more corn' by Dosing With Nargasivsd bion this symptom being excited by Aiedictniea, stenches, as well as odors from certain flowers er plants. A spring medicine seems to be a noes - Odors, whether agreeable or disagree- sity. Nature demands it as an .kid to able, are not causes of disease in the enriching the blood and carrying off the sense generally taken, says the Medical impurities that have been accumulated Reared. They nay disorder certain during the indoor life of the winter functions by impairing nervous energy, months. Thousands of people, recognira by ditninistiinfr wholesome respiratiuu, ing the necessity fora spring medicine, mei tackthus by disease. ae d yet,strangtion to itt dose themselves with harsh, griping pure a gin,! yet, strange as is ,.natives. Tins is a mistake, Ask any may seem, scavengers, colleetose of night doctor, and his will tell you that the use soil or garbage, and labnrers in slaugh- ter houses or -tanneries do not seem to be particularly affected in consequence of inhaling the odors so prevalent in the vicinity of their labors. We are families with the assertion that emanations arising from manure set. as a specific in rheumatism, Severe taintnoss is sometimes observed to over- come persons upon their entrance into a room in width tuberoses are kept. Head - mho is often produced by the odors em- anating from the honeysuckle, lily, rose of Sharon ar carnation. The odor of be- tony, in flower, is said to h 1 intoxication an those who th t of purgative medicines weakens the sys- tem yr tens and cannot possibly cure disease, 1m the spring the system needs building up —purgatives weaken. "rhe blood should he made rich, red and pure—purgatives cannot do this. What is needed is a their', and the hest tonic medical science has yet devised is Dr. Wi11#ams' Pink Pills. Every dose of this medicine actual- Iy minces new, rich blood, and the new blood strengthens every organ and every part of the body, That is why these pills banish pimples and unsightly akin erup- ' , av'o evuxr tions. That is why they cure headaches gather i . and backaches, rheumatism and headache*he ef linseed decoctions, and alit, and a host of other troubles that the triturating •01 often TWOS, pinks, walnuts, oeme from poor, watery blood, That or colocofynth s are often aecempanied by r why the men and women ovbo use attacks syncope. Dr. `i'iiiiams' Pink Pills eat well and Snakeroot, or t black cohost, em a slee well. and feel active and strong. faint, disagreeable odor, which some leis Albert l . Sampson, L'Ardoise, N. S. times causes headaches and nausea. The oder from freshly ground coffee produces .sacs: "I have used Dr, Williams' Pink in some individuals a sickening seven- Pills with the greatest benefit. I know flan followed by nausea, ant do -tare in- of no medicine that can equal them be stances vomiting, but usually it is agree- building up people who are weak or run able once appetizing. These few illustra- down." tions will suffice to show the marked When buying these pills see that the nflueneo that may senteti 108 be exerted full name, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for over the nervous system by certain Pale People is printed on the wrapper odors, around the box. You can get the pills Attempts :have been made to utilize from any medicine dealer or by mail at actors in tlicraupeutics. For instance, the 50 cents a. box or six boxes for $2.50 from odors of vanilla and heliotrope are creel- the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co, Brock- ited with i>assessing a soothing inftuenea ville Ont. over persons subjected to attacks of ' the f iness. The use ef toilet water re TEN RULES THAT LEAD TO SUCCESS the form of spray will often essetore those exhausted with the cares of bust- 1. Take as much interest in your em- ncss, social or domestic duties. in the plover's basins>s as if it were your own, east the me of perfume is coneidei'ed a purifier, though we Iook upon it merely 2. Do not expect to get all you can as a luxury. It is asserted that those and give nothing. Do a little more work who are employed in laboratories where than is demanded. perfumes are made or among growing 3. Be -prompt. Show that you have an flowers are healthy to an extent exceed• interest an your zvorlc above a dosis for ing those not so employed. As a result au extra half -Hour in lied in theal ftorn- cnf furtltasr study anal careful observe- int Fou can't coma dowel a desirhour ion, itt may if that we serol! yet e able late exery morning and impress pour Wean o utilize peefume in the treatment of employer wish the idea that you are a emtasrr compluirrts, SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN wide-awake, active man or tvoman with • r oar interest in your work, . 4. Do your work well to -day, you won't have to do any of it over again to -morrow. There is no telling when it medicine 5. Be eheerful and willing. A milieu' ay be needed in bonies where there are countenance is not pleasant to look upon ttlo ones. Therefore, the prudent either by an employer or a customer. mother will always keep a box of Baby's Remember your pulling power with a wn Tablets on hand. These Tablets customer is one of your assets. The re- romptly cure indigestion, colie, soar verse will be your loss. Be courteous, tomach, constipation, diatrhoea and Do not thrust your own troubles and teething troubles. They break up colas, fnharmony upon those around you, It revert croup, expel worms, and gine the I NOTES FROM INDIA. The Census—Liberty of the Press --Jap Officers. According to the latest Indian census, m 'that of 1901, the population of India was • li 204,301,056, and the total number of peo. 0 ple employed in various capacities by the p Government was s 4 2' 1, 00 6. r f 0 these 245,803 were partially agriculturists, and about as many more were employed in P occupations not strictly official, thus 1 ti leaving about a million who could be I t culled Government officials. From an official statement prepared i for Lord Curzon in 1904 it appears that out of 1,370 Government officials draw- ing salaries of $4,000 a year and over, a 1,263 were Europeans, 15 Eurasians or sa half castes, and only 02 were n...tives of ca India. Those drawing salaries ranging from $300 up to $4,000 a year numbered 26,908, of whom 10,283 were Indians and 1 those mostly alt the lower scale of salar- les. The question of the liberty of the press in India has been brought up through I N the removal of the Statesman, air Anglo- Indian newspaper of Calcutta, from the list of papers supplied with official docu- ments, for leaving published Lord Cur- ee ton's note on the partition of Bengal, an which was not issued to the press. The Government demands a public apology ove for the action of the editor, which the fie proprietors refuse. The Statesman is supported in its action by the Indian m press and all the other Anglo-Indian AI newspapers in India except the Calcutta Englishmen. By an arrangement reeently eoncluded between the British and Japanese Gov- ' ernments, and arising out of the Anglo - Japanese treaty, a number of Japanese military officers wilt sown arrive in In- dia, and be attached to the Indian army, in order to study the whole Military or- ganization of British India, and especi- ally the problem of the defence of the northwest frontier. They will be distri• bated among tile various commands and will remain in the country twelve months, or a tenger time, if agreed on by the two Governments. A party of offieers of all arms belong]rtg to the Angio -Indian army will proceed at the same time to Japan to study the Japan- ese military system. The Arrangement is snits not to be liked ea the army in India. Speaking et the eonelnsion of the eta. (dal conference held at Ilenares, the presi. dent, out', Justice Cltnndavarkar, said that the greatest achievement of tete year had been the remarriages of eyeletva, of whielt there had been 123 in British India, • is a poor investanent, hiid sound, natural sleep. Mothers have 6. Bo conscientious. Don't lake too ie guranteed,of a Government naralyst much interest in ball games, theatres, hat these Tablets contain no opiate or Parties, etc., or you may find that you oisonous stuff. Mrs. J. C. have not much time left to give to your ildart, Prosser soothing Brook, N. B., says: 'work. Don't have a relativr die too often. funerals sometimes grow mon- Baby s Own Tablets act like magic when otonous to an employer during the base - little onto is i11, and 1 would not feel ball season or on matinee afternoons. fe without a box in the !house." You 7. Do not make the same mistake n get Baby's Own Tablets fTieltlyie°111:er twice medicine dealer or by mail at ;cus8, Do not Iet your thoughts beIwalre 1,1e,_ box fromthe Dr. ji'itiiams wool-gathering if you expect an increase ' ----rtville, Ont. of salary on pay-day. 0, Do not shirk your work and be ai- CALCIUlYI "STEEL," ways thinking of the money aide of the proposition. Give good value for the of What Its Name Leads One to money you receive and you will be sure Expect^ to succeed. 10. Put eouraelf in your employer's Calcium steel, a. reverie French per- place and figure out what kind of an lain, recently brought to notice, is not employee you would hire to get the most y form of steel or any other metal, but out of your business. 'Itlten set your - ceramic product, made by baking in an self to be that employee. a, a paste made of finely -pulverized 'there is no short, easy road to suo- ldspar, sand and line in eertain sped- cess, but it is well worth travelling.-- d p.•oportions. These materials, being Printer's Ink. ixed with water and worked into a _ ; - e astie paste resembling seutptor's clay, The felIow with money to burn is sa- nd then baked, produce a poreelitin or ways somebody's flame. .A Sure Way, Tire Nogales (Ari.) Oasis sayat "From Cub* conies 4 report that oto day last week an American letneher in that t•i- e#nity, fearing h descent by "Siagnis, poisoned a demijohn of ;mescal and then absented himself frena home over night. Returning the next dale be tonna t3 deed Sud#aM in and about the home."' 7e Owe the Lat'ded Stock rod tattoo It The Werth; It covers weer a cltybtoek Contains over 10 acres of floor ]space, tool More. Site of our o. i.e 3;1e:;128 300 office people, 150 trosarrdtera gad we use fifty tnitlion tetter beasts and envetories every year. A Olt.load every 30 days. Our stent{cat laboratorryq i5 one of the best. Our office is one of the +g�-eat slights of the businets world. 14140Y,,vert Midi Can0Cro; advertise large e"ddi"es, We lnvite you to villi ow factory and sec that we have everything res claim. Sttauufactureci Hard Guaranties by International Stott Feat C,. • " inlet; stream Slate reed" ']ntera4tlonai� ]tt� F..d'a "tararnanoaal llsare Cura"' "'lnierostional Louse Mei' ` "Sntarnetlori i'pora lcwiap"' t'"inleraatioaat laledest'E r.' ' ]aiarasiloaa! 1311 Core" - �'lntern5tlosul eel Acme , • Shier Pine i eali Oil latetasllestsl limiest' "iale.neti,r sl eomvoteo1 Ab,oraeal4 ",a!ernsttossl! gSbeg, Dipp+" "]alernattatteirl:e,)Chloro" "]riernatlona18solOInlmIs* "Sim Pettit Shale f•i la ttael" "Ialernatlonat llaraess 2ue Alla"Jewel ls:adstara" ass !lsealerr, anti Jewel Chick And�t,nFwd. I)ANY PATCH 15.- S:IAi i II `REEe. tVe lavet} beautiful b @guar ktare of our a lu ntpioul Pacer, Ds* Acte:t 1 t55l1, Size 16124. stet of sovertisuir. find )kture for fraatiaslt. gives all the records made be our vi<clag wonder. We will rash you one free Co,tape pprepaf4, 0 yo,r 'rout wilt! ua hots mOch stook you owit.8nd mine tars seater. Write et once to ib3TCt1NATIOKAL STOOK FOOD CO., All000toolls,'Mtna., U. t 4. i