HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1906-04-05, Page 2Stald ay ttatathutafiel.lsrer, itvl no; yey tn ,lowish mins a deejter soriow Potatoes, per bag aniemeness, tban it oven dees to ours.. for they re- Onions, rev bag ... INVE1NA1ONEI.1, LEst;1'14 TKO. HI. gardea childlessness as a quiet ealan- •Celery, p.. -r damn &PIM, ine 3.01a0 1 ity. ana the less of offisprente as a dir- Ilecf, hindquarters . eet maniebnicat for sin.' -Farrar. Weep, 3)o., forequarters .... note -The large centrally came to ucep; ellelea, tareate • • Jesus' Povrer Over Diseete :sad Deatts•-•1 sem 1 with ben I Do., medium, earease. 7:1.17. 14. Touelieas-liere ;main, as in tile ease Mutton. 1 1 00 pampalet written by Count Toletol and mama in the fight. Commentarys-I. ',the centurion asks 'of the leper. our Lesril saerifleed the mere Neale Pea &mt. • • • • • • • 09 aird of Christ (vs. 1-3). 1. Ended -say- Levitieal ceremonialism, with. its rules Latilla per cwt. ... 10 30 11,10 entitled, "Is it PoWlder 1 ere tem.; kubee cud. or hloedy hatchet g --The sayings reeordea in the pre. :shout uneleanness, to a higher 1,w- t The inaugural of Ileum- C. Ide as Gov- • weree futut in the roma with the . . eeeding chapter, and in the seemon jnet Farrar. Dieredewish eoffirm were open,: 0 411 0 75- 0 7:1 0 at) 0 10 7 en Oa 5 7 On aell 1 Oa 1 0 fl5 1 01 41 ; 11 • 6 .25 2 site 1 e ell TOE NEWS !Winkel -a Itailread. lu the tumble•down Mtrueture a group of men !ought wah 1kuives and eatelicts, The 8b victim 'were literally bacaed to rims. a hat the mfom en ught among theselves, and were uot murdered by outwit:tit for revenge, • tie nisi at brit suppo-cd, is the timely 'slow advanced, although the police aie 0 Oa 'ot•the opinion that there are two. or - 0 00 1,1 01 • The aloremer pollee have eonfienate4 three man etill et, larg,e who were con - Tiff Wftli IN TRADE. -aster-Genet-al took plat* at Manila, to. .111°D; alatag evidence that ibrely man was preteeked. la the audienee-What Christ shat e tthe dead could be eeent but in' R. (1. Dun it: Co.: Traile reaerts ore day, with vitae ana military idieplay. aimed mite some sort of 0, weapon. eh; police scout the Mafia theory. 'llie Aid 11e spoke publicly. In seeret It the eitee of the poorer elasees there NY0111t1 still sonteuhat irregular. owing to wile-• • alie retiring American ninbassador to den were not co:matted for robbery, as .aid nothing (John xviii. 0). luta be no coffin, br t merely a Want sup• differine weather coalitions me un- austria-Huneare Pellet 'at° *0 ie. e • .1 t 1 1 Citpernemmei-Where most of His mielav deed* were performel. 'Yet His mir- aelea failed to produce repentautie Matt. xi. 23). 2. A centurion's s.er- vant-A centurion was 0. Roman °Meer. rankings with our eaptain, velo charge of one hundred men, 'Las cen- turion, thougb. Gentile, was faveralee to the Jqws, religiously inclined, gener ous and kind. The eervant was ram. ably a *lave. Dear unto Isine-Gr. "wbo wus in muelt esteem with Idala' "By this stateteent Luke means that thia was not an orainary slave, hat a faitlifd servant, dietinguithel ty massy excellences, and very higlay estee:nee by bis master." This metual affeetion between master and slave ia very tette:s- ing, especially wneeer we ceneLler arm tality that so often marised the slavere of the aneiente.-Willemek. "Ilemaneten should learn to exerclee esteetlesestseete and kindaine•set to those elle later f them, and the eine:lots-ea samila Mare to earn ret and c•-•- . sestet ; faithful sere. lase en-re:eye: at net to regard his workman :Is a mew. ma- eleine, to be weal up and t eseel aeaat.- \Vas elek-ek a the pole:, ly tormented teleat. vile. ea ReaSly die -"At the rs)int aieoth."-R. V. 3. Hearel of Jasus---iaa his arrival nt Capernaum. He must have known a miracles before this. Sein eaters -The leading men -the is:meat:awe of Capernaum. elle sent titeee, pole -deo. because he thought they evosild aave a ported by two poles. on wejen the dead t•asineis reeearenee, the killer sstuetton. . , . . . tin bex on. the floor of the room was turned to Vienna from Egypt today. would be laid. t say -Life and death Itt e 'me seetiene of the etaitetry spring - Puna a. check for $373, made out to are controlled by the will of this "lei =lee et fatentattel by satisfrectory ten- ' Ile Pelle today received in private udience Archbishop Ireland. of St. Patti, e! mature, lett at other points eoll ant a ?Sokoto Manta The box also cola:dual Arise -At last death has islet its alaste $31,10 in Italiart goid eatees and $100 in It is the same 1-01„ that shall hereafter storme. retard distribution of seasmaliat alld Right Rev. ;fames etermariek, Bishop awaken not one. but all ti dead. The Iller-'11ani-is/‘• Maaattaetdaiait Planta ay.' • a Tn11116- Ameriean curremer. e•leveral satchel.; Lod of both werlas. who holds the keys 11•'t aeduelatt olltpufs. statisties for 1 .Tohn Neter. aetel 75, the oldeet awl "1 0 ala° timma, one being, marked 0 Nicalo Ilontri, It contained, the com- Marea prousleing to estaleileh new maxi- ;one, ef tlita moat etddely knoyea banksee ef death and of 'lade*, has spolten. olete eet of vestments of a Greek 1.. noun. re ter Is in many ineuteries, Ira the 'of troy, N. le Lima. last night at 1:1s ;elk priest. even to the mitre. In. this is:stem:1 were found eassports In liirkts11, An Aeglo-Gerneln yonvention has been Greek and French. • eme .,..t. ti.,,tr Nit r. .3 1.11 ',) sieved in Lo 'ea 'eta ine tht frontier of ; ne. e el hare a far deeper signifieance than the teer„Isht, rut ., t. es- CT • , C., t • • )1113.01! 'WV 1 tramp retaine an. eleinent of disturb - that he was fully restored to life. To his )other -But sub a miracle would 11!1°.-4 taa laatateleme demairls for • • . ; • • •ant lons are me„ teniperary eeneoitstien of a mother. T. las mate, _ter a retoorialereeking year in Northern Nigeria and the Cameroons so: miracle acetates ma I. That there is a buileine ast aerieetture t"etlins •111.1"1- !far as Lake Cliad. ITO CHECK sPREAD ea...timers 'road' wiroles:ale‘ dre'5' melee 1 The eerreeponaent at Cairo a the; " life teyona and that the soul einahntee . thee tainn the '1:ill:dr:Iv:al of timer, I le exist wlant eeparated from, the hody. emses ere emeeettee owl met f,eaneat • Mlle" Telegraph rep gin that Terhey 1 Taet Josue te the source ef immortal pea, ,of beta -oar from Beeton aer the ;free, tea, eisnttea s AI, Let altelat xi. 2.3, 261-01 fact, of all life. otatr the.; Ltr sariess-s all prat -loses re. 3. Teat we ehall held cur identity in the Zemas. Soft roads retard the move:no:it I The rev,hitim:i,t, Wariaw. oF CONSUMPTION. of teeth' to market Intl impale the re. selau pelmet, have muonneel thoir ia. CANADIAN .ASSOCIATION ADOPTS la. :tention to denare a geaval strike ie other weret-the sante persons, only mamma" ivarn tiaras in merebruellee at many NUMBER OF SUGGESTIONS. ha Caine a fear -A eense of solemnity •teriew pelnts, but this is a eeasoname 'Prevent Cie Government from eentrame _ and reverential awe. Glorified Ged-The antlition, just as it is customary for -lag a new loan, miracle was witneesed by a largo com-'ilry peels jobbing sales to diminish at The report that the Internatimal Ex. Fittings of Conveyances -Appointment patsy of people. and they all reeoguizea =this time. hibition will be beld at Brussels in lita: of School Physicians and Instruction the haat ef Ged on the one who eouid 1 Toronto Live Stock. perform inlets mighty deeds. Great p30-! penmen% cf are meek since Thesaaa, as ireportml by the railways, were 74 ear- ebet-The ,Tews were at this time ex- reeting lilijab. Jeremiah, or one of the imaas, eentistiog of 1137 cattle, tit 1 hogs, 130 einem and 114 calves. great propbete to appear. 17. This rernor-l$ appears that the The quality ef fat cattle was none tee report of this miracle spread throughout 'good, taleen altogether, too many half all Palcattnet it reached the ears of John Ifinielnel ana too few goo.' to eholte !ens, the 13epttet, who wee imprisoned as Trade was fair at Tueeday'e quota - h • . thee,. Exp0rter.3-01te31e of these exporters Gentile, and evieleraly feareel :bat Chri-t . PRACTICAL AVPLICATIONS. winet not be mere than a efsuple of. loo.1.3 greater intlueuee with Christ. Is tt-as a 1 Limiest for buttere' purpeses there .might not reeeive aim. INiatinew . mem: Mount above circumstances (y. 2.).Thie which seal at $4.1•15 to $5 ten cwt. Ite• g eort bulls 't3141_ froln $3.50 to a -ten ant the centurion came to *Tema:. lie prk-leerturion was a Retreat 5,stater, Ire 111 ably' came later. for •Teesas evilentle enel.e - a-n1ang men whese Imes were and 1 extra. quality. at $1.30 per crit. directly to hinu and vet it is .1. ttetted e,,,,,,., ,urtvo.avied ley empaniellei WII?iie rneeel".13S-i.'11012; piekiil lots of leit• roma of speeee ge ettepeete the, att to peeeiens wore nal 31113..]. alta eatiVel,'SAlt.1s011 ..1.frl' Cattle ureter lee9 lbe. In V0 1, the person by Whese entaeritv it wasr''''17s°1 eeat to, rnIte fit despisea t.aeme sold at $4.75 to eel° per cwt.; load's ef performed." "Ile sheeted grea't respeet'tonr a elation memes tiognatma and base neva at *elate to $4.70 per cwa; medium i -e• 'ea lie- /onersers ns asern st (.0. 01 • to Jesus. ale 0.10:;e the re;st henorable • '" "" , "t"nat ' , -- 1 t it4 to $4.40; ceuenson at $3.50 to ant persons to approaeh ben. True; lininilltr • •””ra' '••still'IS enema-ea:laves, N.ere againtt i''''',VA at. $3.a.3 to $1.10 per cwt. does honor to a. simerhort a false lisimil- , era vet sf l•e aaa not been a Feeder:e and ato:kore-Mr. Minim see Ity sometimes leads one t.e be guilty ;sf -ices:ter:ma Ise lad. never see.n Capernaum; perm a little bele 'T tC110 to the etterk• if he tail net teen quartered in tliat city, or alla feeder nevelten. Prices tlidtat ma real respeet."-Honi. Com. Beseetelime le eaa ennet eant ••a senagogite" tv. 51; venoe ary, lest there were more looltiee him -Earnestly entreating him. These lett fer his servant's sielseess, lie miela for ;limn :int everything, fleet had .tny elders oftile Jews inns: have be-ens...name- revee leave almard of aee-us" ix. :a : 1;nt insalit y sold teatily. tir. alulby Linton ly attaelied to tait centering. Worria ler his tneett setretv Le Nt 011:a neva: have nieeut :no 1....a.1 this week; one-la:an' el' come--Tney evidently thereetit at ATat.1.1 men fee ereet Iseeeteetion ••I ear unto , • . tees* wese feeders wereaang flan: am be proper for him to ga to tae lame.% teat 1 eeee, /In fe..-sea e fto 1209 lbs.. 0::,sting from i]1 00 te Staal e.,,1 se enat faith , m eren though the email:eta WaS a 3.03.t :0, in levet:" •V. ia, per cwt. Below are lite enetetionee 4. Came to &tees -len -tress drives to; 1:.''nDane aealeate t've. 7-a1 The beet eliertazeime, 1150 to I&53.) llse..11 Jesus, and dte ess comes to those in das- -zeri-erisn 1(2315"3.3e1 that, int lie'3.11343, a reneo to 3.4.73: Medium short-keepe, 11 tress. Instantly -That is. eaenestly 31231 ... aer etalsority." lual aascaute dentin- to 1150 Iles.. at $440 to a,14.01; tetel. without a moment's delay. Ile was in ever a liundroa men. end a word frees feeaere, Mal to 1 100 lbs., at S4 to $4.4.i; worthy -This is what the eaters said of Lire erseda eompel instant obedience medium tenders. 130 to 1100 lbs.. at *teal the centurion. His epinian ef hinistif frem sissy ef them se the great Reller, in to it3e15; best etockere, 509 to 739 Mt.. was very different. "Tim centuriere ale realm. welea be equally p)werful. at tattle to $3.3;1; bett steek heifers, 3e0 thought be WaS llot WiTtily of a. vi-:). 11:3.ser1i3.g from anrslego is bibiLeal. to 7a0 lba. at 133.10 to a3.35; ceminen tle ainnale. The centerien vsae a tarn. etoiesers. n.75 to ea. these men thought he 'was wertha of a - Imre; thus heinor shall uphola tie launble Ile man. IIe levea tte lowly iv, te Ile etamt In ws-Aeent 20 11111011 cows ani in spirit. Let at' eer traise tt oe aaa ate- leen frase 3. 33' temluille.es tree 3. epringers .sold et itela to a30 ea0es. not thine own Dps--lierr3.3. 230'4 , I a14e ,l L'IM e e.l .a, lit 100 veal cal ees 5, Loveth 0= "3.11 _tTe was preltalay • eet. a. 7." The lewer we Pm in atrallity .41 1. at et3 to ('3. 4) per cwt., a ith Emile a presekte of tee .,..ett„ teen ie. ,-.11..e of -....'.: Itiziter we rite in prayer. Stely the oda new milk ealres at $7 per cwt. eheep aster 1a ib'. --ll ran Was lieht. those U" -ho end-Ana:el 33 ••33 en ti.o.r:Tyers of tee erneat :Trestle. wlsolebut witheut tee:Oat a pe Dave "great faith" ta, 0.1 There pro with priees higher as follows: yeaeliett , mi of rigateousness hee eteerting el;',NOW!,;-;,..!.eit,Til‘C 1."f faith atom. ail. 6.) To tbe ('3. 0'3 ma wethere at a.6.7e to $7.30, with questioned why they emili ere cr two prhne lots at $7.75 per oat:. ion. -Farrar. 'Built us a sonag:eue-H eltttlalte who Capernaura be Tel Hem „ee e teeeumm e„.„, not oast out tbe db deon frern tile stmor. $5 to $1 .75 far export etvee; buelts eonvinced en fee spot itself). :ben the att.' letaan's caial. "Detente ef yeezr la- at $1.25 te t.14.75 per ewt. reins of k eaten- tbat it r,,,,,&,,,,y.r,..,... ittatt. evil 20..) Tr.s tee noldenmn lIege---Ehte: prien are biglier. Mrliar. ttssed two syeegegeoe Tee meas. ,-..1 „...1.4, ea-me:raged by tae failure of the disei- rat quotee el far selects and $0.73 for ..t _e.t.a es. seise ••11 t' '431 eanet. teliere, ioa 11,,,Itf, ,,,,a fat.e. ea these. built ter walte inerble. ore -the age of the Here. -lee It mar be tee neinge are possible to him that believeth" Leading Nerheat Markets. very building hero refeerra to.-Itil. aalsrk le• -II 2' 1, ,Tuly. (as.. eesa eaoe t_, reseatHe raS 11.1::: 1 lo I.. Lle 03.1 ';.11'..,1111151tnilkeS arZ,Invell. great afav. IE. The Ceestoriatta Ciethkn of Iiiratelf I ,',...!'ll'ale, Pearl -a • • • • with her" (v. 12.) go with them. Ile is the Saviout ef tae.aareletseittn. nal the temple rzenreei anl e.,...„ •-rent with the Lereavel. Thus emeat Gentiles as well es tae :teas. frienis-This wes tee sezetil 13.3 3.. 1 - 1"aaa welt' ,witneetees to ;24.'7.15 first entree e nria-azte of raitma the aead. met lieteriel and h is quite likely taat fite also tome hiresetf. a•ee Mazt. eiii. enal. Ittealte a"atte a thet mime? emeatat,i. Tremble se- t flip tal'-alf to 'he 1 'en eve t . V" ta"P art.' ,V..12.4 1 Ili' <','1,";::•15."31"."•ti teesue etetee 1.1, w„:11:1 1,::v„ !,7....-7..„ 17. „ ...,..; Iteees raver tasle. tile ail net wa:t Jesus was aneleett te Iteip 7..7r... t..•....- I "..r, "-:.1' V•I ::".":4: 1;7 17.•:::".n. f'-'7 ','1",:!' pr 13 23013425wills rs to /man tne an •7 q".1'1 7:..: , ''' 1-'-'t l'.,"*:"•' N1:-.0 Ir -s "1•IT 'Int her. te effeciasly eoraerniel. The meet not - the Congo. of Teachers and Pupils Recommended. able feature will be the exhiaits from Idaho was completely destroye.1 by fire: an Ottawa deep:etch:. The Canadian As. eerie today. 011e man WaS asleep in the.. of. sociation for the Prevention of Tuber - The main building of the laniverity building at the time of the fire, but'culosis concluded its businees to -day. eseared injury. Senator Einverat presided. I Rev. Dr. Nly, f Kineten, sulenuttea ,Toseph P. Tinney. note teller at the: the rep,ert of the Committee on Work. National Dank of North Ameriea, 'was It suggestea that at the earltait. p05 - arrested ana arraimied in New York !Bible 31201110n t the respective powers. of Ipolice court to -day en a ellarge of steal- ing $34,000. the Dominion and the Provinces in the D. M. Stewart. a Montrerd banker, lest • matter of restrictive laws to prevent night in an address before the Canadianie the spreaa of emeumption should be Club, of Boston, compared the Intuiting rime' systems of Canada and the Itnitcd. States; :ter` , M. T. Buchanan, of Oxforn coun- to the advantage of the former enuntry. ty, desired to see the repoet amended, Six foreigners, •who are thought by the -suggesting that eaelt Provincial Gov - police to have occupied the home in erraent should establish, ea an- object Minneapnlis •wilere six Bulgarians were laeou, a. ,sa.nitarium for the cure and murdered early Tueslay, were arrested prevention of the disease, each county at Duluth, Minn., to -day. A special commission under the presi- ileecy of Premier Witte has been created •for the purpo.se - of co-ordinating the work of the troops and police in handling revolutionary and agrarian outbreaks. The Chile Government Las signed a eontraet with the German Trans•Atlantie Bank for a loan of $18.500,000, in addi- tion to the Arica -La Paz Railroaa loan of $12.500.000 loan seeurea from a Ger- man financial house. The committee of the confererice On Moroccan reforms at Algeeiras, roachel an tenement on all points This agree- ment. will be sanetioned at the plenary session of the conferenee this niter - noon. The storm erousta by the Natal af- fair, has in no way subsided. The Lon- don newspapers this morning are full of despatches from the Colenies pro- testing aaginst the action •of Lord Elgin and sympathizing with the Natal Gov- ernment. Many Jewish familice are leaving Kieff, Russia, frightened by the rumors of a massacre at Easter. The authorities announce that they bate taken every precaution, and thlit at the first sign of trouble the troops will be employed to et,_, restore order. Now York .. .8a A. time infernal 3334330333.$'. e :MinneaPolis • • • - • • ,aaxploit- aSh el today in the veetibule of the Gov- rnaluth- • ' • • • • ' • "' ta.5a, 'Tett ernor-General's eeeidence• 611at tering att. Denis ...... .. •• • • ie.% etata, part of the wall and. Wem Weaving 33 ge. Itetroit .. .---------83. eataLta ealieli was mounted en one side of the Tale:10 .. .. . • • • • - • • a3 aata entranee, act ess tat. streoi. but hijuring Btadstreeter. on Trade. no erre. atentre.-al: Tatre is rataer a brighter Clem. C. Ces a former well•knewn tae trail: outloo3t flare wes eea eroker of Baffnle. endea his life this „lent a wesk aee. C.:sentry retail dry . enereisie by sletotime hiamaaf at lie itt. Net -a:ann.:elle., eels nee -eel.: z;,;',, tateela are t'a earrrY oTr-'1 beerateg Lessem lt vault deed Gentile, esti fans mattele a -'-e 4.„te. ' ! z..,. „7„.::.,„:-.;,,..,,e,:l. „aa,-..elaael,,,,'1,.:1°- -z• liaeraer etness than usual. ante tte wits emezreitted daring. a temporary fit natien. 1.1. rt z.:1,1,-.1 at.`77.5' OS 1 :•7 ''' 1 -,........,.:..',.'T ..„. "n.,....'....77 -•:,'''" S-`';'''1 3.1 '.O'4 foe.): aeavier Zen-anat. Ler crelit of insaulty dae to insomnia. llo was being. a. To cen/e -ante taee-lat tad: : e ..I tete .'s ...... •,.:',...$ '1 "4 lee,S.. 1.'"12 haW leen general. The .i .i.. e9 ;tears ola. aliough heeeseKal feet nare:eza,: le ne *et ...........,•-a ........ -nee- a saiat tilt fer stelne ttente, Lewever. is so eneeur- Tte pertrait of Benjamin v - lesin preeerce et ere so amet nee eo • h. "" :Om."'" „a" -", ---- '"-'''''"''-' '11, °.-11";1°' belee stnbtesul:1;ec„tas'ir eae.-noTtee'eet',:e,irleme,t-,• t.".e..ta.a0:ern:"'e"nl„:t'",-l$ee---aen:.'.. a',-.'.•'•tl:;n:re,t."-e• r..a. .7e't'.....'.a--'--.-' ea ".-.- ,.-. -:a e 1- - -lselpwtte-..aaeameha.t7Wi.3. tle:t"tgsesetnid-e--pSct„epeeze.c•-releeresao-lI:t-eIfzntectsee' anletteee ltefeeisnlthnea:tspmee .argil•seeetsheWis-a3fllSr-.,es:mt.eu 23e.rn:1rd - ,... ,ISw,maelte- eam'dtars Wfipnhnietenlnauetwea Rbeyied1.. 3i3GreyaL; .3s3 Te etmerenl ae-t .t.rt4'- 31r0 t,.;a.1 3. :ero 1' ernar-General of aanadatit the ra ves1,:3.5„3 3. 1.„„ 1,e reenanen 13 43.4331 grdiner in NeYorMarea beritF t• 'a ' atyei by atheoll weataer of nrtz75eae lesweebet taere has ben an ine 1. .:.- - e .•::e.-.•:e-.•7;a,'“ .. -. . .'.e.' '..n•1-aI- .'1 .7 •e1:. T„`,".n,• ,.-•h....z....t'i. . e '•" tl•-e:.le; ,s•n.eW eeAn.eg.a":r.t01mes117teae:ee7en:. e:-.i,-t,ltl!.eet..,-:yl.'-e.:4,t leeawate tradetinnesaetne, is bim;restorel to tae United Statekre1:- - - . ofJess.rustrtta_e a nengnl nraltean1renWil be iaiped frenLnlen thie wei prcbaleaani a the nee e-Ce.s.triala;are (r'1 It is elreedein the peseenien of km howtamist Li eaera, 't a VTgry taesenang sen wen at a eteref0e c1333.13.staenezinevirfairywell eeneelet-9 Ilmne e ft ai:y remianwareenrlyfaArehafatop Irelaud is annoyed about enee l jws tetee.e 2feeIa n et eetiorssvapreeethe reports '.3 '.1.1t.1 in the tnited rtler antla- •T ee7 eseseengraa%.0tates eoneerning his 21 it to RomeHe,. seta to -dao: "I came to Rome simply for my regular visit -ad lamina.' It is espec- ially untrue thnt I am acting as the representative of the American Govern- ment in the settlement of Philippine af- fairs with tbe Vatie.m." n , • ":- vier tae nettle:nay ef teame. ,:ia t le- tat ' atetaterity ('r t:.':::i . P. Z't* : :1 •:.- '".: i . _ . at his le:lair:a lei a "-nee same : - a ' 1 • . Cnha roisrt.e, wzuszezen3. e:1lsi......lc7•e.-- Y1 ehea11arke1Reports as cat:Lee:It teat . etate ten •es test- :: ; -CF- , Irezeiteteine ea gratn 1s brass:. sent at engel ta eine leis as tie eon se:::!. a stlaeta e e :et; ofe•aea."- ' The, Vpreelc... i 1 Vieteatia. end Vans:mat-art atteehre tease e --. le ;noes. eneeine, wett in all ;Ines: Con- /ler:my. 1 1 III. Tee. eareerkeal. feZta eeeet_tent .1• ---. - I --1 - e . 1 ' v In Pratanose, inertia:les ' f Veleanieeg Or:titres.. mit mantles tr! create a goal densetel fer . • trs. 9.„ We - - - . 9. Mart -Cal at Ilan -Tee 7.--er feta!: te.e.eseestaie :tees ant pertimaariy gro- tiriie erhen ,tetee :ia Ft.:1:-: ':.:1 t.aee teetri eh! Tee eeeseeene were tat „aesee,r entree_ *Ii."Pliatt :1:13 lIznisw...re... Tim etraeg eert- tonielea is. in atatk el. a. el.en Il. a a a -e---aF ..1.1 t• -•:a atatleati 7:0-•ttl:a a‘ase 111e; 11113° in In g11-'345 la 2.50 11137111? :a.. Cant. Christ was: ten let. • 7.711.: : t tI,is .".;I:-; Biettsh teati.e. alentets. • Toronto: So far fills season taere lia.s taritras faitla, :ez' .ati _att.: zee: '-'i 5 '1.1- a on in -nee -to in the ae-seral ary _ . fore a need i.,a ),,..: ,:::,...-: 1-...: 1'.!., 1 .:-,:-:.....---17, :: ,i-1-,.1,1, c= ,11 tjig.:'"-A "'.-.''''''• '-''' '` ' -**-'''' ''". •., , .....,. . • •, . , • eepressea Els eamettni-es - ate e te. • . ,i-::. I ••••-•'.'","- Z'T . • ':': *" , :s 'Z.' 1+ -7‘.....5:-‘11 '.....1‘.. -11t'.7..111 V:1??C'lb-2.:'71,114.2-11.71. 43 melee it tee r:..ri, €. ,, , .....1.,.,,, -, .:.: "..,.....• ... F: :'_•.: sj...!....,en. ..a.:“..z.:' .1, 14 I, 174...?%4,2711:tra..te :....1;* ..E.Tr.• Int i.tel....,Y. DTI, _ I-rove:rent aul waalestale 133420 tient:rally is lame arisk in atl Fla.? aeselnes are natal in out nails, Conaaa pleme an1 =mem ether linen Tan, E:nr tza.le is meme ectIve .and the tr.arrelea Ilie;azzte el tea see. te-ih•o ;tr.? Ja'ae" 5-""a1312. Couneil being asked to support the niOrelnellt, and to Impres the necessity for it upon the several Prot-Mc/al Oov- (Temente:. The report was adopted, and Mr. Ba- ctrian:tins suggestion was; ca.rriea as a substantial motion. Dr. Fagan submitted the report of the committee nppoined to consider the bets aneans for overcoming the public prejudice against hospitals for consumptives. It was pointed out that as the sputum of -a, consumptive pa- tient is the most dangerous source for the propagation of the diseaae, and 1/1 VieW of the care taken in the hospitals as to its disposition there was absolute- ly no danger to the outside public. Judge Barron presented the report of the Committee 011 the Care of Public It recommended that C-onyerances. leather be used in covering the seats of street and railway care instead of plush. Hangings should be non-absorb- ent, carpets in railway cars should give way to linoleum. MT. R. H. Cowley, of Ottawa, sub- mittel the report of the Committee en the Inspection of Schools. It recom- eel inspection of schools. Seim mer.doe thorough and systematoile pinh;dsii: ciaas should be uppointed to study the sanitary conditions of school bu•ildings and their appointments, examine into the health of teachers awl pupils, and ailvite them aa to all necessary hy- gienic measures; that rules and in- straetions be issued as guides to teach- ers and pupiLs aiming at the avoidance of rractices and kubitss contributory to the spread of disease or the deteriora- tion of physical vigor; tbat leathers elleselet spetzialiy in.structed in the principles of hygien.e. President Eawnr(13, in reply to a questien, said the association had the promise of the hearty co-operation of the railway companses. Mr. Miller, M. P., presented the report of the lananta Committee, which show - ea the estimated. expenditure for the coming year to be $4.743. It nets pro- posed to carry on the work of distribut- ing until every one of the ing the pamphlet, How to Prevent Oen- 000 Mu -lilies in the Dominion had re- ceived a copy. The officers far the ensuing year were _elected, as follows: President, Hon. W. • C. Eawards, Rockland, Ont.; Vice•Pres- idents, Dr. Thorbure, Toronto: Dr. 13ay- er3, St. John; Sir James Grant, arr. Per- im 31. P., Mr. James Manuel, Ottawa; Treasurer, Mr. .1. 11. Courtney, C. M. O., Ottawa. The Executive consiets of one representhtive from each Proxima. Dr. Shimson, Itannipeg, explained tl3rtrnor-General Rennetaltampaff. the eteps which are being taken in 'Chile, East Siberia. to -day commuted tile Me Provincial !Mara of Health had nLba te combat the aline league, eertenzes of death imposed by a cowrie s tru t butts towsents the 'martial here en 'March st.7 on thirteen peetal offizials, who bail perticipatea ire ' 13033.3.) diff t• ' y • • " ie sanitarium: exile.nenel eervitude emd in some eases to 000. the recent sttiite. to various terms of ae°11 t‘k . A et soliition ems move," by aft.. I). B. The peaeant troubles in Inc dietriet In Keefer, of Ottawa, anti eatriod. setting the P-our-endat estate. Russia, forth that ,all the diffeeent churell courts be appronebed, with it TiPW to evaieel by Prinzass Cantaeuzena, formerly - Nellie Greet ie eituatee, tare atsumed the naming of an antatetbereulasis a seers, serinue paean The Governor- Sunday. when sersuons \yenta be Gezern1 telegrapaed te offerer in preache,d on tate •subjeet and ealleatione st.n„ ' :4 4 :7 te 3.; a:tees-ea en OA fenteme etetie-ana of tee elsetriet ralt to spare tee ttahkeeanssuopeilantiolenst.therance of the work of aLiza eintate • •,- 'a:tent-al va: Icaeo Leaking im felt. -antes sapprestIng tbe 'It is Vim reel:3:n taretteh reeve- amee zere farm mil ex; este. 1 r..- Jae. eineseettele farmer preteaent : e_ 'Loretta re -me -s" terzoket. retteive tem alsste et I-itezte leettest iltere it., atill e• tamplalret '(f ef tee rlattatme Inge neeneanee soreetey. 'Tlere 3-4 ntts 'a "'"-• 1 a ea em t eat ay el. me a '1...`"°11°5 13'711 -`721::::(:17".-1.''' n.";!'2.--1 ;2" .111-i'V•2•,a, et tereenfiet M315c.. t0.11.13," mat kaetv ea"' Grem fee: ;s, teen :aetet are ems; ▪ itea.'es." laerreaiiteall.sClea'steit' e Lineete:. ies . e, _ ssetaat';erele:e 70:03 • 12$:4-•- ▪ 4•..4,31e ."S3. 1e. n 'r4 t"3 --7"ea privVa4t'e s1 an1inta1riu•mP'"eraat Ial t nn• e•„ ,,,11?'he2en11 " ' ME MIITRLAY. : n-t:3te7n Stp::ks remeeer from tle effeets of An Ottawas 011).; apaajal deepateh: 2. 2t tee t.t.t.J z_ i• ell!!=?::1 1182?tl."1"'?2; 2e -sea; ten -eh -al ceersitlens waitat were per- tel fan" jag alTalatmente Were gaeot. sp• risete frosa teetreen. 2. V": is 3 .;-Net;VV311` retent":°' tit with !nee. • ) e 1.11'1..:211*.31:4Y " n:":" 1 • -- -et 4 1- 1r4 nle eienalline Staff -To h is leteaseste steneet t• ne• ee ;• -„" ... teen, ene , tett, ..„ ',Teets, fer e•eureey trans, aeo lereent. na. Tate. Lee ammo itne.royee t_ e se • e -0 esidetnnt Id- -neap, nestle „tee ; • e 1".:11 a:LYS ttre.titee here emennee «'4'3'3 '4 D'eeer- :he11 earle" 3.11 3.1233. WaS intent General for allatalling, etojor for las nfinatien ter eee r...--..e.-4.tease, Fees. are eteeen• zee eee-ant telt. real:eel '4*'- 3. ha"lainee tharah sever:11 Bruce Carruthei-s, !Ernst Dupes -tor of etee fer his 1-aata ti te. fe:•-• '• a"' _ t•-."'• r- eetree etel ittatt/e; are met timee tearnir.e araras hanitel Cie ranfs of nallinta Neese:se, eto etes eneee33 -t :, 1 11,, fartvatti in ..-'atetat talan'heee. bat eeee by etreeturee. 121 e' the walls of le; lteputy Assietala Adjiaant Gen. Faith is etzi enly zecteee ; 2; -1.11 art abtat tteetilti;• lie fie- ttnree- lefele bleak- fell veto era% for sign:1111mA*, l'apt. I. A. Lisler, -- • ne entes • f teets ot Sela ta St2 a sten a .1' t1a " " • 'S "re , -a a.- • teal stmetelers v•ere framed by 11. C. 11., from Assistant Inepector otato. Ott „1",:PCICE! lc, ey. :s • • ••••• • .• hat 7 '1'7'1.31;1'1 "--1." • lay *tin wk) can ea ,ent „„tee,„ 3.3." '8 ,..„ e teem, t• tas etre Net:tree of sprites: leita lrietze. Tte lee, is eetiniatel namets. s • •te en • , rar:ge- iat Tarat:--t,r,er ref ere-, nee tiette, ere, eee. ... ., It.PS;• ttlirlar".4 leavy :reel etantry treee eny at 1'. 1'i $230.00. fram arlathety, te:e teeet, zee eiette tee aa.t. .; , 1:4 e ale; e. etertine eirelere in all -'34*to Ise t'ominalulitipe (.1.t et11.111raittlit 1, th Infantry Mi. all saetete. 10. Serente eatele --atm tem!. emet, emere big tack 3' 0.134' tat • s feentarezei, ermat fer peal seasens • ..• • * TO be Brede afeior, Mejor ,Toseph Carte. Ible ezatia Leal ay a went AS tee".1 ese,,, e3. e oa ea, Iletemeas '"" 1atteilen: Waretletele tratanos.e tt,enernely. Lieut. -Col. E. B. Ibleitson, from tho re - enha flee taaa`= watt:Pen:to ore ZIA eta Lte ontarteh rtArtfut BuictitRy f effieers. Timms Oetici, 05th Regiment. 415 tee teenes saninz. ... 71 10th Drip -ado, Vitali Artillery, to tom- laa The triaeer's sets ta iteeze tree", les et ---• • 9'.3•1-0 "1-4 r-31171, thats wets •• MEN SLASHED EACH OTHER TO sulni r. uk t 1 • ' Steen Atte:wattle -11 V at the 1411 • deeas aas tem. rentafee tam ataelst itae--aaen 0 t 0 73 Stf-'t 41or: 2 leenel ceetitee beasilly ezn- 'Minneapolis April at -In n land "kW"' - ,IN't 314= t• -1Z. °It'''. tsee'at • - • - - • is.'39i rettartei geed PIECES. Brevet. I.tX01. N. F. ".11.1eNnehlau, from ea a week :atm Treat azere end in • • 6* 30hi 117.1 nettelarita. o e-th este , tevr, tete; „ at...le it... s.ore. rametea,..c. fiaait letea °I*7-1 ;.t.ncv 7:e feetutre tet• Ilia week ale Mutat Virtue in Mt OniOn. all „eines one teen ees nese an mete tateas • at taal torso ing tiss 3.'. 'Ib eatirsue six larsek or s),•il. 2 3'4 "i -• teen the belter lento t e retail Irette. be/ 1r3 '4s see a egetihes• e. aat.-- • tattee-,i` „, nit:s ilawntere• etatelehlea Wen tam eiteeenetn el levet. cal mileae „at etr t Itta 19 ait - 'I' Zeta -ten mianiekt last eittet •••• a caster o't 4)11005 art1 really !eta I.otribly 10111! elm d vele catsZa.e tee e;:y. v., eaa a 71 32303. esente, e- • olio at...ia ate! - EVen Italisite. lilt:* Was fine centeany "• iS try a eanna. reesele teette. ale path: there wee ente env orteante ttetettr ,t • se 1- late I es £.:•V te' 1")1;!20:**1' Ite1211' ' e -1 VW' 113 Of tho TN}AMIt. Thee eroviee 4 :}3 " ti:t ;I. CI 17''1”"2.5 ni 2 Iteintal tgne itairoLl tier- re 'T. -all t'4.. 2343.13 'feta etery eft tile 11;,`111.1,1, 62.1 i‘ t Is 1.3 ;:•-•,..,) taitan Caere -to t-- ---" '" 1- t met ellaree fie Iv u‘o i orereptintiert-He .7.13 rtet tealit (1..) MC:r • • • tz:r;Ave'<z"....z,..t.1-3 g',,C272Gia 5.4.t tiara raw ee onion will ettoe taesit'ti esti inAtlIsil ; , 4 vreatern cf ttet ga. et‘na- taa' ••• • • nart • le ate ettte'ata.ta'eaet-ttti7 1r- '27t72 t"-3 `-; ' '1 C:171 (311 f2. 43 /1"*".4.71a1P41 22 '11(3. 2'4 eatzie 1\11011 43113 '4 ask ft'r hep far tat ,,"‘5*72. • • ' know bint Ifer nee.14 • • ar..:31- v.crz "•=1:•'%:0". t••/' 1 • • OLT 71;"‘11:1176';3;11.12f.'1.•81‘Itilltj.:N: ti-0-44.1iA•111; aaffe.%14.1-siii111•14 ti.rti‘e her silent payers. -Me fa:t that. (geese, aS. • . 12 • *tato tatten sir.m•s aped t 4 from fhe tdatton of the thicago Great lIgIts",,1 61"0* tit* City: ea'? tCr4 ( 4'; • . - '` .1 lord • wauwisa 4 MRS. SUMER fREE. REMARKABLE VIERS IN THREE RIVERS COURT. Jury Deliberate for Three Boum on the Evidence -Conviction of the Accused for Contempt of Court Annulled. Three lavers, Que., April 1. ---Mrs. Privy Howard Meter, who has hem on trial for several days, (llama with cam- _ plioity in the murder of her husband, was declared not guilty on Sitturilay by a jury that deliberated for three hours on the evidence, The court room was packed at the time, end when the vet'. diet was anoonneed there was a remark- able evidence of satisfaetion, only to be followed liy 11 scene of co-11110am and reirlIt111011t when the prosecuting attor- ney ebierved that there was still a term to he setytel fin contempt of come Durina the trial of Wallace McCraw, who it awaiting sentence on conviction ef letving murdered Mrs. Selater's 11033 - bawl, and alse at Um preliminary Meese tign.tion, this wonute repeatedly refused to give evidence, aud hail been commit- ted te jail five times tie 13. result. The laet sentence hid not been served, so when the just, grommuccil the woman »et guilty her counsel asked that else be diselitirged. Tee Judge milted. Crown Prosecutor Gerin what be propcned to do about the matter of contempt of court. She was 1 1 to e year's imprisonment. Mr. Guerin at• onee stated that Mrs. Scatter had already lieen over a year in prison curl be thougat sbe sbould be released. The .Tudire (Kited tuesardingly. Ile had rareney tharged. strenely against Mrs. Mater, saving, in his opinion, the •evi- dieser Korea Iter guilty. General feeling lege seems to be Olt while the woman may have 'been legully sec was net morally reepursi- Lie. MMHG STRIKE. WINNIPEG RAILWAY WILL PROB- ABLY GRANT ADVANCE. 411WM,pas The Wingham Alvanct Theo. Hall Proprieks. DR, ANEW PHYSICIAN, SURGES'S' ACCOUCHEUR. (Utica ;-17petaire In the Macdonald Block. Night calle answered aa P. KENNEDY, • • fixoraberZezziotr modiont COLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE. specialattent et 16);.-nualtid'rgh"5" "mei Orme HetMelts-1 4, PM. tof/ pam, Strikers Will Waive Demand for Recog- nition of Union -Alien Strike- breakers Arrested and Magistrate Who Swore Them in as Special Con- stables Suspended. Winnipeg; April L -The troublous period of the street railway strike is now confidently believed to have passed, OR. ROBT. C. REDMOND 4:13 Physician and Surgeon. (Mks with Dr. Chisholm) ARTHUR J. IRWIN D.D.S., 10.8, Doctor of Dental Surgery of the ren• neylva.nia College and Licentiate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. Office aver Post OttIce-WINOTLellf DR. HOLLOWAY DENTIST BRAVER BLOCK WINGIIA R VANSTONE SARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money CO loan at lowestratee. Office BEAVER BLOCK, '7-03. WINGHAM. DICKINSON & HOLMES Barristers, Solicitors, etc. • °face1 Meyer Block Wtngham. E. L. Dickinson Dudley Holmes J. A. MORTON and everybody is hoping for an amicable EnteillSTER AND SOLICITOR. settlement to -morrow. The strikers . MONEY TO LOAN. line° .offered to waive recognition of the union provided an aarance in pay is giv- Mite :--tferton Bloek, Wingham on, and a meeting of directors will be held to -morrow morning to con4der this proposition. Everyone- beliet-es the re- sult will be a settlement. The 'militia were relieved irons duty today, and on attempt will be made to operate a full service on the system to -morrow. There was little disturbance yesterday, but ne cars were run after 6 p• 1113, ima only a partial service WaS maintained throughoub the day. In the after -aeon the arrest of L. Christianson, of Chi- cago, who is directing the operittions of the strike-breakers, on a charge of as- saalt, caused something of a sensation. The badges of Christianson and alma - alien -s SWOrn 113 3..p001al constable's. by Magistrate areeDeken have been taken from them by order of the At -term -- General, and the Magistrate •sitspended for his aetion. Tbe attention of the Department of Labor has also been call- ato the employment of aliens under contract by the company. :.- , ACCORD OIM._ OROCCO COMMITTEE TO EMBODY AGREE- MENT IN FORMAL PROTOCOL. France Will Police Four Parts and Spain 1 Two, While Tangier and the Notori- ous Casa Blanca Will be Under Joint Control. 1 Algeciras, April 2. -After a plenary ; session lasting tuthil 0 o'clock this 03.031- ing the, conference on elororeass reforms ; registered a complete accord, and ; pointed a committee to embody Ibis ac - 1. cord in formal protocol. The (3011531111- 11 10.3.1011 of the work of the conference i was announced in the following official I eommunication: I "The eonference has teeminatext its !laborite and aceord is established upon all I points. 1(1 1)115 adopte(1 a. definitive t•ext 1 for the remaining articles concerning- the !State bank and customs. The f.inal 132- 1 3.1010, regulating, the distribution of pm ; liee at eerts, 3.3.113 niloptal from the Rus- sian drett: By it trance will polka, four I ports, elogader, Saffi, tfitgaean awl Re- ; bat, ena strain two, Tetuan ana Laraelte nal t riume and Spain, together will po- llee Tangier 11,1311 03.3a illanea, subjeet to na Inspector of Police. The Dutch deleente annount•ed that his Government &aloud to appoint an officer. 'lite conference has appointed a :medal eminittee to reviee the texts .1,,t the moreement. This commitee meeta ;Mon- day to consider -the final formalities of the proteeol.' The intermtional tonferenco on alma eeean Reteente wee agreeel upon by ' Frailest 811.2 Germany on July a, 11105,sthe inittie Mute to be dieettesea aelite deter. mining the stirPreiglity and fad -crew ' i. ot 1.1)4' ..a.tan, providing for the in, tegrity c.f Morocto, and settling the questions 01 the control of the Maroc- ' on pollee and the Finances of Morocco, Vratme minded that the two previous vonferences on Morocco elegrly estah- ilshed her right to police Morocco, us WM! al the Algerinet {metier, besitte, her elaim on the fail that tlen•oeeo at. Prima, hall im more rights iin ilt. joined A lgori a , (1 erma try ela i mato rtnieseattl, E NG To N MITTU 13td. E.1.1 07%.1. gime, tromp on eil cit.sees Of insure:AB pro lerry WI all" .;i14:1 05 llreiTiilaq note systen). HEE NS. CO. Prcaidont, Seczotare. Jeeristin t RNT, WINGH.A.M ONT 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE 74. .7.:::1,17/::--.t,,:we,,•,..,1 . -.:;-ez....,b.T.Ar„, ^,-% TRADE MARKf.i. copyDRCIG51141G1r az. Anyone' esee.7uitng.t.t. sketch and ileac:lotion 23e87 quickly ascertain our opvad. n fres whether 511 invention is probablipatentable. ccannuinica. tions strictly contident.ti. Bel-BBOGI, on Patents sent fres. Oldest agency for seeming patents. Patents taken throuch lilunn 1.: Co. receive special nOtke, without charge, inthe Scientific fimerican. A handsome!7 illustrated weekly. r.areest Mr. culation of any sclentthe journal. Term% £.3 a year; four monttis, $1. Bold by all newsdealer& MUNN &Co 36 !Broadway, Nevi York .R.Lanch Office. G•B F st, waseinston. 13,43, 14- 1 1PROMPTLY SECURED Write for onr interesting btrks "Invent. or's Help" ani "41013' you are swindled." Semi its a rough sketch er model cf your in- vention rrinirrovenlent and we will tell you free our opinion at to whether it is p-obably t aten table. Rejected cpuilestions hare often been euceessfuny presecuted by us. We conduct fully equipped offices in 'Atontreal and Washington ; thucqualifies us to prompt- / ly dispatch work. and quickly &mum Patents afisirtgiosivel da.s the invention. Highest refetences Puteutq procured through Marion & Ma. rion receive special notice without charge in itcriLI:atont xpertI ond Solicitors. eerD1010111:111eiowns‘repers distributed throughout tuSreprsecalstlirifir-nriutecenrts.tusiness ut Manacle - MARION St MARION New York Life 13'ld'g, rtontreai ......,.................... • ... • ....._ .....................0.0,••• w ../...../. k At in VC nidgAVII5bingtOrt D.C• KILLED AT WELLAND. Mr, W. J. McCoppert Struck by a Freight Trd in. Apvil L -Me. W. J. afeCop- rem for massy years; ceralueter cf the M. te 11. bona helm inelantly killel aboat 5ata this afteen•en About teo - mita; west of aere, lseieg struek hy the east.bour..1 Cesttent freight. Tin, ip donble•trarke.3, and be just step• 1%.,.1 teat of tire, way of a westbouna nolo, aul did wit noti:e the esstbruni. lle was alli-ot 4:1 3. e'131'33 On, and kaves 's• rf aud olaugater. 'Mrs. Harry Koolau. tee FORTY-FOUR MILLIONS, than awe other nation, and maintained that tin: regulation of Momeaut affairs ellauM he determined. by a eonneil of the powers. Tho confereneo opened in the 'Amu nail at Algeciras on dam 10. FELL DEAD ON TRACES, Suddon End of Mr. Frederick MeMann, Of St, Catharines, St. 011arines, Ont., 11t11y I, Vredellek MeNinutt died very sildslenly en Ihe Niagara, NI. Catharines & To- ronto Railway traeks on Haturday, was walhing on the fraelo and stepped aside III Tot re trolley pass, A minute or two alter the emulnetor, teaming heel:, PM 111111 Villa 1' '1 a4' tInek. 113i 108,4 18113133.13.4, 10 11101014 13133.111113. 'where n do..tor Watt 11311Oil. 1514 110 had died within' a few minutes of fallimt. The (qVIINA% (Iota WAN npopleNy, lieeetused tent 113 Of PRO. --- Customs Revenue Wilt Realise Minister's Estimate. 01t1123.„1, •non. \valiant Patersonat einimate that the enetome revenue for the ;Invent fietsal eecar woula evecii $-11.0e11',e.r0 b:ds fair to realizetl. Ver the nine mimths ertaing Saturday tip reeeipte hose the eaetome were *1,31.014.- 030, en inereeee of a1.2 1.f.. Mel' the eame p4t3.L11 ea the peeviotte year. For the month tsf Vault the revenue awraunt- sel to Plo1la2.1107. eain 1171it.31"3. Fer the whole ef 131:21.93 mine wils ctua 183)1.2,5 v2.1%;4;3no. Death Of Ingetv11 Men. Ingersoll, Ont.. April l„---efamiee Mein - item who had E'en cesely iDutified with the development of 12;" town 41'))" Th The past -Wry morning at the Klurt.); intr, at tile n..f.1 Vt1 ).vers. Per 11 teenbor teetee lie was a m ul f tl T c 1 r 40 • OWft -0t111 .