The Wingham Advance, 1906-03-29, Page 7THE UNIT CIO POPE'
Father Gapon Denies That He Betrayed and Aban-
doned Girl While Prison Chaplain.
Spirited Speech by Russian Girl Who Had Been
Horribly Tortured by Police.
Czar Threatens With Punishment a Deputation of
Peasants Which Interviews Him,
St, Petersburg, March 20, --Father
Capon, in a frank, open letter to -day,
replies to the attacks 021 his public and
private life, announces that he has • in-
structed his lawyer to bring an action
for defamation of character against the
detractors, and denies the charge of be-
traying and abandoning a girl while he
was a prison chaplain. Gapon, explains
that, refusing to 'follow the rule of the
orthodox church prohibiting the remar-
riage of priests, which he declares drives
'the clergy to secret immorality, he took
as his wife a girl. whom he loved, and
that she is still living with him.
Continuing, Capon declares that of the
$15,000 which Premier Witte gave
through former Commerce Commissioner
Timirlazeff for the restoration of the
Gapon labor organization, he received only
$3,500, all of which was used to help the
workmen. The remainder was stolen by
Mathushonsky, the press agent and real
director of the Gapon movement, who
was arrested at Saratoff on FA 24, and
brought to St. Petersburg for trial.
Regarding the charge of gambling at
Monte Carlo with "mysterious money,"
Gapon says: "During the bloody uprising
at Moscow I received money for literary
work, and while abroad and out of simple
curiosity I played for small stakes. A
review of my connection 'with the work-
men's movement will prove that I never
was an agbnt of the Government, and
labored solely in the interests of the
When he returned to St. Petersburg
Capon admits that he tommunicated with
Count Witte, who gave Aim permission
to live here, considering that his work
was "constructive and not destructive."
Gapon concludes with an expression of
his firm conviction that history will
demonstrate that "the unfrocked pope"
lived for his country to the last drop of
his blood, and died a sentinel over the
rights and liberties of the workmen and
The letter made a good impression, but
Gapon's sincerity is sneerinely attacked
who asked bim if he had even been to -
Merton Abbey, where Nelson lived,
prompted the driver to Bay that be
knew something about Nelem
"My father," be said, "was the Ad-
miral's man. The Sainiral gave him
an old, desk with letters in. One, I
know, bcars on the Battle of Trattd•
The passenger asked to see the letter
.ant1 bates known AS Had Standish, un-
Isler which nom de plume he wrote many
;detective stories, died toelay at Bain-
bridge Ga. Col. Shackelford was at
I • '
, various times a Baptist preacher, Demo-
cratic spellbinder and lecturer,
In imitation of the recent hanging of
Charles Brewster here two schoorosys
of West Branca:, Pa., yesterday strung rp
Eddie Bentley, a playmate, to the
and stud be would give 410 and a autt rope of the schoolliouse, while "phasing
of clothes if he liked it. Surprised at sheriff," Ile was unconscious whsn cut
Fire at the corner of Notre Dame and
this big offer the driver next day core down by his teacher, and e phyeieian
suited, another passenger, who advised, St. Peter streets, Montreal, aid. $30,000
seal be barely escaped with
him to semi it to Clinstte's. He did g *
so, and it waa seta for $18,000. David Hamilton a Toronto bricklayer,
; ivas asphyxiated at his residence., 15
ton avenue.
Scottish emigrants to the uumber of
2,000 left the Glyile yesterday afternooa
on three steamships, bound for the (init.
Rumor From Three Rivers That Shows
His Lordship to be a Friend Worth
Having -Six Lawyers Engaged in
l‘fontreal, March 25.-A despatch from
Three Rivers says: Where is the money
coming from? That is a question agi-
by the Russ which calls Gapon a friend - tating a good limey people in Three
'fivers district with regard to the Grand
of General iullon (former chief of police Anse murder case, Thousands of dol.
of St, Petersburg), and a pensioner of
Count Witte. lars have been spent, and will be spent,
in the effort to keep Mrs. Mater and
Cruel Theatment of a Girl. Wallace McCraw from the gallows, and
Moscow, March 20.-M. Taakdinoff, it is well known that there are no thou.
counsel for Mlle. Spiridonovo, the 17. sands lying around in the families of
year-old girl who shot M. Luzhenoffsky, either the Skeenes or McCriews. But it
chief of the secret police, at Tamboff, is not necessary for either Skeenes or
has returned here from Tamboff, where McCraw to put up money. It is freely
his client was found guilty of the charms hinted amongst the closest friends of
brought against her. He declares triat the two families that no less a person -
the tortures of the Spanish inquisition age than Lord.Stratheona is providing
money to defend Mrs. Mater.
were tame when compared with the cruel -
When the 'Canadian High Commission-
ty the girl 3ms been subjected to, He
er was out here in January it is said
gives a thrilling account of her vigorous that Mrs. Selater'e father, who for the
and thrilling speech to time judges who most of his life has been a factor for the
condemned her, telling them that the vie.
ef the people Hudson's Bay Company, was in great
tory of the oppressors distress because he had not the means
would be short lived. She added: "You to put up a strong legal defence for his
can kill rne, but death will be welcome daughter's life, It is said that he
after what I have suffered." went to see Lord Stratheona and be.
Threat From the Czar :\ sought his aid, not unsuccessfully. The
St, Petersburg, March 28. ---Emperor latter at once took steps to see that all
icholas, in receiving a deputation of that money could do should be done for
peasants from Kasen province to -day, Mrs, &later.
There is good reason for Lord Strath.
employed a new and stronger tone. He
cone's generosity, aside front the nate
said nothing about satisfying their land
ural sympathy he would feel for a
hunger, and. spoke may of the inviolabil-
young Canadian woman in so terrible a
ity of property, informing the peasants
predicament. Mrs. Sehtter's father has
that a recurrence of agrarian disorders practically spent his life in the service
and the destruction oe property would
not only be pushed in the most severe elf the Hudson's Bay ,Company, and has
always been a trusted and honored ye
ian, but the• communities participat- p oyee. Some time ago he retired with
ing in the disorders would be deprived aoatune- of over $50,000, but he lost it
of the assistance of the easant banks.
lor1for t
all f11-1afew'
months and went back to
The papers continue to be filled with yeeeompany, in whose employ
rumors of Premier Witte's resignation, ee is now. ll0 remembers Lord Strath.
which, they say, has been offered to the cona. as Donald Smith, of the Hudson's
Emperor, but not noted upon. Bay -Company, and Lord Stratheona's
memory is just as good.
U. 5. Constabulary Attacked Under Flag of Truce
-Pulaganes to be Exterminated.
Manila, March 27. -Governor Curry
has reported to the Government on the
recent engagement with Pulajanes,at
Magtaon. He says:
"Had a hard fight in which Capt.
Jones of the constabulary lost half of
his command, but gained a magnificent
victory in the face of overwhelming
odds. The Pulapanes under a flag of
truce, and while promising to surrender,
immediately opened fire, charging the
"The leader of the Pulajanes ordered
his men to first wipe out the coustab-
Wary and then to capture the Gover-
nor and the other Ameeicans.
"I have requested a company of Fed-
eral troops immediately end later on,
when joined. by this additional force,
will prepare to wage a war ef extermin-
ation against the fugitives, which is the
only alternative.
'The constabulary did splendid work
thought their inferior firearms which
were minus bayonets, placed them at a
disadvantage. With the assistance of the
Federal troops, we will be able to ex-
terminate the fugitives who are now in
the mountains and will destroy the
The natives of Samar with the excep-
tion of the Puljanes are in sympathy
with us ,and are assistingus. Every
town is endeavoring to assist in exterm-
ination of the fugitives.
Several prominent Filipinos were pre -
seat and withuessed the treachery of the
Pulajanes. Judge Lobinger and Curryths,
the other Americans, are safe. Particun
are of his rescue are not available at
this hour.
Gen. Buchanan, commanding the de-
. pertinent of Viscayas, has left for Ca-
balogan, the capital of the Island of Sa-
mar, to lend the aid of the Federal Gov-
ernment to tbe insular authorities if de-
Small detachments of Federal troops
are now assisting the constabulary in
the pursuit of the fugitive Pulajanes.
The insular Government has not yet
requested Federal aid.
Major-General Wood has loaned the
constabulary 500 Krag Jorge.een, rifles
to supplement the single shot spring -
fields they have been using.
to recoup him for the 51.8 cents added
labor cost per ton before the inerease be-
! gam
It becomee necessary therefore to
WHY COAL GOES UP $1.2o IF MINERS push up the price of coal until the
GET INCREASE. • net share of the operator is ,sufficient
to pay the 51.8 cents.
Anthracite Operators Explain the Sched-
ule Which Necessitates the Raise to
Consumers -Miners' Threefold De -
New York, March 25. -The anthracite BY A BRITISH SCIENTIST.
coal operators gave out the followilig -
statement to -day: Under a New Form of Light Rays a Rat
Much enquiry has been made as to
Cast a Shadow Only so Long as It
the precise calculation by which the
nI .
anthracite coal operators establish the
fact that in order to grant the de-
mands made by the coal miners it will
be necessary to raise the price charged
the consumer by .$1.20 a ton.
The demands of the miners provide
for a threefold increase of wages.
1. An inerease of 10 per cent. to all
miners engaged in cutting coal, or other
men engaged on contract work.
2. The establishment of a mininnun
day wage for each clasa of labor. This
minimumn day wage, in many instancee,
is 100 per cent. greater than the, rates
now being paid.
3. The establishment of an eight-
hour day, instead of a nine -hour day,
without any reduction in a day's pay.
By careful ealetilation front the pay-
rolls of the operating companies the
effect of these three increases is to add
an average of 21.64 per cent, to the
actual labor coot per ton of coal. This
equal at the present labor cost of $1,55
to an increase of 33.68 cents per ton
on all sizes of coal which are mined. The
so-called. 'steam sizett'l of anthracite,
which are a beeproduet-come into dir-
ect competition with bituminous coal and
must be sold for a price regulated by
wit oal. The result is that all the
added coat, of the entire indostryentist bo
borne by the "domeetic" sizes, which
comprise 65 per cent. of the entire oat -
Ono of the important awards of the
Reosevelt arbitration bnerd, *the sliding
scale," nen:ands that the present flat
rate of wages must be paid, for every
ton of emit sold at tia02211110r for $4.50.
Every 5 cents inereaeo on ON market
rite of enal under the siliding scale ;tads
1 per cent. to the wages of every eless
of labor. Out of every 5 eenta of with
Omni Ipriess the miners employed b yam
Lehigh Valley Coal Company, for in -
Mame, must receive 2.11 emits And the
operator 2.1 emits, If tho market priee
eocil should be Nero:teed 50 cents, the
Opertutor WOuld receive only 21 eents
Was Alive, and Then Became Trans-
New York, March 25.--A cable from
The San'London correspondent says:
In the course of a lecture before the
Psycho -Therapeutic Society, Dr. Ward
announced that Professor Elmer Gates,
of Washington, D. C., who has been ex-
perimenting with light rays, has found
about five weaves above violet a form
of waves similar to X-rays.
Under these rays living objects throw
a shadow which exists only as long as
there is life in the (Nevis A live rat was
placed in a hermetically sealed tithe and
held in the path of the rays in front of
a, sensitized screen. So loy as the rat
was nlive it threw n shadow. When it
was killed it became snddenly tramper-
"Hehe," saia the lecturer, "there was a
strange phenomenon. At the very in-
stant the rat beenme transparent a sha-
dow of exactly the seine shape was no-
ticed to pass, as it NVC.'0, 0111 of and be-
yond the ginss tube clue vanished as it
passed upward on the sensitized screen."
'Bus Driver Got It From Father, Who
Was I3utler to Sir Geo, 1VIunday.
It has been decided to hold a "Made in
Cauada" Fair, under the auspices of the
ladles of St. Catharines in aid of the
hospital, on June 18 to 24. •
Up to date permits for 342 buildings,
aggregating in value $760,000, have been
issued at Winnipeg, being about thirty
thousand in excess of last year.
The erection of a new Y. M. 0. A.,
building at Woodstock, has been defin-
itely decided upon by the Beare of Directors.
The Secretary of the Montreal Horse
Show'afr, Northey, has received Eimer-
ance that Prince Arthur or Connaught
will open the show there on May Oth,
Heinrich A. Zoelner, druggist, one of
Waterloo's oldest citizens, died at the
hospital at 1 o'clock yesterday. His
health has been failing for some months.
A deliberate attempt was made to dt-
stroy the lodging Louse, 87 Jarvis street,
Toronto, by placing a pot of coal oil and
some waste paper between the flooring
and setting fire to the paper.
Voting took place at Perth on a by-law
to raise $1,500 for a site on which to
build a Carnegie library. The cost of the
building is to be $10,000. The by-law was
carried by a majority of 128.
The Toronto Grand jury in its pre-
sentthent said that the entrusting of in-
adequately paid young men with the
handliug of large sums of money was a
very frequent -cause of breaches of trust.
Dr. Blewett, professor of philosophy
in Wesley College, Winnipeg, has resign-
ed to accept the chair of philosophy in
Victoria 'University, Toronto. Principal
Sperling left for the east to -day to sa-
mehis successor.
The annual report of the Board of
Game Commissioners of Ontario of which
Mr. IL S. Oster is chairman sounds a
note of warning in regard to game pro-
tection, and contains a number of im-
portant recommendations.
A compromise between the two parties
of tbe controversy over the Toronto civic
grant of $200,000 to the proposed new
hospital is expected to be effectea at the
meeting of the City Council this after-
The closing meetings of the Canaaian
Temperance League in Massey Hall, To-
ronto, yesterday, were in some respects
the gyeatest the league ever held, for the
number of total abstinence pledges sign-
ed was 1,403.
,Tohn Bell, seatenced to ninety days
in the Central Prison for desertion, es -
("aped from a corporal and. guard yeeter-
day afternoon. at Stanley Barracks, Tor -
Said to Implicate Several Walking Dele- onto, while being detained there awaiting
gates of Union, Declaring That They Mrs, ;Jennie Donald, wife of Mr. Wm,
Furnished Money to Have Buildings McK. Donald, of the firm of Douala &
Oliver, Toronto, suffered a stroke of apo -
plexy on Saturday night while entering
NM York, March 24. -Charles Moran ea in a short time.
her home at 57 Robert street, and expir-
e. member of the Bridgemen's and House-
smiths' The members of the Toronto Milk Pro.
Union, who was arrested several. ducers' Association want a uniform
weeks ago, with two other ironworkers, eight -gallon can, and intend waiting upon
Angered because he 1001141 two men vie -
Mug las housekeeper, Mrs. ClaralItaa
band, when he returned home last night,
Thos. J. Dorn, a farmer, of Dover, Me.,
shot the woman and then fired a shot in-
to his mouth, wlzich caused instant
death. The woman has a flesh wound in
the neck, which is not considered serious.
A earpet tack caught between cog-
wheels caused a spark that resulted in
the blowing; up of the works of the Phoe-
nix Powder Co., eight miles cast of East
St. Louis, Ills yesterday, killing John
Nash, aged 58 years of age, and Edward
Pigginbothem, aged 24. The builaing
was destroyed, parts being scattered all
over the surrounding country.
Jury Was Empanneled to Try Mrs.
Jurors With English Names Spoke
french Only.
Three Rivers, Que., March 20.-(Spee-
ial.)----An immense crowd gathered ar •
ound the court house this morning ex-
pecting that Wallace McCraw would be
sentenced to death. They were dis-
appointed, however, as the Crown asked
'that sentence be deferred until the pro -
teat proyedings entered by Mr. La -
Mime were ready and the court ewe
Then the selection of a jury for the
trial of Mary Annie Skeen, "Mrs. Solna
er," began and this took meet of ehe
On the opening of court Mr. Queerin
asked that McCraw be pat in the box
in order that his caw might be taken
up and that the main proceedings and
argument of Mr. Laflamme's motions
be postponed until a week from 'Wednes-
day. Mr. Laflamme at once agreed with
this. Judge Caimon then formally re-
manded McCraw for sentenee on April
As ROM as this was ended the ;m11-
ing of the mixed jury for the trial of
Mrs. Mater was commenced and led to
many amusing, scenes. Considerable 4111 -
family had been experienced in getting
a panel of 25 English jurors and •eviatme-
ly any one with an English looking name
had been callea but fully balf of them
answered "presents Monsieur," and •were
barely able to speak any Englisb. While
on the other hand emne of the men with
Freneh mince responded in English.
Witnesses of Execution Anxious for
Souvenirs of Event.
Mount Holly, N. S., March 25.-Itsifus
Johnson and George Small, were hang-
ed yesterday for the murder of Flor-
ence Allieon. Owing to the fact Met
there waa no guard in the jailyard, the
C1 rushed. in. after the execution and.
charged with attempting to dynamite the Dominion Government to secure beg- began cutting off buttons and portions
the Bliss building, being erected ht East islation along these lines.. At present
of the clothing worn by the murderers.
23rd street, by Post & McCord, to -day the sizes of cans vary considerably. The crowd pulled and hauled at the boa.
made a complete confession, accoadin person finally informed
to Assistant District satterney Train. g A strike is imminent on the Winnipeg les mita some
Mr. Train says he implicated. several street railway system, and unless a set. the sheriff and the inob was driven off.
walking delegates of the New York Tata granting concessione demanded by the .seaffold, each claiming to be the actual
Gement is arrived at by the comPanY .Both men confessed before going to the
dared they furnished the money to have len, trouble will be inaugurated 1,o -da
"Miss Allison screamed when I start -
New jersey branches of the union, me Y. murderen•
not only- the Mae building, but other The men demand a substantial incrense
in m and a ten-hour day. .ed. to run, and I came back," mid John-
son. "There was no help for it; I must
stop her noise. I caught her by the
threet send held bier tight to stop her
from screaming.
"She sank to the ground and lay
quiet; I got up and started to come out.
She got up again as though to come af-
ter me. .
"I knew she would. -scream again, so I
nabbed her by the throat and. threw
ren gave to the cause of the Japanese
Iter to the ground once more. I eut a
famine fund the sum of $123. The pas -
strip from a horse blanket and 'tied it
tor, Rev. W. F. Wilson, warmly cone
tight around her neek. That kept her
mended the actions of the scholars, which
from screaming.
is believed to constitute a record to this
"I watched her for a minute and she
fund thus far. kept still and quiet. She was, demi."
The Dominion Government has assuee i s what Small said: "I killed
ed the responsibility of completing the Mie'siloirence Allis.on. Rufus Johnsen,
'fortifications which are in course of my pal. was robbing the house while
construction for the defence of Halifax. f chelsed the woman to death in lag
Spion Kop and Fort MeNab, the former e„,„ I pet .coulana see Rufue hang
on the western side of the entrance to 4 'i,anfaa•
erinie which he didn't commit." '
the harbor, and the other on the eastern
s v h
side, will be completed by the Militia
buildings destroyed, and the work of
W. J. Brown, who owns a hotel on
construction halted. Weston Road, near Toronto, and against
The District Attorney's office has re, whom a charee of selling liquor was
fused to divulge the names of the walk- laid some thee ago, appeared before
ing delegates involved. Magistrate Ellis yesterday, and was
fined $50 and costs. The defendant plead-
ed guilty, and paid the Inc.
1 In Trinity Methodist Sunday School,
Toronto, yesterday afternoon, the child -
Englishman Buys New Specimen of Plant
for Record Price.
London, March 24. -That the °raze
over orchids is becoming greater every
year was manifested again this week
when a widely -known horticultural dealer
was willing to pay $0.000 for a new
specimen of the plant. The name of it
scientifically is the odontoglossum cris-
pum pittranum, which is more than a
mouthful for the average lover of flow-
11 WiLS Mr. Sander, of St. Albans, who
gave this record price. for an orchid, and
he seems to think he got a bargain.
Hp to this time the record price for
one of the rake floral beauties was $4,020.
The Sander orchid has three bulbs, and
its blooms are white with a faint rose
tinge. The petals are heavily blotched
with red and brown and the reverse
side with purple.
In this sale, which realized $11,000.
were five other rare specimens of the
orchid, all relatives of Sander's prize.
Man Lived Decade on Food Passed Into
Stomach Through Tube.
N .
Ten years in •the Kingston Peniten-
tiary was the sentence meted. out yester-
day afternoon by County Judge O'Reilly, ELI OILLE WAS A VICTIM OF
Cobourg, to Blue Tome, a somewhat -
notorious individual, who was found
guilty of breaking into the store of St. Catharines, March 20. -(Special.) -
Philip Macdonald,- Grant's Corners, and Eli Oille, aged - aboue 70 who resided
stealing therefrom a quantity of cloth- about half a mile from Law's school-
ing, shoes and rubbers. ibouse, on the Pelham stone road, hanged
While the 4 -year-old son of Mr. W. 3. himself about 1 o'cloca this morning. He
Lawrence, of Woodstock, was playing be- was dead when found by Ins son. He had
fore an open .grate this afternoon las Thee Banwell pleacled guilty and was
been a victim of melancholia. for some - hand ear was blocked.
clothes took fire, and before the flames time. The phyeicians then drove to the allowed out on snspended sentence.
could be extiuguished the skin was to. wreck. -a...0 .....•••••••••
tally burned from off his face and hands.
While the Former Were Trying to Arrest the Lat.,
ter for Accosting a
Chicago, 'March 20.-Deteetives were
stabbed, one perhaps festally, and the
other wounded. with a knife in the band
of an assailant, and two Greeks were
shot, one fatally, in a fight between the
policemen and the Greeks at Halsted
and Polk streets last night.
The wounded are: Jas. Doyle, detec-
tive, stabbed four Ulises, probably will
die; James Considine, detective, stabbed
once; Joseph Katopopulos, shot in the
abdomen expected to die; Geo. Karakis,
ehot in 'the abdomen, wound severe, A
Woman in Chicago.
third Greek is said to balse been shot
but he escaped.
Ono of the Greeks arrested giving his
name as Gus Satornakis, is believed to
be the man. who inflicted the wounds
which may cause Doyle's death,
Thomas Metakis is also under arrest,
According to information obtained by
the police, four men, all Greeks, aecost-
ed a woman, at the corner of Polk and
Halsted streets.
Detectives Considine and Doyle ob-
served the act and attempted to arrest
the men. The fight ensued.
The 5an Jacinto River on the Rampage -Much
Damage at Lonera-Numerous Washouts.
Los Angeles, Cal., March 26.---A des-
patch to the Times from San Jacinto,
Cal., says: Raging down its course in
the maddest fury known in 25 years, the
San Jacinto. River threatens great dam.
age to the town of San Jacinto, to the
extensive ranching regions nearby, and
to maay other places down the valley.
Bridges have been wasbed away, lands
have been flooded, and it has been only
with the greatest difficulty that the wa-
ters have been prevented from sweeping
through the main street of San Jacinto,
and entailing heavy loss. For the first
time in the history the Menet dem is
pouriug from the etyeways and augment-
ing the flooa.
Great Damage Done.
San Franeiseo, March 20. -Heavy rains
continue in enlifornia. In the San Joa-
quin valley, the rivers and creeks are
very high. At Sonora it is estimated
that al00,000 damage has resulted from
the storm. In the vicinity of Tulare
Lake much of the country around Cor -
coven and Guersney is under water. In
Vistlie a foot of water covers several
In the vicinity of Stockton 23,000 acres
of lowlands are under water.
In Southern California, a landslide near
Santa Fe, between Los Angeles and San -
dime°, has interrupted communication.
At Fresno a large force of men is
working to prevent the water from
breaking through the levees and flooding
the city,
Many Washouts,
Salt Lake, ITtab, March 20. -The
heavy rains of the past two days have
caused numerous washouts along the line
of the San Pedro, Los Angeles and Salt
Lake Railroad, and it will be a week or
more before traffic can be resumed. Two
passenger trains, which left here Satur-
day night, have been compelled to turn
back, and will make the trip to Los An-
geles on the tracks of the Southern Pa-
He is Charged With Grand Larceny -Was Enter-
tainer, Society Man, Etc.
New York, March 20. -The World says
Through the arrest of Jobn Wilmer Mar-
tine, head salesman in a Fifth avenue
"haberdashery, a Tether unusual record
has come to light, according, to the po-
lice, Martine worked each day from
am. to 0 p.m. for $32 a week. After
business hours he was a welcome guest
in the homes of some of the well-to-do
families in Hai city.
Larceny, it is alleged. enabled hini to
live consiaerably abovellis means. For
two years or more it is charged, he has
stolen systematically and without coin-
ing under suspicion. A trip to Europe
led to his arrest.
Martine added somewhat to las in-
come by work as a "parlor entertainer."
He got a $25 a night for this, and eo
pleasing was his personality that Ise set -
Cnboose Crushed by Ponderous
Tank Car.
dom failea to convert his patrons into
admiring friends. He managed enter-
tainments at the West Side Y. M. C. A.,
where lie was highly esteemed.
Martine came to this city from Balti-
more, ten years ago. He is 28 years
old and at Sherry's, Delmonico's and the
Walelorf-Astoria. he is known as one of
the "smartest dressers" in town. He
was known at these places as a society
In the West Side police court yester-
day Martine was brought to answer a
charge of grand larceny preferred by
his employer, W. A. McLaughlan, a ha-
berdasher. Martine was charged with
the theft of $500.
According to the police, he managed
to live at an expensive rate by steal-
ing from his employer and selling the
goods to friends and acquaintances et
about three-quarter price. His cus-
tomers were Wall Street bankers, well-
known lawyers and business men.
St. Catharines, March 26. -(Special.) -
Reeve E. II. Phelps, of Merritton, has
called a public meeting of the citizens
of the village for Thursday evening to
consider ways and means of securing new
Ceesper, Wyo., March 26. --An accom- .
, manufacturing industries to locate there.
modation train on the Chicago & North- ; The removal of the Canadian Colored
western Railway's new branch ran into aCgoottNoNnmsMitillsseifiroonms bthloewp,laacsenaowfewtwnolobnartglies
a washout on the prairie 06 miles west •
factory buildings are unoccupied. In
of here this morning.. view of the fact that General Manager
injured. Niisepersons were killed and thirteen Greenwood, of the cotton company, when
in the village a few days ago, said the
Most of the killed were in the caboose, vacant property would be offered for
which was at the rear of the train. : sale, the citizens believe that it will not
Back of the caboose was a ponderous be a very difficult matter to convert
tank ear. The traM sank deep into the these buildings into hives of industry in
caboose and crushed. it like an ,eggshell, the near future.
e -s-
mud, and the tank ear plunged into. the
At about the same time that the ac- 1 BANWELL SENTENCED.
catching the inmates in a trap.
eident occurred the middle span of 1 _
the big railroad bridge across the Platte
River, near this city, went down, the
sible to send a relief train to the scene. , PENITENTIARY.
result of floods, and it became billies -
A great force was at once put to work 1 Toronto, March 24.-(Special)---Edwia
on the bridge, and the officials announe. St, George 13anwell was sentenced this
esit,.iontfileandbeentcoonomrlfentleodn baenfodre ifiloneene. 1 "'riling by Judge Winchester to four
eaSlittp years in Kingston penitentiary on 0
doctors crossed the river by a wagon ;. Zatarge of defrauding the Crown Bank of
bridge, seeured a bandear 'and started , t(101;10:10.guir Banwell, who has plead.
for the scene. A severe snow storm and is out on bail, will be
- triea on the charge of being implicated
came up, rind, after going six miles, the in the crime.
The injuriee are S0V1011S, bat are not
expected to prove fate]. He will probe -
London, March 25. -For ten years
bly not lose his sight.
other clay a inan named Joseph MR. COCHRANE DENIES DETROIT
before his death at Kingstown the
Knight lied not eaten any food.
The House Committee at Washington Toronto, Meech 26. -(Special,)- Hon,
Eleven years ago, while on board the
yeacht Elba, at Gosport, accidentally re.kommended. an appropriation of -$1,480,- Mr. Cochrane this morning denied the
l' It some detergent hi mistake for por- nanoo Jamestown Expoeition. Story from Detroit that sameriean capi.
7 4 - BOERS AS K. C'S.
BELLEVILLE SENTENCES. One Dutch Lawyer Declines the Honor -
Others Considering.
ONE GETS TWO YEARS AND AN. Pretoria, March 25.- The Pretoria
OTHER GETS SIX MONTHS. News understands that tbe dignity of
Belleville, Out., March 20.-(Speeial.) King's eounsel has been offered to Messrs.
lasselen Smuts and Gregorowski, and te
ter, with the result that his gullet and The Governor-General at Tiflis, Cate talists had got a monopoly of Galles
R b rt Mitchell- who eleeded guilty
other internal organs were destroyed. cams, has deported to Siberia five. elle 13 fit' 'n rose Ca IR. Ile o
oo s nu es rt n it ' - 111r. De Villiers, who was State Attorney
110 wes plaeed in -the hands of an able
surgeon, who not only saved his life, but
struck work.
ployees of a small bakery who recently !stated that the land would not be thrown
open till the fall, end then in such a way to stealing $150 worth of valuable ar-
ticles ha te lomat iee of Mr. Gregorowski has declined the honor.
sni 11 su I: • • ' of the °ranee Free State.
te years in comparative comfort by Six of the man who raided the savings as everyone would have a chance. Charles 'Murphy, a retired English The others are deliberating whether they
eentleman, now with his family in Eng- shall accept it.
also enabled him to live for more than
means of feeding through a tube his bank in Sabalkanski Prospect, St. pet-
-r lanul came up for sentence to•day before
Feb, lath, were sentenced to-
bl t t dav. 'Five of them svere condemned to • Senior Judge Deroebe. He was sentenc-
ed. to two years in Kingston Peniten- New Church Blessed at Stratford.
F4die.c,nlmetiotbaredirieact,ly to his stomach, It 'esrinuss, on
death, ancl one to twenty years' impris• tiary. Ite took his sentenee 'without Stratford, March 25. -In presence of
he could always enjoy a, smoke. Ile was
about 40 years of age. GUARD AVENGES BROTHER GUARD flinch, a, large number of priests front sar-
At. Meadville nt., orders were issued
HOOTING HIM Alexander Patterson, who was found rounding perishes, and large concourse
by Mechisnical Superintendent Geo. W. guilty of assault with intent to do of worshippers, Bishop 'Medway, of Lon
OTTAWA BOY SHOT. Wildin of the Erie Railroad suspending Jefferson City, Moe Mama 20, -To -day grieveue bodily harm to. his wife, Fran- don t 1. • 11 1 tl CI f tl
ulten the convicts at the penitentiary ees Patterson, was tried. .Ind , ea ss, .: esse4 the me o ie
roehe S. t the law should provide the Catholie eltureh commenced tea menthe
go De- Immeculate Conception, the new Roman
locomotive is‘pair work at all shops on
I George Babington Seriously Wounded in the system, Five thousand men are lam
1.1.Fdt ft:V. linen of that sort. Ife could
London, March 25. -The lucky one the Wooda. off. This action is mid to be due toe were culled for breakfast, Guard J. W.
co ye- 15 i i the lerd-
bus driver who owned ' Lord Nelson's threatened coal etrike. Woods, of Macon, 'Mo., was stal1bed threo
about $20,000, the services being 1 ery
aog, and just completed, at a cost of
"General Memorandum" to his cap- Ottawa, Mat•ah 2:is-George, the 12 -
After pinning a rose in th •4 coat of lug y , . t •
' times b a convict ail I died ill'attntly, sa . •
Intence him to thr ' e ' a - a
tains at the Battle of Trafalgar hail year-old son of F. W. llabington, eus- I Is in his coffin th need Anther emaisl innnedulttay killea the t entwine He therefore senteneed 1 'n ' • ' ' '
n i imp:essay. Nery Rev. J. R. Teefy, To -
it for ------------------ as witounowiOos uals,•st, aml a former mentl:er of , e e • b to six. mouths in the Central I' '
father of George W. Shields, one of the eonviet. risen. rowto, eon Ltd the services both morn-
ita true vaine, though he kneiv it was the faculty of Toronto rniversity, was
I • f' I *11 ' I f'
ing and evening,
(loom% Munday, who serval with Nei- Cornets, near tbe city. yeeterthayt
411114 • C' 10 nor, 121111'•
ten b Aral Nis TI e wif, of the dead Baby's Body Under Weed Pile.
St. Thorne. 'March 25 -1 en% Cray- ....eatrAwaIle.41.10**1
valuable. Ilis fatber was butler to Sir shot anti serimisly wounded at Johnson's
etC 1 N T fit fl
t nee 'remelt a ed t le armory ire
1' 14 3- -• 1
to posed to hove Lem dose by a isleoe, man IS else in serious stele from shock. Toronto, Mareh 26 . ---The body of an „
le, a the sten) Lmse, Aylmer, and judgment wriA deliverea this morning
Toronto, Ont., 1Stareh 2.6.--(Speekt1).-s,
18 vsitingt her sister, a dome:i-
sm ',Sir George exacted a promise shooting. which 12118 al'elaental, is sup.
from hie favorite servant never A fire whicd: started in the Thank infant, pisihably a mouth old, was found ?PI _ •
leave hie serviee, Ana at the tame time ola tsimpsnion, named Newell Brown. on Saturday in the (hiving i•liea of the l•
a fiction brought by Ottawa InOttlio
who WWI herself all 2,11111105,00 at the Cell. by dudge Teetzel, dismissing with 00818
gave him it desk eontaining papere, The 1.0V 1V0111 -Oa in the woods limiting Thornton Dry Gooae Company's stores,
in the ceetre l'eyetteville, N. C., last 111 111 namea 'Anse Delaney Ives getting
Presbyterian thritch at Port Credit. A
tral Hotel, made a desperate attempt to
WOW they Would. be valuable some with a small bore ri fie.
night, destroyed eleven buildings. Tho the (snooker end her lif.o yesterday 'morning about Railway Company against the eity of
day, - On the death of his father the The bullet perforated the bowele in
r lopo is estimated at $300,000, •No One when her hnnd graeped a paper ana she ! 9•20,
an armful of wood for
taking poison, There is a chance memo, esr recovery se mem „si h •
r Alma time A.,0 • 1 t the c't, for time, in
'We driver reeeived the desk, which mght p aces. ' ' j • I
nin for deelaratien that ASSOIS1114011t
v y
In resent yeare has been in the in Ht. Lake's Hampithl. It is hoped he was but several persons Were . WAS 110211fie.l aS She pulled aWay 2.42
Was illegal and void.
• trill pull through, 'should peritonitis not 'hull,. :see the 'corpse of a. child. There are no her sister ended her life the same way nos, I
A &moo -question front passenger, intervene. Snitokenora, ntril ran) nutria of vudenee on the body. 511 'Thomas.
of his daughter.