The Wingham Advance, 1906-03-15, Page 2Stuiday 1 to slip out ei his hand, and his phip to s. week. Canned vegetables aro scarce and Mg SLAVES troughs of the sea, allowing the tiller I mgrxwmgmaNgEmiggogi having advanced 10e. per cot during the illarket Reports et• b swamped with the wavea which he firtre Ontario collectious are fair to good. atiolit have outeidden.--Penteeost. Stu- Winnipeg. -There le a fairly satisfac- 1714'1"4"3:4°4%44# NO. 'XII I piled, besotted men know not where oe001•-• • • tory tone to trade in all lines. 'rho mild mutt.= grii. 1000 . they are or what they are doing, and weather has started the spring move - Temperance reeema.-Prov. ee: ffi-35. KEPT AGAINST THEIR WILLS. tvst,ed ageing GelannutY's holligemit nt'' ley the rolling WANTS of the sea, or upon _ , e ,e, . , eedeneree goods, footwear and kindred lines am Commentary. -1. Strong &hie ea, I Their sleep is disquiet, elle troublee?me Termite Partnere' Market. placing fairly good order* for fall and - tittelo, awl added, first,. that Spain and i the top of a mast. Their heads swim. , •'"'"'"- going to country points. Travellers are divine commission to every man to ne 1 •oni. op o m 1 r. T f the ast-The d unkare is ate. Wheat a trifle easier, with Wee of during the past winter will be a factor T1 grain receipts to -day were Inoller- inter lines, but no doubt stooks unsold Portugal o•nly anvaited a call from, Franco and Gi•cat Britain to join their , streugth to that of them recee; and, etreys 110411)1DM. (ve. 20, 00). Who„,...A. i t.1...feaIlla make slee-p unrefreslung. -aenn.1 , Arrest and Quick Indictment of Negro. when they lie down they ale as it tossed The Week, IN NEW YOU. you. attack Frame, we, dieclierging our inviolable obligations, will move against you." Allies Demand Peace, Then ca•me an lanIxteey to the leaiser repeemeiting jointly. AustrodIungary and I meet early and heavy shipments of dry GIRLS LURED INTO DIVES AND ltaly as Germany% allies. They pro- Yewt,igato the perevailino . .• Gids His second, that the temper of 'he European cause gf wee 'utterly regardless of e. Is as one Keeper of Dives, -Young ...0 busrels of fall at 75 to and of in next year% trade. ChOeelleS are f •1 1 ' tl let II a mg ae eep e aspuig asl iem , 110 1 1 1 f II t' •e atl a ood &mend from ell come Accusers -Lured From Home, They world was such that the event of and eorrow and strife, line thus bo de- neience in a few minutes lio mud either changed with sigtles. of 300%Ushels it 5'2e. try points. The prospects in the hard- terred from taking the wrong vourse in Tell Grand livers, They Were Held Iner milMo ' °Pn'illY inn ne lnottnee in fair suppl le ga ed . rying evm,yclung before lter, the minor., life.-Sraith, Robinson mils Ode leseon in pieces or toa into the sea and. be fall down upon the deek and be dash- Oats -nr/e 8 30 to 39eee.teady, 400 bushels sg at ellin ware trade promise an exceedingly active Prisoners1 thom whose face is toward the drunk- season. 'notions of Weeteen latiilti•ope ittezliont‘t %idol,. the drunkard's loolzinenglass, set before tirowntek-Clarke. A drunken man fan- lee..., , , o ce, sa wonkl. engage Ulmer: , 1 n t i gteatest gn, "easier, see. Y. g Ottawie-There Is fair buying from New York, March 12. -"It is one of they will be if they go on, 11 oe-Dire. 35,.. Have stricken .... not hurt (RN.) pi)r lb., acco din to lit .-• have on their halide some of the goods many on the theory that the lert•iser, un - les Inmself secure whe i i 1 e • fa dietrees; both tee eoudenntation tor term of ffi " itl Distri t Att es • - p 0, 1 c enemy leeeic dewier, 1 beaten,would (level°. into Na v- erde' habits, SO that they will see what • danger for new laid. at,ter sold at :A to -,e wl 1 I t I lti i • t 11 lo esa e. s oe cs, ft imigt le a ers still tlie most important arrests made in my inue at 20 to e3c per dozen t loade at $9 to $10.50 a ton for timothy, winter. But the outlook for future trade Jerome yesterday, speaking of the acp• Then Italy said for herself; "elm key- tlire of Robert 11, Spriggs, it negro, well Hay 10 fair guiltily, with sales of 40 brings its own punishments, but thew I w and at $6 to $8 for mixed. One load of known in the under life of this city. stone of the Italian aational areh ie eev connition of suffering. Sin of all kentie , noir, the deunkin•d. boa.sts o£ the thigs is no sin which so speedily and relent- I shame. Because he did not feel the hurt straw seld at $10 a ton. I out the country in moving well. efediberraneen posame, and tlus is ee Well should make him blush malt is bri ht, and general hush -lose Weigh- lessly pursues ita victim. as the ein of i of his wounds he cares not for the scars. extricably bound. up with the positiona Dressee hogs are firmer, with light ! London. -General trade has been rather With the arrest of Spriggs and others of Frame and Great leritoin. Benee any Wheat, white, bushel ... ,$ 0 73 $ 0 70 who are wanted it is believed a stun- Italy wants no such war no the German drunkeneesst.-Peutecost. The drunk- i He thinks himself fortunate to be saved more active duriug the pad. wce.k,. fol - quoted at $9.25 to $0.35, and heavy at $0. woes in himself, woes in his fawns; ! alarm for his unfeeling soul, teat has Do., red, bushel - .. .. 0 75 0 70 Wholesale lines aro moving well, there r, plate Government $eems wining to vontem- aili. has woes of body ems1 woes of mind; ! from the sense of pain, never feeling lowing an improvement iu countly loads. nino blow will be dealt to the system mut „ ortain awed -let% eonscience seared and. self-respect . g Tin Y. which should have been sold duriug the a sin committed, pains, diseams, poverty, and all wit no thogght of God's great mercy in spar- Do., spring, bushel .. 0 75 0 00 being a better tone to the sorting trade. of luring young white girls from their Austro•Hungew said; "The dual mon- • li- a., goose bushel 0 ee 0 00 Collections are generally good. Local homes to dens where they are kept uri- arehy under the strain of a actions out alleviation. Who bath sorrow -The • hug his life in his helpless moments. D. Hebrew moi zu then misery. The drunkard has sue' returns to the saloon for more of the Barley, bushel 0 me 0 00 Viotorie and Vancouvee-There is a Catight by Policeman Beery and Pete°. P row of hie own making. "The eeP eon- poison that has brought him thus far on Pees, bushel .. . 0 80 0 00 good movement hi n11 lines of trade on row is not .-.11 These are Se limiter. it not -" Angry companion have done nee ;timothy eon 9 00 10 rio for groceries and hardware matinees in a house in Sixth avenue, prigs was 1 f abd Witimut • el e ns first poverty, and Instead of turning to God for mercy, be Oats, bushel' .. 0 39 391.1 industries continue active. muerte oriels, and the salvation of the empire im aratively demands peace. tive Flood, under Mr. Jerome's direction, tains more than one woe; it single OA% the way to ruin. Have beaten felt Ilye, bushel ----------0 75 0 00 the Pacific coast. The interior demand busk. afoney is still plentiful, and col- I taken to the Tombs Ceurt, where Ile wae ous as to call forth a constant and.'one- : their worst to end my life, sae% he but Dfl. mixed, ton ------8 00 8 00 •• - all the brawls and, fights, quarrels and • seek Apples, per Mel. .. .. .... 2 75 4 00 delay the case was placed before the -WILL MINERS STRIKE ON APRIL x? . ADA, L,D,S. Who hath contentions-•`Nine•tenths o again -Rather, when I shall 00 9 ea' active. with canned goods firm. : len blows did. not affect me." Will Straw, per ton 10 00 0 00 'odious aro fair to good. Groceries are be J. on a c large o MINING SITUATION. 44.4.4444644444. • • .... The Wingham Advance Theo. - WO. - DR, AGNEW PHYSICIAN, SURGEON ACCOUCHEWL office ;-upstairs In the Mokedosal4 Block, Night cells answered at °fat*. P. KENNEDY, U.D., m.C.P.11,0 • (Member of the British MmUsel Alsociation) I GOLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE. Speqial attention peed to Messes ot women and children. ORRICE HOTTER I-1 to I ; me pm, DR. ROBT. C. REDMOND M. R. 0. S. ilEng.) 14 U. O. P. (Lona4 . Physician ana Surgeon. (Office with Dr. Ohishobc) A RTRITR J. IRWIN continued cry of anguish."-Clvady. ; tl • • eaisunderstandings are traceable to the controlis a gone. • 11 The drunkard is a 'Eggs, new laid, dozen .... 0 20 0 23 Butter, dairy .. .. .. ... 0 24 0 28 • Hionilton.-There is a feirly brisk tone Grand jury, the witnesses being nme • -STORING COAL. and. then unchains the tiger. it ee. i slave to appetite. He is as insensible ,..act,____erealz(liet,g. ... .. :1 0 00 0 ea ' ' to all lines of wholesale and retail trade 1Varen, fifteen years old; Maggie Brooks •here. Deliveries of spring and summer se‘eenteen, and Cora Chester sixteen. The results were three indictments re- Doctor of Dental Burger y a the len- nsylvania College and Licentiate of i awake I will seek it again. -Cook. Self - I to the pleadings and warnings of those Dental Surgery of Ontario, "drink." "Strong drink first maddens cites tongue ana brain. What guar- 0 1 "" goods are now being made, and prospects gisteree against him, one for abduction, constantly growieg out of the drunk- beatings of his comrades when Ito is de- e''' Turktela, per Re : : ' ' . 0 11: 0 e0 ing rather more activity, and collections 0 le 0 gt continue bright. Country trade is slew - one for assault and ono for maintaining rels, figetings, and even murders, are i who seek his salvation as he is to the eeerseirlibe i.o. • • • .. ard's contentions. Strong drink IS- , lirious. "One of the greatest punish- ' ' .. 0 le 0 14 ' , are fair to good. a disreputable resort, 1 flames the passions and. ab the same 1 mute of drunkenness is this insatiable ijeese Cabba'ee per doz. Ci'l. :: .. 0 40 0 per lb. . -0( Hogs -Deliveries were large, 2230 on eral diereputable houses in this city, the Sprigga, it is said, has conducted sev. time. removes the restraint of coned- i appetite that, in spite of warnings, and Caulifloi'ver, er dozen .. 'Wednesday and. Thursday. Mr. Harris inmates of which were white girls. This eine and. will." -Meredith. Who hath i in tke face of all eonequences, the drunk, Potatoes per bag .. 0 75 1 &I I 0 71 0 ge ;reports prices unchanged, at $6.85 per nob, mini gave him the sobriquet of "Tho Black babbling -"This refers to the tendency ', ard turns to les cups again. The victim 0 • ' ,-, tag e' • • • • • . mons, pm .. .. .. ..1 10' - 1 2.' es ' ewt. for selects; $0.00 for • fats; $4 to $5 per cwt. for sows and $2.50 Klieg of the White Slaves," One place of strong drink to foolish and. incessant of intemperauce will trample mi. .Y Celery, per dozen .. .. .. 0 3a 4 talking, revealing secrets, vile conver.sa- thing to reach strong drink. Put wife Beef, hindquarters - .... 0 50 7 50 i t° $3,50 per cwt. for stags. tion and noisy demonstrations, which and children. in. the path before them, Do., forequarters .. .. 4 50 '5 50 1 - The Week on 'Change. i • • theft is they gaze at them a moment and fling e Mutton, per cwt. .. .. .. 85 50o0 06 Lo "te4 i ta tradeethan°tAS oil' so arknable itai hinl• • drunkenees. Nothing goes rigeit with ability and honor and manhood there; lea., medium, carcase .. , them away.. Brine, heaven and Christ Veal, per ewt. .. .. .... 8 50 10 50 ittbuetr 21("tellemeorllections are tonerally pr'ompt. With agents scattered all over the A little conservatism regarding forward busl• city, it is mid. Spriggs found so many tbo drinker. He complains of God, of society, of his family, of his eircuee stances, of everything.. Nothing can ').(,' and salvation to withstand their down- Lamb, per cwt. .. .. „ .. 9 50 10 50 nem in some industries may attributed to victims of tender age that lie had it right to one who is thus wrong.. • • ward way, and they trample them under Winnipeg OptIons. hiugh prieese, although the greatest strength appeurts In building materials, and pinta, house in Minettn, lane and :mother in West Thitieth street, besides others. Ohe plan of his agents was to watch back was in Cornelia street, whence the p0 - lice some months ago sent several girls to BlackwelPs Island. The testimony of are common in different stages of and they cast them aside. Put reepect. Do., choice, carcase .... 0 50 6 79 11, 'et f the 'tat week these women has been obtained against Wounds without cause -Ne ounds recut- Lay remorse, with all its The following were the dealer, quota - ed wholly unprofitable disputes, suet' theie feet, otions for structural work are beyond pre - coiling, serpent • tongues and scorpion_tiggs tg.gaT. at this market; Zech 72- eedent. The few ininer strikes db net ser- iously interfere with progress, and thus far as °eine of .the brawls of drunken10011.- 3-4011, l, sellers, Lange. Drinkers are especially' expos. )itings in the path, and yet they walk on. beBay 7413 July 75 ,e8c the only noticeable effect of the mat poll- ed to accidents and diseases which fent- Pee up miseries, sorrows, paths, diseases, B bid. traverse is the unusually large demand for ea girl became befueilled to entice her perance would have prevented.-Pelon. before themnd the disposition of small merohants In ther home and to drive to one of ; yea, point out in the way Leading Wheat Markets. this season of the year in all fuel markets into a eab 'under pretence of taking her het. Redness of eyes -Bloodshot, blur- the ghastly form of death, and they still RJul, ay. the Immediate vieinity of elle anthracite qpriO ggsf dens. Dance halls were also red or bleared eyes (Gen. 49: 12).- go on for they will have rum." Oh, the gt,„.6‘4, '''.`""a • • • • • • • • • • • - • 759g 771fi mines to allow stocks to become depleted. ae'. e Whedon. Alochol induces a. paralysis power of an evil habit! It bblds a man St. It .. . - .. 74/e 7-ig Ellfula an amicable result attend the meet- watcfied. of the nerves controlling the minuta in an iron grip and drags him down to Detroit - .. :. - ' ' .. 82 801 "'" on Kul*. 10 these dealers will provide In the Cornelia street house every blood -vessels, the capillaries, which re- hell. And yet this evil habit can be ethempegs .. ..-.."..' '.. ,7„..i 1.71i tuvriziociteitsaturLoasnsd. 'Iln`h.anc.ruelart7.1: ilirmmallig window was fastened shut and all out - sults in a dilatioca that speedily shows overcome; Jeeus Christ is able to break Toledo.. .. .. .. .. ...... SO% MI ery in any of the loading manufacturing in- side blinds were padlocked. All the nt- itself in the eye. In his step and. in , its power. New York . 14 duttries, awl contracts Tol! ,diktaart delivery tendents were negroee. Some of them les eye the drunkard shows the secret i • • ' " • • • • ' " ' 83% 8310 come forward freely, ,except the textile wore on guard day and night ,and every of his sin. -Wakefield. 7.11te traveler mediate requirements. exit was writched. This, 1 tl e • and . i pie - PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS.. Toronto Live Stock. mins, where purchases are •ohiefly for Ian - Receipts of live stock at the city mar- caution that no visitors were admitted rooms of saloons ate wben an unescort- i 1. The results of wine drinking. I. ket sinee Tuesday, as reported by the in the drunkard's broad road to death ../1/...1........." bears a great bundle of woes. Among • "Woe" (v. 29). Wine drinking brings "THE LIMIT" IN CIRCUS FEATS. except thcise whose secrecy could be re - railways, were 00 car loads, consisting of lied on, made it impossible for ang girl the woe of (a) ill health. It poisons 1,528 cattle, 2.230 hogs, 42e sheep and Daring Parisienne Who Turns Somersault : to escape. One young girl declared elle them are losses of time, of talent, of - purity, of a clean conscience, of self -re- . . the blood and saps the constitution, and Iambs and. 00 calves. Besides the above i bad been a prisoner in the house for spect, of honor, of religion, o re leton, hogs, there were over 1,500 hogs received With Auto. of the soul. The saloon darkens the fam- spreads the .foulest diseases.. (b). Day- erty. It indisposes. and unfits for indus- by Toronto firms, that were not unload- ily, obstructs business, arrests, indite - try. An army of eighteen hundred. work- ed at the market. New York, March 11. --On board the try, impedes progress, deranges plans. Philadelplea, of the American line ' omen marched through the streets of The quality of fat cattle generally was which will reach New York from South: estranges partners, loweis persona four years. Hattie Warren told her story unre - servedly in the District Attorney's of- fice before she appeared before the Grand Jury. It was on a charge of luring !ler Mahannoy City, Pa., March le. -Th, Philadelphia and Reading Coal aucl Iron Co. is storing soft coal at East Mahan- noy Junction, for its engines on the Catawissa division. Local coal dealers say they bave more erders for delivery by April 1 than they can fill. Unless the operators grant an 8 hour day and other demands prominent members of the min- ers union here say that it strike will be declared at the tie -district convention, to be held before April. Shamokin, Pc.., March 12. -News here that the anthracite coal companies will not grant a single .demand of the united mine workers is received with surprise and disappointment. Many of the min- ers declared they will quit work April 1, unless they receive concessions. DASHED TO EARTH. Miraculous Escape of Workmen on a Montreal Building. Montreal, March 11,-13y the collapse of a building in course of construction at Dominion Park, Long Point, on Saturday, 12 workmen were injured, two severely and the others slightly. The building upon which the men were employed was intended for a restaurant and. amusement halla and its dimen- sions were 200 by 100 feet. The col- lapse was caused by a heavy gust of wind, which struck the building with terrific° force, Ana leveled it to leo ground. The men who were injured \Me ik- ing on the scaffolding, some at I eight of more than 50 feet from the ground. Considering the size of the structure and the suddenness of the collapse It la a Moe over Post Oithie-WINGRAII DR. HOLLOWAY DENTIST BEATER BLOCK WINGBAII VANSTONE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money vo loan at loweetrates. Office BEAVER BLOCS, 7-05. WINGHA.M. DICKINSON & HOLMES Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Office: Meyer Block Wingham. E. L. Dickinson Dooley Holmee J. A. MORTON BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. MONEY TO LOAN. Office :-Morton Block, Wingham VELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO. few of Vie woes caused by the saloon.- "Clive our ceildren bread." They went being offered. for the new Barnum & Bailey "thriller" . . . . wonder that there were no fat'alities. lestablished 180. fi am her home on May 16 1905 that Boardman. out to a picnic garden and drank forty Trade was good all round, all offer- known as "The Limit." fepritegs WWI indicted ior abduction and Head Office GUELPH, ONT, • kegs of beer. If the poor people would ings being readily bought tip at steady . . C. Ercole, who introduced the of beating her when she attempted to "BISHOP" DONKIN DEAD. °map° that he was indicted for assault. -• Risks taken on all classes of inenneefe Teo ante on the cash or premium note mown. Chicago carrying a banner inscribed: not good, few choice, well -finished lots standing, debauches politics. Such are a ampton to -day, is the heavy apparatus 30. They that tarry on„- This wers the above questions. He who begins put aWfty the beer and the idleness which pi,ces m len quality 1 , automobile somersault act in Paris, _ beer drinking induces, there would be A large number of cattle dealers were au In addition to his houses Spriggs lied several dance halls, one in the Tenderloin to drink continues to drink, tarrying of on the market looking for a supply of and Mlle. Octavia la Tour, a young and another in Minette, lane. White ten a whole night, and from that to day bread enough for the children. fat cattle and lunch cows. Some of woman wbo twice a day will risk her girls were their nabituee, but no white and night. They that go- To places or 2. "Sorrow" (v. 29). Wine drinking ther dealers stated that they could buy neck to show how easy it is to turn man was permitted to enter, amone people where intoxicating drinks turns men into beasts, it makes wives • '1 • 't b their cattle cheaper on the market than a somersault in an automobile, are pas- • ' • in the Tenderloin it was said that Spriggs' arrest was a result of revolt). - bens made by Bertha Chtiche. No basis for the rumor could be found. are made or stored or used. -Beecher. widows, an children, from the farmers. seno•eis on e i p . Mixed wine -Spiced, drugged, medicated lielpless infancy of food and clothing. t, wine, the intoxicating power of which There is no sorrow that pen can picture offered and none of good to prime qual- "The Whirlwind of Death." The auto- Exporters-oNot many exporters were In Paris the new act was known as is increased by the infusion of drugs so dark, so heart -breaking, as that which ity. Prices ranged f rom $4.40 to $4.80, mobile containing the young woman ' -- 4Destructio ' . n. -"At the last it bitetlbulls sol ,t d at $3.50 to $4 per cwt. shoots down an incline, and, striking the cup of a costly death -Tenneyon wine drinking brings. with few at the latter price. Export and spices.-hluenscher. Such men drink by the people in this country shows le at like a serpent, and stingeth like an adder Butchers -Few good to choice butcher sc orery° in the runway, darts into the The chemical analysis of the liquors 0001 bitter almonds, blood, chalk, cherry- it sparkles and cheers; at the last it ily picked up at firm prices. More prime For twenty-five feet or more it rises they drink alcohol, arsenic, alum, aloes, (v. 32). This is the end. At the first cattle were offered and these were read- la.urel, cocculus indices, copperas, gyp- like a, bird. perfectly poised, then suit - sum, henbane, isinglass, lime, lead, log- mirth and song; at the last is produces at e4.50 to $4.70; loads of good, $4.20 denly the machine turns a complete poisons and maddens. At first it excites cattle wonld have sold. Picked lots sold wood, nux vomiea, opium, oil of vit. sorrow and curses. At the first it is an to $4.40; medium, $3.83 to $4.15; com- forward somersault, again shoots' for - '1 f • ' 'I f t entine to- affair of good feeling and fellowship; mon, $3.25 to $3.50; cows at $2.75 to $1 0 ' ward, strikes the cushion of the second • bacco, sugar of lead, resin, etc. -g. S. a. e the last it is o.n affair of feuds, fight- per cwt. , , Journal. : 0 ino and. murder. At the last it is a cup Feeders and stockers -IL Murby re - II. Strong drink prohibited (vs. 31, 32). of exhilaration in the hands of thought. ports the stocker and feeder trade as ee being fairly brisk this week. Ire bouglit 31. Look not ---This prohibits even mod- i moth; at the last it is "a cup . 300 head this week at the following erate drinking. It is our duty to avoid fearful tremblino iv the hand of an of votations: Best feeders, 1100 to 1200 temptation. See Prov. iv. 14, 15. The per- fendel God. etAbe first it is the grate - I a, nt $1.30 to $4.00; inedium feeders, son who entore into temptation is al- ful stimulus of an hour; a ., 1 • t the last it 1000 to 1100 lbs., at $3.90 to $1.10; best color of the wine gives it an attractive fire that never shall be, quenched." d the .. medium feeders, 90 to 1000 lbe., at $3.60 most certain to fall. Red -The bright is the "worm that never dies, an leder?, 90 Oto 1000 lbs., al; $3.75 to $4.10: look. His color in the cup -Literally, 5. Licentiousness. ' Thine eyes slum to 33.00; best stockers, 750 to 000 eve, its eye, the clear brightnees, or the bead- behold strange women" (v. 33): A man at $.3.15 to $3.50; good stock heifers, 000 n. ed bubbles, owhich the winr drinker under the influence of ides. 'to ecants is to e Mi., at 3.3 to $:3.25; common stock- - looks with pleasure.-Blumptre. Goeth easily tempted. With judgment clouded' ers, $2.75 to $3. Mr. Murby shipped out down smoothly (B. V.) -This verse pic- reason dethroned, memory gone, and seven loads to clienta. tures the attractive side of wine, \ellen passion inflamed, he reels ready for any Mil& cows -Five or SIX buyers from it seems perfectly harmless to sip a tit - crime. There is it fable that the devil 'outside points, principally Montreal, who tie, when it is bright and inspiring, thrie thP r eliciee e • at one time offered a man e alternative .were all anxious to get a supply of cowl, ling the nerves with delight, promising obeleeen three sins. one of helped to make it brisk market. Prices alljoy and freedom. It is the shining which, as a means of averting some evil ranged from $30 to $02.50 each. And side of evil that is so dangerous -this or obtaining some good, he was bound to 'although there was it large number, over flowery entrance to the path that leads commit. The sins were murder, incest 50 cows on the market, still more woul.t to deatle-Peloubet. At such a time, be- and drunkenness. The man chose the .11ave sold. wozel 32. At the last it biteth- The last as incomparably at least. This was Vent calves -About 100 veal calves pleasure will be alended at last with in- • the devil's device, for under the influ- were on sale, but out of this number not tolerable pains, when it works lika BO ence of liquor he was quickly tempted :more than balf a dozen were of good much poison in thy veins and casts thee to commit the other two crimes. In- .quality. The bulk was of inferior to' into diseases as hard to cure as the bit- . temperance is the parent of crime. medium, which sold at easier prices, but ing of a serpent. -Patrick. Its effects , H. The remedy for wine drinking. . the good ones sold as high fie ever. The are opposite to its pleti.lired. Its only ; "Look not thou upon the wine when it is ,prices roamed front $3.50 to $7 per ewt. beetity is when it sparkles iu the cup. • quality veals • fed on new milk red" (v. 31). Do not waste one lance ,Prinle g It can only harm the one who ventures would bring $7.50 to $8 per cwt., lint upon it. Do not put yourself in the way to enjoy its .pleasure; then it bites and these are scam and seldom seen on the of temptation. Turn from it. .as nose Rends its poison beyond your reach. Its 'Lively as. the little girl, out driving 'with ,market. only end and purpose is ruin. Its sting is . 'hoop and Iambs -11m run of sheep who said, "Wicked old :. the sting of death, Adder -In the Gen- I Miss Willard, and lambs was not large. Prices remain- eva Bible this word is translated eeoee. saloon, I'll try to not even look at: the •ed about steady as follows: Export atrice." It was a very venomous serpent. barrels." A Christian who follows his ewes, at $4.75 to $5.25 per cwt.; hues, But the picture cannot be overdrawn. ! Bible Will be a total abstainer. The •nb $4 to $4.50; lambs, $0.75 to $7 prr The curse of strong drink is worse than nrieses were forbiddea to drink wine. cwt., and one extra choice lot of ewes the bite of a thousand serpents. Note Nadal) and Abilm when drunk offered 'and wethers brought 37.23 per cwt.; some of the evils of interoperame: 1. It strange fire and it led to their terrible mixed lots of buck and ewe lambs sold injures the body. 2. It disables the mind. death (Lev. x. 1-9). We are priests (1.. at $5.50 to $0.50 per cwt. 3. It unfits for Gm daily duties of life. Peter ii. 5), therefore ought to avoid Biitish Cattle Mailitts. 4. It brings poverty. 5. 14 tempts other. wine. Paul tells us it is "good" to do London, -Cattle are getotee ttt lOse to 0. It leads into bad company. 7. It is . this for the sake of others, as well as •• • Mee per lb.; refrigerator beef, 7eac per opposed to religion and morality. 8. It for ourselves (Rom. xiv. 21-23). , lb.; sheep, dressed, leek to Wee per lb.; Injures and disgraces family and Mende. "Looking unto Jesus the author and lambs, 141ec, dressed weight. O. It leads to crime, 10. It injures the lab- finisher of our faith," is the eemedy for Bradstreet's on Trade. orirg man, 11. It fills poor -houses and (Newt, ill Male xi!. 21. As the bitten , prisons. 12. It ruins the soul. Montreal: During the past week or so Ieraelites lookee to the brazen serpent, III. Strong &ink ruinous to eharac- sr i . . t b the so -pent may • country roads have been in more or less ter (vs. 33). - ) the simnel s mig y of bad condition, and interior trade goner - look up for health and life. Any 23. Eyes. shall behold, ete.-"Thine ally has ben interrupted, As a result Mein could look. Even the week MICR eyes shall behold (strange things." - R. who could not raise their heads from orders to the wholesalers- have been dis- V. Some think there is a reference her appointing. There is a slightly better to the delirium tremens. Ilut the rend- their pillowe could look. Even the dying tone to remittances. It is generally be- efing in the Authorized Version, which 011Os who could not life their hands ottlti is retained in the margin of the Revised look. A little child bitten y the set; b -V tieeivnegil upleapt eiLifritiyllinIgvere To,: try 5gtolio goods Version, is aceording to the Cambridge pent ean look. So easy hits Goe mad - trade reports that throughout Qtrebee Bible,ein keeping with the usage of the . the way of salvation. A, a le, Ana the eastern provineee there live fairly word in the Book of Proverbs, and with . the undoubted connection between excess I3RITAIN LEADS. large stocks of winter goods being held over. Buyers of spring goods bane been of wine and lust. The "lust of the eyes" causes the downfall of many. We should hasten to close our eyes to that tbieli we ought not to see. Heart shall utter - When IIPIL or women indulge in the use of strong drink they Int down the bars to every sin that follows in the train. The hetut is the eentte of life, and from it spring all evil desires. In it state of drunkennees men Utter things out of reason and contrary to deceney. When it man is under the influence of liquor his diameter is bad and be behaves badly. Alcohol makes criminals. A large per cent. of the inmates el our penal insti- tutiene aro there through the effeets of rum. IV. Strong drink Ioads to folly (vs. 31, 35), 24. 'In the midst of the eca.--To make one's bed on the 'olives of the owe would I, ti awellowed up in death. So the drunken Intl. Or ag pilot who haq gone to sleep when his ship was in the in town in considerable numbers. Deliv- eries of spring goods are active. Staple ,groceries are moving fairly well, and GETS BIG SLICE OF ARGENTINE orders for future business are larger. TRADF,-CHINESE TRADE. Metal prices are firm and pig iron is scarce and in good demane. Boot and Washington, March 10.-17. S. Special shoe manufeeturers continue busy, and Agent Burrill, in report to the Depart- there is a fair movement in leather. Hides meet of Comineree and Labor, describes coittinue weak. Aronto.-There is a good tone to trade conditions in South China, stafpg wholesale trade conditions here More that it, will take time to recover front ' seasonale weather recently has given a the effeets of the boycoet. -better tone to sorting trade. elome stocks The United States ix pushier; Germeny of winter goods remain in the hands of fur fiveunit place in the trade of Argen- the retailers, but it appears these stocks tine, consul -General Coles advises from are not so licevy as it had been expected leeeme Ayres, urea mitten Imes by they would be a month or two ago, and selling annually there *MAMMA worth the outlook for spring and summer trade of it (161.1.4 Germany and America 'each ay. Is toireeporelingly better. Heavy eliip- ' eragiug nearly $25,000,000 ROM The inente of goods are beieg Made. Marti - Consul mentions the need of Muth:an ware trade is fairly brisk. Groceries are bank in Buenos Ayrea. fairly delve. Sugar prices. aro firm, runway and rushes to the ground. It is called "the limit" because the circus men regard it as the acme of all such acts as dipping the dip and looping the gap. VISIT OF KINGS. DO THEY FORESHADOW AN ANGLO- SPANISH ALLIANCE. Madrid, March 12. -Signor Villeneuve, who was Minister of Marine in the late Montero Bias' Cabinet, says he intends to publicly denounce in Parliament the action of Signor Montero Bios in making a secret treaty with France whereby Spain assisted. France in the questions of the Moroccan bank and the police of 'Morocco. The diplomats here consider that the exchange of visits beeween King Edward and Niter Alfonso foreshadows a gen- eral Anglo -Spanish alliance. BIG SNOW STORM. HEAVY SNOW PALL IN OREGON - ROADS BLOCKED. Portland, Ore., March 12. -Reports to the Oregonian from all parts of the Northwest indicate that the district is 111 tke throes of one of the worst storms ever experienced in March. A snow fall 'varying from 15 inches at Weizer, Idaho, to three inches at Huntington, Oregon, oecurred yesterday. Albany, Orego», is experieneing 11 mow and sleet storm. Snow blocked one of the Oregon rail- road and) navigation branches in south- eastern Washington. At Walla Walla severely cold winds threaten the fruit erop. At North Yakima, a bitter wine, reaehieg the proportiolt of a gale, me roofed sevet•al buildings, and did proper- ty damage aggregating thousands of doe, Jars. .444,44.4111104•41111.4.4...4• DENVER EDITOR DIES, He Was Born in Canada and Well Known Here. Denver, Col., March 11. -Thomas i. Meltenna, managing editor of the Rocky Mountain News and of the Denver Times, diee last night of heart diseftee, Mr. McKenna, was born in Montreal, Cansda, 45 years ago, and for four years was secretary and manager of the Sham- rock incrosse team, which held the cham- pionship of Canada. Mr. McKenna, had been connected with the News for seven- teen years. Treasurer Cornish Pleads Guilty, 'Winnipeg, March 11.-4. IL Cornish, the defaulting Treasurer of Borkenhead municipality, who pleated not guilty, • when arraigned at the Aoslzes yesterday, detected to plea(' guilty. A largely -sign- ed petition of ratepayers from there was presented to the Benet), asking for elem. eney of the eourt, Ile was believed to have been mentally incapable of -dig- eharging hie duties properly. Sentence was deferred. 17: UNION CEMETERY. CHICAGO TO HAVE A RESTING PLACE FOR UNION MEN. Chicago, March 12. -It will be soon possible in Chicago for union men to die and be buried under "thoroughly un- ion" conditions. The last chapter in the union book of life is a "union" cemetery. Under the impulse given by the joint eigarmakers unions of the city, the movement took practical shape yester- day and within a month or two a plot of ground large enough for five thou- sand tr,raves will be reserved strictly for unionists. No other person may be bur- ied there, The eigarmakers bave appropriated! $15,000 from their treasury to cai•ry out the scheme. They do hot intend to keep the cemetery for the benefit of the members of their own trade only, but will throw open the gates of the burying ground to the other unions of Chicago. It is expected that the rest of the labor organizations of the city will join heartily in the plan. -••••••••40--- 6ERMANY COOLED OFF YIELDED WHEN THE POWERS JOINTLY OPPOSED HER. Once Arrested in Rome and Exposed by Truth as a Swindler. London, March. 11. -The death is an- nounced of Edward Donkin, the self- styled Bishop of •Sante Croce, whose swindling mese 1 eribed in Truth, which newspaper quoted. on Feb. 8 a letter from Donkin saying that he expected to (lie within a month. "If Nothing Will Satisfy Germany But War, France Will Not Shirk Her Na- tional Duty" -The Other Nations Nodded Significantly, and the Kaiser Grew Wise. Algeciras, Mareh 10. -The spirit of conciliation was most marked at to- day's session of the) conference on Mo- roccan reforms, and. produced a general impression that a settlement of 4 -he is- suesis ohly it matter of time and the adjustment of details. Genmithy hes ma- terially modined the eonditione on whielt one °needed. a Frititice•Spallish police fare°, but France atilt hesitates to ac- cept these conditions. The indications are, however, Mutt an acceptable middle ground will be found. What They All Said, New York, March 11. -The Sun pub- lishes a Rreeial cable purporeing to tell why Emperor William decided to be good., After Count von Radonvita the Ger man delegate att Algeciras, imitatieg Chancelor von Buelonv, hsid for weeks treated Itevorl, the French, envoy in the most provocative manner at all their meetings., elto latter filially turned upon him and said: "Very well, if nothing but war egill sutisfy Germany, France will not Omit her natioinel duty. We tent fight to turn you back if •we must, just as Japan fought. Our ease is like Japan's; yours like Russia's." At the tame anoment the full re. sources of the grent peate movement which King Dittltrd td9 so aesicluonsly been orgenizing in Europe for the pa.st farce years were turned, 'upon Germany. TInia ie what Impperiee: Great Britain said to Item "You are seeking fin ein1 which we menet tontem- plate-the driving of a. powerful wedge into the Medietrranean Haus quo, Our forces will stipp(sti, Attlee." Ituseia oda to her: "In the event that n 4.wL m 111 III • 'Amok ett memo ga gem ki g eimiesem elm em e It was cbarged that Donkin's title of bishop was conferred on him by an old Catholic church of Wisconsin. 1Vhen Don- kin was arrested 111 Rome, in January, 1904, for debt, he declared that he lived in Cleveland. Ohio, and was, a member of the Benedictine Order of the Indepen- dent Catholic° Church of Central Amm- ica. FINED THE WHOLE TRIBE. No Thirty -Day Option Down Mapumulo Way. Mapumulo, Natal, Mar& 10. -An im- pressive spectacle was witnessed here be -day, when the chiefs of the district and scores of tribesmen came in to hear the decision of the mintary commander with regard to the rising of natives in 'February. The commander fined Chief Gobizemb•e end his tribe 1,200 eattle, 3,500 sheep and goats, and dispossessed the tribe from a portion of their terri- tory. The chiefs admitted that the pun- ishment was just, but requested it lessen- ing of their taxes. PRINCESS ENA. fixes (amine, CHAS. DAVIDSON, President. Secretary. JOHN RITCHIE, AGIONT, WINGSAM ONT BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE jil- ii Ji al HER BETROTHAL TO ALFONSO OFFI- CIALLY ANNOUNCED. Madrid, March 12. -Premier Moret to. day officially commueicated to the Cab- inet Ring Alfonso's betrothal to Princese Ena of Battenberg, who hereafter will be officially known at Victoria Eugenic. Later the two Houses of Parliament will notified. The Minister of Finance will present it bill appropriating the sunt of $50,000 annually for the future queen. The date of the marriage has been de, finitely fixed for June 2nd. e : 4 SENATOR DOMVILLE HUR;:e. Fell on Boat and Suffers Compound Fracture of Leg. New York, March 11. -Hon, James Domville, member of the Canadian Senate, who arrived. here yesterday on the steamer Lueania, from Liverpool, fell while walking en fleck last, Wed- nesday and suffered compound fracture of the leg. Upon les arrivel here he was removed to the Grand Central Station and resum- ed his journey to his home in New Brunswick. A Serious Runaway Accident at ! Maher - ton. Flesherton,. Mardi 11. -On Friday af- ternoon a runaway team, driven by Rob- ert Thom )son, collided with a telegraph polo and beeanio separated. One horse continued running down the sidewalk of ithe main street, and struck James the !six-year-old son of Mr. Mark 'lVilson, butcher, crushing ift and fracturing the !Mid's skull. lie is still living, 1)114l ' eluinees of recovery are, in the doctor's opinion, slight. The victim is en pee eeedingly bright boy aud is a general favorite. ; : I. Moving the AddreSs. Ottawa, Mareli 12. -Senator McGregor avill eccond the motion in the tipper House for the adoption of the address in reply to the 'speech from the throne. As already unneunced Senator Deveber, of Lethbridge, Will propose the motion, In the Lower Muse the motion will be proposed by Mr. Knowles arid seconded by Mt Chisholm, TRADE EVIARIM DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C.. Anyone sending a sketch and deseriptipat mar quickly esoortnin our opinion freo whether an invention is probably patentable. _.,Pommunkes. tions strictly cool) salami. ilANDBOult on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn 4 Co. receive specteanotice, without charge, titthet Scientific iimericaL 1 A handsomely illustrated vreekly. Tinniest etr.. ciliation of any soiensine nTerlittl. Pa mafficgriodths, el. Soul ny !TU 361Brommay, New York Branch 0Ence. 025 Washington. D. C. ....-.1•11111-.1. PROMPTLY SECURED Write for our interesting books "invent. or's Help" and " How you arc swindled." vention or improvement and we will tell you. Send us a rough sketch or model of your inl free our opinion as to whether it is ptobably patentable. Efejected applications have ate, been successfully prosecuted by us. we aoudttet fully equipped offices in lilso.theei and Washington' this qualifies us to ' ,rempt. ly dispatch work and quickly sew. ,'' over 100 newePaPef% Wr aibuted throughout rion receive special lictlicv • without eit„ze in e Patents as brold as the invention. MOP' Specialty Tat 4t references furnished. Patents procured thrquglo ti.hureel:autiii(nilion4.w. ers. Marion 8: Ma. ( Pate:: "' MA'Rjr.iN & MARION Met business t.rf Nanette - ear 1 New York Ltie I'Vld'g. flontreal , t erperts and Sallcitorn. Atlantic Bldg,Wasbington D.C. 1101111••••• \ammo. DRAWING ROOM. BRILLIANT FUNCTION AT RIDEAtt HALL, OTTAWA. Ottawa, ont., March 11. -The see- ond vice -regal drawing -room unda in Grey regime took place last even- ing, and was fully as briliant as tmy which have preceded it. The number of presentations exceeded 800, slightly un- der the total of last year, but the list of debutantes, about 150, was far in ex- cess of any previous year. Their Excel- leneies were snrrounded by it brilliant staff, and as the evening advanced the scene iii the Senate Chamber WS a most striking and bemitiful one, The The Guards' Band, will& was stationed in the main lobby, discoursed sweet mu - sit while the presentations were in pro- gress, Ono of the noteworthy features of the evening WAR the appearance for the first time of practically all the Dep. uty Ministers in their official uniforms.. Aro......••••••ismV. SALE OF WIFE A JOKE. Essex Man Aequitted on the Nea4uppert Charge. Sandwieb, Ont., Merch 11. -Judge of the Essex County Court, has acquitted Rielterd 'Cowell, of Colchester South Township, charge,' with hon - support. Cowell put in evidence to show flint hie wife had ANTRA tl) 1110 AtOregjo Emeat, and. WaS Privileged to purehate clothing Ella Other raves - sales. Cewell is the Man :teemed or having sold his wife to it neighbor for 350, though this was not a part 01 tbe bill against him, Ire el:timed the sale was it joke with his neighbor. <ow.