HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1906-03-08, Page 8East Wawanosh. There is quite a number going West from here next week. Albert Nethery is getting along nicely after his illness. NM. M. Stapleton, who bas been seriously ill, is recovering. Miss Lizzie Menzies spent a few days last week in Wingham. Mrs.. Thos. Black, 6th line, is a little better, we are pleased to hear. Miss. Ida Reid has been seriously IR with inflammation, but is recovering. Kenneth Edwards, 6th line, was vis- iting friends around Westfield this week. A good many in this vicinity are complaining of doles and also sore throats. Mrs. Watson and daughter of Eden Mills are spending a few days with Wawanosh friends. Jas. Menzies is laid up with a sprained ankle which was caused by falling from a load of hay. Mabel Shiell and Roy Reid are going to Manitoba on Thursday to their uncle, Mr. Reid ; we wish them a pleasant trip. Last week, Robert Wightrnan re- moved his stock and household effects to his farm near Blytb, which he re- cently purchased. His brother, Chas., who bought the old homestead from his brother some time ago, also moved in last week. We are glad to welcome Mr, and Mrs. Wightnsan again to our neighborhood. Report of S. S. No. 11, East Wawa - nosh, for the month of February. Names in order of merit : 5th class— Gordon Shiell, Joyce McLean, Ed- mund Irwin, Olive Currie. 4th Sen.— Alex. Shiell, Clarence Shiell. 4th Jun. —Nettie McLean, Jim Currie, Birdie Robertson, Mary Ferguson, Retsina Irwin, Luella Shiell. 3rd class—Nor- man McNeil, Edna 11IcNeil. 2nd Sen. —Bernice Shiell,•Rozella McNeil, Pearl Auld, Olive Chapman. 2nd Junior— Edna Robertson, Milton McBurney, Willie Chapman. Part 2nd—Russel Walker, Chas. Shiell, Hartwell Chap- man, May Doyle, Eddie McBurney. Part lst—May Shiell. Isabella D, Mc- Dougall, teacher. 1 Turnberry, . Report for February of S. S. No. 8, Turnberry. Names are in order of merit. Sr. IV—Bert. Elliott, Maggie Wheeler. Jr. IV—Alba Hogg, Han- nah Wacker. Sr. III—Charlie Fow- ler, Roland Henderson, Lizzie Magee. Jr. IH—Willie McKenzie, Mac. Elliott, Pearl Walker, Robt. Hogg. Sr. III— Ariel Ferguson, Minnie Walker, Har- vey Anderson, Willie Magee, John Walker. Pt. II—Percy Martin. Pt. I—Reta Walker, Denton Ferguson. Ada L Howson, teacher. Report for February of S. S. No. 11, Turnberry. Names in order of merit. Sr. IV—Ernest Linklater, Emily For- syth. Jr. IV—Roy Netterfield, Leon- ard Rush, Earl Reid. Sr. III—Mary Currie, Ethel Ransom, Earl Groves, Lizzie Lockridge, Laura Calhoun, An- na McDonald, Eddie Lockriclge. Jr. III—Maggie Reid, Edna Finley, Willie Styles, Eva Linklater, Harry Ashby, Aggie Finnen, Casburn Austin. Sr. II- 'Ruby Forsyth, Carrie Weeks, Wil- bert Mowbray, Dan. Mowbray, Frank Lockridge. Jr. II—John Rogers, Will. Srigley, Alvin Groves, Alf. Lockridge, Minnie Saunders, Beatrice Johnston. Sr. Pt. II—Nelson Rnsh, Ralph Weeks, Grace Mowbray. Jr. Pt. II—Jessie Currie, Gordon Ransom, Sam. Styles, Ross Forsyth, Grace Free. Sr. Pt. I— Myrtle Dockridge, Ella Rogers, Alvin Reid, Milton Groves, Aggie Gray, Rose Weeks. Ernest Linklater obtained the highest standing for the month. M. D. Fisher, teacher. Brussels. Rev. W. Cosens was at London last, Sunday, taking Rev, Mr. Livingstone's work. There will he quite a move out to the Northwest next Tuesday, March lath, from here. The Western fever is burning and as a result a number will leave shortly from Brussels and locality. Rev, Mr. McDougal from Brockville preached two very able sermons in the Presbyterian church last Sunday. Frank, son of Thos. Davidson, 11th con. of Grey, has joined the staff of the Metropolitan Bank, Brussels, this week, Last Friday Jaynes Thnell plucked three well formed dandelions as evi• donee of the salubrity of this North- ern Clime. Anthony Sample, who was here on a visit, Left this week for Wolseley, Manitoba, where be is employed at his trade as painter, It is reported that a Brusselite made some money this week by backing Goderich hockey team in their match against Berlin for the intermediate championship. We are sorry to say that Miss Re- becca Shurrie and her mother, of 5th line, Morris, are both very low, suffer- ing froni pneumonia ; we hope for their restoration. The newly -appointed Town careta- ker did not begin his labors March 1st, as per agreement, on account of his sickness, A. McLaughlin continues until he gets well. The Ament sawmill commenced work this week. Even in the face of little sleighing there is about as large a stock of logs in the yards this year as there was last season. Skating has been enjoyed by the young people of the town during the past week, The moonlight adds much to the pleasure. Skating is a good healthy exercise if indulged in mod- erately. The cottage of R. J. Williamson, corner of John and Church streets, has been sold to Thos. Ennis, of Brus- sels, for $600. Mr. Williamson in- tends removing to the West this month, hence the sale. The concert given by the A. P. Y. A. of 'St. John's Church, Brussels, last week, was a decided success, finan- cially ; proceeds, over $100. Messrs. McGreggor and Harvey are drawing cards ; the local talent was good, too. Village Clerk F. S. Scott has receiv- ed notification that a new line of rail- way may be surveyed through the corporation of Brussels. It is suppos- ed to be directed from London through to a point on the Northern waters, Rev. Janes Livingstone, London, preached Epworth League sermons in the Methodist church last Sabbath. The sermons were much appreciated ; large congregations were present at both services, especially in the even- ing. On Monday evening he gave his lecture on "Imagination," which was grand from the beginning to the end. Though the fees were low (10 and 15c.) yet the proceeds amounted to about $34.00. On Thursday, 8th inst., Postmaster Farrow enters his 74th year. The Do- minion Parliament opens this year on that date, and this will no doubt re- mind hirer of days past and gone, and bring old scenes afresh before him. He will no doubt think of the changes time has wrought in the House as well as in the country, since he was elected in 1872, to represent what was then North Huron. When the House meets on Thursday there will be very few present who were members in 1873, perhaps not more than two, Hon. Jno. Haggart and Hon. Jno. Costigan, if memory serves us correctly. Mr. Farrow represented North (afterwards East) Huron continuously from 1872 to 1887, passing through five general elections ; he was victorious in four, and went down in the fifth. by 61 votes, being defeated by Dr. P. Mac- donald. Was it not a rather strange coincidence, that his successor ran the same number of elections, won four and went down to dire defeat in the fifth. If the indemnity had been then $2,500, as at present, the fifteen years should have made our esteemed citizen quite comfortable financially, instead of otherwise, after fifteen years' ser- vice of the best of his life. However, we are pleased to note that he is still vigorous, and bas considerable energy left yet, notwithstanding he has pass- ed the three score and ten mark. May he be spared many years yet to act as Brussels' faithful postmaster. i' Whitechurch. Mr. Simpson, the store -keeper at Fordyce, has failed in business. Dr. Jamieson has sold Farmer Jim ; Mr. McBurney of the Oth con. is the purchaser. • Mr. Sellars of Morris was in this vi- cinity on Tuesday, looking for a horse to buy ; he was the guest of J. Nixon. Miss Annie Haig, who has spent the winter with Mrs. E. Winfield, left on Tuesday to visit friends in Fergus be- fore returning to her home in Grand Rapids, Michigan. We are pleased to report that Mr. E. Gaunt, who is laid up with blood poison, is improving as well as can he expected. Mr. G. has suffered untold agony for the past three weeks and we are all gratified to learn that his suffering is considerably abated. Mrs. Tumoth, of the village, is pro- posing to take a trip to the Nest dur- ing the coming summer. Her family are all in the West with the exception of one daughter, and Mrs. Tun -loth (who is very lonely in Whitechurch since the death of her husband last Spring) is contemplating a very plea- sant trip. FOR SALE.—Lot 18, con. 7, Turn - berry, one hundred acres, nearly all cleared ; in grass many years •, good soil and welt watered, Terms to suit purchaser.—H. Mims, Wingham. 4 Just Received A New Lot of WINDOW SHADES oilbest spring rollers; colors --Cram, Green, Red ; reversible ; cut to suit your windows. For sale at the lowest prices—at K. M. Fisher's BOOK STORE. (Suooesior to Cooper & 0o.) 1 Atialissaataisassimassisessississimaiwase THE WINGH.AM ADVANCE ••-{- THURSDAY, Morris. they. At A. Hughes' auction sale last Mrs. Job King spent a few days last Monday 2 spring calves sold for $26,50, week with friends at I3aayfleld, and two turkeys brought $1.56 a piece, and. hens were knocked down at 57 and 58 cents each, Jno. Jackson and family removed this week from the Oth line to the 8th where they purpose making their home, S. Walker and family will again assume charge of the farts vacated by Mr. Jackson, On February 15th, Thomas Semple, a former resident of Morris township, died at the home of his nephew,. Jno. Sample, at Souris, Manitoba, in his 80th year. He was born in Scotland corning to Canada in 1852. It is about 13 years since Mr. Sample went West. Deceased was unmarried. He is see- vived by two brothers, Robt. of Brus- sels, and Anthony of Cannington Manor, N. W. T. He has tirade his home with his nephew for years. His illness was of short duration being largely a case of life's wheels being worn out.. He suffered no pain, The following is the standing of the pupils of No. 8, Morris, for the month of February, based on the results of the weekly examinations and good conduct, In the fifth, fourth, third and second classes, the possible total was 400 marks. Fifth—Annie Garniss 283, Mildred Jewitt 278, Gladys Brooks 189 (absent from one examination.) Fourth—Lizzie Knox 210. Mabel Scott 119 (absent from one), Harvey Knox 114 (absent from one). Sr, 3rd --Arch, McMichael 337, Elden Nethery 280, Will. McMichael 234, Edna Johnston 253, Stanley Rutledge 234, Cooper Nethery 181, Thos. Jermyn 119. Jr. 3rd.—Enna Johnston 358, Tessa Ter- myn 301, Florence South 243, Wal- lace Agar 221, Fred. Agar 209, Harvey Garniss 193 (absent from one), Nor- man Souch 171. Sr. 2nd.—Harold Jewitt 312, Clara Agar 318, Abner Knox 281, Wilbert Mathers 217, Chas. Brewer 233, Willie Brewer 227, Earl Mailers 128, Earnest Churchill 58 (ale sent from three). Jr, 2nd—John Thynne 330, John Rutledge 270, Enoch Knox 242, .Tas. McEwen 196 (absent from one), Mildred Souch 186 (absent from one), Laura Jermyn 172, Ada McMichael 154 (absent from one), Gar- ret Wilson 125 (absent from two). Pt. 2nd.—Annie Rutledge, Wilfred Mc- Ewen, Robbie McMichael, Jno. War- wick, Abner Nethery, Pt. lst.—Edna Rutledge, Annie Brewer;, Mary Thyn- ne, Irene Scott, Leslie South, John McMichael. Belle Murdie, teacher, -. .�. • Jamestown. Mrs. Geo. Eckinier and Ferne visit- ed friends in Ethel for a few days this week. Miss Mitchell, of the 3rd con. of Morris, visited Miss Jennie Simpson last Sunday. Misses Godetha and Nellie Coornbes visited over Sunday at the home of their uncle, Jas. Cutt of Blyth. Messrs. Charlie Eaket and Will. Burke have returned from Muskoka, where they spent the past month, Miss Agnes Smillie left last week to begin her duties as teacher of a school at Binbrook, near Hamilton. We heartily wish her success. We are sorry to state that Alex. Forrest, who has been in very poor health for the past mouth, is still no better. We hope soon to hear more favorable reports. Rev. Mr. West of Binevale gave a very earnest sermon in the ball last Sunday evening, from the text, "I have a message from God unto thee"— Judges 3:20. Next Sabbath evening, the service will be in charge of Mr. Jno. McAllister. The Literary Society purpose hold- ing their next debate on Wednesday evening, March 14th ; subject will be -- Resolved that electricity is of more benefit than steam. Affirmative will be taken by Messrs. D. Rae and W. Perlin of Wroxeter, and it is expected that the negative will be taken by a couple of our local debaters. There will also be a musical and literary pro- gram, as usual. The subject is a good one and should, we think, be very in- structive. Belmore. Our merchants are doing a rushing fish business since Lent has begun. We are glad to learn that Mr. Fred. Johann, who has been ill for some time, is progressing very favorably. The many friends of Miss Florence Bremner will be pleased to hear that she is giving good satisfaction in her school at North Bay. It is expected that Rev. L. Perrin of Wroxeter will deliver an address to the young people of the C. E. Society on Monday evening. A number of the young people of the village and vicinity spent Friday evening at the home of Wm. Lowry. Gaines and music were the amuse- ments provided. A splendid time was spent by all. Parties are the order of the day. We had two in this vicinity last Tues- day night. The cold weather must have have bad something to do with it, for, to use the words of the poet, there was "No sleep till morn where youth and pleasure meet, to chase the glowing hours with flying feet." Some of our young ladies undertook to give names to the streets of onr vil- lage, Here are the results of their efforts: --The one running East and West will henceforth be called Main street; that yenning North and South, Whitney street ; while the walk up to our sehool will enjoy the designation, The Lovers' Walk Reduced A Hard Swelling. Mr. Gus E. Geroux, writing front Pembroke, tells how he was injured in a lumber eamp. "A heavy log roll- ed against my legand I was lard up with stiffness and a hard swelling. When I applied Poison's Nerviline 1 got relief. A few rubbings with this good liniment cured inc." In the bush, Nerviline is indispensable; it cures neuralgia, colds, rheumatism and internal disorders too. No person can afford to be without Nerviline. Useful for all Internal and external pain. Large bottles 2U at all df Salem.. We are pleased to she Mr. Jos. Kit- chen able to be out again. Will Burke, who has spent the past few months its the lumber camps at Afaskoka, rettu'ned home this week. Miss Susie Pearson left on Tuesday last for an. extended visit with relat- tivelocks in 13Iuovale, Wingham and Her- . Those from this locality who atten- ded the concert at Wroxeter last Wed- nesday eight pronounce it a deckled success, The auction solo of Mrs. Robt. Mc- Innes' farm stock and ianplements takes place this week. Mrs, McInnes T Intends going out West to make her future horse. Mr. McNaught, wlio was recently elected for North Toronto, is a broth- er to Messrs. McNaught, well known farmers in the south-eastern corner of Grey township, Mr. Jos. Ames purposes putting a foundation ander his barn, also split- ting it and snaking it larger. He is getting his timber front Mr. Will Lowe and has men engaged at it now, Mr. Peter McDonald has the contract. The 100 :acre farm of the late Robert McInnes, lots 20 and 21, con. 1, Grey, has been sold to Robt. Hamilton, of Pima, for $4,000. Possession givers in the course of a few weeks. It is 30 years since the late proprietor moved to it. The family purpose removing to the West where 5 sons and a daughter aro already residents. Mrs. Lorenzo Frain entertained a few of her young lady friends on Tues- day afternoon of last week. After "high tea" being served, the young ladies were invited to the parlor to enjoy choice music. All agree that it was one of the most pleasant after- noons they had spent for a long time, and that Mrs. Frain crakes a delight- ful hostess. The following is the report of S. S. No, 4, Grey, for February. Names ar- ranged in order of standing forrned from written examinations: --5th Class —George Fraser, Annie MacDodald, Mina Smith, Eva Smith, Tom Smith, Neil MacDonald, 4th Class—Jean Mc- Donald, Avon McKelvey, Lorenzo Frain, Gladys McQuarrie, John Hay- den, Milton Huffman, Clarhe Hayden, Jane McLennan, Olive Lake, David McLennan. Sr. 3rd—Geo. King, Alex. McDonald, Will Smith, May Hayden, Maggie Johnson, Mary McDonald, John Johnson, Edward Ring. Jr. 3rd —Thos. Goodfellow, Arthur Johnson, Elgin McCutcheon, Percy Attwood, Ben King, Edwin McCutcbeon, Aldine Holt. Sr. 2nd—Eliza Burke, Roland Huffman, Gordon Holt, Geo. Johnson, John McDonald, Roy McDonald, Nel- son Agar, Will Agar, Mary Wallace, Ella Wallace. Jr. 2nd—Emma Lake, Sam Burke. Sr. Pt. IL—Sophia Mc- Lennan, Laura Bryans, Lyall McAllis- ter. Jr. Pt. II,—Mary Smith, Elsie Johnson, Edith King, Lily Ring. Pt. I.—Laura Smith, Louie Frain, May Burke. Average attendance, 48. F. T. Bryans, Teacher, Mrs. Darling leaves this week for her home in the Northwest.. Miss M. McKersie spent a few days last week at the home of Mr. A. Long- ley. A large number of cattle were ship- ped from this part on Monday morn- ing. Thos. Martin is moving on to the farm that he has rented from Mr. Montgomery of Gorrie. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harris of Ford- wich, also Mrs. J. W. Jacques and son Edgar, spent Sunday at the home of Albert Gallaher, • Miss Abram and Miss Maxwell re- turned to their respective homes on Saturday and Sunday, after visiting friends in this part. Mrs. Wm. Weir and her son, Waldo, left for Blyth on Saturday last, where they visited the home of the former's daughter, Mrs. J. Hartley. The cottage prayer meeting was withdrawn this week, owing to a sure, . prise party at the home of Mr. D. Fra- ser, who intends leaving for the Northwest in the near future. A number of young people from - around this part enjoyed a maple taffy party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Abram,.on Friday evening last, in honor of Miss Abram of Wit- - wanosh and Miss Maxwell of Morris, who were visiting there. This was a . treat as the maple syrup was made - this year. Who can beat that? Auburn. The revival meetings are being con - tinned this week. A. grand ball was given at the Auburn House on March 2nd. The Ornngeinen of this village gave a farewell tea to Mr. and Mrs. T. Nicholson last Friday evening. Mr. Albert Knox has returned from a visit to his brother, Herbert in Ot- tawa. We are glad to hear that Herb, is improving. Mr. A. C. iaackson has rented the chopper for the three years and is moving there while Mr. Lawson is moving vit. his own house in the v'l . lige. A presentation took plate in the Methodist thnreh last Itiriday night when Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson were presented with it handsome purse ecu - Mining a nice sups of money, As Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson have always been staunch Methodists they will be Very much mleiied. t • Howick. A new steel bridge is to be erected at Mrs. Earngeys this summer to cost $790 and to be completed by August 20th. Mr, Hill of. Mitchell has the contract. McMichael Bros. shipped five car- loads of horses to the West recently —three from here and two from Gor- rie. There were several thorough- bred Clydesdale stallions. Mrs. Geo. Willis and fancily. of New Liskeard, cane to Fordwieh to visit her parents, Postmaster and Mrs. Gibson, and shortly after thei.:' ar- rival Wilfred and his mother were taken ill with typhoid fever. . Building operations promise to be active in Fordwich doting the sum- mer of 1906. W. A. Edwards, E. Wit- mer and W. Baird will each erect a new residence and W. Baird will com- plete the one he has begun and W. F. Wade will renovate his dwelling. There is talk of more. Joseph Heinbecker and Joseph Hub- bard took 40 tons of ice off the lake last and this week, for use in the Springbank butter factory. This fac- tory is now in the hands of a new firm who promise to do everything in their power to get the factory again estab- lished on a good sound basis. It is our sad. duty this week to re- cord the death of Elizabeth Pearl, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Crawford, of the 16th con. of Howick, which sad event took place on Satur- day evening last after a very lengthy and trying sickness of over nine months from cancerous growth, De- ceased was in her 18th year and was highly respected by all her school- mates and friends. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon to the Wroxeter cemetery and was very largely attended. Rev. John Rad- ford, of Beimore, took 'charge of the services both at the house and the grave. -.1; Blyth. Miss Gibson of Brucefield is the guest of Mrs. W. J. Fyle this week, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beattie are visiting friends at Arnberly, Brtroe Co., this week. Owing to the severe storm last Fri- day night, the concert in St. Andrew's church was not very well patroniz- ed. The members of the Epworth League will entertain the Londesboro League on Tuesday evening, March 13th. A number from town attended the funeral of the late Jas. 'Young in Hul- let an Monday. Deceased was 80 years of age. Dr. McLean officiated at house and grave. MARCH $, 1906 Wroxeter, Austin Morrison of Owen Sound is now 00 0 few clays visit to his parents here, Mr. G. Parks returned frons the old country hist week ; he reports having had a pleasant voyage both going and coming, but thinks Canada is quite good. enough for liim. 11Ir, Tao. Hupfer and family return- ed. to their home in Sault St. Marie last week, after having spent most of the winter on a visit to Mas. Hupfer•'s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas Paulin, Quite ra few logs have now found their way to the sawmill yard. Six to;ens are working day and night and with as few days more sleighing, such as it is, the stock will be touch larger than it was at one time expected to be. Airs, Chas. Sanderson of Hamilton, arrived last week. on a visit to her sister, Mrs. Rutherford, who we be- lieve has been quite sick. We tare pleased to know she is now consider- ably better and will soon be all right again. Mr. Trans, Lovel, who purchased Catmoss a considerable time ago, is now in possession fixing up the fences and other improvements. He has not yet got into the house, but hopes he will soon. We welcome Mr. Lovel in- to our midst. The Misses Davidson of this village, when driving home from Blnevale last Wednesday, niet with what turned out but a slight accident. It is sup- posed their horse took sick and stumbled, and the occupants of the buggy jumped to the ground. Miss Jean in doing so, caught her foot in the wheel and fell rather heavily. However no bones were broke, but the shock and bruises were sufficiently severe, to snake her unable to take in the concert which was as great dis- appointment. Mrs. Lewis left Monday morning for Toronto to attend the Millinery open- ings there. She will meet Miss Arden, who has attended the Mil- linery openings in London for the last two weeks, and after they make the best selections from the stocks of Lon- don and Toronto, the ladies of Wroxe- ter and vicinity may look forward to a grand display of the latest and newest fashions to be had. The store lately occupied by Mr. Lewis as a grocery, will at an early date be open- ed as a millinery and dress making establishiuent. The opening concert of our new Town Hall took place on Wednesday night last ; the weather was fine and the .rouse was crowded. If the roads had been good, the attendance would have been greater. The artists who took part all did excellently, especially Miss Manley and Mr. Cameron, both of whom we would all like to hear again on some near future occasion. The Wroxoter Orchestra added much to the enjoyment of the evening. Mr. T. S. Hemphill was pianist. After all expenses werepaici, a balance of about $50 remained to the good. • The W. F. M. Society of the Presby- terian church held their monthly meeting last week at the residence of Mrs. Robt. Laing, at which there was a large attendance. During the pro- ceeding, Mrs. Robt. Miller of Catmoss, was presented by the President with an address and a handsome Bible, as a mark of the great regret the society feels at her departure from amongst them, and their appreciation of her being one of the oldest, devoted and most faithful members, with the hope that every blessing may attend her and her family in their new homes. (Too late for last week.) Those who have not grip or a bad cold at present are entirely out of the fashion. Miss Jeanie Miller of Toronto spent Saturday and Sunday at her home at Catmoss. We regret to hear of the serious ill- ness of Mr. Frederick Brown but hope he mayhealth. soon be restored to his usual John Hamilton shipped a carload of the finest cattle he has handled this season, on Saturday last ; they aver- aged 1600 lbs.; they were dandies. Wm. Eagleson took possession of his new farm near Gorrie on Friday last ; he was a good citizen and we regret his departure from among us, Jas. Pauline, jr., has purchased the Foundry and dwelling house, lately offered for sale by auction ; we hope m it ay. turn out a profitable invest - Wm. Sanderson realized very high prices for his cattle and sheep at his sale on Saturday. Cows sold as high as $45, and ewes $14 each ; the young cattle also sold well. Mr. Bert. Sage met with a slight accident last week, which fortunately did not turn out so serious as it might have done. While loading logs in the bush, one of them rolled back on hits and jammed him against a tree, dis- placing some of his ribs and incapaci- tating him for a few days. Mr. Smith, a photographic artist from Toronto, has been 1n the village for about two weeks ; he took the photos of a large number of the resi- dences very satisfactorily to their owners. He was also very successful with a group of the children in each class room, and the photo of the school house was all that could be des sired, On Friday last, the patriarchal goat, Billy, owned by Mr. Pauline of our livery, departed this life unmourned for, especially by the children and ladies, who had occasion to pass the livery stable, as he was generally in evidence and managed to retain pos- session of that side of the street. It is a question whether he died from old age or from abuse when being driven in his little -stalky. Councillor Johnston left here on Thursday with two cars of horses for llegiva, Saskatchewan ; he will be absent for two months. During his absence, Mr. Jno. Armstrong of Bel - grave, will look after his live stock business and will attend to the buying find shipping of cattle. 4). , . .t When You tiro' Old. The body needspatching—wasted tissues must be rebuilt, played -out organs restored—blood needs extra nourishment. Elderly people need Fet'rozone, -- need it, because It vitalizes and rejuvenates as no other remedy can. Ferrozo00 builds up the kind of strength that makes one feel good,—keeps back the decay of old age and makes you look young and handsome again. Forget nervone err• haustion, renew your vital energy, again re-enter the life of youth. Your remedy is Perrozone, only fifty emits per box, at all dealtlig, QUICK, MARCO 1 1 Canadian Coon Out, 1 Bishop Coat, 1 Persian Lamb ('oat, 1 Bulgarian au Lamb Cont. 2 Persian Ltnnb Caps left, size '7. It will pay you to tiny thein for next winter. Leaving town, going to Clinton. --A. R. Smith, Gents' Fur- nisher, Nortli End, Winghanr, St. Helens. John McPherson spent a few days last week at Teeswater. Isaac Miller spent a few days with friends in Goderich lately. ;itis, Joynt is horse from Goclerich Collegiate Institute for a few days. Jno. Webster, Fordyce, left for the West with a carload of horses last week. 11 ire. Wm, and Dan. McIenzie have returned from visiting friends near t Guelph. Miss Maggie lititherford has return- ed after spending a couple of weeks in Goderich. At n recent vote of the eougrega- tion of Calvin Church, St. Helens, S. 13. Rutherford and)). B, Murray were elected elders. Mr. Shoplift has purchased a house in Wingghant and intends reproving there, about the first of April. We will be sorry to lose Mr, and Mrs. $bei^I'lif and fatally, Debentures For Sale. The Town of Wingham offers for stale 15 Debentures of $100,00 each, making altogether $1,500.00. These debentures bear interest, payable an- nually, at per cent. The principal is payable twelve years from Both March, 1900. Offers for these deben- tures may be made to the Mayor, Thos. Bell, Esq., or to the Treaasnt er at his office in the said Town. Wingham, Feb. 7th, 1900. Bull For Sale. A fine, pure bred, Hereford Bull calf, eleven months old, is offered for sale; grandson of suoli noble sires as Sparticus (imp.) and Majestic (imp.) Can be seen at Lot 39, Con. 11, East Wawanosh. H. T. PERDUE. Farm For Sale. One hundred sores, in good state of cultivation, within three miles of the Town of Winghatn; first-class build- ings; price reasonable. Apply Box 15, ADVANCE OFFICE. Winghanr. FOR SALE. Two Aberdeen Angus Bulls, regis- tered in American Herd Book, aged respectively seven and nine months. For price and particulars apply to James or Thos. Gaunt, Lot 30, Con. 2, Kinloss. 17tf JAMES GAUNT. Farm For Sale. The East Half of Lot 26, Lon. 7, West Wawauosh, consisting of one hundred acres; 85 acres cleared; good spring water all the year round; new frame house and barn; convenient to church, schools and post office, This farm is in good condition, and would make a splendid grazing farm. Apply on the premises, or to C. J. MAGUIRE, 25— Wingham. Farm For Sale. Owing to ill health I have decided to sell my farm, consisting of 150 acres, on the 10th Concession of West Wawanosh, one-half mile east of St. Helens and six miles from Lueknow. This farm is one of the finest in the township, with good rip -to -date build- ings, and is well watered, and suitable either for grain growing or stock rais- ing. Will sell on easy terms. For further information, call or write. THOMAS JOYNT St. Helens, Ont. Farm For Sale. The east half of Lot 28, Con. 10, Turnberry, one mile from Wingham, containing 57 acres. Oa the premises is a new brick house and kitchen with wood -shed and first-class cistern ; good frame barn, lately re -shingled, cement foundation, and cement floor all over stable. The farm is well -fenced, and well -watered with spring creek run- ning across it. There are 30 acres seeded down, and fall ploughing all done. This farm will bo sold on easy terms to snit purchaser. For further particulars apply on premises, a half mile west of Winghanr cemetery, or address AUGUST HOMUTH Wingham P.O. Farm For Sale. One of the best farms in Turnberry, being Lot 8, and part of Lot 4, in the 7th Con., containing 107 acres, and all cleared except 4 acres of hardwood bush. This farm is well fenced and drained, and the land in a high state of cultivation. There is about 70 acres under grass, 83i acres of excellent fall wheat, and a large orohard. Running water, convenient to the buildings and open all the year, supplies the stock with water. Large frame barn with stone foundation and cement floors, for cattle and hogs. The house is large and comfortable, with an excellent cel- lar and cistern. Two lime kilns and a limestone quarry are on the premises. The farm is 6 miles from Winghanr and 4 from Wroxoter, 1 mile from P. O. and 11/ miles from church. The farm will be sold on reasonable tering. as the proprietor is. going West. For further particulars apply on the premises, or address Glenfarrow P. 0: D. FRASER. FOR SALE. A house and 2 acres of land in Lower Winghanr. ABNER COSENS NEW Telephone Directory, The Bell Telephone Company of Canada, Limited in about to publish a new issue of the Oficial Telephone Directory for the District of WESTERN' ONTARIO, including the Town of Wingham. Orders for new connections, changes of r name, � til rifles Clean8 e n of street address, or for duplicate entries, should be .landed to the Local Manager at caste. P. N. TANSLEY Local Manager. Wingham Business College Is a high-grade Commercial School. Three Courses: Commercial - Stenography . Tolegraphy Write 080. SPOTTON, Prinelpal CENTRAL STRATFQHD. QNT. This school has become the leading Commercial school in tho West. No similar institution is tieing more to thoroughly ettuip young people for re- sponsible positions. Our courses are thorough and practical while the teach- ing is done by experienced instruotors, All graduates got good positions, You may enter at any time. write for our ((( catal�o,,gue. Cn..v ELLzo r $t Moldare ILAN, P1`inelpals 126 Calls From Business Firms , for Stenographers, Book.keepers, Involeo Clerks, Mo., have lately been received by the famous ELLIOTT :rvivOw .„9, ONT. Wo filled nine of the positions and had 80 one else ready to send, If you want to got a position after graduation, come to the school that can help you. A large number of ex -students of other business colleges now in attendance. College open the entire year. Commence now, W, j. ELLIOTT, Principal )) (Cor. Yong() and Alexander Sts.) 7 CLIP ©UT Sign and Mail to CORRESPONDENCE DEPT. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE TORONTO. Please send mo full particulars about the - course opposite which 1 have marked X. Accounting Shorthand Illustrating Typewriting Bookkeeping Correspondence.... Com. Specialist Name Address smatigaititi Special One Way Rates To Billings, Mont., Denver, Colo- rado Springs, Salt Lake City, Nel- son, Rossland, Vancouver, Port- land, Oro., San Francisco. Tickets on sale daily. Special Settlers' Trains. Every Tuesday during March and April, special train with Colo- nist sleeper will leave Toronto at 9 p•m. for Manitoba and Northwest. Passengers travelling without live, stock should take Express leaving Toronto 1.45 pen. The Short Line to Cuba. Leave home Thursday p.m., ar- riving in Havana, Cuba, early Mon- day morning. Direct .connection. Tourist rates in effect. For tickets and full information, call on L. HAROLD, Town Agent. J. D. McDONALD District Passenger Agent, Toronto. To Manitoba Alberta and Saskatchewan ^SPECIAL TRAINS FOR SETTLERS With live stock and effects, from Toronto M 9.00 p.tn. EVERY TUESDAY DURING MARCH AND APRIL COLONIST CARS ATTACHED NO EXTRA CHARGE Settlors travelling without live stock should use 1.45 p.m. train from Toronto daily. TOURIST CARS on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sat- urdays. Cost of sleeping berths as follows:— Winnipeg ollows:Winnipeg - $4.00 Regina - $.5.00 Moose Jaw - 6.00 Calgary - 6.00 "Settlers' Guide" and "Western Canada" booklets of practical iso and interest to set. tiers, with rates and full information free upon application to nearest Canadian Pacific Agent or write to 0, l3. Foster, D. P. A„ C. P. 1 ., Toronto. .14.1 -i -14.1-1-I 1 1 1 1 13••14443-14 - Have You Tried Butternut Bread : They all like it ando▪ pr ,.. ▪ sound its praises. Try ..+ ▪ it and be convinced. "" • Wo have the most tasty, tooth- semo Cakes Why sweat, baking this "1 . hot weather. Just call on us -- we fill ,.. the gap, and guarantee satisfaction. J. C. LAC K I E NORTH END BAKER 4-1÷H-14++++++1.444-1444+ ARE YYOOI MAKilia $2,003.22 YEAR EAB r it is being done with our goods Work is pleasant, permanent and profitable Goods used in every /muse, every day. No fake and no need to create the demand. Legitimate Teptttabte business. Von can start without a cent of capital. write to day, t1. MAnlatitt, & Co. Wholesale Teas, and Coffees, London, Ont, »unl�p's «�sery 96 Yonge St. TORONTO Iz4lap f A Choicest Mowers only d sit n. t floral Sestina for Ml ocCnstons, Flowera shipped to any point between idait• tax and Catdary, end bele condltlof drtarantoed. Illuslraiteat Price f,1st on appltcaitops. 100.000 Ilostl Trees try Woo. 3011N 11. DUNLOP 1%013159` toast fletit<te rhea! t Mils 4700