HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1906-03-08, Page 7.c ITN ThOUSAN) !ply N CYCLON[ IF TA 111. Tremendous Waves Sweep Over the Society and Tuamotu Islands. *Villages Swept Away—Waves 55 Feet High—The People Climb Trees for Safety. Narrow Escapes of Europeans and Americans— $5,000,000 Damage Done—Help Necdcd, Papeete, Tahiti, Feb. 10, via San Fran- ciseo, Cal., March 4,—The most, deetruc- tdvo cyclone over experienced in the So- ciety and Tuamotu Island3 occurred. on Feb. 7 and 8. The damage in Tahiti is estimated at $1,000,000, and presumably n similar amount of property Was cic- stroyed on the Tuamotu Ishtnds. The city of Papeete was inundated and about lis buildings destroyed, including the AwakenConsulate and the Freneh 'Governanent buileling. Tho shipping in the ,harbor of Papeete e:acaped injury, awing to the direction of the wind, ;rut fears are entertained for ve-.sees whieh wore cruising mc'a the Tuamotu Islands. It is feared that there has been heavy loss of life in the lagoons of Tuamotu Islands. . The schooner Papeete was, submerged for an hour near Anoa, Tuomotu, Her captain, Philip Michaelli, estimated that the waves were 65 feet high. It was im- possible to see 20 feet away at 3 p. m., and the sailors had to be lashed to the vessel. M. 1Tarcacli a •1 t ss T et c i re ide ] s ut sat Faltarean, Tuamotu lslancls, abandoned tthe place in a small cutter after all the 'Government buildings and cavelling- houses azul the Catholic church were swept away. Many of the natives climb- ed eocoamit trees, and others put to sea in small boats. Bridges and roads were dnnictged on the Island of Tahiti. Breed fruit, co- coanut, banana ,_nd plaitain tnee were blown down in great n•nmbers, which will result in hardshi, to the natives area matea`ially affect commerce during the next two or three years. The French gunboat 'Leese has gone to the Tuamotu Islands with supplies of food and fres& water. The British Consul has appealed to Lis Govern- ment for aid for 500 British subjects. Some Americans have sustained Leavy losses, The Americans are hopeful of securing help from the United States Money and food are urgently required. Terrific Velocity. The cyclone reached the velocity of 120 miles an hour. It struck the islands about midnight on Feb. 7, and eon- tinued until about 4 o'clock the next afternoon. The Milani of Anoa, Tua- motu group, is believed to these been the centre of the storm. • At Papeete, about 7 p, nl. •on Feb. 7, the sea began to break heavily over the reef, and washed over the quay, There was no perceptible wind. Toward 10 o'clock persons dwelling on the water front abandoned their homes. slate Tho merchants and clerks went to the stores and warehouse, only to dis- cover that it was impossible to save goods on, the lower floors, An hour later Lip;h seas broke over the entire city, eomapletely demolishing the Gov- ernment snip and buildings, besides caus- ing great damage to the coal sheds. The village of Tarona, near the ar- rho four native prisoners, who were splendid swimmers, went to the itc•seue. Many May Die. alareadi, a French resident, put to sea in a cattier; a gni after three days reached Tahiti, reporting that the Gov- mina:rnt buildings, Roman Catholic church and all the dwellings had been swept away. IIe feared that many would succumb to hunger, thirst and exposure. rte' There is mulch distress among the homeless people. 'I'lhe lural Gerona ment ero n- ment opened the military barracks, as a tante/en.ty refuge, and provided food when needed, but the funds of the treaeury are exhausted. The Islands of Mooren, IIualhoni, Raittia, and Tohoa, of the Society group, have sustained $100,000 damage. The steamer Mariposa waited beyond her sailing time with the request of Gov. Julian, who hoped that the French gunboat Zelee would return from her relief trip to Tuamotu dsiauds•, The vessel had not been sighted when the Mariposa departed, Local newspapers state that 10,000 persons perished during the storm on Tahiti, and that .several of tbe .adjacent islands have disappeared. The damage is placed at $5,000,000. INSURANCE COM t4itl Sa.l �..i' IO N• Returns of Output of Grain From the West. Ottawa, (bit., March 5.—(Special) — The Insurance Commission met in Judge McTavish's office at the Court Iiouse this forenoon and sat for a few minutes. The Commissioners afterwards called on iMlr. fielding. They are making arrange- ments for sittings of the commission. The returns for the past season for the output of grain from the West by lake ports strew a big gain over 1905. The receipts of •grain at Fort Wiliam and Port Arthur for the six months of the fiscal year, which is the shipping season, were 42,312,058 bushels, comtrared with 24,202,244 for the same time in the pre- , vious year. The receipts of wheat alone were 31,091,193„ compared with 23,531,- 383 for 3905. The shipments of wheat were 34,704,223 as against 18,004,100 for the six months last year. There was in store at both ports 6,421,875 bushels of wheat, as against 5,505,093 for 1905. PARLIAMENT POORLY DRESSED. Invasion of Labor Members Destroys Sartorial Beauty of House, Alas! Legis - anal, was completely swept away. The London, March 4.—Probably no Legis - mission buildings and homes of native 'leave Assembly has evor been criticized converts of the reorganized Latter • from a sartorial point of view so Day Saints' _1Iission have disappeared. l touch as the present House of Com - A eettlennont nearby, composed of I mons. Columns have been writtei: dwellings of several hundred Cook ' about John Burns' Derby bat and blue Islanders, British aaubjects, was conn- `reefer suit even in the Paris papers. ppietely destroyed. Further east, on the beach road, all the douses were swept away for about %elf a mile. Some Close Shaves. Keir Hardie's cap has almost rivalled Burns' bowler. On the first day of the session the Prime Minister referred to the red neckties of the Labor members, while to -day the trade organ, Tailor and At Tauuoa the family of one Ilcer- Cutter, laments over the trousers of matt Menell bad a narrow escape. Laborite Member Shackleton. They bag Their home was torn clown by the ut the knees. rvas'es, and the family find to a native Another writer in a society weekly ]rouse. Frequently during the night sighs over the departure of the sartor- thee water was up to their necks, and iat glory of the House of Commons. It time and again they were compelled to cling to trees to save themselves. says: "This Parliament is the worst Mrs. Gooding, an aged American, was dressed within our recollection. The red caught in the debris of a wrecked louse ties, slouch hats, reefer jackets and at Papeete, mid•na.rrowly escaped being : baggy -kneel trousers of the Laborites swept out to sea, : are a poor compensation for the ex - At 8 a. in. the American Consulate col- quisite correctness of Robert Yerburgh lapsed. In the absence of the Ameri- ;and the dandyism of .Hermon Hodge," cnn Consul, his mother, Mrs. Doty, ; The writer seems to find some little supervised the removal of the archives, comfort in reflecting on Aslmead Bart - aided by several missionaries. Mr=. lett Burdett -Coutts, gyne is the best Duty's life was in jeopardy several dressed than in the House, and notes times. The records were temporarily hat young Radicals are inclined to stored in the Latter ])ay Saints' alis- monocles, which aro worn by seventeen sion house. Mrs. Doty's family also Ministerial members. accepted their hospitality. The substitute guardian at the quar- entitne station at Montauta Island, Pa- peete harbor, was waving a lantern for ma ]d th It l and ny louris urng a nigl , as ie his wife elung to the tops of eocoannt trees in tlt.e tni(dst of waves that dashed 30 feat 'high over the island. On shore, 11i. Andre, the chief pilot, called out to Commander Harbin, of the gunboat Zelee, to let him have a boat and crew to rescue women et the, quarantine citation. Commander Iiurbin promised to let M. Andre have a beat without a erew. Pilot Andre requisitioned. sit{Ded four prisoners nt the local jail, and with talent proceeticd to the Zclee. As Commander Harbin die; not visa to risk the lives of leis erew, even to send a 'boat nchore, SRA PROI ON AN ICE FLOE. . A HUNDRED AND FIFTY FISHER- MEN DRIVEN ASHORE ON ICE. Cronstadt, Russia, March 5.---A block - ado of ice from the Gulf of Finland with about one hundred and fifty fisher- men on it has been driven ashore here. The ice breaker S:ernak has gone to the rescue of the remainder of the fishermen. g . • m Tolsl n fors nc from I Iannounced I .It was a 800 fWier- yestorday that it was feared glen with their families, who were afloat on the ice, were doomed to perish. S ti rr' VENT iABORT JUMPED FROM TRAIN. DR OMB SUICIDE OF A FORMER RAILWAY CONDUCTOR. MISQUOTED. William Gardiner, Who Left Moncton, Never Said Old Men Should De N. B., for Denver, Did Not Do Well. There, and Was Returning When He (OIrO Orale . Committed the Desperate Act, Moncton, N, B., March 4, —William Ilas Had to Travel Incognito Since (*Ludlum, formerly an I, C. laconductor, jumped from the Maritime express yes- i TIIen,. terday about one and a half mules east of Cannan station, northern clivisioi, The , - train was going at the rate of 35 initis art boureit quickly backed up, and the �011n Hopkins. SibfifEred When the injured man was placed aboard and con- ; Doctor Left. veycd to Moncton Hospital, dying shortly after admittance. Gardiner left here New York March '.—Tho Times says; with his wife and three children about At the annual dinner of the New York three months ago to locate in Denver, Culorndo. Alumni of the Johns Hopkins Univer- Ho was not, as successful in finding sity, Held last night nt the University profitable employment as he had been (flub, 1)r. Osler was praie:ed as one who led to expect, attcl recently decided to re- turn to Moncton, and was on his way hero when, in a moment of despen:Lauer, leo apparently determined to end his life. While the train wns running between Caanan and J3erty's Mills, within a few miles of his home, Gardiner made the jump. Leaving his wife and three small chit- . score and ten. igen sitting in tate second class coach, t.ite "We suffered a great loss when Dr. had suffered foot faulty reports of hie famous address in which lie was made the champion of young men's ambitions through killing off their elders. Dr. Ira Ranson, President of the John Hopkins' University, pointed out that two of the ablest of the nembere of the faculty, were five years over the allotted three despondent roan reent out on the rear platform and leaped from the fast•ntor- ing train. TREE LEADERS ILL. CAMBELL-BANNERIVIAN, BALFOUR AND CHAMBERLAIN'S ABSENCE. Only Analogy Was Back in 1885, During Epidemic of Influenza, When Lord Rosebery Was in Power—The House Jokes. London, March 3. —The chief topic rf conversation just now in both political and social circles is the extraordi'tary situation which has arisen in Parlia- ment. Sir Henry CampIxti-Banngt+.- mau, Mr. Balfour and Mr. Chamber- lain are confined to their rooms sof feeing from ono form or another of colds, and the House is being 11(1 in p the mea ttimo b Y the resent and past )P Chancellors of the Exchequer, AIr. -As- quith on the Government side, tail Mr. Austin Chamberlain on the Oppo- sition. 11Ir. .Austin Chamberlain was prnpoe- ing the adjournment of the debate en free trade owing to the absence of the leader of the Oppoeititioa. "Which leader?" shouted several Ministerial - lets. "The leader of the Opposition," announced Mr. Austin C3iambertelin; with heavy oirphasis on the word "the." "Name! Name!" cried several. "My right honorable friend the member fat West Birmingham" (some of the new members of the House unfeeling tit- tering at this Parliamentary planner of referring to his father) "is also, 1 re- gret to say, laid up with nn attack of influenza.." The only analogy to the present :,i• 11- ation in Parliamentary records is the experience during the influenza epidem- ic in March, 1805, n'hen tasord Rosebery's Government was in pow r, and I-ord Rosebery, Mr. John Morley, Mr. Bal- four and about twenty members of Par- liament were nll down with the malady at the same time. Charged With Accepting Money from Russian Government, Sechotr Commits Suicide. St. Petersburg, March 5.—The accused member of the Father (capon labor or- ganization, who committed suicide yes- terday while the scandal involving the charges of accepting money from the Government, was being investigAte.l, wets ;named Seehoff. IIe enjoyed a high stand- ing among his fellow workmen, who are terribly depressed as a result of the .seeeleef scandal in the orgnnizettion. It now develops that Father (4apon was himself present at yesterday's session when Sechoff dramatically gilled himeelf. Father lrego•i Detroit had charged hee',t- off with obtaining KM from father (.4apon, and with having accompanied a member of the secret police in the segreli TIT FOR TAT. FREE-BORN AMERICAN IS DEPORT. ED FROM BRITAIN. ' for 1T, Mntushensk, press agent and cola• sellor of the Farther (capon movement, who fled with the organization's funds, During the ln•ouress of the meeting Seth - off made an impassioned speech, in which he declared that he eoulcl not support the infamy invoked in the, charge that the organization had been in league with the Government mfr the obloquy heaped of Osler resigned and went to a place he should never have gone to," said Dr. 'Lamson. "His name sn;gests the notor- iety of a year ago. If those who quota Osler quoted him rightly they would not have quoted hint as they did. "It is a common error of the world to attribute to him nonsensical remarks he never made. I would explain, except that I night bo a second to have niy name changed in to a proverb. IIe has had to travel incognito since the misquotation of his remarks, "IIe went to Atlantic City incognito after that speech, and ho did the salve again, when he went to England. ife is it very sensative man and if you ever meet him again don't ask him about his alleged theory." OUR TORONTO PERI BUDGET. G. T. R. Employee Drops Dead While at WorI(. The !bowel's Remanded Until Mon- day Next. Toronto, March 5.--(Special)—Thomas Johnston, who attended to the lights on the Grand Trunk Railway, in this city, dropped dead this morning ,while work- ing in the yards near the Union Depot. DeatL was pronounced due to heart dis- ease. The late Mr. Johnston, who was a bugler in the Northwest Rebellion, had been an employee of the company for 18 years, He was 40 years of age and ]caves a wife 811(1 three children. The Banwells came up before Police Magistrate Denison this morning for trial, but were again remanded till next Monday, Crown Attorney Curry explain- ing that he wished longer thne to secure evidence. Thomas Lanighan was this morning brought before Magistrate Denison on a charge of obtaining subscriptions for two magazines by false pretenses. Ire pleaded guilty. Ho was remanded. Case of David Alien is the First Under the New Alien Act—He Had One Dollar When He Landed on British Soil• New York, ufareh 4.—Tho first Amn- on ever sent to this country as a de- ported alien front a British port arrived hero on Tiiday on the steamer Consuelo of the Wilson Line. The excluded citi- zen is David J. Allen, twenty-two years old, of Brooklyn. lie had read Hutch of England and decided to snake a trip - on foot through the British Isles. A1 - leu had little or no money to pay 111, passage, bat got re job on the 'Nilson Lin steamer Colorado, which left here last December for Hull. .Allen's clothes were not of the best, and he had only $1 when he set foot on British soil. Under the new British' im- migration law. which went into effect January 1,'11150, Allen was held as an alien, who was likely to become a public charge, and was deported on the next outgoing Wilson Liner, which was the Cousuelo, Allen said that there is no inunig e.- tion station at ;lull. and that he was detained_ in an almshouse until his steam- er sailed. 1 IHAYWARD ALIVE?• VETERANS' ACT. REPORTED PROVISIONS OF A GOV- ERNMENT BILL. DISQUIETING RUMOR CIRCULATED . AT CALGARY. Man for Whose Murder Charles King Was Hanged at Edmonton Last Summer Said to Have Been Seen in the Northern Wiles. "Winnipeg, March 4,—An interesting rumor cones from Calgary, to the effect that William Hayward, on the charge of _ murdering whom Chas. King was hanged in Edmonton lust stnner, has been re- cently seen alive in northern wilds, where the tragedy Y is believed ltevc1 to have taken place. King was convicted on his second trial, the evidence, though strong and ine•im- inating, being entirely circumstantial, and this les to the ease, additional interest lends n dcUtt t althottnit few put imuh credence in the tumor, which has become widespread. The evidence was so strong that there could be only slight possibility of strep a terrible mistake (ecu ring, although King died protesting he wee inrtoeent. SCHOONER WRECKED. SAVED MEMBERS OF CREW REPORT FOUR LOST. uTaeltiespart, Maine, March 5.---'t'he wreck of the three -masted schooner Mil- lie, of 1'ru•rsboro', N. S., and the probe ble loss of four seamen, was reported to -day when Cayt. A. IT. Gibson, with his ;nate, himself, net both he n:.1 the or:tnizatictu second matte and cook arrived here after were is ane t, he to declare in the presence+ Tee men, wh:., : is d, refeeeed to taster of the tanned', for Lis VieWA all New York, March b. •--When the trial Father Galion n s whether .ire, Nerhoff, had leave the schooner, believing elm would (be crr:ttion, had f:e�rrirn yirsterd.ty of Bernie C'lriche rt ay resumed in :,n)t• of las fr 11 w , , urni.,•. withstand the 811/1111 rind who are sup- . e reeei e a cent from the (.orelni wit stand 1 'venire 1)ou,lta lI:tit. ~Hobe of the. rem m•t to -day an 8d,iaiirnment wee 1 red • a a team:slated Sera- resell to be lost, are: taeorge Portcer, afar• (li.:.,epttirnt>: and one der two sy,uitctlii:s taf:rat mail nfterse.:nt, "bile Inc imam Father Galion masa till was assigned for this action, it was re- 'd: " T wilt 1.• • lilt .i, le.; Geo, Ihulsen, Norway; itaef friend,t truck part in the t•,e,rri,e.. !the ntf, wlrrettp;ttl the latter said: , . p,ohn e and Prank question of forming ct eore•re atiot of ported itt the court building that an ef- now rive ,you supreme Keane my lion. John ('11rt4tnalt..cn, Norway, {aesfiinn lI 1 a, to blew 1 Whalen, Norway. One body has been re- those differing from the views of Dr. feat wag being ;made to have the court errs;' and drawing a revolver 1 covered. y Herman is under consideration. necept a plea of guilty in II, minor degree. out his brains. Veterans Will Have a Chance to Sell Their Certificates—Change in Re- gard to Lands for Location—Town- ships to be Set Aside for Veterans. Toronto, March 5.—Tito Government's bill amending tho veterans' land grant act along lines recently mentioned will it is understood, be introduced in the Legislature this week. It will, it is said, empower the Government to withdraw lands previously designated for the pur- pose, but not yet located by veterans, and set aside townships to be exclusive- ly taken up by veteran locutions. An- other provision, it is reported, makes it absolutely clear that persons buying 10 - cations from veterans roust carry out all the settlement duties and fulfill all e:•ettlentent regulations, from which, with tlio exception of school taxes, veterans themselves are absolutely freed for n period of ten years. There is also re- ported to lie a clause enacting that where a veteran who has not yet lo- cated sells his certificate entitling him to do so, the buyer cannot obtain a lo- cation on the certificate. He can, how- ever, exchange it in payment for Crown lands for settlement purposes, at the usual price of fifty cents per acre. As the veteran»' location aro 160 acres this would be equivalent to a value of $80. It is regarded as certain also that the act will contain a provision en- nbling the Government to purehnse certificates from veterans who hold then;, but have not located, nt a price t neighborhood of 450. Of eoura:e inthe r no veteran need sell his certificate un- less he wants to. This clnnse will not epply, as far n9 can be ascertained, to a storm into the ]Celtic eta. Toter tae l i i' MURDERED VRllf ' 1 l -- - 0 OCC N poiLict DENTIST THEN RREW ITIS OWN BRAINS OUT WITH RIFLE. A Sunday Tragedy That Startled Buf- faloMan Was a Graduate Physi- cian as Well as Dentist—Had. Been in Sanitarium. Buffalo, March 4, --Henry L, Whitbeck, a dentist, killed his wife with a hammer • to -day, and then literally blew his brains nit with a Mauser rifle loaded with a soft nesse bullet. Wbitbeek wallced up behind his wife as she was sitting in te rocking chair and struck one blow on the right temple and one on the left, The ;read of the hammer sunk an inch or more into tlto woman' skull each time. Theft he laid the ];armee on a table and walked into the next room, where lie took up a rifle. Resting the butt end on the floor, he leaned leis forehead against the mouth of the barrel and.pulled the trigger. The top of his ]lead was blown off and leis brains flow into tbe sitting room several feet away. Mrs, Whitleek was taken to the hospital, where she died in an hour, She had been an invalid many years. She was about the same age as her husband —45 years. Whitaeek came from Albany, where he has a brother. In addition to being a dentist, be was also a graduate physi- cian. Ile recently came out of a sani- tarium, where he had been treated for the drink habit. I INS IN 1 NCE. WILL BE A GUEST AT THE BRITISH EMBASSY IN PARIS. His Majesty Will Exchange Visits With the President— Accepted as Re- affirmation of Anglo-French Agree- ment. Pans, March 3.--Iiin g Edward arrived at the Invalides Depot at 0.50 o'clock this evening. Ile waa met by a retires sentativo of President Fallieres and by Premier Bouvier, Prefect of Police Le - pine, and Sir F. J. BerLie the British Anrbaasadol•, and the Enlbnssy staff. Crowds cheered tate Ring as he was driven to the British Embassy, where he will remain for three days under the in- copnito of the Duke of Lancaster. The arrival of King Edward attracts comment in connection with the Algc- ciras conlerenc•e as being z timely re- affirming of the Angio -French agree- ment, President Fallieres and ;ling Ed- ward will exchange visits to-morow, and afterwards there will be a gala dinner et the Embassy. at wbich the King, the President and the Premier will be guests. Enron de Coulee], head of the Hench mission at itife funeral of Ring Christian, and who at tit:tt time approached Em- peror 'William with the purpose of am- eliorating Franco-German relations, will also be of the party. Paris, March 4.—Ring Edward's visit to Paris is attracting great attention, enorutous crowds cheering his early ap- pearance on tete. streets to -day. The cordiality of the greetings exchanged be- tween the Ring and President Fallieres during His Majesty's official call at the Elysee Palace was Hutch marked. The conversation between the two lasted half an hour. DEADLY ,JOKE. PNEUMATIC HAMMER PLAYS PART IN JOHNSTOWN TRAGEDY. I QUESTION DISCUSSLi. Nozzle Entered Boy's Body, and the Great Air Pressure Compressed the Organs and Caused Death—Victim Aged Sixteen. • Johnstown, Pa., March 3.—A playful trick at the steel car department of the Cambria Steel Company to -day cost the life of Marl Rankin aged 10, at the hands of harry Wagner, aged 24. Wag- ner is a rivetter, running a hammer with compressed air at a pressure of 110 pounds. The Rankin boy was a heater of rivets. As Rankin was passing hint, Wagner playfully jabbed at the boy with the rubber tube from the air cylinder. The nozele on the end of the tube entered the lower part of the boy's body and in a few minutes the lad was dead, the great pressure of the air which entered by the bowels having forced the dia- phragm up against the heart. Wagner is being held pending an investigation. FISHERMEN IN DANGER. EIGHT HUNDRED AFLOAT ON ICE FIELD IN THE BALTIC. Ice is Splitting With the Wind—Men With Their Families Were Fishing Off the East Land When the Ice Parted. lleisinseforcc, Finland, 11.11011 4.—It is fenced that eight hundred fishermen. with their families, who Vie afloat er ibe ice in the gulf of I'inlaud, will per i;lr, A fertniglit aeo itbuut a tlouaan:! l.c•rs.,n•s rvho 10 d their horses W11 1, thnitt Wert' fihlin{t• eff the ea -t heel when tl:c ice parted nn:l was driven le; tions. ice a elft anal the wind e:ltarpee o i e cetmans w•llo have made theft• lora There does not seem to la much like- lihood of an extension of the time which expired on December 31 last, for i 1 on behalf of those who have Um filing, failed to do so, of applications for grants under the veterans' Hct. TO CHANGE FAITH PUBLICLY, enet, and yeete; dry a block on ea, there were two hundred per::alts cane' ashore nt Frederieksham. Ito fate cf ' :err is unknown. too others German Delegates Show Dissatisfaction that the Bank Question Was. Shelved. Algeciras, March 0.—The conference proposal lin caused something of a Ben - 011 Moroee(tn reforms tee]: a most lin- sation, as it means that the delicate Franco-German contest over the policing of Morocco has been forced to a decislvo issue, in which both sides will be com- pelled to show their Hands, Moreover, the vote gave the first indication of the strength of the two sides, While this was not decisive, as the question was not upon the merits of the police, yet it disclosed that Austria and Morocco were the only countries voting with Ger- many. It is understood that France will not submit a pollee project to the conference, and that, therefore, she will be consulte(1 simply on the question of principle in- volved. It is expected that the discussion of the question will be be begun on Monday. Germans Discontented. Algeciras, March 5.—Intense activity tlutt they would abide by the deeasion i prevails here, following the voting of of the majority. One of the delegates Saturday. The German delegates show then proposed that the police question : discontent with the decision to take up be refen•ed to a special committee, which ; the police question before the bank ques- should prepare a project and submit it I tion is completed. There is no indica- to the conference, but this proposition tion that they will refuse to proceed, received a negative vote. I but the conference expects dilatory tee - portant result of the vote on Cir Arthur's tics. portant step on Saturday by deciding on the initiative of Great Britain to proceed to the immediate discussion of the police question. .After Sir Arthur Nicholson, chief of the Pattie)! delegation, had submitted this proposition, the Marquis Viscount Venosta, head of the Italian mission, actively seconded it, eloquently appeal- ing for conciliation and asking for the abandonment of the absolute and un- bending standpoints taken by France and Germany. His wor;ls were listened to with respectful deference. The vot- ing showed that Germany had with her Austria and Morocco, while ei;_ltt repre- sentatives of powers supported Sir Arthur. Belgium and Sweden aaneuneo1 POliE CAME; COMM1TTEc 1 .SUICIDE. Kissed His Sweetheart. Good-bye and Killed Him- self by Inhaling Gas. Lynn, Mass,, March 5.—Charles R. Warner, who once lived in Buffalo, re- turned to his boarding house late on Sat- urday night after sitting for hours in a poker game, a loser. He kissed his sweet- heart good -night, went to his room and sucked an illuminating -gas tubo until he was dead. '*Warner boarded with Mrs. Stella Mc- Coy, to whom he nes engaged. They were to have been married this summer. He was born in Buffalo 33 years ago, leaving there for this city abed, three years ego. He was, employed as a draughtsman by the General Electric Company. 'Varner was a son of Seth Warner, the wealthy hotel proprietor, retired. The old mon lives with his daughter at ENDED.Formally F A LIFESENTENCE- le to Y I ii E ct if nso s B dC Iain A o King Provo Served Fifteen Days .and Then Join R. C. Church Wednesday. Hanged Himself. :1lobil, March 4.--•1'rilees( I:n:1, bthl cleat of Ring :11foneo, will form- Auburn, N.e Y., March 5. --,Jacob Provo, ugly joie the Raman ('athelia Mural 'Lyons who was received at the prison from on \Nedncuthty, the eeresimay taking; for murder, committednsuicilen a e early sentence ikee vliieli- ; tlelosetoCamels. .ofrr P.tltee El ttiti dayby hareem. himself in his cell. lir. SanSebastian. There is great rent1 'fee - tion Made tl noose of his hntullcrrelde'f, tion that the eerent.ouy will take ;.lace tying it to the top of itis cell door, sliy- tiff Spait.i.::e +ail, and that it w•ml he ping his heard through, and allowing the public, 11 is eotts3clereal tle:tt 1'rntce •c elweight of ]rise ;tris to rest upon his neck, lata will thus. save the steaiu (t' t deu{ai slowly straum1bte to tenth. to the 1 -..--•--sr�7-•----•••-•-is only bet • tr.tr , nuc Yn�nt � , Baptist Split. King A.foe;o and King Edward we Meet et 111.trt itz. l't.utt`e, 0 celtutt cli,- Toronto, 'March 5, -A small dtncly of tame from. .gaff .cit:atittt, on the same n bets of Wnitner head Be tl list Binghamton, where he has a large es- tate. He has also a residence in Florida. The suicide's brother was proprietor of the Bristol Hotel in New York about two years ago. Nov he is managing the New 'Willard in Washington. Mrs. McCoy says Warner told her he had lost in the poker game, and that he even threatened to commit suicide. She did not take him seriously. When she went to call him this morning she smelled gas, which seemed to come from his room. Calling assistance, she had the door bettered down. Warner was in bed, dead, the tube in his mouth. Warner left a note saying he did not want his relatives notified of his death. His insurance money, $100, he left to Mrs. McCoy. BIS 9 9 COMIC DIVORCE Y W • I� The I'''.Ear;<iaoe of Divorced Persons Described as statetr,en that tee eonverelml 1 l al t 1 1 f 1 11 met 1 1 ('lutreb, who are ;tot satisfied with the e action of the church in refusing to e(en- w'1'e 11111000th '-e •huff then (*Be,l tipin w 110.5 efru?P,lt', save the ;Pen Cl. 1'. IIr9ner11, w' o was • THE CLAICIIE TRIM. Successive Polygamy. Fall River, ;lass., March 5.—The evils of divorce are dealt with in a pastoral letter by Bishop 'William L. Stang, of the Ronan Catholic Church diocese of Fall River, sent yesterday to the clergy- men of the diocese. The letter says in part: "The modern State has usurped the functions of spiritual authority turd pro- faned the sanctity of the marriage state. Protestantism permitted polygamy first ;Ferny, then covertly, by clacking it ,with the mockery of the civil law. "All good citizens are l orrified at the immoral de;etrine and practice of the Mormons, but what is the difference Le- tween Mormons who believe in simul- taneous polygamy and those legislators who autlnn•ixe a husband or a wife to separate attd marry again during the lifetime of the other party? It not the Latter a successive polygamy? An at- tempted marriage of legally divoreed per- sons (whose lawful partners are still alive), involves the hideous crime of adultery, which no cause under heaven can justify, and no gold or pearls can beautify. "No legislature can grant a divorce so that parties once really wed- ded can marry again, without slapping Got, the supreme lawgiver, in the face, without undermining the foundations of Christian society, without imperilling the life of the ration. "I call ttprn the Christian journalists for the defence of the Christian home, Willett is deetroycd by every divorce, and I entreat them, instead of regaling a sensational crowd with the unsavory de- tails of a divorce scandal, and tempting the sorely tried with evil suggestions to nanfully denounce all who en -operate in sundering what God has united." "INNER CIRCLE" MURDER CHARGES. Portland, Ore., March 5.—The Oregon- ; ian prints to -day a despatch from its Bois, Idaho, correspondent, which states in substanee that the "inner circle" of the Western Federation of Miners dad not confine itself to the murder of non- union miners and state officials, but the tools wbo committed the crimes were themselves the victims of the, "inner circle." Oreliant was one of the tools marked for destruction, and the eorre-, spondent says that the confession of MUST GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY. Condition of Probationary Release of St. Catharines Chicken Thieves. St. C'ath:uires, March 4. ---The two •hicken thieves, ferry and 1)aw,e ti. er- resied last week, ono cf whom, Dew - 5011, IVO 3 eeptureel at. Qnaensten, after ecei1ing cher with an automobile, st•erdlt ogee rc rl' r sentence eec•eiwed at pe; 1 la - from Judge Carmen. '1'bey were al- le•rr•ed out 011 att'pended sentence 11111 11 Ilse general :`e-Soionls of the Trac^, aria County Cotut, whieh opens ,Tune 12th. when they etre to report as to their rond00t. 111 ileo meantime, and circ t(. •attend church at ]east once each Sun- Daw•scn, who is married, but not sem, porting lis wife, was ordered to do so. ;iia Matter said he would enquire whether this had been done, and if t et conduct r v sahefact cry in the meantime renal dismiss the case, other- wise Ile would impose a penalty. BODIES RECOVERED. Victinis of Drowning Accident at Landon Fcund in Shallow Water. London, Ont., March 4.—The bodice: of Ilugh McDeugatl and Scott Dexter. the two millers drowned. on'Welne uhiy afternoon while Tieing the sgdas'tbecial on llexte1'e nail dam, were recovere•.1 to -Stay a short dielenee below the dam In comparatively sl:al.ow rent r. Took Chloral and .Died. Toronto, March 5. —When -a bellboy at the 'Walker House went to deliver a message to Ilettry A. Walker, a travel- ler for a Portland, Orogen, firm, on ;'ettnday. Ile foun•1 the goer( uneoncet ons from an overdose of chloral. Walker was hurried to the Emergency Hlospitnt aliens he rallied sniveled. atnncr tee:'i meat. Ile grew worse again itt the, after- noon. and (lied about 3.311. Deceased wars •16 years of age, and a native of Mon- treal, Steve Adams is said to show that Orch- ard had been shadowed for a long time. It is not believed that Orchard knew that be was under suspicion, but there is every reason to believe he stood in fear of death at the hands of these by whom he was employed. The correspondent states that through a resident of Bois, still another victim of disturbances connected with the Colo - ;.ado mining trouble, is added to the list. This is Wesley Smith, a boss miner, who disappeared from Telluride in 1902. WILL Nor STOP IT. Police Commissionsers Not Affected by the Death of Tenny. San Frattci1eo, Cal., March 5.—A can- vass of the members of the board of su- pervisors and the police 'commissioners reveals the fret that the l c ath of I are Y Penny, the young fighter, as a result of •r beating received in his match with Frankie Neil on Wednesday night, will not affect boxing conte.ste scheduled for the future. ell those interested took the view that Teuny's deathresultedresulted from an unfor- n notB a • t ar.•idcn that boxing 3a pand did indicate particularly dangerous. Three theories have been advanced in explanation of the death of 'fenny, who died in the Client avenue bath house, nine hours atter the gruellingell m battle with Neil, The diad man's relatives climate that he was poisoned, his trainers think Ito died of epilepsy mild Autopsy ?ugeon Kucich declared that death was due to hemorrhage of the brain, the direct re - suit of a blow or fall. Which of these theories is correct wiil require further time to detenniue. The stomach of the dead boy is i1t the amide of the eiiy cIettli"t. Peen of the fighters' secon(ls appeared Name Police Judge Cabaniss Saturday Iho maeslattrhter charge, which has hen ;:rule aphis t them. 1'rankie Neil, Spider Kelly and .Trans Prayne, through come. misunderst. nding, did not appear. . .•. INSPECTOR OF ARTILLERY. Kingston, Mardi 5. (peeial.).--Lirit. tenant -Colonel J. A. 0. ;inion, C. 1t, (4., is menti til ' l for insoectcsr of artillery, same yi8ret ago being put on the re- titi.'il list because! of ill -health due to li.irle:Lit.a in the 110er war and 3n the catnpai *m egainat alafekdne. 11' is now raeove1 r:l. 110 cot'cl fill the office rate- ee\ . ftiliy, having spent long years lei artillery duties.