HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1906-03-08, Page 51
At Crowder's This Week.
Our great Quarter Off Sale ends Monday, March 12th.
It has been a big success. We are going to close our Big
Sale this week with some of the biggest Bargains in Mon's
Wear ever offered in Huron County.
Biggest Overcoat Bargain of the Season.
$8.50 OVERCOATS $5 50-19 only, Men's dark grey and black
Frieze (Chesterfield) Overcoats, sizes 33 to 44 chest, regular
$8.50 and 9.50 Overcoats -Bargain Sale $5.50
$5.00 OVERCOATS $3.50.-12 only, Boys' dark grey and black
Overcoats, sizes 22 to 28, regular $5.00 and $.5.50 -Bargain3.50
$9.00 SUITS $5.50.-11 only, Men's heavy, double breasted,
Tweed Snits, sizes 36 to 44 chest, regular prices $9,00 and
$9 50 -Bargain Sale 5.50
$1.50 TROUSERS $1.00.-21 pairs Men's Tweed Pants, sizes 32
to 40 waist, regular prices $1.35 and $1.50-Bargaui Sale1.00
600 TROUSERS 39.1.-49 pairs Boys' Knickers, sizes 22 to 33,
regular price 50o and 600 -Bargain Sale 390
$5.00 SUITS $2.75.
17 Boys' Fancy Tweed Suits,
sizes 22 to 25, regular prices
$5.00 and $5.50 -Sale $2,75
$1.00 SHIRTS 500
32 only, Mon's Colored Shirts,
sizes 14 to 18 neok, regular
$1 00 -Sale 50c
$5.00 SUITS $3.00.
22 Boys' 3.piece Tweed Snits,
sizes 26 to 33, regular $4 50
and 85.00 -Sale $3.00
48 pieces Men's Fleece•lined
Underwear, regular 65c -
Sale .... 390
Men's Heavy Gum Rubbers $1.25
Underwear -Sale 50o
Men's Red Wool$1,00
$50.00 Coats -Sale 35.00 - $65.00 Coats -Sale $45.00
A few Persian Lamb Caps at a Bargain this week.
30 Empty Packing Boxes for Sale.
The R. 1-I. Crowder Co.
•ONOOOOOON400000000000000 000000000000000000000000.0
-The Queen's Hotel at Palmerston
station has changed hands, the Toron-
to Railway News Co. buying the pro-
perty from Mr. Richard Johnston for
the sum of $9,000. The management
of the hotel will still remain in the
hands of 1\1r, R. W. Main.
-During the storm on Wednesday
over 2,000,000 feet of logs boomed at
the Carney mill at Owen Sound, broke
loose and were carried out into the
alt. bay with the ice where they are now
lying. The stock is worth from $35,-
will be lost if allowed to go out ,with
the ice in the spring, the Messrs. Car-
ney are anxious to boom them before
the spring opens, and are negotiating
with the Crawford Tug Co. to have
the tug Hudgson go over and do the
work. The job would be an expensive
one, as a channel two )piles long or
more would have to be cut through
the ice to enable the tug to reach open
water here, and this would only be
the beginning of a difficult and
dangerous task, but it is likely it will
000 to $40,000 and knowing the logs I be undertaken.-[ Wiarton Canadian.
One of the worst of Bron-
chial Diseases, because it
has the worst after-effects.
The first symptoms are
Chills and Fever, Cough, Sore and Inflamed Nose and
Throat, Pains in the Limbs, Side and Chest, severe Head-
aches, Night Sweats, Lassitude -should not be neglected.
PSYCHINE prevents and positively cures La Grippe,
Pneumonia and Bronchitis.
For sale by all druggists at $1.00 per bottle. For further advice and information
write or call at Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, 179 King Street West, Toronto, Canada.
Ifs easy
Thousands of boys all over
this country, who never
had much money to call
their own, are happy now
at the merry jingle of cash
1 in their pockets, made by
and Saturdays.
They have no better chances, they
are no brighter than you. It's just
this -instead of dreaming about the
good times to come, they got right
down to business and hustled for
what they wanted. You can do
the same. Don't lose any time
about it. Write a letter to -day
asl:ing us to send you our hand-
some booklet about boys who
matte money, also the complete
outfit for starting in business.
With this will come ten free copies
of The Post, which you can sell 1_
at 5c cath. After this you buy as
many copies as you need at whole.
sale prices. As an inducement
to do good work we give, among
other prizes, watches, sweaters,
etc., to boys who sell a certain
number of copies. And in addition
$250 in Extra Cash Prizes
=we= EACH MONTH „rasa
426 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
A Beverage of
Good Health
((Grand Mogul is the
nicest possible blend of
the finest and ripest teas.
Grown on the sun -
kissed highlands, each
package is a whole
bouquet of delicious fla-
q Cold, tepid or hot, it is
always a family luxury.
Pleasing to mothers, palat-
able to children, it is Ceylon's
best mountain gift to you.
High in theine (tea -tone)
and low in tannin (bitters),
it is the beverage of hy-
geine. 25c, 30c, 40c and
50c per pound.
Grand Mogul
ilSold only in packages lined with
prepared paper, never in poisonous
lead Directions and premium cou-
pons in each package.
$teelRanges at X45 Each
See The
before buying any
other. It is the best
value in Steel Range
construction on the
Canadian market.
Every Range guar-
anteed absolutely.
Will burn wood or
Extra large Reser-
voir means abundance
of hot water.
Made right in your
own County.
Read what pleased
users say -
P. 0., JANUARY 19, 1906.
GENTLEMEN :-It affords me much pleasure to be able to recommend to any intending pnrohasor your
Huron Steel Range. I have had ono of them in use for the past two years and during that time have
found it to give me the most perfect satisfaction on a minimum amount of fuel. My wife states that
she would not exchange it for any make of range that she has seen yet, in fact if she could not got
another one, would not sell it at any price. Very Truly
.-. MADI 11Y -•---
The Western Foundry Co., Limited, Winghmm
-•-Tito Bell Telephone Company's
shareholders' meeting at Montreal.,
authorized an increase in the capital
stock from ten to fifty million dollars.
-The Galicians in the settlements
north of Dauphin, Man., are establish-
ing marriage records these days, At
Sifton one day last week twenty
couples were joined in the holy bonds
of wedlock, at Fork River sixteen
couples and at Palley River eight.
-The Sixth Annual meeting for the
prevention of Consumption and other
fortes of Tuberculosis will be held in
the Railway Committee room of the
House of Commons on the 28th of
March next. The Hon. Senator Ed-
wards will preside in the afternoon.
-For some weeks a lot of talk has
taken place in Flesherton regarding
the erection of a temperance hotel
there, and a committee has had the
matter in hand. On Friday night
last the committee decided to go
ahead and have an up-to-date hotel
erected. Solid financial backing has
been promised.
-The Albion hotel stables at Owen
Sound were destroyed by fire last
Wednesday morning ; nine horses and
a cow as well as a lot of rigs were
burned. Four of the horses belong-
ed to a man named Smith from Kop-
pel, and were merely there for the
night. Smith had been moving a.
friend to near Markdale and was re-
turning home. He had no money
left, and a subscription was taken up
to give him assistance.
-On the farm of J. W. Mills one of
the largest and most successful sales
of farm stock and implements ever
held in Hullett was conducted,
amounting to $3,810. Good prices
were realized, the following being a.
sample :-A 5 year old mare brought
$213 ; a gelding rising 3 years, $185 ;
an aged mare $175 ; a filly rising 2
years, $103.50; a driving mare, $182,
and another at $107 ; an 8 months old
colt, $120. Cows ranged from $50 to
$60 and other articles went cor-
respondingly high.
Ayton, Ont., March 2. -The general
store of A. Wenger was almost total-
ly wrecked last evening by the ex-
plosion of a keg of powder. A. Wag-
ner, one of the clerks, had opened the
keg to weigh some out, and after
doing so he placed the lid on the keg.
Some grains were left on top of the
lid, and it was suggested by an on-
looker to try some of the powder.
Wagner lit a match and applied it to
the powder on top of the keg and it
appears that it dict not work on the
instant. They were in the act of ap-
plying another when the whole keg
exploded, doing the serious damage.
Wagner was frightfully burned and
was found lying over an eighteen foot
embankment at the rear of the build-
ing with his clothes on fire. There is
little chance of his recovery. Messrs.
Widmeyer, Votier and Mocmings
were the onlookers, and they were al-
so badly burned about the hands and
face. The force of the explosion shat-
tered the walls, ceilings and swept
windows and sashes out of the build-
ing. Fire started, but it was quickly
extinguished. The damage to stock
by smoke and water is estimated at
two th'ousand dollars.
Mr. Geo. Wheatley of Hullett is at
present very low as the result of a
paralytic stroke.
In the neighborhood of $10,000
worth of horse -flesh was shipped to
the West from here last week.
Mr. S. J. Andrews has been recom-
mended by the local Conservatives for -
appointment as Police Magistrate,
and Dr. Thompson for Coroner.
Mr. Thos. Watt, jr., an employe at
T. McKenzie's planing 'nil!, )net with
a severe accident on Tuesday evening
last by falling through a trap door.
The Salvation Army band is in fine
shape at present under the leadership
of Bandmaster Cook. A number of
new instruments have been added and
the music now furnished is the best to
be had.
In the retirement of I%Er. Jackson
from the mercantile trade one of the
oldest businesses in Clinton changes
Bands. It is 52 years since he first
opened out in the Merchant Tailoring
and Gents' Furnishing and lie has con-
ducted the business very successfully
ever since.
Rev. H. Newcombe says that during
his lengthened ministry, he has of-
ficiated at double weddings, and
double christenings, but not until
last week did he ever have a, double
funeral. IIe was called on to officiate
at the burial of two inmates of the
House of Refuge ; they were interred
side by side, one burial service
answering for the two.
Lost week Mr. Shut lloworth, of the
Berlin Sugar Factory, was here in
company with Mr. Win. Graham,
visited a number of fanners who can-
temp.ate raising sugar beets this year.
Mr. Graham is out every day, and is
kept very busy contracting for land ;
he says that the acreage this year will
be much larger than last, as farmers
are realizing that it is a good profit-
able crop.
Rev. Messrs. Manning and Wade
conducted a religious service at the
Organ Factory on Friday last. The
spacious office had been kindly placed
at their disposal by Mr. Doherty, and
at 12.10 noon, about One hundred Of
the employees gathered there, and
were addressed. by Mr. Wade from the
words "Choose ye this day whom ye
will serve." It was a short but int-
preesivo discourse, and was attentive-
ly listened to.
There Is no question whatever about
the powerful influence which feed has
on butter, says Farmers Advocate, Ex-
perienced dairymen who have made a
study of this condition will tell you
that whole oats and coarse hay will
make a hard, crumbly butter, while
ground oats and clover produce a good
Oats have a great influence, but
more prominent when fed in combina-
tion with something else.
Linseed meal, if fed in large quanti-
ties, makes a soft product, but a nor-
mal condition is noticed when but a
moderate amount is fed.
As a milk stimulator the oil is very
valuable, but it Is almost too expensive
to be used very commonly.
Cornmeal fed with coarse fodders In
large ratlous makes a very firm butter,
but a finer mold Is found when other
grains are mixed with It.
In the south cottonseed meal is used
very extensively, mud a hard butter is
the result, while bran and shorts pro-
duce a normal composition.
Too many potatoes will bring a very
poor quality of butter. There is but
little nutriment In them, but if grain Is
ndded an excellent article Is the result.
Timothy and tubers have no value as
buttermakers, nothing better than a
hard, tallowy substance being the re-
Ensilage is always good if an excess-
ive amount is not fed.
What Is Meant by A. It. O. Cow..
An A. P.. 0. cow Is one that has been
officially tested and produced the re-
quired amount of butter fat in seven
consecutive days. The letters stand
for the phrase Advanced Registry, Of-
If the cow calves at two years or
under she must make 7.2 pounds of
butter fat In seven consecutive days In
order to become an A. R. 0. heifer. A
three-year-old must make at least 8.8
pounds, a four-year-old at least 10.4
pounds, and a five-year•old or over
must make 12 pounds of butter fat.
Whether the cow enters the A. R. 0.
does not depend upon the amount of
milk that she produces, but upon the
amount of fat that she gives in seven
consecutive days.
The record must be made under the
supervision of an officer or assistant
of an agricultural emperiment station
or agricultural college or by some per-
son whose integrity and ability are
vouched for by the director or by the
professor of dairy husbandry. -Hoard's
A Well Bred Holstein Ball.
The Holstein bull De Iiol Henger-
veld Burke, whose portrait is here re-
produced from IIolstein-Friesian Regis-
ter, is chief sire at Oakland farm,
Weedsport, N. Y. He comes from as
large producing lines as any animal of
the breed, his sire being De Iiol 2d's
Butter Boy 3d, with his thirty-three A.
Il. 0. daughters, which is more than
any other bull has at the same age.
IIIs grandsire is Manor De ICol, with
thirty A. R. 0. daughters; great -grand -
sire, De Kol 2d's Netherland, with
twenty-one A. It. 0. daughters. His
dam is Helena Burke, a twenty-five
pound cow, with four tested daughters,
two making over twenty pounds each,
a cow that gave 82.7 pounds of milk a
day for 122 days, a cow whose son, De
Iiol Burke, has twenty-one A. R. 0.
Floor of the Cow Stable.
Writing in National Stockman and
Farmer on the subject of cow stables,
L. W. Lighty says: I prefer to have an
earthen floor in my cow stable, though,
of course, the manure gutter is cement
and liquid proof. I believe the cow is
more comfortable on the yielding, non-
conducting ground than on hard plank
or rocky cement. It is true that the
earth will wear away and has to be
filled up and leveled off occasionally,
the doing of which has just reminded
me of this: The floor of the, stall
should be level or slope back toward
the gutter very little; there should be
no rough ridges or hard, uneven places,
as I could not nor can the cow rest in
comfort on such n bed. A. small quan-
tity of gravel and earth well tamped
can be made perfectly smooth and lev-
el, and a light covering of sawdust
well moistened will help to keep it 111
Chaffed Fodder.
There is no question but that cut
(chaffed) fodder of ail kinds Is better
relished and fed with loss waste than
long forage. Whether the saving thus
effected will compensate for the attend-
ant expense will usually depend upon
the market value of the hay or other
material, although It should not be for-
gotten out straw, stover or other stuff
makes better bedding for the stable, -
Hoard's Dairyman.
Cracked Tents.
Poe cracked teats in cows mix twen-
ty grains of tannic acid with an ounce
each of glycerin and water; apply a
little after each milking. It will be
necessary to use a milk tube to draw
oft the milk while the teats are under
How Pneumonia Starts.
Yon catch a little cold to -day, by
to -morrow it has reached the. throat,
next day the lungs are affected and
yon wish you had used Catarrhtozone
which kills colds in five minutes. In
the first place Catnrrhozone soothes
the irritated membranes and relieves
congestion, --then it cuts out the
phlegm and destroys the germs. It
enables the blood to retain a natural
Supply of oxygen, lung -food, tud
vitality. In any cough, lu'onthitis or
lung infection it's guaranteed to posi-
tively cure. Decline any substitute
for Catarrholzone.
Professor Dorenwend
America's Greatest Hair
Goods Artist, is coming to the
Friday, March 16th,
This visit gives yon a chance to consult PROF. DORENWEND
about your Hair and to choose from the stook of Hair
Goods, which he carrles with him -just what you require.
Baldness . .
as all men know, disfigures
and adds an aged expres-
sion to the face. Why re-
main Bald when Professor
•1. %4 Dorenwend can 111 you
l�G with a WI(} or TOUPEE,
which will hide all traces of Baldness and take the place of your own
hair? Dootors recommend these Toupees as a preventative for colds
in head, catarrh and neuralgia. PROFESSOR DORENWEND will fit you
on the spot and show you just how yon look afterwards.
Ladies -Read This! !
You will never have a better opportunity to see for yourself the
beautiful assortment of SWITCHES, BANGS, POMPADOURS, WAVES,
WIGS, etc., which Professor Dorenwend carries with him.
Remember the Date and don't fail to call at the
hotel and see PROFESSOR DORENWEND, early.
The DORENWEND CO. of Toronto, Limited
Too Much Furniture.
We honestly will sell our fine stock of Furniture
at Cut Prices for 6o days, as we have twice too much
stock to carry over winter. Special Cut Prices on Parlor
Suites, Fancy Rockers, Couches, Sideboards, etc. Now is
the time to buy Furniture for spring. Don't be afraid to
call and see for yourselves.
promptly and care.
fully attended to.
Walker Bros. & Button
We are pleased to report that Mr.
McKinnon, of Culross, is able to be
about again though he still needs the
aid of a cane.
Thos. Ross has sold his farm on the
2nd con. to Win. Case, and he has
bought the John Ross farm near
Langside. He is paying $1,000 for the
Wm. McKay of Culross, who has
been ill for the past six months or
more, with liver trouble, is very low at
present and there appears little likeli-
hood of his recovery.
Robt. Harris, of Wroxeter, was in
town for the past two weeks with a
large Belgian stallion which he has
succeeded in selling to a syndi^ate.
There are fifteen members, each of
whom has taken a share of $200, mak-
ing the rather large price of $3,000 for
the animal.
The Intermediate League had a
social evening in the Methodist
Church lecture room on Tuesday. •
Everything in connection with the af-
fair had some relation to American
Indian life. The room decorations
were Indian. There was a program of
readings, songs and addresses on In-
dian subjects.
Friends in Teeswater received word
a few days ago of the death of Mr.
Dealers and Undertakers
Wm. Wern, who a few years ago was
employed as clerk in Messrs. Mann
and Ewing's store. Mr. Wern has
been living at Sault Ste Marie since
leaving Teeswater and his death took
place there on Friday of last week.
While here he was married to Miss
Lindsay, a niece of Mr. Samuel Lind-
say of Culross.
The recital given in the Town Hall
last Tuesday evening by Mr. Geo. H.
Glass and pupils, proved to be a treat
to the people of the village.
On Thursday last, Feb. 22nd, there
died at her home in Kinloss, Miss
Frances Gillies, youngest daughter of
Mr. David Gillies. Miss Gillies had
been ailing some three years and suf.
fered greatly, which she bore without
murmur and her greater nature en-
deared her to all.
About 1 o'clock Monday morning
fire broke out in the residence of Miss
P. Buckingham, on Gough Street,
and succeeded in making fairly good
headway before the firemen arrived,
but willing workers succeeded in sav-
ing most of the furniture. The fire-
men deserve great credit in the way
they succeeded in checking the Hames
and saving the adjoining buildings.
"Maple Leaf Rubbers" are made of
pure Para rubber, are wet -proof, neat,
perfect -fitting and lasting.
Every rubber has D. Maple Leaf
branded on the -sole, and this brand is
our guarantee that the rubber is perfect
in every way.
Insist on your dealer giving you
sf !
Made for every purpose
and to fit every shape
and style of ladies',
hen's and children's