HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1906-03-08, Page 3I
Quality Counts
That's what has made
1.74,Wrirgax**52111.01 1111
1111.11.4a , !! oie Wei
the Standard to -day. This is why you should
buy Blue Ribbon Tea. Only one BEST—Blue
Ribbon Tea.
Tho College WAS eatablished in 1874. Its
objects were twofold: First, to train
young men in the science and art of im-
proved husbandry; and second, to con-
duct experiments and publish tho Te-
ma% In 1875, the President said in his
first report: "It is evident to the most
cursory observer that Canada, depends,
and will be obliged for many years to
depend, largely, if not exclusively, on
her raw produce for her national wealth.
And amongst the various forme of raw
material, nous are so valuable as those
included under the head of Agricultural
Farmers visit the college in June and
December to the number of nearly 40,-
000, and we had last year in attendance
at the various College classes 1,004 stud-
In the beginning students were paid
to attend the institution, and there was
practically no revenue from the Col-
lege or farm. In 1905, we tamed into
the Provincial treasury as revenue from
the College and farm $01,508,20. The
work of the different departments is as
follows: '
1. Field Agriculture. Teaching of stu-
dents and experimenting with field
crops is the work af this department.
In Mr. Zo.vitz' report of last year the
following paragraph appears under the
head of "Barley": "The results *Mow
that the Mandscheuri gave decidedly the
greatest yield per acre of the four vari-
eties for the whole period of fifteen
years, and also for the last five years.
The Mandscheuri gave an average of 9.3
bushels per acre per annum over the
common six -rowed barley in the aver-
age results for fifteen years. The aver-
age area devoted to barley in Ontario
from 1882 to 1904 is given as 633,290
acres per annum. .An increase of nine
bunehels of barley per acre throughout
the Province would, therefore, amount to
an increase of over five million bushels
at barley in Ontario annually. This in-
crease at fifty cents per bushel would
amount to about two and a half mil-
lion dollars. Two and a half million dol-
lars annually would pay the running
expenses of about thirty .Agricultural
Colleges like the one located at Guelph.
The Mandscheuri barley was iinported
from Russia by the Ontario Agricultural
College in the spring of 1889. Not only
has it made a very excellent record at
the College, but it has given thigh re-
sults in the co-operative experiments
throughout Ontario, and thee been grown
in general cultivation very usecessfully
during the past few years. In looking
up the records of the Bureau of indus-
tries, we find that the average yield of
barley throughout the Province for the
period of ten years from 1895 to 1904, in-
clusive, is 29.3 bushels per acre; while
that for the period of ten years from.
1885 to 1894, inclusive, was 24.85 bushels
per acre. Thia shows an annual aver-
age increase of about 4 1-2 bushels per
acre, for the latter, as compared with
the former period of ten years.
2, Animal Husbandry. Here students
aro taught the comparative values of
the different breeds of domestic animals
and as it is said that 80 per cent. of all
the crops grown on the farms of Ontar-
io is fed to live stock, iL will be seen at
it glance how important it is to be able
to tell a good feeder when 0110 sees it.
3. Dairying. The making of better but..
ter and bettee cheese and the breeding and
feeding of better dairy animals. The av-
erage cow in Ontario gives less than 3,000
pounds of milk per year. The College, by
careful selection and proper feeding, has
built up a grade herd which, in 1904,
contained sixten cows which gave more
than 0,000 pounds each.
4. Horticulture. Here we are somewhat
handicapped by severe climatic) condi-
tions. Being 000 feet above Lake On-
tario, we cannot grow the more delicate
fruits. Students are given instruction in
the growing of n11 kinds of fruit; vege-
tables and flowers, and experiments are
conducted with the small fruits and with
clover crops for the orchard.
5. Bacteriology. Nitrogen is one of
the principal needs of a plant. It is worth
commercially, about 20 cents a pound.
The air is 80 per cent, nitrogen, and yet
plants cannot use it in the form in which
it appears in the atmosphere. Certain
bacteria, if introduced into the soil, will
work on the roots of clover and other
leguminous plants, take the nitrogen
from the atmospher and convert it into
plant food. Our Bacteriologist propagates
in his laboratory and supplies in sinall
bottles millions of these nitrogen form-
ing bacteria, which may be spread upon
the seed before it is sown, and thus
introduce into the soil these nitrate -
forming bacteria. A crop of clover wilt
leave in the soil in the roots alone abont
fifty pounds of nitrogen per acre. Thus
the plant food supplied to the soil by a
crop of clover is $l0 per acre in one year,
and the farmer has the clover crop, tops
and leaves to the good. This, if practised
on every farm, would mean millions
each year to this Province.
C. Chemistry. It was said a few years
ago that sugar beets could not be grown
profitably in this Province. Our De -
*witless* • ,•
pertinent of Chemistry Sendueted ex
periments in the different parte of On
tario and analyzed the beets at differen
stages of groweh. It is now known Uta
we can grow as good beets as in any
part of the world, and men are putting
their money into the buildin„a of suga
beet factories. Over 22,000,000 lbs. of good
beet sugar were made in Western Anted
last year. Chemistry did it.
Our Chemistry Department last yea
analyzed flour made from four diffen
ent grades of wheat grown in the North
west. There was a difference of many
cents per bueliel in tbe market value o
these wheats. and yet, after analysin
the flour and having bread made from
each of the different lots, it was found
that the fourth grade made bread just
as good, just as palatable, just its much
bread per bushel of flour, and just as
nutritious as the higher grade, but it was
not so bright in color. The result of this
analysis will enableepoor people, or peo
pie in moderate eircurnstancee, to ge
the best bread for their families at very
much less than they have been paying.
7. Physics. In this department are
taught the principles of soil cultivation
and soil drainage.
8. Botany. in this department the
subject of weeds and how to destroy
them, the question of fungous growth,
and when sold how to spray to extermin-
ate them, the importance of growing
grassee and clovers, and such things are
taken up and discussed.
Ct. Entomology. Again, millions of
dollars are lost every year by insect de-
predation. Only by studying the life
history and habits of an insect can it
be properly combated.
10. Poultry. Chickens used to sell
anywhere .on the market from 20 to no
cents a piece. To -day they bring three
times that amount, where they helve
been properly fed, killed and dressed. We
have no trouble in disposing of our poul-
try here at from 12 to 15 cents a pound
dressed, aud our students are taught how
to breed and feed so as to obtain these
results, We have four different styles
of poultry houses, to test the effects of
heat, and cold on the egg -laying pro-
clivities; hence we find that the cold-
est and therefore the cheapest Lowe,
is the best, and that fresh air, not warm
air, is essential to good egg production.
11. Macdonald Institute. Tliree
things are taught: Domestic Science,
Manual Training, and Nature Study. In
Domestic Science there were 300 girls
in attendance last year, each one being
obliged to learn cooking, sewing, and
laundry work. In a Province where
over 90 per cent. of the women do their
own housework, what a blessing it would
be if they were all properly trained for
their daily duties. Manual Training
makes boys and girls handy in the use
of simple tools, and Nature Study, which
is really elementary agriculture, helps
teachers to the extent that they may
return and give to their pupils an educa-
tion that will more nearly fit them for
the earning of their daily bread.
The college is then doing three things:
First, fitting boys and girls for their
life work on the farm; second, by expe-
rimenting along different lines it is sav-
ing the farmers anillions of dollars each
year by securing for them exact data
in reference to the value of different
farm mops, farm animals, ancl so forth;
and Third, by the writing and publica-
tion of bulletins and reports, the farm-
er is supplied in his own home with re-
liable information in reference to his
impoyortsitog Soli
r Impoverished soil, like irnpov-
erisbed blood, needs a proper
fertilizer. A. chemist by analyz-
r. ing the soil can tell you what
-1 fertilizer to use for different
f I products,
When Male Vanity Shows Itself.
(Atchison, Kan., Globe.)
After a mran has been told that his hair
is getting thin en Op for the first time in
his life he finds out how to handle a hand
THE SETTING HEN—Her failures
have discouraged many a poultry raiser.
You can maks money 3.
raisind chicks in the ridht
way—lots of it.
No one doubtathat per° is monody raistng
chickens with a good =abater an Brooder.
Veers of the Chatham Incubator and Brooder
re all made money% If you still cling to the
idea that you can sficoesefully run a poultry
winos using the hen as a hatcher, we would
like tom:ion with you.
In the first place, we oan prove to you that
your actual cash loss in oggs, which tho 20 hons
should lay during tho time you keep theta
hatching and brooding, will be enough to pay
fora Chatham Incubator and Brooder in live
or siglatehes, to say nothing whateeor of tho
larger and bettor results attained by the use
of the Chatham. Inoubator and Brooder.
If you allow a hon to set, you lose at least
0401 weeks of IdYing (three weeks hatching
and five weeks taking care of the chickens), or
ay1n the eight svcoks sho would lay at least
throe dozen one. Let tho Chatham Incubator
on the hatching, while the hen goes on laying
The Chatham Incubator and
Brooder has created a New Era
in Poultry Raising.
The setting Hen as a Hatcher
has been proven a Commercial
The Chatham Incubator and
Brooder has always proved a
Money Maker.
A Lidht, Pleasant and Profit.
able Business for Women
Many women aro toalay making an Inde.
pendent living and putting by money every
month raising poultry with a Chatham Incu-
Any woman with a little lehture time at her
disposal can, without any previous etperience
or evithout a cent of cash, begin the poultry
businces and make money right from the start.
Perhaps you have a friend who is doing so.
If not, we can givo you the names of many who
started with much misgiving only to be sur-
prised by tho ease and rapidity with which the
profits came to them.
Of courso,_ success depends on getting a
right start. You must begin right. You can
novor Make any considerable money fie a
poultry raiser with hens as hatchers. You
must have a good Incubator and Brooder, but
Our No, 3 Incubator will hatch as many eggs this naeans in tho ordinary way an investment
M twenty setting hens, and do it bettor. Now, which, perhaps you aro not prepared to make
berets a question in arithmetic :— just now, and this is just where our special
If you keep 20 hens from laying, offer conies in.
for ti• weeks, bow much cash do 3 If you are in earnest, we will set you up in
1 you loim if each hen would have the poultry business without a cent of cash
laid 3 dozen eggs, and eggs aro down. If we were not sure that the Chatham
worth lb cents por dozen? Ans.—$9.00. Incubator and Brooder is tho best and that
Therefore, when the Chatham Inoubator ie with it and a reasonable amount of effort on
hatching the number of ware that twenty hens your part you are Sure to make money, svo
would hatch, 11 18 really cern mg in cash for you would not make the special offer below.
the wholesale, and being ready to do tho
besides producing' for your profit °hicks
same thing over again the moment each hatch
le oat •
Don't you think, therefore, that it pays to
keep the hens laying and let the Chatham
Tneubstor do tho hatehinel
There aro many other reason why the ;
Chatham Incubator and Brooder outclasses ;
tho setting hen.
The hen sets stioon sho is ready. The Chat-
hatn Ineuhfitor is always read'y. By planning
to take etre h toh at the right time You rnaY
have plenty oi broilers to soli when broilers .
aro ammo and prices at tho top nott.h. If you A. CHATHAM .
!fullers just whon every other hon's chicks aro , '
epend on tho bon, Your chicks will grow to .
aloft marketed, and when the price is not so _
Thelion is a careless mother, often leading her '
chicks amongst wet grass, bushes, and in piaoes t
where rats can confiscate her young.___
a ohiok, Very rarely- o
rmother and. y'
Tho Chatham Brooder behavee itsolf„is a - an d OODER
and Is not infested with lice. •
Altogether, there is absolutely no reasonable • as . B
reason for continuing the use of a hen as a
hatcher and every reason wiry you should . You Pay us no Cash
have a Chatham Incubator And Brooder.
We are makiug a very etiocial otter, which ' . Nth s
it will pay you to investigate. ! ..itiil After 1906 Harvest
, • . 9
Small Premises Sufficient .
. n
For Poultry Raisind. .
, ., .. P
Of course, If you have Iota of realm, so much • oilAntlomen,—Your No. 1 Incubator is all t
the better, but many 0. than and woman are right, 1 ana. perfectly eatisfied with it. Will 0
Ono, ,
earrying on a sumassful awl profitable pore e' et, a legtamoopger onLindsaym y
e from one" n neat n
year. . M. P
abusiness in la Mall city Or tOivn lot. An
reek): a fair Sized stable or •shed and a mail ' " ' '
i yard 0411 raise poultry prOiltably. . "Gm'
ontleop —I think both Incubator and t
P But to mire Mehtdalialekly, You Must sigob !Rader is ellright. X get 75 per cent. oat oc a
- away frOra the Old idea of tryingto do busin sa Logo 6 hatches. ILK PLIIIIINO, Platteville, OW a
1, Witb !letting hone as hatom, You must get a . tion_tienten,--t bee never seen on inenbator
Chitthain Inchbatorand Brooder. Wail I received yours. I WAS pleased and sin,
, 11'd bnable eiterYbody te get a fair stub in tho eeatistel to got over 89 per cent., and the chickens a
aVt •way in the poultry business, we ma 0 %aro all strong and healthy. A ehild could 't
oey epoelaL pose 'which it Is worth your operate nutehine successfully. Sas. DAY,Rath. t
well, Man.
s while to investigate. t
/ 3Ve can imply yen ettokly from onr distributinn warehonses at Calgary, Prendon, Reginfti 1
; Halifax, Chatham. Peet/Cos at CillenTAM, Ost, and Dcruoir, Mimi.
No. 1— E0 Eggs
No. 2-120 Eggs
llo. 3-240 Eggs
success has encouraged many to tnahe
more money than they ever thought
possible oul of chicks.
Every Farmer Should
Raise Poultry
Almost every farmer "keeps hens," but,while
he knows that there is a certain amount of profit
In the business, even when lotting it take care
oettself, few farmers aro aware of how much
they ale Ioaing every year by not get ng into
the poultry business in such a way as to make
real money out 02 11.
The setting hen as a hateher will never be a
commercial success. Her business is to lay
eggs and she should be kept at it. The only
way to raise chicks for profit is to begin right,
1:y1i:stalling a Chatham Incubator and 13rood.er.
With such a machine you can begin hatching
on a largo scale at any time.
You can only get ono crop off your fields in
a year, but with a Chatham Incubator and
Brooder and ordinary attention, you can raise
chickens from early Spring until Winter and
have a crop every mouth. Think of it 1
Quite a few farmers have discovered that
there is money in tho poultry business and have
found this branch of farming so profitable that
they have installed eoveral Chatham Ineeba-
tors andBrooders after trying the first. tt-
Perhaps you think that it requires a groat
deal of time or a great deal of technical know-
ledge to raise chickens with a Chatham Incu-
bator and Brooder. If so, you are greatly mis-
taken. , Your wife or daughter can attend to
the machine and look after tho chickens with-
out interfering with their regular household
The tnarket is always good and prices aro
never low. The demand is always in excess of
the supply and at certain times of the year you
canpractically _get any price you care to ask for
good broilers. With a Chatham Incubator and
Brooder you can start hatching at the right
time to bring the chickens to tnarketa lo
broilers when the supply is very losv and the i
prices accordingly high. This you could never
do with hens as hatchere.
Wo know that there is money in the poultry
business for every farmer who will go about it
ight. All you have to do Is to get a Chatham
neuhator and Brooder and start it. But per.
aps you aro not prepared jut now to spend
he money. This is why we make the special
We know there is money in raising chicken&
We know the Chatham Inottbator and
rooder has no equal,
We know that with any reasonable effort an
our part, you cannot but make money out of
he Chatham Ineubator and Brooder.
Wo know that wo xnado a similar offer last
00.1 0.11(1 that In every ease the payments wore
let cheerfullyand promptly, and that In many
ases money was aecorupanied by letters ex. '
laming satisfaction,
'Thereforewe have no hesitation In making
hie proposition to every honest, earnest man
r woman who may wish to told to their yearly
rofits with a small expenditure of time and
This really moans that eve will sot you up in
he poultry business so that you eon make
toner right from the start, without asking for
single coot front you until after 1000 harveet.
wo know of a fairer offer. Wewouldrnakeit.
write es a post tiara with your nams and
and we will itentlyou full partical.m.as
yell as our beautifully Mistretta bre*, How
o make money out of chicks.' Write to -day
o Chathona.
Vineipeg, New Westntinster,11.C., Montreal,
tro, The MANSON CAMPBELL I, lied, Dept. No. 33 CHATHAM, CANADA.
Greea—"I think she's a poem; yes, sir,
a perfect poem."
If your blood is impoverished
your doctor will tell you what
you need to fertilize it and give
it the rich, red corpuscles that
are lacking in it. It may be you
need a tonic, but more likely you
need a concentrated fat food,
and fat is the element lacking
in your system.
There is no fat food that is
so easily digested and assimi-
lated as
Scott's Emulsion
of Cod Liver Oil
It will nourish and strengthen
the body when milk and cream
fail, to do it. Scott's Emulsion
is always the same; always
palatable and always beneficial
where the body is wasting from
any cause, either in children
or adults.
We will send you a sample free.
Be sure that this pio-
ture in the form of a
label is on the wrapper
of every bottle of Emul-
sion you buy.
TIIi000, Onto
50c. and $1.00.
sill Druggists -
As the city police do not provide suf-
ficient protection, residents of Chicago
have been compelled to establish private
police forces, each of which guards a
small neighborhood. As an outgrowth
of this need of self-protection the Chi-
cago resident has enforced upon him a
list of don'ts of which the following is a
Don't let mail accumulate in vestibule
mail boxes. Have the janitor remove it
when you are away or it will serve as
a notice to flat workers that you are
out and the coast is clear.
Don't leave directions to your grocer
on the hack door. This is another tip to
the burglar that you are out.
' Don't open the door to any one after
dark without knowing who it is. Call
through the tube or aek behind the
locked door.
Don't trust a straoger because he is
well dressed. The immaculate thief is
dangerous; the ragged one is generally
Don't trust the locks'. Most apartment
locks are toys; a burglar can jimmy them
in half a minute without noise, Get
special bolts.
Don't leave the house without making
sure that all windows are fastened. Leave
all curtains up, with possible exception
of bedroom. This often fools a burglar.
Don't be impolite to a burglar if you
find one in the house. Invite him to
take it all, and the first chance you get
run to a neighbor and call the police.
Don't scream in the presence of a burg-
lar or a hold-up man. If he is an ama-
teur he may lose his presence of mind
and hurt you.
Don't walk close to a building after
dark; give an alley a good margin.
These are all very well as far as they
go, but we can suggest just one which
would make all the others unnecessary
It is this:
Don't live in Chicago.H [E
Nothing in the world is such a comfort
and joy as a healthy, hearty, rosy -cheek -
ed, happy baby. But the price of baby's
health and happiness is constant vigi-
lance on the mother's part. The little
• ills of babyhood come suddenly, and the
wise mother will always be in a position
to treat them at onee. In promptly re-
lieving and curing the ills of babyhood
and childhood, no other medicine can
equal Baby's Own Tablets, and they are
guaranteed absolutely free from opiates
and harmful drugs. Mrs. Win. Sinclair,
Hebron, N. B., says: "Baby's Own Tab-
lets are the best medicine I know of for
curing the ills of young children. I al-
ways keep the Tablets in the house, and
do not know how I couldget along with-
out them." Sold by all dealers or by
mail at 25 cents a box, from The Dr, Wil-
liams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont.
- -
Annual Statement Shows Company
to be Enjoying Prosperity.
The annual statement of the West-
ern Assurance Company will be found
In another part of to -day's issue, and
will be soon to be one that does much
credit to this progressive company.
The year's traneactions resulted in
$80,340.12 being devoted to dividends,
and $133,254.09 added to the reserve
Lund, which now amounts to $1,742,-
020.42. The liability for unearned. pre-
miums on unexpired risks is estimat-
ed at $1,322,183.46. By deducting this
sum from the reserve it is wen that
pets) is a surplus over capital and all
abilitsea amounting to $419,836.00.
The fire premiums during the year
amounted, to $2,888,500.34, and the ma-
rine premiums to $705,764. The fire
losses wera $1,547,900.20, mid the mas
rine lasses $665,157.57. The excellent
list of assets which is published in the
minuet statement shown that almost
on -third of them consist of munici-
pal bonds and debentures.
And Perhaps Wordy, '
I3rown—"What do you think of my
'if "
IA/NI s quote You pr oes op a good Fanning Mill * Or good Farm Scala,A I
Browri—"Huniphl More like an article
by Henry James. I'm blotved if I Can Una
derstand her."
An Exhaordinary Prize Competition.
In the usual run of prize competitions
only two or three lucky persons get Af
thing for their efforts, ter days and
days, it may be, of hard work, the great
mass of competitors wake up to find that
their efforts have heon fruitless. To all
such it is a disappointment and to many
a heartbreak.
The best feature about the prize com-
petition which the MacLean Publishing
Company have inaugtn•ated in connec-
tion with The Busy Alan's Magaziro, is
that everybody gets a reward for his or
her work. To him or her will be offered
one of three unique prizes —a four years'
course at any Canadian University or
educational institution with all ex_pcxis-
es paid, a free trip around the world, or
one thousand dollars in gold.
In addition there will be a great malty
more prizes, which can easily be won by
any competitor, These are over and above
O reward, in the shape of a money pay -
Ment, to everybody who enters the cosa-
PeTtiltiieonilacLean Publishing Company,
through whose enterprise The Busy
Man's Magazine is being pushed to the
front among prosent day periodicals, are
s better known to the public as
the publishers of Canadian trade news.
All interested in this competition
should write for partreuTars to the near-
est office of the MacLean Publishing Co.
I ;
Kind Used to Lubricate the Dentist's
Tools is Perfumed.
(New York Sun.)
we don't perfume axle grease, nor
do we scent the oil used on the journals
of freight cars," said the dealer, "but
there is one lubricating oil that we do
scent, and that is the fine oil used on
dentists' drills.
"Such drills, tiny little drills of
beautiful workmanship, are made nowa-
days for use in every possible position.
There are drills that project from the
shaft at a right angle, this being male
possible by the daintiest little bevel gear-
ing you ever saw within the drill head.
Others are set at an obtuse angle and
others, again, are set at an acute angle.
Society Scandal.
(Baltimore American.)
"Did. you hear that young Charlie Blank
Ls paying devoted atte.ntion to a handsome
young married woman?"
"Dear mo, no. Who is
"ILis wife,"
Need an Cocas ionol Tonic tolifain tabs
Strength and Keep the Skin Clear.
On every side one vas young men and
growing boys with pale, pasty complex-
ions, their faces covered with pimples
and their gait aluembling and listless.-
Such a condition is •extreinely dangerous
—the blood is out of order—n. complete
breakdown may result. To put matters
right; to give that spring to the etep;
that clearness to the skin and that glow
of active .health to the face, a tonic is
needed—Dr. 'Williams' Pink Elle are
needed. As proof of thits, Mr. Charles
Diefenthal, 12 St. Ureule street, Quebec,
says: "Frequently my studies necessi-
tated my remaining up until a, late haw.
The result was that my system gradually
weakened, and in, December, 1903, I
seemed to collapse. I was oompletely
run down and went under the rare of a
doctor, but instead of gaining strength,
I seemed to grow weaker. I could not
take solid .food, did not sleep' well,
and weakening night swiertas gave me
further cause for alarm. Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills were brought to my naive
and I began their use. Almost from. the
outset they aeemed to help me, but it
was some weeks before there was a ma-
terial change for the better. Frem that
on, however, recovery was rapid, and
in a couple of months I was as well as
ever I had been, and able to restage my
stiEdvieersc dose of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills makes new, rich, red, blood; every
drop of ,piire blood gives strength and
vitality to the whole system, and tivi.9
strength brings health. That is why
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure such eases
as anaemia, all etoentich and kidney trou-
bles, St. Vitus' dance, heart palpitation,
the afifictions known only to growing
girls end womend. , ana host of other
ailments from which both young and old
i suffer through bred blood. Sold, by deal-
ers in medicine or by mail at 50 cents a
box or six boxes. for $2.50, from the Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
4 ;
Mackintosh of 11/fackintosh.
The Mackintosh of Mackintosh, who
succeeds the late Lochiel as Lord Lieu-
tenant of Inverness-shire, is the head of
the Clan Chattan, one of the most fam-
ous Scottish clans, which has existed
for about five hundred years. Moy Hall,
the beautiful Inverness-shire home of the
Mackintosh, is a fine place, with a splen-
did shooting, which the Prince of Wales
greatly enjoyed this autumn when he
was the guest of this famous Scottish
chieftain. The Mackintosh keeps up the
customs of his country; he always wears
akilt when in the north, and every morn-
ing at Meg. Hall the piper marches round
the house playing Scottish airs, whilst
in the evening after dinner the piper
plays in the dining mom. In the library
stands the table at, which Prince Charlie
dined the night before the battle of
About Monuments.
(Chicago Chronicle.)
'Mier meImweei, clerk et the home in
Washington, was chatting with some other
rennreyeantan on the proposal to ereot a
statue to Senator Quay in Harrisburg. I an
oPPostel," sedd the major, "to Ole business of
building unsightly things omitted monument
to the inomory of other mortals. The groat -
eat mistake of al/ Is for the friends of the
man wao has g011.0 to eay whether be shall
not have a memorial of that kind. When a
1 man Is dead the proper thing to de is to
• place a beavy Mal: over him, ornamented
' with a hand, over an. !Inscription, 'Cone
home.' Let the floors be well turned In
every direetion, and then let every man
make a is own Inferenee es to the direction
taken by tho departed."
Many an elopement is really planned
by the girl's parents.
7..1-1RN ASSUR7k71.t;CE CO.
31st Docember, 1905
United, States and &Mta BO:a2s..3 167412 00
Dominion of Canada !Stook .... 05,050 00
Bank Loan Company anti otber
Stoelcs 425,60$ 05
OomPany Building.% 110,000 00
:Municipal 1:10,1141A, and Deaeaturee L126,140 33
Itallrawl Borate 403,543 04
Cash on Band and ea Dopeait.. 2,875 ,
Wile Ile:dyable .. 28,450 tO
Mortgagee 20,100 00
1)uo front Other Companies (nee
odsurancea) .. .... 160,54S 36
Tulare:a Duo end Ace/rued 21,783 05
Orflee Furniture, map*, loans!,
34,126 47
Agents' Balanees and f;tutilrY Ac-
counts .. • . .. • . • .. 515,714 CC I
13,451,077 28 ;
Caldtal 0.d 6.0 SOO Odod 41041
Reserve Fund • • • • • • • • • • • •
Cepttal Stock .. 4.
Leases under Adithament 175,15584
Dividend paratile Jan- Ms 1904 0,0711
Iteeerve ruact .. et • te 1.742,cs0 IS
Oome et ee eo
Security to Policyholders ..........
Losses paid from the organization of the
Company to date ... ...... .•
Hon. Om A. Cox, President; J. J. Kenny, Vice-Presideet and Managing
Director; lion. S. C. Wood, H. N. Bair, 434;0. R. R. Cockburn, W. R. Brock, Geo.
Alelfurrich, J. K. Osborne, E. It. Wood.
, *1,500,000 00
, 1,742,020 42
,.,.*3,242%020 42
. 443,012,087 45
Grand Prize Competition A choice of which wo offer to the Indi—
a FOUR-YEAR UNIVERSITY COURSE ssludbusictilipstrounrsindgurtilnIge 1170g6estto number of
o r $1,000_ IN CI 0 t. n THE BUSY MAN'S 1116AZINE
In addition to these prizes there are many others. Every competitor can
win one.
A cash commission will be giveu on every subscription taken, every one
being paid for his or her work.
THE BUSY MAN'S MAGAZINE is unlike any other, its contents are a
careful selection frein the Lest that appears in the leading publicationof the
world. It is published by the proprietors of The Canadian Grocer, Hardware
and Metal, Canadian Afaekinery, The Dry Goods Review and other suecoseful
papers—and who are Canade's leading publishers.
Subsciptions are not difficult to secure—a bank clerk be Ontario took
25 in one week by writing to his fricmds.
"THE 131.7SY 'MAWS ItAGAZINZ Is the hest 1 Inv,' ewe bed ter pewee*
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Send postal for particulars of competition to our nearest office. DO IT
NOW. It may mean a glorious change in your career.
I/iontreal Toronto Winnipeg or London Eng.
31st December, 1905
Malted States Govarnmeat end.
.ktate Bonds .. .... • • .. • • $
Muntetpal 1.1ounh,
Lown & .Savings Company Bonds
Reldavay Bonds ..
Other stogie awe Bones
Real Etitabe—
Ocerspan.y's Building
°Mee Furniture
Agents' Balances
Cash en Hand and en Deposit ..
mks Receivable ,.
hat:artist duo and accruodi
CaoStal Stock Subsorib-
140,303 00 ed 3250,000 00 11 Lem Calls tamemo
of payndeut .... 1,773 43
848,213 64
LOnsui under addustment 144,=6 65
Dividend No. 124, payable Joaett-
ary 6th, 25,274 68
140,000 00 rterserve Pend 1,101,307 811
24,732 F.1
248,102 13
176,752 87
.6.4n2 52
18,000 27
201,2.91 20
151,,000 20
141,201 00
KI12,347 89
Capital ... ............. .............. • • • • • • • • • • .$
Reserve Feed. ......... . . ............
.1:2,119,347 69
850,000 00
1,101,607 80
Security to Policyholders .......... ....... .$ 1,951,607 SO
Losses paid from the organinatimi of' the Company to date... .... $27,383,008 04
lion. Geo. A. Cox, President,
J. J. Kenny, Vice -President and Managing Director.
Augustus Myers, Hon. S. C. Wood. Thomas Long, Robert Jaffrey, John Hoe -
kin, K. C., LL. D., Sir U. M. Pellett, E. W. Cox.
P. 11. SIMS, Secretary.
Offices: Con Front and Scott streets, Toronto, Ont.
(N. 0. Wyetsh In March Scribner's.)
By now we had all "saddled up" and
mounted, cave "The Swede." He was
very short, with a long body and bowed
legs; his hair and eyebrows light against
the burned red of the face. His belt hung
very low on the hips, and the blue jeans
were turned up nearly to the knee. The
ribbon of his high -crowned felt hat was
bordered by the red ends of inany
matches and he wore a new white silk
handkerchief that hung like a bib over
We watched him as the led his mount
into "open country." for the horse was
known to be "bad." His name was "Billy
Hell," and he looked -every bit of that.
Ile was white, of poor breed, and prob-
ably from the north.
"The Swede" walked to the nigh side
of hie horse and hung the stirrup for a
quick mount. Then the ran his bands over !
all the parts of the saddle, giving the
cloth a tug to see if it were well set. He
pulled. ivp the lenge one or two more
holes for luck and spit into his rough
hands. The horse stood perfectly still,
his hind legs drawn well under him; hie
head hung lower and lower; the ears
were flattened back on his neck, and his
tail was drawn down between his lege.
"The Swede" tightened his belt, pulled
his hat well down on his head, seized
the eheolostrap of the bridle with one
hand, and then carefully fitted his right
over the shing metal thorn. For an in-
stant he hesitated, and then, with a
glance at the horse's .bend, he thrust his
boot into the iron stirup and swting
hinseelf with a mighty effort into the
fmThe horse quivered and his eyes be-
came glaring white spots. His huge
muscles gathered and knotted them-
selves in angry response to the
Then with his great brutish etrength he
shot from the ground, bawling and
squealing in a frantic struggle to free,
himself of the human burden. 11 was
like unto death. Eight thnes he pound-
ed the hard ground, twisting and weav-
ing and bucking in eirelea. The man was
paxt of the ponderous creaking saddle;
his body responded to every movement
of the horse, and as he swayed back and
forth lie eursed the horse again and.
again in his own native tongue.
• New Standards
of s;ed.
(Boston Tranteript.)
The old eimile Of a, "mile a minute" is
no lotger of any use in describing 11ra-
pid gait, 14 18 as Mow 0.8etandstill in
the eyes of many of this day and generos
tion. Our fathers and our grandfath-
ers :thought they struck a record pit
When they did anything that entitled
them to Measure its swiftnese by this
standard, but to their motoring &mond- •
antis a pate must be two miles a minute
Or it IS not worth mentioning. And no
• Oiled:thus to be •u•isti as to how long this
*ill be esruatIered geed enough. lkTet fox
many years, one may say, judging by
eeents in the automobile world. For, of
course, automobile time is standard now;
no one really expects to get anywhere
with his mach standardized by figures
set down by race horses aud great Moo -
A woman is almost as much chap
rined when she sees her first gray hair
coming as a man, is when he gees his
last one going.
Lydia E. Pinkham's
•Vegetable Compound
43 a positive cure for all those painful
aliments of women. It will entirely
cure the worst forms of Female Come
plaints, Inflammation and Inceration.
Falling and Displacements and con-
sequent Spinal INeakness, and is peen-
liarly adapted to the Change of Liti.
It will surely cure
It has cured more eases of Female
Weakness than any other remedy the
world has ever known. It is alums4
infallible in such cases. It dissolves and
expels Tumors in an early stage of dee..
lopment. That
Bearingsdown Feeling,
Musing pain, weight and headache Is
instantly relieved and permanently mired
by its use. Under all circumstances
It acts in harmony with the female system.
It corrects.
Suppressed or Painfill Periods, Weakness
of the Stomath,. Indigestion, 131Oaling,
Nervous Prostration, Headache, General
Debility. Also
Dizziness, Faintness,
Extreme Lassitude, 'don't -care" aM
" want-to-be-Wt.:dons " feeling, eIeits
ability, irritability, nervousness, sleep-
lessness, fis.tulancy, melli.neholy or the
"blues," and backache. These are suit
indications of Female Weakness, sou&
derangement of the Organs. For
Kidney Coinplaints
and Lacksiche of either sex the Vegetshis
Compound is unequalled.
You rim write Mrs. Pinkhars *bout
yournelf in stricted confidenes.
LIMA R. MOM MD. co.,, IA% 1461