HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1906-03-08, Page 211140.11**MOreeeseeleeemernwerfoirmefteimeeeelloieroliregfeeidemleme.
Rday Se11001 ne gar again amared :Ina PPO Iles., at $3,44 to beet stocners,
(1) ii,.thus fauna the objeet eettle on ordere this. week. These ten
83.3 t 3.50
etood over 1.110 very house woere deem. tuts 10 Ste1 at 5- o 8.
- • • *
vols. Title eaused gyeat rejoicing, , ;quote; teetiAt atout, son heaa tf
INTERNATIONAL totiStION NO. XI • their eettreht ana (2) they Bow that eludet four loade ttf heavy feeders,whielt
Itataaltell is, tit Do. , they were in divine lame 3. Worship. • rangal in pato from ittOil to $4.40. '
Ilug and preeenting gifts. For this than Mileh Cows-Tde rawae fairly good for
had coma Let tot present Cbrist Our iniitit vows. and springers. Mout, Iiel
rowtew.--Iteal Luke -0:
ehoieest gifts. wer.• on eerie anti reeve ranged: from ;gel
Suntmary.--Leaten L. Topic: The Siam III. The youth of ;fest/a is one of thei to :.:tio eaell, but only one of the lat'et
lone eeeetaea to teem egeee, retheeterto most interesting prattle of llis life. It 1 priee Was. reported, The bulk Foal at
is here we eau observe and stele. Ilts I ee
el mit
of judo, sin miles south of JQrmialent. charaeter while lie is in that tratisition ' Vat), C;tives-Over 100 veal ealves were
See Mocha, v. 2, God so orderea events , state through which all buman twinge . en sale Werinesamy and 'XiturFdav. Wins
that through natutal eatISQS Joseph luta muet pass. That development can only wen, inelined to be easier for calves, but
te reached Iv growth is a law that op- ell fermi, a fair demand at tatat) to $7
Plies equally to all created mtelhgeneee. 1 er cwt. .
Chriat was Inman as well as divine, ant ahem) anti Lambe -Export eves sold
Jlis human nature was capable of &reit at tte1.75 to $3413 per ewto bucks, $3.30.
opulent tile. sante as.other human being., to alerit Iambs were easier at ..0.,5 to
b all people; "e Saviour" --a, Darverort ,
"which isChrist"-the ne and but et was only with reference to Ms 7 f,:r el, o!e; rwes and wethers; mixed
, uointea.n:
hantanity that lie could be said, to make 1••ta at a5.7•0 to $0.50 per cwt.
as (such our Prophet, Priest ant Nitta;
aneolute. This le a mystery. Great 14 tom;
Hogs un•ehangea at at1.85 for saects,
a, , . d f. t . n4 to ';45 for
"tho Lorir'-this ebild le Jehovah litno ittmeate. He %VAS very Goa. ant as leod,
self. The amphoras hasteuea to Bethlto
the layette:sr ot the tuearnati, m. nod 0I sows and $2.;10 to 83.50 per ewt„. for
Item and found the babe aceotaiug to the
tee growth and. development of the ttage,
angore words. -. ot 1.
11. TOpiei Man seating the Saviour. e•las• "mta.
Igary were led ut just the right time,
from. Nazareth to Bethlehem. The alga
Qt the Lord appeared to the Amphorae.
"lanto Von is born"-uuto the Jew, to-
- • IV. lite forearm:ter of Christ was a BRADSTREET'S ON TRADE.
lejt setae,. come from the East to Jerusalem; nu'itmost lines of Nt 11010N a e
Place: Pethiehem. Vise moo
heti, defiant. radieal preaeher, yet ten-
ingume for the hing of the Jews; they and meek. as well. 'Mint °PenlY de^
nonnees the sins of all cleans, front the trade them is a quiet tone noticeable,
are come to worship him; Haat le trot-
ing to the humblest pie in general were
easant; publican% Serting orders in ary goads are
bled; ealls chief priests ana :mattk
es ana not veryso
netted where Christ sbould be horn; they
stainers, and the pant
say, In Bethelatem; lit•rod sends the wise plainly dealt with. He beetune popular;
the erowd followed. him, and the Mari
men to Ilethieneen, eating them to bring
eaes sent a deputation to inquire. who -
the star, mat find. Jesus; JesIIS is wore
I\ 1
shiped, and gifts are presented. Tito wiee ther he were the expected leseialo
em not He; He is mightier, rethier, and
men return to their own country with- 0.11
to be atbuirea than L My mission
out consulting Herod, it simply t,) call to repentance end. bap -
AIL Topic: The aoy J4,lstis d. pattern
tize with water; but Ile will baptize
for youth. Places: Neeareth tl aeJerusto
with the "Holy Ghost and with fire."
101)1. Jesus grew and beeame strolg lite
And yet Christ came to John to be bap.
other ehildreu. At the age et twelve Ile
Heed. 1. As an endoreement to His fore-
went with Hie parents to tlte feast ef
2. To show outwardly that Ile
the Passover. When they start on the re- runner.
wee eepara t ea from the eorrupt praetwee
turn trip the ehila is left behiudfo
; und
in the temple with the tieetore ot tee i„„., limt John was denouncing. The Holy
asititg and ausweving questions; all were 8Pirit ealne urea Min like a dove, and
eave the Father spoke, endorsing Him. Jesus
astonished; His patents gentle rpwas the "beloved" Son, in whom the ita-
Him• Ile tete them He eatesChe altaut
Hie 'Father's bueiness;" returns nieh ther W" "Well PleaSell?
them to azareth.
V. Following His baptism, anus WaS
IV, Toiee; meet's pr„p„a ti„„ f„, Ilis immediately brought face to Mee with
the devil. Satan did net purpose to al-
ine work. Place: Jams Was baptized at
low Christ to accomplisb his overthrow
the fords oi the Jordan, canted Beata,-
hrithout first teing, ail his subtle power
barn. John preaehed in the wilderneset
baptized in Jordan; prorated rerottanon one great effort to cause the downfall
different eke.;.;ae came to him; a tee,. of his antagenis.t. The temptations Were
ough reformation required. of all; not visions, as some have suggested, but
real transactions. Christ was tempted
ed to the Messialt doles goes from Nam
to distrust IIis Father's care, to pro-
aretb, Galilee, to the Joratin, to be
sumption and to worldly' glory.
baptized of John. John shrinks from eaelt
a step; Jesus urges- it; is baptized; the
heavens are opentd; the Split. clammels
like a dove opoi Him; voiee from heav-
en: "Thou art My beloved. Sous
V. Topic: A study of Chatt's tempta-
heave-, nor ate they expo. t
mitil after the millinery openings wind)
take pram about the :mama week in
..atto. n ' • that1 • 'Illy-
ery trade of the coming spring writ be
exemerliugly heavy and 6timmer busotees
eontinuce to inoret.t • . DO' • • a •
from warehouees are liettvy and there
f •t1 •i for fall
Lillian Anne Peabody Williarns Takes tier Own
Life in New York.
at. New York despateh: Gazing with in -
young woman who mote known at the
house in West 51st street, where she haa
lived for four month as Lillian Anne
I Peabody Williams., of Toronto, was feted
is alre.ady Leone a ot g
dead in her room to -day. She had placed
a gas tube in her 111(1011i and turned on
the deadly vapor. Death came malty
hours before the body was found.
From the records of a marriage found
in the rem it appeared that Lillian
Anne Peabody, who -was married to Mor-
gan 1.eslie Willtams at Toronto on Oct.
1a.97 The janitor 01 11113 house said te-
a:1,y that Mrs. Williams told him that
she separated from her husband soon
after the marriage. For the last five
weeks the only friend Mrs. Willitous
:seemed to have he New York, a young
man, had ceased Ins oecational visits. Al-
though eostly jewelry eta eepenetve furs
were found m the apartment them was
Almost no money. At, the end of her re-
eourees, it is believed the woman chose
suicide, as the only solution of her aif-
eemoeg letters found in. the roma of
the woman, was one dated, Seneca Valle,
Canada, October '24. It notified Mrs, \Via
limes of the death Of her mother. A
Bible. hove the, iuseription "Florence
Mune, t lemma, N. N., Merry Chnstmas
from mother, Lan." Severel telegrams
fourd in the room were signed "Letslie"
and oe an envelope was written ...Mar -
1 ••• • tive me" Pro ed noainst the
, ,
beck of a chair beside the bed in which
the betty was found were two photo-
graphs of a young num. In a gold locket
; IL • t t• ma • e a miniature of the
same face. Oecupauts of the house re-
cognized it as that of a man who had
called upon Mrs. \Wham frequently,
and whom the woman had introduced
as her Intsbauti. One picture was that of
a ;emote' men in the uniform of the tau-
lineS. Tile gemeery trade is rather more , . .
eetive. Sugars are firm and mimed
goude amtinne to aavance. :tetivity in
outdoor work has kept up the demand
The Winghara Iidifance
Theo. Hall Proprietor.
Ora valuca at $1,448,5e1 wit$ wined PHYSICIAN, SURGEON
from Cobalt in 1005.
Ad•ditions to Oago•ode Hall have been mace ;...-131)staire in the Noc4onfail
recommend:lea by the Judges,
.Mr. Samuel M. Toy died at bis resi- 1 Night calla answered at offica„
deuce, Tomato, as a result of an attack ti
of apoplexy.
'tr1. tte
f tryte P.KENNEDY ) 1$43.1 14.0411,5,0
sw•orn yeeterday as Junior Jade.° L•1 • Member ot the Dribble Moak:0
Victoria county,
FThe annual report of tbe Temiskeming COLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE,
& Northam Railway shows gross earn- speolia attention Md to Mew! ot Iwot000
ings ot $24,720.53. an children
j Liberals of North Cape Breton awl orenor notrest-100 tf 7 to
; Victoria nominated Ma A. G. Rose, of ,
Sydney, for the Commons.
. lietha M. Balmer, itoronto, ls aPP
ing for a divorce front Ler itueband, 0.
; commercial traveller.
Th • drillers enoneed in sinking a test ,
t well for waterworks purposes at the etut
* of Speed Park, Presto:1, Out, hose struck
a gusher at the depth of 14 .
The date for the animal Provincial •
convention of tempera:me arid prohibi-
tion workers has been fixed for Ines. „ D.D.S., L.D.S.
day, 'March 27, in Toronto, Doctor of Dental Surgery of the r en, -
M. I. 4(?... Siga.1
Physician and Surgeon.
(Moe with Dr. Cbisholm)
aylVania College and Licentiate of
It is believed -that the Williams wee n
man who suiciaca in New York yester- Dental teargory oe Ontario.
day, was a Torouto woman, being form- i
°Moe over Post Office-WINDHAM
for all lines of hardware and metals aro ern- a Miss Lillian Heweston, 102 Ettelia 1
I . ,
active although somewhat easier in price. avetute.
to good and the general outlook in all New York, March 5.--Jelfter mailing a • letter was mailed from an uptown sta-
1 . . the Traders' 1.31tok of Canada intend to
It is reported tied the directors of n
. .. .
Collections in ail lines are reported fair
Toronte-While the wholesale demand
particulars as to his contemplated sur- in the afteruon, be spent Ihe evening of the bank from $0,000,000 to 83,000e
is capital stoete
limo el trade continues satisfaetory, letter la tbis city to his father, givino 1 ton in Manhattan. Returning home early very shortly increase th
I with his parents, and. exhibited no un- NO- DENTIST
L'or heavy dry goods' continues quiet,
eetta•••• melees are active for all the eide, Ralph C. Moore, a Columbia College usual stet of implencholia, which had ; An axle breaking on a coach of the
, • t...„ ordes ...... WINGRAM
mcderate weiebt lines and there is a student, returned to his home in Chat- marked ins aomaaor_fer seme time. Ile , Bonaron Beocre
stilitiog deniana ter ligitt Ores geoas. ham, near Morristown, N. J a d d •• -
., n l'at.rt C. P. R. train. neer Corwin!), eight mites
breakfast 1.01 wes rung in the morning gers ridIng iato the city 'on ttilit3e. PteansCleelle..
event to bei at 1) oaltek, but when the from Guelph. necessitated.
Sortiug onlers in general litres, too, lame
ed. himself in an unused well in the rear he dia not reepond, aids, howe,ver, did . The engine arrived nearly •on time. k. VANSTONE
ehown scene improvement during the
paet week. The movement in grammes is of his fathers house early yesterday not alarm las parents, because it had oe- Money hatebeen pouring into the Poe -
His Ledo was found lust. after break- byterian Church offices at Toronto, eine°
mad ,for this time of the year. Canned Inman. cured frequently. money o loan at lowest rates. Office
tom:Items have again advanced and corn . Not until Miss Moore rushed into the
is expected to follow, light steeks al- house with the letter, winch sbe had Monday in such streams that Mr. Alex.
feeting beth lime. The hardware tratle Warden (meet of the General Assembly,
repotts big bust:lees throughout 11.1
Hi,' country. marking the activity in all
lines of industry. The Western demand
• for goods is particularly brisk and the
- great immigration movement to this part
of the country arranged for the present
year win Wive mai' effect upon the
weeiern demand. fel. eastern goods gen-
allay. Ontario and inlet eastern con
leetions are good while those for the
Weet are still slow. rad azuntry reads
have kept back country produtte.
Whotpeg-The whoiatale move:mint
11) ereing goeds is active. The millinery
trade is partieulatly busy and a laree
trade is expected in this connection.
Market Reports
tion. Plaee: Mount Querantania, -OF-
short distanee northwest of Jemiello.
Jesus in the wilderness; fasts forty The Week.
days _arid nights; afterwards an, lmet• _
gered; tempter came to him; azki 10211 r • - ,„
to prove that Ile is the Son of Goa be,• Toroato Farmers' Matleet.
turning -stone into bread; Jesus defeats
trine by quoting :'Seripture; Satan teen Ft!e loeal produce market was a. small
asks Him to east Himself down from tae eatair to -day, the uniavornble morning
pinnacle of the temple: and again he interferieg with farmers coining in. Prices
promised Jesus all the kingdams ot tne in consequence are nominal,
world if Be would fall down and worstip Dairy produce firm, with butter selling
him. Je.sue reastea Satan and angels at at to ilee per Re atIfi new laid eggs
came. 12 to 23e per dozen. Poultry scarce
VI. Topic: Laws of soul-witening. ana firm.
Place: Near Ca.pernamu, on the Sea of Hay and straw purely nominal in ab -
Galilee, Jesus walking by the See. ot settee ef offerings.
Galilee: the people pressed upon Him; Dres.sed bogs are unchanged, with lIght
lie entered into Peter's boat and taught quoted at $0 to $0.25, and liettry at $.3.75.
them while they stood on toe laud; Wheat, white, bush .. ..$ 0 17 $0 78
0 78
0 00
0 00
0 40
0 00
0 00
0 00
10 50
8 00
0 00
commanded Simon to "launett out tato Dr., red, bush.. - .. .. 0 77
the deep" for a draught; Simon said Do., spring, bush.. .. .. 0 75
they had WW1 all night and ammo. Do., goose, bush.. .... 0 72
nothing, but he obeyed Christ's wont; Oats, bush.... .. .. .. 0 30
a great multitude of fisbes enelozed; Perky, bush.. .. .. .... 0 52
taz.e •uet was brealtinem and Peter heels- Peas, bush.. .. .... .... 0 80
onera to James and John to come to
their astastanee; both eltips were filled lye, bush.. .... .... .. 0 75
until. they began to sink; the disciples lia....y, tin,tothy.,ten.... ... .0 00
were astonished at the miracle. They "°, 11-1Xe0. ton - - • • 6 00
left all and followed Jesus. Straw, per ton - - .. 10 00
Seeds' -
Topic: Jesus the Great Pilysieian.
Place: Capernaton. Jesus is in the spat- Al-ike. No. 1. bush
gogue on the Sabbath day. Teaches the Do., Nee. 2
people; they are astonished at Hie doe- Do., No. 3...
trine; an unclean. spirit cries out; fame Ilea, choice. No. 1, bush
spread abroad; at Peter's house; moth- Timothy, bush ....
eren-law healed; wben the sun was down Dressed liog,s .
the diseased and those poses -ed with Apples. rer 111)1
devils were brought to Him, and lie Eggs, new laid. dozen,
healed them all and cast out the devils. Patter. .
He "suffered not the devils epeak." 1/o.. ereamore-
Jesus is not dependent upon the teeti- omeeeme per Ito. „
morty of devil's to carry en Ilas w.‘rk or Immo rim 11,„
to prove Hie divinity. ahere is no am- Teri:stem. par lb
cord between Carist mud Lt .41 (IL Car. aeeete p„ .. _
vi. 14-16). Cc:Mt:lee, per
VIII. Topic: Jesus' rawer to forgive Cauliflover. per dezen .
sins. Ptece, Caper:mum. Jeeets is rambaoaa Petatees. pt‘r bag. -
at Peter's houto: a great trowa at the omens, per bah ... . .
door; a paralytic, Li -ought and tarried celery. per twee
to the ToOf; *he roof torn up; the bed
let down; Jesus ltaw eneir whit; "'illy Beef, hindquarters
Do., foregeart ere . .
sins he forgiven. thee; ' the smittee rem ixt.. eheiee tetreaet
son; he epeaketh.biaepleeinies; ,1t'. 1', 211 eairrm. earea„..s
answers them; wnich 4. )'4t" to :Lay
.Arise. or Thy eine bo. forgiven? the euro; -7,-tirttt,'*.lh.tepertee.ttet; " • ' •
the people amazed. riee.; elorified ued, r
saying, "We never eetw it on title faeh- 1 -11 -e -e, per e
ion." They sew that nem. het tied esmid Winnipeg Options.
perform anela notaderitil Elne and t --'y
W02'13 filial with reveeente 11111 fear. the
divinity of nor L. Id Is here fully eeteie
Ix. Topic: The rilde secret of the Mee -
sed life. Place: "The Ileree
neer the centre of the wee:: ceast ef the
Sea of Galileo. lie taught the dieeeeee
and the inuitioldeo ete bitostala:
The poor in spititt the moareeie; the
meek,- the hangey and thitety; the
merciful; the pare in ieeart; tee peace-
makers; thoee pereectitel tiehtears.
nese sake, 'Ike No:niece reel. me Mt
rich and fail' and sere. Trne Cinistlaes
are the salt of the earth tee
the world. 'We are to let <ler liget
so our heavenly Pether re,te .1e:eel:fel.
Cbrist was the prizere C.: pre:mettle. tee
great Prophet of Ito eittitelt. the 1. :.t
of the world. Otteve lerd tatiatoa•.
bat Meet eseellea Henn ail. Fie tom et
the greatest 00 reeved, .te eireee.),
bis dlecipies. Leeanse. 1. Tete.- e. ere ve...
ing to he taught. 2. They tee -tie 01:.1,,T-
sta,11d. no They woo to teeelt ..*•.ers. It
wa.s an e.xposition Gf the :a seeeenn
promulgation of the Cie:h.-den 1'11 '8,
It was spoken rith :still „entell t
and vet with autie•rity aed romor.
Cieriettan eltatmt-a stady
Of the neve life. Plaeet emee lae:
lessen. liaise-. gave ineern *1! et: 0.
cerning catite. ploftnee sw. mine is
prohibited, but stall enteee tie a:e
el by a 01111 megistrate it-wit:lel
-judicial oaths eeteht not to 1 o calked
"swearing." Citrietiane are ii*A to. reteli.
ate, but are to Le* controlled by the Lew
of love. It 10. 1)1-1) o
Cariotiata tl pet -fretted in leve...ees'es
eeramends os to love feel titia all the
heart etd our r.eiebi.er ersed7.
Golden Tett; "And went elteut el.tIa-
ilee. teaching. in their eyeagogues, mai
preaehing the gospel of the Lint...eon.
Leanne all meaner of sieleneeSe' -Mat.
iv. 23f
Le.esen a(Ps.tas teatlairet
Iever, in Efts bira: Collet has teteelet us a
pee*. le •,e -an Ire elit -e Leeiv lien and
feet at the very begining of 114 1.-euen
enietereo rebuke! the priTe. end
gatree <,f the weal. Tt mattere net so
rtmeh veeere mara is Loa. as whet Teo is
after Le is torn.
Seeking for Chal.t. T. '111:ee utee
6 23
5 50
4 50
6 25
1 30
8 75
2 73
0 22
0 24
0 00
0 12
0 10
0 17
0 12
• 0 -10
0 75
0 75
1 10
0 35
7 00
4 59
6 50
5 50
t; 01
10 00
roe in _ L . 'A 1.2 13-0l1)b "
racist to rittraet the wire. 'rimy 'erne
in .Terusa!eca for a pitepe-e• r,.eirg was
net an niatiete seat, -h. "ei.e•y
fr,10.il a nal y. --t "ieeee t. 1-
theee king es well ae kin e of th • al ee.
2. The areerrety to Bethteizene Goa 10.1
7 00
5 75
5 25
7 40
2 00
9 25
4 09
0 25
0 .213
0 30
0 14
0 1]
0 20
0 14
0 50
1 00
1 23
0 40
5 50
6 75
0 Oit
0 00
19 50
11 00
The feller. were the closing quota-
tieree yeeeerday at this market: March.
72e bid: May. 75e; June. 76tac bid.
British Cattle Markets,
Lreaden.-Cattle are quoted at 11 to
lleee. per lb: n.frieerator beef, sla to
sheep. dmesed. 1211 to pa- lb;
hutees, 1.1eee, dressed.
ig!!tat tlarl-cts.
:Co.:- 'York: Firal
ttinneapolis 79
St. Leais 78t1
Itnlatie 7tela
Detroit . ....... 83a.i
Te1etlo.. fl431
Tore -eta Live Stoat.
rVade in Winter lines has again slack-
eued, en moment of more. mild weather, cock, for the past thirty-one years a rest-
1ms soetiug, orders are coming in faille dent of China, and a commissioner of eus-
ot hardware and prices generally heid n „ -
toms there, arrived ttere on the liner
well. There ts a geod aemand for all lines
firm. Groceries are quiet, but business is hong on his way to England..
one .
fast, after his sister had. delivered the
letter to her parent.
Young 3100I0 had been suffering from
insomnia, due to over study, and it is
believed he killed himself beeauee of this.
Unusual care bad been taken by the
student in preparing for suicide. The
San Francisco, March 5. -Wm. Ilan -
expected. to improve as the season ad- Speaking of the situation in China. last
in.iprov.ernent following the marketing -
slight night he said:
yanres. Collections are Miming
et pram which has been in the farmerst "The principal causes of the present
hands siuce the harvest. Not much of unsettled condition are the dissatisfac-
this grain is repectea to come out be- tion in Southern Chum over the Indent -
f ere spring. nity to be paid to foreign countries re-
Vietora and Vancouver -Wholesale eta suiting from the Boxer outrages, which
retail trade have been showing more ac- occurred in Northern China, and the
tivity during the past week and the outrageous treatment of the wealth,y
tone of business is generally very hope- King family of China by a customs offi-
ful. 'the demand for camp supplies con- cer in Boston, when he and his family
tinaes brisk, following upon continued were en route from England to China
activity in the mining and lumbering in- by way of this country.
' • d
Peettipts of live stook at the eke- mar-
leet ae reported by the railways for
ani Tieurs.ety were lee ear-
; cads, ceaelteec.1 1.-Itt1 cettle,
Legs. 321 eeeep end 120 calves. Besides
al "o reentieried liege there were 531
Legs eieheped to other tirm5.
"elm 'eau% of the fat eetele were net fin-
ithe 1. Many r the gra:left-el eaci•
1013 watettl, whin, eveuld Lod ready stile
ten1 pehes.
Trade was ce-ed 'Veen the eptality c
Fee edit-rile:re een5idereti. resides the
. 11e.2.ie11 there v.e•re Leyees foie
•et..7<dni. Muntreal, liamilton mei
le, -en iile. If there. Lad been nem, uf
tieee dealers freett teutside peint5 beef
1....31111 have sold at Lover
handwriting, did the family suspect any- bas reason to expect that the. claims of
noticed was directed in her brother s
thing wrong. The coutents of the note the various funds will be well met.
were first considered as a. joke by Mr.
tary's Department for the month of Feb-
ruary totall
was searched and the body was diseom month of January the receipts were
ea $1 7,430,15. tor . the
found anywhere about the house the well
ered. $14,72.?0,70, an aggregate for the first
two monthe of this year of $32,156.83.
private ear of President S,ainuel Spenc- Honatfr. Brodeur is contemplating Ow
Dudley Helmet
er, of the Southern Railway. adoption of some plan of,cold storage on L. Mathison
The subscription taken up to -night railways, whieh will permit the food -----
for the expenees of the student colun- 11511E4 caught.off the sea coasts of Can-
vala to be placed. on the inland markets
Moore, but when the son could not be The receipts of the Proviecial Seere-
Barristers, Solicitors, etc.
Office Meyer Block Wingliarn.
teer moveraer.t dimine the next four c•f the. ihrtuhtlen et a reasonable rate.
years yielded 1i$4,181, -the amour.t being lit neon ta,atorrow the new steamer
$25,00li ruore than the great Toronto
Ca•yuga, the latest addition to the fleet
saseription. t of the Niagara Naviention Company, .
7 ;
Will be latmehed from the ehipyards of
STARTLING CONFESSION 'the Canadian Shiplotilding Company,
foot ol Bathurst steeet, Toronto.
Mr. J. W. Tyrrell, 0. E., 1). L. S., -will
give an illustrate:1 lecture on toe a a- ;
ERS -A BOMB VICTIM. tires of our North. Lana, in aid of the ;
San Francisco, March 5. -It developed Home Mission in the Northwest, on I aCatl AGENT. CONVEYANCING
hero last night that a. San. Franetece nimbly evening, in the lecture room of , Oolieorion of Rents and Aciernintsb EreCialtY.
mystery of two years ago has been Dunn eeyenue Presbytetrian Church, To- i asseateat.. ACCOUNTANT.
touratel upon in the oonfeesion made by. ronto. Mee -la Vonstorie Block.
Boise, Idaho, on the charge of having picadea guilty at Guelph yesterday to . '
John Morrison of Minto township 1 Opou Saturday (wettings, 7 to 9.
Harry Orchard, now imprisoned at
murdered former Governor Stenneberg.
According to Orchard's confession, as There were
the forgery of a note in a horse Med, • __ ,
mitigating cheumstances and \.‘i ELLEN MUTUAL
V rl ,
received here, the "Inner Circle" of the Morrison has been in jail for a month,
t\teTaesttheern.a.s0asrsgtainriotnioonf eolf.it.ylititerio•
si n iferntt. so it was decided. to let him go On S1.1 3-
Xstoblished MO.
',ended sentence.
flood Office GUICLPH, ONT.
man connected with the employers' side The party of 100 English immigrants
of the famous Coeur d'Alene- strike, and .
0 a oe, oroeto,
. arrivine at the Union St ti T Risks taken on all atomize of Insurable pro
(Mike t-alot.teni Block, Wingham
1 r R
Hamilton -Spring business continues ordinary'ilaingandeoailitems 1 attinudt one ei the. attempts to commit nun ei. on Thursday night was described. by
Ones. DAvinfiOri,
Col -
14) move well and placing orders for all family was furi'ous over the matter. I
YtiNivee lad of the toek plan in this city, Air Themes Southworth, Director of Col.
7.4181115 007.111E,
dustries. Collections am reported good.pay on the cash or premium note system.
Iiiigiii(t)tillienreswOhfoiedsrtyliagolidnseseitmbefriteirilsy ahegaovue;1- think he was 'the real instigator of the intentient of the Bunker Hill ana Stall -
In 1004 Frederick W. Bradley, super- - • ' ' -
arrived in Toronto, The drunkeeness
onization, as the worst that Iles yet
seasonable trade doing. Receipts of coun- van mines. was living here. On the f
o m.o. ot le party was an unusual
.t ' tl
W-11,11:lHAM OW
try produce are light Local industries eer, has done all he eoula to stamp
"Yuen Shi Kai, Viceroy of Chi Li Pro- morning of Nov. 17, Bradley opened his
front door to step into the street, on feature. &GENT.
ptehes. 1 at the marhet. held <dem): steady
et Tu.-de:Vs quetati .n5, with the exeep.
tien of a few oda prime cattle, that may
t Lave let-tee:et a little reere money.
lineetees--Pew. if any. straight loads
41 031; 4110)8 lk
0210113 4;
are active and trade conditions general- Mr. J. W. Langmuir has been tvdvised
Lomion-.:111 lines of trade there con- out. the boycott, but no one eau. do
ing the door he lighted a metal to light
the Rua' Commission on insrarance will.
ly are satisfaetome the way to hie office. As he was open -
by Judge Ifellavieh, the Chairman, that .
theirs fairly satiefactory. While the much when once public indignation itt
a eager. inetantly a terrifie explosion
be in leis (hands on Monday, end Hutt
14! 1' tra.le ts qffiet. azotugclbeincotuliteat,secroitotnutsrebteft10•111.elaiiEreSalter almilriert-
street, badly bruised and burneel. lie
to 1o' Bradley was hurlea into the
a. meeting for organization wilt be held
tIhneleelt.reiooufs apts•eeerlonleisesuifIliriesilti'gh,inaeisliej
W.:13 SO Severely. hurt that for 0, time it
on Sunday night for Ottawa,.
ou that -day. Mr. Langmuir will leave
out it is hard to ten to what length they wilt
ja:o.rle,g, :oi si;
had been leaking in his flat, eemi the
was fee.red 110 Weal die. A. gas grate
dtp to a tate hour to -day no trace
for a. flour 1 -I ibl theor advaneed at the had been found of the bodies of Edward
I I,. S. ..ellen, an on g
feriae; from lack ef mow. • on ,y p aus e • y
MRS. PRANK YEIGII DEAD. I yesterday, said the situation in China the accumulation Cigna, whica became were drowned y.esterdtuy while working
on the dam at De•xter's mill, London.
- ' wees very eseriou.s. "Tbe principal elemtnt ignite by the lightel match Orehard,
They went down in twenty f.eet of
Well -Known Authoress Passes to Her in the agitation over there is the newe-
Bradley was the victim of a bomb out -
however, in his confession Say6 that
water, and neither of them could. swim.
Rest. paper agitation," he said. "'The Chinese
i The brothers of Bernard Peterson, evho
. newsapers have progressed wonderfully. rage.
-..aaa------- l committed suicide a few days ago, are in
Toronto, March 3s. Kate West- They are at last alive to the general sit-
; Ottawa, and have asked the county
lake Yeigh's death. whieh oceurred yes- uation of affairs throughout the world
1 Petereon drcw the stun of $371 fi•oin
being controlled by the Japanese, but 1
ave. no evidence of it. The whole move-
fo.re his death and the brothers want to
• the Bank of Ottawa, a fc:w days be -
fuel out what has become of it.
met seems to me a Chinese upheaval, .
r t • company, a -ho arrived from the Orient time was that the explosion was due to S. Dexter and Hugh ItleDerigeal, who
terday morning ot lam rasidence, 667 u -
n,(1 they are becoming, a powerful wee-
Spedina avenue, will be leatnea with pen. It has been charged that they are
deepeet regret by a very nide cirele of
friends and admirer: net only ie To -
(gown attornc•y to hold an investigation.
1' 011t441 bet else -what ttliere She WaS national in scope. It is foolish to sa3
lite Ihuntfora City Clerk hats mailed
knewn. She was a daughter of t_ he late the boyeett or the reform movement in to S. J. Robertson, sectetary of the Nee .
elsinefors Finland March 5.- The
.A.nyone sending a stretch and description ma7
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether 114
lnVlSfltlOfl ts probably patentable. Comtnunica.
soot free. Oldest f u logy a
05mitayi. oneestleDellOrtle onaDtten.ta
(Ions strictly conilden
Patents taken through Munn .5,1 CO. receive
swam leotice, without chdrae, in tho
Scitritific Yintencati•
A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir-
culation of any scientific lournal. Terms, t ft
Fear; four months, $1. Sold by ail newsdealers.
MUNN & Co.361Br0adway, New yerk
Branch Wee. F St. Washington, D.
William Westlake, of London. She pee- , , tional Sanitarium Association Toronto,
genera is weakening. It would be mote
corm: o 58.3'
't is just beoinning I pursuit of the bandits who last. lion-
. ereemratereame
41. eteque for $300, entlowmenit of City
an exceptionally :mute mind, ant t t
tat ureletzbtel ability as a writer. On Hrentford bed in the -Muskoka Free
her removal from Loudon to St. Thomas think the whet trouble could be own -
here, leafed the guardiam and secured Hospital for Consumptives. 'I'his is the
day night fired the Russian State Bank
renitise<1.1.4 alilloces.vionfatiltieavie.ne joil.Les access
she vas asseeiatel fcr a titre a$ d • • tl C a t this
owner in the eonjuet of the Jeurnal, ( a37,500. showed. to -day in another highly se,con -eau the oune ets a ap e s
mtriautinet n•t otilv .elitorial matter, aceount of the patalysis of the Chinese drantatie incident, and cost four mo:e
°111:.eAllieniltivaa recalled from China on
Pretancl'ied as to the increase in the size
detightful phileeophy ana hamor that
lett rem ill artiele: eltaranterizeLl by the
lives. At Taminerfors four of the fuoi- .e. aeeittion has, it is reported, been
business since the boycott.
tives were cornered, One of the bandits of the tounships to be laid oat by sur-
e:tie:el an Ler Iltentry work. But ?Am . got porseee.eion of the Town 1%11, and veyors of the Provincial surveys branch
Yeigh's best mei inee.t successful liter-
ary mi.01..k is to he 100211 in her reeentey
b•enee A. Specimen Spinster, which
Lae met, with seat a cordial and arrive-
eietive reet*ption ha Great Britain, Car..
:teal and the United States. he was, at
werk. it ie oteleretoel, upon .anethre
-tory at the time of Ler death.
Mrs. Ytigh'e death eves due te heart
Toronto and London Men Buyiog Up
Cehalt.Marea 3.-ei land booed struck
ti.e town last -week. A couple. et g
froin Lonlen eta Tarestro.
Hunter en 1 Captain Marsh. have boneltt.
town Ole at from $1.000 t a2.000, that
s al by the tootrument last antunnt for
tram.e. 1:ave put about $211005 into
tontii hot(•I, wirich eat etyma
taarta. to.t. 1 for 8141.1100 to two T01'011t0
MAI. Hunter offered Rennine f..1'.et
•1 kis store properte. but Running ask-
ed teleteell. It eost ebeitt 52,000.
A let on the front..5ttiVt Wt!St of the
ciation, eela the other day ier
:DJ 1:0 pureitaser sold it 1110 following •
by to. el./100. A theueand in a day44
geeel 3111)111.
THESTUDENT 11., for hours, but finally- was sub- henceforth. As Announced some time
VOLUNthe themen, • ships, the preeent size, will be laid
TEE out,
RS• While Commiseary of Police 131)11151111)a„a the q„e„ti„ es to tem hes been
data by a stream of water directed by (toono more six miles square town -
was examinine the two captives one decided in favor of townships nine miles
OVBR $13o,000 STIBSC belt, of the eldef of police and with it 1 Dt„, , . ,
ea upstairs, where he barricaded Men m ,, , , , ,
riOnail.0. each*, nas eletten neteetiVe Sem'.
self in a room. commanding the stairs gent- Duncan saying that on the peee.
Toronto Record Excelled hy 825,000- and lobby and the street oatside.
• tete aCrOSS a f ire t -class ptwenger was
hand stealing front the rooms and woo
- hours, meanwhile haranetting front the
of them orablied a revolver from the 80001'e
tear, e Mackie, of Toronto, who has
Dalushin. The bandit then dash-
. • gone to the 01.1 country to bring Chris
Mingling of Flags of Two Countries Thei he defied . the pollee for three °
Seems to Please Nashville. window to a erotva of0 thousands of put in iron% while the preccaing (lay
Nashville, 'Tenn., March 5. -Canada is persons, many 0! 1131101)1 were in sym- one ef the cooks jumped overboard end
was di•owned The letter • J t•I
well reproselitel Imre in the student vole PatIlS with his Socialistic speeches. i Feb. ill. • 'IN MS
t oesyerado front a house epposito
cativo! convention. ,The ttelegaits as a policemen AVI10 tried, tO pie: off
• 1 *-*" l' -t' bl b • `•
meta .tee are < negme ta e Pue were 1dled by the bandit. W110 Wa9 ail 1 BRIT'S!! .AND POREIGN,
beating the Canadian coat -of arms or exeellent marksman. After all the i „ „
• . • t• 1. other reeourees bad. been exhausted I 11'y 1" eollaree of a tenemeut lutist
ed a.. flood of water into the window, ing elzildten were killed tine 8031010.1 ,f
elle adult teuatits were severely burt. TARY CUaTOMS.
'lite union el the ttniteat States and Can- . Simultaneously' a plated body of aollee
eats in the great movement linS 10M1 111141, firemen stgrnied the stairs. One • The Illainnota, Alta., mail sack vies
!i.111i.aanlgt etrltaNlyit,(1)10iisalttriVoillil:41oex.rtiti'lafietnall: Payment of Atembers, the Franking SyS•
stroeelv ennemeized in tbe deceretions
- - (InhearCsaui,loiangaderldartlY,efow:les tikiejillilinitIttlill-.1.„
y with a big onna was snspeuted end tineed lidos the
111118 eavt et' Hint plate.. tett and Free Railway POSSea Are
of the big auditorium, where the stoat/et
volunteer conventiens are lie.o.... -AC -311.4-
11 rri li 1 knife, could be overpowered.
who fought deeperatel
-.........-amte----. llie Wheaer elevator on Buffalo Itivvr Talked of by Viembers of the British
was aleo referral to by Chairman John
• ad e f tl
et - eon street% Buffalo, was destroyed by
'lets rf faige In ova of et, coe,rs,
Write gr our interesting becks "invent,.
orts Mete" an 1 " liew you are swindied.',
Send us a rough stretch orinodel of your in-
vention or improvement and Nve will tell you
free our opinion as to yammer it is probably
patentable. Rejected applicetions naveoften
been successfuity prosecuted by uk We
conduct fully. equipped offices in hiontreal
and Wrethington; this eluoifies us to prompt-
ly dispatch work and quickly secure Patents
as bre d A s the invention, 'Ugliest references
Patents procured through Marion & 'ma-
rten native specie/ -notice witbmit tbarge in
over too newspapers distributed throughout
the D 1)11411041.
Specialty :-,-Patent bissiness of Montane.
hirers nun Zugineers.
=eft: <
Peter.t Expert.; and Solicitors.
41 Now York Life trtd'e, riontreal
••••••••••••,), N. OS •••• 04. •
nt Imeee, Frame, I let nielit five slam: IN SOME PgATORtS PAPLIAMEN=
whielt have attracted mach attention. fireMen Were Calkd ti Pour'
ANOTHEtt IldMIGFtANT TRAIN. near the corner of alieltigett mid Gait- London, Much 4. -It ii nionnoteed
R. .111,tt in Lis openino- a Tees 0 le
..-.4-6411....., Katy 11100 Scotch Poritt Laborers Arrive fire last Ili*. The lees on the bad.
hog Ara its touts:tie Is estimated at that Mr. Field, Netionalist, Dnblin, ettll
this week aill the Mention of the Gin.
'Tim signifieance of We convention
in Toronto.
Nr.14:4 itt:r.ltleln.eymv..e:eittatOevIier5.._neru.e. to the United Katee and Canada. is
reeeet. There is tettidiet •that pleasee A Toronto desnatelt: A special trttit,
anventien. aaying:
z., 1
tye' mote
'a•sA,.g1abeee 'th•e wo
rn-than t (saying 140 Thia,r:41 emigrants for On
0 tn0 ‘P1e0-
lerio elee*onflil
, 11 19e
.9),»s -t,.-2' end ('42-,1't0131. Thse een.tia_.m
ttematt•tit. • 1-•,11CuI
f t1
.-1e )ietseeo.p1icot of 7mixed ttw.
ettoLi.10110 b0reetderoeet ni,twer tr
!l from 4M Per e'stet;Pate10nmmtefer thtgeThe etrongeat ttwenCat:adieu Neff1"they evere neavly all
t11N are Yeah from 3eto .p1.1.,eepev (re peel-vetele ) "•etwo naticns s thtie that binds farm laberre. who dad arrived at 'reli-
ewt. in in eleettan thremet this von reo4AI themeleemien emu pee
re- Prime Immea tottle in 0 Id 1„ eteeeeeth te Iv re.
terneel• remanent
5ve< 101 /1 front 'Ak‘110-c,en e hebehtve duties athCtpitele,,
., ,
'4' o., a 14 42 1:s uf 3101141 et beard hre was T. CmpbellWhtith.e
, /.-el to 3;0: teedum.at it 1o1.2japan May Own ItsAallroad, . 1 Ifronfa. Inlettalinet eietese
10 0.73ULA9 at 5117; ..11 n meetirgi in omc1 ti.nwith
n.'7 pr it1424), )1111-1111511101131130(1 LI eonvention 14.210 Wee IIL Laflamme.
.heerinthian from Liverpool. To the
" '1 4. . • 1.1*
1 the Diet, provides< for the nationalit81:1'4,n me. le eeewreree reel Dr. Alexander seth.
• ... .• tree je eteeleere nee if the railweye. end reathorizee the there eleane, libe m;.st, raistaft delpp,ation bpza
emey "Wiqt, 811110 twenty wonee, who
ante eut to join their liosimmls, eta
warm the rnien Station was readaed
tame loom many joyful meetiugs. The
.112111 1)1)113 at, jottrIley front Halifaus in
fert yeelebt 1)1,1119.
notkes 'neatly Oaf/ immigrants who
f •, .s t "lIe eft tee/ a feiely Lb. 111 4')' to e.-enpel -compute; to sell to is from 'Winnipeg. hnve nvrived 1:10.1t.l. 11.:4 Vii•er.:,(2421
...71:,:!1; wen- h,41 lf 11' a 111l, Pelee. Leeel 011 tl,e eeet Of 'novo. nre over 210 Venediene vfff Hai lot Itni nrrivea nee, Ima a11.
teoto kiTe•rts tlie fort.wirlg Are.. pine tw,,Ityer):a aveleeee - Sir lIer.ry Mortimer Dewand, 111 ftib 18, elle 1.0e11 puieed with fan:ere. Tim
• t?,) Or C.01:aqt three 21 '"i Ttie 1,131 Ambeezaeloe 1 • tide eeniitry.2 1 1 ar. 117.-or11 expeet many fa:viers
yt, Pane. foot r•t. fat) te 11135 e:;1:1 epeesed. ani its fate rive bele toenoerow morning, etettine in tne fay this tuonieg to seek help
lam at eleel to 0,01; feelers, Se) la is coattra frem Wfieltington With et party on the from last right's arrivale.
.1110 I I sessessoasseoseriasotairellilise-m--_
Th a Railway taggage Room at
Montreal, ttrareli 4. --A box con,onrv,
the bones of a woman WaS •dismenrea
toorittlit at the C.v. R. baggage depart -
meet, but them ie 3441 min:din of
when it belongs to.'Some_ days op n
young man brought the box to the tle.
pavtInent, stating that 114 etintnined
boOkS, and that he would 1.42u -n ;ma
Lave it forwarded. No further attention
12.114 VIM in the iuntter nntil to -eight
Mom, Ai tW, hen IVO giving for 1 ao
unsaeory Mott it was mined, Ana fo.,na
to routain /WIWI bone, The autbori.
ties are investigAtitita
eminent to the feet that in Cnitado, der.
- ing the seeeion members of Parlitirene
are net only Allowed to send eovreeptou
Once and blue beoke free of poetage, but
that they obtein by eet it free pa,et over
all milwaye af the Dorniniee. Tilos, a
movement ie now on feet here to In&
tate Palladian Parliamentary tnettens
in thew_ important -revert 8-11)7 pay-
ment of menthere, the franking 22313 035
and in railway paeeee. Should the leer.
ment of members 1113 eorteeded, it is nut
'thought that mere 1311111 .1:261) or IMO 4tegto
ti would be allowel
T. tboo. thaiw.0 1:19 bcsen elected
Vayor of tamatte,
Wigwah -Does •voin. neny N.:elk yet?
attotempap (with aigaity/ No, Sir. 1 AM
fully .cdpable of &lug eil the walking
for the family.