HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1906-03-08, Page 1"Howard's"
Emulsion of Cod
Liver Oil
Coughs and Colds, whether
recent or chronic.
00 per cent. Pure Cod Liver
Oil and Hypophosphites.
Agent for Wingham
Walton MoKibbon
Store closes at 8 ,an. every evening
except Saturday.
mineuPftR uatautauumasusivampf$
The Wingham Advance.
33RD YEAR, NO, 28.
Council met Monday evening, March
5th, members all present.
The minutes of February special and
regulars meetings were read and con-
A petition signed by II, B. Elliott
and others was presented, asking for
the extension of the water -main from
the corner of Victoria and Frances
streets to the corner of Frances and
Diagonal streets. On motion of Hanna
and Nicholson, this was referred to
the Waterworks Committee.
The written report of R. Vanstone
was read, giving opinion as to liability
for damages to darn and flume at the
recent freshet.
Bennett—McDonald—That a Coul-
inittee, consisting of Mayor Bell,
Corns. Bell and Hanna, wait on Mr.
Howson re damages to dam, as re-
ferred to in R. Vanstone's report—
A communication from F. 3. Taylor,
re the Western Foundry matter, was
McDonald — Nicholson — That the
communication from Taylor be flied,
and that Lawyer Holmes take action
to collect the amount due at once.
Coun. McDonald spoke briefly in
support of the motion. Mr. Taylor,
being present, asked that before the
motion be passed, the communication
from the Western Foundry Co. of
Jan. 16, 1905, be considered, as it had
never been dealt with by the Council.
The motion was then put, with the
following result:—
Yeas—Conn's Bell, Nicholson, Mc-
Donald and Forbes. Nays—Coon.
Bennett. The Mayor and Conn. Han-
na did not vote, being shareholders in
the Company.
Conn. Bell reported the purchase of
two lots for gravel pit, at $300, as au-
thorized, and recommended payment.
Payment was authorized on motion of
Coun's Nicholson and Bennett.
Tho Finance committee reported in
favor of payment of the following
D. McDonald, rep. water main $1 50
J. Nelson, work at wood 2 00
E. Lewis, work }0 000
V. VanNornaan, salary, Feb'y
W. Guest, night-watchman, sal18 75
John Davidson, labor 22 88
D. McDonald, labor at old bridge 21 00
A. Posliff, gravelling'approaches 22 75
Mrs. Bloomfield, scrubbing office 2 00
Wm. Moore, work, shovelling22 35
James Brock, " 8 25
Bell Tel. Co.. 35
Can. Express Co 66
Can. Foundry Co., supplies 6 70
J. B. Ferguson, sal. and postage 40 37
Geo. Carrick, work 80
On motion of Coun's Bell and Ben-
nett, the report was adopted and pay-
ment of the accounts authorized.
Mr. Cosens for the Auditors report-
ed having gone over the Town ac-
counts, but had not been able to com-
plete the electric light finances on ac-
count of the illness of the Clerk.
Bell—Forbes—That the Waterworks
committee be empowered to purchase
rubber boots and mitts for the use of
the flremen—carried.
Forbes — Nicholson — That Dudley
Holmes be appointed Solicitor for the
Town of Wingham—carried.
Conn. Nicholson gave notice of mo-
tion to repeal tlae first clause of By-
law 504, 1905, relating to electric light
Hanna--McDonald—That Richard
Porter be a member of the Board of
Health, as C. J. Reading's term had
Bennett—Hanna—That D. Holmes
be appointed member of the Public
Library Board for three years, and
that Rev. T. S. Boyle also be a mem-
ber of the Board—carried.
Bell—Hanna—That the Waterworks
committee and the Mayor be a com-
mittee to draft a schedule of water
rates and report at a special meeting
to be called by the Mayor—carried.
Mayor Bell reported that Walker &
Clegg had paid the first re -payment of
loan to the Town Treasurer.
Forbes—McDonald—That R. Rankin
be appointed Belh•in$er at a salary of
$75 per annum—carried.
Collector Vannorman reported about
$500 still unpaid on the roll. Some of
this was disputed business tax on fac-
tories, and the Finance committee will
look into the 'natter.
Hanna—Nicholson—That $450.00 be
placed to the credit of the School
Hanna—Nicholson—That, V. Van-
norman be re -appointed Chief, and
that Win. Guest be re -appointed
night -Watchman, at the same salaries
as for 1905—carried.
McDonald—Forbes—That W. Guest
be re -appointed caretaker of the ceme-
tery at the sante salary—carried.
Council adjourned.
Saved The Train.
The Echo, published in Jennings,
Kansas, reports the following instance
of a dog being the means of saving a
train from being wrecked :—"Missouri
Pacific train No. 100, from Ontaha.
was running around a curve in the
Cypress yards in Kansas City. In the
septi -darkness of early morning the
engineer, P. H. Burns, noticed a small
yellow dog barking furiously at some-
thing on the track ahead. Burns
could not see the track ahead around
the bend, but he knew theta was a
trestle there, so ho stopped the train
and investigated. He found that the
small yellow dog had probably' pro -
vented a wreck. A horse bad wan•
dered out on the trestle, got its feet
,cif tangled in the ties and couldn't get
out. Barns and his fireman helped
the animal nut of its predicament.
They eat away parts of the ties, and
it was an hour before the train could
proceed, Then they looked for the
canine hero, thinking at Ieast to give
hint a stat on the head or a bone an a
reward, but the dogs had disappeared,'
Subjects. --Chemistry, Geometry, Al.
gebra and Composition. Maximum,
Fonar III.
Jno. McCrostie .... 331
Geddes Wilson 825
Janisa Perrie 820
Annie Law 317
Winnie Stewart 808
Pearl McPherson 802
Corn Sherritf 204
Mabel Ross 273
Ethel Davidson 271
Olive Cruikshanks 209
Jno. Hutton 269
Lillian Doyell 200
Ed. Robinson 200
Annie McBurney 256
EdnaAnderson 237
Alf. Posliff 201
Geo, Jefferson 175
Chas. Anderson 175*
Geo. Elliott 160*
Fonar II, Div. A.
Adam Isbister 316
Rob. McBurney 312
Fred. Hontuth 202
Geo. Tees 200
Etta Wellwood
Everett Glenn 286
h arnscliffe Musgrove 285
Flo Vannorman 280
Susie Scott 276
Bessie Marsales 273
Clarence Wilson 267
Edna Isbister 201
May Fry 259
Rob. Brooks. 227
May Lamont 224
Jean Bone 212
Wm. Breen 18.4
Clare Adams 180**
Maggie Anderson 170*
Minnie Armour
Subjects—Geography, Algebra and
Arithmetic. Maximum, 800.
Stella Nethery . 300
Ethel Walsh 289
Jessie Wilson 282
Olive Leishman 208
Edna McBurney 205
Ruby Jones 264
Gertrude White 250
Mae Mason 246
John Holmes . 220
Merle Lamonby 219
Annie Barber 214
Pearl Vanstone 180
Mina Carrie 182
Alex. Rintoul 170
PercyKerr 160
Eva ampbell 157
Hazel Campbell 148
Dell. Burwash 132
Dick Lloyd ' 80
Maximum, 300.
Ruby Kerr 284
Bella Robertson 267
Mamie Flood 265
Maggie McLean 200
Irene Vannorman 251
Maude Fry 244
Sadie Davison 223
Jennie Bowman 213
Allie Little 204
Reta Davidson 153
Lillian Moffat 147
Lillian Hogg 141
Edna Diamond 189
Louis Harold 130
Alvin Hart 143
Mary McGregor 123
Harold Buchanan 122
Will Galbraith 110
John Guest 102
Frank Calhoun 78
Examined in Literature, Spelling,
Grammar and Arithmetic. Maximum,
C. Rintoul 272
C. Blackhall ......272
F. Vanstone 269
U. Robertson 267
E. Gannett 207
E. Woods 261
M. Sherk 200
G. Kennedy 258
B, Simmons 257
C. Brock 254
S. Orr 253
A. Haaines 251
H. Barrett 238
E. Patterson 238
T. Atcheson 230
Harry Dore 235
Edna Swartz 230
L. Green 228
B. Jones 227
R. Maxwell ....225
K. Williamson 222
G. Moffatt 221
Herb. Dore 208
Eva Armour 207
P. Duncan . 205
0. Deemer 204
A. Brock 201
E. Buchanan 201
M. McDonald 107
P. Kelly 105
M. Vannorman 193
C. Walker 191
B. Bennett 189
B. Sanderson 186
G. Matthews 182
D, Guest 178
M. Roadhouse 177
J. Harold 171
Ehtan Armour 100
F. Johnston 106
C. Knox. 166
D. Knechtel 154
T. Patterson 140
G. Young 132
A. Welsh 90
E. Tipling 74
Gentlemen Who Are Bald.
Or have thin hair, should call on
Prof. Doronwend at Brunswhek Hotel,
Winghatn, on Friday, March 10th,
and see his wonderful devices in
Toupees and Wigs worn on over 75,-
000 heads. Explanation and detnon-
stration free. Private apartments at
Hotel, Don't fail to see his now in-
vention, patented all over the
A Tiny Baby.
The residents of Lanark village are
feeling proud over the possession of a
tiny baby girl, weighing less than two
pounds. When born she only tipped
the scales at 27 ounces. The baby is
the daughter of Cyrus Tuck, Lanark.
It is in perfect health, but is too small
to dress, and has to be wrapped in
flannel. The baby is quite a curiosity,
and is oft exhibition practically all the
time, as many go tome It,
Miss Clara V. Haynes intends giv-
ing lessons In Elocution for at short
term of six weeks. This will be an
excellent opportunity of obtaining
first-class instructions at a moderate
price. Any wishing to join the class
will kindly leave word at residence
of H. B. Elliott not later than the
12th of March.
About 10 days of slaughter sale of
first-class Ready-to-wear Clothing,
Suits, Overcoats, all sizes, for then,
youths and boys, at A. R. Smith's.
Leaving town, going to Clinton ; move
quick. We are quite content to allow
our opponents to do the puffing, as we
are certainly doing the selling. Four
years in Wingham have tested the
kind of clothing sold.—A. R. Smith,
North End.
Mr. S. Gracey of Leamington was
in town over Sunday.
Miss Walters of London is visiting
her sister, Mrs. A. R. Anderson.
Bert Gill left last week for Cobourg,
where he has secured a situation.
W. R. Cruikshank of Mt. Forest
spent Sunday at his home near
Ira Parker of Brussels is a new em-
ployee at B. Cochrane's marble
. Miss Beilby of Blyth visited friends
in Wingham and vicinity on Saturday
and Sunday.
Misss Lon Ferguson returned on
Friday last from California, after an
absence of fourteen mouths.
Geo. Lloyd, of New York, has been
in town lately visiting his mother,
sister and brothers.
Among those who went west on
Tuesday from Wingham were Arthur
Mcllwain and wife, Jas. Robinson and
Wm. Kelly.
Miss Pansy Reynolds left last week
for Clinton, where she has been en-
gaged as head milliner in Hodgens
Brothers' establishment. Her many
friends will wish her success in her
new position.
Cburcb 'Neves
Mr. Jno. Kerr spoke at two ap-
pointments on Salem circuit, and also
Teeswater in the evening, in the
interests of District Epworth League
work, last Sunday.
Next Sunday, Rev. R. Millyard of
Lucknow will preach Educational ser-
mons in Wingham Methodist church.
Mr, Millyard is an able preacher.
Rev. Dr. Gundy goes to Lucknow for
next Sunday.
The series of sermons to young men,
by Mr. Fitch in the Baptist Church,
have proven very attractive. Some
evenings the church has been over-
crowded. Next Sabbath evening the
series will be closed by an address on
"The Boy, What of him ?"
In St. Paul's church, the topic for
Wednesday evening, 14th inst. will
be—St. Ansehn. On Friday evening,
10th, Rev. H. M. LangFord will give a
special address. On Sunday, March
11th, the Rector will take for his sub-
- jects :—morning—"The Church and
Sunday Observance' ; evening—
This is how a writer in a contem-
porary calls down the man who com-
plains that the church is always beg-
ging :—"People complain that the
church is always begging. If the
world would pay up the hack taxes
which it owes the church for making
this old world fit to live in, we could
run all the church's activities from
now till tnilleniutn without asking
again for a single dollar."
The splendid new church of the
North street Methodist congregation
of Goderich, will be dedicated on Sun-
day, March 18th, by Rev. Dr. Cartnan,
general superintendent of the Metho-
dist church, and Rev. Joseph Philp,
B. D., of Ayhner, president of the
London conference. On the following
Sunday, March 25th, the services will
be conducted by Rev. Jasper Wilson,
M. A., of Leamington, a former pastor
of North street church, and in the
afternoon a Sabbath School rally will
take place.
On Friday evening; the Salvation
Army assisted Rev. Dr. Gundy at the
evangelistic service in the Methodist
church. There was a large attend-
ance, notwithstanding a heavy storm
of sleet was prevaAling, There was a
good meeting. Capt. Rock is an ener-
getic worker, and has good assistance
in Mrs. Rock and other members of
the corps. These services, which
were continued for eight weeks,
practically closed on Sunday evening,
although with the League service on
Monday evening, the regular prayer -
meeting on Wednesday, and a service
announced for Friday evening, they
may be said to continue this week.
On Sunday morning a reception ser-
vice was held, and in two weeks at
similar service will be held. Fifty-
four have handed in their names to
the pastor with request for member-
ship. Some seven or eight of these
bring letters of membership from
other places, but the most of them
seek church privileges as the result of
the recent services.
If the world were birdless, a natur-
alist declares than coald not inhabit it
after nine years' time, in spite of all
the poisons and sprays that could be
manufactured for the destruction of
insects. The insects and slugs world
simply eat all the ore tards and crops
in that thnc.
II. Brown, Rag and Metal. Co., buy-
ing all kinds of hides, wool and pick-
ings, rubber, eopper, and feathers of
all kinds, Highest price its east ; if
brought to home, five cents it hundred
Hockey Match..
There will be a friendly Hockey
match played on Winghant rink on
Friday evening, between Listowel and
Parliament Opens.
The Dominion Parliament begins its
1906 session to -day, March 8. Dr. T.
Chisholm, M. P. for East Huron, left
on Tuesday for Ottawa, to be present
at the opening of the IIouse.
On Wednesday, February 28th, Mr.
S. Burchill of East Wawanosh was
united in marriage to Miss Ann
Montgomery of Turnberry. The in-
teresting ceremony was performed by
Rev. Wm. Lowe, in St. Mathews
church, London. The friends of the
bride and groom, wish them many
happy years of wedded life.
WANTEn.-50 cases of Eggs and a
ton of Butter weekly.—Also Raw
Furs and 10,000 Rat Skins.—Goo. E.
He Knows.
Commenting on advertising in local
papers, Mr. Robson, head of the C. P.
R. advertising department, says :—"In
the first place, I have a very high re-
gard for the local paper. Too often
its good work for the municipality is
overlooked, as week after week it de-
votes valuable space gratis for the
benefit of the community in which it
is located, and, like many other bles-
sings, its value, by the unthinking, is
not recognized."
Grand Lodge.
Delegates from all Western Ontario
will attend the annual meeting of the
Orange Grand Lodge of Ontario West,
which will meet at Goderich on March
14th. The Provincial Grand Black
Chapter will convene on March 13th.
It is expected that Wm. Graham, of
Hamilton, will be elevated to the
Grand Mastership of the Black, in
succession to John Scarlet, of Lead -
bury. Tho officers of the Grand
Lodge are likely to be re-elected.
A " Star " Team.
The Palmerston Spectator says :—
An all-star team representing the
Northern League has been organized
to play a series of matches with out-
side teams, commencing with Owen
Sound. The team will be composed of
Montcrief and Kennedy, Mt. Forest ;
Johnson and Galloway, Wingham ;
Ward, McQueen and McDowell, Har-
riston, with Fleming of Wingham as
spare man--, A. H. Clarke of Mt. For-
est, manager ; Joe Bradley of Harris -
ton, referee.
Fon SALE.—Fine brick house and
stable, and twelve acres of land, ad-
joining the town of Wingham. Ap-
ply to J. H. Chisholm, Real Estate
Death Of Mrs. Mann.
After an illness extending over
many months, Mrs. Mann passed
away on Friday last. When it was
found that disease had obtained hold
upon her system, she was taken to
Gravenhurst Sanitarium, where site
occupied "Winghant cot" endowed by
the liberality of our citizens, and it
was stoped that a cure would be ef-
fected, but this hope was not realized,
and she returned a few months ago,
and gradually grew weaker until the
end carne. She leaves a sorrowing
husband and five children, who have
the sincere sympathy of the communi-
ty. The funeral took place on Satur•-
clay; Itev. T. S. Boyle conducted the
services. Mr. Mann's fellow -workmen
in the Upholstering factory marched
to the church in procession and sent a
beautiful wreath of flowers as a token
of their sympathy.
Hockey Championship.
The return game of the Home and
Horne series to decide the champion-
ship of the Northern League was
played in Harriston on Wednesday
last, and resulted in a victory for
Wingham on a score of 5 to 4, making
the two gauzes tally 14 to 0 in favor of
Winghatn. This practically settled
the championship, and the Trophy
should remain in the possession of
Winghatn, but Harriston, sore at their
defeat, have protested the game play-
ed here, on the ground that while the
lights were out, some person poured
(art the most) a few buckets of water
on the ice. Wingham boys are indig-
nant at such at charge and claim that
it is false, and they have evidence to
back up their claim. The protest is to
be heard on Thursday. It will 1* re-
membered that on account of the rain
and thaw, the ice was sloppy, but
Winghaan boys were not responsible
for that, and if it was a disadvantage,
they suffered from it as well as their
opponents. It seems small ground on
which to protest the game and yet it
is by no means trivial, for the charge
is a -serious one against the fair natne
of Wingham. Our boys claim they
have sufficient evidence to prove that
the charge has no foundation. Ilar-
riston team desire to have the game
played again, possibly in hope of re-
versing the big score against then.
FOR SAttl. In Wingham, a good
brick resident*, eight rooms, bath,
eleetric lighted, modern eonvenicnces,
beautifully situated. This isadeaita-
ble property. Terms reasonable and
to suit Imrehaser. Address at Ad-
Vanea& oWee,
The Local Markets.
Wheat, 750 ; Oats, 34 to 35e ; Flour,
$2.20 to 2,70 ; Eggs, 15e ; butter, 18e ;
potatoes, 40e; Hay, $7 to 7.50; Live
hogs, $6.50, Tuesday's city markets
on page 2,
A Few Doors North.
L. A. Ball & Co. have removed their
stock of furniture and undertaking to
the store next to the Advance office,
and one door south of Hotel Bruns-
wick, where they will be pleased to
meet all their customers. They will
also use part of the second flat. See
their advt. on page 4, this issue.
in New Station.
The new G. T. R. station has been
completed and is now in use. Station
Master Harold is quite at home in his
new quarters. When all the yard is
cleaned up, Wingham G. T. R. station
gronnds will be a credit to the Com-
pany and also to the town. Travellers
say the new station is "a peach."
Bank Changes.
Alfred A. McLean (formerly of
Wingham) who has been in charge of
the Bank of Hamilton in Teeswater
since Mr. Smith's removal to Wing -
ham, received word the other day
that he was transferred to a branch in
ono of the western provinces, and he
Left for Winnipeg last week. Mr.
Anson Robinson, of Wingham, who
has been in charge of the Port Rowan
branch of the Bank, has been trans-
ferred to Teeswater.
LADIES—If you wish to know where
you can get the very latest, up-to-date
ideas in charming, new, Dress Goods,
it will, as usual, pay you well to see
D. M. Gordon's stock.
Among The Sick.
Mrs. Gibson of Shuter street is now
able to sit up each day ...Mrs. Herds-
man has been ill for the past ten days
or more. ...Mrs. Duckett, Sr., of the
1st line of Morris, was seized with
paralysis last week, and her case is
considered critical, as she is advanced
in years....Town Clerk Ferguson is
improving and hopes soon to be able
to resume his duties Mrs. Robinson
bf John street, has had a severe attack
of pneumonia and is still ill Mrs.
H. Ball has been laid aside with illness
..J. 3. Elliott has been rather worse
lately, but improvement is hoped for
as the spring advances Mrs. L.
Pearen of town, who underwent a
serious operation last week in a To-
ronto hospital, is reported doing very
nicely. ...John McNevin has also been
confined to his home with illness....
Ex -Mayor Vanstone's youngest child
is very ill. We wish these and any
others who are sick, speedy recovery.
The Town And Foundry.
At present, it looks as if there
would be trouble and perhaps litiga-
tion between the Towu and the Wes-
tern Foundry Co. For the informa-
tion of our readers, who may not be
conversant with the affair, we give
herewith the cause of the trouble, as
we understand it. In 1003, the Com-
pany wished to extend their trade,
and in order to do so, found it neces-
sary to increase their facilities. They
made a proposition to the Council, to
the effect that if the Council would
allow them as reduction on the pur-
chase price, any amounts they might
expend in buildings, etc., up to $6,000,
they would go on and erect buildings,
improve the plant, etc., and employ
100 hands. That there was some sort
of a verbal arrangement to this effect
can not be denied, but it was never
reduced to writing, and its legality is
questioned. However, the Co. went
on with the improvements in good
faith, on the understanding that the
amount they expended would be al-
lowed them as reduction of the pur-
chase price. Later, the Co. put itt a
claim for the amount expended, and
on going over the matter, tate Execu-
tive reduced the claim to about $5395,
as the reduction the Company was en-
titled to. Thus the matter has stood
and has never been closed. True, the
Company has not employed the stipu-
lated number of men tneither have
other industries in tawni and for this
thele was a remedy. The present -
('ouncil do not seem inclines to regard
the verbal understanding referred tt•.
as having any binding etleet. and
seem disposed to force a settlement
on the original purchase agreement.
Hence the motion on Monday night
(see minutes of Council). On Tuesday
morning, the Foundry reduced the
working force by. 25 men and have
given notice to others. We hope yet
to see a settlement of the matter that
will be equitable, and not only retain
but encourage this important indus-
try. It is time, however, that the
matter was brought to a definite issue
and settled, and let Town and Com-
pany know just where they stand.
\V.tiv'ritn.--A general agent for this
vicinity for the `Vestern Real Estate
Exchange, of London. Apply starting
experienee, if any, to the CO.. 78 Dun-
das street, London, who will furnish
DU. Ovl:Nts, M. I)., tendon, Eye and
Ear Surgeon,will be at McKibbou's
drug store the first. Tuesday in each
month t hours, 2 to 9 p. tn. Cataract,
squint, failing eyesight, Nasal catarrh,
deafness, head nnsea treated and glas-
ses properly fittest. Next visit, Tues.
day, April 3rd,
ocaY tents ---
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers.
June 7th is the date of the Huron
Old Boys' visit to their old county.
A new watchmaker and jeweller an-
nounces that he will open business in
the Chisholm block about March 15.
Rev, Dr. Hillis, of Brooklyn, says
that in the next ten years Canada will
get 5,000,000 of the best people in the
United States.
WANTED.—An apprentice to learn
the barbering.—L, G. Constable.
When Mt. Forest is applying to be
chosen as the location of one of the
proposed new Normal schools, what is
the platter with Wingham ?
The Literary Society of the Wing -
ham Business College will give their
next program on Tuesday evening,
March 13th. Everybody welcome.
WANTED.—A girl for general house
work ; no washing.—Mrs. J. A. Mc-
There is talk of a Farmers' Tele-
phone Co. being organized in Turn -
berry. Will the Bell Telephone Co.'s
franchise prevent them from entering
Wingham ?
A St. Catharines judge has sen-
tenced two chicken thieves to go to
church once a Sunday from now until
June ; serves them right. Now will
you be good ?
To RENT.—Rooms over Griffin's
store, by the month or year. Apply
to C. N. Griffin.
Mr. Wm. Bone has leased the store
in the Chisholm Block which is now
occupied by A. R. Smith. Mr, Bone
purposes starting a grocery about the
1st of April.
A. short time ago Isaac McGavin of
McKillop sold a sucking heavy draft
colt for $110, and Jas. Smillie of Grey
disposed of a two-year-old colt for the
handsome figure of $210.
Brick house to rent ; every conveni-
ence. Apply to J. H. Chisholm, Real
Estate Agent.
Last week, again, C. P. R. officials
were scanning the territory in the vi-
cinity of the 11Iarble works, as if they
wanted to locate a new station there.
There'll be "something doing" yet
Letters addressed to parties in the
Northwest should have on them the
name of the province—Manitoba,
Saskatchewan, or Alberta, as the case
may be. This would perhaps prevent
delay in the delivery of letters.
Fon SALE.—Six acres of land. in
Lower Wingham, with house and
barn.—S. G. Weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Arbuckle left
this week for Winnipeg, where they
will settle down to the stern real:des
of married life. Mr. Arbuckle has
secured a position as operator there.
May their future be bright and pros-
J. J. McManus has disposed of his
property on Minnie street, and pur-
poses going west. He will offer his
household effects for sale by auction,
on Saturday next, on the premises,
opposite the Methodist Church. Sale
at two o'clock ; W. A. Currie, auc-
FOR SALE.—Seven-toomed frame.
cottage, and six and one half acres of
land. Apply to J. H. Chisholm, Real
Estate Agent.
The Mail -Empire has this to say of
a young lady resident of Wingham
"Miss Haynes in her dramatic, pathe-
tic and humorous sketches, delighted
and thrilled her hearers. Her imita-
tion of children is simply perfect,
while she is equally at home in
dramatic and pathetic."
The Orange Sentinel says of Hon.
J. J. Foy, a Roman Catholic : "Mr.
Foy is as fine a type of public Iran at-
sthis country has produced. He has a
]sigh sense of honor. is singularly con-
scientious in the discharge of his im-
portant duties, and serves the pro-
vittca at great personal saeritie•es."
1ic:sti uxe'r: Fon S.t.t:.---T. H. Ross
eotfel•s his l ikk residence. on Frances
street. for sale : a desirable property,
with modern conveniences. Call on
hint for particulars.
Among the immigrants coating to
Wingham next month, under the aus-
pices of the Salvation Army, is an ex-
cellent cornetist. It is said that 1n a
competition of 700 Bandmasters, he
was one of the three best. The Army
expect to have a deckled addition to
their music on the march, when he
When wanting Boots or Shoes, call
at. Robs. Johnston's (near the post -
office) at Wightlnan's okl stand.
Splendid values in all lines. 'Patin
produce accepted at Iianna & ('o s, for
goods purchased from us. Try us,
and be comfortably fitted, gratified
and satisiled.—It: Johnston,
The Ontario Land Snrveyors held a
tueetiug recently in Toronto, and it
was there stated that of the 110 million
:teres 113 Ontario, 42,000;000 acres have .
already been surveyed into townships
and sub -divided. Of the unsnrveyed
portion, a very large area is broken,
rocky and swampy, worthless for agri-
-ettltatro at least. There is, however,
probably not less than 15,000,000 acres
of unsurveyeti agrieultut•al land still
itt the Province.
Call at the
corner Thug
For Your
A. L. Hamilton
Notice To The Public.
I take pleasure in advising the pub-
lic that I have taken over the Real
Estate and Insurance business of Mr.
C. J. Maguire, of the town of Wing -
ham, and that I am prepared to take
entire charge of rentable property, to
negotiate the sale, purchase or ex-
change of farm, town or village pro -
pet ty.
Any person having business in the
above lines, will please call at the old
office in the Vanstone block, next the
Bank of Hamilton, Wingham.
Office open Saturday evening from
7 to 9.
Real Estate Agent.
Field. --In Wingham, March 5th, to
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Field, a son,
Burchill-•-Montgomery.—At St. Mat-
thew's Church, London, on Wednes-
clay, Feb. 28, by Rev. Wm. Lowe,
Samuel Burchill of East Wawanosh,
to hiss Ann Montgomery of Turn -
Zerkee--h1 Tutubet•ty, on Wednesday,
Feb. 28, Miss Katharine A. Zerkee,
daughter of Mr. John 'Zerkee, of
Howick, aged 23 years.
Mann— In Wingham, Friday, March
2nd, Emily Maria, beloved ed wife of
Mr. R. ,Bann,
Howre Your Eyes ?
Why suffer from Eye trouble
when you can have the trouble
corrected for a very small cost.
WE TEs'r EVES FREE: and Bt -
each Eye with its proper glens.
If the glasses yon now use fail
to suit you, come to 118 and
have the lenses changed so
you will have comfort. The
cost is small and the pleasure
galley's Drug Store
Phon• 100. Successor to McC!M1 & Go.