HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1906-03-01, Page 5THE WINGFIAM ADVANCE THURSDAY, MARCH I, 106 + 11****ss+oi,,,,.,s`♦,,,,, ♦*♦.♦♦'41011*4+r+f4011.....e♦♦••,r 1 $500 Put. Colt Shoes $3.7G R. 11. Crowder Co. 2.30 Gott Felt Hats $l:bi Last Days of Stock Taking Sale. We are nearing the end of our immensely successful StoelTaking Sale. The last days will be the biggest and best. We have Bargains for every Bay and Man, Special Bargain. Prices. 14 Men's Heavy Double Breasted Untoarable Tweed Suits, sizes 36 to 44 chest, regular $9.50 -Sale $7,13 11 Men's Heavy Double Breasted Nigger Head Suits, sizes 86 to 44 chest, regular $9,50 -Sale 7.13 12 only Boys' two and three piece Fancy Tweed Suits, sizes 22 to 28, regular $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00 -Sale 2.75 9 only Boys' Black and Dark Grey Raglan Overcoats, sizes 22 to 27, regular $5.00 and $5.50 -Sale 3.50 7 only Boys' Double Breasted Pea Jackets, sizes 22 to 26, regular price $3.00 -Sale 2.00 20 Pairs Boy a' Tweed. Kuieker Pants, sizes 22 to 32, regular 500 and 60o -Sale 12 Doz. Pairs Children's All -wool Heavy Ribbed Black Stock- ings, sizes 5 to 9,6, regular prices 15c, 20o and 25o -Salo, 2 Pairs for 4 Dozen Pairs Men's Heavy Wool Sox, regular price 250 - Sale, 5 Pairs for Men's $5.00 Pea Jackets -Salo Men's 60o Fleece Lined Shirts and Drawers -Salo Men's Heavy Gum Rubbers, regular 31.75 -Sale .39 .25 1.00 3.75 .40 1.25 Crowder's opecial $5.00 Overcoat Bargain. 29 Men's and Youths' Overcoats, in all the newest stylus, but broken sizes, regular prices $7 50 and 38.50 -Sale $5.00 FUR.... BARGAINS Men's $05.00 Coon Coats $45.00 Men's $75.00 Coon Coats 55.00 Men's $22.00 Dogskin Coats 16.50 Fnr Caps, Fur Gauntlets --at Bargain Prices 85 Empty Packing Boxes for Sale. The R. It Crowder Co. ♦4N'►N♦N♦�♦♦44+44440♦,0 6♦O4O♦00o♦4P♦♦,♦N,♦•A♦♦00 {. _-sea r ry,y ��rters are made only from the best "Para" rubber. Made to ladies' shoes, In ladies' fit every style and shape of men's shoes and shoes for the little ones. shapes they are neat, light, perfect fitting and lasting. Insist on the " Maple Leaf" Brand -- it's on' every rubber. Sold by all dealers. 'love 1r terve rl -� On an average King Edward re- ceives 3,000 newspapers and 1,000 let- ters daily. -It bas been arranged to extend the penny postage scheme to Egypt and the Soudan. --Twenty-five thousand head of cat- tle, sheep and hogs were shipped from Owen Sound during 1905 by local dealers. Thirty thousand women make a living by managing and steering the canal boats in Southern and Midland, England. -Another of the pioneers of McKil- lop has passed away, in the person. of Mr. Robert Hewitt at the ripe age of 03 years. -The bed of the Pacific Ocean is be- lieved by scientific men to have been above water at one time, and inhabit- ed by men. -Mrs. Wm. Baptist, of the 12th eon., of Culross, whose serious illness front paralysis was reported two weeks ago, died early Tuesday morn- ing, The deceased lady's maiden name was Leah Smith and she had reached the age of 59 years, 6 months and 18 days. . -A writer, fond of statistics, has analyzed the occupations of the mem- bers of the Dominion House of Com- mons as it was during the last session. Ile finds that its composition was as follows : Agents and dealers, 0 ; bank- ers, 3 ; brokers, 2 ; contractor, 1; drug- gists, 2 ; editors and journalists, 12; engineers, 1 ; farmers, 23; fruit grow- ers, 1 ; gentlemen, 11 ; lawyers, 71 ; lumbermen, 3; manufacturers, 23; merchants, 27 ; doctors, 19 ; millers, 2; or notaries, , 4 ; ranchers, 1 ; surveyors, 1 ; veterinary surgeons, 1. Total 214. Lucknow. Messrs. Isaac Morrison, rrison Jno. Mc- Leod, Samuel Miller and Jas. Burns left bn Tuesday last for Manitoba. They took with there two carloads of horses and other articles. There are only twenty-five Justices of the Peace that have qualified to date in the county of Bruce. Those not qualified by the second day of April next will be struck off the list. At a special meeting of the village Council on Tuesday evening last it was decided to purchase the Congram property nearly opposite the Sentinel Office for the site of the proposed new Town Hall and Public Library to be erected with the $7,500 donated by Mr. Andrew Carnegie. The lot con- tains one half acre and the purchase price was $050. It is centrally situat- ed and we believe will make an excel- lent location for the new building. A charming home wedding was celebrated at 5 p. m. on Wednesday, Feb. 14th, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McIntyre, Kinloss, when their third slaughter, Miss Margaret was united in marriage to Mr. Robt. Keith, in the presence of one hundred and fifty guests. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. McLennan of Lucknow, the bride being given away by her father, the company entered the drawing room to the strains of the wedding march effectively rendered by the Lucknow Orchestra. 1. Ooderich. TO QUIT DRINKING. The hoist for lifting material for the elevator Is now over 100 feet from the ground, and as high as it will need. to be for hoisting pnrposes. Robt. McLean left on Tuesday last with a carload of fine heavy draught horses, which he is taking to Winni- peg and farther West for sale, The clerk of the peace on Tuesday made his return of the justices of the peace for the county. Of the 120 ap- pointed all but twenty-four had quali- fled, Temporary premises have been se- cured by the Sterling Bank of Canada in the vacant store on the Square, ad- joining the Bank of Montreal. Branches of this Bank are also being opened at Dungannon and Bayfield. Dropped All Others. "I dropped all liniments but Nervi - line because I found Nerviline the quickest to relieve pain," writes E. S. Benton of St. John's. "If my child- ren are croupy or sick, Nerviline cures therm. If a case of cramps or stomach i ache turns up, Nerviline is ever ready. We use Nerviline for neuralgia, rheu- matism and all kinds of aches and pains ; it's as good as any doctor." The great Canadian remedy for the past fifty years has been Poison's Ner- viline-nothing better made. f;teel Ranges at $45.00 Each See The "Huron" before buying any other. It is the best value in Steel Range construction on the Canadian market. Every Range guar. anteed absolutely. Will burn wood of coal. Extra large Reser• noir means abundance of hot water. iltade right in your Own County. Read what pleased users say-- BLYx}I P. 0., JANUARY 10, 1906. WESTERN FOUNDRY 00., LTD., WINGHAbf, ONT. GENTL t3N:*It affords mo much pleasure to be able for to cowmenpast tWo years o any ytnd duringi phattimelrnser year Huron Steel Range. I have had ono of them in foetid it to gii'e the the most perfect satisfaction on a minimum amount on of of in fuel. t if My Wife sats that she Weald not etohange it for any snake of range that she has seen y , another one, would not Bali it at any price. Very Truly Yours. JOHNSON. --as-11140B 1IY- Lille Western Foundry Co,, Limited, Winghan1 Last week five old citizens, four of town and one of the township, near the town, passed away ; their united ages numbered over 375 years, an average of 75 years each. They were -Mr. Briinicornb of Goderich township, Mrs. Mack, Mrs. Hender- son, Donald McKay, and Mrs. Stowe. Two more carloads of lr.ge cedar poles arrived at the dock on Saturday for the piling of the C. P, R. track along tho bank from the foot of Waterloo street to the office of the Goderich Elevator Company, and as the pile driver is being prepared for work, it should not be many days be- fore the machine commences driving home the piles. Last Saturday, February 17th, T. 11. Ward, West street, had a brood of forty-five chicks hatch out, The chicks were incubator hatched but even so aro pretty early birds. Among the lot was one curiosity with two heads and three Iegs and the odd leg had only three toes. The monster did not live however. Mr. Ward has already set a second brood. The splendid new church of the North street Methodist congregation was dedicated an Sunday, March 18th, by Rev. Dr. Cannan, general superintendent of the Methodist church, and Rev. Joseph Philp, B, D., of Aylmer, president of the London conference. On the following Sun- day, March 25th, the services were conducted by Rev. Jasper Wilson, M. A., of Leamington, a former pastor of North street church, and in the after- noon a Sabbath school rally took plaice. The following is from an English paper :-The graee of God empowering a determined will is the great remedy in the case of enslaving thirst for liquor. But anything that will aid in the struggle is of value, and some of our readers may know of a victim who would be helped by this means in his struggle with the deadly habit of years. At a festival at a reformatory institution a gentleman said of the cure of the use of intoxicating drinks ; "I overcame the appetite by a recipe given to me by old Dr, Hatfeld, When I called on him he said, `Now that you have the moral courage, 1'11 tell you the tonin I have used with effect among my friends for 20 years.' I expected, of course, some nasty medicine stuff, but no ; he prescribed an orange every morning, a half hour before breakfast. 'Take that, and you will neither want liquor or medicine.' I have done so regularly and find that the liquor has become repulsive." .I Special One Way Rates Are in effect daily to points in Mon- tana, Utah, Colorado, California, Ore- gon, Washington and British Colum- bia. Cruel on Agents G. T. R. for full infox oration. Last Friday the preliminary hear- ing in an action against Wtn. H. Hodgson, of Loudon, for obtaining property under false pretences, came up before the police magistrate, the complainant being one Bautenheimer, of Grey township, who purchased a steam engine and well -drilling out- fit from Hodgson for $1,300, giving in exchange a horse and a note, as he thought in full settlement, whereas it turned out there was a lien for $500 on the outfit. The Crown attorney prosecuted and G. F. BIair acted for the defence. Hodgson was sent up for trial, giving bail. A. serious accident, but happily, without fatal results, occurred in Goderich, Saturday, Feb. 17th. A goods elevator was being erected in the implement warerooms of L. Lavis, and three young ladies passing went in to see what was going on. They got on the elevator, and when about 12 feet from the floor, the fastenings : at one end became detached, spilling the occupants on the floor beneath. Adelaide Whitely, daughter of Thos. Whitely, had her thigh broken, Flor- ence Kerr, daughter of John Kerr, suffered a severe concussion which has affected the brain, and Florence Ross, daughter of Hugh Ross, al- though badly shaken up and bruised, happily escaped serious injury. No blatne is said to attach to the proprie- tor or the workmen, as the hoist was unfinished and unsuitable for use. -Tho Iargest log delivered in Forest for several years, measures 57 feet in length, and estimated to contain about 3,500 feet of lumber, and will weigh nearly 302,000 pounds. This log was drawn several rods by one fine teatn of horses. .1 The Arch -Fiend Of The Age. Not war, more deadly than ever this modern butchery -but catarrh which leads to consumption and annually kills more than famine and war com- bined. The doctors now successfully fight catarrh with a remedy that never fails - "Cataal•rhozone,' it's death to every type of catarrh. It destroys every root and branch of the disease so thoroughly that a relapse need never be feared. If troubled with colds, nasal or throat catarrh, or subject to bronchitis or asthma use Catarrhozone and you'll be cured for- ever. Distilled Sunshine Did you ever have a headache that made Sunday feel like wash- day ? Q Perhaps you have been drinking inferior teas. Q No, you don't need medi- cine - all you need is a package of Grand Mogul Tea. Q This tea combs the kinks out of the nerves. Why ? Because it is rich in theine (the flavoring essence ) which is just concentrated sunbeams. Grown on the high table lands of Ceylon, this tea contains the ele- ments of a pure nerve -food. Grand �` mogul Tea C( There are no other teas " just es good" as Grand Mogul. 25c, 30c, 40c and 50c per pound. ((Sold only in packages lined with air -tight paper. Premium coupons in each package. The cost of these coupons is not taken out of the tea --but is simply a -part of the ad, vertising appropriation. 5 y� Get in line o make money A whole army of boys art making all the money they want selling /r THE SATURDAY lit EVENING POST a few hours a week after school. J It isn't luck; it isn't that they are any brighter than you; it isn't that they have any better chances than you. - They just took hold of the work heartily, and found that making money came lots easier than they expected. 'Most every- body who sees THE POST wants it, And what we want you to do is to show THE POST to the people in your town, to get them to let you deliver it every week. In a few weeks you'll have a regular list of cus. tamers and be making money steadily. You don't need a cent to start in. We send ten copies of THE POST free. Sell these at 5c. the copy and that furnishes all the money you need to buy further supplies. Sit down now and write us a letter that you want to get in line to make money and we'll send you everything you need to start. An education at any business college in the country free to boys who sell a certain number of copies, e $250 in Extra Cash Prizes Each Month to Boys Who Do Good Work THE CURTIS PUBLISHING COMPANY 425 Arch St.. Philadelphia Clinton. Oliver Grigg, of Goderich township, captured five fine coons on his farm hast week. Chas. Nimens has sold a quarter acre lot on Maple street which was deeded to him when an infant, over thirty years ago. Mr. Geo. Hiscott, formerly of Gode- rich, is an inmate of the House of Re- fuge, and ono day last week reached his 00th birthday, Inspector Asquith paid a visit to town the other day, and as a result, he says the Commercial, Graham House and Normandie acknowledged a violation of the law and paid a statutory fine. We understand that W. L. Gal- braith has purchased the stock and good will of Thos. Jackson, sr., and will put in a brand-new stock of high class men's and boys' clothing and furnishings, about the kith of March. The barbers of town have been noti- fied, on behalf of the Iocal branch of the Lord's Day Alliance, that they mast not work after 12 o'clock on Saturday night. There isn't a barber in town, but world gladly finish up his week's work before Sunday morn- ing if his patrons would only be con- siderate enough to help him do so. Mr. Mason Stirling, of Goderich township, who resides seven miles from town, made record time driving here on Tuesday morning. His three year old son was playing around home with a tin toy train, swallowed one end of it, and it lodged in his wind- pipe. They were unable to remove it, and quick as possible, they hitched up and drove here, where a doctor soon relieved the child from its danger. Between seven and eight o'clock on Tuesday morning smoke was seen emerging from Ballard's grocery store and on examination it was found that the store was completely filled with smoke which had poured up from the cellar. Sometime during the night a fire had started there, but after burn- ing up some boxes and barrels and eating its way into the joists and floor it had gone out, supposedly suf- focated by the density of the smoke. • PNEUMONIA Lay es Dead tor 'three Months Mo. A, 0.Festb'rets Recent ,e November, I302, my son Lauren %clot taken down with Pneumonia. Two physicians fir town attended him. lie lay for three months almost like a dead child. leis lungs became so swollen that his heart was pressed over to the right side. Altogether I think we paid $$140 to the doctors, and all the time he was getting worse. We Commenced the Dr. Slocniit treatment. Tho effect teas tconderful. YCe saw a differ• encu in tun days. Our boy IA to er joyplife tolthe and Miedici e sl co that time.u of tr09. A. O. I'isettratt. Newmarket, Ont, ti5>E, T, 11. SLOCUO TIIU GUIDING LIGHT What a ray of hope to the rtorm•bcatca mariners is the pter•head light. It telis thein of safety and peace after being stormed and butleteal by the angry and cruel waves. Perhaps in the darkness they aro slowly drifting towards sono tlenderaus rock when suddenly the light.h0uso sends forth its friendly beam, saving them from death and destruction and clutched thou into the harbor. Rota many sutl rcrs there aro drifting; though the son of stc'kticss andbeingbuffeted by the waves of 01•henith. Yet if only they will look. they cnn ifnd the beam et knewl- cdgo shining to guide them into the harbor or health and hanotnets. MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE has Dredured Ink1C:11tNE, ri sore and pan:anent euro for reeemonie. Pleurisy, Le' Grippe. Cetnsurnritlon. Chills anal 1`evers, Dronchitts. and all 'throat and LunaTroubies. rsxcumC (Pronounced St.keen) Seek safety in Psychtoe The Greatest of nil Lora►ca Jilt bruggtstat One pedlar rtee Taal . W., tta IMO St. W>ysr, TOIRONTda, CMNAIA Home Comfort Steel Range Manufactured by Wrought Iron Range Company, Limited, Toronto, Ont. Founded 1864 Capital $1,000,000.00 The above is a cut of our improved trickle plated Range, with handsome enamelled reservoir attached to ` [water (tont in fire box. Teeswater, January lath, 1006. 1 have used is Horne Comfort flange for four years; it's the best yet; don't buy any other. I wouldn't take $100.01) for mine if I conidn't get another just the same, (Signed) ROBERT MARSIIA.LL. Loissevain, Alan., January (kb, 1006. `our years ego 1 purchased a Monro Comfort Range, and have found it splendidly adapted to out western wants. I know of dozens of ley neighbors who are more than pleased with the shine Range, anti this sonsott tho Cotn'v. is soiling twice as funny as they did on their last canvas font years *go, If you Want the best, buy the Horne Comfort. (Signed) JAS.A. rATTLI:;3O11, Dos 17, J. W. K. Yallorfflail, Divisional Supt