The Wingham Advance, 1906-03-01, Page 2AIM ,41.9010....9.90.9009
Stuiday Seroo1,
taierattnNiteCION/et alltiteen NO. N.
MiRCUU 10t0
'nee atensee see tee Teneeze.--etett, 042.
Cemrzentare.---1. Claristes Tee.laing on
Oaths (vs. 33-a7). The 'Sevieer has been
*boning aud now eentinues t tew "the
relations in wake ills gespel stanas to
Cie previeus disreneatien, as leen; teo
fulfilment and etafirrnatieneftette Jud-
aism aad tbe referrnatien of aeneeerate
Judeiem." ilia Icor eeme ";..) destray
the law or the eroellettne bat "to faitille
ay. 171. Jesue diet net dieparaee Moses
ar the Seviptures. They are3 ant ales.
troyed, but their authority is ferever
establiseea by the fulfilment of see their
pre-die:liens. "A. gate r than Mesas ear -
tied the weak Alottes tette-ear! ere etre
summation." tre. Ilath been seia-lay
the Jews when they receive:1 the Lw ante
in their betererozatiens of it. leerstvear-
To...swear falsely; te eartere. The refer-
euee may be to the tlaird comertanlment.
See alen I.ev. xix. 12. It slaalt eerferre
-"We kmew frem Malt. Neal le -22 that
the scribes aril ilaarisees eeeleeee eatet
te binding or ne: bi..rte.-ere:tag te
the supposel senesite ei the eleate: swern
by, aina front ether: evieenee apt -ears
that eonse consilerel bath erefane sweae-
ing and perjure- ta lee en:nasal-at. elevelel
tae teeth was cat ten nu the name of
Ged..."-Ceek. To 2-prieetn" an eath le
to de what was preee"tel tee tete
Unto. the Lorl-Tee tea:niter wen teat
only suee eaths as were mete emate
the Lord" er t the neat: tee.• leere
we saered suel tee eel te e kept.
Oaths -An oath is a seleeta aifiretariea
or deelaratica. nea•le, with en onpeal
God for the truth of what Las teen af-
firmed, and imereca.ting his vengeance.
and renouncing -his favor, if what is af-
firmed is faise.-Basnes. 34, Dat I say
-Tiae empbasis lere is en the "le:
Christ speaks with we -tat -ray. Swenr
not at ell-Prefer:a and cemteer. swear-
inta with all lieht, ;nee-ere:at eathe, stale
Ins are pot requirel by ti:e magas.
trate, are intereaea uEnIr Leen prelsibi-
tiste..-Clarlee. This can nave ne refer-
ence to judieiae, oaths wilier erteet net te
be called "swearira." -Fee cenleet
our Lord Himself la at:weal:as the al-
juration of tbe Itiza pi p. xxvi.,
03, 04.). as weilastne lanz.nage
Paul en varlets oceasions..,11:ars„ I. 0; II.
Cos. i. 23; Gu. i. 2); vi. 10.17 ;. may
be aadueett toellen- -that this eastsage
is not inter -tiled to ferbia tem apeetil to
God on setema eestasiene."-Ceek..Nel-
tber by heaven -Nene of the t-tahs whine
our Lard aaartees as seeeintens are
cial vaths. The Orientalists are great
profane swearers, and the secondary
matins here forlailden I•y ear rre
just the ordinary profanities of their
eenversation.-Whelen. No
pee that
1 have ever known can compare with
these Orientals for profar.eness k J jj yy eett.
vase a the remes and attrileates tenl.
They "swear by the head, by their lafe, '
by heaven, and ley the tape. rr, What '1' Teronto Farmus' Market.
is in its plane the elmnite-Terrnesen. I e tt
Tee ode:rags of grain teelay were
er hs
•Gorles thner,e--"Swegzenetrollt.:7slietsatnes....etaerai:time:i
One lead of epring wheat sold at
from the fat that heaven is to resi- to; and cote load of atiese at 733te. Bar-
LY' firra, 3;30 bushels selling at Oats onee, the carrt, the throne c• -f
also firm, 100 bushels g at 402 pna• 5. The earth, etc. -See Isa.
Fsa. xviii. 2. Our Lii haws that to 1.,"ashel.
swear by anything whiab •Ged has creat- Dairy preauce in fax sueply. Butter
ed is to swear by Gel Illraself. is unchanged, the best dairy selling at e3
35. By thy bead -A cenmeen ecera ef toitec per lb. Eggs are lower, new laid
°nth in the aneient world. The orchraey ss-?..;ing at is to eez per damn. Petry.
phrase. "I will give yeu nes- hen -1 if it is traiet :Ind firm.
not so." is a ferra of swearing of the Hay in moderate supply, with eales.ef
same kind. 37. Yea....may-reet yeur 20 loaas at ,e9 to $10 a ten far Unman:vs
statements be in accordance with famst ••atl to fttS far :mixed. Straw steads-,
let vonr language be simple, and let cue lead selling at '110 a ten.
answers be Yes er No. Ccanith ef eva.- .7 pressei hogs are vrmted. w5te Neje
"All swearhag, genteel er etherwite. etsotel at $D.27.) to00 sa--.4 heavy at ait.
acomes ef evil,' that is. ef an underlyeet. etee„,., „Lite, leatta
censelousness that simele asserzienD ree, ,..eetet ft'g 76 ,52,3, 77:
not enettagle. If truth were peDo er n bunrfect then e
woula be r.e ceteasier. emeeeeize our
.F75.3,4 00 0003
assertior.s stech an-eal.s; area, paint .
. • .
of f-eet inteeetoed atte twefanny are nen- • - a' 0 0 00
- - bus !' o tift o
eraely elese eempaniens. -.Aalecett.
IL On the law cf zeta:taz:ler. are. elat- 4 Peas' bust' • • • - -•-- 0 SO 0 00
• Rye, beta; 0 75 000
30. Eve far an ey.c.----As a lo,n1 rem- • llaaa. ahnedaen ten 00 10 00
edy the law el retaIlatien watt area -a1 -1v D3 • eaNall-tazz -. 6 03 S CD
te.e best peseta -3"e n rale szate seel- lee ten • • - • • - • 100) 000
et. S'ec Ewa. 21. 24. Tht., prir.ziple
was as".naittel in al1 anaient natz:ns. But A:srze. X3 .1. lash ..• 25
the retribettlen was e'er -ea -1 ey. a te Be- No. 2 5 '25
ha sentence kr the gee.). of the z.--:77.1- • Ne. 3 .. 4 el
menity. met t aeatee eareenet veza Ne. I. C
geance.--Cam. Ea% ftit the -21::-7 1 Z.1
tan-dr.:red this prin.-it-le if re:al:at:7c „ _ „cl
to pi-lit:11.e life. Era'enh roan2. en.-..'5.n.e -• s_rrar:es, trea rein ;t:a
for tdm5z-",f st"..."en an..1 how far it • rem :s
infitheted. The:fly the • f ..„ „,„ :23
rev -en -pa was enitivate =1 in:: a. .
m btetarze altsieereralee--le let it • tetiztee-e. eat-• tte•
eta tao most atifieult ettennearelreent 450; test feeders, 030 to 1,100 lbs., at
twttea tee late ef tete Daele. NUN; ven 973 to fal.115; beet feeeers, Sea to 0130
Oen- it t eeren these vaa haea aearte HI, $3130 te, fe3.73; Lest etocliers, 00 to
isiitel wish to tette of Val Mem. v. e2- 72.4.1 las„ S3at3 to $a.(10.
aas teem fall. that alas ewe preteet Veal 4.talves-One hundred and .sixteen
stsafielent rani of tan destraess et calves seld. flem pace, rangiug trent
the vassal and of the trete a! the Valls- al.59 to per cwt.
eiati reriellen. geatt...eray-- Match Cews-Abeat naileh cares ane
Sae% Inea's Messina on fisotte wee end'. etalneers offerel, the enewral *1Uit ti
datert nem ,yea taoa's eerse-e-Atene„.... aleee mat, zraneta b.tte. taan Leant. Jas.
-Ina best co-"renterv am these ntartan- eareatremr, ;eat 5 cleeieo singers. ft -r
Jess ceterse.s.
is tee bright exan-ele ef ; nideia pall $31.1 ran,=;•,1..
o• ,
the Oae nee salve them; See I. Wt. from $3(1 ta
21-24; Bent. ein. 20,7.11; L Car. iv. Le; 1. I arta Lbs-Reeeipts el ellena I
0." 1 and were fair for the season, with
43. May be the children, ete-Ta eta ericee etrena all rreaut. faliewet Ex;
as Christ cormarets here would he te feet ewes, 2a4.730 ta re5.ea; eeetert Wanes,
eet like Ged, wbo laesses those who) curse se3t70. t3 tela722; el:cites 'rune lambs,
aim and are his enemies by the gifts of et -3.75 ta $7.3; melee1 tots lambs, 2i1.3.Ze
snn and rain. This is divine. -Cam. *--4.1.j1) Pee etat•
saeh actions show that we are Gr.,,,ps eau. Iikags---lle.iVerieS were testa
riees firmer. Mr. Harris eraetee seletes
'Iren' but at) u(bt make' us Ws ,e3.Se; lizhts. $eeel; to Sa:
San to rise, ete.-"Ile imparts te all at ,
tddlre. but all de uot receive alike. Mesa stugs' $3';;LI cwt.'
may sit in darkness even when the mut; Braastreetes on Trade.
is shining., -or become lest souls. netwith- ; m„2.2,2rral___.,t;2,2erat tradr, e„thm,„
standing (i .l love that save eenet. 112ere is less jet:sena 14-r 0 g•eel
" tate-sit el n eatels LA% In rem .31•
'W• rewsra-If Fc'" balve 2)711Y oes han at -el Itaa tells: are interferarg
loved those who love you. you have en1) v,..1z,ntry prnt.,-4-7,1s
cenr:e ta the sta"-Iqr.1 corarnon !„.rs Live al -,,at Erirsn,-,1 s.;leiret
mer.e. ycu :lave reasen to expect- the tn.: s anti tiny eepete trade Las
C.3.'ri5tlara.s rosvard fee "leiag whet ar-T. sanisfaen.ay ae.inugh nat meth
sinner is eereeted te do. Publieans- - ae 'lei Val :ivr :ie evaa.m.
Tax-gatherere empleeel ay the Pornans 1 he • far hardware cantirattes
ar.,1 hated by the Jews. 1 •
ra :dotal is brisk mid fem. ith
47. Brethren only -The prerainer:ee of ; see exteptiten of /ea.% widehhas ',teens:: 1
salutation in the setae'. life of the Ease elieet"y. Copiwr is also eager. relating
Rives a spereal vividness to this preeept. Ora:C'aS ler palete ani tis are large. Ora
TA utter the formai, "Pear* be withIsteres c. enisue ;pan: elemease.-Sugece
eau," to follew that up with matefola are twat. II-Iv:net' rc'r
zamp",h-geats arid 'aisles, was ee tenetenee are weak. wanner abant
those w•hora men saluted as friends andt'iciatlY and wool quiet and firm in tente
trothers. rut this the very heathen did: Pea:yes-les et' batter eaal eggs are heety
aateatiten," rather than "publieans," •einees leave goee dews:. 3Ieney is in
Ittelnes the true readireta 3, ana were the 1.;"1 t"-tItaa"1"
fealewers. Chat ta eentent with Lada -Despite the way in altleh
eonying h „th„ e„stom eZaii ale haii St fiorea from a m11-1
feel Chraus nmst do to their ene- I vtiut". tl'ere is elle211111 ttuu?`
n:les what the heathen to their 21.tttit;tt,.:tt7`"-277.;tr'' '.friyre:1-sIeflganti eardware are 3
13u -sleets. The
frames. Superiar conanet \vitt prove the tatave ;meal; geoeereee are ettiet.
sr:eerier religien. What tla ye more than . aortento-The movement of sprir.g
others -1. Diseieles aave to ea -mere tan :ends Lere continues aetive ant 3
ethers. ;11. Thee maintain the Chriszian te„ prospetes renew:it- easer a ieree ;
elle; aln they extend tee eauee ef Christ. ,entene (,1 wa•zu;;;;,s. 1,9rong hnes ei
2. They are able to do more thau others.
;It They are in alliance with 121
they have more light ael knewledee: 131
they have mere moral power. 3. ItIcee
expected of them than of others. (11
By their Saviour; see by tee. weill; i31
by their own eenecienees.-Dib.31us. 4.
re .... ..perket--Camplete; perfect in
love. Take Goa as the medel instead of
publicans. The true standard of the
,Bilee for God's peoples is moral purity.
To 1NcRtAsE ,, farms in the tieinity In which the as-
sault teak piece, utepteetienably tleve id
1 the weutele ateessin, me beet tby tlie
THEIR sTATIlDp ! ve:i'z... te teaOtili.nia tlifil titete the over -
el; es uoula make... .. -.....-e-e.
li Me , 3. ottunately f'n' testiee Stewalt, ellen WORLD S
1 he leek off the old ones threw teem in a .....------
stalk cesuer in the beeemeat of
Sailorsson*s Awe More, whoe the pollee recov-
Will Make bp Soldiers and ereal them. Amongst the elothina found
Normal Size
Philadelphia, Feb. e in-
crease the *lee of the japanese rae-e to
the normal stature of the Caueas:an
race by teaching them how and what to
eat. was the declaration made Le- Sur-
getualeneral Takaki, of Japan, la a lee
ture delivertd in the meaieal lectme.
snore ef the University el Penreyleasaa
eteeterday atemnea. ihe seageoneteners
at quoted statistics taf the army ana
navy to preve that by giving teem a pu-
rer it he Las bremeht them nearer the
etaeaant weielet ef the Englie'a anal
Americen mat5.
en.e surge; n eserteral deearea that,
leery a:eel-es common in Japan Lave
lean aleattet mired out by the tante
lie Lae made it his life wade to find
methel ee %sleek the size of the .Jap.
tnie,e I2E0 v.-111 he made nornath
131 ulna 0 few generation* I am sure
that the radne viii L.? of rear -
mal 'gee" he added. 'It is cote of rae
greatost cf our Ilfe teal
e are ta email. The Ceneasian raee
neve:eel in size au.I that is whet we wen:
to be. That is what we will be tvitein
ea ellen thee if the eeeple of my rtee
ifl feliow say- ;Erections. The Imp- r -
or has premien). to join handt; and hells
the were along. Learned men unt4
now ngree that the Japanese may need
peeper fecal and plenty of it. Give tie -nn
naarishing food and all of 1; they ean
k7xygds are quit althea:sell the eell
atetether ef a welt teats gave a menneee.
ary impetus to trawl::: in that direct -Ian. •
Lae ehienteres of eprir.g are
:made to the 1,:torthw est and priecs
on r -'-'y i:nes of staple good's are -eery
firm. A Leavy mininery deniand is
.3-tyre:ate- up. /he hardware trade een-
tintes very bran- and the demend fee
general liens and for metals eentirme
unusually heavy. 'There .are erespeets
ef griat activity in she auilding trade
thicanshout all the province aluring the
$tarie. gracerles are
slara.,..ler„, a letter met -omens. Caneted
hiarket Reports trra with a preneunai. I
eeaecity in seree lizes. Hides lesve -re 1
--OF- firm tare and leateer is tenet. tentarla
1 et-Ilea:ions are gererally fair to geed but
these trom tee Northwest are stall seer.
Winairega-Large numbers -Oft cestutre- I
nicrehants were in the city during -the
nast wo.Nnh.- and they It f: geed. orders far
fatture ilelivety in all lines. ln many
oases tl:e busines..s was of a re -order 31a -
tun:, far Hues in whieh the markets have
;levee -Tel firm:Nees. The. basir:ess
Leavy winter continues quiet, 211 -
tile outlook far spring trade is
Iniglit as ever. Colleetiens are net
geed and there is disappointment
regareing tbe way in which pay-
ments welt; met on the faurth hest. The
retail elealers thrmegeout the country
letve latge amounts on their becks lied
these thty cenfidently expect to eolleet
;tering tl-e next few weeks..
Vietaria and Vancouver -There cas a
nmehl-etter tone to wholesale trade tan-
erally here. Dregoeds orders are calm -
het forward well and the hareware tra-le
is l‘nay with large shipments of eallip,F. I he tionuind for ;groceries is
exceptionally gead for this time of the
• Provincial industries continue ae-
twe and the outlook in .all lines is sat-
Ifanailten-i'lne movement in spring
s is new fairly heavy but wholes...the
trcle in sorting lines is eniet. 1)re-
2n"at1s lienses report a demand for sprir:g.
and suirantr lints that is pretty well up
to expeetations. Country trade is sal-
fr-ra hal roads. Collections are
fair t
0:tawa-The volenee al wholesale
traet; meving sew in tether than sprire-
-ne eareneer teetle ie net teary- er-1 re-
Erlt: say-i.....rlst. per een r
metbad of de-la:Inn wall; cr. as-ol -ant. - 0-1e3
aist =et evit-ellean...... net Llm. t: at is •
-R. V. tee r_et ane ctreatee
2-2.2ea-tee r 4e;
rtnether.-Clarke. T.-17
Tura,. .is ret t • 7.• -e'r 277'71 ' :5
vanlerstn:i -terr L-d.'s Cera. eer
reeek yet clitereinee --'
0 31
1 :3
7r."sof. , "nrt,:s ..., 7 €'01
ten radely on the "
23'.1. and ''rt ." 4.0
is tee t et: te Tee.- z7: . • :ass
It is the 17i7-7-17:-..77?zE, alt .5:
mitt. rzt inc-nte ta Von:. - 7)
to another. with7r.t. „. „„ „„,
this sotrar.zr lanzza.2e ▪ _
cro,neaSS: 7:5
-F. a a F.
•i-e-ritEzal with the rrnzert.•
man in RV:Ir.:17: 7-a! "7-7i '
dtreng I-Set:nee te ea -
to anderstani -..rn ns
-to enatingraish
chey the 1717.7 E7: 7, -TV.,!,_
5sva3tf,7.5i 1.7v "
ab'ie fo he ion. • .: 27:
49. Cant e:a: nee. t • • • • '-
inner zasenteett; ,:a-ek :et
ani mere a?: ne. e.. "
-need by tae. TS a at" rere •
wad arceoreeent tLo yv . !tett. 2--
0, ire, et-ald t..". a
pledge alter ent-..2--;-:n. It "
rive tno. w -lint the !al-, etnr •
elierith a eritit retlia.
41. Cc.: -.".'222. thne.
centriers in' the
govorrament. •
vinees Lad ane......,:rt.s• "a
amen er 1:2's loseast in'a *
r7177,33,3 eatterate, fetens zr _es • ... • • -
teter enerrecte. -at :ate .. • • ..
great arid ernn,2 letr."):-.1. Pant says. 2n.t.t. ...
anyerre conan,e"...s yon ,r_rk;.--1.7. .7 _a a net- •-•
fleent atel netrentenneate teen. eve: 1 it 2etteat • • • ... - - • •
nmearel ley ttatent ten* an elee
Totetzte lave Steele
:non :at -•••
stanenet it:A seteleetteeet eera sz:eli. as rcentetel te:
to gize est, teee eel: el ea are' l"er, ene reaetates. selte Tees elay. treee Sia" car-
illor =tat taat c cettee. See Lee!
IhGeleteel. gerneeten. ezetly te leen leces.F.
r -t-1 grant fav_rs. 'We rare - •..vcso cit:.fa:ty c.attlen in
heisted to. patienze and f....%atraeness. ti..ero was sear..-e'y any lcat.
IN'tase we sok-No.2%-e in rant" t.:ert e'l • cnis
"•?-9*4•110 etal etleteette to% WeIteat Tee...:3 nes ee el in ale (-tette?. teeth
1.7.1, ate elleepailete ea Ger ge-eas 4-!? a a trine feel et "Teta teeea
onr Toalios. are ferne.3 "17. ZC72' 1.
a71 Leintle teite. tc•iiataans cn1 ann.:n:3.1LT a ftw -
trent:A v. CH. Ire avs;rize.s * r
1:37.1aft. 2.25:2 the na-altal fri..."ist an 1 tra:',4
it-a512r 5n,, nry fnr
Cn l'eseree en....•••_._.•-•i•ts 11-4e t.
ele,•e• ra :s 71,7 T._ tae Ene"..-.• I eate
1.* -e ta-tteatte. €7.1.ete..'..1. 5 all •
Ca:; tt,C7:z!...5sar njit. •:-) .• 7.30 7:1 at ,F.1.15
ate teaerriere, to ater, s oteat. tr.:;•••;•e• • a". I) a..4.11: ter n
faet Intlatel tt. tee reiat to !I -de " t 2; .atle De enne nt 27,5
• rettainI, 4. aest
tp-nYleci tulTrP.P, vc.',27AL.1
eetee eartl teeetendel teental. e• ee,:aer "eel feettr 11:37e s
tnanl,1"7.'-' See Ltilie "nn •._ . ciftfra an tate renderte ea: -
Love ret ;week e -The areeteene. tett fee :eal. te tate:3 te
Etia'sh Cettle etaalsets.
7 ra" 7:: tr.7.-tttle n -e
•_ t, per 2:2;
7 00
5 75
5 2*12
7 25
2 CO
3 0.1
O 13
• 1*.
O 111
• 471
1 ele
5 7.:e
:le :re
12 ste
C Ci•
Wit:slate Oral:nee
el:eta-a teeeette
es at :tee Fee .
Jele. 73:en
Cana' elan Pae.
it en leri*2 2:8213
te: a :n tee
e 7al -• 2.7t. ete. Ces " ;74,z. •
N. eta_ e es leea-e. ;tee; Ne.
• e, 77a. ett. en.
Lereetre atreeat eltatkette,
7-7 .. • • ..
P... -37.s. are riotea t $1
7!11 r 'I! se "vas
l'AET 4'S - •
"I Die an Innocent Man." -Hoch Declared
He Would Not Go to the Scaffold
Until neo -Jailer Agreed to the
Short Delay, and Hoch Asked That
His Dinner Be Sent For.
Chicago, Feb. 2a.--Joliann Iloeh, con-
viettd of the murder of his wife, Matie
Walker -Plot -h, was hangea in the etanate
jail to-ilay at 1.34 pan. Three tante
reepitea, Hoeh insieted tea the hest tLat
-he Le emr.ttri. all delay the law
temeded. lentler the wording Lie
se:a:et:ea the criminal was to bang be-
tween the hours of 10 a. In. and 2 p. 222.
Whit the last resource of his attorneys,
au appeal to the Federal Court of a vie-
lation ef the fourteenth amendimiont of
the constitution. which forbids that a
man shall not be deprivea. et' his Lie
witheut due proctsn of law, had been
3 denied, Heels abanaoned all hope of sav-
ing his life, but still ineiteed that he Le
!allowed to live as nearly to 2 oleteek
lee ettesible.
, When Jailer Whitman. who has lane:
I been a Mend of Hotel, appeared in kis
cell and rencarkea, "It's all eft'. Johann;
nothing more eau be don ,e for em."
Heeh repliel, That is all right. It's all
right. but I want 13 have ail that is
earning to me in point of time. lea get
when 1.30 oeeeeek comese but if you try
to take nee before that -time PR keel."
"It voeuld not do you raey geed ta
fight, " reraitd. Jailer Whitman.
To the Last Minute.
"I know that," replicd. Heelt, "but 1
, want all that is taming to me. rit jja
all right at 1.30."
jailer. after consulting with
nuty Sheriff Peteas. agread to the le
6y. Hoch then aexed that his dinner
; s:nt for. Eis was granted. ard
!Lc ate with an eveleat relish. and appar-
!ently -without thought that Le
tra ?ae quiet. t el:eats:its enteey snothe,r
iftiT to cfra.. I It WOS exteetly 1)312,.teak alk Ikeia.
THE WEEK ON 'CHANGE. ir..ceded by 'deputy Sh:riff Peters ane
atttnlee te- elaile-r John L. Whitmen.
IE:eatoys nna erratie weatker w.?re cal- :Rev. Ascialet and rel.. 4. 11. Duryland,
zulated10 582e2'2 -n:1.1 pvress 121 contaner- step -red can to the icaffohl. inut-
elal oliannits. luszness lees beerene rites later lee was a. cerese. He ward
catnelielete on tee eteme a basis ta re- it7.1,-fm taa.: scaffold quietly mad stoi-.1
alverse influent:es of suela 11 10313- etairy uneer 2Le noaee mith Lees to;,-1.11-
prtory 21'2121- ::s that experi- 1 er and head elect lilre a soldier en par:-
en:el hin.„'"; temperature report 'wk. Re was rale. but composed and
ti,a2 totly882J of spring lines with ' fon ef courage. Bev. Bari:lanai *as
r:cst evzoi.iive mais- siviadily reciting the pnary.ers Pas the /y-
tnia els:cal:enc. proved I-ern...Mini erman- :int: when Deent:e ii•heriff Peters askod
ninittnittin ss. ni:i2e at (ales paints H•Zdela to step beak UP= th,--• trapih
WC1S C3s2:///ated took two stet.-ps eltrii?..i'fiy.g:ankl:Zat dawn
alr,y g.1s. CICiL1aZ anl tee if le 11.15 131 tee ereter plate, and.
ns ;inc. I•sallpirg ,pdantities of ,11.-.n tmaca Lis f.%2 to the Deputy nil:ea.-
...ciana-alations of Le:ay- ife.
earana ateeerel eating 213 eepres- -ro yen wzmt to say something
4eet (22 new seas..ra's lansines.s. 2c25k.3 De:.,t1ty Sheriff Biters.
s sand. Ikea.
2321. Ihnekland wars still reciting tile
tray,. r, can -1 held ant
2212 - Plants Lie lareel2o s;.ttr•::,e !Am. lee enesereireir
treat- 21t.t.:170 a,tvik7,ez-.2 Z 210. 221. kei.t t-11 Fra;,in.g. 02221 ear.e
• (5%-'r let't'771. tf -the teem 5.-„7,2aze t1..,
' "' -37'2 'I" .4'11- Ne.:V Eete- enatt1 iroeLte. need 11..--.012 as s-,rna
c,:tten are only detered freto 2:21-.1 1 ': ak wit: . utt intCrirtrptiori.
rank slr z GiTrir.2n
--1.'". ‘1: -;%'-54* Y' lit for the neck tr. for-ite thera; tiny' 1.22ow nat
1.12-„te0 than a e ear 1 11:8? 3,7_.% in'et man.
- ear lin cities the gain eft V..., last
• I•1.d zr cant.-lirra's r.v,-15.. tn. a 51:41. 1:7LZiiizre 8131122er, 0811
'1.1-2.e wes5023883 lit!e vIt:nya
,71.. 2.1:X8:2222221a 1500 t--.-tatily tee.e-
eitier, vus n 11;•-c2.'s 410 the instant
1.•21. anl 21:01 i1a tr.e.1
staatnnerns7y List trek ficrirg toroheri.
2122 111 .'y az a Inle, except
:0:a$:1:1s far faraa stapies. whith
aac 2ta,2 t: .12; r: despite a
-ant :ills • Wn:. tar -
"ter.: n. s for.....a hand from Eng7anal.
21:5 12t821 121) ?eD5 inn.17,1PCRTANT EVIDENCE AGAINST
tle. en lee se ethel. teeee. Carlton senar-.- OWEN' SOUND SUSPECT.
•,.1 the T- ...ettroire_
--Ls2.28.2 -
' a'-'1 Tat llardeMset Att.-melt en James Me-
w-_ay:Lc-nat. The
-7..17,1.;: f. t::e v•inen - Dtenet.ett!etiV:axeeothins24cIcert
71%;7e. '2'rish sans:e ; Jamul werrnaZ etae
ert teeee lent: 5' re:tits:a. 10 'asCI-Ames May Be Laid.
2 at ne • an Les way to Va.: _ , .2 fn. .42.4in of
lx.a! • Las kon $.RZZiteli that Eeates 11
ARCTIC 'ftlIEDITION.▪ beeteed a eines-Von that Alfred
nstor•ant, wham the pialea Late arrested
▪ f:3,- 0-^"it0le.2 4 tbe tailtl:ait2Akt4S
_t•a, 1r _ attetairpt &Imes !1o2:1st:4n
• 21..e rtn (4 5215 o_ratic_nt112.0..-S•c;3"411. 5-.I3en1382 faataatael°8*- WO.
ealenneel 5)5:2T that E4e•tr,:::.;• Aaae-ear a'"'tta"'"?-
2111r ..20 Nky-„. to.y,;;;,it f."2. a4,723 taotight aat..nte to him lay the find-
on3 Kits e..:1-4.2.-z,zat anderogst4 Lis efffets at2,11analey.s ef
• 2110 22-231 • 12-8) 0113 a 4..8a21p 2221202. EJ2221 2222S 2.12t02t
. n t▪ ee e Le tI2 ll:C1:35? _•7".1r- 12. E. V8851221' 215 .43220 ILA 1.121'
thes -essel Le noels 1.14- stolen -Lora his store v.iden ttieplace was -
V.21. OI
• a, -
It is known that f"teu eat Loa tie mon-
, "Ye thirirrn tahe day of the assnalt. Tho
V2*41.-Fan:el Vele:eta folletting tnessaing. Le went into
an 672••••:-V3 c4 Iltn"L•lannet'a. ...2na'S shoe str.-ed and new
pin:chased a pair
_ woihing • 221:38*gel tdf '11.11:on the rt21*.1 2ttz
tree ae"1 tee -21 1,12'.1, cnhe hal an a leer of overshoes lain a
l_ls ILT. 3D Lis a ltana:,..1 alte. leer nt tee s.-• oe tee stae. seeett
Vantat's reteeeey is eeneiteette welkin; in eeft eneve, made tarn). Inego
elt.',•attfuL vat. The foalptinit in the Meow on the
was a shirt baying small bloat feats on
the right etas. Other pieces ef evidence
have also hen eecured, and Chief Mc-
Auley and Ints staff, Constables !teeter
and Unita:art, Lave shown mullets abil-
ity in looLing atter 'the ease.
Peaterday merning Provincial Detec-
tive Jahn Murray toalt: up the matter,
and, wills Constable Foster, is complet-
ing the details of the evidenee whieh will
brow lite ebarge home to Stewart. The
peistmer was tahen down ta be identi-
fied by Morrison, but the viable refused
to sea him.
As Stewart becomes known, there are,
several additional charges piling up'
aaatust him, and Chief McAuley en-
patsees Limeelf as enefitlent that Ile eet
fire to the. Albion Hotel stables, eith a
view to divetting attention welle be
eunmitted 1120 roblery at Vanstonees
store. _
Tree 21 tu Hine.
The Wing1tam Adyance
NEWS Theo. Hall Propeette,
enema suicide by slashing 1212; throat
Iv:: tlilya C, k, Toronto, .aratlemptel to .. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON
a. G. N. W. telegraph manager at Stay-
Night callsansweed °
nen is dead. i . rist Mph
OtlIce i-Vpstaive In the AllixdoPill4
Mr. Robert Thom, flrand Trunk agent
Arthur McGill, despatcher, was arrest,-
vident near alerritton.
Mr. Richard S. Williams, President of . ' (Member of the British Medical
r, KENNEADaY0:::., M.C.P.5.0
ed in connection with the trolley car ae-
LlitemitIt.41.1,Sltolt.,1;1111tZtitsestlea:tairents Company,
l'abile cutting ire in the Oebre Ra
pecha attention paid to Diseases of women
anti children,
ver. Man„ to water cattle, a son of orrice notras;-1 to i p.m.; /tailcoat,
Joint Everalls fell in and was drownea.
Saseatoon hale a primlation of five
tirmsand, awl at a meeting of the Legie-
lature applicatien will be made fee a city
Geerge Gray, a prominent citizen of
Thera), is deatl, eget 81 years. He was
a pr. -rained Presbyterian and temper-
ance worker.
arra Henderson, wife of Principal
Tam Henacrson, of the Collegiate Lista
tette, St. Catharines, on Saturday died of
pneumenia. She was very higitly es-
Dr. Mane's Message to Hon. Ftaalt It is the intention of the rornnto
Oliver- Nickel Pig Produced -Re- Army and Navy Veterans to organize an Dental Surgery of Ontario.
sults of the Expenments Conauctedth
employment buresecau iefor tho Lenefit any army of
Ofilce oror Post Ofnce-WINGN A Alf
members of e ty ana
by Dr. Heroult at Sault Ste. Marie. or navy veterans arriving in this come -
Ottawa. Feb. 23.-C311ada is on the e-. e try' .R
of remarkable deve.optutats in the 'rhe Grand Trunk Pacific Company D ,
L. 211.; 8.. (Lon
Physician and Stirge0a.•
(orace with Dr. Chisholm)
Doctor of Dental Surgery of tber en•
nsylvanio. College and Licentiate ot
melting ef magnetic Lena the manta will ask Parliament to Hanel:ion an am-
faeture ef steA and tete preduotion cf endment to their net of incorporation,
ukkel O... 19y the e1e2tlie systent. This authorizinz them to issue debenture
t -
gram wideh rect.k Mini:stn- of $20,000,000 worth of preference stock.
ef the Interien ee... end fretn Dr. Eu- thairmau cl. ann. ; ;
gene Hrean,•:, t Mine, Water Comint;sien, hal tendered his re
ihe telegram la .51rJ4iot reads as I 1:- $1„matica as member of the board, 1,0 -
lows: -Sault 1. -At. Marie, Ont., Feb. cause it. was stated at a meeting of the
To lion. Frank Oliver, Ottawa: ;Sue- City Council that his actions were not in
ccenfeal destemetratien ef all points stet-. accord with the wadies of the ratepay-
1.1 in my memoraneann On electric smelt- ors.
int of Canadian iron ores requiring in- Two hundred Canadian students leave
I-Intaut "Taatea than faclaaa to -night on the special "Canada Ihnited"
netec anti desulphurization of pig. Suc-
cessful substitution of chaeoal, and -
convention, which opens et
therefore of peat fer coke. Coneumptien rennessee, Wednesday morning. Thou'
electrode meignificant. Preductien of -stands of students will be present from all
over the continent,
niekel pig of fine .quality from roasted
11. W. Scott celebrated las 81st
pyrrhotite. Forty tens cl pig have, so
far beta produeed. Preceeds admits of birthday on Saturday, He spent the day
Eransactino. businei.s in his office, at (it -
immediate ronannercial application. Ile -
taloa anti -confessed to feeling in first-
rate health. If anybody donbts the fact
he had better challenge Lite Seerniary of
State to a tramp or a hundred ands
The ...Minister of Railways has receive]
resignations from five engineers and ill-
spectons held responsible tor faulty work
cm the Petethero' and leirkfield liftlocks.
The resignetions will not, however, take
effect 22801 'March 31s2, as it is clesirea
Is proved' Wyend cil drala by a tele. stove to the amount 01:725,000,000 18 112731 BEAVER 13LOCIE WINDHAM
by liarbotet in report of mag- to aitend the reat. stitch/It volunteer
peel:netts Will be completed. abent
two weeks. ;Signed) Eugene Haanel,
Superintendent of Mines.'
They Strangled Woman in Woods -She
Had Inherited Legacy, Which One of
Assassins Wanted to Enable Her to
Vienna, Feb 20.- The sensational
murder of a coak in a lonely wacel lets
just been brought home -to two young
waitresses. One of them, Marie Zeller.
has made a fall confession, and stat-
ed. that the erinse was committea to
provide her sister with a. dawry.
The cook. whose name wae '...41stier,
inherited a legacy of $2.22'0. The sister
Zeller made her acquaint:awn at a
cafe, and invited her to aezempany
them 011 a trip to Murznuseelate
The trio stayed at a eatel under
false names, ana next day the Zellers
persuaded Maier to accompany them
on a walk in the 221e03e. In a secluded
spot they strangled ber with a cord.
They then returnee to Vienna, anl
Marie registerea herself unler the
vietim's name. In this wey she m0.21-
an',..1 to get the tatter's isreeeee freers
bey lodgings.
They found the savings bank beak-,
representing the legatee. nni. Lai a -al-
ready taken out se:ne of the manta -
Arlen they were arreetel.
Marie stated that her Eleter was en-
gagel to nn epera singer. an.1 1:ae
premenea t a bring him a caneiderable
dowry. They eananittel the ;crime in
order to get this money.
•The victim's Itidy -was found by the
police, and was net identified for ten
Ottawa, Ont., Fel). 20.- (Specia1.1-
Canada's eammereial agent in Leeds.
England, writes to the denartment that
there is a shortage in leather to meet the
re:tare:meats of the baat and shoe manu-
facturers there, and necessarily a large
demand for hides of all kinds, bath dry
and wet, anal aisa sheep skins. Out of
an importation of a:1.700,000, Canada
only sent e1s,o0 in 1005.
Canada's agent in Sauth ..kfrica says
that the Dominion is tatty gettins it very
entail pr.:port:to of the eaeese and egg
trefle. Of the cheese in;perts, H0111111.1J JUDGMENT ON A CLAUSE IN LATE
sends s.eren-el,•%ths of the whole. REV. MR. MACKAY'S WILL,
Money to loan at lowestratea. Office
Barristers, Solicitors, etc.
Office: Meyer Block Wingham.
E . L. Dickinson Dudley Holmes
°rave :-Mortoa Block, Wingbam
to .ive sufficient time to those :greeted
to 'finish the work they have on eand. RPAL ES -TATE, INSURANCE AND
rolloction of 111:e15 and Am:pints is specialty.
;Tames Watkins, a colored minstrel tuneo-in Ironstone Block.
with The Hottest Coon in Dixie Co., Opee teaurday evenings, 7 to 9,
dropped dead on the street. in Lethbridge
from heart disease. ...
the Lancashh-e Farmers' Association lI T e : -t°"-'
and Leicestershire Chamber of Agriene 1 YEI r T v
• •
ture have joined 111 opposition to the re -
moral of the embargo on Canadian cat-
tle, holding that its removal involves Head Ofice .TCELPH, ONT.
danger of disease. Rieke taken on all classes of basneable pro
a statement lamed last night to the porty on the cash or premium note system.
Associated Press, Vice-Presideut T. L. 1 aim Gamin, CHAS.DAVIDSON,
Lewis, of the United Mine Workers of President. Secretary.
America, declares that, there will be no
strike of the mine workers on _April 1, twelve.
saying the operators will restore the re
duction accepted by the miners two
years ago, and perbaps more.
e •
Death of Little Frank T. Antes, of Port
Port Union. Feb. 25.-T1ie deeth of
little Prank -Taylor Annes was quite
tragic. On :Monday last while the par-
ents were preparing for church the 1
twin children, Frank and Florence, nue
left by themselves for a short time,'
When the mother came into the room
she saw that they had been chewing the
ends of some matches which were kept
in a supposedly safe place. They did
not seem to be aey the worse for what
they had taken, showing no symptoms
wbatever, and the parents, not antica
patina and serious results, proceeded
to crumb, thence to the grandfather's •
house, to spend the evening.
Abotte 4 pan, after eating an apple,
little Frank began to vomit. Simple
emetics were administered without avail.
Dr. Dales, of Dunbarton, was burriedly
summone3l end stayed with the little fel-
11.11ilt.he end, using every effort to
His twin sister Florence could not bave
'taken 11111e(1 'of the 5)015032, ns she has
not shown any symptoms of sickness and
is now Title wee,
Toronto, Feb. 20.-(Spccia1.)--10 in -
ANSWER IN 15 DAYS. ty,trIllwet‘as tiAollactlfian\I-1° will
lortoleakte (idtg.
Montreal. Qms.. Feb. 23.--satipec4a5.)-
The Arans have -'-dlaapletea arrangement
wherehy Canada will have a much faster
221352 session: with the mother eatratry.
Lettere poetel ir Mentreal on Thuredny
evening will be token en board steamers
at. Dimenski and vridl he landed at Mo -
vine and delivered 122 London in time
for a repiy to be sent by steamers leav-
ing Britis'a parts en Saturday. An an-
swer can be bark here in fifteen days.
Ottawa, Ont., Feb. 24.--Ise2ia13-411
the la:unreal:le Court no -day a motion wa•
nia,":e lhOialf of The :Minister of tall -
ways 11 expediate .the hearing of the ,n.,,,d-
pc.ais 58 respect Ito the sale of the Qtaebee
Seathern Ilailway system en the grounds
publie poliey and the probability 11
the operation ef the rail-nu:4 3 being tiod
itp should there be a failnre on the pant
of tide pun -Chaser to SCOVIV the 22cee8815.
leJislation during the tending session of
renliannerat. An ;viler uSs made to
!war tte appeals on ',SI:troll I.
Lifeless in Her Chain
Eiteetem Ont., Feb. Z...---Yeoletlxy
2228.011i114 hicnrc Idtillletora. et Raglan •
Real, awakened anti uns shacked at
his ttife sitting ina chair dead.
W5211) 1:11rotiro.1 'Mrs. 23itlic.sten was
3522215e5151y In her usual s1att6 of
She was tont tva!!:-.'net on Wes -
t211 03121*1. 1)011:1 8 sun -as -el to have
resulted from N.*rt
was ghen this morning in the form of a
judgment by Chief Juitiee letleonbralge,
A clause in the will dealared that $300
ahould go to t acit liis gratlilsane wish-
ing to statly for the Presbyterian nme
istry. Iliere are thirteen grandseas of
TigeS. One is 011I5' eine yeare
old, but has dealared it deelee to :Rattly
theology. ¶11c judgment establishes that
cite of tee number, Roswell alteltatasle
shell eat the $500, the judgment having
regard to -other clauses taf the will. The
case is a singular one, imumtuelt us time
teen grettsleens Inight claim the eight to
nn inheritance.
Montreal, relt, 1.1t5•• Neg.
rations vete broLete off toalay between
Catina Tried,: oiliest:tend. theme:blew:4'
opre!, end at Ives. Thr bit I er i51 consul
the Inain tattlatlinti011 berme going for -
titer. It ie pteteible urgetia time limy te
hammed. 'the tl. 'I', 11. eughteves ;leo
heading out for more pay and Seine min.
122 taneessiens. A genet -al stlike
i-o: tb tie ap ef the teaffie setelent i;
feartel in some quartet's,
441.4-44.444-411111.114406.-4,44444 4
Crusted. by Palling Tree,
St•, Thomas, Feb. t.23.--It1ele20a aliultin-
nick, of Sprats, WAS terionely Injorea
22152150 won/thee in be waaatt by it tee
fallina on itimeernehing his hitt aua tear -
Ing, Sway all the flesh, NO Impel are
field for Ms retorter.
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
quickly astertain our opinion free whether an
lucent:ion is probably patentable. Communica.
lions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents
sent free. Oldest acetic? for securing patents.
Patents taken throuch Munn .5 Co. receive
special:not(ce, without charge, in the
Scientific RIttericati
A handsomely illustrated weekly. Larcest cir-
culation of any scientific Journal. Terms, 23 a
year; four months, V. Sold by all nerrsdealers.
MUNN & Co 381Broadway, New York
Branch Office, '4"4 3' St., Washington, I). a
Write for our interesting books "Invent-
or's tido" ant "flow you are swindled."
Send us a rough sketch or model of your in-
Vention or imyravement and we will tell you
free ottr opinten as to whether it is p-obably
patentable. Rejected applications have often
been successfully rrosecuted by 115. We
eontillet fully equipped offices in Montreal
rind Wathington ; this qualifies Us to prompt-
ly dismttelt work and quickly &Lowe Patents
as two 1 d !is the ittventiou. Ittgbest references
Patents procured through Marion ft Ma-
rion receive special notice without charge in
0V02 100 newspapers distributed throughout
ttthtfireeptreelsialaulta'yli:ti-nni.rantceeittst.husiness nf Manufac-
Patent Export.; and Solicitors.
L to Bid% Montreal
IDItices I { Zr.Vegialt.„wam:inctert D C
Sudden Termination in Active Werk of
11. Long aud Useful Life -Was One
ef the Most Prominent Ministers 131
Canadian Methodism.
Ont., Feb. 23..-Ite5% Dr. Wil-
lotighby, of ilrautferd, Who luta been 115'
8(5111155 122 Spielal Setti.NaS itt the 'SWIM-
tliat (111114 tele OM, ("Vetting; since hat
Wealtesafty, eallap,zea 531 thti palpit
this ntotniog ot. the 0.3telncim of the
sorvioe whit+ Imo had eo11622e1e.1. A
5)115 sh'(351 12.41!.t ly 5525122120210.1,
but 12 11,,3.0101, huwi ant
paseea away in a few minutes. lie was
met OE 1110 1.0.41 n 22)5ii.551 in
tho MonthEst 0.111*o1 in tamale, and
e215 about sat 0151) 102515 d' age.
/until TEN' TEARS.
INTontrecl, IVO. 25. , Alplonito Mar-
eatio, 4 'not) known noitionsNer, toNivel
evently througb the teterev of it priest
a the lloman Cth
aelle Cinstath the latnnt
of lbw thous:ma 0.211125. 101(14 Nta
Ion MAI; teen him ottani ten ;Wars
up. The theft earn, to the heewtedire
of the 'pliteet, through lantheittle canfes-
Shen Tho tannte of bath pliest Orel
penitent bare been tNiffieLl.