HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1906-02-08, Page 8f ersonaie
Mts. S. Robertson of Lucknow was
visiting Mrs, J. 1). Long last week.
Airs. W. 11, Green visited Mrs.
Walter Rose of Teeswater, over Snit-
Mts. P. D, McKinnon and daughter
Of Winnipeg, Man., are visitors at W.
.Mr.. Madigan and Mrs. J. Cnuniug-
haul returned from Port Credit where
they attended the funeral of their
lnnothsr last week.
Alex. Caasenrore of Wroxeter, atriv-
ed its town on 'Tuesday to attend the
t'olunwrcial Departaltent of the Wing -
ham Business College.
\Vat, Woods, for some time employ -
(el by Walker & Clegg, is taking a
course in Telegraphy In the Wing -
ham Basincse College.
Mrs, Dean and daughter Mantic, of
London, and :Hiss Belle MacDonald of
Paris, were the guests of their sister,
Mrs. 11. Fixter, last week.
Miss Maud Hanna, of \Viuglirun,
was the guest of t\liss Marie Murphy
and other friends in town the past
week.—[Aft. Forest • Representative.
Mr. and Mrs. \\'111. Setoff and two
datrghters leave tide week on their re-
float trip to I-lartney, Mal., after
an enjoyable visit with friends her•t'.
They will visit at Ottawa for a few
days on their way hone.
Mothers,. when yOI1 bring your boys
for Snits, Over•coatts, remember we
have bargains for you, Granby Rub-
bers, aver NO pairs to dispose of, size
2 to 7, front lOc to lie per pair. Leav-
ing town and going to Clinton ; move
quick,. bargains for :30 days, at—A. 11.
Smith's, North End, Wingham.
Cburcb 'Hem
Rev. J. J. llastie, elf Bclgvave, and
Rev. 1). Per•t•ie exchanged pulpit work
last Sunday,
An exclutnge makes this remark
"Of all the ciiuekletl-betided apologies
for a specimen of humanity, the gig-
gler that spoils a meeting is the
worst." This may be putting it
strongly, but the person that le so ig-
nOrallt as to giggle at, everything said
or done in a chuck service, deserves a
strong dose.
S r
The i'fittngclual Band of McMaster
l`uivt'rsity, Toronto, have been con-
duce ing revival service; h1 alit. Forest
13ttptist Church. The Meetings were
thronged tIt
all dente
So far as is known one
bemired and sixty-four professed con-
version, of whole seventy aLre ad-
herents of Presbyterian C'hercites and
sixty-one of Methodist Churches.
Rev, Jas. Monsey, pastor of the
Clifford circuit, died at the parsonage
or Wednesday morning, Jan. 131.4.
Mr. Mooney heal been in indifferent
health for about tl year, and had done
but little pastoral work during the
bee l going
past six months. Il! had g
about the village during the day pre -
vines. At eleven o'clock Tuesday
evening, he was stricken with paraly-
sis, from which he did not recover.
Deceased was a devoted pastor and
his people are in deep gloom.
Wearing Away Your Longs.
Y04.. and your strength ton. Stop
(entailing end get rid of that fittnrrh..
The one remedy is '•(latiterhozole"
which goes to tlit' diseased tissues
along with air you breathe ; it can't
fail to readh the source of the trouble,
it's hound to kill the germs, and as for
healing up the sore places, nothing
can surpass ('atarrhozone. If you
don't get instant relief and ultimate
cure you will at least get bates your
rnnney for ('atarrhozoue is guaranteed
eure catarrh in any part of the sys-
tem. You run no risk—therefore use
( :atarr•hozoue--at our expense if not
sia (stied.
Clarks- In 1\Ingham. Jan. 31st, to Mr.
and Mrs. Jos. Clark, a son.
Strachan. --In Grey, ou Jan. 2311.11, to
Me. and Alis. Tutu Strut:ban, jr., a
Beattie - In Wingham, Feb. 1.1, to
Mr. and Airs. Roland Beattie, It
Bisbee in \Viogllaun, Feb. 1:-1, to
Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Bisbee, as
Haugh—In Turnberry, on
to Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
CaeemorF —In Morris, on Feb. 3rd, to
Mr.. and Mrs. Jun. C. C'aseniu1e, a
Jan. 30ur,
Ilatigit, a
To Farmers and
Rev. I,, Perrin eotltltteteti prepara-
tory services at liarriston last Friday.
Owing to Quarterly nv'eting last
Sunday, there was no evening service
10 the Methodist church Isere,
George Dane of Hamilton, repre-
senting Gault Bros, Of Montreal, diel
business its the village Wednesday'
Outs skating rink is again open and
as the season eau now be only very
short, a large attendance may be
looked for every night,
We congraatttlate Miss Mary Perlin
on her having- passed )tet' examine -
tion with honors, last week, at the
Conservatory of Music,
Our Hockey boys received a etuil-
lenge from the Fordlwich club, and a
game was played there Friday last,
resulting as usual in favor of W.roxe-
tet ; score, 2.1.
The stock of groceries belonging to
the bankrupt estate of .Me. Lewis,
grocer, stere, was sold Monday last by
auction to Allan H, Rae at (i9 cents ;
the stock sleets aauioutitetl to $715,
As referred to a few weeks ago, the
Wroxeter Star has nolo changed
- hands. Mr. Carr of Toronto took pos-
session Tuesday last ; we welcome lie.
Carr and predict for hint it successful
flit are.
A'trallne•e Leckie of Vicksburg, Michi-
gan, is at present Spending a short
tinge with his mother and brothers
here ; Mr. Leckie conducts a very suc-
cessful tailoring business in Vicks-
Thos. Level and family are at pres-
ent the guests of his father-in-law, Air.
Wm. McKereher of Howick. Mr.
Level has sold his farm in Wawanosh
to Chas. Sanbarn, and will snot occu-
py tattiness, whish he purchased some
time ago from County Councillor Mil-
The Quarterly Saera7Inental service
held last Sunday in \\ inghalu Metho-
dist church were well attended and
profitable, commencing at, t).30 a. in.
with service of sacred song, Lovefeast,
and followed by preaching service antt
admiuistrnt.ion of the Lord's Sltpper.
In the evening, Mr. John Kerr gave
some notes of Dr.'Torrey's afternoon
sermons delivered (luring the week
Mr. Kerr was in Toronto. He was
followed by Mr. U. J. Utahans in earn-
est exhortation. A large number re-
mained to the after service, which was
impressive and profitable. The evan-
gelistic services held for the past few
weeks, are being continued this week,
es it was not considered advisable to
close thein.
The twenty-fifth anniversary of the
Society of Christian Endeavor was
celebrated an February 2nd by nearly
three and a half million members, be-
longing to 67,000 of the Societies.
Rev. Francis Clark formed the first
society in the Congregational Church,
Portland, Maine, on Feb. 2nd, 1,i81..
The most significant feet in the his-
tory of the society is tete )roof it has
given of the tendency in the eIIULChes
toward co-operation even toward
federation, and of the ever decreasing
rigidity of sectarian lines. '1911 dif-
ferences of dogmas do trot interfere
with the growth or the work of smelt
an all-inclueive organization of the
yonng people of Protestant Christen-
dom ; and the organization, like the
Christian Assoeiatioira of young men
and of young women, lits to du with
applied religion rather than with
creeds- -the building tip of good
morals, good taste, practical helpful-
ness, and good citizeliship.
'I'luve wanting Harness, single
or double, will find it to their
ad vantage to deal with me, as 7
have a large stock to choose from.
A iqo Fur Coats. 1tohes, TIorse
Blankets, PAIR, Whips, Trunks,
Valises, Club Raga, Telescopes ;
"Curry Combs, Brushes, Harness
Ott, &.e.
Repairing done neatly and
Having bought Mr. C. Knech-
tel's stock, and engaged him to
work for me, I am in a position
to stake any kind of Harness to
order, on the shortest possible
Give me a call.
G. C. Manners
Friday and Saturday
Eebt 9th & 10th
Lanntdry Baskets, reg. $2.50, snap
/semidry 1.3askete, reg. $2, ttt$1.25
'Picture Hooka, rete. 180 beauties -10c
1 clu1'. Fetv'ng Basket, reg. $3.00.
snap tit $2.35
With r'•1ste doper (33ie'rete, reg.
60e for ..... , .. . , Goo
Work Baskets.. 2fc 35c, 50e to $4 00
t'ureeese, groat Variety, from vc to 75o
Wallets for bills.
Block and w) Ito headed lying,
re).Sen paper, 3papers fortic
Staffed Toys (liege end cat'3) ragGc
10o for
3 only, enrbroirl.ere•t1('ushion Top,
w -
re f. $2 50, going for Tale
°Menders at half price.
Dolle fit greet variety.
. Stationery, Envelope*, Writhe' Pads
Mnile RellO. gland Usgs. Ace.
1tY tiF " '1 tt il.
Owing to the iuclerneney of the
weatber, which is by all odds the cold-
est we have experienced this winter,
your correspondent nlust confess 11
dearth of nobs. There may have
been many (inti tragic happenings in
the locality during the past week, but
if so, I am
of them.
As last Sand ly was Sacrament Sun-
day in the Methodist Church, Rev.
Edmonds held his qu•u'teriy service at
'l'iffin's appointment, but as I was not
there owing to the storm, I do not
know anything about it, only that if
ever}- one was as seared of the wea-
ther 214 I WAS, I )night report a very
poor turnout, hal as I have it on .Me.
ledmunrs own testimony that the
people at Tiffi.n's are tune:unity gond
at turning out to church, I think I
may safely say that the home congre-
gation, at least, was well represented.
A happy event caused joyous excite-
ment in the home of dohn ('rowston,
1-1 It (roti, of K111105s; oat Wednesday,
.Ian. 31st, when his daughter Annie
wi114 united in marriage t0 Gcu, lliire-
house, of Series, North Dakota. Rev.
(i. M. Dunn performed the interest-
ing ceremony that means so Much to
two loving hearts. The bride was at-
tended by Aliss Mabel Rutson, of
Goderieh, and the groom by his
brother. Thomas, while Miss Maggie
Mirehonse. uie'ce of the groom, made a
pretty flower girl. Miss ,\Milne, of
Langside, played the wedding march
in excellent style. Thele woe* about
75 guests present, who left behind
thein ae fine array of gifts as tokens of
extern. After
cUngIttlafl<118 a tasty
menet was enjoyed. The rest of the
evening wits spent with music and
dancing. In at fete weeks, the young
couple will remove to their Lone in
North Dakota.
West. Wawanosh, Brussels. Langsicte,
Dungannon Creamery Company has 1), C. Ross and daughter Dorris are Peter Moffat has purchased int 33,
almost completed the erection of a away to Toronto on to visit. con. 3, Kinloss, known As the Jimmie
substantial and com1I1041olts ice -house, 0, F. Blair and son of Uoderich at- Morrison farm.
for use in .connection with its cream. t fueled the farewell social given to Dr. Archibald Oot•don has sold leis fat In
to Dan, McInnis, Mr. Gordon's boys
have all gone \Vest and be is retiring
from active business.
sty. Ross,
The remains of Richard Morrow, 1)r, McNaughton and driuglh•
sr,. were intett'ed in Dungannon ter from London paid a visit last week
cemetery on Sunday afternoon, being to Bruescls,
escorted thither front the residence Mr, Duman Taylor's tea111 (of Carey
of his daughter, Mrs. AleWhinney, tOlvrlship) rale away out frons Brussels
Dungannon is shortly to have two last week, but no harm was done,
(1511 banks. TIta Sterling flank is to On Tuesday* tuorning, 6th fust„ the
open a branch here in the near future thermometer registered 113- below.
and the Bank of Hamilton branch at Tho ice -cutters etre smiling here and
Imeknow hall this week twanged to everywhere,
open tin office in \Vin. Moie's north- we arc sore, our townsman, Alt',
west, corner of Albert street, Wawa- 1
1 'r • : tit who reCetntl
Air.L •'1 s tht
ittcu t tY
nosh side of the village,.
came to town from AiIdland, is under
David Ramsey has purchased the the weather ; we hope he will soon be
fifty -acre farm owned by , tickson around again.
Wightnlau, for the dull of $3,200. He A pretty wedding took plate at tint
intends Greeting a blacksmith shop residence of Mr. Robe. Currie on Tues
and carrying it on in connection with dayof last week when Miss tAtlnie
the farm. \\'n do not know as yet , '
Currie rie was united in marriage to Mr,
what Att•. Wiglltma•n's intentions are, Albert Crooks, 'rhe ceremony was
but he may retire to Godericlr.
performed by Rev, Dr. Ross.
Wm. Roach, a pioneer of Ashfield, Air. Donaldson, harness nicker, is
and for many years of West Wawa- moving from town shortly, and his
nos11, after a, f50' drays' illness from
business has been bought by Me. G.
the infientities of old age, departed Stemul, from Sebringville. We wel-
this lite early on Monday -morning at nine hint to the town and hope lie
the age of 77 years. The deceased
will be as successful as Mr. Donaldson
was highly esteemed as a quiet, kind leas been.
2111(1 industrious citizen. Hr. ILILves
one son, Samof Dungannon, and 'co
C. AfeIa who has been on a visit
one daughter, Rebecca, wife of Win.from Arcola, N. W. T., returned home
Smith, West \Vawatnosh, to mourn Teescltty morning, hoping to find
in-.1cpiirtule as
weather in the Northwest.
A number front this part attended
the funeral of the late Pat slatting of
Miss Ida Adair of Turnberry, visited
a few days last week with friends at
Owing to the stormy day and the
bad condition of the roads on Sunday
last, the attendance to the Quarterly
service from Belmore and Salem was
Mr. Archie Ale lli/liacl, Qu'Appelle,
Sask., joined lois brothers in this part
last week. The foul' of them fere busy
buying hort••es to ship to the West in
the spring.
The t•egtilar business Meeting of the
Q'►arterly 13011•rd met in the Salem
church on Monday last. An invita-
tion was given to the Rev. .Mr. Oster -
Molt to remain the third year on the
\Vsox eter circuit.
The sad news reached this part a
few days ago of the death of the Rev.
bilr. Mooney, Methodist minister of
Clifford. After a short illness the
Master colnted his work finished, and
called hila from this life to a better
0110, The friends have. the sympathy
of all in this part iu their hot!' of sad
On Friday evening last, Mr, and
Airs. \Vm. Mines entertained a nunt-
herof the young people of Salem, ou
behalf of Miss L. Sanburn atnd her
brother Warner, leaving this part in
the near future. The evening was
spent in gauges and music; all enjoyed
a very pleasant time. Alt•. and Mrs.
Mines are right royal en tertainers.
Bl ucvale.
Next ,Sunday morning, Feb. 11th,
3Ir. J, Kerr of Wingl)anl will speak
in the Methodist timet t, 13Inevat.', on
Epworth League work,
On Friday last, Rev. Geo. Baker
preaehed preparatory sermons in the
Presbyterian church here in the morn-
ing, and at Butte's in the afternoon.
The Official Boiled of the I3luevatle
Circuit gave their pastor, Rev. (1.
Baker, a• hearty and tu)iunitnous 3)113-
tathlli to 15108in with them for the
third year. In 1L few words he ex-
pressed his arppteciatinn of their kited
invitation and a;tid that he hoped the
Confcerences would grant their request.
An Emmett) League of ('htistian
I+:n(leavot' Inas been organised at Blue -
vale by its v, G. Bilker, with all the
deep;u'tments. Peeeldent -Victor 3(1' -
twit ; Albsshonan•y •t'it's+.-Pres, --Mrs,
Baker 1 Literary Viee•1'res. _.-.Oliver
Stilts; Hai'iat! A'ice-1't'es, --("loin Big.
411113 a l4rrr5.t4t1•).. ltn'3se'l .germy]; ; (roe.
responding Hee, -Miss M. (atsetn(rre .
Trea.tir3er - John Gannett : Reprsesell-
tattive to the I)isteh'( E. t.. Executive
--Rev. G. Baker ; Organist —Miss Olive
Masters. The League iy held every
Monday evening in the basement of
the church,
Air. and Mrs. W. J. IIoovlr and• Mr. McNeil has taken 11p land south
family of five children, of Westfield, of Battleford in a good section of the
are to leave in about two weeks for country, and report Inas it, that he
Rosenroll, Alta., where they will re- may pay another visit, and not return
side in future. Me. Hoover has been alone next time.
aL resident of West Wawanosh for ful- Jas. Turnbull, who was the assessor
ly forty years his father beingone of last year, has again been appointed.
y ,
the early settlers in the Huron tract.. The Auditors are W. H. McCracken
Mr. and Mrs. Hoover leave for their and I. T. S. Birk, who have been the
new home in the West with the best auditors for a dozen years past. It is
wishes for their future welfare of the not time for a change? T. S. Scott is
entire • community' amongst whom again appointed clerk. The Council
they have resided. Me. Hoover will are—Robt. Henderson, Reeve; Coun-
take a carload of effects with hen. cillors—Harry James, A. Baeker, Jas.
Bai.lantyne, Jas. Jones.
I S. C. Wilson of Brussels was united
Howick. - iu marriage to Miss Maggie Taylor,
only daughter of Mr. Duncan Taylor
Howick Council will Meet in Ford- of Grey Tp. The marriage ceremony
wich Saturday, Feb. 17th.' was performed by Rev. Pr. Ross.
- 'sVtu. Spence has a gang of timber - They take tip their residence at Brns-
tnen at work this week taking out sels in the beautiful house recently
square timber for the erection of a purchased by Mr. Wilson from Mr.
new straw shed 34X40 and the rei noel. Win. Alantin.
l ling of a barn 50x62. The new Brussels Council met Mon-
Lakelet grail carrions slaughter, day night in the Council Chamber.
Miss Hattie Horton was quietly ]hat'- Among other business done, ltobt.
ried at the rectory, Palmerston, on Oliver was appointees to the office for
tile'21th inst. by the Rev. Smith to as many years held by Alex. McLaugh-
Mr. Noble of Rothsay, lin. His duties are to look after the
Mr. Fred Mahood went to Toronto weigh scales, that is do all the weigh -
last week and had an operation ou his ing for the Town ; to keep the Fire
jaw by some of the experts. Last fall Engine in good working order, and to
he had a tooth. extracted and in the !take . himself perfectly acquainted
operation part of the bone was with the running of it; to look after
Tuesday, 1''eb, 6th, was monthly
Pair day in town,
Quarterly tweeting services were.
held iu the Methodist Church on Sun-
Alt', Jas. Swill has ptnrhttsed a fa1.10
near \Viughaun, and moved there dur-
ing the past week.
Miss Ida Crittendon of Winnipeg,
Man., is at present visiting relatives
and friends in and around town.
The (Canadian Order of Foresters
held to very successful "At Home" in
their lodge room on Ieriday evening.
The organizer was present and gave a
short address, on the aims of the
order ; a good program was tendered
during the evening.
A. E. Bradwin attended the forty-
fifth annual convention of the Clana-
dian Press Association held in the
Temple building, Toronto, last we 'k,
He was also elected assistant-secrse
Wry hemmer to .lir, 11. Bone. All
the officers were elected by alcc auna-
St. Augustine.
Miss Sara Craig hes been visiting
relatives in Ashfleld lately.
John Beadle has disposced of three
of his horses lately ata good figure.
We are sorry to learn that Alt's. T.
'Wallace and Mrs. Ptynn, Sr., are on
the sick list,
Iltc:lntull Syllfb, who has been in the
West, is visiting his brother Willitntl,
of 131. Augustine.
Jas. Robinson, jt'., and Alts. David
Tisdale of Wiugliittti visited their
parents at ;it. Attgestine (Ili Taesday.
A, llie()Inire, merchant, Ott. Align—
lign..tits , Who has bred under the weather
for at while, is able to be around again.
The people around here who intend
hnilding in the spring' were glad to
Sec tie) snow and are 10157 teething
logs td) the mill.
Iter•: ,1. (1. Held wi11 deliver his lee.
titter 1111 "'Tin Tongue," Ort Friday
evening, 1e"eb. Otis, in Donnybrook
Mt'tho(iist church. Light refresh.
Melds Will be *ervecd. Admission 10
awl 15 cin,
splintered. Ulceration- followed and
though every effort was made to ef-
fect a cute the wonud became. serious,
hence the operation. He is feeling
fairly well since his return.
A very happy pY
event caused an ex-
citement at Me. Robtl Ferguson's on
the evening of Wednesday the • 2tth
inst. About 150 invited guests as-
sembled at the spacions home to wit-
ness the marriage of Mr. Ferguson's
youngest daughter Jane, and Andrew
Allan, a well-to-do young farmer ile-
ing itlntost in the suburbs. The bride
was attended by her cousin, Miss
Bertha Akins of Orange Hill, who was
gowned in a dress of cream crepe de
soie trimmed with silk and chiffon
and carried a boquet of pink carna-
tions. The groom was supported by
his cousin, Thos. Sangster. After the
usual congratulations the whole com-
pany partook of a hot dinner gotten
up in Mrs. Ferguson's unig11e style.
In a room upstairs was an array of
costly and beautiful presents, and sel-
dom if ever, so varied. The young
couple left for all extended visit to
New York and other American cities
and on returning will continence
housekeeping on the 16th con. The
young people start married life antler
the most favorable coniditions. A
beautiful 150 acre farm with com-
modious buildings well fenced, well
watered, timbered, is a het Mtge to
which the average yonng couple of
to-daay do not fall heirs.
Connell stet in I3lueva le, Monday,
Feb. 5th, 1006; rnembers all present.
Mr. Robert McMichael, the newly
elected member of Cotmcil, having
made his declaration of qualification
and of ((1110e, took his setat.
The minutes of last meeting were
lead and adopted.
The Auditors' report was land before
the Council for final audit.
Kelly--•Me1lichael—That the Audi.
tors' report be adopted—carried.
Itnthcrford--Moffatt---That we risk
for tenders for the township printing
from the Winglltmnt Times and Wing.,
hauls Advance, to be laid before the
Council at their next meeting on Mon.
day, April 2nd—carried.
Any ratepayer rv)tntittg 51111ge of
patbmltstel' will please notify some
member of Council before the next
The following accounts were ttatrsed
and cheques issued s --
Henry Artlstrung, rep. ettivei t. Ili 2 00
John Marshall, tilt* c'ulvet•t 0 00
J. 3. Moffatt, work on boundary 1 Oil
Paul Powell, taxes re (lee. Iight104 12
John Musgrove, audit 3 (10
1). loraset',audit. 10 011
Alex. McBwen, audit 10 00
Win. Currie, eine of indigent15 Off)
Jno, Wray. repairing bridge0 50
Municipal World, books 12
W. I#. HMI') ttdvertisit,g 2 (lid
John Burgess, nomination -L12 00
W. F. Smith, rent of hall. 4 00
Connell aeljottrnetl to meet Ap l
2nd, at 10 a, snit
John Burgess, Clerk.
Rollt. Peevish ix contemplating a
trip to t1te prairie reentry in the otatly
saintlier'. lie wilt hold au auction sale
shout Ainvch lst and is offering his
farm for r'eiat•.
James Morrison on concession. 6 has
rented his farm to Joe McInnis and
AVM take up resiQonce in Wingham,
wirer! we believe he has already pur-
chased a house.
In recognition of his long and faith-
ful services las president of the Kinloss
Agricultural Society the Directors of
that institution recently presented
Air, and Airs. Peter H, McKenzie with
two handsome leather chairs. There
were a. considerable member of guests
present and a complimentary address
was react to the host and hostess by
AIF. 1'.d, Lawrence. Air. McKenzie
tirade a in id lint fitting reply, refer-
ring to his long service as president of
the society and to the pleasant rela-
tionships that had always existed be-
tween himself and 11is fellow directors,
Late in the evening a splendid supper
was served and all had a most de-
lightful eveloing.
tenants, also to collect the taxes, and'
to look after the general good order
and welfare of the village. Salary
$100 a year.
Brussels was favored last week by a
visit from Air. Ira Stratton, the sec-
retary -treasurer of the Postmasters'
Association of Manitoba, and the N.
W. Territories which are now the
new Provinces, Alberta and Sas-
katchewan. He is also the represen-
tative of the Postmasters of British
Columbia, and is the publisher of the
Postal Current, which every Postmas-
ter ought to subscribe for. Mr. Strat-
ton's visit is in connection with the
joint committees of the Toronto and
London Associations. These commit-
tees met Mr. Stratton on the 12th of
January in Toronto, when it was con-
sidered advisable that MI'. S. should
hold a series of tweeting: throughout
Ontario, Quebec and the Maritime
Provinces. These meetings are purely
for organization. After this is done a
memorial will be presented to the P.
Al. General askiug that a revision of
the Postmasters take place, and will
suggest many improvements' for the
bettering of the service.
In the matter of tho Estate of Thomas.
Philip McClreigitt, of the Township of
Turnberry, in the County of
Huron, Yeoman, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to R.R.O.
Chap. 120, that an esteem having claims
against the Estate of the said '1'hont4Ls Philip
11loUroight, who died on the 3ith day of Jan-
uary, A.D. 10013, are required on or before
rho 19tH day of February, 100G, to filo with
the undersigned, a statement 11'ith full par -
Hinders of their claims and of all the securi-
ty held by thein lit any) and that after the
said date the Executors will proceed to
distribute the assets among the persons en-
titled thereto. having regard only lo tlw
claims of which they shalt then have notice.
Dated at Wingham this 16t11 day of Jan-
uary, A.D. 1006.
Solicitor for Executors
In the matter of the Estate of John Coup -
land, of the 'Township of Turnberry,
in the County of Huron,
Yeoman, Deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the
11.8.0., Chapter 129, that all persons having
claims against tho Estate of the said John
Coupland, who died on Twenty-eighth day
of December, A. 1). 1005. are required on or
before the 26th day of February, 1196, to file
with the undersigued, a statement with full
particulars of their claims, and of all the
seeurtry held by them. if any, and that after
the said date the Administratrix will proceed
to distribute the assets among the persons
entitled, having regard only to the claims of
which Rho shall then have notice.
Dated at Winglram, this 20th day of Jan-
uary, A.1). 1906.
East Wawanosh.
Irdmund Susil, (itis litre, is hired for
the summer months near Auburn.
Thos. Cook of Westfield, is engaged
with Wln. Stackhouse for the stun -
David Ramsey of NVestfielcl, pur-
chased a fine cow froth Alex. Scott 6th
line, last week.
Ja0115011 Wightnmt1, of Westfield,
has sold his faai'ni to D. Ramsay black-
smith, and intends to retire.
W. P. Ilallahatn, 5th line, purchased
several head of cattle at the Walker
gale in Wingham last Saturday.
Wm, Scott, Oth line, intends split-
ting his bairn this sentinels and is
busy hauling the staff required.
Mr. and Mrs. Rost. Henry, Otil line,
entertained a few of their friends last
Friday evening, An enjoyable time
was spent.
Afr. Robt. McDowell spent Saturday
and Sunday with (*odorless friends.
Mrs. McDowell, who has been visiting
her sister there for the past week, red
turned 1w111e with flim.
Mrs. \Vat. 'McDowell, 'Westfield,
and mother, Mrs. Anderson, of
Minas, Manitoba, returned home
from Guelph where 'they have been
visiting for the past week.
We are.snrry to report that lits', and
Mfrs. is Frazer etre both very tit at
Mr, Datvid Paton is very ill at pre-
sent; his many friends wish bills tt
speedy 1'e( Ove+•y.
lir, Albert 11u t1tes snarl nl:tcle 4111 its'
signntent; the sympathy of his many
Mende are with lrldt.
Solicitor for Executors
Farm For Sale.
One hundred acres, in good state of
cultivation, within three miles of the
Town of Wingham; first-class build-
ings; price reasonable. Apply Box 15,
Two Aberdeen Angus Boils, regis-
tered in American 1iei'd Book, aged
respectively seven and nine months.
For price and particulars apply to
James or Thos. Gaunt, Lot 30, con. 2,
Three Farms For Sale.
Whigham Business College
it Ingh•grade Commercial School,
Three ('horses :
Cointnercial - Stenography • Telegraphy
Write olio, 3POTTON, Principal
no you want a good position in the
Commercial world? The surest end
shortest road is Via nee school, We
give a course 01 training that is 1)ot
stn'passed by any Ensinean College its
C'ansda. Wo give individual instruction
therefore you may enter at any time.
Write for free catalogue and get fullI
ELLIOTT $i MOLAt'eimAx. Principals
Three desirable farins are offered
for sale, namely—Lot 5 in Cun. 18, Lot
6 in Con. 14 and Lot 18 in Con. 15,
iu the township of Howick. These
farms are well cleared and fenced, also
well watered, and in good state of cul-
tivation. Intending purchasers of farm
property should see these farms. For
particulars apply to
Proprietor — Gorrie P. O.
VANTE D1 One HundredMoro
Young Men and
Women, who oro ambitious and enter-
prising, to qualify in the
T(r ,tJtTTO, ONT.
for the many positions open to all those )
who are thoroughly prepared to accept 7,
them. A six mths. course in this college
means for a young mon of the right kind,
an educational equipment better ihmt
many trades or professions in money earn-
ing power. Students admitted any Lingo.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal
(Cor. Yong() and Alexander Sts.)
The north half of Lot 27, Con A.
West Wawanosh, consisting of '100
arses; thorn is a fines frame residence,
and outbuildings. orchard, etc. It is
convenient to sc1100), church and post
Milne. olid is (orated in whnt°7night b5
termed the garden of Huron comity.
Price very reasonable; terms to snit
purchaser. For particulars apply to
A. E. SMITH, Wingham
Farm For Sale.
The east half of Lot 23, Con. 10.
Turnberry, one mile from Wingham.
containing 57 acres. On the premist•s
is a new brick house and kitchen with
wood -shed and first -glass cistern; good
frame barn, lately re -shingled, cement
foundation, and cement finor all over
stable. The farm is well•frnced, and
well -watered with spring creek rnn•
ping across it. There are 30 acres
heeded down, and fall plotgbing all
douo. This farm will he sold nn easy
terms to aunt purchaser, For further
particulars apply on premises, a half
mile west of Wingham cemetery, or
Wingham 11.0.
Be Sure end examine a copy
of our cattalogne i[
you have any idea
of taking a p-opernttiry course for a
Wr bollen'+ there is no school equal to
ours for methodic, business training and
for prndnnhaar :mod results. We solicit
inve.tigation and comparison.
Enter any time. No vacations.
Y onge & Gerrard Sts., Toronto.
W. II, SIIAW, Principal.
A comfortable Cottage on
North Street. Apply to
Farm For Sale.
Ono of the best farms in Turnberry,
being Lot 3, and part of Lot 4. in the
7th Con., containing 107 acres, and all
elcared ..except 4 acres of . hardwood
bosh, This farm is well fenced and
drained, and the land in a higho tote of
cultivation, There is nbont 210 Stores -
under grase, 81i acres of excellent fall
wheat, and a large oreh*rd. Running
water, convenient to the buildings and
open all the year, supplies the stock
with water, - /,Arae frame barn rt3tie
stone fonndetion awl eenient floors, for
cattle fund hoe. The 1004 15 large
and comfortable, with all excellent eel -
Int' and cistern. Two lints kilns~ and a
limestone ttnarry are on the premises.
The farm is 0 miles from Mutilate and
4 from 'Wroxeter, 1 utile from 1'. 0,
and 114: miles from chutoh. The farm
will be sold on reasonable terms, as the
proprietor its going 'West, rot further
particulars apply on the premises, or
ecldtes Glenfarrow 1', O.
1)i. 1+•RAS 511.
2-I• F•• i•'2••l••I• I••S I•►I I F• i• i i•'I i I I• ;,
Have You Tried ::
E. Butternut Bread ?
w ••
They all like it and
sound its praises. Try
it and be convinced. ,-
• • Wo have the most tasty, tooth- T' i'
some Cakes. Why sweat, baking this ""
hot weather. Just call on us—we 1111 ..,
.. the gap, and guarantee satisfaction. .
I Sell Real Estate
No Matter Where It Is.
I have for sale at the present time
7000 acres of choice farm lands in
Huron County, and I ask yon before
you buy ,your farm to 1450 the bargains
I have to offer—Just the property you
want may be on my list,
hones for sale frotu $400 np to
$4000. Fire, Life and Accident In-
surance effected.
Beal Estate and Business Transfer.
(Office—Vanstano Bloclt, Wingham)
Winter Resorts
in February
California, Mexico, Florida, Onba,
offer attractions dlfiienit to find
in any other part of the world.
Delightful, restful, health restoring
climate, luxurious hotels.
The Mount Clemen's Mineral
Baths, and St. Catherines Mineral
Springs, ttttunted on our direct
line, aro celebrated for their cur-
ative waters. Try ft.
For tickete anti full information, call on
L, HAItOLD, Town Agent,
District Passenger Agent, Toronto.
HAVE YOU A 1103S? lir o,•e yen hide,
Tit:Ide at? 1f yeti are itntkln ; money for sortie one
quit and take money for yourself. Get out
of slavery and be free. Write i:, MARSIIALL. &
t,)ndoat. They wi!) show you the way. They
hive started thousands nn the road to freedom,
Seven dollars n day, every d49 ;n the year, Is be.
lag ,tfadt handnug their g'sal,, ' write now.
Time is money,-
nl u olosery
b8 Yont#e St.
?1lts11nf+'n C'hbtvest flet, sra clay dealt in,, 1
Etordl k)csldtt, for Mt nteecIoes.
tow;et iiltlp teal (0 4103aenedt iretttaetl stall.
td* tend Csldety, acid oafs Coad(Qda
Illns(raien(6tl Pnlre LIet ort epplfts(tol.1
100,000 Dose VASS le 14000.1,
Csigbhifttrn 1a1abdt 1