HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1906-02-08, Page 2Stuldety 1 Sertooi i' • ^. , , 0. ,„3„,,,,, tune or ter s rerg • i . 1 holvellold She was not °billeted to volt * f. I t tlaa to re.tNurn. ' : '' ' s : 1"5".- 'Many Miraelea (vs, 32-31). 32. When the run did set -The Sabbath oil ' ed with the eetting sun, and then they , broneht their ekk to Hine It would frit INTK4rfiAllioNiks,4 1I.AFON No, yn, ' havo‘ been a deeeeratinn of the day if EllIMAItI VS, It 00(1., they had coma before the eau went - ..-- d)wn, darits had just performed a, cure 44,. pay ot /oracles jo ce.teeeeum_exe,..e en tied day, bat the surretitiona of 1:4-3.t the afili:ted ono atm their Molds kept many front anplyirig to Jilin on the Sab- Coranientarv.-I. Chriet teaching* with bath day. Unto Ilitu-Citrist Itai a authority (re. 21, 22). «L They-,iesue nanaeea for all our (termsills and trou- t/hal the four disciples jut ealletk Into ties. All a saffering world neede to do Carerluhuni---1. city on the north:a-est te to go to Jesite. lie is still the oanie voaot 0£ the Sea of tdalilee. $tral.glit- living, mighty One, and is able, williwr. Nvii,r-In 2,11ark's narrative emote folior3. and anxious to deliver u3 frora the pewer evene in gratek sueeirenon. An earty tr.- of the stern, 33. All the eity-Nut no- iiitiOn its that Mark wrote thae.goe- cessarily every person, but a very large pet OA Peter •dictated it, and "thisis ,31 Heale4 nnuty-Ms.tthew Made probable by its rividneee and. the eve, "all that Were stele" Luke -says vapid. sweep of the story." The qua*" IN laid hands on emu Jesus healed all Wire -After the return from tee tap- who came, and they were many, Pii" ' V i • ainents, the dew& The rooms were ee here that we must not fail to with:B.0 Do:, arrina busil :: :: a 0 70 41rie!”.11. Market Reports -OP The Week. Ilv:irito Farmers' Maiketa rdpta Of grata t) -day were fair. bcat illiPl,aubed, with sales of 200 twit- ' chi of Fall at 74 to Vie. Ilariey unchanged 100 imeh •:a sdlinz tit to We. Oats. aro caster, 44 bushels selling 284 to 21r1 per hc I. iry produce la moderate supply, with 'prizes flew. The bast dairy muter stile at to to4 1,?1* lb. Anil inw egas at 25 to p• -.r done retail. at $1 to seem a'teu tor thuctily, and at $i 1;$ for nitul. Straw enchant:me at $1.0 to .:;11. 1 -Lt' ton. Drtesea Imes ore unehained, with 113:it 1 cncied et ,711.2,-,, and ne„.5, ss.n. 1.1Ni70 ty eynergegnee sprang lip everywhera eftees• distinetien fe made -I 'Ileon,t're2fitten:1211wa.b. • • • • ::$0 J aaranged that tlae people, who *pleat- einnses were l4bealat tea &get oteet I Ps.. goose, 'bush .• 0 72 unchan-ed. with sales of leads I tod on the Hoare ftwel the temple m out:, Suffered net -See on verse 25. !,(,),,•4:irtt...ette,;. .. .. .. .. .. 0 3814 Jerusalem. See 1 Kings 8:20, 30; Dan. This kaa been a groat day at Caper. 1 inas, imsh.:*.:' - - - :: 3 gli 0:15h 1. out it pulpit the seripturee were - natun, a day filled witit stirring events, nYei bush :. .. ............... 0 M iley, tfinctny, ton .. .. .. 9 to rea4 and; the addrese delivered. There . PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS. 1 Dm, ral•tol, ton .. .. .. .. G 00 WAS no regular 1i:dinner, hut lecal of- Chrirt in CepernaumStras.v per ten 10 ere 00 dicers bad eltarmi of the aerviees. The I. In the sYnagog-ue. ".‘"...tiaightway," l' •9' N. 1 * -* ri * * ** * • Atame, , bush .. .. G ',. synagogues wthe centers of tong - was and intellectual life, and scheme tis soon as the bour for worship arrived, 1 Pii., No. 2 .. ,. .. .. .... 5 25 Jet:us "entered into the 5,ynagogun". (v. gp.rh• ',"•".l. 3 ", • • " - • • • • 4'P and colleges. were oitem co:met:tett with 2. waere on timelemu . e are ' ' Tittimtehri;stP. 1 br'''ll talein• Itsught-It was commit to call 1)Ite es the it part of the service and Dre7tea mac ,. ..'......•.• .. 3 7s. upon any mutable person to speak in late you lo the, synagoeue BerViee9. "It it not Ind disturb the worship of others. Attend. Applcz, ler bbl. .. .. .... 2 tai itel,„;etral, .... .. t()) like1y that. at this time he repeatiAiee 1• servregularly. It \vas the " m eusto" iig•rmladozen4 -whet he had said at Nazareth" (Luke of our Lord to go to the synagoette De., creare:; 4:16-30). Burns. It was the truth (Luke iv, 16). When CliatIstone lived. in Chi:teens, per lb. „ .. .: .. 0 12 _, per lb. .. - .. .. . , 0 03 Fowl, that produced resulte, whetever may his country home, If:warden Castle, he'ri have been the subjee.t. walked, every morning in the week, to neer, 1,,r lb. ,.• "" " :: g 1- :,,,e Per lb. . thre They were -aetertielied-At the the little country church, where. at 8 Cemii'•:ge, net' de z ••• .... •.•. .. 0 40 imam, manner, spirit and. authoritY o•cinek. there was a service. In the Reetliflower, per dee .. .... 0 73 smf his teach:inv. *1. At the range of porch of this church is the folletving 16ec'Ketyeesigttelci.org h• a •• ••• rg his intelleetuai gifte. 1 The force of notice: On the way to the Lord's house ontenee per bag .. ........:... 110 his illustrations. 3. llie aequaintanea he thoughtful, he silent, or say but little„ Woe lilvaquartters .. ., .... G 50 with the human heart. 4. Ilis deep Fig.:, feenucartero .. .. .. ., 4 50 and that little, good. Never stay out knowledge of the diviee law." -Burne.. side, hut go hi at once, T'ime spent 11 Do., medimeneracia*gsti": A.uthoraty-lie spoke as one commis- inaide should he precious. In church FetIr p,geerwet7 t: .. 2 .. : .. : . : : s7 5500 gelled hy tlod, and he laid great streee kneel humbly and pray. Remember the name, rer ewt. .. .. .. .. .. 9 00 you," without quoting tp upon. lunaself. Ile .seld, "1 say auto Winnipeg Options. r,esence into which you have come. 3.10 i he teachere. "Ile was, 1. Dignified. 2. Original, 3. ut t look about to see who have come were the closing quotatious nor fel! any other cause. It matters ' T" f°1"111g , yesterday nt this market: Feb., 75'!1,e bid, Convineing. 4. Consist ent."--I lo m.. Com. Not as the scrihos----The seribi,s nothing to you what ethei r. ,..,,., ,,,,e, July soli,. •s are dome ee•-• an. Were Without spiritual life, their manner Attend. to yourself. After church remain i British Cattle Markets. I 1. V115 eold, and, with an unlaoly ambition, kneeling and pray; speak to no one until nonaon--Cattle arc quotod at 101!.c to 111c they sought their own and net God's you are outside. The church is Gode r lb.refrigerator, St -ie to Siee glory. "They could only insist upon the house. even when prayer is over. Be Lending Wheat Minarets. MM. like themselves. Owlet dere down your way hom e be careful of your talk, Ne„ Toot , , , , , , .. , , , , 811,14 '' pe; t.lav. observances of petty rules invented by .quiet and thoughtful as you go. On to eternal prinelples, which bore the lin- or the world will slip back into your Minneapolis .. .. .. .. .... 831,4 8314 I preza of the divine approval. Moreover, heart. Remember where you have been Toledo .. .. .... .. .. SSN Ills teatiiing 1VaS exemplified in His and what you have done. iDeirolt - - - -- -- -- mq pure life." , IL Rebuking. Jesus "rebuked.' Ilia' st. Louis .. ., .... .„„. II. Power over evil spirits ("'• 23•28)• "unclean spirit" (vs. 23-25). Never stop 0 0 73 0 73 l) 03 000 0 33 0 52 0 0) 0 ti 10 50 8 03 11 09 0 75 5 73 5 03 7 03 04 9 75 5 25 0 ;10 0 25 0 110 0 11 0 10 0 10 0 11 0 50 1 01 0 85 0 40 1 20 7 25 500 6 50 5 75 8 54 10 00 10 00 23. A man with an unclean spirit THE W -L•ake EER IN TRADE. tient to argue. With the voice says he "had a spirit of an unclean devil" of aaa ntlreiman authority command him to hold his and 'cried out with a, toad voice" (lauke iv. 33)There has been much ascii.- peace. Be prompt, resolute, determined. • sion regarding this "unclean spirit.' Itt,th name of 3 es -as Christ of Nazareth, . Liu him be gone.. IIe is uever so danger - base devils were simply diseased people, and that their strong paroxpans wei e away the shafts of Ms flattery with the only "fits." We cannot, agree with thh, sword of the spirit. CI he suggests, lion:ever, and. must insist that, diffien 1. "rht was it kind act," -silence him with AS it indvdte to -understand, yet real. de- "I know that in Inc .... dwelleth no ',nous dud inhabit this man and Haute re- emoa thing" (Rom. VH. 1s); "but the wered. to In verse 32. Cried out-eA'a Father that dwelleth in me, He doeth eval spurt is stirred to i,s depths when the works" (John air. 10). ut contact with Jesus." Jesus rebuked the fever which had :ht. Let ust alone -The devil always prostrated Peter's mother-in-law (v. desires to be let alone, and bad men Zlo xxxi., Luke iv. 39). Ife rebuked the not want to he disturbed with anythnes winds and the sea because their disturb - good. We hear this cry the moment tinees were caused by the uncleau spirits we undertake to deal with unclean thiams (Matt. viii. 20). He rebuked the demon who tormented a child (Matt. xvil. 18). He rebuked James and John when they, in their mistaken zeal for his honor, to -day, such as intemperance and. tire :social evil. What have we to do with thee -Nothing at all. There is no eon-, cord between Christ and Belial. To de- I asked him to command fire from eeaten stroy us -To drive us from our abode ; to consume the Srunaritan village be - back to our native place. &rice Matt. 8,cause it refused to show hospitality to 29. "Frotn this we inter that the de- I him (Luke ix. 55). mons live in fearful anticipation of the i HT. Listening. "They tell him of he day when they shall be destroyed by be. 1 (v. 30). Do not talk over your trouble mg subjected to torment which they with earthly friends. Tell Him, and trust do not now endure. The Hine is comiug tell with Him. Do rot secretly brood. when they shall be east into the hot- lover it and. resolve semehow in your tomless pit (Rev. 20, 19); and they are own might to bear it. Tell Him, and let I now reserved in chains of darkness mita Dim help and comfort you. A devoted the judgment of the great day." -Witt' (..h•ristian woman had it son who had don. .1. know thee -Imagine. some dm -1 -ecu persuaded to join a beating medi- cs:see like the apoplexy, thus addressing Hen. The mother knew there would be Chriet: No, Christ is dealing with del- ile 'drinking end measlier, and exerted mg now, and they know hint well. 'A he ery influence to keep the yoUnif man at Holy One of Goa -The Messiah, who has home. 11 hen he refueed to listen to come to destroy the kingdom of the her she went quietly to Jesus and told devil (1 John iii. 8). 25. Jesus rebuked Him. The night theyouug man was to sail him -He does not desire the testimony 1:e WAS taken violently ill, but the mo - of devils to prove his Messiahehio. "ALI ther's faith never faltered. The mat throughout hie minietry Christ u's'er for running, Le was entirely Well and per- m moment countenauces anythine thet feetly resigned to the fact that he had might be construed into a. tree: with beim left at home. Satan." -Burn. Hold thy peace Liter- IV. Sympathizing. Jesus "took her by ally, "be thou narizelmk" "It is a word. the hend end lifted her tie (v.31). They for a beast." -Morrison. Come out el \sena near friends, and one of them was him -He speaks with ante -wits. 1.4c dying, and not a Christian. Frank took nal show who be is by easut tiug othe the ieverish hand of his comrade and devil. :mid, "I came because I warited to pray ad. "'ern hinr-.0r, convulsed lem. frith yen, Stephen." The Flea one, held - Luke says the devil threw the man, and mg the hand, of his friend closer, mid, came out of him, and. hart him not. Nev. -All. right. Igank.-' Then dose by the er was there a person possessed. 1 n ay etedsale, chnspeig thp,band of the nek unclean spirit who did not stiffer tine- erigiO, .he pieaued with tears and tender vulsion, perhaps it total ruin, by it. "ezil. words for his fnend. Ilis prayertouch- of uncleanness sap the foundations eil ed the heart the pastor had failed to reach. If you woul4t have a soul, stretch life so that but very few of this class live out half their davs.e. "-Clarke. Camout a haild of loving sympathy. V lienlino the sick (vs. 31-34). Mat- ont-Even the deviis.obey hi8 word oi. command. This is an evidence of the thicw tells ", "1 o. all that were it might be fulfilled which was great object of Christ's misn sio-LI de- spoken by Isaias the prephet, saying strew the works of the devil. It is ni.o a, pied of his love for lost man.. 27. iiim'eif tc("k our infirmities, and bare cur stekneeees" (Matt. vita 10, lt ). Jesus What thing is this -"What is this? a teek our place Pc our subetitute for sin uow teaching!" -R. V. Jesus tameet and. sorrow and sickness. by his actions as 'well as by his we'd. NI. Adminietered unto. "She admin. What he did was as important es whet istef•ed Ineto them" (v. 31). A Christian In said. With authority -Christ's ar- ve ismer wag, asked to call ht the home of enmity and poymr is reet;•jnixed evge a ost N•ainh ed elper. Thm 51113ere slae the unclean demons, and they oben m ey Ito ., meeented with a 1;eantiful gift. In An - 23. Fame einem' abread•-This 151-. C, :hem* to her aurprisie, the dertor said. WftS wrought in public' and them who I lei first. time my husband and I enter - sew it published it, and the pemele ed the little chapel you came and shook throughout all that t. 'i were seen eg. hands with use In aemny of soul, in dieeuseing him aTit nd his newt:. despa.ir of ply )i1''1mi,wild ways, 1 rot need ('3' it, to publigt himand v I' .i•- -1. ‘'t • "4 0 d 1 *v •sery T1 e . ") m_ thomehe of the Gard I 11A served in my • yeah drove me to the little chapel te see ef there might he a ray of hep. To iny errprise my 1111st:end agree41 te gt with me. Y•Atir liandsliaka saved ine do not need -to compromise with the world. or the devil taelay in order to a • able to carry on his' work. Tbrevielmot ....Galilee - ThiA phraeu would be fl! 1' eorrectly rendered, "the aurretreding re- gion of Galilee;" evidently the regier. . front suitiaetan , and gift exprceses my in. Galilee tonna. td "t Canetneum. •Iht ineetkiele to him who saved, my life." - Revised Vernon suggests tine 141e11.1C. tr. III. Healing in A 114/11O (115, 21)41). v. '*. They entered. ete.-Peter au 1 MA Imo- LADY GPEY IS DEAD. titer Andrew, although retista ei• Beta . - slide (John i. 41). wer new lieire a1 . athinaulh t: it, . ,Ji. t150Th 1 T ,-. • i Vr••. 1, ife of the Foreign Secretaty Suecumbs c _ , catered Peter's house, MI. stments wi:•': th Injuries. =other -Thus we "(1 that l'''''? u" • •4 i•til it Feh. 1. -Lady Grey, wife of July, 81.11•1 85% Wit 85% 32% Duna's neview - Complaints have been numerous retlarding the mild weather. Yet results for the month were most satisfactory on the whole, and preparations for the fu- ture continue with undiminished confidenee, Heavy weight wearing apparel and rubber footwear stacks at the end of tho season threstini ts bo Inudensonie, despite exten. EIVO clearance sales at reduced prices. Man- ufacturing, plants are well engaged, orders on hand baIng ef siren volume as to ensure astatistics in January macie a favorable corn- - rtivity for same time to come, especially at went mi '• parison with bort year's figures, railway ACCUMULATION OF NINETEEN mills and footwear factories, Failure Ries fell sharply for it time, but subsequent- ly recovered, • YEARS' LABOR UNEARTHED. earnings wore 14.3 per eent. larger. Secur- ' more interest by tho general public than it - the irregularity indicati,r, mere steady. Bank exchanges at New York were 32,4 peHouse of Mystery in Brooklyn Contained any resent date, and money ruled easier and ing dries tho gain averaged 17,5 per cent. of the llnest Quality -Much of the per Cent. larger than in the corm rAILURES IN CANADA. New York, Feb. ...-The Tribune says: Assortment Moth -Eaten and Useless. Moro than $230,000 worth of goods •••••••:.. .•••••-* AUGUSTINE BIRRELL, President of the British Board of Education, trade is only fair. and deliveries of A DEADLOCK IN grain, de, are light. Collections are generally lair. London -Trade continues to he alai - ed by the mild weather, but all lines of manufactures and outdoor work are active. The demand for wholesale lines is not brisk, but spring orders continue fairly large, and general prospecte are sat isfactory. Ottawa -There is rather abetter spring movement in wholesale trade in hardware and dry goods, but groceries are still quiet. Retail trade is moderately active, and that in the country is quiet. Collec- tions are only mod-erately good. 41, •0 SHOPPING MAMA. • , inittried man, It is etranee bele: •1 t1 ett the Roman Cathetlie Morey tdietil.1 tat ea much &treat, on the eelittaey ef th•• elergy *when Peter, their chief enemy - none, lead a wife. Lay stet: 0011 ftw+27 eAII.4 it ti. great favor. Sea. Tette, iv, 38. Elle wag preerratel with a bet:m- ing fever. They 'tell Imint-Thie Wt really a reenter:1, for heeling. TI•ey knew Ile could restore bar. :11. 'rook le • by f• • hen! -fteill env - thing on thie eldo tiiit taiiiiimiLe imwet• rof Gott effect emit a enre? These proof. ehould slemeastrate Ilia divitity to the intssiligeitee of every meam-ftlariee. talk , ells twit Sit "rebtletel the Peer"- eommanded it to lie gone ae though 1r. mere an enemy. The feter left :ter-. Christ bas power over diretesa. Ile can. caid frequently doe& heal to't'; let, we •eaunot test the etate of the son: 1.5 the .healtli of the body. i...1ent.e or ;1011'4 beat taints have: auffered wit's lustily infieruitige and have been eleit. • - ep s y f • 1 " 1 ' t '''' •• . e the slake awl he who nfters rent eray ,: will ate ineneliata teelilie. Xm r1441.- tered-She was perfeetty seetored re• 1 nrrketnett the •ierilittany attit•3 c i th-• insolvencies in the Deminien of Can- ed:I, did not make as satisfactory an ex- bought in four _ years of shopping in • 'Obit in comparison with the correspond- Brooklyn and New York City, pitea clu- ing month last year or 1994 All eommer- - used. in rooms, closets and halls, nearly cial figurers numbeted 147, with liabili- ming for $8(4,6,374, and in 1004 there were 130 . a large four-story brown stone tics of $1,178,730, ag.ainst 114 last year . . fail:tree, with liabilities of $1,143,515. I:I:Innears uen .511110241041.in Brooklyn, lay for nineteen The largest increase over last ytar's de- Laces were heaped upon calico, furs faulteufeeturing class., where there were 34 • on cotton, the daintiest of linens end d iudebtednese occurred in the man- • last year int-olving an indebtedness of •• silks were stored with common house. hold garments, $500 gowns freer toe . -1 failuree for $50,083, against 27 failures only $.230,831. This increase wee large- most fashionable of dressmakers WPrO . ' . USED FIRM'S MONEY The timpani Adva j CHARGE AGAINST cams. noLLADID, Theo, Han - Proprietoi, TORONTO BOOKEEEPER, UNIONIST PARTY. Arrested in Bristol, England -Employee DR BALFOUR AND CHAMBERLAIN FAILED TO AGREE. of Ideal Bedding Company -Short* ago of Nearly Fourteen Thensand PHYSICIAN, sumo* Dollars -He Fillea in Signed Checks. ACCOUCHEUR,, Office ;---Upstaire in the Macdonald Toronto, Feb, 5. ---The flight of Chris. • topher Holland, bookkeeper for tho Ideal Night cells *rumored Bedding Co., Limited, of Jefferson ave. ' nue, in Parkdalo, to Ids parents' home 11 England to avoid arrest on the charge of stealing $13,8024 of the firm's money,. end- ed on Saturday when lie was: takon into eustcdy, as be left the steamer from Montreal, at Bristol. Holland will be pro- secuted tinder the fugitive offenders' act, and it will be necessary to proceed against him in England just as was done in the case of Edwin St, George Ban- well, the defaulting teller of the Crowu Bank of Canada under aresrt in King- dom amaica. , AGNEW , Press Calls for the Latter -Times Says He is Best Leader in the Country - Will Not Lead Against Ex -Premier. London, Feb. 5. -The political situa- tion within the Unionist party is the question of the day here, surpassing in interest the political situation as be- tween the Govermueut and the Opposi- tion No official announcement has been nutde, but it is now known for certain There wan Do system of auditiug la tho office, and the beekeeper WAS m- elded to go on taking sums until the total reached such it large =mint, nearly 4114,000, that he knew it was only a, met- er of time before he would be found out. Holland is 33 yeers old, and came out from England in 090. Meeting the head Jf•the firm of AV, limiter and Son on tho steamer, he secured employment in their °Metes at Pieton. In the fall he left with ono of tho Canadian contingents for South Africa, Wounded at Paitrie- berg, he was invalided back to England, an& while in hopsital became engapd and married to the nurse in attendance upon him. He came back to Canada in 1901, and hie wife joined him itt Picton, where ho boro an excellent reputation. Holland's wife and ehild are at present living on Isabella street. Their home on Beatty avenue was furnished on the in- stallment phut, and was closed up ou Thursday. • Mammals worth $1,400, bought by Holland , have been turned over to the firm by his wife. Tho papers in the case will be prepared by Crown Attorney Carry, and certified to by the Provincial Secretary. -If 001s de- cided to send a city officer, and not it Provincial detective, for Holland, Detec- tive Mackie Will go just AS soon as word is recoired that the Bristol author- . ities order his return to (!anada. that the conferfienee between Mr. Cham- berlain and Mr. Balfour on Friday night '.vas absolutely without result. The hulk of the Unionist papers do not disguise their desire for Mr. Chamberlain's lead- ership, but all recognize the fact that he absolutely refuses to lead against Mr. Balfour. If the deadlock continue -3 a third course, that of selecting another leader, such as Walter Long or, as now suggested, Aretas Akers -Douglas, will be put forward. The practical futility of this in the House of Commons, with' tWO personalities such AS Mews. Chamberlain and Balfour sitting in the House, does not need demonstration. The Times says: "It is probably one of the most nicely balanced ques- tions, that es"er politicians of long ex- perience have seen. If it wore simply a Parliamentary problem it might seem absurd to dispute Mr. Balfour's lead- ership, but 100s not simply a Parlia- mentary question. 10 Mn. Balfour is tho hest leader in the House it will at Waco, J.P. KENNEDY, M.D., " Wernher of the British Medical Assoolation) COLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE. Speolal attention paid to Diseases of women and ohildren, Ovum atm .14$4.-4 to 4 94% 7 toP tian. - DR, ROBT, C, REDMOND M. R. 0, B. (Eng.) L. It. C. P. (Lona.) Physician and Surgeon. (Odloo with Dr. Chis)iolm) RTHIJR J. IRWIN D.D.S., L.D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Fen- nsylvania College and Licentiate oi Dental Surgery of Ontario.. Office over Post Ofilce-WINGEAM ly iirovuled by one large failure in -the laid on cheap Mother Hubbards, solid hardly be denied that Mr. Chamberlain Province of Quebec in the manufacture , silver and cheap plate, the most fragile is the best leader in the country." of cigars ana atm Ontario of lighting- of china sts were mixed with ironware,( • The Times concludes that the wisest compenee Trading failures numbered 105, w8in • :. crystal and cut -glass with common head might be puzzled to choose bit' ith liabilities of 480,747, an increase eglassware-all cast in piles reaching as tween the two points of view ,and it number over the 87 failures last year, the ceilings,. stuffed in closets takes the. same view as other Unionist hut e. decrease in amount compared wi- ' aagdhlea•ipapers which desire a com-promise US as on the stairs. • This was the result of a search of distinguished from those which echo- eeven other commercial failures, not prott: • , llit the liabilities of $650,403. There were the "house of mystery," No. 178 State 'eatie C5hamberjain oueright, saying perly included. in the two chief divisions, . street, Brooklyn. It tells of the mania, that time Unionists are not in office and with liabilities of $134,500, eamparing I N . of Mrs. Mary Cook King, who died near- are not required to produce a fieeal with hrtitlefaults last year of only $27,- le 690. This Increase was chiefly provided two weeks ago in a Flushing sant- plan complete, but that they should - tarium, and it explains what became unite . to make the most effective op - by one large brokerage failure in On- of part of the O91,000 estate left to position possible in the House when it tario. The liabilities in 1904 wow al her by her husband twenty years ago. meete. At the same time, the Tines most as heavy became of a few large s'asnensions. The search was conducted. by J. il.- declares that MIIquibb of No. 148 Columbia Heights, tion, although strong iother reApeeta, Mr. Chamberlain's post- th•y !mod Bred3treet's Trade Review. executor of Isire. King's estate. The is weak in that he is unwilling to take n goods would fill several large vans, and the leadership of Mr. Balfour would Montreal- While there is a fairly good except for the pottery, the silver and make way. It adds: "ff, when the tone to most lines of trade here, stocks crynal they aro of little value, for the party comes together, it proves as of winter goods have not been moving moths and time have ruined everything strongly in favor of Mr. Chamberlain's as they otherwise would have done, and else. policy as he believes, we cannot see in some localities . retailers may carry Mao, King died two weeke ego Tues- how he can honorably decline the lead- s wine trade e *h t, e it hasff - that was that she Should have the key Other papers, which are avowedly She had made one request, and ership.O some lines over. This is bound to affect day. b the sorting trade, which in most lines is c'f her home, and in no eimumstance strong Chamberlainites and actively usually brisk at this season of the year. wee any number •of her family to ob- anti-Balfourite, suggest that Mr. Bal - thin entrance until after her death, By four decline to call the party together Collections, too, are a little slow, partly en account of these ecnditions. This of her will Mr. Squilab was the executor. for the purpose of declaring its views course, more especially applies to 'the Th•ursday of last week he turned the before the -session opens. dry goods trade. Groceries, never active key in the rusty lock and entered the • It WAS announced that the two• house. head positions of the Unionists ma - at this time of the year, are now quiet, First enterine the drawing room, he chine have been given to two •strong but in hardware there is a fairly brisk movement. The demand for general found it nearlycfilled with bundles, box- B alfourites. Mr, 'Muller. formerly tutor es and parcels 801110 of them as large te Lord Saliebury's sons, and for a lines is active, and that for heavy metals as a man eouldearry, others tiny enough 1 long time an intimate of the Cecil is brisker with prices firm prespeets to slip into the Pocket- He epened ! family, was to be time- chief Conserve - for spring trade also are bright. Despite . one, and the tattered, moth-eaten hug- tive agent, while J. S. Sanders, Mr. the facts related above, the general out- ine1113 of a eilken skirt were disclosed. Balfour's chief private secretary in look for spring trade 1. more or less He forced open the windows and be- Downing street, and his most intimate bright in all directions, came interested. He tole open bundle friend, was to have a high position in Torento- The movement of spring after bundle, and began to get tut idea the eentral office as direetor-general of lines te dry goods and hardware is show.' of whence the money had gene. On the Polley. ;lig increased activity. The dull trade parcels were the •names of the great Appointment Denied. hi. woollens and some other lines have merchants*, milliners and dressmakers of given the Inantlfaeturer5 an opportunity past days, and inside was everything a 1510ipi* of fAltexleost andoeoras.trevolatto1y . H 001 a tilt, , ; •111. V. 00 eatelt up on recent heavy orders, And woman can wear. in all gradoe, quad- w nriees throughout have been maintained. itiee and sizes. None ha(1 even been ever, has a denial that Messrs. Mulln The grocery trade is a little quiet, and • . , , - . , Clesete of the tipper rooms gave up is impossible not to give implicit trod - sugars are weak. Hardware is active for sorting lines and for spring goods. the china, cry -stet and silver. The nice to such a deem), but it is equelly The demand for batter.? supplies is very wasP4i,lye,r,.: iill wrapped and only a lit- impoesible not to recognize that the announcement of their appoietment heave,. Good shipmenta are goitre to the '-'4,tg`i,gt•ng,t"net'" e was devoted to Maker- was signifieant of an attempt bn the d• 1 • • h - s . West. Colleetiens generally are fair to seine worth P313 once and others Putt* of the DuPlIorters of ex -Premier good, although tho ee from Western Can- - fivenent cotton affairs. Balfour to collar the Unionist ma- chine, probably WiLliOnt Mr. 13alfottr's consent. 10 18 believed hi Loudon that the premature announcement of the appointments spoiled the plan of those desiring to :tee it accomplished. ---sin STRIEE ORDER APRIL r. Secretary of Mint Workers Will Prepare One. Indianamlis, Ind., Feb. 4. -It wits alla are still saw, Heavy shipments of treeda are being sent to that part of Um eenntry, and the trade outlook there is eir Ihrweid (troy, the I eagle!' Minister. brig it. Bad. 10a 5 have in ei ered 'with ems sueioirea concieleion ,f the brain ileliveries of country produee, and graine at n.r. aro firm. STARTLING TRAGEDY IN A SALOON I.v Leine throvat from her trap • (Seabee -General trade shows little im- - a • t •f HE FELL DEAD emeretini, Nor,Ininfbeietuill, last Thursday, _ erovement over that of the preceding •died teeley without havingregained eon- week, and remittances trout the •country AT QUEBEC. seitmeneee. are generally reported slow. A Farmer, Refused a Drink Because He - 711e untimely death of Lady Gther has Winnipeg -Colder weather has given il- Had Too Much, Attempts to Take bronalit to the new Foreign Minister rather better tone to wholesale trade here Another Man's Liquor -The Latter intated at the international headquar- many wee:nese of art -wattle Throur,h- and the lmulk of the business is in apring mat the ration Lady Grey's. devotion to Hum There is a eased movement in Hits Hint, and the B'atiner Drops .eri of the :Mille Workers of America to - lay that before the adjournment of the I Quebec . Feb . 4.-.S. farmer of St . Am zeeretary W . B . Wilson would he in- . 1:er 11131,1141and her pride ia hp is atm l- e"50501503anti that in hardware centiinDead tee nesent eeseion of the Exeeutive Boltrd Heal career were 4.vell known. and the brisk. Country erdere in the latter . Sanneuntement of her death aa the reault line are partieularly good. Collet:Hens ggtg„, Inditut Loretto, died suddenle •tructeil to prepare a formal etrike or - 'of an accident juet when Sir Eilwtril had in all 1» o- centbrie a little slow. • tilertit 0.30 o'eleele laet evening in a ee ler, effective on April 1, in older to ?leached the marl of 1113 ambitionVittoria •tind Veneouver-- There Is loon on 'Notre Dante des Anges street vied(' the reassembling of the beard el- - struek a sympathetic eotd tehich finds rather a better tone to the groeery, grain at, Loch. Being reload A, drink be 'er the adjournment of the prosent sea- !vetee in the newspapers of all shadea of 51141 hardware trade, although there is caus.e he lied already too iminela he wee ion. N'ts ineetieg of the board was held political opiniem nothing, in the way 00 It large busille$g to put his hands on it glats whine Let ' 00 da The queatten of IS per capita 1 Iting Filword on learning Of the deetli vet meeting. Provincial initistrlea -are neea filled up for another euetomer. 11 'ax of 51 a week for the Cetablishment ,of 1) adv Grey Gent it kiadiy traiegeein.to tusy1 lunge, nspeeitaly gn., and heaVY 0' 118 struck by the owner of the glees ant' if a national defenee fund was in. !Sir IttlWard. foreign eldpreenta ere new being matle. • fall down dead. A Comerier'a inqu't hmintilly diseuased just before the rid- * Imly Grey tel in the 100111 ef n It le enacted ininbee mills will he work. • will take plate on Tuesday. The rein "oarnment of the beerd martin.' on Sat. 1 , sehealIteire 159:2 5911211 elm seae threWri In:* overtime for sena inentlis. . taertere 01(d111/11a11011 of the body Wfl, f -thkty evening, and 15 013.110•01Sil 10 be the f.4,1na the trap. • TI'!,miltriy.--Wlesnle trade gem rally - Intele te.day by Dea. Mama and Jetlinifhlit, Subject tat:en up when tha body 1 -,Ar Ldward tel,er kit. the bc.,aside continues quiet, althoush the outlp.4: for ri:he 41#'0'539(1 153* 135 .:r(s4ril *141and 13,,,r. 3e9111126 115 Tenting` 011 M011(147 morn - niter the accident. spring tusinssis .101 still good, 'Country Holland Said. "All Right." 1 • London, Feb. 4. -(Canadian Associat- od Press Despatch)-(iltristeplier II01- , land, accountant, who has been arrested en it charge of -stealing $13,802 from it Toronto merchant, when shown the war- rant by Detective Robertson at Briatel etation, sail, "All right." Ho was taken liefoi•e the Meal Justices on Saturday and roinantled pending extradition. . Ha is said to have arrived from Con- , ada early in the year, but has been stay- ing with relatives in Torrington, Devon- : shire. 1 i REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE AND • 1 LOAN AtENT. CONVEYANCING T. * SAW BUL1 • Collocr.:on of li104311(15 and Accounts a specialty. I FIGHT 1 ASSIGNEE. - ACCOUNTANT. ------ - • - - ______ I Offlo...--in Vansitono Block. LABORS ON REFORMS POR MOROCCO 0,ien clAturday evenings, 7 to 9. ARE §WEETENED. I I:TEI LI 1 NGTON MUTUAL 1 ., . , . D12. HOLLOWAY DENTIST BIGAVErt BLOCK WINGHA31 VANSTONE '• PARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to loan at lowestratee. Office BEAVER BLOCK, 7-05. WINGHAM. DICKINSON & HOLMES Barristers, Solicitors, etc. 0 dice : Meyer Block Winghara. E, L. Dloklawon Dooley Helms!' J. A. MORTON BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. iMoNEY TO LOAN. Ofilee:-Norton Block, Winghani C. J. MAGUIRE A Sanguinary Spectacle -Three Cele- brated Matadors Take Part -One of i. the Victims Killed Five Horses. i Bead 011ie° GUELPH, oNT, ' FIRE INS. CO. 1Gstabllstod 1810 Algeciras, Feb. 4. -The Militant though Risid, taken on all classes of insurable pro seine ea the cash Or premium mac system. bloody spectacle of a bull -fight in honor , of the conference on Moroccan 50005(1)3 511(1111CRAB, DATinsoir was Ole eteut of to -day. Crowds cameProsnlon0, Secretary'. from all parts of Andalusia to the vast stone amphitheatre where the bull-rina ! A.GE:za. is, and more than 6,000 persons saw tee fight. A boc gaily decorated. with the Span- ' ish colors aecommodatea the Ambaesa- Mors and officials of nuanhy countries. :jest of the delegations to the confer- • enee were represented, and many of ! the envoys were accompanied by their • wives and daughters. Oho Duke of ; S ni Forel Min- al ; gn . min1 AN;Ar, te pa s ister, who is president •of the conferenee, accompanied. by• the Duchess, was the centre of a group of Ambassadors, and '.sidte-garbed Moors and. throngs of Speen isll 390111011. in picturesque conumes lent tlme. touch of quaintness to the aninintal sane. The British and. American dem- • gates did not attend. Three celebgated bullfighters furnieh- ed the sport, and the bulls were frout Ole famous herd of Don Moreno Santa Melia, of Seville. The first aminal brought into the ring, a huge, black An- dalusian beast, killed two horses helve the matador, La Gartljo, skilfully drove Itis sword to the hilt in the animal, which fell dead. Thousands cheered at this moment, and the band played a Spani.h :andango. The second bull was ceremoniously de- dicated to the Duke of Almodover, winch is a custom of the country. It proved an ugly fighter, and gored the blind horse of a. picador. This bull was nlso dispatched. Another bull killed five horses, four -of them dying in the arena, while the fifth. terribly gored, staggeree outside and dit d. The picadors were often unhorsed, mit none of theni was seriously hurt. The skill of the matadors as they pirouttea before the bellowing animals, which were stung to matinees oy the darts with the gay streamers stuck into them, excited great admiration. The foreigners present witnessea the scene with mingled admiration -at thc audacity of the meatadora, and horror at ite cruelty, BETTER LATE THAN NEVER. A Woman Aged tot joins the Methodist Epistopal Church. New York, Feb. 4. -Mrs. Drusilla Morrell, 102 years old, of Brooklyn, hag juet become it member of the Situp - bee Methodist Episcopal Church. "0 just took a notion and. I joined the church -joined, because I believe in the church," said aged Mrs. Morrell last eventmg. "I don't know exactly how it happened that I never joined it church before, I always took it great interest hi Henry Ward Beecher's ser- meas.I have studied the Bible all 51tife°. 11pastor ie a very kind mem About 0 year ago, my grandaUghter died, a dear little child only ten months old. Dr. Thompson was so kind and gentle to all of lig that I began to wonder why we were not members of his church.' AHurt. But Ito One London, Ont., Feb. 4. -Engine 590,run. ming light ahead of the international exe pros, ran into five care and a alluding eagine in the London East yards to- nittht, causing $2,000 damage. Engineer Webster and Fireman Stoleaon went over with engine 600, and 'crawled out front the wreck a moment later unhurt, lloW they estaped death is inexplicable. The ears are completely wrecked, as well as thrown into the ditch, JOHN RITCHIE, WINGRANI ONT 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARES • t DEStGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyono sending a sketch and doserlptioa may clamor ascertain onr opinion free weather an invention is probably natoptablo. connnunica. lions strictly confidential. 1001)001)011 011 Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Thum & Co. reeeivo special notice, without charge, in tho $dentifit American. • A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest dr - dilation of any solontiao journal. Terms. $3 year; four months, $L Sold Lyon newedenlera. WINN & Co28181'oadwaY' New York Branch Office. 625 V St., Washington, D. C. VP` r P- 19 4 ..... _ ter ) e'r LF4, enkettad•taha2seteratteleaseer, ROMPT.LY SECLIREEI Write for our rittertstirig books "invent. or's Help" and "How you are swindled." Send us a rough sketch et' model of your in- vention or improvement and we will tell you free our opini,in as to whether it kr p•obably, patentable. Rejected applications have often seen successfully prosecuted by us. We conduct fully equipped offices in Tdontreal and Washington ; this qualities us to prompt- / ly dispatch work and (prickly secure Patents - as brord ea the invention. Highest references furnished. Patent- procured through 'Marlon fk Ma- rion receive special notice without charge in iover roo newepapers distributed throughout the 0 minion. Specialty :-Patent business of 51anufac- turers and Engineers. MARION & MARION Patent Export', and L .1 Solicitors. NeW York Life D'id'gs rtontreol•• .. Atiantl- Bldg Washington D.C. -...............4„,.........,...-...„,..„ 1.....„--........,-,-, JOHN ARTHURS MURDERED. Canadian Nightwatchman Found With Skull Crushed, New York, Feb. 4, -Dead about two hours, eith his skull crushed. in by au axe, John Arthurs, it Canadian, employed ne it night watchman on a pile driver, n found to -day in the cabin house of the craft in the Hudson River, 350 feet off Weet 1300 street. 'The 2151111. was in great disorder, An empty beer two bottles partly filled with whiskey and many eiga1ette3 were found. indicat- ing that the watelonan had entertained someone on board before the martin* wag committed. Two boys who rowed out to the pile driver discovered the dead man. No arreste have been made. ABERDEEN ENTERS DUBLIN. Official Entrance as Lord -Lieutenant Of Ireland. Dublin, Feb. 3. -The Earl of Aber- deen, the new Lordadentenant of Ire- land, made his state entry into the Irish eapital this afternoon, .almost metlY 20 years after lie •enfered Dublin to be. tin his first term 110 T.nrd-LientenftlIt. rhe streets were througed with holiday. eelfere, and there 55118 11 profuse display :if bunting. The slate prooessiOn was of the usual eharatter. 'The MA Ana Colin* 4099 136t With it hearty reception from the eightseetr, the Counteoe, who is keenly intereeted in the Irish Intlastalea AStotiktion, being a particular favorite with the people,