The Wingham Advance, 1906-02-01, Page 2StlitdaY Seiloose tieetnelingly forsook all worldly employe A ment, and gave themselves fully to• tile leknelitON NO. NI fishermen after the erneifixion and were returned Reedit to their oveintation • eers tee of Owlet. Followed Ilini.-"Diey 1 Market Reports THREE PERSONS BURN[ VV./AMAX 1I.. 1.9.00 again willed to abandon it And devo-::o • • therneelves by a scowl miractdotte rISIIIIDNdraught of fishes and by the direct pre- • =SUS: CALLING W.-Luee v. IPS•••••••••••••••4 .1.4.1.V.1410.4-1Ts 141. eept of &ewe After Peueteost they • Commentaree-i. Jesus teach' I =••••, „ The Week. never resumed their former seeular calls ' Tomato Is'arnters! Market4 ng t ing.-Willeock. The offering; of grain to -day svero people (vs. 1-2). 1. The people pressed PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS, niederitte anti prieee stet y • Wheat un - Launch one into the deep" (v. 4). The elia»ged. with sales or 300busheis 4>f fall -Leaving Nazareth our Lord weut to .. Capernatim and perhaps abode in the Possibilities of grace are symbolized by bolt% a Peter. The power of 1de preach- ,ti!e sso. The Cliristian is compassed by 7.ng drew crowds, which pressed upon divine care as the ship is compassed by llimit as He walked. along the white beach the sea. Cod's love is an ocean broad winch forms the margin of Lake Oen- and deep, n which we are invited to live. nesaret. To hear --There was a good e 40(1 would not have us shallow, coast - prospect for a glorious revival of religion. bound Christians'rhe land s tialls of There were times in the life a our Lord " when thousands were anxioas to hear eltilY. anibition, tho treacherous rocks iiint of sensuality and worldly plea§lues, the Him, for the common people heard unsuspected sand bars of fraud and dis- gladly. Lake of Gennesaret-The most honesty, are close to the coast. Keep sacred sheet of water which this earth away from the danger of shipwreck. Cut coutains.-Stanley. Called also tbe Sea loose from everything. Put out from the of Galilee, the Sea of Tiberias, and in shore. Where you are, life will be a the Old Testament the Sea of Chinne- failure, and labor unsatisfactory. Cut roth (Josh, xii. 3). It is a clear lake the shore Inte. Lose yourself in God's about twelve nines long and five broad, Let luta be to you "a place of with. the Jordan River flowing through llove, .i,iroad rivers and streams" (Isa. xxxiii. it. Its fish ,/u christ/s were valuable. -1). Launch away out, and be carried time it was covered with a fleet of 4,000 vessels, from. fishing boats to ships away by the current of his love. of war." -Cam. Bib. This was the region of the early labors of our Lord. 2. Two sbips-Fishing boats. They must nave been small. This is •clear from the aecouuts given of them. A. few men could handle mie, and a single large draught of fislt endaugered them. Standing by- Anchored, or drawn up ileon the beach. The fishermen -Peter, Andrew, James and John. Washing their nets -They had spent the night in fruitless effort and now they were clean- ing the filth of the sea front the threads of the neta and mending any defective or broken parts. 3. One of the ships - The ship of James and John appeared to be at some distance away; this one be- longed to Simon Peter and to his brother Andrew. See Mark L 16. 1 ed hun him. Jesus in a fa.miliar inan- -, Courage.To undertake what (lea -Asked eortimauds with absolute fearlessness ter tekes possession of Peter's boat and "Let down your nets (v. 4). A. girl who had been caring for Mrs. White- mraws per ton , „ 10 00 more's house, during her absence in the at 76 to 78e, and of 100 bushels of gooey at Tele. Batley quiet, 100 -buelude ueil- ing at. 31e. Oats steady, with sales of 400 bushels at 3014 to 40e a bushel. Dairy produce in fair supply. Clioiee diary butter mold. at at to Inie per lb. and new laid eggs at 2.) to 30e per dozen. Hch Hay is unchanged, with -sales of 30 lotele at eel to $10.(10 a ton for timothy, and at $0 to e8 for mixed, Straw quiet, one load t-elling at $10 a too, Dressed lugs are ltuellangA, with light quoted at $0.50 and heavy at Wheat, oldie, buebel ..$ 0 76 $ 0 78 Do„ red, bushel .. 0 76 0 78 1)0, srring. bushel 0 70 0 00 The, goose. bushel .. 0 72 0 00 Oats, bushel .. 0 :Itite 0 AO Barley, Imeina .... 0 51 0 00 Peas, bushel • • 0 73 0 00 Rye, bushel ,... (I 75 0 00 Hen timothy, ton 0 00 10 DO Do„ mixed, ton 00 8 00 10 50 summer, asked, as she was being paid her wages, Can say something to you" "Certaiuly." "I came here Mere with- out Christ; now I have him." lt is rs. Whitemore's habit to scatter tracts here and there in the home, and the girl had reaa them, "Catch men" (v. Mb The sevenfold building which represents Christian char- acter (IL Peter i. 5-7) bas eight good qualifications for the fisher of men: I. Faith, Faith in Jesus is the fouuda. tion stone. Faith to go where God Bents ard to work in God's way. We are not likely to catch men in one place if we have been directed to fish in another. makes it his pulpit while he speaks to the people. Sat down -The common pos- ture of Jewish teachers. Compare Matt. v. 1. Taught -"It is probable that this mean. rno.re to us than a theory or doe - was a small bay or cove, and that when trine.“ be able to say with a happy he was in the boat the people on the face, .how are we the sons of God" (I. shore stood round him in the form of an ne. 2), there must be no doubt of amphitheatre. No doubt the lake was John our. discipleship. (b) hmosyledge of our still so that his voice was undisturbed. guide. book. Because it will thoroughly 11. The draught of fishes (vs. 4-7). 4. . furnish us for (ter work (II. Tim. iii. Launch out -Christ forgot His own wear iness and only seemed to remember the 1i); and enable us to teach iu all wis- disappointment of His followers in toiling; doin (Col. it. 16); and make men WiSO all night in vain. This verse has often. unto salvation (IL Tiin. iii. 15); and been used to illustrate the fact that produce faith in them that hear (Rom. Christ would have us leave the shore of x. 17). selfishness, worldliness and sin and 4. Temperance. This is the great re- launch out into the depth of His love guhttor of the work. We met not he and fulness. For a draught -Let down elated by success nor diecouraged by fait. your nets for the taking of fish. 5. ure. We need. the preparation of pray - Master -This is the first timp that the er (Luke vi. 12) and the endnenient 'Cr word Isere translated masteris used. in the Holy Spirit (Luke =iv. 49; Acts 11. the New Testament, and. it.is used only 4). We must be on the watch for by Luke. The other evangehstscall Him emls (John iii. 5; iv. 7. Failure s ome- Rabbi or Lord.-Bi Lord. -Barnes. This s not the times results from lack of furnishing. A. word usually rendered master, but is a - man who has been in. the Arctic region title of respect. Note haw familiarly engaged in whaling, landed at Dundee. Peter addresses Jesus. Toiled. all the Wishing to hear the gospel he entered in- night-Pi eter thus shows bow unlikely t to one of the churches. Coining out a was that they would catch anything. The mate asked. him, "Well, Jack; how did night was the best time ror catching cer- you like the sermon 2" "Oh,"be replied, .oit was a good. sermon enough but there tain kinds of fish and if they had caught • • (Erek. n. . 3, Knowledge of our craft. (a) Knowl- edge of salvation. That we may testify as well at teach, Our salvation must Alsike, No. 1, bushel. .... No. 2 No, 3 ., „ Rod, cholee, No. 1, bu.. Timothy, bushel . Dressed hop 4pples, per bbl. it.ggs, new laid, doeen . 13utter, dairy .. . Do., creamery . Chiekees, per 11). . row!, per . Turkeys, per lb. . (lees°, per lb. . Cabbage, per dozen . Cauliflower, per dozen . Potatoes, per bag . 0 25 5 25 4 50 . 25 . 130 • 00') . 200 . 095 • 021 . 027 . 012 • 000 . 015 . 11 . 040 . 075 • 070 Celery, per dozen 0 e5 Onions, per bag 1 20 Beef, bindquartere 0 50 Do., forequarters . , 4 50 Do., choke, carenee .... 0 00 Do., medium, carcase.. 5 25 Mutton, per ewt. .. 7 50 Veal. per ewt. 50 Lamle per cwt. , 0 00 aA....k ,..d 243 53 43 Winnipeg Options. Tho following were tife closing quota- tions yesterday ab this market: Jan. 76%, May 79, July 809.e. British Cattle Matkets. • Leedon.-•Cattle are emoted at ltleee to line pet. Ht.; refrigerator, rhie to 8);Se. TO DtAlli IN 110TE1 Mt. kg -To Nearly Thirty Others More or Less Injured bY Being Burned or by Falling Glass, 0 75 5 75 5 00 7 00 2 00 9 50 3 25 0 30 0 20 0 30 0 13 0 10 0 17 0 12 0 50 1 00 0 80 0 40 1 25 7 25 5 50 0 50 5 75 8 50 10 00 10 50 Toronto Live Stock. The quality of fat rattle generally was not good, too many "green" or unfinished cattle being marketed. There was a fair trade for fat cattle, considering the quality. A few of the best picked lots sold at a little higher prices, but the common to medium cattle sold more readily and prices were higher. Exporters -Practically there were none on sale, at least there was not one straight load. One export, dealer got a report of 150 cattle that had lost him $5 . . t . . • Butehers'-Picked lots of choice sold at nothing, then they could not expect to , , _) r P .). 1 a mace. This is the force of char• - catch anv in the daytime. This is no $4.23 to $4.40 and there were few of doubt reported VW Luke to cause the mir aeter that can turn apparent failure Mof these. Loads of good, $3.00 to $4•15; fair hm andsoely dressed., and wearing ilia- . - ade to appear alto real victory. "The hardest -work l the more striking. At ' the was was to lie still,' an old eoldier to gooa at $3.60 to $3.90; good cows at meads, rode up in an automobile to a thy word -No doubt Peter was weary $3.25 to $3.00; common cows at $2.50 Broadway department store yesterday and somewhat discouraged, but he had mid. to $3.00; canners. at $1.50 to $2 per cwt. afternoon to shop. As they stepped from faith enough in Christ to Iml. Him to. 0.,Godliness. _G, edly living is ever at - Feeders and Stockers -Mr. Murby the vehicle one of them laughingly spoke go at the direction of His Divine Master., traenve bait. ea be is to be able to "He walked :with inc. and del 1.)..otieht about 100 stockers and feeders at 6. Their net brake -"Their nets were lo• to ber companion about •her approachiug ' at l. mien wing prices: Feeders, 1,100 lbs, each, titude Of fishes that a snap in some weak in _ _ ,... To. Ii A o li.?, „I 1 (.ftiOr at $1 to -$4.12% per cwt,; 1,000 lb, feeders marriage-. "Just think," ham remarked, with a :panto nuFa)aewa30. e troul iniquity"tf.. breaking." -R. V. There was 6tieh a mul- t par. 0 s f the net warned them that they in (Wine this thou shalt sate ( Tim. at $3.75; 00.0 lb.. feeders at $3.50; 800 lb. must have assistrume or lose the entire iv. 10)• . . feeders at $3.40, and stockers at $3 to smile, "three weeks more end dint aud "catch." "The miracle was an acted. par- 7. Motherly kindness. This is a $3•25. I will be on our honeeenoon. Now well able, of which the significance is ex- John the Baptist to prepare the way of s i Mtch Cows -There !vas a good trade plained in Matthew xiii. 47." -Farrar, ttutb. in mile]) cows and springers during thee et) in .ana Mash the trousseau. I have 7. Beckoned -Made signals, The dis- 8, Love. "The love that looks behind week. More good cows are wanted. $200, and 111 spena every cent of IL" eanee evidently being too great for the thse worldlee position, whether high or Veal Calves -About 80 veal calves The two girls entered the store aud voice to reach. They camet-James and low, that looks beneath the raiment, found ready solo ac $1 to $7 per elvL: I stopped Inc fifteen minutes on the first _ whether it be of velvet or rags, and lays the bulk going at $5 to $0 per cwt. • hohl on the soul for which Christ diede' tion. They examined many things, but John with their ship. Began to sink "They forsook all (v. 11). Not atone Sheep end Lambs -Picked 12ts of ewe did not make a purehase. Their apnear- The boats could hardly hold as much as e export ance ttn•a manner, alowerer, ateraleted the nets. "Trench refers to a shoal of and teenier lambs sold at $6.7e to $7 Per mackerel, itt Brighton, in MS, so great the evil things of life, baneful assoeia- cwt.; mixed lots sold at $6.50; n'eneral attention. Among thoee who ments, but the good things of life -home sheep at $4.50 to $4.75, although one or n watehea them with interest was. Miss that the net eoltki not be brought iu, and tione, hurtful habits, questionable amuse - and friends, reputation, money, every- two choice lots brought more money; ex- Amite Vogel, o woman detective. fishes ami net remained in the sea to- gether." "13y this vast draught of fishes s • port bucks, $3.75 to $t per cwt. MISS Vogel followed them to the sec - Christ intended, 1. To show His dominion thin. To foreake "all is to literally ond floor, Where she allegee she saw -one in the seas as well as on the dry laud, sell everythiug you have as belonging Hogs -The Harris reports prices firm, of the women put tee, cut gimes meth (P-sa. viii. 8). 2. To confirm the doctrine . but unchanged at $7 per ewt, for selects, ine eelts bottles in ber muff. She Me to God and not to yourself. Then if he bad just preached. 3. To give those $6.75 for lights and fats, $4 to $5 for Bowe, and $2.50 to $3.50 mediately .sunumoned Frank B. :Meeker. e • e friends fall •asleep there will .be no re - who wore to be Me aanbassars to the belli"/ Ile selfish grief, f" (-40(1. lias a et ' . ags. per cwt. for World a specimen of the success they - right to da what he will with his own. the man detective in that floor, anti expect."-Llenry. A. C. M. Leading Wheat Matnets. both watched further. They saw the III, The disciples le.tonished (vs. 8, 9). Members Oa Card Party Saved Many Lives bY Giving an Alarm and Rousing the Guests. Lowell, Mass, Jan. least three lives were loet in a fire which badly damagea tile Richardson Hotel, here early to-daeo Seven injured persons were taken to the hospital, • while nearly a score of others Wore treated by physieians and then taken in other hotels. and residents in tlie neighborhood. All of the known dead were women. Two of them have not been identified, while the third was a woman who was hired yebterday Ps a paltry cook at the hotel. lfer name was unknown but she eaine from :Boston. Most of the injured were either burn- ed, cut by falling glass, or hurt in jump- ing from the windows of tho upper otor- qrs. The firo is believed to have startea in. the kitchen from an overheated stove. The hotel was a four storey brick strew - ere hail been a meeting of business itnueTriell,t1 at the hotel in tho evening and af- ter it was over a number remained to play cards in a room on the second floor. About 2 o'clock there was it strong smell of [smoke and when the door was open- ed there was a strong rush of smoke and heat into the room, It is due to the pmenee of mind of those in the room that the list of casualties was not great- er. One man ran out doors to turn in it fire alarm, while the others lauTied through. the corridors kicking at the doors and arousing the occupants of the various rooms ou the eeeond and first floors. When an attempt was made to reach the third and fourth floors the men were driven back by the smoke and flanwe. CANADIAN. i The ifingliam Adv Thee. Hall , Fropticto, CW.,§ nR. AGNEW PHYSICIAN, SURGEON ACCOUONEUR. for a new echool. Petrolea Town Council votod $17,000 °Mee 7,-Upstaire in the Macdonald Block. Wycliffe College, Toronto, is eritiealy Zstighb calls anoWered At °Meg. Rev. James Sheraton, Prineipal of Parker 4O, Company. broker); and Yeal (gamine of the British idediestr KENNEDT M• ig 0 • 0 I COLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE. and children. 1VI1011 the firemen arrived many per- Legl.ilation dealing with the usury evil sone on the third and fourth floors wero will in all probabilit,v be introdueea at Special attention paid to Mimes of wonseee All the persons on the first and eeeoud estate agents, Colborne street, Toronto, Atisociation) floors escaped without iantries. have euepended payment. hanging from the window ledges. Un- the comingsession of Parliament. Oman Hoene :-/ to pen. ; tee peas ing to the first alarm aid ea Which) The Comedian Military Gazette Print- • fortunately the fire apparatus respond - enough aerial ladders to remove those . lag and. Publishin„e Co., Limited, bas beep 1 I incorporated, with a capital stock of persons from their precarious position. A second alarin was sounded immetliete- . reached the scene all those who were At Underwood .airs, Jane Ralston, an ly and when sufficient long ladders had visibly in peril were rescued. old lady of 139 years, took carbolic add Some of those banging from tbo win- lailliLioieutta,Isicatfoori.• tough medicine, and died tfloorereitolswetvit;)11.,0 it:atilt, become exhausted be- The treaty between Canada and Japan, d had dropped from under which imports will be admitted ARTHUR J. IRWIN ,apil:,,,,,:iiiidItt:Ilsy.inio the life nets that were into the latter country at the miniumin Most of the persoes on the third and rolititelictlifre(11).1111Yelig exl"" t° tukc eff"t 14).0. DR. R013T. C. REDMOND' Physician and Surgeon. (Omoe with Dr. flinsboiro) fourth floors who were not taken down The 0. 3'. It. has decided to abolielt I: Doctor of Dental Surgery of the ren by firemen, managed to escape by the the stores department in. the *est, and nsylvania College and Licentiate oft rope fire escapes. All left in their night la future to buy direct from inerchauts Dental Surgery of Ontario, clothes and they did not have au op- in Winnipeg atut other places, according °Moe over Pose Oreee-WII*PallAM portuuity to save their personal of- to requirements. , foots. The hotel was bought by Mr. Tobin, the proprietor, two years ago, for $00,- 000. After search of the ruins by the fire- men and pollee, completed shortly after 8 o'clock, it was announced that only three bodies had been found, two were the bodies of women and the other that of the man. The man, from vipers foend in his pockets., was believed. to be P. 0. Harding, 0 Hillside Park, Somerville. The body of one of thd women is be - lived to be that of Mrs. Buffo, the cook of the hotel, who belonged in Boston, and who avail hired only yesterday, and the other that of Josephine Kenneston, of Franklin Falls, N. 11,, who was the at- tendant of A, 8. Anthony, NOW Bed- ford, ene seriously injured. senthouy's condition is critical. lie had been in poor health Inc some time. A travelling salesman named Feldman, of New York, who registered at the ho- tel yeeterday,, had not been accounted fm• to -day. UM ROBBERY IN e EPA s TRENT ST BRITISH AND FOREIGN. DR. Gen. Joiseph Wheeler will be buried in Anneuiteement has been made that , linavsn o Ec...NTJST 1,korillizt.o.n. Cemetery, with full military joint D. Rockefeller has just given to ' the Utiversity of Chicago 4%450,000. Sir Edward Thornton, the former Brit- • BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR ish Minister at 'Washingtou, died in hon, Money so loan at loweatrates. ORice dun this afternoon, after a lengthy I BRAVER BLOCK, Them is little hope for the recovery of Cardinal Gotti, who hies sent to Popo 7.95. WINGHAM; gentsioz.NL. twice% far the Apostolic bone. • HOLLOWAY I VANSTONE WINGEtalf . The large grain mill and elevator of Close Bros., on South Moor street, $chen- Barristers, Solicitors, etc, s toledly deetroyed by Office: Meyer Block Wingham. efierlird' sNinoYrIZ, Ensign Charles '1'. Wade, charged with E. 1,. Dickinson responsibility fur the explosion on the Dudley Holmes gunboat Bennington in San 33iego har- bor, California, some months ago, has been acquitted. . A °amens despatch says; A decree int; been issued by the Goverment recallirg . BARrIvloTNEREv• ATNOD .LSOoLAICNI.TOR. ilei Consuls in• Frame*, antl withdrew- Offlee:-Morton Block, Wingharte . ing the exequaturs of the French Con - r,,,..,,, in Wile/meta. . Waehington advices say that etant.) ii„.,e0 Domingo's total debt runs consideraisly in excess of any figures heretofore given. DICKINSON HOMES Two Fashionably Dressed YOUI111 -Women Locked Up Charged With Theft in New York. New York, Jan, 29. -The Times says - At first they indignantty denied. the. • charge. Then they suddeuly eollapsed Two youug women, good looking, girls .take other articles they sav. -5- • . :Afay. July. gi.veit, for this is the turning point inNN minneopelis 83% ass When they thought they had a sore sitti ease the two detectives, called for Harry 8. Simon Peter -Hie full natne is liere ToA become Peter, a rock. "'Enter' expreeses AND COLLIER'S. ''''''''' 8396 8014 took tile yoUng women into a private the possibilities Jesus sasv in the nature Blades, chief detective of the etere, who So ins life. -Riddle. Simon le destined to . of Simon." Saw -It some that it was not till Peter saw the boats beginning WHAT IT COST NEW YORK JUDGE to fink that he realized the greatness of TO SUE NEmSPAPER. the miraele. Fell down -The common posture of a suppliant. In amazement lie fell at the feet of Jesus trembling and afraid. Depart from me --Peter eaw that the same knowledge and rower that could pervade the depths of the sea could pervade the depths. of his hum -an heart and know its secret sins. In his hasty agony ae an impure .man, and not Inc tury• special crime or ent, lie - almost sinfully prays, not that his soul might be purified to endure the. glauee of the great Searcher, hut that the Searcher would withdraw His eye and leave him, alas! in eine-Whedon. The exclamation of Peter was wrung from a heart touched. with a sense of humil- ity, and bis words did not express his thoughts. -Farrar. A. sinful man - Peter saw himself a very crea- ture. When we get. near Christ we sball see that in our unregenerate stnte we are without moral beauty or holinese. 0. Was astonishetteeWee ameeed." Ilii- xnanity stands "amazea" before the power of God. Forsaking all for Christ (vs. to, 11). Ift. Sons of Zebedee -11e children and wife of Zebedee are often referred to, but in this trausaetion only do we meet svith Zebedee himeelf (Matt. iv. 21). Fear not -He calmed their fears Mul stillest all their troubled feelings. From henceforth -Hereafter. Catch men -Literally, thou shalt be catching alive. This seems to imply the contrast be- tween the fish ilmt lay glittering there in dead heaps, and men who should be captured not for death but for life. -- Cam. Bib. They were to lievoine tors of the gospel, dna their bueinees should be to win men to the truth that they might be eared. 'the physical ,,,r„14.4• hi* 411POrithdej Iry woreeem of it higher kind, inasenueh as sumo% in the •spiritual •Ittbors of apostles Is it greater proof of divine ilower than mighty' works that appeal to the bodily senece." Shipe to drew them up 4.11 tbe beach fur A final abandonuseet. Parsee!: all -Although it was not mardt atich they had to tease. yet it was all they had, evra all their living. 'The saertfive was a willing one and showed their love for Christ and a readiness to obey His as really as though they had left palaces or fields of geld. These -a room. Ire moulded them of shoplifting, and adottted that they had been steal- ing, it is alleged. The detectives found that they had the two cut glass bot- tles, a, silk collar, pieces ef underwear, two silk waists and a box of hosiery valued et about $33. When pressed the women said, it is charged, they had stolen the atosiery at another store. They said they were Dottie Vedder and Floe - mese King, of an addeese on Broadway, fictitious Munea and addressee, accord- in.g to the police. Blades said he thought he would hare to look them up. Both women imme- diately broke tout crying, and. began to ple.ad for mercy. The woman telling herself Lottie Veader pleaded that if elle were arrested her life would. be ettined, lee sho. was about to be married to it man connected with Rochester, N. Y., photographic company. Her companion would not let her the inan's mune. The two women eantinued to cry, aed. walked mesteadily out the tore when Detective Fitegerales of the Mercer street elation, led them away. They were titken to jefferson Market Court, where Magistrate Moss firld of the facts. "It i$ one of the most remarkable Caged hare ever witnessed," he observed. "That two such well dreesed, eminently refined women elrauld Meal theme trifle,: when they have more than $200 in their poele-ete is beyond my eompreheneloe." Magistrate Moss held the -women in $500 bails They were unable to fernieb bonds, and were locked up all niglit. Detroit .... .......... e4 . . . . Ss% - . • • Toledo Bradstreet's Trade Review. Montreal: Witolesaie trade continuee _- Editor Proved His Case -A Vindication for spring business have also been a lit- MAKES COMRADE PIERCE THEM BURNS OUT EYES. to show quiet tone in all Ines. Orders Which Will Cost a Judge His Seat tle disaPpointing. Lack of swow has Blackmail. affected the movement of retail lines in the country. Deliveries of spring dry and May Result in Prosecution for goods are now being made. Dress goods New York. Jan. 29, ---In it verdict that Prices are advancing. °recoiled continue was reached pmetieally -without any quiet. Metals and hardware am report - deliberation, a jury &Oiled to -day that ed in excellent demand, and prieee are Norman Haimood was justified when generally steady to firm. Remittances he wrote, as editor of Collier's Weekly, (luring the past week have been a little eneeph M. Denel, of Special Sessions, slow, and there is also met hi •city colketions. Toon' for improve- thet it was a disgrace fOr Justize to be part owner of Town Topice„ a Toronto: The predominating feriture paper that printed scandal about per- in 'frade bete bas. bee". Pie hall.f,feet , . WITH RED HOT NEEDLE. Wanted to Escape Work -French Soldier Ordered to Service on Roads, Takes Terrible Method of Avoiding It. Marseilles, Jan. 20.---A remarkable story of a "nerveless" soldier, Woo dove to undergo terrible agonies met ultimate blindness rather than perform a disa- gteeable task, has etnee to light et Ta- ni.. . sons who were noe tee cowardly to pay of ihe e" Inim ""0! 11111(1 .. The soldier, whose name is Delbasse, for eilenee. It wag a vindication Inc all lines of business. Winter etoeks are is in the French diselplinary hattal- the Colliers, father and son for they not moving well througliout the eoun- ion. He had Leen ordered to work on aseumea the full reeponeibilit'y for the trt-, althoupet in the north met eaftere, the roads, and in order to get out, of downfall of Justice Deuel. part of the Pi ovinee Sleighing helpe matters voneiderably. The haraware it„i ill ote eye. this he asked bis comrade, Pope, to blind alleged libel and Hapgood, and the That Justice Deuel violated his oath • trade continnuee fairly active, and the - This Pape aid by thrusting in it rea- of office Dietrice Attorney Jerome con- • emitinued. activity hi tee building tratles 1.o.t;s;)s.,,li‘,1.tiiiiiigulteemeillittleirs.viiile Delbasse sat: ceded in his gumming up, adding sig- han inereased Hie demand .fox euppliese teficantly, ilea lm must take OM cow Priers show a firm tom (4rereerieS are -"ii-eyigs. told hi, „ffice,„ 1 bat 1,„ eagiteneee. So it is assured that un- 411lietc Sultari ea'zY dud litill aud canned had blinaed. himeelf by evident with tx lees Justice Deuel resigue, eliarge.s will ;exile very firm on light stoeke. (haw piece of broken glass, bob the drietor bo preferred against lum to the Apel- rto eollections 4ire generally .fair. late Division, and he wilt be removed. Winnipeg: General busine)is continues dieeovered that the wound had been pet - But what of Town Topice and its head- posely inflicted. Delbasse escaped with to improve, end with more seesonabliti a slilitteltiontilisaitieRtil 11;eeetletthiadkltuots It%.)t7e111.: being taken to bend/meters and beteg piece, (701. William IL Mann, "the old weather tlieee has been apetter &titan? . .man of the mountains, the king of the ctattitt:,:,g‘ttit3itt.t",".liteltitt17,,,, ir,T4tigneer ,t1?, 1111(1 eye, and Pape again imea the red-hot s examinea Manus was locked up. no will aseaseins of reputations," of °shortie's ;:11'1"1105-;',e;;;T, '7(;40.11-ra-glig7ruifte-tt-v-"iiirIve knitting needle, Delbasse •waii then tot- receive it. hearing to 11101 mut, prob- imagination, end "the master erafee eee ss and it.,,,litt,e et, , prg i n n ,,,,,,y„ oily blind, and Was sent to the lioseitalo ably will be held to await word from :scan of blackmail," aceordieg to Ell- ""e''" • -2-2-2- -2"..- -2- ......' He Inri bem disalisSed fnen the army. the British authorities, svho have beep ward M. Shepard. shipped. The need for elution, however. senteoeed ii) eight!' yearls; ilittliel tallier at Toronto lifail and, Empiree-elanies vivo wag emir .-mat m et . sou was opprised by rabic of the arrest. Col. Mann svalked out. of mutt to- ie being impreesed on wholesalers ana . ;my declaring that be *would continue . '1... tl il ( t the country Manes, the prisoner referred to in the lei evil a . wivate,„1-10- Tunis yesterday. LONG SOUGHT ROGUE. LIVERPOOL BANK ROBBER NABBED IN NEW YORK. Declared to be James Mances, for Whom Police Had Searched for More Than Your Years -Picked Up on the Street by Chance -Asserts His Innoeeace. New York, 3ma. 29. -Central office de- teetivee of this city arrested to -night; a man for 'whom they declare the police of the woild base been smelling for mom han four years. The prisoner, who was picked up on the street by mete chance, is declared to be James Mamie, formerly an American book- maker, who is wanted in eonneetion'with the famous Dank of Liverpool robbery of November 22, 1001, in Which the Eng- lish institution, through forgery and con- spiracy, was defrauded of more than $900,000. Subsequently $380,000 of thie amount was recovered from the conspir- ators, the bank having enstained it net hen of more than 8400,000. While ;twitting ids name to he jantett Maness, he man under arrest anetts that lie bed no part in the affair, After the publication of Town Topiee. A fesv Vtule.mver* • : above despatch, livea in. Toronto some minutes before. Mr. Jerome bad told auniti retail trade bore continue quiet. SEIZING PIRATED EDITION'. 20 3 -ears ago under the name of James the jury that it was a vile paper thet movement, of dry gotele, hot it has per - weather hoe int erfered evith the _ liangliiiii)ibte;a1Prawitasa toltivseen i>iti111,6V1vell turig°trotn- '4101114 bo eliPPredeed- 'What lffevta netted meth otadoor work that other- Si flf Intpounds Seven Sets o, ratcyco. street at that time. Ire had a most I Ian - will tbe Lot sippre..„.ect. "would Has sem impoc,a/‹.. Tea le 1 its,,...,:ieurAtiii,tossa'el:or.r %,,o,, A Lann 1 nere lumber trade eontinties 4tetive and nth paeditt leritininica. , sgimblotoi thadldirae3s.: tiannati miellialinnietatbesile fojnerrled)s) If 'Wag Milted tit 11, tweet edinge Wroillot . toilt4 ire, fair to .ma. ,, „ voters in prim"; aro exremf.,1, („11,, ei,?;:initittr:liTriirti:‘,112111.7a-SuPpVievli :,eeitzlieiinfli];:ilt(?;;; tnnfore • mining to Toronto lie lived in 1i,7,, tsteme., fle,,a0.‘,,,:2".; 4‘,..1111,,,rt, ;time, inVulv. ittli*IiillOn i TrA410 in blisl110,4 li Suffer- sloniff and his offit•ers in it Well-known 1 ()11411.11 f0r._.*.SOnlO,6ii....pe...M.. . "----*- it-- --."'"--1- -r - -"aPjaeY, "0 hid somewita t fr•lin the 1111 01 • • • 11 Y e * tic t In • 1.. 1 in on leittunlay. I .1-4,....) )e (1114.1 r• e i i . s o 11(811 pli•bablY Ina 1110 IN.'S/44910" %el. -Wier. and -1110 movement of wholeoile They' mere pat of n pirated edition t*f I Sent te Mintice School. ()Ilona on the defenee. and retell lines is not what; ball been ex- the 'work, the copyright of tvitieli ie !tent i Guelph, Jam 2R. - James Eawards, • • ....1.4.40---* ueeted. Spring businese, flowerer, eon- by A. and C. Illaelt, tuition, England. charged with holding up Ella. Lee and Reward for Long Service, fistnezt, fairly ttetive, end .good orders are About a year ago that cement obtained demanding Inouye oat of the till, Wits Toronto../an. 29. --Two 1,Idel'all letter- comim forward in 0-11 Jillet Collections it judgment from the Privy t'ettneil or- sentenced yeeterday by re .M. Saunders earriers, Ntilliani Patriek Sargent, 280 are fair. /*tering the delivery to them. of the whole to eighteen menthe in the atindeo 'Markham Street ,and Charlee Cohost, ,e," London: Country trade euntinnes of the editimi. Sinee then they have Selmol. On the charge of taking Baseman street, as a rewind for 35 years' quiet, hut the dimmed for spring )(nee been eeetitig the boohs in Cienada, but money from 'Airs. Vinutberlain's till at, elides died before reeeived a eell., but for terviee WPM* fal Saturday peesenited is thessiegtmore aelivity. Deliviri, 4 of those seized tin Saturday were the fist the point of a l'evolver ho tag allowed thtele were nstinitted to remain in with imperial Service medal); by Mr. grein eoninete light. Other line; ef actually iliectemed, The hookeailer was to go on eilepended nenteuee. His ehatefe sif their business; now thev re- George Ross, Chief superintendent of the eonntry proluee are feinting fa aunts dimpoehig of them on commissien, forth- father Wilt bail for his fame good eciicd it "full apostolie S11111»lort,il'auti pfttoffice. wen. Load industries Aro busy. nately for himself. behavior. e Dr. ifelintider pluee'd the total at $111.- 269,404.83. .Fieetil. ESTATE, INSURANCE ANa LOAN AGENT. CONVEYANCING The Franeo-tryneepelan eorreepondc?nee which the Caracas Coneticonal has been Celle/men of Itenta and Account,: n specinlise publishing fully demonstrates, it is claim- ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT. ed, the conuivance of the French Gowen- oineezin vanttone Mock. 'tient in the Mates =volution, Open Saturday event:1ga, 7 to 9. A bill for a receiver for the Nettienal Life Insurance Co., of Chicago, has been • filed in the dietrice court at Des Moines, WELLINGTON MUTUAL Iowa, where the company has $1,000,000 on deposit with the State auditor. The steamship Topeka which arrivea at Port Townsend to•day brought no survivors of the Valenciit save those al- ready reported. Tho total saved, accord - tug to the figuees of the officials of the Pacific Coast Compauy, is forty, The National Lumber Expel:ten' A4- eociation ehree11 its sixth annual coneen- tiou at Washington yesterday. Offi- cers were elected. The Association plac- ed itself on record as in favor of reel. proeity between the Limited States and foreign nations. Alex. Minton Coxe, a member of the Coxe family, which controls extensiye mining properties in the anthracite coal I region of Pennsyhmeia, died at his home, I in Philedelphia, to -day, from pneumonia. Mr. Coxe was a member of many of Owl exclusive clubs of that city. Vhhlo rounding the southwest head of Geand Mann, near Eastport, Maine, dur- ing it thick fog, yesterday, the New York tug, Gypsum King, with MI barge in tow, struck on the Murr Ledges end will probably become a total wreck. The crew of both vessels landed at Seal Cove. Three vessels, the Bristol liner Exe- ter City, from New York, the British Toned, and the Briish steamer Faithful ran ashore in a bunch in the river Avon Eegland, to -day, during a dense fog; They remain fast but are in no immed- iate danger. The 'independent oil refiners of Kan - ens have mailed to James R. Garfield, commiseioner of corporations of the De- parteneut of Commerce and. Labor, an appeel for justice against the alleged couspirae.y between the Standard Oil Co. and the railmade to slrjt Kansas oil mit ef the market. 4 FEARFUL SCENES. Conflict Between Cossacks and Ex-Pris- otters at Vladivostock, Tokio, Jan. 23.- Russians at Nageski have received a despatelt rent Irom Vindivostoek last Thursday, saying that .n.°111 3 o'clock Nirednestlay 'night it sanguinary conLIK bad been waged between Cossacks awl ex. -pris- oners from Japan. The wounded were esti- mated to number 1,100, one•thinl of them wore taken to tee hospitals, but the rest were allowed to remain on the streets, which were covered With tincliv. rho weather was bitteris cold. reartm secuel were wit- nessed. A train has been long overdue Trent Harbin. Some trains have been blown Up by the rioters and precipitated into Chi river. There have beeu nearly 3,000 ettaltal^ ties In these outrages. J. A. MORTON O. J. MAGUIRE DIAMOND RINGS PassiNG. Tray Was Stolen Front Jewelry Travel - lees Case. Toronto, Jan. 21).---A tray of di:untied tinge, valuej eloee upon e4e,000, is inissieg from the min* case earried by Albert E. It. flume, a traveller for the J. Zoek Company, Limited, wholesale jew- elites, of 300 ,Adelitide street. west. lite trey- contained forty-two siegle stone eiege. four te in settings, seventeen lime- stone (tinge nine five stones. ten (Austere, anl eight rosn diamonl riugs anti six seake rinre,/ The stock elusets show an , • :Whin:LIMN to the firm of •$:1,731.40, whieh dove not im•lude the value of the six snake rings, Child's Body Found. in River. Peterborough, 0»t... elan. 28. ---the body of it full grown female infant wad found against it grating in the raceway al, the Auburn Powerlemee yesiarday alt moon. 'ft had evidently been threeni into the fttenattee river some miles Op Fdlean1. The inaly was badly ite• composed. Cormier Do Gray is holdiog an iuqueet. FIRE INS. CO. Established 1310. tiead °Moo 0 TIELPIL ONT. tusks taken on an °lasses of insurable pro purl y en the cash or premium note, system. Wan GOLD19, Grua. DAVIDeow, Prepideet.. Secrete.ry, JOHN RITCHIE, AM:NT. WJNIUL&M ONT 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRACE MARKS COp;nDesze iGTS c. Anyone sending a sketeh nnddcser tlonmn quickly ascertain our opinlotreoijeraiy i Invention to probably? patentable. Communion. ttonootrlettgeoundeattal. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securtng_patents. Pato/aft tak011 throUgh Nunn .0 co. rece/ra special notice, without charge, in tho $cieniiii ;lineman, A. handsomely illustrated weekly. largest en, r onlar:fourttonon2faonnm y aetentnio journal. Terme. 33 a the, $1. Sold wan newadealora. MtUraliNch olinece94,436F106rtoaw dwaasyh,inila etowo,DY.°C.rk 1 -PROT-APTLY SECURED 'Write for our interesting books " invent- or's Help" and "How you ore swindled." bend tts a rough sketch or model of your in- ivention or improvement and we will tell you free our opinion as to whether 1114 probably patentable. Rejected applications have often been successfully prosecuted by M. We conduct fully equipped offices in Montreal and Washington; this qualifies us to prompt'ly dispatch work audsmickly secure ratentS furnished. as broad as the invention. ilighest references Patents procttred through Marion Se At a- rion receive Epecial notice without charge in the Dmitittiou. over too newspapers distributed throughout the and P,nglueers. Specialty :-Patent busittesa of Manufac- MARION & MARION Patent Export; and Solicitors, offices: i New York Lite i li'ld'g, flontteal Atlantic Bid W I i' gt D C ........."` 484.!-12."... • ' . C. P. R. Trainmen's Pay Advanced. Winnipeg'.Tan.. way 11100, tritekruen and bridge men 111 the C. P. lt. system between Pori, .Ar- iletr and the (meet have hetet given an advance of fifteen cents per day, ae the toed t (f IlegotiabiOns 'Which have bcya in progress here the mod two weeks, HIS ARM BROKEN, (.11:1., .70 n. 29, (Specitt I) --By falling from the (4. T. 11. bridge over 1 he River Speed on new steel work is being placed, 'Elector Gravel, .one of the workmen, had his arm broken and a Mir" row -eseepo front death. I tee-. turglars Wrecked Safe. Toronto, Jan. 2th-crack:inlet' with nitro.oyeerino blow tho door off the safe in the Borthwiek Baking (50111- spaily'e premises no Saturday night. Nearly $80 in ebenge kept in Om eel, for the 1150 of the eontitinyti drieers, was taken by the thieves. There 14 no eine to the erdelo4inell, altlion0 the xptdiee are eatisfiell that it was the winds' of the same gang who blew open the two •sefes in the Bewley mill on Shaftes- bury avenue lard week. Perham; the teltsou prephot is ilot honeyed in liis 01111 country is lieriill-" we got Urea et hearing Mtn say: "1 toll you Ao." .e•