HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1906-01-25, Page 8PiIPTIMI ANNIVERSARY. MAD home of Mr. and Mrs. George Johnston of Morris was the scene of a happy event on Wednesday, Jain. 17, When a large number of friends and neighbors gathered to celebrate with thein the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding day. 14r. Johnston was born near Kings- ston tri 1$31 and came to Goderieh when but a child. In 1855, he moved on to the farm where lie now resides, Mrs. Johnston was born in Northum- berland. county in 1837. In 1850 she was united in marriage to Mr. Johns- ton, and from this union there were eight sons and four daughters, Two sons and one daughter have passed away. The other sons aro—Jaynes, of Dauphin (who was not present on . Wednesday); John, of Morris ; Thos., of Myrtle, Man.; Noble, of Edmonton; David and William, still at the old home. The daughters are—Mrs. Kirk- patrick of Colborne, Mrs. Mason of Stratford, and Mrs. Jacklin of Grey. The guests brought with them many valuable presents as tangible eviden- ces of the esteem for the host and hostess. At six o'clock, a hot dinner was served to a joyous company, fol- lowed by an excellent program. Rer, G. Baker in his bright, cheery way, presided. Mr. Johnston gave an ad- dress, reviewing some of the scenes of his past life. Then followed addresses by Messrs. Shaw of Bluevale and Mc- Cracken of Brussels ; instrumental by W hiteehulrcli, DEAR 1:n1'rolu, I will, this 'meek, make my bow tothe readers of your valuable paper, as a correspondent for the vicinity of Whitechurch, and hope that my poor efforts may he appre- ciated by your many readers, hut more particularly those of this vicini- ty. I hope that they will all do their part, by doing something every week, which will be worthy of notice, and that they will make a point of bring- ing that something to my notice, so that it may be passed on to your col- umns in dne time. I also hope that the fact that I aha supposed to he the regular correspondent, may not pre- vent any others who may have any interesting item to report, from send- ing the same to you. Rev. Mr, Edmunds assisted Rev. Dr. Gundy in revival services in Wingliam last week. A. large number of young people met at the home of Mr. Geo. Gillies, on the boundary, last Friday evening, where they spent the night "tripping PPin g the light fantastic." We have to relate that H. Spencer and family have removed from our midst to take up their abode on the 12th of West Wawanosh. They will be greatly missed by their many friends in this locality, and we sin- cerely hope that their sojourn in the neighboring township may be so hap- py and prosperous that they will de - Mr. and Mrs. Ruttan ; solos by Mrs. Gide to snake it their permanent Baker, Mrs. Shaw and Mr. Robb ; re- = abode. citation by R. Kirkpatrick; reading On Feb. 4th, the Presbyterian Guild by Ashton Mason of Stratford ; reci- will celebrate the 25th anniversary of tations by Miss Peacock and Arthur the Society of Christian Endeavor, by Shaw ; instrumental music by Miss a special service on Sunday evening, McCracken and others. 1 which will be conducted by the Rev. Then Mr. and Mrs. Johnston were R W. Craw of St. Helens, and on each presented with a gold watch and Monday evening a lecture wilt be giv- chain by their sons and daughters, en in the church, by the Rev. J. H. their son John reading the following McVicar of Fergus, on "Sign Posts of address :— Old London." Mr. McVicar preached Morris Tp., Jan. 17th, 1006. with great acceptance at the Church DEAR FATHER AND MOTIIER :—We anniversar in October, an will be your children have gathered here to- y day, on your invitation, at the old gladly welcomed now with his lecture. home to convey to you our greeting and good wishes. This is a glad day for us, the main source of our joy be- ing your happiness and health. Our hearts are full of gratitude to 'God, the giver of all good, that He has spared your lives so long, and that this day finds you both in the enjoy - On Wednesday evening, Jan. 17th, a large gathering assembled at the home of 112rs. Thomas Mirehouse, 2nd concession of Kinloss, to witness the marriage of her daughter, Maggie, to Mr. Peter Naismith of North Dakota. went of health. For fifty years you , The ceremony was performed by Rev. have gone hand in hand along life's G, M. Dunn, Whitechurch. A sump - pathway. In that time you have seen tuous feast followed the ceremony. many changes. Many of the friends The name of thepresents was Legion ; of former years are gone. Few, in- g deed, who started life with you are they were handsome, costly and fit - now where they can join us in our ting. The young couple will spend a congratulations. We feel sure, how- - few weeks at Ottawa and then go ever, you will not have on that ac - west to their home in N. Dakota. count any fewer well-wishers, others have come who have learned to appre- ciate your worth. The past fifty years has witnessed wonderful progress along every line of human endeavor. You came into, for instance, what was almost an unbroken forest, and you have seen and helped to make "the wilderness bud and blossom as the rose." Your cattle now graze where the wild beast had his lair. You have given over the sickle for the cradle, the cradle for the reaper, and the reaper for the binder. Amid all this change has been a father's honor and a mother's tender love. In fifty years you have seen much of our country's progress, in all those years you have kept our common name` unsullied ; you have been, we are proud to say, loyal and worthy citizens, and among all the treasures you have handed down to us, our choicest inheritance is the memory of your virtues. We have Iived. to hear your friends speak well of you, and to see you in the em- brace of their esteem. N-Ve know that those years have not been all sunshine and we are pained to think now that we have been the cause of so much of the shadow. Still we would assure you that we have appreciated the many sacrifices offered so willingly on our behalf, and we now seek the privi- lege of giving you a pledge of our con- tinued devotion and love. We assure you that you still live in our affec- tions and that you will continue to live there as long as we shall live. Three of our number are out of the ranks, having "crossed the bourne whence no traveller returns." If it be possible we feel sure they are sharers of our joys to -day. In presenting you with these gold watches and chains we trust you will value them not for their intrmsie worth, but as a pledge of our fidelity, a token of our love and a tangible -.expression of our best wishes for many more years of happy life together. May the One who has spared you so long to enjoy each others company, spare you yet ruany years—"e'en down to old age"—and then, in the fulness of time, open for you "the gates into the City." Signed on behalf of the family. The readers of the Advance will, we are sure, join in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Johnston many years yet of happy married life. BOOK STORE, Having purchased the Book and Stationery business from Cooper & Co., we have now to offer you some extraordinary Bargains from a large and well -assorted stock of Wall Paper Window Shades China Panay Goods School Books, &c. The finest stock of Stationery on the market. A full line of School Books and Copy Books always on hand. Soribblere, 8 for do, and 8 for100... 11 sold at(io toe*. ,rens y Your Patronage Solicited Tii the Old Stand—the Gregory Bloek. THE WINGHAM ADVANCE - - THURSDAY, JANUARY 2$, 1906 Wroxeter. Miss McTavish is on a, visit to rola• tives in. WIngham at present, Mr. and Mrs, Jno, Robinson, of San- derson street, eelebrated their golden wedding on the 19th inst.. Dr. W. M. 13, Sivale, wife and daugh- ter, are at present on an extended visit to friends in Chicago. Miss Mary Driller of Catmoss, or- ganist of the Presbyterian church, en, tertnined the members of the choir one evening last week. Rev. Dr, Medd of Hensel' will preach Epworth League anniversary services in the Methodist church next Sunday evening, Jan. 28th. Mr. Frank Sanderson, druggist, of Wallaceburg, made a flying visit to his parents, arriving on Saturday night and leaving Monday morning. Mrs. Esty of the King Edward hotel had the misfortune of losing her valu- able gold watch on Friday last, and up to the .present time can find no trace of it. Mrs. Alex. McLeod started on her return journey to her home at Esta - van, Man., on Wednesday last ; she purposes stopping over a day or two with friends in Michigan. The oldest inhabitant of our village fails to remember when our clam was completely free of ice on the 23rd of January, as it was this year. A fa- mine of ice is now to be expected. Rev. J. H. Osterhout, B. D., was called to Blenheim last Friday by the death of his sister. Mr. Carr of this village filled the pulpit at Salem and Belmore, and Mr. Lewis conducted the service here on Sunday evening last. We are informed Mr. Palmer of the Star. has sold out his newspaper anti printing plant to Mr. Wm, Carr of Toronto, the transfer to take place in abort three weeks. Mr. Carr is a nephew of Mr. G. B. Carr, harness - maker here. On Friday last, a now unusual sight was seen on our streets, when a yoke of oxen was seen hitched to a sleigh ; they are to be employed hauling logs from Peter McEwen's hush to the saw- mill. This takes us back to the long - ago of 25 or 30 years. Blyth. Howick. Chits. Finlay is offering bis three farms. for sale; see advt. in this is- sue. Thos. 'Wallace of the 17th con. has sold his farm to Con. Rover and will remove to Oklahoma, Mr. Wm, Bushfielcl has purchases, the Temperance Hall at Lakelet, and moved it on to his own lot. The Council has let the job of fenc- ing the approaches to bridge /terms the lake ; Con. Roevor got it. Geo. Pedfielcl, sr., has been laid up for some time with bronchitis but is so far recovered as to be able to walk around, The oyster supper held by the Orangemen at the home ,pf Mr.. A. Cowan on Thursday, Jan, 11, was sue- cessful in every particular. Robt. Wilson of Melita, Man„ is visiting at the home of Mr, Jas. Hun- ter on the Oth line and will spend the winter in Ontario. He looks hale and hearty, The farm near Clifford belonging to Jas. Kidd of Brandon, is to be put up at auction at an early date ; the ten- ant, Jno. Shoemaker is removing to Manitoba. On Thursday Morning last 111r. W. Andison of Gorrie, was very sudden- ly stricken with a paralytic stroke and is now living at death's door, with no hope of his recovery. The managers of the McIntosh church have decided to install an organ in the church in the near future, The basement will also be furnished with an organ for the bene- fit of the Sabbath School, Orange Hill is becoming rapidly depleted of the pioneers, and new blood is filling the place of those who have left, consequently the church membership is on the decrease, and their places filled with those of other denominations. Springbank Creamery has again changed hands. Mr. Smith, who pur- chased the business from the old com- pany, has disposed of the creamery to Messrs. W. S. Lawrence and A. D. Lamont of Woodstock, who have al- so purchased the factory site from Mr. Gregg. At the annual meeting of the Agri- cultural Society, a favorable financial Mr. and Mrs. Bert. Gerry of Brussels report was presented, showing a bal- visited at the home of N. B. Gerry ance of $560 in the treasury, the re - during the week. ceipts being $1098.70 and expenditure Miss Brinston, a returned mission- $538.73. The surplus was increased ary from West China, is home on a $17'although the directors granted $50 furlough and gave an interesting ad- to Gorrie Police Village to enlarge dress on their work in China in the the hall on Victoria Park and $20 to - It is a fact worthy of notice, and re- Methodist church on Monday eve'g. wards the Spring Show. J. H. John - fleets on the prosperity of our great Mr. Geo, Bentley of California paid ston was elected President. Northwest, that so many of the young a visit to his parents during the past COUNCIL NOTES. —The township people, who have been leaving us for week. He left Monday afternoon for Council this year are—Wm. T. Mc - the past number of years for that his home accompanied by his sisters, Kee Reeve • John Gowdy, Thos. G. Langside. The annual Report for 1005 for Langside Presbyterian Church, has just been issued and it is pleasing to note that the good record of former years has been sustained. Counting a few small balances on hand from last audit, the total receipts of the year, amount to $944.10, The total expenditure was $671,50, leaving in the Treasurer's hands after all liabili- ties aro paid, a balance of $185. Tho number of communicants on the roil at the end of the year was 110 ; six have been added during the year by profession of faith ; three have been removed by certificate, and two were removed, by. death. The faithful work of the pastor is much appreciat- ed. At the Annual meeting of the congregation, the pastor was asked to retire for a few minutes, and on being recalled was presented with the stun of $60, and the announcement was made that this amount would be added to his salary hereafter, making Langside's. portion of salary $450. It was also decided, that a copy of the tbe placed Presbyterian ran Recordshould ye in every home at the expense of the expense of the congregation, instead of individuals subscribing 25c for it as heretofore, Lan gside is losing a large number of families this year in the great western movement, but there are faithful workers wlio will fall into the gaps, fill up the tanks and fight on. Mr. A. D. McKenzie, for many years a faithful member and worker in the Presbyterian Church here, has sold his farm on the 8th con. of Kinloss and is going to seek his fortune in the mighty West. On Monday evening, the congregation assembled at Wm. McLennan's, on the 8th con., to make a slight recognition of his services. He was presented by the congregation with a very handsome Gold Watch and Chain, accompanied by the fol- lowing address :— Mr, A. D. McKenzie. Dear Friend and Brother:—We as- semble to -night as a congregation of Langside Presbyterian Church to word our sorrow and our keen sense of the loss sustained by us at your removal from our midst. Since the first intiination of your proposed de- parture, it has given us all the deepest concern, but now, since our fears have been realized, we are awakening to the real greatness of our loss. Your relations with as as a congregation Notice is hereby given pursuant to R.S.O. have been so, many-sided, and your ah.129that all tssn T coePhi sympathy so entire, that it is difficult cacighte, who tded ohnothedStday Jialnp• for us even to mention everything nary, A. D. 1908, aro required on or before that will miss your presence and your the undorei red, February, wi0, th tui, with services. Langside was your mother titulars et their claims and of all the securi• church;, during all your life yon have ty held by them (if any) and that after the been closely identified with it. You said date the Executors will proceed to have regretted • her weakness and distribute the ascots among the persons en - b + titled thereto, baring regard only to the rejoiced in her strength. During your claims of which they shall then have notice. many years of service on the Board of Dated at Wingham this 16th day of Jan- Manageinent and as Secretary for that Board, yon were always punctual and thorough in all your work, and cheer- fully performed alt things that fell to Grey. Alms Julia Erato is holidaying in Brussels,. Mssr, 1 . Bryans is attending County Council at Goderieh this week. Charlie Bryans, who has been as- sisting Jas. Aures, returned to his home at Brussels on Monday'. Miss Lottie Jackson, who has been visiting with friends in New York. and Toronto, returned home last week. The Rev, Mr. Penhall of Atwood occupied the pulpit in Roe's church last Sabbath morning, the regular pastor being at Atwood, Mr. and Mrs. W, McBride, who h.tvo been spending the past month with Mrs. McBride's parents, returned to their hone at Hamilton on Friday least. The debate which was to be taken tat Roe's League on Tuesday of this week, has been postponed for a week or two more, in order to give the debaters more time to prepare. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Oortnon, Cypress River, Manitoba, visited with their 1 the 2nd old friends and neigh tors 0 n t t can., during the past week. Mrs. Commit being a daughter of the late Alex. Ross, has many friends, who are always pleased to see her back in their midst. Rev. E. 0. Armstrong delivered a Most impressive sermon on the "Glory Lund:" last Sabbath morning at Roe's. The Glory Song was sang with the old time vigor by choir and congregation joining in. These series of sermons have proved a great in- spiration to the people of this vicinity. Mr. B. Gerry and A. McKay, Brus- sels, conducted a very interesting meeting in Roe's church on Sunday evening, Jan. 14th, in behalf of the Bible Society. The choir rendered two very appropriate selections, which proved an inspiration to the speakers. A neat collection was taken up at the close. The collectors appointed for the ensuing year are Misses Jennie Hogg and Nellie Carr. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the natter of the Estate of Thomas Philip McCreight, of the Township of Turnberry, in the County of Huron, Yeoman, Deceased. l t Lor; in fifteen c he annual i on been e country are returned to renew old Mrs. Wm. Campbell and Lottie Bent- Shearer, Joseph Han -whack and John acquaintances. Among those returned ley, and Mr. Geo. Campbell. T. Winters, Councillors. The Council absent from the anneal meeting of may be noticed Mr. J. C. Hamilton A special meeting of Blyth Council granted $5 to the Sick Children's the congregation, and that because of from Indian Head, who left here some was held in Industryhall last week. Hospital this year, as usual. The of- your absence from home at the tine. twelve or thirteen years ago, with his fivers for the year are—L. Walker In the service of praise, you rendered g It was called by Reeve Sloan for the long and valuable service. Not only parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hamilton. purpose of dealing with the resigna- treasurer, Milton 'Leonard assessor, were you the re alar precentor for He reports that his family are doing Graham an oho ,s._-_ extra well ; his father now owns a couple of sections of land. Messrs. Dan. and J. McKay have also return- ed. Messrs. James, George and Thos. Mirehouse, together with their sister Maggie, have returned from North Dakota, and are wakening things up on the 2nd con. The annual report of Whitechurch Presbyterian Church has been issued in more attractive and permanent form this year, and is certainly a de- cided improvement. Your correspon- dent gathers from it a few figures that may be of interest. The receipts were —from ordinary revenue, $636.53; building fund, $600; Schemes of the Church, $168,13 ; W. F. M. Society, $83.49 ; Sabbath school, $64 ; Guild, $64.04 ; total receipts, $1616.19. The Session for 1905 consisted of the Pas- tor, Rev. G. M. Dunn, Moderator ; H. D. Henderson, Clerk ; Win. Martin, David Kennedy, John Eglestone. There were on the roll Dee. 31st, 1905, 124 communicants. Daring the year, Death called away the following—Mrs. S. Peddle, Mr. E. Winfield, Mrs. G. Mc0lenaghan, Mrs. J. Laidlaw and Mr. S, Ferrie. The pastor is an untir- ing worker and has astrong hold away to South Virginia along with upon the sympathy and affections of Jos. Webster, his father-in-law, and the probabilities are they will shortly the congregation. His pulpit labors move southward, and pastoral work are appreciated and bear fruit. Mr. W, Sellers' sale on Monday was 1, successful; everything was sold and brought a good price. It was a very Donald Fraser of the 5th con. of disagreeable day and night. Me. and Barton has a cow that has a remark- Mrs. ,Sellers gave a farewell party to able record in the way of being proli- the young people ; about fifty took fie. This cow gave birth to triplets on supper and they enjoyed themselves Dec, 20, 100.1, and on Dec, 1.5th, 1905, 10 dancing, etc., until early morning she bore twins ; five calves within and then left wishing Mr, and Mrs. a year. She is owned by Donald Sellers success in their new home. Fraser, who tills the soil on Thos. Buts tle's farm, Stir con. of Barton. She is an ordinary-Iooking red cow, of com- Salem. mon breeding, but her owner is proud Mr. Fred. McIntosh spent a fete of her, weeks visiting friends in Essex. :s; t f elected a member of the Council on mond. auditors, David Cathers care - the lst inst. At the time of his nomi- taker of the township hall, Dr. White• nation and election Mr. Johnston was ly M. H. 0., John Spence member of one of the sureties of Mr, S. Westlake, ' the Board of Health for three years. collector of taxes, and consequently The appointment of Collectors was was not eligible to be elected to the . deferred until September meeting. Board. Nominations for a Councillor , The Council will meet next time in will be held in Industry hall on Mon- Fordwich, on Saturday, February day, Jan. 29th, at 12 o'clock. :17th. Morris. Jamestown. Jack McAuley, of Vancouver, B. d, - Miss Ina Bryans visited over Sun - is spending a couple of months visit- day with Miss Bertha Sharpe of Birus- ing his mother, on the 1st line. 1 sels. • Tampa, Florida, is the present stop- Miss Christina Cutt of Blyth is a ping place of Joseph Clegg who will ; welcome visitor among her many likely spend the balance of the winter friends here this week. there. Mr. A. F. McDonald attended the Wednesday evening of last week, i funeral of his cousin, the late Miss L. George and Mrs. Johnston, 1st line. Gordon of Lucknow, which sad event celebrated the 50th anniversary of took place last Saturday. their wedding at their comfortable ' Rumor says there is a wedding on home. We wish them many happy ' the tapis in the near future, in which years. one of Jamestown's young Iadies will James Robb, a former resident of take avery prominent part. the Oth line of Morris, but who has The Young People's Society have spent the past 6 or 8 years in North had new programs issued for the year Dakota, is visiting here. He has been 1900. The officers are as follows :-- Hon. Pres., Thos. Strachan ; Pres., A. F. McDonald ; Vice Pres., Miss Mag- gie Snell ; Sec.-Treas., John Miller ; Organists, Misses Jessie Strachan and Eliza Coombes. Meetings are held each Friday evening. Messrs. Munroe of Wroxeter and Go. Johnston of Grey debated in the hall Inst Wednesday evening ; subject wars—Resolved that Local Option would be a benefit to the community. Mr. Johnston took the positive side and Mr. Munro the negative. The de- cision was not given but both put forth some forcible arguments. The exact date of the next debate will be given later. Mr. Adam Reid, now of North Da- kota bat formerly a resident of this We are sorry to learn of the illness locality, called on his old neighbors of Mr. Ezra Merkley, but hope to hear and friends last week. Time seems to soon of his recovery. have dealt very leniently with hint, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kitchen enter- as he looks hale and hearty yet. He titined at number of their friends Inst was accompanied by his son-in-law, week, and a very enjoyable time was Mr. Chas. Armstrong of Moosejaw. spent. Mr, Reid left Last Friday for Chatham, Miss Annie Bryans, who has been where ho intends visiting his daugh- visiting her grandmother, Mrs. J. Gal- ter, Mrs. A. I. McCall, for a short lather, returned to her home in Grey time on his way homeward. on Wednesday last. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the Best Made. "In my opinion Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the Best made for colds," says Mrs. Cora Walker of Por- terville, California. There is no doubt about its being the best, No other will cure a cold so quickly. No other is so sure a preventive of pneumonia. No other is so pleasant and safe to take. These are good reasons why it should be preferred to any other. The fact is that few peopleate satisfied with any other after having once used this remedy. For sale by all Drug- gists. DEATHS, Owens. -•-In East Wawanosh, on Jan. 231d, John Owens, aged 77 years. Silcliardy. •In Bhtevale, San. 10th, Agnes Petrie, relict of the late Itobt. K m[ Ft. her_' MCHa1dy, Ai{edLuekno79. !,rebs! ---1'n va, on Thurscla , y 7 a h r idneof her .an. 8 at es ec 1 th brother, Dr. D. M. Gordon Victoria r It, E. youngest daughter Helens. tato Rev. Mr.'Osterhout was called -away to attend the funeral of his sister. Mr. Carr took charge of his work on the Wrotteter circuit on Sunday last. Rev. Dr. Medd will preach Epworth League anniversary sermons in the Salem church next Sunday, San. 28th, . at the usual hotu' 2.80, and the follow- ing Monday evening, jet. 20th, he will deliver his famous lecture on Wooing and Wedding" ; taimission 15e. Everybody is welcome to attend both of these services. The Salem thole will give special male, 1 Cured Nis Mother of Rheumatism. :'My mother has been a sufferer for titan y years front rheumatism," says Howard of husband, Pennsyl- vania. "At times she was 'unable to move at all, while at oll times walking was pall -Ifni. Iresented her with a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and after a few applications she deeill- ed it Was the most wonderful pain re- had ever tried • in fact she licvtr she, , is never without it now and is at all tunes able to walk, An occatiional ap- tplication of Pain Baan keeps awed '' he pain that she wits formerly troubt. ed wvith." For sale by all Druggiatt, many years, but a I the time you were on hand, and oftentimes (as during the past year) we looked to you to lead our voices in praise to God. As See'ry, of the Board, you took charge of the Presbyterian Records, looked after the subscriptions and each month put the numbers in their place, so that the congregation could get then,. As See'ry. of the Bible Society of Langside Branch, which is especial- ly related to our congregation, you did a faithful work and many times did the agents of that Society speak of your faithfulness and efficiency. You were elected by the congregation to the office of an Elder, and but for the prospect of your leaving for some other part as you now are, you would no doubt have been a .member of the Session also. You have done well your. part ; God only can repay you for your services, but in order that we may put our feelings into some out- ward form, we now in the name of the congregation, of which you have so long been a member and trusted official, offer you this GOLD WATCH and CHAIN, and trust that for many years you may be spared to wear them, and that they may be ever to you a memorial of the tender ties that existed between us. May health, happiness and prosperity attend you, wherever you cast your lot in life. The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious unto you. The Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace. Mr. McKenzie replied briefly and ap- propriately. Luncheon was served by the ladies, and a very pleasant hour was spent, before the gathering dis- persed. • -- Stomach Troubles and Constipation. "Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are the best thing for stomach troubles and constipation I have ever sold," says J. R. Cullman, a druggist of Potterville, Mich. They are easy to take and always give satisfaction. I tell my customers to try thein, and if not satisfactory to come back and get their money, but have never had a complaint." For sale by all Druggists. St. Helens. The funeral of the late Elizabeth Gordon, to St. Helens cemetery, took place on Saturday and was very large- ly attended. Mr. llobt. Lockhart held a very sue - costae sale last Tuesday. Ile intends removing to Wingham this week. We are sorry to lose such estimable neigh, bots, but what will be our loss will be Wil harn gain. ig sg r Mrs. Smeltzer, who resides with her son-in-Iaw, Mr, Sohn It. Webster, had the misfortune to have her thigh bt'o- ken on Sunday morning, San. 140, by slipping on the ice. The old lady in over eighty, but is tiding as well as can he expected. The Sacrament of the Lord's Suppe': Will be held in Calvin church, St. Helens, next Sabbath, eonnmencing at 10.80; preparatory services will he held yon Friday by Rev. 1).1'3. Mater- roll olter- ! ol, . A... of L tcknow. nary, A.D. 1906. DUDLEY HOLMES Solicitor for Executors NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the Estate of John Rob - Jason, of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, Deceased. NOTICE Is hereby given pursuant to the R. S. 0., Chapter 129, that all poasons having claims against the Estate of the said John ttobinson, who died on the Seventeenth day of December, A. D. 1905. are required on or before the Sth day of February, 1906. to file with the Executors, a statement with full particulars of their claims, and of all the security hold by them, it any, and that after the said date the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets among the persons en- titled, having regard only 10 the claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated at Wingham, this 10th day of Jan- uary, A. D. 1900. DUDLEY HOLMES Solicitor for Executors Farm For Sale. One hundred acres, in good state of cultivation, within three miles of the Town of Wingham; first-class build- ings; price reasonable. Apply Box 15, ADVANCE OFFICE, Wingham. FOR SALE. Two Aberdeen Angus Bulls, regis- tered in American Herd Book, aged respectively seven and nine months, For price and particulars apply to James or Thos. Gaunt, Lot 30, Con. 2, Kinloss. l7tf JAMBS GAUNT. Three Farms For Sale. Three desirable farms are offered for sale, namely—Lot 5 in Con. 13, Lot 6 in Con. 14 and Lot 13 in Con. 15, in the township of Howiok. These farms are well cleared and fenced, also well watered, and in good state of cul- tivation, Intending purchasers of farm property should see these farms. For particulars apply to - CHAS. FINDLAY Proprietor — Gorrie P. 0. FARM FOR SALE. Wingham Easines is a high-grade Conlmero Three Courses : Commercial . Stenography - Write 0110. SPOT'CON, . CENTRAL STRATI'ORDA, ONT, Do you want a good position in the Commercial world? Tbo surest and shortest road Is via this school. Wo give a course of training that 1s not surpassed by any Business College in Canada. We give individual instruction therefore you may enter at any time. Write for free catalogue and got full particulars. Ettroa r $. Mang N, Principals The north half of Lot 27, Con. 9, West Wawanosh, consisting of 100 acres; there is a fine frame residence, and outbuildings, orchard, etc. It is convenient to school, church and post office, and is located in what might be termed the garden of Huron county. Price very reasonable; terms to suit purchaser. For particulars apply to A, E. SMITH, Wingham Farm For Sale. WANT F.1) !ng ono n'undred Moro YouMon and Womon, who are ambitious and enter- } prising, to qualify in the ELLIOTT /7/1m"dif ; ORO1d T©, ONT,'. for rho many positrons open to all those who aro thoroughly prepared to accept them. A six mists. course in this college moans for a young man of the right kind, an educational equipment batter than many trades or professions in money earn- ing power. StudOnts admitted any time. C W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal L(Cor. Yong() and Alexander Ste,) One of the best farms in Turnberry, being Lot 8, and part of Lot 4, in the 7th Con., oonteining 107 sores, and all cleared. except 4 acres of hardwood both. This farm is well fenced end drained, and the land in a high state of Cultivation. There is about 70 mores- nutlet oresunder grass, 8,4 aores of expellent fall wheat, and it large orchard. Iterating water, Convenient to the buildings and open all the year, supplies the stook with Water. Large frame barn with stone foundation and cement floors, for cattle and bogie The house is large and bomfortable, With an excellent cel- lar and cletere. Two Imre kilns and a limestone gnarrryy are on the premises. The farm is al miles from Wingham and 4 from Wroxeter, 1 toile from P. O. ami miles from ohttroh. The farm will be told on reasonable terms AS the proprietor Is going West, For further partieulars apply be the prelnldet, or address Glenfrcrrow P.. 0. D.d j,}, . FRASER,. Be Sure an 0111' c ineacep of our catriloguo it you have any idea of taking a preparatory course for a GOOD PAYING POSITION. We believe there Is no school equal to ours for methodic business training and for producing good results. Wo sollcit investigation and comparison. Enter any time. No vacations. Yonge R Gerrard Ste., Toronto. W. II. SHAW, Principal. FOR SALE CHEAP. A comfortable Cottage on North Street. Apply to ABNER COSENS • Have You Tried p F. Butternut Bread ? p OCD b They all like it and sound its praises. Try it and be convinced. O OP O cD AICID "" Wo have the most tasty tooth- some Cakes. Why sweat, baking this •`• •-• hot weather. Just call on us— we fill •-.. . • the gap, and guarantee satisfaction. .o • J. C. L,ACKI3 •+ NORTH END BAKER •14-1»iIiiiitl»IIID1113i:.'i4 I Sell Real Estate No Matter Where It Is. I have for sale at the present time 7000 acres of choice farm lands in Huron County, and I ask you before you boy your farm to see the bargains I have to offer—Just the property you want may be on my list. Houses for sale from $400 up to $4000. Fire, Life and Accident In- surance effected. C. J. MAGUIRE Real Estate and Business Transfer. (Oflico—Vanstono Block, Wingham) gimainnima For The Winter —GO TO -- CALIFORNIA, MEXICO or FLORIDA. "The Land of Summer's Sunshine" TOUR OF ALL MEXICO. Leaving Toronto Jan. 291,11. Covering all points of interest. Special reduced rates. MOUNT CLEMEWS "Mineral Baths" and the St, (batt Brines "Mineral Springs." Delightful resorts for these who need a rest, Best of hotel ac- commodation. 11'or tickets and full information. call im L, ReROLD, Town .Agent. .1. D. McDONALD Dietribt Psesonger Agent, Toronto, ARE YOU PI AIWA $2,003.22 YEAR ? It is being done with our goods Work. is pleasant, permancat and pr,Ltabte Goods used in every house, every day. No fake and no Heed to create tree demand. Legitimate reputable business. Von can start without 5 eco, of capital. write to day. 0. Jia'asttat.t, St Co. Wholesale 'teas, and ColTees, London, cot. Dunlop's «oserp 06 'sonde St. TORONTO O D nton's Choicest Flowers only deldt In. Floral 1)esidns for all occasions. Flowers shipped to env point between Balt• fax mad Collars.. and sate condition duerantebd. iltusteatcd ),ilea tint on epplltptto>al. 100.000 Rosa r a Tees in Meows JORRN 1tI.OUNtOP FLORIN' se j emote Plata! t ,liras! 4eft0 1 easy ti a ea 0 fc of 0 na P sa la til Prl in tl}I of st w re w or ha ri ri si w T! 0. to tl' tl S 01 11 Pi D st b1 tl, p' y, fc fel its 11 tl g k it tl A 4