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The Wingham Advance, 1906-01-25, Page 3
AUTY COUNTS esof That's what has made BLUE RIBBON the STANDARD to -day. This is why you should BUY BLUE RIBBON. Only one BEST. BLUE RIBBON TEA. wr • v-0-4. +1.- +-0-0-4^,1-4-0-4-4-4-44-.-41-10-+-4-0 The Stewardesses' Hard Life "There are no American stewardesees." That was the flat-footed answer of an agent of the American Line to a ques- tion about this important clone of steamship employees. "Does not the American Line employ American stewardesses?" "No." "Why note" "Because it is impossible to get good American servants, and the agent, too busy to say more, gave his attention to a bunch of waiting passengers. From other sources it was learned that this statement was practically correct, the exception in the way of American stewardesses being so few as to prove the rule. A stewardess on the Cunard Line bad heard of one woman, a Brooklynite, who is employed on an English steamer, and a stewardess on the American Line knew of two others, naturalized Ameri- sans, born in Wales, who are also em- ployed on English steamers. Here are some of the qualifications necessary for a stewardess on board a first-class ocean steamer. She must be a competent waitress and chambermaid, possess considerable knowledge of the duties of a nurse; be more or less ac- eustomed to the sea and a good sailor; have virtually a cast iron, lined with granite stomach, and a disposition of the never ruffled, unfailingly pleasant and /cheerful brand. A stewardess on the White Star Line, who for nine years has been crossing be- tween this port and Queenstown, a stewardess for the American Line for twelve years azul a third who has served the Cunard Line for half that time, all is 44.4. - "But ho handed over three pounds on leaving the eteamer, thanking me pleas- antly foo the good care I had taken of his wife and baby.. A half guinea tip is more common though than a. pound, and more often than not we don't get so much as that." "On this line we are on duty from 7 in the morning until 10 at night and in an emergency we must answer night calls," said stewardess of the Cunard Line, giving a touch to her perky little white cap. "It is net a life to be envied. Very many of the stewardesses are wet - owe, or relatives of men who have been employed on the ste-amers, and. when the need of earning their own living stares thein in the face they ask for a place as stewardess. "In this company we all take our turn in the steerage, the first and second cab- in, which is right enough, for it gives every one a chance. Apd. we all take turns in being laid off in the dull sea - sou. "The people who are always talking about the piles of money stewardesses rake in forget that several of the boats are laid off altogether in winter and that the force of stewardesses on the other boats is cut in two four months out of tho twelve. "Even in the busy season we are paid for only three weeks out of every four. "Tho week the vessel is docked at the home port we have to ourselves and we are not paid for it. When at this port 'we stay on the steamer; on the other side we go to our own homes and those of us wk.° have children are thankful ea - English women, agree that the work healthy. They agree also that they pre- fer being on duty in the steerage and the first saloon to the second cabin, and through •the dull season particularly if that as an eye opener to the true in- she has a child to provide for. wardness of the female disposition their "Besides the fees handed out by pas - job can't be beaten. sengers are not so big as they were in Said the first: the days when Americans crossed far iteaorAettlacykang wfaeramnesa thanedeowilsneartehedoecakrteid. the child. After the bath the baby is This is due to the fact that e ouse, BIGGEST BUG IN THE WORLD. W began my work. aboard ship, although ardess who has worked on this line for now the detiny of half the trotting bred rubbed with a sort of paint prepared by I once warmed, easily may be main- , . To the Ilercules beetle, a giant among "I have not had a day's illness since lege is soft. To sport a docked tail seems I less often than they do now. A stew- b f in certain months of the rush season we sixteen years told me that where she shouldaid so the teentsiLleweg the trotting men me ixing a soft clay with oil. Its soilet 1 tainod at an agregabee temporalenne insects, which. is found in certain. ll work work hard. There are six of us in used to get guineas she now gets still - were up-to-date the trottingbilests. 0 If breed - when by the fire to sleep. ompleted, it is fed and placed en its mat thereafte • also to the fact that a large heap of hard coal is r tions of Central and South America, as horses,I fall much attention and coddling as in the OrTowould do the docking at the farms", ()roughly ignited it will con - 1 Novnbeene th well as in the island of Dominica, one of docking is cruel may be ' Untie to burn in spite of all the e - - the British West Indies, belongs the the saloon section of this steamer, and lings, and that passengers get twice as knows what the horses think chill dA mother does not leave her young as many as forty-two passengers to look in the busy season: granted,tbut the gittilIns to the horse seems ' lather wood, f etch water or work her in her kraal when she goes out to I check dampers that can be broughtinto use resulting in an overheated house, the Yef ftg world. In appearance this creature is all thin but prepossessing, 11.111. looks when the cabins are full each has about thirty ladies to wait have had old days. Here is about how my day ea t re ou t. That r4.4444444404+0044441 .4 Docking Horses I RIB .4tY —That's what a prominent ...,,0844.4404P*4404•444'44"" druggist said, of Scott's Emulsion a short time When the average resident of the ot iawe against docking horses, and owners of heroes in New York are being petitioned • „„,s,„ As a rule we don't average detached house lute laid in to Join in the crutade. Des,lers neVer dock 0.6%4 las ten tons of hard coal, his WiSaDn-, horses, except at the request of a buyer, use or refer to testimonials load of hardwood, and bought a new Ty offer a horte for sale with a bob tall is to create the impression that it is "second . addressing the public • aeh sifter, he oansidors that he is " hand," one that has seen service before in in f prepared for a hard wintecer, no mat - the CRY, Instead of being :fresh from green b How to Tend Furnaces 94441444++44044,444449++ Agitation is proMised to urge the passage ut the above remark and ter how high or low the mercury eol- Pastures. Yet none of the dealere will sign the petition. They declare that the opera- urn may choose to stand. As a mattr tion of (licking Dot exceseiveiy painful similar expressions are of fact, this same householder, in the ag- gregate, will send tens of thew-n(1s of To have the tail shortened le the initiation the rough 'terse pays to gain the comfort made so often in connec- dollars' worth of fuel out of house chim- and is atoned for by the easy life It leads to, an alight duties of a private stable. tion with Scott's Emulsion , nays this winter, in spite of all the rasp - Fashion Is not the only reason to actuate i in.'s duet and manipulations of his ash the buyers in having their horses docked, ” ) but It is the principal one. A. few say that t hat they are worthy of ' sifters. neee, as the tall does not become draggled occasional not e, . rem often is responeible •for a, fires go - the shortening of the tall makes for eleaull- with mud and dust when docked, and an- / 1 ing out. The grates are shaken too other set, maintains that it le really a com- infancy to old age Scott s gal* and. hot coal is mixed with fort for a horse to remove the heavy and useless mass et hair, oily horses do not Emulsion offers a reliable the ashes, and the whole formation F IAn improper shaking of the grates graze In pasture, so the argument that the of the fire is so broken up as to dee- owitehing of the long tail keeps away mos- means of remedying .1 .m. troy its combustible arangement. One quitoes and flies has no value In thLs argu- Of the essentials in burning hard coal meat; but a decided objection may be proper and. weak develop - voiced against the nuisance switching tails is that the fire shall not be disturbed would be to a lime or pair In. heavy har- ment, restoring lost flesh and the fire strata broken up. When floss. All style and grace in front action, to shake a grate is a good deal; liana a pair with banging tails would look as un- and vitality, and repairing to shake it is more. To shake invariable tidy otherwise as a woman in bedraggled skirts. So saki one of New York's coach- as possible, however, is the invariable nig amateurs, and he had plenty to add to waste. The a c t i o n of Yule for clearing a grate, and thus tree the plea for docking, Scott's Emulsion is no subject may be dismissed. "Essentially docking Ls not a painful In mild, dry weather the: disposition' operation," continued this driving man, "Shears are no longer used, and it the more of a secret than the of the fire may be to bum too strong - horse is a fretful, nervous one, it is first for the heat required in the house. If so, chloroformed. But I have never seen this composition of the Emul- a proper accumulation of ashes in, the spring I have hal a vet. dock a half dozen sion itself. What it does firebox. is necessary. Don't disturb the done; nor has It been necessary. In the in half au hour in rny stable when cou- vesting road trotters into road coach teams. This is how we do 4t: "We do not feed the horse on the morning of the operation, and when it is brought Into the operating stall the horse at once begins to munch eagerly cat the oats la the manger, A canvas hammock Is flung un- der its belly and the horse hoisted to its tiptoes by pulleys. when a gate is stuels across the stall close to its heels and the tall pulled over, the flat top rail making an operating table, A stout twine Is tied tight about the tall at, the point to bo sev- ered. The hair is turned back and bound, exposing the bare skin, and the assistant takes hold of the lower end of the tail and holds it firmly for the docking.' "A few short jabs with a surgeon's knife and the tail is severed. Meanwhile, a cauterizing iron bas to be brought to a white heat in a charcoal hand f ire, ouch as plumbers carry, and the next act is to sear the cut with the iron. The assistant holds the severed part so that the hairs will cover the cut, and with the application of the iron there Is an odor of ,burning hair and flesh. The horse winces, and would crouch, kick or break away but for being strung up In the hammock. But it does not take the tenth part of a second to seal up the wound. As soon as the iron is taken off the horse will resume its munching of oats, and it feeds without a check, excepting while the cauterizing iron is applies!, throughout the entire operation. "Trotting horse breeders and drivers all along have been prejudiced against dock- ing," concluded the whip, "and I was; glad to see that the Horse Show judge did not share this feeling, for the trotting stallion to which they awarded all the highest hen - it does through nourish- ment—the kind of nourish- ment that cannot be ob- tained in ordinary food. No system is too weak or delicate to retain Scott's Emulsion and gather good from it. We will send you a sample free. Ito auto that fhb picture in the Sorra of a label ia the wracper of ovary hotels of Emulsion you buy. SCOTT & BOWNE Chemists Tornio, Oat. 50c. and SI: all dm:mkt& FIVE HOT BATHS IN A DAY. South Mrican Woman Thinks It Head - grates under such circumstances. On the other hand, when heavy wen,- ther, with its ebill and damp, makes heat imperative, through the house, shake the grates, gently but thoroughly, Also in any pinch of clear, cold weather, when the furnace is to be taxed. for a time in warming the house, clear the grates of ashes and keep them clear. The dampens then may be depended upon for any cheek upon the draught until the rapidly forming ash again will serve. The one point to be observed always by the furnace tender is that when the house is too hot at any time the waste of fuel is as certain as if that amount of coal were dropping through the grates and going into the ash pile outside. And always when the house is too hot it may be set down. that heat also is wasting at the chim- ney top. A furnace fire is something to be anticipated. The heat delivered at the registers —or at the raidators— is a re- sult to be anticipated some time after combustion in the firebox has reached a high degree of heat. Also when this degre of heat in the fire- box is reachea it may be anticipated that, without any more fuel in the firebox, boat will continue to be de- oug f. livered for some time th,ereafter, ess makes big wages, but ehe needs all ors, aCirsUoy riovretnu In heavy had ahadrfloceskeedastaalliitaze A traveller in South Africa gives some membered that a Zeacivelful of hard Further than this it must be re - `Yes, in the rush season a steward. - the money she taken in then to carry her stepper. The flapping tail is a mistime interesting incidents about the women coal pushed to rapid combustion at to road drivers, and the only way a sulky „ the moment it is most needled may driver overcome it is to sit. on the brush. 'mere. The mother gives her infant four I save a half bushel of fuel fed into The long, heavy tall is to my mind a waste orfivehot bath a day, considering it ' the firebox and burned too slowly at of energy. The horse should put his strength Into better thin s—eVer ounce of necessary for the health and growth of the beginning and too fast in the end. sary for Her Infant's Health. There cannot be different degrees of purity any more than there can be different degrees of honesty. If a man be honest, that is all he can be. There is no superlative. One flour cannot be purer than another. It can only be more nearly pure. In these times when all flour man.. ufacturers are claiming purity you should remember these two things: Actual purity in flour can only be secured by the use of electricity.' Royal Household Flour is the only flour, made and sold in Canada, that is purified by electricity. You can get Ogilvie's Royal Household Flour from your grocer. Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Limited. MONTREAL. "Ogilvie's Book for a Cook," contains rso pages of excellent recipes, some never before published. Your grocer can tell you how to get it FREE. "When there are many marr fresh cotton dress, cap and apron, tial.80eneistin Ithhilsbreeenreeftnitsen Inning andiavorsuobst tathn; sling, which, by the way, is made by the carries it on her back in a , e..n ndiscomfort, an le was of tt, cla t d tl waste as belonged with pink snakes, pur- ple spiders and other creatures of the arm, but after. led "I get up about 6 o'clock, put on a cou ter aiance e hurts. The pain is eat momentary, my breakfast, and promptly at 7 begin g Ill is supported mainly_ by man of the household. The babies' prin- . . , is . , imagination. the stewardess, the stewards being re- b th It is a common trait of tourists and answering bells. In one stateroom cipa.1 food, as soon as they have learned en mid winter more e0E1.1wasted 'couples on board things axe easier for non -horse owners, say the whips who drive eomething like this will happen in a e. carelesstfireman girl in the quired to answer their bells and leek pers and like 'em docked.—New to drink from a gourd, is the whey Y the' early f travellers to make little of anything seen heehstep tiered milk prepared in great tenant' les , of the fireman to shovel in coal simply far the men of the household. similar things of vastly greater size or "You must not fancy that the women! because the house is cold. . batter quality occur in "God's country." Properly handled:, the furnace fire When they run across the Hercules beetle York Sun. which their mothers draw from the clab- mennine n a any o time o in foreign lands especially in the little d wise, nnless the wife • e . the day. It comes from the disposition West Indian islands and to declare that after . o y, specially requests that a, stewardess be CA 4. 7 a ring for ., glass of ice -water, sent to her. A quarter of an hour later the same newer vessels are much steadier than e with. She thinks she feels well enough — think of themselves in preparing the 1 h y wants some warm water to wash other sort and passengers are not now to get up to breakfast. I take her the Requires That the Blood be KeptRicb food for the family. A woman's taste bedtime should have burned to a however they are obliged to acknow- so liable to he ill, the stewardess duties warm water, and she changes her mind. atlniap of live coals. The necessity for lode, tg'amaawea beaten. are lighter. Nothing of the kind is true. and orders her breakfast served. in the and Pure. is of too little importance. Indeed, I 1 heat in the coals conies from the fact ' Although so formidable in appearamee "When a passenger is very sick she room. I lay a nice tray, making it look The secret of health—the secret of life think such a thing is not known to exist. that the coals forbanking the night fire • • • this insect is perfectly harmless. It lives doesn't want something to eat fetched to as attractive as possible, and take it to itself—is good blood. Therefore a need"- Food is prepared for the husband and his • acts to an extent as an extinguisher' in the heavy forests and f eeds on tho her. In the middle of the forenoon she 1 friends according to his orders, and if ; The coal is' cold, and with its weight and • her every hour or so, and she doesn't eine that makes new blood and supplies there should be anything left over then I thickness added it will put out a fire sweetish sap or gum of native trees. The eare whether anybody talks to her or rings for some tea. A little later may- the necessary material for rapidly re- the women and girls may eat it in an- i that is not hot enough, to start combus- t • larva, or grub is about four inches long an assistheron deck.Then I fall to, ie root of most of the serious diseases, other part of their little hut. If not, i tion immediately. Just enough oe this land as thick as a man's thumb and looks like a huge white maggot. It is consider - in a violent storm, get like that. They be, shesummons inc to kelp her dress buildingtiwasted nerve tissues, reaches not. Nowadays tew passengers, except feel just. bad enough to want a lot of make up her berth, clear up the room, For this purpose there is no medicine 1 they must satisfy their hunger with I coal to hold the fire over night should ed a delicacy by the native nagroes and waiting on. and consider myself very lucky if she can take the place of Dr. 'Williams' Pink ' whey or fruits, for which the men are be used — just enough that in the morn- , . • "Then most of the steamers are so stays on deck until nearlydinner time ' i known to care little. ing the surface of the banked coal shows steady now that one can eat as (tom -1 "The meals of the men usually consist Meek above the shallow crevices glowing Ivhen she comee down anrings for mei Plail`shey actually make new, rich, red one in a bedroom on shore. Why, I re- readyto h the dining r.olottnh. Or she may for such diseases as anaemia, neuralgia, rheu- of several courses, of which boiled or rod. broiled ineat or f ish is the first; then Under this condition, don't think of fortably from a tray in a berth as from tohelp fastenher dress and get her blood, and through this new blood cure ' member when it was hard work to layfollow vegetables of several varieties, adding more coal to warm the house. e -Theis soratvoef passengeriis much easier matism, the epecial ailments of women, fruits, the clabber of which I have spoken Turn, on your draught when you get up. a tray so that a, passenger could -take a F,dinner i 1 .e stateroom. over her berth. Whereas even in storms her stateroom for th.ree. or four days, or dance, locomotor ataxia and partial par - corn meal with coarse brown sugar coal awakens immediately into life, and. sort f hasty pudding, made of When the air rushes in this half -charred a bite without the food being flung all to wait on than t le one who stays in , indigestion, heart trouble, St. Vitus' . ana a a now there is so little roll to the ship longer, and keeps ringing for me on an • 'idysis. You can find evidence of the sprinkledover . co i „ it C k'ne is one of the in five minutes the firebox may be red that I can put down a tray of food. value of these pills in every part of thohot: Ten minutes later the registers are ' and most of it is done in the same vessel g . many duties performed by the women, hong out heat, and the whole house is "Some people think that because t e lad GOOD HEALTH hel average of once an hour. The hour be- . country, among others Mr. D. W. Daley, d with. the least poseible expendi- on a stand and the passengerfore dinner is the time when we come as herself in comfort. near pegging out as we ever do. The "For that reason many ladies who bells in a dozen staterooms are ringing b rths don't feel very wells y at the same time, every woman neediree Occ y whenthe voyage. sionawork I used nine boxes of the pills, and 11 0 very creditable co e olung. Besides boiling tween served to them in the stateroom. on,e, toartuot ii . her. is not n .rushweakhand nervous, suffered much from eart trouble, and was scarce y 1 ft t . 'Weather be mild; if severe weather is experienced, put on only so much coal 4, all the morning anyway. They have breakfast, luncheon and a bite in be- help en 1 eclothes, a d I frortn 'il h r smooth busy the result I am again enjoying the best their„;nre. eats, vegetables and puddings, as will be quick to deliver its heat. afternoon. If they are too ill to eat that 1 don't dream of taking the two ofhealth.. o notthink . . . I d there is anY they manage to steam a loaf of bread. Remember it is the heat which es - and don't budge to go on deck till the I am so of an afternoon . rest hours a stewardess is allowed every enequalDr. ' edicine can Williams' Pink ' . mu houses or huts—and each, wo- mimes from the superheated surface of the coal which economicelly gets in - jellies and cups of tea served every lit other day after lunch, and I have barely Pills when the system is run down. - man has one—are circular in shape. They to the register pipes. Every time that much they want all sorts of broths and "When the stewardess is not serving time to change into afternoon dress. But you must get the genuine pills » , are so low that one can staud erect only 0 sabti idle() more coal than is necessary is put into she is cleanin,g up the rooms or help- "Often and often a passenger rings with the full name, Dr. Williams' pink I in the centre. The Zulu woman keeps tai© firebox fuel is wasted when you try merely to ask if I can't come and talk Pils for Pale People, printed on the it remarkably clean, considering the fact heraig to force available heat up through the tle while. of passengers—well, there are some sur- to her. The second cabin gives us quite wrapper around. each box. Ask your liftameoninY coal mass. Forcing this heat up through first. Many persons there crossing for in and sleep in their respective corners, too much coal gives that inevitable re- yhatsbewhIlerlidi Ing passengers to dress. As for the habits tinhatit,nohtutontl big surprises in the fees we get. Some D. Williams' Medicine goats, dogs, calves and chickens wino prises in that line just as there are some as much to do in a different way as the druggist for these pills or get them $2.50. Co., at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for The door that people and animals oreep sult—too much heat of the steerage passengers are the neat- the first time have never had a chance by mail from the the saloon passengers are the raost un- so many delicacies as the ship's menu - • a throughisonly about two and one- half t -4.---• The Moonstroke. est and the least trouble, and some of to be waited on in their lives or to have a • • feet high.” make the most of the oceasiom This ' NOTES OF THE SCIENCES. with. The Japanese Imperial library tit To,- THE CZAR AS A LOVER. tidy and the hardest to get along provides and they are determined to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills with wonderful with econd pot of the Crystal City, Man. says: "I have usedtime of coal. After breakfast the fire, success. My blood, was very poor; I was —a,n iron pot, s same size fitted over it as a cover. In which by this time is ready for more these clums yvessels they manage to do • . coal may be banked for the day, if the • 4 ewe either than evi — "But I would far rather deal with ' class, if indisposed, seldom makes any k' has on its shelves something like 2 - .As a rule the ladies who have the most stretch out and. let the stewardess wait el the most of everything on them hand and foot, ordering dish af- ' works extending as far back as the year on at home are the easiest for a stewardess ter dish whether they can eat it or not. 1595 "No, 1 don't call a stewardess' post China's mineral resources are to bo wai ' g to deal with on an ocean voyage. the easiest in the world, nor by any developed. The Chinese Government has the Royal 'Magazine. _ means the best paid.—X. Y. Sun. ordered the iinmediate establishment of At Walton -on -Thames the Czar had stewardess must take her turn at sery a department of rabies in each of tho met the lady whom he wished to snake his wife, and lie had obtained her fath. "In some steamship companies the el abm For - crowd. effort to go on deck. The women just000 writtenand printed. mathematical How the Future Queen Broke the mality of His Proposal. The love story of the Czar is told in - 7 eeventeen provinces. er s consent +fhOmatcll. but it stifl ing in the steerage, the secon first cabin, but here the senior stewardesses—in point of service I mean --are not asked to do duty in the steerage. "When I said there were big sur- prises in fees this is what I meant. The showiest people who demand the most attention don't always give the biggest tip. This applies to men as well as wo- men. I have often had the laugh on a steward who laid himself out to please a particular party to the neglect maybe of some one else who didn't look so well off and got left at the last with a pretty Email Up. "In my own case I never expect any- thing more than a small Up and then I'm not disappointed. And, after all, the big tips are not many, although, as I said before, there axe surprises of that sort now and then." "For instance, is gentleman, wife and baby had one of the saloon cabins a few weeks ago crossing front England to Am- erica.. "Do what you can for my family,' said the gentleman, handing me two pounde, and there will be three pounds more for you when wo doek in New York.' "I said, of course I would and fully expeeted I was in for a. lab of trouble with that baby. Ito was such a good little fellow though and his mother was so yell all the way over that X felt 1 was very little to earn the two pounds and X no more expected the gentleman to give MI, another tip at parting than 1 taped pt!er to imp otarbotird. , BABY'S HEALTH. ly employs 6,800 hands. Four gunboats to the girl herself. remained for him to snake his proposal Kawasaki, dockyard, Japan, constant- __ for the Chinese Government are f ive 1 But the sacred words had. to be ut- boats and one despatch boat for the Jap- I tered in the old formula which Russian "When a child is well, give it no torpedo boat destroyers, four torpedo at the first eign of trouble the careful 1 anese Admiralty are now being built , mama court etiquette prescribed for such oc- medicine," is a. wholesome adage. But there. The yard also has orders for elev- I "The Emperor, my father," be said which promptly cure indigestion, colic, business. "has commanded me to make you the mother will give Baby's Own Tablets, en merchant stearmers. A tiday little eonstipation, diarrhoea, simple fevers, 1 Pekin is to have a industrial and Om- and teething troubles. They contain not . mercial museum for the permanent ex - one particle of opiate or poisonous hibition of Chinese and foreign goods. , chief, "has commanded me to accept the "soothing" stuff, yet they give refreshing The Japanese are taking ae active part '. offer of your hand," sleep because they remove the cause of in its organization. The buildings are in Then she brolce into a merry laugh. sleeplessness, and the child awakens Japanese style and Japanese merchants "Your heart," site added, "I take of bright and well. Mrs. F. McIntosh, and manufacturers will exhibit freely. my own mord." Wabig,00n, Ont., says. "Baby's Own Tab- Hongkong's new dock will have three lets wrought a wonderful change in my patent slipways, worked by electric pow - little one. When he was two months er..n0e will be 400 feet long, taking yes - old. he began to fail and cried almost sell of 2,700 tons weight and the two night and day. But after giving him th others will be 200 feet long, taking ves- sals of 2,000 tons weight. tiublete he grew well and is now a bright The Dutch East Indio buy their coal, laughing baby, who scarce over gives any trouble. The 'Tsibleto are sorely a bless- hardware, matches and paper front Japan. ing to both, mother and child," All drug- That 49 why the jetiSanese steamship oein- pany, the Nippon Nilsen Ratslia, is fig - gists sell these Tablets or you can get urine' ,., to establish direct steamship coin- theni by mail at 25 cents a box by nemeation with Batavia. writing the Dr. 'Williams' Medicine Co., 1 American locomotives are not a success Brotkville, Ont. ' , • in Japan, according to the report of the ' • • I, .... • ' .,, Japanese Railway Bureau, It is claimed • .1 ; Wordy 13ot Vague. ,--. i•-• that the boilers are leaky and the rivets imperfectly fastened. In many instances ",Moe you sten Prat:mos Gabbleeten, the the Porta were damaged through baa IMientist, lately?" offer of my hand and heart. "My grandmother, tho Queen," she replied, her eyes twinkling with mis- puking. "YON, I listened to him' fer ;more than an Tho nee Of perfinnee is as old as "Indeed! What :Oita t• talking *boat" zwiamiati("wBoroathiltamnenkittlitt sv•.11'sit,5114ithaneemialla Per* boor et the Out, last sight,' *116 Warn -.. "People laugh at moonstrokes." said a sailor. "They call them shellbacks' superstition. I once had moonstroke, though, and I tell you it was no laugh- ing matter. "In a full moon, one night in the tropics, I fell asleep on deck. The moon shone directly on me. I lay in a white pool of moonlight. So three hours went by. "Then, when they woke me, I felt like a man in a dream. My mouth hung open, as it does when I sleep, and I ocialdn't close it, and my bead lay over on the . side and I couldn't straighten it up. "Nor could I understand what people said to me, nor could I obey orders. Voices I'd hear, far away, but they seemed meaningless, unpleasant. I was very drowsy. All I wanted was sleep. 'They worked on me for two dare rubbing me down with cold water and dosing nee with castor oil, before they brought me round. And alwaye, after that, I have been careful never to sleep where the moon's- rays could .get at inc. My moonstroke happened eight years ago, but still at every full moon I am stupid and. drowsy, my head droops a lit- tle to one side and My mouth tends to hang open. "There's many a sailor has been moonstruck; but this accident never lee - fans landsmen. Lander:len, you gee, never sleep out of doom" Effects of Canary Bird Seed. (Indianapolis Journal.) A Raton man's wile mit Tam to tuft the • home and get his own meals for n week or ' two. He ecolcPa, as ho thought, the break- fast food every morning. When the wife ro- ' turnol, she noticed that leer husband twit- tered, eel he hinuielt aeknowiedsol an 111- ensation to warble. It woo found that be bsd cooked ass eaten a whole paeltioce of emery oat Ite says les Is always resisting aA Wheaton to sleep with his head %Mae bis Arta. E caribs, who roast it in hot ashes and say that it tastes like roasted nuts. Clumsy in :appearance, the Hercules beetle possesses great powers of flight, and in the outlying villages it is not uncommon for one of these huge creat- ures to enter the native houses, being attracted thereto by the lights. The in- variable result is a prompt extingishing of the candle by the wind created by the beetle's buzzing wings, accompanied by screams from the inmates of the house, who imagine a jumbie, or evil spir- it, has invaded their dwelling. A popular belief among the natives is that the Hercules beetle saws off limbs of trees by grasping them between the two horn like appendages and flying round and round. This is a manifest mi. •as the inseot has but little power in the horns and, moreover, the upper one is lined with a soft, velvety hair, which would be rubbed off at once by any friction. - :- Damascus, the largest city in Syria, is probably the most ancient city itt the wo F LIFE A Time When Women Are Susceptible to Many Dread Diseases—Intelligent Women Prepare for It. Two Relate their Experience. The "change of life" is the most critical period of a woman's existence, and the anxiety felt by women as it dra.ves near is not without reason. Every woman who neglects the care of her health at this time 'in- vites disease and pain. When her system is in a deranged condition, or she is predisposed to apoplexy, or congestion of any organ, the ten- dency is at this period likely to become active —and with a host of ner- vous irritations, make life a burden. At this time, also, cancers and tumors are more liable to form and begin their destructive work. Such warning symp- toms as sense of suffo- cation, hot flashes, head- aches backaches, dread of irnpending evil, timid- ity, sounds en the ears, palpitation of the heart, sparlcs before the eyes, irregularities, constipa- tion, variable appetite, weakness and inqsde- tude, and dizziness, aro promptly heeded by in- telligent women who are . approaching the period in life when svoinan's great eloosge* may be expected. Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vegetable tom - pound was prepared to meet the needs of woman's system at this trying period of her life. It invigorates and strengthens the female organism and builds up the weakened nervous system. For special advice, regarding this im- portant period women are invited to write to Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn. Mass., audit will bo furnished absolutely free . Read what Lydia B. Pinlchion's Com- pound did for Mrs. Powless and Mrs. Mann: Dear Mrs. Pinktunni— " In my opinion there is no medicine made for women which can compare with Lydia, E. Pinkboun's Vegetable Compomul, and you have no firmer friend or the Dominion than I on. At the time of change of life I suf- fered until I was neatly eroy, and west not fit to live with. I was so irritable, irrational and nervous that 1 was a torment to myself and others I surely thought that 1 would Moray mama before / got through, when fortunately an old friend reeonutended your Vegetable Compokind. I took it for fiveini' mentba and then off and an until the &l"1 PlAkhkleS L1 .1111. 1 I ly A141 .1 I, *4 period had passed, and it restored me t,o per' foot health. My advice to suffering woman is to try your Vegetable Compound, and they will not be distippointed."—Mrs. E. Fawkes Deeeronto, Ont. Another Woman's Case. Dear Mrs. .A.s I owe my splendid health to Lydia It Pinklutin's Vegetable Compound, I am very ple.ased to write and tell you my =peril:ales with it. I am the mother of three children grown to vvomanhood, and have safely posed the change of Iifo, and feel as young and as strong as I did twenty years ago, and I know tiljiyactirki;i4ii:Ititue,stov your woman's unfrirdi 1180(1 11 before my children were barn, awl it greatly assisted nature and saved me Much pain during the change of life. I took it, oif and on, for four years, and bad but little trouble and tielsiess that mot women have to endure."—Mrs. James K. Mann, soe Baths burst i3treet, Toronto, Canada. What Lydia E. Pinkharn's,egetable Comnound did for Mrs. Powlees and Mrs. Mann, it will do for any Wonsan at this time of life. It has conquered pain, reetected health, and *prolonged. lit. in OSSA* that baffled physieitts. . . Cisooted SaCC4414 Where Olio PA