The Wingham Advance, 1906-01-18, Page 2SUrtday oo1
public: t eince he wee twelve years of Market Reports
So far as we isnow this was his first
IfirERNATIONALI JE,IES ON NO, V age. M. ali Baptized -Any confession of
JANUARY 20. 1900 rin was of course out of the queation.
(The Baptism of Jamee-salara 1. 1-11.)
There was only a profession on the part
ef Jesus that as Ian Ieraelite he became
subjeet of the law, and that he wag eon-
Voniusentary.---1 Preparing the way meted with humanity by the ties of Toronto r armors' Market.
(vs. 14). 1. The beginning -Matthew be- , blooa, ot suffering' aud of "ave. -Lange. The grata receipts to -day were moder-
ti,nis with a geueakigy of our Lerd. and • This act WAS all endorsement of John ,a„ anti prices as a rule unchanged.
week, and 28 last year. Of' failuree thie
Paeilleatatee, • anu Di repoit liabilitiee of
or more. Lieallitieti of viewer.
The Week. dhit ate faiarelures re, ',tea for Jamunw
lise,173,2z7, against $2,4 0
last year,
Geeepel events. Ita seem auxiotta to come baptized in orate.' "to fulfil all righteous- .71!. narleY unernste4g5dilits?lillaslEltscht
ry.of Ills infancy, ' and a solemn inauguration. a 103 own Whe t st ly,
bat alarle commentee In the Midst of „ ministry. Matthew. says Christ was Me at 7a to $c.. i d
at once to Christ's public life. and. min- matan Of John -At first Joint hesitated ttub% Oat are Ir. wit" ea o 50-0'
istry. Gospd-The gesPel. of Jesus Christ about Baptizing Jesus (Matt iii., 14, 10), Dairy prodUco is 'a tritle caster, with
denotes the egled tidings* or egeoa : O. He Saw -Christ saw it, and John supplies fair. Choice butter .sout. At 24 to
news; oncerning. Jowl Christ. Jesus-- : saw it (John i. 33, $4), and it is prob- ,i73,0 perr dm, al lig ial. al.s sa 33 to
valent Of the Hebrew "Messiah." sea i enettestease saya that Jesus prayed as iSic!.irrey sola at $10 to $12 a ton for three
u e with the lade
Ilis hunian nature. Christ -This nanie f tis_or was intended to be Iasi public changed; 30 betas
$3c per
s°114ppljr, 41with prices un-
sold at $9 to MO a ton
jeetse means "Siviaoura This name shows able' tbat all who were preseet saw it;
mama °anointed" and. is -the Greek equiv. inauguratiou.-Henry. The Heavens op- for timothy, anti at $9 to $8 for ralited.
See Jolm I.; 1-3, 14. He was' very God, I 'lie" is the first recorded preyer that ed at $3 and heavy at $8.50.
e‘ssed hogs aro weaker, with light qua-
pf God -This ehows His divine nature. soon as be was baptized (Luke M., 21). Dr
white, bushel .. 0 72 $ 0 72
tlie second person in the Trinity. 2, Is the St was sent down upon him, and Wheat.
send -This "1" in the prophet is spoken Paaaitaa fona-Stalker. A threefold siget Da, goose, bushel 0 70 0 72
written -See Mal. iii. 1; Ise,. xi, 3. in all probability it eves this that lie was 4aubguarasist;i4 716G 813
by Jehovah. But this Jehovah is the Isles- was given: 1. The beavens opereat. 2. ova bushel .. .. .. .. ...... 0 30% 0 40
e es _ b u . . , . .
siah. So that we have here a trite Je- The dove descended. 3 The rather spalse. liarleia
lasuhsell 0 75
el . .: .: .. . . . . 0 51
0 00
hovah-Jesus, -Whedon. aly messenger- • Like a Dove -There has been a differ-
John the Baptist, Christ's herald. \Vhen mice of opinion as to whether this was fiL:, timothy. ton .. .. .. s
bUsbei .. • .. . ... 0 74
Eastern monarchs took a journey, her- a real, literal dove. Luke says it was Des, mixed, ton .. .. 6 00
ahls were sent before them to announce in a "bodily" shape like a dove (Luke Straw, per ton .. .. .. .. 1.0 00
- `70) " '). symbol this of perfect gen- See" -
their coming and prepare the way of 311•1 '''' . - - ' Alstke, No. 1, bushel ... 5 a
Christ and his kingdom, tleness, purity, fulness of life, and of Do., No. : .. .. ., „ ..,:: 4 75
3. The voice -Attention is called to tee the power ' of communicating it."- Do. ,No. 3 - .. ,. ,. s. .,e CO
Lanee. ' . Bed, ebolee. No. 1, bushel 6 25
message rather than to the messenger. . . Timotey, bushel ... .. .. 1 50
John was weak and insignificant,. but he lf. Volta front Heaven -sit two ether
was delivering God's message, and. his . thine during our Lord's earthly 1,Zii,e„read „heo,"ebe" • - " ' "' ..1 2
ministry was a voice heard from Eggs.' p' er- dozen ..:, .... .••• . ' . 0 32
words produced a mighty effect, Crying Butter ,dairy .. •• .. .. 0 et
j-tleralding, piaci:timing, Wildentess - Heaven: At the transfiguration (Mark
Do., creamery .. .. .. .. 0 27
.0 n preached in the wild, thinly inhab- ix., 7), and in the courts of the temple poigenIst;r piebr ib. ,• .. .. ..:: 00 tli
ited 'region lying west of the Jordan. and during passion week (John xii,, 28), The
the Dead Bea as. far north as Enon, two- Father Indorsed Christ's earthly Turkey's, per lb. .:..:..:* .. .. 0 15
Geese, per lb. .. .... ... 0 11.
thirds of the way to the Sea of Galilee, the eon of sion. My Beloved Son -Jesus Christ is
God from eternity. He never Cabbage, per doyen .. ..- .. 0 40
and on both sides of tbe lower Jordan, b ' s • 's Il ' 1 1 • Cauliflower, per dozen .. .. 0 75
Potatoes per bag
tive language. The words illustrate the Son because of his supernatural birth, ceiery, am: dozen- ,:..: .. ,'*. ,'„- In
Prepare. .paths straight -This is figura- egan to be his on. e was a so us
straightening force of the gospel. There and be was bis son 'by special desig- Onions, per bag .. ., .. .. 1 20
Beet, hindquarters .. .. .. 6 50
IiXih be a thorough preparation before nation to the work of `the world's Re-
. Do., forequarters - .. 4 30
God, our King, will come to us. The (teenier."
Questions. What was the time of Do.; mutual:, carcase' ... *:: Pj 31
Do. choice carcase . .
self -life must be "brought low;" the
life must be "straightened:" the
ale this lesson? Who. was John the Bap- Mutton, per cwt. . .. 7 60
tist? Where was he born? 'What was Veal, per cwt. .. .. .. 8 30
Lamb, per cwt. .. .. .. .. 9 00
obstructions of unbelief and carnal de- Ms age at this time? How old was
sires must be removed. "The world was Christ at the time of his baptism? What
indeed a moral wilderness when the time es tbe meaning .ot Christ? Show that
drew near for the coming of its King. Jesus was divine as well as human.
It was full of obstacles of every WW
ind, here did John preach? What was the
-tbe military power of the Romans, ' burden of his message? What can you
which bad conqueeed the world; the say of his manner of living? Why was
throne of the emperor which was wor- his influence eo great? What wits John's
slapped as God; the crimes and sine in- testimony of Christ? Wily was Jesus
trenched in customs, fashion, wealth and baptized? What occurred a his bap -
the very structure of society; the
the learning, the prejudices of the whele UM 9
Jewish nation; all the sins and evils and
eelfishness of the human heart. And still
every unregenerate human heart is a.
wilderness abounding in obstacles to the
email!, ot its Klee.. The voice comes to
us, 'Prepare ye the way of the Lord.' 1.
Fill up the valleys, the sips of omission, baptism of the Holy Ghost is necessary
if we would be properly qualifted to
-defects of prayer, of faith, of love, of
work for (atria, :Men John hesitated
work. 2. Bring dawn the mountains of
about baptizing Christ, the Saviourstud:
pride and worldliness. 3. Straighten out ?"Suffer it to be so now, for thi
us t be;
all crooked pieces, crooked dealinge with •
cometh us to fulfil nal righteousness.'
others, confess sins. 4. Smooth the rough e
places, -the harshness of temper and This discloses at once the purpose,
manner, the lack of courtesy, the cold-
ness, the fault-finding."-Peloubet.
IL John Baptizing (vs. 4, 5). 4.
Preadt-Herald; it word suggesting the
proclamation of a king. John was a
great reformer. Note the following lead-
ing charaeteristics of his preaching: 1:
It was stem like that of Elijah. 2. It
was absolutely dauntless. 3. It shows
remarkable insight into the needs of the
people of every class. 4. It was intense-
ly practical. 5. It, prophesies of the
dawn of the kingdom of Christ. His, mes-
sage was (1) repent; (2) the kingdom of
heaven is at band; (3) behold. tae lamb
of Gods Baptism of repentance -John
was a repentance preaeher. This was
a "baptism required and representing an
inward. spiritual change; the pledge of
remission of sins to these who were
truly penitent." -Speaker's Com. • Not
the baptism of faith in a. Redeemer al-
ready crucified and atoning, but it bap-.
twit of repentance and reformation pre.
paretory to his coming.-Whedon. For
the remission -This phrase does not de-
pend on "baptism," but on "repentenee."
The "remission of sins" did not follow as
it result of baptism, but rather as a re-
sult of true repentance. The remission
was to he received of Christ, the repent-
ance was preparatory to Christ's coming
and work,- and John's baptism was a sign
of true repentance.
5. AR tne land -A figure representing
the sweeping influence of John's preach-
ing. The poorest way to reach the
masses is to compromise the truth. The
crowds that presented themselves to
John for baptism. included representat-
ives of every class: Pharisees and Sad.
duces (Matt. 3. 7), tax -gatherers, sol
diers, rich and poor (Luke 3, 10.14). Wby
were the crowds. attracted ? John was
in earnest and very courageous. He spoke
s the truth fearlefisly and showed no 're-
spect of persons. He even met the king
and handled that royal without'
gloves. The conseiences of the people
were stirred, and they gathered around
John es the hungry go for food. Con
feesing-Confession of sin is one of Ile
elements of true repentenee. Repent-
ance includes (I) conviction, (2) contd.
tion, (3) 'confession, (4) reformation, and
leads to conversion.
Teachings. -Preparing the way of the
Lord. is the begiening of his gospel. Re-
pentance necessarily precedes the remis-
sion of sins. Christ is mightier than the
mightiest messenger -and. his true mes-
senger abases himself that the world.
• -et a better view of Christ. The
llf. John's Testimony (vs. 0-8). 0.
Camel's hair. --in appearance John re-
sembled Elijah, the prophet. He was
clothed in the coarse, rough cloth eallea
eackteloth in the Scriptures. It was
cheap, but admirable for keeping out 'the
heat. cold and rain. Girdle -The Ori-
entals delight in es stly, ornamentel gir-
dles, but poor people nest content them
selves with a strip of hide. ',ousts -
The law of Moses gave permission tc
eat locusts (Lev. 11, 21). The commor
Ineust is about three inehes long and
elosely resembles -the grasshopper. to-
' Mists are abundant and cheap and ade
still ueed as food by the poorer classes
Wild Honey -Honey stored by bees it
hollow trees or in the clefts of the rocks
John's babits were in keeping with bis
wilderness life. He was perfectly fear-
less and independent. "He had little a
lose by the opposition of the great, 01
to gain by their favor." 7. Tberr
Cometh -The preaching of John wee
preparing the minds of the people fo
the coining of the Messiah, and the;
began to ask themselves whether To
Were the- Christ. But John was not sloe
to undeceive them regaraing himself
Mightier -John Nearly outlined the wort
of the coming Messiab. Ms baptism wil:
effect what mine is powerless to do
Leteliet-The Iatebet. a wont now °ben -
tete, was the thong or lace with whict
the shoes or sandalwere fastened
Plumptre. Shoes -Or sandals. Not
Worthy -john shows MS greatness be
bis self-abasement. His almost unex-
ampled humility from the first led hi0.
to designate his work whichshook Israel
to its centre as tiler* preparatory, ana
to !subordinate himself at once to lam
Who *wee far greater than be.
8. With Water... .Ittay Ghost. -.Joie
luul administer the outwara rite, hte
llould not renew their tents. They wen
inetructed not to trust in this baptisms
but to look steadfastly for the One wle
would. faptire with the Holy Chola
Mattbear adds, 'land with fire." Tie
Holy Spirit as symbolize(' by fire.
IV. Jesus Peptized (vs. 041), 0. Tr
Threw thips---While Joan was preaeliing
sorni beptirings Josue flame -.Team ma •
it PM111t thiliV veers ola. Tbie was fie •
MCP leirtda priests enteral upon their min.'
'miry '(iam. 4, 3), end when the ribbii flames.
method and result of the meemation and
sacrifice of Jesus Christ. He came not
to destroy either the ceremonial or the
moral law, but to fulfil both. It his
gospel is revealed. the righteousness of
God as well as the mercy of God."
Strange Romance Unfoped in a Lawsuit
Which Has Just Ended in New Zea-
land Court of Appeal.
Wellington, N. Z., Jan. strange
romance of an Italian marquis, who
gave up bis title and fortune and. be -
Toronto Live Stock.
Exporters-Bxport bulls sold at $3.50 to
z1.73 and extra choice might bring $1 per
13utchers-Fri1e to good at $3,70 to $1; me-
dium, $3,50 to $3.30; good cows, $3.25 to $3.60;
medium cows, $2.70 to $3; common cows,
$2.25 to $2.60; canners, $1.50 to $2 per cwt.
Feeders and Stockers -Short -keep feeders,
1,100 to 1,200 lbs. each, at $3.90 to $4.15; foeu-
ers ,000 to 1,050 lbs., at $3.40 to $3.80; best
yearling steers, 600 to 850 lbs., at $3 to
$3.55; common stockers, of which there were
few sold, at $2.75 per cwt. Mr. Milrby only
got about 40 stockers, for which ho pale
$3.20 to $3.40.
Mitch Cows -About 30 inlich cows sold at
$30 to $5.1 each. The bulk went between $35
and 945 each.
Veal Calves -Prices for veal calves aro
still firm at about $3.50 to $7 per cwt., tno
bulk selling at $5 to $6.25 per cwt.
Sheep and Lambs -Prices for sheep and
lambs were firmer, as follows: Export efts
at $1.2.1 to VA; bucks, $3.50 to $3.73; grain -
fed ewes and wethOrs at $6.25 to $6.00.
liogs-Prices 13c per tart, higher, as fol-
lows: Selects, $6.30; lights and fats, $6.21;
sows, $i to $5 per cwt.; stags, $2.50 to $3.50
per cwt.
0 00
10 00
8 e0
12 00
6 25
5 00
4 30
7 00
2 00
1 no
1 00
British Cattle Markets.
London. -Cattle are quoted. at 10 lo 11110
per lb.; refrigerator, 8% to Me.
Winnipeg Options.
The following were the closing quotations
yesterday at this market: Jan. 760, May
8014,c July 81%c.
Leading Wheat Ma:Amts. .
New York
'Detroit .
Toledo .. .. • ..
St. Louis
came a. British subject has been un-
folded in the New Zealand Court of
The court was asked to decide whe-
ther the late . Marquis Arturo Talia-
carne was an Italian or a New Zea-
lander. He was the $on of the Mar-
quis Andrea Taliacarne, of Genoa, an
Itallansubject, and at various. times
Ambassador of the then King of
Sardinia to many countries. The
Marquis Andrae married an -English-
woman in London, and when -he was
Ambassador for Sardinia, at aim
Hague, in 1850, hia son Artnio was
The boy was educateel at Harrow
and. Oxford, and on the death of his
father became possessor of large es-
tates in Genoa and other parts ca
Italy. In 1881, he went to New Zea-
land, invested a large sum of money
in land and adopting the democratic
spirit of the country, 'dropped. his title,
and assumed the name of Arthur
James Bertie.
l'abile be was in New Zealand be ar-
rangea for the income of Ms Italian
astetee to be invested by an Italian
appointed to receive the money. After
the Marquis' death, however, it was
discovered that this person bad be -
some bankrupt and lest the entire for-
tune of the Marquis, amounting to
about a200,000.
TR 1800, shortly before his dwatb the
Marquis milled in his lenglieh '
name. and it is hia wife, who has ainee
married again. who brought an •ae-
4on asking -the New Zealand court-
revoke the grant of probate to bis ivIl
on the ground that he was An Italian
subject. The action, however, has
been decided against her, the Court of
Appeal declaring that the Marquis was
t reisidsnt of New Zealand and. a Brit-
ish subject.
a • *
Paris Ragpickers Seek to Avenge Murder
of comrade.
Park Jan. 15.-A wilil scene took
lice in the impasse du Mont Visa. the
'a:spiel:ars' quarter of Paris, last night,
:00 persons attempting to burn down
he residence of a Man suspeeted of
foul play.
On Christmas Eve a, ragialeker named
-.!aribet was found dead in hin house
vith it deep wound in hie forebeaft
aaribet, Was Very popular among the
•agpickers of the Impasee au Mont
Viso, and. exeitement ran high when it
vas known that the Authoritieg would
like no •aetion in the matter. Suspielen
was directed against a man called "Eta
;me the Webber," on aeount of his
Tadnees to use bis knife. . evho was
enown to bave threatenea Caribet Sev-
drat time.4.
Last night 200 men en(1 womese arm -
el with knives and tarrying torehers
airmen:lea the little house Where lat-
een Brea, ani ordered him to mine
Instead lin banimuled hie doom,
mfunated 0.1,13 mob, whir gathered •
All robaish they email find', placed putted sinee 1898, Isiah, the itahettiee may pte,os ett - I ell
9d 11, manalape in the Math lielanie
t against the done, and, after drench- ate the largeet einee•letni.
Terrible Tragedy on a farm
Portage la Prairie,
The. Self -Confessed IYIurderer Tells Story
of Crime in a Self -Possessed Man-
ner -The Occurrence Has Aroused
Groat Excitement,
()Weep; den. 1 s.,--.\,1nR. Des$1e flolHA-4
er, wife of Frauklin Hollistee, ,of Hole
lister alrotbers, one of the largest print-
ing commie in this city [xis reported ia
Katurday's Timesie wee murdered 00.
liaida.y night by Richard Ivens, a me -
potter, 24 years old. The deed in all its
details was 0130ofthe most brutal ana
revoltieg the mange of mime.
Ivens late made it full se:tides:don, anti
at the Coroner's in:mast he told without
the sligetest emotion of his efforts to as,
sault las victim, whom he strangled to
death with a fine copper wire when. sae
resisted his attack.
At the close of the bearing W. C.
Hollister, brotber-balaw of tbe dead wa-
man, made an unsuceessful effort to
shoot Ivens. Ito was making his wily
toward the usurdewer, tevelverem ha, d,
When policeman caught 'sight at the -
weapon and grabbed asehster. ender
policemen hustled the feeneie man item
the moue .
The entire city is -troasal and exelted
over what is regarded as paesibly the
most ladsous o•utrage eves perpetrated
in Re midst upon one of the most re-
spected. anal popular o! ite cite (us.
There is tend and. angry' 'elk of lynta-
ing, to -night.
May. July. Sept.
.. sgsfi 87%
... 01% 8214
811/2 8598
861/2 8749 —
.. 81% 8708 —
.. 8608 8208 —
• :Bradstreet's Trade Review. •
Montreal -All lines of wholesale trade
continues quiet here. The hardware trade
is quiet, With advances 'expected in build-
ing. material, and firmness and great aa
Hedy in 'Metals. Groceries are quiet
end most of the houses are "just =clad-
etock-taking. Collections are genets.
ally fair, and. in most instances thecoun-
try paper falling, due on the 4th inst.,
etite well met. In some cases, however,
there are complaints as to the large
number of renewals waich -had to be
granted. Later reports -on the past
year's business are on the whole, eatis.
factory. The majority of business houses
say the volume of trade showed consid-
erable gain over that of the eiievious
syaelaer.etoCks here is light and trades gen-
Toronto-Actual movement of whole-
making final preparations for the
business o.f the coming spring. The
hardware trade reports it fan jobbing
movement and the demand for metals is
rely brisk, There is no doubt but that
the mild. weather which has prevailed un-
til: very recently bas had an effect upon
Itixe drygoods trade, and hick of sleigh.
ing, in many parts of the province is .elee
affeetine the movement of retail gooae
generalry. ahem is little complaint on
tbo scbre of collections and paper due
on the 4th last was „etnerally taken IF
in some lines of trade imptiessenesee iu
entiOCtintiS bet4re eLlt of the tinnfrWi, •
Receipts sif grain at nil ee'lletn.
eentiune light,
t fia421:
.100, oill109ugh age treperea
a litaas better. lae stox
lerlf? .••14111•11f, 2.1RIDp,
"a111114g1T• 1 -.Kintty sYa^le
6c,j3v, 4f12., of reeetaleasse fieee sae
tlf the ofter-belislay aseeen, v. -ea -sage eal. •
lines whelesale tenda seelesese
Steciatalang tease:fele, ;sees:ley
a very satb,faetory aware k4 tae pea '
.1 Ana ve menthe.
Victorie and Veneeneer .• "sea eee.-
and retail traie :here is slin a 'atlas Tole",
although money is plentiful atel
tions are good. Provincial traile
following the great activity in all Meese -
trial linee. Lumber pricee are firin
likely to advance and the advanees 10
nwthis have greatly leaped the mining
Hamilton -The movement of wboleatle
goods is light and in some distriets retail
teed:: suffers from the lack of sleighing.
From other districts reports speak of a
gooa volume of business for this time
of the year. Local inlustries are active,
ima the •outlook for trade is very
brIg.o11121eion - The wholesale and. retail
movement it still quiet, but the outlook
for a big epring traae continues (=our -
aging. Beceipte of grain and country
produee here are light. Values are well
Ottawa- -The dry gomie trade still suf-
fers from unseasonable weather and the
leek of snow in some localities, Inie xiu
most wholesale linos: there is it fair eort-
ing movetneut Values generally ore
firm. Loeal industriee continue aetive-
ly engaged.
There -were 20 iier vent. more failmes
in 'Canada in 1303 then in Dna and the
liabilities). M411. 38 per vela. anger., It
might be noted that 1 itt, intliiir.r of f
'1111611 -
family Moved from Toronto a
Days Ago.
Miss Quinn, an Aunt of Mrs. 0
One of the Victims,
Portage la Prairie, Jan. 14. -One of
the most horrible tragedies in the hie -
tory of the west •oecurica four awl rl
half miles east of hero this morning,
when three cbildren and an aged aunt
of Mr. and Airs, 11. A. Brazil lost their
lives in a holocaust which. destroyed
their residence and otlier farm buildings,'
with all .their contents, including seven
horses, seed grain and farmina, equip-
ment, leaving them almost destitute as
well as heartbroken. The origin of the
disastrous fire is quite unknown, ae Mr.
Brazil Mid been reading itnell .midniget
and. bad then aatired, Both fires in
the stoves being practically gone out
then, were replenished. At 4 o'clock one
of his daughters upstairs was awaken-
ed by a vivia !dare which she momentar-
ly mistook for sunlight, but immediate.
ly recognized. that the house eves re
flames, and shrieked to arouse her par-
Mr. 13razia thinking all had time to
escape, rushed to the stable close by, and
which also was on fire, to save his horses
mid ether stock. lie got two horses out
before the flames rendered the task nn -
Near st. Petersburg, Jam 1T, -The budget
statement for 1000, whieli was issued last
night, shows that it will be necsseary to•
'raise $240,500,0011 by credit operetione
to balance the ratinutted reesapta Ana
expenditures. The latt•er include .V114,-
400,000 for the liquidation of the ex-
."Ipenses of the Ituesso; war, the
eepatriation of the troops in the Mr
east, and the reduction of the Remy to
a peace footing. For the first time tee
total test of the war, $1,150,000,000, is
revealed. Tile credit operatioas to het -
She Had Been Created Baroness -Matter
is Now an Open Secret, Says Paris
Paper -Cardinal Gave Approval...
Paris, Jan. 15.-Accardin,g to the
Reveil de Bruges, there can no louger
be any doubt about King Leopold'e
marganatic marriage. It took place
twelve months ago in the private
chapel of the Chateau of Laelsen, near
Brusichs, in the presence of two aides-
de-camp. The ceremon.y was performed
by the court chaplain, 'acting unaer the
authority of the Cardinal Archbishop of
The woman married by the King is
Mem. Vaughan, whose lunette. name
was Mlle. Lacroix. She is it niece of
M. Van Lanigendolek, Socialist mems
ber of the Belgian Chamber of Depu-
ties for the town of Louvain.
Mme. Vaugban, was born at Lou-
vain, and is the daughter of a care-
taker in that town. She has been
created it baroness by the King and
gave birth to e. fine child quite re-
The lady lives on the King's property
at Cep Verat, near Nee. The matter
is now an open secret.
Woman of So Weds Man of 34 -Intended
Adopting Him.
Vienna, Jan. 15.- Mine. Cornelie
Brielle, now 80 years old, and onee a
star of the Hungarian National The-
atre, was married yesterday to a mite
named Koloman Rosynyay, aged 34.
This is the conclusion of an affair
that. has made a great deal of noise
in Budapest society. When Mme.
Brielle, who is very wealthy, became
.engaged to Mr. Roszynyay, about a
year ago, her relatives attempted to
payout •the marriage, and filially had
her confined to a lunatic asylum.
Mme. 13rielle, however, regained her
liberty by proving her sanity to a
commission of doetots, ana she then
declared her intention of ado tin her
aiancee as ber son. She suddenly re -
vetted, however, to her original Jed -
sant to marry lam.
Owing to ber great age Mine. Brielle
was unable to go to china, and the
ceremony was perforined ber own
house before two witnesses.
The bride was dressed in wbite sae
tin and lam; and carried a bouquet of
white myrtle flowers.
thorization of $200,000,000 m treasery
bonds., $75,000,000 el Welt have alrealy
been to renew the Meu!leissohe
loan, and tho eredit, $100,000.000, which
former Finance =meter laolcoveiff 13
now negotiating in Perla . The primary.
object of the latter, the ormseesee et
which well be retained in Pease le en-
deretood by the Associated Prees. to Le
the maintenance of the stability of Vie
The budget for1000 eetieuttee the or-
dinary revenue at $1,-)!3,0X),181., And
the ordinary expenditure at $1,000,0eSe
275. The extraonisnary revenue: ie es -
thrusted -at 51,000,00e, plus $2e0a57,000,
from impending medit operatiene, ar
the .extraordinary expeuditure at eat, -
448,112. The total revenue and eepend-
Rene balance at $1,255,488,387.
The -extraordinary 'expenditure, in
round numbers, =helm ken the ltuss•o-
Japanese war, $202,500,000; for the
building of railroads, $21,000,000; for
tbe relief of sufferere 'from the bed hex -
met $10,000,000; in loans for the 'res-
toration of eaphthe, works, $7,500,900.
In the budget et:lament it ie announc-
ed that namitestos will be heeled, giv-
ing the maim) the right to participate
in the examination of future budgets.
The budget statement does a et dedge
the prevailiag conditions In Russia. 14
is pointed out specifically that the re-
ceipts from nearly ail sources, have been
sealed down„ and that, moreover, it is
stated that if the disorders in tae
tnrior do not cease there may 00 anise
branebes of revenue on which it si be
imposeible to coma.
The budget oleo deals frankly with
the heavy drain on tee gola reserve- of
the State beak batanece abeam I, which
have fallen $152,500,000 in the three
mouths prece,ding January. Diming the
last ten days of tee year the gold re-
serve wee' eeducea 530,500,000, while
the issue. of paper currency was increas
ed by $40,1100,000. The increase of paper
issued, the statement says., was made by
the bank in an effort to come to the
rescue of the business interests whisli
were almost paralyzed, and. lid been re-
fused tonne by -private banks, owing to
Use panicky eonaitione and to the re-
duction of the foreign credite of 'tonne
with connections. abread,
b de t include tee recent ate
poss 0, MI( IC I all 11(' _ -
expectiug to find the family safe, only
to witness a tragedy which wrueg las
heart strings. He WAS powerless to save
the lives of his dear ones, who had fail-
ed to escape 'the fury of the fire.
Mrs. Brazil's aunt, Miss Quinn, Wars
(111 Oiti, lady, seventy years of age, and
an invalid, and before she could be
tutoused Her' room was all aflame, and
she may never lave aroused from ber
last sleep. Kathleen, the eldest daugh.
ter, lost her life in a noble attempt to
save her little sister, Frances, aged foar,
whom she attempted to dress before
taking her out into the bitter cold. So
rapidly did the fire spread, however, that
all escape was barred by the flames in a.
moment, and.both met tlteir horrible fate
Celia, a little baby, two years old,
met death under particularly sad cir-
cumstances and most distressing to the
grief-stricken mother. Mrs. Brazil was
carrying her in her arms, intending to
force an upstairs window and leap to
ea fetse but unfortunately in doieg this
elle slipped and fell and the infant drop-
ped from her grasp into the flamesamak-
ing their fourth victim. The names of
the dead. are: Kathleen aged 15, Frances
aged 4, and Celia eighteen months, and
Miss Quinn.
Unless a smouldering spark in the
ash barrel kindled the flames incendiar-
ism is the only explanation. of its origin.
The financMI loss will total over 54,000,
upon which there is a thousand insur-
ance. Members of the family who es-
caped suffered terribly front the cold,
being clad only in the thinnest of night'
clothes, and the grief-stricken mothei is
so 'overcome from the shock and suffer-
ing that her mental powers are almost
lost. Mr. and Mrs. Brazil came -to this
district from Toronto six years ago, anl.
many relatives reside in the east.
Young Man Arresfad on Error Fouild
Deasl in
,jc-5 4:r .1193 ,f .1 0:3
e'ssesee f.!.;7.111
ki71.11 *1.'3 41 ,!..,14:::.-111 1.4.4-14:4
al:144'14'j V '7.4:4;!..4.:!
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• „
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'1;1 11',414.1 ;41' 4114,414
eileseaz as es a Ile - 4
eas ete.e.t.a ---1etaitt
saleeeee. Bet., '• 1••••
fires. f.111:11 '3
f4ifAtt ty,.": e ' -Vt-
t 'es ea:,
lii4 fid.r;e1-ras
1114 pewee' v., .z ' !!!,
egainet She iieseesesee ate e easess ,..."af'ea , •
ltd P31144, 1010)!,, 04' V3-4.'4, 0.
".45 0 •- • 4' .1.
pollee 0-4e;tfr e„ -J • ;
• 4
Theo, Hall P
Office ;-Upstalrs in the Pi
Night calls answered, at *ea,
P, ICENNEDY, m.o.,
(memborzggar wow
SPe014.1 attention paid to Difieases of women
and children,
Oirieli HOURS I -I. to 4 pm, ; 7 to $ PAO,
- .
, . .
' M, 0, S. Ann.)
L. It, 0. P. (1400114/
Physician and Surgeon.
(Ofilee with Dr, Chisholm)
Shoemaker Solves PrOblem of Livelihood
by • Being •Repeatedly Arrested for
Lese Majeste.
Berlin, Jan. 14. --Richard Schoene,
Berlin sboeinaker, having fallen upon
evil times five years ago, took thought
and, solved the problem of a liveliheod.
Insult the Kaiser, and board and lodg-
Mese are yours, was Schoeneas aisicov. Caleutta, Jan. 15. --Three gall:nit le-
ery. slog, belonging to the Zbob 'Valley Tr-
ills first, egperienee was to insist
upon using imulting words about the
Kaiser, to a policeman. The result wao
hie arrest, prompt trial ansi eenteness to
L't4, yearis' imprisonment:, Uport 1)13
diseharge foga prison, ..rhere. had
teen fairies esinifortable elf:loose:4 re.
peatel eae estersoniene t7s.44,- Pft ;wither ,w
;gal Nntit). Ilea time Le iteeneed beeps ataaaaa' j" M414 1"f4o oi'vPralY
sa.A1 i!o4giGg pirk90 fr,,r Ogee "n" .'I•H a 1'4'441 1:0""/ in t'l"' 11°1'14
latioefies Pest aie lanes! Per tag' sisesge: r"."!"ta.." Alta ime
)- 1,41,.100/.4 034p1"v kk.r.„1+A me, to tiot IIIS •(.001.-
f„.;„3. 114,, gitag3 PliY!ASAit•I 4141:1.• the, wepo
seasal oe.saeseesee esej eery aeagaa 133) 3131 tile exiling,
ObiillgIlil,115,41, 1)1(5
fii•jP.1 it.44 4v1 444 Alli•Tin;o; oway the flooring, and
- . • eepeseeg ta le.avy fire
PORED MP; VAT IOWA, (3'4s 1;I IWO r Whin
et0410411y i0 his eititwe, anti
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Ian-
nsylvania, College and Licentiate ol
Dental Snrgery of Ontarlo.
Moo over Post Ofece-WINGHAM
Money to 'Wan at lowestrates, Office
7-95. WINGRAM.
It is Expected the Job Printers Will
• Also Give in -Office to be Conducted
as an Open Shop In the Future -
Girls Remain at Work.
A Montreal despatch: The Gazette
Printing Company have secured -a signal
triumph over the striking printers, the
men from the news depagment return-
ing in it body to -night and asking to be
re-employed. With a few exceptions
they were all taken back, but it is
announced that hereafter tbe preraises
will be conducted on the open shop
principle. In order to demonstrate the
full meaning of the situation the men
were set to work to-niglit side by side
with the girls who had been taken in to
'carry on the work in their absence.
Ten of the job printers, the instigators
of the strike, bave signified their will-
ingness to follow the news printers, and
it is fully expected that they Will all
apply for reinstatement to -morrow.
Awarded the Military Order el Merit for
Gallantry in Action.
regislare in: the Northwest frontier,
have been awarilad the military Order
of Merit.
Miring an atiaele made by millets.; last,
Apia 0i0 alainbaz poet the lit-
tle fil.tof of defenders held its own
thogl,all und outnumbered,
al leas-, eigaez ArAtoo,i msvir,l,$) VIN414.. 503 fip,1110$1r,
041,,MV. 114y -143)y Alto oninrfo,rarg 1401 HMI to eon.
),'.JJ. • ,1
•4' :.e,' ri:1;1 ▪ 0:1
414' .1.,4 ;.)4+, tt •• 2,1"..-.1
"4-4 1 '111 1."'' 10Y tiLifkir f;, hforist»00 Tcndera Ilia
‚ 4433•".) PkeiZnAtiOno
4.• • '4A 4, •••.,:d 1.,.•••••,,11
21 V•VP;34:9, lor!. 0ir Ilv:ti,14.15 oydinary
11 1 1,14. 1."!". l')"1 1141111ii 41)11111111
tzltol tr".1 Hiplai, 11,1. 5141(
:Ott .1.41,4(cl '1,,41,144/1 "4'1! 4 ../..t‘ ',V0,1/11,1' 144,0,4 11)1 1311141,
11'.1111 4' .1)1.4 I i1 1,4 0, '1`.) n .41.) 114/5/0. I hum, 1111 50
0:11 AA ie I j, it0V. 1)114.4011.
1449 ,horp00 ',mill 11004.
nnytAiy 334,1).47 11(1' teesed of
ilSaiessis ilearieuit 'eine 413 11410 Lily
c:4014j 1wil,) I Iasi,
J... I ,I.11
11/. 411;141.441 ea 140)4' of hie ts,r•
o • h,„1 +1)43 8, :•12,1JOIPII I/401 e the
14b.,13,1 0,1 4i. or 9811 . Alriny rirolvironli,.4 haw
411t, 3)414 tri 41 hi:Ai-1 ieal lei
4,1 4144:, 1)p41, q44.4•1411
••„ ILL' 431 /04 ill.t 10 41 il"s i'V-
1,-.11.01 01A 1101,' tiroot rorrisjoiorl in 11(1
401 ot ^44,41,1•
`,1'. PUNERAL,
If E,PE4Y 1.31,11-11ciED,
4/.1 eeti sea!
A POSITION 3102 100S'EVEY./1., 01, ' v
- "0'1 r•
Talk of 111:1 Suateding tate .1
Ilarper, a k ss I • ' ,F
Chieago, Jan. 15, 'Folk a
PreSidintt 114 11011 PAO A.1. --1'.9).1r ,
11911;1; IMA41A 19 4V0,500k-
the Tate Preeident Harper at the teal a:
Chicago University II,ZA foroyaorf. <1froLg fto Wfidicks it/m.014 ickimo too its,y
univereity eirelee, It le &eland 14/ ;goof 144,4/1 * WM/ow,
been ram ef etc Iffiv03 11r ,ffrint4.4 der_
ing the last meutbe rof 144 life flaif
way efells1 be eleared fa, have illiaeseee
Roosavelt take the letaa'rof itify
at the eelieliteiela of his prialialaaai
term. Tit Mang firie abeiti if, will foro
nee0..d•ary f 0 61110,5 the 0141;8111111i0/1 01 •
the 1111it:ert,iiv. seliiiii defames than wily
dian failurssi in Mei the re -
ng it with pettoteum, Set lire to the ('h. -h.
It has been finally ileeided that the
Eugene and his young wife, ip Mann Jan. 13,---feanmerclal failutes. fllim resting P11140of President Berner shall
1 ' elm el to lie tooled on
le was married only a few days ago, 33001) 111 tht.
e nited States, as remote: -
311 11 JItC'1l5(4i'i11i
"ere making their Waine through the by 11, (1' Dun it Coe are 309, ftgalitet, the university entignae 'Until the tot:lute.
aylight when it squadron ef pollee 233 lose week, aal the preeeding week, Hon iif Ole elinitel the lanly- will remain
eave the away, ana the fire Ma and ale" tile eerresponding week Met lit the vault of Oakwood. Criorlevy,
4014le stlecieded in quenching the year. lailinee in Canada number el. Ana distailee feoin the liarper resi-
. egainet 32 last Is eek, 27 the preceding denee.
Barristers, Solicitors, etc.
Office Meyer Block Wingham,
E. L. Dickinson Dudley Holmes
44`,./ '.'" Lstym (ttlioging, tit St, Catliar.
641' 3A,p3 .4 !
F *1:it 140 1,14 WI inerf,
A cmtim torarror qv", V4001400 r
vi A,nil 1.4 4.114 1tiff0, 1110110 141•0010
Phi 110 j r"cf aA,1 idees boa
el 1,114 %Vivi Is ei 01111'4 lo/
lirt• t1,1o, 14.1 Jhologl 1.1,1, ;
11tio 1/4 braroom.
f.,40;nor peutlial emu!.
?tient than elle tuella! 0:: I -
foul thing herself into Out 01 1. tit, 0110
wile Linea pinned instantly
11:1114. Pullinger had been leading 1111
ave011111. 411 0 IPA el of 0 wonema fine
odo from n windew. S1111 left,
o 101) Ilos Iraf ilrmetilping the lut'll'ii 4.
turned down.
Me elm effempfia toflasiw Neal( mil
fallonifir e Jim, 11. TM, flowial
-Arr Mr 'I'. R. Mel 1111, lool, plow! this
tollemam, and wa 3 111.4 11104, bitteely
of tenth 4 ift the Nines:es (114(4 iii'f 110
;1(0'4111, of 144 inemmial
4.134fon 1,414,v 4 aid 111401 every.
thing illy late Sir, lottelaol proved
IA4444...440. 11.' had /lever speenlated hi
him life. lie loul it demi 0011811 of what,
mins lipid Ipol wiling in Ids loodorAft !lost -
law+. Ifo ill OW n 1114.1to-1, lino against
attylltinK ipo.o1oto1101/4., 11,44110111 Alma lo
41 flrInt-et. 811,. eamilat.
evinhan ()iame linnalfaie HU piffled
tho flirt/tat,
Office :-Morton Block, Wingbam
Collection of Routs and A.ccounte a specialty.
011100-441 Vanstone Block,
Open Saturday evenings, 7 to 9._
Established 1840,
Risks taken on all classes of insurable pro
pertyon the Gash or premium note system.
President. Secretary.
' 17,461
, • .
Anyone sending a sketchCAPdVdResiGorHiplaIn
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
Invention Is probably, patentable Conimilnica.
(Ions strletly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents
sent free. Oldest agency for securing_patents.
Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive
special notice, vr.lthout charge, in theSCientifIC AnleriCall
A.bandsomoly illustrated 'weekly. Largest Mr -
MIAMI! of any scientific Journai. Terms, 93 a
year; four months, $1. Sold byalt newsdealers.
MUNN ;,1 Co 361Broadway, New York
Branch utile°. 423 li" St.. Washington, D. C.
Write for our interesting books "invent.
or'S tide amt. "Ho'' you are swindled."
Send US a rough sketch or model of your in-
ventloti or i improvement and wewili tell you
free our opinion as to whether it is probably
patentable. Rejected applications have often
been sticcessfully prosecuted by us. we
conduct funy equipped °Rives in Montreal
. And Wasitiligton t this waffles us to protupt-
1 ly dapatest -work and quickly secure Patents
as broad as the Invention. Highest references
0,1:4131.71:11:olc.uted thrOugh Marion & Ma-
rlon receive specint notice without charge in
oVer Too newspapers distributed throughout
Specialty saratent business of manufac-
term mei semi:seers.
Patent Experts end Solicitors.
()L. f Now York life It'ld'g, Montreal
.fierl* 1 Atlantic Blds,WashIngton D.C.
. .....
".4,01,t40,0"...1,%""•••• \F.., 60 e, 0, 0-‘0,.........”,,,
Trawler Puller an Office at Grimsby into
the Water.
1,01t,imi, dim M. The trawh.r
made a queer retell at tirimAy the other
day, Hie lay in a doll: moored to a
womlon (dike, and it elerk poring, over a.
loam 11191110 mulamay dieetivered that the
:Mice and Ile eouteuts were travellina
ever the quay. Hit rushat outeide, and
10 0 111110Z0d 4110 :Atha phiegesinto
Mr \villas of the clock, in the wake of
the departing trauIer. I10 fieltermen heti
Forgotten to met oft the meting rope
before. the bawler started.
Relight Calttidges, Loaded Ills Revolver
and 'Ida Up the Store.
IVinnipv,%.. dal. 10. • )i 11,A 1)3
tivellrittil 1101 1, Lies Mehl in ilo 34.41 .101.1'
stirril '1‘, s'41. A man 1 to
1114(1 n-1.411 141 1,4. • 111.,. 1.. , ,11,14
111.11.i41,111'.4. 111. tlo
111 tom aa thotiell only iienie
ham inn' leen 111411 Vv2h' 1 1., Lola 3113 tile
01113 11114 a ru4tolit,T. ILproettreil no
itioney lean: either. nut iemlly put 111.1
ea/Ili/Igo loi‘ in hi. peek.1
- - —
The ale it:
ilittfiro43litt1t1e-4 14113 1114114. 11.110 3 t ilt4.t.
111110 311