HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1906-01-11, Page 71 0 OFFICIAL ASKS TO BE SUSPENDED. tendent of Police Alleged to Have Held ,Over Dog Tax and License Money, Wife of Treasurer of Cornell University Dies While at Daughter's Wedding, Alleged Embezzler Killed Himself on Board the Carmania While Entering New York Harbor. Buffalo, Jan. 8, -Superintendent of Police William S. Bull this morning aa - dressed the following communication to the Beard of Police: "Gentlemen, -Owing to the publicity relative to alleged irregularitiee in de-, positing with the city treasurer certain moneys, 1 request that I bo suspended from auty ponding an investigation by your honorable body." The alleged irregularities referred to were given to the press by Mayor Adam, who has begun an investigation which shows that for eighteen mouths no dog tax or money receivea for the issuing of licenses to carry pistols has been turned over by the Superintendent of Police to the City Treasurer to bo placed to the credit of the police pension fund, al- New York, Jan. 8.-0. C. Meir, of San though the charter requires that such Francisco, a prisoner on the steamer money shall be turned over monthly. Carmnnia, shot and killed himself in his The City Treasurer called a halt on the abin to -day just as the big liner was payment of warrants drawn on this fund entering New York harbor. 'on Dec. 5, and notified the Board of Meir was charged with embezzling Police. On Dee. 12 Superintendent Bull $20,000 from a San Francisco wino mer - Rent the Treasurer a check for $1,057, phant and was returning from London on account of dog taxes and licenses col- to answer this charge. looted. Two daYs later he sent in a check for $1,071. On Dec. 18 and 20 three cheeks for smaller amounts were received by the treasurer, and finally on Dec. 30 a check Cor $0,062.40 will re- volved by the treasurer, • The investigation will be continued A Sad Death. Duluth, Minn., Jan, 8. -Mrs. Emmons L. Williams, of Ithaca, wife of the treas- urer of Cernell Univereity, died sudden- ly at the- home of her brother-in-law, ]red Hargreaves, of this city. Mrs. Williams came to Duluth to at- tend the wedding of her daughter, and was apparently 111 good health. She re- tired as usual last night, but about mid- night moanswere heard from her room. She was found unconscious and died be- fore medical aid could be summoned. Suicided on Board Ship. 44) GRAVE MENACE IS PROTECTION. SAYS CAMPBELL-BANNERMAN IN HIS ELECTION ADDRESS. A Corrupting System, Which Exploits Favored Trades and Financial Groups -Last Decade an Unbroken Expanse of Mismanagement. London, Jan. 7. -The election address of Sir Henry Campbell -Bannerman, the Premier, is wholly devoted to a severe indictment of the late Government's re- cord and its policy on protection, and to referring the electors to his public de- lelaration on assuming office for an ex- position of his Government's intended policy. The Premier declares that the last de - etude represents a well-nigh unbroken ex- panse of mismanagement and. legislation conducted for the benefit of privileged. • classes, of wars and, adventures abroad hastily embarked upon and recklessly • pursued, and that the legacy the Union- ists bequeathed to their successors is in the main a legacy of embarrassment, au accumulation of public mischief and con- fusion absolutely appalling in its ex- tent and. ramifications, having more than a nominal place in the estimation of the • majority of the Unionists, whose fiscal reform policy, he holds, is fraught with incalculable mischief to the nation ana the empire. He characterized protection pas inunoral.and oppressive, based, as he says it must be, on the exploitation of the community of the interest of favored trades and financial groups, and declares the policy of his Government will be to hold fast to the time-honored principles of Liberalism, peace, eeonom,v, self-gov- ernment and. civil and. religious liberty, and. to pursue a substantial continuity of foreign policy without departing from the friendly and unprovocative methods adhered to by previous Liberal Adminis- trations. om....r...., 1.111.** WORLD'S GREATEST GOLD MINE. It is the One Yerkes ,Saw From His Hampstead. Home. London, Jan. 6. -Great confidence is felt in the appointment of Sir George Gibbs to the control of the two Loudon railways vacated by the death of Mr. Yerkes. The new system of rapid tran- sit has not .yet/ taken a shape to please British prejudices, and much remains •to be done in respect of more ample accom- modations and the abolition of the strap- hanger. They an, however -even ilic orumblers-admit their debt to theAmer. kart financier, without whose initiative r, and inspiration London would probably I3 ;have persisted in her antiquated methods KILLED Y MIMICO CAR. Or another ten years. The English press repeats freely the .story that Yerkes looked clown on Lon- don front the heights of Hampstead, say - Toronto, Jan. 8. -James Bona, lieense big that there was more gold to be dug out of it than from the Rand. The leg- inspector for West York and an ex - end would be truer in spirit if it relive- Mayor of Toronto Junction, was struck sented him as saying; "This is a fine by a car on the Mimic° Eleetrie Railway ant heap, but why do not the ants erawi on Saturday afternoon, receiving a frac. about quicker?" tured skull and other injuries from which death ensued instantly. Mr. Bond had just paid an official visit to the new hotel at Mimic° kept by Mr. Young. As he approaehed the track he was hidden from the view of the motorman by a projectingbillboara and was on the Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 7. -Mary Me, track sqi uarely n front of the ear before • Donald, a riegress, who claimed to be the need of stopping it was realized, and 135 years old, is dead at the home for , before it could brought to a standstill raged and: infirm cohnea persons in this Mr. Bond. was knocked down by the fen. And began evangelist's work when only city. According to Mrs. McDonald and her der, fifteen years of age. Later she studied surviving relatives, she was born Nov- s : s ember 14, 1770, in a settlement knos'n A DAVID -GOLIATH STORY. for the ministry, and held a number of as FrogtoWn, near Valley Forge, Po,. .$••••••• charges before coming to Windsor 22 She often tole of the scenes in and abouo How a Giant Missourian Was Killed by years ago. She was pastor of Zion A. the camp of 'Washington's soldiers ata Led. M. E. Church during her entire A. Valley Forge during the winter of 1777. denee here. Up to about time years i'SYSEIS IVIrs. McDonald was of robust phy- flolumbia, Mo., San, O. -Mitchell ago a careful record was kept of her ' ssique, and was an inveterate emoker up Shesnisk, a giant, seven feet in height, conversions. Then they lumbered over do a short time ago. was almsat instantly killed near here by four thousand, nearly all among her owlt an eighteen year old boy, Henry Jonas. race. She worked for some time with SPIRITUALISTIC BAPTISM. who broughS him down with a stone no Sam Jones in his tabernacle in Nash- !arger than a walnut, thrown from a villc, Tenn. Her remains were sent to Shadrick ma struck fit, a younger Evansville, Ind -s to -night for burial. t s listance of forty feet picked up a club with the intention of C. N. R. AT PRINCE ALBERT. brother of Jonas, and, it is said, had Assaulting Henry Jonas. The boy picked - ip a smell stone and threw it et the skint. It struck him behind the left str, and after running about in a circle For several minutes the man toppled viler dead. No coffin in Columbia Was long enough 0 contain the body of Shadrick, and it vas found necessary' to make One to order. ...-......44,-........... Sillieus-Do you think there will ever ie universal peace? Cyniens-No; some Alma Gertrude Carr and your spiritual name -Joy." Nurse Graham then gave an invoca- tion to bless the child with purity and health .during its materiel life. At the end of the invocation, "Tony" again spoke, and said that the child would be educated for music by the spirit world. BEAT HER HUSBAND. Jury Find MAY TALK ACROSS SEA DREAM OF TELEPHONE COMKUNI- CATION IS REVIVED. Scheme Sound in Theory -Difficulties to be Overcome Aro Mechanical -lingo Size of Induction Coils a Barrier. London, Jan. 7. -Tho with- coutinuniestilion between Londois and kew York again is being discussed. Of Course, as is well known, the Bri- tish postoffice already has made ext.en- sive experiments with a view to proving long distance telephoning in this country, and with the aid of in - dation coils fitted, on telephone cables tit certain intervals, has enabled corm nurneation to be carried on with great facility over long distances. But as to telephoning across the Atlantic in the near future, IL R. Kenape, one of the post -office engineers, is wit quite so sure. Experiments, lie said, already had been. made with a view to increasing the working distances of British tele- phone eable to open up communication with New York would. present consider- able difficulties owing to the bulk of induction coils. Although theoretically, he said, it was possible to open tele- phonic conimunication with New York ho was of the opinion that, viewed front a practical standpoint, the diffi- culties were too great to be overcome. Tho difficulties are mechanical and not electrical, owing to the present bulk of induction coils, and it doubtful if coils necessary to obtain efficiency could bo reduced sufficiently in size to secure successful working. In the present telephonic cables run- ning to France and Ireland the intro- duction of induction coils had improved their capacity by at least 100 per cent., and it was possible, Mr. Kempe said, that when telephonic communication was extended, say to Norway, it would bo necessary to have coils of such size as to make speaking practicable to still longer distances. Science, however, is advancing nowa- days so rapidly that a new type of submarine cable, with the necessary induction coils for speaking over great- er distances than hitherto had ever been contemplated, might well be man- ufactured and successfully worked. 4 BURIED IN WRECKAGE. HAVOC WROUGHT BY EXPLOSION OF A TON OF DYNAMITE. Five Men Instantly Killed and Four Wife's Blows Accelerated the York Loan. Death. . Fatally Injured in a Quarry Accident ,i, .; Montreal, Jan. 8.-A coroner's jury session of the uncompleted works of the 10,000 IN PRIZES TO READERS OF THE -A1V8W01 FIRST PRIZE wig Ste -.711611 SECOND PRIZE ."a P.A. • Gta e Simply as an Advertisement for the HARMSWORTH SELF -EDUCATOR FULL PARTICULARS IN Mow on Sal& - ,,,it.„k.gem,„„„j„,,ErcaRewmaimearame,,,:,,,i SEND Tins cOUPON AT CiNcE El?. &Sum - Price 15 cts. / \• Enclosed find .., ... for which rend 0 the first.. ... .. . numbers of the Itarmeworth Self -Educator at 150 each, post free to- ECAli THIRD PRIZE 1,000 TEAR OFF 11ERE NIMM111 C. H. MURRAY, Janes Building +C) 'fine and King Sts„ Toronto NAME. (Write plainly4 • • • • • • • 9 • A DDRESS $ • • • • • • • • • 1 • • • • • mager.ti: THE YORK WAN. SOUTHERN LIGHT AND POWER CO. TO BE ISQUIDATED. Two Petitions for Winding -up Order Filed -Will be Argued Tuesday- Wcrkmen's Liens Take Precedence of $300,000 Mortgage -It May Help oronto, Jan. (1.-A fight for the pos- at Gary, 111.--$25,o90 Damage -The to -day brought in the foll•orwing verdict Shock Felt Twenty Miles Distant. Southern Light .& Power Company at in the case of William Rigg, the British Chicago, Ill., Jan. 8. -Five men were Erindale appears to be impending. Two army pensioner found dead at 217 St. nstantiy killed, four others fatally hurt Charles Borromee street dons for the winding -up of the aim- YestardaY and seven seriously injured by the e.x- pati morning: plosion of a ton of dynamite at the guar- pany were filed yesterday shortly after "William Rigg is dead, after having ries of the Dole & Sheppard Co., at (May, the directors had passed a resolution de - received blows from his wife, Margaret ill., to -day. All of the victims were daring it insolvent. Burke., which blows tended to limier- foreigners, who were laboring on the . . The Dominion Portland Cement Com- ate Ins death." parries. The woman wars questioned, and was pany's claim is for $1,700. Mr. G egg's Three of the men who were injured the cause ,of excitement in court by de- were at work in it trench about bay is for $1,408. Mr. Gegg found the work- claring that Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Per- feet from the building in which the men short of their wanes and in needy rin, neighbors, had killed the old man. o dynamite was stored. Pieces of the She declared they ware always beating circumstances, and advanced money to wrecked building were showered upon him and. her (with broometicks. This The Pay them, deducting, says the workmen, them, crushing them to the earth. evidence was not taken seriously by the Adler two men were killed by the air 20 per cent. for legal expenses. In hie jury. The tleellSOIN woman denied all 3oneussion while working in a black - affidavit he says the company owes lmowledge of the old inan'a death, but she will have to appear for trial. smith shop close by. $15,000 for supplies and material, and is N : 6_•• About 40 men .were at work in the without funds. The power works arc quarry and hardly one escaped injury of ori -ie kind from the falling debris of the not completed, and he alleges it is im- • wrecked buildings, but only eleven of possible to have them completed. hem wer so severely hurt as to require A . still more important factor in the issistance; The building in which the case is the York County Loan Com- lynamite was warming up was demol- ished and all of the other structures be- pany's interest in the company for 'onging to the plant were damaged. - $212,000. The York Loan has Fax- sChe total loss to property is 525,000. tieally been including the Southern The force of the explosion was felt for Light & Power Company among its as - twenty miles around, and. many windows were broken in houses standing three sets. The rivalry rests between this or four miles from the quarry. interest, represented. by the liquidator, and, it is reported, a possible purchaser for the Erindale works, who would na- CARRIEDABOTTLE. turally desire to cheapen the price. The LOOKS THREATENING BUT WAR CLAUSES SAID TO BE MERE PRECAUTION. Berlin, Jan. 8. -The National Zeitung says the most recent phase of the Mor- occan question caused general lassitude on the Berlin Bourse to -day and adds that war clauses aro being inserted in grain contracts, and that insurance against war is being taken out in other businesses. These, however, it is explained, are simply precautionary measures. Imper- ial threes rose five pfennigs, regardless of the scare. t 6 PARLIAMENTDISSOLVED KING EDWARD SIGNED THE PRO- CLAMATION -WRITS SENT OUT. London, Jam 8. -King Edward, who had been absent in the country since Sir Henry CampbelPBannennan's Cabinet was formed, returned to London this afternoon and held a meeting of the magistrates' order by getting in a large Privy Council, at which the proclama- stock of drinks beforehand. tion dissolving Parliament was signed. In fact, one enterprising publican Immediately afterwards writs were sent, turned the closing of his house to good to the returning officers for the election advantage. He advertised that on re - of members of the new Parliament, which eeipt of a postal order for 3s 4d. he by law will assemble within 35 days. would (deliver free to any address a bottle of whiskey en New Year' a Day. The plan is reported to have been quite a enecess as an evasion of the legal obligations under the new act. Stark P.ower & Light Company are men - Much Drunknenness Follows Glasgow's boned. in this connection. "Dry" New Year's. Mr. Gideon Grant, of Johnston, Mc- Kay, Dods & Grant, who represents Mr. London, Jan. 6. -In Glasgow on New Gegg, stated that three liens hail been Year's Day not single public house filed on the plant of the power company or licemeed restaurant was allowed to for workmen's wages, and that he had. be opened, under threat of forfeiture of a fourth ready to file. . These were as- itssigned. to Mr. °egg. They represented /license, mut as a consequence there about $3,000. Mr. Grant was also was a great rush the theatres where the bars remained open, and acting for some other creditors, ho said, • to the extent of $4.000 more, but did these were besieged. not wish to' say anything: about thorn at In spite of the closing of the. public present. The liens would take proceed - houses, the police.returns for drunken - once of the mortgage of the 'Union Trust ness were heavier than ever, indicating Company for $300,000, issued to secure that Glasgow citizens anticipated the the bond issue of last year, $212,000 of which is in the York Loan Company's treasury. The assets of the Southern Light & Power Company consisted of the works and unpaid steck. Mr. Bar- rett wasenutnaging director of the power company. An injunction had been is- sued against Barrett by Pinkerton & Cooke in connection with the cement elaim. License inspector James Bond Meets In- stant Death. SHE SMOKED, BUT LIVED SOME. Mary McDonald Could Discuss Valley Forge at First -Hand, LIZZIE ARMSTRONG. WINDSOR'S COLORED WOMAN PREACHER DEAD. Pastor of Zion A. M. E. Church for Twenty-two Years -Had Done a Great Work Among Her Own Race. Windsor, Jan. 0. -The Rev. Lizzie Armstrong, (colored), aged 57 years, is dead here. film was born iti 'Penne. see, , Child Christened by a "Medium" ' on Platform. London, atm, 8. -The spiritualistic baptism of a din was enacted hist evening at, a meeting of the Battersea Spiritualist Soeiety at the Hal!, II011103 street, Nurse Graham actin its me- dium, Nurse Graham, a clairvoyant, stood on a platform before an itudience of at least 100 persons. She made ertaire Waives, smelt as rubbing her fore head with her hand, and fell into t twice, in whieh she waft supposed be spiritually controlled by a, guidt calling himself "Tony." The Mid, who Was b011i 00 Aug, 23 was then placed in the medium's arms by the mother. "Tony," through the medium, said to the ehild: "Your earthly name will Track Will Be Completed Within Two Prince Albert, JWaieeek7a,-.-The grading of the Canadian Northern Railway is com- pleted into Prim Albert, and steel is now being laid. It is eXpOeta. OWL the track will be tompleted into the eity within. the next fortnight. At present the temporary bridge is still being used to cross the river. Slie new bridge is a most enbatantial etrueture, and is one of the most important in Canada.. It li 00 motile will always insist on getting feet Above the normal surface of the married. Waters of the liver. It will be eomples- She-Mormonistri is a 'terrible thing, ed during the present month. The wen. Ife-Yes, just suppose a 01611 should he titer ha* been warin and bright, and most henpecked. faviireble for construction, May Better York Loan Position, Mr. W. T. White, the liquidator of the York County Loan & Savings Co., did not think it proper to discuss the petitions which had been filed for the winding -up of the Southern Light & Power Co. because they were sub judice. Mr. White stated. that he had been in- formed that the Southern Light & Power Co. lin(' made an assignment for the gen- eral benefit of its ereditore to Mr. John Mackay and Gad Mr. Mackay hail at 01100 taken possession so as to prevent waste, and would continue the operation of the 81111111 steam plant at Erindale and in West Toronto, so as to preserve any -franchises with municipalities which nifty be valuable until the uourt dealt with the matter; Mr. White was decidely of the poin- ion that the assignment to Mr. Mackay, or even a subsequent liquidation, would not put the York County Loan Co, in a worse position but rather a better with regard to the securities of the Southern Light & Power Co. which it held. The Southern Light & Power Co. • construction work was in an ineompleted eondition, its dam, tunnel and pole -line being unfinished. It was not possible for the York Comity Loan to advance moneys to the company as a going con- cern while the claims of its other credit- ors were so large. With a liquidator itt charge the -eourt could authorize any expenditure neeessary to prevent waste, unembarrassed by craters. Time would also be gained so that the property could be realized to the best possible advantage for all concerned. York County Company Sale. On Wednesday, Jam 3, the Canadian Hone lee:change, 60, 63, 64 Jarvis street, held a special auction sale of the York County Loan end Savings -Company's conettlietlen outfit, consisting of horses, ing auction sales of horses, carriages, wagons, ete„ in Toronto for a number of years as being one of the best and most, satisfactory sales that has been held in Toronto for some time. Prices were particularly good. 'Auetioner In- gram was in his best form, and got every dollar that was'possibla CAN THIS BE TRUE? Child Slavery in B. C. -Dealers Create a Market. 'Vancouver, I3. C., Jan. 6. -Tho follow- ing is an extract from the report made to the Government regarding the slave trade among the British Columbia In - diens, the report being signed by C. 3. South, superintendent of the Children's Aid Society: "Girls with white skins, thick, brown hair braided down their backs, big in- nocent childish eyes, are being sold to- day and have been sold. for years in British Columbia to the highest bidders. "The slave masters are the Cape Mudge Indians; the slaves are white because their grandmothers were sold. before to white men and when their grandmothers wandered back to the tribe, deserted and abandoned, they brought baby girlit with them, and in course of tiles. the male relatives of these abandoned creatures, sold these baby girls, too, when they grew up to young girlhood. "Dealers have created a market which is constantly growing. The de- mand. has become so great that other markets have been sought, and it is reported that Rock Bay Indians are embarking in this awful industry." PLAYED LIVELY AIR ON PIANO. Plucky Act of Guest During National Hotel Fire. Washington, D. C., Jan. 7. -The Nit- tional Hotel, one of the oldest hostelries in the city, was threatened with de- struction by fire at an early hour to -day. The flames started from a defective flue under the roof on the fourth floor. The 165 gusts were aroused from their sleep, and, scantily clad, made their Poisoning Case. treatment shall be treated free. way to the ground floor. Three women Belleville, Jan.,7, -Henry Diamond were rescued by the fire escape, one of of Queensboro', 811010 mother was ac - REST FOR DOCTORS. NOVEL SCHEME TO BE TRIED IN A GERMAN CITY. • LOOKS FAVORABLE. New York, Jan. 6. -Henry Clews & Co. says the year 1006 opens under most favorable auspices. General business conditions are satisfactory and ought to continue so, at least, until the next liar - !Districts Will Be Laid Out -Physicians vest. So far as the stock market is in Each Section Can Thus Arrange concerned there are but two dangers, to Look After Each Other's Cases on and these are rather serious ones; tin Sunday. t over-extension of credie and the foster- ling of undue speculation. The money Berlin, Jan. 7. -The closing of shops squeeze is now over, and from now 'm- end offices throughout Sunday, wbich tit the middle of March money should re - was enacted. in Germany about fiftecen ; main. in a comfortably easy condition; years ago, met with general' approba- 1 but tho recent stringency in the money tion. Certain classes who do not come i market is proof of the need of an clas- ander the law, sash as pharmaceutical . tic currency system and the rather un - chemists, recently arranged for a par- i welcome demonstration of the persist - tial closing for rest on Sunday by a env of speculative demands upon our banking resources. Unfortunately, the latter are very frequently under the domination of men whose interests lie in voluntary agreement, and the medical profession is now joining in the move- ment. At a meeting of the Frankfort the direction of still higher prices on cal Soeiety a inembei, pointed out that I which to unload their surplus stock. In a majmity of general practitioners !fact, this power of speculative interests scarcely ever had. an. opportunity of over the financial institutions is one of taking a trip the country with their the worst dangers in the situation. families on Sunday for fear of losing - - _ - their patients. He therefore proposed that the city be mapped out into aeeenteeen distriets.sorresponding to the police divisions. The •doctors in each district could then arrange to YERKES' HOME TO BE ART GAL - PUBLIC BEQUESTS. remain at home in turn on Sunday and attend to urgent cases. It woe also proposed that the names of the medical men on Sunday duty be pub- lished in the local papers on Saturday 7 and that they also be left in the dig- tilct police stations. In addition to this the ,scheme pro- vides that one specialist of every branch will be home on Sunday for the whole town. The practitioners on Sunday duly will be under obligation to give immediate notice to the usual medical attendant of a, 'family to which they have been called and to refrain absolutely from any kind. .of after-twatment. The soci- ety unanimously agreed to the proposi- tion, and decided to introduee the , scheme at Frankfort on Jan. 14. DEATH OF HARRY DIAMOND. One of the Figures in the Queensboro' LERY ON WIFE'S DEATH. New Yonk, Jan. 8. -In Itis will read to -day by Clarence A. Knight, his at- torney, the late Chas. T. Yerkes makes many public bequests. Provisions are made for the disposal of his New York home, after the death. of his wife, ;to a corporation organized for the mainten- a,nce of his art gallery, the sum of 5750,000 to be given this project upon Mrs. Yerkes' death. Mr, Yerkes also provided for a hospital to be erected there. His widow, son, and others are provided for. The will was read to the members of his family to -day, and they express entire satisfaction with its pro- visions. Mr. Yerkes directs that the hospital shall be open for the public without re- gard to creed, eolor or race, and any patient received er admitted whose fin- ancial means are not such as to entitle the patient to pay for the necessary them being, partly overcome by smoke. quitted at the last. Assizes here on the While the excitement was at its charge of poisoning bis wife, is dead height one of the guests went into the after a few days' illness from prim - parlor and played a lively air on the mania. The Diamond poisoning ense is piano. This had the effect of quieting ono on which Detectivleathuihreayexsppeceitit. so much time, and in the excitement. The loss is small. through the Grand Jury's action in ed to make it conviction. It was ...-- e e , bringing in no hill against Mrs. Dia- mond that the murder charge against Adam Lloyd was taken from them and -- laid over till the spring Assizes. Dia - MONTREAL STREET RAILWAY COM- PANY GETS $20. children. mond was 25 and leaves two small Jan. 8.-(Speeial)-The SNEEZED, THEN1ARRESTED. Arol1nIetnretaricasl 'treat Railway Company to- ' German Haled Before Court and Fined day received a letter containing $20 con - money. The letter was sent to for Disturbing Peace. the company by the En% J. W. Cun- Berlin, Jan. 7. -One of the most re- niugham, South Meriden, Conn., to whom markable trials ever held in Germany money was given by a man who said he was that of Herr Viola, in° Saxony, for had. defrauded filet couipany. • sneezing, blowing his nose and coughing KILLED STEALING WIRE, Policeman Leman swore that the too loudly on the streets at night. pyisoner coughed very noisily at inia- Montreal Man Found Dead in Lafontaine 1 night when most people were already asleep. When asked to cough less vio- Montreal, ;fan. 137.a-ticN,. 11. Lemarche, a , lently he sneezed and used his hana- young man of the east side, came to an 1 kerchief in a way unusual in polite unfortunate end to -night in Lafontaine The court imposed a fine of three society when promenading the street. of the 'Montreal Heat, Light & Power ilgefgroillintligetcpolicies ! masks ; defendant to deaist from his evil courses. Pwaniflas.,stlIelaeLeg copperel 1.li r circumstances (75 cente), solemnly warning the Company. Ins dead body was found on 1 the snow beneath a pole, with the hands WRECKAGE OVER Tilt FALLS. CONSCIFNCE MONY and feet badly burned, showins that a. ,trong current of electricity hail passed 1 The Old Steamer Siberia at Long Point through him, Close at hand lay a pair 1 .pifancyobrbelie:tr;rst piliymetrsf.iv 0 Ttlitoeti19)aolllt:ieifeCtot(ii)-t 1 Buffalo, Jan. 0.-Wreekage from the wire is missing, and it is therefore Siberia,. which sank recently slimed that Lernarche had an aecom- i mu er Long Point on the Canadian 1 path until it reached the residence ins- , ling trees and small buildmea in its pre' ' Ammer shore, floated down the river yesterday. trite, 'when its mule was changed. for pike. Some of the vessel's hatches were me- it few hundred yards. It carried away Wants Religious Liberty, ried past the international bridge in trees and even porticos from dwellings. the swift eurrent, aided. by a Swift wind, On Washington street it turned north - Rome, Jim. 7. -The ' Popo, following and it is believed have passed over the , ward, tearing down the sheds and acid the precedent established by the Mad - Falls. Part of the. wreck, looking like • warehouse of the Georgia Cotton Olt rid conference of 1880 has asked Ans. .a, portion of the cabin, has been thrown Company, also blowing several freight trim and Spain to propose religious lib - ashore in the neighborhood of Fort ears from the tracks. erty in Morocco at the coming Erie beads conference at .Alg,eciras. His Holiness There is little left of the old wooden Breaking Up. SCHOOL BURNED, DOMINION GOVERNMENT INSTITU- TION NEAR WINNIPEG DESTROYED. Winnipeg, Jan. 8. -St, Paul's Indus- trial School, situated a few miles north of the city, was totally destroyed by fire this afternoon, entailing a loss of about $30,000. It is a Dominion Government building, and about 70 Indian children were being educated there. They all es- caped without casualty. A great deal of valuable equipment was also saved. Prin- cipal Thompson is ill at present, and the amount of insurance cannot be learned. The fire originated in the furnace room of the old frame annex, and was soon beyond control. The Winnipeg fire brigade was tele- phoned for, but, owing to the distance, did not go out. ••••••••••••••••••••••• TORNADO UPROOTED TREES. Storm in Georgia Blew Freight Cars From Tracks. Albany, Ga., Jan. 8,-A severe tornado passed over the western portion of this city at 10.30 p. to -day. The air chamber of the Virginia -Carolina Chem- _ ieal, Company and many other buildings were destroyed. One man was killed and. scores were seriously injured. Ben Almon, a negro employee of the Chemical COmpany, was killed instantly. The track of the storm, about seventy-five yards wide, swept in a northwesterly course, level. has informed both governments that if korner. The heavy blows whieh visited religious libeety' is granted, the oia Long Point in the last few necks bishopric of Fz, which wits abolished FATALLY INJURED. in 1630, will. be ec-established. letve broken ber up completely, Ana BLOWN THROUGH A WINDOW BY •••-••••111. • little releaine to indicate where tile NATURAL AS EXPLOSION. Young Englishman Lea nig Life. Siberia, was .sitak. Buffalo, den. 8.,entonio Cirineilo, an abound under MI point, Italian cif-lam:Aker. was blown through Shoel Lake, lien., -Jan. peculiar i ducks buley from the steamer is very seeontl-storev windew Thomas Sem- hartiese, wheel-seraperre heavy wagons, occident, occurred on the faim o J. , heavy sleighs. hay-raltee, (dipping ma.' Slater, near here, whereby 0. young Plentifulin the lake, and whole flocks enzass eissir factory in Canal 'street to. thine, light, exprees sleighs, light ex- Vnglishinen peeled Wileon lost his life. of ducks are getting fat. Huntere are day ard'fatally beimed, liv en explosion press wagon, and other Stable Uton. Ile was waning tattle end fell ieto liot• leing any time. Some who had of naturel ets.Tile building was de. tile. This tale of the York County ties well and W9.9, &balled. It it bellev. read about this wreck knew that it ronlielted, the property bosses being about Loan & So/vines Conq!any Wag looked el he was Fstwaned on the iee, et no Ont. would be a dud( patedise for months to eeete0. Theo other inert narrowly ee. upon by people who MO been attend -err was hoard. come, taped *with their lives. 1