HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1906-01-04, Page 101
New Year
It'sallupwlth 1905 now—cut another
en the mile post and begin to write it 1906.
In making your resolutions for the New Year,
place great stress on buying your Footwear here—
It will pay you well to do so. Such a resolu-
tion will ensure you against wearing poor Shoes,
and Shoe disappointments of every kind.
We are ready to do our share to make the
New Year a happy one by furnishing you with
comfortable Shoes at pleasing prices.
Fresh Supply of Trunks and Valises.
W. J. Greer, The Shoer
tlllr Q»rr0111111111 i
In the matter of the Estate of James Vint
of the Township of East Wawanosh,
in the County of Huron,
Farmer, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to R.S.O.
Chap. 129, that all persons having claims
against the Estate of the said James Vint,
who died on the 16th day of November, 1905.
are required on or before the 18th day of
January. 1906 to file with Peter W. Scott or
James T. Belt, Executors, or the undersigned,
a statement with full partiouiars of their
claims and of all the security held by them
(if any) and that after the said date the said
Executors will proceed to distribute the as-
sets among the persons entitled thereto, hav-
ing regard only to the claims of which they
shall then have notice.
Dated at Wingham this 18th day of De-
cember, 1905.
Solicitor for Executors
1111111 -111111111111 -
Have You Tried
Butternut Bread ?
-They all like it and
sound its praises. Try
it and be convinced.
Wo have the most tasty, tooth-
some Cakes. Why sweat, baking this
hot weather. Just call on us— we fill
the gap, and guarantee satisfaction.
r Winter Term Opens Jan. 2.
This is one of the best Commercial
and Shorthand schools in tho Dominion.
Our courses are thorough and practical.
Many Business Colleges employ our
graduates as teachers. All our gradu-
ates get good positions. Write for tree
ELLIOTT & MaLavanLA1, Principals
Be Sure afndoeuxmitaneag1:1311
you have any idea
of taking a preparatory course for a
We believe there is no school equal to
ours for methodic business training and
for producing good results. We solicit
investigation and comparison.
Enter any time.
No vacr!ions.
Yonge & Gerrard Ste., Toronto.
W. H. SHAW, Principal.
Come and share
in the feast of sea-
sonable BARGAINS
now being offered.
Shill Stock Of
School Supplies
For the opening of
Schools. hook Covers free
with all text Books.
Y -
(Su 066601$ to Alex. Roos)
Wingham Business College
is a High-grade Commercial School.
Three Courses :
Commercial - Stenography - Telegraphy
Write GEO. SPOTTON, Principal
`(J] �ers6nais
Mr. A. Nicholls spent New Year's in
Mrs. A. Hingston spent New Year's
in Seaforth.
Frank Rice of Ripley was in town
on Monday.
Will. Conery of Guelph was in town
over Sunday.
Norman Park of Goderieh was in
town on Monday.
Miss Olive Mason spent New Year's
holidays in London.
Perry E. Bradwin of London spent
New Year's at home. '
Nr. and Mrs. Z. Lockman s
holidays in Blenheim.
Mrs. Arch. Robertson is visiting
friends in Galt this week.
Gordon Griffin of Toronto spent last
week at his home in town.
Mrs. P. H. Hill and Mrs. Jas. Armour
I spent New Year's in Toronto.
Miss Vine Nelson of Toronto visited
at her home in town last week.
Ben. Davidson of Orangeville spent
the holidays at his home in town.
Miss Emma Mulvey is visiting
friends in Belmore and Wroxeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Halloran spent
New Year holidays at Clandeboye.
Messrs. David and Wrn. Ritchie of
Teeswater were in town on Tuesday.
' Miss E. Burdette McCracken spent
New Year's with relatives in Lon-
Mr. Geo. Brundage of Niagara Falls
visited his sister, Mrs. Mooney, last
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome of Hamilton
spent New Year's at Mr. Alex.
Mr. and Mrs. Howell of Preston
spent New Year's at Mr. Wm. Gan-
nett's. t
Miss May Bell of Clinton was the
guest of Mrs. H. O. Bell at New
Messrs. T. L. Jobb, Robt. Mooney
and Geo. Brundage spent Monday in
Mrs. Spragge of Wiarton spent
New Year's with her mother, Mrs.
Mr. Arthur Kent and son of. Con-
tent, Alberta, are guests of Mr. Wm.
Mr. W, G. King of Preston spent
New Year holidays with friends in
this vicinity.
Miss Robertson of Carlow spent
New Year's hi town, the guest of Miss
B. H. Reynolds.
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson of Dun-
gannon spent Sunday with their son,
A. R. Anderson.
Miss Lizzie Green is home from
Manitoba on a, visit to her mother,
Mrs. Jno, Green.
Miss Margaret McGee of London
spent the holidays at her hone on the
lst line of Morris.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Haller were
guests of Mrs. Haller's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Bradley.
Miss Hattie Roderus, accompanied
by her neice, Dora Lundy, spent New
Year holidays in London.
W. W. McDonald of Jamestown
spent last week with his mother in
town, Mrs. Arch. Robertson,
Misses M. Slade and L. Johnston of
Galt spent the New Year holidays in
town, being guests of the Misses Por-
Eel. W. I3radwin, after several
weeks' illness, in the Western
Hospital, Toronto, le home, convales-
For New Year's Mr. H. Hinscliffe
and two children visited in Stratford,
and Mrs. Hinrleliffe and two children
visited in Bervle.
14Ir, Robt. ,Simpson of Toronto visit-
ed hie sister, Mrs. A. H. Mus rove,
and his mother, Mrs. Simpson of Cul-
ross, at New Year,
Miss W. Alba Chisholm was a New
Year's visitor in Toronto. While
there she hadaainful operation per-
formed on her throat.
Mr. Joseph Gellelr of Trohorrto,
Manitoba, is paying his friends
in this vicinity a visit. Mr. (Tolley
looks well and enjoys life in the
Misses Ethel, Effie and Jessie Perrin,
Miss (Greta 1'apst and Mr, Hector Per-
rin of London spent the holidays at
John MeCracken's of the Bluevale
Mr. 811(1 Mrs. Montgomery- and son,
of Toronto, also Mr. and Mrs. C. R.
VanStone of Southampton, were New
Year guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. F.
0. J, Graham left on Saturday for
Toronto to spend a few days in at-
tendance at the meetings held by the
celebrated evangelists, Torrey and
Dr. Trothan of Detroit, Mr. R. Trot -
haat of London, Mr, Brock of Win-
chelsea and Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson
of St. Thomas, were the guests of Mrs.
Brock during the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Martin of White-
church are enjoying a visit from their
daughter, Mrs, Jno, Creighton of
Glasston, N. D„ and grand -daughter,
Miss Louise Fleming of Hamilton,
N, D.
Mrs. D. .Smith of Brantford spent a
few hours in town on Wednesday,
while returning home from White-
church, where she had spent the holl-
fieldayds with her mother, Mrs. E, Win-
Cburch lReves
Rev. Dr. Ross of Brussels has re-
ceived a, call to the Presbyterian con-
gregation of Port Dalhousie.
Congregations are increasing in the
Baptist church. Last Sunday even-
ing, the pastor, E. R. Fitch, gave an
excellent discourse to young men.
Rev. T. S. Boyle preached on Sun-
day evening to young men ; there
was a large congregation present.
Mr. Boyle is meeting with encourag-
ing success in his work.
Rev. H. Locke, who was appointed
to the charge of Kincardine Methodist
chnrch last June, but was prevented
by illness from taking up his work,
preached his first sermons there on
Sunday, December 30th.
The Salvation Army has already
chartered the well known Dominion
liner Kensington, which will come out
to Montreal early next season with a
large number of immigrants carefully
selected as likely to do well in Canada.
The warden of Michigan State Peni-
tentiary has written the Ontario Sab-
bath School Association that, out of
904 men and boys in prison, 10 had at-
tended Sunday school regularly, 85
irregularly, and 809 never went inside
the Sunday School.
The young men of town ought to
hear Pastor Fitch in the Baptist
church next Sabbath evening. The
stet -"The Young Man in Sports"
t e second in the series on the man
,tblem. It will be followed by
+ne Young Man in Polities." All
are welcome.
Special services are being held this
week in the Methodist church at 8 and
7 p.m. Rev. Geo. Baker of Blueva•le,
assisted the pastor on Tuesday, and
Rev. Edmunds of Whitechurch on
Wednesday evening. Next Sunday
morning, a covenant service will be
held at the close'of the morning ser-
The 25th anniversary of the Young
People's Society of Christian En-
deavor will occur February 2nd, 1906.
It will be commemorated by nearly
70,000 societies and by the three and a
half million members. Ten thousand
societies have reported a total of half
a million dollars in gifts to the mission
boards of their denominations, to
their local churches.
General Booth, the head of the
Salvation Army, is coming to Canada
early in the new year, in connection
with emigration matters. General
Booth is to visit Japan, and will stop
for a time in Canada, either on his
way out or on his return. Some
wealthy Englishman has donated one
million dollars to the emigration
schemes of the Army.
The Rev. Donald Tait will be in-
ducted into the pastorate of Knox
Church, Teeswater, (to -day), Jan. 4th.
The induction services commence at
two o'clock p.m. and the Rev. Mr.
Radford of Belmore will preach the
sermon. Rev. Dr. Ross of Brussels
will address the minister, and Rev.
D. Perrie, who bas been Moderator
during the vacancy of the pulpit, will
address the congregation.
Wroxeter, Jamestown.
Alvin Hemphill, druggist, Toronto,
put in his holidays here,
Mra, Wallace Perrin of Kincardine
is at present a visitor at the Braise.
Miss Maggie Miller of Toronto Jct.
is holidaying with her mother, Mrs,
T. F. Miller.
Mlss Mina McKelvey hi visiting with
riends In Toronto at present,
Miss Ina Bryans was holidaying
with friends in Goderieh last week,.
AIr, and Mrs, Len. Rnttan spent
New Year with friends In Fordwieh,
Jinx, Innes of Moorefield- is renew -
Miss Alice Walker of Niagara Falls 1
is visiting at her grandmother's, Mrs,
John Gibson.
John Brawn, druggist, of Toronto,
spent New Year's day with his father
and mother here.
Rev. Mr, Osterhout is all smiles just
now, having been presented with a 1
fine baby boy last Sunday morning.
Jean . Margaret Mi
Misses J and M rgret iller
arrived on Saturday night from To-
ronto, to spend New Year's day at
Mrs. Johnston of Crystal City, Man.,
left for home on Thursday morning,
accompanied by her sisters, Misses
Nellie and Rinds Martin.
ng old acquaintances. in this vicinity
at present.
Jas, S. Strachan of Toronto Dental
College is spending his vacation under
the parental roof,
Mr, Innes and Lizzie, formerly of
this place, renewed acquaintaneeships.
xere dieing the holidays,
Miss Katie Henderson, accompanied
by her friend, Miss Malaof m of Galt,
is visiting Miss Jessie Stilleben.
Miss Jessie Strachan entertained a
few of her friends last Monday even-
ing ; all report an enjoyable time.
The service in Victoria Hall next
Sabbath evening will be towards the
advancement of Bible Society work.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Gallaher of
Fordwich visited Mr. and Mrs, Alex.
Bryans on Wednesday of last week.
Mrs. Eckinier and Miss Ferne ac-
companied Miss Lizzie Innes to Moore-
field, where they are visiting for a few
Messrs, Willie and
of Grey, have been
Xinas. vacation with
Wm. Moses,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Riley entertain-
ed a number of the young people of
this vicinity last 7.'nesday evening
when a very enjoyable time was
On Friday last as Mr. and Mrs, Chas,
Robertson were returning from Wrox-
eter, their horse, which was tied at
the store here, became frightened at
a wagon loaded with empty barrels
which was passing, and broke loose,
running at a lively pace until it reach-
ed home. Fortunately, neither of the
occupants were in the rig; the buggy
was only slightly damaged.
The first debate of the season was
held in Victoria Hall on Tuesday even-
ing, Dec. 19, when the subject—"Char-
acter vs. Money" was fully discussed,
The side favoring Character was taken
by Mr. Richardson of Brussels and
Councillor Shaw of Morris, while the
negative was upheld by Messrs. Fraser
McDonald and J. T. Strachan, teacher.
Excellent matter was presented, and
the large audience seemed more than
pleased. An interesting program was
also given. The next debate will be
held early in January ; don't miss it.
Reeve ---A. Sloan, Councillors --
Milne, Potter, Johnston, Bradwin.
The contest for the Mayoralty was
a lively one, and ended in the election
of Coatsworth by over 4000 majority.
Reeve—Geo. Taylor by 45 majority.
Councillors—Geo. Kelly, W. H. Mc-
Cuteheon, Robt. Yuiil, G. Campbell.
Reeve—Thos. McKee. Councillors
---J. ITainstock, Thos, Shearer, John
Gowdy, W. Winters.
Reeve --Wm. Baillie, 19'2 ; Charles
Taylor, 148; Jno. McLean, 140; Panicelected. Councillors --S. Medd, 309 ;
Sarni. Thompson, 301; Arch. Ander-
son, 218 ; Don. Murray, 216.
On Monday last, Local :Option con-
tests were held in a number of xnunlet-
palities. It was Carried in Owen
Sound by a majority of 468, and also
in adjoining townships of Sydenham,
Derby. I6 a
Kep17el and D y.
in Drayton and Parolee, but carried
in Taxa, floutharnpton, Thornbury sp g
and a number of townships. Out of In Saginaw, oleo with Iris son, Dr. A. soil stnc1 wall watered. Terms to suit and insist on having only .Catarr•
41 contests, Lost Option won ill 81, `lEtol!)ov►`o•11, pumhator.•�ii, D�vle, Wingham, lantana,
Alex, McDougall has opened the old
town hall as an implement warehouse,
where he will always have a display
of the justly celebrated goods manu-
factured by Frost & Wood. He has
also for sale a number of cutters made
by Tndhope Bros. of Oriilia, which he
is offering at very reasonable prices.
The contract for the new office for
the well known Howick Mutual Fire
Insurance Co., was recently let to
Adams & Farrel, of Wroxeter, at
$940. It will bo 24x30 feet with
cement basement and brick super-
structure, with modern brick vault,
flat roof, etc. Office will be 16 feet
high in front. Contract calls for com-
pletion by August 1st.
John Wendt, our jeweler here,
when driving horn from Mildmay on
Christmas night, met with an accident
which might have turned out much
more serious than it did. A short
way north of Salem, his horse shied,
throwing him out of the cutter ; un-
fortunately the horse got away from
him, and he had started to walk home
when a good Samaritan came along
and landed him at home. He was
confined to his room for a few days
but is now hirnself again,
Mr. Esty, hotel -keeper here, appeal-
ed against a decision of Magistrate
Ross, fining him, Esty, for selling
liquor after hours. The case came be-
fore Judge Holt last week, but owing
to the absence of a material witness
for the defendant, Mr. Holmes asked
for an adjournment, a -medical certi-
ficate being produced to account for
the absence. The case was adjourned
to a future day, the respondent pay-
ing the costs of the day. The court
suggested that evidence of the wit-
nesses present be taken, and the evi-
dence of the absent one taken at the
next sitting of the Division Court at
Gorrie. To this suggestion the coun-
sel for the respondent would not
agree. Mr. Vanstone appeared for
the appellant.
but pretty wedding, and an event of
more than the usual degree of in-
terest, was celebrated at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. John Bray, (formerly of
Wroxeter) Robert and East Avenue,
Hamilton, at 3.30 p.m., on Xmas day,
when their daughter, Sara, became
the bride of W. E. Doason of the salve
city. About twenty guests from the
city and other points were present
for the happy occasion, most of them
being relatives of the contracting
parties. Holly and roses formed the
principal feature of the decorations,
which were very pretty. The bride,
who was unattended, was gowned in
cream, and carried a shower boquet of
roses. The ceremony was performed
by Rev. Mr. Trelevan, and was follow-
ed by the customary wedding dinner,
served by Howard Bros., caterers.
Mr. and Mrs. Doasoxi left by train for
St. Marys and points west, amid e,
shower of congratulations. The
bride's going -away gown was of dark
green broad -cloth. On their return
they will take up their residence in
Harvey Hoover
spending their
their uncle, Mr.
East Wawanosh.
Miss Annie Densmore is having a
tumor removed from her eye.
B. H. Taylor, 6th line, purchased a
handsome new cutter last week.
Robt. Hoover visited his blether,
Jas. Hoover of Westfield, on Sun-
Some of the farmers are getting up
green poles and logs for the circular
John R..Nobie of Clinton spent the
holidays with his brother James of
Mr. and Mrs. R. Lennox are visiting
their friends, Mr. and Mrs. J. McClin-
ton of Westfield.
J. Petts, formerly of 'Westfield, call-
ed on some of his old friends there
during the holidays,
Miss Mary Walsh, gravel road, has
been spending her Xmas holidays
with friends in Halton.
Miss Aggie Martin of Seaforth, is
visiting her cousin, Mrs, Alex, Scott,
Oth line, at present.
Mr. Ferguson and son John of gin -
burn spent last week with the former's
daughter, Mrs, T. Noble.
Mr, Win. Tunny, a former resident
of Westfield, is visiting his friends
there and also in Blyth, at present.
Mrs. Jas. Noble, who has been seri-
ously ill for the past two weeks, is
slightly better, we are pleased to state.
A cab lond of young people from
Wingham and vicinity spent a plea-
sant day at Alex. Scott's, 6th line, last
John McDowell, sen., of Westfield,
is cutin . the holiclays with friends
St. Helens.
John Clark is spending his holidays
under the parental roof.
Dr. J. 0. Martin is renewing old ac-
quaintances around here at present.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Taylor of Guelph,
are visiting friends in this neighbor-
Mr. and Mrs. J, Stalker, Lucknow,
spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Jno.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Guest 6f Wing -
croup is unsurpassed. For sale
Miss Hate Barr ''►f'I oder>•ich
New Year's holidays itt bei
Mrs. (Dr.) Ferguson of Henson Is
the guest of Mrs. J, Coombs this
Mr. Frank Carr has sectrred a situa-
tion as city traveller for a wholesalo
firm, in Toronto,. Frank spent the
holidays at his home here.
Mr. Harry Coombs of Deloraine,
Manitoba, is visiting relatives in
town, Harty is a Blyth boy, and has
many friends, who are pleased to see
111111 again in our midst,
Monday being election day in town,
great interest was manifested in the
contest for the Reevoship. The result
is as follows :—Reeve Sloan was elect-
ed by 7 of a majority over his op-
ponent W. H. McElroy. For Couucil-
loi'ad•John Potter, 120 ; Dr. Milne,
127'; Wm. Johnston, 126 A. E. Brad -
win, 109 ; Dr. Long, 98 ; J. H. Chancel,
87. The first fonr were elected.
Chief Justice Faleonbridge has de-
cided that Andrew Smith, of Blyth,
shall have custody of the latter's two
boys, Andrew and Wm. J. Smith,
aged 12 and 10 years respectively.
Smith and his wife are separated, and
for two years the former has been en-
deavoring to obtain possession of the
children. The mother is to have rea-
sonable access to the children.
Belgrave. •
Rev. A. E. Jones and wife are spend-
ing this week in Teeswatter.
Hugh McLean of Harriston is visit-
ing his uncle, Adam Halliday.
Jas. Robinson of Hamiota is visiting
friends in and around Belgrave.
'Miss Mande and Master Chester
Wilkinson of Ripley are holidaying at
W. K. Whaley's.
Mr. Ed. McDonald and daughter of
the Portage, Man., are spending a few
, weeks with Win. McCrae and other
Miss Mary McCallum of Estevan, in
the Northwest,, is spending a few
weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John McCallum.
Miss Minnie Corbett of London is
•';siting her brother for a few days
and then starts for Edmonton, N. W.
T., where she has secured a position.
Among the New Year's visitors
were John Stonehouse of Port Perry
and Mrs. Burney of Exeter visiting
the Messrs. Stonehouse in this village.
Miss Mabel Hicks of St. Thomas,
Miss Beatrice Robinson of Seaforth
and Mr. and Mrs. Fulton of Seattle,
Wash., are the guests of Mr, and Mrs.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Absolutely
The fault of giving children medi-
cine containing injurious substances is
sometimes more disastrous than the
diseaee from which they are suffering.
Every mother should know thatCham-
berlain's Cough Remedy is perfectly
safe for children to take. It contains
nothing harmful, and for coughs, colds
ham, spent New Year's at Thomas by all Druggists.
Mrs. John Radcliffe is home from Turnberry.
the West, and renewing old acquain Report for December of S. S. No. 11,
tan ceships.
We congratulate Mr. and Dors. D. Turnberry. Names in order of merit.
Farrier on the arrival of a little Sr. 4th -Emily Forsyth, Ernest Link -
later, Lulu Currie. Jr. 4th—Roy Net -
to brighten their home. terfield, Annie Finnen, Earl Reid.
Misses Mima and Lizzie Rutherford Sr. 3rd—Ethel Ransom, Laura Clel-
and Maggie Clark, also Wm. J. Smith, Noun, Mary Currie, Earl Groves, Liz -
were home front Goderieh on their zie Lockridge, Alma McDonald, Eddie
holidays, • i Lockridge. Jr. 3rd—Edna Finley, Eva
There was no service in Calvin Linklater, Maggie Reid, Aggie Finnen,
church last Sabbath, owing to the Casburn Austin, Willie Styles. Sr.
absence of the pastor, Rev. R. W. 2nd—Carrie Weeks, Ruby Forsyth,
Craw, who was called to Barrie, Frank Lockridge, Wilbert Mowbray,
Swing to the death of his mother. Dan Mowbray. Jr. 2nd—Willie Srig-
At the residence of the bride's sister, ley, John Rogers. Sr, Pt. 2nd.—Alf.
Mrs. Ed. Taylor, Miss Carrie Humph-
reyLockridge, was married to Mr, Wtn. Boles of Saunders, Beatrice Johnston, Grace
Guelph, by the Rev. S. M. Whaley. Mowbray. Jr, Pt. 2nd—Nelson Each,
The young couple will take up their Jessie Currie, Ralph Weeks, Gordon
residence in Guelph. Ransom, Sammy Styles. Si'. Pt. lst—
The school examination in S. S. No. Ross Forsyth, Grace Free, Ella Rog -
4, under the leadership of Miss Bea -
Myrtle Lockridge, Alvin Reid.
trice Anderson, was very successful, Emily Forsyth obtained the highest
Notwithstanding the inclement mea- standing for the mouth. M. D. Fish-
ther, there was a large turnout of par- , er, teacher.
ents and visitors. Rev. R. W. Craw
occupied the chair, while Rev. S. M. Morris.
Whaley conducted the spelling match. Miss A. Nethery,1st line, spent New
A good program was given, after Year's with friends in Brantford.
which lunch was provided by the The following is the result of the
ladies. g
promotion and review examinations
"In Oottglt Reineli
colds," says'
nbat its aI
will aura
is so sure r
No other Is 00
take. These are
should be preferred t,
fact is that few
with any other of
this remedy,
Mr, Geo. Strong visited the home
of his sister, Mrs. R. McMichael, on
Sunday last.
_ Mr, Joseph Kitchen returned on
Monday last from a week's visit with
his son in Essex.
Mrs. Green returned to Toronto on
Tuesday last, after spending the Xmas
holidays with her mother.
° Miss McLaughlin of Gorrie is at pre-
sent spending a few days visiting her
cousin, Miss Lillie McLaughlin, of this
We are sorry to learn th,it Mr. Geo.
Donbledee had the misfortune of get-
ting badly hart by Isis team running
away and throwing him from a load
• of hay ; we wish him a speedy re-
Rev. Mr. Osterhout conducted the
funeral service of the late Me. John
Coupland of Turnberry on Sunday
held in S. S. No. 10 ;--V class, examin-
ed in algebra, arithmetic, literature,
latin; total, 400—Alice Coombes 301,
Ernie Shaw 300, Promoted from Jr.
to Sr. IV, examined in all subjects ;
total, 630—Mary Forrest 592, Bella
Robb 473, Lizzie Breckenridge 411.
From Se. III to Jr. IV ; total 650—Ar-
thur Shaw 421, Ferne Eckmier 403,
Agnes Miller 379. From Jr. III to Sr.
IIt ; total, 600 --Jennie Anderson 495,
Alma King 433. I'ronx Sr. II to Jr,
III; total, 400 --Annie Breckenridge
370 (honors), Vietta Curtis 343 (honors),
Aldine Holt 237. From Jr, II to Sr. II;
total, 400—Gordon Halt 390 (honors).
Jr. II (no promotion)—Silva Coombes,
John Hodge. From Sr. Pt. II to Jr.
II --Walter Messer, Harvey Cat, Pt.
II—George Moffatt. Pt. I Sr.—Hazel
Coombes. Pt. I Jr.—Grace Curtis.---�
John T. Strachan, Teacher.
Sell Your Cold for $1?
last ; Mr. Carr of Wroxeter took Yon surely won't stop at a dollar bill
chsrgo of the afternoon service at to cure that horrid, aniffeling cold 2
Salem. The attendance was not Go to any druggist and get "Catarrho.
Iarge, as many attended elle funeral. rano" and your cold will be a thing of
the past. There is almost witchery in
Mrs, Coupland has the sympathy of the swift way Caterrhozone kills colds.
all in her hour of trial, But when you consider the penetrat-
ing, healing and antiseptic qualities of
Catatrhozone 'perhaps it's not to won-
- rem SALlt.—•Lot 18, eon. 7, Turn- c orful. Certainly there is no remedy
berry, one hundred acres, nearly alt half so prompt for colds and catarrh
cleared •; in grass many years; gond as Catarrhozone. Refuse a substitute
Farm For
One hundred acres, in goad state of..
cultivation, within three miles of the
Town of i h m first -Wass build-
i] -
x W ng a, fir o n d
ings; price reasonable. .Apply Box 15,
Two Aberdeen Angus Bulls, regis-
tered in American Herd Book, aged
respectively seven and nine months.
For price and particulars apply to
James or Thos. Gaunt, Lot 80, Con, 2,
The Annual Meeting of the Turn -
berry Agricultural Society will be
held in the Council Chamber, Wing -
ham, on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10th,
1900, at 1 o'clock p. xn,
President Secretary.
Will be held As follows
Regular meetings at
Brussels,,,.,,,.... Friday, January Oth
Gerrie Wednesday, January 10th
To bo addressed by John Campbell of
Woodville and John Pearce of London.
Supplementary meetings at
Fordwich Friday, January 12th
Binovale (afternoon)..Saturday, 13th
Jamestown, Monday, " 15th
Molesworth Tuesday, " IGth
Ethel Wednesday, " 17th
Walton Thursday, " 18th
Harlock Friday, " 19th
p Saturday, 0th
St. Columbian •Monday, "- 22nd
To be addressed by Duncan Anderson of
Rugby, assisted by good local speakers.
Meetings at 1.30 p.m. and 7 p.m. All aro
cordially invited to be present and take part
in the discussion.
Tilos. MCMILLAN P. A. MoAlxrxnjn
President Secretary
I Sell Real Estate
No Matter Where It Is.
I have for sale at the present time
7000 acres of choice farm lauds in
Huron County, and I ask you before
yon buy your farm to see the bargains
I have to offer—Just the property yon
want may be on my list.
Houses for sale from $400 up to
"$4000. Fire, Life and Accident In-
surance effected.
Real Estate and Business Transfer.
(Office—Vanstone Block, Wingham)
Lowest rates consistent with
absolute security. All claims
promptly settled
Abner Cosens
- lV A N T F DOne Hundred Mere
• Women, who are ambitious ndnenter
prising, to qualify in tho
for tho ninny positions open to all those
who are thoroughly prepared to accept
them. A six mthe. course in this college
means for a young man of the ricbt kind,
an educational equipment better than
many trades or professions in money earn-
ing power. Students admitted any time.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal
(Cor. Tonga and Alexander Sts.) .....i
For The Winter
"The Land of Summer's Sunshine"
Leaving Toronto Jan. 29th. Covering all
points of interest. Spoeial reduced rates.
• "Mineral Baths" and the St. Catherine'
"Mineral Springs." Delightful resorts for
those who need a rest. Bost of hotel tic-
F'or tickets and full information, call on
L. HAROLD, Town Agent.
District Passenger Agent, Toronto.
Dunlop's «oserp
961'rondo Si.
Dunlop's Choicest Flowers only dealt tn.
IPlora, ilesidns for all occasions.
Flowerstnipped to a'daieta Hall"
fax Colliery.nstadtes
illustrated Price Taal on application.
100.000 Rose Trees to bloom.
1t4111sieate Mese a Nit'4l rind Smarr Calls*
t,tut 4 r oo Rel* 201
ARE YOU MAK t3 $21403.22
YEAR ? It is acing done with our goods
Work is pleasant, permanent and prufltsble
Goods a
d i a every house,every day, No fake
and no need to create the demand. 7 egitimen,
reputable business. You eau ata t withowt a cent
of capital. Write to day. 0. MARSHAts. & CO,
Whelsssie iuw, end Coffees, Loudon, Oati