HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1906-01-04, Page 11174%7711
ells ,, aw •'" �;.
. 5 i
0, „
tgbarte pi tta:. eitiesens will j quire water, and
.e in its h , , and tea work of this deie etntettt. will ne-
opinion, it is time that eta:serily •; int*t ew o }+e fore the year
a+ as change in the manage• closes, anal wilt take more time and
trent of its affairs. thought than a eamniittee can afford
For .ars, eitizenas• have given one, to give it. Can we teoeet, or 18 it fair
two or more' years of service at the to expect, the It OTU MEN' to 1001: sitftete
Council Bogard, and have willingly and this and the Electrlas Light, depart.
ably 'waisted in the management of meat gratis, and after devoting; time
the T,rty test business. In some eases, and effort, to be rew aged Ity receiving
they have saerifleeti their own inter- criticism bordering sa. (ii'eotitsreali-
esttr by an expenditure of their efforts ;tyl abuse? ;;'i'hen titian is this fact,
and tithe, mud in return (in too many that Meet not be forptten -The ques-
eases) hire received nothing but tions of wader for domestic purposes
blame or Unfair criticiser. So that it . and a Sewer system will (whether we
is no woinder that many able eitieens wish ,or not) rttxtcE ! g Frcgltr v TO
give the thing up in disgust, teed re- TUE and ,pEt1>t.:t'n aattentioil,=
futse to Stere:+ the town. It is an sd; rand that, too, before hang.
by• •ir owes of
nutted feet, that some of our Uest eiti- The,onlyway 'rb la
zens and those Inst capable of ad. Wiogbaxn will have these important
ministering the tnwn'>s finances, prefer matters properly mar aged, :is by the
. < C. issi ner'
to enjoy the quiet of their own Ute z:tppointntent o'f three. t arm 4 s,
side, rather than enbject themselves and pay them just'esi.twe pay our Au -
19 Ouse,. and, hence they decline to ditoz s. The salary zte4�d not be large,Iaringi u zzecessary worry and: annoy- but should reeomiienr ° ,them for the
*nee Into their lives, and therefore y time and effort spent if t the Town's in-
atteadfaastly refuse to serve. on the*terests. Let them bele charge of tbe
T'o'wn Council. At the recent Nowt- ' Electric Light and ' Waterworks, and
natieel,'there -were sixteen nominated improvement wouldfollow the adop-
,°, for Ceuneillor,,'antt yet. within bait tion of the system.
an hoar of the expiration of the The Advance can none a number of
twenty otir hours allowed, there was "good men for the isadtion. Take for
not a suffieient reu nier,had si nified instance
their willingness to serve. The resalt J. A. Norton
was, that another of those nominated A. E.. gt i
h o • • ort and persuaded to Win*
had t lis found
_ stand or else • another nomination .or, if he were u ,r, Thos. Dell.
There are no sours a hers, but three
tneetg held. .'Without throwing the
of these would dl ,the bill. Some of
a 'ght t , efl
those Neboo
theca aro excellent accountants, and
willingly- offer themselves as Colin -
Wm. Holmes tweet. tactical Irtloxv=
cillozs, iso submit thaut under such led a of the '4Via' rerva fes And its re'
circumstances', no znunieipality* is like- . g
to get the n sT go-Amp/ED num gtdrements, Annie a man cit good
r '*niacinsense.• S lr
d and
t eat .
Council. ]
tufo the ou t . men would ede inlster the depart.
There is, or there should be; a reme- meats of Light d Water in a s ,stem -
d for tide condition of affairs. One 8 l, i
y' :We, econanlica<lrtnaantiCr, ,ru;id in the
'v Councillors dors
way dudto i th+*. a n,tl
w -Would be �
Y8 at would
best interests of�-oar Town, It w u d
a certain antoturt each year, not as. require only a pardon.. of tileiz time,
salary, slut Merely as an acknowledge- but receiving reiriuneration,xnd being
meat of their services,, and to a:ecozn- g
e joie Ia conscientious zazsn, they watiId give'
passe them for the time theyy ; good service, mid the result would be
leaving their business and sezv%ng on careful atten ,at :rad management,'
Committees of the Council, -'Thies Pian-- And economy ;pf'udtnfnistration. ' In
is followed in townshipOatznofls, the end. the Town would be the'geiner
Another and. perhaps a better plan by dollars ante -cents, as we'll es in a
tmt f
theam0 ay
o to .lessen
'worse e�;i"e'eted of Conneillor�.. Many' � Th#s plan arottld also relieve the
business men might be Wining to' sit
peessttre of Gs,autnittee worst, m'hich is
at the Connell and give their thought sometimes a .task
upon.on• the tfsa
And e t but theycannot find flansCouncilosthese men:rhou the
to ssye` en Metric Light,: Water- may d ire give thebest poseib1e
work tor Street Committees to the servce,icomne:
give to the work the
neglect of their own business. Stit i
g � time and theight necessary, without
how'is;the work devolving on Town as sacrifice of aetsonal interests and as
Councillors to be lessened? , The va*ri" a result the lvork ina sometimes be
ter knows of but one way in a Tow.dans hurr
n l Y
ieeii'y.• Under these circum -
the siie of Wingham, and that is to stances, it is;;vident that the best re -
tune over the management of -the stilts cart not ie secured. If this pees-
Erlectrtc Light and Waterworks to t p
8' sure 'was xxieoved, some of our best
Commiiweioners, and pay them: for citizens, wlro;iiow refuse . to serve the
their 'services. ."tel Town, nsi8l , be induced to accept
The, interests of Wingham are be -'Seats at theeenincit table.
cotnfnie ..xuore weighty with its pro- Now, we ere well aware that some
grass, and cage, :and are likely to in- will abject :ei the plan proposed, and
creaser ' We- now have tea Electric w111 perhaet raise the cry: of "Ex
Light plant; -the rinanagert ed e 't..;this pense." Nevertheless, it ie the only
falls apon the Executive C,tminitt4,,of way by whets 'these departments will
the 0ennetk, and they cannot give it ever zeceivathe care their itnportaanee
the bale'=-dts3' impoetant'se demands demands. heir development is in-
withcxit 4.810ttiu2 their own business- 'creasing, aid soon or later, the princi-
Weze it not that MeetGreen, who ple roust tee adopted, or the interests
thoroughly • rsnderstands- the system, of the Tortit suffer rnaterially. .
and is willing to take chrge of it at a .This article is written Hastily, but
very,14.isWiei-tin salary' ($500 per an we believe that the time is at . hand,
num), ttici;, thing would soon be in a when the; plan suggested ext s'r be
•+ sari plaitfl.
t Thin ,ereis the Waterworks de- topic, ante having done its ts dtaty by
artnzs his is aleo managed by a introdncirg. it, the Advance leaves it
Coneirettee of the Council. But now to the thotghtfnl consideration of the
that 'we hire largely extending the sys• Citizens • of: the .progressive Town : of
tem, 7totels, factoried, railways and Winghatr •
adopted. any it In is areal live
P 'Y ,
li .s For Letter•Writing.
Have ', 'area .unkind thoughts?
Do writs thein down.
Write word .teats giveth pain ;
Wri •inlay long remain.
Hav id some ulle tale e
Ltd tit down,
Glossip► repeat it o'er,
Addln. • its bitter store.
Have arty careless jest?
Bury t el let it rest;
It nia ward some loving breast.
WonV lefts and tenderness,
WOO troth anti kindliness,
et*rds ^'omfor••t for the sad, ,
Words,ac glad,
'Wi I1;
Pause fs
Property i trebgsed.
The D .wson property, on tete
Diagonal ; street, ' was satisfactorily*
sold on *tutelar last to Rev. N. T3ur-
wasit. Ile the neat future it will pro-
bably b aitgeal for the occupation
of two i;�
Devil $44zed for Debt.
A Detroit; tmbeliever had a large
statue of the Devil made, but failing
to pay one of the workmen for chiael-
ling out his Satanic majesty, the
statue was carted away to be held as
4 se
.1K 7R • , r .,i ▪ ,
iM•.4�.,F4-ii.'i . 16.o..IM.i..... .. ��w�iiL,w .,Gla uudgF tiT 441yI11. i.1 .. 4. .... „-
W INGHAM, ' ►Ay, JANUARY ARY 4, 1906. '1' -
Shrew Wete.i,ry>it. . ,,seas ,
Mr. and Min. W. F. k anStont'+ eelea 'There win be aHome Fele at the
brined the Twenty-tifth'annivaereery Brunswick hotel stables on Friday of
of their marriage, on Saturday last. thio week. A number of buyers will
A few eaf-.their frientla from a diet:mese 1* print to purchase horsed from
were pre::eut to tender cougratulta- .1000 to 1000 lbs, weight.
turas, end :v very pleasant evening
wast enjoy eel. The Local Markets.
oats, 82 to 34 eta.; peas, 70 to 72 cties
Married- Its Mifc eU.
Last week's' Mitchell Advocate re- hay, $0.50 to $I ; live hogs, 45.80;
ports the following z' -A very quiet butter, 22 etas.; es -Us, 22 cta.i potatoes,
tvedditeg took place at the English 85 to 40 eta.; apples, 00 ets, a bushel.
church rectory on Tuesday, when For full report of fittest city markets,
Miss Carrie Rankin, of Wingham, was see page 2.
meted in utarrie$e to Mr. Wm.
lentils, of the sane place. Annual Meeting.
The annual meeting of Turnberry
Died' ht Twrnbeary. Agricultural Society will lie held on
A. former resident of Wingham, Wednesday, Jan. lOtlt, In the Council
Mr. John Inglis Patterson, died at his Chamber, at one o'clock in the after-
hexne in Ternberiey* onnSaeurdAy last, noon. A puege attendance Is desired',
1fr. Patterson was, ar few"yeltrs ago, a 1• as it will indicate- Increased interest
miller in ,Winghltn krrst'mill. Ue = in the success: of the Society's 'work,
had recently returneii froth the west
in failing health. Ile leaves as widow The, York:County Loan::.
(formerly Miss Peacock) and a".feaully' The York County Lotus affairs now
to rrtour). llis demise. "he funeral being: hiseetigarted show a very nn -
took place on •T,ii'r ltryr to• Bluevaler satisfactory condition of affair's and it •
Flour, $2.25 to $2.70; wheat, 78 cts.;
cemetT1 'enatrle'r" f'he• „spices of the is feared that the liabilities will exceed
ID, O, p„„11,,,-« pattexson was in his the meets by a million dollars ; et this
forty-second yZats: rate, the outlook for the share -holders
is .dark indeed. There are some in
W�iN I --1,000 Mink: $5:0 Cresh foz Wingham, who wore unfortunate in
lPrime; 11 kinds � h
:sled.• --Clem. Vit, Klein.
No, a> nc. s Raw Fur an- • •trusting their cash to the concern,
Married. In Detroit.
Miss Lilian aRoddes, formerly of
Wingbtun,, was 'Married on Sunday,
at 11 noon, 24th of Deeenrtber,' in St.
Joseph's • Episcopal chureh, Detroit,
to Wayne G, Dunston, .mining "engin
ser of Idaho. The bride was attired
in a heavy cream serge su#t, and ear
rfe :a
d prayer book. They . were un-
attended anti left ' for Lansing and
other places for a short honeymoon
At The O. T. R.
The plumbing is being done at the
new Gf, T. R. station, and it is expect.•
ed that Station -:;raster Harold will be
coilifortall• led in his new quar-
ters in Onset. std', weeks. • Mr. W. P.
'VanSttsiei" s rchased• tbe old sta..
tion, and -Will, Ora ea owner of
t oldengine Vol**o freight
Ips tie Id f g
g a
shed has been nn vett , .and will be
used only by the,f.iit,+nftitre factories,
' while the new she( 400sc duty
before going to their western stoats. `�';,, .
other freight. Miss Geddes isgrand-child
a of.' Mr,
alld Ikfire. McCracken of town,
A Mild: Winter. •
The esteemed ersonage. nate-oldest
inhabitant" seems somewbat ubigut
Mee,. for he:. la found here and else
:where. Just where "Txe :resides is of
little importance,. but whitts he says,
is entitled to consideration. fie: pre-
diets an open and eomparetively mild
winter, `: with frequent thaws, ab
breviated cold snaps, `and uncertain
winter roads. He advises those who
.et 'lin tooto a the
haw teaming do not n gleet
opportunity torush things- en
tom t
tip Y
roads are . good. His prediction is
baited est slate thunder, . green . zass,:
cioakin fro- . and a. ozen other'
S �
signs familiar to the weather-wise:;
What Is The Cause 3
IErsinin c> '1T�'olg $ •=.•'t. H. Ross
offers his 'lek reel e ,-'on-Frances
street, for. le t.'a desiralble property',
with inodern°�• onveniences.. Call. on
hi for anis rs.
• m u
Presentation. ,.
Mr,- J. W.- K. Vanttorinan, (brother
of Chief Vannornrttii,) is now .making.
his headquarters in .\Vinghtsm for a
few weeks. The Clinton NewsEecord
gives the following :-"A pleasing lit
tle event took piece alt the Nori'iandie.
he r. and Mrs.,
on Sa rd�t-'-`la*� when Mr. M
to �
rwere ' ese ted
T. W. X. �"annb man pr. rt
•i accompanied• b :
with •an addressy
handsome service of sifver. : Mr. Iran.
1lorzuaan is the affable disteiet superin
tendent of the Wrought 'Iron sage
Company, which: has,. been doing busi-
ness - e the
uses in this county? for severe m n
psii;: and the prese3ntation wee -made
It is not wise to be -pessimistic, and .
by his 7 salesrn8n s O. iS..V,annbrntau,
Jas, Showers,. T. B. "Woodeow, 0. S,
Frame; Floyd Folks, Haney Middleton
and . T. B. Kaley. )4z ^eyetninorinan
'axfd staff balm had their f e tlquarters
tat the Normandie and as ti.'‘ token . of
their appreciation of tate eouetesy of
1 mine host. they presented Miu'vith a
yet it is discouraging 'and ,anything
but pleasant to readthat crime is on
the increase in this province. Vet we
are told that the Central Prison, the
Mercer Reformatory, are overcrowds .t
at the .present time, and that In jails
of Ontario over 100` prisoners are eons
fined awaiting to be transformed to,gold loo>tet stilttably engraved: They
the Central Prison "when:.there is , h o •t • e
warmly pr,atsl.d t a3 , ctp�wf i Of `. th
room." Tinies ales alleged to be good,: • Nornasee e." ` ''
the public are better "educated," and " `.
never were there so. many societies of A fatal, Accident,
one kind and another Workless -for ve sado � ` n that to n it t
A r�+t a eltcle � i' t >ta�
the' betterment of mankind: What is ed fatally, happened on Tliitrsday. last
the cause ? We ate constantly being . to Oounoillor John Coupland of Tiu•u-
assured that the ".world is .getting berry; On the afternoon referred to,
better," and if by looking bereaith the
surface, one is led to doter: the ars
sertion, he is at once dubbed a. "pes-
simist." \'V'e need not take Itttssie,
for an example, but look .at one orcin
e.Nor does an.th' like 11
province. anything Y
Dlr. Ooupland and his son Percy, went
out to the woods to cut wood. To-
wards evening, a tree they had felled,.
lodged in another twee} and a -latige
linib that broke'off the falling tree,
ng: 1 e a was hurled back. Mt; Coupland.naw
the sin and crime see the light of the limb totaling, and .endeavored to
publicity. reach, a place of safety'- The lunb
NoTxc2.•---Doyon wish to sell your however, struck him, it is supposed,
T.kfe jnsuranco olicy ? If so call ;on on his 'back.' Hie son ab once ran to
Me and realize a much larger CASH his assistance, and lifted the ,
YALvn than yon would receive from which was,then lying trams his fath-
t}ie to Agent. J. ]1iAatlxItE, Beal er's logs, and peapping him against a
Estete Agent.
tree, hurried hone for a horse and
Haggled In Minneapolis.
cutter. Mr. Coupland complained of
The wedding of Miss Etta Mulvey, his track, and as quickly as ,passible a
daughter of Mr. and Mfrs. J. Mulvey messenger was despatched to Wing-
of Wingham and Dr. W.A.Grey of hash for a physician, A little later,
St. Paid was solemnized on Dec. 20th, Irossibly Iess than at: hour after the
in the First Methodist church. About accident °centred and before the doc-
150 guests witnessed the Ceremony tor arrived, the injured nein expired.
which was pe •forined by Rev. 'W. IL
Mr, a"oupland was: well respected, and
Jordan. Before the service Maurfee is highly si,oken of by his neighbors,
Selfsbnry ga'4 e a program of nuptial
as an itldttstrious, upright man, and tz
music, and miss Louise Cochrane of kind neighbor. Ile leaves a widow
St. Paul sang, lee Love Divine." Mr.: and two sons, who keenly feel the
gnaws or the , security for the payment of a debt of Salisbury played the bridal chorus trial that has deprived them of the
•r eosin for the bats- head of the horns. Mr. Coupland had
wiitet'titern down. $52. The real, old "chap, is however, front °°Lohengriu," for the places -
ti lit doing at the old stand,t sional and the 11Ien elsdohn wedding lived for many years in the township
tori small, are mighty y 7!T with
and the long selvioe her had given lir
branch offices its every to'wtI acid vis- ,lurch for the recessional. Miss Lima
re on write them. lap' in the land, and is not likely to Mulvey of Winnipeg was her 'sister' s ,Turnberry Council, and bis frequent
be "seized" for some time et least. only attendant. She was gowned in re-election were evidences that ho
It is feared that he holds too tetany bisque -colored silk erepe tritmnedwitlr enjoyed the confidence and esteem of
'^Mlai.;., ti jf in , . lase applique uc7 tad girdled :diff: pale, his fellow electors. The funeral took
• snortatges on rtee eate• and often
h5 per New. `h'ear's clay, cream rases. •.,..e Wile wore white tery. Hineer° .Vyml,atlry is felt fol
eTbe Citi
thent}�r ; Oractiuttt. of, tlw absence of
son*soe!I .ceir **embers, they did not
rtta all a turnout as tfeey would
td permuted it number of 'fu,escloses toe. blue silk. She carded a cluster of place on Sunday to Wfnglratn come -
Calls It Robbery. silk ,null with trimmings of 'Mechlin the family so sadly and suddenly
'I'lre Itidgetotvtt Demiarion applies lard and eluded at bouquet of l - streo, Wo are informed that only
r the teratt 'iol,bely' to th . acts dese�rlb• . einths. Ib ..1. T. Mulvey of Win t.wo mouths tt ()4 the deceased
boo :. 'Gilley tensji'r their ainrest• ed in the folla,winl.F nf,tce, and the . peg, brother of the Inedee gave heel mated hie connection with the
emir e • to those t,rt ''..1.. time ceit- ' • i s well found t' It a It marti....e' ',uel Chester Carey, brattier O. U• W. A memorial services twill
Windham is Progressive.
Notwithstanding that there was no
elation this year in Wingbern, for
Mayor, Councillont or School Trus.
tees, there was considerable interest
aroused on eloction day, and altuoet
every available vote 01' the property -
owners was polled. The interest
manifested in the High Sehool goes -
tion and the By-laws suh�initted.was
sufficient to arouse e;Jthtraiastn and
earneet effort. The result shows the
the taxpayers are interested in the
prosperity and advancement of"oar
town, and one* more the non•progres-
slves have had to take a back seat.
'The High School Vote.
The very favorable vote on the High
School question sito`ti: s that . the tax-
a. favor theestablishment" f
p vers b o
such an institution In the Town of
Wingharn, and the Town Council and
County Council also, will no doubt;
accept the vote on :Monday feat as a
mandate front. the people, and follow
up the expressions of the•people'swish
by prompt action along the line indi-
cated. If so, before the year closes,
we shall have a fine educational lusti-
tttt bu in Wingham,• that will be a
credit to the town. The vote on this
question was recorded thus :-
For , Against
Ward 1 .; 53 13
2 . . 48. 15
8.,.. .. 58 17
e. .:... Oa BD
'252. 75:
Ahajority iii falvum --177,
The `Lloyd
On the' 0 _. Lloyd es . Son By�lass,,
t' them 'a fine assessment fo
granting d s �+
ten years,. the vete was also favorable,
and the probability .now is -that this
d reliable `rm i re-
r bl will tie rs :; .fl w
main: its Wingban, build a much
larger factory, oriel (we, hope) will see
a very large ,expansion'of their Utast-
nese,: The vote was: as follows .
Vor Against
Ward 1 e8 4
or 2 78 2
c" 4........,108 18
907 • 23
Thla gave a good margin above the
majority required bythe Statutes,
The Bridge Bylaw.
The Bridge Bylaw was also carried,
as was expected. This was shnply a
question as to whether the cost should •
'Veit:taken out of nest year's taxes,
or spread over a number of years.
The passage of the By-law decided In
favor of the latter. The vote wase-
" For •Against
Waar'd 1. , ..1.. 51
07 y, 28
2110 tio'
Majority in favus -200.
Be Optimistic. t
For the encouragement of those
who imagine .that the last nail bas _
been driven in the coffin of ()linemen.
by Monday's vote, we may say----
Wingbana is by - no means dead, but i
very much alive, and its funeral is not
yet in sight. Don't wear the insignia
of snattrning before it is necessary.
Be optimistic: Wingltatn is all tight
and wilt continue to grow ; help, it
along. When the majority of•usare
laid to rest in yonder cemetery, the
town will (We hope) be the better for
o r
u having lived
vi ed n it,a given 7f . and gr n a,
helping band to every project that
tended towards its advancement.
OI. f3 u
Crayon e.., r -we r
y day, hAs� d of u far-_,
mer and his family over
mitwelve fl
from' Wingham that was' watching
Motley's vote with interest. Had:
the Bigle Sebool question: been defeat-
ed, heam
his a'"1.
,1. f rni would have gone
". •
y .g
to Goderielr or Clinton. ';Now they
will remove to Wingham and
permanent residents• And there are.
Promptitude Acknowledged. a ,, ., F1euty hasbeen :made a life Member
The Firemen have•xeceived a Cheque.oNteetbenon Chapter, ' Royal Arch-
of $5 from C. Lloyd' ae Sou for theist Masons •\
tea t' and efficient work,'calor e
in a tthat
p In
r n.
t re • of Una.. •.
;ogre);a t h 'Walton
prevented ya disastrous cgnflagr aion MoKibboii:'is f11, with `eym tonic tet:
at their. factory; recently, if
boys f;' p
tynhnid, .NLr.-• llfaii•tin ..of Iiatnil-
certainly; itis: na ttmO gettitzg test's, ton :is in ehatrgc of hfr, McKzbbott's'_
and the firm show their; appreciation business.
by the cheque towards the ,Firetnet'is
fund, •On Monday hast, in •Ooderich, the
by law• toguarazatee the debentures-ef-.
Matrimonial. 'the • f odez•ich Elevator ' and Transit
At the Rectory, on Wednesday of 'Company for an additional, $35,000,1
last week, Bev.' T. S. Boyle spoke the was defeated.
potent'words that:joined in motif- r. Ja
M s: Fleut cis laid up this week
monix . bonds Mr, Jno. ; Goodavfn of r
Kincardine and Miss Cora Evans of with an attack oi° appendioitis. e
!DVttllacebitr The ha oott le le#t hope that the trouble will not prove
ghap p serious, wind fila: 14rr. Fletty will soon
on, Chatham
reside for t,e "around agora.
SALE Ol ' C1A'rrL . �-T. E. Waiker
will sell. by public auction at the
National Hotel, Wingham, at 2 o'clock
on Friday, len. 12th, 20 dairy cows in
calf,. and 10 head of young tattle.
on a bridal tour to Lon
and other pla oes..'Times t
the whiter in Wingham.
A Sad Ev ut '�.
Mr, Keeler received the sans news on
TTfitirsdaty last df the death of his bro.
thee',: E, W." Beeler, of Woodstock,
x+ast week Cornelius Gaynor of
The deoeaased bad, suffered acutelyWest Walwanos3h received'vord of the
otn tomae rouble this is sup-
death of his soli John, in British
fro s n h t e, andh p Columbia. The remains were brozr ht
posed to have tensed a temporary des- g
poudency, during which he put an end home for interment.
to his oivn'1ife. Re was •x35 years of Work came to n standstill on 'the
age and leaves a widow, two sons and Standpipe last week. At' the. present
two daughters, The, deceased •'buss rate of rogrese, it seems to vie,with,
,. a,
.c1 t� t s it at
highly respected and g •e�,� y tp , hyo the new postotlice in the rate of pee-
ls felt for his bereaved fainly. ;,gzess towards completion.
Foa, Satz:. -Six snores of land. in - Few ladies are aware that they
Lower Win ham, with house . and carry some forty or fifty miles of •hate
WW on their heads ; the fair-haired may
even have to dress. seventy' miles of.
threads of gold every* morning.
bans. --S.. Q, mks,
Wear Gzs er's Shoes and Rubbers.
Church news and Personals will be
-found on page 8. . .
Delmore newsy stems reached us ton
-;latefoe this week's issue.
Mr. Wm. Armour spent Ohristmao
a week with London friends. ,
Niiko Fisher of Formosa purchased
the John Stefiler farm in Culross for
it. Surat, at the North End. .
The by-law for a new township hall'
was defeated in Huron Township on
Monday lasts s,
The Carey Shoe Co. are offering the
: balance of their stock at double cut
priced. See their advt. on page 4.
Fon Sates.. -A good milk -delivery
business. --Apply at Advance ntllce.
Will you proutiee to do better next
e► a. tel s r 1 es . says- ,_ ,
year? iV e all ought to strit o Lo leave
4I.belu to call, and aro ratan• of the, itidr roo,al, was the best *Ian.. hekl in I3elrucne Methodist tlttrrt'h the world a little better -then we
pe g airlx.atrs that one tnettber of the g fi P.O'Callaghan
faa 4: i, asuisb tnueea given. 'Tho Senate eeeeivec. $2,112 blest eseion, A.tt inforut.al reception followed tit the nnextestl: Rev. J.xt Muttlay, .I7, at tt11 1 r m., con- - found It. (forrnr ly of Fesrdyc } *nag two cdol. n --1v$d clues not Ro to any with mileage, for five ti0.r'8 attendance home of Mr. and Mrs. 3.1). McCurdy, Clinton property -owners -declined to
Pat 'idled*, 1Rtt to Tinsels,* as le his senatorial desk, drat the tate No. 1315 Seventh street. The rooms (Muplend was a vulned member of en,dme a by -hare to raise $90,i 00 on Tats for the Advance and rays--Tlriar
star the .boys to eatery of 2t a clay, 'AA! :mi'ne'r' setaatnr were in holiday attire of .iihrisuxzas Delmore Metheatftt'lnueh, rend of the setysteta of water works In connection Its a gralifi cntuafr•v, 1.fioukl not, be
ars a tt paints, wt,,.,.e arotnl,re Ceutrter'ly Official Board. He "nut of with the town.-
persuaded ttr diva its ttrr stat Again.
- The flint meeting of the Town Conn- -
cis for 1000 will be held on Monday
nest at 11 a..in. .After appointment
of Striking connnittee, adjournment
will probably be made till 8 p.m.
PARCEL WANTED. -Will the party,
reI o in tnlstake, took ra�tatroel contain.
leg two pair of cloth shoes .for child-
11°EXiT AOOR . TO row' MICR
...�,; A
3C,appyIttv Iltexto RV.
B eya1e.
Miss Alice Duff spent the holidays
with her parents Here, returning to
her school, at Thorndele on Tnesday
last. She assisted ; in training the
children there for the Sunday School
eptertaimnent, and also sings in the' .:
choir of the church it Tb.orndale.
Success to 'another of the. Blnevale
young people.
Stomach Troubles and tronatipatiott.
"Chamberlain's Stotnaeh end Livor
Tablets are the best thing for stomach: -:
troubles and Constipation 1: have ever ° .
sold," says J. R. Ct llmau, at druggist
of Potterville, Mich. They are easy to
take and alwaysiv satisfaction, k, nd give a r factiolt, i.,
tell my cnstoaners to try thein, and if
not satisfactory to come beck and get,
their snotiey, abut have never had a .
complaint. . bear sale by all Druggists
Fon Rem on To liiyNT, That cam
nto tons brick dwelling on corner of
Slither and John street ; good situa-
tion ; apply to Sas. Walker,. h'urnitur~
denier, \vn
CLY DtS:DAVE •-8.1* OS.
nor Sale -Hr
iWM. GANNETT - Wiariani
F. H. SVALLE;Y Wittsta n
M. 8.Ii37,DuNnY Teetswater
tt z:iroN & GILLESPIE......... Itruseels- "
I1 Iy sic I3I.ACIi ` M1-roxcter
THOMAS it cW1»3i3TElt Ltacknow
ren, please leave them at D. M. Gore _
don's store.
Mr. Browett and family removed
fast week to Chathain. His youngest
son was taken ill last week, and was
conveyed to the hospital in Chatham,
as the family was not settled in their
new home,
Wingham nuttiness Collage is now
comfortably located in the Macdonald
block. The rooms have been fitted up
:cicely, and are very suitable for the
purpose. The Advent* wishes the
College success.
Messrs. N. Nash, Alex. J. Alderson
and C;. J. Hollister attended the I3ro-
tlteerlrexel of St. Aiidrew convention in
T,ondon, Monday anis 'Tuesday of . this
week. Rev. T. S. Boyle was also pt•es-
ent and delivered an address.
, rated tl'l,assar'. tact well �,s nettle none apl _, .t <e, lea rho Roel ri �' n l a.14
, pent
h'k,ttw OR Chamber for t}' �.a 7< 9 rttt ap•relieved 1 y 1 it of bight a graial dispoeitlon sympathetic in. +iS,Ir, aVrto+l,rh o! rcrr
es r wed f i ri i l it nptmdjng the ipter * ab a frie as emu,
t •
a sy ^ was tH wear , atat.r• es r e Daly only caum•ctltin withat testae ini-
aaC the Hand berried rirrl hdlg► and mistletoe. 'Phe din- hi natatre, a sterling ng p tic l: teas. Vt inKltaa►n, w <, vmncer, anti that I rttrsst !lave at any
peacraane•e. R iJ '• a,e z c ltiH ry
Alae¢"ht not.aveing of the people- eats u* .' • for vt ,rk ing mem was in iipite ;1 1 grew: are
1.aket,lekiaft. On not perfoTtned. at amour int br s, room eet'mt•fa>e+ the
�ee s
a e*ct+ 'a . cer eerpier'e. .Atte'. Jam
Tnu'r"ae" r ..r•'the,lia►ra-
upre'"'*'hf effect (A
" eel* by au
and Mrs. tirey will be at lsp�l!tf, .i.Ja{." �.la :- :LT*
mite f� Qe
hofs. als *T►
est. °vttns, M. D.. Lnudtn, and
2 gueAtectn, will 1* at ltlrl inn'a
lUnr� store the first Tuesday
month t bo esiSeto 9 p. m.
traineeZIsaR, tend
ateseista Thar.e
e • •
n eras
• near Ha
tn*fi this
'a Old.
t a. fe"iv day!
faterNeet rte
. beaautt
e 'lot�C 1i hiR.-' ? °. In ham; �.
,eletra'lite etie isessestsstior
Pure Drugs ° .
Are the kind you are
to get 'its your milrtnr
come rfi u