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The Wingham Advance, 1903-12-31, Page 6
m.., ..... II T p p i$' It phh a a lr Heaven to vented rue a SHE IS A MERRY CUNNING[ 4F THWPOSSUM. ■r^^ S►Sr Tlia . "Vers"e I mu at not complain.'' I, 5 Dot, To"r all tibat, she knew that How It Fools the Dogs That etre l,'ur- fire, WinslOwo boothin¢ 8 yrnp shouldt hie lnofalrt wait sore azlkt inciavy, and >t p that Ino tivMe ttdgtilrhecl b a hundred r AGAIN atoHtgllle frail, ittways bs need for Children vTeet4 f r .. tlontlr0ts anal fears. Siia ayogtiied llldn, + He will usually go home by a wathes tea child. softenstha timsicurvegwin , Ho eA& romiror°tad hila,. +:•_and diel her beat to ,..--. tr e1 -trunk road, Tkraugli th0 open A code dna is the be,tG romaly or A arnc . I Yezv oil ours Ilion ; 13-ut chap could not country ort the ilaundaries of his `e ks Illi to farl,Tt hdtr titruI Dodd's Kidney pills Cured Little ran o tui trots alar ,Q,p 1lvtaaacuoment-it vvas ealtvays In his , g 6 withoutmimcl- 1 JJ CUh M NGS " 7't/ for as t Edith Harris I)ropsye !n l g thawghte, t I I It its steps, The (logs m -•ay have itrcvse.[itly Felix camp in, and one ^---- all th'1 fun hero '*with ilia train Unless the SOa yt)U Rooms 48-49 Victoria Arcade, ° : "t%!v!,_ _M1,.'_1/ (! "' la1ance at ills soma face told Darcy thLt't they I.o'ntsdale, that toe heli heard the Iters was a Terrible Case -It Proves y can, LIQ intends only T nvhole lstgzy. '1`lvq hanctsgmc young that talo great litdnoy ileincdy is that they shall not find his itgine use haS this brand you i 8 Victoria Street, Toronto, Qnto straighthoeuftll of emi father Ile and good for Old and Young alike and ttSO. a8r ilei enteren s hisownneigilnity of , are not getting the best 'Phone 1lfufu 3704. • Cures all forms of kidney Illsease, borifood .sw amp, his movements nEALraa IN & - -d J f'/% / A hits hand lovingly upon Ills shoulder. 'Wooburn, Aesa•, N. W. T., Dec. 3L change, The clogs may be hard at- ♦ s ticKs B®l rl) G/tAlfV 4&•. r✓W V• « "Let Ate help you, father." he Saaid. r fk for the 00a¢on Bar. 045 I, s No main ,shall any one word. against cure ocial). Na More remarkable) 0110 h'f4o ar not.r o by are not AND PROVISIONS. Isc!t me, help to fight our battle, stirs of Dropsy; i.ns over been Put close il6 ,thd he knotv;s by Tarp; ted y on record tLa,n that o2 little Etlltlr periQnol 't'l1i:Lt 01tay may be expected One Redeeming Feature. Direct private ~vires to ail exchanges. ry tallier. I ,should like to take every Ilcrrls, ti.1 two-y,ear old daughter of and never so far forgets affects to believe the stotn, or tubo 6 s ills pro- Puck. ' WHEAT lit> nuan who believe It, and thraFli b}m" 'Mr. and Mats. Ii'. Jr. Harris, of t!'is c}ous skin as to go straight to hid Tito man In the third raw—What 1 i i tleert-tree .I 11 "My dear 'relit 1" exclulmed Mrs, place little (girl IvadIdz+ap!I in its { , 1. da you tlil.lt$ of the quartotte? Lonmiria% a Insteful h8 trots along a bound- Tile mail bestde him -Well, it won't May wheat will sell $1.00 per bushel before (• "'So I-sihould, madre;' and the Worst form, i3l,o was swollen frori ary fence or in the stream, leaping, tako as long as four solos, title option expires, We handle accounts of young, ltan4somct fa,ao deePonod with her feet to her shoulders so badlyl the crossing loge and coining; .out, X,000 bushels and over on 1 percent margin a,nt;r}; scorn for everyone who should ti -at the dootor Was afraid Ono of likely, on tale bank opposite his Minaril's Liniment Cures Burns, Write for our special. letter. harbor an evil 'thought of one so be- Lor feet would burst. Her nutural blomeo 'tree, Farther down lie julups ete. , , loved, 'Hite love between father and waist measure was elghiteon inches, th'1 stream, runs hard towards a ' • • ' ? , _., Branch Office, 160SintooeSt. Peterboru r;'ol was almost pathetie in its Inten^ but wi.'en tba disease was at its big guhn and from a dozen feet 'PIIONF 360. lolevs pity. worst, ,sl.,o measured thirty four away takes a flying leap, catching Something Worse. Vl*olet's Lover I'rclsantly Mrs. Lonsf[alo said, gnus ,nor t, Two doctors attended Iter, t1toaw., rough trunk ftp just out of Exchange. Ingly.: but after three manithis' struggle reach of the keen -nosed dogs. He Jdplin-M'y, but wa;aii't tbh:t a Stocks Jape Cheap 1 Khat will Vlolclt say when she I w1t1J ilio dielasYl the child was gra- goes on ,up a little and leaps again, slro,rp flash ? 4rdn't you afraid of So, roc., B. & O„ Un. roc., Mo. Pae, R. I. li•mr,s It?" f dually' growing worse a illd t}.b Par- touching the ,ground ten feet Out, lightning ? s t rem., Erles, Reading, N,Y. ren. and i'omi, d1118ax " ori fl XelI i aSheeWill be mo .saving lad about given en up all how oll thus leaving a blank of twenty or Berker-WLy' should I bio ? Light- t,, Nye > 09it'dpreE, PARTInt CV p RLY All'. more feet in bGs trail. Hing never strikes twice in rtnd e same trades in these securities conservatively (I © that any man who listens to it At this time thevl determined 'to .Tho strt*am. or fence Inas puzzled place, you know. Quito harmless In, handled will, without doubt, show substan- oughtt to be shot. Why do you look try Dodd's Kidney, Pills, Imagine their title dogs, but nowl at the tree they. comparlsou with, m,r friend 'Jones ; tial profits tathe near future. T ^ might yrs beautiful; • the wind I`,T [e law deals heavily with cased ",I was vly at ondertne, tadrre ?1' ine said, whe- treatmenrise t the child began to rapid- , brunder this oil ly of 5vorry, They circle and he strikes ma Query; time h1 seas me. Stan a you o seri steady parethings t t o thetict iho h g a t , i ' 'g'"" " 1initlly pink up thio scent beyond Standard resaes 1s apparent *o the close was soft and fragrant, the sky calm. like this. James Hardman will plead tlher, this wenaxl make any difference ly, improve. By tY,ia time shA had taken UA, first gt[ap, only to run instantly Dilnard's Liniment Cures Dandruff, student of conditions and clear, the moon shining bright- that 'lie iv heir at law, that he is to Itor or to her paren,tol--I me&n in ihree, boxes, half a pill at it. dose, into ua ,greater blank, one that the Ity. He,smiled As he asked himself why, the ;rightful .heir of the late Eliza- retspeCt Off XOU140elf," the swelling was gains and the help- widest circling does not cross, For Detliiittoit of ureatness, A Word t0 the Wise Is , he should be unhappy;. What was both Hardman, that he has been lAffereuce'? No --yet I am 'wrong, lens little i[t'vaftd was transformed t,glle, neon arae taken to another tree, Sufficient. there to m'aace him iso? Why,, need he brought up In expectation of re- Yes, It will make this one. difference, Into a merry, laughing healthy child Out on tha limbs of tills to still Washington Star, feel depressed? Yet the very, air ceiving the money,, and. that you Elbe, will love ma the IiBtte• and cling again, „ our board room is puunc, make it your urourld him was filled with whisper- have taken an undue advantage Of to me the merle. I have no doubt , from of tree and on like b( squirrel, Don't you sometimes t1i!ink you headquarters, T o tt'lonal Oxcl,ange con. in t about Violet-li y r,fwvet Violet, It is Dodd's KLdney, Pills cut's aid and from 'tree to tree to erh zPe a huu. would be a renter man if ou were necttone enable ua le execute orders in re ga- he night wind Tull of sighs. your position, as her legal adviser ',young alike. Tiby Cure Kidney Dis- drecl p ( g y „ shares on as favorable terms as 100 share "I rim growing fanc,}ful," he said to. and friend to Induce her to leave it the one thing needled to quicken her regard O'win Qpa it llolidw. may Ual to hits to cultivate the art e oratory?" lots. `r, i'li"" love fo-{ -me vrlltJh a Pew, hltrang4 sates without r+e and to where or in. t•.ig "I dart know," answered Senator Write to -day for our baoktet entttlod e. him elf ; and what tangible evil tofyou, lie„ w,Y.lat form It fe fou'n:d, ; i I { I j Sorghum'. "A great man, as you •' Wall Street's Opportunities.,' ha,vo I to grasp?' But," ,declared Mr. Lorry- He wondered wily hire Lonsdale k .Messq. C. C. XcItArds & Co'„ Yar- know, 14 one who gets mentioned In Special attention given to out-of-town Tfiere wars nothing but a cloud of dale, I did no such thing. sighed. Wily need anyaite sigh? dale rtyunth, N. S.: I ! the school books after he is dead, ordere. fancies; his prospects wore Uri hi I swear to you I never asked, influ- g The Horrible Example. Gentlemen, -In January last Fran- instead of the financial columns of enough. He said to himself over and enced, or said one word to her About, let's love, Violet's faltRi, was his cis Leclai[1 one of the men em-' th'e newspapers while he is liven over again that no one was so for- It. How dare any man say such a rock of refuge„ To doubt her word Philadelphia Record,g" tunate. Had he not it partnership'? tiring of me ?"be deatlh. "How. is It business :h!as so touch ber 0o y madwa tree Panthe on him, i JA t• ES & COO ! Had he not a certainty of calling the -James Hardman has boon brought ''I have no fear, he said, throw- Improved in life aide show; I" tasked ornahing him fearfully. He ryas, Lover's Y -Z (Wise Bead) Disinfectant lovellest girl In the county his wife ? up to believe that he would inherit' Ing 'back bdm head proudly. Violet tope titan from' the main tent, Soap Powder dusted in the bath, softens. Standard Stock Exchange Buildings, Wdta[t hail lie to fft;ar ? Yet what twelve tb°usand pounds, and, find -.W1.11 love me now ,as she has never "•I ,started tb'e 'living skeleton' tO t;'ben found, placed on a sacci were Toronto. Wj the strange, dull pain that made In six of it given elsewhere 1[e is loved me b24'o•re. ally only trouble Li , taken home, tPhers grave tears were the water and disinfects. x$ Ing g , stroking cigarettes." replied th,e entertained for ills recovery, his hipp Ills brave young heart fail him? very angry about It, and says some about my dear fatl>,,er, and, what I h!uetling manage,. tieing badly bruised, and his body , 1 , Worm Turns. What caused the strange shuddering bitter things." (ten to Ite3ls Wall. 1, "'I don't see nv i that should that came over him ? Why bad he a ,-But how Is 1t po)rslble that any j They talked until long after raid- „ v turned,blapk from his ribs to his feet. ,,You're forever trying to give the keens and penetrating, h, vague, in- one who knows me could believe' might ; they looked the evil in the draw' people., ' We used MINARU S LINIMENT on him Impression that you're a, martyr," I T definite feeling of an evil day to that I have acted unfairly Y How. face. If they weil't to law, and the. "YQs+ every mothler takes her freely to deaden the pain, and with p y SUCCESSFllLLY law Was against filen what then,? boy in cLnd pointe outs th's horrible the use of three betties ha was coin snapped Airs. Henpeck,' I suppose you1. csoah! undeersta.ndcome ? He wometo n being herre,se it; e Have It?my 1dIhaveds and lived namongrthem They would be dreadfully ember- extample." ! hlet,ely cured and able to return to want everybody to think that you' votes, but Lot mels. i - Pall my life -they ought to knom mo early suffer in plied SPE EXCHANGE lrwgserl for r money. The our- -•' "No;' replied Air, Henpeck, "I suffer I mery governess mtust o SAUVEUR DUYAL,. ZDr the first time he noticed that better. I should not believe such a g , but ltl a in the perpetual absence of silence: on the STOOK E1iCHANGIC without could remain at, Vale House, and tlls pain Over the ftes Right Road, L Isi•et• Co., Que., i margining. night a look of anxiety on his fa.th- scandal. of any one of them' , and A little silence wlould be a positive artnershb shenrld not be die- May 28th; 1393.. , , , ! , c t i All lossca, if any, reduced to per era face, sAd lie asked what, had tears of wounded pride and woutided p. P • pleasure to me. , i Dent. A plan placing you on both cisco brought it there. affection )stood In Ilia eyes. "What solved• of the market. $75 enables you to '"Shadoy-,s-nothing but shadows; are a man's friends worth, Malcolm, CnAI'MR VIII. , ; , Headache and Catarrh In Going to Newyork operate 50 shares. Writoforpartioulars. fancles-tr'ou'blesome fancies;' was if they believe evil of iilm so easily ?'' Training Glermatt t,i}rat, the reply; yet It wa+ststrauge the son The autumn was come; the golden Relieved In 10 Minutes. Be sure.tbat your tickets read via Grand MILLER lift CO perhaps they ria not all believe glory of yammer haaA given way to it. The rYtma methods which have been Trunk and Lehigh valley routooftlie "Black •/ turned aw,a y, with a feeling almost of It,'" said George Malcolm. The luxuriant tree made the woods That dull, wretched pain in the head applied wlth. aueh remarkable success Dlamond Express.' This is the direct and P. O, Drawer, 2630, . dic_r- y2 ,ir, •' Titen why do they not say so? In Germany to the tra`.n ng of boy ap• best route from all Canadian pointe Buy this TORONTO ONY. Nor wpws the mystery less- Why not say, 'tire have known you for N picture. The yellow, leavers lay In just over the eyes is one of the surest prentices In the industrial and Com- route baggage is now checked in bon and - v erred *hen, on the day following, years, and we ,believe in you 7' tiYLy dank h•eYli s, the 11TH had •all been signs that the seeds of catarrh have inerelal schools of the empire are now has hree stations nNewYorLehigh uptownnear Mins. Lonsdale, going on her daily not say that, instead of looking out and ca.rAcd, the fruit gathered ; been sown, and your warning to admin- to be adopted for the education and all first-class hotels and down town nearall Mrs. of ,shopping, o the vicar's coldly at me 7 As I pass by they con- • the, gleaming w,As longer, and the 1 inter tl[e quickest and surest treatment training of girls wtl:o may seek to bet.' European steamahlp docks, saving pass -an - wife, Mrs. Bunter, who stopped to vera~ about me in whispers,'and ars sltnaet ho-xd clouds of scalper crimean, to prevent the seating of this dreaded tertheir condition in life. They will er s s rule Europe tic tel of perantd Iran - p, speak to her, The little town of Lilfotd had es -malady. 'Dr, Agnewa Catarrhal PO -%V- then swell the ranks of that trained` MIT LANDS startled when I meet them.' agents. Robert S. Lewis, Canadian Passenger t "This Is a very sad affair, Airs. i'Ja>xba Flardman has talked a great porlenced a ,social earthquake. The tier will stop all pain in ten minutes, army of experts w,hdch: has aecom- Agent, Yonge street, Toronto, Ont, In lots of 10 to 100 acres for sale to the 6•° Lonsdale," she said; and Bate, grcpt trial of Lon4AAle vs. Hardman and cure. heart of the Nlagara Fruit Rett near dual among them," ,said Mr. Mal- had been decided, and the verdict- pl(shed more than any other one far- Grimsby. Steam and electric roads ass looking at her, asked quietly what 001m, slowly. ,,He has said some no one but the twelve intelligent pr, Agnew's Ointment soothes all tori to make German commerce and Slaughter on the Iiailroade. this property. All conveniences of the day. affair she meant. She looked so hard things of you." jurymen who gave tli knew why -was skin diseases. 35 cents, 18 industries what they are to -day. Terms very reasonable. Apply - entirely unconscious that the vi- "out my old friends," rejoined again,6t Darcy LOnsdato; the will Philadelphia Ledger. J. CARPENTER, car's wife was surprised. Darcy Lonsdale -"the people I have wars ,r,t D ed null olid void, and theCarrier's FROM THE FAR EAST, -Japan is producing "I{i11,Gd, 3,55-1; wounded, 45,477." P. O. Boa 08, Winona, Out.: Have you heard no bad news of lived amort so long -how can the A Letter Record. today and en)lyfng the world with a pain ^ihIs is not the report of a great g g y whole of the property wAs to be reltevin remed t OR SALE -ESTABLISHED TAILORING! —of—an'y one?" she asked; and believe such a, 'slander?" give,n t.o James Hardman. King Edward has decorated James .9 y 1n the form of aMen hot, Mile, but the report of the UniteT r1Population Kate answ Ted : „ g the fo fa of "thed with xne enthol Puma Sn maltea,ble iron actoy,ood farming „ „ I am net much of a cynic, but II'enatock, to postman, who in forty- the form of the D. & L” Menthol Plaster. States interstate commerce commis_ y, g g Dun-' y That cy hard ; but tiardelat of all Then Mrs. Hunter related some this 1 must say that I believe our was iho ctrel things said by the two year4 has walked 5,000 milia mtis of usculartwitchin et etc., relieving the pain &Ion nna the Injuries indicted be. our try, steady trade, npaboutte stock and ill, trifling little story; and. even as m:tsfortunes are not al.w,ays die- pla,intiffts eo,unscl. Darcy Lonrdalo and delivered 9,000,000 tetters. . almost Instantly, g ' g railruln:ls for the fiscal year ended sell or ret house about store. Proprietor! picasing to those live call our , lis;tenea W thein like one in a , June 80th last. otng to British Columbia January 4th. A' she related it Kate told Herself iiargao, Act quick. R. E. 0. Burroughs,. friends. dream. He heard all kinds of STATS OF ODto, CITY oar TOLEDO that she was inventing It. With hrr „ '}ae. A Sensible llIaygr, Westport, Ont. honest, straightforward eyeg she But these people have known me , underhand motivery attributed to l LUCAS COUNTY Itching, Burning Skin Diseases g 00 long!" (!rim ; he hea.,rd; h1lasa"f deocribed ' FRANK J. CAENEY makes oath that hers the Toronto News. Cured for Thirty-five Cents. -Dr. - looketi at the vicar's lady. senior partner of the firm of F. J. CnENEY st "You are not tellingme what was Mr. Lonsdale could think of noth- as a conspirator ,as one who had Co., doing business in the Cit of Toledo Thle Mayor is down; on signs, and Agnew's Ointment relieves in one day, and American vs. German Corsets. In 'your mind when ou first rpoke Ing 'so strongpotent. s that -no argument influtakence a tweak-fage n indo } f his ~man He vto innty ati e sumState aorrUN>J'kIUNDx D UOtm believes 'thfat all advertising should cures Tetter, Salt Rheum, scats Head. 1 T 1ills 1905, UnitealSttt testCo suldHuct.o to me," she said. What were you was sop He had lived am Eczema, Barber's Itch, Ulcers; Blotches and g Ong them' all his life. Why did they Listened to words tvliiCU burned him, LAR, for each and every case Of CATAunii be done in tho, newspapers. This is Aluench, Plauen, Germany, says; thinking of, Mrs. Hunter ?' g that cannot be cured by the Use Of HALL'a ail eruptions of the skin, It Is soothing and But Mrs. Hunter, after laughing- not trust him as 1}e trusted them ? branded l[!m-which almost robbed OATAnnn CunE. once more proof of Mr, Urqub(art's quieting and acts Ilke magic in the cure of "Targe quantltes of corsets are "" him of his self -respect -which so FRANK J. CAENEY. , manufactured at Oelsnttz, in the ty parrying the remark, hastily I If any one among them haat come completely bewildered him that I good judgment. ; all baby humors. II,c,-47, p!auen district, but no art or the said good -morning in a very em- to me a,nd had told me such a thing P Y it Sworn to before me and subscribed tomY p barrassed fashion, and walked of ,another, I would not have credit- . he lead b6on a weaker man, he would Prosence,thisOthdayofDecember,A.D.,1886. - - product is exported to the United not have known whether he was I r''_-•+ A. IV. GLEASON, rib Provo to you that Dr. An Ancient Win Tree, States; nor is it surprising, since away, ed it -and they are only too ready, i eEALj Chase's Ointmontieacortain German corsets cannot compare in Mrs. Eunter's remark could mean it seems, to believe it of me. Mat- guilty Or not. The blameless life of 1 lam„ Notary Public. and absolute caro for each rl!h'eve is an cam tree in, the Depart_ P nothing; yet the heart of the lou- rein, heir In Heaven's name, stn I which ho was so proud, the blameless' Hall's Catarrh Dire ie taken Internally and and every form of itching, went of Ardeehe, France, which is style, durability or price with those name which he Valued above all acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces bleedingandprotrudin plies, vi oreus and flourishing, though it of American make. On the contrary. Ing, anxious wife grew heavy with'- to go honta and tell this to my wifeY of the system. Send for testimonials, tree, b g g' g there Is every reason to believe that In her.. Sad news? What sad news An-: I to tell her that a blameless i 1iahlistenecllto the cruwere lr bespattered. ds, which Toledo, 0, timonlnieinthodailyprtasandavkyourneigh h'as attained ilia pva,tricrahal age of thin country presenia an inviting F. J, CAENEY & CO. T could there be affecting lt3r or life, spent in the midst of people who fell like molten lead oilhi heart Sold by all druggtef•s-75., here what they think of it You can use it and 798 years. According to official doe_ as Cy Buncomb !s." -Exchange. about any ,oIf ne there was Cod he have known m ei'bince I was aa child, • and home, Le could have cried aloud Take hall's Family Pills for Conetipation• goYdlo r money ybac ifnot BATESd. 60cabox, at, uments it was Z4anted on 'thb grave is no shield agafilst slander?" that it was all false. He had lived - 1 Re -By George, hasn't she got a. not have said wh;a.t it was? "1 am very sorry for you, in Lilford both: as boy and manlln; "I, and Napoleon's Hat- Qrw ChaSe S Ointment Wigin g-'Henpeck's s wife says }he talks sr.4ordid voice i that Klay with iia terrible ird Who sense of t hOule• I ne say no 1d Geere. I de not obelievo all Ills old friends knew that he was ,Says a, French contemporary-, that's about the only chance he sets oso Slee-INfeskirt hangs I ! Just see bow, liar. foreboding. Her pretty house seam'- it, and I shall stand b . you through Incapable °f doing any creature a Napoleon I, like other people, hady g g y y tvron or an Injury. . rd almost to oppress her. She wash- It alt." g y several hats of various heights, and tIE USED Bib WORDS., ed that .she had not burdened her- Tho two men `shook hands, Hut I He called fete witnesses. Ile might one of these, the one be wore through — ,self with a nursory governess; as Darcy Lonsdale's face wore a uz- llat'e hoc} a far better defence than the Russian campaign, is again In Tile General ASanaRer iCJured flim of i ', for the new ,silk caress, it no longer ries, wondering look. p he did, but that he trusted so en-• the market. This hat has a history. it, However. • •' gave her the least pleasure. What Can it be a jest, do you think i tirely to alae notion 'tllait his own It tris given by Napoleon to his wax this cloud hanging over her has- Malcolm- a Jost tq try me 7" ' Innocence must be patont" to all men. valet, who ,died in 7.852. After his IA fcvt^ Aitonthla ago the sou of a Grally's Syrup I •' band and her children Y Was }t - No, 1t is no jest. Hardman will • The verdict was against him -unjust- death it wn,s sold for $750 to a •-lune, railway director was, iti'rough hill - only nervous fancy, or was there get the money If he, can." ly so, •1.o[ne said, for the judge had Evrard.l peva It .was sold in 1878, futher's influence, given a 110aitten of -9f?*" i1 looming in the distance ? "I would nae take it unless I , summed up unfavorably for him -and at the Hotel Druot, to Dummares,iue, ~ohne importance On a large railway. . ,ShQ wan soon to know; and when Darcy. Lonsdale went home crushed for $15, a6d note it is stoped that He was ireala fmm Cambridge, and in Of I thought it were really mine -I would , the orders whirl[ he had frow time to ! Ito did know, it proved t° be even refuse to touch it ; ,but I cannot do and heart -broken. It will realize at least $1,OD0. , iter filar ~lie feared. Those .were dreary days in Yale tiwe issued to the men under flim, That, far I am sure toy Old friend I always naso use of iliie longest, most VHl&1 Tjm VII. •'• left• it• to me for 'the children. IHausa'ver ,torr I think it un- must be just to them. Great Heaven I (I ,shal) never hold sd my head unused words. This habit fed to soma Red Spruce Gum i Very y— again,'' said Darcy Lonsdale, with a Most people think too lightly of expeutsive blunders, and, fife matter It is 4utte impossible to I have kept a blameless name all my I ales) sob, "I shall never look my p p g Y coming before ilia general manager, -_ It will end," said George life only to meet with, this fate-- [a'lp uob,n !n the face' a cough. It is a serious matter ; ire wrote the young official the fol - the lawyer. to see my old friends point to me as a man who would cheat his client i That liiv old friends should have and needs prompt attention, lowing letter; For r• Cou P'hs and Colds I., .secret was known now - In promu'gat'ng your esoteric !✓ • j W Lad become a substance, I wish I had .boon dead before I had believed this of hint, pained the brave, Take +j roles lilac]. all asdumed a known this! Tell me what Hardman Wnent heart. Ht: nasi a long lilues.t, cogitations and in articulating yours ry nothings 1[aYl become is going to do." frbm wluclt it wag feared at Iirst • y $ EmparflAal sentimr:ntalities and arnie- 11 ile Las placed the whale matter that pie would never recover. Shiloh's obt' nhrl flections. Let bl lal or Pour e ctNml, ALWAYS SEE Y BEAR THE NA o stern nnai so trot! In the hands of a London firm and It tvaq a dreary time. The business observations, beware of platitud,'n- ey had driven Darcy Lone- the L'rinl will come on about the end fr.11 away; the toen,upeopla said to COiasUllptlo]C asininestai! °i THE MATCHESYOU BU E ME Imost to despair. Mrs. Hard- of September. You must prepare your I Gael[ other with a grave 'shake of sattonal communication possess a e heir-at-law, James Hardman, defence and look °p your,witneases.` tLe head, that• they could not tract elarlfied conciseness, a eompuetecl d given legal notice that he in- IP my whole life does not witnc as I a man of whom .such things bad been Cure The hung Tonic comprehelisibleness, a coalescent con- Our Parlor Druids --Our sulphur Bra+lAa ""t, tented to contest his relatives for me," said Darcy Lonsdale with said -that the could )lot leave sistency, and a concatenated cogaitcy,• "KING EDWARD" - r ,Avid on the ground of undue influ- y Eselhow all conglomeration of Ilan- - ,. ii I 8 1.N quiet dignity, "th•en the words of no th.cir interests, as before, In Ilia when the first sign of a cough or • HEADLIGHT pal encs. He maintained nand nothing mail can benefit me." handg. Ono after another the old ulent garrulity, jejune bib:ement,and "EAGLE" Could shake his opinion -that Darcy cold appears. asinine affection. Let your extern- "" . "Telephone" iI ;Lonsdale had ta;cen undue advan- Ile dreaded going home --for the natce. l rlisiippearad from Illy books. It will cure you easily and quickly "VICTORIA Tele Ilona age of his ositt,•tn, that he had first Limo In his lite he dislked hien he, had known all hig simple life Y Y r Y portaneous clecantings and unpremed- "LITTLE COMET" f?.-R,w--.' I-OkAp then -later it will be harder dated ex ,a•iiation have Intent Ibilt 1x P passing through the streets of his fought vlty of him• --avoided him, and to cure, and veracious vivacity without rho • Ufluenced a weak -:Winded woman' the dreary time lie pta,ased ons. and had persuaded .her to leave nastive town, for the first time he ciomontade or, ilirasonical bombast. A QUICK, SURE i.fBHT Is ensured EVERY irons 3ilm' the halt of her mt„ney, It was shrunk drotn the glances and words Fells worked hard, but [t lupe like Sedulously avoid a'.1 e' a I I . . I ji . a Clever ruse, advising i7er to send of his 0k1 comrades. volving againvt an angry current. Prices 26c., 50c. and $1.00 p y yllable p=°- by using any one of these brands .. .. .. Tl:ero were .some gleams of comfort; fune,ity, pompous prolixity, pslttac- tor another lawyr ; but it 'would "Ileaven he,'p ,Cate I" he said to s, C. WELLS & CO. eons vacaity, vents i:gaolui verbod:ty Got r,hLonsclule found that the ru- himself.'But Kate know, al eadyl suchher?+news over f ovgonOno of neienin1etini Octoberer , clerk Toronto, Can. LeRoy, N.1f. o and doubleaeittendre.prur;entt jocosity and FOR f3dlaf by ltlbslers l arrwixttssa ,boors about him ai'ad been groWirg trave.la fast, It was no weeping, and Chill. For ilio first time the in- pteEtiferous p,olar,ity, obscurant or . 1tLlly, that his friends and ne•gh^ hysterical trite tylia clung to him, valid had come down stales, and the apparent, In othiar words, talk plain- bdrs were a,11 talking of film, whsle hall mad with womanish tears; m a -_ - ly briefly, naturally. sensibly, pure., o► > MI t I1 i + rPSTiEM he himself had not the faintest id+,a bri lit tender face looked int° Ills, weight of anxiety upon him was like to weight of lead, There were dayg °P iy and truthluliy. Don't put on of the mischief that was abrt•ad, awe t, warm, white bandaclasped his, g n}rs; say tvlilLt goo moan; what Fames Vardman had been in L11- loving lips kissed hint, yr brave, strict ,economy In Vale House. Tilers yon say.; and don't use bi words," P twAs no tempting fruit for the feeble THEHORSENNAMET g CANADIAN ORDER OF CHOSEN FRIENDS ;ford --ilial ate knew, and the fact I TRile young official took the gentle bright voice cheered him w.[t1i the a -petite,, no generous twine to FIVE YEARS' PROCRESpS ,had hot interested him to an,y Demands Sound Horses Only. • h;int and changed his style. -Tit -Bits, 1 wAy; but lie did not knov, that 1r.'tleic of home tvorcis. give strength to the feeble frame. Wines Ilardin'.•tn hard been 81lently "I have heard all abort it, Darcy,'" The best medicine that the invalid Lome helthtortes rd at tfianhaltale. The tual aedyllia -' on neither dmlreble for lee or sear, The remedy l destroying Ills reputaticn, had said his whip. "Novsr mind -no one had were the cheering, kindly 'words [.easy. Are,rhade.ot Queer ttemedyfor Whooping Cough Memosrs, Year. Surplus, i ewiled upon Ills old friends, and had, can injure you. You are Innocent, of his wife, the love of Ilia son. .__ _ Jateo;b Sobel gives the results of 18,233 ..................................................... 1899 ...................................... •........... $204.025.00 In the most subtle fashion, Inala- lien.'st, and honorable. Never mind That evening Felts carte home late his awn experience with the par- 20,917.....................................................1000.................•..............,.. —........... 208,620.00 uatcd the there had been ri con- what any one says--•Iioaven knows from his office; he was tired, owing .0." oyysms of whooping cough treated 22,1514 ............... ..... ........................ I .... ....1901., ................ ... .......... I .... ,,............ M18,330A0 frady against him, and #f -at 1[e the truth, and I love you all the to the hard work and Ill -fortune of , _ by pulling the- lower jawclow wa 28,820 .................. ................................... 1902 ....... .............., ..... 3,,4,012.00 untended to dispute the will. ,;very more that you bear this Mamc so the day. He fought nobly with this- , and forward. Pullin the lower aw ............."......., Pulling j 2rs,coo.....................................................1903.....,..........,,..,.... ...,.,............ 400,000.00 , one 1n LlIfard knew, this before well:" fortune ,but ate fought In vain. Ills downward and forward controls "' the leant rumor of It reached Iia.rcyL.)nadalewARrelieved.tofind kind face brightened whoa he saw a t a • the paroxysms of whoopiflg oougl, s c3a1 Inducements t® JOIN NOW. ,Marcy Lonsdale. Ifo wont at once .Ilia wife std cheerful, and they sat ItAtlr for him. It must be from Violet, KENDAIIS In most Instances and most of ttbQ imply to the Iteeorder In your own town or W. F. Montagaue, Grand Itecorder, ITam, :to lair. Aleleolm ; but the Menest down to discuss their difficulty. let? would write to hffu except 1 to ` IPAVIN CURE-, time. e method h usually more flier, ant. or W. F. Campbell, Grand Organizer. Hamilton gnt IAwyer had no chepring news for " G.ivo the hnoney back again, let? And detaptte alt ills sorrows Ills " - t successful In 01nd Children than es I1l1n. ixarrry," sold lila tiffs. "If Z heart glowed as he thought of her, 1 I • younger one and infante, In caeca 4'I Off --A, lawyer" thyself," ho saahl, were In yadr 1), 4163 T w'riol41 iiia beautiful lave. Off, to escfi,po, 1f - withxlit a whoop iho expiratory "Illi. I pan Yievor- it'll Iioty a ltttvt;uit t * it. only for -one hour, and sun himself spasm with! its asphyxia is goner- Hort touch ono bh,_ll!ng a. .ter am • t might t:l,140 tho i -f '[t "• t t t t 1 look In fife lfi;llt of her preserve 1 He saw ally oM1orcome, and Sn those with a - • r ", n,y . ,t , i' it g 1 I li+t hat I wzyulc yl 1 I tura, duct al;atft ft may takes a tvrc,nl; q ni) t.t:orugIl, I featr hxl fnKlutry aft Iter sq selcaoni noir, Iii teas hazel at 0 Inti1` 1'uror ete':feaa tl f pmieof LlAmegede, tt'Jleap iho latter fa prevented. It Year Qas."' , titgough I kls.{tt" (that I Jtaal paint'cl it tvgrlc during iltr stay, and tato rights noure5tnooaenasefCexfann,lohy, sathm,dormrmentA is as suc0eaa[uC as ally single drttlf. Aoaey d',K +,,tut," rott;rne:1 Ipart 3„ Lonedat^, by tvrarit? rneafns, aril remora l con- aero too cold for walks andratnblm.vtheone ronowtns.raett.stsnteeofineru. or even more so. Mothers; should be -x Pills ' .: ft'o oeeaalonally went ever to T110 Cured two SaltoSptvintof Ton Yoara Standing. Instructed in its use, th! that at- leek IC Gin Pills aro called Girl because. each pill Air w Ilardni,An meant n0 to have polar-tt mrl to return It. It seems to u messes all the curative uaiides of one and n ill yitei,ey, rllcf ilio not Y That Oitt7 nit* l: tw ti)f7(t I stn tarnpetl•^c1, In lair- rinses, Lilt the Voeleomo that tie re- Varldile, rr.ir., Mat. it, root, tacks. espeelatly at night, might be 1+ not Ono • dh; ate,' v t Itonor, to et ee}ved there was not of the warmest, t, Fi,1.lcai h if Co.,t(;e110 ecnn hemi t ;Arj n`'wo arrested. rilhio manipulation to y half ounces of the bait Holland Gin. As a cure UMAI I lila ILO Ont. tan p tifica'tion of m, owl Ili r, k If " '• -a a p• on :stl that she In- tom• . I%•trdnj au certainl meant in(, and ire tenial not MO Violet Alone. `jecti. •r)ne,andit removdd lion enttr t . Thtemo hlfarmleda anal painless. Its only, tion- . • for Kidney trouble however, they have till of I its 1 t , ti r y 1 t Mrtr Y fIO took U, the letter whir fi smi a0 s„Ar„ta !rnd hoer on him firm Mrth trod o of n tri lndieatiori i,s ifiir pros'.+nee of tCtk(losl " oa to halo it. I know r;bi Lq l,e_%ye it. TILeln' tlig!l,e ar@ the Ch11- .sty,tAudi, . In 'boa asao/" m"r" that wits the goodejttaliliett of Gin, with none of fill bad. ilii. Hi:r talked tit ma for llonil3 time tlr",14en.nnot rorb tlacmv; I miirlt rat frac[ read It. It was not front 'Violet, - lnlor pylyran nitill "hatbod ,And Am ointtt-elve food in thh mouth or oesophague, About Hiss good It would do to you take front thrern What Is really I)nt from her father, Francis llayr, " eraN'e af tr' Itnth ospavint?rof* ►nye[Illi It$tlentH t}tifa ttP,tlte(Y are tetlll XtiaiftaYgglbtl►„ OCt9.lperlxfXr at -41 youp ehlldlren.” thiiQW-11 „ saying that totll nttnarriagea nius 4tta ^tt,t ferl I ly,"Itdi LA feromrn°it a likely to suffer front CotnplIOAtions - 6boiresfor$2.SOordirectfrom "'Illierm what efLfl th-wn be found to "Tint," gia'Kl 199 WON if tho"1v' l)ft deferred y t ; f qs and regnetae ttCan those treated r, , [lid ah Ile tVAR quite nitre that iI L11I Cts a Ask vm,r An,Aytlmt fel S dly4 "s The f7111t ii ti( S. ., "1 %i3AYsip4t " 1aYlA clIfipntn. f 11ti f.:tcndtd to f;tie ntC eha ttJd be tt filial, Alla !t i I Rb .ow""x'Troati.a*A alae 'orae,^ Only mcdlCinallp. It is ativtbttlfltr tb p, antler the cir infitaws Felix could. ,J9i, the,,tr"darts, try tilts tlletliod In other spaamedle tilt. Molloy, anti +1[r., diel giva It -what agatlriNt ;twat..' riot tiantfxr Ji mseif ~unit a wife. ON. Fatit,Vl,," Otril lis ,and. laryngeal li Appall. -A Ir it tri ftry +r1.ca?'" crlrtl 11Ar(1y 1,0ns• "ri'h0+n i nrtl t fprrti+ It liafe Yi Inftri, . p 1 I '. dal lm Ii Q0, I ],&vs hacl mt n,v blee4► o -g*- (` 'o be Cotitliltiod.) ' , New YOk Medlettl Iterord. I ( . t . m iris *IA! t 1 W 1.' . ' ) 1 ... __ - - -