HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-12-31, Page 5�D Thursday, D4cember 31, 1903 ADVANCE. THE "INGHAN Ali ' •ca ,� I"�""'"°'' 'OWN OF INGRA, _ 1PRQPQSEI) VPAT1tRWORXSs AAD 17 Probl - swRacl sl�sT?ayts. --mayor Urquhart of Toronto was 'or►® 4x Min to halve "A reelected by acclamation. ,r,,,r,�• C0 i A'oTICIG is horebyglven that theDftlnle --Of the 1120 students ill the Uuiver- = a1 Council of the `ISARD'S rort'n of Winvhaalr nroposa Losing your lli n¢ 1�0 sub.. to kbo electors qualiflec to vote ally Oi Kansas, 400 support themselves, therepn, for their assent, a lay ]nw tp authotizo out by the combful? And the issue of debentufes of the`town of Wing - Halton Liberals have nominated hem, to the amount of IId1 u for rho purposo January Stock Taking Sale doing nothing? NO Serine ill of ivaprof tlg and ext"""' the tvaterwa'ks Can I Buy at the Following Cut P las J. S. Deacon Public school inspector, a - eystent of the said Town and 'orilg`th e cc 3r , thakl •Why dont you use tion of a trunk sewer and sowage disposal for rile Commons. works in connection tlicrowl1h; and the fed - A er s Hair Vigor and lowinfi are the esthnates o1 the proposed ex. ��"�� Ottawa, Dec. 24.—The Customs De- i ponditttt•o for the said works t Now G�oing Ontmy men's Ytn'•lined Overcoats, saver cloth outside inirRpvarx> x'r axn itxTaxsiox os Tier No, 1.-2 ob , lined with partment leas received fifty dollars con- airV*gion ; Wells ells........ ...;12 0 mink dyed martnot skins, collar German otter and right up-to-date science honey from Toronto. flirt Coinvcpsdo s and coanacl2oo Go well worth $15.00—,Sale . .. . ....... . .... • . • ............ ' • .. •' • ... ' .... $27.75 -dos. Dlathera of Iles alar aged 71 tion with wolfs,,.....,...... 1500 00 g advertised for a wife in Galt aper and promptly Stop the falling? Resetavoir...................... 1000 qo No. 2,-17 men's Tweed Suits, light and dark colors, single breasted sack Your hair will begin to row 00 00 e0 coats, sizes 35 to 44, regular prices $7,00, $7.50, $8 00—Sale price..... $ 5-715 secured one from Alma aged 4. ll f Addition to building ... , 1$00 Dal ? t00, and all dandruff will dis- - Removal of and r'pairs to No, 3,-12 youths' Tweed Stilts, light and dark colors, sizes 31 to 35, - machinery ................... 300 00 Fifteen ThouSanc Dollars' worth Q regular $0,50, $7,00—Sale...... .... ... . . .... . . . . .. • . , ............... $ 4.00 The works of the Cramp Steel Com- = appear. Could you reason- _ __ HM3000 00 �7 { No. 4.-19 boys' two piece Suits all sizes 22 to 28, balance of lines where pany at Collulgwood have bben closed . = ably expect anything better? MeaDISTRIBUTION1. sx. 3652 New Goods to choose from only one or two are left, regular $3.00, $3,50—Sale. ... . ........ . .... $ 2.00 owingto the issuing of a writ against 2572 it. 10 i.. Moine 4, $1,42... 3352.24 - g g - "e or'a Hair 4185* 1r 4 Great an000fe with 125U " 3 ' •" 1.10... 1375 00 • them b the American Trust Co, _ me. My hair wap tallinR out very badly, but : 7150 ., 6 u „ „ 75•„ 3362 50 No, 5,-26 pairs mens Tweed Pants, sizas 32 to 40 waist, regular price y the noir Vigor oto ad it and noway bnir L 7425 " 4 " " " .54.,. 4000 50 $1.35, $1.50—Sale . .... 1.00 sit right ^—w. o.oasnox, Ltadsay, oil _ Special Castit,ge ............... 392 23 .. , . ' .. ' ..... $ p --At Ingersoll, 3iisp Minuie McGraw = $1.00 ubottle. "for e, • valves and Boxes...,..,..... 40000 pairs boys' ' pointed a revolver at her friend Miss Mase. IIydrants ....................... 433 00 16698 5. No, 0, 23 alrs�bo s Tweed Prints, sizes 22 to 3�. regular OOc, 75c—Sale.. 39c . lata.• . �,• 2 Lowell. No. 7.-14 bo 5 Overcoats sizes 22 to 28, 3 styles, regular price $5.U0$ 3 90 Maude O'Connor of Detroit, and the ipo and Sie......... Th u y111'1 Stand P� a Stool must be reduced $5.50—Sby ale ..... , , .... . • ..... . ........ . ..................... . ...... . . latter was shot in the nose. while the Hair r = Engineer ng 8c Contingencies. 2061 4s No, 8,-11 men's Raglan Overcoats, sizes 35 to 40, all new,,regular price wound is serious, fatal results are not i $29wo 66 Three thousand dollars dur, $9.00, $10,00—Sale price ............ :................... . • • • • . • .. 1—$ 6'70 looked for. seer oil Jo sys'i'snt, A Trunk Sewer oil Josephine No. 9.-14 only men's Raglan Overcoats, medium and Clark grey colors Street from Alfred Street to ing this month. sizes 35 to 44, regular rice 10.50, $11.00 $11.50—Safe rice.......... $ 8.00 —The oil men of Petrolea are at odds south branch of River with t7 g p $ p over the'qu©stion of the duty, Owing 8 in, Cellar Drain...,....,... 9022 QO No, 10.-16 boys' Reefers, storm collars, tweed .lined, sizes 22 to 28, regu MASSEY= HARRIS sewerage gDisposal Werke, lar price $3.00, $3,50—Sale............................................ $ 2.50 to the falling off in the Canadian pro- Tanks &Sand �'iliter Beds is 2373 00 . duction the refiners want the duty tow- AGt•IfiNCY Contingencies .................. 605 00 No. 11.—Men's Pea. Jackets double breasted, grey frieze, storm collars 000000 sizes 33 to 41, regular price $5,75—Sale ....................... . ....... $ 4.50 ered from five cents per gallon to two Your chance for reliable No, 12,—Men's double breasted storm Ulsters, grey frieze tweed lined but the producers object. Have you a Cutter? If not, call Total Expenditure•.............$35,30000 sizes 34 to 44, regular rice $0.50, $7,00—Sale.............. ............$ 5.50 and examine our stock before buy- And take notice that a poll of the electors g p—F. C. Dingman, a farmer living in g elsewhere. qualified ovote onsaid proposed By-law will goods—cheaper, but not a grey near Whitby, grew one and three• uart- If you will be needing anything be taken b words 0 Monday, the fourth day No, 13.-10 men's short, Overcoats, good weight, dark re colors, size 35 e q g Y b' of January, A,D. 1904, from 9 o'clock a,m, till to 46, regular price $7,50, $8.00, $9,00—Sale ...........................$ 0.00 or acres of beets for Berlin factory and in the line of Farming Implements 5 o'clock p, m. of the same day, and at the poorer quality No. 14,-22 men's all wool Underehirts, 27 rnen's all wool Drawers, smr.11 or Machinery for the coming sea• places mentioned a the prlihed hereunder. . .. .. received $139 for file crop. The beets son, place your order early and Copy of which na l ce is published hereunder, men's, men's and oversize, regular $1.00 each—Sale price , .......... , 69C ran 17.1 per cout., of sugar and the price get the best. And take notice that on Monday, the eleventh day of ,Tanunry, A. D. 7904 at eight No, 15,-00 pairs men's all wool heavy grey Socks, regular price 25c a received was $5.70 per ton. Massey -Harris goods are leaders o'clock p.m. the Municipal Council of the Town pair—Sale ........ .. 206 everywhere, of Wingham, will. in the event of the said pro- -Michigan now hAs 21 beet factories A ant for the Kemp Manure posed By-law being carried by the electors, CLOTHING[ No. 10.-75 pairs children's ribbed wool Stockings, sizes 0 to 10, regular g p finally consider the said proposed By-law in , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,, , , 20c two new ones having opened the last Distributor. open Council. price 25c—Sale.................................. g We also handle the Wm. Gray Dated Clerk's Office, Wingham, November FUR COATS week in November, at Menominee and Son's Baggies and Cutters— 26th, 1903. No. 17, —21 only men'a,,odd Tweed Vests, sizes 36 to 40, regular price k J. B. FERGUSON, Clerk. SOOTS and SHOES (9c Tawas, The one at Menominee cost universally acknowledged to be the —Sate . . .. ...- .. $850,000, and has a capacity of 1,000 best and most durable to be had. BY-LAW NO.... DRESS GOODS $1.00 and $1 BARGAIN P tons daily. It is now in full operation, ALSO AT BA RICES and will be supplied with beets from 17 ALF. GLOVER —et UNDERWEAR Wallaby counties in 'Wisconsin and the upper AGENT WINGHAM Z A Bylaw to authorize the issue of to en - the � LADIES' JACKETS One Coon Coat One natural Buffalo One Tasmanian �Z allaby ^s•2o .....5 tures of the Town o1 `vingham to the peninsula. amount of $35,606, for the purpose of im- CARPETS, OILCLOTHS Cape Three Electric Seal Oaps is P BARGAINS" Stratford, Dec. 24,—Alice, the 11- /y T T proving and extending the waterworks T ear -old dau hter of Elias Miehm, over C. HAIYZILTON system of rho said 'town, and for the con- IN ' and RUCs One Persian Lanlb Collar One C. Otter Lollar Two pair Gauntlets 1 Two Persian daiRu bars ttC cut rices. [Trade wants y g etruction of a trunk sower and sewage BLANKETS Boots, Shoes an prices. d) whose head hangs a obnrge of man- AUCTIONEER disposal works in connection therewith. slaughter for letting another daughter BLYTH ONT. HOSIERY and GLOVES die oft hold fever without is doctor, Whereas it is deemed expedient that the yp ' 30 years experience. I have conducted over waterworks system of the Town of Wingham OVERCOATS 'he R. H. ,gyp is convaleseent at the Stratford HOspi- 3000 successful Auction Sales in the County should be improved and extended so as to . Crowder se Baron, and as a rule got better prices and provide the ratopnyere and citizens thereof r CURTAINS 6 tAl, She was unconscious for two weeks sell to bolter men. Orders left at Anvaxor with more ofRcient ftre protection and with a p after being removed to the hospital, and office, Wingham, will receive prompt atten- supply of water for domestic use and for other TOP SKIRTS, WRAPPERS g tion, Terms reasonable. Satisfaction guar- purposes; and also that a trunk sewer and was so badly attacked by the fever that anteed. Phone or telegraph at my expense. sewage disposal works should be constructed and WAISTS In connection with said waterworks system. she would have died at her home in a And whereas the total estimated cost of �� eCd�S f®�' few days if unattended. i attends the the proposed waterworks Improvement and • . FLANNELETTES SUCCESS graduates of extension is $29,600, and the total cost of the e —Large additions Are Contemplated e�i�/ proposed trunk sewer and sowago disposal FURS of all kinds (�R-� works is 86,000, making altogether the sunt of ; to the G. T, R. repair shops in Strat- $35,600, which is the amount of the debt in- to to be created by this By-law; and in �jl.a � l" t ford. Tho shops now employ About �rj order e 1 will the said sum for the said !�1�1 ="°: goo men, the a roll reaohin nears a purposes It will T necessary to issue for th- 'i pay g Y urns of the said Town of Wingham for the y' y On Jan, 190 Winter Term Begins, said sum of $35,600, payable as hereinafter p tea.�a million dollars Annuals From fill to provided. Watch this space for Prices nest week. .� sixty locomotives are ou` an average And whereas the total amount required i turned out monthly. The comtempiAt —Two Courses— by "The Municipal Act' to be raised annually Commercial and Shorthand, by special rat' for paying the said debt and • �'• " •'"" "" "" ""tli1 "" I8 Couches—Upholstered in the best coverings, newest pat- ed extensions will be sufficient for 400 interest is the sum of $`1034.35; whoreof $1424,00 terns, very comfortable, good width, regular $8.75—Holiday Send for College journal. is to be so raised annually for payment of • x�� • $7 75 more men, and the building. of the interest during the current of the said de- E. 1 Co Sale Price...:................................................................ bentures, and x}610.3 is to be raised annually 1 Grand Trunk Pacific will in all proba- C. A. FLEMING A. L. McINTYRB for the purpose of creating a sinking fund for President Secy. the payment of the debt secured by the said Opp. Bang Hamilton Highest Price Paid for Produce I2 Couches—Assorted patterns, will guarantee them to give bitity lead to Stratford made the debentures. " best of satisfaction, regular $8.00—Holiday Sale Price ......... $7.25 chief repair shops for the whole system And whereas the amount of the whole in Canada. rateable property of the Town of \\yinghum a:_-., e,•c:; (A splendid assortment at $6.00, $13.50, $14, $22) according to the last revised assessment roll A FAMOUS SCHOOL thereof, is $620,337, —Another i .4t:d whereas the amount of the existing Leather Seated Rockers in Oak and Mahogany tti �y't�d� debenture debt of the said municipality is shipment of those fast selling Rockers, highly finished, regu- ae NTRAL $11 r1lic a of which no part l in arrear. .$1,75 He Deserved Pity. Therefore the Municipal Council a the lar $2.00 and $2.26—Holiday Salo Price ....... ................... Corpj1oration of the Town of Winghaan enacts as fOIJON :— (See what we have at $3.75, $4.25,_ $G, in cut oak polished) His suffering from Sciatica was so 1, rhe stun of $29,600 shall be expended by great, but thanks to Nervillne he was BTAATFORD. ONT. the Town of Wingham in improving and ex - cured. "1 suffered for,threeyears from A largo, wide-awake, working, hustling, tending the watortvorks system of the said • + - - 'sciatica" write E. S. Jenkins of Portland result -producing :ohool—the best bust- 'I'otvn, and the sum of $6,600 expended in the construction of a trunk sewer and sewage "sad no man Over Buffered more. I ness college in Canada to -day. Grade- r- otor always get positionq. This collage disposal works in the said Town. ,� p places many of its graduates in other 2. For the purpose of raising the said sums Iron and Brass Beds. all Sizes—There never was such barnaiIIs Tem dies bnCalthe OnlyeQ OnWtliel©Al business colleges as teachers. Winter of $29,600 and $6,000, debentures of the said offered in Beds such as we are showing at $4.75, $5.00, $6,50 and up `rows of Wingham to tete said amount of merit was Nervillne. I used a few Term opens Jan. 4th. Catalogue free. $35.600, in the whole, shall be issued in same Anyone of 31000 each, ou the first day of June A. D. wards, all with heavy, brass rails and nobs, hall bearing casters. bottlesof cutred. of can recommend �, J, Elliott, Principal, 19 cacti of which debentures shall be dated BedC00m Suites from on the day of the issue thereof, and shall be Holiday Sale Prices On Everything— Nervillne as a cure for sciatica; its ea- pnyahle on rhe first dap of Juno A. D. 1931, nb • 'A the offico of the Treasurer, for the time being, y $12.00 to $70.00. Sideboards from $7.00 to $40.00. Fine assortment cellsttt for rheumatism and neuralgia. of the said •town of Wilighanl. + Try Nerviline, 250 at all druggists. 3, Each of said debentures shall be sffined Can of Paper Racks, Easels, 16x20 Photo Frames. Parlor Tables at 85c, I� Pays to Feed It I b3 the Mayor of the said Town of Wingham +' $1,25, $1.75, $2.¢0. 1' C or by some other person authorized by Bylaw Y� to sign the same, and also by the Treasurer �j b a thereof, and the Clerk of the said Town of 6 SAMPLES OF CHOICE GRAIN. at• seat m shall attach thereto the Corporate �0 7.ny' I seal of the Municipality. UNDERTAKING �QZ;,�l�`0 4. The said debentures shall bear interest 1 Residence -Patrick Dear O at the rat' of four per cent, per annum, pays- / [ See St 5th house West Dear Sir —By iustruCtiOn Of the Hon. bio nnuuallyy at the office of the of Wi r'r, for the time bcii,g, of the said Town of Wingham, / T. o}'Hamilton's drug Store. Night calls from oho fact tint tt s es price of any other. DEAR Slit.—I haye fed your Stock Tonic to ' Minister of Agriculture another distil- !. "� ' "' -_ - —_3:=s v ~•' on the lhirtyfirst day of December in each and overt' year during the currency thereof, of interest which beau secured molal from the excellent Y cattlo and like it very much. It makes them thrive well and put oil flesh more rapidly. I is the best'ronic I have fed to horses. P THE ROYAL GROCERY crops recently had at the branch Es- think it p y tine are also feeding it a our hens this winter, perimental Farm at Indian Head in the and they aro laying hotter than they have IG feed it. of winghaut the estd sum of $142deb aliid the said ellt of sum of $610.35, for the purpose of recblve prompt at- tention. , The Peoples Furniture Store bution Will be made this season Of samples of the most productive sorts Of Worthington's Canadian Stock Tonic is given a preference over all other Stook except the last payment shall baemne clue and payable on the day on which the debentures become due and pays• ave tion this spring Will consist of samples Feeder Sweini er os Fat 01-21.Cattle, Prov, of OatB, spring wheat, barley, Indian Feb.later Fair, 1001-_. Greenbank P.O., eL3, '03. 6 _ the advantage t0 be gained by llurehasln9 No take effect oil the clay of the passing 7• 1'110 votes of the electors of the said Town oats wheat and baric t0 b0 sent this logs Worthington's stock Food took it y � A very nice Toilet Set, with small embossed year will be 41bs. of oats and 5 lbs. of down completely and put her in $ood.c6ndltion• It has done my cows good. 'rl,tnk it is a good of \Ylllgham shall be taken on this 13y -law at the following,• times and places, that is t0 say, oil liondal' the fourth day of Januaryy A. D. grain to Canadian farmers for the im- Foods by large and experienced feeders, apart t ' i 1 s than halt the bltachedlto hem crou cons for the paymeshall nt of Dish—for ......................... • ,1 lbs. as heretofore. Every farmer may For sale By W. Messer, B1neVAl9 a Stove or Range made at home. for said ward l ournbtl* Ord Hall, by For tis i •� : vexatious delays waiting for repairs, etc. r PERSONWINGHAIVI prevenient of seed. The stock for dis- p tribution is of the very best and has from oho fact tint tt s es price of any other. DEAR Slit.—I haye fed your Stock Tonic to a interest, w Lich coupons shall be the said hesaid signed by the said Mayor and Treasurer. 5. During the currency of the said deben- nUR0 beau secured molal from the excellent Y cattlo and like it very much. It makes them thrive well and put oil flesh more rapidly. I is the best'ronic I have fed to horses. tures there shall. he raised annually by s1retial rate ml all the rateable property of rho Town for the THE ROYAL GROCERY crops recently had at the branch Es- think it p y tine are also feeding it a our hens this winter, perimental Farm at Indian Head in the and they aro laying hotter than they have IG feed it. of winghaut the estd sum of $142deb aliid the said ellt of sum of $610.35, for the purpose of 30 North-west Territories. The distribu- done for a long time. pays truly Yours truly, JAMES LPtASK- c1•eattug a sinking fund for the payment of the debt hereby secured, making in all the Baum of Toilet ��� tion this spring Will consist of samples Feeder Sweini er os Fat 01-21.Cattle, Prov, of OatB, spring wheat, barley, Indian Feb.later Fair, 1001-_. Greenbank P.O., eL3, '03. nstafo usaodbduring seeach of the Said30 SO Seitr 6. This 1iy-law shall conic into operation and hereof. to • cern and •potatoes. The quantities Of DzAR SIR.—I had a marc stocked in both take effect oil the clay of the passing 7• 1'110 votes of the electors of the said Town oats wheat and baric t0 b0 sent this logs Worthington's stock Food took it y � A very nice Toilet Set, with small embossed year will be 41bs. of oats and 5 lbs. of down completely and put her in $ood.c6ndltion• It has done my cows good. 'rl,tnk it is a good of \Ylllgham shall be taken on this 13y -law at the following,• times and places, that is t0 say, oil liondal' the fourth day of Januaryy A. D. patterns, of six pieces, consisting Of Basin, wheat or barley, sufficient to sow one thing and can rec0mmeud it. Mug Soap an acre. The samples Of CHURCHILL, "Dairyman:' 1901, commencing at nine o'clock in tiro fore - noon and continuing till b o'clock in the of the sono day, by the fol.rwing and twentieth of . 1 Ewer, COv'd. Chamber, Clinton, Jan. 17th, 1003. .5� Iadiau corn and potatoes will \weigh 3 10 lb. box, 200 feeds, 500; 50 Ib. sack, 42. afternoon , deputy returning oicors lit Ward 1, at Albert Ford's OIlicc, Minnie Dish—for ......................... • ,1 lbs. as heretofore. Every farmer may For sale By W. Messer, B1neVAl9 Street, by James Flouts, Deputy Returning Officer for said ward 1. Toilet Set, printed and heavy gold apply, but only one sample can be dent J. Bowman, Wingham N. Agar&Earls,Renderson er i,Bru A Ward iuelStreet, by at. TheophilusaHall. Deputy 01to- choice &cknowHenderson, ole • • • • • • ' ' 8 50 to each npplicaut, hence if all fudividu- for said ward l ournbtl* Ord Hall, by For stippled, ten pieces—for . • • • • • • • al receives a sample of oats he cannot In hard 3, at the Town 3, r f r Deputy Returning Officer for said also receive one of wheat, barley or A beauty in enamelled ware, very delicately f,l i�� r� potatoes, and applications for more guson, \yard 3• In St rd 4, at John Lou heed's house, Jos - ephtne 5lrcot by \\rsaim l�oberlsml, Deputy shaded with heavy gold tracing, ten pieces 25 than one sample for one household can- ° IteLurning Oflicor for said ward 4. 3 On Maturdav the second day of January, c ---for .. • . , • • • • • • • • • • •' • •' • ' " • • • • • • not b0 entertained. These samples will �� be free of charge through the mail. y �i A,n, 1901, 1110 Mayor of tits said Town shall all end at the Town hall. fu tho said Town tit scut Applications should be addressed to . j; ten o'clock in the forenoon to appoint persons t0 nLtOnd at the waC1011a polling plaCCa afOTC- the fluat summing of the votes Fresh � sh. the Director of Experimental Farms, Fi v said, and at er b the Clerl: on behalf of the persons interesg the passing' Ottawa, And may be sunt in any time f' r - / 'le r �: These fish fresh caught this winter and ship- before the 1st of March, after which the $ ed in and promoting or opposing of thin Bs law, respectively. of 0. The Clerk of the said ['own of \Vfngham Town Hall at ton are be ped direct to us. you can imagine how much snmpl elaskedlfor�mny bahsentaouttin '< Shall attend at the said o'clock in the forenoon on Wednesday the stain flay of January, A.D. 1901, to smn up the til this better the flavor is, than' f1.S)1 caught in the hot F, good time for sowing. Parties writing number ofvotes given for and ng 13ylaty. 'town weather, frozen and put away in cold storage. should mention the sort of variety they Htj+ t ,4, ry (// ((('''''��� (� of Dated at the `.Cows hall y f r, Wingham, this ttveutythird dap of November, would prefer, and should the available n, D. 1903. DI•tyor. stock of the kind asked for be exhausted �� ,� some other food sort will be sent in. Clelk. N CP:. aGriffin's �] WM, SAiJNDERS, �y Said oarf Director Experimental Farms. OjYj Q�(� �y q)' �t 1 jJ e V I�tt LLd -it the Take notice lh9t the above is a true Copp of a proposed By law which has been taken into consideration, and which will bo Iinnl1Y Municipality (In I passed by the Council Of the rho event of the nsscut of the electors being ya "Be as well dressed as you call •' Catarrhal Deafness is Caused afford," and its good advice. obtained thereto) atter one month from the first publication in the W inghai l Advance, the dat0 of twhieh first publication Was the hN'ent,Y • - But Clothes Cost tnone —more Or 1 _ — y By a tbickoning of the lining mem- less according to quality of fabric-••- sixth day of November, A.D. 1053, find that the votes of the electors of the said niunieitlalltY n he day and at the s • bran of the middle ear owing to pro- more or less aecor(ling to length of N®TICK ! rv�r ells longed tnfiammatieu from catarrhal "ear --mare or less according to the E`fragrant, heal- thoroughnesq of the unseen work. ivoiireaeivakpincthero fired, Totvlt t;lerk's Oiiice, \Yiu;;ham,;rovrmbm 23rd, 1109. germs. The only cure, is need; some- ing Catairhozone one which is carried This inside part is the life Of th(a It keeps it fn shape, and is r n F1RdUSON, Clerk. Th what you prices of saw foga are much higher by the air you breathe to the remotest garment. The thing to cure your biliousness) parts of the throat and ear; it reaches one of the features which deterinine -- this sea - than last season. its Have N-011 aever trig ltaus9for men's n Su Sufferer Canada Furniture LVianufacturers are and relulate your bowels, You the source of tle�lttroubleeand deafness y Yy � to callron retail�tI-Ade and aITHFUL els fO pormnn prepared to lay the highest price for yer'S Pills. Ve stable` I lO�s, as well as need g, s from wliileents? It would be worth Our, vllheich lips cted tnanufac g g pstahlislted �bwhleaQ', 10041 territory � rllopaire till kinds of a,dwood efi rnnue Basswood, delivered at the Button tiQG rr S. (l.AyerOo.. C anti laxative, Lowoll' X4ed. y •, wonderful cures. You simply breathe Sisal lit salary Z() 111(1 \VBCltly And $advanced; F©scant Chair Faetory,t) Wri gear � � ...•! �`�' ij Y,r�j the 1Yallt your tll0ustaClltr Or board eaAy and pleasant, De tnis and your 1�/1 �!�/ Fanners should ,get the] its healing medicated vapor, -very Robt. 1whit expense alone ltreviou ex1eileliceuntiOCOssaly; position ler busflaess sa(;cessfnl, Lnc�ost while roads are good, and get e�r price• a beautiful brown or rich black? U40 hearing will be restored. CatarrhoroneTenant I hover fails; it is guaranteed. Ttvo . drug. ( art T�Il�lth '��il$�lftlll 1 self•ad(lresged envelope. Suj?erint.en dent Travelers. lHlS i�onolti ilt�dinp Canada tl$dA Fi1t'11it11re ,lVi'frs. U C KI N H months treatment for $1.00 at ^. Chicago, S"6 1jV1ElYC?%lAM Trioti, „ ,�,,,.�• aa,rwxaaax a� 6 •� : vexatious delays waiting for repairs, etc. r PERSONWINGHAIVI rb (: 66 99 as nUR0 Stoves and fang `. are guaranteed • to be absolutely the best;. + made; and to bake, boil, least or broil, " 4�; better than any other. MADE BY The Western Foundry Co., Limited WING}HADi ONT. Wingham, Ont., March 4tb, 1903. The Western Foundry Co., Limited, +- Wingham, Ont. E Dear Sirs:—Have been using one of your 9.18 "Crown Enron" Ranges for some time and tbought you might like �; to know what satisfaction it gives. It Could not be better. It is oasily regulated, and mull s TultY LITTLE COAT, Olt quali- which is a great consideration, and its baking 1 ties are unequalled. We have not had the least bit of ties ' 1 trouble with it at any time. I consider it one of the best and most Lip to date ranges made. Wisbing you success, # i I remain, Yours truly, Il, GOOD, SOLD BY A. Younq& Son a. Bu(y(-r d•F