HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-12-31, Page 34?
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0700 , "-� � , "" ,,, , , � , , , , , � , � I .1 11 ,� ,, i �, :, - I ., 1. ,�., , �! 04.140.vp ... 0.01- ,, ,, �,!�, , 11, 11-1 "I I � � . , I . ", , � � , , � , . �, � , , ,, ,, � � - �� ,� , , � I I I . I I 11 I 11 . 11 I RliWli"WAW, 1! 1, � - , , , i, _ -,---"- �w I , 0 1001 � I 11 � � "
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. __ 11 Wallowa "�_401_ __-1_-1___,__ I � __1_1 �� ", � I I - doprartments. It Is reported that the five Mates and only 3 pe ' SHIP&
ld#� 0
1 1 � I , I _� r cent. or 9 * Ch'[dren He 11
Vft . 1. 0A , . . order for the bars owulTO from them are now bi, large cities, and but - ,
I � Welsh Va plato nianifflittoturern w)II v It, )lave returned to New
. 1 bo Irolled at t1lia plant. I�Xlcl' ''. I 4 Keeping I Y , W40 Im,
Thooiteltort of the minority mom- fWbother P.onselonsly or not the I - I . "14(on Art $01lool,
� beto h(, labor commission at � . I � � I
I J Cape Town contends that there to Federated, Trades Council of X11- I Will IgIve a Irea 00bojarship to 0404,
(Alffto Waukee, Wis, has taken a step In in Qf thodifferout day 0our*es, vanl,4-
I THE LABOR WORLD Joni labor In ('antral Ind the ,IIIrp
,ctloa at pro(.
,tical socialism What the Board of Education Is Doing ly, "Tho Qoigoml Art," 11 Arohitee-
��%)Utllera Africa to meet all require- by passing a set at resolutions ro- " vok, oNormM Art" Plind
Monts and that tile W.Called allort. questing tile city government to buy the schools. olueeh"I".Lll T14090 0011I010110140111
- . I __ I I . I I I . : - age to duo to tomporoxy and pre- the land and build t1wreon a JaDor will ,be gtyon to Any 0,00 Wup Otto
11 � , , .r . 11 __ 111 i I I 0 oil 11 yelltob.'o causes, temple, to be the property of organir,iii In future generations of Now York- the mental achlovemento of somq devote their entire i , imat to system -
I U41nilton, 01i'lo, but,chere ba,vo mower and rpgpn, plant at tl!v,t place The, total memberehIp! ,p,f ilia 686 oil labor, so that -the untions May meet era 31ow at school are not up to a of tho college studentis of America. Atic 'study And W�Jlp
, . dollr1prai to the
wtter light- high standapid of health ,and streligtb As byglene )is nowl %ought in the Art SehQ61 not later � Own Wan. %
wftued a milpact to close, on Hull- and -will crect a wlicel fauudr,y and unions or the Otato of 3.1issourl 14 In better ventIlaterd and, 1, , ,
I 79,483, of which only, ,.�,835 are wo- ad rooms. . I 11D will not be tile fault at the preo. sclvoolii-��apd It Is Ila much a part M41, Ible beat origInal freehand
da;yJ9. I ! , I ; I ! i mac.111110,0110p, I I out Boart) of FAucation, � of tile curriculum As bistory or
. men. The Incroaoo Ili membership In Botwoon $12,000 and $15,000 in . . . venoll sketillit, Tile, sketoll must a(! -
You might almost tbInk that the gramivar-thoro seems, soar(;07 4 liaration
Of tile 1,1*W Obildfalf-to In, tile Uul- Delegates representing 2(1,0001 1902� was 1.18,852, III tile organized stock In the international Harvester present I . spArd iliembero IW4 lailu possibility Of al . ly ,Qjlr�fj rema,ining. cupY 'no m0ro time in pr4
v0l)dltX off Kan'sa,s, 460 support t1loin. blacRamit'he of the Upit%l %tates tradea and ocenpatlo,lis $0.56 per Company will be distributed Trowto Awa 0 .0 , thhu ove h0m,
Wives. , . I ; and Canada attended thil recent cont. of the pemons emplogeil are somc, t' igilto hatoblug schemes to lone Ili tho dark aa to ,�Ilo meaning Tile name, aga and ti,44roao of e"b
convention at tko Interalk,tionn'l. ,vcl)tY 0mpIOY0s Of tile Me- brIngr about thAt very end, slid Import4lice of cleanIlliess, of
" I � ni upon, '00
Anotivor effort is to be Wade to MeMberR W 1ol"gAnJZ&tI0fl8. Cormick branch of th4t Trust at Never oince public Schpols were ventilation, pure air, rest, sleepaill student must be wrItto
cirganize, � tba roota,uranit and boit,el 11rativerhocd c,1 laoksmitho, held In Great ladlgva,�iou has been caused RaneaA CIty,,'.N1o. The stock Is a free ftra ,back of the sketch, AIOO & state -
St. Louis, Mo, t heard of" : oa�d a district BU- a Iluildrod other things that come , .
Walte,114 at Irbledo, 0, i vor�tlEo Ito label and place two or among the) WOOJvvich, T�Dg., arsenal girt to those employees who have purintendent, Ibiave roach active under ttto head . of Ityk,jenct, Incluii ment, telling where and, liow long
, I : Phb -applicant hao studied arto G140
Neeblanicis in Itlie, building trades tll,es men workmen oil account or alleged Ill- oerved the McCormick branch forflye measures been taken to Insure tile Ing I'Uo effects bf alcohol and nar
of Xa.pa,n %ro paid from, Br> to 50 to the field throughout tinlidaMon of the men's labor candl- yoars or more, to the extent of 5 health of puplio as are being taken. cotles" % . th, name of the course the Otudeilt
coats for a worving da�vl of ten hours. New X;ngland to boom the label. datea, for the borough council elee- per cent, of their total earnings to ensure tile ueoita of tl%e pupils as Even tw sialillest child is now. ,.wlaifes to t4ko'i
Afore than 800 minors have left tiolio by arsenal officials, At a ra- during the time they have been in are baing taken right now. -Not only Tim numo of tile student upon tile
,Tile recent tot por cent. reduction Hutchinson, Kan., Ili the past feqr cent lndJgn,%tlozj nicetIng oil the eub- each service. . , I do a physIclup, and,a nurse visit tile told and &Wivin howi to epro I -or the v%eteb Will be A voucher - fair - ito
trr WaKeO Of NOW Englalld's cotton days to -work In the Colorado mines. Jeot there were O.COO workmen pree- 61410, eyes, cars. nose# mout-bl. hands, Inality and tb
textito oporn.tty0% 0 They say Mey bave quit the union ent, The quarterly report of tile Lake 0011001" every (14Y, but M addltlon lialle'. neck. body and hair; Instruct" orig .0 irequired time
%um. I I I affe . oted 75,00 , ; I , I % Seameli's Union shows a decided in- to the gotting-up exercises which ed, too, 1,k,w; to use 9(jap and towel. for- preparatioW.1
The Albany, N. Y., Federatior In Kansas and will I sca)Y' In Color- Tile decision of the American Fed- crease Lu membership n.nd funds, as hay0bOe" in Use for wme time every Nothing ifs left to tho' imagination A free oeliplarship will also be
.1 of ado, where tile pay Is better. yolcal, given for any classes or courNos to,
144!bor Ila'& raisiod over $5,000 to aid oration of La,bor convention that tile compared with it corresponding per- alilld now taken lessons ill ph. tb�at can be illustrated, and In cer-
tile I Orders hIrlive been received at the Amalgamated Wood Workers' later- led last year. The increase Ili the training and bygieneo a special tatyl phases of this vvork teachers -any energette young man or bOY.
Qcked�Out building trades Of car department of ilia Wabash Nya� course or which was Introduced into W110 is willing to 40818V to il,Tl;t
.that cityi. national Union should have jariodle- treasury In round figures is $20.000., are, Wonderfully aided by the vitilt-
ton) at Decaturi III,, to make a the pub,[. school curriculum tilt$ Ing pWsl-I-li and nursq. These, lo work tat the Art School, Applicatito
'Albagd, N. y., fivilftew will coll., reduction of tell per cent. In c Tile earollment of members for the 1
,x tion over all mill workers Ili wood
, - year reaches the ,number of %565, fall," f will kindly call ,at the Art School
Sider tile quostion. of re.laing their penditores; for wages. One ,hundred will affect 4,),000 men, Tile Bro. The superintendent put special, TFO opinion of one Old taxpaygr #
therhood Of Carpentera and join with 7,467 ingood staridIng 11VA10 rubbed his spectacles energatl-, on Doc. 80 or 81, 1903.
scale 20 per cent., to tAke effect, and fifty quen .will be laid off. _ ,. an in- stress on the physical training ex- Send far circulars giving full ill -
January lat, 1,904. , M has iformerly claimed jurisdic- crease of 8,053 over tile enrollment well-known a� bla spoke, 11 are, from a for,ioation of the organizing of tbo
The Trades and Labor Council at . of last year, which was 6,512,with erelsea. A little later the I re- =11 andpolut, by lar the mo9t
All tractlon nlem In thf,c. employl Of, Racine, Wis,, Uau organized a la, t lon i 4,13,16 in ,good repute with the union. Principal of a primary schoo iWaable of all tile now-fangled no- school., I
tble Otreet railway, �Ompvvjly at Mar dies' union labor league for tila pur- Tile new. limportal, La.boir Federation poated his speech almost verbatim, tionfir Introduced Jnto ' tRa public I . ..;
- Five hundred cotton .Plath weav,- abstaining, however, from emf)llc4lz�
quette� X11ch., bavv gone ai� a .qtrike liose of nigitatlon for only union- party programme Includes adult ant- "0010,11
for higher wagw, . em struck at Rurnloy� Eng., recent- Ing physlos.1 tra.1ning. NOAXIOUS WEEPS, !
made goods,, Thia newi union starts frage, payment of membar.8 of Par, I,y,, as a proteet Ngat'inist whfat thoyl -Oh, ,Kee." said she, though with- OfetOur*v a, doctor's visit can't ax� I
A OlIghft Incretam will probabig, lie, out withi a membership at 150. 1 liament, the abolition of the House called the "Amerloantzetition of th� outen u -,lam, -we (eyideally mean- act be cla�sved with. the new fash, -_
Toade, In the ,wagep Of cliginemen on On ,account of thle shortness of of Lordo, tile elght-bour Working IoIll�
,weaving Induotry,." The employers Ing tlie school board) are Wit at fads days,ror even away back In 'che 'u'd The Chief Weeds Found In
tto Ontario 4and Quobao division Of thfo days the Lehigh Valley Collier- day� the municipalization of tile Proposed a reduotio.ii In 'the wea,v- Ito thew days, And gymnastics Is one it tuedical man dfice in a vrihile
the Uana,illivil. Pacific. I I les now, start up 'eachi morning a I drink triAlfle of hospitals and lbfirin era' wages In considertlon W rellev� - of the latest. In making my rounds Old Put in op appearance at one and Clover and Timothy.
The Locomotiv6 Englneers? Soc Valf hour earlier than usual, per- I ,the nationalizatl i . ver
� nil" and On 0 Ing them of cortaln dutleo which of the school, I fairly tumble a aAO,ther of the ,schools, and always
I.- mitting the employees to return Ian JDaptartment of Agriculture, : 1 'I
ot England ha's decided to fedor- ds, mines and railways, would In futura be attended to byl special teachers, 'twho come and go came In a hurry when he was sent -
"It With the Amalgamated Society I The Ilritlsii Government has ap- extra. ha,ndo, thus enabling the wcav - to teach everything but the three for. But 1110 visits were Intermittent, . Commissionerla ByancI4 � '
1J, home that much earlier at night, *
of Railway Servants. Ullwaukee, Wia,, ranks eighth as to - Irregular, and between times a child
olze of salaries paid to women school pointed 0. commission to ii era to give their etittire a1tention to It's, They are much lu the waY at ralgSt be well under way with a con- The spread of noxious Wpoda Call
ReCantly ilia ,Pbotograpberd n_ of the 'to the allegil physical deterioration 'their specialty. The strike, Is the first times, and ups,et the ordinary school tugiOus disease and run the risk of be attricuted to no single cause,,
V teac,hers In tile large cities bje, n
ct of ttle, Id d in ,the cotton districts at work, but al course (diplomatleVAIY).
Ion Vale larmed in San Franolsoo, Cal., country, While. $850 per year Is tile ,of the working class. The su England, . � I as they come bere In the Interests of IllfectIng dozens of other children,be- Thley !seem, to be naturally adapt-
th's, firlat of this craft to be oma,rl- was brought up In parliament on fore th tea�eher suspected it. Now-
Ized to ttk) Unite,d States. maximum salary in Milwaukee, $1�- t I the pup'lle health tile regular teach" a ed Ito rapid spreajdIng, and beeldeil
. 400 18 the maximum In New Yoek. he statement df the secretary of i From a peoen'tlyl plubllah�ed report ada,y%slla a thing is Impossible.
' a- gice offl- tile Board of Education, wilitch do it a!ppeaxe that the, total ,,, era try to make the best of It." W110 Dr. Lederle took hold of the there are various natural: and artl,
S%n1PMn01si!o4 Cal,, Laitorbral Pr at Is claimed by the p( - . number � Tile regular teachers in more tho.11 th Deflat,tinient, one of file first
teettye Union k.(ais requested ot ilia cialff a,t Winnipeg; Man., that the re- clarets that 60,000 children nowi at employees on tYle French Yallwat'va Ono schoo., r.onRIdAr the physical fleal 1101al agencies wiVich aid in ther
, I �
ultY an InDrea0e, of labotireral wi�goa cent trouble on the force was, the tending the rmbools are physically wa*9 as Mlows: Alamag-ors and clerks, training exercises superfluous. Tiiey Official acts was to assign a certain disaointilation. Not tkk� least im-
from J2.50 to #3 a 3,076;'tr&fflc department, 116,227; also resent receiving , instruction number at fiby4clans. to visit the pill) -
result of a deliberate plan on the urlit. 110 Mhools, and he made it plain that portant among these agencies to
Mhe rolling milia And puddling fur- part of the agitators to have the For th,pi ifirst time In tile history lo,comotive an'd rolitn'g stock, 74,248 ;. from the special tea,chera. pecla'a every school must be visited dally, tbo veed grain trade. AlmoF)t every,
Mines 6f the Spang-Clial (ant Com- whole force mutiny or go on strike. or "ad ,I'd bulldingg. 75,177, making A*.Thie Idea of one of those a
Pa!aY. at Etna, were shut down last the Clevel%nd and Indianapolis . & total of 268,728, of whtm 26,754 undertaking to show we how to drZv '1)h1s decided measure made principals former purek,-Ases yearly seed of
At thb meeting of the Indlanapo, division of the Big"Four Rallroad, a - were women, The salarlea off the Of- a long ,breath, so that I m1g;Ilt and teacher* opan their eyeS. They graill br grasses and clovers, .)vlth(
week for extensive repairs. Ila, Ind., �IutchierW Union, 2;000 or- r,egno, has recently been ein Opened them atIll wlder When I)r.-
i played as , ficials an,(, workmen do not ran high Wake no julstakes in touching the little thought of introducing we4EKA
! At Shn Ju", Porto Mao, ilia Indi.. ganized meat warkers of thla ,city si locomotive fireman, During; the I and regulated inio,re by, thk- time the Lederle followed tbla up by appoint -
tion Ito in- Pettijig-up exercises," exclaimed an seeds In t4qs Nvlay, As. a matter of
., cat -1009 now 'Igo(Int to & settlement voted dowtu th.6 proposi past year all but 70 of 800 firemen man hms been In the emplayi cot tile u,f,to-date primary teacher, her Ing nurmig to co-opera,te with. the doe- - fact, bol ... or, he seldom gets seed
Of the i0garmukero, strike by; aeom, augurate a -strike ice secure tNo , tora, i
men hired have resigned, and it Is , company. thhn by., tbo kind of work vose taking an up,vrard tilt as 01W perfectly -free from rreed speds of
ipworalaq Ito F$6 a, 1.0()o for Jimyng. o I adoption of a nowl wage soliedule. probable that aeiroas may be quite h:0 is C.&IIed upon'to, perform, except, ar-oke. ,TR)ht*u I thing I learned to At flr0t, the nurses showed up only some kind occaalopalli. thpaa are
I IiIavea strikIng ,union cloakmakers All the coal operators of 01110, generally employ.ecl In this capacity oq coujwo, in tbo ca�se. of akJIJed artl- w4,tea, 1, myself, was a 'kid in tile at the ,schoole In the most congested not particularly Injurious. but not
of Slw. Franclaca, Cal., ,will al,brily, West YIrginia, Indiana, Pennaylvaii In tile tuture, , ", J . , Mae. . k I ; $ i ! primary. Every primary, teacher Is tenement districts, but Boon the inip- frequently (they are most undesir-
'Van, a lico-aperative faotory� aind em- ilia and Illinois have been called to bound to know It." . Ply wAO Increased,, so that all the able, and, being Introduced uncon-
poly isome, of tito mlea uo,w on strike, i meet at Cleveland on Doo_14, to do- The American Flint Glass Mann- Thle, Adelaide, Australia, Cigarmak- mo out E0110019 could be visited. Fortuna,tely.
Wand that the minors withdraw the factureral Association has announced era' Union It Co. that still another In some, al thleint there Is little need aclously, gain a strong foothold
, Labor unions at at. ,Ta,sopJ:,,,, "Ho., Is adopting thle union reason why this teacher and sorae before tbeir presence is suspected,
lare Agalu on thlo ,s,prgie oil a; generab reduction. a reduction of prices to the trade label. Tills great aid to unionism othiors are - not wildly. enthusiastic at any time for a nurse. .. In ,this connection some particularii
OtAke as a result of trouble. bietween Secretary Grant, of thle Illinois from .18c. to 14q. a dozen On one- and fair employers is gradually 19f In moot districts one physician vis. of the -analysis of seeds from the
con-traotora and union bricklaiyiers. , State Board of Arbitration, pro- third pint bottles, and from 21c, to mUking headway In -the 'Australian � over the ,)3 course of phy,sical ItO two schools, and many persons Departmeat al Agriculture at Otta-
poses an international eIgNt-hour 16c. on halt pinto, As ilia employes Comnionwealthi, Three. al, four un- i training and hygiene to because, 40 marvel how It is possible for one man
Over 800 mein who pack goods in far, it has nceQssitated monthly con- WA should be of Interest. as they,
of iagitation, to be promoted -by a con- lare working on a sliding scale, the Ions In West Australia h!av eadqpt- , to examine the several hundred chil.
the stores 'and business houses ference at St. Louis Tiext year In reduction In prices will mean a out ed It, nOV! Southl Australia has made I ferences between'Its sVeelal teacillers dren at one fiebool, looking into the ffhOw to wha,t extent these condt-
Cincinnati are to organize a union, conjunction vr,lthi the World's Fair. of about $1 a day in wages. About a start, and New Soutbi Wales, I and Me regulars. After a while eyes of every child In the long proces- tioxis prevall, .
It the plans no" on foot go through. .1,000 well are affected. through the SydneY Labor Council, printecl. directiqllp will probably be s,on WhIch. files by, class after class, Of over two hundred samples of
'It to announced that the American . mailed to teachers, but for the time In an timothy pwal�zed during 19Q&,only,
Mine owners In South Wales have ,mpany has decided to give The Removal Society, organized In Is gathering all possible Informa- being teachers must go to confer- hour or less. The children, how- four 4aA lict Nvieed Beeas In them;
,given, notice of a clalm for a 5 per "'�r`llgc C'h. present Ito conistructlon New York C - -ion about thic, little emblem, that ences to liand In reports and get a ever, who grow accustomed to the In tho others over thirty different
�per cent. reduction Ili wages. u to, t Lty, Is finding employ t
The department so far as the Nom York inont and homes in different parts is a, sure guarantee th,a,t all articles - ceTiOnt011.r. save time to the doctor by
conciliation board will pass upon It., i , the coun.try for Jews from the bearing It are good voDrkmanslitip, scbedule a' the exercises which are ,,going tUrough. it with the utmost kinds of vvped seeds were represent -
district Is concerned. TIhIs will cnable 1 o' to be taught during the next fear ed, 01 these, Conquefoll, Pepper-
WasbIngton, D. C., women type- rarow.ded Ghetto. tLast year the and were, made In clean -worksh,lopo, weeks. "ie schedule for each irrade mode of procedure being far more grass, Sheep Sorrel, Hiligrass, False
wprk to proceed on v. large number of eye nonebAlance and despatch, their
�Iwirltero and atenographiers are to contracte. . I I society seat 3,000 persons to forty- under fair hours and .,wngoa. r Is different. Grade lo 2. 8� 4 ani Surprising than pretty. Flax, Lainb's Quarters, Canada Thile-,
Pe organized Into a union and at- The International Rod Carriers and � I so on, each, bas Its own exercises, Tile doctor ta�kes his seat near a tie and WWlto Cockle were must
:111late wIth: the American Federa- Building Laborers' Union, although and thesb in turn are changed In wilidow which throws a strong light commonly present, often at Mo
gon at liabor, . I ! only a few mowths old, haa 162 F" . I some particular every month. upon the apprOs,0bLng file Of Young- rAte at several thousand per pound,
XMIdIng Trades Council of S�t. 3 a a- branches, 21 of them alfillatIng ' I !'Do the ebildren enjoy. the physical oters each of ,whom, when close to In Red Clovor and Alalke, al eacJ4
JepX Mo., has decided that hereaf- within the last thirty days. Ar- , training courseT" a Y,�1110P!11 was him ' of vilhich there were ,several hundred
Iter members sUall Dot J -011t houses ramg,ements are being made to Issue 1 . atiked. I , opens his or her mouth to the samples analyzed, there were up-
ionloss ill ey bear the label of or- an offielo organ. , � � K."_ "Of course th'ey ,do. Children al- wideot PossiMet limit -which In very words qX forty species of weed
iWanizod la,bor, , , .. an wide Indeed -and at the sometime,
- The American Federation of Afust- - . � . .��._'_ � �, wayfii like to pJay," was her i with a finger at ,DI4*or eye, pulls seeds, ,tbasobelng equinionestwhose
, Striking Bordeaux, Prance, dock clans Is bending 01 its energies and .. .',.'. .. ,i, vx . .. gwer. Ion . 11 size approximated tbiat al the clov-
ilaborere, recently made a demon- exert Its pawers to prevent bands __ ., I . ; A .., Whatever differences of epin down t c, lower Ild to obow as er seed.. Thlas In Red Clover were
Ing . -.- there way ,be among principals a$ to much of the white of the eye as
latration, resulting in a riot witij from foreign countries being brought I commonly found Curled Dock, Can-
. rtbo pollee.- A nunxber of tile former ! tO the World's F air at St. Louis Ii. . .. thr, value of the new course of phy- paosible. The physician takes In ada Thl. stle, White Cockle, and Rib -
Piero wounded., , 4 i next year to compete with American . . - . r, the men and women the startling picture at & glance,
. sleal training grass; avae In Alalke, False Flax.
1. - I do Wbito Cockle, Sheeg Sorret. Claque.
Nearly two-thirds of the, P,1000icivIlla,h muelelana. . who teach it, )ncludlng Dr. flulleli, and 03, W10a, the children read his
�milners of tbo Northern Colorado I In 1890 tile numllyer of children 11 .. I head of the new department of pby- face and underistand his signs that, foil And B.Lack Medlek Nypre, preva-
�coal fields b4vo resumed -work, and f emPlOYOd In manufacturing and ine- aical 'training Ili the public 8011001s, without a word said, one, passes on lent
I It is believed ,t -14&t the full force wbll 'Phallic9l Indu ries throughout the . of the Board of and out of ilia room, another will illis pre.
, , &t I &ad the members
soon be at wpl-k., .Gorman Empire wo,s 1�17,485; this was Eflucation. any it is a splendid thing wheal around to exhibit the back of vallLug condition k9 - no floubt tLvA
. Tho Northern Pacific road has reduced In 1892 to 11,212, In 1896 I ff L for tho rising generation and their hot, head, others latep, to one side growti. of weeils with the crop for,
notify, . played was �4854. . I -An o'utcolve of th4a belief to that Lilation,--given after the Joint of the to ��uy Improperly clecinied 6eade bil-
�Indopted a new. regulation, to 5,312. In IND the number em- descendants, especially th;e latter. and wait for a more careful exam- seed agd the tondeno,r, ad farmerA
,,Ing Its myon ;at tg, Paul, Minn., that . froa ten to fifteen mllintes are now. line link; trudged by. cau6o they are cheap�;r than. and to
ildrinking, on or off duty, is equLra- , Union plasterers at San Francisco, . spent- daily bv every -Public Sielv�)ol Tha examination may result In one a ca,sual examiner, equally� aft goo4
'ient to a discharge., Cal., will take a firm stood against .. 4 . pil In doing igylunastle stunts, ex- or two children being sent home. as dealrer grades. It Is usually: safe
In September tUare any attempted reduction in wages. - . .1, I ru
w,ero about .The minimum rate Is $5.50 a day. � .1. I elusive of tile settlag-up exercises of with orders to call In the family to regard cl."p eeeid as Of Inferiam
420000,000 r even ue�ppylug moilibers while many members receive $6 and . two minutes' duration, practised doctor . Others are prescribed lor quality,,' and on tLW aceount -to
of tire American Federation of La- $0.50. The-cantraotors desire that , I twice eacli morning. and once in tile oil th,o Opot, and more are turned avoid buying It. L
itior. ' Since, th'Bil, aPPrOximatcly', $5.0 be the pay lierea,fter. , I I I . . afternoon session. over to the, nurse. Ili the latter Dodder wm present In twelve sam:o,
4M,000,11ilave, been added, A strike of :1,500 employees of the �� 11 . - I-Whut In the warld are these se't, case Johnny, Billy, A&lry, or Lona pies at red cl4D,vvr a,t an average ra to
There Is a anovement On foot +0 Dominion Iron and Steel Company � 11 . ting -up, exercilwa, anYWa.Y.," asked an 1.9 made to understand that certain of 418 seeds Oer pmn4; thas is cau-4
' . I -ed home $reatment must be given At ,sideraply more than Was the caso I&
ilh�ave a labor temple erected Ill Is Imminent. The 4.000 men work- . Old faerilon JadA from tlxo coun-
,;Nfontreal. Tba, Aricklayers! Broth- Ing In the coal mines in Cape Bre- . . . try' the 6ther daU� when- visiting a once. . �year ago and was not dpal�t due tal
Mr4bod has had tile matter under ton are members of the same asso- � "!. city, geh;ool. The tetacher pointed to I "Tell your mother," says the more ace4 being imploirted from tbo
I , consideration ior some time.. a card coniopictuotralyl tacked up on
elation, and It the steel men strike tLie fro,n't of bar dpsk� and the _vtd. nurse, "to do thus and so lor you acrutl; -where this parasite thrived
. I I to -night and In the morning, and much, better than, here. The anal *..
Coal miners In Seotlapd hare be, L they Will probabl,* follow suit. tar read -. I I be sure and report ,to me at school als of several samples obtained Iromi,
Ipm a crusaide against non-union About 15.000 men empfloyed in the . � Claeg etc,liftlig. inust draw. a deeipi to_morrow,,, ChIll, ,show tlla,t dodder Is a ver,A;
,workers WIth tho object 6f either, paper mIlls of XeNm England and . .J., breath, four timee. Inhale and exhale
vompalling them to join the union - New York have boon thrown out of , I i . 1AY Ibly, forcing the. lirmth to the i It the next day the num decides common Impirityl In scied from tLati
�* I .e' .iVi, - fore , the sample having pwards.
or driving them from the mines. work by the gernerali ,shutdown of the ' : '.,?�g ....., *J -o neck should be forced : that her orders have not been obey- country, u
. .1 . -0 -%� Iltmost. Th
1, ''i 1 , 1, .
.jp `,,,�, %..,..
'Domton Artificial Stone and Asphalt . . , ,� . . ". .;711. . gainst ilia collar. i' ed Bile goes to the child's home and of 700 seed per pound, and otters ,
. International. Paper ComilanY The 14, e,.',' �.-/Z firmly) baickWard & I
" . - .'. "..., t. -O'.14 - no pro-
- .:.. - .. ...7., bend !lack.
IV d the Artificial - auspenislon Is due to unfavorable A N, I t$�' . V , x Stretching four times,
t oirke,rs� Union all In person lays down the law. T),Js 60m0what less- ,There is
,Stoner Asphalt Laborers' Union have � *,�. , , r." " -�" . .., n back; babllfti,y, of Canhd& ever I.'.avliig ttx
N .....'. . uoually has more blifect.
I i 2� *% --A,,. ��It,.,_, � -.10. " I It In scarcely a year since the import oced from ChiM but as both;
trade conditions and to lowi ,water, I " ... "s. . . it th,0 forward, straighten the
, .e .;& .ii. .
.voted to affiliate, with the American - ., . . , "'.0v .... i - 0'. ,-,..-,.-,--4-- raitso thlo chest', lift the arma as
rrl,�o Lake Shom Engine Works at 11 . .., .."'..
JRro,therhoocl of Cement Workers, � 4�1..",. , ., . . .,.. I high and ap far back as Possible,, nurses began their ministratiors Ill c0untricis have a common mariket for,
Marquette. A110J., hap reduced -wages .; .4. ", :.,*, pf.""Witedf tLArourplus supply. the presence at,
. Cleveland, 0;, tailors ,Wave refu i . . --._,-�_ .---:0,*' . /1, counting two Whille tile pooltion Is the lower East Me schools, and al -
sed la all depa,rtmoato. 10 per cent. At 9, , . . , P this Impurity., In the Chillan aeed
Ito agree to a proposition from this tl.Eo shops of t1lo �jo.ath Sh ro, I
: am ad N r;;�§W� ..,**,A; ;,- h,old. T,runk erect, bend inee hajf res,dy there is a Oocided change for
Werchunt Tailors' Protective Aego_ Loars of la4bor, bj9,v,o beea cu.t to n,Lue i I wa,yj eight times. Take four deep tile better, OaY tile physicians, In ilia stould afford the Calitudlan produeti
elation th!at the strikers return to dallyl witt. a propurtional reduction I bnoathlg, as at firBt. ' appearance and health of many of a conolderable advantage. Were it
i old lad�, the ObIldIren. These not for this circumstance the Chilian
vork under an open shlop policy., in wagea. $�Yeral '_4UudrO men are " Njerc(y,11' exclaimed thle before then red clover seed would prove a dau-
I Jlca,n n. child do all that in two MID- were habitual sufferers from varlouff gerolbs competitor, " It Is -well coii,
Montreal Trades and Labor Coun- affected. I Miss Nettie Blackmore, Minneap�lls, UtIM I" r I (,. I - , I ( � I ; t I I I � - eye and skln diseases wine forma of
U, I has dwIded to take part In the T%e strike, of the ImnTiers and cur- - ' Th,o sp;oll plylloal exercises are which were contagious. -New 'York ared, plump, and of lAgh vrltality� and
japproaching municipal election. Can- _ riera against the American HIde and . witi., few ,other objectiantable Im-
didates, will be endorsed and pla tells how any young woman may be per- Move elaborate tban the setting up Sun.
cod Leather Compa,ay'. has been broken. movements, even Ili thie lower gra. I purities. . .
b the( fletld In every Ward In the cityi Alter being Idle for m-veral weeks Several samples Of exported Can-
Tifie moulders In the foundries of tr�4D men are now returning to work. onthl pains by taking elatasm de THE AVERAGE JDARY. adian alelke, and red clover were ob-
- IY y . r,x>r inigtani0o, & class of 4 B youno.
the Youngstown, Ohio, district haivo Mfl,ny! of thtem ll,a,vto found their for ( t aters spent tkee greater part Of tell The average baby to a good baby- tallied from Lnglfol.i seed merchants,
E.+ Pinkhan s VWtable urtuateig tbo other da,g In knee liend- ' e
recently been notified at a reduction mer plaieeo taken byl nom -union em- I Lycta I CompomL -beerful, smiling and bright. Wile,, All these showed & uniform quality,
In wazes, wbic . none of tl.eni free train weed oecdo
.4 will bring this class li.;iyeets. , 4 $ 1 t , -at headaches Of a SeVeM n4tWe In%, mealmldlo keeikng lie Is crosH and, fretful It Is becauge lie
40 la,bor to a bags of about) $a a day. Owing to the scarcity of work�"and I ,, YouxG Wo=*: —I had fivque Is unwell all(] lie is taking the on but Ind apph:t"nitly. bew ,well clean-#
Tlf,a facility of law at ilia Univer- the unsaittafactory trade returns, the I dark spots before my eyes, and at my Menstrual. periodS I BUffe firmly planted on tho floor, knee means lie has to let everybody know ed, As there was a notable abseaco
raising, by, lifting one, foot afterthle
sity of 13realau, ,lXas conferred the Alldland Railway Locomotive Works, untold agony. A member d the lodge advised me to t other; silding the feet apart after lie does not feet eight. When baby !a Of &net. Impurities as light seeds,
. 7 , cross, restless and sleepless don't chaff, or weed oeeds elther larger or
'degree of LL. D. on M'. Stebaagzin- at Derby, Fng., are to work Only p1n1r,hamVS'VegetAb1e Compound, but I only s m.rned goo, tl.o manner or c. moderate split',
kowski, formerly a working black- four days a week, being closed train felt that my, case VW horless, but she kept at me until 0 t stretching -with lia.lids on bigii, and dose him vvItli. "soothing" stuffs, smaller tl.nn the, bulk of tile iiam-
t. a re,vtow of mIIIt&PY tilctleg, wtIch I ,ek
ouilth, and nowi a Franciscan mank. Thursday oiienlng until the following bottle and started Wring t. I soon had the beat reason In e d Which nlWays contain po!sons. Baby's file. Small numbe�w of co, le. black
Journeymen barbers are determin- Monday morning. T,hIs aff6ets nearly. change my opinion of the medicine, as each day my, health improved, and meant much marebIng, and counter Own %blets axe what Is needed to medick. and faloa. jlax still rekA
led .to resist thia opening bf barber 0,000 woXicillon. ( I I I I pro,cticallj, the sama ex- Put the little one right. Give n. malned In tLlo alsIke, and Of foxtall
. The femul tild at p&WV,tmyJnenstruationperiOdS. 1=1IOSt marchling - cross baby an Occasional Tablet and and r1bgrass In thro Yied clov,eri 'Tile
ehopq In Montreal on Sunday, and 0 ftypew,riters �11_ firially I was entively without erclseg, as a, teactierl p0lflt3d Out,' -
agraghers, of Washington, ' ' tr jDmb U= I gee )low quickly lie will be transform- germination was uniformLyi over
twill oppose strenuously .any effort D. C., are grAtefUL'�-XLTTI10 BL-&(%XO1t21 28 ()On al Aye" W aPoUS1 3 wMch are put in practice when ran-
.- � -, I od Into r 9, cooing.
,al th'a by-law, nowin to be organized and affiliated wUh 1". _....' ning up and downstairs pmring In- d bright. aniffin ninety per cent, Tt.'e a.verago qualityi
, . .
,,mado to repL , 0 ., . ,"' I ' to other folk's windows, skipping tile . happy CIA . lie Will &!OeP at night, was therefore contsid"ablyl bettei
oxfoct, , I ! tlfo American Federation of Labor. ,.___., JILD"a In If U-1 Periods -�.k, and the mothor will got her rest too. thAa that of the meds retailed tit
Tw,elve bundred steam fitteref Th�oy will dewAnd more pay, short- ____-Af it -C YL rj"IdLam�s ' guttens, vaulting fences, playing:
at a" 4VCW ancl permanelktly overcome by -T,YdL% You have a kiiarantee that Baby's Our own m4rkelts. It 61A)uid always
�,%vark on Itho fair buildings at er ,hours, .and more time for lunch- jr, ,6 I of , ball, running ormlido and squatting
St. eon. ThLeir present work (lay Is ' -1. ble Compound. The &bove JeWr Is only one of hundreds . at tl.b various aldowalk gam0s, all wn Tiablets contain not one particle be rotnembered. however, by! buyers,
Louis, Mo., ,1119,ve -gone out, and will thougawU which prove this statement to be a fact, Herifift-dattorl'i oof,op[Nto oil harmful drug. Ili all!tlle i-1,,at, w1gle tile average quality of
�xiot resume Work until th1eIr differ- seven libruro. is a SeVera strain on a woman'S vitaUtY, -ff it i$ Palltlful SOMOthlug of which are lYusl1,v,1 pursued by tile a cuilments from birth up to tell our iseoda ma�y be low, 'thle h4gJ . lost
�ances wItIxt the association can bo Tito Now York State Federation of is qw"Xlg� Dowt take MweetAcs to devAen the Patti, bUt liemOVO average "I'lld Ouil;ldc at, school ollil twolve years there 14 nothirg to grades ario ahrayls dIffereA for sab%
jaotilod,, , 11 .Women's Clubs J.'as docided to estab� the eailzie - 3Lb displaco- 111011170- I k equal ithe Tablets. Mrs. W. B. Ander- aind this qualtikv! Is ht ilia end the
tgerh4ps it is caused by irre4ularitY or W010
' Union' Rohl a trades school for girls at Am- Walits, or a devel%Ment of a tumor. Wbattever it Is,'Lydia How tt,forouglily and understand-
.boxinakers at Brockton, tligly, th'o hiigillygient ' training de- son, Goulais Itivel-, Ont., Says, -My most profitable, W. A. Clemons, Nb-
Uaeff.. aind VWInIty, have presented a otordam. The, Federation- has about g. pifikham's V4�geta, Xle Compound iS J;Uarauteed to,our,e It- piartment , gone Into the work is little bay was, very cross &ad fretful 110ation Clerk. I - I - I ! � - I
T 'us t employing boxmakers and We, got no rest with hill, until
$5,000 In bhnd for, this purpose, and rf there is anythin about n�ur cam abont which you would like special al-.1own 'by this extract from its last we, began using BiLby's Own Tablets.
Involving Inc wB or 5 and 10 per another e:1.000 has limit pledged at llavim ,writo freely to 10a. Pizhwn, She will treat your letter as strict I ,___-qZ1 Since then baby rests well, and he Is I A wariling.
�cemt. In wagoo, according to - the thla convention by! prominent New eonfidentlal., She can surft'nelf you, for no person Ili America can ape report - tie I exercise sh�Dllld con-
] I undreds of Gymnas . now a fat, licalthy boy.11
ilia workers. , York women. . xe bas helped h serve organic vigor, le You can get the Tt.blets from tiny tury, book readR;
,grades of overtures of Po4ce made to illb from a trider experience in rent ng female ills. 81 und hot ad to (!Or- I Al% InForlptlon Ili an Ogbteejeth ce,j.
k Th�oro ,are 1.07,848 dressmakers National Trades Association b, tbousands ,of Women back to health. Her addrtas Is Lynn, M"11., reor posture and train to quick and 1
employed by firms In London, Nag. y the advIct Is freo. You are very foolish if YOU do not accept ber kind invitation. 1 druggist or they wIll be sent by mail V,e bboklq ont� thing I
.International Assoclatlon of Isla. . I,- I doffrilto resetion. it should be at '115 Wilts a box by wrltlng�dlroct Aly foot's allotbov;
j,,Thk) highest wagea obtainable-exii chrinists have, 'been rejected, and of- netalLs ()f Another CaSO. - based upon -muscular Co-ordinationa to -ite, Dr. Williams! Medicine Co., Mar.& not the One
fletals of thJa latter threaten to call 111;
,-cept In thb case of about) a dozen 1, and slibuld make a progressive tie- I prociville, Ont. t . k'or fear at the other.
'Jibad.; of departmeutff--aro Is shil. . 44MAn Mus. rWXMX--Tg73'Oran0e ancl mand i1pon muscular effort� coin- -_ , t
lingo, at, ,1$4.4AID a wieek, ou't 60,000 men In 'MD United States I eAftlessness 13 thO Mae Of InOAt Of the Rtlftrii plo,vity of movement� inild pow"r Of — .-.
to force Vic, making of an agree- Another luealit btant Nxpasod.
Shilulglo Mille of ,castle Vook and went, � i Inp of Women. I 1)0116'Ve that It W 0 rO flY Unirt; and lunAR., All avallabile The Pres'de it a SlaVa to Cat,Atrli'*�'
Itelso, Wash'.. have beenoloseddown Five hundred tillners on Paint Creetc. I understood the IAVM of health Wo Wou?(rl 2 be moanst of aroaming anti ni'Miltailli'lig "NOVO' r4alld tho lawyer for tlw —0. T. Sainplu, r oldownt of Sample0o'llittal.
,lboaa.u00 Of a strike among 00 rihin- only kneVr the Intt-rest, m0chl -its h ra- croeg-potItionot, As lie took the fair x4ent Coinvow, WiLaiiington, P4., �writeiltl
near Tlmrniond, W. Va., have struck. - -,well but it the sick ,women a thifingro from the tla-gs- �
gle weavers, TIVIS Fitate of Altairs T�ho tontontIbn Is over the pay day, I Witness In ,band, 1,1 want iyoki t0i to
. truth about Lydia R Vinkham'S YC'90-ftbIt "" '"' ,11 11ror 3mbirg I wnA hffllet��d with Chroule
.is duo to IN:) continued low; prioe tho minors ejallning they should re- Compound, they would be saved much Suffer- room's surroundiii,ga, sh%>Aild be efti- the conrt just whoti Ton first bogo.il Catfirrh. Remedion and ttentimmt by
of shingles" I eolve money tj(�jul-nionthly, while op- Illoyed. g roPeel4lints 0111Y gillre Me tainpoliAtir relief
. I orators contend fat, I, i.pontilly pay- h^.% ing iindwoyld Aooll. be cured. in 8011111) cases ot apparently raen. to, think (your buel-kikild was ireatin I Until I wile 10duced to u(qa Dr. Agatwls
_"Mght 110dlons employed by tile %OWPkO 8 for a loeal diffl-
Southern 1'"Mat at , ' 4 threaten to joly, - 41 1 used it for fiYo month talIV detective pupiliv whio art un- ��011 ert'011Y. 2" -ir,atarrItAlPowdor. Itg4vG1AIthoetJAjtgLUt
4an FranclEvov (lay- 0010" miner. .— )led met for yea abl� to keep up w1thi their ma,ttls "It WaA ;6n Cl.vlatmao, two I'Mrs
�ti%Vct f0J,JnC,dr It union and wilt be ohnx- the Vajnt CN<4. ofirikora. I . . 4�ulty which bad troul 11% 60 In tongequenen lftvo been )iut &RO." . rellot," SO couts, 40.
Aered by the A. Y. of L. The Organ- Illiti.aidelphin, ion,luntors are beinp; and for which I had SPOnt ll'unareli I
hAtIon has been orteete4 to obtain rapidly organize in the Vain endeavor to roe- Into ungr4deil claAses, Dr. Gullek "What' was that natum of the
'd after tile Chic- — . of dollus, the gym. troUbICY
.�Mttojr eolldltiono� g$p mtWiod, and it* 6, expected flint fify my We forcO_a WerO being,Vpeds suggeststurrAnx Meru Into . #" Tito iland-htm&
I ) I . " , � haslunt for At leaatL Ono �111)ftr a (lay. I "I laid lbought hlei mathor,ti, flockot- "'gho goems to )),6� a ha.ttantl flirt.*
, ,
1! P; P !
t Thil New Mvoo. Conn., Iron and Qlo 15,000 Jorlvets of tile city Will I
stoet, mulpaby hao posted notlem in &,oil have untona of tellanaters run- � w� I was daily losing MY 46, ty� belle-ving thl,,lt by Rtrengthenlumtho book fat, a plicigoat.1, I , � . he wlikl,
#%'yj,U% r,,, PlialthsLM18 Vegeitaulti be,dy and stirring up glugglsff blood J,ym?" f -Natural?" the: Iroman ItapatieIlt.
"We4f, Ji�o got MeLd tVi'd t JW&L W ,Miorela nothIng natural
I Ito will annoutc,ing it reduell,)n Ili ii 11%, lee, nil ,k, produep, exprMs, build- � Compound cured rne completl,urld thk-ro to tit ehaneA of iStImulatIlig n a , A 4 ly replied.
,waKon averaging about 12 per cent. Ing mateflal, delivery and othell -bl A I - fully. l"Ailao 1.4, ga,vo my In, otlleV6 lailiont her but tile f1lame wokk.�,
)oid affecting All elatv"q of we) knim tri . ieks and wagono. I ma now ianjoybg the bMt of ho&)� and am most grato,f U OWY their mental cohditioti. in, tbj3 a U010 'w1i'tot".11 . I 1.
oxoopt common laborers, t4jo, VeWACd to 46ndarS(i Such 9 grftt T01ge dy.1) — Xt" JiNNIt L. )flW.A:�bji, ThIs belipt ]so tathisr Juru .
Tho Dittlupsne plant of ill(, Carnogin . tables on IhY� theorl#to who V Into 11IMhU96 1.0 ga,vo It, you NAY im A tot)Na THROAY nfid robu*t lati * Are raost
'toel Company, Duquesne. Va.� which , ' lia-,e taken to pandoring Whother IWO)), al P-Ouroc, I pickM It Out, kebnly %oycd b,v pooplo who, AvIlilt tilt.
%ho 1.4trobe Wheel awl 1411le Sup- �, 04 I St, X. 'W., Wwhitgton, D. Q - 9
PlY 01OWPA11Y, L&M1.1e, VA., rMently' had Wn Idle far eomo time, rmimp(l YON. Mk!1swA4 vrI10t64A4r"&1A IqOU, X"A., Will SUSWOX 0h661% tho Atillotio f"Itate, aft they eall it, bot I 16t tJ,,6iius*1kJ JIJtn th6 bill, ,%nd fetild All t a cowtoquenom ol "A little colil,,1
to por4�0d, '1144 puh�hftged tho old c4*.rAtlooff last irpok In mo4t of It"t "Y Aad *Lt,kout cost olud"ro 040"Sed 0 lkw,by 410k WOtt"t# 19 nOt "rJWOrable, lot a dollno Ill M4 JiVA-To )AM all the lcro4lt tot, M* l,aY*Iv66nr4ft9cu6d trom mWry anti d&O"If
f .0-01 . by Allen's Lung Balsam,