HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-12-31, Page 2_._-,!4 ,A
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- : S v 1,.or beart-oxpooting that hereaftell - A, Prettily Painted Pancl-Obaped evo=M, OOM-4 000000 ;,�;**"O,;.� *;*Wo *%,a.o
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, ps" taught witligut the IrRoQwum of
M Ill. I 00y Would W explained to her, alid 9411YAM ONYWIf back oil a brago Xod. I % 0 IE'atlllng.
lyrt SC� �
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she would uudcrlstaml them tull,F.- and (116pla,yot a fireplace, Oil W1101so A toy bad, largo ellougiv for, ilia
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. hor
I ,)13�q lAwKI a #r,IrIt-I.%u)P and a Uot to forgost doll, If fitted up wItli, mat.
ttt ?a bV01111 A04 UQ Idy 11 Henry. % kut the w1ortest Imp, theota and PillQ1vo, May SUPPI'A
V U 1.
rca,dy Por brewlas; to , 1,
calblr) notice. An 1119PI110110 table ) Die first 1006QD 11.1 Ded making. T1110
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I ra thirteou Short Yeties of the a-0- ,at . t
(yluld be adjusted to any laight, I . I � . toy swooper and a mot of hemmed
I .. ii..-, � - _., � on(l. chaj)tev or Luke 10 foul3i tile d eek" by � � - .1 1. du�teru will five t1l'o Uttle ma,ideil I
. . _', _,-,,,�%. �"-L-'---l---' INTAIIINATIONAlt. LUSOON No- L Sarilltural. akeaunt or tho boyhood t waa tile Capt. Hermont and tho Sentinel Who Abaodonod HIS Post 11'er first tar, a of tile dellgWa of
, - "t'd "'
""_ �"`o 6""""
I)ANUAlty at 190-11 or J061tull $0, vor incomplete I's this y n6acv.. 1 .
C. J. 1L>JIRB ! ulecount, that or �ho first thirty - tidy! 4ousoucier"Ingi With ilia 131ven1p.
— ,P)I(10.%-rt�Yti,140191�l�itlill,fVut 1`11,001,114" contriv- It During tho Manoeuvres, cr, tho little girl will take 110asure
it A140 Ono or tile real
REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE AND i � TholloylionilctJou%--Lkik %10-24 0 we know nothing, allow that I hit(, ovel a, for It In Rectillng bler own roottv lit good
LOAN, AGENT, CONVEYANCING , (%vept tl:o more laoldent of Ilia vh"It 0001 be li'ved. lust us comfortably by L=00SO4;�C1910=, *q""'W1XMQ01P-W0=00**W*0410= .corditloit and Fat of dusteva In their
4-4110OU00 Of Rents, 44d Accolluto 4 specialty Commentary. -I. The growth and V) Jerusalcml, When Ito Was twelire najrollo lyildg oil I% gora, as When Pit- I
� . sAVallooment ID, jol,ap. yearis lot age. �- tilin.111 a 0114111. ce clear-sighted- Own PTOttY bap; will add to thie Im.
$ , _Vs, ,10, ti2. it Is not difficult, I;blv WhIle, bis clompany, ramged In a intsed, In ,spite of b
ASSIONE74 t (some or the alrelo araiind tro, i,*zvajat-maJor# - - ness, Arbat d 13 LO rortupco of tile gift.
, I, ACCOUNTANT. I ,10. Tha ch*.W grow-li'roim this ,verse ever, to Iran9lbo mt leap after- , cop love lie had give .
and in todal y Aid r'o'varal 1X11"'; ('"pped In to A most charming gift for a Jltt'Aq
Offi,oa-la Vaustono 1310CIC. , verse r)2 wo. learn tlulkt Zestlkl InflMurcus W401 wr-fild a noo-i teat arld I b6gan. to wonder were 110tollinfN to tLe Order$ before liar who had iso betrayed him. UO was
Open SisitlitTiltily 4veninip I . had a livinam body and soul. He Wag -in tile dcycl,.) ment of t1lat "*Is- Where the,V wuuld sit, as the mupply scattering to their quarters, Capt gle or t1loac wilo give tbomSeIVE,S 911-1 WI)o � IOVOS to help Illotber In
I pi, T W 9 04 Genuine boy and groir I:ka othor , dom"With Arboych Ile was filled In 11:19 of olialpial rtwi sliort. I need not have llormont opi tLe letter which , biit once-blis I*fe waS broken and k4tchlon, Is a act of this large enough
. I- I I I . I I i )o b t, I was Wailes% Li'vil had eatly childhoo for Froctical uce. A 13.reAd board,rol.
L . (11 trvubled. myocir, for from Some I Id, the baggage, ma,ater had )uet glyou could not be repalred.
uoyp�ta'o'o in"a him. Strong In sli-It- Uti training. 1. He Wks rellrca Ili a tpg place, � known only to. themkielvira, tilm. Hosat down 0,1 a stone In tile road Ing plu, i=all (iloli pan, and three
A. DIRMAGE I . ivas deeply devoted to they . pradneed i3ketching-stoole, oil . . � a P 01 four bowls Ili such, sixes as- m4y
In mind, IntclLeot awl undcrbt,10- family that I lie riecognized the ishaky. -writing Ol to tillilk oN-or, Ills dapaIr. TI1 tir.- , I
REAL ESTATE AND, LOAN AGENT. ,lng.-Ilarnes. Fillcd with WIAZin- the scrArlde of Johdvall. Z 1-10 hall a wh!CIl they porpheil t1lonISCIVOU '%vltll IA -j old inotbor, and With ik smile Pro- poine julautes passed, POL-haps hours. be U600 In mixing a Small quantity
CONVEYANCING, MONEY TO LOAlill He Wag emlnQnt for wl,xlom evoll rat!lcr �vho coil, -arkl ID, lie 1 6 deep ol ba_tter for cakes. a couple
. rlajitle(i tile ro 0 nil, on," bolli of long custoal. pared to read It tondorl3i-tLe ad- All at once, a sound broke th, ,
I when a child. Grace of Q(x1GtAOO alld respect or Wis fa,m'ly. s. IXS explaincil to me that this was correct vic-a and cutstomary iiewa. "Take goof, slionce and amused him from Ills i3tu, small ple 'plates andI a small Trying
ou Town and Farm .Property. commonly means fayo1% 034 *40 mot!-,er Wag Possessed of a Pura .and roral in bacholor quarters, and Wilt'll 04re. of youwmf. M Ilot Stay Oil,. P -.)r. T',.o 116!so approftellIng became arm, Ili wIvIch one egg onielat may
ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTAN'r. Ociaiged wit', him rald hhowed. him lovable character, w,blob olosely cor. . there wale what they called a t1big of. doora to -a long in the, OVicullij. U� cliatinot ., Ile reebgnlyed It as that be la,epared Will fascinate thio little -
I favor and blesgoa him. respauded to the Ideal portrayed bY ploololl on they lant cacN other � ti .1 � Ili the road girl if villa Is fond of pooking.
40 ma, Is botter." ,_ made by a man running
OFFICE.--lu the Kent Block. r)2. lueroago.,J In )ylidom. and sta- ,11-c,lawon lu 1;!,.o tbiwty-first chapter ellatirs, or anything that 1131911t 001110 1. But after the first lines 1110 face Very soon the man aPpoareil-he if this fiat Is contemplated. addto
Residenoo--Catherino St. I ture-1 In tile perroetion of Ills dt- of Pro),orbs. 4. It was universally the 111 u,scral, hardenea and b6oamo the 001,01! at Was a W.41or, Once
, I , I inore profes� it a tiny ,blank book In wbicli WaV
. I .. I I � � ,Jvino nature there could be no in- practic-L4 n,mcing ilebroW childran to it to said tba, lie take their aetses. A Aonal concern awakened the' Cap- , W ivrI4, ton such- race . 1pts as It IS pos,
I POOP Ings. And I 11
Increase, but tills is spoken of Ilia licil tbolv parcuis In deepest rover. color from tlicir .Surround Myt dear chlld,', said tile lotteri tain to !its senses. , Ile Jumped 6ut 61W.c. for tll,e child to comprobead.
THOR IROLMI human nature. 'a!$ tody increa:�c,d in once. The examplai of tsmao was ever thin% that theisla damsel'i tborouglilY " you inuist VD.To courage, because of tile 611adowl and barred the waY A most attractive present for a
otature. and His soul 1, is 1A cc
. BANKER, ETO. a w!slom, and bela Worn theiv e:�es 40, a m0d0l. of believed III tl) , for they I d rtaln- tt,c.00 lines ",,a gellig to bring you, a of the runner, Nrlio atopive4l, out �f studious child Is a book case In
11in all the ondowment3,ol a human unhooltating ol*d1cocie and pra'sc- ly done tbeI4 be.qt to make their great d1mipipaQn'Llnerit� breath. . wb,oh liar booka way be kept In go.)d I
Xarriase Licenses Issued. So wit egg � . It,, Wort6y loyalty to LIS father. rooms cheerful. *All of them bore the t 1, MY oyder, or a 1writing . deal . c with! iio�
n 11. � ii, woman's presence, and 1 would liked to J.'ase prepared ,Yli I I "Where do you come fron
req lispli. iosn3 In Zerusalem,-Vs, 41, 42, Ills religious and intellectual &d- stamp Of , I I I
TIM -y 1% large amounts; aniall1or in pro, 141. The pasmyer-There we113 t1l"1133 vantages. Jesus doubtless 1-04 tl;o- 9aTO stI.10119 Proof Of t1:0 OW11101"s Indl- a little, wid not ioll you all at onva# boy VI count book In wil . lee)) she may keep
portion, Eadesit, terms. Fr,om the arrangements but .YOU know' th'alt 1 am hardly clev- Tile lumn answered nothing, but Ile he',* accO1100- TWO may encourage
principal feasts or tile JOWS, The AdTantage of an excellent trainingt, y1dualAy. I . I t �.
. Passover in April, tho r-entecost at a Jewishl religious scholol. The, and contents or these apartmen is Cne or at writing.. Aild after all, par- recognized tile voice of tile officer, either boy or girl a keep account
RICHARD HOLMES near tile first of June amd. the feast enthiaslaoin-of the Sowi f - cOuld make a fairly ahrowd guess at U&Pa 111ty, teindorness for you makes . 1101, 110 gave tile milltary, saluto and off the oxpondituroo. I
. , or oduca . mo we tWigs too darklyl, �iid. to be- A small yet perfect Sawing macivine
13AXIOSTRU AT LAW, SOLICITOR, ETO., ETO,' of tiv3 Tabernacles in October. All tion )vps remarkable, Bald ore 1 f the, tastes, occupations, and oliaras- ilevo -tl*ut tills marriage affeipts ;VO,ul' brought hie heats together.
OAIce f-uoxt to 11olines Block now building, niajos over twelve yelra of ago were their writers, "A town In which ters of their Owners, . I ll. "Lot us see who you are," criod 113 bOW useful and 'littractivio, and ..
.. . 1. 1.0axt more thag'lt refffly'doeo.. Ule'v Do3yla wdrdrobe mav be great,
required, to attewl those roasts un- Were is no sollaol, must Perish." ,* - it ,oncernt, - the Captain with Impa:tIonce.
I timate excus'). phlio, Christ, ,. � I I 11 0%_~�% "You WILL gucop that 'Xb-u told me "Louveau-my Captatlill, stammer- ly beautified by meabs of thIs Ivilt,
loss they had tu IC91 .1, comtelillorary of I~^ billo, CIMIro Da,waartel. . but It always seems wiser to first
IThe Pascover extolirdel through a bears testimony to the fidelity of ad tile oc�dj.er.
MISS SARA 1. MOORE whola week, and wag Of a most JOY- tife, Jews In tills mitter. 11c,1noo tile at your laist leave, t1lat You w0l'a ,"Louve,au 1 -but you are tile sort_ tpaoh' the llttIQ girl to The a good
-car, Ili commemoration of jelvS,ii act J`Ii sure or Wr, aad t"'t 71011 oill.r walit- . nocille-wor4an before she learns to
Teacher of Piano and Theory rul oharac he 11arkets. Lnol Corporal Rabut waS looking for
the dep%rture of ilia Hebrews from aa revelations from 'God, and are - I ad the ead (A tile great ma,ljoeuvreI� just now. You havo Liett your post,,t use ilia machiine. To the cooking
� the land of Ug tLietr earliest I . I 6, I sar- The man *10owed y be added A Small lee
,ypt and or the pre- tanght them from FT to send We to milLe t1jo request. his head. Outfit nia
, garvation of thel first-born, Avlitin childhood, they bear the Image of I I I . well, my poor ol.iLld, Mile. Datle "Lot me sueo-answer f,,oluothlng. cream freezer In which a, Single
I tat AvUl mairrA tr,o, lr>tb of nex. Do t of ice cruaid may be made, A
MISS CARRIE MOORE th. first-born of i1rie Egyptians wcrO thlo Law on zheir Scale." Josephur Leading Whe&t IvIarket-1. mont�,,, a young mall from Nancy Why did you not stay on duty 2 Irl"C1101111! 91zed set of dishes nSay be made
� slain. boasts that at 14, he 'had so thor- FollOwilig I laxe, th I a ,closing quota- .. a purchusing aftpr dl . Xiner coffee ,
jawlyor, I believe, )Ve a:re not �Irol, you kn6w, to what you expose Your- by
Teacher of Violin and Guitar. 42. Twelve years o'd-"At the ago ougN 'a kDo0ledge, of'tliok law that VOTIS at IWPPTtant Wheat Contras anough, you lace, and we were wrong sell ?`1 . . .cnr!s irstoad of toy *dlslfes, and broad
,came 'a _ thla hig'a .p`rlesta and first men of to-cla.y ; -, Louveall began to sob.
ol twelve a Jewl.311 I:oy be , I . . I and butter I:Iateo may be substituted
sun of the law,, and came under 1 i i ca, .to tilt our qy,ea go 11-1911-11 Llooks are nearly always. accept -
Rooms -4n Stone Block, lVinchain. the towis slught Ills opinion. ,all, May. ," to dance' bef6re "These tears do no -good, and are
th.3 obligation of obL,ylug all Its Pre- Tile whole tolutIne, of the daity Wo Ister% yo�rie '. I . so 1-(6 Tze words beg
4-4 ..i ..... v r- t�1,10 oyesi of the youlig ca,ptall.1; ai. hardly dignified far a ,soldler," said able, and games go far towoard Ifelp.
eepts, Including attendanCei At the � AA . 010 officer, rudely. "PasIdess they Ing to puss ilia long Aviator even,
MISS DELIA "" RLING Paseover. it is probable that this of Jesus was replete wItU religious - - 831 the saine, time a iirucl sadriess grip. I ..
SPA was thR first time that Jesus had dbservanco�, 'At ll!Q�iva, on the street, .Tdjadd ...... � ...... ... ... 880,44 87 :L-,3 pid MiL howl't ar, badly chosen to clear up tlkf lags, �
sy�ragog(,,, be ever had be- i5ailath, lqo, ,1 Nor _ __ 82 ha eer'- glory. Give yourself tip Immediately it I,j a good plan- to provide a . .
A T. C. M. been in Jerusalem at this feast." at th`0 d IndItflorient. 111;0 vowe or i
fore lit, he g I 0", "go ... """ `� �
Ill. ,Tcmls lost, (vs. ,13-45). 43. example of some Toronto Sted Markets. goart.major continued tho reading to tile guardhous&.' Tbare' Ava WILLI limited amount of playthlngq, but In
Teacher of Plruol, Theory and Metcher � of the in=t devout masters in Is- . � .
. Rad, fu'fLIled the days -eight days in The local niarket to quiet, W,ith o� ordero: i oxplaln ourselves." making your solcotlon It Is wall to
Music Method, Simplex and Kindergarten, 1, and seven the rael. HIS father on arising in tile 61: try ,,LodgIwg or agommamdar In this cas- Louvoau ipa�,uted, and without say- cilloose Such toys as"will aid In- the
all --one, the raxsover mDrning, took not four steps froni lerings fair, ibut w,ith no enqul
Pupils prepared for Conservatory exem� da,3,s of unleavened broad. Tarr1Q.d from a;braad for seeds, arid ,Prices tie. Of Adjutaillt-Ala.joil, a,t the prle�t'ib ;ng another Word walked toward the odtication -of the child, whetlier It
[nations. his bed- before washing ]its face and 1 50 clantimes per lltro� ,45ftga. . . be a boy or a - girl.
behind -Luke neither te'Ja u3 that bards, The rabble taught that tills are, easier. Alolke brings $4�.W to )-,cw�o. While kilo I �
. In $5,PO, and f0holce qualitles a"Itittle Potatocis 10 centlai-0a P13r 9. The Captatil followed, puzzled an- .
Jesus remained behind at Jertisale -%vas necessary in order to cleanse I lee Istoppad. I - � -
I at -Intentionally, nor that Joseph and Ono from t1ra defilement of sleep. more. ,1W plover, $5.25 to '$6 pev Tho vol ruyl Captain ?" )ugh by thlo adventure, and won ABOUT, COINS, . .
ALI EX. KE L I bush Tinidthyi. rules at $2.25 to $3 "C,vn -We dlwporse, lering w;,bat cou'd have Incited Itlir, at Is a very 'common erroi among
Ly Mary lost eight of 111111 tbroug" Thb day began -svith private wor- ,t from wji,oul Ile klicjV,to ))� a quiet* and a
I want of necessary care� A tArcum- ship, as a preparation for morning per .!Cb lb%, the latter for choice. apked the Adjutant, golIllig 0 11 amateur numismatists ill t age
Auctioneer for Huron County rtanco must have b.-eu onAtted, an(I pravers at thD synagogue, before Toronto 111arraers' Djarkets . th,e circle. . punctual sialdler, -to commit a. fault g1vouto c.oLms a pc,cullar value. While
. �
wo way safely supPa93 that JOGePh th:3- inbors of the d;ly could be be- -,Receipts of grain wlero moderate "Whatt Is It ? O'k, .!Fw, sal4ely, , have go porlous.as that of abandoning Ilir, this may ba true In solne instances
. � f and Mary JAned their elder fello, t generally un- thom d6verse-11 I ) I picyst. no hurried his steps and fact- does not holl gcod invariably.
.I liave secured an AueMoncer's license or I IV- gun. Eacd day form361 prayers were o -day, )vXtlt prices At a Ofort commitnd tile comPallY )Yertook him. .1 . - A well-known bollactor of rare
Huron county, and am prepared to conducL tr-ayelars in the persuasion thatJ cans, thrloo repeated. Public worship Was charged, Wheat is firm, there 'be- sepa,rated, Ua-41h1licallv, - captair "Louveau, do.you not,want to tell kp-�e:mens.or tile Avoii(I's cMrage ro-
sales at reasonable rates. who knew of tile time and ly,aee Of held twice weekly, ew-% TNlonda.v Ing sales qf 1-00 bushels of red ,Win- � Ott its horse, Willa; - .
'Wes arranged at the Advance Office. ng8r shols; jof w,hIto Herinont fol�o(lv where you went,- n6r.wby youleft majXad recently: � I I .
departure, was aniong the )ran, and Thursday, .and on feast dayi. ter ,at ,?go, 10.0 bu tho Orderly wins bringing from the i3le, encampment Tl "After tile auction sale of every
ALEX, KELLY, Wingliam. P.0, onelig. Know not of it -This allows and b-oly days. - Threo pilgrimages et, 70c, one load 61 spring at Sac, stable. the addr f -'i the L-Duveau stopped. Ile � Was a famous collection of coins as the 11c- -.
1. . the Perfect confidence they had In ' wero required yearly. A 'i'Arlible week and CJ00 bushels of goose at 7C to a.ster had just given him alne, as,could pult of an .opparQutly- slight error I
,as qu-Ar i arm. Aurdy lad .from Lorr
. tile bay. no was probably as far was occupied by thle, least of lin.' 7.,3,%c. EArley if) Steady, With sa . . ,. - time tile tenth is in fOl to' tile ''
. Oat� -Thifs '1141led reportig its
advanced In judgulont as all ordin- � leavened Broad, and by that of the oif 12GO bushels at- 12 to ,170. guarding tho route," said Corporal be -Surpised from. -his frank beham, In il'a Pill,
WELLINGTON MUTUAL ary youth many years 111a senior. ,Taberbacles -and by W3 least of unchanged, WO t,ushalg selling Pit ;14 tills StIllae ter, ... _ data of some of tile, coldis sbid, *0
I Rab -,it, on arrIA-1mg Wit - I , �
44. In the company -Tho P20PIe Dedicatio.). Every Jew was, -more- Al to 131%.c.... so in the TIllaie. I My Captain," �ald '6, res4lu t are fillet Iluged with. letters and
ely, y ",a
FIRE INS. CO. � traNeledIncaravillig. "Josiisovident- over. oacupled through ]its c011nec- ,There wims a good sul)'Ply of Poul- at tW last hall - talc . ", am gairigAo. teia.do willola truth. Personal visits. offering coinh 'for
I Established 1810. 6.00 rg,Lko tll�m pLIr t1lemSelVes-, � sale for which there'is little or no
Head Office GUELPH, ONT Ly lind been allowed it- more than tion -with, the temple, by tithes, Sac- try -and l6ountry produce. Turkeys at b6 illitalldd .a- ix,&II -First, it W,111, ewtho. roe, and theii, � Iiiiii. But what may seem to I
. orty of action, r1fleek; and vows." . . opened at about 20a per Ib., and Sentinels mu . . . � . :oo, perhaps.you will.pee I have an prem
I usua,L amount of 11b, ,?at 18c, . . . . 11,1our aftel* arriving, ., . be all Inisignt.3,,ant nilbtak') makes
Risks taken on an classes of-, Insurable pro I as a child, by parellts who, had never Surrounded as lie was by those Sold O.If 11JVb)3Sa turn is it to Ve on idutyl axcuse." , . , . . � all tlie dirforen-,ip I'll tha w6rIJ in ilia
geFty on theati or premium note system. kntowi) him to transgress their com- immediate material and spiritual . Hay 'in limited Supply, 'AA44th sales . Vernoux's,-ehf? Tfien hurry"'up'ane. Sido, by side now tile officer and value of tile doin.
YAMZS GOI��XZ, CHAS. D"InsoN, : in . all-aments or be guVity or a sinful advanlages, it Is recorded, 1. That, of :1,5 toads at $9 to, $V a ton for our olotheil -and you wit! tile sYAIcr continued their Walk, and "As an Instance, at tile auctiOu
4 Zl. he w,aa strong In spirit. (1) He .timoilly, ,and at- $6 to. $9 far pilixed brush y nor of the E,ouveau began. . Sale In London tile other clay of the
President. r5coratary. , or foo'lish deed.,, -nom. com. . ' pla,ee yourself at thle, car
I y bad probably sbowed tile traits of character that Stra,w, lu morainal at $9 to $10'
Found him not-Tha .�;Itlj hl,)uva. I am going to glvl� you the . "You dibubtleas do not know that Murdoch collo2tioln among th') Am- .
JOHN RITCHIE, Left in the right tD avoid the heat marked Iflin as a leader among men. . Dreo�sod hkygs a,T,,e weaker, I � E am from Vaudourre�, the village cric,an coins sold was a ,,,Iolla,r or
� rong In patient wait- .gales '50� and of light ..Instructions."
&GENT. .,. WINGRAM ONT of tile day, and La the confusion (2) Ho Arias a, of 37."Vyj at $q
. The guaird-Ing .:o1f �110 V11fage an- hall a league from hard. That road 1791. This coin b-o,ight. .T.2-10, w1foll
I Tesus is kDbt- The boy had eyl- Ing for thla, call of the ministry. at $7.00. � trances vv,as Indeed * one of th1c. thcro leads straight to it, and it Is not an unu,cu--3 figure for it, as �,
DICMSON & 110LMES dontly boon I- company with,bolnc Of (8) Ile w1as Strong in submitting in 'Wteat, white, buJh-, 79a; gob;sc, 7_0 great affairs of t1T,3 manocuvrer ,a from there that I have coma." there are not many of them 11, a%-
, their friendis, and the time of the all tlilugs.to Ilia parents, that thus to 78%; red, TDO; 09WIng, SO %,D 83c; thiat year. The Gen eral-In-Chlef-liaC "To see your iydrentij?" I Istence, and it was tile first- Collar
dep a caravan was thor- all rigli:teousness might .be fulfilled. peals, bu�sh., 6�c; oia,ts, bus., 31 to, especially ordered it; Ilia wantec "No, I have no'parents Hying -and place to be minted by the United
BaMsters, Solicitors, etc. oughly understood. To lose ellil- (4) Ile ivias strong In resistance to 31M. -c; baxlelyl, buoh", 42 to 47c; h01, each corps to 91111,rd its own OTI, I would not have wanted to go down States Goverminelit, But tile do-
dren in the city Is sti3 common. . all 1temlitation to evil. (5) He was tilindthlyl, per ton-, V�g to OjIO; 010ye'r, t - a on guard, I
01 to 010, ,
1 strong In virtuous conduct among $6 to �$S; atra.w. pCir -boo, V� trance to AhD cantonment, so WO ,-here if '-. .Well -I wa spatol from London, as published,
Office: Meyer Block Wingliam. IV. JLoas found, (v. 46). 46. After all enemy venturing In, If W3 1111f, I mry bappy arid contented, .when a announced that this large premium
IIAS follows. (6) Ile was strong Ili seedis, alalke, buely., $1.50 'to '$5.65* in getting thlrough thE lioy from Vaudeurres passedon the had beelin paid for a 17D3 dollar,
Lm- succeeded .
X L. Dickinson Budley Holmes thre cdayaL_,�n Idiom for "on tile travinig an ever -broadening vision of rel clover, buf4r., $5.25 to $6; tl ' ould n0l making a mistake - apparently - .
� . third day"; Ono day for their de- Spiritual realities and Fn tile � in- otloy, 100 Ma., $2.25 to $3; aPP10s; lines of tile Outposts, 'w road and rocognized me. a,inted AAIJi
parture, ono for their return ,and one . spirations thlat followed. (7) He por,buahl., ,%L to &>; dresmd I109so come upon sleepng sontrIes. ,,,Wv chatted., For that, my Ca.p- trifling to those unacclu
for the isearch. They found Illm- new laid, , Vall A.nd th'a chlefs of the corps ,%ver( taln, I. was wrong, and understand ill() value of co'ns, 'or only Ono year.
was strong In devotion to God's will. ,$6.50 to $7; cigge, w,a tolling, knowing that the Gen. that one must,not chat while on "Nbw, as a matter of fact, there
R."'ANSTONE owded with rall- II. "Grace ...... upon him." in this dozon, 40 to 45T, butter, da'Iry', �20 eral-in-Chlef wag 'a man to hal't -Juty.'But I ask -ed him if there wa,a are hundreds of 1795 dollars In. ex-
FARRISTER AND SOLICITOR ilion,9 of people packed Into a small connection tble word grace means to 22c; crci&mory, 22 to 26c; 011d'ek- thlem -attacked by the opbt9afrig any _r)ew,s in the country. latence, many or them having bven
area, and they bad '110110 Of tile favor. God looked upon him with one, par 6b., 10 to 11o;, d0oks, POT eg . a ,o..qly carefully Wrapped up I,n cotton and
bloneyto loan at lowestrates. Office means to which we would at once compIncency and blessed hill.m. Asa lb., 11 to q?,c; gicialso, Par lb., 11 to party On a line nigh1t to, t t1v -.',\�6t much," 11 answered, laid ln,tlie.bottom of bureau draw -
r execution of thleir orders. ' that L,(;ontIne.ls going to .marry
BEAVER BLOCK, look for a,salstance, in searching fo youth lie must have been exceeding- 112c; turkeLvi% par lb., IS to 1pe; po,ta- Arid as Ira haye seen, Corp. Rabut,' Lila Eon of I)ilfour.' And lie went ers, their owners thinking that ,they
7-95. WINGHAM. a lost child In a great city.. In ly attractIvo, since lie possessed a tocis, per ba,g 80 to BOO; cabbagc4 In his modest sphere, w1ag aloc away *P!;bout viall.ting to talk loggor, must be extremely valuable o7i ac-
- Lho temp:e-JoSeph and Mary evi- holy character, adorned with gen- per dowai, 40 to 50o; 0=11rlaiwer, per i watching. Ile knew tile Captali� ,is lie was In a hurr , count of their old date. The impres-
dently know., where they would be tioness and Illumined 'with! the ]!gilt do-zen $11; celollyl� per dozeiii, 35 tO` , ; y r bearing,that slon being g,eneral that the value '
. and did not care at all, as -'I* do- 111 -my Captain i6fte
mo�st IlkeLy to find him. Jesus was of balaven. 111. He grew In favor . 45c; beelf, lilladquartero, $6 to 88; . I , . of colins entirely depends on their .
J. A. MORTON probably in ore of tile Porches or with' God and mmi." God ddlighted beef, foreqmaxters, $4 to �6;_ beeft ol.ared, Willi conviction; . to " iipenC; -'::--I. I�ellave ras becoming foolish.. , .
I elgh�t days th jail. P Laontine Is, my betrothed, We ):a- age. .� .
the court of tile Woman, where the daily In tlib development of him medium, cawoaNs, to ?A6 ; beef, � "No Eooner did these people' see,
BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. i For Captain liermont, very e.,c. - came ang4ge�k, lyhon..wilen, I wint Into .
1 115 . "in the In tha ptiPiirs -Where their r1olfars �
.srbioo's of the rabbIg ware held. In whom Ile be,d ordained to be the abloilce, eareays, 4.2 to $7;, lamb, I - Via h3rTko-aii:k I liav6.no one I ' to be -worth - $240 than
tile midst of 'tho doctors-Teacbers aa,yioul. of men. 'Men looked wlthfa.a- !Y�earlhrg, $6.50 to $7; muttan�.per acting for tho servi�,,c, and very hard . . . .
. MONEY TO Lo.&% � . . . iimr.ld to love but her. were paid
Of tho In.w. Jew- ow.t. $5.50 to. p.50; v ,,
. ish rabbis. "An in- tonicbment and admiration upon .pal, per lowt., ' on himself, was not lopre, tender -
ds tie . lioarted tawa,jd_` others, and 'ildver _ .Then I....do n.o,t know w,hAt:pa,ss they dug them out Of their Jilding
OfXice-,-Morton Block, Wingliam struetl.vo incident, as Showing how the -youth developing in their nil t f7 $D. I � L � I . . ad In my, hand. I'knew that wQ were ptaces and rushed to the , nearest
. � - .
lay the Canadian pardoned a,' ralsiake. - . .
I early our Lord began- to dlxjpl and �churacterlzed by rare wisdom, T r aul e. I pIng to Eet.out agab dil if, mor- coin dealer.
. Tlea-t day, bdwl�ver,,- lie:' did not _! a a *-make matters worse,. we
; -equiring, and critical Wirit w1flich af- unexampled devotion, and ever -In- paspatch-es to Dun's Review from" ; 0 .rq*;,7an,d that'*o ,viould never agalit "And t .�
I visit, its bla had,bpe`n-a,OeU$tomedt . -only Were Eo Overwhelmed with letters .
�orw,rda bore such precious fruits creasing love. Albert H. Stilwall. the Dominion indicate that good , be a,.q near Vaudeurros. It was
of kro-,v;',icdgo and wIsdom.11-M.arkby. s.ow roads and seasonable weather ' do, th'a squAas Of- ills company. They half a league. That. was nothilig in rrOlil out-of-town perEOrS offering
DR- AG"w it app. -aro there were no, less than accelerates general business, while I' did not see blim'llit -�dp! the covers . . .. - their wins for'sale that the mail
PHYSICIAN, SURGEON THE WOMAN MORN. of t1lb soup ,dishes to taqtO tile lulck steps. ';�vould'firid Le - t We had -�
I ,I 5 on -
I breo aoeemb',tes of the doctors, who holiday dealings are *cry largejWhol-' , ,I Ava sure thaX I carriers must have th�ru,,Ii
ACCOUCHEUR. and calstribute to each) cook g 0 Into some get-rleli-qu!ck bu. 1_�
had apartments in the tomple. Ask- A few", years ago the term "Bactia- .rate tra.de is quiet at.8t. John, but I soup also or blame. He 1:1.6o at liomu. She woul.d dxplain, a;bd On
. Dflice:-Upstairs in the Macdonald ad them quostlions-The questions ter Girls,, -%v,ni7lJ hlvvo 'Dean enough a good holiday retail buqhla�s is in ! h1s; parl Of the- Pr t would ,return botore -the end of* my 1100�3- SO many persons called at our
Block. ware ro 6oubt iffaggeste(I by their to &stonlghl m.ost Of us. progress, Sully equal to last year's. 1 did not jo.n , 1111a man, as -lie had * -1.11 .. roome, which, you see, are tailier
'y� to Oxf),al. L but - still have always been, -
n to th�em wateb, At Tast I Went
Night cans answered at office. teneliLng. our grandmotht2ra would -have Good snow roads and cold -weather . dono every da the !morning and to "And did you Sea this young girl?" small, rough to ..answer ilia
. S asto,ilslilng His hearers a f"Illated trade in O_uebac,whl'e t tho drill for ,asked the Captain with singular commodious a
held up their hands in iftoly liar- hav I
-'vs� ey Would retallera report a good holiday trade point out this, mistakes ma(kq, , , requirements or ordinary 'business. "'
. 17-QQ). ,17. Astonished - The ror at suoh, an Adea.; th � I d sweetness. thlit 1113 plac8 was enowded; Lind they
113. CHISHOLY & CHISHOLM Greek word is very forcib'e. "Tile' bla-ve deewwl it aitogether un- and payments are promptly met. . And In till,) ,afternoon .Iii5 as;Ce "No! She was W bad. I could not .
in,I:OTL IF, that they were In, a trang- womanly. WA liuve, however, boon Montreal reports that -wbolenalers , permission Of 11113 COUlluallil0b of th( m - ake thom -open* the door for ine. Ila,d to stand Ili line and ,%vait ilkir -,
D to be exoosed�.Trom din- for a pereonal lntervlev�ir � . I
'ng wJ01 the times LlInce on low battalion . , nly her inotaur eame to the, win- 'turn � I .
. I J. -Ort of astonishment, and struck march'. r are making Inventories that el, i . � 0. I I sutpooted from the unusual rush. _
PHYSICIANS - SURGEONS - ETC. WAI: admiration." At' ble understand- grabdmothl3rs' days, and, thanks to good results, and splendid snow Der tlf'.'whomi he dow, and ca e go ItNvttyt of business thit Some such l'alstiakle
views and -liberal-mind- , roads at the interior favor coui - good pe6ple w!
ing-He broli�-bt AvIth Win: a .clear i;lv� broad Tive that it was a shame for me to come
11 2try I ople at such an hour k)een
Jin"phine Street - Wingliam trade and keel) money In active cir- 1 WItas lodged U.16d hardly seen him and had been made, and after, having -
kn-owledge of God's word In which- edness of thb, twentieth contury-we ir neighbors that their, of- 'no Wake up pe offered dollar 'after dollar of - �
, no 4onbit, lie had been versed from are able to look at th'.ngs in a oulation. ..Wholesale &ad inanufactu:r- . tOld thle -and also that Loolit'lu-0 0,11 not.wish
- earliest years.-Wi3cock. Thby more, onliglAtened manner. Ing houses report satWactory con-: floor WAS hardly polite. Indeed af- Ilia v;aIt ,of a ra4soal of my kind. I the 1705 loslie I finally came to ilia
-P. KEHEDY, M.D., M.C.P.S.0 never hea,,1 one so young, nor un- Tho -i`.Lq.i of Interestini helpless- dltlon,s at Hamilton, retail and boll- I ter Irls arrival 110 S!f1ftt; hims-31f up "Oo here I am, ,Whon you stopped conclusion that tile' beat way out
deed, tb,elr greatest doctors, talk - ness ure over, and -th!3 physical, lie day trade Is brisk, ,provision and I in his room, me just noir. I was coi,41,ng' from of the difficulty -Would be to ad -
6 (Kember of the British Medical .To grain prices are firm and collectiono I -%Vlln.t those hours were that )'( there. 1,rlds Is an unlucky day for dress the crowd, as a bo -JY. 93 I Paid '
i Assools,tion) sense at ilia rate Ha did, He ga less th[an the intellectual, educa- prompt. . winnipeg report(; lio'10ay ! passed there, in tills stra,lige lodging. mb� At this hour 1113 liolcls no charm Chat It Nvas the, 1701 d. I'ar .'Of which
. thral, a taste of It's divine wisdom tion willch our modern girl hasre- familiar sur- to � me I) , -� " the large premium tied been paid, a,
and knowleilgo-Ilenry. 48, Amazed ceh ad -much to fit liar for trade -brisk. and money easior.Whole- , in t,t-,e midet 'of the un . I t .
COLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE. blia (lone sale tra,de is steadier In most lines 1 rou,ndings, all tbose� who have scan Louv�au c6asad. The village 'was mis ake having'baell made In ilia
Inch honor jiven to their tilt,, battle I
-To cee L of life. She lima learned , dear dreari, chorleliec . I figures, and tll-tt their 1793 &Vars
"Octal attention raid to Diseases of worn" au Vancouver, but retail business1a � In tt,.oir lives a oply a,bundred step3 &,way. Tile Cap -
and children, boy, and to see suoilt boldne9a 16 to be independent and self-reliant, to fall to pieces, - were ivorth just $4. �
holding a disclifis'on with ibese learn- quiet. Improvemont is an'lAp %'a I and ' for a long time, Only taln Stopped and put his hand on ,
oi*cm HOURS --I to i p.m,, T to 0 V.m. etc.-Tbis was the and Is. as a rule, Iwalthy in mind collections are fairly sa*tIsfae'tory. Will guess without trouble, L the shoulder or bla trooper, Our callers wt once turned ai-y
liq� ed men. Vii*hy, and bodyv . avening lie went out, I -Lie'. "The paiwof love is not dead]:?, my In d)sgust and dlqappointment, ut
I . I . � mildest EOrt of a reproof, and was Tile r4aclielor Girl is In all proba� Bradstreet's on Trade. t T?-)wmrd 4 b. -favor. It boy," sa.0 be. "Tills will pass as all the Stream or letters colitinuieJ .or' L
I L . croples throbbing wit
prolh%bily given privately. Thy rath- bility a busy bee, and eUllar eal-I)s must Ilave bten late, ror all was quiet else does. Uverything has an arid. You several days JUnger and Jildioated
I was neceE -
er-TihIs f6rm of 6T,ecob MIDIelsale, trade, at Montreal lima'
� could she spleaki or taugments hot- Income according . . I In the vigage, excepting for tile eon are golng to JAn. your squa.1d and tell tile existence of. more coins of Tills -
FFFF - - I aar,v, for how else to hier attainments and capabilities. been pore awd-ve thlhg week. Not on]!A I fused noise tba.t tile soldiers -know 3.Our corpoi data thah I bad thought to 'be POS -
W. T. Holloway or told liar Son Fortlib most part liar ,work takes Is tLiere a larger movement bi hall -at that I have seen you lbl,.,, I ...
' � - st ad probably nev .1- I well, AvIliell to made. by tile hard and that you explained your r�bfsenco 9 . . � I . I . I
D.D.S., L.D.S. � . or ite peculiar circumstances con- hbr amonlist comparative strangers, da;S� goods, lililt domestic Staple 0 t- I breathing of thouvands, of tired men to me. T wi.11 'fiat punisli %. on tills . . .
P. nected with, Iris birth, Sought thee 0
82duate of Royal nly troubled iiilm though In the ordinary course tqn fabrics are in active, demand, . Ho. wag going straight ahead I -'.k( time ad,, Gives Party to Hcr Houst-tpaid.
1we of Dental , . � F,orrowing-"Ilbine; not 0 of events treat' liar with the or- tLe r-'wen't amart advance v-oundod animal, seeking .0011tude Thiis spoke Capt. Harmont, who up
Surgeons of Ter- . 0 F Lilat WLI lost Thee, but vexea at 8 having it V lira. I-larrlson h�fjauldfngr. a social -
Lhodox conventional pollteness,aild All a,t once, its lie ar, - to that day had never Pardoned all I ' tied ,
Ito and Honor -1 ourselles for not taking better care iii mally cases with, otimulaited sales. orders for tl.e I and darkneas. ar
I"' a . kindness, Lan- . the lasit house In �Jie village, . eader of 1.111waukee, Wis., at .gtv- '
a uste of Dent- _7.l`l.� or Two. The word here rendered car- spring generally, are large, and In , arr6r. ... 11 I hOr friends tile Other (lay by
, i rived at '.
gDay"t. of Toren- - . . . not be expected to Interest thbir- I lie almost ran ,against Corporal � � I Ing a pa.rty 1ot imw I ousamald And �
� rowing Is exP of great an- Wine; lincis exceed tLuie booked at rugglIng '. . ,
kh n varsity. I ,ressive solve& in lYhr when she Is off duty. 11 . Rabut himself, wlib 'W . a-gsistiefl, thb' maid .in I an tortdirling
JASsi improved methods in all branches ol goldti.11 It Is little to (be wondered, laX iblat tHis tlri�o a yipar ago. along tbe road. swearing, and Who
Kukranteed. ArOfftee In Beaver B8st'stactloy: 40. Vow is It 11" t Ye EO'dg, vvilren, the well-deserved hs stopped, contused, on r9cOgnizing. the A TREAT FOR THE �HILDREN,
De4tistry. Pricen moderate. a lit up At Torant-o ordere are coming to har. friends. The house WAS turned
lock. r IMI!, leisure come round able should pre- captoln.; . � - over to h3r for the evening. It waa
. . - g Is no rer,roachful question. It Lis,nd in the whoilefsale trade on quite . — . � .
- . Is asked Ih all i1ye simPlicity and far tc, spend t1ism in her O,lv.n wZy. ji. ilibaral scale for tba current' (30, 1 911Viiat tg this noise, corporal, slid wake the rjlttla�'Oueg SlixIlt-Seeing decoiated withi- flowers, and te-
holdners of holy ch'Whood.-ill'ord. It to th5en that 'Elio fact or pos- malildis. of trade, as -well as for fu- at ouch an hour?'! said be I his sense Before the Holiday Crush. . Iresh"rento were proArldo-1 Tba
RT11UR J. IRWIN t1b Is arnarently aRtonlelfe! that tuft rerpfl�remeiilta. Trade through liar bringing him to Win- . guests, .wbro otbinr maids and Their ,
A . Ill. kbonf�'have been sougilti or even sessing -a little nest 'Of Wer,own'to -ftm eoufttr,y W much blora active and of duty a,s 01 . w6men frianda. ' Mrs.
D.D.S., L,D.S. iv;hllch she can rettlyn In sllcll'a'801�: w,ir again. '�And your sintluel, where Take ilia ,cluldren, especially the Man and
. than In paymentig are, cxpeotoc4 -as a result, . haro,rie Spaii1ding says tbi%t liar rAala wua
� tl;ought of, anywhere Ore ace, especially wh,an t1ilngs, -grow I's 11061, lit Lie tote, to. sea 01fristmail a 1good ,ittoetess, and that tile guests
Doctor of Dental Surger .- ti�p only plInco; wb1ch Ire felt to be to ahow it good improvement after The corporal wale an excellent the stores becomes too- greatly
y of the rer wearlsome and life seealm .at �3i`083 ' . ivere speedily put at ilfa!r :.;age. Blia
nsylva,nix College and Licentiate ol f.op3r'1j Ilki Itf,m-.-Lange. NAllst liurposes. TUere, are Soma natures the firot of thoyear. eaflier has had youth, Incapable or Wng-'116�61PIMW- crowded foil thoIr pleasure or Safety,
D6nt^l Surgery bf Ontario. --Kriow about 181y Fatiller's bushics,4 At Quebec the ftno w left ItIvem to 1hoir owu deviceil..af-
to marlell tile appointments of tile a, benclicial effect on general trade ed. tho .situation, I.:Orly In the morning In the bo;t
�, -S"p R V. '-In Ry Father'S hou-30" lyp'cal lodging;1flatioe, are a )Positive 0 WL ,nd nothing ter a willic, and the ina,IX reported
'% Omce over Post Omeo-WI t a ,Nly captain, I understa timo ter ilia little ones to. ride to , ,at suecesg, in
% NG9AM 1:rin(C(-.ssaril.v narx,ows the fulness of torture., Particularly rotallora, who are busy. bont It. I placed LoIlVedtl as Sentinel to the beat advantageo and to do tile Party a Porto
I I Olt- OXrTePS'O.I. Better -, In tbe things wItI;l the holiday.. demandI3 Which 10 ,at tf.e corner of the house almost thl.e mother must make an I speaking of it, Mrs. Spauldhig -HaR
- car y tivat the maid had boon -with liar ,
or affairr of My Father; In th. uisual at this seasm. Countt'Y deal- halt all hour ago. And here X come statt, even It ,Lila hourso must be tie.
at Tho incongruity of the ornaments
nd and Allia general "Tildoosity" of the - . . thlreo you
ivl ieh belongs to ills honor a furniture often got on t1fair nervos ore are Ordering froelyl'and travel- and cannot find him. We musit ba- givefed urttll ]far r i,rs, and was faithful alid
uriary.4�chaff. M. Understood not-- lots' orders, Na a regaii, are numer- Ilove that thle ldlot__� It, ellurn. � .
� . - 11 Inc.. � coinpo�entl. AW5 believed that it *
I k to sucir an extent as seriously to it , The boys will enjoy, the n r
INIHAY SAW MILL They did not Ills Interfere with? Illeir Work. The Va� 0`110. I Perhaps 116 Is not far --call him, Oban"cal toyp, of Which there Alre life home, ,at- least, the probleirs of
wipfiton. 11's first recorded utterance The wholeGale trade at mulds,
Testis Was a straints of boarding In a labilly Mmilton, Interrupted ,tile captain. 11 goso Vexatious to some, hfa,d
McLEAN & SON is too :1eep for Mem. , ,011 Louvosu !11 great. numbers. Itallroads I an uto- been 11,ed.-Chloago Chronicle.
J I are equally juipassibla to otlinre, for so felported to gradstreet's, has be "Loaveau . Louveau. ! mobiles tire most fascinat a , Spec- 11 I . I— .
16as vo!de. la-Ily if tile boy' Is of a , b.-- �
myrtery to HIS raront,s, and Ile Wag kept busty with ttle, liolifty demand cried tile coylpoi,61 in a furl , �
bper- a mystery to �ibe world ever ilikiy fin(i the stated mant times . 1%c� captain ,speaks - hanlOAL
xrowth and do- orders, too; are Aii�roas, Oh;Peclall.Y, save rely ; I eA, Moot Important Masons May .
I since,. 1IIH birtb, TIN L all(i rolitino vory real dlsaoft�rbrLoe- wbinh hao bet6u.' Wry actlArb. Spring ,
.,o one replied, b ttelles 61. St. 06hunbla,
4%, All kinds of rough and dressed .... ! velopipent, ilia trutba lie taugbt and M:le tAchol3r, birl, on the other for domelstle, staV.o dry! goods. )ralueg ent you on the be taught by tile proper . Selection Miss Surma Grant. -at St. AiidrOw'ik
liw lift. Uo llvPd_(1!RnIos1ng both tho hand, kriowo that alto, Can 90 IlOirle are very, firm. ( 1 ' zoal of your 'nion, Corporal 1tabat of toys, airl even the doll baby may Sootland, a daughter of 'Sir Alexaft-
"41 H t,jiiran and the divine nittutos-Itril) t`:) I." own little nest' Arilore; be It At Lundan thW wtiok, Try to .nelp nia find thim Man Wil ;, be made to add greatly to tIfO Oda.' dor Gr&nt, -of EdInbiftli, has at -
N BER, LAT , SH119GLES has liar the whologale
nil toa groat for our cninrrelien,3-011. ever n; bumblo n a ihbodo, she tra-do liag abOAvn a good deal of VvC- put,4 piriself Ill 6,11 ,extremely gravo cation of the Ittf.lo girl. rived to Mmv York 161ty, on hier way;
' or, Tlher& ir you c6ntemrlate pfting a .do'l to Wasillington. Site IS the auntodlar%
VT. Jesus Subject to HIS parents (V. own bouFsehold gods about Il tIvIty. Stocke ctLrrl(!d arb not ex. position. You will ftocOubt to MO at -6 It, at a, - Of a, pocullar gift from the Btmhop
-_"`PP E B la a sense of 1,lionlinosig" that rests -Ing doinand e0ti- tile assembly to-motro-sv inorrilig " to Forno little pirl add i
- A . L ARRELS. i r,c). 51. Nvent d wn wit'l il'orl-Ir 11' �, aMsIvIo and the sort , ,
her, for everything is ftill of old asso- tintles 0�6 ,
i heart drow Illm to the temple, the od. The Outlook for the And lie contInuou bis walk Str ;:Ight , tkifling cost, 0, tiny, baskot ftnJ a 'of Argyll and i -ho Woo to Wallop sat-
cintionso. i 11 , 'irlee at 016 leapItal.''Whaft it;'WAO
Hard and Soft Slabs, also a %Y)Iee or Auty erl*cd Xm bac% to Gal- studio spring business to promising. &hoad In tile darkened street. At an. th.-lublty small enough to fit the lit- i tie
11po " and. perts-Of eve I In clilldhood, calling Ono d;),y on sin old � TUere, to aotivity! -mported in the Otlior ilmo thig, Inieldoixt would havib tie mother. lit ilia basket Vlace 0, I aftided to 'Wid the rutgnift don't ca.
large quantity of dry hard! 110 ylfhI(..d jmpll:jl� (�(, (,,.pn fir 11 I
. . O'l to tj is lend WIoni X had not been for gov. 1,011daig trade at Pacific COMA 0`0108- takioll all Ills attention, all Ills vIgI!- tow fleods ol-WhIto Oftnibrics solhO tbodr&l In Washington Illphop Eht-
,rp Ine*%pensIvb 'lace for Warming ther lee annolliveod tliat,be e I d cto a
, Ile (!r.il yt,ars, X f,tund her offta'LlIshed In VIT19 ance. lie tllougb�t no more Of it then, 'a 6 re 3 ii A
- 'n%%ret%�1-II(1,)1lf,,*,,,V. a. fiat, and I waA r,trut-,k with title coal- onder 'garnli and soma lawn or from rutna and oVior plabbff of ed -
wood for.qa1e, delivered. i vO!O,'.-TAn9?'. To N , A go6d d eat 'of gralft 1-9 11 OW In 0
I rnv�mineil e*gr tomil yoarq In 1,14tiltobo., And trade, h -q sli,owt jiilot tie really islitfered too U111011
. ,p1lepo wpre y(&,,1 rg e)f r. rols-til a ad t r- fleso of I,or surrolindings. Her 'Pooms by Brad,atreiatls roport%, Is quite at,-' and from n, blow too UnO.Vpeated &'nd nalno.00k for 1% drieng. All of t1foaWolo"Inntleal lnta�rost to embody, In
rr - _n,
I ::J
wow prettily, yet inexp�flalvely, firr- Inking taoull,lea p*,ecos may be found In tIfe sdra'0 the walls of the edifice. Iflog Grant
Tel,epticne orders PrOffiPtly par-ation tor Ills grrat I fe Avoik. Was t1vo, tbib demand Ili WhOlet,410 trade too harsh. All the 411 3v, so that the brInign, m good .sIted piece of tbb roek
I Anb�-,t unto tNivil-11110110 14 SO'lle- niphed, and whmt to me Was Most In- icirclea at NVInntm,# AVIIIP; large- of life brain wore eatedlOn the bago of Mild Ilovookoor-4 . 7
t (Lila 0 tO.ihc'4OX Wi
attended to. I it, ter4wting Wag the ingenuity used in oil Which the fa-inou§ Irish rdiflatoll-
hill W,,)n(Jortill I)Pycnfl tannsUPV Ali P,O 1110ralzing ispace. It Was now that WLOIOMIO IARWOOR (it Ottawa con- Watt Of 111A lost hft�pinesa; ask. nved not, add 0y, St. collimba, Stood Whon lie
Biq 9111011ght of 711111 unto Whom 'riendo of t1nitog atttvo. Thlb very firm (one of cd I1In14WIf It it Would not be botter gift- . I
I I things were nubjv , jo I fully ApprIvllatp.d ilia expe marketa lirt.n Irn�roivcd tile (10- to rja,*,9jl it all tj.,o If moiller Will clirect ilia I'tLIO Ml,athlod Ilia first gonpol to the bar.
,t fillb-1111ttNg ,eo, with mba,ll troill Or,
earttly Parents. No st,
& SOA ovor dono to angt le Rig waff 11.11v (lone I legoo.1 o_�S of k t t lot . . . ..,
1:.,Il hotior wag 0L.11pg.3 life. Nearly everything I,Ll tile tfJO` I linea of goods for Ill,% ravolvor in 1110, boa(l, 611 to tilt tuttin,g wad .the aawZ, �116 Island or Ifta.to tile
MoLean in-)om oi�rved the doubl(i PurPONO of m loll ft,'noY
arid mt�
villa dillity. I lipira a t., I , ( " . I I , life Not- Old mother hardly Sur- illore Will be a, valuable r3ar 1568,
, 1 . . .
. I .
to, I10"JIN and Mary. -110111. coill, In ft(IOP11111011t . I
. .
"Z=� ���,,M,, .... .. � ...... ... �,,, I . - \" . I . I I I., ��
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7iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisimiti i I i 11111 fiama"