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The Wingham Advance, 1903-12-31, Page 1
JAI I h,. ,-am , 31ST YEAR, NO, 18. - 11 WINA?T'.„,,'3R'', 3, x9 iRI.q FES; T AIN --,-. -,---;r Annual ee in , . . -:. ,_...:,.:..,,...,-,._ . , . ....,:. .., ._: .„_..I_ ..-._, _ CE ` Dr, Macdonald Chosen,a . -;1'11*-. -r ,D r DAR inXne antral Ineeting. c# the Turn- The Libertats of If tat ITuran met h R, ' "• C z $Q%,M CONSENTS, berry Agricultural Society will lie held Brussels on wedne.ida - t1 a Council chamber on Wednesday, !sleek w gaudldate to conies life O diva WILL. 8$ TRV CCNSORVATIVg CAX'» January )Sth, 1901, at one o'cioek se the annilit (]In g DMATIa IN EAST HURON,. P.m. g general elecGlOu . far the DOnrinion. Dr, V. Macdonald 0 -_ .,.., BANK OP RART01 Api at (Paid II $z,g$Q,gQQ Arun Broken, hs present member, tvas the utiean!: Vor some time past, the Conservatives zL rimmoer or Lite electors of Wing fair and equitable rental; no definfte WI NV f AM, molls Choice of the Cvaver 0, of Bast Huron have been desirous of ham met in the Council Chamber on plan for ftxing t!)Iti had been formulat. - ^--- Roserve (and via- i, 3 On Thursday evening lust, Airs, Wedded. seouriug Dr. T. Chisholm of ,Wingham Monday ravening to Dominate Aluyorr ed, but this might be left in itis hands CApITA)L y'AII) Up ........ $ x,000,009.00 ed proRta). 'P r 3Q, Jerome fall on slippery sidewalk as their candidate in the approaching Councillors and f School Trustees for of theOoelncit. The time bad arrived 1tit9TlItVE FuNA,.,,.,,,,, 1700 And r atulned, serious in ut fes, one y graced Dominion elections, Otlt9 names itis for these improvements, and the Ooizn• TaaTnra AsilnTs, ., 'x'00 f A quiet marriage ceremony r 1114f. 'here were nominated :-- Ctt had duly Talapaunded the a Conn- _ •+ '••.. 21,9 O,G9(i,G4. of her arms was broken and size was the parlor of the ,Bases Moore'a re- true were mentioned, buf ft was foil considerably bruised, sidence on Thursday last, when Miss that if Dr, Ohisizolm would consent, he TOIL MATOU—Anson Dulmage, Rich- the responsibility note rested with the 130ARD _. Farmel'a Nates discounted, Caroline Selina Ataure was united In pr peaty owners, At2 OF AIRRCTOitS. Drafts sold on all oinks lu Can Apply YYWANTED--A gond general serngnt, tnarria would receive not oz31 the unanimous ar'd Vanstone, _,_-_ y },e to Mr. Arthur C, Oummer, a ai the nomination, but the euthnsiastia support Cotton. Dultnage spoke of the progxes. Iron, Win. Utlbsoli ,- president ads, the United States and Europe, to iVlrs, A. I Suzith, Jahn St. respeeted and indtistaioils mechanic Conservatives of the riding, p Be- Z''on COV tCILLOUS -Jzlo. Kerr, Thos. ,sh eness of Wingham and its residents; Goo. R*aciz Tol1u Proctor A B ea the Listowel. Rev. Dr. Gundy spoke sides, we are aware of the fact, that Armstrong, S, Bennett, Wdzi, FIoImes, ere must be no retrogresefion. He John s.Iiendrie Dqa. itathortardD Business Change. the Jit Ala words so full of import, g members of the House of Com- Rabt. Mclndap, W. I+'. Vanstone, Q, outlined the passlbilittes of Wingham *Turnb1111, 9foe•Fres. and lienee SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, lendin a d its :future rowt t>tlanaser lWr, Humberstone, has disposed of and after a wedding luncheon, p the )none and even the ConEarvative, leader, H. C. Mitlikin, VY, J. Greer, John Me. was Important,s i r The Scheme U. Intorest allowed on dgpoatts of St,go and his grocery business to Air, J, W, happy aat3ple left on a tzrieC tour, Mr. R. L. Borden, have also been aux, a t bora soon the life $stovou. Aeat, Agn,•Manugor upwards, and added to principal 30th June Rogers of Toronto, who took passes. They will, le their return take u . ions to sae Dr. Chisholm ill the field, Lean, Thos, Bell, David Bell, Thomas of the citizens. The British Empire H• X. watoon, Inopeotm., and $1st D000rabgr each year. Aon nc Wednesday morning. 'J'ee their residence in Listowel. The The Inconveniences O!, a winter oam- Gregory, A, Dulmage, Wm. Fessant, would spend millions and move armies Advance welcomes life, It ors to our and fleets to protect the life of one grDeposotwood81 nd upitweadrdorocetved. Int. R Advance extends ton 'ittulaGiona. pAlga in Ontario, Wa candidate ad- FOIL SaIIOor, Tnvs a$s—Ward 1-- citizen, Then why should we not en On 30th November A. E. GIBSON, Manager town. gt and stat z+IUYy each Ycar, and added to principal "`A Happy New Year to You,,, vanoed In life, are almost enough to de• Thos. Abraham ; Ward's 2 -,Wm Moore- deaPAl' t0 safeguard our bolus!? Be- spegta2 Ilaposfta oleo reooived at current R. vanstone, Solicitor Horse Fair. wish You alt a EIa We ter any candidate from entering a con• ;idea it cast something to put dawn ppY New Year; ma lost, hence it 1s no wander that Dr, phis• ward 3—H. Kerr ; Ward 4—C, N. well;, keep pumps, etc,, in repair, The rates of Interest, The nlanthly Ha)'se Falt luau guPat, success be yours during 1001,--W, jl; halm has hesitated but the Advance is Griffin, Win. Nicholson, Dr, Irwin, factories were actually suffering now W. Z B #< AX ed by Alex. Orr of the Iiotol liruna, Greer, pIoastid to be able to announce the feat far conveniences. Mr, w!ek, will be held on Wednesday, Jan. There will, however, be no poll, for Dulma a ex- uarY 0th, Local and uutside buyers Judge Masson Dead, that Ur. Chisholm htas yielded to the p g Dickinson & I chiles, Solicitors Pressure brought to bear upon him and resignations leave the following elect- pressed himself in favor of the b •law, EII:t are expected, Dates far further fairs His Honor James Mason, formerlq has Consented to contest the riding y g and hoped it would be carried, He n wilt be given later. County Judge for the goixnt of ed b acclamation :— had no doubt that in a short time —ILA I y lclur• against the present member, Dr, Mao- Mayor—•R. Vanstone. there would be sufficient revenue to S,00lc At Roofs. an died Last Thursday evening at his donald, inset all expenses, It teas impossible residence in Toronto. He was born at Without doubt, Dr, Chfsholm's eandi. Councillors—Thomas Bell, William for the sewage of a town the size of Wear Glreer's Shoes curl Rubbers. Many of our exchanges report sheds Seymour, Northumberland County, in dature will be approved by the fteou. Holmes, David Bell, Thos. Armstrong, I Wingbam not to affect the purity of A baby Is not necessarily afflicted and barns collapsing with the weight 184 a GH taetlmar School iatanat d t e called an early endorsed by the Convention at G. H. Mullikin, W. J. Greer. the water. with jaundice, because Iva a little of snow Upon their roofs. It is wellr, Robt. Currie apposed the bylaw "yeller," to preveitiVingtt clanger, and spend an hour to the bar in 1571. 13e practised in ",Chat Dr. Chisholm; will make an ex, Trustees—Ward 1 --Thos. Abraham; on account of the increasing debt, and yeller, rentovin the beautiful tcom Lhe roof Otv°n Sound, anti was also Master in ce tionall strop candidate is admitted, Ward 2— r waterworks had not been a p)tying in - A woman may cure her husband of of a building endangered. Chancery from 1873 to 1875. Iu 1885 InAdditiou to the Liberal majority of Kerr • Ward 4 -Dr A J, Irwin ani Q. vestment In other places, He placed be was created a Q, C, As a Can. about 140 the the tobacco habit by purchasing his Bananas, pineapples, Choice plants ; servative he re nesetrted North Gre + gerrymander has added N. Griffin, the debt of the town at $145,000, cigars for him. also wreaths to order at L, G, Kruse'. .in the. House of Commons from 1887 East about whichNevertheless, the MayorVanstone corrected Mr. Currie UP t0 1890. when he was appointed The nominations Closed at 8;80, and showing that the debt was really only Oysters, fresh all the tutus at L. G. C. Q, F. pP Conservatives of East Huron feel that the electors chose ex -Mayor Clegg as $50.855, that the electric tight plant Kruse, Star Restaurant. On' judge for the Cwlnty of liar- they now have a candidate who will be Chairman. could he sold toanorrow for 100 cents The officers elect for Court Maitland ` on' The funeral took place in G}od- a worker, and the on the dollar, and that the assets ofI 11 Wingham Salt Works began opera- No, 2i are.--obief Rwngel._I. Patti- erich on Monday, , , y will: put forth every Municipal matters generally wart Wingham.eltceeded its debt b T p• g son: Vico Uhief • J. lle legitimate effort to pleas him at the y $3000. tion last week and Mr. Sparling has ; Ree. -Sec,— , head of the poll. not discussed, the proposed system of There was not another town in Canada I wish you all now plenty of salt on hand, H• B Elliott , N, S, --Dr. Holloway ; adieS ChtixCh. Report. Waterworks being the only question in so goad a fihanciai condition, Tress,—J. Button; ,. , Politicians aro looking for the issue of taken up, Mr, Mclndpo spoke brfefty, He had S, Verb Merry Oh ;j. Beck. The report 3 l: sad Presbyterian the eleoGiom writs at an party date. Ma yor Vanstone was the first speak- favored the submission ie the bylaw, The Young Ladies' Fortnightly Of ub with; S. W.—F, Rush ; J. V Beek Church for t o is ready for Presbyterian rite- will tneet next Monday nicht at the lenkius; S, B, --J, R, Woods; J, B. tion, The amount contributed by er. .He clearly and definitely outlined but since had grown a little nervous Christmas cilli a borne of Mrs..A,lex.. Uitchie. V. Iiodert;8; Amditor,--W. Neil, members and Adherents was $3¢S.D8 Farm Purchased. the scheme. The by-law submitted regarding the debt to be created. But and far the Schemes of the (IhnT'cl] test year was a test of public opinion, this was the dark side -there were, bright I9Q¢ Ritchie by Campbell have a large FQrm.er Re ids q h , On Saturday last, C, J. Ma gulre sold but the result, though the by-law was however, great benefits to be derived ' p tr At• $11!1.5 a other receipts $19.80, The the 50 acre farul awned by Thos. defeated, showed that the people were, from Waterworks and sewage. Take advt, an page 4, which should be read. J. W, Connell A1, L. A.. it former, report shows 0 tue;tibers at the begin Henderson of the Bluevale Road many of them, prepared to supporta two streets of They offer special inducements, resident of lVinghanr, sveltes flan] ping of the year, sit; teAznvais, 10 add! (formerly awned by John Nicholson) proper scheme, The main reason for works and houses --one has water- Carndufi', Assa. ordering tile Advance, trona, making present membership a3: to Thos. Forbes of Wingham d sewage, the other has not -- It cost the township of Dawn $500 He says:—••1 shall be pleased to be Tire. 8tinday School expended the $5000, possession given March 1st,price was to cfr ciliLuteh Lhee electric light plant and the first will sell better and bring and costs to settle for Injuries caused in touch with events transpirlag in amount received (exce A a balance of g operation of a more rent. Fast experience in Wing, by the upsetting of one load of hay. feelingl for itile Aretain vas e, owing friendly r$epart eceiptstof a 3(1,55. The Mder- PrpIifiC. Vtay r thelannounced omestic tthe plan, nam- fitted ham thethat townexpenditures lead bene. is Mr. Edward Wish of Gloclerieh town- g c this would also. receive Tuesday and WeOntusday, Jan been away from townitforltwenty-four le 't Xu h I nu ell, est, M. A.; Elders ship has a thoroughbred Shorthorn be is dstroveringwn Hrh1 tri the cwvilole sur aLidie bannonnced Haat he would Ft'ancis LetvIs, cote which recent! g town. The source of supply Y 1 would be Dr. illacdnaldspoke very favorably WALTO MCKIBBON JIM- lltitton Thus, gaveh to nary 5th and '0th at the residence of years. F. Lewis, ' Aitken; Treasurer calves, making tour eleven months, artesian wells, and the total cast would of Wingham, its standingand repute, 1*1 her father, Mr. John Martin, John ,St. Aliases' C:krclig:uis f,tr 73a a pair, also Five cows of the same herd have had be $29,000, He expressed the utmost tion. His remarks were uch t DRUGGIST Romig To Ru iT.—Conifbrtable; ap- Women's Felt iiuots, f oxlkl with loath- Qrallges, nuts, biacults, flgs, dates eleven calves in a little over a year, confidence that in three years the wa- point, and he strongly supported the ply to John McLean, Wingham. el', for $1..0.0 it p.tir,— W. J. Greer, and grapes—in fact all toothsome dell- Men's Uvexat"oea for $1,00 apair—tit ter r ins would b elf ogtfund Ing. $l o scheme. tsystem of waterworks cactes,-L. G. Kruse p1cKelvIe s old Next ROOT t0 Post Office. ' stand, W. J. Greees, ' ' ga The 7lle Gadetich Signal issued an West Huron ,iboTal_ ) would have to be raised yearly, which outlay would not embarrass the pes- attractive Christmas supplement. West Ilnrou Liberals will titeet in Pleasant GA-therin . Why Not? meant about three mills on the dollar en t tax payers, Spread as it was over The Mildmay Gazette issued a Christ- convection in the Agricultural .Ball, g 1.H of our assessment, The operating ex- thirty years Chose that came after its Dun anion, on 'Tuesday, Januar 5th A pleasant Xnitte da was s ant at At the convention of Women's Insti- pence! 'would be light, far the sante would have to pay their share and we P. S,—Coruna 's Choc mss number with description Of the 8 y ' the residence of Charles Tit totes in Guelph reeentty, Miss Bella staff and power that operated the else• WnU1cI stripy the haneGta, village and portraits of local business at 1 a'clock P. tn. In addition to the Taylor, p this week.y ousts! fresh g p business of the regular annual meet- FYeat Wawanosh, son•in-lacy pf Mr, illiltar brought up the matter of co• tele light waulcl he snflicient far the Coun. Bell also spoke briefly in favor men, ing, the nomination of a candidate for and MI's. Jas• Ford of town. Air, operative laundries as a means of re- waLerWoke, lite Sewer and selvage of the scheme, stating the difficulties the Dominion House of Commons Witt Taylor had just moved into his new lieving farmers' wives. She gave an disposal works were the dealt with ex erienced in the factories. — -- _ Charles Cooper, .brother of A, '• take place. Such annoucemeL is an and commodious residence, built }i instance of a community in Middlesex and their necessity shown. These Itov. Mr, l3urwash thought the Cooper of the first of Cooper & Co;, l p tYir, Ford, and ChrisLtrlaa was +t clay county, where the farmers utilized the Would cost $6000. or an annual amoultt I Council were on the right truck ; the indication of the near'a roach of a y wagons on the cheese factor r of $310 to cover interest and sinking • health of the town was at stake. Wingham and Clinton, died last week general election. aP faintly reunion. About thirty re- y out® to in the hospital at Vancouver. The re- . latives and friends gathered to cele- carry their soiled clothing to a town fund. All residents on the main street The sleeting then closed at a lata Committed Suicide. brate the da lattndrY• Miss Millar suggested who to the sewer would be char ea, a I hour. mains were brought to Clinton for in y, incl great ilii. and Alrs, g't lied cheese p g ' Er'4"SFord in their new home. Tone ;e esumo wagons, adding to the ;lies!;N News arrived in Wingham on Wed- plea torment, g sure was increased by the presence factory or Creamery building, and in- neaday morning that A. Pattullo, At. of two sons of Mr. Ford John of Sud- stalling machinery for a laundry, mak- Xmas. Weddhig. p•g Good general servant wanted at L. A. for North Oxford, had commit- bur ing use of the power already there, ' Fll o once. Apply to Mrs, C. M. Walker. ted suicide iu England. Mr. PattuUo y, and Cleophas qP Br•atrdon, tubo The home of Airs, Craig, Walker- . C. J. Reafling has shaven us a copy was one of the strongest uteri in the has been absent from home seventeen Entertainment. tot was the scene of a quiet but plea- r d y q I x , CEU py Legislature. An cable man, an excel- ears, The Advance wishes alp. and sant event on Christmas da when of Carasy Oaretes, an illustrated maga- lent speaker, and looked upon as a in Taylor many years of happiness The Sunday School entertainment her daughter,AlissBetsy, wasunited in ** ? P in their new residence, in connection with Zetland Sunda zine published in Buenos Ayres, South coming Cabinet Minister, Frontier y marriaS•e to ane of aur respected and Rev Waitor Ayers, formerly stationed Amppjca, It may contain good read- Ross will have difficult finding his School, held last Monday evening, industrious Y g Y g l eret;yez. teas a decided success young townsman, per. in Corrie, is dead, l n mal ing your seleC- ln but as it eluted is Spanish, we equal to fill the vxaatrcy. , the school Arthur Heim. Rev. Dr, ]:toss per• R P p . Mrs. T. hall received the sad news room was packed,. and all enjoyed formed the ceremony. The happy The A. Y. P. A. of St. Paul's will have tions for t21as, ills Rapnat say. F'OP, S,ATIA—Barred Docks Cockerels on ThtlrsdaY Iasi of the death of her the programme, tvhiail consisted of Young couple arrived in Wingham the their next meetingea.rly in the new year. ) A farmer's. wife in Proton sold her bred from a layin strain ; winter sister's daughter, Miss Ida Harrison, Christmas Carols, dialogues, recita- same evening, and have taken u their Rev. d. E, Walter, M. A., Principal 'What could you ids layers,--Aiusgrove pros., Wroxeter, only daughter of Mr, and Mrs, John .tions, ate. The children were treated residence with the groom a mother on of Huron College, will , { tutkays irr Itundaik end received $RO to a sleigh ride in the afternoon and g preach in St, that would be li rgC_ Harrison,dJun., of Owen Sauna. The Patrick street. Congratulations. Paul's church next Sunday, both morn- pp for the lot. One of them brought her Special, Ttxdeed. deceased Young lady bad been a great on thole return, tea was served, and at Y "" , the close a heavy laden Yrnas. tree Ing and evening. iated more than a pair of $5,25. The same lad had other fowl bore ear for the past year or more, but Enterrtainment. 4 first lar spacial trate load, and Mote her eufi-rings with fortitude. was lightened of its load by Santa Service in Wiugbain Baptist Church with her, and her Christmas fowl net- the first of the kind reported, left at, Olatts. Rev, Mr; Lowe was chairman ; The entertainment given b the was withdrawn last Sunday evening, SllppeI's. we have $full as_ ted her over 10U, p Being the only daughter, she will be y $ It was one day last week for New York, much missed fn tine home, especially h°cornplitnented the people of Zetland Sunday School of S. S, No, 0, an Tues- om account of the storm. The attend- sortMent of le ,s r Mr. Adam Reid has been 111 during It was a train oft'nineteen Cars, loaded as ;firs, Ratrison is also in poor health. on their successful School• day evening, December 2Lnd, was once im all the churches was seriously sr Women's with turkeys, and for that reason was Interment took lace on Saturda ver „ y successful, The Sunda School dtmiufslted b the raging in blizzard. y clad Children s Slip Slippers in the past two weeks, On Wednesday called a turkey spells], Thele were p y Slaughte] Saie of Overcoats and is held only in the summer r months Y g g r p of last week, while in a fainting con- thirty-two thousand turkeys, wet hip se v' bur' Mrs. conducting the burial French Flannels (1.3c)—Geo. E. Icing. and it is customary to have an even- 'atchnight services will be hold !n fell in ail 500 000 o i g service. Airs, )Tall and daughter Ethel Y clition, he fella Ainst a iece of furni- pounds. As the price in ,plain and fans leather, '• g. P left Its $est train after receivingthe Win hale In It. ing'! ttmusentent for the children at St. Paul's Church Thursday ;venin , tore, and broke one of his ribs. He is New York was 18 to 20 cents a pound, sad news but were delayed at Dudalk g c the end of the tern]. Mr, Gavin Wil• commencing at 11.15, and in the ivretho prices from 25C to 1, rjQ, tits value of the train load was nearly tubers ihe'train was stalled fora whole Toronto dallies recently gave the son, of 7,etland, acted as chairman. dist olturoh tommenoing at 10 o'clock, now reported improving, but es will scarce i Turkeys evidently were not night by an accident to the en following item of news,—Uonipressed The programme consisted • of vocal continuing until the New Year 1004, is A beautiful Gentlemen's be some time Before lip reaches his scarce in AiieaoUri. until fir is the newest motive ower ro and instrumental 'music, recitations announced b the bells. and did not ranch Owen Sound until P t Y usual health, ten ami. on Friday. posed to lap used fat- rallways in tills and dialogues, The children's singing Slipper for $1.00 a pair, Presentation, }Irovince. Ali organi$ation styling it• and reciting were appreciated by the The Rev. X. AJ. Goldberg of Duu- Ask for prices of Manitoba lands + gannoll from C. J. Mn airs,—Heal Estate The pupils of S, S, Na. 0, Turnberry, King's iLtlb Proof (lytnybbers are self t11e Ontario Traction Co, will air large audience, as war° also Che num- ,who has been appointed by the g surprised their teacher, Miss Anes tate"best. The onl laps o can et ply at the next session of the Le Isla• hers given b the older people o£ the Bishop of the Diocese to the inotimben- 4gent. Wingham. g y y h g g y p p cy of the parish Cam : (i}rieves, at the ex nation of flip school them in poryll is at V d• greer's, solo ure for a chaster to operate a system section. After the programme, gifts p prising Middleton s, ROY Ij. Vorster is still at Canadian, term, by xhaking per the repipplent of a agerlp, of railways til western Ontario, motive were distributed from at large Ourist• + Holmesville and Summprhfll, will co' " HannaCols. 9 Indian Territory, operator on the M, Vanda°'te Albgtn and a very pretty power to be compressed air, electricity alas treo by Saute Claus himself, anct Ineuce his duties an Sunday, Jan. 3rd, V S • lemonade set, as a takeli of •a recta- .Pett£#' eryict< Needed, or any other motive power other than this part of the fun the by s and 1004. SI GI II. T, aflwa a atom. n re , ittin Il$ Y gtrld ST®I Ia y y I K tion, '*he address tpcys ascii by Saritll l'he Gt, ',, is rendering ver inef• steam, The system will. touch Lon• enjoyed ritosG of all. At the conclusion Last Sunday evening, an interesting for the 4dvanee llo wrltps that he is 1i'o ton and the presentation 111ac1e by The service au the branches in this don, Stratford, SeaforLh, Mitchell, Alr, A, E, Lloyd, of winghann, was Song service, was held in Win tram gain well, send was otlt to y CtatF•e, Altboggll taiten I syr- eeption of ponntry. Old engines that; Clinton, Fi tugham, Luckuoty, and presented with a comfortable chair Methodist Church. T110 choir, though =Next door to Post Office g gather 14ar mistletoe for 3l fuse, thaggh Ayr phare Reis°, Atiys C}rievas responded ill s}lita• appear to be wot•tt ont are relegated several other towns. from the members of Cho Sunday smaller than usual on account of the Ale trprijs, and wusllimg theca{ Glre pall? to the 0ranailes suet these a car 8rhool; Mr. Lloyd was superintendent storm _ 1.the Christmastide do@s not receive the plit;letitsi of the festive apto t4 tOM- to he 15r it tubus to those the light African Curios. of the school for the I:tst term, : gave it uutnber of tine saleatious - --- • ))blues that ft does in Canz;wit, thee}} narelYell, trains on tItne, o m tables appear bearing on the Christmas seasou. The STOV-US.--Wood Stoves, coal Stoves, Last week, Mr. Win. Hommth re- pastor's discourse was also on the same Manges and everything you may re - to be almost masts!;, Thera map be ceived a uuatlter of interesting curios• Oyster stews and Ice Cr tar for boli- subject. Next Snuda morning In December, 1809, the village oP LOsrt --.Ort lsturday, Dec. 20th, a some excuse, wlL•in a storm like that ties from Ilia son, who is a mission• drtys. a specialty at the Star Resta11 pnattt service tvfll be held. a t7ov- quire in the stove line, both riety And - In Hepworth asked to be incorporated as ludY s black ruff, between Beigrave of Sunday, occurs, but late trains are ary in Nigeria, `Vest Africa. The ion- ra°t''-.L' 0. Kruse, second-hand, at, prices that Will sur- a Police 'Village, They. recently peti- and neWithhattit. Fie per please leave the rule and not the exception. The ranee had the pleasure of seeing these ( ..,,.... The Listowel correspondent of tit° prise You.—A. YouNa & Sox. tioned the County Council to be plat- • klensall Observer eomplalus that it articles, and they are very Unique in. Stratford Herald says;—Rev, Dr. t • ed back in the township of Amabel. It Fraternal. takes a week to gat freight front .ton- deed, Though (as aught be expected) NOTE AND COMMENT. Gaudy, of Wingham, preached to a Have 7011 spare time? Increase very largo audience in the Methodist your income by work at night. Others don to t3enealt, E tttl the weiays they are sottiewllaG odd and rough, church on ncet e ' are doing it. Our coda sire used appears the Municipal Act contains no It is pleasing to notice the fraternal c tatomary a(' late it is not touch when con)pared with our finely -finish- Tho dates for rho ria Sunday evening. His ever where e w s. provision fpr, annitlliu • the ssttin a frit prev ilia in these t s ail on Wonder that,trave ler! choose the C. ,yet the trial of tura follow. earnest and affective offort is oharacs e • very goods, Write G. ll tr l3 rt K }Y t d ed, machine -made articles y in • aieotion Marshall & Co., Teas, Loddon, Ont. apart of a police Villager ;sobs; tient- t o pligr hes, At the recgnt qnn Iver• l3. 4. whenever they Can. Cheat ex. are remarkably well -made, to be the gx©d:—Xortli York have at been tarzstio of that statttiCh typo of the 84ry of in htin Alla m iso • hllech, ectatigns were formed when Mr, handiwork of uncivilized West Afri- r ) . Alt. earlier• ministom, Knox church con- •-, . • 3 ly no t}etion lulls takers, there tonerenglinisters pq ti}e ija tist aye pools chitrge of ills Grund Tink, cam natives. There are needles for •lavis Libertrt) in Newmarket, January - gregation withdraw their service and and 1preshyteri n !:!hurt a the bion to do the sewin 14th; 6-eutre Bruce, against Hugh Clark added further encouragement by their etllaal apietlCe iiE keeping 1}ape with latfartn, and ev. 19 An khp a bile q itrd, the road was tar ;ear g with, of Kincardine in Walkerton vu Jana- attendance, lite TyOrid's t}clyanpetyent.. 4n oilers- t • owe Af St. more bac lY managed, There have thahgh Nest Africa wardrobes are ary loth; North Perth against Mr. ayl s phltreli woiilcl have been Oleas- been more pitch -1114i, pallisions, and not very elabot•ate, for boys and girls Bratyn (Liberal) and cross petition l - pion having ITo parallel !rl lila surgteal eta aIle resent, t}:fcl Ile Clot 4e¢n ipa9es, aver wArked t lliplpyees and leas g without a stitch of clothing until p f c warlrf was perforrr}ed at st. Joseph's gieee ted hY IIIc ptyn $uttcltyy scl}aol effletent service tiler his manage, they aro twelve years old. Among against Mr, Monteith, in Seratford, Jan- RPMOV-011-1 luaus removed my Hospital, Siotl% Pity, by tar, "Aldi, si t ratre fere in pp, le app lulls fluent, than before, . 1t is tithe nor a Glle auriCs are saudais, knives, etc., all nary 18th; North Grey, against A, G. dressmaking shop to west side of :Sam f; tale telatlana -mute} Clop phan e, The ea le are entitled to had made, and also rl a ecimen etP Axcltay, and cross petition, in Owen 1*rances sttaet, second house froin ' ,Ieils, on John Xoratarry of Oanbtlry, rph t , people , • p 80,11td on Jauixar 20• tine Boon Victoria Street•. -Miss Wynn, F dYtF l better sorviae, Fancy native -made a made Cloth, It Appeals that ' , Y ainpt tlpiln., `Vija had fallen fro y t train beitr+ p Air. Smith Li ti y nl a 14aci of frgill ?lull to five hours late from Pat: the West African Young ladies are not (Liberal) and Dross petition, ___ w . hay', breaking his peck, A portion Oy 4Crilaroti'9llr morston to Win ham, totally indifferent to the Charms of at the SOa, Jatlttary 26. The date for ilinslsalaa, against Mr. AlahafP MARRIAOrS. of the third cervical vortebrzse was There, will be no municipal eleO,Ion STOVES._ -Cali in and see our assort- Curios is It Ilan) xziader': among the sat been sat. yr has not Laclimxn -[iambi;-..e1t the AJanae, on u, , removed, the false growth of tissue in Tarnberry for 1001•; the council of Went of Stoves and (let our prices. We tie of horn and rags, "Powe to hood it 4 „ December '23rd, by Rev, D, Perrie, • -" " fid" 1003 hAving been re-elected by aceta- have•a very !arga hack and will soil powder with which the Air. 7lenas Lockman to Miss Mary was cleaned ort, and the bouts: repute• mat•lo . on Monday. 'Reeve --W H, 1 'P 9 Young Ladies —The byo-election in North Rellfrow humble, both of Wingham. ° ed, The patient is doing tee11, and has tJruiks]]ank ; Uolntillora -. Messrs. & em t a very btu price.- A. YoTrxa color their eyelashes to increase the was held oil Saturday, and resulted in Mcllfichaet" Tlitrt' every prospect of recovery. .11usgrav0, Rellys Cuupland and Ruth. bhaii iit a' of hcerr igociu' tthe c ec°ssat'Y the °rt;sltiug rXe#sat oY lila CJavcrnmeilt Iiev. L, I'er is Cn Ileac. Z3rcfi. by ► rhig i p rford. List Watvicnasiz Rsbvc, J, V.twrnit--Old irate, il?i pw raga, rub- r i i a he ottectlpu• Canclldlate, and the election of foie, Dun• the, Mr. Arch. AtcJlieltael : s the Vl slither to w Ever noted for its put•eiltt•Out Cahn cCallum ; Councillors -••J. E. .E11is, here, wool•ppipkings, 411 hinds of feath- • 0n fill reports that his son la the Coliser of Wroxeter, to bliss Alar H,, dau l - , diztn setttimant, the P'tirmera Advo. W. Beecroft, Gavin VYi,eon, .lno, Men, era. zlnd ]tides. lli Hest rash rice metals tvltll ktitdnesa fron] rho natives, b p' vativa standard-bearer, ter of Wtn, ]larris of Tn iter' g t ' 118v a Food Rubber hot fr, y a majority bf 000. Tho constituelley T y t cafe+; in Its Chriattlras number sustains 71es, Ben. Ctitross :-- , Avtt • i3.' J. aid,- •iI. Iarpurq, petites gtirect, FYing• Thal:appc+ar to be kindly in the it dig- was carried b .'Air. Munro Cumtnev—,Moore— j Nvater its oid•titne repiutatloo, Canadian knutz; Cioilneiltors--J..honalcl8an, . galil. la -a8. position, respectful to the whits the least general el o at 2ltli is Itt, In inghnitn, l;pv. 4tt 8 y v© l:iVe a . .,, artists, paitacjiatt vprf ter; t7ttl}hcllt3n W. il:tllagh, Vy. i3x Glst (.I, Fatipllner, people, and only Head the influence of •t g eCtlou by a iriayority y v, Ur, ixUndy, 111 r. A. U, .fall 1 • 'r-"----•,- the os el unci chili?.atton to lift them of 450, During the Campai};rl Inst closed i.nntmtt of Listnwr~I to Aiiss Dara• tae alai CUB actual argriet Ityrists s eak #rota Its every Hotvick,--Reeve-- as. itlet ea; CAiln• g p the maehlno made a desperate ufYart to liva 5.111npre of 4Vinghatu. - ' ' age, tge result tieing a m)ir ter in the eillors-••iv easra. Spence, (dowdy, ot• OtINQ NI0 WANTED. out of their heathenism and,darknass, rcttmiu tiro cbustitixetro au<t signally , • ally person. Also hami, a tui##hhst degree precl,itablo to its ton t►nd Ulgkleyi %il fly acpla,t 4rldtr. into more destlabie conditions. 1V a fatted, ilea 001f l"tor y 6 ally UP111l••-•i,l aig-•-In Walkerton, on bpc, l uhlzshers, and lisef til . and entertain. Norris ilptlncil js reporteai re alztcted 'phe Clttnada bnlsitiras College, Chat- shall be )).eased at tiny time to give Conservatives, son the part of the L,ittl, by ItHv. I)r, IzOss, Ate. Arthur ootl z3loCk (} A ti3lllizel's' fug to its renders, That the aims by aeclaMatiol;, Inanl, 'Ont•, vvatlts xbp YoungHien iron• to tate public through the medium of old limo hanrst1l,Ibaral trattltoot3ituauy It,•lm of Nvingliam, to miss Betsy on hand. 1 p► the latter e, jtx no means Iupnsjd• mecliatel to ttralif in shorhand And the Advuttce, news pf Cita suers.! of ehisament of the tolatititena fox' ifra C•tttig of Walkerton, ;esti; may be, judged froin the fact Choice. Confectionery of alt kinds. bookkeeping either through their mail Mr, llbintnth, Jun., In ills missionary da s tui Y ° 5,u tvn,ldinw-- • - =i t work a►nong the natives of Nigeria.: y , e tefusal of Flail. Mr. Stratton Falrend On Dee; .3rd, by that over 28 tong of paper have been Tr required car Batt buns and Ghucalates,.-••L, coarse department or by ,attendin 'o'er few in Wingham . to illect It, 11, Gatnr+ citt tlta3 Iiov P. ,ltvrtml, at the residence .- . , Very ng ttm knew what ]t Y phtLfotm' Ltleiriele'a tri• ence of , lmr In tteakin tip life Chrtstutos il..rttae ; Aiei elvia's old stand, tWitlz tlydnr at Chatham, Tiley wfi 1 means to have the cortfatrta of Civi i- and tho accepta ilco of Game 's stat°• , p eats, Air. J. At. Wood• , . number dome, VIA cozyfKrattutate tits guarantee to place every one pf thein nation, and ! wants by ilio electors --were all factor row to Aiiss Arlettia Iy., dila Itte f Farmer's Advocate on .the success of Write Tile It Forbes Co. Limited, within a fete weeks after go into file Pevet, germ ]n the s Air, I, Iearrod f $ x A • + gradt:atinn lade:] climate of tVest Africa tp ettattoss ca►itest. hath sides d o Aiprrta. Its holiday number,, which the would Iles 1a1ol4r, Ont. for particular, of work zit wages ranging floe $35.00 to $80110 labor In Tills ion. r plated their beats J r suggest, might be Utilized as A Christ• in aleft Woolen itianufaetitring and per month. The average will be fron `v,y fields, 'Yet it is peakers fit tine flrltl, Case111OTP K-13ryee••-•On Dt, ,. e tui b .1 . .i.. •. g r by such selfdettytn clfarts that the but the Conservative eandidatc won, Rov. W. Loivt*. y Ha raaudg't rceotivact ptcotgtrtatl ueittweek Mill. Reliable 9tentiai0 to ig'0 par nlOntiT. iii ,students gaapo) {S to reach to dark rite Tltzt parties ill the Le isl t}ntt li ;t lira reaitienea of yy' g y ItlaCpd In and positions in the II places es of 6 tttui now, tidttit ; stents, Att. Geo. C,asb- ate, the readers of that paper upon employment far a number of families months err in Jirtle 30th,11103. If you the earth. Staudt- • slurs tw it$iss 3:tnnalt Bryce, both of DRUGGIST I,ibcrnls 4n lurtiberry, the fact that flirt Farmer's Advocate at once ;(toys and girls fourteen years wish tar zatteno at 0hathattt wt•I,tc for NOTION. -Tile question is holy can Conservative - , , ; tivitl be Issued henceforth its a weekly, and over, also rating WOMeb, {load their general C7atnlogu0a, If oil wish Vobt. Mclndoo loan hfis mo M , , -, s lPddl:l,W - 11t,t ,An --.in DIVOT. tie 'r A, declatoa whielu must redound to the prl rate aceomodation tat a low rate for to take mall course write for then~ Clztjap alt llotort and mart" age; eyt aat tticttil . t 1 c', .,ltd, tlzltl0faottotl af'ltw red<dbitr. hands dealring boitird, f11a11 z otirsA z at+alo ue, ' I, r ' Oiford Vileant I try Rev. Dr. Ml l,wttt, Atr, David L t;id• g tCtitd rfoe. IIr+ dT, MCIif, Molal majority » . 2 late of Mattis to Aiiss Christina, third i daughter of , lir, Jittnes Logan, u : a