HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-12-24, Page 8«.
THE RAN A•DvAO. Thursday,. ?Qecember-: zc Q3
MEN .AiI .L►. Cik d•A•7 ,i,IV$+ s n=ry yf y + Y yAp t ,a ...-.,- .. ,.. _ ,-, .. F ,-.,•+,. ...» . .w....-»,.
The following is the result of the ,x T t', - -...
. [-1 Mrc Richard i'i'i htman of parinex,
ho lsintirsl3uslneas college, Ghat• Mich., and children have arrived to ' "•"'p 1 r + Wtl M,a,►Vr
usual weekly exan'in'xtsous held in the stain, #Tut„ wants «00 young assn ltz', >
("oxstinsxatiaxi classes of fixe VinShatxi Mrs, Snider, aF Teeaivater, is visit mediately to qualify in shorthand and root. fixe holidays under the
Public School during the month of Ing Mrs. Ard. bookkeeping either through their mail roof. 3,
couxse department or by attending A two story brick cottage will IleDNS
ecember, Sitble ns r tionpa Mian, r. Jo Martin is visiting at hip haute, with then:' at Chathaw, '.they will built to the front of the present reside
L eometry olid Aienstiration. Maxi- : 11r, Jghzl Ma'tir''s. guarantee to place every one of then) encs. Af Jas. Davis, 4th, next summer,
rxss'xn, 300:" Mias Brock is s ax;ding the holidays within a f=ew weeks After graduation Some of the materia! is being hnctled
Fortaz III, -Hannah Wilson, Viola = with relatives in istowel, at wages ranging from i35.00 to $80.00 so as to be In readiness. +t,
per month. The average will be from It was reported that Georgy Taylor,
I)ctividson, Ax•ieI Park, Mitpjax•sa fans- _ Albert .garter is. home from De- $;aa0 to $70 per month, $45 students
cion, Alberta Rintolil, Mary Fefgason troitfor the Christmas holidays. ` placed in cad lot 1, con, 5, had sold his Earn' to his
il), Elgin Currie, "Irene Davis (1), Wm y di positions in the 11 brothax This was an error: Nr. Tay- In every lino Of our very attractive display of the latest
Isbister, Olive I+orgnson, AgnesWil. Messrs Andrew and Cleo.. bray of months en "'g J'xne 30th,1003, If you lop h'as not sold lois farm and has no , best and most Stylish
son (1), Laura Ansley, *Chas, Good Toronto are home for the holidays. wish to attend at Chatham write for intention of doing so. articles in fine Furs, Such aS ever Lad is delighted , y
Y(*,) y • their general catalogues, Y j' „bled tO wear, Also in men's and
Gortle Cruiekshanks (2), *Do not take Will, Murch of Clinton spent a few to tae mail coarses write If
h Jahn B}ack, 5th lizza, is hauling sand 3'ouths' Fur boats, Flar Caps, ws't L`, together mensuration. days with Friends in town title week, extoll course catalogue, and other
far the improve- + (,ether With the most seasonable Ready -t0 -West'
]Form Ir. -Cora Currie261, Iion, Hig• Rev, F'V, itindiay of Kincardine has Ments contemplated to his barn next Tailored Clothing, particularly Overcoat$,
gins 241, Laura IVaq 230, Annie Law been visiting at Mr. Adam Reid's this 1 suixxinei'. 13e will have the building
:+%+5, Barry Orem 217, Jnoera Button 148, ruse%:, raised land stave stabling uncles it. .. Our Stocks in the above mentioned Lines are unusualy large this Seas
Ethel Ferguson 163, Verve Holmes 148, Tlie Rev. Trl lt. Hicks Almanac g on, We
Janisa Perrie 143, Wax. Linkiater 136, Mrs. A. K. Gifford of London is for Igoe We are pleased, to hear that Wm, have therefore DETE RMI I N ED that the best and quickest way to clear ta
.y ear theo
Merton Bart 132, I,iilian Aeyyell 1213 IT,
her parents, Mr. and Airs, J. Sheddon, 4th line, who fell and broke UC is
Geo. Gregory 123, Olive Cruickshanks , Hoinuth, -^-^ his thigh bone a nwriber of weeks to put the pruning knife tato every vestage of PROFIT, So that nota piece of ou
121, AlfredPosliff 118, Geo, Elliott 116 Miss CaBsie DI, Welsh of the Toren- 1904 eft v. ready. it 4 Almanac
nac for ago, is Making favorable be progress
b and immense Collection of BEAUTIFUL L FURS, or a SI o P r
' y will before ver g Zz p n le garment of our klandsOrile,
Maggie Stewart 86 0 May Swarts8t to Normal School is hams for the to any address for li0 cents, 1t is He's one of the veterans as to pioneer- Comfortable and perfect fitting,; OVEP.f;QA` , SIIaII remain Within these Walls
(1), Hattie Oanipbel166 (t), Christmas vacation, surprising how such an elegant, cost- Ing on
Farm L -Ethel .Davidson 102, :'Bessie H. Delion, editor of the Brussels ly book. can be .sent prepaid so cheap The fine l00 acre farm of L. Wheeler Christmas e ye, A, careful intelligent look through the above Departments will
Mars 187, play Fry 136, lloward Herald, gave the Advance a call while IY i no family or person is prepared to 4th line: has been sold to Nicholson convince Every intending buyer that when We offer BARGAINS P l
Campbell 185, Tam, Wilson s85, Pearl in town last Friday, study the heavens, or the storms and Bros„ rtie!l known in this community Word We write,
S Vl'e lllPan every
1F1acPherson 176, Clarence Wilson 172, weather in 190,1, without this wonder- as hustlers, for the sum of 55,50(), Ale..
Rob. Cruikshank 172, Nay Milson 160, Mr. and Mrs. Tompkins of Bertha, fui Hicks Almanac and Prof, Hicks Wheetle is an gill and highly esta.'n
John Mason 167, Minnie Armour 101 Man„ are visiting Mrs, 'Tompkins' splendid paper, Word and Works, ed resident of Morris and highly
t re.
Orris Barden 168, Ernest AitchesoG daughter, Mrs. Geo. Mason, Both are sent for only one dollar a Moving with his family to the MC-
1.51, Florence Vannorman I54, Ernest Mrs. J. R. Reynolds returned home g Lanch n farm, 2 miles wily
of Brus-
year. Ward and Works is amen the
Gleno 745, Olive Manners 746, Pearl last Friday, after sppending a few beat American Magazine. Like the eels, which lie recently purchased.
Davidson 141, IAarnseliffe Musgrove months with her daughter at Niagara Hicks Almanac, it is too well known ,
140, Edith Johnston 137, D1t1IigTurner Falls, to need further commendation, Few salsa. Wheeler velli be mush missed in
130, .Bob King 131, Duncan MacGllil- file Sunshine church. -10 M.JF 5T
man have labored more faithfully for I
gray 1.34, May Lamont 133, Kathleen Miss Hinde left last week for an the public good or found a warmer The last meeting of the Ladles' Guild
Lowe 115, Clare Adams 100, Maggie home in Hagersville, after her place in the hearts of the people. of Trinity Church was held At "Sum-
Hiscox 97, Carroll Hole 02, Frank extended visit with her sister, Mrs. Send orders to Word and Works rnerhill Farm," and a number of the
Howson 90, George. Tees 86, Richard Fishleigh, Publishing Co, 2201 Locust St., St. Ladies, Guild of Bt yth met with them.
Our stock of Xmas. Specialties IaltieS was never users CotrYplete Or attractive, and values
I$owsor, 83, Elliott Fleming $1, Percy Mr, J. T. Davidson of Shuter street Louis, Mo. A veryy pleasant afternoon was spent. Were Clever better, Get your Xmas. Supplies Isere,, and you may be sure Of a mere
Kerr 78, Fay Patterson 54, is recovering from a three weeks' ill- Mrs, L, J. Wilharns, sister of the hos- y
The following are the 'narks ob• 'less Caused by a large abscess under ( tess, was present, As it was the eve Christmas, Which We Sincerely Wish YOU each and all.
tained by the Entrance and Junior his left arm. GOINGt To BE MARRIED SOON? A of her departure for Wales, many
Young roan who intends doing, so, will g0od wisaes were expressed for their
Fourth classes on twelve examinations Mrs, G, c, Dlanners is in Seaforth find is to his advantage to call at
- covering the work required by the this week attendingthe weddingof pleasant voyage and safe return, This
school curriculum, The maximum her niece Miss Nellie Stobie to Mr.. R. Choi ,er'8 and get a wedding suit. 's the fleet time for Tries, Williamsasto c good Organ, almost new, for sale cheap; Will exchange for either
marks are 1013. The conduct of the $ayes of Blake, Choice
new aeons in all the latest cross the ocean, but blx. Williams has
pd ils has been particularly good and designs to select from, which will be made the round trip a trio of times, 0 Pen WOO
dry r gr
p Word has been received that the " ":' • °'
reflects credit on the Name training, Phil, Wade'a many friends are made up in style at moderate prices.
ask your hearty co-operation in en. pleased to welcome him back to town. -Webster & Co., Shaw Bleck.
reached Liverpool safely. "
Coaraging the pupils to regularity He is employed Dr. buena of Landon, M. R. a. S. L.
p p g yin p ors, in L, Constable's
attendance and a wider acquaintance tonsorial parlors, R. 0. P. specialist, eye ear, nose andouncil met according to statute on
with current events, The names hav- . Will, gawk of Medicine Hat N. W. throat. will be in 'Witt 'ham' at campF) Dec.D15th, members all present ; min- De w
ing an asterisk before them are junior T,, who has been attending* the On bell's Drug store, Monday, Dec. 28GI' Utes of Last meeting read and passed.
Pupils and the figures after the names tarso Veterinary polling, a spending Glasses properly fitted. Mr. A. W. Sloan and others appeared Big Prices for Trade, IRF I t t 0•LLrl li R
indicate the number of examinations the vacation with Wingham G Ar"RDON
friends. in reference to the proposed extension
missed. H. Jones 891, J. Smale M. N. RumovED.-I have removed my of the Guelph Junction Railway to
Orr 885, R. Jones 876, A. Rintoul 85C Mr. and Mrs. M. .!..$ell of Stratford dressmaking shop to west side of Goderich, and presented a petition
E. Walsh 801, C, Longman 791, R, attended the marriage of Miss Dennis, Frances attest, second house frau' asking that a by-law be submitted to
sister of Mrs, B.JI
Davidson 787, A. Gril3in 77fl, W. Lo , on Wednesday of Victoria Street. --Miss Wynn, the interested ratepayers for the put -
778 (1), D. Lloyd 7855 (s). W. Gannett last week, Mr. Bell reports business
757, Bui+wash.758, J, kialmes ?52, A. lively in Stratford. pose of granting a sectional bonus of
.Barber 747 li, four thousand dollars
Cooke 743, A. Beemer ai in par.MUMMY
Y► h
733, A. Bowman 714, A. Shae£er 711, i Grey. chaysing the right of way for said rail -
M. Monk 697, C. Johns 878, *M, McLean Goa17s AT COST, -Owing to part of Robb. McAllister is spending a few 79-dby Taylor, seconded b Tack-
6ES, A. Walker 655 (1), H. Jobb 641 Aly store falling down with the recent days with friends in Guelph, son -'That the prayer of said by
M. Park 6L1, *M, Patterson 621, *E. storm, I have decided to clear exit tial- be granted and that the Clerk be in• GREAT Whyte 6I3, L. Nichols 595 (2), *M, once of my cutters, robes harness fur Miss Martha Ireland of Teeswator is Tading
• coats, pianos, the guest of Miss McDonald, 2nd eon. strutted to have a by-law prepared
Drummond 583, *H, Davidson 573,, p` nos; organs, sewing ma- this week. and presented at the next regular
Diamond 572, *F. Constable 505, *R. chines, etc,, regardless of cost. Want meeting of council -carried.
10 Imp"
Gray 612 (I), *E. Small 496 1), *L, of space compels ins to do this. Steck
The invitations are out announcing On motion of Shaw and Taylor, the
Harold 485 (1), *A, Little 481 1). *F. is all new and, up-to-date in every the wedding of Miss Pearson, daughter taxes of James Bailie, S. Flemingand
Forler 473, *J. Hanna 433 (1), M. Welsh particular. No reasonable offer refus• of Robb. Pearson to Mr. West Beacom Wm. 'Wiley were ordered to be rmit HUMBERSTQI E'S China,
335 (5), *P, Duncan 259 (3), M. L. ed, This certainly is a chance of a of Hullett, ted, they being in indigent circum -
Brock, teacher, lifetime to buy any of the above goods stances. apane5e Ware, llillIIeT, Tea
at your own prices, Your humble We are pleased to hear Dir• Avison, A number of accounts were ordered i` servant. .T, H, Ross, Stand, beside teacher of Smith's school, is able to be X.
to be aid which appears "
Presbyterian church. around again after a slight attack of paid, pp re in the fittan- ally To i<et Sets. m Sal %AF 110s L
COYMNICA ION. pneumonia. tial statement.
_ ] On motion of Shaw and Taylor, by -
Don't forget the school concert in laws Nos• 8 and 0 were dui
Tho admission of a communication itY these g y read and •,,, „• , 41 ,• . • ., , - „• „ „
columns does not imply that We endorse the ttll No. 4 on Friday, Dec. 18th. The pro. passed, Connell then adjourned. Seldom, yes 11eVe1', have
sentiments of the wetter, -Bail j ' (,, 11 gram presented promises to be one of W, CLARK, Clerk; • the
people Of wiLtghaTYl BiTlil-
t'J1 1C j QtIJ +III iE the best given around berg.
To the Editor of the Advance. The special services which have been l fid til ell' apI12.Ovt21 OTs BUCl1 a c es,Rings
in s !
The edin a communication re South Africa, Service will be held in St, Paul's held in Roe's church closed on friday Gorrie. beautiful goods as we are dis- j ,
published in a recent issue of the Ad- church Christmas morning at 10,90, last' The meetings were well attended
vents, is so far from the truth that I g and have good results, Mr. J. Holmes, son of Rev. Holmes, playing for the Xmas. trade,
mast take a little liens and ask for On Xmas ni ht the Bel rave Metho- is visitin parsonage.
TO Bee them 1B t0 buy. R
some of g g i gat thein ' filverware, unina-,your valuable space to reply dist S. S. will hold their annual Xmas Miss Lottie Jackson, who has been y (7i. Japanese
to it. To stats that South Africa. is tree ntertaininent, visiting friends at Uhesley returned Miss Carrie Moore of 'Wingham was
the finest country or climate on earth home on Friday last, the guest of Miss M. Mutch on Sunday. Santa Claus is coming
is absolutely untrue. Even the Boers The Presbyterians of Southampton We are pleased to hear that Ben John Bennett is home from the with O1 angeB LeTnoTls Nuts
themselves, who had n0 choice in the have extended a unanimous call to the Jackson who has been seriously ill Medical College, Toronto, for the holi- > ) Brush
j f mb a
first place, are now actually Ieavin Rev. Isaac McDonald of Mosa, days, !undies and everything suit- ,+✓.6 4P•s R dJ
g has taken a change for the better,
there and going in droves to bid Mexi- Bruce Presbytery has decided against and is improving as well as can be ex• Mrs. Harry Day of Walkerton -is able for the Holiday ,.Season,
co, and even the rigorous elimate of the continuation of the connection be $ spending a few days with her parents
Dakota is preferred by them to the teen Queen's Universit and the ted.
burning soil of South Africa, Canadi- Y Among the many who are visiting and friends here. Orders filled and delivered typ ]t e'
ans should not be misled or deceived Presbyterian church, g promptly. Phone 58, 9 v el Etc,
under tlxg_ _parental roofs, are -Jas. Miss Maggie Hooey, who .Tisa been
into giving up comfortable homes in The Rev. A. L. Budge, M. A., of Jackson, W. E. Bryans, Robb, Pear risiting her sister, Mrs, Jas. Sbera, re-
,e aider provinces of Canada to seek Hanover, one of Belgrave's foremost son. We welcome them back and turned borne this week,
elusive fortunes in that far distant boys, has been elected Moderator of the wish them a Merry Xmas and Ha
man ,a Wingham, which delighted
ount- poor health for some time. She was f? jl Ci{Ipr UW h t
Rev, F, J, Maxwell of Ripley reach- the audience. The proceeds amount- full VV ii ii aLLltjjjjttki j Cj (
P Y p y prepared to meet her Saviour • aid
New in St. Andrew's Church, London, as ed to aver $25, and will go towards her evidence of everlastinglife was . bcautif I Wall Pocket given to every purchaser of $2,00
a candidate to succeed the Rev. Dr, purchasing a new library for file firm ; she had a glorious ope. The
iU .,i ir. 611 0,1 .J6 L, ., CA. 06il - Johnston, l3ensall, Paisley, and Co. school. Tile teacher Mr. R. Weir and funeral took place on Monde the 21st "OI,.[,I}AY RATES worth Ot rQp g 41r OV r, ,
wan Avenue, Toronto, have also been pupils are to be congratulated on inet., to the Gorrig cemetery, Rev,
making overtures to this popular pastor their success. Holmes conducting the service at the TsFritor}. Between all Stations ip Cts,aa4a,
d ' of Knox Church, and the probabilities l Port Arthur Sault ere, 1+ aria, Oilt.,
hawse. Ile spoke of his visits to her Sarnia, Windsor and East, also to
_ We Wish. you all a indicate a vacancy in the Maitland and her hope inspired his own, Her Detroit and Pt. Huron, Mich„ But -
Presbytery in the near future. East Wawanosh, hnsband died nearly 3 years ago, Twa Palo, Bl:lok Rook Susp, Bridge and
Merry (illrlBtlTlaB daughters have passed on before; two Niagara L ails, N.,
y Rev. D. Rogers recently received a Win. Walden, Who has been so seri- flat* and --u Isey 'i"rk
letter from Rev. G. H. Raley, re- ousiy Til, is recovering slows sons' Thos. and Geo., remain to mourn i+or round
•y,, - Y g y her loss, She had been a resident of Gtmtt Sin l$ Sf ("ii$SS FareFor
allfl alJjJy 1Veve District,
to missionary t of Win ham Atex. Scott of 6th line is engaged y years and was highly Good going lane. 24th and lath,
i4orrie for .man
Diatrlet, stating that the work is Ila
pro- hauling• logs to Wingham at present, respected, valid returning until bet. 28th,
Year . , , , , , , • grassing as favorably as possible also Good. Going Dee • 9lot and Jan,
amongst the t children
Who Can he Y eek i Ist, valid roturning until Jan. 4th,
said to be utmost care, schools are Owing t° the snow storm last pear- Iso4, Block
requiring etre scribe did not make his appear- Salem. iter* and srvoa i1 Fzixsx CLASS i ane Ann c k
... r
great hope for tl+e future, are in a peas- Horace Solar of Gaderieh High Mrs, Jas. Robinson entertained OderTtnr,n for Cho Round Trip..d the god gD23d 26t
perous condition, school is spending his .Xmas holidays Methoains eo r24th and 26th
Methodist choir one evening lastWeek. alba on Dec. Sbib, 31st and and t;
'rhe Bishop of Huron has divided the under the parental roof, Mrs. Fred. ,Kitchen of Essex is at valid returning until Jan. 5th, laaz.
diocese into fonr sections, and appointed Air. Pd. Coultis, who has been visit, present visiting her many friends in Per tlakbts, An d All information apply to
an Archdeacon to each, as follows: ing friends in Hast °Wawanosh for the this part. L, HAB.O1aD, Agent, Wingham, or
Section A, comprising Middlosea, Lamb- past month, returned to Chicago on We are sorry that Mrs. Andrew J.. [z. Oldest, Largest, Most Widely Cir Culated and Only
tan andHuron,a i Rav, parson on, of Lon' Saturday. Gemmill is not Improving in health mct1DNALi3 nal A,grioultulral and Home paper in Canada.
under the title of Arohdeacan. of Lon' Avery en oyable time wits Spent at very fast. bistrtotFraesenkexll g6nt, ScrbnCo.
don; Section B, Elgin, Kent and Essex, alio
IN BONN Rev. Canati Ilii!, M. A., St, 'Thpmas, fI)onnybroo ) S, S. Na. 15, B. and W, The many friends of Miss Mitud Iii
awanosh, lash Friday evening, c411en
AS Arandeacon of Hlgsn; Section d, an excellent concert was given. The aims are pleased to know that shut F 9f
Norfalk, Meant, Oxford and Waterlotr, able to taken. drive.
Ret'. Canon young. D, D., of Simco as program Consisted of speeches, recita
Store closed Archdeacon of Norfolk; Scotian 'y} tions, solos, violin and month -organ Mr, Charles K=itchen, who has been
music, charades, pantomimes and sev- spending the fall in Essex, returned ' 1
Oil Christmas Perth, Bruce and Grog, Ray. D, Wil, eria.l clialagnps, all of which were well home on Wednesday last. i
Hams, Stratford, as Archdeacon of rendered, Fins Weather and good For +j`,'I sr j ag and Ne`yt, '- • r
tt 1I e W pests!. roads made it passible for a Jar a at- Dont forget the Xmas entertain-
- k n)ent hero on Tearaday evening, the Yearf5 Vacation
y t. $17.ce, and the proceeds amounted lith inat. tali see walconio.
#, xiiXA111'l3tl .D;S ° 4Tt SA'L . to 17.4C, Will lasers fetus tickets, `
( Mrs. WM. M4EChel1 nava t1 very
Tf pleasant evenin to a number of her gtNekAt, M3130C d 1
you want ilrst•elass Mengalds,
drop rise a card or call. 1 ordVvaeh" g reportey g t sOod o el i) o sl I 3 god fointt Dae.
f3. C4. W lvlts, Lancer Win hanz are spendinglm anCharles Walker of Toronto f Mr,0 onl time, atxd 1 W tie haven hada Valid 091100 31 so , a}nd Jan ens ar 28 W.
g Palmer re 1 fg ,o w. 1:1JOi, r6
XMAS with thelrparents. a roCnrn nrttit Jannarr 4, Ifla1, iw l
turned (rani us Oka last sattsrday At H1r{tt"diaas F,,aq end bnehTlitrd, elan
`xtird L+`ngliah Church Babbatil school fright; they wl I spend the Xmilm holi. fx6acinb6" 23. 24 And 25, and December o. sr
_ hsld n, Christmas entertainment on days at house; then they putpose go. 10m, vend JAn,inry i, IOU. Rand roturning until p
Monday g Into
to Mitchell, where they will go JanuAr9.5„ 1501.
John Lambkin of the 2nd eonceetion to business. netivoeu all stations in Op'nalU,vortArthur
s exchanging evening last,
hit brother in $Ault Ste,
d Marlb, Dtioh.. 1)etrolt. Mich., and
Edwin, South of the -village. TO but NOT Ii'Itom: Buffalo, N, Y,
( i FARM ICOR SAI,9. Through transeontinontal trai'ni iravid ear- Oil
COOPER 1/r rl)ae, 1VxaKe6 htis Cable from eelys. onto at. 1,15 ti.tn., dally for Winnipoix, Moana
rvA, 1►ltin,. a so f this
this age,er lit Mr, p i of JAW, CatgAry, ilAnil, 12avelatake Ked Van. After Januar i . 'ICE
Jahn McK:ee't of this village, l;m raged fArns of T`t^i ;nares vt'itltin o6uv6r, y iSi' I .pp
g mtrst•olaen tae
three mites of WingliAm,i and build per*TorantotoWinni 6g an$ CdxiMotile
SUCC SdDi' to Alm Ross The Cilraa'bieil faixlily, eewetnl of lags, »shard, well-rwAt6rpd, 100 asset th6G°oA t. Uaoxaalladdintn owrsorvF, Now subvrlbors SU balA,ir6 of thio year free, Including MaRfaineent N)Kstm M
tt+h0 b) reside in Michigan, Arts having eleazrxd, 25 aer#11 pasture land, tun, A. Ii. NOTMAN numtrrr. Send in your rmbtoription lit Orme. 1)011't miss & eingi6 114n6. Agonta
M >w rb.pnioxx horis under the p%fanml quirib lit the A'1)VAZ;t% O ,'ICu, W in;g• AebiafAnt taener4lpomfnkirAtint- wound ovtrywhert l ,lbeml t6rn'e even. 9Ain;d11 e6py froo.
z sat'. rtn1, - blit Iii maa,it, tt . TIM WZLIAX WUD CO. WM1<TSDt toAdout out.
land, well named The Dark Continent.
Taking it all round, our own Province
Presbytery of Bruce.
New Year, pry
H. Armstrong has sold S, A. Proctor
a handsome cutter. Mr.
f„jj of
of Ontario may well lay claim to the
Zetland Sunday School will hold their
bn Frida o y
y f last week a ver suc-
is a first-class salesmen, but it is the
s ll
distinction of being the finest country
annual entertainment next Monde ev-
cessfal examination and entertain -
goods that sell.
under the sun, and anyone who cannot
vith a fair chance make a success of
Inst. Silver collection in
ening' the
aid of the Sehaol fonds.
ment was held at S. S. No. 4. About
10 o clock the visitors began to coma
S. A. Proctor intends to drive "Look-
(Tudhope's old stand, Wingham)
life here, need not seek to improve his
condition by a residence any nearer
The Rev R, Thynne of Underwood
will conduct anniversary services at Tiv•
prey ntted,owhi h she ed the interetion was well st
that was taken by
ing Glass" in the race against "Gypsy
Girl" in Ottawa this coming January.
The match is for
equator. It dogs not look weIi for
former Canadians to
arta on Jan. 3rd, and on the following
the parents. The
pupils did their work very satisfae ori
$1000 a side and will
be a great race,
AT/'1`)i' r
1 l l! zt /
exaggerate so
shamefully in favor of a foreign coon-
try, which really has so little to recom-
evening will lecture on "Life's ratrug-
ly, Teachers present were Messrs, Lep-
pard, Todd, Fraser Bryans and Misses
Cecil Day, who has been firing on
the G. T. R. out of Stratford, has
mend it. Canadians must stand up for
Canada, and their motto should be
Next Sunday evening, the service in
Wingham Methodist Church will be a
Rae and Buchanan, The examination
was brought to a close shay lit
turned hams for the holidays, Cecil
is doubtful if iia
of saw logs are mach higher
this season than last season. The
"Canada for the Canadians
service of Sacred Song, appropriate for
Cha Christmas season. All aro cordials
, y4
o'clock by the pupils singing There s
no flag like the red white and blue,"
will go back ;working
84 tours without sleep is anything but
a holiday,
Canada Furniture Dlanufacturera are
prepared to nay the highest price for
invited. Y
The school roam was tastefully de-
Costed with pictures and mottoes and
E. W• Lewis has sold out his Bakery
ail kinds of Rardwood logs,• as well as
Basswood, delivered at the Button &
NoTxeE.-The question is how can
Robt. McIndoo
The offerings of the Kincardine
MethodxstChurch on Sunday, 13thinst.,
red white and blue chains, which gave
a delightful appearance and showing
business to Mr. Beickman, late miller
in Dane's mill. We have not heard
Fessant Chair Factory, i'Gtn gham.
Farmers should get the logs in early
loan his money so
cheap on notes and wortgqages, Call
and sag. RO13T, MCII4D00.
amounted to over $1000 not couutin
' g
$70 forwarded by the League and Sun-
that no little pains was taken bg
teacher and ' y
pupils. At 8 o'clock the
'That Mr. Lewis intends doing, but we
know that his leaving town will leave
while roads are good, and • get the
highest price.
day school.
Robt Barbour licentiate
entertainment was opened by a dialo•
gue, Mr. Leppard of Molesworth act-
a vacancy in the business circle, bard
to fill. The family were very popular
Canada Furniture IVI ,' rs.
a of Kuox
College has declined the call from
CedaxvilIa and Ilsplin, and accepted the
ed as chairman in a very able and good
natured manner, A lengthy, bat
socially, and great workers in the
Methodist church.
one from Stouffville and Melville
select programme was presented and
much appreciated but
The grim reaper has visited us once
Church Markham. }3e will be ordained
and inducted in the beginning of the
we must
make special mention of the excellent
more and taken home Mrs, Mar
who died on Friday, Dec, 18, at Ghe lade
1Sa 1;1 15 19 l1f't w Y r .
New Year,
given by Mr, H. Wight.
of 63 years, The deceased had been in