The Wingham Advance, 1903-12-24, Page 7#
�111 --_111. 11 . . I, "I �,� �_ � , . " � , � _-, .. . � "' _ ''. , � - -_ - , - _ _:� - : " , . . I
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� � , 11 !90,�.,__ . , , �,_; --- I ,- . I �. - . : 11-- --- I" -, - .. 1, �. .. I 1. - - .11 I � � I . � I I -
- I I � - 4- �, , I I I I . 11 I - ,
. N plate control or All portionii of I . W#0--,1r%-.0qW.*.0 , G;Udlnx them. At another f;Iae"a
, , ,wb,,ra I
' , b,i oxobaliged o�otb�nx 119
"b'Llu eautiful ring, leaving 01"
Navy" toant at a Reml- is
T Wts;pjaiding to the, Army , 11 , rito.e a b
FATHEIR" D"D SON` AM � I 1, vote: "Caobolp $1,000; return In 411c . NINE MILLION DOLLAh
, �,,rfy 1',6- a'l), 4 NEWS IN B Hu I mo4the (Signed) 4-i'mueat Casbol."
lquot at tile Victoria C �"b'i . -
Jtlto General Comprianding said that T, I CaFholle, execution has been I-ost.
op Judley L_ C%%J"404r%%0%-*a#%w f., ve(l until Dto. %�Iad, WUa crocilDiv
- quite cQr- . - 0
root as to the commanding V061-1011 Mr, Alexander Macdonoll, of 00900 of tile scaffold Is procceding under DIUSO
lot Walea island, from whose fort- 'flail, is dead, 1hio direction or 114ngman Ita.4011110. ti
rpse4lke heights It would Dal p0shlble The Presbyterian Charelt at Fort
to raln, shot and shell on anYthinK irritlacefi waa destroyed by fire. . —_ ., - % �... � —
I I . radius, at- , . IRISH DEFENCE FORCE,
lv"b'�" eight m"'a fish Mrs R. 8, Dunlo�), Of Chatham, drop-
gh th -curing I
in evidence ped 4ea4 while waking to church- w4untcer Alill
ollond UxtvjWed to TrelanO,
nera n DeWet Makes an Appeal to ago t1wit 0 01110�10 ef , "t"' to `0 This Immense, Sum, Together With Nearly $2,000,000
1 6 plan to mid 100 1119r, t7a
thare li�
Ge ' , I Christia chi tile future than the Mr. Edwin Chown, father of Rev. El -
of noisy guns, As for the 1)(31911LOr" 41, Chown, Toronto, died at Kingston. London, Dec. 2�0,11olltloal 001141 -
People for Help for the Boors. Ing islii , ads given tile United States . ,at Bathurst, N, B., destroyed' tioAs il,14 pel , us foudp have 111th- More, Was the Property of the Late Pope.
by t3to Alakka, boulndary awar4, His Fire I
. Lordship added, "We need be luntl-r About 11 dozon. buildings. Loss, $30,000� orto induced t9illc Britlall Government I
. I 11 ever It is Announced that rich gold lields ,lot to allow ttio extension to Ireland . � -
I . ea approlionelon that tiny guns in tile Congo of the volunteer eystem, which bag�
� likely to, be made alma used Ji oun the, Q have been discovered *&b1hibed in
two Islands will ollut up Port Simp- C�;tate. for many ara been ew,
1 , 0 am, or yr,vent its use as a part, r , th" England aliYWotiand. Tile matter Four Persons Killed and Thirteen Fatally Injured at the
Two Men Killed, Two Probably Fatally Hurt and Tw If IT. Is Moped ac, to use It. To reduce expenscs, tlio F,hOI?5 Oil has often been agitated I'm tile press
"The only power that can st Fria liailroad system wove closed until a.4,0 in 11arl.amollt, but Although tile
Seriously Burfled by Explosion of Can of Powder. Part' Simpson in time of war will Monday) !)cc. 21. militia has been carolled for a long Burning of Central Tennessee College, Nashville,
b3 the power that commands Dixon Correspondent5 of the London Time-, time, and, like tho IrISIX regulars.
, ,
Chicago, Dec. 22,Poter Van VIIS, n,qt ostimate their total value, "I entrance and all other sea, ap- pity that Russia fears an Armenian re, proved aniong the most valuable of Nvksliville, Tenn., Dec. 2"'. - Four mcii ey over to 1.1m, af ter A period of'
. ,
slugen has received a letter I . row needed (i little ready money." wile proaches to it," sa�d the speaker, in- volt in the Caucasus. Great Drita 4,8 trocpa, supcesslys, 0,.)V. purwilu are known to Ilave been fourniontho had ellapsed. ThU I mow
, ornmen-w nt London would not ratio- Killed, alid perba,pa 01'0 others In- (10 in treZeence of Mgr. Uarsolhil,
tile omly explanation lie deigned to dIcathig that. In this regard the Mr.'George D. Grant, 11. P., has bee,) , tile only other person
General Ch-rW-All U. DoWet aoltnowl- apartment, tioa a home defence force for Ircland. jurcd, I., 'who has
vouclis'are, QvIggsb R navO power of Britain ma,X ,be nominated by the ,;North Ontario Lib.. v of thLat fatal -y, In, A Tire to share, the secrat." ,The Pope was
edging ;I . C Ile, 5 11 a(! � mpe papers this i4oral-,!g state that, �
.le receipt of $1,105, P, coll- I which bad been ran ad .r �1 - w 9 rullyj rail up0n. . . � orals for a second, term. . ilia Introduction of tile eylite bere last ,night, willell cbmsumea the mulct afectod, The -Tributial goes on
tilbutian to tile Boors In tile neigh- richly furnished, I . - doeldoil upon. In to Irc- Central Teiinesisee Co.lege for young to rela,to thwt just about tile thus
go L lx,gro women, a ,der.artint,nt of Wal. -g en=te4 In tbe
as SIO.'ag, Oran A Selivatlonal Story, The Grand Llama of Thibet has re land has, been Twenty- . ,
b0000d of Xopl iton, Texas, Dec. 22.�Charlefi FARTHING TO MARIE CORELLI. turned, unopened, communications from six battalions will Do raised In Till` den 11ulverhity. It'is r,osulblo tivat I 14114 scene was Win
'Galves .. L/ard Curzon, Viceroy of India. 1OP13 je country. Tbeir fornim papal apartmenta, An. cleetrielAii,
Ulvor-cclojny, wiip were ruined by ilia ,. I parts of it Me urins may contain the bodies of �
Or I able conal- Parklon, a local 4narchist, has been — ation w3l be provided for In the wLlIo, removing the banginge In the
pecent war and unrav, arrested, charged with t3lb,orderly -Opposition to Carnegie Library Site In It is reported that Britain and He]- forthfooming 'agramme of arm o4or ),�otlwu. Tho'Eroperty loss is late Poplii Loolo chamber, In order
tions allice, tile conclusion of peace. re, land will demand that Panama assume fix L ut;mated at $25,000, Tile twown
canduct. He was tried In the Sbakespeare's Birthplace. . olom. form,, prepared by Mr. A,rnoIdy;011i_ I . to hot at the ,electric light wireo,
'$Accept," writes General DeWat cordeple coart. on a Charge of Ob- liability for $15,000,000 of the C atep, Secretary' of State for War. dead, Stalin. Addison, Port 611)4911) found In a tole, In the wall fieTeral
" Irmin bam, O' .-A-t tile as- J)iail debt. I Uattle Lee Moore, Hall . tsville, Ala., bags, whItell wera carelessly %led,
my Tnanks too your ,services In be- fftructing the streets, found not 13 I; Do - 2' The last volunteer force In Ireland
I discharged,' There Is no slyme here late last evening +he ,j!be City and County Bank of Obtaw"A wag ralsed by tile great lilnd-lowners �iz'1110 Dade, H0PkIllsvJlIe, ICY- Vat- Ttelsobags, when opened, were I dund
hall of our poor. rained people, and , guilty anf -a toly Uduro'J,; Eleanor White, Chi- t;; contain VI,gr)0,000
alau to tnuse wilo enabled you io o,nd foundation for the fiensa.tional jury awarded Miss Marie CorelIJ, t1i has been amalgamated with the Crown morethan a hundred years ago, when I . in gold.
tpifj hum. )Nro. liardly have had rain stories sent Out by correspondents r.ovellst, one farthing (halt a pent) Ou,90; Lady. D. Knox, Groenv,ILe,MI,ss.;
since ,tire conclusion of peace, and of eastern axid northern papirs that damages, each si ts awn Bank, The head office Nvil remain In there were fears of a. French ,inva� Attempt to Kill Himselir.
Toronto. glen, The British Government did not M'111110 Alston, Covington, 111enn.,
harvests have been fallureb. plans - cK 11pesidentL R..00sevelt's costs, In a libel suit brougift by liar Low revolution. aupport tile movement, and the Vice- Berthlo. Branford, Chicago; Lulu Buffalo, Poe. 22-1a an Insane
"Furtner help would be welcome. I homo at Oyster Ray were forand In against tile I)roprietor of the 51trat- It is reported. that a -T � - Terry, McMinnville, Tenn., Lula. frenzy, Robert A. (Yrr, a sl:lp carpen-
Parson's possession, Cord-oill-Avoll Herald, In connection ury movemolit, headed by friends 43f roy of Ireland was greatly dIsmayed hl�llen. Covington, Tenn,; li�rnestinc tee, living on the Island at the foot
do not ask miyLbing-for myself, but I ' I a volunteers were Pro-
beseeo,ii further aid for the widows Avonmore, Pit., Dec. IS. -One mail witht a recent controversy In wWoh formor '�Oresidcnt lVas y Gil, has been alt 11ug11 all ill
teatants. The present sanction can be bao'lleary, Fornanda, Fla,, Leon M I- of souta M,Ichlgam street, attempted
and children of the heroes killed in was k lied, two probably fatal'y In- Miss Coroill opposed the creation or commenced in San Domingo. . traced to the splendid services o.r the ter, St. Louis; Manule Boozp,�larkea. suiolda tll!s morning by str,king hlm�
the ,recent Ny,ar.11 jured, and two more seriously burn- a Carnegie library on the ground A thousand specifications Of cruelty Iriab regiments In'South Afr',oa, and ville, Miss., Victoria M.Iler, Anchor- self on the head with Aix axe. Re was
� ad by a flash of flame following, that it involved a desecration of are ]aid against 'Licut. Schilling, of tile the Improved political relations. .age. Xy.; one student not Identified. prevented from carrying out Ilia pur-
Vather and Son Shot, aal attempt to open a can of POW- �ih k*m peural,3 bythplace. Tll� a legea 9th R(-.gjnlant of Infantry of the Ger- Firo broke out about 11 o'clock In paw by his wtfe, w1lo at the irlex of
Lo,: Angeies,Cal-, Do% 22-Tralled der at Earl, a small miming settle- libel consisted in a statement thut mail army, whose trial began at Metz, tbvi top of the building, which wan iier lown life took the weApon from.
to their lodging place Luid brought manit, near here, Fire followed ilia Mlffki Corolli desired to erect a lib- U. S. four stories IlIgb, and without fire him. I
I, , to, ba,v. within the walls of a, email e,Nplosiou and three of the men wore rary at the same place. The oase at- A meeting of United States soft coal I — &i�-calyes. It Nvab occupied by about Orr Is said to have, brooded for oonle
W1,00m, i9s. Cliolesers a,ged, 50, amd rescued from the burning building traoteJ considerable attention, and operators is being held at Cleveland. Siticlan and Hansinghut Unable to' sixty atti(leiitti, who were asleep time past over trouble he I= had
, Louis CaQIsser, aged :35. la.ther and by compaulono, one of the latter the court was crowded. many fash- Trade conditions, )vage reductions and a Dominate Port Sinilpson. when the alarm was given. The wild. Ivitli some men living near Win and
son, itave been shot and killed In a being burned, the victims lvere all lonable people being present. cut in tlio selling price of coal are est ,pav!e ensued. with whow lie has been -workin I g, JI!a
battle with Detectives IlawleY Italian coal miners. Miss Corelli testified In her . own among the things to be considered. Victoria, D. C., Dec. 2I. -Lord Dun- a aye ,often led him, it le
, Mur- I I The women and girls rushed griev noes 11
pily and Cowan. Tile officers escaped StrAko at Livery Drivers, behalf for two hours, and cm�phatl- Ifichael NV. Taylor, known as the dona!4, Commander-in-Chlef of the scretming to ilia windows, from said, to make tbreato aga,list himselt
witilout injury. Both of tile Cholssers Chicago, lJoe. 22,Sixteen hundred cally denied that she ever Intended largest man in Michigan, died at b i.4 Canadian forces, returned from Port w1r.;ch they Jumped In droves, The and others. This morn,ng he told his
were killed In .. - livery. drivers, bac to erect a, library. residence, Park -place, Detroit, of rheu- SIMPODn and vicinity on thei govern- dead and injured lay In b -caps, where wife 2le d d not think be would go to
stantly ked by, every . . re .013 bV I Aimed about the house�
,Awo telegrams wails received by teautsters Villon in dhicagU, struck inatisn, and fatty degeneration of the ment steamer Quadra. to -day, whe t1roy fell, and were ration or- work, and rem
Chief of Ilol,ce Elkton from Equality, to-da,y. Nearly doo livery stables uo, was extremely mvrose, and Loth -
Ill., requesting the arrest of Josepil PRIZE ENGINE TESTS. . Ileart. At the tinia of his death he 110 went to look over the sitilatlon tirose following them from the flam- Ing his wife cKjuld say aroused him. ,
Clioleser on the charge or obtaining are completelFtled up. The decision . — . %voighed 420, pounds. with respect to, the report that the lt,g windows. Every ambulanca In wiovily before 10 o'clock he sprang
to sirlko was re,alobad last might, af- , . ibering 35, United States Intended to fortify titto city was soon on the scene, and
ney under false pretense. Tjieic 01 lab(wrate H rperiments to be Milde in A carload of prisoners, nuil 0 up from the chalir where he was sit-
Iffilo -wee1gs, or negotia,tion'for -, . ain Fell- Sitklan dud Xannaghut Islands. IIc, ilia Injured -,vore hurried to the ties-
� against young Cliols- ter four working condi- , - - � . GLruiany. 11 , oney Mount; visited both IsLands, and also Pearse pitala. Whor ilia flames were first ting and rash -ed Into the woodshed,
NVAS no olla,rg( better irages Wad itentiary. Man., to -morrow to St. Via. where he had a small tiNe. Mrs. Orr
ser, go.far, as known, r1joe detectives and Wa!es Islands,which were both , discovered, tbW seemed entirely to
Immedlit,tely began a search, locating tione. The man ba,ve been receliving Berlin, Dec. 22. -It is Intended to cont 41e, Paul; Quebec. The men are in followed and reached the shed ln time
Ciloisser, at a, lodgIng house. The do- �12 a. week for oaven gVls. The begLit a iscries of experiments with for tainis ranging front five to fifteen awarded to, Canada. Xitarnat and develop tire building, and it Is con- to sea him strike ilimseir several
teatives searched the lodging house demand is for am bicm;ase of $2 a steam locomotives on the military years, an I d are being tallien east to 'Work Canal, In which places the sldored certaln that some or the blows on Via head. She struggled
rop the fugitives, and entered ,wIth- weak. Mo.ra thimn. a dozen mectin& railroad from Marlenfolde to ZoRson, make room here. terintrius for the trans -Canada ral'- torrorized occupants were overcome with liar husband and finally Buc-
� Tile Were beld between, committee -a re- an which the otectrie trains recent- � way has been suggested. by make before reaching the win- ceeded in getting tile axe from his
out knocking for ddlilitt4noo. . Tile part, a quo Ila declined to talk of 11119 visit, CtOWR-
elder Caoisser was lying on ilia bed, presentlug the Ilvery, owners and the 'y were run at a si�aod of almost g Ilamorial Diplom ti hands. Runn!ng to the door, she call -
I drivers union, but the employers re- , . says the news from Servia is extremely bu L - from others In the party It Is Allealth of the Vatican.
and " tile alficers eutered lie reached three miles a minute, ' ad for asolsta.lice. Several men re -
Min .his pistol. Defore lie could get It fused 'to, ina,100 alay conicession, claim- The experlmejits with locomotives diiquieting. The personal situation of Warned that lie regards SItklan and Rolne, Dec. 22.-Aecording to tile sponded.
Ing that business did not watrranc uung rotor and the Cabinet appe�rs to Kannaghut islands as unable to Tribune, the Va.tilo, . an bad sudden Orr finally was quieted and con.
Detective Hawley scized It. At tho "yang Of higher wages In view will begin next week, and arelooked be critical. The counti , -y is divided into dominate Part SJmpoon If fortified. wealth poured In'to it's coffers yes- seated to go to the Emergency Has-
iia,me moment Loula Choisser opened tile Pla - forward to with great expectation, irreconcilable factions, and the revolu- Vessels pass close to these Island, terday. For some time thle 611111b
fire upon the officers. Tlhoy returned Of 'the Iniva,ds made byt all tomoblles4 pital, the ambulance having been
as the tests wi.11 prove wIletbor Ger- 'onar� - ground. entering Port Simpson, but WaLes , which were known to be possesseo summ6ned. At the hospital, it was
the fire, killing J'oseph Cholsser in- 1winin.ond Brolcer In Trouble. man, Eug;Jsh. French, or American ll movement is gainin 0
stantly. Tac fire from Louis Chols,' New York, Dibc. 22,Claknis thus ,ocomotives are superior In speed, Gen. Francis Vinton Greene, the pro- Wlamd Is f* much higher and a fort by, Pope Ijeo -were looked for witl out round that lie had a number of slight
Sep's revolver became so hot that the far aggregating Q150,000 hava, been a,nd it is lenawin that German manu- F.ent police commissioner of Now York there would make any fortification result, the search toward the end , wounds on Ills face and nalp, but; It
officers retreated into tile hall. The presented agalinst (I]ty.mian Gattle, a factarers have tised all their ingenu Clity, Nvbo shortly ratires, has acceptel of the Unttod States untenab'e. becoiiiing somewhat feverish. Car- je not bel*eved any will prove serpaus.
young man followed them, firing Ills diamond broker, who dleappeared ,bee- a josition %vith the Albright -Hayes . dinal Gottl, prefect of the propa,gan- w(allen Ushers Quit.
we4pon at Detective Murpny. Be- last july. Ity to construct a type Orr id,s - Power Company, which is building a da. accompilailed by one of the late New York, Doe. 22 -Only three of
fore lie could take alin (oil a, second Bankrur,Alcyt proceedings brought mofIve, which will set a now' wor power. plant oil the Canadian side at ARUNDEL MYSTERY. Popio'o secretaxies drove '.,xp to the the women ushers alt the Majestic
record. — Vatican to-day4 and getting aut Tueatre showed up for work last '
shot, Murphy and Cowan fired, kill-, agal,,.,at Uattle,have illeclosod, it is J"Vlillio, the -ImpoosIbility of at- Wirtgara Falls, Olit.
Ing him instantly. ( , tlA%t he had p0ocured from Mother and Son Dicappeared 3" liurrledly� began tagging a.t aheavy ' riig'.it. Tile inn-nager gravely asserted
dead men ""� ta,tning as hIgh speed as with e�ec- It ii thouglit that the three earliest :
When the ch)tbl.�g of the I dealcro In Amstardam, HkAland; Years Ago -Son's Skeletoji Found. object in the carriage. A,sslstanc� that the five who fwlcd to Appear
%vas isealrobed $I BOU was foulid Utica, N, Y., and thlis city, diamonds trIc motors is admitted, it is claim- officer,. to receive the rank of Briga- ww offered, but It wa:s firmly. re- had been sca,red away by mashers.
Louls Cnoxser. The o1floors declatr)uel ad tbalf a certain locomotive of Ger- dier-Goneral, a rank which the Govern- MontreaL Dec. 21.-Chlef McCaS- filsed, and tho two carried the myls- "Tale slent we word in the after -
they were forced to shoot to kill* In I worth more than �200,000, on the man. make, Is ilble to, run at a rate ment is empolivered to confer, under � y
memorandum plan. and had pa-wned - . kill, of the .Provincial Detec'lve terloils object to �Ite apartment of a,O tbiLt they were through," said
Eelf defence. The bodies were ramov,d: much, of the goode. Pa.wn tickets, of more than IIS miles an hour. the bill proposed by Sir Frederick Service, has returned from Arundel Pope' Plu,s- tlio manager. "As we had only three
to the morgue to await instructiors ,showing a,faec, value, of 037,000 have ,Should Gorman ,locomotives prove Borden. livill be Col.Lord Aylmer,. Aditt- the At- Ittence curlolvity' was aroused b�, women usliers, -we lidd to re-engage
from Equality, .111. . thus far been found, but it is said their superiority It will mean con- (ant-Goneral; Col. Pinault, peputy- where he went by order of the action, iiq it was believed to have the men we bad discharged. The thrce
. $80,000 worth, ,of stollas cannot be slideraVe to the manufacturers, as Minister, and Col. Macdonald, Director- torney General to Investigate tht -some rdla,tlon to the missing wealth. woman who st*ll remain say they will
. Wholuside Robuery. finding of a human Ekeloton, and t( It soon becam
Chicago dospatch;,Wlille working on located. Mhe creditorls assert Gat- It L -q understood that the Russian General of Ordnance. con;ject it, If possible, with tile MYs- o kirown, however. that stick, but uniess we caln get others
a sailary of $9 a weck, Gus A. GrJggs- tie kept In good otanding for several Government wild place an order for torlous disappearance or two p-oile the long contained $9,000,000 in bank to take the places or those who re-
. months by making the first pay, several hundred locomotives w,1t1i the notes. Whon Cardinal Gc1tt1 en- fused to conthitio we'll have to let the
Dy. has, robbed Ills employers at the - . -r of ilia races. HITS CHICAGO FIRE DEPT. mother and Fon, by ilia name of Lee tored the presence bif the. Pope, be three faithful ones go."
rate 0 $200 per day, according to mantis to the dealers, who allowea w1anc 35 years ago. Shortly after the (Its-
Mamager David IA. Rose, of M. L, nine monthis for the balance. Zama I . I -_ sank to Ills knees and pointing to Miriam Poster, tbe bead uglier, who
Barrett & Co. When arrested $250 I of the country jewellers who, bought alon Contented Until Labor- Agitators appearance the mother's body wa' lile burden, said: "Your Holiness, the wears diamonds, Is amo g tl,e falth-
I ITALIAN PRISON SCANDALS. Showed found near an ad.olning lakc, partly lamented Leo ju,st before his death ful but t'e press agent of the theatre
worth, or costly vdmilli beans were about $15,000 ,worth of stones Also . —_ a Grievance. devoured by bears,^but tile kon wah co
found concealed in Griggsby's cloth- I assert that Gattle, took their no � confided to me the money which I was saying last night that the n.
tes a -gain. 3t
Ing. In the few months that his ese were aboirt to be- King V lotor Signs a Decree to Abolish Chicago, Dec. 2:L,—Tjlo OW,tre of a never heard or now lay at 7 '
and when th acriko In the Chicago fire department Some two months ago a nephew a' pur fee(t, saying that If I templa,tod F rike of the male employ -
a 'lorture. succeeded him I was to, use It as cog bad been callea off because they
meagre salary has kept him attached come due, wrote 'offering, to accept , confronted Chief Alushain yesterday. the missing 14ee, named Thompson. I thought beet, bilt that If aonother were satisfied that women, ushers
to the firm it to bellved that lie i amA, papler, wDich thei eent, and that the unk"m while burying a cow In a piece a took his placo, I was to turn the wouldn't do.
has stolen between $.12,000 and $15,- 1 both at 'Rome- a)ec. 22,Klng Victor hari Tine ch:ef learned
I allege that he discountei labor organizers bad invaded Ills de- property which be had only lately
000 worth of stock. the banks here. the makers of -the signed a decree abolishing the use �
,Griggsby admittted his pocula- noteo , being compelled to settle of. the otraight-jacket in Italian Partment and ha,d induced a number acquired, discovered the kkeleton o. . . --.—. �
Mons In such amounts that lie 03111d twice. prisons. . .kj of engineers and drivers to take out a man, and from the fdot that its ' - '2�t .,% +* 4 +4 j. +
.1 . union ca.rds. Tiow many of Ills men right thigh bone was broken lie ,0,�-e&gW.&-,--,e-,--�,e2�2-Pe�-,��� - I +++ + ++++ ++ ++++++ ++
___-_____1-___.__.___.._,. . I The puWjcatIb;n'6r this 'prohibi- had pledgea aliluglance to the unions claimed that It wao the ekeleton at N 1 4. 3
- — tion Is phrItIoularly apropos tit the ll,,� his uncle, John Leo. THE BLIND GIRL'S I THE FINISHING +
the antler could not learn dur'.ng t 4
1, I CK By present moment of dissatisfaction clay, but his investigations convinced
STEAME with tho.result of the d'Angelo trial him the matter waA serious enough FIANCE 1 CHRISTMAS DAY. , Z
� I I
R TEUTONICS TRU and the exoneration of Kustermann, for prompt and vlgoroua action. 'Me MR. GOURLEY'S DE , By Margaret Vandegrif t. + I
the governor of the prison "Regina eff,)rtb or the labor leaders In Clf.cago — +
11Tfi DUR11-76 01," from all responsibility for the to unionize the fire department have "Lot Us Shake 0111- Fists at tho L22�rlele,_7.p ........... %%+.I.++++l
wede,_ ,�,�'O,
�, -
death of tile saltor whose case form- ,been going on qu'.atly for some time. Yankees" S ays Re. It 'was the day whereon a Virgin Do ,)-on ,Present your Christmas
MENA 11 STORL Oed" the oulllact ma,tter of the trial. The agitators have stirred up the an- Mother inild . presents just as arou get them from
Mantreal, Dec. ?,I.—Mr. Seymour -the shops, or do you make them
I The TrIbuna. devotes a long arti- tire department,staxLlug a campaign , In Bethlehem bare
Ole to tile judge's decision, sharply foranorter hours, whllah�would n,eces. Gourley, M. P., Colchester county Unto this sinful world a little help- doubly attractive by doing them up
critizing the change of front ad- sltmte the employmg of a large addl- N. S., wpu in the city to -day on )its less child. In awne pretty fashion? The latter
tic way back to Truro from Ottawa. He shivered sore, ,way Is much .to be preferred, and the
ers Blamed All the orited by the prosecution, and call- n to the force. They have alsor-In- He -took occ i ie F or only on some straw spread Upon expense Is tri,ling. Satin,bebe ribbon
Ing for a modification In the pro- duced the engineers to demand 211-2 United Sta,tes In tho following man- o ran be ])ought as loi%v as ten cents
case of compiling evidence in arlm- q612t6 all hour Increase in wages. The a piece. and a piece is Ample forthe
I Trouble to Two Murderers. Will cases. . work Los been going on under the ner : . Tile Bleat One lay,
. I .. I auspices of the Chicago Federation of "We must not toady to the -Yan- Wilille as the angels who had halled average giver. Plain wIAtc paper to
Labor,and Pressident Herman L'Iten, kees."The, proper way to deal with Big Holy birth Pretty, but costs a cent a sheet, so
I show themi we do a much *bi6fo effective and cheaper
r New York despatch; The white Star two ivires and exploded it as Ferguson PLACED ON COURT-MARTIAL of the Hodcarriers' and Bu Wing La- thk'm is to Sped nvift away. 11 4 4+ + -411 11 ?--A 1� —At,
liner Teutonic was struck by lightning
At 1.30 Sunday afternoon, when 20t)
passed by, .
Forguson.-was instantly Idled andlylar-
I �
' I —
Coniniander and Navigation Offlce� 0f
borero'Counell. Committees have bco-.i
appointed by both organizations to
not care for thiem. Let us snake
our fists -at thlem and tell them to To tell'the joyful news to sbep.
ilia herds, wlio thereon
1. . . . . -.V.
overdyily .wall paper. Choo,se a deli-
ca,ta tint .with a small floral design,
miles east of the NawfoundlaiiJ, Banks.
tin was so paralyzed that lie has been
in , hospital over since. These tyl,o
H. U. S. Flora Before a Court. .
alrouse Intendst In the movelhent, and
labor leaders are trying to In
go to t1lic, doyll. That's only
IraY to treat them, for they des- Came to ilia place-
and gat, your ribbon to harmonize
A heavv snowstorm, with a st'rong west-
men are suspected by the company be-
flriot.orla, D.C., Doe. 22-Calitaln C. '_
J. Baker, commander of R.M.S. Flora,
the inner ring.
Tile discontent this AgIta-
plse Canada, but because we shlow- Women and nien-in eager haste to
ad thlem in the past that-. we cared, gaze upon
,with or match Its background. When
3'our pack,tges a,re neatly done up
,-17ly gdie, prevailed at tile time, Which
-iidition makes the appearance of the
cause they disappeared. were
traced to New York. It was found they
and Lieut. Ilarold.G. Grant, navigat-
Ing lieutenant of tile vessel, WOrO
tion has caueed. forced Chief Musham
lIttle for them they have come' That wondrous face.
and now they offer us rec- Bil t one ot thour, the mother ot a
and fastoned around with the ribbon
finished .with a bow the result will
Allitning all the more remarkablo�
The Teutonic arrived yesterday and
had taken passage on the Americanline
steamer Philadelphia, and the numbers
placoll 6h, trial to -day before & court-
I.I. M. S,
martial sitting an board. .
to tako cognIzarice of srhat was go-
Ing oil. It was forcibly brought to his
htteution by the wage demands ot
1proclty. England itar, always toad- poor blind child,
led to tile States, and she always Was last to goo
far exceed your expectations. Try
It ! Very pretty wall paper can he
Was unable to fly the American flag
of their tickets being telegraphed, they
Grafter, at 1,10gnimalt, charged with
tho ,n-,In,o,r.s, which were handed In
will. We had good claims In that For that bar little suffering daugb-
,bought for from five to fifteen cents
her foretruck because the lightning shat-
tered the topmast and damaged tile rig-
were arrested upon. their arrival on tile
other side by Scotland Yard detectives'
having, by neglect or default, haz-
HJ.M.S. Vlore, on
oil SrLturday. Uicas men have been
Alaskan case, but we played ilia ter. weeping wild,
We should not have ImPloTod her so.
a piece-onough for a ,wagonload al-
most. A tiny sprig or holly tucked
I n their posFtession Nvas found $1,100.
ar'dea and stranded
December 3rd, bn Dennian Island.
satisfied until recently, and their ac-
tion tvan a surprise.
game wrong. ,,
submitted to be blurred by the Yan- Why wilt thou, nlother dear, that
under the ribbon bovv of each parcel
further lts
The electric storm frightened the pas-
- -
Both prisoners surrendered their
,1Mt11s agitation must stop," said
kees. If England had hold out they I stay here alone
enhances effect.
sengers of the Teutonic go much that
91vords to the cou.rt, which consists
miter musbarn. 'It has gone on see-
would Wave climbed down and wo Among the sheep?
But WhIlst thou are cherishing that holy
Papering a Room With Leaves.
several of them became very Ill, and one,
, of Commodore Goctilorich, now
patly In a depal .tment tilat should
would lihve got our rights.
a room with autumn,
Mrs. John Holemans, of Loudain,
to her husband in Now'%Vllo I
Ovangernen Resent 1318 Refftsill 0
commanding officer or tile PEsifulinalt
squadron; Captaln'XaPPOI, H- AL 8-
bare been left alane. I Intend to "It
'Mayor Harrison to order the men
tlf.ey let the Yankees bluff them, Little i3ne
that's the end of It." Thy child will weep."
leaves Is a great deal easier than It
seems. You begin at the top of the
NV111,8 O'
leans, N of shock oil Sunday night.
Send Them a Photograith.
Grafter; Commati,der Sandendin and
to, give tbe'r allegiance to the fire do-
" Soul or my soul," the mother said,
I 11
room and Paper down, always tack.
The steerage passengers of tho vessel
Ivere intensely 'frightened and attributed I
,Phila.delphim, Doa. 22-BecausePre-
, -1--onevelt
Captain Parry, with Captain C, Baker
as judge advocate. 't �, ;
partment alone, and not divide It
with a labor organization, however
thy piteous tea.ra
Melt all my heart ;
- Ing the little leaves at the top wIth
glml;l tacks, aLa iatting the
the Ill luck, of the vessel to the presence
Occult, wili, Doc give big
consent to have 131s; 1;ortralt painted
Lieut. IV.,amsay and a number of
had officers gave evidence
grood'It may bo."
-_ ,
A.ut If thou wilt with patience
— quieting thy 'fears,
in graceful
rashlom, with the stems low down.
oil board of two alleged i-aurderers,
Petrovitch Lepanat and Millivar Keovax ,
Oil its banner, the Roosevelt True
Blue Lodge of Orangemen of Bryn
arding ilia stranding, but little
'a ron
� ;'-s b ght out other than what
'rhousandi of 311ners tit Ill Let me depart,
Johannesburg Cheer flor Th( -in. "To -morrow, when tile pleasant
It takes a day and a half to paper
a, room with autumn leaves, but when
who, in ebarge of American detectives,
were being titkeft back to Pittsburg.
Mawr Is considering ilia advisability
or changing the name of its organiza�
has been. told. i , . I
�. I .
— �
'scaped I%Xurderer, Makes
Cashel, tne 14,
0I. -A mass twilight cornoth, we
JWiamneebury, Doe. 2
lit Sliall meet again,
meeting called hope to -nig for tile
11 have finished you find yourself
tl�luln g In n. bower. The loaves which
Capt. E. R. McKinstry, the com-
wander of the Teutonic, said that 1113
Some time ago one of the national
HIS Way Into Calgary.
purpose of urging upon the Govern- And I will tell thee all that I shall
ment tile advi,sab.11ty of taking a re- hoar afid see-
Just touch tha ceiling are spread out
upon tile wulls, suggesting a creeper
never saw lightning during a snowstorm
officers of t1fe Supreme Loyal Or-
. —
Calgary, N. W. T.s .Doe. 1_11�The
roreadurn before Introducing legl,Qla-' Glad thou 't be then I
Plant, and tIve, ruom Is transformed
before. He added:
aitgomen wrote a letter to Prest-
Plain Language From Austriast
orcapou ninracrer Ernest Casual Is
tion providing for the Introduc:ng of Willingly would I take thee, dearest,
froni'm prosy creation into & little
"It had been snowing all morning, and
dent r,00sevelt informing film of tile
Foreign Minister to lurkey.
Stul at ilbortylo, .,but Ilia ;Plul,c3 fire
ltn�6klllad labor Into the Txansvaal, 'Ir bat no
"den' of lovely line. I
a Strong westerly Nirind* Nvas throwing up
desire of the Bryn Mawr organiza-
sure thtey. have chased him into the
wa,s; completely captured by the Lie- Thou 'dat sbo Ills race,
— ,
a great sea, t.rhe passengers wore as-
sciiibling for Juneb, when a lightning
tion, to Ifave ilia r.ortraft painted on
Ws banner. "ie writer closed his
V�Iorjina, Doe. 22.-,Couut Golu6how-
ski, th-o ImporW' Minister of Vor-
city. Every exit Is being carefully
guarded, and there is a cordon of
input favorable to tile Importation of Although tile way lu long and cold
Chineac. Special trahis brought In andthard to go
Soldlera art% Well Shod.
In tbe Vvermon army Ilia soldier on
bolt struck the foratoliniast and shat-
tered it, ivith it deafening crash. - I was
lettsr by requesting tire President to
knd ilia I:ortralt to be used as a
elga Affairs in addressing the For-
alga Affairis Committee of the Hum-
Clo-Jec around the city. on San-
day tile f.olice -were within a fe17
tbousailds of miners from the East To that blest place."
, w o throughout tile
and West It ,and h .
the Inarch wears high rbeeti or bc-otm
and never a stooking, Irat In Its plaw
on the bridge at the time, With the
third offleer, and the flash blinded both
ji, was received frord Secre-
giu,lan dellega.tion -day.,,# dealt
lengthily! with tho Macedonian ques-
yards of' hill%, but ha -was under
cover. H'w knowlattgo o; the coun-
meeting cheered for the Chinese. The'
to put a in
chajpn�an ot!on
"I know that to tho grave aLone
through darkilcus drear
tile "foot -rag" of linen, In which tbn
root Is wrapp^d. Great care, to taken
of its. The foremast of the ship is con-
structo(I of steel, oxe6pt for fifteen or
tary Loob acknowledging t111e bonor
felt by tile President, but at the
tion. lie explained thut Russia and
4ufstrla, rejeoted thb Idea of making
try lf,am aided him, For several
hours -yesterday the llolice and int-
for a ter lin ' An overflow meet.
Ing declared for the importation of
My way muot be,
Oil, lovely golden race I Oil, Godlike
to fit the foot parfettly, with a com-1
fortablo boot, and I an told by an
twenty feet of its top.
some time Ila rojitely declined to for-
Maucodoilin, an autonomoim
.12eas on hurbub,o'k-surroundod th"
Ciiin,oa.t . 'L I 1. ! - t - L-1
Babo. most dear
officer of the Gorman Army that
" The bolt atruck. and carried nivay
foremast split the
v.,fird Ills photograph. .
— � —
with, a Chrlstian governor, b6baUS43
they wiosbod, to ptlesarve tile Isiteg-
Man in the litle just west of here.
Ho e'uded t3fora, and made Jite on-
I . ..
I may not see I
trouble with the reet Is almost un -
known am(nig tIvilr o)ldlers. In o-ua,
tile truck of the and
spar down the middle as far as the
rity of Turkey,, mild did not ,tishl to
disturb tho bEI&nco of power In the
ti-aroo Into Ora city by th3 railway
br:dge. To -day the 0 fee searched
But ar a eyoo needed believe and
t6 adoral,
1 own army euring the Civil War tlitre
was nirach giving jout of tho troops on
wood reached. By some strange froak
e used for hoisting tile
Port Simpson as The (;. T. Pacific
Balkame by favoring a certain cec-
tioii to tho dleadvantago of others.
il'lnodt Ovary building In the city.
and mnliy l;o'lco in civilian clothes
My mother? 011,
I otIll could touch Ills little hand. If
I account of tho men becoming foot.
; save. Sinci tivni attention his been
fing to the foretruck was wound into IL
sort of ball atia driven, down through
Thap "re, however, emphatic in, In-
elating tha,t TurkaX execute reforms.
ara 1.o,trolling thlo streets.
%lint Cashel Is too clever for the
I .
nothling nrore,
Might I but go P
I given the feet and the shooe by the
Burgeonv&general and the quartor-
ilia split part of tile mast. The ends of
these halliards are now visible alongside
Vancouver, Doe. -,),-,.-*, only
p:jlv-er that dam close UP Port Strop-
at wDA 06 common, si'ying that Tark6y.
does not lyat against this
r.plico wag -demonstrated when lie
went to Mrs. Andrew Smith's ranch.
Down at ilia motherlo knees she
master g^npral of the United States
Now men raiist have Pound
ither part of the mast."
e Several other Aning bolts stiltickin
ooln In thne of war wIll: Do tllc� paw-
or that commamdo all the sea ap-
flil,ving 3i,o sot tile argument that ,31io
Must clihago, if she wished to exist,
Car,Uel naw the l-,o�lao riding to the
honEe, toid the. woman, *110 Ila Wag,
, .. -
pray,od and wept, until
Tho inother'o heart
feet to enter the Fervicel and thc%n
they ate required to take good calre
tile vicinity of 119101 ship within a half
proacllas to tile pogt.,, So sa�rs Lord
Dundanald, OrystalizIng Ilia Nl-:,�ws as
t6n 0 her
and It r3q)() would 'not ell 9 Of
and tbre�tencd to take, her lit- If
I .1
Was cloven, and she answered, "Ifave
of them Aft,ir n J,np�,;al 6n ol the
bour after the One which struck tile
, prot;�
to tile s,tr&t0gIc vallic of thp
own aecbrd alle must be forced.
g1re to'd (lie r.ollaii lie there.
11 �� .1
� .. I- ,
thou thon thy will;
tl 0 ,� ,
'latest ii-tttt.srn of 'bitig Shod
pootivo Grftnd Trunk Pacific tot-
lie trusted t�kit it would be rgAl-
Mrs. Smith copsequently told the
My 11to thou artIll
one 14 eaFfly convinced that the men
p� The two allagea intirderers on the
iu,mus, anzJ dirro.11y contrad:011ing tho
lZed In Constantinople thmt
lroqu,aq moll ih t ho on,,, wpa ihore.
I I ,�,
And when they to the utanger came,
of our army aro the m^ot com!ort.
,� ship were it% charge of Police Sit arin.
tondant McQuaide Detective ftellY,
statement of United States Senator
plorto'would bq�.only Jeapardimbig,t1w
entity. lof the' 4�rnlilrO If It fall6d to
7ailougli they hild traced Caslwl to
1h:16 bouse the police and Breed
- "I I
and tho child kholtv " .
I.y shod or any class at American
lz,n-�.--4*u 13 Root Rb-_�des, lit Good
of Pittsburg. They are charged with
Tumer, who, at ilia close of
.makk% Dotindary Comallizalon, In-
16yally and sincerely conalder thb
Scoate rt,turned to tifo ramcb,- Wholve
,. I
having killed Samuel T. Fergusoll, 0,
,for, of West AfiddlO,
railro�a contrite
formpd.tho prp".1 that through tile
pOs1;c,,4a!0a -of SItkian alit) X111110111-
Axiotro-Russian Idt-mayids, Gomplliin-e6
. with, thoob demands Would alone On-vo
the,%, secured roHlilvo evidenco of
CaWifol ba,ving visited Mrs. Smith'a.
Ait Cmenot- Var HaAle.
town, in Washington county, Pa. Oil
nat X�,Iand% U0 United 8t(ltes Would
Turkey Train titter downfall. Ilia
On returning tiley found that lie
� .. �
e �
.- __
'SaW. I Ecen Xo. 81 ackelferly ran.
Stpt. 25 Ferguson ttrid Ilia secretary,
bn In it position to command Port
wad riNgm,truiii, surprieca, towover,
ivail diparpPared. Although the V-1-
il � 11
, _
, y1f,forXv alterntion." said tile
Charles J, Martin, Nvore driving lit it
gimppom. (JenerAl Lord D111001"Id'N
thlat Opposition to tho reform iwbonio,
11mWilt'n d tile, houAe 0"Osely,
.T, ,,W---- ("O ,
'. ffintrict mossenger boy. I'lleld
buggy Ivith $3,1500, with which to pay
,"s -,c*ticn c6nvinoed hig party Ill,.-tt
jil,4p,arlit,at ag thio ri,arlsive roslatalien
returned to this runcli, and at -Ole it
,.; I
liar bp thied ter dat..1
their railroad hands enifloyed. or tile
loged that tilo
lVibash I
t'lle� y1mg flmt rwk and mftrfli
on Iow.l
root Isinin are absolutely valublens
ot tho I e, -
Turk4, .tint) from tho Mhee
donlan rovolution lots tl*woolyos,
hollob at filght aild rodo tbrouttil iliq
VbliCo- IN stale & suit of coth("a
Tllr,. SAME' THING. 1%,
,on ill retorte a t1w otber.
�, ,Vll�,f 0, MNota" tov n gent tittt
cat.og, It is a
two 3nou. placetl 1-15 pounds of dYlialllitc
(Or Day military purposes, since
who we're, mpXng ofty4a to nallill,f,
from C, W, Vigby's rtmahl, nnd tile
TJmb0Jl-VV6r take tL mad b6tb co)
SIM8011 -Wall, I once rail tot Utilor, C,
out at ,do football gabiol
an ,(bo, road, Which illoy connected With
WAI00 Nand (13pitirIll) 91VCB Cold-
thlb oout�me. L `11 I I ( ,
t-101100 tay tble has aided hiriv
� .. . I I