HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-12-24, Page 5° Thurad yt december 4, 1903 TH. WI G1 AM �►D �%A�'G'�. g OPI THE MEN'S STORE NEWS. ` Montreal areestimaon in ltedltohave,orareached� a Value of $5,000,000, 1 s .�..,• w.^..�.+•,• •-Sir • William I42uloo]k has directed .��..ersVar"ety and Vellue -..C#odexioh elevator ttaH handled two that the lniuitnuut salaries Rf, pdstuattat• _ -'l Crowder's Tailored3 million and a hal! bushels of grain this eis be raised from $10 to $2G a year, ,4 year, about the sittno as fact year. and that the salaries of all 018se who _ YQu eau hardly find tt ilvme IN are paid on a percentage of revenue be ;I ` Urban Schmidt o>! Mildmay bought _ � �' �`� a two year old steer weighing 186.0 lbs inoreagodby 10 per cent, on the amount without its Aye•r's Cherry � � J ' 4, CNI which the would receive under the ❑ 4 for $116; a good price for a two year y Pectoral. Parents knowwhal i Christmas, y. i� old. scale hitherto in operation, The coin- ; it (foes for children: breakT 'i �'" T 1'+�[CiES missions paid for the transaction of ' � � T a ' Marham, Doe. 18.• -Mr. H, H. Miller 1 y/� s Presents. eR✓ RrJa I%It1DF TO FIT f111EaN N4 slid Dr. Mearns divided t]io South money order and savings bank business r i f have also been increased by the percent, J 1 I w OVERCOATS I Gray Liberal convention, and the form• age. The remuneration for the transac•ti or received the nomination, which wits Pectoral J e�`/ 1 � (� 10 anis Men's (trey Rs.glan Overcoats, tion of postal nota business has been � � We are read for Xmas, • '{ the very newest money can buy, some made unanimous oil motion of his op- doubled. The allowance for tont of I Y _ u� a cold in a single night, g y have no cuffa, talmaz pockets, sizes 34 to 40, poneut, offices ace has also been nt qn a Moro trade with a teat variety of ° regular prices $0,50, $10,00, $11,00, $12 50, P P wards Ofd bronchitis reventS '. -Tho Parr Sound North Star esti• ' p novelties for presents. There Xmas ssla price , , ..... • ................. . • , $8 50 y eciuitable basis. ' pneumonia. Physicians ad- l� %" are man thins a. visit will 7 only, Men's Raglan Overcoats, sizes 30 to 40, mutes that 1¢,000,000 bushels of grain I ' vise parents to keep it on hand. I I ;suggest. Come end see. • regular $0.00, Xinits price ....... . .. . .. . . ... $000 arrived at the harbor during the smason ,' The batt cooHh� mediclae money can bur - l "' '"- We'll be leased to shoal OtL 13 Boys' Qvercoata, s�zea 22 to 3Q, �Ltilas Sala just closed, Allowing 100,000 Bushels Tllilliierxy. =fee erns chorryYectoral. PortheetterI r l �_ p y yy ' �' dT6II n0 0 to �• ` s ohs tofu could ..ibis b better �nD ,. .. , . , ....... $3.00, $4.00, $5 00 as an average load, this means 150 trips Council met Dog, 15; members all anon �ttur i, Saratoga. Ind + t the g d - e t quote 7 2sc ,aoa, gt.00, r. a axiin oo., everything, but heve arQ a •` Pea Jackets, Boys' al i. 'I zea 2 . to L8, , , , , , in the season -for grain alone, present. " All dru,9.t.. for Lowen, Mae,. y few items Of Interest to,all y ' , .. $2 50 -The Hullet cc on Tuesday , the The Treasurer laid the annual Mate i Pea Jackets, Youths' sizes 28 to 33, $3.25 to.. $1.00 15th, granted the petition of the 76 rate- meat before the Council s Cowing a 'T{y y�oat' T un�+ -;�� buyers. Pea Jackets Men's sizes 30 to 48 $3,00, $4,00, $e 00 payers in Hullett, who were apking for balance of $3933,72. The re ort was y rs A er's Pills read Yi io ' _ _ • , ,., , „ _ , , ,, a sectional bonus of $4000.00 to aid the adopted and the Clerk instructed to get Pectoral In a I g p a Cold - GENTS' ,. 100 copies printed y aid the -Chert LADIES' i �-a f �g GENTS' P'URNIS)f INC DEPARTMENT. Guelph Junction Railway extension to . qp P nted for distribution. yc fibre k n u d. lJ 1 G� R'Y � . Goderich, via Blyth and Auburn. *It was decided to advertise the No- HANDKERCHIEFS. -In great variety, Fancy Embroidered,' LIST tia,sTJmbra Umbrellas, Ha dke ehiefsTO OHoosn ,�Silk MuffieieShirta�iWayd Buttons ` -The four cheese factories of this elwspaperanation eeting in the VPinghain C. HAMILTON r special eane for 25c,' Prices are from 5e up to $2,00 each. see lers, Braces, Cuff Links, neigliborhgod received 11 cents a pound The following passed for payment: GnNTs' Tiu DEPARTMENT, -We have all the latest shapes and colorings in for their cheese. The total waa-over$13,- For Board of Healt 0. Jobb $4, AUCTIONEER TIES AND COLLARS. LADIES' WAISTS. Men's Neckwear. $200 worth to choose from. Prices 25e, 50c, 000. Mr. Alex, Fraser, the President of I#LYT7a - ONT. Ladies' Fancy silk Ties and Collar. Have you heard of our pretty waists the Plue River factory received $4,300. alp° Homuth $4, Wm, Smith $1, James 30 years experience. I have conducted over in all the latest styles, nicely embroid• ws have them in Silk, Cashmere, f us- 'Lhe Ripley factor also, had a large Elliott $4, Dr, Agnew $12, John Bur 3000 successful Auction Sales in the County Bred and and trimmed with a pli ue- • tre, Flannel, spy one of these will make ' P y y ' of Huron and as a rule, get better prices and - p 4 a nice Xmas, present. All prices. Our NI VW gess $6, Road Commissioners—Wm,' sell to bolter men. Orders left at ADVANCR Prices aro 25c, 350, $00, 75%, 1,00 Leader $2.50. S 0 V i uW dVI CQq anis.-Ripley Express. Cruikshank $60, John Musgrove $4b, V.400, VPIngham, will receive prompt atteu- -Kincardine people learn with re. tion. Terms reasonable. SatietaotioII guar- _ A if ha a Jno. Rutherford $46, Alex. Selly $45. antoed. Phone or telegraph at my expense. FURS. -We have a large atockRofffthe" 4*g kriind suitable1fl for grab that. Mayor Ruettel an , e V For other purposes -W, Cruikshank Kitts. Easy prices, for r, 13 u e, a e, sun a s, ap , decided to leave town and go to Crocks- statement $2; Jno. Burgess, salary, $60,. = Boas, Coats, Capes, eta,. Special Sable Ruffs at $7,00 y town, Minn. to live with their son J. H. postage $12, rent $6; T. Hall, printing CASH FOR YOUR - g New styles. g LADIES' PELTS. -We have the ri ht kind. A dew Specials for g ElliottEAL ESTATE Ruettel whose wife died recently. account $20, drainage By-law and ad - Mayor Ruettel is one of the pioneer vertising $7; H. B. Ellit advertising Prices from 25c to $1.50 each. CIiITrDR business men of Kincardine, active, $1; Hugh McKinnon, cutting hill) $44. EN. ' �-q v� Trade enterprising and public-spirited. It is an business to end .hat other man 4.11 6A. 1 v.a4v✓ P g 7'i; Jas. Dennis cutting hill and inspect- for you, and my methods will do it in the a We have a nice range of Knitted Wool Goode -in Fancy Coats, y niel in $6 F. to id ee error$G g9ta P fore I do, youshortest ble time. wi owolmeo o$comm scnd a ion er b I Bootees, Mitts Cas Hoods Cavanagh Parkhill, hila driving threshingkames McLaren balance solar 6064,8postage $7 cannot o, y a property ata commis fancy Cape, ,Collar and Muff Sets, etc L Y+iin the .' . WEAR. H-�A rIE Ig -Couches—Upholsteredbest coverings, newest pat- opine engine on the townlinebetween annual Statement $7; Paul Powell piice—I will not try. If you have anything toN i� 41 1Re ' loll, let me handle it for you, Write or call at ° terns, ver comfortable good width regular $8.75 -Holiday, Williams and mcQillivara. The 1111- salary $58, postage $6; Jas. R. Burgess once for terms and full particulars. '_ Almost anything oil want in Men's Furnishings y ' g o y fortunate plan was walking beside the serving drain notices $1.60; Robt. Hogg Just a word to the Beal Estate Buyer- 9 g y $7.75 Sale Price ................ . ... ......:................................... ...... engine when it fell over on hint. He repairs to B. line Bridge, $1.60. Haven look at what I have to offer you before at a price you want to pay. 12 Couches—Assorted patterns, will guarantee them to give died before the engine could be remov J you buy. I have just the property you want. . Council adto meet Deo. 18 as MEN'S TIES. -Never before have we shownsuch ti large as- -best of satisfaction, regular $8.00 -Holiday Sale Price ......... $7.25 ed.gonrt of Revision on Drain By-law. CL,YMB MACiUIRE '_ sortment of Neckwear. New patterns in knots, four-in-hands, (A splendid assortment at $5,00, $313.50, $14, $22) -The Chicago stook='yards. have Hent JOHN BURGESS, Clerk, Real Estate Agent - Strings, puffs, bows, flowing ends, etc, 540,060 feedingshes into the country XMAS, BRACES. --Fine Braces for presents, nicely done u p 1 Gi$ee:—Upstairs in Vanotone Block. 75c, and $1:00 Leather Seated Rockers in Oak- and Mahogany -Another this season, which is nearly 200,000 _ one pair in a boa, fancy silk web -prices are 60c, 80c, shipment of those fast selling Rockers, highly finished, rega- MONEY To LOAN -At 4t per cent. on- - FANCY SHIRTS. -Just received, new patterns in print shirts lar $2.00 and $2.25 --Holiday Sale Price„ .....,.... $1,75 than were taken out last year; improved farms. Easy terms of re- more A "'•"••' and, eoustitutes, a record report in this payment; expenses light. Apply A. ROSY• )f 1. GARNISS for Christmas trade, Special value at 75c and $1,0i1 (See what we have at $3.75, $4,25, $6, in I cut oak polished) oonnobtion.' These sheep will bo Ped lis pulmage, Real Estate and Loan BLUEVALE - ONT. MUFFLERS, New Silk and Way's Mufflers makes a very, use- ' farmers in the Western States this Agent, Dent Block, 1 fol present. All prises, Auctioneer for Huron County MEN'S GLOVES. -A large range of Men's Lined Sid Gloves; W inter, -converting hay into mutton and 1. A -at 75c, $ GL $1,23, $1.60. manure, and will be .placed upon the Racking Pain in the Joints. Terms reasonable. Sales arranged .. Iron and Brass beds, all sizes -There never war,such bargains market in the spring. for at the office of the offered in Beds such as we are -showing at $4.75, $5.00, $6.50 and up- Also every form of're best cur neo• WiNGHAg ADVANCE. OUR CHRISTMAS SALT; keynote is -Big Dry I ralgia and sciatica .are boat cured by . Goods worth for not much money. wards, all with heavy, brass rails and nobs, ball .bearing casters.Nerviline the quickest relief for mus Holiday Sale Prices On Everything-Ilech come Spites from Sniffeling and Sneezing Colds. oular pain .yet discovered. It's because ? We thank our numerous customers for their patrons, daring 12.00 l $70.00. -Sideboards from ver to ; 40.Be Fine assortment Can be stopped in a few, minutes and Nerviline strikes in and penetrates right � the year and take pleasure in wishing all A MERRY CHRISTMA'S permanently curets in one hour by in- P g y � ' of Paper Racks, Easels, 16x20 Photo Frames. Ptwlor Tables at 85c, lialiug fragrant healing Catarrhozone, unbounded satisfaction. I, caught cold y in mo shoulders while driving and s 9ff1 ) Ver SOX Of and A HAPPY NEW „t I'Y - `` 11. ' 1 n' L u . W. $$1.25, $1.75, "2.50. No remedy compares with Catarrnozone yg for colds in the head and nasal catarrh. erect great pain, writes G. E. De ap y e � ��� Co. It soothes and heals the, inflamed mu- of Berlin. I used Nerviline freely and H. UNDERTAKING oousmembraues, preyents sneezing and was soon quite well. I have found Ner- �� �� villus au excellent remedy w for rheums- ooughing, clears away the "stuffed up" y y Residence—Patrick feeling in the forehead,. If you have'nt blame and neuralgia as well as for cels Opp, Bank Hamilton Highest Price Paid for Produce St., 5th house west used Cat•arrhozone get it today and try on the chest. I recommend Nerviline of Hamilton's Druggq�gAQih�+�la it the next time you have a cold. You highly and wouldn t be without it. store. Night calls U.D tJ V �D a7 611r receive prompt at- s will be surprised at the efficiency of this Price 250. 4e i ntien. The Peoples FarnitIlre Store delightful inhaler treatment which pleases everyone outfit it cures so quickly. Completea outfit $1.00; trial size 250. PawSound, Bokash m has been found on the i--+• entire satisfaction ingall Doe. 17. -The body, of is guaranteed to ive a:,3 road side near Balaclava, about fifteen1-t + cases of Stomach trouble miler from Owen Sound. on Saturday P CD • —i£ not, money refund. � 1+he left here with Wm. 'Waterton and a ed. Try a box and be companion named Roadhouse. A storm Anyone. ensued off the Georgian Bay and chilled �. convinced. + the men to the bone. Waterton reach- w ed home at two o'clock Sunday morning r=a - i -S crt-I have room for two after a terrible experience, and RoeCd- , o �' � • house got home two hours later., Bo- students in Telegraph Can,4 leash continued his journey, but was CD office, k found frozen stiff next morning. -Huron county did well at the recent Q7pQl Winter Fair in Guelph. Mp, S, H• s . D 0 G L A S S Smith, of Clinton, got 8rd rite for 18 butchering cattle, steers and heifers.- , '� M� the advantage to be gained by purchasing �` These were bred by Mr, Wm. Grout, of �., �, Chemist & Druggist q the London road, Stanley. Mr, J, A. a Stove Or Range made at home. No .2.418ten to"'' '` Coughlin, of Centralia, got first for best fat animal any brood; 2nd for beat fat Office G.N.W. Tei. Co: vexatious delays waiting for repairs, etc, -.11-.. `A. cow over three years; 1st for fat steer O Ill �* over 3 years and Ist for a deck of ,sheep. i b�� g' • Mr. Uoughlin's steer was fed by Mr. CD '� �: Anyone going to invest In John Hawkins, of the London road, Us- fl ti y� borne, and. his fat steer over three'waa A ®r Drunken■1 ss ����es ��� i�T� �S a prettyXmas. gift should go to fed by Mr. Ellworthy, of Stephen. Mr. THE lend x �l €�„ John O'Keefe, of Seaforth, got third for�oA� Patterson. He has what you two year old heifer and 3rd for best fat C+�9 u �,��� are guaranteed to be absolutely the best want. If you want a watch, see cow over three. cu goo 00o d t b k 1,-;] roast or broil ours, we have the largest stock and best line of Watches in this vicinity. If you want a good wed- ding ring, we have your size. If you want an engagement ring, we have all the new styles, and a large stock to choose from.. Don't forget that we are Headquarters for swell Xmas. gifts of all kinds. GO11' . a tteA47 The Watch Doctor Opp. Queen's Hotel Wingham I The Man Who Works Hard. Perseverance and will -power he must have, but whether he has strength and vigor is another consideration. Hard working men usually have irritable nerves and should fortify their system with a course of Ferrozone, a tonic that rebuilds. It's just wonderful the strength that Forrozone imparts to brokendown men. It forms new blood supplies the system with abundant nourishment, and where formerly there was tiredness and lassitude Ferrozono establishes a reserve of energy and vim. Try Forrozone,-price 50o per box. S -UC y I]S attends the t7 VIJL IJ graduates of L/ST!?6�Y�L On Jan. 4, 1904, Minter Term Begins. -Two Courses --- Commercial and Shorthand. Sond for College Journtil. O. A. PLBMINd A. L. r4cWTVIRM President Soo'r. Dizz Appetite post?Bowels constipated? Tongue coated? head ache? It's your liverl flyer's Pills are liver* pills, all uetd for vegetable. aixivveurs. . _newel nfase. Want your moustache or beard A uedutifttl brown or rch black? 1I ffi'l,KINGRAM'S DYE over , • Corres- CURES pond-cn5o I Address cues Rh Keeley Instituto sUietiy 786 Queen St. West confit. U6 TORONTO, OUT antial. A Zals e ,stock ®f 110012 andEra.,Beds' On Hand., M/MNVMN'/'/V`•�MM/W WrMMMI/�•N••'�~ These are the coming Iced. Our prices are $3.75, $4.00, $0.00 and 0,50. A good line of Dressers and Stands to match. A fine lisle of Sideboards, Parlor Suites, Bedroom Suites, Couches, etc., at the lowest prices. WALKER BROS. & MUTTON Home Furnishers and Undertakers "4 made , an o a e, , , _)�, better than any other. MADE BY The Western Foundry Co., Limited WINGHAM ONT. Wingham, Ont„ March 4th; 1903. The Western Foundry Co., Limited, Wingham, Ont,, Dear Sirs -Have been using one of your 9-18 "Crown Huron" Ranges for some time and thought you might like ? +to a` ` know what satisfaction it gives. It could not be better. It is easily regulated, and null s VERY LITTLE COAL' OR , WOOD, which is a great consideration, and its baking li- l i, ties are unequalled. We have not had the least bit of trouble with it at any time. I consider it one of the best + and most up to date ranges made. Wishing you succesF, Jlk: I rernain, Yours truly, H. GOOD. SOLD BY A. Young & Son Buwy S + J. .011 WINGHAM + *4++1+++++++++ +++*' *+++++++V_