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The Wingham Advance, 1903-12-24, Page 4
s Tbul'sday,December 211, 4 THE WINGB M ADVANO y a • TOWN OF WTNGRAM. • PROPOSED WATERWORKS AND r CamDbell SEWERAGE SYSTEMS.it Hie NOTICE Is hereby given that the Diunlot- - ppal Counci it l of the Towu oC Wingham prepose to submto the electors qualitled to vote Wingham's Dress (foods and Trimmings Douse. thereon, for their assent, a B -law to authorize the isauo of debentures of the Town of Wind• ham, to khe amount of $35 600• for the purpose e L,. vl"o anA eYtnndlne the wat®rworka That you may have a very Merry Christmas and Happy and Pros- perous New Year, is our sincere wish. a , RITCHIE 3 'CAMPBELL BEAVER BLOCK WINGHAM THE ROYAL GROCERY Toilet Sets. A very nice Toilet Set, with shall embossed patterns, of six pieces, consisting of Basin, Ewer, Cov'd. Chamber, Mug and Soap . $1.56 Dish -for ............................. A choice Toilet Set, printed and heavy gold stippled, ten pieces -for ................ 3.50 A beauty in enamelled ware, very delicately shaded with heavy gold tracing, ten pieces 25 -for .................................. Fresh Fish. These fish are fresh caught this winter and ship- ped direct to us. You can imagine how mut better the flavor is, than fish caught in the ho weather, frozen and put away in cold storage. w Sol Sol S.r•- ar-- e"-- 4- tool•- aw-• e -- tool,.. w tool,,: ..W ..-• s a Sol tw• Sol 0- A FAMOUS SCHOOL, V470 OTHATF'ORD. ONT. A largo, wide•awake, working, hustling, reault•produoing school tb. Bost busi- ness calitga in Canada tordey, Qradu- atas always get ppositions, Thie collage laces manyy of its graduatea in other Tarim open1jan.4thll Catalojue free. J '1 i ` ' h .. R1 'y ', JL A Merry Christmas and -IaPAY . i -__- __ ll. J, Elliott, Principal. lowing are the- Vimates of the proposed ex. pan for the said works ; New e ® IMPROVEMENTAT A3iI1 EXTENSION Or THE C ..,.. ( J ew Year, t ,1 ✓/ }VATERWORKQ sXdTuni, _ - j a rt/ , 2 Artesian Wells„ $1200 00 IT PAYS TO tool,., Air CompPrawor and conuec• „ tion with we... 1500 00 Reservoir ............ ......... 1600 00 u nu iI I ii, m iii i, $ 3700 00 Addition to buildidg,,,,,,, .tool 1200 00 Christmas Removal of and repairs to machinery ................... B00 OD 2000 00 / - ' 4PlaTRIn17T10x eYaTt3i. AJ/it Goods ` _ 2578 ft, 10 in. Mains 9 $1,42.,, 3652 24 THF CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE 1250" 8 ' 1,10... 157300 -1.• 7150 " 8 " " " 75... 5362 5o CHATHAM ONT. AND 7425 " 4 " " " 51... 400930 Canada's greatest school of Iiuslueas, Candies. s ectal Coatings,.....,........ 392 28 Shorthand and Ponmsnship will reopen for Valvas and Boxes 409 00 the Now Year on Monday, Jan• 4th, Hydrants.... ... 439 OQ We shall need,200 more bright young men 15633 52 and women, Iil addition to those wo now have, Stand ap and Site. encs, . 5369 6o to meet the Calle for office help for this year Small ares We are Read Engtneering & Contingencies. 0661 43 and will guaranfoo to pisco that number er mora at good wages. We guarantee file quality Of $29800 00 Wa placed 345 in the 11 months ending SEWERAGE 9Y6TEY. Juno 30th at wages averaging $600 per annum, (1 Our goods: We have a full line of A Trunk Sev'or on Josephine and nearly as many more good position. bad to C Suitable- for Christ` Street from Alfred Streotto go unfilled, (J f O the FANCY CREAM CANDIES south branch of River with It you have not scan our Cataloguayou aro e in, Cellar Drain.,......,.,. 3022 00 not yet familiar with the best Canada has to Sewers a Disposal Work., offer, write for it, mas Presents, J but our pi lees are not Fancy by cone4a Ing ofappa irofSeptic D, pioLsc CA' & bnt Am/ , Tr dee e Tanks & Sand Filter Peds.., 2873 00 Chatham, a any mean , Coutingenclea............... 60500 GM 00 Total Expenditure ..............$35,000 00 It Pays to Feed It ! And take notice that s poll of the creators J gid Gloves for Men send Women. qualified t, vote, on said proposed By-law will Ladies' Rin wood Cashmere and Read Our Bargain List. be taken by wards on Monday, the fourth dsy g Our stock never was so large and of January, A.D. 1904, from t o'olook a,m, till 3 o'clock p. m, of the same day, and st the \lat'njl fleece -lined Gloves. complete, never was in such good places mentioned in Lhe proposed By-law, a copy of which Bylaw is published hereunder, tool aha a as it is now. Our China- Fancy Cream Candies, assorted, 1 Ib, And take notice that on Monday, the p full Weight in fancy box, ... , ...25C eleventh day of Japuary, A. D. 1904, at eight ~'` +.,,.,,.I Silk Handkerchiefs white and colored ware, Boots and Shoes, Dry Goods, o'clockp.m,thaMunioi'alCounciloftheTown • y ;:-.,,,.- , Fancy Gream Candies, assorted, } ib, of Wingham, will, in'theeventof the said pro- hemstitched ......... 25C, hoc, 600 small wares, Groceries, Confection- full weight in fanev box., ...,: lac posed Bylaw being carried by the electors, Worthington's Canadian Stock Tonic finally consider the said proposed Bylaw in is given a preference over all other Stook open Council. Foods by largo and experlenced feeders, apart Ladies' pure silk Handkerchiefs, purl ery, Fruit, Nuts, etc., are all in ' Cream Candies in Carton'a, the Dated Clerk's Office, Wingham, November from the fact that it is less than half the silk lace trimmings with drawn stock and we are ready for business "Church" and the "1![atl. er," very 26th, 1903. price of any other. centre ..........$1.00 to $1,25 each , pretty; just the thing or Xmas J. B. FERGUSON, Clerk. DEAR Sin. -I have fed your Stook Tonio to ever morning at $ 0 clock. Shop , cattle and like it very much. It makes them Ladies' Swiss muslin Hdkfs., good lace y tree, price per package. , , . , . , , ,11c SY-LAW 1V . • • thrive well and put on flesh more rapidly. I trimming, drawn centre, rice early. • think it i. the best Tonio I have fad to horsas, p Choice mixed Cream Candies, gene -- We are also feeding it to our hens this winter, .................... 25c to bOC each ally sold at 40c a Ib., out- price only and they are laying better than they have .................. 25e a Ib. A Bylaw to authorize the issue of deben- done for a long time. It pays to feed it. Ladies' muslin Hdkfa., Hemstitched Or FANCY AC Y NA. tures of the Town of Wingham to the Yours truly, trimmed with lace ... 5c to 15C each A Ice Cream Bon Bons, our price during JAMES LEASK. amount of $35,600, for the purpose of im- Feeder Sweepstakes Nat Cattle, Prov. Linen Handkerchiefs for men and Xmas season ..... . . . . . ..... . ictC Ib, proving and extending the waterworks Winter Fair, 1901.2, women 20e to IiOC system of the said Town, and for the con- Greenbank P.O., Feb. 23,'03. Hand dipped Chocolate Drops, regular W© have without doubt the pp P ' t; struotion o1 a trunk sewer and sewage DEAR SIR. -I had a mare stocked in both 20c foi...................... 150 a ib. disposal works in connection therewith. legs • Worthington's Stock Food took it largest and best assorted stock of downcom letolyand utharingoodcondition. Pineapple and Orange Chocolate It, has done mycows good. Think it isagood Chenille Table Covers with heavy Fancy China, etc., shown in Wing- Cream Drops ........only 20c a lb. Whereas it is deemed expedient that the thing and can recommend it. fringe ... .......... $1.25 to $3.25 ham. Of waterworks system of tho Town of Wingham B. CHURCHILL, "Dairyman." Walnut Maple Cream. Walnut Choco- should be improved and extended so as to Clinton, Jan. 17th, 1903. Chenille Stand Covers ............... 80c provide the ratepayers and citizens thereof 10 lb. box, 200 feeds, 50e; 50 lb, sack, $2. 58 Toilet Seta, 10 full size pieces to each late Cream and Nut Trttiies .... C With more efficient fire protection and with a supply of water for domestic use and for other For Sale By Chenille Curtains, large:.... , ....$4.50 set, printed, painted, gold traced Buttercups, Wintergreen Berries, Tom purposes; and also that a trunk sewer and J. Bowman, Wingham I W. Messer, Bluevale and gold stippled, new shapes, Thain Mix, Cupid Whispers. sewage disposal works should be constructed Agar & Earls,Lucknow N. Gerry, Brussels Damask Table Covers, Damask Stand very handsome, prices from.. ... in connection with said waterworks system. Henderson & Henderson, Whitechurch Covers ............ . ........... BOc $2.00 to $0.00 Uraeker Jack &Butter Scotch, 5C Sieg. And whereas the total estimated cost of the proposed waterworks improvement and Linen Table Covers, colored and white, In Dinner Sets we have a splendid extension is $29,600, and the total coat of the proposed trunk sewer and sewage disposal fringed or hematitched ..$1.00 up assortment and only the best, new works is $6,000, making altogether the sum of j J j D p shapes, kandsome decorations.... Mixed Candies. $35,x00, which is the amount of the debt in- M A S S i e 1 HARRIS A R R I S Fine Linen Table Covers with Napkins $p 00 to X14,00 tended to be created by this Bylaw • and in to match. order to provide the said suns for the said AGENCIY Yery pretty Tea Sets in fancy China, purposes it will be necesaarp to issue debont• $(i fxl Brown mixed, vet best, 4 lbs, for . ` ures of the said Town of Wingham for the Fine Linen Napkins, big value ....,... price ...................... y ooc said sum of $35,600, payable as hereinafter Have you a Cutter ? If not, call ..................$00 to $3.50 a doz. provided. Decorated Opal Goods...,5c to 35c pce. Royal mixed No, 1........3 lbs. for 25c And whereas the total amount required and examine our stock before buy- Linen Stand GOVer3 and Sideboard by "The Municipal Act" to be raised annually inlr. elsewhere. Drapes, hemstitched and drawn Rock mixed, the hest we have seen by special rate for paying the said debt and If you will be needing net P interest is the sum of $2034.35; whereof $1424.00 in the line of Farming Implements centres. 31be. for lac is to be so raised annually for payull of Decorated China,.Berry Sets, interest during the currency of the said de- or Machinery for the coming sea- Linen 5 o'clock Tea Covers, hem- bentures; and $610.35 is to be raised annually son, place your • order early and stitched and drawn centres, Linen Salad Bowls, Oatmeal Bowls, Bread for the purpose of creating a sinking fund for get* the best. Fun For the Bos and Girls. the payment of the debt secured by•the said g Tray Covers, etc. and Butter Plates, Sugar and Y debentures. Massey -Harris goods are leaders And whereas the amount of the whole everywhere. Cream Seta, Syrup Pitchers, Nut rateable property of the Town of Wingham Agent for the Kemp Manure Bowls, Chocolate Pots, Olive Dish- Shelled Pop Corn in pkgs.......... 10c according to the last revised assessment roll Distributor. y es, Pickle Dishes, Biscuit Jars, thereof is £620,337, Ladies fancy Silk Collars to 50C One package will make about IO And whereas the amount of the existing We also handle the Wm. gray Cake Plates, Cheese Covers, Celery debenture debt of the said municipality is gz Hon's Buggies and Cutters- Fancy Cushion Tops, beautifully em- qts. popped Corn; directions on $110.083.97, of which no part is in arrear. universally acknowledged to be the broidered. Trays, Salt and Pepper Shakers, every package.1 Therefore the Municipal Council of the etc., etc. Corporation of the Town of Wingham enacts best and most durable to be had. as follows:- Fancy Piano and Chair Drapes. 1. The sum of $29,600 shall be expended by ALF. GLOVER the Town of Wingham in improving and ex- Oonvrrsatiop Lozenges ..15c lb. tending the waterworks system of the said AGENT WiNGHANI Hair brushes, white bristle, splendid Glassware with heat/ Old deC- Town, and the sum of $6,000 expended in the -8.20 t brush ....................30c to 35c y g Peppermint Lozenges :.........15c lb. construction of a trunk sewor and sewage ............r..J oration, Rolle Bowls, Sugars and disposal works in the said Town. , Stick Candy, assorted flavors, Here . 2. For the purpoSe of raising the said sums Tooth Brushes .........5c, 10c, 15c, 20c Cream's,, Bon Bon s, Plates, Vases, Hound Candy, pure Licorice. Maple of $29,600 and $6,000, debentures of the said Tooth -pick Holders etc. at 11)C Town of Wingham to the said amount of T,. ' / t{ y Infants' Hair Brushes, very soft white P > > Sugar, Popped Dorn Balls and $35,600, in the whole, shall be issued in sums each piece. Prize Bags. h of &1000 each, on the first day of June A. D. hair .... ................. 20c each 1 each of which debentures shall be dated on the day of the Issue thereof, and shall be t payable on the first day of June A. D. 1931, at the office at the Treasurer, for the time being, , of the said of said of Wingham. ? 1. ] Fj l Christmas tm j }1j' , 3. Each of said debentures shall be signed Christmas . iscuxts. Mistma.s groceries, hum Fruit. I by the Mayor of the said Town at Wingham / :' , orb some other person authorized by By-law ! - A to Sign the same, and also by the Treasurer {e 1 Grillin thereof, and the Clerk of the said Town of • ..' . , . Wingham shall attach thereto the Corporate New )am Jams • . • • .Marmalade..15c Orange Marmalade in glass .......,lOc Oranges, California Navels, extra seal of the 1llunicipality. mss I. The said debentures shall bear interest New Ginger Nuts .......... ..10C Jams and Jellies in glass ...........100 fancy fruit .......... 40c to 50e doz. Sol at the rate of tour per cent. per annum. pays . , ......... . . bre annually at the office of the Treasurer for Iced Honey Cake ..15c pare Maple Syrup in mart bottles, Florida Oranges, heavy, sweet fruit the time being, of the said Town of Wingham, pure Honey in glass jars and 5 and .. per doz. 30c on the thirty-first day of December In each $oney Fingers . .. 15c "" ' and everyp year during the currency thereof, pg 10 4b, tins. except t11a last payment of interest which r/a After Dinner, assorted ............ 15c Beat Valencia Oranges ........ 20c doz. shall become due and payable on the day on which the debentures become due and paya- Pineapple Wafers..................15c OLIVES. bre; and the said debentures shall have Spanish Queen Olives and Manzanilla New Messina Lemons, extra fancy attached to them coupons for the payment of 'Somebody n Said Kalso Cocoanut Top , . , • • • .. • • • • • • l6c P frttid ................20c to 2. doz, the said interest, which coupons shall be GuU 1 Olives will Rive you an appetite (1111111 signed by the said Mayor and Treasurer. Peach Fingers, I. .... • • • • • • • • • . • •150 for your Christmas dinner, prices f i ` 5. During the currency of the said. debon- Lemon, Fruit, (linger and mined ...10c to 75c New Dates ....... 8e, ib. or 4 lbs. for 25c tures there shall be raised annually byy sp_ecinl + rate on all the rateable property of the Town "Be as well dressed as you can Tea Bisottite.............. ...100 New Figs in 14 oz, boxes...... each 150: of Wingham the said sum of $1424.00, for the afford," and its good advice. Heintz's sweet Midget Pickles .....35c payment of interest on the said debenture I But clothes cost money -more or ' ' N C k' F• er ib 5m , ^ --""•e, and the said sem of $610.35, for the purpose of •+ Creating a sinking fund for the payment of the less according to quality of fabric- Grosse & Bac wells, civet s ant ew oo tag tgs . , .. • .. • .. . -" debt hereby secured, making in aI1 the sum of more or less according to length of Nuts For Christmas. Morton's English Pickles. New Table Raisins, extra dessert erns•• -••- $2034.35; to be raised annually by special rate wear -more or less according to the Canadian Mixed Pickles ., 10c a bottle as afotesaid during each of the said 30 years, thoroughness of the unseen work. tars..... • .......... • ..... per lb. 20c 6. This By-law WWI come into operation and g Walnuts, Peanuts and Fil- Royal Salad Dressing.... , ...25c to 50c 3oot a - take effect on the day of the passing hereof. This ineidd part is the life Of the Al berts, per lb....................15C 7. The votes of the electors of the said Town garment. It keeps it in shape, and is p ' Worcestershire Sauce, per bottle . ,15c of Wingham shall be taken on tills By-law at one of the features which determine Orange Meat the new Breakfast' the following times and places, that is to say, , Shelled Almonds and Walnuts. g 1 on Monday the fourth day of Janusry, A. D. its appearance and neatness. Tomato Catsup per bottle..........10c Food, will make you a good break - not, commencing at nine o'clock int the fora- Have oil ever tried us for men's noon and continuing till five o'clock in the garments? It would be worth your Drink Blue Ribbon Tea on Cocoas, Chocolates, etc., the very fast Christmas morning. Silver SALEO afternoon of the same day, by the following while, Officer for said ward 1.Maxwell Christmas Da and ever da ands. spoon in each package. Office byrJamos Albert lent Fence Offi oOJMoaei h• y y y - • deputy returning officers : y p Robt.: In Ward 2, at the Adv ea r inp Street, by Theophilus Hall. Deputy Re- turning Officer for said ward 2. gidit Art Tailor - >bfingham In Vvard 3, at tiro Town Hall, by J. B. Por_ h'1 T. A. Mills has decided to Deputy Returning Officer for said Ward Mill III III 111111111111111111111111V. j+` s Ward 3. clear out his stock of ootr IaWard4,atJohnLouglieed'shouse,Jos- FIRE _ _ uth 4^• 1 `""-s ephine Street by William obertson, Deputy LIEF, t.r' "' .1-0r Bt/® Returning Officer, for said ward y INSURANCE -- hoes and Rubber goods inside 3. On Saturday the second day of January ,r -.0 A.D. 1904 the Mayor of the said Town char{ w, -.0 attend at the Town Hall in the said Town at s w' e y pair 1S mark- Ea ten o'clock In the forenoon to appoiptpersons Lowest rates consistent with TAILORS a RS of 30 days. Every ,M to attend at the various polling places afore- absolute security. All claims - T7' + FURS --+ said and at the final summing up of the votes, a y I and GN 1 TA SII ed down to a clearing price" ^ + by tbo Clark on behalf. of the persons interest promptly settledSol -'• 0 ed in and promoting or opposing the passing oto of thl% By-law, resppectively Abner Cosens cost- is no obj ect---they must go. w .s 9, The Cork of the said Town of Wingham shall attend at the said Town Hall at ten k th h the stock o'clock in the forenoon on Wednesday the ACCIDENT PLATE CLASS w sixth day of January, A.D. 1 an to sum up the e are sole . ^^• number of votes gluon for and against this T AGUSE DYES = By-law. L ," Dated at the Town Hall in the Town of HOLD ...•w \i fugham, this twenty-third day of November, .• , s "7- .tool - A. D, 1903. Mayor. These Dyes will dye Wool, Cotton Silk, Jute - - aens for ' Clerk, or MSaed 'Goods in one bath they aro the r theirish 'many .0 latest and most improved Dye in the world. w.• -•+ x Tr a packagge. All colors at W. Measor's --+ O'.I xO'I to store, Bluevale, and C. B. McCloliand's store, Take notice thst the above is atruo copy Balgrave, Ont. , C '1 C ^^` of a proposed Bylaw which has been taken too- J J -••. into consideration, and which will be finally passed bythe Count of thtl Municipality Cook's Gotto> ` Com ouade Sol - customers and friends a .-+- the event of the assent of the electors being Cw COR first u b cation I atter one month from the Ill ^ a' obtained btai ed thereto, in the WSnggham Advance, the 1<,rtdtes% Bevorite, STOCK date of which firstrublfr,,ation wastho twenty- wnktTo the only $ate, rellabl6 .-„a - - _ --a ,w...1,w 7»im• w,. -il wntrtan i"' tool-. . . Call and loo roug, and I am sure you will buy your Fall and Winter supply at prices that were never heard of before in Wingham. FUR GOODS must be cleared out in 60 days. A full line to select from. T. A. MILLS w161 110 mill N.00CVu .+»,, .. •.•. ,•..-•- Tours andp*aces therein flxCd. fioan c lark's Office, Wingham, November "rd, 1903. J. 13, FEROLISON, Clerk. WANTED -FAITHFUL P'FRSON to tali on retail trade and agents for manufacturing house having well- established business; local territory: straight salary $20 paid weekly and expense money advanced; previous • experience unnecessary; ppnf1sltion ppor- manent; business successful, Unclose self-addressed ehyelope. Superinten- rlt!nt 'Trtlydl'ets* 00 1410non DOIldIngo Chicago. 18-90 •, Prepared in twode ram off', Strength. No. 1 and No. 2. No, i. --For ordinary cases la by tar the beat dOU0 ntedieine known. fd. or special. cases -10 degreat >;trggoil three dollars per box- S.gdies--t:slc your druggist for Caok'w tCotton Ytoot L ornpo'and. Take no other as All pill*, mixtures and Imitations art dnng&ous, No, 1 and No. 2 are sold and rteommendedl y tilt druggists in the Dei+ eninlon of Canmds)4*iled to Any oAdrs4d ea sipt meal ant! four 2 -cent Vol "P CoYeip+tnyy , 'Wixor,i Out* No,1 and No, 3 are *old in Winghatn bf, d L. Haitiitt4ti, R. A. llovklaas, C. A. ihllitpbeU An . XoXibbou, drul edt, For Sale only ley An ,A Campbell 7CII1t DRUGGIST