HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-12-10, Page 10t
�� i y 1
A. R. Smith's big purchase of New
Clothing, over snake of season, ruanu
factured for high class trade by H,
Storey & Co., Montreal, everything
ready now; :doors open at S o'clock
aa. ua., close at S p. at, bleu s Raglan
Overcoats, wide sweep, good cloth, Al
trimmings. regular price $9 to $11, our
price for two weeks, $7.50. Youths
Raglan Overcoats. correct shape, sidvl
pockets, size 30 to 34, price $4.50. Men'
Suits, good heavy weight, good all
year-round suits at $4.90, $3 75, $7.00,
$S S0, $10.00. Youtlls'single or double,
breast Suits. long pants, to see is to
buy, sizers 32 to 35. Boys' three piece
Kuicker Suits at aieariug prices, sizes
27 to 33. Boys' Vestee and 2 piece
Suits. Women's and boys' black heavy
Hose at 35r per pair, regular price 45c.
Dozens' of Wren's Silk l�dkts, at 25v,
regular price 50c. Ladi' curl Gaunt•
lets at 50c pair, regular price 75c to $1.
Men's ,and youths' Ltnderwear, men't
and yontjhs' Smocks and Overalls,
Capp. Braces, Neckties, Collars, every-
thing a man or boy wears, even tr
Boots. See our men's Granby Rubbert
at 35c per pair, all sizes, none otbra
like them.
Miss Maggie Kelly arrived home from
Cypress River, Manitoba, on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Burke of Detroit are
holidaying with Mrs. Burke's parents
Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Clennan.
Miss Sara Taylor of Morris and John
Garden of Wolseley N. W. T. were
married last Thursday, and left the
same day for England where they will
Spend their honeymoon.
Quite a number from here intend
taking in the entertainment in the
Workmen's Hall, Walton, on Friday
evening. It is being given by the
Ladies' Guild of St. George church, and
an excellent program is being prepared.
Mr, and Mrs. John Bell and family
of Belgrave, respectfully tender their
thanks to all who so kindly sympathized
with them in their recent bereavement.
w They also greatly appreciated the kind -
cess of the Foresters, and of Mr. Ball.
the undertaker, in their time of trouble,
Loads of young people from the Sth
a and 9th assembled at the home of Albert
owlett on Friday evening and were
royally entertained by the host and
' hostess in their beautiful new residence.
One of the drivers treat the occupants of
Men's his sleigh to an upset, but that made
thorn merrier than ever.
T-1 is 11
A* tt a i t I T 1 A
Gents' Furnisher
and Clothier . .
Chisholm Block : : Wingham
Auctioneer for Huron County
Happy Thought Ranges
Crown Huron Ranges
New Idea Ranges
Ideal Favorite Ranges
Base Burners, all sizes
Cole's Hot Blast Coal Heaters
Air Tights, all sizes
Termrs reasonable. Sales arranged Guaranteed to give Satisfaction and
for at the office of the Prices to suit. Call and examine
WINGIIADI ADVANCm them, it will pay you, at
REXALL"OusBOLD DYES Fishle-igh's
These Dyes will dye Wool, Cotton, Silk, Jute
or Mixed Goods in one bath — they are the l
latest and most impra
oved Dye in the world. Hardware Store Ingham.
Try a package. AIF colors at W. Messer's
store, Bluevale, and C. B. McCielland's store,
Belgrave, Ont. Smith & Pethick's old stand.
We are sorry to learn that Mrs.
Robt. Mitchell is not improving very
Miss Ella Neil is giving up school
teaching at Xmas, and intends taking
a rest.
Air. and Mrs. Thomas Jobb of Wing -
ham spent Sunday hast at the homes
of Mr. Wm. Weir and Mrs. John
As Mrs. McDougall was on her way
to Wingham a few days ago, she met
with all accident. The horse took
fright, running away and throwing
the occupant out of the eutte.Y. Her
shoulder was hurt badly, Mrs. Mc-
Dougall is it mother to Mrs. Dan Mc-
Tayish of this place. We hope to
hear of her speedy recovery.
C I'Iftag and NeW Year
Territory Between all Stations in Canada,
Port Arthur, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.,
Sarnia, Windsor and East, also to
Detroit and Pt. Huron, Mich., Buf-
falo, Black hock Susp. Bridge and
Niagara Falls, N.Y.
Rate and
Single 1st Class Fare F°t; p °d
Good going Deo, 24th and 25th,
valid returning until Dec. 28th ,
al,o Good Going Dec. 31st and Jan,
Ist, valid returning until Jan. 4th,
Limit ONL-THIRD for the Round Trip.
Good going Dec. 23rd, 24th and 25th,
also on Dec. 30th, 31st and Jan. 1st,
valid returning until Jan. 5th, 1001.
For tickets, and all information apply to
L. HAROLD, Agent, Wingham, or
PIRtriet Passenger Agent. Toronto.
99 •IDC,tiaiit.Tr((
- 1«3
For Christmas and New
'ear's 'vacation
Will issue return tickets.
At Single First -Class Fare, good going Dec.
valid for return until December 28, 1'903.
Good going Dec 31, 1'903, and January 1. 1903,
valid for return until January 4, 1904.
At First -Class Pare and One -Third, going
December 23, 24 and $i, and December 80, 31,
1003, and January 1, 1904, good returning until
January 5, 100-1,
Between all stations in Canada, Port Arthur,
Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., Detroit Mich., and
East, and TO but NOT FROM Buffalo, N. Y.
Through transcontinental trains leaves Tor-
onto at 1,35 p.m., daily for Winnipeg, Moose
Jaw, Calgary, Banff, Revelstoke and Van-
First-class Sleepers Toronto to Winnipeg and
the Coast. Unexcelled dining car service.
Assistant General Passenger Agent
King St. East, Toronto.