HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-12-10, Page 9Dec. 10th, 1903 SUPPLEMENT O Dec. 10th, 1903 h 1 FW-% Wl*ng"ham Advance I owielc. Langside, j West,: Wawanosh. Miss Mary Padfield is engaged in S, S. No. 4 for 1004. Ernest Mahood's sale on Tuesday was well attended, and everything Hold well. Georgi- Hubbard has the contract of hauling 40,000 feet of togs front the Montgomery bush to the Lakelet nrill. Dir. Adam Reis will tear down his old barn next kurtnner and erect a new one, 60 by 00 ft. He is now busy hewing timber for the new barn. Andrew, son of Win. hood, E -q., and Mtss Haggle Gordon, all of flow - ick, were quietly inarried at Harris - ton on Wi diiesday, 25th November, What JOT, Musgrove feared was an ourhteak of hog cholera itutong his hangs, proved after exstninntion by a Governmeut Insptetor, to be bronchial pneumonia. H. Demer ling had 121 loailsi of tar - trips tiff 0 amen, 50 hns. to the road or a little over 1000 hns. to the acre. ;lir. R. Harding had 7S toady of? 3 acres and over 40 buy. to the load or about 1050 bus. to the acre. ,John Watters sold three ewem to FIarry Grainger, which tipped the br>a,n at 630 lbs, or an average or over 216 Mv. Good stork alwnvs prays. He has 38 head of fine. rattle and 6 good horses, so that he irs rapidly earning to the front as an agr'icultur,alist. `I'`urnberry. The entertainment and box social at l The gravel is being hauled for the Langside on Tuesday night drew a (new Presbyterian church at Auburn, large crowd and, theoreaters' hall !! A. Kirk, recently mold fifty acres of seas jJ+ ammed. The perfect weather !his faun to Will. Young, of Bethel, and fine sleighing no doubt helped not C a little in bringing the crowd out. Colborne township, for a good price. The prograin was good. Air, J. B. Win. Bailie line sold one hundred Morrison occupied the chair and grave I acres to A. Kirk, which adjoins his it short address Messrs. Strotno and farm. Mr. Kirk is now the owner of Hill rendered an instrumental duet two hundred acres. on harmonica and autoharp and were Air, Bowels, teacher at Belfast has encored. Prof.line Of Wingham resigned, and he will be succeeded by Appeared threeee to 11 and fatly stained Mr. Btichannan, teacher at Lau side. lids reputation ams a stager. His first S song, "The Death of Nel.Rou" was es- In No. S, Air. Markle will be followed pecially well received. The solos by by W. Taylor of East Wawanosh. M]ss Stewart of Wingharu and Messrs. On Wednesday. lath ult.; Percy Armstrong of Lucknow and Dick of, Sanderson, of West Wawanosh were Tesswatee were greatly appreciated. i united in the borids of cnatriinouy by Miss M. Skilling of Teeswater and Rev. J. Wilson, of Nile circuit. The bliss Douglas of Culross rendered re- b.aypy event took place at the re, citations in flue style. The address sidence of the bride's uncle. W. H. by Mr. R. D. Onmeron of Lucknow on � Wilmon, Saratoga, West Wawanosh. "Robert Burns" was one of the strongest numbers on the pr'ogr'ain On Saturday evening last Air. Chas. was t.hor•o igl0y enjoyed. The Rev. Wilson died very suddenly at his G. M. Dunn also gave a short address, homW, con. 4, West Wawantash. He The order throughout the entire even- was in the act of shovelling snow froin ing, considering the jam. way very the front door of him residence, and gond. The proceeds amounted to it is supposed he was seized with heart about $50, fa]lare and fell dead on the snow. Fle Gorrie. Org:anizerc S,rong and Walker spent Sunday at their home here. Mrs. Williatuq is spending a few days with friends in Stratford. Rays & Cole. a colored troupe gave a show here to a iNwall audience en friday evenin• The following is the report of the standing of the mpits of td, S. No. 6, Joseph Greer has secured as position p P in the Bank of Hamilton, Wingham. for the month of0vember: 5th class —Fred Homath. Sr. 4tir—Rossie King, The Bank officials will find hirer an May McKagne, John .lames. Jr, 4thl' upright young reran. We hope Joe's Edna Chandler, Edith Homuth, Edna'' highest anticipations will be realized, Dickson. Alherteua Showers, Ear] Por- ' and that some day he will be a great ter, Minnie.Linktater. Sr. 3rd—'Ve1rY17a' tamer of $name. Chandler. Kittie McKinnon. Charlie David Edgar, a very promising Jaynes, Hazel Little, Henry Foxton.'young man died in Torouto on the Jr. Jird—Maggie Crowe, hazel Mitchell, 5th inyt. His reutains were interred Sadie King, Stella King, Genevieve in Gorrie cemetery on Wednesday. Me0ormiek, Sarah Goy, Laura Elliott, lie was a sort of Rost. Edgar of Ellie McCormick. Sr. 2nd—Violet Orangehill, aull Otte of Howick's Shower P, Maggie Chandler, Annie brightest and hest young men. His Crowe. Stanley Dickson, Robert Orailt, death cast a gloom over the whole Fred .Hoxton, Nornia MrKague, John comtnrmEty, for his friends were McKinnon, Roy Porter, Roy Goy. Jr, many. 2nd. --Ruby McKarne, Della Miller, Violet Duller, Vino, King, fear] Fallis. Dr. Ovens of London, Al. R.C. S. L. Willie James, Annie McKinnon and R. C. P. specialist, eye, ear, nose and Wilfrid McKague, Bella Faille. Ella throat. will be in Wingham, at Camp- Fallis, Robert Fallis, Bertie Little, bell's Drug store, Monday, Dec. 28th. Burlie Elliott, Part 2nd --Albert Fox- Glasses properly fitted. ton, Earl Dickson. Part 1—Ber•tie Holmes, Jno. MCKague, Bertha Uhand- MONEY To LOAN—At 4j per cent. on ]or, Jessie Holmes, Charlie Showers, improved farms, Easy terms of re - Susan Elliott, Edith Elliott. Average payment; expenses light. Apply A. attendance for November, SS, Agnes Dulmage, Real Estate and Loan S. Grieve, teacher. Agent, Kent Block, was a pioneer of West Wawanosh and had lived for inrany years on the farm on which he departed this life so sttd- denly. He was about 82 years of age and the forieral was largely attended to Dnogannon cemetery. Mayor Lewis, of Goderich, accom- panied by Chief Engineer Peterson, of the Canadian Pacific railway. drove over to Auburn last week in the in- terest of the proposed C. P. R. They were met and entertained at a dinner by the truainess then of the town rat the Auburn house. Steps were then taken to have the new station erected near the village. At presont it is thonght it will be in the vicinity of the McDonald farm near the village. NOTICE 1 Prices of saw logs are much higher this t%ear;On than last season. The Canada Furnitni'a Manufacturers are prepared to pay the highest price for all kinds of Haat•dwood logs, as well as .Basswood, delivered at the Button & Passant Chair Factory. 'Wingham. Farmers should get the logs in early while roads are good, and get the highest price. Canada Furniture IYI'flrs. WINGHAM See other side