HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-12-10, Page 8• P7
THE WINGRAX ADVANOB Thursday, December 1 o, 1 go3
UGouncinoo !tttay evening; wingnam,3
e_e wJ; tai .od1t
men*ers all Present except l/oun, Ben.
, Who was reported iii, Minutes of Real
ttpp f /1
nJvery .)ody Get .eadyInst ineet`In1COXXUNIwere IOATIO11 Real Estate Otte
R. Derr re defective side-
Association appealing for aid From GAINS 0
From the NAlonal Saultarium
the President of Western Founds The foliowing are a few of the many "
referring to agreement and asking for
farm properties I have fel eaie at the
a transfer of toe a buss y, also repast.P P , p
Jolt progress in the business of the L`o, present time; kindly ]sok over ibis. .In eYery 1171e of our vt;t'y attractive display Of the latest, bgst and 1llUsC Stylish
They had employed As many as 45 list and if you goo anything you think
articles in fine Furs such as every Lady is delighted to wear. Also in Mien',,; and
a .fir ) hands, and the pay«roll was about would suit you, call and get full par. , ' r
$�,5h0(1 mpntbly, oaths Fur Coats, Fur Caps, &c., together .with the most seasonable P� eady«to-wear
The report of the License Commis- oculars, and you can also have n lank y '
sioners announced that the aluount at a much largos list wtiicli X have lac. Tailored Clothing, articularly Overcoats,
i We extend to one rand all a g, p
coining to the town on the second div':- sides the following
cordial Invitation to visit our im- slon of the License Fund was $382,50, Our Stocks in the move mentioned lines are unusualy large, this season W
Inense display q# iaew and beautiful The following accounts were can, 10(1 acres -15 wiles from viaghamr a have therefore DETERMINED F RM I N E D that the best and quickest way to cleat- them out is
Edi BOlida Goods especially selected payment recommended .— from Blyth and 3 from Auburn, 90 CI y
sfclered and a
*rr „ y : p y acres cleared, balance good bard- to put the pruning" knife tnto every vestage of PROFIT, so that not a pied of our
Tkios.Montgomery,dram •,,,,$1000 wood, good frame house, big barn immense collection of liEAt)TIFUL FURS, or a., single garment of our handsome
with a view to meeting the every Jas. Brock, labor, streets ...... 460 with stone stabling, a great bargain � , _
'� • Wm Moore, labor, streets ,,... 450 tar some ane. comfortable and perfect fitting OVERCOATS, shall remain within these walls on
requirements of the gift lookers Of A. Sanderapai, teaming 75 100 acres -15 miles from Wingbam, 6 ,.
FI. Elliott Christmas eve. A careful intelligent look through the abs�ve Departments will
vicinity. �. ,painting and adv{. 48 75 from Blyth, first-class buildings and
Theo. Hall, printing............ 1050 first-class faro,, 85 acres cleared. 6 convince every intending buyer that when wee offer BARGAINS we mean every
W. H. Green, fish slide in dam 105 20 acres hardwood, balance black ash word we write.
$ am and vlcini
Toy Department � � John Wells, glazing W. Works 7 00 swain I this is a Sine farm and the
y Chinaware
D. S Pulte, , w z for Town Hallcharity
7 56 to loo iaig t before
ser would do well
D. Stapleton, wood for charity 4 50 to look at it trefore bnying elsewhere. .
Wingham Elea, Light Co 2978 100 acres -4 miles from A Ingham, 50
The way the letters are pouring For a Xmas. present or Wed- McLean ev son, lumber ... 2420 acres cleared, balance black ash
into Santa's letter boy:, and the ding present, there is no place in ). B. Ferguson,
rg on, reegB°1B� &c 2 2060 swamp,
t theppr ceod buildings and a snap
long lists that are iii them, will Wingham that gives you such a Wm, Robertson, D.R.O. By-law 300 100 acros--3 miles from Wingham and
keep Santa Claus pars* bus fillip Theo, Ball, D. R, 0, By-law,.,. 300 3froin Whitechureb,70acreseleared, _
y g;variety of Chinaware suitable for a Theo. Hall, use of office, Polling, 200 bal. black ash swamp, good build CHRIS"%MAS,
the orders; so we advise you to get lady as will be found here, Jae. Fleuty, D. R. O. By-law 300 ings, erring creek always running,
J. J. Elliott, polling room .,..,, 2.00 cheap farm and must be sold. Our stock of Xmas. Specialties was never more complete or attractive, and values
your letter here at once in order Dont forget this department Jno. Lougheed, polling room 200 100 acres -3 miles from Wingham,
that Santa may give it his personal °when you are selecting your res- A, E, Simmons, printing ballots 1 60 buildings good, running hater, a were never better. Get your Xmas. supplies here, and®you may be sure of a merry
attention. Game aloe children p W Pattison, draying , , ....... , 400 good stock farm, to be sold at once. Christmas Which
g . ents for this year, Thos. Weir, dog tags 300 100 acres -2 miles from Wingham and , we sincerely wish you each and, all.,+
.illi our mothers and see. what Bell Telephone account ........ 1 00 2 from Biuevalo, 90 acres cleared,
y ) Special priced tables for yopr; W. Robertson salary_, „••:.__
.......... 15 00 bal, ash and cedar swamp, 2 acres _•
we have stored away for you, convenience, V. Vannorman, salary...... , .. 1200 orchard fine barn with stone stab- a
W. J. Mallagb, salary .. ,., , .... 16 00 ling, good frame house, -plenty of an AaOd Or
DaIls in great variety Five Decorations of Limoge'sr R. Rankin, salary .............. 5 67 orator, fences in r%pair„ No better g almost flew, for sale cheap; will exchange for either dry or green wood
Sleighs and sleds{;bine Beattie Bros„ teaming ........ . 6 30 situation in Huron county.
Toys and Books
F. Gutteridge, a tile .............. 113 02 100 acres -6 miles from Wingbam and Y.
Mechanical To s The new "Vienne," ware J.B.,Ferguson, paid town's share 8 from Brussels, highly improved
Toyor survey of road south of farm, 3 acres hardwood, splendid
Drums, Banks, etc., etc. German and Austrian China ' town . .. . .... . . . . .. . ........ 1016 barn and stables, frame house, good
J. B, Ferguson, charity for Mea. orchard, spring croak at roar o£farm, GOIZDON 4
Wedgwood ware Harris .... . . . .. .. . .. . .. . 1 00 soil, clay loam. This is good buying a
Frank Patterson, laying out for some one. 2
PRESENTATION Japanese ware etc. Big Prices for Trade.
sidewalks .... •............. "15 00 100 acres -9 miles from Wingham• and DIRECT IMPORTER
,BOOKS . . . . The account of Mr. Vaebinder for 6 from Brussels, first-class buildings
repairs to waterworks' pumps, $52,70, and fences, plenty of water, No, 1
Daintily bound volumes Of the was left over, and that of A. Cosens, soil„a desirable property; will be
DRESSIN(i CASES and insurance premium, was referred to sold cheap,
standar editions Authors
of the Poepadded , .. the Executive. The report was then 100 acres -3 miles from Wingham, 2
FANCY ARTICLES adopted. from Be)grave; large bank barn, Everybody
1R. Barrett on behalf of the Band £rams house,3 acres of orchard, good
the latest fiction in attractive bind -:'
Beautiful sets in French Stage art awot}� the aid f 1 r holding con fOn ences, spring creek, all cleared; on
ings are awaiting your selection, and Ebony, containing brushes,' motion of Court. Bell and Elliott, the 100 acres -5 miles from Wingham and
also-- Band was paid the quarterly grant of 2 from Bluevale, good frame build
Boys' Own Annual 1 combs and mirrors, also Ebony $15, and the use of the hall granted. ings, 80 acres cleared, balance ash Talking
Brushes and Mirrors separately— The Mayor reported regarding the swamp, fences in repair, sells cheap.
Girls Own Annualroad south of town, that the Rogineer 100 acres -10 miles from Wingham,
Chums and Young Canada splendid values. Musical, Photo estimated it would cost $3,000: The near Fordyce, 97 acres cleared, bal.
g variety townships of Morris and Wawanosli ash swamp ; frame house in good
preferred to have the matter laid over repair, good barn and stables, 3 wells, +
British , In till January meeting of County Coun- soil, clay loam in high state of culti- HUMBERS'R'iANE S China,
orkman etc. � Albums and Cases neat varie
cil, which was done. vation, good fences, a snap for some Japanese Ware, Dinner, flea
We can take care of the Christmas Buyers. The Mayor reported for the Execu• one.
tive regarding the Electric Light eye- 100 acres -10 miles from Wingham, and=T41iCt Sets.We have the right thing for every person tem, recommending as follows :— near Marnoch, 90 acres cleared, bal.
1—That Mr. Bradwin continue as at No, 1 sugar bush, good barn, frame
the right place for every purse ........... present to collect the fiat rates weekly, house, good fences, appring creek,
2—That the Olerk, Mr, Ferguson100 acres—near Westfield, Wingham
read the meters monthly, collect, ali 14 miles, 92 acres cleared, bal. hard- Seldom, yes never, have
meter rates, keep all accounts, and wood, stone wall under barn, frame thee0 le of Win' ha..m smil-
issue all cheques. In view of the in- house, 2 acres orchard, good fences, l>
COOPER & Coocreased work, they recommend addi- spring creek; this farm will be sold ed their approval on such
,tional salary of $250 a year. very cheap, a beautiful ood3 as We are di3-
3—That the accounts of the Electric 100 acres -2 miles from Wingham, good g
Lighting be kept in one Flank, and the buildings, first-class farm, beautiful playing for the Xmas, trade.
:other town accounts in the other location, and for sale very cheap, r
(SUCCESSORS TO ALEX. ROSS) Bank; these accounts to be changed 200 acres -5 miles from• Wingham, To see them is to buy.
Yearly. near G lenannan, 80 acres cleared,
On motion of Coun's Dulmage and 15 acres hardwood, 10 acres- ash Santa Claus is coming
VanStone, the report of the Executive swaanp, balance slash, excellent barn with Oranges, 8211®715 Nuts
re Electric Light agreement and ar- and stables, brick house, 1 acre oreh- Wg , , ,
rangements, was adopted, ard, plenty of water, a bargain if Candies and everything suit-
BY-LAwb PASSED, sold at once.
175 acree-3 miles from Win ham I able for the HolidaySeason.
Nos. 429 to 503, authorizing construe. froth Bluevale, 150 acres cleared and
tion of local improvements, 1903, in good state of cultivation, spring
No, 604 to regulate the operating of creek, first-class buildings, a chance Orders filled and delivered
the Electric Light system; the Light- of a lifetime. g promptly. Phone 58,
Ing to be under control of Executive 150 acres -4 miles from Wingham and
committee. 2 from Belgrave. 20 acres of first -
No. 5th to amend of 297, for segue class hardwood a far not o foot bui of I
�jjluting the keeping of money of the wasteland on the farm, good build -.L1 N.11J.town, of Wingham and payments outin s, a never-faflin s sin
of the same. g g spring; a bar -
By -law 506 to make provision for gain if sold inside of two months
notice, (Tudhope's old stand, Wingham)
balding the municipal elections and from this
election of School Trustees, was read 100 acres—7
miles from Walkerton,
and passed, near Ridle, timbered farm con-
Council adjourned to meet Decem- slating of ash, cedar and elm; this is
ber 15th at 8 p.m. a goad chance for some one to get a LangSi ft.
AALfine lotof timber ata very low figure. Mibell Oldfield of Win ham has
1 100 acres -7 miles from Wingham ss and g
3 from Belmore, 70 acres cleared, 15 been visiting friends in this- vicinity
Special acres swamp, balance second groit'ith during the past week.
p prices in all furniture far hardwood fine barn, frame house, We are
sixty days at Walker Bros. &Button's glad to hear of the recovery of
Sho Furniture Store. good orchard, a fine stock farm, will Miss Maggie Ross, who has been suffer•
Businessbe sold cheap, Ing from pneumonia for some time past.
REntOV=,—I have removed my 150 acres -3 miles from Wingham, 120
dressmaking shop to west side of acres cleared, 4 acres of --hardwood Miss Maggie Moffatt has been very ill
Frances street, second house from bush, bal, ash and cedar swamp, fine of pleurisy for the past two weeks but
. Victoria Street,—Mies Wynn. , frame house, well situated; we are Bald to hear that she is recover -
for sale very cheap. ing slowly. We hope she may soon be
NOTICE.—The questiofi is how can 65 acres -5 miles from Wingbam, near well again.
Robt. Mclndoo loan his money so Qlenfarrow, ahighly improved farm, Mr, Arnold Phillips who has been
Having decided to close out .our stock Of, cheap on notes and mart� gagges. Call excellent buildings, 3 acres of hard- visiting at the home of his uncle, Mr,
and see, ROBT. MOINDOO. wood, river runs across the back cor• John Johnston, for the past month,
Boots and Shoes, we Want t0 per, No. 1 fences. g has gone to Sudbury to work in the
lJ1L 50 acres -3 miles from Win ham, copper mines there.
East Wawanosh. Turnberry Tp., good frame barn,
Mr W u new frame house, I acre of orchard, Mr. Geo. Bttohanan and several of the
ave eve ld b � in �• -t d f • a h
Watches, oln-''s, jewelloy..
Sllvefwam Japanese China,
Brush an Comb Ceases,
No vel t.� ese Etc,, Zte,
P w -
z'y kP JL So y n isi a rico a on t e 3 acres of ash swamp, good fences, a scholars from S. S. No. 8 attended the
6th line last week, great snap, examination. in S. S. No, 3 Culross.
Don't forget the grand concert in 50 acres -7 miles from W ingham,f�ood The examination was a decided success A beautiful
S. S. No, 13 on Dec, 22nd, buildings, fine stock farm, wi21 be and great praise is due to the teacher,
sold very cheap. and his pupils for the clever way in
IS4 1904A(
Wo are sorry t learn of rho illnose 60 aacres-4 timber,ala iceNo, about rvhicil they entertAined their visitors,
7.ALj'�°'7°'of Mrs. Wm, Rath, Bib. line, 7 acree of timber, balance No, l grass
i,/y Mr. and Mrs, J. B. Nicol were "at land, frame house and barn, a bar- Masten Rob, Hockridge has been very
home” to a few of their friends last gain for some one if sold at once, ill for the past three weeks and last
Our stock is much too
large, and in order to clear
it out we will give extra-
ordinary Bargains all this
month. Von't miss this
great opportunity for buy-
ing fine Christmas presents
very cheap.
UWall Pocket given to every purchaser of $2.00
worth of goods -or over.
week, 60 acres -2 miles from. Wingham, first- week passed through the critical opera -
class buildings and first class farm tion of having a piece taken out of one
Miss Phoebe Dinsmore of Westfield throughout. This is an exec tional of his ribs, and his lung tapped. Fie '
_ p
is teaching school at Sheppardton at fine property and can be bought came through the operation very well,
present. reasonable. but is still in a critical condition. He is Hals'ey Fark
rilm Mr, and Mrs, M, °Wall. h of Wing- _ — _ _ receiving all that medical aid can do for
1� U� ham afire visiting at Mrs. John Coultes' him, and we hype for the best far the
at present, Space will not permit me to give poor little sufferer.
Mr. John Pelts a Hamilton, for- any more farms t detail, but a !: Macdonald Block A Wx11ham
merly of +set Wawanosh, is ill in might just say that if you want a Vl! Block p�
Is now on. Every pair of Hamilton hospital with typhoid fever, farm_ near Brussels, Blyth, Clinton, �r8�•
Wesley Quinn has bought a new Gloderich, Lucknow, Kincardine, Mr. John Pearson and sister, Mise
cutter with all the. Iatest Improve- Teeswater, Belmore, Glorrie, Har- Mary, visited with friends In Turnber-
hoes IYl1iSt go t`lrt Some peace meats; he will be able to turn out in ry on Sunday last.
riston Palmerston ]Listowel or -
firet•claes style. t i Russel McAllister and sister, Miss Oldest Largest, Most
Seaforth, earl and get a list. Lill g Widely Circulated and Only
giving An entertainment on the 22nd , T have, town and village proper- Island, where they Intend spending Agricultural and Hollle raper in, Canada.
of this month, Miss Brydges. their ties ranging in price from 0400 up
the winter.
teacher, is making every effort to tor $7000, and the intending pur- The special :services that were being � � jai y.ii ni
This is the greatest Shoe Opportunity Liver offered to
make it a >lnccoes, chaser will :and it to his sl,dvantage held at Roes last week were quite sac• Ir 17 701V
to look over this list before king cessful, and will be continued during
the citizens of Wingham and surrounding country to buy this week We hap® for still more i i _ _-
NOTICE, a ehoiee of a house, lot or business edecess, ' - -
Ladiee, aetltg% Misses add Children"s Footwear for little ----W- stand. a - =
Mr, and ltilrs. W. Irwin of Belmoro
The annual meetingof the Btrievale Especially in the town of Wing- spent Sunday with Mr, L, Sprain. Be« '
ttlotley, slid besides, bCJlit STOCK IS ALL NEW. The First Cheese and Butter ltactory Only., will ham, � have some excellent invest• fore returning homhey intend visit. be held in the Foresters' Hall, Blue- � . with Nfrs, Irwin'., sister, Mrs. Liv«
choice is alWayS best, so come early. vale on Thursday the 17th da of menta In business properties, be- g
y y ingstane, on 10th con, _
Decembers 1003, at 1:30 o'clock p.m., sides retail busilaessee, such as gro-
fox the election of a Hoard of Dfrec- eery, dry goods, boots find, shoes, on Tueeda evening of last week d
tors, and the transactions of. other etc. etc, sleigh load of'vyottng people from Turn -
business that rosy come before the ' berry dropo to the home of John Me.
meeting. By order, Manitoba slid X. W. T, lands for Awen, 2nd con„ and spent a very on. w
sale, 1o�+able evening. All were �inanimouti >s*
'In ff All k V. A
Sealy. that Mr. and Mrs, hMcfi;wen are first-
- Jol2rr $17RilY s9r S class entertainers
Buffon Black in e am
clyme Maguire
,�'� �� J �. 911811160TPaIISt•8l'`
Rent Estate an
Addrrtgti cuAgs tlpstaird fixVltnootie Blook
X"lby 1000tarte
746 ou*4it St.'Went W f 11i' it V A S. a
10Mlbh1t91 oh't
tl,:t a meeting of this young people of
,his vicinity' on r Iday night )est, it
vas decided to have an ontertainment
6t S. S. No. 4, on .C)eo. lath. Commit. _
ees Were A poln,ted and are earnestly
;t work. They Intend. with the amis. ;
once of their faithful teacher (It, r Janualet
Veir),. to make this one of the best en- After ' . y 1904,PRI ",$1,50 a
ertafntnents of the season. The pito. Nutt eAt
Ing will go towards Nero tubaerll,era get balitnee of this pear frog, InehOing magniPlecirfi, tlirlbtrrider
Tfbratyr and air the nun'tser• Sand is Your subscription ht onee, Uora't rnlbt n bingie ibbite, Agonts
brie td+o hope to the wantbd sv4rgtwhers ; llbtra,l tatms given, l9nmplt copy fret.
TIM WILLIAM '=,D 00,f LIMITA f Loudon, Eat.