HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-12-10, Page 7. * .. ,.-- .1 � � �` % . . I , , I I.... ­ I. .., I I .. I., .1 I .. - .I.- . I . . � � - . "I . � 1; " .. w I . ­ 11� � � -1- ... i ..,"� . , ,, ,, .... .. . I . I . - I . I � 11 . I I 1 � 1. . � ­ I I : � " . ,,, ,i, . .1 _ I I . I �, 1. - ... . 1. � .1, '010, 0000" - . �. I - �q; " ., im mi, � , - , , i , ,. . � �. :, , , . . I I � I . I 06�1 1! � . �. . � . . I . � or 8.11 la, pas do, tion has roul, the unlyar"I" I)Qt p 6::�Yyetyvinls� 111c", Is,it ties to tbei schools, amotlux both Nvlseeg hereto a tile #tritt 4 th 09vern- ,to .. Lord Pum(li'loon'llalia""170"t"'I = V am genera ' go no , a, , CHIP ON CUTS t,, 'I S THIS. MAN INSAN,fi ? PRINCE"Af OTTO'S WIFE ullel-lult"�moolytll"oltllll,"Ilt",�ionI , r000nt tile calladl outbroaxe, notably at Mieff, t1r) 9T 01VQPV1U011X11V1W11`V104 to Visit P01,14 S4111PNOT- soldloro raftioed t 'I'laull om, Vriday, und -will fully t1lat tile military Y41oo Or ,,.r,l`40,,V1Va,t,11 rho corresi)oiido��nt'Irre4alo�,t.,01,1110 WIR'S THRO "" "' "" - HE SAYS HE IS NOT# n-vSS Wro extent 'of the ravolutloniary Xaa,aa, gla in g,liumits as well as,liha 0(1 rq4t tj 118II, 4tlj,�: � ujoveillent ,And Its. Infection at the — -, lee from the Dr I . . I army loubtedly ,at the hot. . polut or IlOrt 'S ,an . . It L 0 la 7, u 41,011, ,t, I a I ! o t 1 ly,04 ro, Or "'A ,,ill all tIl tolu Mai �atlolk to= And.Then Slas ol,l,er pr.ospa I E I L 0 I r,,,., 3trange Story From: Toronto About a - li War oil 'Tapa"I WV104 Would .hes Hia Own tile 0. T. P" thin bein repute �, filtate tjib draftinat'of a. largrlim the 'substantlal occasloo for Ills pre- ' , bar or soldlorig to jib far Pal th aui Throat. flout VISIt to t1to coast. . New York Merchant. I dan.geroU I Sly (1011tUds, I-WrOPORT) 11118- . � . I .. . .1 Burst Into the Room and;Shot Her Down in the Presence,. sla'. I t ­ -SCARED TnE SULTAN, . earx':01 0 7 o I I . 1. Now, York, Do. 't. -Vile World to lf�j 1, L Asslota.xit awteot . I tte, 0 . is ins,anity attracted at- - - ,, 11 W� , of the Prince, Wounding Her Seriously. ific lay' 9470i W14, rRIVIV011 E111", f - tentlion all O.V-or, the PiQuutr7i, and . I FIRE A'r A WAKE. Wife Fought a Terr . Battle He Thought "41;li­,1VwQ Face Vowde; 4co -Woaltt,�i i3outbiernor, who Ill lasted for Week . . 0. 11M�, resources worn . - A� , . . — Won, I)ynaintle, I -acent Votirs, ihad been apubliabor on ext.,aueted,11 Writes Ur. Ellist, "Alyl .. I The Corpse Was $aved butTWO for Her Life. Atl,.oufh Dec. -S.-A ratlipr edinleal eitti; 4ouuop who, co.elviled from All creaLt 1xinoag buiolwoo mon WAS i Illaident w , bloh. llafj . Just taken PIaP( ,ttead"t ilia daM after he jva� cont. wrockf,,4 ibecauee of ahargell of 11194A. Would Have Also Shot the Prince Had He Not Grappled Uves Were Lost. Inside thio Walls which' Surround tb, nitted. . to tile Manhattan Bl;.vto . Ity!, and I flaw 411 LOW. Vitulghl" Notw� York, Deo. S.-Ir.wo lIvw were iospItal TPr tbo Insane, has written I 43etorml uada.11i - of persons 4adjy .Policen, an Jumped Through tr-o. harem of Litm, Abdul. Uanilt, ned toi leave for IQ t - With Her and Saved Himself. lost tuid a nuiupei I 11 I '400 from a friend, eludod a burned erti-ly to -day in a fire in Bract,,, ohows ]low litroii�g is Ills real' of An (14m Tjoroato,aleitter to a Now York got myi d Norp York, Doc. 7.-P.rhicci Otto r reached the door of tho.aute elmin- Window to Arrest Him, - arohlets. -Yper. declaring that he Jim been tiondant, crosued tLe Hoboken. all iyu, where A wake was being held. -Ml a One of i1le inmatei of tile baren, 10P00cutod, and was railroaded to went frolu ttxry to Toronto, On Mal r7�1VjndIsob1-0raetz.- hill Youthful bar of this Princil'O apartments. A overturned lanip is said to have j.0nitt'l wl"O wa's Ijj favor of her ruab a aoylam by bitter ionewles, Includ- Vtli-" � , � � . valet stood at tbia door. Ila dQclln. the window curtains, and before anyouil Now York, Doe, 8,-14,14-11tthrou.11 ter, blad a from a Th4tor t1l, '1glone M le a millionaire. lio F111143 ga� . 40 ta, Immensely woaltUy wifel the I I(!la1g1j110 - Ali jvh10 y's th'at in Toronto vari- and ed to allow the Princess to.puter, (10111d move the flimsy draperies were ill - t, coupled . ella a startlIng storX of an, at- ous attempts wip" ma , 'got him Princess Elizabeth, Mario, whom lie $lie, it IS Said, becamp lururlated fallure, toobtalu einplaylliOn nee or face powder and bribed oil. ' fl 611108, and the mourning- relatives aul � Via . ,, down � melancholia, V, rederick of tile oulluolk,,j to send to lin ompt to kIdnap li'llin f-Ince ilia to return, - , and say'a tjl�D attempt Detective '1011 ,yi confixmia, Mile' married Only A year ago, and a and. Bred at the man, who fled friends Were in a panic. Wholl the ' With scutQ I fee a, partloular brand, 40ape? , ,n na. s ilia opera at the corridors, terribly frightened. firemen arrived the entire building was 811oluall, wbee . Paris ved at tb " ato -and sa:rs lie weat to Wron- I , , 1wriglit, forty' V In due time the box arri aaanindo, byi private detectives hireo r T111011 tile Princess Proceeded, to tbe in flames. Among tli0o 'wbo had r,13. - (lid, ,out ),.is w1ro's throat and then YlIdIz KIQ,.-,k, only., to bo seized luinle ,y, this mill'arialm w1jo, Ellia oonsid- to W�Itb DuY(;4u, to get 1421100 Hin Prague, are tho central figures In PrInoo's apartmentff. 'eued thO corpse from incineration wece slashed hin own, throat, causing Ilia diateiy�by. tIvo gooriet ,agents of th, ra 'Principally respoinsible for all Lis clallu,'s 910 WAS to. 14 to lilt 91118, Over xtraordinary Scandal tb!at Is and humillit. auitan�. , flefortunes. Edgar A. .I.XiTe4u, the the he84 with a IooA Pipe, the plan an a. Frol,zled with rago john ailligall, a son of the dead wa- death, w.osiordax, at 1118 home, at � pm. .,to this 'boat hud a odozen European a guilty ,pair man; A. Wronn, a friend. They v, With [ill Precautions the 0 tho U. F.I. DuVeMA told him, 110 rending Itialf , ttort she stood beraro ill .r1yo,to detective, whol was sentenced being to go tblni in courts, says a Tlenna, cable to the ro101ver in hand. The Prince uprang both choking from smoke,_ and as 6illig,0317uo ' No, 70 ;W'"t 108th' Street' 1�cjoug box was seat to tlfe labors tot Weak to too .ven-ra In Mug Sing to , . World. Tfte ,Princess, whol IS the toward l4ij angered Princess.. but as reached tho air lie collapsed. � Inside tile Woman, w-hin wa,e* formerly, a real- tors of tho, army,, whIle tile agent )e concerUng a plot to assault and say's, ,Chat a big reward would follow � lie did go the vilneass cried "boast," house ilia fireinen found the dead bodies dent of Iltuigary, �,aft been ouiplOr/- reported to t , he- ealta,zi that tbey, ha. ,ab a wealthy allk, xnerebant, Is the return ot E1110. - - . grand-daughiter on tier father's side il.Ed shot tile actress in the breast. ol Michael Stafrord, .78 years old, Mid ed'b various carriage firms upttl a seized a box of dymarnite addresm - al"Pa ta,Fl V�hte mj�ji who w,ent to Can- AissIstant Dlot-rIat OAttoraeo , JV1 da, under tLe name Ort She& and I<tiott 10 I tho Emperor of Austria, ,and on Tim woman uttorEd a Shriek and sank oor . . quoted as myIng $5.000.had � Charles Burley, 23, lying oil the fl, fter 1981119 to a cultuok, In the barem. Ifered f 0 return. The Uor motho0s aldo of the Belgians, Ii.anjulate.jo th-e floor. ',Eho Prince , 'IV months ago. Soon a TI.e p6or'follow waa linmedlitt3l pled to kidnap Bills, "DmTcau was been O� -or Elli ' ard 0 .��D years old. a royak person- Ecizedills -wife, who would have ma�- pear tile door. They hail, evideutlym fL n rew nly . ble position lie became morose and -oplIcated In a plot to kidnap Mr, names 'of these offeri 9 the ago wlto renounced her rights to dered lll;m and made her revenge COM, tried to tight their way to the strea;, . , arrWted and tl�row-n Into a dungeon 'Ilia and chloroform b1m, lf neces- - a-, a not Made Public. I tile throne of Austria In order to '.0tti With. another shot, had l%ot lie d )lad been overcome by Smoke. Dout- this developed finallyi into melan- A week later th,o m1litary, authorl . p r a" ties reported thlat tbeyt bad.foun - ----------- —_-_____1____--7-, intarry as 1wr heart dictated-haff lrtcntlon been 'iblwarted, Tjl�.) inick Dougherty rescued two plifidyea dii, - oholla and eventually into lusallity' tho contente of the box hairmless - _ . . I .. I � I I . - . . I .r r five Ivecks 811lemall Ilau h1ad a narrow estape from the stig- Princess, now overconjo Wltj� tIj9 o ,or four o Th4D -eunuch was then take�, irol. , ,11. ing tile fire. Ila was the father of Ar nva of a murderess, for slVa (lid n -ad. broke down and thur Dougherty, the boy who died frol"l been treated by ,Dr. ,11tegmall', -of No. AAN AND WIFE ' FOUND DEAD* Oth- orwity of her dc hie ,pirlson, but punished with ban Ing loss thlall Shoot and serlouslY was led ,wooping from the upart- hydroplIoblo, a fe1v da�s ago, and tile 201 West 1021ad street, Oil lVednea- I wound the actress with whom the wents, Metileat Aid was Summoned, wake wus al6o being hela over hiff bo:17. conultion setem4)(1 so d,n- lehment for life to Asla, Minor fe � � day Ills h,aving causiod the .Pultan lqnnec6 PrInco'was havIlig a rendezvous. ali.1 It Was found that tile actress lit carrying out the children Dougherty gerou" tI,,at tha pilysioian gave him I � I Tito remarkable affair took place Val, 11, Serious, but not mortal w0na. was badly burned. � it bromide solution, and cautioned gary; worry. � ; - ,41r -In tile palace of tile estate of tile She Was quickly removed to her owi Several others -won less seriously in- 111,, wife, Augusta, a dressmaker, to .. � lurdered th-e Woman And Then . prinoWs family at Prague. It came apartmento lit the city. jured in the rusli to escape. Tito moit watch Illm carefully. lay morn- EXPOSURE.,,9R FOUL PLAY? ' tie a ShOOk*tO the, highest circles of Strenuous orrorts were made to seriously hurt was Joint Gilligan, )1711160 About tell O'clock 06ter( __ Committed S(jicideo , nolionila, where It. was Supposed keep the affair secret, but the facts condition is said to be critical. Ing fifileman shelved signs ol'insan- blysterious Death Is Being bivest - � tbilat tile home life Of tile yOuJ19 came out through the actresseW see. - Ity,, and Mrs. allome,11, learing for gated oil 31anitoulla Island' . New York, Doe, 7.-A man and a � an adJotnJng room, Sbe�aays Rho talks Wine Ideal. vat.-ts and vverc MoOn common PrO- CHINA TO HAVE A REAL ARMY her life, excuised herself from the . I It :appears that Prince Otto had ,r I I hi.uu�so and telephoned to & .relative, . . .rQuiall, for Whom the man registered licard them quarrelling, and looked .,Lrty In tile eltv.' Tito *PeTd&oFjse3' — aoro na:y,. Dec. S. -This body., of . , I through tile keyhole. $be saw tile . ' been Secretly paying assiduous at- ,)at is gLilerally commanded bv, East rrivent.* FrenohXanadlan, named Joeoph Pre . , wilL th'P Empire's Troops Now to be Drilled George F. Of, of No. 3 . .'Lester C. Fitzgerald anO -" mail draw a revoli,er from bla Pocket tention to the actress. The Princess mory r4traight-laced members of high eighth street, usidlig him' to c0lue ' mnt to. Via Hotel Gall-M.""In Wll- and'dt, tile ow,oting. Later. the idea- . � IV"" blissfully Ignorant of tlid In- society, and t1rore-will of course be Under Modern Methods. at once. Mr. Of was buoy4 but Pro- 1110, wrin f ound an th,o bank of a creel amsburg, last; n1glit. At 1.30 lificatJon of the couple as Lester h triguie until on a certain night she no legal action a,kialuat her for her Pokill, Dee.. S. -An edict wile Is- mined to call In the Wtel`110011 . Mrs- near f�llrjorwater. It. appicar's that th lolick title morning built were fonad I'litzgerald and lita wife, Of Brooklyn, ,was informed, presuniably through punialitment of the stage beauty. sued -by the Tbrone Veaterday eatab- Sileman then returned home. dead man and an Indian named We oam. The wife liad been, was confirmed, The man was oeular . some dinappotnted Suitor of the ac- Prince Otto is 30 yeare. of age. Do- 16-blitng a central bureau whlch is -to iSpon afterward SlIemall grew bagartat, better known Lw Andre% ead in ilia r member ot a gla,so manufacturlpig tress, that the Prince wits than on, fare his mariiage lie Was.a lleutan� miaure unl;orm mUtary litutruction Worse, and, selzIng, a razor, attack- tot through tho right temple. Tile firm, and was considered quite we&). . ., a r, To and the Grand Dqcbees met and dr1_1 throughout Chins, ror tile ed 1.10 IvIfe. Urs. Silema,n, Who Ili Franels, started from Gore Day a inn, waic, Was found ly'aig across Ilie thy, A large sum of m:)ney was found tortaining In hJs apartments in thc, ,t. I ., Wedne.sda,yj morning for UorrIsvill. oman"s, body on t.':c floor. had also In Ills pockets. Both were nearly 00 palaco the lovely rival. The PrIn-' at a gran"! ball here and fell in furpOli.e. as tire prociamatiop states# strong. prevented any Serious Injury cess is, or was. at least, dooply Ill love. Tile Princess is the daughter ooj a,,sistilig tile court ill Ite elfovc to at f1rot, and tI,e coufl,re lollgilt from They had a good supply. of -,vhIskL-. can s!,ot through the )load. A woman years of age, and separated Some . - . love wItH the Prince, .and it is sald of tile unfortunate Crown Prince Ru- secure a Strong and independent O,no .room to itnoth-far. in tile house wit], them, aa -d by the time they ba r lose name was not learned, who is months ago. after a long inarrIed tll;at news of lills unfaithfulness Pro- dolf. whose tragic death stirred the Go -t erninent." for hilir. an hour. Mrs. 8110madi gone Q few milea Priento was kop, iid to be a member of a theatrical life. owlIng to, it Is said, Jealousy. vok(xl a storm of passion. Grasping who'o world, The Crown Prince and Prince Ching Is wade ther director i again, and leenly drunk. Premo got out Of tl.- ompany, now In Williamsburg, says The husband arranged their last ?�L-Ljst, who buggy and could not be parisuade, I a gold -mounted revolver of sinall tire Countess Marie Votsera -wevo of the new bareau, but Yuan-Slilli. 'r,raj,k Roblueon, a prug ,a Bair tile ni'm Shoat the woulau meeting in the hope of effecting it, I feund,41ead together at the hunting 3rovIuc-,,, � , assisted to cantinuo the boineward Journe, nd thowhill himself. She Occupied, reconcillo.tion. , I calibre, presented to her by her re- Kai, Ilre viceroy of Clil-11 .1 lived In an adjoining 114t, creant hilisbaud for protection tit an loige MayerlIng, the supposition be- iylfo Iki mude Ills assistant, is really by. George Verwinkel, the Janitor, Francis thren went on wItbout 111L � I I .ons � libur of possible peril, the Princess Ing that the rzInce had killed tho' tile lit -ad a[ ilia organization, Yuan- tried to break in through the door. and io!n reaohdng home notified r crept along the. cortidor unClIshe Cotinte,ij and th'en committed sulcide. Shili-Kai has already 6tarted to drill. SSuddenly the door burst open and neighbors, who Immediately sat ou 'Ienc'*ftac'*ftoccac--#-Oc'%w-l�4zr3 LOW& HAS MILLIONS. . . . . . . � . . I all tife Cbi.II troops, including Li's -Mrs. aleman ran out, pursued by, her to bring him home, but weiv unab; . . ,bi,t­rd, v*gurous�y protusted a'g,l,l._,ijt Dannerni'mi at Paoting-In and Tien-, liusbaiid� too -get any trace of him. IDT lr�,%� $14,000,000 A�,�, Li,bilitles and INSPECTOR CRITICIZED. -tluae wubt,oll audId ul.on Lill, grull- Ulsin. I The woman managed to got to the Two days later Preino's dead bad ) NEWS IN BJL%JLLr 3 Call Settle at (,)&Alnff. — --.—. - Id floor, jyllere wa�s found. wj.ijlo it is thought th 4 Beekeepers Discuss Ur. Me Evoy,b �ry of tile va)pire. Mr. Thumas .5kir.. landing, on the 0ecol 0 Clft"% , Dec. 8,-13�yj a strLIM of dip .,�_r, Who r,'rebluod, Said that while V OF RASHNESS. she dropped exhausted. Her throat victim died from exposure, an. inqueti� is .. Report. other britioij co,oidua ji:er4istelml PAID PENALT had been out again and again. Rob- hiasbeen ordered, and the Indian Is It , "11111110eftft 1CftftftWV4A%CftVft9rft*ftP1 ' IOM40Y JUIIU AICI.ulluer DOWla _-aip . Y. m- jail pending Ito out -come. -reuel!� suscePtibl- FJI:t-Lb, . . - � worrow nloney in tile British markete, — )nibardiug in6on, meantime, ran out and out I In deference to 11 ished harmony betwLen Zloa,itij ­ Tren,jon Moport.-The first sub- 11tallan Officer Killed 8c I ties the -name 6f Fasboda, has been recerverij and It,b 0.;:6�lttors int anti ot�t lj�jje,t -brought. up last evening war, ,;ucada has been Inuepondent of � Somaliland Pat,(. � moned a J. llood Wright HOEPItal . of It. Ila r.roposes to seLtle with! .roult British loans for six years. itnibulantco and e, policeman. SHOI* THt,tEE WILDCATS. hanged to Ca;bak, -api- Adon� Dee, S.-Lieut.-Conimander Obilemail, after Ills wife had fallen, WS Immediate creditors, to arranget tifie, report of the Inspector of Urabau, an ILa'.Imn officer, command- ra,n book to Ills flat, barred the door — . An Imperial edict ordering t1fe ro- wAh, o-Lhers on a remonabie time arles, Ur. Win. MOEYOY, 31 jVood- ,I dbow, Lauded a party and cut ,1118 OW'D throat. Policeman A Lumlicr Traveller Followed by Tt i irganization of The Chinese, armies basis and to erici the Teceivershia. Ing an arme, , purn, I ASKS Tntivi fo �ORuff. of friendly natives at Darbe, Somali- Palmer, from tllc ;dndow of an ad-. ortlieAninials. ,as boah IsOubil. * -At a conlerence between the atwr- .Mr. J. M Morrison, at the County Q,,,,i Dragals Brother-in-law All- land, Africa, a,nd ordered the Italian joining flat, witnessed tile site 0. Kingston, Doe. S.- Mile W. D London Times despatches from lle.vs rCI;TesenLing ilia buaviest cred.- . flag holisted on the fort. The com- d, and ,erlin regarding the German ntn- Itorst unit Jucol,i Newman, attorney. or Shucoe, colictutanijul vory Strong- pt-ititi to Servian Army. Palmor found tile ,window looks W-Lsori, of Matawacb!an, was trave for t1je.reewivers, Dowle oliovired ih4 4 ly ilia aStiOn Of tile inspector- 110 - Belgrade, Dec. 8.- 001 -M&PI4011, niandant of ilia fort rerused to per- dived tbrougb, taking suall and all. 115r, over part of Glides' Bros.' limit Peror are reassuring. lawyers a sLateatent setting fortli .-.ISO wauted to se,_� the foul vrouti Init the order to be carried out un- Ills lielmet protected ilia head and 1, �earch of t1inber lie met witl Copicaliager.-The ministry has re- ZjOu,kj llsBete and ljabjlj,� __ ,jonimiliming tile Boigraue divi-sion OL less It had :tha'sauction of i'110 Sul- lea, Ivp de act amended. lie riald Ur .1%leEvoY ,.r, -o arm , Drotbar-Iii-law Of 1110latc tall. Liou.t.-Commander Grabau. there- face. to -ward the p roth�er dangerous companions. 0 Oululeuded tbat King Christian re- cl�re, lj_ Y.luoa Z.Ou"i f-st'4te at $:k1'. -keeping,, and - .v SlIernan ran ollocruan ,00lchig around lits dibcoverod about- agnize tile republic of Panama. , lifad done illuch for beo 4.1ticen Draga, allu .one of tl,o lealung upon gave ilia commandant two With the knife, readyj for another iorty vards behind him, tell wildeatc 000,000 above d.1 liabilitle-j. He ex. IW wus sorry lie had to Speak as lie j#arLjojp&nit3 in the aSSGSSLnatIOn al hours .in whi0i to obey the order, yl,otlin, but Palmer atruck, the hand or lynx. . Tho conditlon of Rerbert Spencer, bibited large orders for lace aqd - did. I * &Ing Alexanaer anEt Queen j)raga, and at the expiration of that time. b4pen Ill caudy. He Said ileitiver the mce nou P- �mmmojjod a meeting 'I all the Pill- . containing the knife. ,%Icman was, He'tiulekly raised his rifle ant r.o famous wi,iter, who has Air. J. R Uall, of WOOdstOck, u 0, the commandant not having comp.1- exhausted and dying. Soon after the Shot three of theal In succession, all; or somo time, d1fajigod for the worse. tile caudy factorv.00uld sug,ply It.3 Ireld ilia inspector.. ceris in i3elgraue, Nov. 28th, anti made oil, fired upon the fort. The fort re- orcers. He showed a, draft lor $50.. . Mr. E. Dickinson, Jun., Ancaster, arrivai Of the ambulance lie died. wounding another two. The ,.)the There is great anxiety throughout a speech. requesting ,them t4a lar- pl*o,l with shell, killing Grabau.The njg wiro is In a critical .eondItOD. five. darted into a, s-warup close by ustria-flim.-ary respecting the German. 000 froul a wealthy well-wisher, Wnd lVought personalities should beleit . 0 declared lie could draw for $200.000 get the palSt- i I dliovs- then put to sea, and was pick- alld as the undergrowth was verA mperor's health. more on one of Zion's friends in Win. out. no eala ti.e dissatisfaction was un- 0,1 uly by tile Xtallan cruiser Uaillee, The 8110manks' two children, Lillian, 9, r. n. J. Uoltermunn, of Brant- ten ry-ears old, and Staila, seven years thick Mr. "Wilson thought It best tZ . justified, as the assassinations worn wh;ch landed the officer's body old,'were at sallool. at the t�jne Of lot well enough alone and not risl A protest has been entered against tile COLS111. ford, was sorry to bAva to criticize in tLe interest of the councry. The Ije;Z : i I k eturn of Dr. A. A. Mahaffy in Aluskokft. On this Showing he offered to set. the Infii-pector. The first tnen to up- speech has had little effect on those . I the tragedy'. close quarters witb such animals. tie all urgeijr claims In cashi and to hold the law should be tile officers who disaPprovo of the assassinations, , —_ There is talk of nominating Hon. G.111 Put Zion on a oitelit basis In ail fu - of the association. This had 'lot wI'lle, tile other afficere concerned C. P. R. DEBENTURE S [OCK. FLOWERS IN ELLESMERE. oster for St. Antoine division of Mont- -Lure ,deiallugo -with the outside been done. Amendments to t1felaw In'tho assassinations are now dis- — , , , . — GLENCOE CURSE RLMOVED. cal. N%orlt]. .With. his ben,viest creditors ,ivere desirable. satisfied with Col. Mitchell's action. IssueorOver Twelte Million Dollars Prof, Sollej Saw Whole 3.1eadows of — . Out of the way, he said his debts tie. Tile. report was finally passed, a Late Earl or Stair Virst With Tbre( Ail. Thomas Kelly announces himialf - conimlitee, consisting of Messrs. They insist tba,t all Sorvlan officers ill Loildoll. Them in His Last Arctic Trip. Solis Sinc..- blassacre. , Liberal candidate for the commons in mauding Immediate payment, would Holtermann, McEvoy,.Byers, T.Uorrl- should be given - to underbtand that Montreal, Dee. B. -In the colll�se of LondoD, Doe. B. -Prof- Sall'c-1 ,the innipeg. liot amount tp more than $100,000. son and Armstrong being appm*nted tile assassinations were for the ben- the next low days the Canadian Pacl- London, Dee. G.-Vib late E mrl of Samuel Stevenson's judgment notes to examine tlie,fuul brood act and efit of the natiall, and therefore any- flo Railway Cor4phny will makO an 900logIst, who accompanied the re- Stair Was descended from the fli-B United States steel is being clumped for $100,000 are not yet due. toport. b3dy disapproving -of them .must issue in London ol'1:2,'838,000 four cent :�rerdrup expedition, lifas wrlt- earl, w.uo was mainly responuiblei ful .,to Glasgow at X1 a tonlinder Scot. -h Dr. Dowie-s presentation at flgarps . t leave the army. They also dbmr,'id per cent. consolidated debenturc ten an ,ateresting 1)Aper for the the terrible maSsapre of the Macdon iakers' prices. and his offers of sott',ewent Were sat. Mr. C. 0. James, Deputy Minlo or rigorous treatment of . anti-regi,.idjes. stock. About one-half or flie amount CbrIstinla. Geographical Society al" at Glencoe in 1602, In Which hil lefacitory tu the attorneve. His plan of Agriculture, gave an addrese, three stalwar icpated. A I A commissioner may be sent to E11roP0 Will be submitted to -morrow to % - The election of officers rosaltod as Is rior tile purpaso of paying for tile about tile Vegetation wnich was unced against hin .y tile Minister of the Interior to ill* meeting of the receivers, their attor- ' . follow,S: J. W. Sparling, Ilowmall- � PREPARING FOR THE FRAY. Atlantic Steamship Line, consisting found In Ellesmere; Land Ili th'e Arc- Puma Was prono . Ville; Vlce�Prosldicnts, H. G. Sib- . .— of fifteen ocean steamships,. Col- tic regions. � .I that no futtire earl ishould have three ,uire into the process of smelting iron imyp and the attoriieva for bin Pried. bald, of Claude; It. 11. SmItI4 Of St, iijitiv'ons"findustriat Assochttion Out- which the purchase pr.ce was tempo- It appears from tile paper that sons until Ills crime was expla,ted ,y electricity. Itore, ani It Is believed will be ac - Thom -as; Directors, W. J. l3rown, rarilk advanced from the companyla, there ajo unknown meadows full of and in derision lie tied tip certair. . Advices front tile wrecked cruiser Flora Ported. In that event receivers and 11C. Darling, M. R. Holmes, C. IV. lilies Its U. 8 Campaign. current fund. The balance represents Arctic flowers and th,'Ore are so- valuable property so tlir�t it Shoule tate that tile vessel is still in the sanie all cieditors will join hands with ors . Psi GeU. Wood James Armstrongi Da.�rton, O., Dec. 8,- To elimilla,te tile cost of ,171 miles of additionn) called bird mountains, whichullght be inherited Only by the thlrdson o osition. A court-martial will be held DO)VI0 In 0, 1710a, to Judge Kohlisast - *1 , , to is one oi 'tile radlwa,v constructed and acquired almost be described as botanical his successors. Of the nine earls sinot -b Esquinialt oil Capt. Baker and the to disjuiss ilia r.ending litigation antl ,Woo. A. Deadman, J. F. MHiller, Sam tile walking delega - during the past couple of years, I . then, One had two -sons, one had one ' perwit Dr. Dowie freedom to gather rio pul.po�.es of the recently or or gardens. A Slope discovered over One n !'W.00d, Prof. Harrison, oy,of galliZed CILizjn4l Indu,,ti4l AS.OLla- whicu no securities ha,d heretofore bay vras d1omplately covered withl 0, I der had no sons at all " cersi R ful.,da and bottle obligations. 0. A. C., fiWel and the rema 'ing t _` 'i'at 3 . �don 8 oil 2%turdayeame . - Guelph ; Inspectors, Win, MeEv ­oa- carpet' of sax1fraga, until the earl just dead, who ]lad 't�--sn" t, , tjj tj 99- I — Woodburn, It'. A. GeM111011, Of Lail. tIOM Of America. The organizailon been Issued. The Issue price Is under- vl�lat cove, were four. Col. Dalrymple, 1,18 third Sol , , .,,ta,, 10 police at KIn don. Included In its basic principles all stooid to be 106, mnd the entire am- and opposItirorott. Traces oil, n!,nd both aides Suffered minor SHOT INSULTING MAN. opian shop, no Sympathetic strikes, aunt of the issue has been under- round In stony debris, -whiell prov- came In for the property, with all It.v it was deolded to ,have no repre- ulated interest. I I ,aeualtleg.t . — sontativen at UO Toronto, London rio restrictions In tile number of ap- written In Engl."d and On the cent!- ad iltat there were formerly in thoso 'Lecum It is reported ty-,tt tile iitrttggle Courageous Woljj&:j Telegraph Op- u n he eu- nent, . regions flowers whaoit now only and Ottawa Exilubitious, and to re. Prentice . �-galuat obstruction in tho Hungar- crator lit West Virginia commend that no grant be given foreement of the law,. These facts groir In -warm climates like, Austra- WELL DONE, LOYAL SWANSEA s,n Parliament Une at last been ter- ' I . I , was wore developed at the meetings of .- l — Isfactory.j to ,'W!111atustosrii� W. Ara., DM S. -Win, to these associations. Toronto . tjV6 committee to -day, A MATTER OF ETIQUETTE, Ila- � Inated, on terme Bat , noxf placo of meet- tile Excell I , It Lets 130ttsl; Virm Do Tram%va) n Ilowarclson, ail aileged outlaw of Selected as tile �� Indicating tha line of battle between 1. — 111 parties. . notrIetY, who worked in the lumber 113 g, Persia to QUEER, ESCAPE FROM DEATH. Work tit Ri.gheP Price- a result of ibb extremely, bad The report of the col��njttea to, re- tile employers and la,bor unions. C-urzon Did Not Land at . — AIR �Lmp�tnled by a vlolent camp.4 r.ear Tracker. this county. was vise tile foul brood act -,van than A rpsolution was adopted asking . Avold Trouble' illiracle of'Redical Skill In thePrOzell London. Dee. S. -TI -re COrPOratiOu weathiner, a0LK sbot and 2nortally Wounded last ' Congress not to endorso the 8-bour, London, Deic. G. -According to Lb of Swanson, Ivas aocevtedjk%.jA�1tI6, .Vilid, ,wh1th hae prevailed for some n'.ght lly Illss Khte Roubough, a girl � takon tip, IrTo report was adopted Zone Land. a jif tit( lays, Ventoo, Italy, w -as almost en- ' than . who Is bill, when that doculuent tlomes up despa,te a tender for the extenslo . of less `0 yearn old, , : ail to ,tile Dal -y M 11-froln Du- wn'tor for a few hours. emp,oye, without a dtasenting voice, Clio for action. Another, resolution re- &Ire, Persia, an unexPected Incident Daw.son-, Dee. 6.- George Steele, tram,way system involving an ex- Aroly under ,I as telegrall operator for chargo beling the appointing main organizea dis- quests all employers' assoclatlo'ne led Lord Cur2.)n, Viceroy of -India, W113 acoldeiltally &hot himself In the pollso of r.IM000, aithiolt-gli a Ger- The, 'body ,Of Itobert Dixon, t1le the Norfolk and Western Railroltd at of aub-inspectors in throughout the country to aflillatO witio to offlclall�, visiting ill's Persian OIL W11,11c, Ill the Polly River man company offered to do tht young jockey killed at N841-Nilleo Thacker. Trowardson entered the triets. v, With the national body, The deter- I Gul( on the Indian troopsillp Har- Stoma work for .01J,000 less, renp., h -as �rrlved Ili Toronto for tower where the girl was at work . � . Mr. McEvoy frankly owued Ij!e had mined stand -to 1)9 taken by the mso- I dinge, to determine nut to laind in Country, to In a serious condition jNjuch attention lilts bean * calleu mrial. TL'o farally, jire dissatisfied alono and attempted to embrace her. - porvaps: exercised . more authority elation is indiomtoi In the Passage Of : Persia. The Governof of -Shiraz. re- at tho .Good Sainaritan Hospital, to this matter, and the question I� vLtli� tile explanation of tile CaU.M The girl got her revolver and fired thlan he really possessed. a resolution instructing all members arranged to re- where lie ]lad wn oVeration for per- raisil,,l as to wily,4ather it lb because Of deatht. I � I , four allots, two of which penetrat. - of em� yel. prosentlug the Shali, - it was decided to send. Prof. llh� 'O W associations ajilin,tod. ocivo -tile Viceroy at Buslilre, but at foratlon or trto Dowels. Thn,t Steele of Mr. Chumberlain's agitation Ili Aft�r reading 'a letter from )--is at- V.d Ilowardson's chest. The girl thou rlson speol,mcna of foul brood to In- with the national body not to placio i the last- moment the Govemor at To- not Succumb to peritonitis a favot of preferential tre.timent a, orney, which told that there was called up the operator at Wllllam-� VeStigate, th3, union label on any of their out- herall altered the arrangements in did at for-21gi , rilon for him. Charlol -.on, related her experience and told ., . put. It Is proposed also to establish I the ma,tter of etiquette, which If 11C� few, hours after tile acclident is a the E mplre as ftt�Lln . .lo Vopo of it ra, a labor information bureau w1wra miracle which Pat the pbyriiclina coun I rles, . \Iorgau Wallace a life convict tit him sho would be no longer on duty THE TRADE IN EARS. quiesced in would have lnvol�,ed Dr,t- not undergo thO Preferences -of this kind are be- .1-o ,,��ta,to prlsor; tit Tlioniastown, that night. 'She tbim walked a iluar. � will be, kept a ta,bulo,ted re8cird of i,all prest'go In Oriental eyes. Lord guessinx. Steele did r tile coming far more, common than herAc- _ " killed q,,Ill,Folr b3d taking mor- ter of a mile In the darkness aud our - I — , all law-breakling and undesirable c,urjOij accordingly sailed from 'Bu- 0 antli 1,13 days afte Ae roll-dered to a magistrate. No one J�blajt Who Sold One BuYs Another . t lla,V�1160 =1t,01g:' yet lie lives'. The bullet, toXoro. , I ; � )0111110. . witnessed the trngedy, the Inhabit- . . Workmen. . I '5111re Irk the niglit"wit'llou , gh 11113 -estigations In New teront a kiner. Tito present methods employed by gone aAll�orc. The Governor and orfl- � however, in its course throu AN a resollt of 1111 ants of the vIllage all being asleep. ­Tbat unions In conducting a boycott we"O I d a abdomen, p-riforined the cp�rat:oll of Irork- it ,1,9 a­.,peoted tL;,%t indictments Xronwood, Mleb,., Dca. 8. tile laIS feel that they Illive receive colotomy as perfectly as any sur- CHING- CASE OF ALTRUISIPV .VIII be found against SOV01"Al I -Ouse The girl IIvPs iiemr Pulaski. t5lic wits , � � bitterly denounced. A bureau of Or- ; ' rondent, TOU � released on bar own recognizance. man w1ro sold )its Par for $5,000 corious rebuff, but tile corres! could have done. — , Ire ,aaJileterp, fire Insurance a(] - to a 'western inill'onalro will. inake ganizatlon, publicatiDn and educati..n ; who do4olareis tImt the incident has 90011 . , Sevel ,�jj,Sterg, ti;l" la,irz,ers at Ieast,.and . $4,jfjoo -ttild blave, two cars whqn lie will likely bg located at Dayton, nl- OoMlderabI3 P I tIUAI s'g I leance. Poor b-tborer, of Par -is, With I ?ame, mern'bers of tl,t fire platrol, on . I , ",tf.i thlrough has doireloped from tile tholigh tho headquarters will W ,it says thitt tile clovernor's conduct AN EROX IN DISTANCE. ChOdresi AdOPIS Whit-: - HELD DAM W111H A GUN. I visit to Dr. 0. A. 8tobbins, of this Indianapolis. I tholmougilly- deserved ilia i obuke, . tit DItto A.-itrges of grand lareanY. — I L — . Parle, Dec. S. -A Judge steamer Pro Patria, got off city of it milligarlan miller from wbich Will bavoi excellent effect, Uncle Sain's Islanxis Do Not Command had it toncilillis case of ltlt�;uisnv Tito Vrench �tcr's, 0. R, Vester. 51r.'Wasson, r4III0WllCr, V13MI $100 . I .. L I . . Port simpson. brought to Ills notice, this week 1140 rock near St. P( Hurley. Wis. The miller .1168 a lot� , RUSSIA FEARS REVOILUTION11 A poor laborer Who has seven child- ,fty. It was done by a heavy northeast and Costs lop Itemovini, Logs. . tor from tile mail who, Sold Ille car, — � FIRED WITHOUT LOOKINO. ad child Ills' -.-ind, whiel -waters of the. Im $1,000. Tito minor ' . VAIICOUN'Cr, DOC. 8, -It, as an- found an abandon [I raised the reterboro, 1'ec. 5. -Police Ma.gl-o- offering X Internal Troubles Said to `b0 the — ouniabd In despiat011ell from Wash- roll iree feet, and by exurtY1119 llk?v trate Durable )ills given judgment lit wanted to know It thb Operation CaURC Of NO I War With Japan- Parry Sonlld It,&,, Wh() Shot litoad n entioll Of the vear nchr t10 fortifications. Tile ike tl tho lCing Vs. IV'tteson. Mr. Wasson. would be, dangerous and said Ila lited UP Trial, Ington, It Is ilia Int, �hjld w,as Ili rage &n(I In danger eill bunkers, u. mili owner at Waraaw, was charg- would undergo it wirail told it was -Londoll, DeCo T.-1s'oyes hrdturn- 'Worker, C011110 United States Government to forth- of being ie,%tell byl rats. 110 tooli it I,; oflicialy announced by the Anicri- V Safe, X . Od tOWArds Aunsla, to sea -whothok 111arry,L'tound Report, D,Oc. 8 -At th�* With fortify tile two Small Islands it liolue, in spite 0 Ilia 41roady un- fin line that. beginning in 'IftlillAT371 ed with illegally removing stop logs . , . " . r. � . SITO Is willing to ll&,,,Iit Japan, ac- prollininary hearing of tile charge outlying Wales all(] 11,earse, which Inerous family. cared tor It, and g64 tl�clr st�,,Lln8llips froll, *,\'Pw York from a GoTernment dam 'at tile head �, I jz counts nor4o.fronl I'llb former eoun or manslaughter egaingt Thos. Stalk- 'unele Sam reoplyeEr by tile terms of brought it back to health' "d ap- or 1111outhainitton will call -it Plyluoutli or Indian rtiver at Its exit from Stony - Lake. M1% Wtisson, It Appears, Was PRAISE FOR CANADIANS. try th,at:wltll)n hot, own borders joy, tit;) younto, irtan who recently tho Alaik,t boundary awara, Chat In- pheti to thb J-adge to 91VO him, the 'a pas- _ . tli,cro Is serl6ug danger of a rovo- shot two ,,)on in mistake for (Iner. tiention Will b3 speedily abandoned legal righits of an adolfflVe father, n(I (lberboul-9 to ittua itiniis a, g,jort ot wttter to run Lis ul!II and to filling- at engers for T,ondoi% and PaVis, Increase Tre flow removed stop logs ,O e which tile co ,.\r. relletan, tht 1,1renc-h Minister of ngainst tile w',11 of tIje man In charge Agent-Govieral Turnir Turns flown It lutlonary outbreak before, tlfe w1u- tile evidenm 1vont to tillow thUt Stan- When 00 C v,:rnmc%tlt at W4 urt granted, ter an Libellous Text Book. ter is Past. A let -ter fromt, Ekater- ley had been working In Carsov's to,11 dincovorS that these Islands do enquiry. C � . I 8.-(Jonoral O'Grady- Inoslav, dated Doe 1-1, says that th(3 emup until ten days bototo tile S1100t- not, after, till, -command Port SIMP- — . ", , , . kjitrhi�, is quoted by the Figftr0 its 111'1t�- of -tile dam. The logs were replaced, Londons Doc.,a, ille Canit,ja, 011lb- correspondent ha� been 10119119"d Ing. Chat he vva- thoroughly ritinillar wn harl)or, and there!ot() WOUVI !'live ng this. renlark at a dinner of yoltug but Mr. Wasson took a saw and "t I I I SI..,cakilig for Bevoral weeke Ill Pnquiring Into wtth tile woodg. x10 and it cousin, little etrateglo value In the event FOR LOSS OF BEAUTY- awyers last Iligilt' "Gibr,"Itar-nothi,19 ant a stop log, and, arming bluist-If thmwler last lligh,ts . rorerred in the th;,D Popular discoatont. Ila declared onj.rtnllii - .'Iesher, Ilittl gollo olloot- of tilitt Port being retained as illO — oxild be PaAer than to tal,e it front ilic with a gun tot- a 'Part of two days, 11,1ghost terms or pralso to tile Call,- Seaboard torminliff or tile Grand Wa ,, s to laugh itt." enforcietl non-luterferenee with the afflar, volillitook militia, He rald a that tile recent distul,ball Cell were tile orning In quostion, Pas';- (I of I In r - Prench Wolviarl. W110416 VRec' 'ritisli. It a fOrtres atop'ljgn by Clio Official custodian. . more K)wUPI'lligg, 1*111011 portend n, ltl� through tile Woods 'wbore lum- Trunk Pacific, Instea y 9 a Marred in. Stearner G08 0aluages. 0111adiall I jtrIkJ-r,g tribute to Canadian brAverg, progress, 8PL�Otiveljv two and three 1111101 Ain- Tile corTOM10"(10"t of thO T.114o Juidgment deelirea Mr. Wasson � I coming conflagration,- (Ilivolile dis- orling a Pratioun were Ili . eiated llre4q undemitinds 'Chat tile gu!lty of wilfully doing an Injury to Iii. Wt South African -war. ,14earch tile - � , a(I harvests, andlack . tnd travelln 0 apt or tlj,t titua along taut, it" scated in the memOrAnda -Thia Countess tie , rso Ile(%, hag r(,(-%,ivod ail intimation vlbllc work, and tile smallest pen- ,t4q�11.OI(fftr.TiaJs of the 11ritisli army find tress, due to U. �Idary commission, Paris, Dec. N. �Oleign 01 a P r.ything _ of till ployinon t. 111011110 Civil people Injuber roads. Stailley WAS Said tO b0f0r0 the bou'l Mcrotr Argenteall has ,just woll it 1. omil 5fou jvould fall to djecovier a t, � iklan aud Kallyla- voln flerniany that file most fav Ity Z townril revolution, bill' MOM 1841110 - he ver (1111C With his rifle, till(] those Islands of 61 t relgium, I I a Provided for ilia offense, $100 ' Mier than the magnificent Stand -it)r (I I , -M .%All not be, Nvith. . : rvoyors who Suit itl"tlges tigalustesponsible ion ti thnent and co'sto, Wag imposed. made by Capittir. X. Bruce Carrutli,cro to 111a tvranny of ilia adminlatra- illovIng. glinnut, aecordtug to 6111 which 001111),,tily Iq hold ai uth African colonies. .- I fired t everything 110 Saw 1 e JuAt returned front Part 91111P- Iritwn front the So calipr sit something move, w-bleh liav ood iat tIj0*jjgt,i:ij Itiver fig,lit. tive 4 epArtinento, Vial _ ley, eon, and Who a .0 Countess' 'g Ming it The Russlan agrarian and Social- e e r ;' and Stan ro engaged In the MIX- for datuago to ill rid -.4. I'Lir eauipL nen to Tifoo Agelit-Gollerni of British 'a- I 'ed 1, Vlosher way (aplo!;AtIon Work, tire twelity looks, Tito Cou"to,ssi took pagsago 11ftillitt, Wyo.-Tho bodies of five mid nong tlie legislation tile 13 t I It 1 5 i I � � lot patty hig olrdulatOd it million b6inr 010 klulek0r, ill In a boat On tlfb Ostlend-Do line, Men who Wnlre ktlL�il by tit%') e',PIO- Vote 19 &I lumbia, Iron. J. 11. Turner road ox. and thArty milcit distant, and ilitI.M. Ver P Itanu,i, Inine June new Cabinet tho. Ministers Intend *40 oop,�08 01 & proclitula,tion to lmak- stopped about oiglit 100t to tht) V141t in. NVIJ101 IS Till% 11Y t110 110191an G(Overn- 41,011 of gas In ill Supposed to ll,tva Introduce. The 1%linlaters propatj& to t1ractil from a, geograr.111y by tile antH elenounoing, th'a Government. and e4w It wa,g men, but itbout tllL) foro would not bY 411!1' TIMM CO ant. During title V074911 n. severe M, arid 0 _�.e_ ilo,ij generally NVItlt e!eitoml re!artn, 0 m Who All Sollool, .Ona niand, as pre'viously �1111oulleed tho Storm 41r,086- T1110 'COUntoss" mbln lvtsd for sliverit, il.ty�q, 1111N,o been 11'eadmater Ot Now Co'lege From Moao0vr, Tainboff, Vollastollol. inoment of Ills (118covV'ry tile too �Ies and ono of tile elmlsofy of tho bill vrl�.,.oh IS largely itsed bv eiindidaton otW.,tgfjrrid by Stanloy.Tho Shoot- n6w, X*aiclfla Port, e eovotofl. 11,11;"So 41re the I.ts?t bod at ill*) OXford-CambrIdge local exaln- and elonwivere 8001allet grovilis nee fill 6 ew IN sta e(I here that th6 error Of %vnii destroyed by th'a 'WaVes. Sll They ApIlartritly 111olvate, Ivill mako It nompulf.,ory for evot-y Itiatiorisf throughout 00 actively c&rj,vIng ali & similar pro- Ing of Wth men only OCCUpI (I A t It t a through it mistaki in recelvod a out oil tIllo face, iguea, the in ItAir.e. lie n't- (.Ifttor to exercise the right of elcC,- ojilr.lro. ' town to a loctiff rieilOnds- - I ill6t,,tuee arom nda, �N,on thAt thov wore overcome by t , ' hvery 4909 QM1 , , -.111im. - i - . q%lo text.l)ook dealaras that the pagnuda. it (4overnmont for dam tive fraa( . I greator pa -t of [!aii&djt to a frowly froln. u-bl(II the rural districts ara TIM priOnOr WA1 full3r 001111yltt�tetl tyPlng the commission luealor 21 If, ("Also, � ter ,daniii. . k . I �vagte ol . swamr.it. Mr. Turnor,laml! worked, TIM revolUtIollal'y A91td- to fit an(I Ilig j . rittl for juanslaughtor. 11,20 and 40" 1111108 DellIg cOPI09 ... t -0