The Wingham Advance, 1903-12-10, Page 4It
THE W,NGR•l X A. VANOR Thursday, December 1.0, 1903
.:_:._: r,..:...w. .,.:. .i;.=,,.-. t..., ,.m,.... ,. -,..,',m', ...-.,:,«.,...F,,,., . ....a,...><-. w_.,.:. . m,...=..w--: .,=..-wmv,=-,®••+:,..:. ..s,,...,.,F+,.x.,.:;.,,:...,,.R....,,,a• +w.r*,m+,aim.',.,:,,4n--:'-: '.,.....^.... .,.:..:.:.,_.. ..-.. .z_....:.... ,.. _:_.,.,:.... _.. w. .- _,._.a..-, -. -,..-,.,-......,-,... .,^,.., ... <.,,.- .. ___,. .»,. ..,.w...s,,.c,.,a..«.•...n.u,. x....,.,.:.a,e....-«-,.-...,,.-..+Fri.,.--n-.=....,..«a=..,...:
9 ,• I I o' I„ Notes
1. -J
-R16 >?rzOPosr~n wnTl ltvi'oa1 s AND—Encouraged by toe successof sgwgaa+311 sxsra~nfs,6 Cam-pbell the United States, in the recent ar- . p,rro i4 herbb styes tuttit rue rtunioi. Macdonald bitration on the .Alaska boundary al counoit of the Town otWinanhampropasc . ' acdot old Block, Wirlghalxl. ,
Wing l&t1! S r SS hi?Qd& slid TrllTl1111t1g;; 1pt1S€. question, a gathering of prominent t 111on to the eleotor'l Y;ualitled tD vote
thereon, for their assent, a B .law tD authorise
men In Washington are moving for j jn sto tehK Ex'& R
etamoittt oe .005f6t I foto ,, p,tr in o =
an arbitration treaty between the of improving an(l extol); ng tile wat.erw0rkq a
Dec. 10th iUI,II).AY QN I)ISI .AY ]Dec. loth , united States and Great Britain, system of tilt,
Tosvn and far the eonntrnc•. .i
tion a a trunk sawar and sewage diepoaal
President Roosevelt favors the works in connection therewith; and the fol• a$
.. . - p.pdiGure for the said work%: ;..Yw i 4, 1 JAS9' . 7
mavBLlflnt. low4n aro the a timutes of the proposed ex.
This Stora will be open frg1ll 8 a. m to 9.30 m
1tQ •l?• LAi1'RDVEI'iICNT AND ]LXTENBION GS TPIL - ' • ,d PSI I li '. i. I uLI i,•. „ids, ilI •a r+r,.,.,, I, I1 11%i I
.. Int, 1,9(11, wATER vaRxa aysTuu. .•
--'1`118 revenue Of the Ontario - 2 Artesian Wells..............*1200 oo
each business day until January Bir Compresaor and LX$ SY• DECEMBER
Government for 1902, was $4,291,- tlonwlthwo................. 1500 00 `! M FAfl V
Christmas CHINA
It's a Time
to 083, being a tax of $1.96 per head Reservoir..,,......., IOoo 00$ 3700 00 ti
population. The ex endi- Addition tobuil i g......s..ft, 12°000 ”
Food buy N ture at he same time was $¢ 345,- machinory................... sot, t,4 2 Bargain List.
004 equal to $1.98 per capita. We 2!0 0' 9o0 FO
_ yy = I 1 i' 1 DISTRIUUTtON SYSTEM. Groceries r
Stocks are at their best, find besides unusually = are therefore, going behind. And 2512 ft, 1D in. l4Jains !it $1.42... 3632 24
Below in view of this fact it is not un- 1250 '; 8 " " " 1,10,, 1375 007e are planning for the s ( Presents,
e COli1 fete _and sails actQi' assortment BB1Qw lire a 7150 6 ' • x5. . 5302 50 bl est business that was ever (; j j jlt (m
p y reasonable that those who are x425 ' 4 , ,54. , 4009 30 -- - -- gg Vitt 1 GiAt
few suggestions that we can supply, suitable for elAiming a surplus, should be asked valOvl,Aa a and Boxes...........: 409 oo done by one store in one
• to account for it. Mr; Ross says R;( to ....................... 438 00 New Raisins, s(leCted, iba best month in Wingham. We are
Ghristl>aas Gifts. --- 13638 52 on the market, 3 lbs. for ,-,25c making prices interesting for
his government is two millions stand Pippe and site, ......
ahead ; his treasurer says the gov- Eovneering Fc Contingencies. 2661 4$ New Raisins, selected Valencia$ you. flan to do your shop-
ernment is going behind , and his $2%w 00 per lb.......................8 to 10c ping as early in the month as
Attorney -General demands more you can. Remember every Without doubt, the prettiest
A trunk Sewer re Josephine New Raisins, California, mus• da is bargain da at this , I
- For Father~ For 11'IQtb,er For Sister For Brother money and says it must be ob^ Street from Allred Street to Y g y lace in Win ham is Kerr s quina
south branch of River with Cate], seeded, per pkg...... 13e store so lease don't wait p g
tained by increased taxation.--^ s in, Cellar Drain ,. 3022 00 ' p Room. Weare bus making this
[Bruce Herald, Soweraao Disposal Works, New Currants recleaned Choice until Christmas week to buy y g
Suit of Clothes Sill Dress Silk Gloves Fur Coats consisting of A pair of septic ' ' Y i
Tanks x Sand Filter Beds... 237300 fruit, 3 lbs, for ........ ........ 2Gc your Fano Goode etc. it lace attractive with the ver nets-
Overcoat Silk Waist Silk Mitts Fur Caps 1 Coutipgencies................. Goy qt, y ' p y
may mean disappointment to
Fur Coat Dress Pattern Silk Hdkfs. Overcoats - -- G00o 00 NE v PsaLs—Choice drained, ' pp est and best productions of Eng,
—North Renfrew, where abye- you,
Kid Gloves Total Expenditure•.......... •.$35,600 oa English Peels, Lemon Cit -
election is dated for Nov.26 is a " land, Germany, France, Austria,
,Neck Ties ,Fur Lined Cape Fur Ruffs Umbrellas ' And take notice that a poll of the electors ton and Orange mixed, lb ... 20c {-
Shoes Mantle
Collars Fur Coat I Fur Muffs as ` central point of interest for pro- qualified to vote on said proposed By-law willY_/-Y,
Suspenders be taken by wards on Monday, the fourth day New Figs, choice clean cook- loser f Chula Ware. If you're a
Hose Fur Ruff Seal. Coats Mufflers vinCial politicians. should the of ,January, A.D. 1904, fgom J jo'clohk a.m; till g ' ' z " w w.•
Silk )3dlfs, Fur Muff Persian Lamb Shoes Liberals win, the Government will 5 o'clock p. m. ar the sumo say, and at the ing .Pigs per lb..........•...•... Gc v pretty China Ware, it will
probably be able t0 hall On and places mentioned in the proposed By-law, a
Kid Gloves Table Linen ; Coats Ties p y g copy of which By-law is published hereunder, White Icing Sugar per lb...... •..10C FARMERS* delight you to take a look at our
prolong its existence until the next And take notice that on Monday, the _
Underwear i Table Napkins ;Dress Patterns Collars p g eletenth day of January, A. D. 1901, at eight The kind that does not et
p g stock. Come in even t} oLigh you e
1 Slippers Collar Fancy Collars Cuffs general election. Should the Con- o'clock p.m. the Municipal Council h the Town h&rd and lumpy.
Kid Mitts Fancy Belts servatives win, it would leave the pogednBy la vwbeing carrievent
d by the electors, We pay the highest market do not want to buy.
i Fancy Ties Government with so small a ma- finally conolder the said proposed By-law in Icing Powder in packages-- price for POULTRY, if young
Sid Gloves gid Gloves jority, that work would be practi- open Council. rk's Otticb, Wingham, November , Lemon, and dry plucked. Don't
Silk Mitts Chocolate Vanilla
Silk I3dkfa. call impossible. The constituency 26th, 1903, Strawberry, etc., per pkg... 10c scald your poultry. We want
Y P y J. It. FERGUSON, Clerk.
0 f14\•
has had a mixed record. In 1890 _ Jelly Powder .....I ....... .......100 undrawn andpluckedDinner Sets, fancy china and
ndr n a dry ,
Linen Towels a Conservative namesake of the = young, fat poultry and will
Canpeta Rags BY-LAW NO. • . • • Lemon, Orange, Vanilla, decorated stone china aint- r
Pine -
give big prices. p i
present Conservative Candidate - Chert Calf -foot Pine- ed
' . _ Yi ,gold stippled and gold
carried the riding by a majority of A Bylaw to authorize the Issue of deben- 1 apple, etc. "'--' traced, $9.00 to ..,....•......$14.00
88. In 1894 Mr. Barr, a Liberal tures of the Town of Wingham to the We want Good Butter in
Mince Meat ...........................lea
was elected by 320. In 1898 Mr. amount of $35,600, for the purpose of im- rolls, and Fresh Eggs, White
`Phomas White ran against Mr, proving and extending the waterworks Beans Dried A les Dry Tea Sets in fancy china, paint,- 1
RITCHIE CAMPBELL system of the said Town, and for the con- = ' pp ' ed, gold stippled and gold '"
Barr and wan by 153. Shortly struction of a trunk sewer and sewage Hard Wood etc., and will .•,56.00 _ f
COCOA. ' traced ........................ .
afterwards the constituency became disposal works in connection therewith. -A pay highest market prices.
CCK WINGRAM vacant, and again changed its alle- -- Falter Baker & Co.'s, Beets- Oats taken in exchange for ...
Whereas it Ia deemed expedient that the t z Oatmeal. Tea Sets, printed .................$3,00
glance by electing Mr. Munro by a waterworks system of the Town of Wingham = dOrp 6, Epp s, Webb s,
majority of 469. His death short- should be improved and extended so as to Vanhouten's and Imperial,
Provide the ratepayers firs and citizens ar thereof c t _y,, , c ' l } [ =fit } `
ly a#ter, again left the constituency with more efficient ers protection citiziandwith f Toilet Sets, new shapes, new
vacant. The contest will be short supply of water for domestic use and for other = decorations very handsome
purposes: and also that a $ranee constructed
and - CHOCOLATE. printed and painted, Old
but exceedingly sharp, and at prea^ sewage disposal works should pe oonsttucted RUBBERS, ETC. p p t g
in connection with said waterwbrks system,
ent the issue is doubtful. And whereas the total estimated cost of - , , A, + stippled and gold traced, 1.
the proposed waterworks improvement and ' Cowan's and Mott's sweetened ten piece sets, $4.00, $5.00, $5.50
i extension is $29,600, and the total cost of the and unsweetened per k Remember Otlr Sale of
THE RDYAZ GROCERS proposed trunk sower and sewage disposal i i? p g•
--So far, Hon. Mr. Stratton, E. works is3 which
making altogether the sum of = ................•.... 5e and 10c Heavy Rubbers for men and Toilet Seta, printed, 10 pieces
$35,600, which Is the amount of the debt in. -
F. Johnston and Mr. Crossin have tended to be created by this Bylaw; and in Fry's MIlk Chocolate ..........,.1GC boys' y.QQ t0 ........................ .2G
order to pprovide the said sum for the said
made no attempt to prosecute Mr. purposes it will be necessaryto issue debout-
f Callaghan for perjury. Callaghan ores of the said Town of Wingham for the g Boys heavy Rubbers,
+ Toilet Sets+ made clear and distinct; char ea said sum of $35,600, payable as hereinafter snag proof, regular Opal Goods in light blue,
g , provided. _ SHELLER NUTS. $1.15 for..............$1.00 brown and sunset deeora-
And Subareas the total amount required i
and all that has been done so far -`--- Men's Snag Proof Rub- tions, Puff Boxes, Handker-
by "The Municipal Act' to be raised annually
A very nice Toilet Set, with small embossed is a simple denial. This will not by spcolal rate for paying the said debt and - - New shelled Almonds, hers ,
intorest is the sum of $2034.35; whereof $1424.00 a , reg. $2.10 for $1.75 Chief Boxes, Trays, Olive
patterns, of six pieces, consisting of Basin, convince the electors that Calla- is to be so raised annually for payment of new shelled Walnuts. Men's Overshoes, 2 bac- Dishes, Pickle Dishes, Vas-
ban's charges are false. To rode- interest Burin the currency of the Said de-
Ewer, Cov d. Chamber, Mug and Soap g g p bentures, and610.35 in to be raised an
Also new Nuts in sbeil—Wal- kle, reg. $2.25 for $12,00 es, Celery Trays, Pin Trays,
......... $1.50 cute Callaghan is the easy and cot- for the purpose of coating a sinking fund for nuts, Almonds, Filberts, Men's Snowexcluders, Candle Sticks Jewel Boxes
Dish—for .... . ............... reCt way to clear the parties named the payment of the
debt secured by the said , ,
3' P i debentures. "1 Peanuts, mixed, per lb ...... 15c regular $11,80 for.. -.$1.60 etc. etc,
if Callaghan's charges are false. And whereas the amount of the whole 7
A choice Toilet Set, printed and heavy gold i rateable property of the Town of Wingham
The Seaforth Expositor correctly according to the last rpvised assessment roll ;6
stippled, ten pieces --for ................ 3.50 remarks :— thereof IS20,337, L III!,2I10 , 1441111111 ls; IN., W. 011118 l6, Y uIIYA.11:4pu Ids
And w ereas the amount of the existing
The head of the Justice Department debenture debt of the said municipality Is
A beau$ 1n enamelled ware ver delicate] $110083.97, of which no part is in arrear.
y , y y is the Attorney -General, the, col- rilerotoro the Municipal Council of the me
Shaded with heavy gold tracing, ten pieces league of one of the accused parties, Corporation of the Town of Wingham enacts
and it is his duty to take the neces. as foIIows:- A T'Ail1i0>t].S SCHOOL
• • • • - • • - • . • • awry steps to clear nig colleague 1. The sun, of $29 600 shall be expended b
-for ................ 4.25 y
the Town of Wtngwor in improving and said
, ,•, ,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, , ,,, even from the taint of suspicion, and tending lift, waterworks system of the said
this can only be done by prosecuting Town, and the sum of $6,000 expended in the
pp . the person guilty of making the false construction of a trunk sewer and sewage q!! (t!}ktltTyk4l(t1ytR 9t fj (l4tlt!ll4y lfj Tltltq) ltq NG
F1'.rS l F S disposal works in the said Town.
e charges, if they are false. There 2, .For the purpose of raising the said sums..
can be no -conflict of testimony" of $29,600 and 86,600, debentures of the said STANFORD ONT.
either, as the statements in the Cal- Town of Wingham to the said amount of
These fish are fresh caught this winter and ship- ' , $35.600, in the ,vl,ole, shall be issixed in sums + Alar
g l laghan affidavit are clear and dis- j large, wide-awake, working, hustling
of L000 each on the first dap of June A. D. i1 ( n / r¢sult•producing school -the best busl-
ped dI1'eC>; t0 115. y0U Can Imagine how much tinct, and the Only testimony re 1904, each of which debentures shallbe dated a /(, i ilii lRilj\J! nags college in Canada to -day. Gtradu-
quired to prove them false is the on the day of the issue, thereof, and shall be Y , ales always et positions. This college
better the flavor 1s, tbanahfish,, Caught in the hot testimony of three witnesses, viz.: payable on the first day of June A. D. 1934, at // yr places many of its g
3' the o#Hco of the Treasurer• for the time being, .• % business collo t,s asgtc teachers. White inter
Stratton, Johnston and Orossin• of the said Town of Wingham. y Tot. opens Jnn. 4th. Catalogue fret,,
WeatbPr, frozen and put away in cold' storage. 3. Each of said debe,itures shall be siizbed o g
Stratton, Johnston and Crossin by the Mayor of the said Town of Wingham Can
principal. are available on short notice. That or by some other person authorized by By-law s i►to sign the same, and also by the 11reasuror
" no action is taken will be consid- thereof, and the Clerk of the said. Town of
i y Grilmn.
y Wingham shat] attach thereto the Corporatb i r 6 .✓✓J axed b the electors as corrobora- goal of am hall attach
4 ,
• tive proof of the truthfulness of the 4, 'The said debentures shall bear interest attends the
at the rate of four per cent. p.r anuum, paya- + i SUCCESS graduates of
Callaghan affidavit,, ble annually g, the office of rho Treasurer, for See
the time being of the said Town of Wingham, 161. Ate-
on the thirty-first day of December in each
and ever year during the currency thereof,
—The Legislature's Assessment except lave last payment of interest which • + Y
shall become due and payable on the day on
Committee has been Considering which the debentures become due and paya- the advantage to bel gained by purchasing On flan 190 Linter Term 130 illi.
ble; and the said debentures shall have e
the question of railway taxation, attached to them coupons for the payment of a Stove or Pange made at home. No i i Beg
Ins, leading lines of railway were the said interest, which coupons ,ball be
signed by the said Mayor and Treasurer. --Two Ooursex—
itllt t lttlPlttt1 Y 1 i Y 111141 1tt tii43tt 111t3 it11t tt ? represented by counsel and the 5. During the currency of the said deben- vexatious delays waiting for repairs, etc.
Y3r•"- ..•,.o tures Ism shall be raised annually b sqecial Commercial slid Shorthand.
ate- -,gym whole question has been , well- rate on all the rateable properLq of the Town + a
threshed out, So far, Canadian > $ Mega for Colic a Darnel,
.e -•• ...o, of Win ham the said sum of 1424,00 for the g f
as"^- S'alli
'and the of iut.r f 10 the said d urpos of T T g C. A. PLEMIN(i A. L. McINTYR13
railways have escaped a just share and the said sum of ndfo5, for the purpose of fir/ j Yjof taxation to which the are sub- creating a Sinking fund ler the pa meat of trio }?resident Seo' .
i Y debt hereby secured, making in all the suns of
0 e BCte in th0 United iStates. For $2034,35, ai drained annually by spaY1 tato/ OV nd LIFE FIRE
C- as afotesaid Baring each of rho said 30 en a . +i {% ge r inatanCe :—In the States Of M1C11i- 6. This Iiynaw shall coma into operation and Cl' ' take Direct on the day of the passing hereof.
--1-0 . gun, Indiana and Illinois, the 7, The votes of the cloetors of the said Town
Grand Trunk pays 1n taxes on 333 of Wingham shall be taken on this By-law at
: ; the following times and laces, that is to say, are guaranteed to be absolute] the best Lowest, rates consistent with
.., miles of road $185,036, an average on Monday the fourth dpay of January, A. D.
• 1904, commencing at nine o'clock in tab tote. Y absolute aecilrity. All claims
o of $551 per mile. In Ontario on noon and continuing till five o'elock in the rnaCl And t0 belie, Oil, roast OI' bl'OII, + promptly settled
2,653 miles of road it pays $133,- afternoon of the same day, by the following a
p deputy returning o icerg: 1 better than'any other. ►bt"Ier COser1S
SALE552, an average of only $50 per In Ward 1, at Albert Ford's Office, Minnie
mile. At the same time in Michi- sire.., by James Plenty, Deputy Returning !i
,- of8.ortorsaidward1. ACCIDENT PLATE CLASS
gan it carries passengers for two In Ward 2 at the Advance Office, Josepph-
"Ow ine Street by Theophilus Hall, Deputy ire-
,. _ cents a mite ; in Ontario it Charges turning Ofllcer for said ward 2.F MADE BY
T. Mills has decided to three cents a mile. Other differ- In `yard 3, at the Town Hall, by J. B. Per. + r r '
., ,. gusori Deputy Returning Officer for said r The Western Phu(' dr Co.,imited
...., ,,..,,. enesa might be noted but this is a ware's. y +
.w- clear out his stack of Boots, sample. gIf the labors of the' As- in Ward 4, at John LougheCd`s house, Jos•f
p ephine StreoE by William Robertson, ilepitty WINGHAM ONT.
sessment Committee result in these Returning Oflioor for said ward 4,
-- Shoes and Rubber goods Inside ^•0
S. OnSaturday the second day of January
AV large Corporations bearing a pro- A.D. 1904 the hfayor of tut, said Town shall t
of 30 days. Ever pair is mark attend at
the Town Hall in tab said Town at w.
portionate chars Of taxation, 1110 ten o'oIonk tri the forenoon to appoint persons Wingham Ont., 111arclr 13th 11303.41
people will be the gainers. Al- to attend at the various polling places afore. •-
• ^; s said and at the 11nal summing up of the votes
.... read the work. has borne fruit The Western, Foundry Co., Limited, .,4
ed dawn to a clearing ride`--` y , b the on behalf interest-
" " " • d in and promoting or opposing the passing Win bulla Ont,
•^- for the Counsel for the railways e p • g
y of this B dew eros ectiVoly
dNCost is no object—they ect•-- they must O. Have virtually acknowledged that 9. The ClII of tie sald'rown of Wingham
✓ ^•. shall attend at the said Town Hall at ten Gentlemen -,--It gives me great pleasure to write you a► ^ ..e
Call and lack through the stock the time has Colne when they must O'clock in the forenoon on Wednebday the (if the great satisfaction which I am receiving from the
g ) ^ : pay their share of the taxes, but sixti, day of January, A.D.1004, to sum up the use of Your "Crown Huron" Range, I find it most •:= °
w •+• .,,,.,. number of votos given for And against this ,.r.,.• ,,,-'•^•, ,
•7 +• the object to the Leavy taxation I3y-law, rCUNOMICAL bYT BURL and to keep a fire in continuously •w^
and L ani tui"ei you ill b, 7 your .' ',.. y f y Dated at the Town Ball In the Town of both day and night with ani even degree of heat that is .M ( j
t J J Jt to +which tho roads are subject in tyingham,thistwentythirstdagofNovember. easily controlled for any Cooking. in mgexperiencewit11 w We are sole
r•^ the States. The object also to A. D. 1903, ' the "Crown Roron" I have been unable to fled a fault «-•
Fall slid Winter tau a prices y Mayor, y with it and heartily recommend it to any ane desiring a
the assessment being left to the clerk.
""- munici alities and suggest a fixed reliable Range. *a (I, • „ +
that Were never heard of before
municipalities, gg Tq► ' CJLI" yours very truly, > a t✓ ¢.
sum per milt,, The form or basis -
p 'fake notice that tho abov Is n true copy E J, H, BURNS.
in Winghaw, of Laxation is not yet decided, but of a proposed By-law whtch iia, bpQon ' _
. into consideration, and whip]} will be final y i \ - - : ....• . ., e••••• 1r' r 1ya, t t6y, R
_ wH1R silt 1\J Wi lid
,7.. it looks as though the principle pasaed by the Council of the Muniotpttlfty (in ;
would revail, the event of the aseel,t of the electors beipg '
T GOODS sixth da bt Noratpub, alio 1003, and th ined thereto) after ono month fromtthhe - 7 'LT per'
_ i L/ p
ce, the
first publication
Which In
iCat onaW n le athetwenty,+4 + tt ' :ri
Ar . .•.1w b + votes OL fhb e1CCtors DL lith Said day
-. A.
a ; Sob
.. - , „y FOOD -w i ours ani$ kpinbeA therein fted.da and at thea ( fails$ be Cleared Out 2nd dayl . A fill] IlIle Town (lork'a omco, Wingham, Novbmbor 1V1I111 }.
- -' Dizzy? Headache? Pain 23rd, 1003.
.; • to select from. I A 1frllal SON, cleric. , ,,. „ ., .
back o your eyes? Itla your ,
Ii ►er! Use .4 cr* Pills, J. Bugg S For Sale only by
Gently laxative, all vegetable. to call on retail trade and agents for +
x oleyeAdo., manufacturing j house having well- / / % ( 1 Campbell
MILLS fold > ar 60 years. L,►yoelt,zKsng• abiielied buatnsat,; local tarPtforyt '> N'L71 /"1 a,.MINI-
To A. w.., y straight salary 1$20 paid weekly and gam••
Want y0llr ititoaStaCil or pf~ rt1 00 -
expense motley advanced; j previous ,y ` ,g y ,, , `,y `,y , 1 L1 t 11 1
pCaulifal brbrlvtt 0 IlebLbilllClS [iso exerience unnecessary • pjolt on per• _i l '!' 1 +++ Yr, p1^i J.,l i+," ' f' v+ 1 ++ - TIM ))Pt1GG1ST
' K l A S Byer manLdd;es ed stlet 1?inCa$ir ,N,.
°elf•addrestled envelope. Sn erintrll•7
t7tty dPf,t "1`rialeit5r9, 005 Motion iiilding,