HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-12-10, Page 3FN
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, �111111"
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'L � ' - . I . �, . ---- -41 - �, � I � �_ I 1- .. , - , - --- _____,____ _,:�_ ,—.--. ________._ __ � I int,ro heing intitracted to alss!st tlto . .. � �� I - . - . I I - L I I .. —_ , - :., , , , —_ - -, " . � 1. .
__� � ___�__ ,. _ . - , _ - , _: = — _�,:_:_==_ . ,
Ap It ntnoullt.j to uuti.ijj�p nwro or 14-tm. i"eaker 11111111bor'j, and tho wbole === �_-�____-�_;� _=;�_ -_---,�
V'AWWA. -ft�"ltlll, -41-� VA -t- 4-'%1'4l4" "e' Ill 41n dillp IL boll " itilkler lvater, With Your Hlreakf astil hping acconap.tuted by tour bwt,ts, � . I i
it ', , �0, 3 Z; -A,$ milev, Ile.
W,11,lt The first lutag
�11 �116
'. lil.lo t 4 �p. Ck.
. . alptnIll a.,Ln Ilf,ar Witi, yo ir Dinner, ty'ven Ilayama, and XOtsubo, WW3 I .
SEED INYLYWATION tel(q),l'ollically. ��Iorvlvrd Oil boLh " , 1.
recolvero, willch are .
, c,unnectorl by Innuinr4t. th, Wpm of the 011111,011t, XV14
. RESULTS FOR 1003 V 'LIP, but 41 "'HE LABOR WODT 0,
$ $ A a 11,1111 1114) two
uldm or 11w Voss, , p:-rfornied ivitIl"qut wtell,
* 0 whea wIL11 tilv wheel houNe. TheNO Witi, votir .5upper th't lwxt Otago, from - 11:0.1sulto to
1-%"ft,,A%W.%,'%e-%, .fteqw,.ft,.qe,..%,_&,, 4 jI,ecelveltlie vibratloti'le.4 train the boll .. 9= bm t,;., , olit tiv,l swillinlex .6 ollt of their I - —
I �ii.'tbo olde of I . t.oJrq,. and after covering an0ther . -_ .
banging In tllo� lvatel, 9 I . . yourbs had to de- /tOR(C.i-,.*=Z:w���;�---=;�;----- , �, _�14��.A;�__ �_,.
DepartrunA a: Agricultural, I ttlo lightitilp. The navigato I mile four of tit() �-�_, - -
I -pleen to,),;,, 101ar" . sist. All t1vt rest reacliefl. Inamura -
Vowla s�ilonays l3ranulf, only, to put tlle� ear 1 .3 1 I � - _ 4, having covered 7 1-3 19 All, � 11 - ,,, . I I . I I .1, . . I
1 F__,47_��,
-_ -
; " I . 1003. and ascortmin on Ny,111ch side the vlb- I I I , - � B .1 I tit 1.1.4 1 4 - ;,,,,er Allot recelve �Vj, cents a dity 4nd
� Ottawa, Nov. 19, . . rattone I.c. ,the loudet% In Order tO - I I - I i wileo. ,r-'Iviman, Z,xas. t.I.Pi-Me Opera troard.
50 I I .. �. I I By this time s blo�v- tars 1113ye.organizP4. . atriko Ili tile
know, t e dirlaiti n of tile lightlIc'UP tile Ivind wa,
91110 cor.tinne" Juvetalgatiorl into 111-11 . I Iners'
tll;u col.l,iltjons under Which a,111PI'l- I and lll,.q owil position In the tog, with - Ing. very strong, and being dead WIlaire, O.,,prluters have 110ell The fir.9t in
comparative accuracy. , . Illieful tile difficulty and labor of Ir1rantC,d a ril, ,�,3 Or 10 per cent in hi.st*ry (If ITtall Ilas beell Inaugur.
� ,
cuttl3rni seeds ar,) sold In Canada ftuB , , A %wimining was ImmPli"01Y CtIN"ne0, wages. a -Led and ,30.-x minpro employed at
For flailing, vassels it ball 11"OlvOr - � I I aldo
been given a, n4ther ext(fillilvU, kici-410 11'aa been, 'ProvLodea, and this Is used . -1. ".,. I .11 - NeverthelcHs, t1IO XTRU1,1111139 flft'�&m Th,are are 000,(.01 perm,no 14 tl'O thfi, Utall V401 clompally,o 'Suitay
olurhsg 1503, '131li rul=t Of tile work aloo to �et more delicate Intonations InCIR lield on their way, though tile (Jult'd states depondent oil the, colliery, have decided tO 90 Out Ill
00140 L)y 111V 1'kmi Litvisitoll during . l vesliel, Tile 'value of CEYLON teei. Pure and Delicious. Bla�lk, MiXed hantil acconi.pallying them, were In ativet cars for support. loYmpatily wIth tile sti,JklaiC inluerfi;
:L9o,., )vq,14 j.,ilb.iolled Ili bulletin No. I i,R put to rk good dangcx of 'being upset. By the Lillie Non, ,.,.00,.) m(n ara an
f tile current. youll, the apparatue WV or 14atural Green. Ing yuki-at, about another g� ly , w Idle by of Colorado.
& Ill title iillr4lg o teet recently!, w,hen the steamer Isytol grocers, Of rli-aell' the I adual Clawing of the pollcuyil 1 TWID C-ol,orailo intilow bavo brought
(, . Uou AJA E.11) llunk�red alld twelvia . " mledloqdpileA�0ts. 215c, 300,400,400 POIL 11), ioro fell cut, fLnd 0111Y Iron, wolk.�, of Philadelphia. , $nIt against tho povernoir of tillit
Oil J t 041, Jaitim a WhItney was appivac,111n. Sold only Iii, se . � . I � . -_ I . mile, olght 11 *0 .
suiut;ies ui gross, C'Over, flux, vor- I tile Boston ilglits-lilp on ber return . . . � I _- - . soyon continued SWIM1111119- Thas Qlasa,W.owers tit X it)OArAO, .kus- State p,I)d intlitleL or(loor4 for $10%.
lid gal -dell yegotabie I --- - I, -LI rr!ctlion han .
I from NOW York. Tho lightliouee was 0 r lit,lti, out as far oLs Yamazakto whence o0o each, alleging thilt tl)ey were
cal, root, crolP A, . Vierefore. becareful thrit nothing I tlIQ Pfl t wid"ll t'( (�volutio!l 0 thi, fl�qgls tit tho point of arrival t"alla, will form a irillon to be pat-
see(is )j,ero Recured jrc)m merullauts probably PIftY(XI In t� 0 ir American methods- con jacd in a military prison with -
I obscureol by, rain and fog. Thanks to In range beyond your ,carget. i.(�So.lt arti.,10 would as_ telm-z!d &tit, I I I
in till 1'.'arts or .0anada ,And tested I In LlION11iinia lind the people tit strike
- in ad. I the 41gil'al apPri,raina, the captain tin, %,lat� high ground is dry ground, our planet. The PI Proportion If the gwim.mers chicago ittesa-,inger boys ILIVe 101'93- out due cause during tbo rece
I 1 IU f lil�e I Aor' t ry, ttawa got 1319' and ilialiest- to caull) on, even If you be expandNi to) 111111110 Hplul,ip(l to receive � I
gitloll to these, one Iluodred and medlately fleard the bell and -jyood and water aume I Ivere To attempt to touch further I vo-41 - liscerned at a (118tancoofled a, union lind secured a charter tit cripple Croek.
dirwtion. It �vasiiot ikntil five Min- - bave to carry tills pullit, but tho, argilincilt I bo" ( olence from tile American Fedar4tio;ln of La. - There has Jr.on,4 large Increaeo of
t-,venty-five samples of grass and . . on about 'Ta"I a mile. But thO vi . , ,
- ates after that lie heard the light- distance. ( fenial.9 employees In lows, in recent
o!ovdr seeds were analysed for farril i islitylls. Whistle for the � first time.- TI'lat the, woodr, are full Of good would havP Seemed weaker t1lall It of th-el wind and waves uow proved bar.
I is it it 1141(l teen witiro,ly Passed over
,its. We find that In . God gave you brains W , - -y- lit Au9trian breweries the daily years, the total betweell tile years
era and m3roblo, � . Lopila- (Weeklyl. I things, and Elar. too Inuetv for two of the part
Oatarlo list grade t1motIVY sold for 001, I you might find them. Tillorercre, -George L. D.trwill, LL. I),, in I . Including young BrInkloy-aud they llours of work are ten to elevell . 1896 ajid 1002 'boing 59,777 per
$5.81) per hundred; ficcolid grade tot' -1 � . . . that . 1, CoRe and hands, per's Magazine for pet,oniber. tile boats, having covered the monthly Payment � varies from cent. The average worlt day for
$5.-2. H14,&1bWH r � ____ I entered and
$6.24, and, lower grade for , . �on BA13Y IN '%VINTER. use YOUC eyes, ea,ro lien I about '10y, rallas. $11-1 to Va. tile lemale emploYeOs is Dine
, 0 — T1lkLt the only thing to do w 'ttles Ill tlli`� Thn remaining ftve, ace
In rude red clover L, got loot is to sit .down. and f tgure THEY BANISH PAIN. -If it Will BE 111111�-Htla-nl Dmpan!od The V�Ited states Carpenters bave one�hmlf hours.
O�nc,b,ec fIrst g babYl leh 0I 1`11L� clIt'"t ur 1)11""� "I'll �1111% ex y. thq- tivo. professors, rea grown to 1,690 local unions, with a
� t1ill,t pvi,ry twlAt pr tktril tut. - It . Trammorp at Old Osceola, near
u $15.50; second , 70 fl;er� met, a .branch of Osceola CQH8QIldnt-
111V grado winter Is coming on when .11�� your back trail -find out bow -M ched Tell-
$v1,1.88, and lower grades $1.5-1.5, . will Of neccesIty be confined to the, yell got to wboro-, ;ruu are. Above at.'* 80 stiff * )"'Ilt"(11 "ll'"' IHII'%',I, at ��','o cVeloak In 1,10 a total memberALIP On July 1, of 167, -
tile na,ture hicuser a great aeal. Unless 11,18 con- cruelatIng palli, tile " I) & I,-" 1
in these calculations le close confine- don't get paillo-Wicken and go it ter its about the Mfl%* illill.,; tilint NvIll produce ro6il, havIng performed tile (118( ,.,._;q� members, I ed mine, have struck and the mine
of tile impurities contained ill the atituilion is rugged it 'quick rkqlof ujill b�liixisll tll';o 141ili. I
. I I Ills health. An blindly. Xec,Pcool &lid l4m your WAS. �anec� in 7 hwarm and ,to Ininuteri. lqncillno wDrkero In Laneashlre, Is closed down. Tile trammers do-
samploss was, of coul,si), not takeil ment will 130on tell at should have a change of . . � . - it ivaN certainly a very i-emark- Eug:and, to tile number of 800, have ' mand that three of their fellow mem.
Into conidderot amples call- � n Tab- , �1'4' You -es always lit camp - Fukuzawa Presentoi 05 . her's be reinstated.
tioll. S� ,occasional dose of Baby'o Ow ol�y woolen clott 1:10%," to Get alett. atilf, siviin. 'Afr ,struck against a 21 per cent. re Twp hundred
taining 90 per cent. or over at good lots WL11 a6t� as E6 safeguaid during 8, that You can keep Comfortable. A HIlver medals to -the succesaful tuetbon In their Wages. I 11nd fifty men are Ulle.
. ,yet . -wilderricos represents I -IY I
ecod were rated as firSt-OlOWs i the, wi.raer months. It begun before . in't, ,it tile plilladell)i4a; Press. o*ml liat Ito re. -Japan Wool, 1411,11-
I INaMplos containing beitiveen so and tit() winter arrives mothers ,can be the, extreme end of human misery, 'Allso Angles-Tbis Opw gown b7 I Membership in the Journeymen -, Tho ,strike of the union molders
90 Par cent ris second grade.; and reasonably certain 'that their little unless 110 knows just whera be can mine doesn't give me the graceful Clipped. 111acitsuiltha' national organization - tit the, Rarig plant was officially de.
� i li,ealth �*iring , figure tile tailor 011111110d It would' liaiw Increased an average of over 2,- clared off at a meeting of the union
fmiliplas contaIning lose than 80 Per ones will retalp good dry out quickly. q hen that gets In the -e last year. I h0l on Saturday. The mim were
. the niontlis of Indoor confinementi, ,111lat you Bbould take even better I'll bavo,to have It'all,ered. Y04 It,s a w1c, � 000 per month in tit
as IL 10W grade. Ples Of Baby's Own TablOt" cure Lndigeation, care of yourself in the woode than MiBB plump101gh-.Why don't u . smart set, here were 512 strikes In France looked out 21-1 months ago, and since
i, break� up, colds, at Ilome, I)ecause, you are not used take It to Padden & ,-%. ? . i Lots of men only get religion when T
Two, hundred tuld OIN gamy ' . last year, Ill reBuItIng In an in- that time the Plant has been oper-
timothy iseLd wevo, analyzed and of oweeten the OtOmILOIJ
these, 84 contatiled 00 per cent. or prevent croup, regitlate tile bowels to irregularities, and are more apt miss Angles -Are they yrur tailors? thoy got sick. cripase in wages, 18-1 were compro- ate,Ll by ne-,n-union mon brought
ever of pure and germinable seeds. add keep babyt healthy and happX, to Let stok unless you Watch Your' misfi Phimp-lelglit-oll, no, they're A man oeidom lots hinis-If loose un- i'alsed, and 217 were unsuccessful. there from ather cities.
' ke that Concecrillug the Tal�lets, Mrs. G. G. leterem. tit lie gets tight,
Out of 330 6amples of 11101 I self. upho . Membership In tile Journeymen There Is a movement on foot to
. .
were analyzed Only Olx contained 90 Sawyer, Clarenceville, Quo,, SaYS: lrii(Lt everyone should do ble share I Any -,vork Is easy enotigh after you gli'lZation has
yar of pure and ger- il BabF�?s Owal Tablets forl Or cj�mp Work willingly, and thit, -a ,�Iict . Blacksmithle nation org Increase the number of members of
per cent oP 0 "I have 110e' Z re in o I amp Running sorai' tile outcome ofne once get down to It. ge Increased on an average f over %- I thn executive council of the Amer,
jy little girl and find ithat tbe.-v a lazy Or UelPlOsq Person rr bad blood, Ixave % Ijey,�I_Iftlllng balm Iii The spilled milk of human kindne
inktable h4d. V I . . , s -words and 000 por month in the last year, I lean Federation of Labor to eleven.
Two hundred and six samples of I 'Elie ver,yi beist medicine that ail mi�ane bad tempers, cus . Dr. Agnew's OlIttlavilt Will Ilea' the n1011 Is worth crying over. ' Illery owners
red clover were Obtained from small I give tier." � . . . . general mutiny. Do your share and stubborn Cases. 800tilleS 1rdt3ti" ltl"108t There Is JuRt as much worry over, The Typographiertl 11n:01 Of X'11- i Lancashire, Eng., co,
dealerfl,* and of these 8,0 samples i BabY`ig Ownt Tablets are sold at 26 don't grumble. I Be Cheerful, no Matter neapAig has a difference of an hour's have asked tile Coal Trade Conollia,
per cent, or over of cents a box t)V all quediclao, dealers. w be instantly after firm t ii,pplicatloll. it refleves money as over the lack of It. ek between them and iton Board for a reduction In the
contalned 00 ba,t happens, and if you can't cLIlitchlilgAu(Iburililigskitidiseasetill',Ld(tY, It is sometimes better to *stay labor per we contract with em- - pre,sent rate oif.w9ges of 10 per
I pure and gernihiable seed. I or ,ma,yl be bhA d1rairt 'by addressing oll,eerful, then take the back trail, for respilesisi3to5ughtS. 350entl--39- wlilare you are thaln to jump at c6n- tlielr new union i cent. a .
It is well to note that a large * Thle Dr. (Williams, Mbdiciae. Co., you.11ave llo.busi'ness in comp. -Field It cu _____ -_ cluslons. plovers. I
tion of these samples ob- ; Brockville, Ont. IllenleMber t-1110 are and Stream, . I , I I , The consumption Fp-clalist It Is his The atrike of the :L,-). picker -room - A Petition b&B beet' presented to
=for Investigallon were pur- ! gnara.titeed to copt4in no pOlsonque I Endurance Swilin in Japall. coffers at the expense of his cough-. men of the, Chicopee Manufacturing the Eenate by the Cigarmakers' Un -
chased from Irret-ponsible dealers In druge-thOYcan'll0t possUbly t Company is off and all the men wIll loll of Vincennes, Ind., asking thO
.10 barml The Birth Of It Sittellite- � Under the auspices of Mr. Fuku. ers.
and small towns. and alwa�y)s do Igood.. � 11 . � I IL I toTh probably bave returned to work by re K
TillageR , Tile planets Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, ,aw,a, proprietor of the Jijk Sli in- t e b,utico man seldom attempts j :tion of tLe �a,opofilttea In the
I I - ack � - farmer who takes in W418y. Cuban reciprocity treaty providing
Ittlileilient. summer ' t1w, I stop str:k�s for a 20 per cent. reducti
British Seed. Uranus, and Neptune have their Rat Pa, -a remarkable swimming feat bo - rd, a r s. and I on on all
, Seven flamplea Or Alaike And four- solfitary Co. ellites, and it would not be unnatural recently took place at UaYalna. ?'whm a fellow, pats up a bluff with I A suddcm alarm to lias ' goods, for ttio rea,son that it is be-
teou of Rod. olover seeds 'Wero ob- h y heard from to.olaosify our own moon as simply were Pupils roe justified in to avoid demaxids to employers, ] . lieved to be unfair, and play's Into
-etall soodsmen In'lareat . )jects with Tye chief performers a girl she may throw- y James OlConni 11 In- ,
tained from I my 'boys or two ways to , Wen sounded b
three of Alsiko aud I ve Ono more In a series of ol rBe DL the Kelo QIjuku, but with Lhem Ing him over. dent of the Xa�hln- 1 -the handq Of the cigar trust. - !
Britain. Of (these, which men have sought to SLI precisely s1milar 'bistot-les, Or con Nfas- Blobbs - Miss Oldvirl says you ternational presi
1- ivere some outsiders, includIng', I I I At a, meeting of tile Chicago Fed -
five of Red Clover were raid to be their rN when long In tile dark the oaxth Is similar In that.1t is a ters Johin Brinkley. The Project was In self- istW Union' La,bor reoently jendorse-
avoll I ul Hayama to EnosUi( ,kissed tier. globbs-Merely During the Year 1902 Japlaness- Ia4 oration 01
Catiadlan grown. f2ho analysef? of tile calls for punishment. They are, planet attended by a satellite, but to swim froi defence, my boy. went wa,s given to reoolumendations
. I
Canadian Alulke allowed an average believe, mu011 practised and well text-b,oks of astronomy scarcely a of about elglitmiles W,Igwag-And does the story end borers emp'.oyed in tile JILIlwailan
of 95 6 ,per cent. of pure a,ud ger- Down in prison. one is to take u Burriclent empliasis to the fact 111'al a diRtano ; to combat the Aaa0clation Of Em-
- -
, k c ffi;,� In a direct line. aat in order to happily? Henpeekke-No; they get Lslands, sent nearly $s,000,000 in ployers. The federation adopted a
mlna_�i or tbO pin Into the punishment ell whth that the earth and moon really do .
three samples of Alsike, which were ivert tile wea y y from other planets and' avold any extreme change Of teal- married In the last chapter. money to their relatives and banks 1 resolutiGn providing that hereafter
,),,on, T,ben you d y differ widel In Japan.
- Was 04-- that pItC 311 darkness .by gatellites. The ea,rth is, In fact, only pera-ture, suoh, as woulLI be exper- - . I no organization identified with thel
eaAd to bo) EngliRli grown. hours Ill heavy as tile moon, lenced In deep wtater, it was decid- The age at death of -work'ngmen n I Federation shall sign an agreement
8 Inies as Men and Eternity. a,bout t!q years, I that will PTovent a Syla,pathieLic,
27 per cent. and the one German throwing It up In tile al", u.nd whell 0 t ' ed to ninke tho journey by coast( - East London Is
�, e It fatt"B you litilit for it r o -do districts ,
. Includea In the lot oil hands wl,e,,a,s Saturn is 4,600 times as
groNvot sam cent. Of pure and - glvo, V itself I)y Ing, v,-hich involved a long detmi For 1whalt is it that Dr. Wallf0e whereas In the well -t I
- contaIned 84.72 per a .and ,thus . ourseLf an heavy Ila Its satellite Titan, ' strike. .
ger Illable, Reeds. The latter sample But al"I the Officer far tile. r1lirgeat satellite In the solar and increased thia total distance to ,,Icka us to be'teve, end hits -written or West London the average age ,is )rh
in occupation. , e eleven miles. this MOE.t par;alogisl,l�l a; books In I lNew South Walesi oug t to be the
contained thirLeen specieg at foreign may know of this hunit for the Pill system. It seems, then, that there som -one started, lncludingtwO (he attemilt to prove? It Is 'that, about 55 years. ideal country, if universal unionism
,seeds. . and take it f rium you, so porbapt, illay be reason to� suspect that the TNventy 4tation. Messrs. nit sonic distant perlod-and Dr. Wal -I Tile Amerlean Broth�rboold of C- and rederal ownerathip of public util-
Tho average purltY'Of the fourteen tile other Practice Is more sure to made of genesis of a satellite rela- PIDressors of n m,Ont Workers, orgallivea at 8�n
sampler, of Ro(I Cloyer seeds obtakil- kep tha brain f,t*om madness. That ti:vely as la,rge as the moon may have INlizaguchl and Sato, but, tile pro- la.30 makes much cd its distance, as Fratiolsic) recently, has bien grant- . itles are Iletermilillig faotors. In this
1�;,_Ibe RpPiting of ard fessor,Q entered the boats almost - an argumen't In bla ,favor -this unt- land of tile free all unions are
od Lit Grant Britain, wau 08.6, ail words backw, - differed materially -from that Of all ed a charter by the ArnerIcan red- new lie axbltration court,
d reseiit time In our Other satellites. Such a suspicion is Immediately. Tiley were divided % erae was 'called Inito existence by the registered In t offered, and.
the average germination 92.a per I 1141vo oration of LnIbDr. and tneir by-la,wo are
, at the p who can 8PL-11 Confirmed by the investigation or Into parties of four, th!e best swim- wL1I of a Crealtor, for a 6pocific Pur- I international CarpEnters' and Join- if approved as Bal,isf actory, the union
cent. 110,pe troll a mail
Pler, were VH quickLy In that , I - 1 , poee, the produotlan of man. Assum- I ere' Brotherhood announces that It receives lie standing before that
,phe CanadlaTi grOrlyn Bain ,iin-g Just - __ . I ---------. In ,
an�'tl lid ., Ithe Initial faiat, ilve must agree
ly lower in per cent. of Pur- rn,jilion ils In the ordinary way, a . � Wth Dr. Wallai,e In -assigning hun-lintends to.4ight any further ell" tribunal, which legally fixes houra,
Bit . loroachment or the Woodwolkars' In- wages, holidays, &lid other questions
it;i��ttiian tboRO which wefe -aaid to when asked why he taught ifluIself . ................ . drooki as talillonis of years,to the 'ago
lha,�e boon grown lit England and wb�t seenlecl stiub a useless acclom.. . olf -the univerise. Then there arrived ternational Union. affecting labor. Once reglatered, no.
plipliment, lie answered, "I saved ::. I . . 'He has lbeen ,here for a, few Japanese colonists In the gulf rice Change In the union by-lawa can be
. Chile. The _.�:.`, main. made, without 'consent of the Court.
- '", . . . . . �:- title of years. -He bolt lu),ve beell &O, successful that a
:,*.z'- . ,�:-�.
......... , .:,* . . . . . .. -,
.'ro.x.: ..;',, -.-�i
myself from insanity by lt.�, �.:i .
.. - ..
Comparing the quality.: Of the Can - . hundreds or thousa
adian grown t3ced obtained from Wie.1test blessing t0ltb,,� mail in prison I 6 ,t,i.,,., 1�1-7,� Ila,s still ,a low -a very few-millicinsi large limnigration or Japanese farm- Uniona ba,ve a, right to set a stan-
1, had tile opportunity of `."
. .il - - 11 - . 1, -as and La
- .."P I peat- (lard or quolification for their main -
retail dealat 13 In Great Britain, with is work, reed . Cl..- , ii, 11 1� ar yearis -to run. it Is true thlat In ors to Tex uIsiatim is ex beralilp. a,nd have the power to re-
th.at of the, samples purchased train witnessing the cruel evils of onto � ,:.,.., t �11 oine plaice, Dr. Wnlialec speaks or.him 'ed ill consequence.
me all work waa . "4-* . ,J __ .. ; �.: .blit elsewhere ilell ject tlloae- Nv,li.,o lack these. In case at
-_ ..- N "'. .
retail dealers In Canada, it wOuIcl Idleness at the ti n In State Prison I � . I % I munelilt,"
�u %�%-",2:
seem that much of our ber taken from th'O me ! i � - ' " dinits tba,t there must I An effort to tO,b8 made by officer." disputes that cannot be settled pri-
I, � . X7 1� ...
.t reclea,neU ,g--.��,.ja. :. N.'. _.
'ported. I - gh inbor mglta- . "I'll Z q.w- : , ..� ro' �'al - ated L-ather N�o;:K- vateiy either party has the right to
"'.1-111-11 , I . ,.� '.
. ,:..%Z ,...�,y � - ijiv.at toompa,
ou f-4,' ,�,�'VZ"`_ , � , , " - , , * -:%,Zf,; . I , te ly tration
,q , ,
AlsliLO and Ited Clover ex in New York thi: A, lae_.2 rativelY 60on or the Amalgam
In Loslie's I �11 . -, .,,�, �J� `IKV�;j �--,,, '; " 5,:,t:, Q." - . �: ". I
', te .- . - - . I �
�� , a \2 --.-'.,.'.-6jr.%
I Booth, . I U.I. A"k, . �% .!�,4t, M., ..". ..�
yauj� voryl traly, . tion.-AfrB. Malid . Ion of Ameriza, to arouse In- bring Ito ca,98 before tne arbl
,� Wji,*,U,,(,�N9A;'.,-,-- - .� �_ --ol period ito mitain's existence. But era' Un lea:ther court for icrial, the findings of this
,�- -. .-,,--.jg�g,� -'terest in unionism among
. W. A. Clemons Alonthly for Noveml)er. . , , g.jnf .
, 1� 4A ,I, C. 4 . �, �j,.. Mgl- he has iapparEiNtly no
1 1 .' ' ' " , , '� . - - 't I a%Bi X. -1,, "Whalt INvorkers In philadelplila. tribunal being final a
. I �. � ver,asked him
I "' *1 _t _,�' , I. ., thein ?" We know thcLt nd binding. The
, cation Clerk. IN"'M - 0'. � _�'A. 41 1- . I.. �
I . , Publi A .1, . �WNA ,� " . se' atate itself Is the largest employer at
I .�`en§.. I__ .,I .X _', . ! Indestructible.
The 13illgariall Button' .1 . F" ��M_V,. �t'.M � I - matter amd energy axe The American Sheet Steel COM�
I k , 'Lk , N'.11 - ,-" 111?114; -1 We have every reasont labor, as the railways, tramways,
. = 2-1111, _ �� !K..-., a -believe that I doeided
The officera of certain Bulgarian , ,-. _ '.",�ieTMT IT%"05 'i�ll .! .�vill exist -for ever, and -
- . .;m0a 4V 4� 0108. -1 : panY, Of Pittsburg, Pa., has Telegraph and postal facilities are all
161, WOMAN'S BURDEN& regImeatFt carry. all the cuff of their � "N ,.r
"&, ,6 _ ,
n, r,fli,�-@ . Vl-..- ,!Zg . ILho universe ,.,,n,e wAges 01 'tile ------ n red by tile Government, and,
� .g * "" LN, 3*�.
. .�W'.,__ reducO t 11111, U-1
. g � , a-,i�g; tl X �, lla)�,B eugge�tts no alternative. i ,o per cenr., -
� 1�� in I." ..p " further. all priva,te e
. 1 "2, �, Dr. Wa , " oes � mplo7ers are Ile
uniform an 61,0quoDlit; reason for the ;.� � - ,.'
'W', 1 1 -eds
, U, MCI �l
— . present seall-mobiliz&tIon of thx) But- . I g� , i Yet he hellevee that tile invildi rf t 3'alluary 1, 1904.
rk may ap- 01 .... _1*1 �, 4; a of otars livere called Into I take e cc , quired to employ union men on con.
- �Ia,n armV!. TJd8 r8mal �w---ii-.-7, - ..1e ; � , Of million I The members of the tabor unions ditions fixed by order of the court,
The Health of Many Women a, yut it to ea,911yexplain- a aull. -will continue
Pear cryptlic, I .-M. . Agy 1, exisitentee aOGn,s a.g S. c., after being on unleas the unions are unable to sup-
, . . of tile "I'mt-tans, up- .1 .1 61n -W .1 to extrA Tor a .quite Indefinite period a, Chariestull, June, ]lave been ply tile men. The working hours are
ed Tile grouping lie uni- ... -, 11 ,4 Ito )come, in order that nian might a fitrik(3 since 111AT
- % , ;- .1
in a Prec'ariiou� Condition. oln'' the, aXtIRtIO extremit�rl at t - I JJ , I �;t live upoln itha earth I or a few mil- ordered 'to resume Work by tile Na- usually eight. and the minimum
I form sleeve in question has a cer .. ., Trades Council. wages for laborera $1.70 per day.i
. __ taln significance. Within the scroll �_,.§, 111.1 4 . liono of �cars_a friwItion of a second tional Building with Jialf holidays at tile expense at
pains EtLaily A,ccounted. of gold brald, wbich garnialles the . In an elternity.-Lon'don ,Wademy. A union Informatioij bureau Is re- the employers. Both employers and
Headaellps, rijInctiolial Derangements sleeve &re'tbree parallel braLd tags', I 0- , . I ported as formed or the trainmen or emp'toyces are unionized, the la,tter
for and I to tr,le extremity. of two of' these Be 1-1MEA14 items, witi, ileadquar- being fully 50 per cont. larger than
,ime remain- I I :`� �M,M? I , .1 . What Pinkerton says. 4J,. rallwaY BV to.,. tile interchange e
i - 'A ` , I toris in, Chicago, th tormer. As a, result of this legis,
'W I
blake Life Miserable- . gilt button lis attach011 g , '11y�.-�& "' Ion about railroad ly all, lit
.,V� , ,
I � � mg
§4.,..� _N; -.4 .'- . .
, ,?p _�
'_4 __ , � ,� �, � I f secret infiormat lation all business
. !,�
- � 11 O� , "=e chl;f criminal work of this ,or near
. P , 0 1
. %�?Wllgbout tile length andbreadth Ing tag lacka tile fillish Of tile Pa' - - :,�, g I I , boos or profes- i matters. Wales, is conducted
. , are LilouisandB and Jighed stud. The missing button, bow ::::.. 4 , - _ age Ili 'don a by IWO rked Ur. Wil- N,ew South
of Canada t1lere It is lastenedi l
),,o Nvbo ad- over ts ad tile slebye; =q -M4, I .
t the . , -, ,7j� '.,I - slonal tramps." rema .nited Brotherhood of Car- tl1rough. "trade Industrial unionsil
'V' 1111-1
. 1i outside � The, r
.,OuBar.ds,of grateful f.,001 - �,.,,
'I )lltapy and alone, �j;?-!"FU;,"',
,.,W itain A. Pinkerton, this famous(
I - 'that tll..v owe health 011" so: 1. . at once � - lerg and Joiners of America nnd
� . V-7. -1-teotive last evening attile pen r C r- .
.- in witlins' acron. Tbls 1130(>Ilsks Ol"i . �1.i�-."...,?',�- I I -1 -_ . .. - cag� I Lmated Soclel,Y O -
.. ,
. . - . I'll. _ .... I .... . .
.. "'No, I , �, ,the Amalgv e Telephone oil kParMS.
.., Z, 4 ,� 'N. -. W- . ,a are to be merge I
'I, i. q. _., �,* " M ..-... ;-,.'.V*
-Org,ch-to 013 use CFYJJI'. Wl '.:i*�WEAN :.. Th
in -d ,%v7hets tile ear- �"`�t�!6:N . il P.M.N.'All 1 SEolreham.
JBLI j;pua� alwa.V,3 ""'....Q0, '.0, R"ga , .,fi..., ..
- *�. %. XIA',Wft? ., 1, I ,,�,,
`�. 41 � �',
arrests the eye I ..�:.,-.-:.j ".Ii�.�"f*�,.',il.�.i,ji,fe,�,�, i who rob pentere and Joiner
pink. P113'dall1d 'NVIIO luiry. you _ I . ::�"!. "N" .." . I
L4 of warL_ I;oielty,, and upon making in( W.......; ?�. . , I . . "They are thO follows
T , ,ag th,ey hilould do -in i.C111r, . .,I�.-.H.t"-!,�'X.'..�...)),.,Y,... .". , 1%, -. a one national organization on
.pp� IM, ; --;�gT . T country Post
*. 1-130 . �;- * Farmers are getting rural free de.
p y .,,��.,���"",.,""�,,�i.��n,-,?,���.�-�..,?,".,��l..,..........I -, 'g.� . ,- ,---:::.,. R offices and banks Ili int
of ill -is medicine. AM -31)Z Will receive the following re I �, �,-..'.?.,'-'.,gfg: ,., W". �?Al. -,-.,,..
.11, lh"...'N .. "
.1"! - - , " �. . Ith smiall tdwils, and a desperate lot Jan. 1, IOQ5- tunities for H&V-%
"; -:,:-'Ri.N.1,*.';',.-'-., .
est pralso M$�4x4'1,0::��** W- b,
t2go laftily friends Dr. Williams' Ili" fare tile union of north' and couth � � .� . ........... .;I.,. "'. ; ..... .. 1;'R Xd'.'.� "
_01��..'.-,.,..�Z wl�,,W,I,j�.', livery, with Its OUPOr
- '11:.1:;;ll, ...". . and
.t'.-'..*.i�-e.-..4.....,....,...-.�.i�-i..�.i...-..;�... .,�Z,�,%--*�,,m4F -
�, ,!:%,;�7'1,.*,,�;, g, � .0
%�.-'.-- '�r whenever I The West r, -.id RD111.119 Mills
nlade thero is perhaps Bulgaria there were two empty tags : _M;i .,�� S�11. they are, ready to kill g tInle and money It) shoppjng; in
v.; ation. it,
7 .".i. to timir ne-
. t.,
plilil have ..m. .. 1. resistance is offered CbaLn Works Compiny, at Leb,
speaking NvItr.1n the Scroll a,nd two buttons L, , ." ."--:,.�'.7.;:".. . ... --,:.,:-- - , - po,stOd notices, of a reduction 01 tiv,o more illiclity eettled portions of
dasue in .*.' :�zt., -.*-�;.'�',.,.-*;�*�:*,- hard '
cono m rO elItIllIE .-,-.','.-:...-Q...":., . , ., ., as operations .Tlfey are
,O I guarded answer makes . ... ,
. .......I.I..... ..:. ..... . .. .: a chaps
Z , - -1.1. -;g.-��-�.4. . .: farloi
qlo*41 ,Nfrq.� Ldw4rd Atcbe-. outaidol" ThIE ... . * -04.01LI for o, ef- tile country theAv have rapid transit
-,IE : "yeggemen," as wng -I .1-
ot thle pi Those �.( %%t%1F., : - I too, these ,,9 fron , to $4 Pill Ily t:o;lp.v lines, and in Rome parto.
terpretatiOn obvious. ti .%.-..'. , %. , ,qcale went int
tol, tile Ill .1 - ... ". 11. ." _ ----- ,::,:: . . irehend, for
orang,ovitle, VIA-, W110 -Of . ., I !. they are called. to ally (111ing. The 1101V
Loil ol *... . . ., .. I f fect November 23. notab:y in tile -*vest. tilov enjoy the
two yearFs suifiLl.cd intensely, but at tliroe gilt Studs , axe symboll'O - . . .% . . they have 110 settled place a
thre.'a Balkiin Pitatcs -Bulgaria,, Ron I !,�-, siness and farin; opw
last Jound It, LAIM ilrrOugll tile "Be 04' [acedonla aboide, but' wander from towl, 1-0 advantages In bu .
..�dy, To It, reporter 0� thl mania, and Macedonia- N . Eleven lAindred leather workers em- ply ,ve
lie scroll.- London, They I -11de orations of extensive tole Ono 8 . - .
J'airi rini ,�.tolix's011 sa-0; alone ig within t to,wn and State to State- plioyod by� tI,C American I & tems.
' � . .
-0rar gin I IJ Sull 'Nlri3l . . a remarkable cipbel' COdO . a', of Chien.-
. . . r . . . have of go, in its four: from tile daily yapar.
.;T,,,,,,,, yeara'ago I becallic very Tlme,g. . y keep track Leather C lit on strike recently. 1 Far removed
� kiowil. My. 111TA, t:�, flonalit Miss" Alice M. Smith, of Minneapo is,. their oWn by WhIch tlle�' n see their: tanneries, we weather forecasts, the
11 1IC!k Ton &nolfiier. You On, emandli for an a& 1 with "s
. 1. Itaie, wkLa subjLct -60 tile Still Going ? of one -*vat,er 'tank, to enforce ti.eir d 1 farmer call lWer, informed by 'phone
lli3d,l grow , any ar working conditions of probabilities, and t1l'us oscape]088
N nnii,1 diZ.11less, ilaip3ation Of - At here is g hieroglyphics at .
headuceP, A tile erin or r&ilw.ay station, wh'.ch nobody l justment
ibe boart, alvi IL 1%11914-(� 11011'e In thf-e- There is a popalar notion tllv Minn.2 tells how woman's monthly suff i - translate. 1)LsPite - Tile Northern racifto has re'dticed I It', Crop time. When lie himself Is
.1 I tried oevcral 1110dicined, but plal,eta in our bolar systeln revOlvO I b reds of them lt1.O working hours at its Shops at ' a-is.,ly f�L�Onl lionle ill-- members of ,hlh%
ears. Tiltio; Is Only half d permanently relieved by fact that hund ally one
llot lipip me, aall I WuH con- about the still- may be quickly an and lluillsifed annu-1 Gladstone and Como practic i famliy have a telephone ail band, giv-
did - HaroldJacoby, li' ' itrrested means of quick com-
'a y Inucli deprOAH( arcol . are -'day ,M week. The Great Northern I Ing them tile
* b y !It I and fe, -rue r.oints out rrof . Compound - unication with nelqhbors, as
I Roque i ally, ihielr number allows no duatil
I "" I a or &;o1miabla, UllivetsitY, D � - ic 9aine In .its shops at
d :Imed to 90 through life . iWeeld.v Lyd' ' E., Ph*hamts Vegetable - ution. No cI&RS of lawbreakers gives has done, tl I in
O' rkablo C61 t:cic it, Harrer"? 7 ia and other points. Aion against prowl -
chronic Invalid. Ono do,Y I read the lan the . as much trouble to tile authorities. Como, Havre I great a Ixote(
a womaD wbOh,;o symptOuls of Nov(:mber 28th. The Bur-, like orse- r ge tillers 1 ere as In tile possession, of a Hbota-
cure of Ith My owl,, ,,anets, in � ,villainy lar 11111 I I
1� 11 DFAU r.tr.s. rixicium:-1 have never before given my end
., says prof. Jacoby, as Tifeir hardened L8 show" I DurIng tile Is"I'llue The telephone oil
were almost Ident'Cul NY 111211118, MoLlol" are a,lr,O title ,so-called "fix- ment for any medicine, but Lydia E. Pinlcham',s Vegetable Com- by ih,e fact that more than ,.)lice of wouten came from Poland, .Silesia gilt. or a revo ver.
ibrough tile 'ISO Of Dr' Wl ning fr011i this they have been known to central ('TorinatiV to I Pik,. farm is a cultivator of neighbor.
1,lb�k .L,ills. I btq1t for.a box, and by All BU'ra; and, rell,80 -pound has added so much to in and happines t to Murder, allo, Galicia, f time and trouble
Its f1kilshol, I was Built- 1�0,gia, lie discusses the fascir, case� Me a .-ivounded comrade for fear that .,ugar bect fields. TheY I lirLOSS, a saver a -hle home.
ating r t, work In tile
the tia-6o It., wt through making an exception in this two years every month I would I
send for ad- � destination . give Inrorina.tion tli-t,, I gangs by a mill over- I and a protector of i
.1y. eilcouraged to questior. of tile nat, . severe pain and could find no relief, but one day when hie might . are driven I �
Clout v.,I so oil until I had takerl epaco of our solar. system. It- Is.. Ii -ave two days o nkham's Vegetable Com- would 111(i ito th'sir own discovery. i
I- other, all I was In every sellsO � 11 UP't Visiting a friend I run across Lydia E. Pil _,waslitligtdil Post.
, ,
six boxes, wlml� ger"evally known among layme salble l Wad iised, it with the best results and. advised me to try it. .
I air the word a d�ffepcllt persoii. Every astronOuls'!-5 Ilave ioulid it I.;O pound, -She -a and I oil -teys and Liver
ss had van- to deterillir-O ttr,proximatoly the po- E found that it worked wonders with me; I now experience no pai
sym tom of my late Hine " f this wonderful change. I journalilRtle Anictiftles. I Midi
lan"1, a,nd I was Once . More enabled RitIon on tile sky of. .tile .apex 0 use a few bottles to bring about 11-
19 . otifor wovda, - only. had to out. .% Bufritio Courier.
to look after my bOtIsellold duties F;Olmr Illation. or til we It occasionally now when I am exceptionally tired or worn Chair- f -
and vigor. I warda which our solar nneapOliS, Minn., -lifr. Mack ,ior
.with old-time budIth tli,al, r-olfit to velling. 11. . )rJ1SS ALIO1.1 Al. SMITir, 804 Third Ave., South Mi A j,gisChlevous Ass. I Aff e cte d by C! IF o I d �Ot, %3�
tent thut I ow,e all tills to Dr. iWil- Bystem Is ILL %;TcSOI`xt tra 30 Ini 'tee Minneapolis Study Club. chart) Is not only a raecal In politics I -
litains' Pink I'llis, and I 0118ekfullY is thie cor,Rtell,ttloli Hercules. "WO 111`0 MBU EXe0Ut1VO ( in t , .1 as Phown by tile two sales of his, ---
recommend then' to other weak and obliged to assual- thht Our path to" . eauty and strength in women -vanish early in life because Of sition party, blit
. o,'8tI:iLIght line; but IG I Many suffer silently paper to thO OPPO' pri. 1
suffering W0111115,1.1) , , t�iIc inoment is t inontilly p in public IXPPOava�nce (as Well as
Nye mean that 'Moment' W11:011 c0m� lain or Soule menstrual irregularity. . plukham's Vege- tin ,*
I ,, (Dr. W1111,111118' Pink pills are OL real 1730, AvIlou thO first and see their.best gifts fade away. Lydia E vately and domestically) Ile 'a Oil_ - .ad pains in the Legs the Coe-nma
to all weak, weary WO-111ell- mE,I ced, about - preserve roundness of form and as I a statement for Backa
�bjosslng [ and cure all a, moderr, priaCIRIOn table Compound helps women ) female, organism s. lie has brave(I effect -
blood star catulogue outside iconsum�tion to tile , mptoms—cure comes with the Use of
They build UP tile froin which so Nvao begun, and WhIcit will end 10119 freshness of face because it MOWS their entir( elop_tian of last 111ne9day Sy
the functional Ly. It carries women Safely throllfh the various natural that tile
men suffer Ill silence. These , , was -not a Democratic defloUt In this
ofter prOsel,t generationA Of :11011 health
many We, any druggist blaVo I�.ftS8'kI away, SO ullghl,V is 21t) crises and is the sa,foguard of woman's bell, th- letters from ly ot, corrective
pills may be bad from � e lut this great medicine is told in the city. It wag mere
bV mail at 50 00"t's orbit It. (lut-stiOli that ManY L'en- The truth ab( . s Kidney -Liver Pills.
er'A publishied in thi, nstantly. stimulant oi Ills prescription, which Dr. ChaSel
or Nix bases for $2.50 by tnijoB Inust colu(� and go be;Ore wh . .ivam s paper co .110
a box . $ . will have tile otfect of uniting t
wrlting The Dr. -Wiffiftals' UOL1101110 Can bogo to .jjejoict tile orbit 13 0111?4 . .
Inber that Kleinschrodt, morrison, ill., saysi— Democratic party here "as a solid I
Co., BrookVille, Ont- Whine vature�" "ic artlele Is litustrate-I MrS411. C* phal,&n,.,% to do battle ll�. ,t*bls great
.0tibstituLeN can -not cure, and %o u r.11ij� . 11 Dr,tu INS. PINYCITAU: -I have suffered. ever c gwing city and county and give .11 C (
,nd V 't . , a Exposure �d with paina Ili tile slull 'ad'
so by ROMP 1,11fiAlal "trolloulloal , -with my menses. It 14111)k M:Ijo,-ILy lit nex to danip, cold weatber is ; trouble
0 full name, '"Dr. Williams' togi,aVil-g. I I since I was thirteen years Of age . . . titlitiUl �ilr ack and
th " I fre
that � It tit , tinent Callao or kidney disease. 1 tile 1), . ill tile 61(10, was gi
Pink 11111s for pule People," I.j print- _ I , ",vore irregular and 'very painful. I conto.,4t, when tile Democracy C, it, Ing 11, & draugh't 'go as to CI)III unity lo,sing flesil and growing weak,
u ac I . ,, .. I .1 , . They,. lit deal but receiVcd no benefit. 1.1111pire statl� will be expected to 11011 gitt frequently enough � er.' She got Into a wry bad stato,
led on .,. . t A. I HIIV(I; for sportsmen- I doctored a gre, its old-tilne, majorities to%' t1le, feet alld 1096 is thellver. ji�u f(pred dreadful pail, p,,111tJ her ankt,�s
box. �� ell.. .. . p "A fricind advised me to try Lyd10L E. llge,gtion of
.. . . I to standard-bearer Ill tile to bring all 00
I I-
. Ij4 . Jilder Water. Itemember- 11 the -woode are wet ',lonipound, which I 1110 jmrt.� Tpe! of coni-Ro I C liver and kill-: Nvould sAvel) U." 80 that WO W04'0
, Vegetable 4 ,;iy. We had a book of
rinkham's 4dential contest. I, colda settle on tit i nfr&1d ():,, tirop.
� 81 That when a OFTN es of it, I 11 I, C,;
i,y Nvood from any did, and aftcr taking a few bottl found . it doesn't make any difference, In his licys as well (is t1lin lungs. Tile re- l Dr Clutae . 8 in the house, and, read.
you can get d k�� I happen so allits Axe disen'-'e" or tile most dread" � ,ng �
T11LA Calloo bf three-fourtbig of 00 " about Dr. VllftsOs Kidney-TA"r
ShIpwtooks �and loss ,Of Urn at sca ' standing dead tr(-,e. great relief. CV1111011 whItt else may I
ler bark, next to the , thout I �O Js oil litind to akIv1q('o fulIV it 0
bout to b(i, removed. It 19 ]lot 1 miat tile in) Ay�l "Menstruation is now regular and wi tong as 11 _ painful 1111d [at I Ort. I pills, dt,clolpili toAry then], U610C
,seeing a �,,Ilg 41PA(I cottonwoud 1Ct=)_1 . health than I have direct ,qn(I lead. Everybody olse . e - ill this treatment. N17
r even tilt air. but the WIttcr W;jd, on a 6tal. 0 paper, . - pain I ain 011joying, better .t there has never been (Ila- I soah Came IV!
16 wlrr,,,o In tritnatult tree ig-tIlin nnd dry like tissill . , knows jilai-tho Dentocra,tic party In Oi9l-(K1i' IL r.repal'11,1.1,011 ('01I&I to I)r- � wife has limn elltip(,ly cured, and
t"It thigg thilo that is used 801116 Weeks and will start it fhT, Ill'-'ely when lor Sometime." I
-tinor the t'nitNI ',ktates will be "terally : C-linao's icidney-Livee 111118 as a I En,ya alle would not be without Dr.
.1 isound vIbr&t1On8- Par tv.c wcods is ijoaked. .1 'ble for us to make It pl. , or tell
d oil tile stcli,- every stick In I It of existenee It It cannot , proulpt ftad thorough Cut' f0r de": Chape's
' I Ilow is if, possl laughed low Xidney-Liver Pills It
p.11,01 -C bag been Installe T1,I&t a tille of &&,wood heaped 111) that Lydia U. pinicham's Vegetable Com- - roprescutatloll Ill Its 0 price "
f ,the �Nfetpopolltttd Comptlity have bettel ranizenloilts 01 those great filtering I illaps tb
mere 0 bV lligh Witter be,ii-,do, .1 t;Lreanl 19 'all pounit will positively help all Rick women? natiolilai Council than call be found , organn- *11 tilt; ugill� Dp, (!huge's Ner'n,
attlu whicb, lutty . J�ftyg A. good $4t(1I,o of (11,4% .... ..... "All wolaen are constituted alike, rich and poor, Ill tho, eliftas of %I le urIll-I to building '014
bf Balaton, tin appiar for the vessel ,wn(,,d, Itntl I rhich Afack Of Bur- paing Ilf tbc back, 110tL(Iftel - Fo'd Ills.self, aild it
I ,
I 'Wot lno�ke It P0,q8Ib1O - tilat "onto of It IF? Always dry. anie and Barmim & Dailey's _1%,onderfully." .
beating about 'Llic COARt In a storill ngply bigh and low,_all suffler from the same Org falt) LTIMOq3 y dl6orderB .1,111ousness, liver poin- I up
. tile rooki nnd sboftls I That dried roots Make, all into at
. troubles. Surely, no one Olin wish to remain weak ,,ZIp`1 aro Nainplev. pit N h e His a 6
. 1111,, #% alld e,orlstip.,ttlon� pr. V,h;ftpC,N KI(Incy-1, , r p , n
to know where It I hot fire and lin ritnoke. (ife� then' (:WL — .. I . ., . � , dyRpPP8:t I - - -111 dealers ,
perni Ful with life and wiviout liz for the future, wheaproof tlisappear wbell Dr. Cbaso*ff. 1:111 a tlm,^ 1-Zo a li�;_%. at .
.Ara wl.cij 'tile fogr will not , a pe a *, ro till Sickly, di,ileourag L.,. lqnkhanes, egictuble_Compound will . tychn dog Ili MAWR W-sf' friend. Mtn A0511 I used. I op 1,*d1untiaor. llattm & CO. TOrOntO-
il'o light to Ili ceell, and, tII0 110180 Of YOU r (1 I I - tw 0 d P le- 'r'll-n .v, be- 3 SO liumisttaltable that Lydia, ltldnoy-LIVOP 111118 Are
I a I tot) scilu whol its d Ovarian troubles, ahol ail tile ins moo bag It p,ofd the dog ilevat tells ' protcet you aRallipt Imitations
wIlld al,owill,4 th2P an,lind of the I to be utdre am Ily sufroritg-6,11 womb An & I li%rr, Arthur WAMPI), FCrryvlIlQ1" To' no of Pt. A.,
.0f ti,(�, ' Are Almost as light, tire moutl him what in (10 for It. strain 'vle.toyk (,olinty, N. 11, writeis; ,,Nlyi tile portrait 0,114 isignat
WI -buoy or tl-.b Sircll- I 10" It battle. i cause tllo.v W , tllp, C
AlAp to Itf,'11w or tile g0. T.", y ."Illiftr to women. ot fet,thwith a th6 orighip.1 letters Wad 81PSWON 4f lit yon walylt to dellio'd a iferer froni, kidii(i pe
uproftell Of A. ea;rk alld r.oroua Ito it Spoll goilite '18 a giVat 1911 'y' 1�1 V.11,aac, tile fallJOUR rKs book au -4
g wood Ill 11 rtalfit.1ps of life, bet oil 4 sure wift, wf . , ri are on every box. , I
. make the beslt callip cookin PORMIT 1901'Ato 111111dellems. n W , . ra. She lVaRl tilo I t . - .1
.1110 and It 81.11114-Anirick, of e.)ON - I - - itioulftowls, CW&ITakneh will provol I iolt at __ AcdLOA-ilb CO3, tylitki XM#. dii,*A66 top sovelal, yea
"isublywal flit lltl(%r of I the I til -A world, 5000 X'y". X6 Mint, titling.
tf,(� ItIlpro,telt tit I 9),,,,it ittivf0i'l w,31 01co, Pbout C(,Uv 3 .
Tmoke Of Nf4wf011lldInn(" t100 gg 'fap as jolt think It Will, . .
% , jrtz apparatue 113 oxtrenlk�y, Dimple,