The Wingham Advance, 1903-12-03, Page 7�
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- " , _.- _ --______ . ,— lal-4, 4ppareutl 6 J, 0 ftilltellon yoora have ol4poW miivA
I Briggs, of tho detective service ol o4 oil, the Advance ;i Y 0 .
from some very brolcon around, 00 loas ail oUt I# unlikely thAt the
5 y4rde I, .
.4 �, 0 1 11i4t road, Nva's giver. a to 10.1 D front. true ator,y 4f tho� error in the e400rd.
: I .
J no, Noon as the naive ofelt"h"0111114= T10001 , TH ,,
� ,I, N :1 _ ' - MEN9 This womed to be a pro. will ever be revoo W.. Xro. M4,r-
BOY B ITS of DrakoRwar, Boveo, was U TO LAA YX OFF 79500 -arrAng9d I I'll;
, pown, an4 � signal, rot- from the hills 9,4 both ,� M,g 0 ua d,,olaros that Ohs U4,zor 900W. of.
� , witli ordora to take no chances& spare I g -k flanks the firing was taken u tho, - fills stain oil her good' nanto untli
, , Rs no expense, and got the three men I I 1 T enemy constantly obAnging thX pol last Year, xhough she -held been ma�o
'lead or alive, he and ble men wore i altiono after firing. The gune were li isome mystery of a com.
@ off tow-artiv LivorK,K)ol. Tile entire � 11 N 6.961. . to feel that,
fig MU1,101H SY61; , ont of flut per,ofivivai SAY IN6 $570009000 A YEAK. brou Into Action almost at 910,0a, I - promising character surrouil4ild her
� ,ita Road was . And 911111to Infantry, .extending at the past. Tile puddea re.yelatioll of the
_ ced 0wilararn un tha Oro 1. lqublef, Boon covered a w1cle front .
8 C(34;,t. ng ( Toran to record wa4 made to tile tam.
Pdo'�j 0 f uVer . I 1:, C. and &I" t along tile hills parallel
L I - I hb p . -Strange Story of a Former ous Now York t and was littro.
wonoded by hhotgulla to t Advance. � . I .1 "
Desperate Fight With Three , TUX, nows of the fight at ilin k1lig- I . After the ourroundIna hills had duced to prove tha se o
a propel, .Person a
6ul; Wad spread with great rapsclity, I .... n shelled the whole Colump moved Hamilton Lady. ilme. Therefore her word. was dlip.
Yo through tile cour-try. And by the i Th forward, the infantry pushing t1r) . credited by reason of the mIstairp
� �
, ung Ruffians, . tIrOLO tl)V two P-ai�tillg Man rushed up I e, Course Adopted by the International Harvester enemy back, step by step, until the -
__ tolho locomotive, a hundred farm- . village of Nalchlem was reachod. . of the vital At4tlstlo bureau over a,
. I
vth ani railroad laborers wore r4fter . Company to Centralize its Business. While parties Of men were told off Her Little Child' the Centre period of eighteen Years, .
,,Shot Policemen, Captured them. These wave left behind with . I . to kooP down the , onemy's fire from I Mrs. M4rtin.sald Phe was. born in
. 1,4to or vanta i grocooded Corawallaca, X.4, and was sont to
tho Ull cago detootivee, Although one PO t1rhotheri �
fariner armect witlif a abot&vuro got In (Illicago. , Nov. pp.�r9ji,olviag its . Tile Pollee force bA9 Wall largely In-' oupeg with of Intrigue. - Wealoyan University as A girl. liar
. .
-id" Engine, Killed Brakeman. hig work at; the train started away, announced- polloi- of coiftralizationp creased. . I, cotton, and the more inaoconag,"11 liable was Bessie .Star. $110 graciu-
, Tho t1ovornor-Gencral ,threatens houses wore shojIled. ate4l at Ilaintitoo In 1870, and war.
L ,
... - Catclilr,g sight or Van Dine as lie, tbo International lltrVoster CO -1148 summary puniallfient for persons air. ro then destroye'l by ried a Methodist minWer, Rev, A,
f;Oked lite face through the cab w4r I , 'Lot It" 19,000 L I The crops wei
I oulating rumors likel to accentuate tile men'with their bayonets an(]
Id dow, he turr.ed loose with both bar- I Qcclded,to lay offT,V0 Apprehension anionj Tile InliabitantS L Her Marital Experiences D. Keefer. us is now un. OttAwlt,
Surrendered When Surrour " role, A number of shots struck "�au ,r arnittoyees, and thno affect a sav, . g I owords. There was a florae fire while editor, He. clAlilis he wAll be a
Coo and one , Ing ol $A)000,000a a year, Fifteen . A student IVO Ilia, was proceeding, the enemy evi- witness to prove tile leAltimacy of
l DIr-o In the head and fa - t. t mvink expected such a , the child ,born . In Toronto In tile
lilt 1111U.In the . threat, causing hint. Athens, Nov. 80. -Violent OPPOst- dOutly net I
ed by Hunureds, I I likindred employees of the Deel-Ing reprisal, Tile work having been com-
I I trouble. tion atnong the university students I . AOUSL came where the records are mixed.
'When thc,Y left the train both men . It ad 'their here to the performance of the plays pleted, the ard retirement cam- Toronto, Dec. .I.-I'TIddledy" I" A The children whose births have
Chicago, Doe, I.-Chalned wrlSt to Division linve been not I I meneed, the of , ,
wrist, t4olir hair lmatted -wIth dried wore nearly exhausted alld unable to services are no longer required- of ,hobehylus In modern Greek led to lemy rcllo"�lng tile baby. JSbe got her name from the been clouded by registry records were
, travel, The country at that place Those men were employed In the serious disorders on Saturday night. force up, step by step, tile Whole phildron of the neighborhood, They born some seventeen years ap%rt, ao.
I at one time, coming to I
blood, ti*.01ir iclotbing covered with Is rough, sandy and out up by gravel factories ht Irondalle. or the T,OOO The students tried to. tore - an on- way back, ,quarters anQL saW she gurgled something that. cording to Mrs. Martin, ono in To.
� L comparatively close ,
dust and dirt., two boardlees boys. Pita, Tile farmers, railroad laborers, trance into tlill Royal Theatre and ronto the other in Newi York.
workers lit the Doering Division, 8,- were charged upon by cavalry. necessitating - *ounded like that, But for this acel-
.; a most careful man -
,Peter *Nledermolor ati'd parvey Van and officers of the Pennsylvania road One I She "yo she obtained a divorce
� were coming tip fast, anti goon were of tile a.tadents was kt.led and 0, num- agOinent of the rear ard. dent she would have no name. The from Rev. Mr. Keefer, in Providep
I)ino, sat �W_njgi;tt in the presence . GOO In till are to bo laid off, The U40- .9fut trying ,ca.
close oil tllc4 fqgLtivos' heals. it was CormIck division will not diseliarge bar of others were injured. As Suk was reached 61, a
of mayor Harrison and Chief Of easy -to traek tbeiii Ili the new fallen fitatesnian on tl�e Mainpage. linarch, of twenty miles, the troops .aw says so, In fact the record ca.sts [t. I., on the ground of non,supportb,
police o,Ncii, calmly, confessing to snow, The men Were seen its- they oo many, but 1,1,,30 of its 1,000 em- ' being under fire most of the time, Joub.t oil Tiddlody's existence, Law- antl in 1898 married Dr, John Up.
dodged about the sand duties, and playees being slated for dismissal. Buda pest, Nov. 8O.-Collot TIszt*, with, scareely any water, and o lift the Vail of Ob- Leod. During the several Toaroi
their shaxe In ,A three niontho' career the Hungarian pre,miar, failed In Ilia posed -to . a burning sun, the BrItleb, elapsing betw,eon .her divorce � slid .
or crime, which ilas included itine the farniers, most or whom were The other 8,000 employees tc� lose attempt to hold two sittings of tile casualties werp seven men or tile -iourity, butL a wige judge remained marriage she says she wlarked as a
murders, tile wounding of five, other armed with double-barreled shotguns positions are those employed in the Chamber oil . Saturday. The OPPO81- Dublin Itialliars wounded (one since fin fJouVt. So Tiddledy lives ill con- reporter in Toronto, a4 a lootury
mon, and ra long scrieo Of robberies, OPOned fire. Xledermeler received a mills in blilwlaukee, liprIngfieeld, tion wasted three hours Ili divisions dead), and one native and one guv- Lompt ot court, With bar flaxen for women's clubs, as a tomper4upi,
'Tho t�yn lyoung bandits, neither of charge full In tile tread, And tile Ohio and.Plano. by Insisting upon roll calls and then nor slightly wounded. talker in many pa .orld
blood streamed down Ills race and � curls ,And big brown eyes the cherub wto of the * L,
.Whom Is icivei, twonty,ono yeans of Colored Diall shot. trIod -to howl tile promier down, as- � and as a magaitne, writer.
-age, togetbw With their companion, Into big eyes, blinding him so that
lie couttl bardly see. A - grazed Chicago, Nov. OtO.-I'01101vamg Ills sa.11ing him with nal Insults. RUBBER. FROM SAGE BRUSH, .o,ntlnues to cause trouble for police Shortly after her second niarriAgb
shot L Some 111we Ling, whIch - � �iifd lawyorb aud judges. Here, to the they went
Maill Rueski, Whwia lie older, were emergence from tht Groat North- At the close of the lit? to London, and she said
�captured near MALverpool, Ind., to -day Vail ,Dille'14 1100, carrying off -_
of Ills hair, And Ills wounded leg wits ern Theatre last evening, a colored lasted nine hours, Count Hedervary, COIorado Conces'n Exppialto to ttevo- jouse of troubie. pisowned by liar liu-sban(l. suddenly became very
�wrtor a 111ght, lit which theyi battled wealfbiling, t man belloyed to be Albert Dennis, ,Count Timm's predecessor as premier, I , uspiclous of her, and Constantly Te.
111tionize the Xntf1Jsir3;. rather, deserted by motIior,TIddlo0Y'J- P I
agairist Policeman, railroad detec� of Chicago, w,as shot anti mortally Announced that lie would support , tarred to the ,subject of "woigen's
tives, railroad laborers, and farliV .I[ Plad to Surrender. I . wounded by Special policeman Mil- Count Tisza In his attempt to crush Denver, Doe. ;.-The first carload Junning Is still so Irroolstaitle as to duplicity." Sille diampovered years
Oro. One man was killed, another The posse wtAs closing in oil .all .,4no McNamara, of thle theatre. The the obstruction force. � or "Actinella Iticilardsoni," an nil- evolve many persons in a myster- ;at,r that this change of her huo-
fatally wounded, and all three of sIdes..There was no escape, and, It man- died at th'a County .Hospital . 11'o AVatoh Anaralilsip, � edghtly sage brush which covers tlioum ous tangia, For love or liar a wo- band was due to a letter he had
the bandits were wounded, but not was evident that the time had come ,,ter, Thle shooting occurred In Now. York, , Nov. SO. -The World this sands ot ijores of mountalnuito coun. .fan tbrbtt 4 fig ilullierOUS personageb received. from Toronto in which tile
_4iWq&r1ouslw1. either to surrender or fight to the front Of thia, theatie 'building, after morning publishes the followIng cable try in ocutijern Coloradi, was del V- .1, "I anolng with damage suits, vital statiptics record of her child's
Tile dead man 'is .T.; J. Sovea, death. Both men were heavily arm� a light between tile colored .man, fivin Paris: it seems - that tile ered yesterda,T, to the Wes -tern Rub- -oi,eftl�llait a*ild kidilappera are busy# birth was revealed. He never spoke
brakesman an tire Pennsylvania. Rail- bd, and able to take more lives be- t L be epecial policeman and several ry of it to her, however, until twa
Dla- ,'Oro they lost thetr own; but, as heads of state througliout�tho world bar Company, recently Inclarpora,led, tild,a, chain of romance and mYste
road. Tbe wounded ,are: Jamaii others. McNamara Is looked MP 'at and wilAch expects to ravolutlolAzt., axtends from Toronto to Now York
call, detective bn the Chicago Pollee Van Dine vald to -night, in dipoussr have foritied A mu�ual protection as- the rubbel? industry. if .4tyan-0 across t'o ,London, invo ,,Ing yearn ago, when 'the present baby
tNe Ehrrison Street Police Station. 'it,narchists' I
abdomi-en, and 'nr ]its surrender: "There would L tiou agi � 1. It was discovered not loitg agii that .L larie cAi;ll outlay anti tile title t
force, shot throu4ili Ocala %Inot - and 0 was born in Now York. Then the
Actuteilly of hinsic.Bur2wd. --' andt;b�t aiisassins. It is learned sliame of the error wAs cant on liar
Can live but a abocil. /Lime; Matthew havo been no good in that, as we . -.the supposed useless 11rabbit, brush," anded estates. ouddenly. ,
Zimmer, detective full Plitcago pollee have not shot anybody unless we Now York, Nov. 80.-Tfte K6fid(211117, unoffl,cially that a ��yuteln of In' which qQvors the mountains at an al murtin Btiby Case.
force, shot in the head and urlll . iavo had to, and killing Any of those of Music, Brogklyn, Is On fire. It Is tornational exchange of. detectives titude or 7.000 to 9,60d feet, 6ontain- Theze are tile elements that enter The New York Und.
was wounded In the I allows would have act let me off. -the largest theatre In Brooklyn And ll&s been inaugurated. 'This meana e&25 per cent. commercial rubber. . lite the affairs coluinoiny known as Mrs. Martin said tk,at two years
Noldermeler 1:8 1
I=d by, bird o9bot. Van Dine was The jig wau.up for us, no matter Is tbD place soleot�!d for the testi- thatEng] h, French; German and A prospector lost in the hills first
monlal ,dinner to be ale. I*Martin baby case," recently In- ago, after she and the doctor had
elmllarly Injured, and nustainod In liffiv many we ktiled. I says to Pete: given FAtate Italian detectives and secret police discovered the rubbery substalice by ,aot,ed into thiH SeCLIOn allOr twQ ,vaturited from London lie grew tired
addition a Xleeh tlyound In the left Well, whill, do you think ? I He nodd- Senator McCarron, by thb Democrats will. soon ba among those who pro- showing -tile root t6 sustain life. H a ear,s of'scatitdai in New York. Willib of her and obe was sent to New York
thigh. R000ki was'phot In the right od his )lend and dropped Ills guns, and of King's County, � to-Idght.. The fire toot from lunatics ant] anarchists discovery was brought to the knowl- that IS SUpPOSed to lie
)Ap. His wound is the roost serious that is how they got tie." spread rapidly, and within 'on min- the life of ;the President of the Unit- edge of Chicago chemists, and the ,he fortillifi practically -destitute. She says he
, Ira a p od� ap- , lie stake for which tile game is made knew of her delicate condition . at
Ine has served W the 'army utes of the timb It alf4xt it . y WAS the I -
of anlyi inflicted upon tbe men, but ... , � shows Ills uld be ed States. The Rrst active step In Western Rubber Compaa . ,vol,Lli tile calidic is or doubtful ex chat time, alid her eblld,s birth was
was 00t � oufficiontIp porlous to pro 1) tile Philippines, and peared thlat. the building wo this direrction has been taken. result. . stance, there is no ,disputing the p.op�-rly regiAered. Dr. Martin Went
vent him Irm trai�lllng a 'long dls'- milltary,i;ralning in many ways. . entirely destroyed. 'IOG x . Detective & R, Ireland, who wa I A dozen men are now engaged on , 'trungeness Or tlie P.Ot which seeniL to New York later, and a hearing
tance after oreeelving It. The man were at once handcaff- The structure, which was - X one of the isperat men surrounding the hills about Salida, collecting tile 0 focus around tlie pi.tiful liLtit' was heard before a commisoloper to
Wasited ter Car Barn Nhirders. ,)d, placed upon a train, and hurried Irp feet, valued at $250,000. President McKinley at Buffalo in brush, of which mIllions of toils are- * ago. the pre- have the record or the obild,o birth
to Chicago, .c,nd taken into tile of- Nearby property Is threatened. ' Addledy., Two years .
The, three linen twere wa.utoa by, tile Pico of ofile Septem6er 1901, when the assassin In eight. Rubber that has stood all-, �mlifarlcs of the story flow being nil- expunged. He claimed no child was
,r at.poli4o. 6*(en, and At 9.50 o'clock only thefour-walls the tests of the tropical- product has New -n, and the woman who was In
, fired life fa,tal shZ�t, is ab :oIded lit Moronto filled tile N bol
police for 'complicity, lit the murderij lhore, In the pi-esence'ot May'01- Har- , of thild building rematned, the in -
at thapar barn& al the Chicago City h Detectives been manufactured on a small scale, ,ork papOrs, 41 lla-jir phra$j3 or tht, ch,9 house with Mrs. Martin, so she
rison And if; throng of officers, they terfor baving been destgoyed. Tile and tie organizers of the 'Western
Ttallrmd Company,, oil August 80th, iiscussed tile events of the day a� roof fell, part or It striking a 11. detailed to protect President Loubet rubber Company announce that they 'Aso deve,oped whon ,Mrs. Dewsbery claims, swore on the stand that she
10 on his return. visit to the King of .)f 58 Toramay street, was arrestet. had Induced find a child In
when two*men were killed, a thira �.alwly its though it had been roth- quor saloon next door, So far i I Italy. are preparing to install a large fee- or .. 4eelAng a baby farm," because he foundling Asylum that she could
� bailly wounded, and $2,250 stolen . ng unusual for them. . . one bad.. been hurt, * tory the 11 mely Tiddirdy Introduce' as liar own. This tba
from ttesDompaty^ Gustav Marx, who Both men admitted that Marx had Disturbances lit Arabia. The.official. request for Ireland's .. I 11 . itic furnished .0 d was the baby Dow
last 1 Soturday- liflglA waurdered Of-' '.-old cssentlally the truth lit connect- services has angered the secret po. DENIES SHE ELOPE;). ffith a home. . trial esta,blishe
Zondon, Nov. 3O.-Tbe Times' Rus- Mrs. Beaste Star Keefor Martin,who In Toronto over which so much
[leer JohM Quinn, when the policeman 'jig them with the various crimes lice of F rance, who sneeringly de- � 1, I
start correspondents say dist .. ---2. Bet 3ays alie, is the mother of the oh-ld� trouble had developed.
endeavored to J71ace (him under ar- :.-harged up against them, and said are reported In all the Russian pro- clare that, inasmuch as Ireland did Pt incess Alice Int,wids to Bring' ,as had a turbu,clit experience. She Site said she put- liar child In .the.
re#t. Confessed, after thle capture Iliat they (lid thin killing at the car not prevent President McKlaley's -
that lie, in company with the three barns. . " " . vInces of Armenimi ,Conflicts are ca- assassination, lie is not capable of , Traducers to Book. .& now 11-ving At 24 Lake pront. She care Of a purse girl who boarded .
ehre between ,tile po- . s a woman of striiiing appearance. at Mrs. Dawberyys, 58 Teratilay
inen. thAd ,bommitted the crimes at Iloeski Cal)(11red, ple,and the troops at% pollee. guarding any one. Rome, Dqc. .1 -Count Despa, who .twenty years ago at Hamilton 011e street; that sha bad %to money to,
AWt.e car 'barns, That hunt for Van Following fresh footprint . 9 Ill tile The chief cause Of tile Outbreaks But tile ,Important Xact LFJ that Mr. IlVea at 84;rl, near Uenoa, wberethe ffa,, conswerod one of the wautied pay all the expenses incurred, and
Dine, Nledermeter, and It000ki hiw snow train the scene of tile capture is the decree by which the property Poulet, assistant pirector of Preel- Princess Alice of Sohoenberg-Wald' if 1.1le Wealloyan Fornale College -She after the nurse left Mrs. De'�Vff I
11, .
x been bot ever ,since. Although they :?f Noldermeir and 'Van Dille, rest- of the Armenian church was likLuded dent Iyoubet's household, acknowl- enburg iv-,ent from Rome, telograpbs Itill retains many of these Charms. bary refused to surrender the child.
knew triat the entire police force lailts of Ea,st Tolleston, Ind., captur- over to the government. edges that Ireland has been engaged as follows: 4118 Is a woman of education, has She said she could not understand
was lookingifor them the threemen act Roeski, sitting oil a bench In the The Moscow correspondent of the to aeconiVany tile President to Italy "'I beg to deny this infamous tie- .ra-voled much and hits had many 'ad- why her budband had desired to steal
remained In the laity, until Weduee- Wabash station at Aetna, Ind., a Times roportu alarming disaffection because of Ireland's knowledge of cusation brought against Pri-ii- , entures. There are lines on her face the little one, but he had sent --de- .
day morning; ,.own four miles north -oast of Liver- among tile working classes In Kieff. American-Itallail anarelilstf'. L cesv Alice Bourbon, who reserves ,hat would suggest acquaintance tectives after her several times.
Word wAs brouglit to the pollee pool, Ind. . . . all judicial prosecution to li�erself.' with grief. Apparently a strange She ridiculed the idea that Dr. Mar
last night by T. 9. Rolohers, a The arro,4t was madb at 4.15 1 ter, daughter of-tho late Thomas Tnie. relatives of thoPrincess It"%'- owbiliatiou Of circumstances has tin possessed a fortune or landed
school teacher, noav Clark Station, ,),cluck, shortly after Roc,akl had ,k NtW MAHDI RIISES. Carter, of sit. Thomas, and had Ing at Rome, includkig Princess ,r,,,,t to make her lite anything but estates. She says he was a Carport
h ail answering the inissed a train to Chicago. He was _ i V� Q — . ' Brailcaleclo, gives the following ex- ,)Ieauant. I I ter and of lowly origin. She de -
description of those wanted for the anarmed. The bandit] wits identified ,V1.Oops Sellt 10 Dispe.,.st� His Forces ill three 6oaa,'Walter, wba, sailed wItIl planation : , clared she loved liar and only
fly Huge Kemp, a hunter, who on- . "Four months a -go the Princess, as put her out because she could not
car barn murders were living in a $ him, and Intended to leave soon for strai,ger Than Fiction.
dug out. Other stories last night ,aged the desperado In a fight for (lie soudi'li ' Philadelphia, for a course In dent- after asking a separation from he plotIon is.not so remarkable keep lier at home aad work out. Z�
, ol'the stories Mrs, Martin tells -
Placed the men near Wauke- Ira at a saild pit in East TollesLon, London, too. 1.�A', new., Madhi Lor Istry; Iltarbert, who Is now at Fort husbund, left him. Going to tile RI- LuLtay r them are verified. If she ' The woman asserted that the child
gall, Ill., and ttfe pollee, placing no wilell tile fugitives pressed a loco- , in I-= William, first mate of the S.S. Fair- � r threats she is likei bore phYbl(3&1 marks aim -lar to thciRe
., Xiera on a visit io Sort, whiere liel -,()mc' 0
Uad Mullah. w making troublO tile L mount of the Northorn Transporta- re- carries out Ile _y
groat rgilance, lit any of the rumors notive Into service to escape the name Is knowl), she decided to ome, ,sensatlunai on her, and Called attention to the
sent only eight men, Detectives police. , . . Soudan, anti It has been founa. uoceR- tio, Company, and Frank M., living inaln Incognito, and took the name .o be a factor in. a fact that her ears were differently
isary to sand troops from Kliartoum In Toronto. itigation In Toronto, growing Out: of formed. She said the same defeat
Zimmer, Do Roche, Qualey, Gleason, . i...41 I of Irer maid, blatreni, who is the 01
DrIscol, Baumer, and quell and disperse the maicon- urioua instance of lle9ke0t was noticeable In the baby. The
Sheellait. to . The crow of tile Emerald consist- wife of Coachman Emilio, tile mail -t 0 Igirt, of an ate, daL.
Hughes, to Indiana, Sheehan being JAPANESE"AS LABORERS. tGnxa inat ,surround him. The mail ed Of eight persons, as follows: Capt. -%vltV whom tile princes& is said to ovLre I offl,;iA, Lbar, writer falled to notice this mark on
I'lacied, In charge of the squad. _ — _ in oommand of this expeditionary VbMastor; Walter Mc*Hauter, lite 22- have, run away� ' I Ing- bL,.ck two decades. ,,rhe record tile child. In rAot, the baby resem-
Lord Milner Outtillf's ft PlAn to OPell forcev is tile redoubtable -Col. Bryan ybar-old son, a sailor; Thoo. Slight, .--- I,roiea that some of her contention bles in no way the mother.
. bliets Came Thick and East. U 1) (lie Transvital. T. M-allon, a County Galway man, Port Hope, matef-Tolin SeldrIck and is true. To this bungle, by abuident How it Catift O"t-
Milia men reached the dug -out at Be. MEN WILL srwKE. ar ,design, In Toronto, Mrs. Martin
about' 8 O'clock, guided by Retch London, Dee. I. -Lord Milner, who won renown for leading tile J. 1 werman, sailors, of South Bay, attributes title fatai chain of circum- Mrs. Martin said 01he would sue for .
era. AS soon ,its they wore in signt, fligil Commissioner of South Africa* column that relieved Udeking In the near Picton; A. Wright, of St. Cath- — to have Sur I nee for the mistake that
Boor War. Col. Mahon, who 18 arines, and it sallor from Ogdensburg No Hope of Setilenient Is, DO111i'14)h Aarices that seems - damages at 0
� eocir.ded her from bar seminary, life in ,iaci cool, ner so much. Bile said she . .
of the place the orficera advanceu 4tated to ail %EnglIell friend on Tues- military commander of the Kordo- whose name is unknown, anfl: the , Steel Difficulty. olittle but cuuid
In a circle upon Uv6 dug -out, wherb 0 eglon as wIth,hIm a aldia. had called on Dr. Do
lay night that lie PUrPOS09 to a - fan r , h column ,000k, a woman. Ilmlifax, N. gs., Dec. I. -There I-, If Tiddeldy is not the child of Mrs. get notiang 6Ut Of him, In the COD-
e upposed to be c-ure. thq,pasgagi of a bill thiough of Egyptian cavalry, and It Is ex- now 710 )1opo of a, ,settlement of the ,1dartin aven gloater my,31,61-Y sur- vereation it developed that Mrs.
Conceded. Driscoll, wA-u was ,tyalk- tile Loglale,tive Council of tile Trans, pected that It ewill make quick work
Ing In closer than the others, callou n n - operat- OM HEART difficulty- bOt-,veari the P. W. A. am- .Ounds tile little one than now aP" Dew,siaery had gone to the Morality
vaal colony rigidly It litt 9 the tin or tile ,low, Madill, who is ployees of the Dominion Iron anu - J.ears. Tbe New York litigation re Departwent to Reoure tile arrest of
out: "It does not loo, - i h portatLon of Chinese Into tile cot- Ing in tile Kordofan district. The , — Steel Comp&DYL and the management, ,a..1,s this .bit of r,dLk and white was MrjH. rdon of the
b, Iteniaricable Oner"ition Perflarmed by . ,
thlere Is anybody there.' the admits- fact that Col. Mahon himself has served with EL
11 Don't anybody fIreo" ordered 00, but providing for rerniVe taken command of tile expedition a Rxissiall physiclivif. with reference to the reduction Of bom to Mrs. Martin at the time she child, and was herself
E3reehan, "until wo know if &ton or Japaneee, oil terms ag I wages. It was thought an Adjust- aeys thils -bit of rInk and white 'waS complaint because the' authoritlee
are tilb Tight people." they to the, Mikado's Government. shows that thei uprising Is consider- Odessa, Doe. I. - An oxtraordin- meat wouid pe rea,ched at tL center- g
,ij-on life. Mcillbors of Mrs. De';vs- discovered she wis tak,ng care of the
As Sheehan spoke Driscoll picked Viscount Ullner's language "all a,] -.serious. Col, Mahon was with ary operation is reported from the pace held to -night, ))ut without Avall- uciry,s family, _,vItIl whom the baby child without it license to do so, Mro.
aDmotlilng like this: "Tile Trans, Kitchener In the bongola and Nile to;�vii of Urleff. A revolver, care- Mr. Plummer refueed to ,countenance is living, assert tillat refeatedlY Mrs, Martin Pald the woman tied become
up a chunk of wood and hurlecl It vaal cunuot get on W�tilollt Chinese campaigns, aided In the capture of so attacitied to the baby th t she did
-at the dug -out. Instantly there was lessly hhndled, went off In the liands the prapo,sal of tile men, much as Martin has said tile child was noT a
abor, but Lt must be imported un- the, old Khall.fa, and waa d000rat- of ,a young girl, the bullet iodglng he regretted It. frer's, but that ghe was paid to keep not want to give liar ,uP.
" T___ Jlasb!, a report, aud Driscoll felt der contract accoydIng to , Atring- ad f6r bid services. 110 also served In ,tho heart . b Frederic Nic110110 ttild Wffi- MoMae- L't. r4estiWny at the Now York At Mrs. Dew.j�beryls humble home
I 1YI) 41 heap, shot through Lite abdo- ent limitatio.118. Tile fecillig against In India wJtll distinction, Oil Prof. Mantelfel being called ter, two bf the directors, arrived In trial -,vag that Mrs. Martin em;Joyed there was much excitement manifest-
. Mon. One df his fellow -officers its, in Soath, Africa Is wide and two other IlUto,
fftOOIJed to raise blim, and tile other -kolclti Immediately after tile occurrence town laot Dight. It is just possible 9, hospital nurse to secure liar a ed over tile case. T4c baby was Play-
flLx opened fire oil t1fodug-out, from deep, all d ON orything coxnpatib',e with IS THE EMERALD LOST? 'an operation ,mas 'Performed on th�3 'that they, may Arrange k9o-me ,basis :citiolUng lilmutc that 8116 might 'in- Ing around with laughter and
which shots were now couthigthick Lho economic necessities of the girl, w1thl. tba satisfactory result of settlement, but It is 'not At all gog(, upon her husban 1, in order tbat tuts, clilldron of liar o
country inust be done to Avoid Of- . — 4 mre a share of his ScOt- daughter-in-law. She is a. motherly
and last, %V reekage Vagt Ashore Believed to be thlat the bullet was %vitlkdrawn ail([ likely, �,Ilk) m igh t sec
' - lar,d estates. -
While the fire wAs at it- landInj it. The influx of Chinese , the girl's life saved. None of tile The Outlook Sol- ,Sydney: at tile Pre Mrs. Martin ridicules woman, And talked freely of the case.
� hottest must be refil,riated to tile laboring liters. seat moment,is not the �eryl bright- tiand estates, ant) while Ue baby under discussion tam
main blood vessels were injured dur- tb�a existence Of ScO itor bled around And Insisted on being
Van Dine and Roeski rushled out, . Ing thb ope est, for It the strike comes About, brands Ver husband as an imrO4
w bv c.1"s. Wo hope thus to obviate ration, 1. - to t1As extent. He to a pbysictlarl Of kiss(Z-by every member of the house -
followed a fow minutes late I Toronto, Nov. 8O. -There seems to - tile works will be closed down tin As in love with
Noldermoler. Tile latter ran to tj�o muclL opposition hitherto exhibited . hold, Bile said she w
tracks of tile miclagan Central oil account of the Influx Of Petty be scarcely any doubt that the medlately' and altogether over reputo in Boston.
merchants. Schooner Elperaid has been lost. with A LIFE FOR FIVE CENTS. two thousand men thrown olft of httll [�As '11031PY. the baby, and did not understand the
Rallroad, and, throwing himaLit flat Chinese and Indian on board, -_ work. � Ind,fleretice of a woman toward ouch
Lid to treat tile . . But tilte ifict remains that Mrs- a sweet little thing, especially Its
On the roadbed, steadied Ills arm "However, we Intel different Captain McMaster and all lay that Restaurant Keeper lit Chicago Killed Martin appears wail supplied with
a. l'apf(I Japaneso oil an entirely on SaLur� mother's lack of interest. she de -
fire w1thl three revolvers. basis and -sliall oonclUdO a con'e'- some wreckage had been discovered , a Man Jor IL Nickel. �ujt,js. that efforts have been made clared that she would be glad to keep
pt Up Itoeski it was learned TOLU A FAKE STORY. Iest few
ran for title brush, but Vail Dine tion with the, Toklo Government Per- on tile shore a,bout two miles east of - erat times during tlyG the child as bar own it she were able,
Chicittgo, Dec. 'I.-Decause lie was Varcy, ANhO Sftl� I.I. 11.ill,fl. Glfir� i'e' to steal
� the Ingress of the intelligent (in,, Light, and about two miles from morAhLa by unknown persons but at present Nile merely wanted
retreated slowly, and altdough tile witting . short five cents in Rattling for his I
air around blim was filled with but Jap,in, leavingthe matter Cobourg. lit consequence of the' ro- Whalen, aToronto'blIall- wto child; that while Dr. Martin hAs pay for .having kePt 'Tiddledy," as
- v;asscS Of beeakfa,st, Marcus Sl,eohan, a guard ,,, disavowed tbb baby and convinced tile all
lets and Vie snow at his feet was of tile restriction of uncloalrabl-es to port, Captain John Williams, a friend on tile .�3outli Side Elevated Road. was Toronto report: 11 That in o child was born I of called, lice, said she would give .
by them. Ila Is a, splan ,elves. M Jap- of tlic, family, and Messrs. Marshall authorities that n Mrs. bewallery
kink - t'ho Japareso themr shot and killed early to -clay by James ,_vanehester, Eilg- arl n $het wits paid for
d 1 a up -or and W. W. ardor arrest fr. tie rer,resented by hqs wife, 110 11 up the chilld whe
tDark,mAn, and, catcliIng sigbt alle'so subject can leave homo with- Woodcocir, George Cart rArganus, proprietor bf it State r to g -reed, but the did
Of Detective Zimmer, who was be- out a passport. Ilonce tile ant)]- Carter, brothers-in-law, left .Yester- street restaurant. Havi g b t fifteen land, who says be -murdered GlOrY inar,ifested into est, according liar -trouble, an al
uplotely to cof)� da -to Investigate. The latter two u Whalen at ColilngwOO(l, knew 110til- Mrs Martir,, in trying to secure Ims- not want to see the little thing taken
hind a tree, lie fired. Zimnwr Nvent critics are ab!c cot ) differentitife jy last evening with 'Che cents In Ills pockets, Sheeh Ing of tile crime beyond what lie rea, sef,slon of the child. to a children's home or a founall'tig
down withl a bullet lit .the head. As trot eililgrat tell. W( r6turned a meal w.111ch lie thought called for n with
lie fell Van Dine fired again, aDd the, Japailoso from every other Yet- pieces w1lich. had been found, namely# that amount of money. When lie ill thc newspapers," This was tht Mrs. Dowsbery's connectio asylum. Site was In love with "TAd-
the corner -post of a, cabin, part of D11119 Wall At Pol'Ct tile case Is a pathetic tribute to a dledy,1- and was not ashamed of It.
tile eeoond bullet tore through /,Im- them perfect came to pay for the meal, however declaratlou Of it Y, Is tender attachment with somothing akin to a sob she
!oiv race, and .accord 0in, and a Piece of lie was told by Berganus that b4 headquarters yesterday. The Yoll-W motherly womall
1110r'fi arm, y Ill tile ;irot rank of elvl� the side of the at no. Aypar- , said she did not believe Magistrate
t equalLt tangue-and-grooved board, which aP- � little o
After .has arrest, Van Dine sa'd: ize(l nn.flona," owed 20 cents. mail had just returned from U2119- ;or the homeless hild Induced Denison could fine ]ter for loving a
JHis. Mead and )its arm were all I . parently bad bee'a used for a cup- ,,Maat is all the money I have," said larA, and by Ills knoWIodgO of .,it; - el-tly, her love for the 0 - o would produce
101ould rice. 1 hit all thora was of board. TJJO paint which remained car- the other nickel the circumstances connectod With I,fer to try to have Mrs. Martir. elnL baby. She belleved sh
111m,0 ART TO CURE SHYNESS responded exactly to that Of the Sheehan. "I'll give the arrest In England impressed tIlL. �airnssed to suchi an, extent that tile child in court 1. then If the matilk-
cabin of tile Emerald, but the moist this atternoon.11 was he
.,You'll pa,y novv , -der evc&, when she . not 073,o lim. I I
__ or you will i)evor pollee with the truth of his story. alea could retain the bally. In a" v trate ,saw how ,sweet she
CaPtUrOd it Locomotive. 1,,_)nc1o1l Wonlan Starts a Nov.!I lieCUIVe convincing Proof was the height of leave this house," said Berganus. ,its story is this: .rile man un called on the po ,,rould I
1100816 bad by this time disamear- tile corner -pont. arrest in England Is William CaVaY, lice department to take steps to'
0 -ii -se lit Art School. . I Shechan laughed &lid turned toward - ward cil,firging Mrs. Martin with de-
ed and ,Van Dine and Noldermilter, Evidence. Conclusive. the door, but before he could reach aged 19, of 7 Claremont street, To
placing their revolvers In tlietrpock- l'olilloll, Dec. l.-Shylleisti is not There are only four schooners oil it Berganus drow a revol er and tont,o, who Nvent to tile old country sertir.g the citild, she was arrested RAN SUNDAY CARS
s - 41togethev —
ots.wa,de a run, for freedom. Tbede- OwInent v red. with Cattle 1) saturated with MY6- Cor"Wall Street Hallway Deller,
generally regarded as a pr the laire with cabins of that heighLi without a wo,rd of warning ri �bout two aloni,h, 0.90- for keeping a baby farm
tectives fired constwitly, but th',3 characteriNtIO of the modern womano and, As three are accounted for, the was shot in the bead and After the beat ,was unloaded CareY tltki affair is an
all!ng malady is appar- killed. was arrostod In Mtltloliestc� for an ter.'ous and start lug situat:ons that Orders of Ob let'.
hardits escape(!. Aftoll running but tile dIStrO conclusion is that this must belong the ,he gamut of human emotions Is Cornwall. Nov, 1,�%-For tim om-
AbOtit a mile across-counLry, theY ently, surriclontl r prevalent, for It IN to tile Emerald. Captain Williams Tprowing Shcolian's, body out upon unnatural riffle, arid, knowing ho recital. 611C xcurpo�jpfl
s f the Porillsyla Ytaken lit IlAnd at the he bovero punit-jiment likely , to follow, var. In t oild time alnee the road,was .Uullt
.aliroad. to be EarfouSly' At tarl's Court. and Ue Other [A-101148 seeking for tbc 61dowalk, Bergatius looked up t , 'as wanted brir-ghig suits for damages against nday, on the
vania P Ali engine withl a, JOilling School of Art wreckage were mtonished to learn place and .tied. He is still at large. told -the court; that 40 W . humiliating crtlyl wore Jrall on 8111
coming Reason, tl-;tt. -tilose pieces bad first drifted -a
train of cars wa close at lfand,'and, Toere, during the for the more serious crime those respor,sible for a Rallwv�
. 8 In Canada . Cornwall El'actrip f3treet
of kAhng Glory iWlialon. The author- orror she suffei d fr. tile registering
I Illurrylug up, to it, the men Ord'3r- bashful -womon are invited, to come aM16re on Monda,y last, and that the Moral to -day. Tile occasion wits tile visit
,1,d 11vakesmar. Sov*ea to uncouple tho Usa Desterre. ad not FIGHTINU IN R NfERLAND. Ites there roted his atM1,0111011t, but of her child's birth Iri the V to'Cornwall of over 8310 Knights of
. � and be cared by Miss r tarmer who discovered It 11 'I- Ilogpital In To�onto, March; 28th,
train from the locomotive. Ho rO- . one meeting Ilas already been IIA16, ileaPrd 6T any wreck and did not At- - - It ,did not sAvo him from tile Be Columbus, wi.oso mission was to
lob out- a rt n years 11 an Eng, 3881,). sh,rt declared she held Dr. Doo -
fused, and attentroted to takeNioder. tile), any linportanco to tile dIsCOV- now British ici,cops rdttlsbe(: a. tono of fan ca I , .
and tbo roseatc blushes wit 11sh prison. little, whb was then physician it) organize a inew Council of the order
inelor's revolver from him. The Iat- f,,,,,,(, file Cheeks of bashful blondes _,cry, Tilere woreaciveral Other pieces Ilebellions Foe at Aden, - Oil tile police the error, lieire. The Xntgllte came oil SPeOlml
at',* instantly sent a bullet through and brunettes nitture's finvht but these %rcro burned, and yet this The man who called ch,arge, responsible for trains from Ottawa, Montreal And
the bralresman's brain, laying 111111 rIvallod a tropical sun" In Itself allows that tile wreck must London, Nov. 219. -Further details yestorday Says 110 had a edhverLatloll alid said iiiat Dr. Morace Bascom, of Xiii-gat", 4nd the street cars
efforts in tile shave Of lie 111anchester Jail with Carey, ge, -Micni, Dr. Doolittle sea -
dead Ili tht onou". Sp past ;ik.,�Xevev, it 1H said, Ilag a murky loan quite recent, for the ]lave been received of the fighting In t NvF�r* min to tho. G. T. R.
ffingIng n 'nave I who said lie was going to Invent the =at the hospital, would be Ole
SONOWN body, the lafthdita mounted I in the Mutum fairly dry and allowed no In the Aden Hinterland, in which the .%nil 0. and X. Y. dopatef to 00nv"
ititernorM of LO1ldOT gi WOOKI was story of k1llIng Glory ,Whalen. Carey of hor chief witnesses. She also
in ow- and a wii, aftoT which
thlo locoiantive with revolvers In been rAinved by 611ch it WAr , indication of having been In tile lad nine cannaltIvs, T110 , ays thoui into tl* to ad . to the barn s,
.to ' of In British 'I , retbl-ed tile long sentence which stared illreatens to site the olty;lf Iler 11:e tbo-cars Nvere .eetnrn
11hr-A. and ordered the ongtneer Ing plece or color. rest
Inove out Jr. it � did not water fOr any length Illy expedition, ,under Dravot-Licut.-Col. him In itille face, And thought that, she will spend the
a hurry, which lie did, ot,c lecturer at till,; 111co ng Y were materla Lt taken back to Canada and U0- trying to Ilave tile ,record stralaht- NO local *Wsengers were carried.
goleg I &rera as Bile told their itea roll the.
n the direction of Liverpools spare ]for (111ftl1*119 Ile torn, aided by George Plunkett and Captall! P' ,nglish. wag sent out to destroy tho q Itted tit tile murder, the Other C n e d, Aos t1lio Street Rallw&�Il COMPOMY's
Ind. After two miles had been clov. t1lent thatshync-98 waS merely it I)an Rooney and lite brother. Captain chief village and drops of tile tribe u local franchise, does not permit the
elred the mL%ll r if-,,; of belleving for tho Crime might be forgotten. 'Who the Lady is.
. irdered the enginr to 6f conceit, tile res Oy really .Toill, Williams and Martdiall Williams Nalchlem, An punishment Carey has been Convicted here of A curlotis circumstance Is that tile nifining of care an $undayo Chief of
8IONv down, and, learAng to tlfl them8elveli greater than tll�'-cted by tel,nalned to continue thesearch. Mrs. shooting of Government camel -9 and R1,1111at, offences. A few montlis ago re police Licayth, acting oil the rlfayoea
,, 4"rontd, tho-y disappeared In thO are. ,pnc cure is to be laffc card of tile hospital shows that ordere, notified the lineal Dt"aftr
. , n tho hfolklastor Is prostrated w:tll 91'. -Or' the lootlng of Ills Mit'Je"ty's ina"A' 110 wits arrested and remanded tot- It
� Woods, f debates, I but 8110 111119 exprosoed tile W1811 tll&b Thc triba Is very warl:ke, ilaid tIld" a Mrs. Keefer waig brought theta and street Rallwar offlelftle" 1vot to
- llealls of a series 0 lisa wo0c. When lie a0pearod again lie to be confined, by )ter husband, And take out their eare. ne also took t'be
After tile tr&I,A lind faill,ried Van ,10ollrRO bf which 1.110 ( ,age �vljl ba anyollb re0overing a trunk or a desk country had never hitherto bcen ., iliplatned that Ile wtif; a South Afri-
14ne and Nelderlil,vier awn.y. Detea, c6nJ3ldered Ill ail its app,�,ots. The 8117" ,q, penetrated. was confined. In tho city blIkealli naYnes of th16 crews of the different
tive Sheeha,n hurried to the near. e,nt wonlOn will inke, the (1116ir in ,,cut(, return then, to her residonteo poll veteran, and his story Wag b0i'll(i of vital r,tatlatIcg, tile records. ' Care fand it Ig P�paaslblo that -the fmn.t.
I by, the *,82 limthurst street, (or both contain After leaving An Suk Camp, the lit by a medal which Ito wore,mid I
e9t Milce station, and wired to turn Papota will lit read papers of interest arid Value- British o.,iltlmn bagan to wind aniong 0 wbidh are 6appoffed V, be "Pica tot, ;�aLv be alred In thd oocirte. The
, tit which r1p very Which had been smuggled to lilm Lit c�m ,will be run out,h,bout midnight
'Chief of Pollee O'Neil, asking t1lat 6,1141f6st, and will be replit'd to by' tile The rahooner EMOMW was ratod -a mountatno, .n trout thosa same rdedrds, Are marked
After a �01,,. and Nvits of 700 toils burdon. from tile pla,hd, and art thor tile Jail,, and Ito Wag given his liberty.
ho with tile word "Illegitimate." I to ca,rryj th,o Knights back to tboir
It ho' *0 � f
shyness, � .
leoGbO sent Old wltW rifles, I I treatment tinder MISS �"'� ,ard 113oludad Mrs. Wright, 1r13!a`;, V111tyl, no opposition for a eon4(. The visitor gave his 114tDO to t t� was spoken to. M � traing.
Met witIll a prompt --.,-- ___ coilf*00 Of this 150 on bo I i
oil J& 000k, W110 &Lmo from Otty,ogo, ern,Ne time they began to think � detectives wl o interviewed hilli. 1-10 Dr, DOWUttll
t3* chler of pollee Schnottlm* find, postotro's unbIls'll .9 g,lardianship sh ti ,11gId6nd On th(l Militia cattle i.qat(l lit any .event 110 *AN not re. .--
offle ro, armv.d wltl� i dently, o.xpeoted that 6, bin to think there would be no rag4f-4- Wont to V gisiblp, As 11.6 had liothIng to do A day vvitilbut a gbod dead jeavoil
e -1flon, Wore 14 (1,0111`1 lidoll and had twto, ehildron lit tile OtPliana' warnto gsa.! I sl,.Ip with c1troy, ant) t t Aties, n t.
I)OE'cl Capt. Molkitan- ADW. Suddenly- Without - Ap<
h wals well Re
nr�itllclr Ill nifi3O again lip. seen In A 1,6 1101,10 of that place. ol� a with filling th0ft Vital Y it I roll I deb I
f.01tt r to MillerIft. Tho Of- w all it Inaffeullno . iloatnted with lilm,
In of '��hale' Ptntsylvanla, 11allroad drftwlhs��-Wn f;&v(', I ter w4swarded to M.1sa Mirlam car. fi,Mr sort, a ragg,hd volley wits � I
algo 17060 to 0#1 oftler&tftoy. Cat,titin 010,01t. I