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The Wingham Advance, 1903-12-03, Page 6
, — charmtn(; a'V,icx id `-t'i>.-Ila, rt nnrserY �! (x Q j• i CAi2NirCili1, 3 ..•v ► C i FiftR& U.�+.i �t O. 49, �,90 -� - „e.., governess, and a eu,tly silk dress. � U is tLtll m a, Pura~ soap I" You've heard �Isl� VPtnslowp `•076 " "-L While she slat cimamlug with a The Gveat i']per anti Vancer Nory in the words. in S u n I 1 h fi uaethtng qrM& ehoriIt Ii r" liiAct smile on her face, ilei• step -son 1 Felix No'%% Yoxtc. � always be used for Chil3rco a ng. ib m•.n,lx• ": entered talo recto, 'Thera wag the rThore lids ;tisk trossedd the Attali- S 0 d OU have the faGfi. 500thastctachild,Pafton6thoquma,oateawigd „ �'� >< ALL CANADIANS p Y cotio anti is the lest remedy for Alarrhu9a. warmest attaehmcnt between these tic 'Mr. A;,olrew C'nl•lauglo S pip0r, ' . + A two -kindly liking and respect for 1 ,lligus .Macpherson, who will remain leis step -mother on lis part, the high- , in Now 'York until the spring, find ^(xTANTk/l) Al' tl vCl ULNirltust ",rAL est atimlratiott and ih.l truest Love That podd s Kidney Pills Cure ellen rotuzn Uo ,4utibo l'asttle in Seth- rV servant for faulty of two must " ` _ -K ``' '' for her step -son on hors, She wag lie callable. Apply to „btihh I`l, vu'I1LT.li, _ ,.,,; ..,, j_ All Stages of Kidney Disease. erlilndshtre, Scotland. ,all lite past m si .RN 6o yeung when Darcy Lonsdalo — UNUGHT , walnut street north, llalullton, vu' t- -_ her to the great rvhLte sumrnor bit pipes cheerily awaLenod !'r i + re house fn GasCLe street, Lit- Emllton 4loualre had IBAoltuohe 4Ir. Uarnegie in the auotutng, and l Rl YOU tINOCCUPIt',if ilolo 's time i N1I,.�,ti I 1 I I I.E.,7� 41111 t d I� squa I 1 absurd for relic FieAdaohB undl (Juuld Not Sleep- aga,in Jn the evening that charming RE OUCE�3 h nil or at lrast purr of aomuolle'a time �,il���rylll�l ,��1 `III ),iii, ' ?� I ford, th,Lt It seemec Lbr'oeh, "MaeleoO of IluasaY'n Sa• in every. locality. Ifyon aremaktag;2o.SQ ! r I b�i ' Ili!' 1 1 g Now lie Cart Z lee t Rork and 1Nlo- p „ mer week duu't write its \1'a only - atrantes lit, �: t' to cal, ser ruathet. n5 he raw 0ltier r p fw s T , lute, or a lively strathspey a,nd .'cel $L:I.OU, tttnu>;h setae of our representattvar '3.'.t` E - it appeared to hint that, with her day Lite-Dodd's kidney Pills Pid woui0 delight tate house party at F,XPEZ►lSFr ur) making "Thirty," M Cause, they err. I `� * ;� soft Italian beauty, lit., moat stilt- Skibo. An cxbibition of dancing, too,SO" hustlers, that to the kind wo want, we -tura l., i ( ,, able title for her wan Madre. Ho it, Ask for the Octal oinlPtr =31 the goods that sell fast. 1f you want to r , looked at her ttow, pleased 'lfr, Car;to;;lo and bis guests, - - - R make moue write us a Poet card quack, )„i,, L. +.„,'�• "Madre,” r said, 'y-ou are tociking Val ltaoirle, quo., Nay. 30.-(Speelall Piper >afaophorson is ally son of ?4Ia1- - - • t lick, lha vT. L. Nichols r o., L l)Or-) Tor f • ver leased and bright ; what is the -In these day% when nearly, every color ;Macpherson, rvho was piper to 'l`he Most Desirable Irifr, onto, Canada. (lfonttau this paper.) . I R� `�.-x � - � �.� y p nervs(paper tells pf death from : Kld- I Cho chtolturn of the clan Cluny Af-kud by the Duke of Somerset to - go(xI news ?" ney Disease ith'e case of Emtlien Clan, Mac )herson. M(aIc011ll WOu eltamp1011- " „• 5"'" ' t �,,,.,..,.,......: y ., ... airs, Lansdale went tip to him, and J ileflna "Lite most desirable life, Dis- atre, of this place, eomos'as a wet,- ship honors at the Edinburgh exhibi- rat•li answered, "A continued grand .�1- ftelll ds any 'meat clasped her arms round has neck. She sage of hope to the Canadian ileo- tlon In 1886, At the recent nortll-I )tocAseion from manhood to Lire STAMMERERSdrew the handsanle f:LCe down to pie. He had Kidney Dlseace. Dodd's ern meeting at Inverness., the most I tomb"' The most severe judgment of the expert tea taster pronOtlnCeS lift? Iilss Ino, I elix," filo �sald; " I Kldnexy Pills cured him complete) 6 + RNOTT IN 8' yl noted Highland gatlterin6 of rho 1., Blue -Ribbon Tea absolutely the best. Why? Jia yo nasus, Co tell yeti-iho best you and tpermanentlyi. , I year, Piper Ali•us made a record tit I A11nar•d s Linlment cures Dictum• r tHP. A rITUTIs, BERLIN, It is free from tannin and other bitter substances—no coarse have ever heard, I know you wail M. Clountre, is alwayu glad to tell dancing. He won each of the threo , per, � On kRN for the treatment TTLTR alt forms es employed in its making. txi pleased -Indeed, the very thought o[ his cera. He says : "I can not do open dancing eonipatllions, viz., High-' t,t SPEEOH i116b'A;c'i a' lvhetreat ore produce fibrous leavotherwise -than praise Dodd's Kid- laud fling in full costume, (lancing { 1{Ftt,Cllolls or a Bachelor. no} simply the habit and therefore prodnee The testa is pure, rich and creamy—that nameless quality that of thiel olidmakea never guess i blFelix j' trey. Pills. They, cured me of Kidney Strullepey rtr,'rl asci o[ 'Culloch, and natural speech. Wr{Ts ror varetculare, Soy. Dlseace. f • gilLitic caliaut (sword dance). He is, :a great many people would be signifies to the expert and lovers of true tea that it is the best , I suppose I never could. Have any "I had t leaves and shoots of the tea plant properly cured. of the 'small army' distinguished Ips ns to the back and head- however, usually very successful tit good mtlatlrpa vto5 taros a to wyer to Purest � �� �� themselves th eaves ?'' echo and could net sleep at nights, Inverness both at piping and dada- y pay. , " ms it is notlttng of that kind I got tYp in rho morning rnot a fat)- Ing, :and lie took :first prizes at many tet tar .you What isln t yours, but It is this• lou remember Mrs. Hard- gued than the 'night before. I took gatherings in Scotland and also at never to keep for you what is. man, of Woodburn?" nine boxes of Dodd'a1 Kidney Pills Stamford Bridge, London. But since A woman always thinks $he could�y�►�I Illue 1 " I should remember her, Madre ; and they cured me completely. Now lie has entere:i lir. Carnegie's 8 rule s stand her Father -In-law bettor n . 1 same oT the dreariest hours of my I oar fJieeil well and )work well and; lie is rot allow.e.i to compete at pub- rvaan't so much Lyi her husband. Lite have been spent ice copying deeds I ha.vekhad , on trovblecSinceI gone.t ck theenortherns,with ntecting N^ lr. exception sentimental tl)eforel he a in ed as 'r I bearing her name.'' Is averse to his piper appearing in the Tuan who isn't going to be after- lon TAVIL " My dear Felix, her name must be Dodd's Kidney T'illa." Ryrie Cut Glass is the held blessed' among us for evermore. Dodd's Kidney' ,Pills never fall to public. Angus Macpherson to u t3igh- ward, -New Yark' Press.. i t, �+ 6>dould b� 14aiX for ti.e She has Lett your father a legacy of cure Kidney Disease from Backache lander to Lha corn, and learned his f alacu.Mixed. /1,��+• ■,ice Ass 1or0' six thousand pounds -and to. us, my to ,Bright's Disease. Tho havB in bagpipes scent a child on at hillside eriard's LLnlnient cures Dlph- purest of Crystal. Csyloxa Crreen �i Reddear, that means so much. It means unbroken tecoz'd of thirteen ,year in with the scent of the heather in his thesis. Vale Houses to live in, a governess Canada, nostrils. And he has a pleasant home Our handsomely illustrated eery for the uhil(iren, and a partnership a Sklbo, the finest castle In the Some Turkish Proverbs. caws ueshowsaverylargoaaaort- I! Highlands of Scotland. - Loslle's The master of the house Is the meat of choice pieta.. for you.' f ReAliy Everybody's Business. Weekly. ` ' � His handsome face flushed hotly. I vu4et s servant. 0• "And that, Madre -that means for Baltimore Herald. t�31 C�7[1 @ I► Ile .who has not rest at home le I. a me Violet Haye•'' Much of the cruelty and wrong in $100 REWARD, ARD, re, 100• Ln tUb world's hell. A tender light came Into Kate the world t, -day goes unpunished or The readers of this paperwili be pleased to Two watermelons ca# . .3.nnot be 'Yield Lonsdale's clear eyes. learn that there is lit least onedreaded disease under one arm. " I hope so," she saki, gently ; "1 unreprimanded because those not dl- that science has been able to cure to all Its 'lulls mouth is not sw,eotened by ' shall ,be so pleased it it is so. Now, rectly concerned do not like to inter- Curstae to tie only positive cd that In ure now known Catarrh sayling honey, hopey. Felix, people call money dross. Could fore. They get behind that noble and the medical fraternity. Catarrh, beanq a con. To day's egg is hotter Chian to- 1 's Lover you or I estimate the amount of self-sufficient excuse that Is slimmed etftuttonnl dicast', requires are to to- if in. mTrro hb hen. xo, na Vl*olet's , happiness that Iles in six thousand ,, treatment. Haft's Catarrh Cure is taken in. To the well man Query day' to a 1 pounds T' up In the Very Convenient phrase, It muco s surfaces of upon clew feast day. This 8 -inch finest Cut Glass I value it because It Will give me Is not my business." It is only an- froyins the foundation of the dteeaee, and Tho 'milkman .generally makes ns Berry Bowl we send to Any Violet," declared the ardent young other way of expressing an excuse ggtving the patient strength by building up take water. Lover, eheconetitutlonundasstetlugnaturetndotni AddC$SS for yQ$.00. " And I believe it will gave me every filet was offered by a Mao 01 the its work. The proprietors have so much faith Some men seem to be 'tae busy i ������X 1 desire of my heart,' said Mrs. tons- dim and distant past Who was asked Hundred Dollars for any case that IIt a4a to to Make friends. � the wnd distant of hitt brother. A Some men, like ravure, are 'Lug We pay express charges le dale. "And, above all, it will give cruelty, a wrong In any form, to cure. Send for )fat of testimonials, CO., ehlarp for their own good, and guarantee safe delivery. • CHA.I"TIEIt I. ' lie could not build any hopes on your Hear father a little rest,' y' Address V. J. CHENEX st CO., Toledo, 0. Sdme people swallow their pride them at present, 1 everybo4y's business. Sold b all druggists. 75c, and dtb,bre chew the rag. "It Jae trite, Hatte>--every 'word of ,His life had on the whole been I CHAPTER H. I Take >y3a11'a Family Pills for constfpatton. Write for our Catalogue. I5te. IT. I was, like you, incredulous at a pleasant one, but he did wish) Violet Haye 1 There is something Ready for delivery Nov. 15th. fillet, b* I beard the w311 read, and at times that he had a little more In a name. More than one man mur- Refleottone of a 13aehelor. Le'ver'eY•Z(WisaFieac])DieinfeotantSoeg I atssstire you that Mrs. Hardman money. His practice was a good mused this one over and over again, What a wo-man admires in a man Powder is A boon to any home. It disin- R1J RIE B120S• line left me six thousand' pounds." one; still it could hardly be called Wondering to himself what swe9t , 21liEIIMATiSM CURED Ls the way he (gets a telegram with- Toots andnieansatthesametime, a(, "I cannon believe it, Darcy. See lucrative in the small, pleasant magic, what wanderi'ul sorcery lay Ont, out wagtin,g to Talzyt, JEWELERS how tiny bandpttrm.010. I havie hardly Lewin lucrative Lilford. Therell was not Jas. McKee, Linnwood, What tworries a woman about 1118, 120, 122 and 124 the strength to'speak. It is impos- in it. Violet Haye-the very sound Lachlin McNLel, Mabou, C. B. Same, Old Throat. Toronto I stable. lata 'thousand pounds. Oh, mach to occupy a lavviyer ; the set- evoked a vision so' beautiful, go full John A. McDonald, Arnprior, Ont. wearing flannels is how embarrass- Yon@ts Si„ ting forth. and renewal of leases, firs it .would be if she got in a Sail- Yonkers YOU Statesman. Aat,'ey, if there should be any mss- of Witching grace, so dainty, so de- C. B. Billing, Markham, Ont. way aiceident. Yeast -Rave you got another sore take, let mle knov�r It at once, before the drawing up of title -deeds, the ltgltkfu,, that dwelling on it proved J'ah(i Mader, Mahone Bay, N. 19. I take, to found my hopes upon such making of wills, the framing o[ too mu -h for ml,tds and brains not Lewis S. Battler, Barin, Nfld. Its very remarkable What a tine throat 4 agreements, composed almost the time married mon seem to thinit CrimtOnbeak-No, it's iho lama good fortune -before I take it into over strong. What bad not Violet These well-known gentlemen all A Grout toss. m6* heart o1 hearts as a truth." Whole of his business. Haye to answer for? How many assert that they' were cured by; they are having when they arc away throat. "My dear Kate, tpere is no tuts- Among Ills clients was an eaten- prosperous young farmers lead MINARD'S LINIMENT. on a .business tri December Smart sot, take -there can be no m:fmtake. I trie widow named Martha hard- wasted the best hours of the sum- Aman ttv'ould a darn eight rather HAVE YOU EVER terTRIED a strep either " r s e o ehonikl not have told you had there man, and Darcy Lonsdale had for y for the birthday presents hie L e ,menthol Plaster ed ted se either side of "Have you }teatd alto latest h v iira'c mer days, while the hay spoiled In [xi• the forehead as n. remedyforeovoreheadaeha. Brown's wife has roll off with 11ha been the least probability of such twenty years been her faithful iht, meadows and the corn grew over- ( wife gives ham than to have her buy Itwtllalmostimmodlataly atop the throb. Chauffeur." a tbLng. The money to our own, and friend, adviser and guide. She said ripe ice the fields, watching fn Cas- his cigars and pay for theist herself- bang pain. "Marc?, w,bat a pity 1 Be was quell wilt be paid to tie when the estate to him laughingly one day : tie street, or waiting In the green -New itdrk Press. ,". a good chauffeur t Brown will never, is settled , "You will have something to lanes, for one glance at the peer- Serlous Crisis Icor Husbands. Piano and Children's Nerves. be able to replace him." _ a , " Flit fed -1. card poundal Why, Darcy, thank me for when I am dead." less face of Violet Haye ? The young Aiodern Society. - � ■`V � � � � It is a Berlin physician, who must that .thous d pounds hundred a year, Flow can I thank you when you doctor who bad bought the old phy- Nodd-There are times wihen a man N be a sufferer from such "r,ractice," Chas it pot?" are dead?" he asked, ;she nodded sleian's practice had almose gone has d lie to hie wife. /� n who has just started a campaign jealous sflRival for Dr. Ag ewtsklftile •'Certainly," rt Darcy tons_ her head gravely. marl for Love of ]let' ; and, when she Todd -And that isn't the worst HEART DISEASE against the widely spread custom w ti -IL. The dale --properly Wrested." YCu will see, she replied. You told him, with a sweet, bright smi.e, of it. giving I:fanoforte lessons to children. pillsfa a marvel. Cheap to buy, but dta- "And three hundred a year means have clone everything for me since that she dtbl,ked medicine and every- He assertb that this instrument is monde in quality -banish nnueou, caatal+ freedom• from anxiety, from the con- you began to practice; but I shall thing connecLed with it, in pique and "What Ls?" end Indigestion largely resronsible for tine alarm.. tongue, water brash, pain after eatfug, nick Stant toil of trying' to make both not let yo'u ,make hay will. Tell me detsiair he married a prim lltale old "There are timesw,lten be has to Nervousness Ing deve'opmant or nerr ous af,ections, heudacho, never gripe, overate pleasaut)Y- endis meet, It; means a larger and whom you would hdvise vie to maid, who had ceased for fifteen tell. the truth:' , ' Relieved in 30 Minutes. which are steadily increaeing. in his 10 cents. 37 better house, a governess for the send for to do So." years to dream of a wedding ring. The Rev. father Lord, Sr., Montreal, opinion n igfrl ought not to begin the - Children. Oh, Darcy, hate can we be Thinking thAt she was in a capri- Young curates came, saw, and were � jiiinard a Liniment cures Colds, ate. Canada, says: " I have been a sufferer for 20 study of music before tore age of I6 Children. enough e. cions .mood, he answered : conquered ; but beautii'uL Violet years from organic heart dtaeuse, nervous- ears, and even after tlt'at age •tet The t31x lfoxta• Day. ,. resuwtely refused to help in any 4 tx Ii EAT cess and dyapepsfa and have doetured both Y "My deny Itiate,' said Lave lawyer, Send for George Malcolm he Is ii h work -she would have nothing r 1 Sn France anti America, with but temporary 1nOte than two hours a day ought to Toronto (IJoba. simply, ' I assntre you that MCT an honest latv,yer and an holiest Imo' - $100 earned X37.50 last month' relief. I trled Dr. Agnew'e Heart Cure aucl ttC devoted to pretties. Out of 1-1,000 mer I hal hear it I iiid man. But Why not let me make to do WILh the schools. One after through my method of handling ;tuns Indeed eurl:rlsed at the immediate relief 'rls 'rvho were Fiat to the tortur+, Ti1e l%resident or the Australlant Rome time aft. R � RX , another the. curates went away, with I obtained, I am firmly convinced that it g Federation of Labor has deolaxeA ,acts know bow, I Pelt. Tba most pleas- your will, ',sirs. yardman T' rain transai,Gtions-profits ,pmitted that the success of the eight -hoar tyf it was 60,113ling home to "Because I am ,going to leave you a bitter memory of one of the love- g will cure any case of heart disease and vv111 of scale exercises before alae ago 0 a pt part+ ted you something in it ; and I have not Liest girls in Loo'mshire. The young mderati. Safety of capital first can- 1 strengthen the nerves and stomachs 1e, nervoil are doomed i a some foof rm of Inoveme:it silould. prompt wptkmen to tell yoki. I kpew how del.gl t y react of the �glorlous uncertainties tradesmen of the pLaee had never to ryaxils, accepted title montTrial Accounts 0h- coup: Or, Agnew's Liver Mls aro the best. Only same •number of gilfereas rls whbgetlnusfeal begin an agitation for a six -hoar would be." lift their eyes to her, for she be- IOc fo,r 40 doses, I! girls day.Fle lige not made atiy estimation '•gave you told Felix?'' asked the of tie English law for so Malty lodged to ih•e class known in Write me at lance. Richard Elwood, education was neglected only 100 o the irreducible medium. anzxLaua wife. years w;tihout wishlag. to be on the P. O. Boa ;576, Toronfo. , i turned out neuroaptlic -No, 1 have not seen htm. yet. lie safe side. I may fall, but I will LJlfard as the gentry, ; but Bridge Over the Vola. J Le rihmipt over to Nuaeomibe. He will take all reasonable precaution:' when 1;v chance Viulet base (Lid iDr. - � WW�W�=�•WUI °'. p tri -1-1-111 '" 9•efil I cam (take him into part- He laughed at the time, biviing lit- ©afar it shop iho master of P■ To prove to yon that certain , build Russian Government is about M®T�XRS � LY ON �� Chase's Ointment ie f certain L�IJxernow, wlLtett is a thing that tie heed to what she said, and li had aced of patience during the and absolute cure for each �'' build anew bridge over the Volga. I luLve 14nS wlsihEocl to d°• Vire have sorra afterward he forget all about rtes. twenty-four hoary, for Violet and every form of itching, At present there le only.; one bridge vI I - lmd shard struggle together, Kate, the incident. Hayti was a most beautiful girl, arA bleeding andprotrudinir piles, over thia magnitiCAnt river, with its .. , �- °"' ^' " " • '' but it is almost over now(. I should Three years later Mrs. Hardmart reigned queen of the country round the manufacturers have guaranteedit bee tea- length of considerably, over 2,000 tray's syrup to keep the children safe from Lilford. timontals in the daily press and ask your neigh- { Rot have helLeved t)tat money Could (lied, and her nephew, her Bear tit bore whatthoythinkofit, Y ucanuseitam miles, and that is at Samara. The CROTP. It clisoives the thick sputum -clears the ,11ot such a -difference in anyone law, came upon the scene. Darcy l There was a wonderful charm get our money back If not cured. 600abox, atJ now bridge will cross the Volga a throat -breaks up a cold -and CURFS COUGHS. Beep eenwatlons. Yestlerilfay' I felt that the Lonsdale had all Iter papers, an . about tllo girl. It wag not simpiy alldealereorEDbrexsosr,BAT$s&Co„Toronto„ few miles above Kazan, which will world was my master, today I fc•cil exact list of all tier moneys, her Cor tho sheen of her golden hair, for ! be united to Moscow by- the year 9 slant I have mastered the world.,' �iaChase s Ointment deeds, leases, documents of various the wonderful light of her violet 1908, by a direct line at rail run- �� Symp ®^A �UM,''We shall the able to g'o to the 'kinds -but lie had no will, eyes, the exquis.te tints of iter face, `ghat fVoutu't she Do? otos through ArzAmae in the Yro- (V',1�-'/!7 , area-elde now, and you can take a "Did she make a will ?” asked tale the beauty of her rosebud mouth, vince of Nizhni-Novggrod. t ocauLrf onallY and we can get Heir -a -law. the men loved her so; It was not Buffalo Nowa. •i d' I t t c es Gar et in i th 1 se A bottle of this famous remedy is your best I Ie6 , .some good port wine for little Net- "I an not tell," replied Darcy that alto was tall and slender, with That tantalizing Philadelphia In- Miner e L n nun ur g atwaya n e ton 1$0." Lonsdale. "I have certainly drawn a perfect figure; it wa( not that quirer asks: "It Canada were In Col- cove. \ protection against those sudden night attacks of croup. , !1`Jio lawyer s'mdled up no will for her." shC had white hands that wove wort- ombia's fix, what would she do ? Fquauy Seed for throat and lung trot etas -for that she moved with Depends oil Circumstances• young andoid. 2S cu. bottle. "And my bonny Kato shall have a "Has she ever mentioned a will ?" � circus spells, that a superb drew," he said -"one that pursued James Hardman. grace that was all harmony, Strong Words b� a New York Truth -Rocker. . WWI make her look yotuyg and beau- Suddenly the lawyer remembered spoke wit). a voice sweeter than Speolallst.-'' Atter years of tosting and Teacher -Now, Johnny, I think I �`'' tiful to others, as she does to me. that she had mentioned a will, and sweet music, that, whets site laughed, comparlson I have no hesitation to saying have shown you how wicked it is to In truth, Kat% I see no end to the, ids face flushed as lie thought of the silvery chime stirred to man's that Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart Is the fight. Tell me what you would da rolled, the ease, the happiness, that the conversation. James Hardman heart like the i,ound of silver bells; quickest, safest and surest Yuown to meat- should a boy call you bad names?, ( sa tide unlooked-for legacy give's us." looked at him suspiciously. it was not for this that men loved eat science. I use it in my own practice. You wouldn't notice him, would you? '` ` "W.0 Murat takeni Vale HOse; It Is "She did speak of tier will to me ' tier. oho ware not a flirt, not a co- It relieves the most atute'torms of heart Johnny -How big is the boy,' to be let," remarked Mrs. Lansdale, once, she told me that I should quette-she never, by word or look, ailments inside of thirty minutes and never teacher 7 ' "• tE 10 jntaft: ,slum a 110US'D as I have at- not draw It ftp for her, and asked inado any man believe that she loved fails." -85 vrntyo beige, for ; it Le so large, so we to name some law,yer. I told himq but alto could no more of helped - /tt p Write for Ambrose Keimt X52. Soim's convenient, and has a maid. better tier that George Malcolm was an ' the Way x110 had of charming men FROM Old County drawing room than that of the Mer- honest law,yer and an 1~onest man, than she could hove helped living. Struck Out, N@1W$pa�9@rS THH 7 I1111tx��ra¢�e� �+at��0e7- tow. `hat do you think, Darey?+' butt I (never heard whertter site Sent silo was the only child of Francis Princeton Th. "Yeo, I thank we MJght take Yale for him or not." and Margaret Hays, who lived Ina The labor -union man Was at the and MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS, BOOKS. ete., Showing hundreds of elegant articles in Jewelry, Silverware, $orttL�e. I will Lro ant today and in- "You knob, of course of what pretty villa called tate Limes, on the bat, dispatched to subscribers by -first mails by Gift Goods, etc. It will show you how easy it is to make selec- l auire about the rent, ratee and tier property consists, and that I outskirts of Lilrord. By kind In- "Three strikes," called the umpire. Will, DAWSON do SONS, Limited, Cannon tion, and how economical it is to order by mail front us. We . Olaxetr" am her heir-at-law,," dl.lgence the Hayes were permitted "Well, at any rate, remarked the House, Bream's Buildings, London, England. quote a few unmatched values: - - - ••W,hatM ill Mrs Merton SAY ? ' " "Yes," was thu clt'eertul reply ; to rank with ilia gentry. They were labor-unlon man, as he walked to The largest Subscription Agency in the world, 3536 Handsome Pearl Brooch, 14 k. sitting, � $•yr 00 tt meed are have often talked about ,you. not poor; they were not "profes- the bench, "that isn't the first time Send _for our list. Free on application. •Est. 6591 Hair Brush and Comb, mounted in Sterling Silver: in case "Never mind about that," replied L can glue you the particulars of sionals ;" they wore not to trade, 1800, Prompt turd reliable. 7 b0 the I&Wyer. "All that we have to cIo I ve been called out on strikes." complete, - „- iMll to enjoy -our good fortlune. I really the late Mrs. Hardman's property. Francle Hayti had an Income that 4$38 Ladies' Solid 14 k. Gold Watch,: richly engraved, A, Cir ted Exercise. ry 30 00 (ars not know; inti I think that (ytic)t She owned tale estate called Wood- kept his family in comfort, but it Kent dt Sona movement, - - - - - . burn, consisting of a targe farm -would coave of his death:. He had Toronto 3979 Fine Diamond Solitaire Ring, - 50 DO & edam or money never made people and a good substantial house; and ln, iuro l Ills life for the benefit of big When the little folks take colds it is about time for come eminent sat happy before. K1as me, Kate, and Site had, bCaldes this, twelve thou- wife ar,d c►liltl, and the money that physician to rise and point out that weal we will r." forget to thank Hea- coughs, ' g eY.0 , ins Snow is a very bonen., al &MOSEYINT&S'UNStiumb sand pounds in tate Funds." would coins to them from the Lnvur- and col hs don't neglect them and ren together. ' "And that Is, of course, mine?" at,co war all that he had to leave let them strain the tender mem- form of exercise. rgbe, epealners were Darcy Lons- said James Hardman. tIletli;, stilt they belonged to the 156/F�1�►4 AC1 'R1*GJrffELrR$* dale find 100 wife. Darcy Lonsdale „I know nothing as to that;' re- (;entry. It was not a numerous hyenas of their lungs. Give them �®rj1�('1�u �� �a 7�� rinclpal lawyer In Lite clean ,. Ill (loinlr'to New York `�®R,V,a�'�®• W&M the ]T plied Darcy Lonsdale. I (lid not class in Lltford, and was by no means and well -'built town of Lilford in snake her will, nor (lid she ever to be Identified with county goeloty ; • ! Tr sura that your tickets read via Grand Loosnohire-a main who had had a ask. my Advice about it," that suss a lar -off And greater tJ Mich �� bunk and Lehigh Valley yin lit direct "Black lira+d hand-to-hand struggle with the, Diamond Express:' 'Phis fa he direct and - vrorld• nd had been twice married, i After the funeral George Malcolm glory -a world that even' beautiful ' best route from all Canadian Fonts. B this chane with the vvlll, anti Lite ittstrttc- Violet with her Greuze-like face had �pl��il! ��1CJY1 route baggage is now cheeke( in bond and _.._ „-��,.,..�,.-_, .- __�__ -. Hie first wife died In her twentletll tions .that he had. received from never hoped to enter. The gents from c nnaatan points, The Lehigh valley —1 year, leaving an only cion, Fells ; y has three ass otts in Newyork, o n n near MATCHES . �T�„ ■ r- uTsdten years afterwards thB lawyer AMrs. Hardman. It was read aloud ; compos,"d old Colonel M'tddox and hie �� a•Ea The Lun Tonic all flrebd-t- hotels, and down town paseenl AL�YAYS SEE THAT THE I1�FA■ ■�'■■ 0� . YOU BUY BEAR TME NAME and then it was discovered that lady. . Mrs. BrownSon, A widow rvitu g European steamship clocks, sav fug passel- atorried again. Flies second wife was the lady hard left Woodburn Land a claugl►ter or uncertain age; the leers for Europe a ]ons eiR of Grand tran�- far. Secure your tic3(ets of Grand Trunk b-im, twitli Donny. t h©r girl heart, ho loan Jl Six thousand pounds to her nephew, late rector's widow, MrN. Boulders ; It Will cure them quickly and agents. Robert;. et, Toronto, onto, Canadian Passenger Our parlor Brenda- Out 6ulphw,e.sft+ _ thought no one Ln rho Wide uvea°kl .lames Ilardm�an, whale to ]ter true a mal(len lady , bliss Stanley, the Agent, Xonge street, Toronto, Ont, «KING EDWARD" friend and advl+,er, Darev Lonsdale, imide of whose life was that her Ser- strengthen their lungs. "Telegraph" so clever, so great or so good. I� Or . �� Ill tt9e take she took little 1'B►fx to her' to a(;rnorvlcxtgment a[ his lung once cousin had tuarrind a baronet, It is pleasant to takes Knew t.11A !'ttltorn, "EAGLE"GHT t . tido to and )took0VVd flu^ Belix to i frielulsall) and faithful services, sine Ane,l rvho, tri confiequence, Piqued list'• Bufralo Express. . "VICTORIA" "Telephone" nan+dso'me troy ng mtteb, as she dh1 had bequeathed the sum or nix salt ot: her high connections, and Prices 25c. 60C, and $1.00 q y "LITTLE COMET" taaekrsat. aataal ' Landlady -I'll have to request you � Let; own Chi'.clren. 'TJi•:t tawyerry eta^ , thousand pounces. in)kcs(i in a. familiar way of the ar- : draa,iaek xvas 11'49 largo family ; i On hearing that, 'the lawyer, do- intoaraey ; andd a tow others of the to pay In advance, Air. Sh'ortleigh. S. C. wTLL5 tti CO, Hilortlelgh-Why, ain't my trunk A QUICK, SURE LIGHT is ensured EVERY tlel� l,rearly every year a pretty, rr>tsy, lighted rvlth thes,ntel;fgenee, lays- Nim(; ealtlier. it was not a brit- Toroata Can. LeRo N. l gond for to week a board , vialUng baby Appeared, until, as lit, ried home to tats wLfe. What a vis- lio.nt circle, but to V1010t HaY0 It ' y' Y. ° �' ' by using any one of r 1 these hrands :l l: :� pieaeantly declared, be )trill ceilood tat, or (•orntort this legacy c)pened rvn.q a world. . , Landlady -Nd, it 10010 like one bt too Count them, for their number alit to them 1 Vor the first blue, La If of )tor nntuorotle lovers she pre- =:,_ - - -- • I those emotional trunks. i ? frightened ham. Tho "atnali rimy" fits lo:zg honorable career tie law" ferre(1 one, it wau Felix Lonsdale. „tj.y �,s, u 1 51.'orilcigh-)✓motional8 f volt SALJHI by6) Desilere Everywhwe her called thetii; and, though lie wne3 yer telt some reltcf•-'•lu: COuld meet Tt way An oltl Lstory. He had certain- a �" a II r LAdulady--Yes, one that i5 casil;v A P30A Of them and fond of theta, , his expenses now, and when he (lied ly been hur lover from the early ago mor col, Cho II he mould not havo M,%o (l ; there wonhl be something for alts of raven. Ile llrad never thought of ._._.._.-.,..__--_..----•..- _.__-._---- - - ---- . -- --...----••.-•-- ,yno fa11• Beata froi , thr.1 circle for the wite and children. any Ova also; to hilar and for pini e . s �r�� uo �r�r �, � "�"`�� v'rhO16 world, yet t11e number t01cI for teas 111:3 Wife less delighted. In the world wan n•ll 'Violet. Irr the i ! I I • a, n n tlperit 111'm, --h,0 coutd; not save her heart silo haul longe(] for the sun'N rays shone Violet; the birds 1 I money, lar: eoniid not even buy a , F1tnl(: luxurieA that ihrr wives of Nang "Violet ;" no -tweeter rlowor ttheew0atnieiis.ela Nowna'`aasrrxkU101 Ma� _ !' \ EQUAL , }tbti6F. 'his l:tgr ilu:,tj R'As faced to (;t11( i' ;>rotCNNlOila 1 mrTt C'Tlj'),V(!d ft)r btCiihlllC'I that Wali AS NWeet AS Nile, WEB TER'; ( , I CANADIAN ORDER `O F 4CHOSEN FRIENDS d make hoClt. Pt►c1N cleat. The bilis a (]rawing-room like :Afrs. Jforton'N, He had lived WIWI this one thought; YNT�RNATiOINAi. - i�.� For L�Id� YEARS' i4����RBEeS� xverc Ertl itntttarone- little feet must i for (a nursFry sesta occas such as the ho ha<] studl( d, worked, toiind-gall for DICTIONAWY I�uf! spavIns, tan shod, little fair heads must tie,, (JOct0r's wife, Mrs, MlIv -ley, had V1010t, honing that the play w0alcl ofr,rrlieb,biogrspt,y,eeoarapby,Vietioe,Fit. Ringgbtylld I little minds traialed; find had ongraged ; for it n[llc dress like comes wh0n he would be able to marry fDL Ilelfable. ,attractive. Lasting, $punto, Members. Year. 04,015.. covert(, • f0 k he d0nc without the on�i tient. thFr rector"N wife vr'ore• her. II�i ltnrt devoted b[y Ilf(r to t)rls Nes ev,gditfonTfeb28,000Noar'aVairdtl � t Cu►b13► i 18,t;1s.....................................................190D,.,...........,........,..........,.............,.Sno4,09B.00 nothing W til ll) e T onedale was , But of t:hr+sa; tteslres S11(5 had never ane ob3ec t. TheN Money. Nos Gatattcer of the World aaa au forma elf 1 20,'J17 .................... .... ..... ..... .... ............ ...1ii00..................................... t.......... i08,Ofld.O(1 la i v Ina o ; ho had it charm- ; t:poken. 4h•) knew that her husbAnd Ltiehtbnea• ' „2,74•,•,,,•„•,,,,,,,•,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,",,1001....I......I.........,............,.......,......:,'3£3,030.00, a veru 1 1p. *-.�-••'--•-�--- NewmographicalDidlonary Luocl,remeres■3 1 - , beautiful tv'ife, brautirul child- � (lid his best Ili (•very Itusetbb, waV, ttero ted mgrws, W01111u,lradone, luclin;sdtai(,• - ottatear,at& ; l 3,820 .......................... ......1902 .................................................. 304,019.00• Ing, ht!nti and avo for aLI tim looney that ho Camilo DeporineAu, ry ho a p C it,e aanrl h(3 liked g f-0 h Not diva 8cr':s tine "Chis 11ofut Prasehtf : n,, Il, 1. xeha.it co., 1 bare I.tel y,v V,And4gv "rWri I s?K,000......................................,.,..,..,......1(i0n................,. 400,000.00 ren, a itood 1 ra t i rvv e 4,' v('ntttrr el ror tiro icy yuurdcl lu.s l>rat)rer Its sTlOotin, , W y r t of lill9 ltd), waN r r,uhl, Bt C f. , p R1�)g•w" A'keatJltpfenunefa fen'! Cmc for to ynv+ ■rd l,xve tons t ,t n., ,•,rr:roa rr l o w t.11 work. "rhe o.,e p.i e, , .,,„ t1 lvr.rut made 'a longi slid e tt nr. "t . J)'tea foT' r l /� t� y+I� {wy • itst titdt. t,/ 1„'110 •- a•1 H11(h Ta.mteuve►admt„rta:'neforthewbo.efaauly, IXV;tl*'reilbewlhrVotirXtrul�t.T..)AI't'fa.t'opIt'll, Okfil �p�r�`i�L�i� �i:�li�iQm�ifaC'� t� �LN+SIi'G CU ���r Ir1N tall, hawlsolnrt 8()iT, IeIL�r dtt f �� in, 11(, Y %v' r,• tr' i., r' clononry, at .AR)ntIi'l - 'Phe 311d(;(i Iiluutratedpn,apbietaleartY°' At atiainMttforfamilyesoItl1,11D"0,11,1l.ptta6 1 alx UIP 1 e- ea•'trd reveriet3, the, iPS1 F,titt 1 1 a air• TAM CO. Publishers, f & Ark y,.r ac r ict r•.r ISFN1,A11L s I!AE'rri Apply to rile 1:,.1% (, ! to your own fowl ki \v. Il 1Tunt .arc•, i;r. „ I :i •'.,r', r, IIn!nll� 4;hUIT1 f.t,, l,tl , t,..., ( t:r ntk'atri(1 all 1►13 rlrentn th' y vv, ts1 t he rcallzOd. gltA .aid tllile lrelr pal pleviDeAo d. Sp ingti a,Maba.,ir.0, A• o°rv� Dt •1to'+wTreaels. anthsllarae, ibs�n hre, tit0u, Ont„ ur 1v t , t ,tnrpaldl, (irarnd t)rgttillter, llnarllt'.n. 1rr.:, larvvf.,'ntl rt1AIJ! :0r1c=, The "fim;all wGuld list, ill 1'.,1•• ll(raye, that de'- (Sltltrlatnnc+cel, ttnTl relit 15 re rk;, prt t .wsddret, Df. 0.1, Kondall Co,, kndtinlre I"AI 1, % • t lUI'i, 'LdL'H. . ltrgly',. ',re+�c. t ,i':(Ec:' T::, iso tli;tt Ilghttu] Yt,.tl:lt r•..uirt have at to tll(r 1,y�na,t i•:=,..: ; - ' I LN,,